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DATE: O2/19/2021

Line Speaker’s Discourse

No. Name
1 Interviewer What skills (English skills) are required in your profession?
2 Interviewee This question is ambiguous. Do you mean written or verbal
communication using English as the medium? English
communication helps us in our field but not required, though.
3 Interviewer What terms you usually use in the field that serves as your
signal or communication when working? (e.g. Harm reduction,
asset, etc.) Can you site at least one term, and give us the
4 Interviewee There are Social Work terminologies and we are inclined to
utilize them. Example, Casework if we are working with
5 Interviewer Can you tell us about your communication skills?
6 Interviewee I can confidently articulate and express myself both written and
verbal communications using English.
7 Interviewer (INSTRUCTING) How do you usually use your profession’s
terms in giving an instruction or direction not just towards your
co-workers but also to the people you serve in the field? (eg.
House-to-house operations/missions) Do you convert or adjust
these terms in a more understandable and easy way? How?
8 Interviewee The most important thing in any language or dialect is
communication. Regardless of whom I am conveying my
message to, it has to be comprehensive.
9 Interviewer To be specific: How do you assist the public using this skill
(particularly English language)? In a more natural and normal
state, do you really use this skill?
10 Interviewee In a usual speeches with our program participants, we rarely
use English hence, we know how difficult it is for them to
11 Interviewer (EXPLAINING) If you have done medical missions, and your
client is doubtful with it, how do you explain your mission in
details so that they will understand? How do you adjust some
medical terms (especially vaccines and vitamins). Like, the
vitamin C that you are giving them is for what?) in their level of
12 Interviewee My answer is relative. It necessitates comprehension besides, if
we’re making dialogues with our clients, we always use
vernacular or dialect that they are comfortable with.
13 Interviewer (INTERVIEWING) Since being a server of the public is one of the
most important duties in your field, and being a social worker
means you actually need to interact and do some interviews,
what are the language skills you need or you usually use in
asking proper questions during your interview? What dialect
you usually use? How do you ask their personal details and
information? (or even about their conflicts and complains like in
14 Interviewee We have a tool called General Intake Sheet (GIS) that is written
in English however, we always make sure to translate each
question the easiest way possible and commonly, we use
15 Interviewer (RESPONDING) In your experience, what is the greatest
challenge in communicating? Have you encountered an ethical
conflict or some individuals who have different attitude and
behaviors? If so, what language skills you usually use with your
client? Do you use your professional terms towards them?
16 Interviewee The primary goal in communication is understanding and not
being able to be understood is the utmost challenge. If this
occurs, we won't cease explaining until they get the message.
There were ethical dilemma being encountered but it has
nothing to do with English or communication as a whole. It is
more on the process and guidelines.
17 Interviewer How do you handle your communication/interaction skills
upon encountering some individuals who are in over-the-top
rage and emotional outburst? To be more specific, what
language skills you use in order to calm them down and
comfort them?
18 Interviewee I remain calm and always uphold professionalism. Just let
him/her vent out and later discuss emerging issues and come
up with resolutions favorable for both ends.
19 Interviewer (PRESENTING) Describe your experience with care plan
conferences. Do you facilitate the meetings? What information
do you report on? Do you still use English skills in making
20 Interviewee I usually lead discussions and trainings and majority of the
words used are English. When it comes to formulation of
periodic reports, English is required.
21 Interviewer Are the skills such as reading comprehension, effective writing,
speaking, presenting (sharing your expertise or meetings), are
essentials in your field?
22 Interviewee Yes, they are.
23 Interviewer Do you explain code status in your client and even family
24 Interviewee
25 Interviewer Do you frequently write assessment reports, case notes, letters,
emails, and support plans? If so, do you use your profession’s
term or English language skills in writing it?
26 Interviewee Yes, I do and in our field, we opt to make use of social work
terminologies. Technical writing is of big help, though.
27 Interviewer Do you conduct surveys such as census that contains forms
that is written in English or should be filled up in English?
28 Interviewee In social work, we after for the elevation of the well-being of our
clients and the tool that we use in doing so is, Social Welfare
and Development Indicator (SWDI) tantamount to a census.
29 Interviewer Do you read report cases such as any allegations of violence;
let’s say child abuse, endangerment, neglect, or other
30 Interviewee Yes, I do and it is a must in our field especially that we do
research as well.
31 Interviewer Do you observe or comprehend client behaviors, assess needs
and create treatment strategies?
32 Interviewee Yep. And we are guided by the social work helping processes in
dealing with issues of our client.
33 Interviewer Do you administer social service programs? If so, do you use
your profession’s term or English language skills in writing it?
34 Interviewee Of course. Everyone does. It is a concoction of both SW terms
and English words.
35 Interviewer As a social worker who is assigned in various positions, what
language (specifically English) skills do you think that you need
to improve to be more communicative and effective in your
36 Interviewee I can't think of any, but perhaps verbal skill and completely
eradicate stage fright coz I experience it at times normally at the
outset of my speech.

Line Speaker’s Discourse

No. Name
1 Interviewer Hello po, thank you for giving us the chance to interview you
po. So, here is our first question po, what skills (English skills)
are required in your profession?
2 Interviewee Thinking English words to be use in writting case studies,
project ang program designs and communication letters.
3 Interviewer What terms you usually use in the field that serves as your
signal or communication when working? (eg. Harm reduction,
asset, etc.) Can you site at least one term, and give us the
4 Interviewee Isa sa mga duties at responsibilities namin ay e established ang
"equilibrium" o ang pagiging pantay pantay ng bawat tao kahit
ano pa ang estado sa buhay. Nagbibigay din kami ng mga payo
sa mga taong hindi ma oover come ang mga pinagdadaana nila
sa buhay.
5 Interviewer Can you tell us about your communication skills?
6 Interviewee My first step in communicating is to show respect by saying
greetings in every start of conversation (e.g. Goog morning)
kailangan e establish ang rapport.
7 Interviewer (INSTRUCTING) How do you usually use your profession’s
terms in giving an instruction or direction not just towards your
co-workers but also to the people you serve in the field? (eg.
House-to-house operations/missions) Do you convert or adjust
these terms in a more understandable and easy way? How?
8 Interviewee Using the mother tongue especially on conversation with the
locals. Hindi naman necessary na gamitin ang mga professional
terms kasi iilan lang naman nakaka intindi.
9 Interviewer To be specific: How do you assist the public using this skill
(particularly English language)? In a more natural and normal
state, do you really use this skill?
10 Interviewee Most of the time we used the local language ng community na
pupuntahan namin para mas magkaintindihan.
11 Interviewer (EXPLAINING) If you have done medical missions, and your
client is doubtful with it, how do you explain your mission in
details so that they will understand? How do you adjust some
medical terms (especially vaccines and vitamins. Like, the
vitamin C that you are giving them is for what?) in their level of
12 Interviewee Ganon parin mas madali nilang maintindihan kapag local
language nila ang ginagamit, if hindi alam ang language nila
magpa tulog sa mga local leaders.people lalo na sa rural areas
natin na hindi makaka intindi kung anong maidudulot ng
halimbawa vitamin c, or vaccines na ibibigay namin. We
explained to them, na kung ano ang mga mabuting epekto nito
sa ating katawan. Para may mga kaalaman kaming maibibigay
sa kanila.
13 Interviewer (INTERVIEWING) Since being a server of the public is one of the
most important duties in your field, and being a social worker
means you actually need to interact and do some interviews,
what are the language skills you need or you usually use in
asking proper questions during your interview? What dialect
you usually use? How do you ask their personal details and
information? (or even about their conflicts and complains like in
14 Interviewee During the interview hindi ko ginagawang question and answer
portion, just a simple conversation lang na nasisingit ang
tanong, then record the important details.
15 Interviewer (RESPONDING) In your experience, what is the greatest
challenge in communicating? Have you encountered an ethical
conflict or some individuals who have different attitude and
behaviors? If so, what language skills you usually use with your
client? Do you use your professional terms towards them?
16 Interviewee Pinaka challenging na na experience ko nong may outreach
program kami sa bundok, pag dating namin sa community
merong nag away na local, yung respond is wag makialam
safety parin natin mahalaga sa lahat hinitay nami matapos ang
gulo sa tulong ng chieftain nila.
17 Interviewer How do you handle your communication/interaction skills
upon encountering some individuals who are in over-the-top
rage and emotional outburst? To be more specific, what
language skills you use in order to calm them down and
comfort them?
18 Interviewee Nakikipag usap ako sa klinyenti sa dialect kng saan kami
mgkakaintindihan kasi hindi naman lahat nakakaintindi ng
English, at mas mapapadali ang interview kung sa dialect na
alam nila makikipag usap.
19 Interviewer (PRESENTING) Describe your experience with care plan
conferences. Do you facilitate the meetings? What information
do you report on? Do you still use English skills in making
20 Interviewee No, marami na akong napuntahan conferences/meeting pero
hindi ko pa nasubukang mag facilitate ng isang program.
21 Interviewer Are the skills such as reading comprehension, effective writing,
speaking, presenting (sharing your expertise or meetings), are
essentials in your field?
22 Interviewee Yes
23 Interviewer Do you explain code status in your client and even family
24 Interviewee No
25 Interviewer Do you frequently write assessment reports, case notes, letters,
emails, and support plans? If so, do you use your profession’s
term or English language skills in writing it?
26 Interviewee Yes, but sometimes.
27 Interviewer Do you conduct surveys such as census that contains forms
that is written in English or should be filled up in English?
28 Interviewee No.
29 Interviewer Do you read report cases such as any allegations of violence;
let’s say child abuse, endangerment, neglect, or other
30 Interviewee No.
31 Interviewer Do you observe or comprehend client behaviors, assess needs
and create treatment strategies?
32 Interviewee Yes.
33 Interviewer Do you administer social service programs? If so, do you use
your profession’s term or English language skills in writing it?
34 Interviewee No.
35 Interviewer As a social worker who is assigned in various positions, what
language (specifically English) skills do you think that you need
to improve to be more communicative and effective in your
36 Interviewee Siguro sa pagiging good listener kasi during interview kailangan
mong makinig sa bawat detalyeng sinasabi ng kliyente at pra
magawan mo ng magandang report.

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