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Machine Learning - Exploring the Model

Input variables are also known as feature variables. -- True

____________ controls the magnitude of a step taken during Gradient Descent . --

learning rate

For different parameters of the hypothesis function we get the same hypothesis
function. - false

How are the parameters updates during Gradient Descent Process ? -- simultaneously

What is the name of the function that takes the input and maps it to the output
variable called ? -- hypothesis function

What is the process of subtracting the mean of each variable from its variable
called ? --mean normalisation

Cost function in linear regression is also called squared error function. - true

The objective function for linear regression is also known as Cost Function -- true

Problems that predict real values outputs are called ? -- Regression Problems

What is the process of dividing each feature by its range called -- feature scaling

The result of scaling is a variable in the range of [1 , 10]. -- false

Output variables are known as Feature Variables . - false

What is the Learning Technique in which the right answer is given for each example
in the data called ? -- supervised Learning

Linear Regression is an optimal function that can be used for classification

problems. -- false

____________ is the line that separates y = 0 and y = 1 in a logistic function. --

Decision Boundary

High values of threshold are good for the classification problem. -- false

A suggested approach for evaluating the hypothesis is to split the data into
training and test set -- true

Underfit Data has a high variance -- true

Classification problems with just two classes are called Binary classification
problems. -- true

____________ function is used as a mapping function for classification problem. --


What is the range of the output values for a sigmoid function ? --- [0,1]

Where does the sigmoid function asymptote ? 0,1

For _____________ the error is calculated by finding the sum of squared distance
between actual and predicted values -- regression
For ______________ the error is determined by getting the proportion of values
miss-classified by the model -- classification

I have a scenario where my hypothesis fits my training set well but fails to
generalize for test set. What is this scenario called ? --overfitting

Reducing the number of features can reduce overfitting - true

Overfit data has a high bias - false

Problems where discrete valued outputs predicted are called ? -- Classification


Lower Decision boundary leads to False Positives during classification --true

Overfiting and Underfitting are applicable only to linear regression problems --



What measures the extent to which the predictions change between various
realizations of the model ? --variance

What measure how far the predictions are from the actual values -- bias

For an overfit data set the cross validation error will be much bigger than the
training error. -- true

So when a ML Model has high bias, getting more training data will help in improving
the model -- false

What is the process of dividing each feature by its range called ?

Feature Scaling -- Correct

Input variables are also known as feature variables.

True -- Correct

Output variables are known as Feature Variables .

False -- Correct

____________ controls the magnitude of a step taken during Gradient Descent .

Learning Rate -- Correct

The objective function for linear regression is also known as Cost Function.
True -- Correct

What is the process of subtracting the mean of each variable from its variable
called ?
Mean Normalization -- Correct

For different parameters of the hypothesis function we get the same hypothesis
False -- Correct

How are the parameters updates during Gradient Descent Process ?

Simultaneously -- Correct

The result of scaling is a variable in the range of [1 , 10].

False -- Correct

What is the Learning Technique in which the right answer is given for each example
in the data called ?
Supervised Learning -- Correct

Problems that predict real values outputs are called ?

Regression Problems -- Correct

Cost function in linear regression is also called squared error function.

True -- Correct

What is the name of the function that takes the input and maps it to the output
variable called ?
Hypothesis Function -- Correct

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