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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. frustrate  B. furious  C. punctual       D. rubbish
Question 2: A. leisure B. pressure C. treasure D. pleasure 
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. response  B. relate  C. rescue    D. rehearse
Question 4: A. national  B. beautiful C. chemical  D. disaster
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 5: I like lying on the beach, so I always spend my holiday to sunbathe.
A. lying  B. on the beach C. always  D. to sunbathe
Question 6: We do not know of how the general employment situation is likely to develop in.
A. do not B. of how
C. employment situation D. likely to develop
Question 7: A lot of discoveries have made in the fields of chemistry and physics.
A. A lot of B. have made C. in D. fields of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 8: The building work is still on schedule a problem in digging the foundation.
A. due to B. despite  C. so as  D. only if
Question 9: It is very difficult to the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.
A. convert B. convey  C. exchange  D. transfer
Question 10: By the time I return to my country, I ___________ away from home for more than three years.
A. will have been B. will be C. have been D. was
Question 11: The water is __________. You can’t drink it.
A. pollution B. pollutant C. polluted D. polluting
Question 12: My boss is going on vacation next month, __________ she’ll be away from the office for about
four weeks.
A. in other words B. for instance  C. on the other hand D. such as
Question 13: Have you got a light? My cigarette’s gone ___________.
A. by B. away C. off D. out
Question 14: When he returned home, I found the door ______ .
A. unlocking B. unlocked  C. to be unlocked  D. have unlocked
Question 15: I had no sooner lit the barbecue ______ __________.
A. than it started to rain B. as it started to rained
C. while it started raining D. that it started raining
Question 16: Several of my friends are ________ reporters.
A. newspaper’s B. newspapers’  C. newspapers  D. newspaper
Question 17: Are you satisfied ______ your record?
A. at B. from C. with D. for
Question 18: Do you know ______ ________ ?
A. what wrong was it with B. what’s wrong with it
C. what wrong is it with D. what wrong was with it
Question 19: Zika __________ poses an international emergency, according to the World Health Organization.
A. not any longer B. any more C. no longer D. not any more
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
Question 20: “You’re late again, Michael.” “______ _____________________.”
A. Never mind. I stayed up too late last night. B. I’m sorry. The traffic was terrible.
C. It’s OK. Thanks for telling me. D. That’s alright. It’s my fault anyway.
Question 21: “Do you want to join us for a cup of coffee after work?”
“_____ __________________.”
A. Sounds good, but I can do it myself.
B. Sorry, but I have to finish my presentation for tomorrow.
C. No problem. What’s wrong with the coffee?
D. Thanks. You can make it.
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: The ostrich egg is the largest egg of any non-extinct bird, while the smallest egg is the egg of the
A. living B. dead C. flying D. vanished
Question 23: The shop assistant was totally bewildered by the customer's behavior.
A. disgusted B. upset  C. angry  D. puzzled
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24: I clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer.
A. deliberate B. unplanned  C. accidental  D. unintentional
Question 25: We offer a speedy and secure service of transfering money in less than 24 hours.
A. uninterested B. unsure  C. slow  D. open
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 26: Large cars use more gas than smaller ones.
A. If you own a small car, it uses more gas.
B. The smaller the car, the more gas it uses.
C. The larger the car, the more gas it uses.
D. Large cars don’t use as much gas as smaller ones.
Question 27: Mary is crazy about her new puppy.
A. Mary’s new puppy drives her crazy. B. Marry really likes her new puppy.
C. Mary’s new puppy is crazy. D. Mary has a crazy dog.
Question 28: Did you happen to run into George last week?
A. Was it a week ago that you last saw George?
B. Where do you think George was all last week?
C. Have you got any idea what happened to George last week?
D. Did you, by any chance, see George last week?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: Nam defeated the former champion in three sets. He finally won the inter-school table tennis
A. Having defeated the former champion in the inter-school table tennis, Nam did not hold the title of
B. Although Nam defeated the former champion in three sets, he did not win the title of inter-school table
tennis champion.
C. Having defeated the former champion in three sets, Nam won the inter-school table tennis championship.
D. Being defeated by the former champion, Nam lost the chance to play the final game of inter-school table
tennis champion.
Question 30: She wrote the text. She selected the illustration as well.
A. She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustration.
B. The text she wrote was not as good as the illustration she selected.
C. In order to select the illustration, she had to write the text.
D. If she had written the text, she would have selected the illustration.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (31)___________. Many species of
animals are threatened, and could easily become (32)___________ if we do not make an effort to protect
them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable
parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots, are caught (33)___________, and sold as pets. For many
animals and birds, the problem is that their habitats-the place where they live-is disappearing. More land is
used for farm, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers use
powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and
(34)___________ wildlife. The most successful animals on Earth, human beings, will soon be the only ones
(35)___________ unless we can solve this problem.
Question 31: A. threat B. problem C. danger D. vanishing
Question 32: A. disappeared B. vanished  C. extinct D. empty 
Question 33: A. for life B. alive  C. lively  D. for living
Question 34: A. spoil B. wound  C. wrong D. harm
Question 35: A. left B. over C. staying D. survived
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of communicating
without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every known culture. The basic
function of signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as, for example,
the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for communication is very
great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign
or a barber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. 
Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with
the receiver’s cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theater provides performers with an
auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural
Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage in
communication. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the
receiver. Without an exchange of ideas, interaction comes to a halt. As a result, means of communication
intended to be used for long distances and extended periods must be based upon speech. To radio, television,
and the telephone, one must add fax, paging systems, electronic mail, and the Internet, and no one doubts but
that there are more means of communication on the horizon.
Question 36: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Gestures B. Signs and signals C. Speech D. Communication
Question 37: According to this passage, what is a signal?
A. A form of communication that interrupts the environment.
B. The most difficult form of communication to describe.
C. A form of communication which may be used across long distances.
D. The form of communication most related to cultural perception.
Question 38: The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to ____________.
A. way B. environment C. function D. signal
Question 39: The word “intricate” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ___________.
A. inefficient B. complicated C. historical D. uncertain
Question 40: Applauding was cited as an example of ____________.
A. a signal B. a sign C. a gesture  D. a symbol
Question 41: Why were the telephone, radio, and television invented?
A. Because people were unable to understand signs, signals, and symbols.
B. Because people believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete.
C. Because people wanted to communicate across long distances.
D. Because people wanted new forms of communication. 
Question 42: It may be concluded from this passage that ____________. 
A. Only some cultures have signs, signals, and symbols.
B. Signs, signals, symbols, and gestures are forms of communication. 
C. Symbols are very easy to define and interrupt.
D. Waving and handshaking are not related to culture.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention. Known as a highly
contagious viral disease, it broke out in Europe, causing the deaths of millions of people until the vaccination
was invented by Edward Jenner around 1800. In many nations, it was a terror, a fatal disease until very
recently. Its victims suffer high fever, vomiting and painful, itchy, pustules that left scars. In villages and cities
all over the world, people were worried about suffering smallpox.In May, 1966, the World Health Organization
(WHO), an agency of the United Nations was authorized to initiate a global campaign to eradicate smallpox.
The goal was to eliminate the disease in one decade. At the time, the disease posed a serious threat to people
in more than thirty nations. Because similar projects for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that
smallpox could actually be eradicated but eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign, no cases
were reported in the field.The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations but also to isolate patients
with active smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease and to break the chain of human
transmission. Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by
one, each small-pox victim was sought out, removed from contact with others and treated. At the same time,
the entire village where the victim had lived was vaccinated.By April of 1978 WHO officials announced that
they had isolated the last known case of the disease but health workers continued to search for new cases for
additional years to be completely sure. In May, 1980, a formal statement was made to the global community.
Today smallpox is no longer a threat to humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.
Question 43: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. The eradication of smallpox B. The World Health Organization
C. Infectious disease  D. Smallpox vaccinations
Question 44: The word “contagious” is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. courteous B. arresting  C. numerous  D. catching
Question 45: The global community considered the smallpox ___________.
A. a minor illness B. a deadly illness  C. a mental illness  D. a rare illness
Question 46: The word “threat” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ___________.
A. risk B. debate  C. announce  D. bother
Question 47: According to the passage, what way was used to eliminate the spread of smallpox?
A. Vaccination of entire villages B. Treatment of individual victims
C. Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations D. Extensive reporting of outbreaks
Question 48: How was the public motivated to help the health workers?
A. By educating them.
B. By rewarding them for reporting smallpox cases.
C. By isolating them from others.
D. By giving them vaccinations.
Question 49: Which one of the statements doesn’t refer to smallpox?
A. Previous project had failed.
B. People are no longer vaccinated for it.
C. The WHO set up a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.
D. It was a fatal threat.
Question 50: It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A. yellow fever have been reported this year.
B. no new cases of smallpox have been reported this year.
C. smallpox victims no longer die when they contact the disease.
D. smallpox is not transmitted from one person to another.

Complete the form below.


Registration Form

Anna 1 

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

4 3  St.

Post code:

Nationality: Grenadian

Number of previous burglaries:

Time of apartment tenancy:

Number of occupants:

Entry point of burglar:

Details of lost property:  

• Serial number of lost computer:

10  Cloth
• Material of stolen purse:
Example      Answer
Type of crime reported: robbery

Questions 11-14

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Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

What is the project that Mark and Gina want to start?
 A business school requirements
 B directions to the business school 
 C explaining the business school experience
Who is the target audience?
 A business students
 B business school applicants
 C summer school attendees
 How will they convey the information?
 A summer course lecture
 B informational video
 C pamphlet in the mail
They want to do this project because
 A students worry about their studies.
 B they want to obtain a good grade.
 C they want to attract future business school applicants.

Questions 15-20

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Complete the table below.


Topic Time

• Academics
7 minutes
• 16 

- Cafeteria 6 minutes

• Social activity 8 minutes


nearly 20 
• Conclusion

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