Supplementary Booklet Phase 4: Tsang Mui Millennium School 2019-2020 (2 Term)

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Tsang Mui Millennium School

2019-2020 (2nd Term)

Supplementary Booklet
Phase 4 (第四期)

Order Worksheet Page Corrections ()

1 Follow-up 1 P.2 ( )
2 Follow-up 2 P.3 ( )
3 Verb Table (Irregular Verbs) P.4-5 /
4 Grammar WS 1 P.6-7 ( )
5 Grammar WS 2 P.8-9 ( )
6 WJ 1 P.10-11 ( )
7 Grammar WS 3 P.12-13 ( )
8 Grammar WS 4 P.14 ( )
9 Grammar WS 5 P.15 ( )
10 Reading WS 1 P.16-17 ( )
11 Reading WS 2 P.18-19 ( )
12 Grammar WS 6 P.20-21 ( )
13 Grammar WS 7 P.22-23 ( )
14 Reading WS 3 P.24-25 ( )
15 Reading WS 4 P.26-27 ( )
16 Grammar WS 8 P.28-29 ( )
17 Grammar WS 9 P.30-31 ( )

Class: P.3 ( ) Name: )

3B Grade
Follow-up ( 1 )
Watch the video: P3 HW Follow-up 1 請到校網觀看自學影片

A. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

in on at

1. Sue goes to a swimming class (1) Saturday afternoon.

2. I like having a barbecue (2) autumn.

3. My birthday is (3) 1st June.

B. May and Miss Lee are at school. Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box.

you me it him her them us

Miss Lee : Show (1) your beautiful pictures, May.

May : Okay! I put (2) on your desk.

May : Does this book belong to (3) , Miss Lee?

Miss Lee : Yes, please give (4) to me.

May : Sam wants to learn how to draw cartoons.

Can you teach (5) ?

Miss Lee : Sure!

May : Easter is coming. Sam and I can help (6) decorate

the classroom.

Miss Lee : Ok, let’s meet at recess.

3B Grade
Follow-up ( 2 )

Watch the video: P3 HW Follow-up 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

A. May and Sam are having a party. Read what they say and fill in the blanks with the
given words.

because but or and also as well

May : There is a lot of salad 1. there isn’t any meat.

Sam : There are some meat balls 2. they look yummy.

May : Wow, there’s so much food on the table!

Sam : Yes. The chicken wings are for you. You can 3.

have the potato chips.

B. Put the correct punctuation marks in the boxes.

? . , ‘ ’ !

1. Today is Sunday. May and her sister Anna are at home.

2. May asks, Why are you so sad ’

3. It’s raining so we can’t go out to play What a pity

3B Unit 3 Grade
Date: /
Verb Table

Change a vowel / a consonant
Present tense Past tense Meaning
1 come came 到來
2 draw drew 繪畫
3 drink drank 喝

4 get got 取得

5 give gave 送

6 make made 製造

7 ride rode 騎

8 run ran 跑

9 send sent 寄

10 sing sang 唱歌

11 swim swam 游泳

12 write wrote 寫

No change
13 cut cut 剪
14 hit hit 撞
15 put put 擺/放
16 read read 閱讀

Change the whole word

Present tense Past tense Meaning
17 be (is / am) was 是
18 be (are) were 是
19 have/ has had 有
20 bring brought 攜帶
21 buy bought 買
22 do did 做
23 eat ate 吃
24 feel felt 覺得
25 find found 找到
26 go went 走
27 say said 說
28 see saw 見
29 take took 取/帶走
30 teach taught 教
31 tell told 告訴

3B Unit 3 Grade
Grammar WS 1
Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Irregular Verbs 1 請到校網觀看自學影片
Grammar Points:
Simple Past Tense ( Irregular Verbs )
1. We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened in the past or in a story.
2. Common time phrases for using simple past tense:
yesterday a month ago long time ago last week last Sunday
yesterday afternoon two days ago long ago last year last
once upon a time one day this morning this afternoon
3. Spelling rules for irregular verbs in past tense:
Rules Examples:
a. No change cut cut hit hit put put
b. Change the vowel or the comecame makemade
consonant swimswam sit sat
c. Change the whole word buybought gowent
do did seesaw

Part A: Fill in the verb table with simple past tense.

Present Tense Past Tense Corrections
a. e.g. cut cut
1 put
2 read
3 hit

Present Tense Past Tense Corrections

b. e.g. swim swam
4 come
5 draw
6 give
7 make
8 run
9 send
10 sing
Part B

Fill in the correct forms of verbs and circle the time phrases.

1. Annie (write) a very interesting story yesterday.

2. We (read) a great story last night.

3. Mary __________________ (come) to school late yesterday.

4. Henry and Peter ____________________(swim) at the beach last summer.

5. I __________________ (run) fast in the running race last year.

6. Kenny __________________ (put) his books into the schoolbag last night.

7. Mum ___________________ (give) me some money this morning.

Part C

Fill in the correct forms of verbs.

John e.g. had (have) a happy day last month. He 1. got (get) one hundred

marks in his dictation, so his dad 2. (give) him one hundred dollars and

a storybook because John 3. (like) reading. He 4. (read)

many books when he 5. (be) a little boy. His mum 6. (make)

a yummy dish for him. It 7. (be) fried chicken. John’s brother was glad, too.

He 8. (draw) a beautiful picture for John. Then, they 9. (ride)

bicycles in the park together.

3B Unit 3 Grade
Grammar WS 2
Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Irregular Verbs 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

Grammar Points:
Simple Past Tense ( Irregular Verbs )
1. We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened in the past or in a story.
2. Common time phrases for using simple past tense:
yesterday a month ago long time ago last week last Sunday
yesterday afternoon two days ago long ago last year last
once upon a time one day this morning this afternoon
3. Spelling rules for irregular verbs in past tense:
Rules Examples:
a. No change cut cut hit hit put put
b. Change the vowel or the comecame makemade
consonant swimswam sit sat
c. Change the whole word buybought gowent
do did seesaw

Part A
Fill in the verb table with simple past tense.

Present Tense Past Tense Corrections

c. e.g. buy bought
1 bring
2 do
3 feel
4 find
5 go
6 say
7 see
8 teach
9 take

Part B
Fill in the correct forms of verbs and circle the time phrases.

e.g. It was (be) rainy yesterday. I took (take) an umbrella to school.

1. She (tell) us some funny stories about her sister yesterday.

2. Ronald (eat) some noodles at the Chinese restaurant last Monday.

3. Last Sunday, Sandy (bring) some chicken wings for the barbecue.

4. Lisa and Amy (see) a lot of animals at the zoo last Saturday.

Part C
Fill in the correct forms of verbs.

It e.g. was (be) a fine day last weekend. I 1. (go) to the

country park with my family. We 2. (have) a picnic there. We

3. (bring) a lot of food. There 4. (be) sandwiches,

sausages, potato chips and soft drinks. We 5. (eat ) a lot. Then, my

brother 6. (want) to play ball games. My father 7. (take)

out badminton rackets and shuttlecocks. Later, we 8. (feel) hot. We

9. (drink) some water and took a rest. It 10. (be) a

great afternoon.

3B Unit 3 Grade
WJ 1
Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Irregular Verbs 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

A. Look at the pictures and write about what Sara did with her grandfather with the words

e.g. Sara did exercise with her grandfather yesterday morning.

do exercise / grandfather
yesterday morning

1. _________________________________________________


play chess/ grandfather/

yesterday afternoon

2. _________________________________________________


water the plants /

grandfather /last night

3. _________________________________________________


read books / grandfather

Corrections: two days ago

B. Look at the pictures and write about what Cindy did with the words given.

e.g. Cindy played on the swing in the playground yesterday.

play on the swing/

playground/ yesterday


fly a kite/ park /

last Sunday


enjoy the yummy food/

garden / two days ago


have a barbecue/
country park/
last Saturday

3B Unit 3 Grade
Grammar WS 3
Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Negative 1 請到校網觀看自學影片

Grammar Points:

-We add ‘not’ after ‘was’ or ‘were’ for negative sentences.

e.g. I was happy yesterday.  I was not happy yesterday.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs and circle the time phrases.

e.g. The weather was not (be not) fine yesterday.

1. My elder sister ________________________ (be not) tall last year.

2. Simon and Betty _____________________ (be not) happy during the trip last week.

3. They _____________________ (be not) at the camp this morning.

4. The puppy ____________________ (be not) healthy last week.

Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Negative 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

-For negative sentences, we do not change the verb after ‘did not’.

e.g. Sam played football last Sunday.  Sam did not play football last Sunday.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs and circle the time phrases.

e.g. I did not do (not do) my homework last Sunday.

1. My elder sister ___________________(not plant) the flowers this morning.

2. The pupils ___________________(not help) the teachers last Open Day.

3. My mother _________________(not cook) dinner for me last night.

4. Ben ____________________(not give) me the book yesterday because he had to read it.
Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Negative 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

C. Change the following sentences into negative statements with ‘did not’.

e.g. Mum made a birthday cake for me last year.

Mum did not make a birthday cake for me last year.

1. Miss Song taught us English three years ago.

Miss Song ____________________________ us English three years ago.

2. Dad took us to Ocean Park last weekend.

Dad ______________________________ us to Ocean Park last weekend.

3. I put my shoes into the cupboard this morning.

I______________________________ my shoes into the cupboard this morning.

4. The school choir sang Christmas songs in the hall last Christmas.

The school choir _____________________________ Christmas songs in the hall last


5. Gloria had an expensive gift last month.

Gloria ________________________________ an expensive gift last month.

3B Unit 3 Grade
Grammar WS 4

Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Q & A 1 請到校網觀看自學影片

Grammar Points:
A. Ask and answer questions using ‘was’/ ‘were’:
- Were you busy last Sunday? - Was Peter late two days ago?
Yes, I was busy last Sunday. No, he was not late two days ago.

A. Give answers to the questions.

1. Were you excited yesterday?
2. Were the children lazy last month?
3. Was Sally sad last week?

Watch the video: P3 Past Tense Q & A 2 請到校網觀看自學影片

Grammar Points:
B. Ask and answer questions using ‘did /did not’:
- Did Ken wash his clothes last Sunday? -Did the children eat fruit yesterday?
Yes, he washed his clothes last Sunday. No, they did not eat fruit yesterday.

B. Give answers to the questions.

1. Did you play football this morning?
2. Did the boys have fun yesterday?
3. Did Susan get high marks in the exam?

3B Unit 3 Grade
Grammar WS 5

A. Jumbled sentences – Rearrange the words into the correct order.

1. Henry / to / went / the playground / yesterday / .

2. did / Yes / he / , / .

3. with my / I / last week / played football / brother / .

4. The weather / fine / last Sunday / was / .

5. there / a little girl / Once upon a time / was / , / .

6. a princess / Long long ago / in / a castle / lived / . / ,


3B Grade
Reading WS 1

A. Larry is reading a poem in the library. Read the poem.

Kitty is small but she has a big heart.
She is funny, helpful and smart!
She greets me every morning,
Jumping and barking. 5

Kitty brings me my slippers,

And also the newspapers.
She is a great pet,
The best you can get.

When we go for a jog, 10

She does not chase other dogs.

But when she hears “Tweet! Tweet!”,
She runs after the poor bird!

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What does Kitty not do?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

2. Read line 3: “She is funny, helpful and smart!”
“She” refers to .
 A. Sara  B. Kitty
 C. Kitty’s friend  D. Sara’s friend

3. Read line 10: “When we go for a jog, …”

Which picture shows the word “jog”?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

4. “Tweet! Tweet!” is the sound of .

 A. Sara  B. Kitty
 C. other dogs  D. the bird

5. Which two words from the poem rhyme?

 A. “morning” and “barking”  B. “best” and “bird”

 C. “heart” and “smart”  D. “but” and “big”

6. What does the poem not tell us?

 A. Sara likes sports.  B. Kitty cares about Sara.

 C. Sara likes Kitty.  D. Kitty is clever.

3B Grade
Reading WS 2
A. Sammi is writing a letter to Aunt Pat in Singapore. Read the letter.

Dear Aunt Pat

How are you? We are on holiday in Singapore now. Mum just bought
two pretty blouses and a skirt for you. She also bought a nice pair of
shoes and a pair of brown trousers for Grandpa.

Today is Wednesday. This is the third day of our trip here. The sun is 5

behind the clouds now. I hope it will come out soon. We are at the bird
park. It is a big park with a lot of beautiful and colourful birds. I will
take lots of photos of the birds.

Tomorrow we will go to an island. There are three beaches. We want

to go swimming there. I also want to build sandcastles with Benny. I 10
am very excited about this outing!


Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What did Sammi’s mum buy for Aunt Pat?

 A. A pair of shoes and trousers.  B. Two blouses and trousers.

 C. Two blouses and a skirt.  D. Two skirts and a shirt.

2. What is the weather like in Singapore now?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

3. On which day did Sammi and her family arrive in Singapore?

 A. Monday.  B. Tuesday.
 C. Wednesday.  D. Sunday.

4. Where is Sammi now?

 A. At the beach.  B. At the bird park.

 C. On an island.  D. In a shopping mall.

5. Read line 1: ‘Dear Aunt Pat ’

What should be put in the box?

 A. ?  B. !  C. .  D. ,

6. Sammi wants to______________ at the beach.

 A. take photos  B. build sandcastles

 C. play ball games  D. fly a kite

7. How does Sammi feel about the island?

 A. angry  B. sad  C. scared  D. excited

3B Grade
Grammar WS 6
A. Abbie is playing a guessing game. Read the riddles.

1. She works with doctors in a hospital.

She wears a white coat.
Who is she?

 A.  B.  C. D

It lives in a cold place.
It is big with thick white fur.
What is it?

 A.  B.  C. D

3. I can keep you dry on a rainy day.

I can keep you cool on a sunny day.
What am I ?

 A.  B.  C. D

B. Larry is talking to a friend. Finish what they say with the help of the given words.

How What When Where Who Why

Larry : Hello! (e.g.) Where did you go during the summer holidays?

Martin : I went to Thailand during the summer holidays.

Larry : (1) was with you?

Martin : My mum and brother went with me.

Larry : (2) did you get there?

Martin : We went there by plane.

Larry : (3) did you do in Thailand?

Martin : We swam and built sandcastles.

Larry : (4) did you come back?

Martin : We came back one week ago.

Larry : Did you enjoy your trip?

Martin : No, I didn’t. I wasn’t happy.

Larry : (5) were you not happy?

Martin : Because my dad was not with us.

3B Grade
Grammar WS 7

A. Marcus is writing at school. Finish his writing with the correct form of the given verbs.

Hello, friends!

My name is Marcus. I am nine years old. There are four people in my family.

Three years ago, I (1) (be) not strong and I

(2) (be) very thin. My sister, Sue, (3) (be) quite fat.

Sue and I (4) (be) not healthy. We always got sick easily. My

parents (5) (be) worried about us. They said, ‘You should join the

Sports Club and exercise every day.’

Now Sue is the captain of the Sport Club’s Basketball Team and I am a team

member. We are both very fit!

B. Prepositions of time:

 We use ‘at’ before the names of festivals.

We eat mooncakes Mid-Autumn Festival.

We had a party Christmas.

 We use ‘at’ to tell the time.

Cindy gets up six o’clock this morning.

I went to bed half past nine last night.

 We use ‘in’ to show months or seasons.

Easter is April.
Chinese New Year is January or February.
Christmas is winter.

 We use ‘on’ to show days.

The school picnic is Monday.

Christmas is 25th December.
We give presents Christmas Day.
Mum bought me a cake my birthday.

Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’.

1) The library opens __________ eleven o’clock __________ Sunday.

2) We had a fantastic party__________ Christmas Day.

3) __________ Chinese New Year’s Eve, we had a big dinner together.

4) It is cold and windy__________ winter.

5) We had breakfast __________ eight o’clock__________ the morning.

6) We paint Easter eggs __________ Easter.

7) Our school picnic is __________ 28th January.

3B Grade
Reading WS 3

A. Ben is looking at a book cover.

3B Grade
Reading WS 4

Grace is reading an advertisement. Read the advertisement.

A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.

3B Grade
Grammar WS 8

A. Jack and Dad are reading the calendar. Read the calendar and complete what they say.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
1 2 3
Sports Sports
Camp Camp
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Mother’s Drama
Day Day
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Art Art
Workshop Workshop
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Football Grandpa’s
Match Birthday
e.g. Dad : When’s the football match?
Jack: It’s on the twenty-fifth of May.

1. Dad : When’s Drama Day?

Jack: _________________________________________________________________

2. Dad : When’s _____________________________________________________?

Jack: It’s from the nineteenth to the twentieth of May.

3. Dad : When’s Mother’s Day?


4. Dad : When’s ______________________________________________________?

Jack: It’s from the first to the second of May.

5. Dad : When’s your _____________________________?

Jack: It’s on the seventh of May.

B. How much are they? Write the prices in words.

e.g. eighty-five dollars (1) dollars


(2) dollars (3) dollars

(4) dollars (5) dollars

C. John is in a toy shop. He is asking about the toys. Answer his questions.

$45 $50 $68 $30 $72

1. How much is the toy car?

It is e. g. forty-five dollars.
2. is the robot?

3. are the sweets?

4. are the shoes?

5. I want to buy two toy cars. How much are they?
They are dollars.
3B Grade
Grammar WS 9

A. Lily is talking to the shopkeeper of a pet shop. Complete their conversation. Write the
correct letter in the bracket.

A. You can buy some ice cream and cookies.

B. You can buy it here or in the supermarket.
C. You’re welcome. Goodbye.
D. Can I help you?
E. What do I need to buy for the pet dog?
F. What can I buy?
G. How much is the little brown dog?
H. How many dogs do you have?

The shopkeeper: Excuse me. e.g. ( D )

Lily: I want to buy a pet. 1. ( )

The shopkeeper: You can buy a rabbit, a cat or a dog.

Lily: I want to buy a dog. 2. ( )

The shopkeeper: It’s nine hundred dollars.

Lily: It’s so expensive but I still want to buy one. 3. ( )

The shopkeeper: You need to buy some dog food, milk and a bed for it.

Lily: Where can I buy the dog food?

The shopkeeper: 4. ( )

Lily: Thank you! I need to ask my mum first. I’ll come back later.

The shopkeeper: 5. ( )

B. Lily is asking the customer service assistant, Mandy for direction. Look at the floor
plan and complete what they say.

Lily: Excuse me, where can I buy some flowers?

Mandy: You can buy them at Shop 102. It is a e.g. flower shop .

Lily: Where can I buy some cakes?

Mandy: You can buy them at Shop 106. It is a 1. .

Lily: Where can I buy a toy plane?

Mandy: You can buy it at Shop 104. It is a 2. .

Lily: Where can I buy some books?

Mandy: You can buy them at Shop 105. It is a 3. .

Lily: Where can I buy a jacket?

Mandy: You can buy it at Shop 108. It is a 4. .

Lily: Where can I buy sports shoes?

Mandy: You can buy them at Shop 101. It is a 5. .

Lily: Thank you for your help.

Mandy: You’re welcome.


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