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Harry Potter

Accio - Summons an object Episkey - Heals minor injuries
Aguamenti - Shoots water from the wand Evanesco - Immediately dissolves away an
Alohomora - Opens a lock object, as if it never existed
Aparecium - Makes invisible ink become visible Expecto Patronum - Creates a Patronus,
Avada Kedavra - Unforgivable Curse - Kills a which repels a Dementor
person Expelliarmus - Disarms
Avifors - Turns small objects into birds
Fera Verto - Transforms animals into water
Avis - Launches birds from the wand
Bombarda - Creates a small, locally contained
Ferula - Bandages a broken limb
explosion; for a bigger explosion, use “bombarda
maxima” Fidelius - Hides a secret within a secret
Colloportus - Closes a door and binds it so keeper’s soul
that it can’t be opened Finite Incantatem - Stops a spell
Confringo - Causes an object to explode Flagrate - Allows the wand to write or draw in
Confundus - Confuses temporarily
the air with fire
Conjunctivitis - Damages eyesight Flipendo - Knocks an object backwards
Crucio - Unforgivable Curse - “Cruciatus Curse”
Furnunculus - Causes a person to break out in
- Tortures a person mercilessly
Deletrius - Erases the most recent spell cast by
Geminio - Creates a duplicate of an object
a wand so that it can’t be discovered
Densaugeo - Causes teeth to grow out of Homorphus - Forces a werewolf to take their
control human form
Diffindo - Splits seams; severs an object into Immobulus - Immobilises
two pieces Impedimenta - Slows an advancing object
Dissendium - Opens the One-Eyed Witch’s
Imperio - Unforgivable Curse - “Imperius Curse”
hump, which leads to a hidden passageway between
- Allows the user to assume complete control of a
Hogwarts and Honeydukes Sweetshop in
Hogsmeade person
Duro - Turns an object to stone Impervius - Repels water from a surface
Engorgio - Enlarges
 Incarcerous - Ties up a person
Incendio - Starts a fire Quietus - Quiets a sound amplified by
Legilimens - Allows the user to gain access to a “sonorus”
person’s mind and memories Reducio - Shrinks an object to original size after
Levicorpus - Hangs a person upside down by enlarged by “engorgio”
their ankles Reducto - Blasts solid objects into pieces
Liberacorpus - Frees a body that is under Relashio - Releases an object from constraint
“levicorpus” Rennervate - Rouses a stunned person
Locomotor Mortis - “Leg-Locker Curse” - Reparo - Repairs a broken object
Locks a person's legs together Repello - Repels (general)
Lumos - Lights up the tip of the wand; for more
Repello Muggletum - Repels muggles
light, use “lumos maxima”
Revelio - Reveals an object that has been hidden
Mobiliarbus - Moves an object
Rictusempra - Tickles
Mobilicorpus - Moves a person
Riddikulus - Makes a boggart assume a
Morsmorde - Summons the Dark Mark
ridiculous form, thereby making it funny instead of
Muffliato - Prevents a sound from being
overheard Salvio Hexia - Protects against hexes
Nox - Extinguishes light created by “lumos”
Scourgify - Scours an object clean
Obliviate - Erases a person’s memories
Sectumsempra - Causes lacerations to appear
Orchideous - Conjures a bunch of flowers
all over a person, as if cut by an invisible sword
Petrificus Totalus - “Body-Bind Curse” - Serpensortia - Conjures a snake
Petrifies a person like stone Silencio - Silences a person
Point Me - “Four Point Spell” - Makes the wand
Sonorus - Amplifies a sound
act as a compass
Stupefy - “Stunning Spell” - Renders a person
Portus - Turns an object into a portkey, which
can then be used to transport one or more people
Tarantallegra - Forces a person's legs to dance
to another location
Prior Incantato - Reveals the most recent spell Tergeo - Wipes an object clean

that a wand cast Waddiwasi - Launches a formerly stuck object

Protego - Protects the user from another’s spell through the air
Wingardium Leviosa - Levitates or makes an
by causing it to reflect back onto the sender
object fly

Spells from the Harry Potter book series taken from,, and

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