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Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

This paper summarizes the initial exploration
and findings of the World Bank Group Technology &
Innovation Lab, in partnership with the IMF’s Digital
Advisory Unit, on blockchain interoperability and
some of the related approaches and efforts being
carried out by blockchain innovators and other
institutions. It covers the use cases and technical
approaches of the different blockchain platforms
used to exchange information and assets, as well
as the experimentation the group conducted in the
area of interoperability. The paper further identifies
interoperability issues which needs more attention
and provides guidance to practitioners.

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group: A Team

of Technology Practitioners from the World Bank
Group Information and Technology Solutions and
IMF’s Digital Advisory Unit. Since 2017, the World
Bank Group Technology & Innovation Lab has
partnered with the IMF’s Digital Advisory Unit to
explore blockchain and distributed ledger technology
(DLT), including through the Learning Coin Project.1


WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

WBG, Information Technology Solutions Technology and Innovation Lab (ITSTI)
Yusuf Karacaoglu, Stela Mocan, Emmanuel Ayanfe Crown, Rachel Alexandra Halsema,
Mahesh Chandrahas Karajgi, Han Wang, Raunak Mittal, Mert Ozdag, Ani Popiashvili

WBG Information Technology Solutions, Treasury (ITSTR)

Peter Z.Y. Zhou

WBG Information Technology Solutions, Risk and Compliance (ITSSR)

Zhijun William Zhang

IBRD Legal
Patricia Miranda, Menaka Kalaskar

IMF Digital Advisory

Herve Tourpe, Soheib Nunhuck, Chitranjan Zaroo

This is a Working Paper that describe research in progress by the contributor(s) and
are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in are
those of the contributors(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF/WB, 3
its Executive Board, or IMF/WB management.

Blockchain Interoperability Acknowledgements

Part One: The Case for Blockchain Interoperability 7

Part Two: The Current State of Blockchain Interoperability 11

Existing Standards 11
Past Projects and Implementations in the financial sector 15

Part Three: A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability 17

The Business Perspective 17
The Technology Perspective 18
The Security and Risk Perspective 24
Legal Considerations 25

Part Four: Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned 33

Part Five: Concluding Thoughts and Implications for International Development 45

Glossary 47

Endnotes 49

Appendices 51
Project Jasper (Bank of Canada) 52
Project Ubin. Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) 53
Project Stella 55
Executive Summary
Blockchain technology has been a core element of the so-called “digital revolution” for the
last 10 years. As the COVID-19 crisis accelerates the digitalization of finance, commerce and
trade, it is likely that blockchain-related projects will continue to grow in number. The technol-
ogy is often praised for providing distinct advantages over traditional centralized databases,
notably due to blockchain’s distributed architecture, involving many public or private partici-
pants (or nodes), which is thought to offer superior resilience, as well its security-by-design,
tamper-proof protocol, which its supporters believe guarantees the protection of its users’
personal data and other hosted assets. As more solutions are beginning to rely on blockchain
technology, it is becoming increasingly evident that the evolution of this technology is being
held back by the lack of interoperability across blockchain solutions, other systems such as
traditional IT solutions, or other emerging technology.
This paper reviews blockchain interoperability through the lenses of business, technol-
ogy, security and risk, as well as legal considerations, and can be used as a reference
to support further work on blockchain interoperability. We summarize our exploration agen-
da to date, along with key lessons learned from experimenting with interoperability across
several blockchain platforms, e.g. Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Corda and Quorum.
Our intent is to share knowledge and promote awareness of blockchain interoperability.
We identify areas where further technical development, standards and architecture pat-
terns are needed, and provide guidance to practitioners in building open and sustainable 5
blockchain solutions.

Blockchain Interoperability Executive Summary

The Case for

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

The Case for
Blockchain Interoperability
There is no common definition of interoperability. For the purpose of this paper, the
following definition of interoperatibility serves as a guide for the reader:

The ability to exchange data with other platforms, including those running different
types of blockchains, as well as with the off-chain world (EU Blockchain Observatory
and Forum, 2019).

This definition has to be understood not only at the application and technology levels, but
also with respect to its business, security, and legal considerations (see Part III). Realizing
the potential of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) will require focusing on interoperabil-
ity. Breaking siloes and walled gardens of data and applications are some of the many ben-
efits presented by this emerging technology. However, these benefits will not materialize in
the absence of interoperability among different blockchain protocols, blockchain and other
emerging and legacy technologies, which may well leave us with the same original problems.
Blockchain or distributed ledger interoperability is a complex and complicated challenge to
tackle. As we move towards the operationalization of this emerging technology, interopera-
bility will come to the fore as issue of pressing importance. The different types and designs
of the core shared distributed ledger can be broadly classified as being either permissioned
and permissionless blockchain networks. Institutions and organizations have been exploring
DLT technology protocols on the basis of their respective needs and the requirements of the
challenge statement at hand. And since multiple blockchain networks are evolving, it is now
critical for these different systems not just be able to interoperate with legacy systems but
also be able to communicate across different distributed ledgers. This could be more easily
understood through the presentation of a few examples:
Central Banking and Digital Payments: Several central banks have begun to trial block-
chain for practical interoperability experiments. In 2019, the Monetary Authority of Singa-
pore and Bank of Canada collaborated on a project to demonstrate the interoperability of
two major blockchain networks – Corda and Quorum – using Hashed Time-Locked Con-
tracts (HTLC).2 Project Stella (more information on the project is available in the Annex),
conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of Japan (BoJ), explored how
cross-ledger Delivery versus Payment (DvP) can work between two individual ledgers with-
out a direct connection. Thailand’s central bank also worked with the Hong Kong Monetary

2 “ Jasper–Ubin Design Paper Enabling Cross-Border High Value Transfer Using Distributed Ledger
Technologies,” May 2, 2019.

Blockchain Interoperability The Case for Blockchain Interoperability

Authority (HKMA) on cross-border funds transfers using blockchain.3 With the launch of
the Libra project in 2019, the conversation around stablecoins – and Central Bank Digi-
tal Currency (CBDC) – has accelerated. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic, which re-
quired social isolation and limited face-to-face commerce, has reinforced the importance
of digital payment schemes. However, various existing data standards and communica-
tion protocols in payment networks, often proprietary networks, are leading to payment
processing delays. Rapid change and innovation is taking place in payment technologies,
which are enabling faster, cheaper, efficient domestic and cross-border payments – one of
the key paradigms will be interoperability between these different channels. In the same
spirit of collaborative learning, this White Paper seeks to build a better understanding on
Digital Identity: Blockchain technology has become the driving force of the so-called “de-
centralized Internet Web 3.0”, which requires interoperability and scalability to enable
end-users to control and share data, or settle agreements with other parties, through the
Internet in a trustworthy manner.4 Digital identity cannot be locked in one platform –it
needs interoperability across multiple platforms, and provide more choice to the end-user.
This need has led to a concerted effort by various private sector and not-for-profit enti-
ties to work towards creating open standards for digital identity. The verifiable credential
framework developed by the W3C Working Group is an approach aimed at ensuring that
the sharing and verification of digital credentials can operate smoothly across different un-
derlying technology protocols. This will be critical for the openness that is needed in digital
identity systems.
Supply Chains: Interoperability is also expected to benefit the supply chain environment.
8 One of the key challenges in supply chain systems is the lack of interoperability between
the different data systems of supply chain actors. While blockchain-based supply chains
could bring various advantages to fragmented supply chain systems, its implementation
will face various challenges. One of these challenges is the interoperability between dis-
tributed ledgers and the existing high volume of legacy software systems, e.g. the Enter-
prise Resource Planning (ERP) software system.5
Healthcare: In the healthcare space, interoperability has been a challenge as a complex
ecosystem of vendors, providers, regulators and patients seek to exchange and manage
access to healthcare data across different systems and organizations. Healthcare Infor-
mation and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) has examined how blockchain tech-
nology can be leveraged to achieve on-chain and off-chain helath data interoperability.6

3 Shen, Alice. 2019. “Thai Central Bank to Work with HKMA on Cross-Border Blockchain.” Central Bank-
ing, August 6. Available at:
4 “Web3 - The Decentralized Web.” BlockchainHub, August 29, 2019.
5 h
6 "Interoperability: Why and How Providers Should Pursue It.” CGAP, September 2019.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

In recent years, multilateral institutions and national governments have taken concrete
actions to further the development of blockchain networks. The Innovation Lab of the In-
ter-American Development Bank (IDB Lab) developed a blockchain ecosystem – LAC-
Chain – as a global blockchain alliance. Among LACChain’s main objectives are the devel-
opment, promotion and adoption of standards that allow interoperability of networks, and
the scalability of blockchain technology and its applications. 7Along with LACChain, the
International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) has organized a
series of online discussions to highlight the value of blockchain interoperability and other
interoperability issues.8 These sessions were attended by representatives of multilateral,
governmental and private sector organizations.
China is about to launch its own national blockchain platform, which forms part of the coun-
try’s strategy to digitally transform its economy. The platform will have important implica-
tions for its trading partners. The protocol at launch will be interoperable with major block-
chain platforms and frameworks.9 A number of other national governments have developed
national strategies for blockchain adoption as well, including India10 and Germany.11 Finally,
the World Economic Forum has issued a number of guidance notes and toolkits to assist
public and private players in furthering their work in this area, including the Blockchain
Deployment Toolkit for Supply Chains.12

7 LACChain Alliance. “What Is the LACChain Global Alliance?” Medium. Medium, March 5, 2020. https://
8 INATBA Convenes Global Conversation on Standards, Governance and Interoperability (2020, May 30). Re-
trieved July 01, 2020, from
9 Sung, Michael. “Michael Sung: China’s National Blockchain Will Change the World.” CoinDesk, April 27,
10 “Blockchain: The India Strategy Towards Enabling Ease of Business, Ease of Living, and Ease of Gover-
nance.” NITI Aayog, January 2020.
11 “German Government Adopts Blockchain Strategy - Federal Ministry of Finance - Issues.” Bundesministe-
rium der Finanzen, September 18, 2019.
12 World Economic Forum (WEF). 2020. “Redesigning Trust: Blockchain Deployment Toolkit.” Available at:

Blockchain Interoperability The Case for Blockchain Interoperability

The Current
State of

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

The Current State of
Blockchain Interoperability
Existing Standards
The problem of blockchain standards–relevant and necessary for interoperability–
extends beyond the technical perspective and involves standardization in the business and
legal spheres.
Blockchain technology has been used to develop various proofs of concepts and pilots, and
is now being increasingly explored to deploy its applications in live production environments.
International development agencies are actively pursuing this novel technology to address
some complex and sticky problems pertaining to developing and emerging markets. How-
ever, the industry recognizes that this technology is still in the early stages of adoption, and
that it is continuously evolving through new experiments and improvements. In this context,
it is not surprising that blockchain standards are, as of today, fragmented, with uneven rep-
resentation from emerging economies. In a 2019 analysis of ISO/TC 307 (blockchain and
distributed ledger technologies), only three African countries were members, with only one
country – South Africa – serving in a participating role.13 In the past year, that number has
risen to two, with the addition of Nigeria as a participating country. Given the active work be-
ing conducted in several African countries to explore and understand the potential of block-
chain, the inconsistent participation in standards groups at the national level could have im- 11
plications for enterprise adoption and institutional change.
As more complex applications are being explored in the blockchain space, and also with-
in the context of interoperability, cross-chain interoperability standards are increasingly
needed. The standards could also be looked according to the different layers of techni-
cal architecture, e.g. platforms, applications or industry-specific data exchange, wallets
and key management. The following framework14 highlights these different layers, which
addresses various initiatives and efforts by standards development organizations (SDO)
in DLT standards:

13 “ISO/TC 307 Participation.” ISO. Accessed June 23, 2020.

14 Lima, Claudio. “Developing Open and Interoperable DLT\/Blockchain Standards [Standards].”
CSDL | IEEE Computer Society, November 2018.

Blockchain Interoperability The Current State of Blockchain Interoperability


Industry Consortium, Alliance, Special Interest Groups

Country-Based SDO

Global SDO
DLT/Blockchain Generic Framework Standards Focused on Refer-
ence Guide, Reference Frameworks, Architectures, Terminologies,
Interfaces, Ontology, Classification, and So Forth

DLT/Blockchain Enabling Technology Standards Focused on

Client Interfaces, ID Management, Data Formats, Consensus
Algorithm, Token Specifications, and So Forth

DLT/Blockchain Platform-Specific Standards Focused on

Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, and So Forth


DLT/Blockchain Vertical-Industry-Specific Standards

Focused on Energy, Health Care, Telecom/IT, Manufacturing,
Supply Chain, and So Forth

Source: Developing Open and Interoperable Blockchain Standards [Standards]

Classification of blockchain standards and other related/like-minded efforts

The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with other members of the Global Blockchain
Council recently released a paper15, “Overview of Blockchain Technical Standards”, highlight-
ing the need for blockchain technology standards and providing an overview of its current
landscape. The paper maps the existing standardization efforts, and identify corresponding
gaps and overlaps on blockchain standardization.
Below is a non-exhaustive excerpt of the list of standard setting initiatives by formal standard
setting bodies and blockchain specific industry groups, as highlighted in the WEF paper on:

15 h

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab



IEEE USA The purpose of the Institute of Electrical and Internet of things
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is promoting the (loT); cryptocurrency
development and application of electrotech- exchange and pay-
nology and allied sciences for the benefit of ment; tokens; energy;
humanity, the advancement of the profession, digital assets
and the well-being of its members

ISO Switzerland The International Organization for Standard- Security; identity

ization (ISO) is an independent, non-govern-
mental, international organization that devel-
ops standard to ensure the quality, safety and
efficiency of products, services, and systems

W3C USA The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Identity

is developing protocols and guidelines that
ensure long-term growth for the web

IRTF USA The Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Identity;

aims to promote research for the evolution of digital assets
the internet
IEC Switzerland The International Electrotechnical Commis- Internet of things (IoT)
sion (IEC) promotes standardization of electri-
cal technology, electronic, and related matters

IETF USA The purpose of the Internet Engineering Task Cryptocurrency

Force (IETF) is creating voluntary standards payment
to maintain and improve the usability and in-
teroperability of the internet

ITU-T Switzerland The International Telecommunication Union Security; IoT; indentity;

Telecommunications (ITU-T) sector ensures DLT requirements
the efficient and timely production of standards
covering all fields of telecommunications and
information communication technology (ICTs)
on a worldwide basis, and defines tariff and ac-
counting principles for international telecom-
munication services

Source: World Economic Forum Global Blockchain Council – Overview of Blockchain Technical Standards

Blockchain Interoperability The Current State of Blockchain Interoperability



EEA USA The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Interoperability;

(EEA) builds, promotes and broadly tokens
supports Ethereum-based technolo-
gy methodologies, standards, and a
reference architecture

Hyperledger USA Hyperledger is an open-source communi- Interoperability;

ty focused on developing a suite of stable tokens
frameworks, tools, and libraries for enter-
prise-grade blockchain deployments
It serves as a neutral home for vari-
ous distributed ledger frameworks in-
cluding Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth,
Indy, as well as tools such as Hyper-
ledger Caliper and libraries such as
Hyperledger Ursa

IWA USA The InterWork Alliance (IWA) is work- Tokens;

ing to: develop standards-based in- analytics
terworking specifications; address
14 market requirements and performance
metrics; support advances across all
platform technologies; and enable
multi-party interchanges

JWG USA and UK The Joint Working Group on interVASP Tokens

Messaging Standards (JWG) identified
the need for VASPs to adopt uniform
approaches and establish common stan-
dards to enable them to meet their obliga-
tions resulting from the FATF recommen-
dations as they apply to affected entities
To tackle this, a cross-industry, cross-sec-
toral joint working group of technical ex-
perts was formed in December 2019 and
a new technical standard developed by
the group

National Blockchain and China This is a group of organizations that DLT requirements
Distributed Accounting have joined a national committee fo- DLT terminology
Technology Standardiza- cused on creating standards for block-
tion Technical Committee chain technology

Source: World Economic Forum Global Blockchain Council – Overview of Blockchain Technical Standards

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

The approach standard-setting bodies will take will also be critical. Bringing together
various sectoral and technology experts and having a diverse representation among those
responsible for developing and maintaining ‘open standards’16 could be important for in-
teroperability and adoption.

Past projects and implementations in the financial sector

In recent years, several central banks have embarked on experimental projects and pilots to
explore the use of blockchain to enable cross-border interbank payments and settlements.
Although these projects are spearheaded by central banks, it is important to note the par-
ticipation of financial institutions and consulting companies in providing technological
solutions and prototypes at every stage of the development process, as well as rigorously
documenting each project’s technical aspects.
Project Ubin is a collaborative project and aims to help the Monetary Authority of Singa-
pore (MAS) and the financial industry to better understand the technology and the poten-
tial benefits it may bring through practical experimentation.17 The project explored the dif-
ferent phases of blockchain interoperability:18
• L
 ed by MAS, Singapore Exchange, and Deloitte, Ubin Phase III considered utilizing DLT
to develop Delivery versus Payment (DvP) for the settlement of tokenized assets to
achieve interledger interoperability and finality of DvP.
• I n Ubin phase IV (also known as Jasper-Ubin), MAS and Bank of Canada (BoC) explored
cross-border and cross-currency payments using CBDC in domestic payment networks.
They used HTLC, which connects two payment networks and allows Payment versus 15
Payment (PvP).
• In collaboration with J.P. Morgan and Temasek, MAS developed a prototype which ex-
changes different currency on the same blockchain network. This network will allow other
blockchain networks to integrate and offer some functions to support certain payment
transactions, e.g. DvP with private exchanges. Phase V is still under testing.

Project Stella – a joint research project undertaken by the ECB and the BOJ – aims to con-
tribute to the experimentation of blockchain technology, and evaluate the opportunities
and challenges for financial market infrastructure to support payments and securities set-
tlement. Reports on Phase II indicate that cross-ledger DvP could function, even without
connections between individual ledgers. HTLCs and digital signature “would be used to
achieve interoperability between ledgers.” 19

17 “ Project Ubin: Central Bank Digital Money Using Distributed Ledger Technology.” Monetary
Authority of Singapore, November 20, 2019.
18 See Annex for an overview of the context in which the other phases took place.
19  ishi, Michinobu. 2019. “Project Stella and the Impacts of Fintech on Financial Infrastructures in
Japan.” Asian Development Bank, October 24. Available at:

Blockchain Interoperability The Current State of Blockchain Interoperability

A Framework
for Blockchain

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

A Framework for
Blockchain Interoperability
The Business Perspective
Interoperability is increasingly becoming one of the most critical core concerns as gov-
ernments seek to deliver seamless public services and develop the digital strategies to
do so. Public administration could become inefficient, costly and fragmented if cross-sys-
tem communication is not achieved in the digital ecosystem. The European Interoperabil-
ity Framework highlights that a key aspect of the European ‘Digital Single Market’ is to
“guarantee the secure and free flow of data, develop standards and ensure interoperabili-
ty”.20 Among the reasons for this heightened focus on achieving ICT interoperability are its
potential benefits, e.g. increased competition, higher innovation, and more autonomy and
flexibility of choice.21
Blockchain technology has demonstrated its benefits and potential over the years. How-
ever, many organizations are still hesitant about its value for their operations and busi-
nesses. The lack of interoperability contributes to some of these uncertainties. It is clear
that the transfer of information from one blockchain to another is a big challenge; it is
also clear that organizations are cautious about relying on one vendor, and later finding
that they are unable to transfer data if they decide to switch vendors. However, in ad-
dition to technology interoperability, the organizations will also have to focus on busi- 17
ness processes that would require to align with cross-organizational trust on respective
governance and business ecosystems. An example to illustrate this challenge could be
blockchain-enabled and shared “Know your Customer” (KYC) utility models.22 While in-
teroperable blockchain systems could lower the high costs associated with KYC, it would
nonetheless require new commercial and governance models to emerge for sharing KYC
across different financial institutions.
The core underlying infrastructure of the digital economy is experiencing changes and
shifts due to blockchain technology, as well as other emerging technologies. However,
there are challenges around standardization and interoperability, which are critical for the
successful scaling of these potential alternative market structures. Exchanging data as-
sets and exchange of value in the form of digital instruments between two counterparts is
relatively easy if they use the same blockchain platform. However, this is rarely the case:
most businesses operate different types of blockchain technologies, making the transfer
of digital assets an insurmountable challenge. The value of blockchain interoperability to
industry and enterprise networks is rapidly becoming evident in the context of a growing
digital economy, accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis.


Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

An interoperable digital architecture is now imperative for the exchange of data and digi-
tal assets in the digitalization of trade, e-commerce, or e-government services. Interoper-
ability also has direct implications on an organization’s business model and its strategic
positioning to deliver value. Some technology providers initially might be less focused on
interoperability issues, as each one would like to grab a larger part of the market, especially
those reliant on network effects. The emergence of multiple new alternatives, in addition to
legacy instruments, could result in further fragmentation rather than solving the challenges
if the issues around standards and interoperability are not addressed through multi-stake-
holder coordination. Interoperability cannot result from the efforts of a single entity, rather
it requires a governance group made up of all stakeholders active in this field. This gover-
nance group will administer and make decisions on business agreements, legal terms and
technical feasibility. This group will also manage the data standard of interoperability, such
as smart contract, entities and digital assets.23 This governance model could help to estab-
lish a business partnership, which is not constricted by technological limitations.

The Technology Perspective

So far, the notion of chain interoperability has seen much theory and little practice,
primarily because a live example of successful chain interoperability requires not one,
but two, already existing, stable and sufficiently powerful blockchains to build off, but
this is slowly starting to change. -Vitalik Buterin (2016).
Technology Approaches
Technically, blockchain interoperability seeks to achieve one fundamental goal, namely
ensuring the integrity of both information exchanges (data exchange among business sys-
tems) and value transfers (digital assets exchange, e.g. crypto, tokens). Internet protocols,
such as TCP/IP and APIs, have set good examples of achieving data interoperability. How-
ever, value transfer has been an application-layer concern, and not a protocol-level concern
in the traditional Internet context. With blockchain becoming the “Internet of Value”,24 en-
suring the integrity of value transfer across different blockchains has become a problem to
address at the foundation layer, and also needs to be considered at the blockchain network
protocol level as well. In addition, there are attempts to create interoperability among dif-
ferent blockchains at the middleware level, e.g., blockchain-agnostic smart contracts, e.g.
DAML by Digital Asset Holdings, or Quant Network’s multi-blockchain DApps (MApps).

23 Inclusive Deployment of Blockchain for Supply Chains: Part 6 – A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability:
24 Ripple. 2019. “The Internet of Value: What It Means and How It Benefits Everyone.” October 25. Available at :

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Below are some popular technical means for achieving blockchain interoperability:

1. Oracles and Notaries

Oracles and notaries are trusted agents between different blockchains, or between a
blockchain and the off-chain world. To achieve better resiliency and to increase trust, or-
acles can adopt a decentralized architecture in the same manner as Chainlink.

In a notary scheme, one or more trusted nodes agree to carry out an action on chain B
when some event on chain A happens (Buterin, 2016). Trusted nodes are the key to no-
tary schemes. One important feature of the notary scheme is its atomicity, meaning that
a transaction needs to be all or nothing for all participants. The notary scheme has been
implemented in the Atomic mode of the Interledger Protocol25 , whereby an ad hoc group
of notaries are selected to support the execution of each payment by confirming the suc-
cess or failure of the payment.

2. Time-bound Asset Locking and Release

To support the exchange of value across different blockchains in a trustless mode, assets
can be locked on a blockchain ledger and released upon confirmation that the recipient
is ready to receive the asset. This has been implemented in the Universal Mode of the
Interledger Protocol and HTLC.
In the Universal Mode of the Interledger Protocol, after a chain of participants has been
selected for the value transfer, assets are locked on the corresponding ledger of each
participant. Following confirmation by the final recipient of the value, the locked value is 19
released and transferred to the recipient by the operator on the last ledger. The last led-
ger will then provide a payment confirmation to the previous ledger, which will unlock the
asset and send it on, etc., until the ledger for the sender also receives the confirmation,
unlocks the asset, and finalizes the deduction of this asset from the sender’s account. To
prevent a liquidity starvation attack on any participant, all transactions are time-bound,
with upstream ledgers allocating more time than the downstream ones.

25 Stefa Thomas & Evan Schwartz. A protocol for Interledger Payments.

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

In HTLC, hash locking between blockchain A and blockchain B can be achieved in three
steps (Buterin, 2016):
1. B
 lockchain A generates a random secret s, and computes the hash of the secret,
hash(s) = h. Blockchain A sends h to B.

2.Blockchains A and B both lock their asset into a smart contract with the following rules
(A locks first, B locks after seeing A’s asset successfully locked).
a. On A’s side, if the secret is provided by B within 2X seconds, then the asset is trans-
ferred to B; otherwise, it is sent back to A.
b. On B’s side, if the correct secret (i.e., the value whose hash is h) is provided within X
seconds, then the asset is transferred to A; otherwise, it is sent back to B.

3. Blockchain A reveals the secret within X seconds to claim the asset from B’s contract.
However, this also ensures that B learns the secret allowing B to claim the asset from
A’s contract.
Unlike in the notary scheme, hash locking does not require a pre-existing trust relationship
between the two blockchains or with a third party.

3. Sidechains/Relays
Another approach to allow different blockchains to interoperate is to have an “integra-
tion” blockchain to support the exchange of value and information between different par-
20 ticipating blockchains.
In the sidechains-relay model, the relay chain is the integration layer. It can issue a token
to be used for value exchange by all sidechains. The relay chain can offer smart contracts
for different sidechains to interact with and exchange information. In addition, it generally
provides a larger number of validation nodes than any of the sidechains, thereby provid-
ing more robust security as it ensures that no double-spend is made on value exchanges.
The information integrity is preserved as long as that information is part of the overall
“block header” that is: (i) generated in some cryptographically authenticated way, most
likely using Merkle trees; and (ii) recorded on the relay chain.
Regarding information exchange, a smart contract on the relay chain can function as a
light client for a specific sidechain, thus leveraging the sidechain’s standard verification
procedure to verify any block headers that have been fed into the contract. Relays are
very powerful as they can be used for asset portability, atomic swaps, and many other
more complex uses.
For example, Polkadot uses a relay chain to connect multiple sidechains known as para-
chains, with each parachain being a blockchain. The Polkadot architecture is described in
detail in the latter part of this paper.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

4. Application Layer Adaptors
In order to facilitate the development of applications that may run on multiple block-
chains, an abstraction layer can be created so that the business functions of the underly-
ing blockchains can be exposed as common APIs.
A blockchain-agnostic smart contract language can be another alternative to code the
business logic and map the different underlying blockchain platforms. DAML is a smart
contract language that enables distributed application development without having to
decide what blockchain or distributed ledger platform to use. The creator of DAML, Dig-
ital Asset, is working with partners to have DAML-based applications run on Corda, Hy-
perLedger Fabric or Sawtooth, VMware Blockchain, and other platforms.
Vottun’s technology exposes blockchain-specific smart contracts as common APIs, mak-
ing it possible for applications to be built without having to target any particular block-
chain network. Each API is mapped to an underlying blockchain smart contract function,
which will execute on the specific blockchain. Vottun currently supports Hyperledger
Fabric, Alastria, Quorum, and Ethereum.
The Overledger platform by Quant Network, connects various blockchain networks, as
well as legacy systems. The platform provides a blockchain-agnostic operating system
for business applications to run. It currently supports Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, Ethere-
um, Bitcoin, IOTA, EOS, and Ripple, either permissioned or permissionless, and provides
Java and JavaScript SDKs for developers to develop applications to run on the platform.
Quant Networks uses its own Dapps technology (Multi-blockchain Dapps or MDapps).
LiquidApps provides a run-time middleware and developer SDK to enable the develop- 21
ment of decentralized applications that can run across multiple blockchain networks. It
currently supports EOS, Ethereum, Telos, and sother blockchain networks.

Technical framework
The technical methods for interoperability can be categorized across two dimensions: just-
in-time vs. on-going interoperability, and direct vs. third-party interoperability. In the sec-
ond dimension, third-party can be an independent entity, e.g. a notary or oracle service
provider, or a blockchain network to which the interoperating parties must belong, such as
a sidechain or relay chain.


Direct Protocols, e.g. time-bound Application layer adapters

asset locking and release

Via a third party Oracles, notaries Sidechain, relay-chain

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

When the team has this interoperability initiative, both value exchange and information
exchange were explored technically. Blockchain is touted to be the foundation for “The
Internet of Value” (or digital assets). In this exploration the exchange of value is singled
out as a particularly important problem for blockchain interoperability. When it comes to
exchange of information, it is referring to the scenarios where no digital assets changes
hands as part of the cross-chain operation.
Table 1 illustrates how two blockchains using the respective ledger technologies can
exchange value or information based on current technologies.





Ethereum/ Value: HTLC Value: HTLC Value: Value & Value & Information:
Quorum Infor.: Oracle Infor.: oracle26 Application Information: Application
layer adapter Application layer adaptor27
layer adapter

Corda Value & Infor- N/A Value & Informa- Value & Informa-
mation: Corda tion: Application tion: Application
Network as the layer adapter (to layer adaptor
22 relay chain. be developed)

Interledger N/A Value: Application

Layer Adapter

Polkadot (There is only one Value & Information:

Polkadot network) Application layer
(to be developed)

Hyperledger Value: HTLC

Fabric Infor.: oracles,
Events API, Joint
network or channels

Note: The shaded cells repeat the same information as in the right side of the diagonal line of the matrix(table).

26 Wan, Clemens. 2019. “Unlocking Corda Ethereum Interoperability Pt 3.” Medium. March 15. Available at:
27 Ledger Insights. 2019. “Hyperledger Fabric Integrates Ethereum Smart Contracts.” October 29. Available at :

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Table 2 summarizes past projects and our explorations based on our technical framework.





Ethereum/ HTLC: HTLC: Working Application EVM user Oracles as

Quorum Working Ubin Group layer adapter chaincode implemented
Group (Phase Explorations and Web3 by Chainlink29:
Explorations IV) provider
Jasper support
in Fabric28

Corda Corda N/A N/A DAML by Corda Settler

Network Digital Asst for payments
is live Holdings

Interledger N/A Hyperledger Stronghold

Quilt (being Platform30,
developed) Gates
Project Stella
Phase III

Polkadot There is only N/A Adapter using

one Polkadot Substrate:
network Working

Hyper- Information: It is being

ledger oracles explored.32
Fabric or Events

Note: The shaded cells repeat the same information as in the right side of the diagonal line of the matrix (table).

28 “ Hyperledger Fabric Now Supports Ethereum” Hyperledgger, October 26,2018. Available at:
https ://
29 A
 merican Crypto Association. 2020. “Kadena Collaborates with Chainlink in Hybrid Blockchain Oracle Integra-
tion.”, May 19.
30 M
 edium. 2019. “Stronghold Platform Integrates with Interledger Payments Protocol.” Medium. Stronghold, May
31 “ [email protected]: Multiple Fabric Networks.” [email protected] | Multiple fabric net-
works. Accessed June 23, 2020.
32 D
 esrosiers, Luc, and Ricardo Olivieri. 2019. “Oracles: Common Architectural Patterns for Hyperledger Fabric.”
IBM Developer. IBM, March 11. Available at :

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

It should be noted that these technical solutions may need to be augmented with a semantic
layer. In cases of information exchange, i.e. how each blockchain interprets the data, this may
need to be coordinated off-chain. Similarly, when tokens are exchanged between blockchains,
the “exchange rate” between two different tokens may need to be determined off-chain, unless
there is an oracle for that exchange rate.

The Security and Risk Perspective

Blockchain projects employ different trust models. Public blockchains build trust based
on cryptography, consensus algorithms and incentive models, e.g. proof-of-work and the
considerable costs associated with attacking a network’s data integrity. Their security
strength typically correlates to the number of nodes on the network. Blockchains rely heav-
ily on membership management and traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to provide
trust on the network. Their security mostly hinges on the established business relationship
among the participants.
When two blockchains interoperate, it is important to analyze the difference in their security
models and introduce necessary compensating controls so that the integrity of information
or value exchange would not be compromised for the two interoperating blockchains. This re-
quires careful design of the interoperability interface. A good example is the way parachains
leverage the strength of the relay chain in Polkadot.
For information exchange, the critical security issue is the integrity and trustworthiness
of the information from another chain or system. The 2019 Oracle attack on the cryp-
to-asset platform Synthetic resulted in the loss of 37 million digital tokens within several
hours, exemplifies this issue.33
For value exchange, the key issues include: (i) the integrity of the information; (ii) the asset
ownership and its intended action; and (iii) the value exchange’s execution being fair and
atomic. The fairness ensures that both parties would get their part of the exchange, and no
party should have an advantage in backing out of the transaction based on external events.
A condition for interoperability resides in the ability for two systems to recognize each other’s
identity schemes. Aiming for a common identity management is unrealistic, as they are intrin-
sically linked to each chains’ cryptographic choices. On the other hand, one precondition for
establishing trust is to establish some sort of mapping across identity schemes.
From a risk perspective, a party may take on additional risks if it interoperates with another par-
ty from a platform with a lower security and risk profile. Such additional risk must be carefully
assessed and be deemed appropriate for the business benefit that would be achieved.

33 Todd, Ryan. 2019. “Synthetix Suffers Oracle Attack, More than 37 Million Synthetic Ether Exposed.” Yahoo!
Finance. Yahoo!, June 25. Available at :

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Table 3 summarizes the security factors to consider when two blockchains interoperate:




Identity Some entity may have different DIDs, proof of identity ownership.
identities on different blockchain.

Cryptography Different blockchains may Validation via a third party.

use different hash and digital
signature algorithms.

Level of decentralization Number of nodes and consensus Risk/reward analysis; make adjust-
algorithms often vary between dif- ment to participating blockchains
ferent blockchains. when feasible.

Semantics layer Interpretation of time, unit of Combination of decentralized oracles

measurement and unit of val- and offline agreements.
ue could be different across
different blockchains.

Legal Considerations
This report highlights selected legal considerations of our exploration on blockchain in- 25
teroperability. Current legal frameworks for blockchain cover both the inputs and the out-
comes of the technology but not the technology itself. Blockchain interoperability could
yield additional layers of regulatory scrutiny as it will inevitably involve different jurisdic-
tions; explorations will assist regulators better understand the technology.
Interoperability describes the ability of computer systems or software to exchange and
make use of information.
The two main aspects to take into account in blockchain interoperability are the technolo-
gies involved and the legal dimensions. The technological aspects may be easier to over-
come. This can be illustrated by how emails evolved from once being limited to exchang-
ing messages within the same email network to now being able to exchange messages
across different email networks. Overcoming the technological gap to bridge interop-
erability is inevitable. It is already moving forward in the realm of cryptocurrencies.34
The legal aspects might be more challenging as the many existing legal frameworks reg-
ulating the same or similar purposes are already giving rise to conflicts, without adding
technology in the mix. It is not necessarily the medium of technology but its purpose and
implications which has surfaced the tensions with existing frameworks.

34 See Magas, Julia, “Crypto interoperability evolves: From blockchain bridges to DeFi transfers”, at https://

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

If two or more systems are exchanging information, the purpose of that exchange will drive
which laws may apply. For example, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in the United
States regulated investments, “in whatever form they are made and by whatever name they
are called”. Thus, as the Act points out the name of the instrument doesn’t matter, what
matters is its nature. This was emphasized by panelists35 at the first panel on “Virtual Cur-
rencies” at the CFTC TAC Meeting of 3 October 2019. Below are some of those key points:
1. it is important to focus on the functions and features of the digital asset/stablecoin;
2. as with any investment, there is a need to understand the nature of the instrument,
so one can assess the value, how to use it, and how to regulate it;
3. it is important to look at the different types of stablecoins and identify what their
nature really is, regardless of what they are called/named; and
4. the value of FINMA’s principle of “same risks, same rules” set forth on its recent
guidance on stablecoin.
None of this, however, minimizes the complexities of trying to identify an instrument under
the current regulatory environment. Such identification remains a challenge as it is impact-
ed by, for example: (i) small permutations on the instrument; (ii) by the jurisdiction where
the instrument is to be considered; and/or (iii) how the instrument is marketed since its
issuance may have different purposes in different places, and therefore classifying it as a
different instrument at different times. And this is just one example in one industry and in
one country.
26 Thus, the main legal question to ask before even considering the technical interoperability
of a proposed blockchain application is the exact purpose of the proposed blockchain ap-
plication. Teams need to look beyond mere labels and:
A. analyze the essential characteristics of the proposed application to determine what it
really is and, thus, what industry it relates to and what laws, regulations and/or com-
pliance requirements may apply;
B. consider how it may impact market competitiveness as it may raise anti-trust issues
depending on what it is going to do.
Depending on the purpose of the blockchain application and the jurisdictions involved,
there may be as many commonalities as there are divergences in laws and regulations.
These may impose different requirements that may need to be implemented through
technological controls, and which may subsequently impact the technical aspect
of interoperability.
The wide range of possible blockchain applications remain largely unregulated. In the
meantime, relevant industry laws and regulations apply, regardless of the technology being
used. For example: (i) financial laws will apply to blockchain applications for financial ser-
vices; (ii) health and drug regulations will apply to blockchain applications used for health
and drugs; (iii) consumer protection laws may also apply depending on the issue that arise

35 The panelists included Gary DeWaal, Special Counsel, Chair, Financial Markets and Regulator; Katten
Muchin Rosenman LLP; and Lee Schneider, General Counsel,

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

from the use of a blockchain application, etc. Current laws on cybersecurity, financial ser-
vices, privacy and data protection, money transfers or transmission licensing, to name but
a few, can and should, certainly apply to any technology.

Lessons from cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies have conferred celebrity status to blockchain technology. However, in
some cases it challenges the sovereign control of the state in issuing currencies. Reg-
ulating cryptocurrency became a necessity due to its potential impact in banking and
financial markets. A 2018 PWC survey of 600 executives in 15 countries reported that
48 percent of respondents considered that regulatory uncertainty is the most important
barrier to blockchain adoption.36
About 130 countries and some regional organizations have issued laws or policies on
cryptocurrencies.37 Out of 130 countries, nine have an absolute ban on cryptocurrencies,
while 16 countries have banned it an implicitly.38 While China and Lithuania implicitly ban
cryptocurrencies, they nonetheless are among 13 countries that have or are issuing na-
tional or regional cryptocurrencies.39 While countries such as Belarus, the Cayman Is-
lands, Luxembourg and Spain, do not recognize cryptocurrencies as legal tender, they
see a potential in the technology behind it and are developing a cryptocurrency-friend-
ly regulatory regime to attract investment in technology companies.40 Yet others accept
cryptocurrency as a means of payment, even by government agencies, as in the case of
the Swiss Canton of Zug and a municipality in the Canton of Ticino.41 The Isle of Man and
Mexico also allow the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment alongside their na- 27
tional currency; Antigua and Barbuda allows the funding of projects and charities through
government-supported ICOs.42 

36 PWC, Blockchain is here. What’s your next move?, available at

37 Library of Congress, Regulation of Cryptocurrency Around the World, June 2018, available at
38 Library of Congress, Legal Status of Cryptocurrencies, available at
currency/map1.pdf. Countries with an absolute ban on cryptocurrency include Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Iraq,
Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam. Countries with an implicit ban on crypto-
currencies include Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait,
Lesotho, Lithuania, Macau, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan (China), and Thailand.
39 Library of Congress, Countries that Have or Are Issuing National or Regional Cryptocurrencies, available
at These countries include: Anguilla, Antigua
and Barbuda, China, Dominica, Grenada, Ireland, Lithuania, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and
Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Venezuela.
40 Library of Congress, Regulation of Cryptocurrency Around the World, June 2018, available at
41 Ibid.
42 Ibid.

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

Malta is leading a new approach as the first country in the world to provide regulations for
blockchain operators, cryptocurrency and DLT, and became a safe and welcoming envi-
ronment for blockchain initiatives.43,44 Understanding the need for legal certainty for com-
panies to operate, Malta established: (i) an authority to certify DLT platforms and ensure
credibility and legal certainty to users wishing to use DLT platforms; (ii) DLT arrangements
and certifications of DLT platforms; and (iii) a regulatory regime for ICOs, cryptocurrency
exchanges, and other related services.45 Other jurisdictions, including Bermuda, Gibraltar
and the small town of Zug in Switzerland, are developing laws and regulations to attract
cryptocurrency businesses.46
Blockchain technology is actively used in Liechtenstein; on 16 November 2018, Liech-
tenstein completed consultations on a proposed Law on Transaction Systems Based on
Trustworthy Technologies (TT) (Blockchain Act).47 The Blockchain Act is Liechtenstein’s
response to a demand for greater legal certainty in connection with blockchain.48 It in-
tends to strengthen legal certainty for users and service providers to support the positive
development of the token economy in Liechtenstein.49,50

Liability and Disputes

While laws and regulations may diverge, parties engaging and developing blockchain
applications could potentially address any conflict of laws and jurisdiction through con-
tractual obligations. Parties could agree that a specific set of laws and jurisdiction will
apply in solving disputes among the parties and users. In this scenario, the parties would
28 be responsible for assessing the proposed legal system and jurisdiction to apply; users
may need to read the agreements they are asked to adhere to before using a blockchain
application. Without any such contractual agreement, parties would be left at the mercy
of courts to decide which one would have jurisdiction. With blockchain’s decentralized
nature that could entail a long and arduous legal battle, just only to determine where the
dispute should be settled.

43 Ibid.
44 Forbes. 2018. Maltese Parliament Passes Laws That Set Regulatory Framework For Blockchain, Cryp-
tocurrency And DLT, July 5. Available at
45 Ibid.
46 The New York Times. 2018. Have a Cryptocurrency Company? Bermuda, Malta or Gibraltar Wants You, July
29. Available at
braltar.html, and Cointelegraph, Which Countries Are Best to Start Blockchain Projects?, August 9, 2018,
available at
47 C
 onsultation launched on Blockchain Act, August 29, 2018, available at
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 Reference to the status of legislation and regulation in some of these and other countries in Appendix 2.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Key Questions
Determining what type of blockchain is desirable is crucial in identifying what other con-
siderations need to be taken into account. Legal considerations on blockchain technology
may be amplified depending on whether the blockchain is public or private, permissionless
or permissioned. This is because on a public and permissionless blockchain environment
the decentralized nature of blockchain raises prominent legal concerns relating to the li-
ability, jurisdiction, applicable law, rights and obligations of its different actors, to name
but a few. In such an environment, actions and decision-making are likely to be spread out
geographically among numerous nodes located in different locations, as well as among
parties that may not be readily identifiable, if even possible to identify them in the first in-
stance. The inability to control illicit activities and malicicous actors, and identify responsi-
bility of the network poses a challenge. For instance, the WannaCry ransomware attack in
May 2017 demanded payment in Bitcoins. By receiving Bitcoin payments it is not possible
to know who owns those Bitcoins, even if the transaction has been executed in a public and
permissionless blockchain.51

The legal issues in a public and permissionless blockchain are clear:

a. Who is responsible for harm in a blockchain environment? Should it be the node oper-
ators who are running the network, or the software developer, i.e. the one who codified
the blockchain rules and/or protocols; or some other party?
b. Who has legal personality in a blockchain?
c. Which law applies since the “decision-makers” are in different locations? 29
d. Which jurisdiction has authority to hear and consider disputes in light of the different
locations of all involved in a blockchain?

For now, these questions remain mostly unanswered. Courts will have to decide these is-
sues when they come before them at some future date and challenges are mounted against
the blockchain technology itself.
Broadly speaking, identifying the actors is easier in a private and permissioned block-
chain as it is privately owned and those on the blockchain are participating thanks to
someone’s permission to do so. There is control in a private and permissioned blockchain,
which makes it less problematic from a legal point of view. As private and permissioned,
one easily knows who controls the blockchain, who has access, where it is located (even
if in different locations), who acts and makes decisions on the blockchain. Being able to
identify who has control of a blockchain makes it possible to determine which jurisdiction
would have authority over a dispute, which law applies, and who may be responsible. This
is not to say that some of the broader questions disappear if the blockchain is private and
permissioned, rather it may make it easier to identify the actors in a public and permis-
sionless blockchain. Knowing the nature of the blockchain thus helps narrow down the
legal questions one should consider when working with blockchain technology.

51 “As with all such wallets, their transactions and balances are publicly accessible even though the cryptocur-
rency wallet owners remain unknown”, at

Blockchain Interoperability A Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

Any business considering a blockchain application must have clarity on:

1. What type of blockchain is desirable? Should it be public network or private network?

2. What industry does the proposed solution apply?
3. What are the local laws that apply to the industry concerned?
4. What are mandatory requirements that need to be included in the design of the
blockchain application?
5. How are such requirements going to be implemented on the blockchain? Are they
different in different places? Will this impact the development of the application?
6. What information will be captured and exchanged? Who will access the information?
7. What is the desired privacy and data security for the solution?
8. What is the data/information flow?
9. Is it possible for the application to have one full node in one location that will
determined and/or reiterate the choice of jurisdiction among the parties to
solve disputes?
10. If a blockchain application is chosen, what governance structure is best for governing
the technology as it needs to adapt over time to remain relevant?


WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Working Group
Explorations and
Lessons Learned

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Working Group
Explorations and
Lessons Learned
To obtain a deeper understanding of blockchain interoperability among different blockchain
platforms from a technical perspective, we explored three of the four technical approaches
described in Part II. The team implemented a token swap using HTLC between two differ-
ent Ethereum networks, and value transfer using Interledger protocol between Ethereum
testnet and XRP Ledger testnet. The team also looked at the Polkadot’s interoperability
capability between blockchain networks and legacy systems, as well as Corda’s example
of integrating with financial systems on issuing obligation and settlement. Additionally, the
team tried and implemented two interoperability methods for a project involving sovereign/
national governments.
A technical perspective of the explorations and lessons learned is presented below:

1. Hashed Time-Locked Contracts (HTLC)

An HTLC is a conditional transfer of value from a “depositor” to a “recipient” in which two
distinct conditions prevent immediate execution. The hashlock requires the proper “secret”
to be presented to the blockchain before the timelock expiration; if this does not occur, the
value automatically returns to the “depositor.”
This allows two parties to exchange assets on independent platforms without a trusted
intermediary and securely, and thus enables Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps (ACCS), among
other useful functionalities.
During hands-on exploration, HTLCs for Ethereum native tokens swapping was explored
between two Ethereum networks. Firstly, the team tried this effort between Ganache and
public Ethereum testnet Ropsten. The HTLC was deployed to both networks and conduct
the token swap (see Figure 4).
For detail of this exploration, please refer to this link:

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned



WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Additionally, the team explored the token swap on a Blockchain-as-a-service platform. This
service supports atomic swap, HTLC, and cross-token swapping. During the exploration,
two kinds of native tokens were generated in a private Ethereum network, and swapped
within the locked time.
From these hands-on explorations on HTLCs, we learned that there is no need for a third
party to accomplish the transaction. This aligns with the requirement to interoperate
without the need of a trusted intermediary. However, there are some assumptions and
conditions to accomplish HTLCs. One is that this relies on the two parties verifying the
smart contracts independently on both networks. Another one is that it still needs offline
communication on the timelocks set in the smart contract. The second party must set the
timelock and conclude the transaction ahead of the timelock set by the first party. During
this time, the assets or payments are locked and no party is able to move the assets or
payments. If the transation is a large one, it will generate a low-liquidity issue in reality,
and would thus require an efficient communication between two parties for transactions
to exchange digital assets.
A key recommendation going forward would be to develop a new technique, or method to
support messaging across different blockchain networks.

2. Interledger
Interledger is an open protocol, originally inspired by the Internet Protocol, for sending
payments across various blockchain networks. It enables the exchange of value across dif-
ferent payment networks. Using Interledger, the XRP can be sent to someone who wants to
receive ETH or USD can be sent to someone who wants to receive EUR. 52 35

Interledger routes packets of value in the same way as the Internet routes packets of in-
formation. Computers on the Interledger network are called nodes. Nodes can take one or
more of the following roles: sender, router, and receiver (see Figure 5).


Source: Interledger Overview

52 I nterledger. 2020. “Interledger Overview.” Accessed June 23, 2020. Available at:

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned

The settlement engine plays a crucial role in the Interleger network to support sending and
receiving settlements between ledgers. One engine can manage several accounts and set-
tle with many ledgers.
The team tried to run three Interledger nodes connected to two blockchain testnets (Ethe-
reum and Ripple XRPL: Party A, Interledger (acting as an intermediary node), and Party
B. Party A sent Ether and Party B’s node received XRP, while a the third node acted as
intermediary during the token exchange. To accomplish this, Party A with Ether needs to in-
stall a settlement engine to transfer Ether from Ethereum testnet to the intermediary node
through settlement engine for ETH (see Figure 6).



Source: the working group

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

The Interledger project working team claims to create an “Internet of Value”. This is a very
promising for the payment domain. The Interledger team already developed several settle-
ment engines for different types of non-crypto payment, such as PayPal and mobile money.

3. Polkadot
Polkadot is built for a scalable, interoperable and secure blockchain network. It allows partic-
ular blockchains to interact with each other in a secure way. Polkadot uses the Relay Chain to
send message between blockchains in its ecosystem and host a group of parachains which
run their own applications. Below are the high-level architectures,53 which demonstrate the
basic concept of relay chain and parachain (see Figure 7).
Relay Chain is the main chain of the system. Parachains generate blocks for validators on the
Relay Chain before the blocks are validated and added to the finalized chain. Thus, the Relay
Chain provides security guarantees. Different parachains can run parallel transactions with-
out interference, resulting in Polkadot being potentially more scalable than a current PoS
system (see Figure 8).



Source: An Introduction to Polkadot

53 P
 olkadot. 2020. “An Introduction to Polkadot.” April. Available at:

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned


Source: An Introduction to Polkadot

Polkadot’s parent company, Parity, plans to release the production version in 2020. We
plan to test Polkadot after its release. During the exploration, the team tested Substrate
(a framework to efficiently build different blockchains by Parity) within a four-hour hack-
athon. Substrate was developed to build blockchains which can easily connect to Polkad-
ot. The lessons learnt in this exploration are that Polkadot:
• Gives developers flexible options to do the implementation in a modular way.
• Provides plenty of tools that help develop the blockchains fast.
• I n its current status, even though it makes the development easy, it is still difficult to com-
pare it with Ethereum which already has gained substantial momentum. Substrate re-
quires developers to have specific skills, such as Ink!, smart contract language program-
ming applications, such as the rust programming language.

Substrate provides an interesting option known as “off-chain workers,” which integrates a

blockchain node with existing systems. This option is similar to using oracles, but the off-
chain workers provide a better alternative, especially with respect to security, scalability
and infrastructure efficiency. Off-chain workers allow execution of long-running and pos-
sibly non-deterministic tasks, e.g. Web requests, that would require longer than the block
execution time. Off-chain workers have their own Wasm execution environment outside of
the substrate runtime and they can also be initiated from the substrate runtime.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Some examples of off-chain workers can be found at
sub0-offchain-workshop and

4. Corda Network Issuing Obligations and Settling with Cash

The Corda platform can be used to issue, transfer and settle obligations through its defined
contracts and API integrations. To settle an obligation with cash, the issuer of the obliga-
tion would require having Bank APIs integration for the issuer itself, and have a mapping
of bank accounts where the obligations will be settled. The idea for this exploration was to
understand how this process would work, and develop some foundational knowledge to
potentially further explore the Corda Token SDK. This exploration does not demonstrate
cross-chain interoperability as this is not settling obligations across two different block-
chains. However, it demonstrates potential integration with legacy financial institutions,
or legacy payment rails through APIs and settling on-chain obligations. The APIs were not
used in the demonstration, but cash and obligations were issued and settled on the Corda
network. The team believes that there is a potential of further explorations on Corda Asset
encumbrance, Corda token SDK, and Corda Settler.

5. Multilateral Sovereign and Trade Blockchain Project (WBG)

The multilateral sovereign and trade blockchain project at the WBG is an effort to ex-
plore the potential of Blockchain and qualify it as the go-to technology to address and
circumvent challenges associated with multilateral agreements. We demonstrated the
management of multilateral agreements by leveraging two separate Blockchain plat-
forms, namely the core chain and the service chain. These are described as under- 39

Multilateral Sovereign Blockchain (Core Chain) This network includes national or sov-
ereign entities. For the purpose of this project, we have simulated the participation of
China, Indonesia and Malaysia in the wider context of an FTA between ASEAN countries
and China. These countries are represented by a node each and leverage the network to
record multilateral agreements. The platform of choice in this case is Corda.

Trade Blockchain (Service Chain) Here, we have simulated participation from the buy-
er (in Indonesia), the supplier (in China), the transit hub (Malaysia), the respective sea-
ports and the freight forwarder. For the sake of simplicity, both the buyer and supplier
operate from two separate member accounts on the first node, the freight forward-
er operates via a member account on the second node and the seaports operate via
member accounts on the third node. The Blockchain platform used here is Ethereum
(private instance).

The reference architecture for these Blockchain networks is as illustrated below:

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned



WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

In Phase 1, the main purpose of the core chain was to track trade and transit agreements
between participating nations (China, Indonesia and Malaysia). The trade agreements
specified preferential tariff rates for certain goods over a given period of time, and a limit
on the quantity. Similarly, a multilateral agreement covering, among others, transit ar-
rangements allows for goods to be transported via the ports of a given country. Although
multiple nations can be part of this network, only the ones involved in a given trade or
transit agreement are privy to the details of an agreement.
As the name suggests, the service chain is intended to implement services, such as the
supply chain, trade finance and payments, while also governed by multilateral agree-
ments. For this project, we have taken an end-to-end procure to pay flow between the
buyer and supplier to demonstrate the service layer application. One of the key features
that allows for such governance and adherence to multilateral agreements is the interop-
erability between the two platforms. This was achieved that using Orchestrator service
at the API layer, as explained below.



The architecture deployed to achieve this can be divided into three logical components:
(i) Corda nodes and API in the core chain; (ii) the Ethereum nodes and API of the service
chain; and (iii) the Orchestrator, which is a Java application. The trigger for validation is
initiated by the supplier on the UI screen, this event makes an API call to the node service
on Ethereum with the relevant PO details. The node service, in turn, makes a call to the
Orchestrator application. Upon receiving the data, the Orchestrator will make an API call
to the web server corresponding to the Corda node that represents China. Next, the Web
server makes an internal RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) to the node’s vault to retrieve
trade and transit agreement for a two-way match with the PO data. The response is car-
ried back via the web server to the Orchestrator, and subsequently to the node service on
the Ethereum chain. Depending upon the response received, the smart contract for the
given PO updates its state to either ‘Accepted’ or ‘Invalid’.
In Phase 2, we employed Verifiable Credentials (VC) to demonstrate direct integration
amongst two different blockchain platforms (see Figure 11). In this context, the client
blockchain platform requests data from the counterpart blockchain platform and re-

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned

ceives it in form of a VC, thereby ensuring the correctness and authenticity of data
without any dependency on external entities and systems, such an orchestrator. A VC
is a data structure that contains credential metadata made up of information on the
credential itself, e.g. issuer information, issuance date, etc. A set of claims are issued
by the issuer with regards to a subject. This information is combined with the proof
identifying the issuer, and ensures that the verifier of the credential can verify the
authenticity of the credential.


To use a VC, an issuer issues a verifiable claim to the holder. The holder presents the
verifiable claim to the verifier. The verifier then checks the verifiable claim (see Figure 12).


The issuer issues a VC to the holder. The holder can then present the VC to any verifier
who needs to verify the claim(s) being made by the holder pertaining to the subject of the
VC. The verifier can independently verify the VC.

To use VCs, each network node should have the following capabilities:
1. Accept data in the form of VC;
2. VCs issued by trusted issuers; and
3. Provide output in the form of a VC;

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

The usage of verifiable claims is demonstrated through the interaction between the Malay-
sian Port on the service chain with the Malaysian node on the core chain. The goods pass
through the Malaysian port which acts as a transit hub, before it reaches the buyer based
out of Indonesia. To ensure that the goods being transported are in line with the agreed
upon transit agreement between the three nations, the Malaysian Port issues a request for
transit agreement data in the form of a VC to the Malaysian sovereign node, and then ver-
ifies the validity of the transit agreement residing on the Malaysian sovereign node. Upon
receiving a positive response on parameters, such as tariffs, product code, validity, etc.,
the goods are forwarded to the shipping line for further transportation.
Table 4 summarizes the technical explorations of blockchain interoperability by this
working group.




Oracle/Notary Interledger PoC Ethereum and Ripple Value Exchange

Multilateral Blockchain Corda and Ethereum Information

Phase 2 Exchange

Sidechain/Relay Polkadot PoC Polkadot Information 43


Time-bound HTLC PoC – 1 Private Ethereum Value Exchange

Asset Locking and public Ethereum
and Release
HTLC PoC – 2 Two private Ethereum networks Value Exchange

Application Corda Settler Corda & Legacy Value Exchange

Layer Adapter
Multilateral Blockchain Corda and Ethereum Information
Phase 1 Exchange

Blockchain Interoperability Working Group Explorations and Lessons Learned

Thoughts and
Implications for

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Concluding Thoughts
and Implications for
International Development
This White Paper has shown that blockchain interoperability is about sharing data (value
and information) across different blockchain networks and legacy systems. Blockchain
interoperability is seeing some important experimentation by central banks and technol-
ogy providers in cross-border payment areas. However, there are many other use cases
that will depend on having interoperability. For instance, with support from the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the
WBG has explored the role of Fintech in economic development, especially with respect
to financial inclusion. They looked at how smart contracts (one of the highly important
blockchain capabilities) can be leveraged in a wide range of microfinance transactions
covering supply chain finance, insurance and consumer credit. 54 In the exploration, one
of the key takeaways in effective smart contract deployment is the need for large-scale
connectivity with an external data source; the blockchain based smart contracts need
to interoperate with legacy systems for getting its data inputs in a reliable and secure
way. This case reveals the need of interoperability across different organizational infra- 45
structures and data sources. The framework highlighted in this White Paper makes it
clear that a governance group is needed to oversee data sharing, monitor interoperabil-
ity standards from standard-setting bodies, refer to the technical framework to find an
appropriate approach, and examine security and legal framework to check the design
and implementation.
The global supply chain is said to have a lot of potential in leveraging emerging technol-
ogies, such as AI, Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT). The COVID-19 pandemic
has also brought the issue of cross-supply chain communications into focus. However,
the lack of connectivity of IoT devices and Blockchain systems have become barriers
because of the absence of common standards and interoperability. 55 These challenges
relating to standards will need to be resolved by standard-setting bodies.

54 W
 orld Bank. 2020. “Smart Contract Technology and Financial Inclusion.” Open Knowledge Re-
pository. World Bank, Washington, DC. Accessed June 23, 2020. Available at:
55 N
 iforos, Marina. 2019. “Bridging the Trust Gap: Blockchain’s Potential to Restore Trust in Artifi-
cial Intelligence in Support of New Business Models.” International Finance Corporation (IFC),

Blockchain Interoperability Executive Summary

Among various explorations by the World Bank teams, the e-Procurement and disburse-
ment traceability use case exploration is very relevant in the interoperability discussion.
In the disbursement traceability use case, the team is exploring blockchain-enabled
grants and loan disbursements to client countries for WB funded projects. The success
would depend on how these could be operationalized by the country government either
to complement their financial management systems or become an alternative to frag-
ile and lease developed countries for their financial management and procurement sys-
tems. Concerned stakeholders include donors, the World Bank, governments, project
intermediaries, suppliers and contractors, and ultimately the beneficiaries. In addition to
this, there is another exploration of blockchain-enabled e-procurement systems which
is looking into modernizing and making the procurement systems more efficient. Going
forward, there might be a need for these two different systems to be able to have data
exchanged across chains and be able to interact with each other.
Interoperability can be a complex issue because it is needed between different instanc-
es of the same blockchain platform, between different blockchain platforms, and then,
of course, between those blockchain platforms and remaining systems with legacy inter-
faces. With blockchain systems, interoperability is more difficult, as it is significantly dif-
ferent than existing isolated data environments where you can agree on the transfer of
data. Blockchain entails more than this as it involves transfering state and provenance,
which is much more complex than simply the data fields. Is it about data provenance or
about control flow? In fact, it covers all of these. The idea of a heterogonous future state
with more than one tech platform is inevitable. Ensuring they can work together is key.
46 How to validate something from one blockchain to another blockchain is important.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Blockchain protocol developed by Satoshi Nakamoto

A ledger where data is organized into blocks linked by a cryptographic hash

A mechanism that verifies that the information that is placed in a blockchain is valid

Technique for secure communication

Mathematical scheme to verify the authenticity of digital messages or documents

Encoding message in such a way that only authorized parties can access it 47

Decentralized platform for application that are expected to run exactly as programmed

A split in a blockchain that results in the formation of a new chain

Cryptographic hash function used in the verification of the authenticity of data

A multi-project open source collaborative effort hosted by The Linux Foundation,
created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies

Blockchain Interoperability Gloassary

Process of adding a record to a blockchain ledger

A device on a blockchain network

A network made of computers that are connected to each other whole being
equally privileged

A technique for combatting e-mail spam by requiring proof of computational effort

Autonomous agent that live within the Ethereum execution environment of virtual
machine. Other platforms do also make use of smart contracts e.g. Hyperledger


A smart contract that enables the implementation of time-time bound transactions

A notary is a service that provides transaction ordering and timestamping

A token is a symbol whose value does not depend on mining. A token is not a coin.


An organization whose primary activities are developing, coordinating, promulgating,
revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise producing technical standards
that are intended to address the needs of a group of affected adopters

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab



Hardjono, Lipton, and Interoperable blockchain architecture is a composition of distinguishable block-

Pentland. MIT (2018) chain systems, each representing a distributed data ledger, where transaction ex-
ecution may span multiple blockchain systems, and where data recorded in one
blockchain is reachable and verifiable by another possibly foreign transaction in a
semantically compatible manner.

Lima. IEEE (2019) “Transfer[ing] value, assets, and tokens between…multiple platforms”

Buterin. R3, (2016) [The capability to] move assets from one platform to another, or payment- ver-
sus-payment and payment-versus-delivery schemes, or access information from
one chain inside another (e.g. “identity chains” and payment systems may be a
plausible link)… without any additional effort required from the operators of the
base blockchain protocols. 49

GS1, IBM (2018) Leveraging common standards for identification and for data sharing.
1. Globally unique, persistent identification for organisations, locations, and things
2. A standardised language for supply chain events
3. A scalable network governance model that crosses ecosystems.

EU Blockchain The ability to exchange data with other platforms, including those running
Observatory different types of blockchains, as well as with the off-chain world.
and Forum (2019)

Blockchain Interoperability Endnotes


WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Appendix One:
Cross-Border Payments
& Settlement and Current
Interoperability Initiatives
This appendix reviews the increasingly discussed use case of cross-border payments in-
volving blockchain technology. Addressing the cost and slow execution of cross-border
payments and settlement has been a major motivation for projects, such as Bitcoin, Rip-
ple or Libra, as well as some central bank-led projects on wholesale CBDC interoperabil-
ity, e.g. Ubin, Jasper or Stella. From a technology perspective, the main issues with the
current systems include the lack of standardized payment status capability, incompati-
ble real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems that don’t operate 24/7, and reliance on
too many intermediaries operating with their legacy systems. Central banks have start-
ed to study both retail and wholesale Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), and other
rapid payment and settlement systems (e.g. TIPS in Europe).
Central banks have also collaborated across their various wholesale CBDC projects to
study the question of interoperability. In the paper “Cross-Border Interbank Payments 51
and Settlements paper” 1 and Jasper-Ubin (2019) 2, the authors explained how wholesale
CBDC coupled with the use of blockchain could address most of the cross-border pay-
ments pain points.



Source: Cross-Border Interbank Payments and Settlements

Blockchain Interoperability Appendix One

Project Jasper (Bank of Canada)
Project Jasper started as an initiative in March 2016 between the Bank of Canada, R3
Lab and Research, Payments Canada, and other domestic financial institutions. All
parties sought together as an industry to study DLT for interbank payments in Canada.
Since the initiation of Project Jasper, there have been three phases of experimentation
contributing to the development of a proof of concept leveraging wholesale central bank
digital currency (W-CBDC) and DLT for interbank payment settlements.

Jasper Phase I: Project Jasper Primer (March 2016 to June 2016)

This collaborative public-private research initiative aimed to understand how DLT could
transform the wholesome payments system. An Ethereum-based interbank transfer pro-
totype was developed at this phase. The goals were described as follows 3:
“Build a proposal for a central bank-issued digital currency, including issuance, trans-
fer, settlement, and destruction.
Leverage rapid prototyping to test and validate the business, operational and techni-
cal hypotheses.”

The Bank of Canada has also tested digital depository receipts (DDR) as a digital rep-
resentation of Canadian currency in 2016 and 2017. In the context of Project Jasper,
DDRs took the form of “CADcoin” issued by the Bank of Canada to better understand
the potential impacts of blockchain technology on financial market infrastructure (FMI).

Jasper Phase II (December 2016 to April 2017)

Building on the learning outcomes of Phase I, Phase II focused on rebuilding the plat-
52 form using an alternative form of DLT to test further the efficiency of this technology for
the clearing and settlements of high-value interbank systems. 4 Jasper, therefore, transi-
tioned to a Corda DLT platform, which consequently introduced the “notary node” con-
cept at the core of its consensus protocol. This platform was exclusively built in a test
environment only, and there was no integration with external systems.
The Phase II platform was built to accommodate multiple settlement options. The two
settlement options by the platform are the “atomic” option and the liquidity-saving mech-
anism (LSM) option. This mechanism allows participants to coordinate their payments to
reduce liquidity needs, through batches of queues payments. 5 Netting promotes funding
efficiency and enables a smoother intraday flow of payments.
A key conclusion of Jasper Phase II was that the material benefits of a DLT-based finan-
cial system might be realizable if the scope of the DLT system included the settlement of
multiple assets.

Jasper Phase III: Securities Settlement using DLT

Jasper Phase III explored the potential benefits of integrating this “cash on ledger” with
other assets, such as foreign exchange and securities. By extending Phase II’s proof
of concept, it now allowed for immediate cleaning and delivery-versus-payment settle-
ments, demonstrating the possibility of completing post-trade settlement on a DLT plat-
form. The ability to settle transactions immediately significantly reduces counterparty
risk and frees up collateral.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Project Ubin. Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
Project Ubin aimed to help MAS and the industry better understand the technology and
the potential benefits it may bring through practical experimentation.

Ubin Phases I, II and III

In partnership with R3 and a consortium of financial institutions, MAS started Project
Ubin to support “the creation of open Intellectual Property and foster collaboration be-
tween industry players, creating a vibrant, collaborative, and innovative ecosystem of
financial institutions and FinTech companies.”6
Phase I served as the foundation to assess the feasibility and implications of DLT and to
identify the elements required for future, and phase II focused on solving transactional
privacy and deterministic finality, and most critically, the ability to perform multilateral
netting capabilities in a decentralized manner.
Led by MAS, Singapore Exchange and Deloitte, Phase III considered utilizing DLT to de-
velop Delivery versus Payment (DvP) for the settlement of tokenized assets to achieve
interledger interoperability and finality of DvP.

Ubin Phase IV: Cross-border payment-versus-payment (PvP)

In Phase IV, MAS and BoC linked their respective experimental domestic payment net-
works by the announcement of Project Jasper-Ubin in May 2019. This experience was
deemed successful on cross-border and cross-currency payments using CBDC.

Ubin Phase V: Enabling Broad Ecosystem Collaboration

Project Ubin is currently determining the commercial viability and value of the
blockchain-based payments network and is undergoing industry testing to 53
determine its ability to integrate with commercial blockchain applications.

Blockchain Interoperability Appendix One


Source: Enabling Cross-Border High Value Transfer Using Distributed Ledger Technologies

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

Project Stella
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the European Central Bank (ECB) together launched
Project Stella in December 2016, which studies the possible use of DLT for financial
market infrastructures. Like Jasper and Ubin, Project Stella was developed through
development phases.

Stella Phase I and II

In Project Stella’s Phase I, the BOJ and the ECB conducted experiments to determine
“whether specific existing functionalities of their respective payment systems could
be run in a DLT environment in an efficient and safe manner”. In Phase II, project Stella
sought to gain practical understanding of DvP functioning on DLT thanks to prototypes
developed on three different DLT platforms: Corda, Elements and Hyperledger Fabric.
Reports indicate that “DvP can run in a DLT environment subject to the specificities of
the different DLT platforms”. Depending on the use case, the design of DvP can be in-
fluenced by a number of factors, including “the interaction of the DvP arrangement with
other post-trade infrastructures.7
They concluded that DLT offers a new approach for achieving DvP between ledgers,
which does not require any connection between ledgers thanks to “cross-chain atomic
swaps,” which can help ensure interoperability between ledgers. Cross-ledger DvP ar-
rangements on DLT can be complex and can give rise to additional challenges that would
need to be addressed. Legal aspects, which have not been part of this study, would need
to be further explored.

Stella Phase III: Synchronizing cross-border payments (June 2019)

Following the two previous phases, Project Stella examined how cross-border payments 55
could be improved. “Cross-border payments are payments between currency areas
that involve various entities across multiple jurisdictions. Compared with domestic pay-
ments, they are often characterized as slow and costly”.
Phase III identified a new approach for settlement across ledgers through HTLC, which would
potentially “allow the mitigation of credit risks through the synchronization of settlements”.
The BOJ and ECB conducted experiments involving synchronizing payments between DLT
ledgers, between centralized ledgers, and between DLT and centralized ledgers.8
The findings indicate that “only payment methods with an enforcement mechanism
[through a smart contract], either through the ledger itself or through a third party, can
ensure that the transacting parties that completely satisfy their responsibilities in the
transaction process are not exposed to the risk of incurring a loss on the principal amount
being transferred”. Although experiments applying a payment method with HTLC proved
the technical feasibility of synchronized settlement between different types of ledgers,
further reflections on legal and compliance issues have been raised.

Stella Phase IV: Balancing confidentiality and auditability in a DLT environment

Phase IV focused itself on privacy-enhancing technologies/techniques (PETs) as chal-
lenges arise when auditing transactions in DLT-based financial market infrastructures,
while also limiting access to information by third parties to ensure the confidentiality of
the payment system.

Blockchain Interoperability Appendix One

Appendix Two:
Regulatory Environment
This appendix reviews in detail some of the regulatory environment related to
blockchain in the United States and around the world.

Regulatory Environment
Blockchain technology has been subject to regulatory scrutiny, part of which seems
to result from what the blockchain application offers as a product and the risks that it
may circumvent applicable laws. Lack of familiarity with the blockchain technology will
certainly lead to heightened scrutiny as we do not know whether the technology fulfills
relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Still, it has also gained enough support to
prompt regulators to either pass new laws, or attempt to fit blockchain technology devel-
opments within existing legal frameworks.
The clearest example of the latter is the way government authorities treat digital assets,
e.g. Bitcoin, under their existing laws. In the United States, early initial coin offerings
(ICOs), which offered retail investors the opportunity to invest in the development of new
blockchain projects, raised the question of whether these fundraising projects could be
56 regulated by established securities laws. The United States Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) was slow to act on this question, but eventually took a step toward
answering the question in the affirmative by bringing enforcement actions under existing
securities laws against startup companies offering ICOs.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

It is illegal to sell a security in the United States unless the security is registered with
the SEC or is exempt from registration. The definition of “security” is set forth in the
Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Generally, the courts
have applied a four-part test to determine whether investment contracts are securities:
whether the arrangement involves: (i) an investment of money; (ii) a common enterprise;
(iii) the expectation of profits; and (iv) the expectation of profits is to be derived from the
efforts of others. If these elements are present, the arrangement is a security and must
either be registered with the SEC or be exempt from registration.
The SEC has applied this established test to digital assets. It proceeded to bring en-
forcement actions against Airfox and Paragon, two start-up companies, for failing to
register their ICOs as securities under federal law. The companies settled the charges
and agreed to register the securities, pay a fine and return money to investors. The SEC
settled another enforcement action with EtherDelta, a token trading platform, soon
thereafter. It was the SEC’s first action “based on findings that [the] platform operated
as an unregistered national securities exchange.”


These examples show that regulators will apply existing legal frameworks to regulate
Blockchain based on the nature of the product being offered. Accordingly, developers
and practitioners must consult existing laws in the relevant industry before adopting
blockchain technology solutions.

Blockchain Interoperability Appendix Two

On the other hand, and apart from being subject to existing legal frameworks, Blockchain
technology also has the potential to enhance an industry’s ability to comply with applica-
ble regulations. In the area of healthcare, the Health Insurance Portability and Account-
ability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) regulates the United States healthcare industry. Among other
provisions, the law codified the Privacy Rule, which governs the use and disclosure of pa-
tient health information (known as “protected health information” or PHI), and sets stan-
dards for patients to understand and control how their PHI is used. Blockchain technology
can be used to great effect to enhance compliance with the Privacy Rule. As others have
noted, a patient’s identity and records could be stored on a private, permissioned block-
chain and private keys could be used to transfer data or information in a secure manner.
In addition to fitting blockchain technology applications in existing legal frameworks, a
number of United States jurisdictions have passed blockchain-specific laws that aim to
encourage the adoption and use of blockchain within their borders. The following is a
summary of laws that are at the forefront of this rapidly developing area:

ARIZONA: In 2017, Arizona passed HB 2417, which allows the use of smart contracts in
commerce and prohibited contracts from being denied legal validity because the con-
tract contains a smart contract term. The bill recognizes records secured using block-
chain as valid records under state law. Tennessee passed similar legislation in 2018.

DELAWARE: Thanks to its business-friendly laws, more than half of publicly traded
companies in the United States are incorporated in Delaware. Accordingly, Delaware
58 took an early interest in incorporating blockchain developments into its existing corpo-
rate laws. In 2017, it amended its general corporation law to allow companies to maintain
their corporate records, including stock ledgers, using blockchain technology.

VERMONT: In 2018, Vermont was the first in the country to allow blockchain-based lim-
ited liability companies (BBLLC). The idea, similar to traditional limited liability compa-
nies, is to allow companies that use blockchain technology as a material part of their
business activities to protect its members from legal liability. A BBLLC may customize
its governance structure using blockchain technology and validate and store records on
a blockchain. The Act also directed Vermont’s Department of Financial Regulation to ex-
plore the use of blockchain technology in different industries and to identify regulatory
changes that would allow blockchain to be adopted in those industries.

WYOMING: In 2019, Wyoming was one of the first states to adopt a series of block-
chain-friendly measures aimed at bringing blockchain business to the nation’s least
populous state. Wyoming laws: (i) create an exception from state securities laws for
blockchain tokens; (ii) make virtual currency exempt from money transmitter rules;
(iii) recognize distributed-ledger-based corporate recordkeeping; (iv) exempt virtual
currency from property taxes; and (v) recognize a form of limited liability company (the
“series” LLC) conducive to blockchain businesses.

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

In addition, various United States jurisdictions have launched their own projects to ex-
plore the use of blockchain, rather than simply regulate its usage by private actors.
The states of Delaware, Illinois, and Colorado, among others, have launched initiatives
to shift state records to distributed ledgers. More broadly, in 2019, nearly every state
in the US had a blockchain-related bill sponsored and introduced to the legislature,
proving that this rapidly evolving area needs continuous monitoring to keep pace with
changing regulations.
Globally, a number of countries have raced to court blockchain business by creating or
amending regulatory frameworks:

MALTA: Also known as “Blockchain Island,” this small island nation in the Mediter-
ranean adopted a “complete regulatory framework” in 2018, which was “designed
to make Malta one of the most desirable locations to set up shop in the blockchain
space.”The laws established the Malta Digital Innovation Authority, certified DLT plat-
forms, set up exchanges and other companies in the cryptocurrency market, and es-
tablished a regulatory regime governing cryptocurrency and ICOs.
SWITZERLAND: This European nation known for its banking and finance industries
recently amended several existing laws to accommodate blockchain technology devel-
opments. Among other things, the amendments establish a legal basis for exchanging
digital securities and for recovering digital assets from bankrupt companies.
LICHTENSTEIN: Lichtenstein passed new laws and amended existing laws in order to
allow rights and assets to become tokenized, thereby allowing the development of the 59
so-called token economy.
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE): In 2018, the UAE announced the Emirate Block-
chain Strategy 2021, a plan to shift at least 50 percent of government-related trans-
actions to DLT platforms by 2021. The country’s ambitious effort, expected to greatly
increase efficiencies through reduced transaction costs, work hours and resource use,
is a novel approach to incorporating blockchain-based solutions into everyday life.
Specific projects include using blockchain technology for logistics and to record land
ownership. The country was an early leader in regulating businesses operating using
Blockchain technology, issuing guidelines for ICOs in 2017 and establishing an author-
ity to regulate digital assets.
JAPAN: Despite high-profile hacks in Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges, Japan
encourages blockchain technology through constantly evolving laws and regulations.
Since 2016, Japan has officially recognized cryptocurrency as legal tender and there-
by regulates cryptocurrency under its financial regulatory authority. The generally
friendly blockchain environment has encouraged Japanese exchanges to self-regu-
late, which allows them to quickly respond to evolving security threats such as hacks.
Following perhaps inevitable conflict between exchanges and anti-money laundering
policies, however, Japan recently banned privacy coin trading.

Blockchain Interoperability Appendix Two

SINGAPORE: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) was an early regulator of
cryptocurrency. MAS’s approach is to “regulate the space to prevent stifling innovation,
while simultaneously protecting investors and the public at large.” MAS is participat-
ing in Project Ubin, which creates a digital token for the Singapore dollar on Ethereum.
Singapore recently passed the Payment Services Act, which streamlines regulations
for payment services, including cryptocurrency and exchange services. Payment ser-
vice providers required to obtain licenses must meet anti-money laundering and coun-
tering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements. MAS has issued AML/CFT
guidelines specific to digital payment token services.

The opportunities behind digital inclusion have also created a need for development or-
ganizations with a focus on economic development and trade to establish agile tech-
nology-specialist teams. These teams have become privy to deliver concise advice on
technology matters in various disciplines: business, economics, legal, and technical.
Examples of these teams include the World Bank Group Technology & Innovation Lab,
the IMF’s Digital Advisory Unit, IDB (IDB Lab). Other intergovernmental organizations
working to promote economic cooperation, such as OECD (Blockchain Policy Forum),
WEF (Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution), as well as the European Commission
(Blockchain Observatory), have dedicated many working groups to research how growth
can flourish through future technological developments. Many of these working groups
strive to produce knowledge pieces for the public to evaluate and inspire the activities of
these innovation teams. In addition, international conferences are regularly to capture
60 the various learnings being carried out in various institutions. Nevertheless, there is no
universal standard for Blockchain applications that could potentially facilitate interop-
erability at the moment. Such a space is open for exploration, development, and in need
of leadership to pave the way.

1 A
 uthored by the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, HSBC
and a group of other commercial banks in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Singapore
2 h
4 P
 ayments Canada (2017) “A Canadian Experiment with Distributed Ledger Technology for Domestic
Interbank Payments Settlement”
5 I nternational Monetary Fund (2019) “FinTech in Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Game Changer?”
6 h

WBG ITS Technology & Innovation Lab

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