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Job Analysis

Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

Purpose of this questionnaire

With the help of this questionnaire, we aim to acquire a comprehensive understanding of
the various aspects of your job in its current state. This questionnaire will focus on a review
of your job duties and responsibilities, as well as the knowledge, skills, abilities and
experience required to perform your job. This is not an evaluation of your performance,
only what your job requires you to do.

Employee Information

Job Title: _____________________________

Department: ______________________________

How long have you been in your current position: _______________________

Work Contact Number:

Email: ________________________________

Supervisor's Name: _________________________

Supervisor's Title:

1|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

General purpose of your job

Give a brief description of the general purpose of your job and its importance in your


Duties and Responsibilities

What are the main tasks, duties and responsibilities of your job? Please list them in order of
importance (most important ones first).

Activity Nature of activity Percentage

(Mental/Physical/Both) of time

List additional duties if necessary


2|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs
What are the minimum educational requirements for this job?

 Bachelor’s Degree

 Master’s Degree

 Doctorate Degree

 Others: _____________________________________

What duration of training do you need to undergo for this job?

 3 months or less
 4-6 months
 6 months – 1 year
 More than 1 year

Work Experience
Mention the duration and type of work experience necessary for this job.



Skill requirements
What are the skill requirements for this job? List the most important skills first.


3|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

Reporting and Supervisory Relationships

How many people do you supervise?


List the positions who directly report to you.


List the positions of your supervisors.


List some of the key decisions that you have to make.


4|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

How frequently do you need to make key decisions?

 Once a week
 Once a month
 Once in a quarter
 Semi Annually
 Annually
 Other: ______________________

What is the scope of your decision?

 External
 Internal
 Mixed

What is the impact of your decision?

 Minor
 Moderate
 Considerable
 Major

Contact with other people

List the titles of the internal contacts that you need to maintain.


5|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

Do you have a role in advising senior management? If yes, please describe briefly.


List the titles of the external contacts that you need to maintain


How do you maintain and manage relationships with external parties?


Employee Comments
Please provide us with any additional information that you find to be significant for
understanding your job


Supervisor’s Review
Kindly review the answers to the questionnaire and provide your own comments and
opinions. Please do not change the employee’s responses.


6|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

7|P a ge
Job Analysis
Position: Senior Executive, Corporate Affairs

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