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Mark Scheme (Results)

October 2020

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Biology (WBI14)
Paper 01: Energy, Environment, Microbiology and
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Autumn 2020
Publications Code WBI14_01_2010_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2020
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same

treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in
exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme
not according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award
zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of
credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded
and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application
of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team
leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the
candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
Question Answer Mark

thylakoid membranes stroma

The only correct answer is C.

A is incorrect because the light-dependent reactions take place in the thylakoid membranes
B is incorrect because the light-dependent reactions take place in the thylakoid membranes and the light-
independent reactions take place in the stroma
D is incorrect because the light-independent reactions take place in the stroma (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(b) An answer that includes three of the following points: IGNORE lipid droplets, stroma,
thylakoid membranes

• DNA (loop) drawn and labelled (1) ACCEPT plasmid / plasmid-like DNA

• starch grain drawn and labelled ACCEPT starch granules

ACCEPT / double membrane
• {envelope / inner membrane / outer membrane} drawn and
labelled (1)

• grana / grana stack / granum / (inter granal) lamellae

(1) IGNORE size references

• ribosomes drawn and labelled (1) (3)

Question Answer Mark
1(c) The only correct answer is B.

A is incorrect because green wavelengths are reflected

C is incorrect because green wavelengths are reflected
D is incorrect because green wavelengths are reflected (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• rate of photosynthesis at different wavelengths of light

Question Answer Mark

1(e)(i) The only correct answer is A

B is incorrect because dendrochronology is the study of tree growth rings

C is incorrect because osmosis is the movement of free water molecules from a high solute potential to a lower
solute potential
D is incorrect because PCR amplifies the number of DNA molecules (1)
Question Answer Mark
1(e)(ii) The only correct answer is B.

A is incorrect because the Rf value of J is distance moved by J divided by distance moved by solvent front = 6 ÷ 7.5 =
C is incorrect because the Rf value of J is distance moved by J divided by distance moved by solvent front = 6 ÷ 7.5 =
D is incorrect because the Rf value of J is distance moved by J divided by distance moved by solvent front = 6 ÷ 7.5 =
0.800 (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(a) • using a {thermometer / (temperature) probe} to take the ACCEPT into the core / deep into the
temperature of the {liver / rectum} body / up the anus
IGNORE other parts of body (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• drop in body temperature in first 12 hours calculated and 11.5 - (0.78 × 12) / 11.5 – 9.36 / 2.14
subtracted from 11.5°C (1)

• this value divided by 0.4, added to 12 hours and answer 17 (hours)

rounded to nearest hour 17.35 = 1 mark
Correct answer with no working
gains 2 marks (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(b)(ii) An explanation that includes the following points: ACCEPT converse

• (this) estimate would be {shorter / an under-estimate}


• because a body loses heat faster (in cooler conditions)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c) An explanation that includes three of the following points:

• because temperature affects {rigor / body stiffness} ACCEPT exercise / body shape /
(1) body fat / ATP levels

• because deciding when a body is stiff or not stiff is subjective

ACCEPT gives a wide range of (time)
• because if the body is stiff, the time since death can only be
estimated as being between 3 and 36 hours ACCEPT if not stiff cannot tell how
(1) many hours after 36 hours time of
death was
• because if the body is not stiff, there is no way of telling if it has
been dead for less than 3 hours or more than 36 hours
(1) (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2772 IGNORE any other units given

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(a)(ii) An explanation that includes four of the following points:

• light is absorbed by {photosystems / chlorophyll}


• which {excites electrons / releases high-energy electrons /

releases electrons to higher energy levels}

• these electrons are passed along a series of (electron) carriers


• therefore releasing energy to phosphorylate ADP into ATP ACCEPT description e.g. hydrogen ions
(cyclic)(1) pass through ATP synthase releasing
energy for phosphorylation of ADP
• phosphorylation of ADP via the proton gradient to form ATP NB reference to ATP being synthesised
(non-cyclic) from ADP only needed once to award
(1) both 4th and 5th marking point (4)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(b)(i) IGNORE O - H
• two from: C - H, C - O and C - C ACCEPT bond between carbon and
bond between carbon and oxygen
bond between carbon and carbon (1)

Question Answer Mark

3(b)(ii) The only correct answer is C.

A is incorrect because there is no cytoplasm inside chloroplasts

B is incorrect because the matrix is not found in chloroplasts
D is incorrect because glucose is synthesized in the stroma of chloroplasts
Question Answer Mark

carbon and nitrogen condensation

The only correct answer is A.

B is incorrect because bonds form by condensation reactions not hydrolysis

C is incorrect because the peptide bond joins the C of one amino acid to the N of the other
D is incorrect because the peptide bond joins the C of one amino acid to the N of the other and bonds form by
condensation reactions not hydrolysis (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(c)(ii) An explanation that includes two of the following points:

• because amino acids contain nitrogen (1) ACCEPT glucose does not contain
• because some {amino acids / R groups} contain sulfur IGNORE nitrates
(1) ACCEPT glucose does not contain sulfur
IGNORE sulfates

• nitrogen obtained from nitrates / sulfur obtained from sulfates ACCEPT nitrates / sulfates needed
(1) (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• swollen / enlarged (hands) ACCEPT oedema
IGNORE other symptoms (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

4(a)(ii) IGNORE swelling

Any two from: pain / hurts / tender / aches IGNORE immobility / itching
redness / red
warmth / heat / increased temperature / hot IGNORE fever (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(i) An explanation that includes two of the following points:

• because when the virus replicates the {DNA / gene} will be ACCEPT RNA / mRNA will be made
transcribed (1)

• and when the RNA is translated the {protein / TNF} will be ACCEPT description
synthesized (1)

• TNF incorporated into capsid when virus is assembled ACCEPT when new particles are made
NB The {gene / DNA} is transcribed
and translated = 1 mark if no other
mark awarded (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(ii) An explanation that includes two of the following points:

• antibody {binds to / neutralises / agglutinates} TNF DO NOT ACCEPT antibody binds to

(1) cells / antibody destroys TNF
IGNORE opsonisation
DO NOT ACCEPT antibody binds to
• therefore will prevent the TNF from binding to the cells receptors (on the cells)
(1) ACCEPT inflammation will {not occur
/ be reduced}
• and therefore inflammatory responses will not be triggered
(1) (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(iii) An explanation that includes four of the following points:

• because (as a result of the TNF antibodies binding to TNF)

phagocytosis (by macrophages) will {not happen / be reduced}

• therefore {fewer bacteria will be destroyed / bacteria will

increase in number} (if less phagocytosis)
(1) e.g. antigen presentation / activation
of T helper cells / humoral immune
• credit details of what will not take place if macrophages are response
impaired (1)

• therefore tubercles (more likely to) form e.g. destruction of lung tissue / organ
(1) failure / opportunistic infection /
pneumonia / HIV / lung damage
• credit example of how TB can cause death
(1) (4)
Question Answer Mark
5(a) The only correct answer is C lambda phage (λ phage)

A is incorrect because Ebola virus infects humans

B is incorrect because the HIV infects humans
D is incorrect because TMV infects plants

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(i) A description that includes two of the following points:

• provide a {polar / hydrophilic} channel


• so that lysins can pass through the {non-polar / hydrophobic}

{membrane / phospholipids / fatty acid tails} (out of cell)
(1) IGNORE direction of movement with
respect to the cell
• down their concentration gradient
(1) (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b)(ii) An explanation that includes three of the following points:

• primary structure is the sequence of amino acids that will PIECE TOGETHER
determine the (tertiary) structure of {holin / protein} DO NOT ACCEPT bases
ACCEPT correctly named bond
• as this will determine the {bonds / position of bonds}

• (amino acids with) polar R groups will face into the channel

• (amino acids with) non-polar R groups will face outwards to the

{fatty acids / phospholipids / membrane}
(1) (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b)(iii) An explanation that includes the following points:

• lysins break bonds between the {peptidoglycan / murein} molecules ACCEPT are enzymes that
(1) breakdown {peptidoglycan /

• therefore the virus particles {leave the bacterial cells / get (out) ACCEPT causing {bacterial cells to
through the cell wall} (once formed) burst / pores in the cell wall}

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(a) 22.5 (cm3) ACCEPT 23.3 / 23.6
IGNORE any other units given
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(b)(i) An answer that includes the following points: .

• give squirrel access to all three types of nut


• a range of sizes used (1)

ACCEPT record which size they prefer
/ comparing measurements made
• determine the {number / order} that the nuts are eaten (by
before and after
the squirrel)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(b)(ii) An answer that includes the following points:

• a reason based on size (1) e.g. more hazelnuts eaten (in the
investigation) because they are
walnuts are too big to fit in the

• a reason based on shell (1) e.g hazelnuts are easier to eat than
walnuts because they have a hard
covering and not a hard shell
walnuts have a hard shell but
squirrels have sharp teeth

e.g. walnuts provide a lot of energy so

• a reason based on energy content (1) squirrels get enough energy for
more acorns have to be eaten as
they store less energy

NB if a comparison is made between

the nuts using the three sets of
information, award 1 mark if no other (3)
marks awarded
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(c) An answer that includes three of the following points:

• variation is size of pouches / polygenic (1) ACCEPT mutation in {DNA / gene}

resulting in pouches
• squirrels with larger pouches could {gather / store} more food ACCEPT squirrels with pouches
(1) can store food (compared to those
without pouches)

• squirrels with (largest) pouches survived and reproduced

(1) ACCEPT passed the (large) food
pouch alleles onto their offspring
• increasing (large) food pouch allele frequency DO NOT ACCEPT gene for allele
(1) (3)
Question Answer Mark
7(a)(i) The only correct answer is B.

A is incorrect because nuclei, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria are organelles surrounded by membrane
C is incorrect because nuclei, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria are organelles surrounded by membrane
Dis incorrect because nuclei, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria are organelles surrounded by membrane (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(a)(ii) An explanation that includes the following points:

• it is not a plant because it has glycogen granules ACCEPT does not have cellulose cell
(1) wall
IGNORE chloroplast / vacuole

• it is not an animal because it has a cell wall

(1) IGNORE flagellum / pili / capsule / ER
DO NOT ACCEPT ribosomes /
• it is not a bacterium because it has {nuclei / Golgi apparatus / cytoplasm / glycogen granules / cell
mitochondria / membrane-bound organelles} membrane / cell wall unless qualified
(1) as {chitin / not peptidoglycan} (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(b) An explanation that includes four of the following points:

• there is a correlation between the number of prescriptions ACCEPT pattern / trend

and the percentage of resistant E.coli IGNORE directly proportional

• the use of aminopenicillin acts as a selection pressure

(1) ACCEPT therefore the resistant
bacteria {are more likely to
• therefore the resistant bacteria reproduce and the non- reproduce / reproduce more}
resistant bacteria die

• percentage of resistant E. coli falls when prescriptions fall

because non-resistant E. coli are not destroyed

• credit a comment about competition between resistant and

non-resistant bacteria ACCEPT as the prescriptions go up
(1) the number of resistant bacteria go
up and when the prescriptions go
down the number of bacteria go
down for 1 mark if no other marks
awarded (4)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(c) An explanation that includes three of the following points:

• because the codes of practice (regarding the prescription of ACCEPT (medical) advice
antibiotics) are being ignored (1)

• use of antibiotics is a selection pressure


• therefore the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria is

increasing (1)
ACCEPT reference to evolutionary
• our (current) antibiotics may become useless and people will race in an appropriate context
natural bacterial flora
{remain ill / die} (1)
destroyed by antibiotics (3)
Question Answer Mark
8(a)(i) The only correct answer is D blood type O

A is incorrect because A antigens are not present on red blood cells of humans with blood group B or O
B is incorrect because B antigens are not present on red blood cells of humans with blood group A or O
C is incorrect because A antigens are not present on red blood cells of humans with blood group B or O and B
antigens are not present on red blood cells of humans with blood group A or O
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(a)(ii) An explanation that includes four of the following points:

• B antigens are recognised as foreign antigens


• and therefore initiate an (humoral) immune response


• credit details of humoral immune response

e.g. opsonisation / agglutination /
• resulting in antibodies released by plasma cells destruction of RBCs (in liver / spleen
(1) / by phagocytes / formation of
memory cells
• credit consequence of humoral immune response
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(b)(i) An explanation that includes two of the following points:

• they {reduce / destroy / prevent the growth of / prevent the ACCEPT {foreign / other} bacteria /
infection of} pathogenic bacteria (1) pathogens

• because they compete for {nutrients / named nutrient / IGNORE food

space} (1)
ACCEPT produce vitamin K
• produce {toxins / chemicals} (that destroy pathogenic
bacteria) (1) (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(ii) An answer that includes the following points: ACCEPT glucose for sugar throughout

• (because the bacteria can) {absorb / use} sugar for respiration ACCEPT {it / they} to mean bacteria

• to produce ATP (for the bacteria) (1) (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(b)(iii) An explanation that includes two of the following points:

• there will be no (foreign) antigens on the red blood cells ACCEPT antigens removed from the
(1) red blood cells
red blood cells will not be
recognised as {foreign / non-self}

• the immune response will not be triggered

(1) ACCEPT can be used in a transfusion
as will not be rejected
• therefore this blood can be used in any transfusion (if no blood will act like {group O
antigens present) blood / universal donor}
(1) (2)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• extrapolation / line of best fit / calculation of mean decrease
(per year) (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

• values read from the graph and subtracted 7.6 - 3.4 / 4.2

• percentage drop calculated 4.2 × 100 ÷ 7.6 = 55 / 55.3 / 55.26 (%) (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
9(a)(iii) An answer that includes the following points:

• temperature on the x axis (1) ACCEPT rainfall / days of drought

• number of moose on the y axis (1) ACCEPT axes labelled the other way
for 1 mark
• {relatively / stepped} straight line sloping down from top left NB Check direction of slope if axes
to bottom right (1) wrongly labelled for a CE

number of moose

ALLOW a correct graph of

temperature against year for 1 mark
ALLOW a double y axis graph
correctly labelled + line for three
marks (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• total number of moose added up and total number of moose 214 and 41
with 50 000 or more ticks calculated

• percentage calculated to max 2 dps 41 × 100 ÷ 214 = 19 / 19.16 / 19.2

CE applies if only one of the two

numbers is incorrect (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*9(b)(ii) Indicative content:
Comment on global warming (S1)
• global warming will increase the temperature of the earth's
{surface / atmosphere}
• winters will get warmer so less snow
• winters will get shorter so snow present for fewer days

Effect of change on ticks (S2)

• warmer conditions decrease life cycle time
Level 1 :
• fewer ticks will die in the snow in early spring
1 mark = description made from one section
• more females to lay eggs
2 marks = descriptions made from at least two
• larvae less likely to be covered in snow in autumn
sections but no links
• so more larvae become nymphs Level 2 :
Effect of ticks on moose (S3) 3 marks = a link made between descriptions of
• more ticks mean larger volumes of blood removed from each two sections
moose 4 marks = at least two links made between
• moose become weaker if less blood in them descriptions of all three sections
• moose die from lack of {nutrients / oxygen / anaemia / energy} Level 3 :
(R) 5 marks = links made between all sections with
• less energy for hunting so they starve (R) one reason (R) for moose number declining
• less energy for reproduction (R) 6 marks = links made between all sections with
• if moose lose their fur they will not be able to keep warm two reasons (2R) for moose number declining
• moose die from the cold (R)
• scratching can cause open wounds that can get infected
• ticks pass on pathogens (6)
• moose die from infections (R)
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