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Citation: A.C. No.

7088 | December 04, 2018


Principle: A lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and candor towards his
professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel.


Atty. Herminio Harry L. Roque, Jr.

filed a complaint praying for
disciplinary action against Atty Rizal
Balbin for alleged unprofessional
In a case entitled Felmailem, Inc. v.
Felma Mailem, Atty. Roque is the
counsel of the plaintiff and Atty.
Balbin is the counsel of the defendant.
Shortly after securing a favorable
judgment for his client, the
complainant claims that the
respondent started intimidating,
harassing, blackmailing, and
threatening him into withdrawing the
case field by his client. He also
alleged that Atty. Balbin even
made several telephone calls, text
messages, and e-mails not just
directed to him, but also to his other
friends and other clients, all
containing threats to file disbarment
and/or criminal suits against him. In
addition, in view of Atty. Roque’s said
“high profile” stature, respondent also
threatened to publicize
such suits in order to tarnish and/or
destroy complainant’s name and
Atty. Herminio Harry L. Roque, Jr.
filed a complaint praying for
disciplinary action against Atty Rizal
Balbin for alleged unprofessional
In a case entitled Felmailem, Inc. v.
Felma Mailem, Atty. Roque is the
counsel of the plaintiff and Atty.
Balbin is the counsel of the defendant.
Shortly after securing a favorable
judgment for his client, the
complainant claims that the
respondent started intimidating,
harassing, blackmailing, and
threatening him into withdrawing the
case field by his client. He also
alleged that Atty. Balbin even
made several telephone calls, text
messages, and e-mails not just
directed to him, but also to his other
friends and other clients, all
containing threats to file disbarment
and/or criminal suits against him. In
addition, in view of Atty. Roque’s said
“high profile” stature, respondent also
threatened to publicize
such suits in order to tarnish and/or
destroy complainant’s name and
Atty. Herminio Harry L. Roque, Jr.
filed a complaint praying for
disciplinary action against Atty Rizal
Balbin for alleged unprofessional
In a case entitled Felmailem, Inc. v.
Felma Mailem, Atty. Roque is the
counsel of the plaintiff and Atty.
Balbin is the counsel of the defendant.
Shortly after securing a favorable
judgment for his client, the
complainant claims that the
respondent started intimidating,
harassing, blackmailing, and
threatening him into withdrawing the
case field by his client. He also
alleged that Atty. Balbin even
made several telephone calls, text
messages, and e-mails not just
directed to him, but also to his other
friends and other clients, all
containing threats to file disbarment
and/or criminal suits against him. In
addition, in view of Atty. Roque’s said
“high profile” stature, respondent also
threatened to publicize
such suits in order to tarnish and/or
destroy complainant’s name and
Atty. Herminio Harry L. Roque, Jr. filed a complaint praying for disciplinary action against Atty
Rizal P.Balbin for alleged unprofessional conduct.In a case entitled Felmailem, Inc. v. Felma
Mailem, Atty. Roque is the counsel of the plaintiff and Atty.Balbin is the counsel of the
defendant. Shortly after securing a favorable judgment for his client, thecomplainant claims that
the respondent started intimidating, harassing, blackmailing, and maliciouslythreatening him into
withdrawing the case field by his client. He also alleged that Atty. Balbin evenmade several
telephone calls, text messages, and e-mails not just directed to him, but also to his otherfriends
and other clients, all containing threats to file disbarment and/or criminal suits against him.
Inaddition, in view of Atty. Roque’s said “high profile” stature, respondent also threatened to
publicizesuch suits in order to tarnish and/or destroy complainant’s name and reputation.

Whether Atty. Rizal Balbin should be administratively sanctioned for threatening the

Canon 8 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility states that - A lawyer
shall conduct himself with
courtesy, fairness and candor
towards his professional colleagues,
and shall avoid harassing tactics
against opposing counsel.
Case law instructs that "lawyers
should treat their opposing counsels
and other lawyers with courtesy,
dignity, and civility. A great part of
their comfort, as well as of their
success at the bar, depends upon
their relations with their professional
brethren. Since they deal constantly
with each other, they must
treat one another with trust and
respect. Any undue ill feeling between
clients should not influence
counsels in their conduct and
demeanor toward each other. Mutual
bickering, unjustified recriminations,
and offensive behavior among lawyers
not only detract from the dignity of the
legal profession, but also
constitute highly unprofessional
conduct subject to disciplinary
In this case, respondent's underhanded
tactics against complainant were in
violation of Canon 8 of the
CPR. As aptly pointed out by the
Investigating Commissioner, instead
of availing of remedies to contest
the ruling adverse to his client,
respondent resorted to personal attacks
against the opposing litigant's
counsel, herein complainant. Thus,
it appears that respondent's acts
of repeatedly intimidating,
harassing, and blackmailing
complainant with purported
administrative and criminal cases
prejudicial media exposures were
performed as a tool to return the
inconvenience suffered by his client.
His actions demonstrated a misuse of
the legal processes available to him
and his client, especially
considering that the aim of every
lawsuit should be to render justice to
the parties according to law, not
to harass them. More significantly, the
foregoing showed respondent's lack of
respect and despicable
behavior towards a colleague in the
legal profession, and constituted
conduct unbecoming of a member
Canon 8 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states that - A lawyer shall conduct himself
with courtesy, fairness and candor towards his professional colleagues, and shall avoid
harassing tactics against opposing counsel. Case law instructs that "lawyers should treat their
opposing counsels and other lawyers with courtesy, dignity, and civility. A great part of their
comfort, as well as of their success at the bar, depends upon their relations with their
professional brethren. Since they deal constantly with each other, they must treat one another
with trust and respect. Any undue ill feeling between clients should not influence counsels in
their conduct and demeanor toward each other. Mutual bickering, unjustified recriminations, and
offensive behavior among lawyers not only detract from the dignity of the legal profession, but
also constitute highly unprofessional conduct subject to disciplinary action.

In the case at bar, respondent's underhanded tactics against complainant were in violation of
Canon 8 of the CPR. As aptly pointed out by the Investigating Commissioner, instead of availing
of remedies to contest the ruling adverse to his client, respondent resorted to personal attacks
against the opposing litigant's counsel, herein complainant. Thus, it appears that
respondent's acts of repeatedly intimidating, harassing, and blackmailing complainant
with purported administrative and criminal cases and prejudicial media exposures were
performed as a tool to return the inconvenience suffered by his client. His actions demonstrated
a misuse of the legal processes available to him and his client, especially considering that the
aim of every lawsuit should be to render justice to the parties according to law, not to harass
them. More significantly, the foregoing showed respondent's lack of respect and despicable
behavior towards a colleague in the legal profession, and constituted conduct unbecoming of a
member thereof.

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