Aztec and Incas Comparison

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Aztec and Incas Essay

The Aztec and Incas were two civilizations based in Central and South America
with much technological advancement. The Aztec’s empire was in Mexico during the
1300’s fsdasg while the Inca’s civilization stretched from Peru all the way down to Chile
during 1230’s sdkfj. The Aztecs and Incas were both similar and different in many ways
such as in their agricultural ways, warfare methods, and religious beliefs.

The agricultural ways of Incas and Aztecs varied but were also alike. The Incas
“carried topsoil and gravel from the more fertile lowlands to the hillsides. There they
packed it into narrow farming terraces, “ (Across the Centuries book) otherwise know as
terrace farming which helped the Incas use their geography to obtain surpluses of food.
The Aztecs would create “chinampas which were manmade islands created by piling up
mud and vegetation from the bottom of the lake,”( which let
them grow crops in Lake Texcoco. They both wanted to have enough food for their
population though. Their agricultural ways were different since both civilizations lived in
different climates and geography.

The Aztecs and Incas had different religious beliefs but did some of the same
rituals. The Aztecs first would “raise the hearts to the sun, then they threw them into the
shrine before the gods,”(Doc. I) because they thought sacrificing humans would please
the gods. The Incas would also have their “priests begun each day with prayers, offerings
to the gods, and predictions of the future,”(Across the Centuries book) and some of the
offerings would be animal sacrifices. Though there were some differences in the Incas
and Aztec religion, they still believed in pleasing the gods.

The Aztecs and Incas were also differentiated with their methods of warfare. The
Incas first sent a scout who “judged the fertility of the region’s land and the strength of it
armies and defenses, and memorized its geography,”(Across the Centuries Book) so they
could see if it was worthy of conquering. In the Aztec civilization when they fought with
tribes for territory “prisoners were the real war trophies since they could be used as
sacrifices in religious festivals,” ( and was a significant
reason because this pleased the gods. The Incas were more interested in the geography
and farming when they fought while the Aztecs intergrated war into their religion.

There are not many similarities between the Aztec and Incas but some differences
were with agriculture and how they grew crops. The Aztecs used chinampas while the
Incas used terrace farming in the mountains. And in warfare the Incas cared more about
use of the land and the Aztecs wanted to use the prisoners of war for sacrifices. Though
both civilizations are in the America’s they differ and compare in many ways.

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