Vidyaranya Vidyaranya: - Dr. B. Narasimhacharyulu

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Srinivasa Bala Bharati -119

(Children Series)

- Dr. B. Narasimhacharyulu VIDYARANYA

Telugu Version
Dr. M.S.N. Murthy

English Translation
Dr. B. Narasimhacharyulu

Published by
Executive Officer
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati.
Tirupati 2013
Srinivasa Bala Bharati -119 FOREWORD
(Children Series)

VIDYARANYA The mind of little children is gentle, pure. The children who
are brought up well become excellent citizens and fetch a good
Telugu Version name for their families as well as the nation. They become the
Dr. M.S.N. Murthy cause of our pride in our heritage. If we are able to tell the children
about the great men and chaste women in our history and how they
achieved such distinction, that would impress strong seals of nobil-
English Translation ity on their tender minds. That would be of immense benefit to
Dr. B. Narasimhacharyulu them in their future.
It is with this aim that the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams is
publishing the Srinivasa Bala Bharati series. You will find here the
Editor-in-Chief lives of the great Indians who lived to fulfil great ideals. Simple
Prof. Ravva Sri Hari words and simple phrases will be used in the narration in the style
of telling a story. We hope the little children will make good use of
T.T.D. Religious Publications Series No. 974 these books.
©All Rights Reserved
Our thanks go to Dr.R. Sri Hari, Editor-in-Chief, TTD who
First Edition : 2013 thought of this proposal and gathered the needed material to put it
into action. Our thanks are also due to the writers and artists who
have co-operated with us in this venture.
Copies :

Price :

Published by In the Service of the Lord

L.V. Subrahmanyam, I.A.S.
Executive Officer Executive Officer,
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams,

Printed at
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Press
Our Bharat has acquired renoun for great culture, moralistic
To-day’s children are to-marrow’s citizens. They need at tender and dharmic ideals even before other countries in other continents
age apt acquintance with the life-histories of celebrated persons so could open their eyes to any cultural greatness. Every one born in
that they get opportunity to lead their lives in an exemplary way. this land of ours has been fighting against evil and violation of dharma,
They will come to know that great things such as Indian culture, the holy law of life and living-thus making our lives fruitful and
basic tenants of life and moral teachings are abundantly available in meaningful. Every one has been acquiring Punya (merit) and nearing
the life-experiences of great men. It is observed that there is no God. The presence of great minds and sacred souls is our valuable
scope to teach such subjects in school curriculam. source of Joy. If we understand their ideals, the effect would be
Observing such circumstances the Publication Division of very great. Every boy and girl believing and saying that this is our
Tirumala Tirupati Devastanams has published about hundred culture and this is our tradition would dedicate himself or herself to
booklets in Telugu about the lifes of famous sages and great men the service of mother land.
written by various authors under the editorship of Dr. B. In fact there have been many great sages and seers, holy men
Raghunathacharyulu under “Balabharati Series”. The response over and women born and grown up have laying foundations of our culture
these books is tremendous and it has given impetus to publish them and traditions. They helped the pure flow of splendid living to us all.
in other languages also. To begin with some of the books are now How fortunate we are! We have behind us a great and sublime
brought out with English and Hindi rendering by T.T.D. For the history and culture. If those great sages and seers; holy and sacred
benefit of boys and girls and the interested public. men and women were not born and inspired us, how could this
These booklets primarily intended to the growing children and culture and tradition have come to us? Knowing about and
also generally intended to the elders to study and narrate the stories understanding those great minds is an education that gives us valuable
to their children, will go a long way to sublimate the aspirations of knowledge and deep wisdom. Their lives and achievements would
the children to greater heights. throw light and illumine us and our coming generations to forge ahead
in glory.
R. SRI HARI It is with this intention that Bala Bharati Series has come up
bringing before you the lives and achievements of great sages and
Editor-In-Chief seers.
T.T.D. Now is your chance to know about them and grow.
Children! Come! Come forward to read and learn.
Our hearty welcome to you all.

S.B. Raghunathacharya
Cheif Editor
Amidst the warring religions, humanity was fast losing ground.
Mohammadans were bent upon bulldozing down the Hindu culture Sriyai namaha
and on devastation. The living examples of great Indian culture, the
mirror to great civilization were subjected to rampant vandalism VIDYARANYA
and destruction. Not only that, mosques were being built in those
sacred places. In such turbulent conditions was born the saviour of  
Indian culture and civilization. He was Sanskrit scholar. He gifited
the independent and significant existence to the otherwise dwindling,
nay, even gradually vanishing Hindu society. He has taken pledge to
save the culture and society. Pampa Terrain:
He reconverted the converted Mohammadan kings into There is a small village, by name Hampi, in
Hinduism and helped to establish Hindu kingdoms and encouraged Karnataka state. The mountain range crowns the
them. Do you know him, the great doyen of Hindu re-establishment? village. The river Tungabhadra flows in serpentine way,
He is none other than VIDYARANYA SWAMI. The kingdom of dart swift speed. On the north of mountain range, lies
Vijayanagara is named after his name as 'Vidyanagara' kingdom. Rishyamooka mountain, renowned from the times of
He has enthroned the Vedic culture on the strong edifice by making Ramayana. On this mount is located 'Anegondi' city.
Sayana successfully interpret the vedas and gave fillip to the Indian
It is also known by the name ''Kunjarakona' (which
culture. We should embibe his ideals in protecting and furthering
our religion, dharma and culture. Now, read his biography. means 'elephant-forest'). On the south of the river is
Hemakuta mount on one side and Matanga and
Malyavanta mountains lie on the other. A thick forest
covers both of them. In the midst of the forest lies
Pampa lake and close to it are situated the temples of
Sri Bhuvanesvaridevi and Sri Pampavati Virupaksa.
The adjoining Kshetra is called Pampa kshetra.
There was a village in Pampa kshetra approximately
650 years ago. There lived a Brahmin by name
MAYANA. He was a repository of Sanatana Hindu
Dharma and its tradition. He was also a righteous and
ritualistic householder, belonging to Bharadvaja gotra
(clan) and following rituals laid down by Bodhayana
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school (sutra). Though hailing from Udayagiri, he came Should uphold Nation's pride:
over here to earn his livelihood. He spent his life On one fine day, Mayana reached the gurukula of
imparting education to pupils. He was simple to the Sri Sankarananda with his three sons - Madhava and
core. His wife 'Srimati' lived hand in glove with her his two brothers. Sri Sankarananda was a strict
husband. She was most suited to Mayana. She was of disciplinarian and would not generally accept to take
gentle demeanour and helped her husband in all his boys as his disciples. His eyes do not rest on the boys,
rites as Arundhati did to Vasistha. They both were who are not blessed with the grace of Goddess of
polite to the elders and affectionate towards children. Learning. On seeing the children Madhava, Sayana and
They had no offspring for quite a long time and Bhoganatha with Mayana, he understood the purpose
were much worried about this unfulfilled desire. They of their visit. Even without Mayana's asking he
went on pilgrimage for this; did pujas, practised vows, accepted them as his disciples. The children also had
and gave generously. Their puja fructified as they were an inexplicable devotion and faith towards Sri
sincere and righteous. They were blessed with a son Sankarananda. All of a sudden, the children prostrated
in (approximately) 1268 A.D. They performed the and touched his feet in reverence. They sent off their
required natal rituals-such as jatakarma etc. and named father Mayana. Verily, the cordial relation of devotion
the child MADHAVA. and love between the teacher and the taught alone helps
Srimati and Mayana were blessed with two more get the students meaningful education and popularity
sons and a daughter, after the birth of Madhava. They to the teacher.
named them as Sayana, Bhoganatha and Singali. The While they were still at the gurukula of Sri
birth of these children has brought new light to the life Sankarananda, their father breathed his last. Their
of Srimati and Mayana. They firmly decided to educate mother, Srimati, encouraged them to continue their
the childern under great gurus, at any cost. They wanted studies. She was called the worthy wife of Mayana,
to make them great scholars. for educating the children against all odds. She always
prayed god to give them strength and well being .
Primary Education:
Within a short period, they learnt Vedanta and
Mayana performed their upanayana - thread
Sastras by the grace of Sri Sankarananda. Sri
ceremony - at the right time and taught them himself
Sankarananda thought of making his disciples useful
Vedas and other epics. He infused into them the value
to the country. One day he called them for a counsel.
of ethics also But not satisfied with this, wanted to
leave the children at gurukula of Sri Sankarananda "You three were learning many a subject attending
located on the bank of Tungabhadra river. upon me. I am very much pleased by the politeness,
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obedience and respect shown by you . I strongly wish here was an important centre for education and culture.
that you become worthy citizens, and upholders of It was solely earmarked for Advaita philosophy - theory
nation's pride. Therefore you should approach my and practice of it. Still, the followers of other sects of
guru Sri Vidyatirtha and learn a few more things from Philosophy also used to study there.
him. He is presently the pontiff of Kamakoti Pitha at
When Madhava went to study at Kanchi, Sri
Kanchi. By the power of his penance you will be
Vidyatirthaswami was pontiff of Kamakoti Peetha. He
proficient in all branches of learning. His blessings will
was also called by the names - Vidyatirtha, Sarvajna
not go in vain. His grace is equivalent to the grace of
God", said Sri Sankarananda to them. Vishnu, Vidyesa, Vidyananda and Vidyasankara. He
was a receptacle of mundane and other - worldly
The disciples were equally happy at this learning in other words, para and apara Vidyas,
beckoning. They proceeded to Kanchi after protecting the Hindu dharma as an incarnate of
prostrating to him and taking his blessings . Dakshinamurti Himself.
They went to their village to take the consent of
Studentship at the feet of Vidyatirtha:
their mother also, before going to Kanchi. She blessed
and sent them off to Kanchi, without letting them know Madhava visited Vidyatirtha at an appropriate time
of her miserable plight. Mother always wishes her i.e. when he was in a serene and tranquil mood and
children's well-being, though she is in trouble. prostrated - made padabhivandana. Madhava said that
Madhava has reached Kanchipuram with his he was sent by Sri Sankarananda to him for further
brothers. studies. He requested to be permitted as an inmate
and attend the pontiff and study at his feet. Sri Swami
Kanchipuram: was amazed at the radiance of Madhava's face and
Kanchipuram was an important education centre felt happy at this polite behaviour and admitted them
in South India, in those days. That was the centre for immediately into the Asram. All the teachers recognized
great stalwarts in all the branches of learning i.e. Tarka, the genius and memory power besides his polite
Vyakarana, Mimamsa, Sankhya and Yoga; there were behaviour and very much liked him and showed
logicians, great orators, experts in all Sastras; it was affection on him. Consequently, they taught all the
the dwelling place of great poets. Moreover, the secrets of the lore and learning. Within a short tenure,
customs and traditions of Hinduism are well nourished Madhava, Sayana and Bhoganatha studied
and protected here itself. The Sri Kamakoti Peetha perseveringly and became erudite scholars in the
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interpretation of the Vedas with ancillary texts, secrets them and sad at the absence of Mayana, as he could
of Mantrasastra, Vyakarana, Vedanta and other Sastras. not see the growth of the children. Then on, Madhava
Friends: had taken the charge of family and looked after the
mother, brothers and sister, relieving the mother of the
When Madhava was studying at Kanchi, many responsibility. He made her pleased and happy
geniuses were his classmates. Venkatanatha, Sudarsana following her commands and suggestions in running
and Akshobhya were prominent among them. the family affairs. The mother also felt happy at the
Venkatanatha and Sudarsana were followers of polite behaviour of children and lived satisfactorily
Visistadvaita and Akshobhya was the follower of forgetting the wounds of past life due to poverty and
Dvaita. Madhava was an Advaitin. But four of them distress. Madhava knew pretty well his responsibility
were very friendly. Those were the days when the Hindu as a brother, so he performed his sister Singali's
unity was paramount casting aside differences of caste marriage and sent her to in-laws' house.
and creed, region and language. All aimed at protecting Household life:
the integrity of Hindu Nation. by defending it against
foreign invasions and atrocities. After sister's marriage, he married the daughter of
Veetihotri, an orthodox puritan, and performed the
Venkatanatha made Satyamangalam, a village in marriages of his brothers successfully and became a
Tamil Nadu, as his permanent abode and composed true householder. He was leading the life of an ordinary
many great treatises in Sanskrit. People called him nityagnihotri, lived as a teacher disseminating learning
Vedantadesika with reverence. Sudarsana went to and earned his livehood. He was imparting education,
Srirangam and attended upon Lord Ranganatha with mostly freely alone. He was popular as a teacher and
the name 'Sudarsanasuri'. He wrote 'Srutaprakasika', was honorifically called Madhavacharya by people
a commentary on the gloss of Ramanuja on Brahma He lead such an ordinary householder's life till he
Sutras and became world-famous as a result of that. attained 40 years of age without any doldrums and
Return to Pampa: oddities. But later, the State was in turmoil and many
changes inundated his family, changing Madhavacharya
Madhava completed his studies successfully, and
in toto.
obtained the blessings of his Gurus. Madhava became
well-versed in all the branches of learning, returned to Political Condition of the Times:
Pampa kshetra with his brothers after taking leave from The descendants of the Kakati(ya) ruled from
the Gurus. Mother felt immensely happy on seeing Orugallu (warangal) for three centuries, all the Telugu
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speaking people, uniting and bringing them under one village Satyamangalam, when the forces of the
rule. The Telugu country was prosperous with crops Mohammadans were marching to Srirangam.
and wealth. The Telugu people had a peaceful and Venkatanatha and Sudarsana convened a meeting of
happy life. Allauddin Khilji, the Sultan of Delhi was prominent citizens, in the temple itself. They discussed
jealous of Telugu's wealth and wanted to appropriate the protection of the sanctum sanctorum, idols meant
it. .With such malice, he ordered his commander-in- for cart-procession and precious ornaments from the
chief Malik Kafur to attack the Kakati kingdom in 1308 plundering forces. Each one came up with a suggestion.
AD. The Kakati warriors fought very ferociously and But all came to a conclusion that they could not defend
killed many soldiers of the Moghul army re-attacked against Mohammadans. However Venkatanatha gave
Orugallu with enhanced forces. This time Prataparudra a good suggestion at the end of the meeting.
Deva had no sufficient force to defend against the The suggestion was to close the original sanctum
enemy; consequently, he entered into a pact with the sanctorum, to erect an artifical one before it, to install
commander of the Moghuls. Puffed up by his victory, an artifical idol of Sri Ranganatha in it, and later to
Malik Kafur proceeded to the south. shift the ornaments and car-festival icons to Tirumala-
Sri Ranganatha Shrine: Tirupati. They rebuilt the second sanctum sanctorum
before the arrival of Mohammadans to Srirangam.
Malik Kafur eyed badly the shrine of Sri
Sudarsana Suri sneaked through the forest route to
Ranganatha. He thought of plundering the shrine and
Tirupati taking in his custody festival idols and precious
looting the wealth. He nurtured malicious thoughts
jewellery. He deposited the manuscript (written and
towards the temple and its riches and led the armed
composed by himself in his hand) copy of
forces towards Srirangam. People were frightened
"Srutaprakasika" with Venkatanatha entreating its
knowing the advances of the army.
protection; it was a commentary on Ramanuja's
The shrine at Srirangam was a very ancient Hindu bhashya on Brahma Sutras.
pilgrim and sacred centre. It was considered as second
Attack on the Shrine:
Vaikuntha. It has three ramparts and a very strong fort.
But it had no capable armed force and armoury. The armed forces of enemy attacked the temple
and plundered it and razed it to ground. But the original
Protection of the Temple:
sanctum sanctorum remained in tact. Kudos to the
Venkatanatha had come to Srirangam to pay a intelligent move of the prudent Venkatanatha. The
friendly visit to Sudarsanasuri, from his own native enemy has taken the artificial shrine as the real one and
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completely devastated it, looted whatever precious to rebuild Srirangam and place ancient Dharma on a
articles that were accessible easily, and tortured the strong pedestal. Madhavacharya had returned to his
people ruthlessly. Venkatanatha saved the manuscript native village. He informed the people of the calamity
copy of "Srutaprakasika" handed over to him by that had befallen Srirangam. He urged them to defend
Sudarsanasuri, from destruction by the enemy, by the nation by countering the Mohammadans and asked
concealing it under sand-dunes. The enemy retreated, them to be ready for the task. Then, he started waiting
then Venkatanatha extricated the manuscript copy of for the appropriate moment.
'Srutaprakasika' from the sand and took it to Renunciation:
Satyamangalam. Venkatanatha has composed a hymn While South India was in such political turmoil,
called "Abhitistava" to infuse confidence and raise the another tragedy strengthened the resolve of
spirit of Hindus, who were subjected to insult and Madhavacharya. A short while after his mother died,
torture at the Mohammadan hands. his wife also met with untimely death. With his mother's
Madhava's resolve: death on one hand, and his wife's on the other, fate it
Madhava was very much pained to hear the was that released him from the worldly life. He did not
find the worldly life attractive enough, compared to
devastation/calamity at Srirangam. He wanted to know
the protection of the dharma of the Rishis, the
the welfare of his friend Sudarsanasuri and set out to
Arshadharma. So, he could not lead his life like an
Srirangam. Not finding him there, he went to
ordinary householder. He resolved to dedicate his
Satyamangalam to know about his whereabouts. There
entire life for the protection of the country. With the
Venkatanatha narrated about the happenings at blessings of the pontiff of Sringeri, Sri Bharati Krishna
Srirangam. He broke down recounting the measures Tirtha, he renounced the world and took the vows of
taken to protect the temple of Sri Ranganatha. the order of ascetics, the Sannyasasrama, and a new
Madhavacharya was very much moved and felt sad at name (as is the custom), VIDYARANYA SWAMI.
the condition of Hindus and atrocities meeted to them Thereafter he immersed himself in penance to
by Mohammadans. His blood boiled to hear the strengthen his spiritual prowess. By and by, the lay
injustice done to the general public. His soul was in people came to know of his spiritual strength and
turmoil. Venkatanatha recited the hymn "Abhitistava". abilities, and they accepted his goals. Sri Vidyaranya
Madhavacharya understood the clarion call of the Swami was waiting for the appropriate moment and
hymn, his dormant energy woke up, and motivated prepared the people for removal of the enemy's religion,
him for remedial action. He was determined strongly Paradharma, and establishing the Hindu Dharma.
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Disintegration of the Telugu Country: brothers reached the Kampila kingdom on the banks
Meanwhile, there was another danger due to the of Tungabhadra and joined the court of Kampilaraya.
Mohammadans. In 1323 AD, Ulugh Khan, son of the During that time, Bahauddin, the commander of
Sultan of Delhi, attacked Orugallu, defeated the Delhi Sultan revolted against Mohammad bin
Prataparudra and ended the rule of Kakati dynasty. Tughlaq and tried to establish an independent Muslim
While being taken as a prisoner to Delhi, Prataparudra kingdom in the Southern country. Tughlaq sent a big
died enroute. With that, the Telugu country army to capture him. Bahauddin took refuge with
disintegrated and came directly under the Kampilaraya. In order to protect him, Kampilaraya
Mohammadan rule. After concluding his campaigns, joined battle and fierce fight ensued. Though the army
Ulugh Khan reached Delhi, killed his father and became of Kampilaraya scored a few initial victories, as the
the sultan of Delhi with the title, Mohammad-bin- battle raged, it could not withstand the Mohammadan
Tughlaq. During those days, life became very difficult army and in the end, Kampilaraya died a heroic death
in the Telugu country. Hindu women were subjected while fighting. With that, the Kampila kingdom came
to various cruelties; Hindus were forcibly converted into the hands of the Mohammadans. Then, the Turkic
to Islam; the wealth of Hindus was plundered and their army took Harihara, Bukkaraja and a few others as
properties were completely destroyed. prisoners to Delhi. The Sultan appointed a Turk, Malik
Nayab to rule Kampila.
Unable to bear the Mohammadan rule, the Hindus
revolted. The intellectuals and warriors of that time, Malik Nayab fled to Delhi unable to withstand the
stood firm against the Turks for the sake of the popular uprising. Thereupon the Sultan thought that it
country's independence, and re-established Hindu rule would be better to appoint a local as his representative.
in the Telugu country. In this situation , amongst those He released Harihara and Bukkaraja from prison and
who made remarkable efforts, Harihararaya and made them convert to Islam. He appointed Harihara
Bukkaraya were the main persons. as the ruler and Bukkaraja as his commander, gave
them an army, and sent them to Kampila. They captured
Harihara and Bukkaraja: the areas around Kampila and established peace.
In the court of the Kakati king, Prataparudra Deva,
Establishment of an Independent Hindu Empire:
two brothers called Harihara and Bukkaraja were in
charge of the treasury. They were Telugu kshatriyas The other Hindu kings in the Telugu country
and sons of Sangama, a citizen of the Kakatiya chased away the Mohammadans and started
kingdom. After the fall of the Kakatiya kingdom, these establishing independent Hindu kingdoms. Harihararaya

also wanted to follow them and establish an

independent Hindu Kingdom. For that to happen, he
realized that he needed the assistance of a Guru with
spiritual strength, in addition to his army.
He heard that there was Swami Vidyaranya within
his kingdom, in Pampa kshetra. He heard of the
Swami's greatness and he went to his asram thinking
that by taking refuge with the swami, his desire might
be fulfilled. There, he prostrated to Swami Vidyaranya
and narrated his life-story. He explained how he was
forcibly converted into a Mohammadan and sought
the help of Swami Vidyaranya. Swami Vidyaranya also
saw in Harihara, the warrior who could fulfill his own
Swami Vidyaranya made Harihara and Bukkaraja
renounce Islam and convert to the Vedic religion and
in doing so became a trail blazer. He encouraged
Harihara to establish an independent Hindu kingdom
and to revolt against Tughlaq.
After establishing an independent Hindu kingdom,
Harihara shifted his capital to Anegondi as the Kampila
fort was not suitable to face the Sultan of Delhi.
However, after the fall of the Kakati king Prataparudra
Deva, there was no obstacle to the Mohammadans in
coming to and going from the northen banks of
Tungabhadra. So, he thought that there was not
complete safety from the Turks in Anegondi. He wanted
to shift his capital to a place more suited to withstand
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the raids of the Mohammadans and started searching the month, Vaisakha, in the year 1258, Salivahana era.
a place where it was impossible for the enemy to reach. To state this in terms used presently, the time fixed
Decision on the place: was roughly beween 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm, on 18-4-
One day, Harihara and Bukkaraya went, with
hunting dogs, to hunt in the forests on the mountains Sankusthapana:
Matanga, Malyavanta and Hemakuta on the southern The people came forward on their own volition
banks of Tungabhadra, opposite Anegondi. Near the with great enthusiasm and did whatever they could.
shore of Lake Pampa, a strange event occured. There, They cut the trees and levelled the ground at the place
a rabbit chased away the hunting hound of Harihara. indicated by Sri Vidyaranya; they ploughed the land
Seeing this, Harihara was astonished. He straight away and made it suitable; erected great tents; built sacrificial
went to Sri Vidyaranya and told about the strange event altars; and arranged puja materials, cooking vessels,
witnessed by him. Using the power of his penance, cow milk, curd, ghee, honey etc. Ministers, priests,
Swami Vidyaranya understood the greatness of the sculptors, workers, vassals, commanders, captains -
place. He asked Harihara to build a great city in that everybody had come for the occasion. Bukkaraya
place and to shift his capital there. He explained that personally supervised the arrangements. Everybody
Harihara's objective could be fulfilled if he builds a entered into the tents at the time of Muhurta. Man and
city in that place. With the encouragement of Swami woman, adult and child - all the people assembled
Vidyaranya Harihara undertook the construction. silently around the tents and witnessed the festival of
The place was naturally suited for the construction ground-breaking.
of a new fort. Tungabhadra river, flowing rapidly Swami Vidyaranya wanted the new city to last as
through many twists and turns, was not suitable for long as the moon and the stars. He sat on a sand dune
navigation. So the Mohammadan army could not reach on the shore of Lake Pampa. The evening light shining
the place using boats. It was also not easy for them to on him, gave a wondrous lustre to him. It was as if
cut through the frightening forests on the mountains. the Sun god was blessing with his cool evening rays.
Swami Vidyaranya fixed the Muhurta, the There was a steely determination about the demeanor
auspicious time, for ground breaking (Sankusthapana) of Swami Vidyaranya. He called Harihararaya towards
as the time when Leo was in ascendancy, in the star him and said: "I shall be in the posture of knowledge
pushyami (pushyami-nakshatra-yukta-simha-lagna) on ( Jnanamudra) till the time of the correct Muhurta. At
Thursday, the seventh day of the bright fortnight of the appointed time, I shall blow a conch. You establish
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the Sanku (the critical moment of the ground breaking Dharma. The arrival of the tribal on this way, and him
ceremony) immediately after hearing the sound of the blowing the conch happened accidentally. You have
conch." established the Sanku a few minutes before the Muhurta.
Due to that, this city would be the centre of a great
Harihara took those words as the grace of Swami empire for only about 250 years. Do not grieve about
Vidyaranya and came back to the venue of what has happened. Gird up your loins for the
Sankusthapana. Meanwhile, Vedic scholars were construction work. This is the will of God. Mere
chanting the mantras of Vedas; ghee oblations were humans cannot change destiny by their actions."
being offered in the sacrificial altar, smoke from the Without violating the orders of Swami Vidyaranya,
altar was rising like clouds; and everyone was straining and as per his desire, Harihara built a nice city under
his ears for the sound of the conch. the supervision of Bukkaraya.
At that moment, the sound of a conch was heard Naming of the City:
from the direction of Lake Pampa. Harihara laid down
Since the city was built as per the instructions of
the Sanku as the priests chanted sacred prayers. The
Sri Vidyaranya Swami, Hariharaya named the city as
Sanku was worshipped with precious materials like
'Vidyanagara'. Since this city was the adode of all
pearls, diamonds, rubies, gold and others. After four kinds of knowledge, the name became justified. Since
kshanas, i.e. about sixteen minutes, one more sound the city, from the very day of ground breaking, hearlded
of conch was heard. Harihara and others were stunned. victories to its rulers in all battles, it came to be called
With fear and anxiety, they went to the shores of Lake as 'Vijayanagara' later on. The firm determination of
Pampa and submitted to Swami Vidyaranya the Swami Vidyaranya became the prelude to the
incidence of two conch-sounds being heard. The noble establishment of this city first known as Vidyanagara
sage was surprised to hear this. He used his divyadristi and later attained fame as Vijayanagara.
and understood what transpired and spake thus: Supervision:
"My dear children! The first one to blow the conch Though he renounced the world, due to his
was a tribal. He blew the conch while passing this commitment to the revival of Ancient Indian Culture,
way. I was the one who blew the conch the second Arshasamskriti, Sri Vidyaranya Swami served
time. That was the right moment. Had the Sanku been Harihararaya as minister, Royal preceptor (Rajaguru),
established at the appointed time, this city would have and as a confidant and became the reason for the
been forever the centre for the protection of the Hindu development of Vijayanagara empire.

After ruling for about twenty years from the day

of ground breaking, Harihararaya died. As per the
instructions of Sri Vidyaranya Swami, Bukkaraya
ascended the throne. Bukkaraya, following in his
brother's footsteps, expanded the empire. Swami
Vidyaranya served Bukkaraya also as minister and
occupied the highest position in the administration of
the kingdom.
Festival Idols:
During the time of Bukkaraya, Madhura (Madurai)
was under the control of Sultans. Bukkaraya's son
Kamparaya went on an offensive in South and liberated
Madhura, Jinji (in present Villupuram district in Tamil
Nadu) and Srirangam from Muslim rule. As per the
advice of Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha, Bukkaraya got the
Festival Idols, deposited by Sudarsanasuri in Tirupati
due to the fear of attack by Malik Kafur, returned to
the temple of Sri Ranganatha Swami in Srirangam.
Peace and safety reigned in Srirangam once more, as
Having entrusted the task of defending the country
upon Harihararaya and then later Bukkaraya, Swami
Vidyaranya personally took up the task of reviving
Arshasamskriti. Those were the days when the meaning
of Vedas, the very roots of Indian Culture, was not
understood properly. He, along with his brother Sayana,
wrote a detailed commentary for the four Vedas. In
these commentaries, the meaning of Vedas was
22 23

explained brilliantly. Without the help of these Kaivalyam:

commentaries, it would not have been possible for us After Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha, the pontiff of
today to understand many things, in the Vedas. Apart Sringeri peetha, attained siddhi, Sri Vidyaranya Tirtha
from these, Sri Vidyaranya, who was learned in all ascended the Sri Sankaracharya Sripada Peetha, the
branches of knowledge, wrote many other in Sanskrit. throne of Advaita, worshipped Sri Sarada Devi and
In Dharmasastras, he wrote a commentary called became a Jivanmukta, i.e. one who has attained
"Parasaramadhaviyam" on the Parasarasmriti. In an liberation even while being alive. In 1386 AD, he left
independent work called "Sarvadarsanasangraha", he the physical body and attained the Kaivalyapada. Sage
wrote the essence of many schools of Philosophy in a Vidyaranya lived for about 118 years for the well-being
succinct manner. He gave the essence of Advaita of the world, and has shown the path to all of us.
Vedanta in a very accessible style in the primer,
prakaranagrantha, called "Panchadasi". In the great Brothers:
work called "Jaiminiyanyayamalavistaram", he wrote The brothers of Vidyaranya also endeavored for the
about the topics of Mimamsa Sastra (the science development of the Vijayanagara empire. Sayanacharya
of exegesis or critical interpretation of the Vedas), served Sangama Bhupati II, the son of Kamparaya, and
which were not understood by ordinary Sanskrit then Harihararaya II as mahamantri, and strived for the
scholars. These books are so important that every progress of the empire. Bhoganatha was the
student of Sanskrit has to read at least some of them. narmasachiva, the confidant, of Sangama Bhupati II.
Apart from writing world famous books in Veda, Sayana wrote many books. In his "Madhaviya
Vedanta and other sciences, he served Goddess dhatuvrutti", a book on grammar, he proudly stated
Bharati by writing a poetical work called that he was the son of Mayana and the brother of
"Sankaravijayam" and a treatise on music called Madhava. He expressed his gratitude and love for his
"Sangitasaram". Sankaravijayam, is the biography of brother by appending the name of his brother to his
Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada who propagated the school book.
of Advaita Philosophy. The work Sangitasaram is no
longer available. The system of raga-mela presently Tolerance:
in vogue in classical Indian music has been first The time of Vidyanagara Empire is unforgettable
proposed in this work. Therefore, many scholars are in the history of the Telugu country. Culture developed
of the opinion that Sri Vidyaranya was the creator of in multi-faceted ways. These kings ruled as per Dharma,
15 types of melas and 50 types of ragas. protected the land, and developed Hindu religion and
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culture. These Kings followed the Vedic religion. Memorials:

Saivism, Vaishnavism and Vira Saivism flourished The administrative prowess of these Vijayanagara
during this period. Many pontiffs belonging to the Kings and the magnificence of those times were
mathas of the schools of Sankara, Ramanuja and profusely praised by the foreigners who witnessed
Madhva were honoured by the Kings of Vijayanagara. them. This empire shined most magnificently for about
People of all schools lived happily without any 230 years and lost its splendour after defeat by
differences. Sri Vidyaranya debated with his friend
Mohammadans in 1565. Even today, many ruins of
Akshobhya Tirtha, and pleased with his knowledge, buildings and temples are found far away from Hampi
honoured him. He was pleasantly surprised to read
to the east, south and west. These ruins remind us of
the book "Pramanalakshanam" by Jaya Tirtha, the
the history of the Vijayanagara empire and the greatness
disciple of Akshobhya Tirtha. He invited Jaya Tirtha
of Sri Vidyaranya. There would be no Indian, who
to Vijayanagara and felicitated him by taking him out
would not shed tears after seeing these. These are the
on a procession astride an elephant.
most sacred places of Pilgrimage to Indians.
Vijayanagara Kings built many new temples. They
also repaired many old temples and sustained them by
giving land grants. Amongst these temples, the
Bhuvaneswari Temple and Pampavati Virupaksha
Temple were the oldest. Sri Vidyaranya used to be
immersed in a state of jnana-samadhi, a state of intense
meditation, in the Bhuvaneswari Temple. Harihararaya
developed the Sri Virupaksha Temple, and declared
his dedication to his preceptor, gratitude and belief in
the Vedic Dharma by installing the idol of Sri Vidyaranya
Swami in that temple. Harihara became the model for
later Vjijayanagara kings to follow. Those who came
later also developed this temple in many ways and
showed their respect and devotion to Sri Vidyaranya
Swami. They even mentioned Sri Vidyaranya as the
donor in many of their inams, grants.

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