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G.R. No.

168074 - Empire East Land

Holdings Inc. v. Capitol Industrial
Construction Groups, Inc.


[G.R. No. 168074 : September 26, 2008]





Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of

Court, of the Court of Appeals (CA) Decision1 dated November 3, 2004 and
its Resolution2 dated May 10, 2005, in CA-G.R. SP No. 58980. The assailed
decision modified the Decision3 of the Construction Industry Arbitration
Commission (CIAC) dated May 16, 2000 in CIAC No. 39-99.
The facts of the case, as found by the CIAC and affirmed by the CA, follow:

On February 12, 1997, petitioner Empire East Land Holdings, Inc. and
respondent Capitol Industrial Corporation Groups, Inc. entered into a
Construction Agreement4 whereby the latter bound itself to undertake the
complete supply and installation of "the building shell wet construction" of
the former's building known as Gilmore Heights Phase I, located at Gilmore
cor. Castilla St., San Juan, Metro Manila.5 The pertinent portion of the
aforesaid agreement is quoted hereunder for easy reference:


2.1. The CONTRACTOR shall complete the civil/structural and masonry works
of the building based on the works (sic) items covered by the
CONTRACTOR's Proposal of Complete Supply and Installation of Building
Shell Wet Construction Works as indicated in the plans and specifications at
the Contract Price and within the Contract time herein stipulated and in
accordance with the plans and specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall
furnish and supply all necessary labor, equipment and tools, supervision and
other facilities needed and shall perform everything necessary for the
complete and successful masonry works of the building described hereof,
provided that it pertains to or is part of the above mentioned work or items
covered by the Contract documents.

2.2. The scope of works as stated hereunder but not limited to the following:

a) CONCRETE WORKS - foundation and footings, tie beams, walls,

columns, beams, girders, slabs, stairs, stair slabs, cement floor topping,
ramps, rubbed concrete.

b) MASONRY WORKS - interior and exterior walls including stiffeners,

CHB laying, interior and exterior plastering, non-skid tile installation and
scratch coating for tile installation.

d) OTHER CONCRETE WORKS - trenches, platform for transformers, ger

sets and aircons

e) METAL WORKS - trench grating, I-beam separator, manhole cover,

ladder rungs of tanks, stair railings and stair nosing


- installation of Doors and Jambs (metal and wood)

- Lintel Beams/Stiffener Columns

- Installation of Hardwares and accessories

- Window and Door Openings

g) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - column guard, wheel guard, waterstop,

vapor barrier, incidental embeds, floor hardener, dustproofer, sealant, soil
treatment, elevator block-outs for call button, block-outs for electro-
mechanical works and concrete landing sills.

h) ROOFING WORKS 'Steel Trusses/Purlins, Rib Type pre-painted roofing

sheets, Insulation

i) Garbage Chutes

2.3. The work of the CONTRACTOR shall include but not be limited to,
preparing the bill of materials, canvassing of prices, requisition of materials
for purchase by OWNER, following up of orders, checking the quality and
quantity of the materials within the premises of the construction site and
returning defective materials.6

Respondent further agreed that the construction work would be completed

within 330 calendar days from "Day 1," upon the Construction Manager's
confirmation.7 Petitioner initially considered February 20, 1997 as "Day 1" of
the project. However, when respondent entered the project site, it could not
start work due to the on-going bulk excavation by another contractor.
Respondent thus asked petitioner to move "Day 1" to a later date, when the
bulk excavation contractor would have completely turned over the site.8

After a series of correspondence between petitioner and respondent,

February 25, 1997 was proposed as "Day 1." Accordingly, respondent's
completion date of the project was fixed on January 21, 1998.9

Prior to and during the construction period, changes in circumstances arose,

prompting the parties to make adjustments in the initial terms of their
contract. The following pertinent changes were mutually agreed upon by the

First, as the bulk excavation contractor refused to return to the project

site, petitioner directed respondent to continue the excavation work;10

Second, in addition to respondent's scope of work, it was made to

perform side trimmings.

Third, petitioner directed respondent to reduce the monthly target

accomplishment to P1 million worth of work and up to one (1) floor only.11

Fourth, the following were deleted from respondent's scope of work: a)

Masonry works and all related items from 6th floor to roof deck; b) All
exterior masonry works from 4th floor to roof deck; and c) Garbage

Fifth, as a consequence of the deletion of the above works, the contract

price was reduced to P62,828,826.53.13

Sixth, the parties agreed: that the items of work or any part thereof not
completed by the respondent as of February 28, 1999 should be deleted
from its contract, except demobilization; the punch list items under
respondent's scope of responsibility not yet made good/corrected as of
the same period shall be done by others at a fixed cost to be agreed upon
by all concerned; and respondent should be compensated for the cost of
utilities it installed but were still needed by other contractors to complete
their work.14

Lastly, they agreed that a joint quantification should be done to establish

the bottom line figures as to what were to be deleted from the
respondent's contract and the cost of completing the punch list items
which were deductible from respondent's receivables.15

In view of the limitation on the target accomplishment to P1 million worth of

work per month, respondent asked that the topping-off be moved to
February 1999. Respondent likewise requested a price adjustment with
respect to overhead and equipment expenses and legislated additional labor
cost. These requests were not, however, acted upon by petitioner.16

After the completion of the side trimmings and excavation of the building's
foundation, respondent demanded the payment of P2,248,507.70 and
P1,805,225.90, respectively. Instead of paying the amount, petitioner agreed
with the respondent on a negotiated amount of P900,000.00 for side
trimmings.17 However, respondent's claim for foundation excavation was not
acted upon.18 During the construction period, petitioner granted, on
separate occasions, respondent's requests for payroll and material

On March 13, 1999, respondent submitted its final billing, amounting to

P4,442,430.90 representing its work accomplishment and retention, less all
deductions. On March 23, 1999, a punch list was drawn as a result of the
joint inspection undertaken by the parties. Petitioner, on the other hand,
refused to issue a certificate of completion. It, instead, sent a letter to
respondent informing the latter that it was already in default.20

On September 14, 1999, respondent was constrained to file a Request for

Adjudication21 with the CIAC. Respondent specifically prayed, thus:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Claimant-Contractor prays that this

Honorable Commission render judgment against Respondent-Owner
EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC., ordering said Respondents to pay the
Claimant the amount of PhP22,770,976.66 plus costs of suit, broken down
as follows:

A. PhP4,442,430.90 as unpaid amount from the contract price;

b. PhP3,153,733.60 as the amount remaining unpaid for additional works;

c. PhP13,976,427.00 as overhead expenses; andcralawlibrary

d. PhP1,198,385.16 as additional costs due to wage escalation;

Other reliefs equitable under the premises are also prayed for.22

On May 16, 2000, the CIAC rendered a decision23 in favor of the respondent,
disposing, as follows:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered and AWARD of monetary claims

is hereby made as follows:


1. Retention Money P4,502,886.64

Unpaid Billings (P1,607,627.65)
Retention Money (6,110,514.29)
2. Additional Work: Excavation for 1,805,225.90
3. Overhead 1,397,642.70

4. Labor Costs 308,226.57

Total due the Claimant P8,013,981.81


1. Punch List Items P248,350.00

Total due the Respondent P248,350.00

All other claims and counterclaims are dismissed.

OFFSETTING the lesser amount due from Claimant with the bigger amount
from the Respondent, EMPIRE EAST LAND HOLDINGS, INC. is hereby
SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE AND 81/100 (P7,765,631.81) with 6% legal
interest from the time the request for adjudication was filed with the CIAC on
September 14, 1999 up to the time this Decision becomes final and

Thereafter, interest at the rate of 12% per annum shall accrue on the final
judgment until it is fully paid.

The arbitration fees and expenses shall be paid on a pro rata basis as initially
shared by the parties.


As to petitioner's counterclaim, the CIAC denied those which referred to

masonry and other works that it took over, considering that they were
formally deleted from respondent's scope of work, which in turn caused the
reduction of their total contract price.25 Petitioner's claim for liquidated
damages was likewise found unmeritorious because it allowed respondent to
complete the works despite knowledge that the latter was already in
default.26 On the other hand, as the punch list was drawn after the joint
inspection by the parties, CIAC found for the petitioner and thus awarded a
total amount of P248,350.0027

Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the matter to the CA via a Petition for Review
under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court. On November 3, 2004, the CA affirmed
the CIAC's findings of fact and conclusions of law with a slight modification,
and ruled:

WHEREFORE, the Decision, dated 16 May 2000, of the Construction Industry

Arbitration Commission Arbitral Tribunal is hereby AFFIRMED WITH
MODIFICATION in that CIAC's award on Labor Cost Escalation is hereby
DELETED for lack of factual basis and, consequently, for lack of cause of
action and CIAC's award on Additional Work for Foundation Excavation is
hereby equitably REDUCED to P980,376.34. All other awards, as well as the
rates of interest, are hereby AFFIRMED.

Accordingly, the total amount due to CICG is P6,880,905.68. While EELH is

entitled P248,350.00. Offsetting the award of EELH from the amount due to
CICG, EELH is hereby ORDERED to pay CICG the total amount of SIX
FIVE PESOS (P6,632,555.00). No costs at this instance.


In deleting respondent's claim for labor cost escalation and reducing its
claim for the cost of the excavation of foundation, the appellate court said
that respondent failed to show that it in fact paid said wage increase
pursuant to the New Wage Order,29 while the reduction of the cost of
foundation excavation was the result of the reduction of its cost per cubic

Hence, the present petition, raising the following issues:











The petition is partly meritorious.

On the Release of Retention Money

Petitioner contends that both the CIAC and the CA erred in ordering the
release of the retention money despite respondent's failure to comply with
the conditions for its release as set forth in the contract.

We find for the petitioner.

In the construction industry, the ten percent (10%) retention money is a

portion of the contract price automatically deducted from the contractor's
billings, as security for the execution of corrective work - if any becomes

The construction contract gave petitioner the right to retain 10% of each
progress payment until completion and acceptance of all works.33
Undoubtedly, as will be discussed hereunder, respondent complied fully with
its obligations, save only those items of work which were mutually deleted by
the parties from its scope of work. However, apart from the completion and
acceptance of all works, the following requisites were set as pre-conditions
for the release of the retention money:

a) Contractor's Sworn Statement showing that all taxes due from the
CONTRACTOR, and all obligations on materials used and labor employed
in connection with this contract have been duly paid;

b) Guarantee Bond to answer for faulty and/or defective materials or

workmanship as stated in Article IX Section 9.3 of this Contract;

c) Original and signed and sealed Three (3) sets of prints of "As Built"

The CA affirmed the CIAC's decision to order the release of the retention
money despite respondent's failure to establish the fulfillment of the
aforementioned conditions, as both tribunals merely focused on the non-
issuance of the certificate of completion, which, according to respondent,
was a pre-requisite to the issuance of a guarantee bond. The CA concluded
that the conditions were deemed fulfilled because the creditor voluntarily
prevented their fulfillment.

To this, we cannot agree.

The record of the case is bereft of any evidence to show that conditions (a)
and (c) were complied with. Petitioner categorically stated in all its pleadings
that they were not. Surprisingly, respondent did not squarely argue this
point. It relied solely on petitioner's failure to issue the certificate of
completion, which prevented the acquisition of a guarantee bond and thus
resulted in the non-release of the retention money. While it is true that
respondent was entitled to a certificate of completion as the issuance
thereof was just a ministerial duty of petitioner considering that the project
had already been completed, the certificate was not the only condition for
said release. It was simply a pre-requisite for the issuance of the guarantee
bond. And there was no showing that the absence of the certificate of
completion was the only reason why no guarantee bond was issued.

If we were to apply the civil law rule of constructive fulfillment - the condition
shall be deemed fulfilled if the creditor voluntarily prevented its fulfillment -
then the submission of a guarantee bond may be deemed to have been
complied with. But we cannot apply the rule to conditions (a) and (c), which
remain as unfulfilled conditions-precedent. Since no proof was adduced that
these two conditions were complied with, petitioner's obligation to release
the retention money had not, as yet, arisen. We would like to emphasize,
though, that this is without prejudice to respondent's compliance with the
unfulfilled conditions, after which, release of the retention money must,
perforce, follow.

On Respondent's Right to Additional Overhead Costs

Respondent claimed P13,976,427.00 as additional overhead expenses

brought about by the delay in the completion of the project due to
petitioner's own acts. The CIAC, however, awarded only a nominal amount
which is 10% of respondent's claim because of its failure to present
supporting documents to prove such additional expenses. The arbitral
tribunal observed that respondent only presented its own computation
without any other document to substantiate its claim. The CA, in turn,
affirmed the CIAC findings, ratiocinating that petitioner's failure to present
countervailing evidence was an implied admission on its part that the
computation made by respondent was correct.

We beg to differ.
It is undisputed that the only piece of evidence presented by respondent in
support of its claim for additional overhead cost was its own computation of
the said expenses. It failed to adduce actual receipts, invoices, contracts and
similar documents. To be sure, respondent's claim for overhead cost may be
classified as a claim for actual damages. Actual damages are those damages
which the injured party is entitled to recover for the wrong done and injuries
received when none were intended. They indicate such losses as are actually
sustained and are susceptible of measurement. As such, they must be
proven with a reasonable degree of certainty.35

This is not the first time that a contractor's claim for additional overhead
costs was denied because of insufficiency or absence of evidence to
support the same. In Filipinas (Pre Fab Bldg.) Systems, Inc. v. MRT
Development Corporation,36 we denied FSI's claim because only
"summaries," and not actual receipts, were presented during the hearing.
Similarly, in the instant case, respondent, by presenting only its own
computation to substantiate its claim, is not entitled even to the reduced
amount of P1,397,642.70 which is 10% of its original claim. Instead, we
altogether deny its prayer for additional overhead costs.

On Respondent's Right to the Cost of Foundation Excavation

As to respondent's entitlement to the cost of excavation of foundation, we

find no cogent reason to disturb the CIAC's conclusion, as modified by the

Side trimmings and the excavation of foundation were not included in

respondent's original scope of work. They were, however, undertaken by the
respondent upon the directive of petitioner, due to the previous contractor's
refusal to resume its excavation work. These works, therefore, constitute an
additional claim of respondent over and above the original contract price. A
confirmation of these works had, in fact, been given by petitioner through
Change Order Nos. 337 and 438 where it agreed to pay P250,000.00 and
P650,000.00, respectively. This P900,000.00 negotiated amount referred
specifically to side trimmings and hauling out of adobe soil. It is unfortunate,
though, that the parties failed to arrive at a settlement as to respondent's
claim for the cost of excavation of foundation.

The additional works having been undertaken by respondent, and the fact of
non-payment thereof having been established, we find no reason to disturb
the CIAC's conclusion that respondent is entitled to its claim for the cost of
excavation of foundation. As to the propriety of the award, both the CIAC and
the CA were in a better position to compute the same considering that said
issue is factual in nature. Significantly, jurisprudence teaches that
mathematical computations, as well as the propriety of arbitral awards, are
factual determinations39 which are better examined by the lower courts as
trier of facts. Thus, we affirm the award of P980,376.34 for foundation

On Petitioner's Counterclaim for the Cost of Unfinished Works

During the construction period, the parties mutually agreed that some items
of work be deleted from respondent's scope of work. Specifically, as claimed
by respondent, the following were deleted: a) masonry works and all related
items from the 6th floor to the roof deck; b) all exterior masonry works from
the 4th floor to the roof deck; and c) the garbage chute. This deletion was,
however, denied by petitioner. It, instead, claimed that the only modification
it approved was the reduction by three floors of the total number of floors to
be constructed by respondent.40

After a thorough review of the documents presented by both parties, both

the CIAC and the CA concluded that the unfinished works, i.e., masonry
works, were actually recognized and accepted by petitioner. It thus agreed to
take over, through its new contractor, the balance of work. The only
consequence of such acceptance was the deduction of the value of the
unfinished works from the total contract price.41 This was the reason why
the contract price was reduced from P84 million to P62,828,826.53. The
deletion was, likewise, confirmed by respondent in a letter dated August 21,

Applying Article 123543 of the Civil Code, petitioner's act exempted

respondent from liability for the unfinished works. A person entering into a
contract has a right to insist on its performance in all particulars, according
to its meaning and spirit. But if he chooses to waive any of the terms
introduced for his own benefit, he may do so.44 When the obligee accepts
the performance, knowing its incompleteness or irregularity, and without
expressing any protest or objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied

In the instant case, petitioner was aware of the unfinished work of

respondent; yet, it did not raise any objection or protest. It, instead,
voluntarily hired another contractor to perform the unfinished work, and
opted to reduce the contract price. By removing from the contract price the
value of the works deleted, it is as if said items were not included in the
original terms, in the first place. Thus, as correctly concluded by the CIAC,
and as affirmed by the CA, petitioner is not entitled to reimbursement from
respondent for the expenses it incurred to complete the unfinished works.

On Petitioner's Counterclaim for Liquidated Damages

In addition to its claim for the cost of masonry and other works, petitioner
demanded the payment of liquidated damages on the ground that
respondent was in default in the performance of its obligation.

Liquidated damages are those that the parties agree to be paid in case of a
breach. As worded, the amount agreed upon answers for damages suffered
by the owner due to delays in the completion of the project. Under Philippine
laws, they are in the nature of penalties. They are attached to the obligation
in order to ensure performance.45 As a pre-condition to such award,
however, there must be proof of the fact of delay in the performance of the
Thus, the resolution of the issue of petitioner's entitlement to liquidated
damages hinges on whether respondent was in default in the performance
of its obligation.

The completion date of the construction project was initially fixed on January
21, 1998. However, due to causes beyond the control of respondent, the
latter failed to perform its obligation as scheduled. The CIAC46 and the CA
enumerated the causes of the delay, viz., the delayed issuance of building
permit;47 additional work undertaken by respondent, i.e., bulk excavation
and side trimmings;48 delayed payment of progress billings;49 delayed
delivery of owner-supplied construction materials;50 and limitation of
monthly accomplishment.51 All these causes of respondent's failure to
complete the project on time were attributable to petitioner's fault.

Still, petitioner contends that even at the start and for the entire duration of
the construction, respondent was guilty of delay due to insufficient
manpower and lack of technical know-how.52 Yet, petitioner allowed
respondent to proceed with the project; thus, petitioner cannot now be
permitted to raise anew respondent's alleged delay. More importantly,
respondent is not guilty of breach of the obligation; hence, it cannot be held
liable for liquidated damages.

On Petitioner's Counterclaim for the Cost of Payroll Assistance and Materials


Finally, as to petitioner's counterclaim for payroll assistance and materials

accommodation, we quote with approval the CA's observation in this wise:

[W]ith respect to EELH's [petitioner's] claim for payroll and material

assistance, a perusal of CIAC's questioned Decision reveals that these were
already taken into consideration and, were in fact, deducted from CICG's
[respondent's] retention money itemized as unpaid billings amounting to
On page 9 of CIAC's Decision, the arbitral tribunal found that the total
amount of payroll accommodation advanced by EELH [petitioner] for (sic)
CICG [respondent] is P10,044,966.16, while the material assistance
advanced by EELH [petitioner] is P2,837,645.26. These amounts were
added together with other items and were deducted from the reduced
contract price. Hence, as can be gleaned from page 13 of the CIAC's
Decision, EELH's [petitioner's] overpayment amounting to P1,607,627.65
already included EELH's [petitioner's] payroll accommodation and material

As can be gleaned from the appealed CA decision, the appellate court had
reviewed the case based on the petition and annexes, and weighed them
against the Comment of respondent and the decision of the arbitral tribunal
to arrive at the conclusion that the latter decision was based on substantial
evidence. In administrative or quasi-judicial bodies like the CIAC, a fact may
be established if supported by substantial evidence, or that amount of
relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
justify a conclusion.54

It is well established that under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, only questions
of law, not of fact, may be raised before the Supreme Court. It must be
stressed that this Court is not a trier of facts and it is not its function to re-
examine and weigh anew the respective evidence of the parties.55 To be
sure, findings of fact of lower courts are deemed conclusive and binding
upon the Supreme Court, save only in clear exceptional cases.56

In view of the foregoing, after deducting from the final contract price the
retention money (that is yet to be released), the payments as well as the
payroll and material accommodations made by the petitioner, there was an
overpayment to respondent in the total amount of P1,607,627.65. From said
amount shall be deducted P980,376.34 due the respondent for the cost of
foundation excavation. On the other hand, as held by the CIAC and affirmed
by the CA, petitioner is entitled to its claim for punch list items amounting to

Considering that the conditions set forth in the contract have not yet been
complied with, the release of the retention money shall be held in abeyance.
Thus, respondent is liable to petitioner for the payment of P875,601.31,
which is the difference between the overpayment and the cost of foundation
excavation, plus the cost of punch list items.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED.

The Decision of the Court of Appeals dated November 3, 2004 and its
Resolution dated May 10, 2005 in CA-G.R. SP No. 58980, are MODIFIED by
deleting the award of additional overhead cost amounting to P1,397,642.70.

The petitioner is directed to issue to respondent the required certificate of

completion in order to enable the latter to obtain the corresponding
guarantee bond. In view of the non-fulfillment of the conditions-precedent,
the release of the retention money is hereby held in abeyance. Thus,
respondent is ordered to pay the petitioner P875,601.31 subject to the return
of the amount when respondent shall have complied with the conditions


Ynares-Santiago, J., (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez, Chico-Nazario,

and Velasco, Jr.,* JJ., concur.


*Additional member replacing Associate Justice Ruben T. Reyes per

Raffle dated September 8, 2008.

1 Penned by Associate Justice Perlita J. Tria Tirona, with Associate

Justices Ruben T. Reyes (now a member of this Court) and Jose C.
Reyes, Jr., concurring; rollo, pp. 66-94.
2 Rollo, pp. 97-99.

3 Id. at 797-817.

4 Id. at 109-124.

5 Id. at 109.

6 Id. at 111.

7 Id. at 68.

8 Id.

9 Id. at 69.

10 Id. at 68-69.

11 Id. at 70-71.

12 Id. at 71-72.

13 Id. at 809.

14 Id. at 72-73.

15 Id. at 73.

16 Id. at 71.

17 Id. at 810.

18 Id. at 69-70.

19 Id. at 809.

20 Id. at 73-74.
21 Id. at 101-108.

22 Id. at 107.

23 Id. at 797-817.

24 Id. at 816-817.

25 Id. at 814-815.

26 Id. at 815-816.

27 Id. at 815.

28 Id. at 93.

29 Id. at 85-90.

30 Id. at 83.

31 Id. at 990.

32H.L. Construction, Inc. v. Marina Properties Corporation, 466 Phil. 182,

199-200 (2004).

33 Rollo, p. 112.

34 Id. at 112, 114.

35 Filipinas (Pre-Fab Bldg.) Systems, Inc. v. MRT Development

Corporation, G.R. NOS. 167829-30, November 13, 2007, 537 SCRA 609,

36 G.R. NOS. 167829-30, November 13, 2007, 537 SCRA 609.

37 Rollo, p. 136.

38 Id. at 137.
39 Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd. v. Dynamic
Planners and Construction Corporation, G.R. NOS. 169408 & 170144,
April 30, 2008.

40 Rollo, p. 803.

41 Id. at 156.

42 Id. at 153.

43 Art. 1235. When the obligee accepts the performance, knowing its
incompleteness or irregularity, and without expressing any protest or
objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied with.

44 Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Civil Code of the Philippines

by Arturo M. Tolentino, Volume Four, 1991 Ed., p. 278.

45 H.L. Construction, Inc. v. Marina Properties Corporation, supra note 32,

at 205.

46 Rollo, pp. 811-814.

47 It was legally impossible for respondent to commence the project on

February 25, 1997 because the Building Permit was only issued on March
21, 1997.

48 Petitioner directed the respondent to undertake side trimmings and

excavation of foundation as the previous bulk excavation contractor
refused to return to the project site. Such works were therefore
undertaken in addition to respondent's initial scope of work.

49 Petitioner's failure to settle on time respondent's progress billing

contributed to respondent's delay in the performance of the obligation.

50 Due to the delay in the delivery of owner-supplied materials,

respondent underwent manpower rotation.
51Petitioner instructed respondent to limit its monthly accomplishment to
P1 million worth of work and up to one (1) floor only.

52 Rollo, p. 1016.

53 Id. at 92-93.

54 Megaworld Globus Asia, Inc. v. DSM Construction Development

Corporation, 468 Phil. 305, 314 (2004).

55 Filipinas (Pre-Fab Bldg.) Systems, Inc. v. MRT Development

Corporation, supra note 35, at 638-639; Security Bank and Trust
Company v. Gan, G.R. No. 150464, June 27, 2006, 493 SCRA 239, 242.

56Poliand Industrial Limited v. National Development Company, G.R. No.

143866, August 22, 2005, 467 SCRA 500, 543.

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