1912 Mccarthy Secrets of The Gods Cosmic Law

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Cosmic Law


Elizabeth Ef McCarthy,
Honorary member of the Ancient Order of Rosecrution
Brotherhood, India.


Publishers and Booksellers.
509 East Ninth Street. KANSAS CITY, MO.
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Copyright, 1912,

Elizabeth E. McCarthy.

We advise those who purchase this
occult work not to lend it lest bad
results should follow.

The Independence and Advancement of Manifest Life Its Rela-
tion to Thought Formation, Involution, Evolution and


Explanations Regarding the Forces of the Four Elemental King-

doms in Their Regular Order.


Explanations Regarding the First Elemental Department.


The Forces of the Interchanging Heavens, With Their Numerous

Angels, Arch-Angels, Powers, Systems, Suns, Planets and
Worlds are Man's Inheritance, and it is His Birthright to
Become Their Master.


Explanations Regarding the Second Elemental Department of

the Solar Organism.


The Difference Between the Elements of Minor Forms of Life

and Those Which Constitute the Real Man. The Necessity
of Proper Care of the Body as a Factor in Unfolding the
Principle Man or Atma.


The Character and Quality of the Elemental Forces Belonging

to the Third Solar House, Spoken of, as the Kingdom of
Earth and Plane of Form.


The Characteristics of the Wonderful Solar God Ruling in the

Fourth Department of the Solar Organism and the Forces
Belonging to its House, Which We Believe Will be Very
Interesting to the Reader.


Directions for Obtaining a Position Where Mind, Soul and Heart

Become as One Center of Power, Acting Together for What-
ever Purpose Required.


The Method of Adjusting the Personality to the Higher Spiritual



The Solar and PersonalQualities Detrimental and Also Beneficial

to advancement, Both Mentally and Spiritually, of the Real


Instructions for Making a Solar Circle and Holding a Service

to the Arch-Angels and Their Divine Forces. Rules for the
Operator to Follow in the Work of Magical Art.
Complying with the request of many friends, we
have concluded to present this work on elemental and
solar law, to the public; giving our experience in deal-
ing with invisible forces in nature, which surround us
in every department of life.
We have no wish, however, to do more than ex-
plain some facts we think are of importance to the
student of the occult, when trying to understand na-
ture's law.
The subject is vast in its relation to human life,

however, and what we are in a position to explain, is

but a drop in the great ocean of esoteric knowledge to
be unfolded to human consciousness. Since early
youth a deep interest and sympathy with the invisible
and mysterious in nature, claimed our attention.
Many times we beheld scenery and people, not visible
to others, nor could we obtain a satisfactory explana-
tion from any school of thought; we could not accept
theories handed down from a degenerate past, or de-
nials from a boasted physical science, which has failed
in its application to human life, superstition on the
one hand and egotism on the other, explains nothing;
nature never fails to express correct phenomena, how-
ever, and if man fails to comprehend her, he proves
thereby his ignorance.


Nature's method of using the elements, to pro-

duce manifestations of various kinds should be of
great interest to every one, and knowledge of this law
is what we sought, but could not find. We discovered,
finally, that every department of life, whether visible
or invisible, express a language peculiar to itself
and through the study of that part in nature, one
could communicate intelligently with the life occupy-
ing it, whether elemental, spiritual or material.
Knowledge instead of belief, is the demand of the
present, that will rend the veil of mystery and remove
many errors, which superstition has established.
Many are the pearls of truth given to the world
by the mystics of that enchanting country, India, where
nature seems to hold a feast of continual wisdom for
those who seek the perfect way, and many are the souls
she has fashioned into Godlike men, who are even to-
day, the greatest authority on every branch of the
higher sciences.
How we longed to reach her shores and partake of
her wisdom; this was beyond our reach, however,
therefore we sought in other directions. At length
a voice spoke from the silence, saying "God is every-

where, seek and you shall find." We went into seclu-

sion and adopted the Hindoo method of training.
While thus engaged we fasted from food at intervals of
from three to nine days and from animal flesh entirely
the body groaned under the force of the new builder,


but spirit forces inspired and encouraged, until the

physical responded to the new method of living. * * *
When the soul became free from sense claims, it
flew to that land, sunlit by the wisdom of ages, to sit
at the feet of a spiritual master who understood its
needs, giving all the information it could assimilate.
Our next experience came in waves of inspiration
from Poets, Philosophers, Seers and Prophets who
had long since arisen to planes of spiritual conscious-
ness. We soon found that we were initiated into the
eastern school of Theurgy, and under the instructions
of those Masters our education began.
Words fail to convey the delightful experience as
we passed through circles, zones and spheres of beau-
tiful light, so different from sunlight, each place
ablaze with life of many grades and character, that
flash for a moment, then pass on, radiant in their hap-
piness and beauty, their motion causing a sweet toned
musical sound, each intonation more inspiring than
the one preceding. Our thoughts were hushed with
delight and our soul went out in the following words

Who am I that gazeth thus, all benumbed with awe

At this display fantastic glory,
Ablaze with life, both young and hoary;

It were well we knew what part we play,

Our part well played in consciousness, will be
A radiant light on this conscious sea.

We were taken to the four great elemental cen-
ters of cause, from where all manifestation proceeds;
there welearned the nature of the elements in their
central combinations, the names of the Arch-Angels
and their position in the government of systems, suns,
planets and worlds.
We discovered spirit to be the ruling substance,
alone self-existing, its first expression being mind.
Thru continual manifestation in elemental forms
and the experience thus gained, does it become self-
conscious and individualized, as human and divine.
Experience is the only educator that can evolve
a human soul to where it is self-sustaining.
The laws of nature are not changed or removed
for any purpose, nor to satisfy any clerical pontiff.
Her truths are self-evident, she needs no material dis-
play to introduce them, and if any one claims that
right he an impostor. Man being a cosmic center

of force can when developed, accomplish unprece-

dented results, but until then, he must surrender to
universal law.

The twentieth century brings many blessings to
the human family; it places us upon the spiral waves
of the cycle of mind and spirit, which promise the
fulfillment of our most cherished hopes, and we con-
sider it a great privilege to be able to play our part
upon its stage of progress.
The genius of this age, will unfold the higher
mental qualities and will power of the race, necessary
to disclose the secrets of nature and open the door to
a field of knowledge not understood in the past; one
that will be the means of freeing man from the limita-
tions and prescribed ideas of past ages, both socially,
religiously and economically.

The elemental centers of Infinite cause, known as

solar Gods and Arch-Angels, with their classified
forces and varied possibilities, will be clearly under-
stood, controlled and utilized for the benefit of all the
human family, irrespective of persons, nations or
races before the close of this century.

The direct action of these elemental intelligences

upon the material or mundane plane, where chemical
changes are necessary and constantly taking place,
when directed by the mind and will of the Master,
were looked upon in the past as mysterious and un-

natural, therefore classed as miracles; we, however,
understand them to be, the natural result of a well
ordered mind, which has been trained to concentrate
and reflect thought.
The average mind of the present, has outgrown
the superstitious dogmas and creeds established by
church rule to control human intellect, therefore can-
not be frightened into unreasonable beliefs.
The law governing soul and spirit, also regulates
mind and what is termed matter, throughout all mani-
festation; this law being just and accurate, results
obtain at once, complimentary to the thought, there-
fore it is the privilege of the developed man or woman,

to change and direct all expression in harmony with

their latest and best ideals.
The advanced minds of every age know and have
known, that well directed thought, intently reflected
upon an object, either manifest or yet elemental, will
change the form of said object from its present char-
acter, to that reflected upon it thru the thought;
thought, then, is the architect and master mechanic of
universal mind, that has built the universe. To obtain
this power, however, the mind must be trained and
the will cultivated to a degree, making them capable,
first, to reflect and hold the thought upon the object,
then direct and build the mode of form required; in
this manner every undesirable circumstance one en-
counters while on the material plane, can be changed

to that which is more desirable, by reflected thought
properly directed.
Developed mind and cultivated will, is the adept's
power by which he controls the supreme elemental
energies, while they produce physical results; all these
elemental forces, in whatever kingdom they belong,
either animal, vegetable or mineral, or plane of being,
spiritual, planetary or solar, will answer to the de-
mand of a well regulated mind and will, in concen-
trated action.
In the lessons that follow, we teach solar law,
showing the great possibilities of those elemental cen-
ters of force, known as solar Gods, or Arch-Angels,
when under the influence of masterly reflected
thought and will, of one who has thru develop-
ment become a cosmic center of mind.
In our instructions we do not speculate with prob-
abilities, we confine our instructions to demonstrable
facts, free from mystery, or superstition; they are
original, scientificand practical.
We have arrived at our conclusions thru years
of patient study and investigation, therefore know
that repetitions, prayers, encantations and formulas,
used either by ancient or modern mystics, are unwise
and unnecessary, when dealing with these most power-
ful elementals in nature; a more practical method
should be adopted.
A well trained mind and cultivated will knows no

limitation and will accomplish everything desired
thru reflected thought.
Solar law is an interesting study, that awakens
the latent mental faculties and enlarge their scope of
comprehension. Fear, doubt, despondency and super-
stition, with many other mental derangements, will
vanish like mist in the sunlight under the searchlight
of real knowledge.
In this study, one is constantly surprised by some
new discovery and pleasant unfoldment, thru
which mind and will are trained without difficulty.
We cannot repeat too often that a well trained mind
and cultivated will, are the keys to success and happi-
ness, which attracts one's own and builds within his
soul the Kingdom of Heaven.
Nearly all failures experienced during material
life comes from improper thinking; people have
neither been trained nor educated, to understand the
character of thought waves, many times out of har-
mony and contending for supremacy, both in social
and commercial intercourse, therefore fail to gain their
These subjective influences, both sub and super-
mundane, surround every one's life, as well as spirit-
ual beings, all of which take an active part in the
affairs of every-day life, both social and otherwise.
One can readily see that if not understood, they are
likely to move under influence of irregular thought

in wrong channels, thus misdirected, their efforts are
wasted. Such inharmony react upon the personality,
causing sickness, discouragement and sometimes
death; such mistakes will be prevented through the
development and unity of mind and soul, the Divine
marriage of the daughter and son of God, or, if you
please, the negative and positive principles of life.
In the understanding of these highly sensitized
and illuminated intelligences, one soon grows into
knowledge of real life and harmony.
To be well educated is to understand self. Truth
cannot be discovered it must be unfolded from within

Thyself; wisdom leads to its development. Thought

is the motive power underlying all expression, there-

fore should be carefully trained.

One should select his own forces and conserve
them, to be moved only by well selected thought, in
positive channels, towards an objective purpose.
First, sight the object of your quest, place it in
your mind's house (imagination), then focalize the
thought, having intended purpose upon it, until as-
sured of changing its motion; it will soon begin to
vibrate within the impulse of your will; confidence is
then established in the mind, that will finish the work
without further effort on your part.
Divine intelligences that are constantly seeking
thru infinite love to reach the material plane and
assist in awakening sensuous minds to their spiritual

possibilities, if encouraged, will make life one song of
joy and harmony.
What a blessing to have the privilege of material
life, when one knows who and what he is and the

wonderful attributes, faculties and possibilities of his

nature; indeed he is the child of a true king, whose
heir possesses both earth and heaven; when he finds
his real self, he has started on a new road, marked out
by scientific thought, free from care and responsi-
bility, free from false claims of the flesh, and also
from the suggestion and impressions of the past de-
caying cesspool of thought; free indeed, to bask in
the spiritual and mental sunlight of the now, where
one can hold communion with nature's God and the
angels, conscious only of love and virtue.

Oh ! life divine where e'er you roam,

O'er earth's enchanting sensuous home,
Beguiled by pleasures deep and strong,
Or, the sirene raptures of natures' throng,
In thoughtless revelry, on and on,
To deeds of valor, or perhaps to wrong.
Yet within thy bosom burning bright,
An esthetic ray, from heaven's light
Unquenchable, e'en by thought or deed,
Until thru sorrow's claim, its voice you heed,
In thoughtful silence, then you'll view,
Its rapturous joys to you all new.


The Interdependence and advancement of Manifest

Life, Its Relation to Thought Formation,
Evolution, Involution and Environment.

Long before the historian was able to give a cor-

rect history of remote civilization, legendand tradi-
tion connect us with enlightened races, which have
come upon the stage, played their part and departed,
whose speculative philosophy, carefully calculated,
enabled them to map out the starry heavens with
mathematical precision and by geometrical induction,
form a language and system of Divine worship in per-
fect harmony with solar law, and altho hieroglyph-
ically expressed, is in full sympathy with nature's law
on the material plane.
More than thirteen thousand years have left their
geological records and evolutionary changes on the
earth and in human character, since astronomical sci-
ence regulated the social relations of men; yet this
same system remains the fundamental principle in all
language and systems of religious worship down to
the present time.
The Son of God, the Virgin, Manger, Cross and Cru-
cifixion, together with many more which have been wov-
en into every religious system, are all planetary signs,

having a deep spiritual significance to human life, far
more, however, than has ever been understood by the
Theological school. Solar science is the only method
capable of correct analyses of scriptural sayings,
either in the Jewish Bible, Hindoo, Vides, or any an-
cient scripture written in Sanscrit. The Bible as it
now appears, after being mutilated several times by
command of selfish monarchs, is nothing but a con-
fused extract from those wonderful sacred records of
a spiritually enlightened past.

We have no wish, however, to deal with this vast

subject more than what isnecessary for this work,
the facts are within the reach of any who may desire
proof. Our aim is to show as concisely as possible, the
continual harmony of universal energies in the pro-
duction and unf oldment of formative life.

Thru Oral history we obtain a vague glimpse

of the knowledge, comprehension and skill attained by
the lost Atlantians, enough, however, to have caused
investigation along geological lines regarding them,
which return some marvelous accounts. The results
of their genius and mechanical ingenuity reads more
like a fairy tale than reality, and could not receive
credence, were it not, that similar manifestations occur
today. Their Oracles and Symbols, were so ingeni-
ously constructed that they were used phonographi-
cally between invisible intelligences and mortals a fact

which is proven by the Trumpet, Planchette and many
other mechanical devices used for the same purpose
today by spiritual scientists.
More than six thousand years have intervened
since that great continent fell, which would no doubt
explain the Noah's flood of the scriptures, as we find
no geological account of any other cataclysm occur-
ring during that period. Since those centuries, how-
ever, oceans have rolled over their entombed remains;
yet their victories remain thru the chain of events,
to meet the next in line, who will, "Do greater things,"
while the prowess of their genius and inspiration from
their exalted souls, will greet the coming conqueror
and lead him on to victory; and over all, the Divine
presence of nature's God, remains a silent witness,
unfolding each life for greater purpose, and recording
every event geologically upon, "Tablets of stone," for
future generations to consider.
Whatever good has been effected thru the
efforts of any life, even animal life, will rise again
with later generations, the best of which are born
into expression with the new genius, brilliant states-
men, philosophers, social or religious refomer, who
are the more recent embodiment of the highest
thought, evolved thru ages of generative activity,
and are very often sacrificed to the ignorant prejudice
of the non-progressive element which environ them;
the accumulated wisdom, however acquired thru

their experiences, is conserved by nature for further
development of earth life.

The soul principle of many older countries, hav-

ing retired from the leading lines of progress, have
left the under element of their time to be awakened
thru more experience, until they are prepared to
rise to a higher level; all, however, have left some
very important truths which have found their way
into the philosophies, theologies, hypotheses and social
structures of modern times. Many recent expressions
which are proudly claimed as being original, are but
the echo, or impulse of genius, that have stirred to
action, the latent energies of ages which have rolled
Our Redeemers, Brilliant Statesmen, Poets, Phil-
osophers and Reformers are not nearly made by any
special consideration or dispensation of an overruling
Deity, or for any special purpose; instead, they come
to us out of the living past, already in touch with the
reconstructive forces of the new, and in full sympathy
with the highest sentiment of every age, especially the
one in which they live, understanding its require-
ments, they work to obtain them. Without the emana-
tions from these exalted minds and impassioned love
for all earth creatures, we could not be what we now
are, and yet, we continue to crucify them.
People do not understand the wisdom of Infinite
nature in its adjustment of formal life, until the spir-

itual attributes, as well as the mental faculties are
awakened, which only the few care to accomplish, this
fact will account for so much confusion and so many
different religious beliefs; when one's reasoning
power is developed, the clouds of superstition fade
away like mist under the sun's rays.
Vast indeed is the scope of human knowledge, and
infinite are the planes of material wealth awaiting
human genius to develop, and ever beckons to the one
who has the will and courage to dare and to do.
Only when men presume to promote personal and
false desires, does nature's elements react, causing sor-
row and suffering come upon physical life, finally
resulting in the downfall of nations, kingdoms and
empires, the shocking history of which should be an
object lesson to those following. All things necessary
to one's greater unfoldment come much faster, if his
personal demands are not forced upon nature, which
if received, retard instead of blessing him; we must
all grow into the bosom of our God.
The effort of the eastern mystic and also those
of later date, in the development of their spiritual at-
tributes, has proven the possibility in human life, to
overcome the claims of sense and win immortality
thru individual effort long before the Judean age.
There is indeed, a peculiar fascination connected
with the mysticism of ancient Indian and Egyptian
lore, which charm the senses and appeals to the soul,

awakening in the student a desire to follow where they
lead, even beyond the great white arch, where one's
own Divine self awaits the coming of all its forces.
In this commercial age, there is no time for soul
wonderings, the chains of materialism are on, and the
sad word reverberates, arise and to duty; with a heavy
heart, all follow satan's call, and join in the mad race
after the dollar.
India's aromatic climate is an ideal place for soul
growth, her beautiful foliage, lovely valleys, smooth
flowing waters, shaded by the sweet-scented flower-
ing Lotus and shadowy palm, where beautiful birds
of rare plumage send forth unceasing melodies and
where landscape and mountain grandeur, blend into
one harmonious display of architectural skill; out-
wrought by the handiwork of nature's God and kissed
into bloom by the radiance of eternal day, there surely
nature's Muse, builded her spiritual temple and fash-
ioned her sons, to become the spiritual teachers of the
In that beautiful mystic land, people were wont
to hold communion with their spirit friends, their
Genii and their God, and from their retreats, waves of
inspirational thought have wafted their way over
many waters and cast a refining influence over every
country. In one of those retreats on the shores of the
Ganges, the Judean mystic Jesus, received the first
touch of the master and many more were initiated

into the mysteries, anointed with the Holy oils and
baptized in the descending lights of the Holy spirit.
Nearly two thousand years later, her valleys were
made desolate by the tramp of inhuman militants, and
her great wealth taken to swell the coffers of a Chris-
tian-Pagan traducer. She will rise again, however,
to claim her own, when her beautiful birds will be pro-
tected from the slaughter of commercial bandits for
profit, or to gratify insipid female vanity.
Our earth has many times passed through severe
changes in the evolution of her elemental life, neces-
sary to meet the ever increasing demand of her human

As round by round, she throbs her way,

Whether gain or loss, she could not stay,
Until each demand life made was filled,
And every life, in active purpose skilled.

On our thought journey down thru the ages,

we meet some very shocking incongruities, which
cause one to think there must be something wrong
with the working hypotheses of nature, more espe-
cially in the "Inhumanity of man to man," caused,
however, by the unscrupulous conduct of Divinely or-
dained Kings and their minions in Priestly garbs.
Ecclesiastical tyranny has cursed the world for
many centuries; those inhuman monstrosities seem to

have been handed down from the degenerate element of
a pagan past, who could only understand God as a mon-
ster of jealous cruelty.
During all of those dark ages when gibbet, dun-
geon and pyre were the punishment for heresy, many
a brave soul like the illustrious Bruno, who tried to
turn the current of thought into purer channels, were
sacrificed upon those demoniac inventions of torture.
This being true, can anyone claim that the world has
presented but one Redeemer? Our present civiliza-
tion, if indeed it can be considered civil, is indebted to
many thousand redeemers for whatever freedom it
The physical powers, even up to date, use every
cruel means at their command to keep the intelligence
of the masses in check, so as to promote fraudulent
personal schemes. How much longer will the popu-
lace tolerate such divinely foolish rot, in the name of
law and gospel coming from degenerates?
Thus we swing upon the pendulum of progress,
however, from one decade to that of another, mixed
with the adulterated and adulterer, until at length, we
are equalized in cosmic consciousness. The present
age has arisen to the independence of its time, we are
born a new people, and must prepare to take our seat
in the congress of the world, where all will have a voice
in the lawful regulation of society, in its international
relation to all races.

Prophets, Seers, Magicians and Savants have come
with every age and race, by whose spiritual enlighten-
ment much suffering has been prevented. India and
Egypt gave to the world masters in spiritual art,
whose astonishing magical power attracted to their
shores, many truth seekers from every country, whose
returning voices have awakened thousands.
Greece sent forth the genius of her soul in Art,
Music, Poetry, Philosophy and Song, and the fame of
her great masters inspire the world's thinkers with
admiration for her genius today.
France combined all her spiritual graces in the
beautiful Maid of Orleans, who communed with the
Arch-Angel Michael, and under its influence took con-
trol of the French army and saved her country from
British rule, the story of which has clothed French
history in inspirational glory.
Spain's beautiful gifted presence, retired to the
inner Spain when Roman tyranny and church rule
overran her empire, and buried her diadem of art and
beauty in the tombs of national materialism.
Judea immortalized her name by giving to the
world Jesus, the son of the spirit in the great mystic
of Galilee, who seemed to be the last outpouring of a
fond mother's soul to her doomed children; in his
presence, however, the spirit of Judea was resurrected.
He was more than a Prophet or Reformer. He was
the soul embodiment of that Nation and the voice of

her people, who for so many long years cried aloud to
their God for deliverance, from wrongs imposed by a
corrupt Priesthood and alien usurpers from the Ro-
man Empire. He was indeed the new Israel, the new
link in the great chain of advancing forces, uniting
the past with the present in a bond of sympathetic
acknowledgment, of the "Brotherhood of man and
Fatherhood of God," when the least will be protected
as part of the whole, which is the only salvation pos-
sible, here or elsewhere.
All this confusion thru which the world has
passed, in total contra-distinction to truth, may be
necessary to develop a conscious consideration for the

undeveloped portion of formative life as the least
life, has occasion to suffer, all will suffer in a com-

parative degree.
Cradled in superstition and iconoclassed by the
psychological impressions of ages, people remain lost
in doubt and fear, hence hug to their bosom many
idosyncrasies of their ancestry; the majority carry a
great load of false and useless toggery in the form of
ideas, customs and beliefs which they strive to mix
with what truths are found. Therefore adulteration
and confusion follow and hinder their progress.
Out from this labyrinth of false and useless hum-
buggery, the best minds of the present are blazing
their way, and step by step, are measuring the mental
altitude leading to a more beautiful concept of life,

and all are moving toward a higher civilization in
which man can be a friend to man, no matter what his
color, country or race may be, and all life, either ani-
mal, human or divine, will be considered sacred and
every possible consideration will be given to their care
and advancement.
Knowledge is a universal product, on which no
one, nor set of ones, can get a corner; those who care
to develop their mind, let them be white, black or tan,
the way of attainment is open to them from the spir-
itual side of their being, if they will unlock the door,
at any time and at any age. Spirit does not recog-
nize the limitations of sense; it is ever now. The
present is ever in touch with its demands; therefore,
the past cannot prescribe what it shall or shall not
do, or how it will use what it finds. The forces of the
present are prepared for greater things than the past
was able to consider.
The highest solar elements, which are purely spir-
itual,regulate the action of minor elemental forces in
their influence over worlds and the life inhabiting
them. has been truly said, "Those whom the Gods
protect,no power on earth or in heaven can injure."
They are the children of destiny, born to fill an im-
portant part in the world history. Soul, Spirit and
Mind are the essence of all life, either elemental, spir-
itual or human, and when united, they constitute two
individual principles, the Divine man, or Atma, and


Infinite God, from whom all proceed and to which

they return.
The great Solar angels (Arch- Angels) and
minor elemental groups, constitute the diversified
channels, between visible and invisible life, from God,
to man, on down to the remotest atom life in the uni-
verse; all of which are perfected in the Divine Atma
(Perfected Man), making an unbroken chain of in-
telligent life, in varied forms of the One, great life God
becoming more and more radiant, as it all ascends the
scale of conscious Onement; inbreathing the perfection
that measures the train of still moie advanced life,
which must have taken eons of time to measure.
The male and female principles, when united on
the soul and mental planes, pure love born of God, will
generate worlds and systems of worlds and people
them with beings, beautiful as Gods, and truth borne
upon the breast of genius, will transmute the coarse
to finer quality and triumph over all error.
It is necessary to understand solar science, if suc-
cess in life is desired; the solar angels are the exec-
utive force of nature and laboratory of occult research,
where the student finds the key to his Alchemical dis-
coveries they inspire the Author, the Speaker and In-

ventor, they assist the Scientist, awaken Genius and

carry important thought waves from one point to an-
other; in fact, they are the messengers of God and
recording angels of heaven, moving under influence

of Divine power for good in regulating justice and
harmony throughout the cosmos.
Air, East and Spring denote a trinity of light in
which the child of genius is conceived, to be born of
the (Virgin), pure elemental substance, while the
earth is passing thru the house of Cynabriel (realm
of pure light) and can correctly be called the wonder-

ful works of God.

During this century, the supreme elements be-
longing to the solar system are combined in preparing
the mundane forces of earth for a higher civilization.
Therefore, severe and sudden changes may be ex-
pected, also disastrous elemental disturbances. The
march of science will destroy the citadels and teachings
of crude minds on all public questions Science, Reason

and Philosophy will go hand in hand to establish a pure

religion and economic relation between all countries.
The downfall of nations, dethronement of Kings
and Priestly power, their dogmas and creeds, uprising
of the people to rule and govern their own industrial
affairs and free themselves from national slavery;
exploits of courage; achievement of genius; opening
of the water channels of the world; the construction
of new ones; the rising of lost continents from the
ocean ; the finding of hidden and buried treasures ex-

ploration of the seas, oceans and lakes, where great

wealth will be found and beds of precious jewels be
discovered; production of new species of animal and


vegetable life; transportation of thought without

wires; aerial navigation; electric navigation and
transportation, doing away with the cumbersome
railroad system that has become such a nuisance;
vibratory carriers and cultivators of land, when one
acre will produce more than ten and thousands will be
made productive in a few days.
All these, will startle the world with their rapid
coming and shake the foundation of the present cor-
rupt Systems, Kingdoms and Empires before the mid-
dle of this century; the twentieth century will be
marked by the greatest changes in the life of this
world; we are moving with lightning speed towards
grander realization and higher civilization.
All these prophesies were written for this work,
twelve years before its publication by the Author. The
MS. has been burned twice and re-written each time,
without alteration of the subject which suggested its
production. Many of these inventions have already
occurred and many more will soon follow. It is natural
that the more perfect anything is, the faster it moves
therefore, what we have discovered is but an incentive
to greater discoveries, the law of attraction is more
tense as the vibrations reach a deeper realm, the forces
there are awakened and take part in the wonderful
psychic exhibition, adding their strength to what is
already active, until a powerful wave of thought force
and motion sweep all before it we are in the period of

reconstruction in which the old will be remodeled to
the new; the substance is not changed, but the form

must be, so as to meet the present requirements more

universally needed to bring greater results.

As we rise from race-contact of slumbering ages,

And the tinsel robed mockery of royalties' time,
To find we have lived, while ages rolled o'er us,
In human form, not conscious that all are divine,

How sad is the retrospect, when mind has awakened,

To know of our errors, when our powers are sublime.
We have builded around us, strong walls of debase-
And are shocked, when confronted by each passing

Can we build for the better, while past thought con-

trol us?
Or break through those barriers and bastiles of time?
And remove all sham that surround us,
the glitter and
To live as immortals, without vice or false shrine.

The wisdom of nations, during all the past ages,

Should come at our call, our command or our sign,
To remove all the errors which slumber has caused us,
While we build for the future, at harmonies' shrine.



Explanations Regarding the Forces of the Four Ele-

mental Kingdoms in Their Regular Order.

The elements of air known as Sylphs, correspond

to Spring and East, denoting growth and progress,
power and wisdom; they are classed as the head and
brain of the solar organism, and to a great extent con-
trol the forces of the other three kingdoms, often
changing their motive and manners of manifestation;
they are wise in council and powerful in motion pure

in compound, harmonious and beautiful; they are

always a friend to man and will assist him if possible
they have been sought by every spiritual seer during
every age for assistance and knowledge, those beauti-
ful forces are the inspiration of genius and the im-
pulse of cosmic thought, and are also the message-
bearers to all planes of manifesting life, as well, as to
and from our spirit friends and our God; bringing
hope and love to every creature.
The Writer, Speaker, Inventor and Poet, Composer
and Songster, can cultivate their influence to credit;
they will flow from the speaker's lips in inspirational
thought and aspirational hope, the glory of their pres-
ence starting waves of emotional enthusiasm, which
sometimes cause revolutionary movements; people are

imbued with thought and act upon its impulse; they
pen to express greater wis-
also control the writer's
dom; swift as light and deep as the universe, God's
angel messengers, never failing in their mission of
love to the world. They portray the possible power
in man, by the eagle's flight, repeating in nature's lan-
guage, "Come on! We have given to you genius, to
the eagle only wings. Why do you tarry? Build and
come; we will take you to greater heights than com-
mon things can know."
These celestial forces, bear us upon their snow
white wings to our heaven, to our God; trust them,
they will not betray nor disappoint, for they are the
light of consciousness and the vehicle of the soul, cov-
ering our faults and illuminating our good qualities,
moving only in conscious order of supreme power and
Divine love, as heavenly missionaries, producing har-
mony upon all plains of life.

The Arch-Angel of air is entitled Cynabriel, and

its messengers are Michael and Gabriel, under the in-
fluence of these, are myriads of angelic forces which
are intelligent and powerful; blessed indeed, are those
who are conscious of the assistance of this center of
divine forces in nature, which represent the law and
control all the mystic powers of the cosmos.
The elements offire are known as Salamanders,
corresponding to South and Summer; they represent
love, purity and production; they belong to the heart

of the cosmos, and denote the efeminate quality in na-
ture; they are also powerful and beautiful; the mun-
dane part of them, however, are often swayed by hu-
man desire and ambition, qualities that control the
human intellect, either for good or otherwise they
; are
dual in nature, however, and to the extent they can
bless, so can they destroy, unless under influence of
higher orders of force. Their real mission is to pro-
duce and supply all things necessary for the welfare
of material life, also to purify and assimilate atmos-
pheric entities, give physical endurance, courage and
aspiration, and change material expression to spirit-
ual life; they also enthuse leaders and direct public
activity, create wealth, give health, happiness and
These forces produce all manifestation in line
with physical demand; the following quotation is true,
"As earth demands, heaven supplies." Therefore
thru knowledge of divine law, men will overcome
the necessity of physical labor and its slow way of
doing things. Inventive genius will supply the miss-
ing link which should be man's servant. The Arch-
Angel of this department is entitled Tubriel, its mes-
sengers and controlling forces are Gargatel, Terrieal
and Gavel, stellar centers of elemental force, that reg-
ulate the expression of their department; they are in
a measure subject to the higher forces and move at
times in similar channels, yet their characteristics are

clearly defined as belonging to their own department,
they are prudent and will not obey the mystic unless
he has gained their confidence once this is done, how-

ever, he will have no more difficulty in causing them

to serve him.

The elements of earth, correspond to West and

Autumn, and are entitled Gnomes; they belong to the
kingdom of form, as animal, vegetable and mineral.
There are four grades of these interesting entities,
known as Gnomes, Elfs, Imps and Sprites, all of which
are transmustable to form of every kind; they belong
in the kingdom where they dwell and are often seen
among human beings and love to seem of importance;
being the spirits of manifestation from their composi-
tion is made up the forms of every material life; as
Professor Denton puts it: "They are the soul of
things," yes, and the body also, for without them life
could not inhabit the earth.

The Arch-Angel of this department is entitled

Tubriel, meaning rosy light; its sphere of action is
mundane; its mission is to prepare the way
for higher forces, regulate and protect earthly re-
sources and treasures, care for mortal life while mak-
ing the transit from one form to that of another, or
from the material to spiritual spheres.
This the department in nature, where the stu-

dent of the occult finds assistance to reach higher

spheres, or to perfect any mechanical device, by which
the more subtle forces can be captured, or find min-
erals, buried money, stolen goods, or anything that
the earth contains.
Oh! man, will you ever become wise, while you
labor in unconsciousness and deny all but what you
see, and that changes every second? hence you are
foiled and betrayed by your sense claims.
The elements of water represent North and Win-
ter, corresponding to change, dissolution, construction
and reconstruction; they are the iconoclassed of na-
ture's forces and also the universal saviors of systems,
suns, planets, worlds, nations and men.
The Arch-Angel of this department is known to
the eastern adept as the Prince of the Deep; it has
more than one name, among them as follows: Icon,

Vorcon Rex and Jehovah, the elemental entities of
this center of force, are entitled Nymphs; the mes-
sengers or stellar lights are Atwise and Andries;
these regulate the movements of all the minor forces
of their house their mission is to change and dissolve

the prevailing forms of material life and prepare

others more suitable for them to manifest; they are
nature's untiring workers and the mystic can do little
without their influence; they belong to the fourth di-
mension of space and through their assistance one can
appear or disappear at will, which is perhaps, the
greatest occult fete accomplished while in the body

and unless thoroughly understood, is the most dan-
It was this solar God the Israelites worshipped,
believing it Moses, Joshua
to be the Infinite Spirit.
and David evidently had some knowledge of solar law,
acquired during their sojourn in Egypt; therefore,
they were able to control some of these elemental
forces and assume unusual power; those of later date,
however, made the mistake of using these forces, as
a means to destroy their supposed enemies, and by so
doing, finally destroyed themselves, after establishing
a false system of worship.
Those of the present who continually seek phe-
nomena, without the knowledge of nature, or the phil-
osophy underlying manifestation, or the difference
between these intelligent forces that can assume any
form presented to them, and the presence of their
departed friends, are making the same mistake, and
will some day regret their error.
It were better people should remain with the ma-
they can understand the invisible, rather
terial, until
than presume to attain spiritual spheres, loaded with
the sensational desires of the flesh, or accept phe-
nomena presented by other persons, only so far as is
necessary to establish interest in the work.
People should not remain ignorant, however, of
the different forces that mingle with their earth life,
for to understand them is of great importance to man.

None of the elementals in nature, mundane or
otherwise, act with any impure motive, unless under
control of impure thought; of their own volition, they
move only under demand of necessity as evolutionary
regulators, or by concentrated demand of a developed
human mind. Many things are laid to the gods, spirits
and damons, that originate in human hearts and
minds, by which persons are hypnotized by their own
foolishness and imagine things as real, when only
momentary creations of their own mental desire.
The four elemental kingdoms with their com-
bined trinities and quadruples, constitute the elements
of the solar system, presented by planets, suns, worlds
and satellites; they are also the substance of every
form of life upon them, which fact enable each life
to manifest its intention and finally assimilate every
grade of formative life to the possibility of spirit, also
transmute material planes to spiritual spheres, and
human forms to spiritual beings, in which Love, Wis-
dom and Spiritual Power combine in producing effects.
We will classify them so as to make them more
easily understood: mind, or
First, is the trinity of
light (Air, East and Spring) second, is the trinity of

soul (Fire, South and Summer) third, is the trinity


of form (Earth, West and Autumn) fourth, is the


trinity of spirit (North, Water and Winter) these ;

twelve expressions of the elements, demonstrate the

possibility in nature to materialize every manner of

life, whenever manifestation is necessary; the four
elemental departments, then, are the super-substance
of infinite intelligent force, that sustain and regulate
the solar universe, which may correctly be called, God
in nature, known asEloim; they are the corner-
stones, substance and design, from which the indwell-
ing Spirit, has built the superstructure of the temple,
thru which the wholly spirit flows out to manifest
a more and more, complete expression of the whole
life known as God, and again retires to concentrate
and generate forces, so as to produce more abun-
dantly, having in its completeness the Allness of one
existing, all pervading, ever present potentialities of
being, infinite in numbers and supreme in power.

God, the infinite intelligent source of life, could

not separate from the life it has produced; all are a
part of its composition and thru a well established
law, the very least, will have an opportunity to per-
fect its life thru its experience, and again reach
the parent life, where unsurpassed blessing await its

Would God,the author of all this grand universe,

which incomprehensible to man, be less mindful
of its children than man? What man could damn his
child and send it to everlasting hell? God knew be-
fore the child was born of its destiny and could have
prevented if necessary. Such false teachings are

nothing less than the insane ravings of an idiot, or
else thescheme of an unscrupulous mind.
Hope the reader will pardon us for straying from
the subject.
With understanding of the elemental resource
in nature,
it is in man's power to be what he
he chooses to conform to nature's higher
wills to be, if
law; not only that, but change his environment, posi-
tion and personal appearance, complimentary to his
advanced ideas and in full conformity with natural
law, and by understanding the fourth dimension of
space, he can be or not be, at will, which will give him
an understanding of the phenomenal appearing and
disappearing of spirit forms, now termed spirit mani-
festation; which could not obtain, were it not for the
elemental character and composition of the mediums'
By understanding the primary laws of nature,
which are elemental, and the method of adjusting
them to personal demands thru mental chemistry,
one will find that he is not only a personal, but also
a universal being; he will then begin at once to be
humane, by being kind to every creature having life
and the lower in the scale of unfoldment he finds it,
the more love and tenderness he will extend to it; we
will find God in the least as well as in the greatest
expressions of life. This is true wisdom.
The personality must surrender its sensational

desires to the higher demands of soul and judgment,
if one wishes to be master, first of himself, then of
the many invisible, or even the visible forces in na-
ture which approach his material habitation.
The world with its tremendous seeming, cannot
deceive or injure, nor even give him honors, only the
knowledge of true worth and the result of well doing,
that gives such a soul happiness.
The secrets of nature must be sought and won
by effort, either from the elements of spiritual beings,
by a full surrender of sense claims to spiritual require-
ments, so as to overcome unconscious errors and false
tendencies. Nature is secretive and those whom she
trusts with her secrets, must be worthy of her confi-
dence. One may deceive self or others, but he can-
not deceive nature, and we advise him not to try, be-
cause he will surely pay the penalty.
Those supreme elemental centers of cause, are
again divided into two hemispheres, corresponding to
the dual nature of man as a spiritual and mental be-
ing; the eastern hemisphere, encircles the soul and
spiritual plane, thru which the mind comes in
touch with the first two great Angels of God, mani-
fest as fire and air, by which the attributes of aspira-
tion and inspiration are developed, giving him influ-
ence, courage and confidence; when he has reached
this stage, he will attract and receive more knowl-
edge from greater minds and more divine sources,

until he has accomplished the fulfillment of his aspira-
More perfect development of thehuman mind
depends largely on the cultivation and use made of
the spiritual attributes; aspiration, must first make
its appearance thru effort, inspiration surely fol-
lows, affirmation is the outgrowth of the first two,
concentration becomes a necessity of the three, reflec-
tion constructs and holds them in order, inhalation
and exhalation completes the power, puts the rest to
work and keeps them busy.
These attributes are latent in every human mind
and when developed, establish the three divine gifts
of the wholly spirit; i. e., love, wisdom and power, by
which results are successfully accomplished, a fact,
which places one in the position of master and unites
him with the interior and exterior universe, where
he is conscious of every vibration and hope of all the
beautiful life that surrounds him, and this again puts
him in touch with more advanced souls, that are able
to sustain and give him consciousness of his true rela-
tion to God, of whom he is the counter-part and son of
light, in a world of form and change.
The western hemisphere is related to Intellect,
Spirit and Form the forces belong to the kingdom of

water and earth; these elements embody the thought,

motive and intention of life, therefore both kingdoms
are required in the development of material life they;

being changeable and transmutable in substance, make
it possible to reconstruct the old and useless, into the

new and useful, giving human life, the advantage of

inducing nature to provide more abundantly for what
it requires therefore we find that as soon as one kind

of substance goes out of use, another more adapted

to the present need makes its appearance, proving
that nature is always ready to supply new demands
made upon her resource.
There is not the least expression of particled mat-
ter, but what has its spiritual counterpart in ele-
mental substance, or affinite unit, on the invisible
side of nature, where it belongs, and all are associated
with still higher intelligences, which exalt their mo-
tive and change their intention, causing them to move
directly or indirectly, thru chemical changes nec-
essary to unfold the more beautiful designs latent in
them. This same law causes human forms also, to
pass thru the change called death, which will be
overcome when nature's laws are understood and es-
Thus advanced, however, they are more intelligent-
ly associated with still higher and more perfected life,
from greater spheres and more beautiful realms of
light, inconceivable to us as yet. Forever onward and
upward; sounds the choiring tones of nature's most
perfect harmony, until we are lost in contemplation
of God's wonderful glory, and our own great possi-

bilities tounfold and enjoy the beautiful life within
us, allour own, also that which surround us in vari-
ous expressions of beauty and usefulness.
The material form of any life does not remain the
same for the remotest part of a second; it is under-
going constant change, unfolding from center to ex-
terior, as a rose unfolds its petals, so does all life
develop its majestic form, until at length it presents
the divine Atma, in relative perfection with God ; then,
all the forces of one's being vibrate in harmony with
the super-conscious mind and will, having no desire
but universal good.
Kemember that any circumstance, relation or as-
sociation that lead to inharmonious mingling of ele-
mental entities, lead also to difficulty; therefore one
should carefully select his own garments and asso-
ciates, and be sure they fit his special needs; if not.
they will cause trouble; each one should live, think
and be, according to his own consciousness, regard-
less of other people's opinion, only insofar as to keep
harmony always established.

Begin to build for more knowledge, greater wis-

dom and power, and remember there is no circum-
stance that can hinder your advancement, unless of
your own will, you place something in the way that
you cannot remove; do not let inclinations rule you,
affirm your superiority when you rise in the morn-

ing and bless your forces before retiring at night; go
to your work, whatever it may be, with success and
confidence at your side and all will be well.


Explanation Regarding the First Elemental Depart-


There are four of these departments in the solar

organism, known as houses, the central forces ot which
are supreme in power, intellegent and Godlike in na-
ture, yet subject to the will of a highly developed hu-
man being. The Arch-Angel ruling in the first de-
partment, entitled Cynabriel, is the medium thru
which Infinite mind reaches every expression of life,
visible or invisible, and in its material aspect denotes
East, Air and Spring; thru this source, inspira-
tion, knoweldge and genius flows from Infinitely ex-
alted intelligences on more advanced planes, to human

The Angel messengers of this house are Michael

and Gabriel; these stellar lights contain numberless
forces, so rare in quality as to illuminate all planes
over which they move; we class them as the subjective
forces of the solar house to which they belong; being
cosmic in nature, however, they are not limited to
their own sphere, instead, move under order of su-
preme power, as evolutionary and revolutionary regu-
lators in the advancement of human life and in pre-
paring the way for higher manifestation; they impart

knowledge and clear understanding to those by whom
they are attracted.
When one has arisen, To where he understands
natural law and the character of the elements which
produce manifestation, not only the world, but the
heavens also are his.
Those supreme elemental forces, regulate and
protect all life while passing thru experiences on
material planes, necessary to their greatest mental
and spiritual development; they are indeed the mes-
sengers of God to material life, proclaiming in ad-
vance of coming events and preparing the way for
them to manifest; which has been told in the mystical
words of the author, as follows: "Coming events cast
their shadows before." When human thought is reg-
ulated so that it will not dethrone reason and intelli-
gence, people will be capable of foretelling coming
events, as nature intended they should, and thus be
prepared to meet them in proper manner and save a
vast amount of suffering.
The solar influences are unceasing in executive
energy, and move directly to places, persons or things
needing their assistance, and carry out their mission
with unerring certainty; therefore, to be able to at-
tract their attention and special assistance is worth
more than gold, which every master will acknowledge.
True knowledge and wisdom are found only in
nature's school; those who study her scriptures be-

come wise; she develops the mind while opening the
door to greater knowledge and unrevealed truth.
One desiring such knowledge, however, must live
true to the natural self and not mix with error; con-
sciousness retires whenever the mind is adulterated
with falsehood.
The conscious mind is in a position to adjust per-
sonal environments, providing the common-mind is
not loaded with false ideas. There are two ways by
which people fashion their material dwelling place;
one, by seeking sensuous pleasures, which lead to de-
lusion and failure; the other by seeking mental and
spiritual unity, these lead to success and happiness;
examine them carefully and make your choice, for by
their results you must stand or fall.
The elements of every demand are attracted or
repulsed, by the thought and motive they meet; there-
fore if success is desired, these must be regulated with
Wisdom and knowledge are the fruits of right
thinking and living; it is worth one's while to obtain
them, when they come, many blessings follow; people
seem have lost sight of this great truth, in the mad
scramble for the dollar, while depending upon a myth-
ical personality to save them, altho nature has sur-
rounded them with every blessing God can bestow.
Were it not for the superior advantages the pres-
ent offers, in the way of literature and travel, people

would still hug their mythical Gods, dogmas and
Creeds, to remain lost in superstitution, bigotry and
doubt and gravitate to the animal plane.
Unless elemental laws are understood in every
one need not look for ideal states of being; the
primary lessons should be understood, if we expect
advancement towards greater illumination or a higher
state of being.
Thousands of years before the Christian era, re-
ligionwas understood as a natural law and became
an art, scientifically demonstrated by the great
Adepts of India and Hirophants of Egypt, who were
able to reduce the elements, to the natural require-
ments of the material man, reducing physical labor to
a minimum, and were also able to answer the most
profound questions relating to invisible life, with logic
and reason, which the cold skeleton of orthodoxy has
never been able to do, nor has it been in a position to
demonstrate any of the higher sciences, as was re-
quired by Jesus. Instead, it has kept its disciples in
ignorance and superstition, because of its animalism
and deception, which has been its downfall.
Sun-lit with spiritual illumination for ages, India
became clothed in mystery to the vulgar mind of the
Western intruder, by which she guarded the wisdom
of her sages from adulteration and heterodoxy; the
sincere student, however, who journeyed hither to
gain wisdom, returned with profound knowledge of

nature and the Divine principle of God in man, which
he brought to the new world, as the sacred and revealed
doctrine of nature, and the therapeutic power in man,
which has saved the present age from spiritual death.
In honor to her divine wisdom we bow the head.
Egypt, that country where flows the sacred waters
of the Nile, seems to have fallen from her high estate,
a prey to pagan powers, ignorance and degenerating
forces, in which one would think she had lost her soul.
We however, thru those centuries of deten-
tion, she has retained in her Mosques and Crypts sacred
records inscribed upon her marble-like rock the history
of a once great peoples; she is indeed rightfully
called the "Daughter of India and Mother of
Science." Upon her bosom was nursed the crit-
ical Philosopher,, whose knowledge of universal
chemistry, has penetrated the ages down to the present,
and has kept the soul light of the world burning, and
has also become a factor in the mental and spiritual de-
velopment of every age and race from her great Pyra-

mids the Astronomer watched with sleepless eyes the

approach of heavenly bodies, and the Astrologer never
failed to calculate their time and influence over other
planets, and the life upon them, as one after another,
recorded the history of coming events, upon the solor
organism; the Geologist, foretold of internal and ex-
ternal disturbances that were to occur; the Cosmolo-
gist, Archiologist and Psychronologist, as well as other

natural scientists, have all left an indelible record
upon her Sphinx-like tombs, as the history of her
buried past.
Egypt may silently sleep for a day (six
thousand years), thru the influence of cause and
effect, but she will rise again more glorious than be-
fore, to shine anew, as the eastern star of knowledge,
in the mind and heart of coming generations, who will
understand her inner wisdom and figurative language.
The people of the western world have not yet un-
derstood the humane commandments inscribed in
hieroglyphics upon the stone in Egypt, thousands of
years before Moses graced the earth, who was but the
interpreter, instead of the originator of what has been
called the Mosaic Law; he being a seer, however, to-
gether with the knowledge gained of those people while
in that country, he was able to translate the language
to Hebrew, and gained renown thereby.
Those in the Mosaic Law, as well as many more
not mentioned, were accepted in the East, as the foun-
dation of righteous living, ages before the Christian
Bible was ever heard from; many things related in
that book, credited to the Hebrews, were taken from
Indian and Egyptian records. All can be found in
the Upanishads and Vedas of India, Avesta of Persia
and even in the Chinese Imperial records.
Methinks the Christians will have to write another
Bible, that will relate true historic facts, if they wish

to save theology from the dump; we understand, how-
ever, this is being done in rather small doses. The
disciples having swallowed large quantities of another
kind, may not accept the new style, become frightened
and quit; they are already beginning to know how
foolish they were, and are demanding truth instead of

Is it any wonder that the Seers and Prophets of

the past were persecuted, as well as the Spirit Me-
diums of the present? They evidently know and see
too much, for the credit of divinely ordained imposters,
either ancient or modern.

All down the line of human unfoldment, we find

a record of spirit forces, inspiring and leading mortals
towards better results. Inspired Sages and Prophets,
have ever been in the lead of human progress, and
their names stand untainted as a reference for com-
ing generations to follow. Thousands of years have
not erased their philosophy or names from the annals
of history, even tho in many instances it may not
meet the practical demand of the present thinker.
An interesting story is related in the Bible, regard-
ing the "Wise men of the East," coming to Judae to
find the child Jesus, which Christians claim to be a
miracle; the circumstance was not a miracle, however,
instead, was an Astrological calculation of planatary
influence over material life. In the same manner, the

Astrologer of the present should calculate like circum-
Many centuries before the Christian era, even
long before Moses' time, in the eastern nations, the
solar sciences were compulsory in the education of
those chosen as leaders of the people, either in the ca-
pacity of King, Emperor or even Spiritual Advisor. It
might be a wise move, were American statesmen com-
pelled to do likewise ; we might get rid of monkey hunt-
ers, war promoters and dictators, thus bring more har-
mony into our industrial affairs.
The Star of Bethlehem belongs to the eastern con-
stellation, and is not visible to the earth, only at in-
tervals of two thousand years, denoting by its attitude
decided changes in the order of solar bodies, which
herald the approach of some new phenomenon; those
versed in astrology will understand the character of
the phenomena and can tell the time and place of its
appearance, as well as what it signifies to the world;
which is no miracle, but rather a correct mathematical
calculation of planetary movements.
"The Wise men," making their calculations from
the position of the star and the sign which it appeared
in, knew that a master should come to Judae at a cer-
tain date they believed he was ordained of God (Born

of the Spirit) to rule over Israel, as the rightful heir to


the throne all of which the science of Astrology clear-


ly defines and as was the custom for centuries in the

east, they came as the planetary angel directed, to pay
their respects to the young Monarch, whom they be-
lieved would taken his Kingdom, lead his people out
of bondage, and become a power for good in Asia
Minor, which thru a corrupt Priesthood, Roman tyran-
ny and misrule, had become a menace to civil powers.
Those Eastern Kings understood the conditions ex-
isting in Jerusalem during that period, and were con-
cerned about the welfare of the child, soon to be recog-
nized as Heir to the throne, being surrounded by a vi-
cious plutocracy and usurpers from the Roman Empire,
His life might be in danger. Thru their influence,
Jesus was taken by his parents into Egypt, from there
to Tibet, India, where he remained under training of
the great masters of that country, until prepared for
the position He should fill.
Years later when Jesus returned to His people, He
evidently had wealth and was highly cultured, His gar-
ments were of silk and fine linen, embroidered in gold,
according to Emperial custom in the East; they were
of so rare a quality, that the Roman soldiery divided
them as trophy for their part in His murder, which
proves that His death was not the will of God, for the
salvation of sinners, as the Christians claim; instead,
was the direct result of fraud, jealousy and crime, com-
mitted by those, who through graft, held positions of
state, under Roman misrule.
The same has occurred and will again, in this


glorious Christian-nation to any person or persons,

who through sense of justice, dare to expose the pres-
ent impotent political graft and fraud of existing Ro-
manians in American bodies, satellites of European
monarchy, posing as Christian Statesmen, who care
more for the lust of gold, than they do for God or hu-
man souls.
The Star of Bethlehem has appeared again at the
close of the nineteenth century, and was visible at Den-
ver, Colorado, for several days: its appearance was
announced by a noted French Astronomer, Comeia
Flamarian. We had the pleasure of seeing it from the
observatory at Denver, and also to note what followed
i. e., Eastern occultism and spiritual science swept the

continent from ocean to ocean; spirit phenomena so

convincing as to make doubt impossible followed.
Everywhere could be heard the inquiry from thought-
ful people, which brought a response from the Scientist,
Writer, Lecturer and the Press.
The Commercialized sectarian church trembled
upon its false foundation, knowing how completely it
has failed in giving to the people the message of love
intrusted to its care by that wonderful man, the Master
of Galilee.
The Christian Science movement, started and es-
tablished by a woman; which has broken the solidai ity
of the orthodox churches and stricken the chains which
Pauline Christianity placed upon her intellect, captured

the Pearl of great price and left them weeping in their
New thought and mental science have destroyed
the morbid belief in two dominant powers, God and
Devil, contending with each other for possession of the
human soul. Again they attack the claims of materia
medica, that has cursed the race by its unwarranted
practice. Therapeutics has already changed the drug-
store into an ice-cream and lemonade resort, and caused
the M. D.'s to seek protection from the courts, as a
special privilege to their guild.
Next comes a reconstructive movement established
by workingmen, which has attacked the false positon
of capitalism, a system of commercial graft, more dan-
gerous and destructive to life and freedom, than any
King-cursed institution of the past, and in their effort
are gaining every point.
It has been truly said, "Old things will pass away
and the new will take their place." All these, together
with the mechanical discoveries of this age, mark a
striking epoch in the history of the present, proving
that the Angel Gabriel (star of Bethleham), has pro-
claimed to the wise men of today also, of the changes
which will occur, also the character of each movement,
powerful enough in itself, to sweep the path of science,
awaken human consciousness and destroy the forma-
tions, ignorance and superstition have established; yet
in all this manifestation of power there is no miracle,


only a very natural law of evolution and revolution.

People have awakened at last from traditional
mimicry and are demanding proof, "show me" is the
thought of the present. Who would live in the past,
when the glorious present is ours?
Fashion your life to the mode and thought of your
time and build your future from the elements of the
now; let your soul rise with them. The soul of genius
is leading and the greatest advance movement the
world has ever witnessed, swings the balance of power,
by which all the dregs of the past will be swept away
then, Truth and Freedom will triumph over slavery and
When Columbus sailed the forbidden seas, he was
imprisoned and accounted insane by superstitious egos
when Benjiman Franklin chained the lightning, the
churches trembled, and Morse was considered in league
with Satan when Fulton harnessed the stream, people

ran into their cellars, thinking the end of the world had
come; when Edison mimicked the opera, he was called
unnatural. Now Tesla climbs the ether and gossips
with Mars, while moss-covered minds cross themselves
and cry, "what next?" Well, right along comes Mar-
coni sending his message flying through the air, from
ocean to ocean, capturing every steamer, giving them
the morning news; again come the aeronauts too nu
merous to mention, sailing thru the air like birds
upon the wing.

Indeed, the Christians do not look to their
claims, we have captured heaven, poured the
waters of the universe in upon hell, and spoiled their
whole scheme of salvation.
All these advance minds, however, are the mani-
fest genius of the past, supposed to be slumbering in
the tombs of the old world and their resurrection has
caused tyrants to tremble and bigotry to seek a hiding
Genius cannot be entombed, it will rise again like
a brilliant star, more beautiful than before, to shine
upon the brow of the present Genius, who will continue
the work of reconstruction, until we feel the thrill of
pure emotion from pole to pole and from continent to
continent and perhaps from planet to planet. If in-
deed, any persons have ever been divinely ordained, na-
ture surely placed the golden seal upon their brow and
to them we can do honor, for they lead us to the under-
standing and glory of nature's God, and the beautiful
forces that surround us, eminating from every planet,
sun and center of elemental life, all of which speak
with language more potent than any book conceived
or written by the hand of man, and thru their as-
sistance as we struggle up the mount of progress, the
brazen image of greed and gold will be broken, suffer-
ing and hardship will be unknown, the sweet notes of
harmony with all her interesting variety of accompani-
ments, will taken their place.

With power of mind and soul developed, we can
climb the heights of Aerion and capture the Golden
City; who dare question our right? Fear and doubt
will vanish in company with the devil and hell, then on
the wings of love we can fly to our heaven, to our Savior
and our God, where joy and peace fills every thought.
The supreme elements of East fill every avenue
of life, with eminations of beautiful life, inspiring the
Songster, Poet, Composer and Author, imprinting upon
the mental protoplasm, the scenery of a better world;
thus we are impressed as we term it, with a greater
consciousness of life from which we strive to remold
into our earth life more grace and beauty.

How oft among the stars we rise to view,

The God life there, amidst the ether blue,
The starry realm of souls, ablaze with life,
In raiment new, softly gleaming as the dew
White as the lily's unblemished hue,
With God to dwell awhile, in love so true,
We must return, to tell of its love for you.
No prosy language, in words can tell,

The story of this angelic life so well,

As the Poet's pen, or the scribe who feels
Its fiery touch, that o'er his senses steals,
Like sweetest music from a distant shore,
Enchanted, stilled, he solves its lore,
Which the mystic notes to his senses bore.


The Forces of the Interchanging Heavens, With Their

Numerous Angels, Arch-Angels, Powers, Systems,
Suns, Planets and Worlds, are Man's Inheri-
tance, and it is His Birthright to
Become Their Master.

The heavens hold no power that man cannot equal,

or earth no hidden sources, he cannot discover; the
only thing necessary for him to obtain what he requires
is, the development of all his nature, which is three-

fold, i. e., spiritual, mental and physical these must be


equalized before any great amount of power obtains;

which can only be accomplished by giving up sensa-
tional pleasures and desires, false appetites and habits.
One should bathe in cold water mornings, to strengthen
the will, stimulate the Brain and awaken Genius; this
done, saves years of trouble.
Every spiritual teacher the world has known, who
demonstrated power over sense expression in any man-
ner, were students of solar law and adepts in elemental
science and mental chemistry; how they became such:
they simply lived natural lives and by doing so, devel-
oped their attributes and became cosmic-conscious
The power which Jesus demonstrated by multiply-

ing the loaves and fishes, is an ordinary demonstration
of the Hindoo faker, who will tell you that he can do
nothing of himself, but through the assistance of his
genii, meaning spirit guide, walking on the water, and
changing water to wine, also also done thru knowl-
edge of elemental chemistry, and the East Indian
Adept can do so at any time.
We witnessed a demonstration at Palmer Lake,
Colorado, where a gentleman bared his feet and
crossed the lake several times, in presence of over a
thousand people; all these and many more can easily
be done, when one is prepared and understand the na-
ture of the elements he is dealing with and how to con-
trol them, once confidence is established between the
forces of nature and the operator.
The advanced thought of today is based upon
knowledge, not belief, and is proving religion to be
scientific and practical in every line of industry, as
well as spirituality; every expression of production is
an out-pouring of divine love in nature, responding to
human effort. This new conception of religion has
removed the theological scare devil, changed the local-
ity of hell, and brought heaven into the hearts and con-
sciousness of men. What a blessing to have such
Priestly superstitions relegated to the past forever,
and with them their trail of Priests, Doctors, Hospitals,
Divinely ordained Kings, together with their jails, gal-

lows, Penitentiaries, Almshouses and Charities, which

they have established, all of which are the monstrosi-
ties ofdegenerate minds, deluded by sense and adulter-
ated by base desires.

As we become moreconscious of the truth, under

all sham, we are becoming a law
this personalized
unto ourselves; without working to support such a
lot of useless humbuggery.
The knowledge of cosmic law, gives a clear under-
standing of life, by which we can rise above man-made

laws, their creeds and gospels, as well as the terrible

and destructive institutions they have established;
their devils and their hells, however, are woven into
every expression they have builded and everything
they have done; until society, both industrial and re-
ligious, is an angular demonstration of a monstrous
falsehood, in which the present uncivilization has es-
tablished doom. Out from those dire superstitions

the humanfamily are finding thir way to a full under-

standing of truth. Yes, we have discovered a better
way all our own, which cannot be bought with gold,
nor cornered by any corporation, not even a religious

The truth we wish to present, however, is that this

invisiblepower in nature and which is also potent in
man, has been demonstrated by every Spiritual Master,
Jesus and others, long before and since His Time, even
presently by many, is natural and very possible to a ay

— ;

one, if he choses to live the life necessary to unfold his

spiritual nature.
"The works that I do, shall he do also and greater ;

works than these shall he do, because I go unto my

Yes, of course we will ; we have the influence of a
new cycle, in which soul, mind and spirit are united a*
one center of cosmic unity and power, a much more
advanced age; our ideals, literature, schools and col-
leges are of a higher standard, and our mothers a.*e
educated the same as our fathers, our opportunities
for travel and development are greater; new methods
of commerce and social intercourse obtain; we can trav-
el with lightning speed and send our message wireless

we throb with the same impulse from continent to con-

tinent; indeed we have many an advantage, more than
obtained at Jesus' time, whose people were just begin-
ning to leave their tribal cradle.
Jesus was the master link, however, between the
old and the new cycle, that was to change the course of
human events; He came on demand as the representa-
awaken people
tive of the possibility in the future, to
from their dense materialism He really was, "the Way

and the Life," that brought many out of the darkness

of sense unto death, into the consciousness of light
truth and life.
After many years of change and suffering, under
the tyranny of physical powers, we have arrived at the


beginning of another solar cycle, which again promise

the departure of the old and installment of the new.
Who will represent us to future generations ?
This cycle denoting the union of mind and spirit,
demands two, Woman and Man, or perhaps the prin-
ciples and requirements of both, in the regulation of
society we have stepped bravely upon the threshold of

a new era, in which it will be worth one's while to live

science and knowledge are leading, instead of theology
and bigotry, both of which ruled the world at Jesus'
Oh how ! blind you pulpiters have been, when you
could not read the signs of the times; the foundation
of your false creeds and dogmas, have crumbled at
your feet, your personal Gods and small two-by-four-
heaven, can no longer accommodate human intellect;
If you are not careful, we will have made it convenient
to travel hence on the wings of Air, and prove your
mistake; which we have done already thru our de-
veloped spiritual gifts and mechanical genius.
In developed consciousness one realizes but one
Infinite life, self existing and pervading substance,
from which all manifest life attracts their vital ener-
gies therefore to lose the personality in the prevailing

substance, is to have found thyself in its completeness.

Begin at once to develop your natural attributes and
establish them no matter what your other duties may

seem to be, they are secondary to those.

One cannot become master at once, or by chance;
only by constant practice can one overcome the claims
of sense and establish the will, which gives the mind
power to understand what it finds.

All things thinkable to man are possible to him,

providing, however, that he is a complete ray, eminent
thru Infinite thought, with the divine possibilities
of the originator, hence the Infinite source of success
and happiness are personalized in man, and his first
duty to himself and society is, search and find the Key.
There is nothing in human nature more important
than knowledge of the mental and spiritual power one
is capable of unfolding, by following the simple rule:

eat, drink, think, sleep and do, according to the demand

of the higher self, regardless of what the personality
may think about it; as soon as this is done, the condi-
tions which bound the personal, will change and greater
opportunity will appears, until every molecule vibrates
with power.

Spiritual penetration illumines the vision and the

eyes are lit with the sacred which does not recog-
nize limitation and illuminates the presence, in which
on can truly say, I have found my real self, in which
the unrevealed cosmos is made clear. When one re-
mains lost in the personality, he gains nothing worth
having and all his dross will be buried in the tomb
with the body.

; ;

Rise now and win your inheritance; do not hesi-

tate lestyou be lost. The most important advice we
can give is, when called upon for any purpose, do not
hesitate, but do what is required. One cannot afford
to be found wanting the power is not in the personal-

ity nor in the mind, but rather in the spirit of God, the
Divine Atma (inner man), that responds to your ef-
fort, supplying the neeessary power to accomplish your
success. Either man or woman, following these rules,
will find the key to nature's elemental resource.

He who holds the key to that sacred place,

No vulgar gaze of mortal eye can trace
The mystic entrance to his trysting place;
The rapid movements of mind and will,
Cause all surrounding forces to be still

Or aid to manifest his higher will.

One thru thought, controls the mystic sprite,

Which directs each human soul aright
To those who will to know, it points the way,
None who seek in truth, needs go astray,
When choosing to leave earth's senuous night
And learn the way, from the mystic sprite.

On life's eminence he will ever stand,

With vision clear as crystal waters strand,

Holding the mystic Key, all nature serves
The purpose, he, thru will, conserves,
His thought waves, nature's debt retrieves,
Thus thru silent thought, all darkness relieves.

The elements of everything is in the ether, all

around, above and in you, ever present, all that is
necessary to attract what you require, is the complete
one-ness of thought, which is the condensing and ma-
terializing medium thru which the demand becomes
Faith is the first product of knowledge; cultivate
confidence in self, it is the first step to success remove

every habit; they darken the mind, crush aspiration

and destroy energy.
The positive and negative principles (mind and
soul), must unite in man before Genius is born, then
he becomes a living soul. The achievements of Genius
at present will do away with the limitations prescribed
by the appearance of things. We have overcome dis-
tance and time; Water and Fire are already our serv-
ants; the elements of Earth and Air will soon surren-
der obedience and their treasures also. Mind and form,
are the result of experience, the greater these are, the
more perfect man becomes.
When Air is better understood, it will develop
larger breathing power and unfold more grace of form
and motion and enlarge the brain capacity, making

man in reality, The Christ or Son of God and Lord over
allmaterial things. Having subdued nature and brought
the heavens to meet the earth in one wholly bond of
united action, transmuting the material to more spirit-
ual substance and back again to more perfect form,
in which all the divine attributes are active, man then
becomes an immortal soul.
Mind and Soul, are cosmicly arranged centers and
if not developed by proper use, they soon become lat-
ent; weare not of ourselves made whole, all take part
in the building and should be benefited by the results.
We must yet learn to understand our God. It is
true, we have pretended to worship an imaginary
Deity, whom we feared instead of loved, therefore at-
tracted distructive elements, by which our doom has
been sealed. We are beginning to see our mistake,
however, and the light of the present solar cycle, will
establish very different conditions and manner of do-
ing things.
Our grey-haired sires and mothers will not
not go down with the stamp of disappointed
to death
hope upon their brow; instead, their golden days will
be filled with pleasures corresponding to their matured
years, and their wise counsels will be woven into the
character of social and personal affairs. Nor will our
maidens sell their bodies to the lust of human savages,
for means to clothe and shelter them, nor will our
young men become degenerate through associated

habits, forced upon them in youth, by a degraded social
and commercial system of industry and society; in-
stead, public schools and colleges will be surrounded
with beautiful and harmonious home environment, in
which they will receive proper training for the duties
they are by nature adapted, instead of the horrible
cramming which they now receive, lor the purpose
only to make dollars and satisfy greed. Genius is for-
gotten, soul is not thought of, spirit is denied and the
only thing considered is the training of the animal
mind towhere it can overcome some other person's
effort and capture the prize, and this is named glor-
ious compeition, by grafters who consider nothing
higher than personal gain.


Explanations Regarding the Second Elemental Depart-

ment of the Solar Organism.

The elementals belonging to the above named de-

partment, are known as Salamanders and are classed
as the heart of the solar body, which form the great
arteries of universal production thru which all ex-
pressions of life are sustained.
These forces represent the feminate quality of
cause; they are sensitive, retiring and beautiful; in
their material aspect, however, they are expressed in
heat, generation, gestation and expansion; being the ele-
ments of production, equalization and distribution; they
are nature's mystic workers and invisible providers;
not one blade of grass can germinate without their
chemical assistance, they being the arteries of univer-
sal expression, the solar body throbs in response to
the out-breathing demand of every life, which it tries
to sustain and in ratio with every increasing demand
and necessity of material life, the natural supply ex-
pands until both are equalized.
Nature's resources cannot be exhausted no matter
how great the demand; as one expression disappears,
another more adapted to prevailing needs, will take *t,s
place, and as human genius unfolds, it will discover


more and remodel the crude into new and

better form and device, which will bring greater pro-
duction and better quality.
The Arch-Angel ruling the second department is
known as the Goddess of the South its forces are the

elements of Fire, which hold the scales of Infinite jus-

tice, to which all life must render an account of their
action; in these numberless composites there is aoun-
dance for every demand, when wisely sought.
Ignorance and contention have caused nature's
forces to become unproductive; usurpation and inhar-
mony act upon the elements of production like a with-
ering frost upon vegetation.
The criminal detention of public property, by one
or more persons, for private profit, is an outrage
against nature's God as well as society, and should not
be tolerated for a moment.
What nature produces, without application of hu-
man effort, belongs to all life, and the least as well as
the greatest should have free access to that part neces-
sary for their use, if not utilized by some other person
there is abundance for all and not any need for limita-
tion when justly regulated.
The wealth of nature, either visible or invisible,
will surpass human calculation, whenever society has
become wise enough, to adjust and use it properly. Suf-
fering and crime are caused directly by the criminal
monopoly, injustice and imposition which those in-


trusted with public office and power are allowed to ex-

ercise. Whenever such are removed, or caused to serve
the public as they should, nature will resound with
the victory of Intelligence, Mechanical Genius and Art
science and skill will enhance the productive power of
man, and bring the elements to his feet ; this again, will
do away with the necessity of so much physical labor
and give mind an opportunity to develop more concen-
trative power.
Literature and art will grace the hall of educa-
tional centers; music and intellectual enjoyment will
be the attraction of every home; architectural beauty
and landscape culture will make the farm as well as the
city residence a place of comfort, culture and refine-
ment; these, with all modern and public conveniences,
owned and operated by society, connecting city, hamlet
and the farm, with all the arts and entertainments of
the world, and all the new methods of travel and com-
munication now in use, with many more coming, such
as psycho-motors, sun-ray heat, Radium stations, capa-
ble of illuminating the surrounding country for hun-
dreds of miles, converting night into day, when labor
will be a pleasure, and every member of society will be
anxious to do his part.
The moisture of the atmosphere also will be reg-
ulated as desired and the water courses walled and
dredged; these when developed will bring new species
of plants and cereals, also new forms of animal life,

more refined and beautiful, all of which is now denied
us, because of the "Inhumanity of man to man."
We are, however, on the threshold of the new civ-
ilization, when one man, nor set of men, cannot ruin
the lives of many. The new thought that permeates
society has already tolled the bells for the dying octopus
of capitalism and industrial monopoly, which have held
human lives in slavery and genius buried in the tombs
of ignorance, debauchery and crime.
Opportunity for enlightenment, happiness and
freedom, is the salvation of society; the contrary is its
Freedom developes courage, morality and respon-
sibility; remove freedom and men become degenerate,
contrary to God's law. Is it not strange that human
beings do not practice what they know to be true?
Institutions builded upon industrial slavery must
perish; the only adhesive principle in nature is love
and harmony; these removed and your whole struc-
ture is built on shifting sands.
Humanity, by its inhumanity, becomes self-
destructive. Not one link in the chain of developing
life should be ignored, or cannot be broken without
serious injury:: "The chain is no stronger than its
weakest link." The whole must remain useless until
all the links are strengthened again.
When one realizes that by his method of doing
things, he will receive, whether good or otherwise, he

will thenknow that justice to every form of life, is the
only meaning of redemption or salvation, here or else-
A few things which should be remembered : Fear
destroys effort; jealousy is part insanity; anger weak-
ens every mental faculty; personal pride makes one
coarse and repulsive lust degrades one below the ani-

mal; deception and lies stimulate the lowest qualities

of the person, the mind cells wither as by frost, and the
soul is imprisoned; the spirit of truth has no abiding
place in such natures, only the coarsest mundane can
meet their requirement, which finally destroys their
The Soul as well as the Mind should have freedom
to express their ever increasing power if not, the soul

will retire, and the person with the rest of his forces,
will become degenerate; therefore we say to people of
today, take off the shackles, both religious and social,
and keep them off to give the races freedom, is to have

redeemed them; whenever thy assert their own free-

dom, they have redeemed themselves.
If society has need of reform, surely slavery ex-
ists, either social, religious or economic; if we know

of sufferings or poverty among us, surely injustice

walks boldly upon the highways; if there is crime
among us, we know that man's laws are inhuman.
Wake up, and be men, like men to men, learn a
lesson from the animals. What people need all the

time is more freedom; what the world needs today is
masters of nature instead of slaves, and the first slave
to be redeemed is self; as soon as you have broken
the chains of personal inconguities from self, you will
be ready to help your sisters and brothers to do like-

People are born with supreme power, but if they

allow habits, desires and persons to subject them; to
their reproach, they are not worthy. No man needs
serve another, if he chooses to serve God; he cannot
do so however, with his stomach full of animal flesh,
or his mouth filled with tobacco-plant; all these chain
him to the mundane. "Thou shalt not serve any mas-
ter, nor call any man thy father for I am the Lord thy

God, thou shalt serve only me." Why don't the Chris-
tians obey this most important commandment, coming
from the Master of Israel?
Is it not strange, in a supposed Christian nation,
that the very opposite of this prevails? Evidently
they have failed to instruct their disciples in this most
important truth, therefore are false to the Christ they
presume to follow.

Bondage and slavery generate criminality; free-

dom and education purify and refine human life, which
is a manifest fact. Natural law is co-operative; peo-
ple should obtain what they require without servitude
or strife; remove the incentive and you have removed

the criminal, he becomes a living soul; souls are of
more importance than dollars or things.
Nature calls to man from
the heavens and the
earth also, to whom
she has abundance to give, but
thru his habits he has become deaf to her call.
Without original thought progress is impossible. When
one finds his thoughts are adulterated with other peo-
ple's ideas, he should dispell them, or clothe them in a
new dress, when giving expression to them; in this
way he has changed their character and made them
as his own.

The unthinking credulence given to the teachings

of the past, both religiously and economically, has
rendered individual thought almost impossible and
has crushed the manhood of our race. Be somebody,
be yourself or be nothing don't try to grow wool, when

hair is your natural product. Don't be an echo or a

parrot, when you can be a man.

People of the present, neither can assimilate with,

not fit into the robes, regulations, rules, laws, creeds
nor institutions of their ancestors they are a new peo-

ple, with new environment and more complex rela-

tions, which demand a new and more perfect philos-
ophy to regulate.
The social and commercial attitude has changed;
the hoe, the ox-team, stage-coach, sickle and scythe,
log-cabin and fire-place, are things of the past; our

women and men cannot remain in the nursery, where
things are prepared for them.
The tribal cradle may have rocked the baby man
and woman for many centuries, but our people attend
to their own business and our children sleep without
a cradle, or even a lullaby.
The young American is alive and doing; give him
the lightning rod, the steam-valve, the motor-car, aero-
plane and X-ray, the telepost, telepathic-needle and the
wireless; these things would have frightened our Ju-
daean fathers, as well as our more modern ones, out
of the few wits they had; and throw their personal
Gods, man-angels and devils, into a sorry plight, and
put hell entirely out of business. We witnessed a Ro-
man Catholic Priest, in Denver, Colo., go off into a
furore of contradictions, when asked, if he thought the
people on the planet Mars would be damned, because
they did not believe in and receive the sacrament of
the Roman Church; his little Man God had no knowl-
edge of the beautiful souls Mars has produced, there-
fore he watched with jealous eyes any move the devil
made, towards capturing those on earth.
Such superstitution may clothe a Roman Priest in
robes of purple and gold, but we demand to know his
right to such expensive toggery, at the expense of
other people's effort. He was commanded not to take
scrip nor to consider the morrow.
We are well aware, however, that many great mas-

ters and scholars were among those monger leaders of
the past, who found only the scaffold, the block, the
fagot, rack and dungeon, to pay them for the truths
they presented, and which have given us more privilege
and freedom.
The pathway of progress has ever been marked
by human blood, wars, rapine and murder, supported
by a religious plutocracy, church rule, kingdoms, em-
pires and governments, either democratic or republic,
up to date, which have left nothing but povery and
crime in their wake.
In our consciousness, however, we see a new star
shining in the heavens; this time, instead of the Star
of Bethleham, it is called the Star of Hope, that Divine
Hope, which has gone into the tomb with every Savior
the world has ever known; that Divine One, who has
ever dared to denounce the monsters of greed, graft
and fraud, adultery and crime, posing in robes of vel-
vet and gold and bedecked with rare jewels, behind
which they hide their crimes, more false and black than
an orthodox hell has ever been painted; to rise again
from the tomb and shine upon the noble brow of the
next Savior, who has always been a friend to man and
to every living thing.
This Star of Hope will ere long be placed upon the
banner of freedom freedom from wage-slavery, social

and industrial slavery, That Wonderful Freedom, that

will place the light of intelligence and truth, upon the

brow of every living soul and illuminate every new
Redeemer, until at length the races will have arisen
from ignorance, superstition and mythical worship, to
shine on this earth as the greatest of all illumination
that Infinite power can produce.
"Ask and you will receive seek and you shall find."

This was not said to willing slaves Jesus was speaking


to those who were trying to free themselves from the

economic slavery, under which they suffered.
Nature, thru the assistance of human effort
and skill, has produced abundance for the protection
and sustainance of life, and yet thousands do not ob-
tain the common necessaries, because of the inhuman
system of government men have organized, in order to
control the product of labor and obtain wealth without
giving an equivalent, which all must recognize as sub-
tle robery, that has crushed every nation and peoples,
and which has been denounced by every Spiritual teach-
er Jesus and others, during every age.
One soul is worth more than all the wealth of the
world how dare ye, who control industry, or hold posi-

tions of state, intrusted to you by the people, over look

this fact your common lives are not worth while, they

will rot, beneath the heft of your ill-gotten gold and

the betrayal of your trust.
Infinite spirit (God) moves upon the elements of
power, towards the conscious acknowledgement of its
manifest life, all of which are its children, and never

fails to recognize their just demands. Nature's re-
source knows no charity, but a wise provision for the
necessity calling it into expression. The elements of
supply, contract or expand under the influence of
thought waves; right thinking and harmonious effort
regulate the abundance thereof; thoughts of charity
should not be entertained for a moment, they are al-
ways accompanied by those of poverty, both of which
are false and an insult to nature's just law.
Whatever good one receives, no matter from what
source, belongs to him, and in it there is no charity,
but a just expression of natural law.
One has ownership, only in those things necessary
to him and presently useful the rest is moving to sup-

ply some other life, and if detained, it is subtle rob-

bery; not only the life has been injured, but nature is
robbed of what she intended for some other purpose,
and no one can tell to what extent the injury may

What we wish to have understood is, that people

gain nothing but failure, whenever they presume to
capture natural resource, and by any scheme prevent
or dam the channel thru which it moves. The
greatest privilege that can possible come to one, is to
assist nature, either mentally or physically, in her pro-
ductive power, which enobles the assistant. Charity
is not truth, it is false, therefore not a good thing;love

is much better and far more useful, and lives thru
all eternity.
The work of a willing heart, flows thru the
arteries of God, and leads to wholeness; those of a
must do one, flows through limitation and leads to cuss-
edness. When one cannot give with all his heart, he
should better not try, he only condemns the one he
feigns to help and belittles himself; the only way to
nature's wholeness, is to deny limitation and recog-
nize one's right to have what is needed and help to ob-
tain it for him; in this manner, he will establish the
person and himself also.
That which one does for another lives and thru
it he has established his freedom and unifies his life

with the universal life which surrounds him, a position

that gives him power to control the numerous forces
in nature, all of which will acknowledge him as mas-
ter. Study the character of the different elements
and mould the design of what you desire, from those
corresponding to it, then reflect upon them until your
desire is manifest, do not question your power nor
the manner in which the manifestation will appear,
such thoughts limit and destroy the possible expres-
a natural law, that reflected thought will
It is
chemicalize the elements and produce the substance,
if counteracting thought is not indulged. In the sec-
ond department of the Cosmos, the elements of which

are under discussion, rests the opportunity to multi-
tiply all things needed thru reflective thought. The
Solar Goddess is entitled Tubriel, signifying channel,
and its angel messengers are Gargatel, Tarrial and Ga-
viel, these centers of universal force, sway the move-
ments of solar bodies and fashion the combinations of
invisible forces, as they move upon the face of nature,
in purpose to establish the new and more just orders,
that are better adapted to the ever present require-
ments of all life.
As the solor body swings upon the ualance, to-
ward more spiritual realization and conscious inward
power, the elementals of those centers of cause, be-
come conscious of every demand and can more readily
supply them, because of harmony being established.
Thoughts of abundance and success should per-
meate the mind at all times to speak truly of self and

of God, is to know that life is success, because it is God

and God manifest, therefore, whatever may seem to the
contrary, there is abundance all around about every-
where. Talk to it, call to it, Tell God what you want,
do not be afraid of your own voice, or that your wants
are not accordingly right; the angels will understand
what your heart longs for and they love to make them-
selves useful, it is their nature, and when you ask them,
they are pleased and become active on your lines; this
is the greatest privilege God has bestowed upon its

children, and one should be happy and proud, to know

of his divine powers, instead of falling under the false
sensations of habits or other undesirable forces, from
the undeveloped planes of life.

When all God combine,

the elements of
To serve man's with powers divine,
Upon every rock they will write his name,
And through every land, his powers proclaim;
Each blade of grass breathes forth his will,
And every tree bends to his master's skill,
Nature smiles, when fashioned to adorn,
And to serve is her pleasure, nor her scorn.


The Difference Between the Elements of Minor Forms

of Life and Those Which Constitute the Real Man;
Also the Necessity of Proper Care of the Body
as a Factor in Unfolding the Prin-
ciple Man or Atma.

The supreme centers of elemental intelligences, are

called Solar houses, of which there are four; each of
these contain three solar signs and issue designs, cor-
responding in character to the elements belonging to
that particular house or center, which are distributed
as naturaldemand requires and attracts them .

The human form on any plane, is the ultimate of

all formation; therefore, in its constituents are com-
bined the elements of every form of life in the universe,
as well as all attributes belonging to them, which are
adjusted and prepared by their transition thru
those minor forms, to build the higher expression of
Infinite design in the human form, and continue stlH
to remodel that, until relative perfection is obtained,
making it the Mycrocosmic-center around and to which
every atom vibrates; giving human life unlimited op-
portunity for advancement.
Each solar house contains a trinity of classified
forces, those three classes combined, are called a triplic-

ity as follows : The elements of Air, are known as the
Air triplicity those of Fire, the fire triplicity Water
; ;

and Earth in like manner; each triplicity is regulated

in its expression on the material plane, by the three
months belonging to it as follows Air claims March,

April and May Fire belongs to June, July and August


Earth represents September, October and November;

Water denotes December, January and February, mak-
ing three classes of force and one triplicity for every
three months there being four houses, hence four tri-

plicities and twelve solar signs by which the forces are

classified, giving one sign to each month in the tri-
plicity to which it belongs.
The supreme forces of each house regulating the
departments are called Arch-angels, Solar-Gods, An-
gels, Solar Angels, even God, in nature known as Eloim.
The human form born under the influence Oi. eith-
er one of those signs, will inborn the tendencies char-
acterized by the sign, and to that class or group of
forces, it will bear resemblance both in character and
general appearance, which gives one an opportunity to
train and develop his organized forces along natural
All the elemental qualities materialized in one's
form, should be trained and brought under control of
mind and they will continue to be of use to the
will, so
principle man, in whom they are all united as a cosmic-
center of divine potencies, universal in power and

eternal in endurance and life. This being true, Why
should man die in the body in order to gain eternal
life? He has already the essentials for continual life,
with the power to adjust them, whenever he wills to be
complete. God in its great wisdom made man com-
plete, and all that is necessary for him is to perfect
that completeness by uniting the material with the
mental and spiritual, which brings to him full con-
sciousness of infinite life, both in himself and that
which surrounds him.
Death is simply a disunion among the elements of
form, all not being equally developed, to where they can
function to the greater demands and requirements of
united mind, soul and spirit, in the advanced human
All adjustments of physical formation, are with-
whenever he studies nature's law,
in one's jurisidiction
so as to understand his own formation, in which he
may find a lesson presented to him, from every ex-
pression of life. The sad fact is, however, that the
most refined elements are repelled by false habits and
coarse desires people stoop to gratify, hence they can-
not rise above the claims of the flesh, and death finally
comes as a benefactor, not to man, who has sinned
against himself and his God, but to liberate those sub-
merged forces he has adulterated by his conduct.
Nature will only recognize principle, and she de-
mands justice for every atom; therefore when man as-

sumes a counter-vibration, by falling, when he should
advance and sustain the life depending upon him, he
invites dissolution and death; meat-eating, tobacco-
chewing, coffee and tea drinking, warm-bathing, to-
gether with many other degenerating indulgences, soon
increase the Doctor's bill, and the next step is the un-
The elemental properties combined in the animal
formation surrounding us, on the material plane, are
again manifest in the human form, and are regulated
by the solar sign one is born under; therefore to un-
derstand the character of the sign, is to understand
one'self and his material tendencies, also the animal
family that provided the elemental quality of his phys-
ical form, which is of great importance to the student
of nature.
It is to everyone's interest to see that the animal life

which he meets on this plane, receive the very best

care; they have the same claim to consideration and
training as the material man both having been formed

from the same class of forces, and are dependent upon

each other, for advancement and refinement.
Why should man, having the greater experience,
privilege and knowledge, presume to murder, or eve i
be unkind to any life over which he has dominion? The
animals may have continual life on superior planes also,
Mr. Mortal, where they will understand their power;
there is where you will meet your judge. You have no

authority for your beliefs regarding them, nor your
inhumane conduct toward them, because they are help-
tess and mute in their sufferings, but a degenerate an 1
brutal past generation of men, who indulged every vi
cious instinct for personal and low gratificatio.
thru which they fell far below the animals they
abused. Man's inhumane conduct towards the animal
life he has met on this plane, has caused the destruc-
tion of nations and races, and will still continue, until
people recognize the fact, that all life is one, visible or
invisible, great or small, animal, human or Divine.
Our precious child, who we feed on the milk of
the animal mother, whose child we slay and eat regard-
less of her dumb muings, may find serious difficulty in
securing mental unf oldment, or a healthy body ; doomed
to a life of suffering, thru the inhumane action of
parents towards the animals with which they mingle;
children die premature from all manner of unnatural
ailments, and the parents will blame everything, even
their God, rather than acknowledge the real cause,
which is the cruel destruction of other forms of life.
As the body of the animal surrenders to death and
dissolution, and from that into food stuffs that build
the body and brain cells of the child, as well as the
parents, every element of its form trembling with fear
and rage, because of its cruel murder; can there be
harmony in the form builded from those atoms ?
Nature demands restitution, and all must pay the

bill, no matter what we think or believe. When the
elements of form are injured by any procedure, by
which fright or anger are aroused, poison is generated,
passing swiftly through the body; and those who eat
of that flesh will pay the penalty as well as their pro-
We are informed of a case, where three hundred
people were poisoned, some dying, from eating canned
beef, Extra Brand, the flesh of an ox slaughtered in
Kansas City, Mo., that fought for its life to the very
last cruel blow it received it took his murderers nearly

three hours to finish their brutal work.

The Mosaic law, which is as old as the history of
man, is nature's just law; the penalty is, "An eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth," which none can escape, no
matter what he believes all must pay the price at the

next round of the ladder, where he meets his judge in

the reflection of his action, stamped upon his form and
also his consciousness.
Every atom thrown from its natural orbit, must
be replaced before harmony can prevail, and where
those elements are absorbed into form, there will be
confusion until properly adjusted again. All obses-
sions and many abnormal diseases, are caused by con-
fused elements, not in harmony with other forces of
the body and trying to escape; these can be removed
or healed, only by one, whose material forces are un-


Those who pray for mercy should remember wheth-

er they have shown mercy to the God life in other
forms, when it has appealed to them for the same.
When the time comes to meet the result of their cruel-
ties, which they surely will, its likely to horrify them.
Every thing possible should be done to train and
develop the various elements embodied in the animal,
so that when they pass from that form, they are
prepared to assimilate with finer forms of life and es-
tablish harmony instead of discord.

animals could be developed in a comparative
degree to man; enough has already been done in that
direction to prove their capability, and that the com-
mon ideas concerning them are entirely false there is ;

positive proof that their soul and spirit, survive death

of the body, in many cases, the same as man's.

We do not presume to say, however, that all ani-

mal forms survive death, yet many do to a limited time,
until evolved to the possibility of human form, which is
the ultimate on this plane of formation, but if trained
and developed to the extent of their ability to receive, we
would soon find a very different condition among them,
and the human race could accomplish much more by
extending to them kindness, more recognition and love
should be given every living thing, and all should have
an opportunity to express all they are capable if not, :

the race will remain in their limitation, until they learn

to extend justice to every form of life, which will also
bring justice to them.
Look into the shipping cars and slaughter pens,
where the most horrible cruelties are practiced and
permitted, terrible enough to make one's blood cold to
consider yet people do not seem to care instead, they

laugh at the screams and groans of the poor dying

brute or fowls and again, cramming them into crates

and box cars, where they remain for days, without

water or food, calves trampled, bleating to the mother
that cannot help, altho she would die to protect its
young life if she could. Is there any mercy in human
hearts? Why do we stand for such inhumane conduct?
We pay thousands of dollars to retain a Constabu-
lary to protect us from the degenerates we have created
by our brutal commercialism that cares more for dol-

lars than life, either animal, human or divine.

Is itany wonder we are obsessed by destructive
diseases, influences and degenerating social conditions ?
We should better stop preaching salvation and get busy
with our Father's business, here and now.
It is pleasant to be kind, and have our four-footed
friends love instead of fear us surely they show that

they appreciate every little attention they receive, and

will try in their make one understand. Were
way to
God to srve man, in the manner he does the live depend-
ing on him, it would be a sorry state of things, yet why
should he expect any better that which one does to an-

other life, will surely return to him. As one fashions
the elements by his thought and action, he must abide
with them, until he learns that all life are united as
one, by a divine law in nature; therefore what injures
one must necessarily injure all.

Life is God, where e'er in nature found,

In man or beast, in bird or flower,
On every land in every sea, or ocean crest,
Where e'er in life the eye may rest,
It all is God, and God expressed.

In form it differs in great many ways,

Born as a worm, sunbeam it plays,
in the
It smiles thru the daisy and beautiful rose,
Out from the daffodil, sweet scented it flows
To sit as a star, amidst blue ether bows.

It sings thru the mocking-bird as it flies,

And on the breast of the humming-bird lies,

It dreams in the butter-cup, sweetly serene,
And flows thru the meadow in pure limpid stream,
Awaking the mole, from its innocent dream.

It peeps thru the fern, the wild-rose and firs,

And speaks thru the Katydid all nature it stirs,

It brays thru the ox and screams thru the quail,

And soars with the eagle, to heights most sublime,
Yet, slinks with the fox, thru jungle and pine.

It looks from the eye of the reindeer and roe,
And the man
of the forest, in chasing his foe,
In the storm its majesty; as the monarch to be
Triumphantly marches o'er earth and o'er sea,
In every form, from man to serpent or tree.

Can mankind in ignorance, afford to be wrong,

When his body is made from this living throng?
Is there aught in the worm, he willfully crushed,
When from a crysalis, a butter-fly bursts
To be blessed with more beauty, by nature is

Proud man is there aught, that you have

In form or feature, in blood or your bone
That you can claim, as entirely your own?
You are fashioned from all and to them you
Your pride may be humbled, when meeting this

When one begins to develop his forces, every un-

desirable influence that is to be discarded is aroused

on the defensive, and will conquer if possible therefore


every weak point should be well fortified, until he can

declare with confidence, "I will be what J will to be."
As long as one lives true to life, death cannot enter,

life being the determined point towards which all are
moving. "Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty. ,,
Yes, it is, in this world or elsewhere to hold one's posi-

tion he must be master, if not, he becomes a servant.

God's children, those who have overcome the flesh,

never sleep; when the wind breathes they listen and
receive the message; when the waters murmur warn-
ings, they prepare for action, for danger approaches;
when the stones cry out, their heart is pierced, and
when the earth trembles they fly to arms, knowing
their mother is in distress; they are ever on the alert
and on guard, hence the enemy cannot approach the

One must be born of the spirit not of the flesh;

must be conceived in consciousness
in other words, one
and love by by which life on the earth and
his parents,
the earth also, will be redeemed and reformed to finer
substance; this being so, we must all get busy.

We will wait and watch together, until dangers are all


With sin and sorrow vanquished, the earth our home

at last,

We'll move in grace and beauty, God's sons and daugh-

ters free,

With every joy more perfect in universal harmony.



They wipe the from weeping eyes,

And clothe thenaked with raiment warm,
They feed the hungry and bathe his feet,
And shelter him too, from the cold bleak storm
Whenever he suffers they are at his side,
To cheer and comfort, and with love they guide
His footsteps, o'er dark morass, or lonely plane,
And carry his cross, until he's strong again.


The Character and Quality of the Elemental Forces Be-

longing to the Third Solar House, Spoken of as
the Kingdom of Earth and Plane of Form;
They Are Understood as Gnomes,
Sprites, Elfs and Imps.

There are four distinct qualities of these interest-

ing forces, classed as mundane, sub and super-mundane
which are the phenomenal possibilities in nature,
known as Psychic forces, the understanding of which
is of vast importance to the student of the occult, the

Scientist, the Machinist, the Inventor, the Farmer and

Stock Raiser, also those who wish to understand the
law of spirit or spiritual phenomena.
Knowledge of this department in nature will ex-
plain many things seemingly a mystery and assist in
obtaining what has been or is hidden, unrevealed or
invisible to the ordinary senses, and will also explain
how nature clothes herself in visible forms of various
kinds and account for the appearing and disappearing
of those forms, to and from, the range of human
People during every age both influential and hum-
ble,have been convinced of the fact that many per-
sons who have passed thru the change called death,


appeared to friends in a natural body, resembling the

one occupied before death; but knowledge of the pro-
cess by which nature presents such a mysterious and
marvelous phenomenon, none seems to possess.
The wise however, will puff himself and
exclaim, "Impossible." On the other hand, those who
accept all manifestation without a question, will say,
with a look of helpless credulity, "How wonderful. ,,
We find, however, in most cases the least knowledge
or experience people have regarding the invisible side
of nature, the more convinced they are of other peo-
ple's mistakes and even refuse to benefit by the object,
lessons nature continually presents, while they stumble
along blindly in their own conceit.
Is it any wonder that superstition, ignorance and
materiality have fashioned the mode of human events
"when the blind have become leaders of the blind" until
at length outraged nature calls them to give an account
of their stewardship.

All down the line of human unfoldment, we have

history, both Ancient, Medieval and Modern, as well
as Divinely inspired and Profane, telling of startling
and interesting phenomena experienced by many prom-
inent people whose veracity could not be questioned.
We wish to state, however, that whatever nature has
presented at any time during the world's history, vis-
ible or invisible, is all natural, therefore likely to occur

again at any time, where and whenever there is oc-
casion for such manifestation.

Nothing could exist were it not natural ; even God

could not be otherwise than natural. Expressions of
invisible intelligences which are called phenomena, have
been demonstrated facts during all ages, and are no
less a fact during the present age. The great religious
reformer, Martin Luther, who emphatically denied
spirit manifestation, only as expressions of the devil, be-
came so incensed at his damon for interferring with his
manner of religious work that in his desperation, he
hurled the inkstand at it, it away;
in hopes to drive
and still much George Washington,
later, in the life of
while at Valley Forge, who saw and heard an angel tell
him what would occur to his country in years to come,
and also encouraged his victorious movement, when
He conquered England's haughty Hosts, with only a
handful of men in comparison to the great army Eng-
land commanded.

We have also an account of our beloved statesman

(Abraham Lincoln), who communed with spirit
friends and received their message; as well as the re-
nowned Andrew Jackson Davis, acknowledged to be
the greatest seer history, either ancient or modern, re-
lates, and yet we have the Fox Sisters of Hydesville,
New York, who were the founders of modern spiritual-
ism, their first manifestations occuring in 1848, which

have wrought a wonderful change in the religious his-
tory and social conditions of this country.
These, together with many more Seers and Proph-
ets, since noted for their wonderful phenomena and
philosophy, so touching in its appeal to human con-
sciousness, that it leaves an indelible impression never
to be forgotten; we might relate hosts of others had
we the space; these are sufficient, however, for what
we wish to have understood, i. e., that nature, in her
infinite intelligence and marvelous resource, has pro-
vided the necessary elemental substance and prepared
forces, by which inter-communion can be established
between the visible and invisible planes of life; in
other words, whereby spirit and spiritual entities can
communicate with those on the material plane, by several
methods possible to all, who wish to undertake the
study of elemental chemistry and its laws, from a psych-
ic point of view, not only such as are now understood,
or what we have been able to relate, but countless, more
not dreamed of in our philosophy at present.
When speaking of nature's spirits, it is with a
deep feeling of reverence nad gratitude towards Infi-
nite Intelligence, in its provision for every manner of
life, understanding these forces to be the expression

of God's love, providing for the material as well as the

spiritual requirements of all life in its multiplicity
of demands and necessities, whereby man can thru
development become a prince in his Father's knigdom.


We feel that it should be incumbent on society to

have these laws taught in public schools, so as to give
the young student an opportunity to understand nat-
ural law and make it a factor in the development of
nature's resource, by which society should be benefited.

The elemental forces of earth which are known as

mundane, have form when organized, similar to human
form; build their homes and pattern after mortals in
many of their modes of living; those dwelling beneath,
the earth's surface are small in statue and are shrewd,
shy and sometimes vicious, therefore hard to control,
but those on the surface and in the atmosphere, are
regulated by the material expression with which they
mingle and imitate human thought and action, when
in harmony with them.
Naturologists, who understand these forces, think
they were the first expression of human life the earth
produced. Bulwer Litton, called them the coming
race, of which we wish to explain further, they really
have been and are the possible forms of all races which
ever have or will inhabit the earth, until it also is spir-
itualized. Many traces of them and their manner of
living,which have been found, gave rise to this theory
we have found them to inhabit caves, dells, groves,
water sources that were beautifully situated, green
meadows, great forests, mountains and ravines; they
also build their homes in large trees, huge rocks, and

sometimes in the dwelling of mortals, to whom they
will bring success, if in harmony with them.
They are the energies and substance also of nature
in building the phenomenal side of her life and can
assume any form required, meet any demand neces-
sary, and carry messages to any place or person in
their sphere. Each quality of these elemental forces
have their special functions in producing manifesta-
tion they can be Horse, Dog, Cat, Lion, Ox, or, in fact,

any animal form necessary to carry out the purpose;

another class can produce minerals of any kind or de-
materialize the same; those on the surface and in the
atmosphere take human shape and will appear in the
likeness of any person, either spirit or mortal, pre-
sented to them in the mind or thought of those they
meet; also appear as scenery, object, city, country, res-
idence or place, move furniture, create sounds, an-
swer questions or anything in their line; size and
weight cannot hinder their movements. It is thru
the assistance of these forces, that decarnate spirits
obtain the substance which is chemicalized to produce
a vaporic body in which they appear to their friends.
All spirit manifestation either physical or vocal,
is accomplished thru this source, the quality and
accuracy of which depends and is regulated as much by
the sitters, as by the medium. These forces are in-
telligent and often confound the wise, by their pro-
found statements and wise council many people make

the mistake of believing them to be the spirits of their
departed friends, when in reality they are but the like-
ness of the friend their spirit friend use them, however,

as the means thru which he is enabled to communi-

cate with mortals, and build the organic structure, so
as to talk, move or do other things necessary to cause
material friends to recognize him; hence these forces
are the prepared intelligent channel of communica-
tion, between the mortal and immortal planes of being,
where, form, spirit and soul, ever interblend in pro-
ducing and developing the human race. A rare oppor-
tunity nature has in store for those who wish to un-
derstand her laws.
These forces also materialize in the complete
form of decarnate spirits, with all the material func-
tions to express their love, relate their experience, lec-
ture and give advice, whenever a medium is found
whose organism can be used as the chemicalizing
There are many grades of these interesting forces,
from the great solor angel entitled Torqurett and its
supreme messengers, down to the remotest forest
sprite; all of which regulate and become a part and
factor, in the development and changes occurring on
the earth plane. They are the embodiment of the
storm, the force of the cyclone and the power of the
earthquake; they carry the tidal wave and change the
surface of the earth, as well as the interior; they are

the impulse of commerce and life of agriculture; they
stand by the soldier on the battle-field, and direct the
course of your battleship; they lead the miner, help
the stock-raiser and direct the navigator in fact, they

are nature's mystic law givers. When men grow wise,

they will make their laws to correspond with nature's
law, hence be more just in the government of life, in
its material relations and remove many difficulties
which now obtain.
These elementals are often the Medium's guide,
and in that capacity are very useful; they will accept
any name given them and answer faithfully when re-
quired; they help to develop the Medium and the Me-
dium in turn, develops them, so they can become a
human soul; therefore nature never fails to establish
equal justice.
It is the emanations of the spiritual forces in man
that attract these earth forces at first, and if, at any
time they discover low traits in his character, they
will become deceptive and betray if possible. When
people degrade their nature, these forces find nothing
in them to assimilate with, therefore they die,

The three Kingdoms of form, animal, vegetable
and mineral, are the operators' field for discovery, be-
cause the elements of every form are subject to chem-
ical transmutation, even the human form; one can
understand what a vast opportunity nature's God has


provided for human genius to operate with. And yet,

we find people subject to all manner of undesirable
influences and environments that enslave them; those
who study nature's laws, however, will be repaid for
the time given them and will soon be able to say, My
law, shall be the one nature's God has written upon
"Tablets of stone," and upon every blade of grass,
even in the wonderful eyes of the roe, the horse and
the dog, which speak of justice and love, more com-
plete than anything man understands, yes, and upon
the mountain side and in the valley, where her won-
derful message is written in large and small letters
that spell, I am, He is, They are; three affirmations
that span the universe.
To describe the elemental God, or Arch-Angel of
earth and the angel messengers of that department,
we scarcely feel competent, because we have to com-
bine heaven and earth in our descriptions to the seer,

however, it appears in rose-tinted robes of gray color,

soft and dreamy, tremoring in a translucent golden
light, dazzling in its glory; crowned with snow-white
vapors resembling pure white hair; an expression of
wisdom upon the features and composed attitude,
which inspire both confidence and a sense of rest in
the beholder.
This beautiful emanation of Divine intelligence,
holds the current of vital magnetism that regulates
the evolutionary changes occurring on material planes

thru a gradual process, folding inward toward
change and dissolution, the life essences take their
departure to re-appear again in other forms, and
thru the Chemistry of thought, they unfold to still
more beautiful forms of life, to remain until experi-
ence makes greater demands upon their accumulated
forces and advanced character.
This wonderful solar God, ruling in the third de-
partment of the cosmos, is both elemental and divine
in attribute and power; it is the genius of transition
and origin of time, directing all changes and assist-
ing organic life, either animal, vegetable or human,
while passing thru the process of separation and
death of the prevailing form, until again self sus-
It has been truly said, that, "A sparrow could not
fall without God's knowledge," which is a fact, be-
cause it is a part of the whole. Death is not a natural
procedure; instead a gradual change by which the
forces are transmuted to more spiritual substance,
preparatory for the next change is the true order
of transition. Old-age, decay and death, are the
shadows of belief, superstition, ignorance and wrong
living, contrary to nature's law, hence have no real
existence, only thru human acknowledgment.
Those solar angels which move in the will and
wisdom of God, know the needs of mortal life, and
will direct all changes and provide what is necessary

to establishharmony. Nature's God understands things
that are best for mortal life and will provide. Rest in
confidence with your God, and try to forget mortal
claims by fixing your mind on the immortal ; this will
establish your best interest and promote harmony.
Only by a complete knowledge of solar law, can
any undeveloped problem be correctly regulated in
harmony with man's material requirements; it were
time, if we are ever to consider ourselves a civilized
people, to have our social and commercial relations
regulated for the purpose of building men, instead of

The heavens, not more than any other expres-

sion of life, viewed from only one standpoint, reveals

but half history; we have found developed Seers to

contradict,and correctly so, the conclusions of Profes-
sors, whom have studied for years from a material
viewpoint. The fact that the solar sun is not a lum-
inous body, was given to the world several years be-
fore the German professor and astronomer declared
it to be a fact, by an obscure medium of Denver,
The medical professions are just beginning to
recognize sickness and disease, to be a mental condi-
tion, yet Psychics have been declaring this fact for
many centuries, and recently, have thru their dem-
onstrations in that direction, compelled the M. D.'s to

take up the study of man's psychic nature, which has
been a great benefit to their practice.
The great medium of Bethlehem confounded the
M. D.'s of His time,and so on down to the present;
in Houston, Texas, we were personally able to remove
some terrible conditions from a boy ten years of age,
who had been under the care of two physicians for
four days; he had gone into a spasm on Thursday
morning and we were called Sunday afternoon, doc-
tors saying he could not live during the day. We were
able to remove the trouble, however, and Monday
morning after eating a hearty breakfast, he went out
and played all morning with his playmates, and went
regularly to school afterwards; this is only one of
many cases we personally, had to deal with.
We are all, moving slowly perhaps but surely,
thru our experiences onward and upward to a
more clear understanding of mental chemistry and
potent will, as we become more capable to receive in-
spiration, from pure and experienced minds on ad-
vanced planes of being.
One should learn all he could in a material way,
and use it for the basis of a higher education.
Knowledge of chemistry is almost indispensable to
the study of invisible nature and also in acquiring the
knowledge of Alchemy. Language is also a natural
product and improves as the person develops compre-
hension of nature's law; one's manner of language

proves to an extent his development. The same law
governs all expression, and when the elements of lan-
guage are understood, it becomes natural. The most
capable teachers are those found in heaven (universal
ether), with whom all can communicate, unless they
close the door by false words, thoughts and habits.
The forces that make up the material side of one's
nature, should be considered of as much importance
to the advancement of self in all directions as mind
or soul; remember, that the elements which form the
body, are the soul of that formation, and must be-
come equal in their expression to the more rapid vibra-
tions of the spiritual, or over soul, else all are retarded.
Equalization and harmony in the composition of man,
will bring success on whatever plane he finds himself,
and the greater his advancement, the greater are his
Heaven has no bounds, that mortals cannot span,
Or soul e'er reach a place, where mind cannot aspire,
Man is greater than all, that human mind can scan,
He is the central force, and of it all, the sire.
Strife is the embodiment of the word Cain, by
which (Abel) has been killed, meaning similar forms
of life, thus causing a vacuum, which God perceived,
(nature's spirit felt) and at once demanded restitution,
The blood-stained forces of earth, cry with a loud
voice against the present Cain, asking what has be-

come of your brothers (Abel), both animal and hu-
man? You must answer, "Slaughtered for profit and
gold." Cain must find his brothers and sisters also,
who are buried deep in earth and sea. The waters
must give up their dead and the grave its victims not

one part of nature's law will remain unfulfilled, until

nature's God is justified, no matter how many prayers
are offered or redeemers sacrificed. Infinite wisdom
in natures activity regulates all in harmony with true
justice; only by the development of wisdom and love,
can man be redeemed from his inhuman and cruel ac-
tions; every wound he has made must be removed by
his own effort, before he finds freedom.
The fact of one dying, does not change his case
nor set him free,down to the land of Nod (mundane
sphere), where his work meets him; there he must
find his wife (soul consciousness) and his brother also,

and square his accounts with nature; then love will

regulate his conduct and complete his union with God.


Down to the valley of death I strayed,

For a thousand years or more,
Breaking the gloom for a day on earth,
A passing ray, a warm glow,
To find myself in death again,
In that passing night, e'er born of right,
Which the soul's transgressions know.


Ah ! mystic way, while thy arm of might

Around my soul may curl,
I linger to sleep on thy bosom deep,
And my banner of life I furl,
Awaiting the day when the master will say,
"Awake, my child, and away
To thy duty in the coming mystic day."
To earth again in the path of pain,
I follow my loving guide.
I question not the path he takes,
Or the lessons in life I learn.
He causes the deep to lull me to sleep,
And the sun to wake me in turn,
Till from earth's dark way I return.

Ah mystic way, shall it come the

! day
When we all as you may know,
That there is no night, that all is light,
'Neath thy mystic mantel glow
We have arisen from earth's dark prison,
No more to sleep on thy bosom deep
We are awakened, now to know.
Ah mystic way, the light from thy ray,

In my soul will e'er more burn.

And guide my soul, thru passions role,
Till at length, towards heaven I turn,
It has lead me right, thru earth's dark night,
And will bring me again to thy bosom,
Thy love and wisdom to know.

This Chapter Will Explain the Character of the Won-
derful Solar God Ruling in the Fourth Department
of the Solar Organism, Which We Believe
Will Be Very Interesting to the Reader.

The great Arch-Angel of the north is the icono-

classed of the starry realm m which it holds the bal-
ance of power; it imparts its ruling quality to the
elementals and planetary forces operating in that de-
These forces pervade the entire solar system at
times, when necessary to establish some unprece-
dented result, in their material aspect; however, they
correspond to Water, Winter, and North, understood as
the kingdom of Icon or Vorcon, the "Prince of the
deep, moving upon the face of the waters."
This great solar God is beautiful to behold in its
crowning circles of sparkling crystals, robed in vol-
umes of glistening vapors, its rapid and powerful
emanations sweeping the heavens, sending rays of
beautiful light in all directions indeed while it is most

beautiful, yet is also terrible in its swift and graceful

movements, as vibrates between the east and the

west, in other words, between the realm of light and

life, and the plane of change, decay and death, taking

from the imperfect forms the life essence, which it

clothes in a pure white crystal mantel, to protect it

until "Osirus" returns from the south to the house of

Cynabriel and realm of Adona, where they are re-
newed and vitalized, in the warm embrace of the solar-
sun-God; when the souls are quickened with new en-
ergy, they move towards channels of manifestation
and take form, so as to gain more experience and in-
dependent motion, which attracts new designs, de-
manding purer elements and higher formation, in
which they will manifest again on some material plane,
in the solar system to which they belong, until the
soul demands more experience and another change.
Under the care and influence of those two ele-
mental centers, East and North, all forms of life are
resurrected and reconstructed, in regular numbers,
necessary to fill the demand for them, and they take
form according to the character of the demand, and
appear in the design already received and accepted;
therefore the demand which precedes the manifesta-
tion, only attracts those corresponding to it in design,
hence the elements of this great solar system, present
a scene of continual change, from one expression to
that of another; some going higher on the scale of
development and others lower; yet all are protected
and carefully guarded, by those wonderful elemental
Angels and forces from the centers of cause, until each
life is complete and able to establish its own vibra-

tion, which may take thousands of years to accom-

In the adjustment of forms at those solar de-

partments, is an opportunity by which one can assist
nature, to more readily fill demands made upon her
resource, by sending direct and correct thought de-
signs, with concentrated demand to have them filled.

Every planet in our solar system, is making de-

mands upon nature for what they require, even for
advanced minds and conscious souls, who are needed
as teachers and leaders, to build new modes and assimi-
late new thought waves, which their evolution demand.
The deeper the vibration and the more justice and
love held in the request, the more potent it is and the
greater will be the answering supply.
height of folly to make small demands
It is the
upon nature. Ask largely, so the supply can be God-
like; those designs filled with new energy, are all
waiting an opportunity to fill the demand for them,
and are anxious to manifest. One gains nothing by
making small demands upon nature's God ; in its great-
ness ever in a position to pour out its blessings
it is

upon all life, so long as said life is in harmony with

the infinite law of supply and demand, both of which
are inexhaustible.
Enlarge your soul and ask for abundance; when
it comes, give it away and ask again keep it flowing,


so that all may be benefited; in this manner one can

help the undeveloped life and himself in many ways.
There is an Infinite sympathy between the ele-
ments of demand and those of supply, in the nature
of things, either human, elemental or formal, even
Infinite and Divine therefore it is wisdom to work in

harmony with the law, it saves time, labor and money

try, it will stand the test, which is the only proof of
Planets that sustain physical life, are accom-
panied by a storage battery, or moons, which in
reality are central distributing points, where chemi-
calized forces are conserved, awaiting the next move-
ment towards assuming form, either mineral, vege-
table or animal, upon the next plane of activity, so
as to enable them to continue their development.
The planter, stock-raiser, miner or merchant,
will find it to their interest to consult the attitude of
the moon, at times of planting, mating his stock, or
seeking business opportunities and in locating min-
erals, as well as many other enterprises.
The woman may be considered superstitious, who
opens her empty pocketbook to the new moon, asking
to have it filled before the month closes, which she
will so long as she has confidence, we con-
however, that she has more real sense than man,
who sells his soul and conscience, in the commercial
gambling house of profit, rent and usury, to obtain

millions,drawn from the blood, virtue and lives of
men, women and children, who thru a life of com-
mon drudgery become degenerate, die prematurely,
after being mentally and physically robbed of all that
nature intended for them; such men have committed
a twofold crime, from the consequence of which they
cannot escape.
The sun, also has its attitude towards produc-
tion,which was understood by the ancient Egyptians,
who made their kingdom the wealthiest the world
has ever known. At midnight and midday, its vibra-
tions are directly supplying chemicals that produce
gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead, together with many
finer species of plant and animal substances, which
science should have discovered and which methods were
utilized during many ages of the Egyptian dynasties.
Those who deem themselves too wise to take advantage
of such opportunity, simply overlook their own interest.
God is ever active, thruout the whole universe,
presenting by every natural and established law, the
object lesson, whereby man can become a benefactor
and change any circumstance not desirable, for him-
self or others, and establish better. How complete is
the wisdom that governs Infinite resource and how
great one's faith and love, when born of experience and
knowledge of God.
This Great Solar Angel, separates the impure, re-
models them and builds the pure elements of being;

therefore is destructive and constructive, protecting
and renewing all forms of manifestation.
It will answer to the demand of the true mystic
and lend its assistance to any noble cause ; being a uni-
versal benefactor, it will serve any purpose of a public
nature, such as swaying national powers, controlling
revolutionary conflicts or internal disturbances there- ;

fore its forces are not often needed, unless the oper-
ator's duties are of a public nature.

It is beautiful, however, as it emanates seemingly

from space, illuminating the ether with its wonderful
radiations; indeed it is "The Starry
justly entitled,
God of the North." One gains knowledge, energy and
a broader concept of life, on beholding its presence,
and one may feel honored, by having such Divine in-
fluence recognize his demand.
When appearing to the master, itseems the same
as other Spiritual powers, but in its elemental attitude
the movements are like lightning flashes, and its pres-
ence is like the shock from a powerful battery; its
angel messengers are Andries and Atwise; these stel-
lar lights regulate the minor elemental forces of their
realm; they act promptly and are not moved nor in-
fluenced only by direct demand of the mystic for a
commanding purpose.
Any person wishing to hold a service to this magi-
cal power, should observe the rules carefully and fol-

low them, until such time as personal knowledge
The first experience in forming a solar circle and
commanding those great forces that represent God,
in expression, may be accompanied by some danger,
unless care is taken more especially the starry God of

the North, which represents twofold power; yet all

will readily serve the will of a true mystic, except
where ambition or personal desire becomes the oper-
ative's motive then they will punish the offender.

Those Solar Angels will not obey the demands of a

material minded person; instead, will send their mes-
sengers to foil his purpose and betray him, a fact
spoken of in the Bible, which people do not under-
stand. "I will send lying spirits, who will deceive and
betray them." One must be in a position mentally and
spiritually, to control the swift and powerful vibra-
tions of these celestial forces, when on the mundane
plane, or the atmospheric elements may fly from the
room in confusion, the earth spirits, not understand-
ing, become frightened and seek the master for pro-
tection, which he must be able to give, else they will
leave the room in confusion and break up the circle;
their assistance is necessary, because they furnish the
material with which the higher forces can take form.
The tense vibrations of those higher forces which
are similar to the tones of steel instruments, are not
a willful display of power on the part of the solar

Angels and elementals, but simply the mingling of posi-
tive and negative elements, as one often hears, when
the wind is in rapid motion, but far more charming,
while they produce flashes of beautiful white light.
Welcome them when they appear, the same as when
entertaining an honored guest or friend; state your
requirements in concise wording, requesting to have
them executed with promptness; after giving your
orders, discharge them with blessing and ask them to
answer whenever called; as you require their assist-
ance; be confident and well poised, while communi-
cating with them, and if possible, have them promise
to assist and give you their name; this they will not
do, in vocal sound; it may come to you by some other
method, and when they thus honor you, you can rest
assured, whether seen or unseen, they are at your side,
to protect or save; should any one, or any power, try
to injure you, that power or person, would surely

No prison bars nor dungeon deep,

Nor hired dragoons that nations keep,
No locks, nor bolts, or stony walls,
Can stay the one, whom God recalls.

No proud display of armed might,

Nor wanton force, engaged to blight
The hopes or life, of those whose rights,
It is to climb the Aerion heights.

The unseen powers, on Elcion Bay,
Attuned to bask in love's sweet spray,
Will hear at once, the mystic's call
And all that threaten him, must fall.

All through life, the master's mind and will,

Are fashioned by a power, so — still,
His call, . . . the flash, a moment's past,
And yet, the die is sealed and cast.

Who dare to tell of power more great,

Or assume to fashion human fate,
None but God, thru heaven's role,
Can make, or break a human soul.

Vorcon, the Prince of elemental powers, controls

the key that unlocks the inner temple, and those who
find this key, and gain entrance there, have found
which is the kingdom of God in the
their inheritance, ;

words of scriptures, "He has taken the Kingdom of

Heaven by force." Solar law explains the saying of
the Bible as nothing else can.
Vorcon guards the entrance there and those who
enter must be wise and fear not; the key is forged in
the uppermost chamber of the temple of self, then it
must be fashioned by universal demand, so as to fit
the lock, the elements of which examine the key with

The forces of the fourth department open locks,
bolts,barred doors, safes, prisons and dungeons, and
those whom they befriend cannot be imprisoned or
otherwise injured, because at the sound of the name
given to the mystic, or words he will learn to repeat,
the thing wished for will come to pass. When those
Solar Angels tell you anything, write it down, for they
are not apt to repeat.
The gifts of Vorcon are physical strength, lon-
gevity, psychic force, dispatch of time, swift motion,
firm will and force of character; any of these can be
transferred to a horse, dog, or even to a human being.
All organic qualities, either of mind or body are ele-
mental, therefore transferable to other bodies or
minds, by reflective thought, the same as all things in
nature move under thought force.
To illustrate, select the horse on the race track,
the one you admire the most, place your thought upon
his mind, reflect the time and hold him in its dispatch
during his effort. If you have practiced concentra-
tion, this is a good way to prove your power in that
direction, you will become more interested, as your
horse scores a point, and you can rest assured he will
be the winning horse; let your mind be filled with
affirmations of victory; two-thirds of the winnings
are accomplished in this manner, by those who are
proud of their roadster once a horse has made a rec-

ord, he is hard to beat, because he has not only the

assistance of his master, but also of the majority of
those who witness the race, as well as those who have
made up their minds that this animal cannot be beaten,
and without knowing it, they keep repeating his rec-
ord in their minds, while all are concentrated towards
his success.
To suppose ten men place them-
illustrate again,
selves in a prominent position so as to attract atten-
tion, and select another horse, then place time upon
him and repeat his record and demand his success;
we think the horse could win notice, it is the attractive

horse that gets the prize and also gets assistance. The
same can be done with any good roadster, and can also
be done for persons, but not to the same extent, be-
cause the animals are more subject to thought vibra-
tions in such cases than men.
Talk to your balky horse, praise and tell him of
his strength and how good he is, speak silently in his
ear, while you stroke his head and pet him, if he re-
sists; continue until he overcomes his fear, which is
the sole reason for his balking, and may be caused by
psychic influence, to which domestic animals are sub-
ject, and if whipped, it only causes them to fear still
more the influence they see around them cruelty does

not serve any good purpose.

Domestic animals need proper care in their
youth, the same as children, and when such is ex-
tended to them, they will be better servants.


Talents are also transferable to other persons, by

a sincere desire to do so, and by using reflective
thought, surplus flesh or anything which you wish to
give your friend, who has not so much as he needs.
Those things are all elemental and move under re-
flected thought, to the place or person requiring such
purity of purpose, however, must regulate those gifts,
or trouble may arise from an unjust motive.
We repeat that mind is a universal substance;
therefore, the horse, dog or any animal, even the least
living thing, have as much of the same substance as
is required by them, and only differ in rates of vibra-

tion, according as it develops. Mind is Infinite and

unlimited, therefore the least may become the great-
est, and the greatest may lose the power thru false
usage in any personal manner. If the brain is adul-
terated by false living it cannot sustain the best quality
of mind.
Each brain center is regulated by its activities,
and it cannot grow beyond narrow personal limita-

tions, until more mind is attracted thru soul de-

velopment; then new molecules begin to form, which
attract more mind from the universal source; the
more of this mind substance enters the new cells, the
faster will be the brain growth. One vulgar thought
will dwarf a dozen brain cells, like frost upon a flower,
and if indulged will destroy their possible action,
causing the entire personality to become coarse. False

habits and desires have a withering effect upon the
brain, which is the most sensitive organ of the body
and should be protected carefully if one wishes to de-
velop anything worth while.
What we wish to have the reader understand is,

that the organized centers of the human

body, corre-
spond to the centers of organized forces in the solar
body, and people only develop as they remain in har-
mony with those forces; clean habits, pure thought
and truthful expression, are the only recommenda-
tions for advancement, when dealing with spiritual
One wishing to advance in the development of all

his qualities, should originate as much of the quality

of this great Arch-Angel, as he thinks is possible to
him and also those of the other solar houses, because
those divine qualities place one on lines of affluence
and when properly used, attract other great forces
and also people of influence.
How delightful to know, that the God-life and
power in wind and tide, in earth and fire, will for-
ever protect the soul who has thru personal ef-

fort mastered himself and by so doing, have become

a cosmic being; such great souls are the beloved of
every sphere.

All powers of earth, both wind and tide,
Stand faithful by the masters' side,
The thorns and briers, are taken away,
His path through life is cleared each day;
No earthly tie, can fret nor stay,
The one, who seeks the higher way.

The Fire, with lightning might descends,

Yet, with the master's life it blends;
The winds may howl, with fierce delight,
And waters foam, with furious might,
The earth may quiver, rend and shake,
As straws, men's structures, fall and break.

At the masters' call, their furies cease,

To serve him well, their force increase,
At each request, with measured skill,
They move with grace, to serve his will;
Their jewels at his feet, they lay
And crown him, reigning King each day.


Directions for Obtaining a Position Where Mind, Soul

and Heart, Become as One Center of Poiver, Act-
ing Together for Whatever Purpose Required.

The important truth which solar science teaches

isthe divine power in man and woman, to control the
elements in nature, and in every particular, cause
them to change if necessary so as to serve their re-
To be capable of doing so, however, there are
laws to which one must conform. "I will be, what I
will to be," can be put into practice, providing one
chooses to follow the instructions.
One must have complete mastery over self, more
especially over sex demand for gratification, where
the creative energeis of life rest; this can readily be
accomplished, as soon as false appetites and habits are
overcome; when one has control of this constructive
power in his nature he is at once master of many
things, but whenever he throws away his substance
for a moment's gratification, he has "Sold his birth-
right, for a mess of pottage." Read this lesson care-
fully and remember, that in it is revealed the secrets
of the Gods.
It is this divine energy in man that has swayed

the world, nations and races, as well as persons for
good or otherwise, during all time and will continue
to do so, until people learn to conserve it for their
special purpose and unfoldment then, they become
masters of any circumstance presented to them.
One must understand that this, as well as all
other energies in nature, have their special usefulness,
and should be controlled and used for that particular
To conserve this powerful essence and bring it
subject to mind and will, is to hold the scepter that
wields the powers of nature, and fashions them to
your liking. Instead of having it animalize your body,
send it and other parts that need rebuild-
to the brain
ing if it's possible to build a body for another soul to
manifest in, why not remodel your own, according to
the design your mental architect has drawn for you?
By conserving this energy, one has power to heal
every manner of disease, to which human or animal
life is subject.
One would not be guilty of putting decayed lum-
ber or soft brick in the foundation of a house he in-
tended building, and yet, that is what he does, when-
ever he wastes his substance in gratification, while
trying to sustain his body with dross, in form of dead
flesh and other degenerating stimulants, instead of
using the creative energy for that purpose.
When this creative force begins to animate the

organism, use it thru thought, in your business
matters, or in any way that seems profitable; keep it
busy doing your work, then it will not descend to the
sex organs to destroy you; instead, it will ennoble all
your powers and beautify them. It can be made to
serve your purpose better than to enslave your mind
in gratifying desire; such misuse, destroys the body
and weakens the mind to your detriment; remember,
it will attract other forces not easily overcome, which

will lead to your ruin.

This lesson, is of as much importance to woman
as to man, and the same instructions followed, will
bring success to either one, on any line of business,
individual development, or in social and domestic re-
lations; in fact, the one who is wise enough to con-
serve his creative energies, becomes a radiant center
of divine potencies, which nothing can resist and the
world's powers are at his feet.
All sensations should be brought under control of
mind and will; they are yours to use, not your mas-
ter's. To strengthen the will for that purpose, how-
ever, every manner of stimulants should be elimin-
ated; beefsteak, tea, coffee and condiments, as well
as all unnecessary indulgences that arouse false and
coarse desires. When this is accomplished, one is
undisturbed under any circumstance, capable of re-
taining self-control, with full realization of complete
one-ness, in whom, all action of force, is but the in-

strument of his will to be used in carrying out a pur-
pose. In this manner the great adept obtains power,
by which he can accomplish most wonderful phe-
nomena, that many unthinking people believe to be a
myth; he has, however, simply conserved, as the
Hindoo would say, "Divine Akasa," the creative en-
ergies of "Yahvah."
One who eats, drinks, thinks and sleeps accord-
ing to the natural life and by doing so, obtain mastery
over sex desire, nature's forces are his servants; we
do not mean by this, to destroy or deplete this power;
on the contrary, the closer to nature one lives the
greater and more enduring this energy becomes and
the more perfect it makes human life.
The elements, as we all know, have power to shake
the very foundation of earth, and destroy nations,
cities and places, even all life upon and in them; but
to overcome the centralized will of man, when he is
made whole through development, is not in their
The tidal wave, the cyclone, the earthquake or
typhoon, may play their furies on earth and seas, but
they will be still, at the command of the God-man or
woman, who thru wisdom, have conserved within
their body and mind, the divine creative force, en-
titled Akasa.
One will readily understand the importance of
self-mastery and proper development, when so much

depends upon it; by doing so the sex is regenerated
and the will strengthened, so that the most subtle
forces in nature can be retained without injury; light-
ning may play over the body but cannot injure; it

also insures success on whatever plane one may be,

wherever he may go, or whatever he wishes to accom-
plish; he will remain the impassional center of at-
traction and as he ascends the spiral lines of de-
veloped consciousness, he will still meet more subtle
forces, over which he must gain mastery or be sub-
ject to them.
One's development, must necessarily be a grad-
ual and continual growth, of which the corner stone is

the sex functions, becoming greater as one advances

in power, until he radiates Infinite glory; waste this
energy and you have destroyed your structure, which
soon becomes a useless mass of decaying rubbish.
From the beautiful Solar Angels, which are the
most potent forces in nature, to the remotest ele-
mental on the mundane plane, as well as many grades
of spirit and spiritual beings, are constantly influ-
enced by the thought and demand of mortal life, and
either assist or oppose one, in obtaining what is re-
quired, according to the design m
the thought they
meet; therefore, well regulated thought, filled with
creative energy, will at once start a vibration in the
right direction, or otherwise, will cause failure.
The aggregate of elemental force, either mun-

dane or super-mundane, are moved by the law of at-
traction and surround human beings in quantities
where corresponding qualities obtain.
We cannot pass too lightly over these points, as
they are the leading factors to a full understanding of
human possibilities, which are of so much importance
to every person, as well as the race.
The creative energies belonging to human life,

either male or female, when directed to the mind and

operated thru thought, instead of the animal or-
gans, becomes an established power, controlled by the
will, by which one can ascend to any point of attain-
ment desired; the physical age to obtain such con-
trol, is from maturity to thirty-five, or even later, if
judgment demands; one can commence at any age if
he desires, although the attainment will be more dif-
ficult and hard to accomplish; once one has control,
however, he can continue physical life to an indefi-
nite time and master every circumstance.
In teaching conservation of the creative energy,
we wish to have it understood that the wise use, for
a wise purpose, is always in order with divine law;
but to become subject to sexual demand, simply to
gratify animal desire and low passion, degenerates and
degrades the person who stoops to that plane of living.
God will be used for goodly purpose and bless the
one who does so, but it will not serve a false desire,
without destroying the one who dares offend its power

and Majesty, by vulgar habits; be wise in your rela-
tions withGod and your life will be blessed.
Two people will start in life, with equally good
opportunity, and seemingly as good mentality, yet
they do not succeed the same; one will achieve and
become an inspiration to those who follow, while the
other falls subject to undesirable influences that
weaken the mind, and rack the nerve ora, causing dis-
couragement and failure in business, while kindling
anew the fires of animal passion, with desire for
gratification, thru which he suffers from the de-
mand of unnatural and ungratified forces.
One cannot deceive spirit or psychic force; he is
even foolish to make the attempt; the color produced
on the ether by his thought and action gives him away
and attracts mundane forces that are not desirable.
One is known everywhere just as he is; his thoughts,
actions and character are stamped upon form and fea-
tures in fiery letters, to remain until removed by
counter-action, under the law of necessity; in fact,
one's life is an open book, whichall can read, who

will, on its pages are written his life's history. Yes,

upon form and feature, tone of voice, motion and ex-
pression, all cry out with a loud voice for or against,
those who make false use of the great powers he is
endowed with; nature makes no mistakes; therefore,
we ask you to listen to her voice and become wise to
your own good.

Man has remained a long time in the animal part
demands with sensu-
of his nature, trying to satisfy his
ous pleasures, at length to find that he was but part
man, feeding upon husks, with little understanding
of the great possibilities of his nature, which, when
properly adjusted, should build for him a kingdom of
happiness with eternal endurance.
When development is required, one should care-
fully select his foodstuffs so as to build and sustain
the higher elements of form, because the quality of
food assimilated, produce similar quality of mind and
body; each person is characterized by the food, asso-
ciation and environment he mingles with; clothing
should also be carefully selected, as well as colors and
position; one should not allow himself to fall into
things, he should make his choice and move to obtain
it; our present and future are fashioned to our de-
mands, therefore it is to our best interest to make
them in full consciousness, and prepare to fill the re-
quired position.
All foods should be eliminated from three to five
days, at intervals each year, so as to give nature an
opportunity to displace the old and remodel the new,
while the soul takes control of the mind and unfolds
a higher quality of thought. Absent yourself from
sensational amusements, seek recreation that elevates
the mind and feeds the soul. Don't let your soul starve
while your body grows fat.

if habits are formed,commence at once to let go,
and build for the point to arrive at is, to do or
not, at will; cut out "I have to," "I can't," or what is
still worse, "If I can"; these are self acknowledged

slavery, to which no true student will stoop; use your

forces and keep them in their proper place, they are
your servants, not your masters.
Guard your manner of speech, lest your words be
not true; kind words cost nothing and return with
good results.
Do not say what you will or will not do; instead,
reflect until you have accomplished; the one who tells
has given it away, the wind has his secret and he can-
not succeed.
Do not let the world know what you think, until
it requires you to inform it; then you will receive pay

for your wisdom, while honor and reward will crown

your effort.
A the fragrance of love, its bloom is spir-
smile is

itual consciousness and its seed is success. Good-will

is the beacon-light upon the shores of eternal prog-
ress; a helping hand, constructs the ladder on which
one climbs to greater knowledge and life. A helpful
thought is the mirror thru which one sees his
inner-self; encouraging words are the golden steps on
which one ascends to eternal life. Condemnation and
denial are the twin damons of thought, that destroy
both mind and body, and darken the souls of men.

Select some beautiful retreat in nature where you
can commune with the soul of things, and receive the
baptism of pure truth, from the silent place of the
most high; be near a stream of pure water, and in it
refresh your body each morning, while the birds sing
your baptismal song. Do not feed your forces upon
dead flesh, nor insult your stomach with swine; do
not chain your soul to the dead nor the dying, or place
your mind in a grave yard rise from those things and

be a man, worthy of manhood.

Respect life, in whatever form you find it, and if
it requires your assistance, do not fail to give; re-

member that those who will to be master, cannot af-

ford to be found wanting, and whenever you find suf-
fering, remove it and do not question the power by
which it was done; it will be with you when needed.
Never speak of what you can or cannot do; it is
not yours to tell; neither tell what you have, or have
not done, nor what you are going to do, or make any
kind of an excuse for not doing or having done, what
was expected or required of you. All these things and
sayings are degenerating; the thing that nature re-
quires of you, is to do, regardless of opinions, even
your own.
Be kind to everything that has life, even the
worm that crawls beneath your feet, know that you
are not removed from the least of these and their
careless destruction on your part may cause you seri-

ous trouble; in their limitations you will remain until
you learn to be humane.
Man has the power of God within himself; he
does not have to eat the animal kingdom to obtain it.
He can be as humane as a horse, at least; it does not
power of endurance is great.
eat flesh, yet its
Fromthe master of Israel: "Be wise as a ser-
pent and harmless as a dove." One should consider
himself not worthy, if he were not equal to those two
elements of life. Rise to meet the solar sun every
morning as it kisses the rosy lips of dawn, and feel

the impulse of pure passion, vitalizing every atom

of your body and illuminating your mind, while it
strengthens the will, regenerates the sex and in time
will transmute the body.
The Creative essence is an eminent substance,
more potent perhaps than any quality of life; it is

the elixir of life; it first seeks expression thru the

sex organs, where it controls and holds all animal
life subject to its emanations.
Man being more than animal, should conserve
this power and regulate its action with judgment, in-
stead of being subject to its force, the same as the
lower animals that cannot understand. Nature helps
them, however, by regulating the demand, while man
is supposed to regulate himself; the more one indulges

this desire, the more he is subject to its force, until

his body and mind are destroyed, which is proven by

the rapid decay of both. On the other hand, when
one retains this essence, he can overcome every ob-
stacle between him and perfect success, if he allows
it to escape, however, his life forces go with it and he

soon shows the lack of vital energy.

To control this divinitive power is considered the
acme of human happiness and achievement. This is
the reason Jesus and all spiritual masters taught ce-
libacy and regenercy, for the purpose of retaining this
power so as to free the subconscious and super-con-
scious mind from material bondage, and change the
whole cosmic structure, so that the heavens and earth
are as one to him, who is wise enough to dare to do.

Why should man with God-like form,

Fear or shrink, 'neath earth's fierce storm?
Erect, sublime, his great majesty
Will calm the force of earth or sea.

To develop aspiration and inspiration, retire to

the silence for an hour each morning, or even one-
half hour, and rest the mind wtihout thought, so that
it can grow to understand greater things; you will
find yourself acquiring knowledge of things entirely
new to you, and understanding what before seemed
Those born under the influence of Aries, have
mental qualities corresponding to that department of

solar forces,and should encourage their development
on mental lines. All signs should be recognized when
development is undertaken.
In these lessons we teach man's relation to the
solar Gods, which are the cosmic centers of Divine
potency, and the one who presumes to attract them
must be master of himself in every particular; these
elementals are pure spirit, that embody, move and
control the entire cosmos, yet are subject to man's
will, when he is developed to the position of a cosmic
man-god, known as the Atma.


This Chapter Explains the Method of Adjusting the

Personality to the Higher, or Spiritual Self.

We must remember, that all growth is necessarily

comparative, for we meet more advanced souls, as we
continue to unfold and develop greater spirituality.
Truth, Love and Wisdom, being the result of true
living and pure thinking, when united with mind, soul
and heart, will sustain them as a center of divine po-
tencies, thru which the super-conscious or interior
Spirit, can manifest the greater attributes of being,
which are Wisdom, Judgment and Spiritual Power, sig-
nificant of the Christ. Those who are developed to
such a degree of understanding are born again of the
spirit (Born of God), which make them the Sons of
God or, if you please, the children of Light, personally

reformed and made whole in the spirit, thru which

power, the personality will remain at the mature age
of thirty-two, assuming the trinity in nature, which
is a complete expression of unified form, that deter-

mines the character and position, three tens, denoting

the three principles, a mathematical completeness,
known as Christ, God, Man, these when united with
the exterior, make a complete expression of united
forces, regarded as cosmic conscious life, with power

to control nature's intelligent forces and mold them
to His will.

The known as God, in which all others

are, is the Wholly Spirit, the indwelling substance,
eminent everywhere, in everything and continually
manifesting the elemental combinations, of the invisi-
ble forces in nature supplying material life with what

is necessary to its growth. It is indeed difficult to

find words capable of conveying the exact meaning
regarding this spiritual All-ness, which is the sub-
stance of every atom, visible or invisible, in the entire

The Christ principle, is the radiant emanation of

this substance, God, so pure that the least adultera-
tion will repell it, and it is attracted or repulsed by
the action of human thought, in personal desire or
otherwise, in noble deeds, kindness and compassion,
also fearless adherence to what one believes to be

"Whosoever deny me before men, him will

I also deny, before my Father which is in heaven."
The one who will not stand for truth as he under-
stands it, has already denied Christ, which is the
principle embodiment of truth in every arisen human
consciousness, never failing to prompt, but if denied,
will retire, leaving one in the darkness of sense. It is
an evident fact, that those who consider social posi-

tion of more importance than truth, have but small
chance for advancement.
This radiant principle is the center of all life,
from the remotest atom to the greatest life in the uni-
verse; ever moving on and on, with developing en-
tities, in waves of light, sustaining them all and again
returning with each developing cycle, bringing those
having acquired the consciousness of its surpass-
ing influence, to the center of cause, where they first
obtained independent motion, to be blessed again
with greater comprehension and finer perception, to-
gether with power to be and to do, according to their
own will, understood as "Free- Will," after which they
form their own desires and act according to their own
intention and inclination; thus thru experience,
they begin to build their own character, in which,
when developed, are combined, the conscious, sub-con-
scious and super-conscious self, adherent in the per-
sonality, that will regulate the necessary changes with
judgment and decision; one should not decide upon
any question until it is fully understood.
Nature speaks thru our common needs and en-
vironments the wise are directed by what they relate.

It is a common remark, "The walls have ears";

yes, they have, and eyes also, because they have ele-
mentary form, therefore are impressional and have a
certain amount of intelligence; the Psychometer reads
the impression and interperts its meaning this quality

in the formation of things, is what makes it possible
to change them if needed, but we cannot change the
structure of our environment by regrets, condemna-
tion or denial; the best way is, to bless them and ap-
preciate the good you have found in them; this will
give them power to change for the better and you will
soon realize.
One can an animal, a tree and even a person,

by the words; our environments belong

false use of
to us, until we outgrow the need for such; one should
learn to demand his release, by preparing to receive
the new, which proves confidence and brings what is
required without inharmony. We build our tomb or
mansion by the false use of words, foolishly uttered,
or otherwise.
People should develop more love and apprecia-
tion for every form of life that surrounds them, even
their house and its furnishings; then harmonious en-
vironments will answer to all requirements.
The singular numbers I, mine and his, must give
place to the plural we and ours, before these higher
attributes are attained. We often question why there
is so much suffering in this physical world; but we
forget how little we consider the part we play in caus-
ing it and the many million lives which are constantly

destroyed in the most horrifying manner, to gratify

inhuman appetite and insane desire. You must re-
member that the same God life, is the life of all then

how can one expect to escape .the results, when he is
the cause of so much dreadful suffering to other
forms of the same life.

The man with his steel weapon of death, does not

hesitate to tear the body of his victim, even delights
in its dying groans, without a thought of mercy; why
should he expect anything better? When he or his
child or even his family suffer, why should he pray
for mercy, when he is incapable of showing any to
other forms of life?
every one who has com-
It is to the interest of
mon understanding, to see that each material life is
well cared for and protected, and have society organ-
ized to that purpose; self-interest is surely an in-
centive to effort in that direction, do not forget your
part if you wish good results.
We can only protect our own interest, to the ex-
tent we by keeping our
assist in protecting all life;
thoughts in harmony with the universal life, among
which we live, we cause it to vibrate in our direction
for good or otherwise.
Thoughtis more potent than any other force in

nature, has builded worlds, suns, systems, nations,


races and men, even destroyed and rebuilt them again.

The inner qualities of mind when developed, regulate
our material experiences towards success.
One cannot develop mentally, who commits mur-

der of any kind, or even be accessory to such an
The resource of nature which provides and sus-
tains material life, should not be in the power of any-

one to control, or use for personal profit; instead,

should be developed to its full capacity for the benefit
of all life no person, or living thing should go hungry,

or without shelter; this world exists because of the

physical life it sustains; instead of man's inhuman
Inharmony and disturbance in the distribution
and productive powers of nature's resource, brings dis-
aster and one cannot tell to what extent it will reach,
we have to meet it in some shape, somewhere, some
The more incapable persons or animals are to
gain self-support, the more love should govern our
care for them, until they retire again to spirit, where
the angels will look after their welfare. Yes, after
the animal, as well as man, why not? When they are
a part of that same Infinite life.
How wonderfully wise are the compassionate of
heart, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Wisdom and Love, are the only keys that will
ever unlock the hermetic doors of nature, leading to
real wealth and honor they were wisely closed to the

^unjust and vulgar.

Education or the training of the intellect, does

not make a person an angel ; it is the use made of the
intelligent forces in nature, that makes of him a
or sinner; evidently the more the intellect is trained,
the more injury one is capable of doing, unless he be-
comes conscious of the higher qualities of his being;
one has no need for conscience, when he is conscious
of his superior self.
The greatest work yet to be accomplished, is char-
acter building, which whencomplete, one is a center
of intelligent forces voluntarily combined to estab-
lish continual growth; then the interior and exterior
forces of the cosmos are united in the composition
of man, unto God, and one with God, in all the
constituents of life; he has then, thru effort and
experience, obtained eternal life, as the natural result
of physical, mental and spiritual training, a triune
combination in which one is powerful and invincible;
making him the Christ, or Light of God, to which all
the elements of heaven or earth surrender obedience.
The continual strife for supremacy among men,
on the material plane, has hindered the development
of the highest principle, and we hope that the present
intelligent effort of society, will put a stop to such
inhumane mingling.
"The inhumanity of man to man, makes count-
less thousands mourn," and will continue, until so-
ciety makes up its mind to put men, instead of two-
footed monstrosities into office.

Human minds clinging to old belongings, associa-
and institutions, as well
tions, localities, laws, creeds
as methods and regulations established by men, longer
than their usefulness, create inharmony, discontent,
old-age, decay and death, which is contrary to divine
harmony and law. How blessed to be able to let go
and have Infinite love fill thy measure full.
Every expression in nature has its elemental soul,
therefore a certain amount of understanding meas-
ured to its needs, and it can be developed to a great
degree, by its use and association with human life;
this being so, it is in man's power to make angels or
damons out of his environment.
A person can sit to a table, formed by man's in-
genuity and in a short time develop in it, the power
to answer questions intelligently, as well as to per-
sonate human ideas and life; a chair or any article of
form, established by human thought, has understand-
ing of its usefulness, because it is built and formed
from a living substance which can never die.
If you wish good results in life, treat the things
that surround you with due respect and considera-
tion. Love your speechless servants and you will be
rewarded with better ones, that are more to your
Keep in touch with all natures' laws and the ele-
ments that surround you they will keep you youthful

while your mind matures. Do not be afraid of your

God; it will smile upon you from every star, from
every sunbeam and every cloud that shadows your life
will portray a greater possibility to your con-
What little one can accomplish as a personality,
soon will vanish and the personality also, proving that
it was not according to Divine law. Separation means
death, union is life; heaven is the universe, and to be
one with it, is to be great, just and unified.
The one who takes pride in his personality, should
converse with himself for awhile, he will soon find
his audience to be thoroughly disgusted. The person
who complains, needs a physician, and the best one
own conscience.
to call is his
What one sees or believes, is no proof; it's only
what he knows, and that must be self evident, if it
carriers conviction. Simplicity is the surest way to
Wisdom which is better than gold, because has eter-

nal life. When one masters necessity and himself also,

he has changed the character of his environment.
Wealth is the rightful demand of mind, nature
abounds in its possibility, the universe is filled with its
substance and when justly utilized will bless the world's
people, but when obtained thru injustice, will as surely
curse the one to whom it comes. People live too much
for riches or dollars; there is a way to obtain, with-
out the sacrifice of the higher principles; it is a fact,i
that the best results are not gained, where one works

just for material wealth; he is sure to lose out in three
ways, mentally, spiritually and healthily. We ask
what has he gained? Simply dollars, but in most
cases total failure; what then has he gained?
The true way to find the best that nature has in
store, is first to arrive at a full understanding of self
and what it needs, then prepare to receive them oppor-

tunity is ever knocking at your door and if you are

not prepared, it will seek some wiser person. Very
often whenpeople receive and are benefited, they be-
come so self assured and personalized, that in a few
years they have lost out; others succeed perhaps as
long as their short physical life remains, but become
so coarse-minded that few would care to associate
with them, and yet more obtain intellectuality by ac-
cepting other people's thoughts, thru book study;
thus become psychologized and finally know but little
of anything; those have our sympathy.
We call either of these persons a failure, because
he has obtained nothing that is of use, or can be re-
tained. The only one who is wise, will take time to
live and do so with his whole nature, storing knowl-
edge that will remain with him forever.

He who rolls the stone away from sight,
Must first control each sense delight,
And change all thought of gain or might;
For the entrance to that sacred dell,
Is guarded by a mystic spell;
And the one who enters, ne'er can tell,

Nor take another to that well.

Each must, thru effort, find the way,

And bathe beneath its golden spray,
He never-more, can go astray;
Remaining true to life each day.
In raiment bright he's seen afar,
The beacon light, the guiding star,
To those who travel day by day,
In search of truth, he leads the way.

This Chapter Explains the Solar and Personal Qualities
Detrimental and Also Beneficial to Advancement,
Both Mentally and Spiritually, of the Real Self,

Those wishing to overcome the limitations of

sense and become conscious of success as an attribute
of being, should individualize their thoughts by care-
ful practice in giving them expression, and, in fact,
everything undertaken, so as to rely upon self; each
self being a central point of mental and spiritual ac-
tivity therefore should express its own method and
carry it to a conclusion; by doing so, he will bring
better results than by following what has been taught
by other persons.
The master is not the subject, he is unmoved
under any circumstance because his inherent power
is established. One should pay more attention to
what his soul or inner consciousness tells him, than
what somebody may say or think about it.
The following commandments should be adhered
to, if wisdom is desired: Respect the life of every-
thing, even if it crawls beneath your feet; in love,

obey your own higher will, which unites you with

Divine will. Love your God with all your heart and
mind, even if you find it in your supposed enemy. Ask

the Lord, thy God, to give abundance to all life ; purify
your life by holding all life sacred; keep your tongue
still until it can speak wisely. Remove
error and es-
tablish truth. Examine the great people, you
lives of
will find they have kept aloof from cannibalism and
murder. "Thou shalt not kill,** is the commandment;
it does not say what you shall or shall not kill, which

is very clear. You are not allowed to make scripture.

People resemble the thoughts and deeds done in
the body; look around and note the object lesson writ-
ten upon form and feature alike.
The inhumane slaughter of all forms of life, has
cursed the race ever since Cain, whose history pre-
cedes that of Empires and which has been condemned
by every spiritual teacher the world has known; yet
these criminalities are committed, unhesitatingly, by
every good and devout christian, who will roast the
carcass of his animal brother and before devouring
it, will have the presumption to ask God, who seems

to be his convenience, to bless the stuff and praise

His Holy name, for the provision. Could anything be
more insanely ridiculous and vulgar than to ask the
Divine Manality to bless his inhumanity ? Oh for the

rarity of christian charity under the sun." The slums

of mortal thought and conduct make angels weep and
sages cry for more wisdom. Inconsistency, thou wert
conceived in hell, born of a lie, to revel in gratifica-
tion and finally rot amidst thy ruins.

The dawn of civilization is yet in expectancy; so-
ciety seems to have played fast and loose with brute
tendencies in the human mind ; will it every stop being
a harlot?
Every order of being, either celestial or terres-
tial, acquires a greater number of attributes and men-
tal faculties as well as greater power of expression,
both in ideas and skill, as they develop more of the
Infinite perfection of form and mind.
We find, however, that the so-called exact sci-
ences have to deal with two sets of supreme forces;
Spiritual and Mental, having three planes of man-
i. e.,

ifestation, Psychic, Astral and Material.

The Psychic, pertaining to the sub-conscious,
connect one with the four elemental kingdoms, which
combine in forming designs for manifestation; the
Astral registers and regulates these designs, there-
fore is termed the first Manifesto, full of forms, which
gradually materialize according to material demand
and, again, dematerialize when their mission is ful-
filled; hence the endless appearing and disappearing
of life forces, from a substance incomprehensible and
invisible to physical senses, is what has puzzled the
common mind of mortals for centuries, and will, while
they are willing to remain mundane.
In this great laboratory of nature, however, are
to be found the student of the occult, the Master of in-
visible forces, the Mystic, the Alchemist, the Philos-

opher, Psychic, Scientist and the Spiritualist, and un-
tilthe material scientists follow the example of these
great souls, they will discover very little of value to
the present age.

The Physician, the Chemist or Anatomist will not

find the cause of disease, until they recognize spirit
instead of matter, as the substance of life. One must
reach the soul and spirit, or he fails. Those who have
discovered some facts, have done so by intense thought
reflection upon some substance presented to the mind
from the soul or spirit of things, which is yet un-
namble in human vocabulary.
We might a human mind, as a Divine cam-
era, that takes an impression of the substance of
things presented. While we admit there has been im-
portant truths revealed during the last quarter cen-
tury, yet the greatest achievement of science is await-
ing the fearless investigator, i. e., to" find and
measure the fourth dimension of space, and learn to
reduce material form back to spirit, or first principle
and cause it to return again, by scientific methods,
which will be done, and it will settle the question of
religion forever.

Ifthought centralization can bring a spirit into

form, not cause it to retire and reappear when
desired, even one's own body; this, the Masters of
India understand. Jesus also understood this law,

which was no miracle, but a wise provision of nature;
one could be or not be, at will, which indeed would be
very desirable at this stage of our evolution. That
which we do know, however, will prepare the way
for more knowledge on these lines.

would pray for more wisdom, as Solo-

If people
mon did, much salvation, they would
instead of so
have accomplished something worth while, and have
discovered that the Master Mechanic, the Carpenter's
Son, went to heaven, not to listen to foolish psalm
singers without knowledge or brains, but to recon-
struct its narrow psychological confines and enlarge
its mental boundary lines, so that it could accommo-

date all of God's children. Reconstruction is the order

of the Christ, and also of the twentieth century
Jesus ;

called it can be proven by his words,

regeneration; it

"I go to prepare a place for you; that where I am,

there ye shall be also."
People who have cosmic consciousness, have no
use for boundary lines, neither in heaven nor upon
the earth, even on sea or land, they have all taken
down the rail fence, not having any longer, human
animals to herd. We are becoming wise enough to
shun people and places where life is sacrificed to
bigotry, greedand gold.
Come up, ye children of God, out of this vale of
sorrow and wrong thinking —out into the illumina-

tion of conscious life, and let
into thy Divine self,
I-can, I-will, I-am, be the eternalwatchword, because
as I-am, life manifests. Breathe, live and rest in the
divine substance around and in you. Do not go from
it in thought, nor let it get away from you.

Bare the feet and walk on the earth every op-

portunity, you will gain a better understanding of
material life, its laws and how to adjust yourself to
them. Refresh the mind and body in every new
thought wave, and keep to the lines of progress. Lay
down upon the earth, with arms outstretched and lis-
ten for her whispers, feel her motion; she has a mes-
sage for you, regarding the treasures intended for
you and where to find them.
People spend years working for the commonest
things, and are not willing to give a month each year,
to learn nature's language, which would soon free them
from the bondage of necessity and demand of other

Nature is a wonderful regenerator and will bring

one in touch with beautiful and intelligent spir-
itual beings, who make and
delighteful companions
wise teachers and will also prepare him
master the
more complex duties of advanced civilization and more
modern improvements and inventions.
The Bible was a record of psychic knowledge,
originally intended to reveal to man the law


ruling the invisible forces in nature, that could

help him in his struggle for existence those wily mon-

archs took out of it all that was worth reading; it

now contains nothing, ofaly a lot of broken para-
graphs and confused thoughts that confound the mind
in fact, a babbling of words that conveys false mean-
ing; even Jesus' teachings, that are claimed to have
taken him three years to deliver, could be told in two
hours by a good linguist.
We do not wonder that the theological porfessors,
not understanding what has been done, are today deny-
ing its divine revelations; to have upheld them longer
would bring disrespect. Such false teachings is what
brought about the terrors of the middle ages, the Span-
ish inquisition, and the reign of terror in France. The
Roman Priesthood overstepped their destiny, by which
their power was broken and their cruel ruling were
checked forever. Since then, the world's people are
gradually coming closer together, in sympathy and
love; they are beginning to understand that they are
brothers, no matter what part of the world they occupy.
Ministers are scraping the cobwebs of bigotry and
false interpretaion from the writings of the Bible, and
are trying to translate the few good things they find,
into better language, so it can be understood and even

Priests, refuse to be dedicated to, by their infallible man

authority. God and the angels are their inspiration
now, and we hope it will continue until all are free.

Oh ! for a word more strong than tongue can yet relate,
That will break this spell of wrong and fashion human
To mouldings far more grand, where art and genius
When the broken form of slaves are free from tyrant's
With mind and bodies free, their life and joys they'll
In upright and God-like form, they can be a perfect

The passing of the through the Red Sea,

also the capture of Jericho by Joshua, under the di-
rection of a spirit, manifest in armour; was believed
to be a miracle by the credulous.
We find as late as 1776 a similar miracle could
be related if superstition were to judge; George Wash-
ington, after leaving Valley Forge, under circum-
stances that try men's souls, marched into the lion's
den, and caused England's haughty hosts to surrender
to His Highty will. England was confident of victory
and rested in hopes Washington would be compelled
to surrender. For several days Washington was sil-
ent and reflective he prayed, not as men usually pray,

instead he prayed for America and the freedom of the

colonies and their people from the tyranny of English
Monarchy a cosmic conscious prayer in which the life


of America and the advancement of the race were at

stake; the minds of all the people of the colonies were
concentrated, as understood the critical situation,
more especially Washington, until a dynamic wave of
thought was started, that swept all before it ; no power
could withstand or hinder him during that contem-
plated move, he became invincible and we have no
doubt but Washington was conscious of the force he
moved in the great angels of God were at his side.

Will Gatling guns, warships and dollars tell, when

a more powerful force than Washington swayed, will
demand the surrender of the strongholds of capitalism?
They may build mighty warships and forti-
straw in the wind be-
fications, but they will be like
fore the long conserved mental force, which has been
stored for ages, thru suffering and injustice, in
the minds of millions and when they pray, it is not for

selfnor for dollars they will pray, but for the world's
freedom; they will have prayed a greater cosmic-con-
scious prayer than ever before left the hearts of men
therefore any nation or power that will dare to hinder
or presume to overpower the aspirations and hopes of
men while under the influence of such demand, will go
down, like trees before a cyclone, which has been the
history of nations.

It is about time, such powers should become wise

enough to understand that human effort to establish


freedom cannot be hindered nor surpressed. Wisdom

is better than dollars; robbers cannot find her.

Awake, ye sons of toil, and listen to your soul,

For her wealth and beauty beckon to the goal,
Linger not a moment, lest again you sleep,
While some one else doth your soul and treasure keep
World of wealth and life so grand, if men only knew
Their soul controlled the wand that brings it all to

Why not lift your mind to heaven and demand,

The just reward of toil, and for truth and justice
Will you bow the head again, when once you have been
To a tyrant worse than king, or pagan monarchy?
You are not worthy of the name, your sire in honor
Nor for the freedom won for you, when you are a will-
ing slave.

We are weary, our mind and pen doth tire,

In trying to relate this most wondrous lire

Oh for one more glimpse behind the veil

We could more clearly transcribe this tale.


Instructions for Making a Solar Circle and Holding a

Service to the Arch-Angels and Their Divine
Forces; Also Rules for the Operator to Follow
in the Work of Magical Art.

Secure a room that can be given exclusively to the

work, draw a square, either with a crayon or hard
chalk, nine feet each way, on canvas or on the floor;
then draw three circle lines about twelve inches apart,
the first line touching center of each square line cross

them, from East to west and from north to south, with

two straight lines, making four equal parts or houses,
then draw a circle line about fifteen inches from cen-
ter; write the names of the Arch- Angels between the
first and second lines, in junction with square line, in
order as follows, Cynabriel, East, its messengers Mich-
iel and Gabriel, on the next space in the same house.

Tubriel, south, with messengers Gargatel, Terriel and

Gaviel, in same house Vorcon, Rex, North, its messen-

gers Atwise and Andries, in next space same house;

Torqurett, west, its messengers, Torguam and Mag-
natus, on the next space in the same house, with their
superior. Write the three Divine names at the center,
Alpha-Omega, Om, Yahvah-Christus.
When the circle is finished, baptise and name it,

whatever pleases you, which should correspond with
what it is to be used for. Use spring water and pure
salt when you baptise it, then sprinkle flowers and per-
fumes of as rare a quality as you are able to secure.
The spring water represents creative energy; salt,
purity; flowers, peace and harmony. The circle when
finished has a living elemental form and soul, prepared
for those divine forces to operate through. "Prepare
ye the way of the Lord, make His path straight," which
simply means we should prepare the way for spiritual
manifestation, as Lord, God and Spirit, are synony-
mous terms.
Whenever spiritualists prepare their circle prop-
erly,and their own body when attending one, they will
not have so much reason to cry fraud.
Have a well defined purpose when holding a serv-
ice do not call the higher forces unless their assistance

is necessary to carry out the work, which the minor

elementals cannot accomplish.

Prepare yourself, by fasting at least three days,
wear pure white linen robes and sandals of same, bathe
in cold water, from a spring if possible, every morning
before putting on the robes; make a pentical of white
linen in the form of a triangle, double, with opening on
one side like a door, write your name in full and the
name of the Solar God in whose house you were born
and the sign also, together with the three Divine names,
on parchment, have it blessed and place it in the penti-

cle, which must be worn when in your circle, and must
be taken out and held up in case of disturbance.
Make the Stole also of linen or silk, have inscribed
on the front these characters, "I H. S.," ser-
left side of
pent underneath, which signifies subjugation of sex
desire, which has held men in bondage and limitation,
from which the Master must arise to spiritual under-
standing have also marked or engraved in gold, on the

right side of front these characters,

M>-H,.M. 111
which represents the silent name of the most high, and
are also emblems of power, to be used through reflec-
tive thought when in danger or difficulty.
When prepared, stand in the center of the circle,
facing the quarter heavens you expect to hear from,
raise your arms even with shoulders and ask for what
you wish to have done, and if you desire audience with
the Arch-Angel, make your request potent and when
answered, give your directions, in quiet, concise word-
ing, and receive the Angels as being honored by their
We can give you but the outline of the manner of
working the rest must be born within your conscious-

ness, and if you are sincere, all will be made clear to

you after some practice. You must remember that
you are dealing with the most powerful forces in na-
ture, therefore every thought must be of the best.
When prepared according to directions, the light

eminating from head, hands and form, wili form a
circleand square in which the material man is obliter-
ated, and the Divine- Atma, or perfect Man stand forth,
in all its glory; the spirit forces beholding, believe him
to be the Supreme God, who they have come to serve,
which by this attitude of a hu-
in reality is presented
man soul, as a circle within a square, in other words,
the invisible clothed in the visible.

If your circle is made on the floor, cover it with

canvas when not in use, if on linen canvas, fold and
put away carefully.
If intending to continue the work for development
or otherwise, it is well to dedicate your life to the high-
er duties, asking God to guide and direct you, while in
the material, and practice with your circle as often as
convenient or possible; it builds confidence and ex-
pands the mind, preparing it for greater knowledge.
When giving up the room, remove all traces of the
circle, lest injury should come to those occupying it
Do not hold a circle to those solar Gods, nor give
any demonstration of your power to gratify morbid
curiosity, or to entertain sensational seekers keep your

pearls for better things than swine. These magical

services are of Divine order and should be used only
to do good and to unfold spiritual understanding and
also to give our spiritualized friends from the higher

realms, an opportunity to communicate and instruct
mortals in the best methods of living.
The circle room should be made as attractive and
as beautiful as possible, with works of art, sweet odors,
strains of sweet music, both vocal and instrumental;
one can have some friends who are willing to prepare
in the same manner as the operator, they need not fast
only twelve hours, or perhaps from two meals. The
same circle will do for either house, or for any purose
desired by the mystic, who may be a woman or man on
the earth, but their soul has arisen to heaven.
People cannot understand the secrets in the higher
nature of the spiritual, nor even the material, until they
have acquired more than ordinary understanding and ;

then, they are not all revealed to mortals, until they

have wisdom enough to use them justly and keep them
from the vulgar.
If wishing to develop these powers, retire
to some beautiful place in nature, for a month or
two each year, where you will have an opportunity to
commune with nature's God, or the "Soul of things/'
as Professor Denton puts it, and while thus engaged,

meet the solar sun each morning and make demands

for more spiritual light, wisdom and power; again at
high noon, with requests for those material things
needed and which are necessary to you.
Treat God as a friend and companion, not as a
stranger or arbitrary law-giver let your heart go forth

in confidencewhen thinking of God, who speaks to you
from every rain-drop, from every flower, from every
bird and whispers to you from every breath of air and
from every sunbeam. Trust nature and you will find
improvement both in self and in your environments.
Explanation of the principle, "Christ," which peo-
ple have confounded with man.
Everyone who has developed cosmic consciousness,
is related spiritually to Jesus, but that does not signify
that he is the Christ; he not only must have this con-
sciousness, but he must have the power also, that
proves the great unity of Divine attributes combined
in this Supreme Principle, which
is neither male or fe-
male, never manifest, yet is the incomprehensible im-
pulse, moving all things towards the best, capable of
giving all and doing all, yet receiving nothing in re-
turn for what it imparts; being complete, it needs
nothing, as all knowledge, wisdom, understanding and
love are its inexhaustible attributes this wholly Spirit

flows, in to bless and retires to produce more abun-

dantly, from the ever present substance of all that is
(God), moving on and on, forever changing all ex-
pression to more complete and perfect life.
Seek your talents, do not rest until you find them,
then put them to use; they will grow like beautiful
flowers in your garden.
If wishing to find minerals, buried or hidden
treasure, stolen property, lost persons, or anything per-

taining to material life, the service should be held any

time from three to twelve P. M., or at high noon and

for phenomenal expression, the same. For spiritual
and mental development, inspirational attainment, the
morning is best. One should not become impatient if
not answered soon, for very often the forces and
friends are present, but do not care to manifest.
When one becomes a practical magician, he has
conquered two worlds, the spiritual and material also,
and profound knowledge will come, as a natural result
of the position taken, such as cannot be obtained from
material teachers or mouldy literature; instead, one
imbibes truth and receives wisdom without effort.
The human mind being a central point of attrac-
tian, all that is necessary is to prepare it to receive.
All the elements of our environments are ever chang-
ing their chemical properties, therefore one can fash-
ion the new to his liking; the body and mind also can
be renewed, giving soul and spirit more freedom.
Thought is luminous, especially when under self-
training, and when reflected upon an object it draws
the object near, therefore one will understand concern-
ing it. Thought having no limitations, it penetrates
space the same as light, which is the cause of direct ac-
tion of those higher forces, in the direction sought like

the lightning's flash the work is done. Whenever peo-

ple study their inner possibilities they will stop being
slaves to circumstances and habits.

The duty of these messengers is to test the mystic's
true position and if finding personal ambition the mo-
tive for his work, he will be tempted and betrayed into
foolish action, and held before his personal mind, as a
very gifted person he becomes proud of his imaginary

talents, to the full satisfaction of the senses and for

some time he may think there are none like him; he
will remain in his conceit for a time, however, at length
to find out his mistake ; as Jesus was tempted upon the
mount, of his spiritual achievements, so will every one,
who preseumes to climb the aspirational lines, to this
plane of knowledge, where the Infinite forces of the
universe mingle yet all however so great, man is their

equal, when he has overcome the demands of the flesh.

Wedo not wish to discourage the Neophite, our

intention is to prepare him against the subtle tempter,
which the personal mind will surely meet on the thresh-
hold of greater planes of light The entrance there is
guarded well and no one can enter, unless material de-
sire and its twin sister, ambition, are overcome.

These qualities may be of use when dealing with

material life, they must surrender, however, to the
greater demands of the spiritual man, when dealing
with Spiritual Powers. When seeking these higher
planes one is tested in a similar manner as if he sought
a responsible position among men and if found want-
ing, he will not receive, instead, will be taken to the

hights of his ideal geratness, from which he will sure-
ly fall to his personal littleness.
It may take some time to develop to the position
of a magician, or even a good mystic, but once estab-
lished,you will remain so, unless you wish to discon-
tinue,and return to the material.
Those born during August are classed as belong-
ing to the heart of the solar body and are called the
children of the Sun God; they are gifted as leaders,
masters and teachers, fearless and constructive. Peo-
ple born in the three months of either solar house, have
many of the qualities belonging to forces of that de-
partment and can develop them if they will.
Pearls, amethysts, diamonds, emeralds and crys-
tals belong to the East and North. Topaz, rubies, gar-
nets, amber and many more of the rare jewels, belong
to the South and West.
We do not tell you that this advanced state will be
realized at once, but one develops much faster to su-
perior consciousness, by having the heavenly forces to
which he belongs as teachers and guides.
The science of Cosmology, teaches the structural
formation of Powers, Systems, Sun and Worlds, togeth-
er with their chemical embodiment, their actions, laws,
modifications and also their God-like centers of forces,
as well as the developed human beings, to be found on
different planes, which can be known only in a limited
degree by mortals, until they have developed more

mental capacity and understanding. It has been truly
said, "Foolsmay go, where angels dare not tread."
We wish to say in closing, to those who may decide
to experiment, that on no account must one use this
knowledge for what is known as Black Art and ever
after presume to have success, or rise above the com-
monest life; he is left to regret his error and has lost
the opportunity of life.
A solar circle represents the cosmos, the Penticle,
the cosmic man, robes denote the position taken and
should be worn during the hours of fast.
Man's will united with God's will, is a point of
complete At-one-ment that expresses Divine power,
and mind is the energy of the Infinite on every plane
of being.

We find in every life, a hidden wealth,

Which the some day will find,
The clouds may cast their shadows dark,
And the watery winds may blind,
Bright hope, will search those hidden depths
And will, this wondrous treasure find.

Days for work East rules Sunday, Tuesday and


Wednesday South rules Monday, Wednesday and Fri-


day; West rules Monday, Thursday and Tuesday;

North rules Sunday, Monday, Friday and Saturday.
Elizabeth Edna McCarthy.


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