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Case Study on
Organizational Volunteers

Submitted To

School of Business

Submitted By

Date of Submission: April 22, 2018

North South

The case is about Organizational Volunteers. The concept is about the

participation of volunteers in an organizational job. Volunteers make a
difference in a whole range of settings and organizations, from small volunteer
led community groups, larger national and international charities and in the
other public-sectors. Involving volunteers can add great value to organization
and support to achieve mission and strategic objectives. Volunteers can work
for Profitable organization or Non-profit organization. The case is showing us
the volunteers have played “enthusiasts” role, especially in contributing
innovations, research and development efforts, customer service settings etc.
There are some challenges for volunteers in an organizations job structure. In
our answers describing how organization are treating them as resource; How
volunteers are matching themselves with organizational structure; How
organizational design affect volunteers working approaches. In short, the case is
showing how volunteers are contributing and playing important role for an
organization beside how the organization should treat them also organizational
structure and their working approach.

11.18 : What do you think about using “volunteers” to do work that other people get
paid to do?

Answer: I think it’s a good idea that using volunteers in organization. Hiring volunteers for
small works will free up the internal paid employees. So the internal paid employees can
focus their energy on large and major projects that could not be completed by those
volunteers. Sometimes these volunteers can bring important skills such as computer
programming, graphics designing, creative advertising ideas and so on. Volunteers increase
organization community ownership. The more members are in task, the easier it will be to
complete the specific task.

11.19 : If you were in Mark Studness’s position, what would you be most concerned
about this arrangement? How would you “manage” the concerns?

Answer: In an organization internal paid employees are on a limit and also they are managed
by the organization standard. But volunteers aren’t limited by any barriers. The ways
manager uses to maintain the organizational standards, motivating and rewarding
organizational employee can also be the way to encourage the volunteers. These kinds of
ways will improve volunteer’s quality and that will help them to do the work more
effectively. Mark Studness’s is the director of Verizon’s e-commerce unit, where his users
offered tips and answered questions. If I was I his position my main concern would have
controlling my organization online site or forum effectively. Because as an e-commerce
organization director; I should try to satisfy my customer to survive in this present industry. I
would have establish more ways to ensure that my forum was effectively practical by
researching other successful online sites such as Face the Jury, Off Topic, Nexopia. And I
would have also tried to follow their guidelines.

11.20 : How do these “volunteers” fit into an organizations structure? Take each of the
six elements of organizational design and discuss how each would affect this structural

Answer: We can find out how these volunteers fit into organizations structure by analyzing
organization design. The formal arrangement of jobs in work place or in an organization is
called organizational design. The six elements in organizational design are work
specialization, span of control, chain of command, unity of command, authority and
responsibility, centralization and decentralization. I think volunteers can also fit in these key

Work Specialization: Work specialization means the Specific job for specific skilled person
for the job. Volunteers specialization is limited to certain areas in the organization.
Volunteers who are programmers can do the computer programming, graphics designer do
creative designing; they can be directed to do those specific job.

Departmentalization: Departmentalization is actually based on same skilled and jobs people

in one group in an organization. Properly assessing each volunteer compromising his or her
skills and the appropriate departmental placement will be beneficial in positive utilization.
Specifically, as supported by the aforementioned case volunteers would be best served as a
first line of defense in customer assistance and satisfaction measures.

Chain of Command: In easy words chain of command is who reports to whom. In the chain
of command the volunteers can be said as first line employees. There are three important
parts in chain of command.

 Authority: Here authority can be the manager of organization, who will ask the
specific volunteers to do the specific job and will expect to do it.
 Responsibility: That specific volunteer will take the responsibility for that particular
 Unity of Command: That manager will be the boss of those volunteers for a specific task and
Span of control: The number of employee who can be effectively and efficiently supervised
by manager. As first line employees, volunteers don't have span of control. The manager or
supervisor will have span of control.

Centralizing & Decentralization: In centralization approach, a volunteer manager handles all the
volunteer management tasks for all volunteers/volunteer groups and for all needs.

In a decentralization approach, there is no volunteer manager. Here a group leader leads each small
group of volunteers and the various group leaders handle all the tasks for each volunteer group.
Volunteers may be free to give their opinion but, they are not authorized to make decisions for an

Formalization: Formalization is the degree of an employee’s task completion and

procedures are dictated by policies and regulations. Volunteer services would be best utilized
in a department that is less formal and restrictive.

11.21 : Do you think this approach could work for other types of work being done or in
other types of organizations? Explain.

Answer: I think this approach could not work for other types of work being done or in other
types of organizations.

In every organization doesn’t follow volunteer’s system. Every people follow or non-
monetary motivation and volunteer work follows non-monetary work. After a sudden time
some people busy with their own work that related monetary work and that time they could
not follow volunteer work.

So, I think this approach means volunteer could not work for other types of work being done
or in other types of organization.

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