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ARC 333.2 History of Nepalese Architecture


Theory Practical Design Studio Total

Sessional 50 50
Final 50 50
Total 100 100

Course Objective:

To achieve an understanding of the development of architecture as related to society, culture,

religion, technology, economy, climate and geography.

To become familiar with the means of examination of historical evidence and to develop the
ability to gather knowledge and experience for judgement and criticism.

To understand the relationship between the old and new buildings, between building and
environment and to develop ability for conservation, adaptation and transformation. Relationship
of building to its environment.

To understand the architectural manifestation in the flow of Nepali history. To be able to identify
and relate to historical precedents in consideration of modern design proposals.

Course Contents:

Chronological study and comparison of different stages of development; form, function and
symbolism; factors influencing development including social, cultural, religious, technological,
climatic, material and economic factors in the following time periods :

1. Early civilization Kirat and Lichhavi (5 hrs)

2. Malla period [12-18th centuries] (15hrs)
3. Early Shah period 18-19th centuries (3 hrs)
4. Rana period [1846-1950] (4 hrs)
5. Developments in modern era [1950 to present] (3 hrs)

Note: In each period of study, the coverage should include both secular and religious buildings.
Religious buildings of both Hindu and Buddhist should be treated separately. Specific
examples for study are : Development of Palaces, temples, Stupas, priest houses, Bahals,
Bahils, house forms, brick and brick-works, Evolution of Modern styles from historical
architectural precedent, and Hindu - Buddhist architectural harmony.
Recommended Methods:

1. Students should prepare illustrated notebooks on at least three of the above topics with
analytical notes.
2. Students should prepare a thorough analytical illustrated report on at least two structure
of choice.
3. Students should present a measured drawing of one structure of the Malla Period.

Reference Book:

1. Tiwari, S.R., Tiered Temples of Nepal.

2. Mandala Book House, Nepal Mandala.

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