N2 Generator ENG Manual

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High Purity Nitrogen Generator


Chapter 1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2.General Information and Compatibility to Normalizations .............................................. 2
2.1 Notes on the FCC compatibility ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2 CE Conformity................................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 W.E.E.E. product Recycling declaration ...................................................................................... 2
2.4 Security Instructions and correct use ............................................................................................. 3
Chapter 3.Specifications and Description .......................................................................................... 4
3.1 Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Presentation of the Instrument ....................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Functioning principle : basic equipment......................................................................................... 5
3.4 Functioning principle: options ........................................................................................................ 7
3.4.1 Remote control by dry relay .................................................................................................... 7
3.4.2 Remote control via USB interface ........................................................................................... 8
3.5 Internal structures .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.5.1 Electronic control module ........................................................................................................ 9
3.5.2 Air Compression module ....................................................................................................... 10
3.5.3 Air purification module ........................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 4.Installation and Operation ................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Receipt of Instrument and check ................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Delivery content ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Station installation ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.4 Electric connections ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.5 Fluidic connections ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Initial Start-up ............................................................................................................................... 14
4.6.1 Start-up .................................................................................................................................. 15
4.6.2 Purge Cycle ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.6.3 Outlet pressure setting .......................................................................................................... 16
4.7 Control software description ........................................................................................................ 16
4.7.1 Features overview ................................................................................................................. 16
4.7.2 Menu « N2 pressure setting » ............................................................................................... 21
4.7.3 Menu « Diagnostic » ............................................................................................................. 21 Sub-menu « N2 pressure ».................................................................................. 22 Sub-menu « Oven Temperature » (option)......................................................... 23 Sub-menu « Functioning Time » ......................................................................... 23 Sub-menu « Case Temperature » ....................................................................... 24 Sub-menu « Device Features » ........................................................................... 24
4.7.4 Menu « Tools »...................................................................................................................... 25

High Purity Nitrogen Generator Sub-Menu « Valve Test » .................................................................................... 26 Sub-Menu « Oven Test »(option) ........................................................................ 26 Sub-Menu « Purge Test » ................................................................................... 27 Sous-Menu « Pump Test » .................................................................................. 28
4.7.5 Menu « Auxiliary functions » ................................................................................................. 28 Sub-Menu « Clock setting » ................................................................................ 29 Sub- Menu « Display Setting » ............................................................................ 30 Sub- Menu « Unit Change » ................................................................................ 31 Sub- Menu « Alarm Setting» ............................................................................... 32 Sub- Menu « Touch pad Calibration » ................................................................. 32 Sub- Menu « Sounds Menu» ............................................................................... 33
4.7.6 Menu « Special functions » ................................................................................................... 34 Sub- Menu « Power Up Control » ........................................................................ 35 Sub- Menu « Remote Control » ........................................................................... 35 Sub- Menu « Log Book Download » .................................................................... 36 Sub- Menu « Pressure Level Alarm» ................................................................... 38 Sub- Menu « Service Alarm Settings » ................................................................ 39 Sub- Menu « Pass Word » .................................................................................. 39
4.7.7 Menu « Alarm » ..................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 5.Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Regular maintenance of High Purity N2 Generator ..................................................................... 41
5.1.1 Air inlet filter ........................................................................................................................... 41
5.1.2 Coalescing filter with silencer ................................................................................................ 41
5.4 Return the instrument to the retailer or the factory ...................................................................... 43
Chapter 6.Troubleshooting and Alarms ............................................................................................ 44
6.1 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 44

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 1.Introduction
This document provides the necessary information for the installation and operation for the
NITROGEN GENERATOR and his options; it also describes the simple maintenance operations as
well as its troubleshooting.

The operating manual consider and describe an instrument generally equipped with the most
complex configuration ; should the explanation concerning the most complex instrument be too
different from the simpler instrument, both cases will be described separately.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 2.General Information and Compatibility to


2.1 Notes on the FCC compatibility

This equipment has been tested and found compatible within the Class B limits of the digital
instruments, chapter 15 of the FCC regulation. These limits have been defined in order to provide a
reasonable protection against the strong electrical interferences in the installations inside a residential
area. This instrument generate, use and can send out some radio frequency if it’s installed without
following the manufacturer instructions; moreover it can generate in the case of certain installations
some interferences to the electrical radio communication.

Should this instrument produce some significant interference to the radio and television, this case
can be identified by plugging and unplugging the instrument. We recommend, in order to eliminate the
interferences, to take one or more of the following actions:

Re-orientate or redirect the antenna

 Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver
 Plug the equipment in a different electric circuit from the one alimenting the receiver
 If none of the above mentioned actions are giving results, contact an experienced technician
or selling agent in radio/TV..

2.2 CE Conformity
This equipment was built in compliance and is compatible with EC recommendations concerning
electrical safety and electromagnetic emissions. It complies with 89/336/EWG, 93/98/EWG, standards
EN 50 081-1, in 50 081-2, EN 50 082 - 1 and EN 50 082 - 2.

Any modifications on the instrument which have not been approved in writing by the manufacturer will
automatically cancel the manufacturer warranty. If such modifications are nevertheless undertaken,
they are under the user responsibility; the manufacturer will under no circumstances be responsible for
any damages direct or indirect which they would cause

2.3 W.E.E.E. product Recycling declaration

In agreement with the European EC/2002/96 directive on electrical and electronic equipment
recycling, this product may not be disposed of in the garbage. For recycling information, contact the

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

company who sold this product. If you want to get rid of this instrument, identify it as such and direct it
to a certified recycling centre.

2.4 Security Instructions and correct use

This Nitrogen generator has been designed in order to produce high purity nitrogen for laboratories’
applications. This instrument must only be used for such applications respecting the specifications and
recommendations for its proper use described in this operating manual. The main recommendations

 Instrument can only be use indoors.

 It can only be use at temperatures above 4°C in a well ventilated room.
 In case of maintenance inside the instrument, always unplug it before opening the casing.
 Only the spare parts described in chapter 5 can be changed by the user. Other maintenances
action on this instrument must be undertaken by trained and authorized technician

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 3.Specifications and Description

3.1 Specifications

HP-N2-C-500(HP-N2-NC-500):0.5 Nl/min maximum

Ultra Pure Nitrogen Station
HP-N2-C-750(HP-N2-NC-750):0.75 Nl/min maximum
(values at 20°C and 1013 mbar of
HP-N2-C-1300(HP-N2-NC-1300):1.3 Nl/min maximum
atmospheric pressure)
HP-N2-C-4000(HP-N2-NC-4000):4.0 Nl/min maximum
Outlet pressure 5 bar relative maximum
Ultra Pure Nitrogen Station purity HP-N2-C-4000(HP-N2-NC-4000):98%

< 0.1ppm total Hydrocarbons, < 0.05ppm CO (only if catalytic oven

option is installed)
 Catalysis on high temperature Pt+Pd (option)
Purification technologies
Particule filtration level 0.1 µm

Display Monochrome LCD graphic display, resolution 128 x 64 pixels

Keyboard Contextual, touch sensitive

Adjust operating points, system status
Manual interface control Functioning diagnosis, users settings,
keyboard and screen adjustment.
Through USB interface: alarms standard reading
Par control Remote control software on option
Through dry rely ; 1 entry (Start/Stop) and 1 alarm
Supply voltage 100 V/60Hz; 110-117V/50-60Hz; 220- 240V / 50-60 Hz
Maximum electric consumption 550W maximum
Pressure display accuracy 0.1 bar (± 0.5 %)
Outlet fitting Stainless steel double ring ¼”
Functioning conditions :
+10°C to +35°C
- Temperature
0-80%, non condensing
- Relative Humidity
Transport and storage conditions :
+0°C to +35°C
- Temperature
0-90%, non condensing
- Relative Humidity
Category of surge II
Grade of pollution 2
Sound pressure <50 to 55 dB(A), according to model
Net weight : 70 Kg
Dimentions : all models 360 x 640 x 695 mm (LxPxH)
Packaging size 450 x 800 x 800 mm (LxPxH)

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

3.2 Presentation of the Instrument

All members of the family are presented in the form of a single casing instrument, to be placed on the
floor under the working desk. The family is based on a interchangeable module concept in the shape
of drawers.

The front face is divided into two parts, the upper part has the screen and tactile key board ; the
lower part fitted with hinges allow to accede to the pressure setting and inlet filter.

The back face is composed of 3 parts, 2 modules and one cache:

The lower module is the compression group, the upper module is the purification module.
The upper module control the compression group, it also has the main switch with fuse as well as the
generator outlet.

3.3 Functioning principle : basic equipment

The ambient Air is compressed by the internal compressor. Once compressed, the Air is cooled and
dried through a coalescent filter. Air is passed into a dual column pressure swing adsorption system to
remove water vapor and oxygen. While one of the dryer columns is active, the other one is
regenerating by back flushing with pure nitrogen. The adsorbed moisture and oxygen are vented to
atmosphere. A group of solenoid valves automatically switches the air supply to the newly regenerated

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

column, when the regeneration process is complete. By option, pure nitrogen is next carried to a
stainless steel catalytic oven where all hydrocarbons (HTC) and CH4 as well as the CO are oxidized.
The oven is fitted with a high performance catalyst based on a Platinum-Palladium mixture. Heated to
a high temperature, the catalyst allow to reduce the HTC and CO to less than 0.1ppm (100ppb).

The pressurized nitrogen is send to a tank, the capacity of which depends on the N2 capacity. The
N2 is pressure regulated and go through a fine filter which holds 99.99 % of particles larger than
At this point the Nitrogen is available at the outlet fitting.
The compressor is driven by the tank pressure; it will stop itself when the upper set pressure value is
reached and start again when the lower set pressure is reached; the lower tank pressure is above the
outlet set pressure.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Low noise fans AIR


AIR Compressor Cooler AIR Compressor


Relief valve Bloc of valves

Purification columns (2X)

filter with


Catalysis Oven
Low noise fan


depends on flow Manual
rate capacity) Pressure
Pressure sensor
sensor (tank) regulator (Outlet)

3.4 Functioning principle: options

3.4.1 Remote control by dry relay
The option remote control by dry relay can perform a simple remote control between the High Purity
N2 Generator and an external compatible « controller ». This remote control enable the start up and
shut down of the Station through a voltage between 2 terminals of the connector. The High Purity N2

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Generator responds by closing or opening a relay in the event of an alarm. The remote control can be
NC (normally closed) or NO (normally open).

3.4.2 Remote control via USB interface

USB remote control option allows you to read and monitor the operation of the instrument from a PC.
The delivery of the option is a software owner running under Windows (Windows 2000, XP, VISTA
and Windows7) , a USB cable and operating manual.
The details of this option are described under 4.10

3.5 Internal structures

The NITROGEN generator, as the other instruments of NEW TECH LINE family, is built on a modular
concept, it is mainly composed of a control module and service module(s)
 a tropicalized and light grey coated steel case , composed of a frame with sheet –metal
protection panels.
 an electronic control module
 an Air compression module
 a purification module
 tanks and linking tubes with the filtration module

High Purity Nitrogen Generator


control module


N2 drying and


3.5.1 Electronic control module

The electronic control module is composed of a plastic fire proof cover, upper part of front face and
one board, MB3800
 The main board MB3800 has the following functions
 Touch screen display support and control
 External communications
 Communications with other modules (internal communications)
 Main processor

Note : the MB3800 is powered from the purification module.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

MB3800 card fixed inside the lead ( View from inside)

3.5.2 Air Compression module

This module has:
 One Inlet filter(s), can be reached from the back of the lower front face
 The compressor, the type vary depending on the High Purity N2 Generator capacity,
 A stainless steel cooling coil
 the ventilation system
low capacity Air compression module

Ventilation Inlet filter


AIR Compressor


Cooling coil

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

high capacity Air compression module

AIR Compressor

Cooling coil

3.5.3 Air purification module

This module is composed of :
 The coalescing filter with automatic purge (Purge V5)
 The bloc of solenoid valves
 The columns for PSA
 The catalytic oven with cooling coil and forced ventilation. (OPTION) Evaporator fixed on top
 The outlet block
 The electronic control board
 The power supply board
 The pressure regulator with 2 sensors fitted on a board

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

This image represents the module without the ventilation tunnel.

Columns for PSA


Catalytic oven
with cooling coil

Connection fittings
with tank(s)
Gous3-HPN2 with
power supply

N2 Outlet module

Coalescing filter
Coalescing filter Bloc of solenoid valves
(purge V4) Purge V5

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 4.Installation and Operation

4.1 Receipt of Instrument and check
Each instrument is inspected and packaged prior to transport with great attention. Immediately after
receipt, we recommend to perform a quick visual inspection of the package as well as the
LABELCHOCS shock detector. If it turned red, report it in writing to the carrier at the time of delivery

The High Purity N2 Generator is set on an individual wooden mini-palette 40x80cm, which is the
basis of its transport packaging. Its upper part is protected by shaped foams and a thick cardboard.
The thick cardboard is screwed on the palette. The High Purity N2 Generator extraction from its
packaging start by unscrewing the cardboard, then cutting the straps. At this stage it is possible to
verify the visual integrity of the instrument.

Any damages must be immediately identified and photographed; It should be reported to the carrier
as well as to your local Distributor or YL Instrumentas.
For major damages, the High Purity N2 Generator shall be returned to the manufacturer after
synchronization with the after-sales service, which can be reached by e-mail at the
[email protected] .

4.2 Delivery content

Quantity Description
1 NITROGEN STATION (High Purity N2 Generator)
1 Quick starting guide (QSG)
1 Operating manual on CD
1 Verification and calibration certificate
1 Electric cable 230V, CE
1 Shipping box

4.3 Station installation

 The High Purity N2 Generator must be installed on a flat surface, without vibrations, avoiding
potential shocks and excessive heat source. The High Purity N2 Generator should not be in
contact with other devices on any of its walls, a sufficient distance is necessary to avoid
communicating to other instrument the small vibrations produced.
 Operate the instrument in an open and well ventilated area, in which the temperature does not
go below 0°C. The good functioning of the instrument is guaranteed for a temperature
between +10 and +35°C.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

 To ensure proper ventilation, a clear space of at least 20cm is necessary at the back of
the instrument. The Air cooling admission is located on the lower front panel and
should under no circumstances be obstructed.

4.4 Electric connections

Mains: Connect the High Purity N2 Generator with the electrical cable provided; If it was not possible,
verify that the cable use has a sufficient section and has a ground wire ( 3X1.5 mm2 minimum). Make
sure laboratory differential circuit breaker can absorb an inrush current of at least 10A without
switching off.
Note : the High Purity N2 Generator is equipped with fuses to protect the compressor on one hand,
the Catalysis oven and electronics control on the other hand. They are placed on the back of each

4.5 Fluidic connections

The PURE NITROGEN is available at the N2 OUTLET placed at the back of the instrument. This
outlet is fitted with a stainless steel Swagelock fitting, it must be connected to the consumer through a
clean and free from grease stainless tube of 1/8”. The use of AFP and TEFLON are not recommanded,
because HC and other gases diffuse through their walls and degrade the NITROGEN purity.

Make the connection to the consumer after the purge cycle described thereafter

The instrument pressure outlet is adjusted by the pressure regulator placed under the lower panel and
can be visualized permanently on the screen.

CAUTION : your High Purity N2 Generator was tested for several hours at the factory and all its tubes
have been cleaned of all ambient air contaminants. After a break of several days to several weeks of
operation, Air ambient has slightly dirty the circuit of the instrument. The walls of the tubes need again
to be cleaned. A purge cycle must be performed as described in the next chapter.

4.6 Initial Start-up

CAUTION : the dialogue between the instrument and its user is initially done via the touch screen
placed on the front top Panel. Orders or submenus are obtained by pressing lightly with a finger on the
chosen area. We strongly discourage the use of objects such as pen pointing, the sensitive side of the
screen might be irretrievably degraded.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

4.6.1 Start-up
Turn the instrument on with the switch placed on the back of the instrument. The identification image
appears during approximately 30 seconds the following information will be shown, the maker, model,
serial number as well as the software revision.

Ultra Pure Nitrogen Station

Model : UZN2 500 EU

S/N : UZN2-100204219
Software Rev V1.3
Innovative Swiss Made Products

Note : In order to facilitate the first start-up in your laboratory, the High Purity N2 Generator has been
set in the factory for an automatic start-up and produce a pressure of 5 bar.

After the presentation, the main image appear


Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar

It is possible to check the filling up progression of tank by pressing on MENU then select Diagnostic
and Internal Pressure.
The image present the tank pressure, the outlet pressure, the maximum pressure (alarm), and the
functioning state of the compressor.

4.6.2 Purge Cycle

Before connecting the High Purity N2 Generator and the alimentation tube to the consumer, it is
necessary to proceed to a purge of the system:

Leave the instrument continuously working between 4 to 6 hours, limiting the outflow to about 100
NMl/min. The outflow could be limited with a restrictor or needle valve connected on the NITROGEN

From this moment, it is recommended to connect the outlet tube to the consumer and
proceed to the pressure setting.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

4.6.3 Outlet pressure setting

The outlet pressure is regulates by a manual regulator, its setting is made manually while reading on
the screen the pressure value:

 Open the front lower panel,

 Pull the security button to set it free from its security setting
 Adjust the indicated pressure value requested for the installation: turn clockwise to increase
the value.
 Push back the button into its security setting.

Note : The setting procedure of the outlet pressure automatically execute a rough setting (+/- 0.5bar)
of the alarms pressure setting. A different or finer setting can be done through the function N2
At this stage, the instrument is working with its factory settings. In order to improve your skills on
performance, software, maintenance period, alarms and trouble shooting, we recommend that you
read the further chapters and paragraphs of this document.

4.7 Control software description

4.7.1 Features overview

Once the initial boot is made, the next screen appears:

I> Standby Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar

This is the main menu allowing to set the instrument in mode : Generation (running) or stand-by.

Before generating some NITROGEN, it is useful to adjust some settings of the instrument. By pressing
« MENU » it is possible to access to the following menus :

Main Menu

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

N2 Pressure Setting

ESC 1/6 

The First menu « N2 pressure setting » (setting of the NITROGEN output pressure) allows as its
name indicate to adjust the N2 output pressure.

In General, for navigation, the following symbols are used:

↑and↓ To navigate from one menu to another or from one page to another

 To enter the relevant menu

ESC To exit the current MENU and return to the previous menu
1/6 the current page number and the number of pages of the relevant menu

By pressing the arrow ↓ we reach the menu « Diagnostics »,

Which allows to observe all important functioning settings of the station

Main Menu


ESC 2/6 
Other menus are :

Tools :
Providing access to various tests including the compressor test
Main Menu


ESC 3/6 

Auxilary functions :

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Allows managing the screen and clock as well as setting the working units.

Main Menu

Auxiliary Functions

ESC 4/6 

Special functions :
Which allow to set the restart mode in case of power cut as well as the remote control and the mode
Main Menu

Special Functions

ESC 5/6 

Alarms and events :

Allows to observe the past events.
Main Menu

Alarm + Events

ESC 6/6 

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Start up of the NITROGEN generation :

I> Standby Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar

Oven Temperature : 20 °C

Once the pressure has been selected (see next chapter), just press on « I> » to start the generation.
Then the following window appears:

II Running Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar

To stop the generation press « I I » the instrument goes automatically on « Stand by ».

In case of alarm, the message « ALARM » appears alternating with the message "Running" or

II Running Menu II Alarm Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.5 bar Actual value : 0.8 bar

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

By pressing on « Alarm » the window with the list of alarms appears:

Alarm 1
Alarm 2


In general the main page indicate

 The state of the instrumet: Stand-by, Running, alarm

 The set pressure
o The actual pressure

I> Standby Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 1.5 bar

In addition, the main page allows you to:

o To start or stop the generation

o To have access to the sub menu
o To see the alarms.

Shortcut :
The center of the screen below is an active area to directly reach the pressure adjustment window.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar

4.7.2 Menu « N2 pressure setting »

The tree menu « N2 pressure setting » is as follow:

Main Menu

Air Pressure Setting

ESC 1/6 

N2 Pressure Setting
4.8 bar

Touch  to memorize

ESC 1/1 

N2 Pressure Setting N2 Pressure Setting

========================================= =========================================
Maximum value : 6 bar
Actual value : 3.5 bar
New Value : 4.8 bar Value recorded


In order to set the outlet pressure, proceed as follow :

4.7.3 Menu « Diagnostic »

The simplified tree menu « Diagnostic » is as follow :

Main Menu

High Purity Nitrogen Generator


ESC 2/6 

Diagnostics Diagnostics
========================================= =========================================
↑ ↑
Air Pressure Case Temperature
↓ ↓
ESC 1/5  ESC 4/5 

Diagnostics Diagnostics
========================================= =========================================
↑ ↑
Oven Temperature (option) Device Features
↓ ↓
ESC 2/5  ESC 5/5 


Functioning Time

ESC 3/5 

This menu allows only to observe the various functioning parameters of the instrument.
Moving within the tree is done by using the arrows « ↑ » and « ↓ ». Once the requested setting is
found, press on «  » to enter into the sub-menu and « ESC » to come out. Sub-menu « N2 pressure »

This pressure is the outlet generator pressure, which will be applied on to the installation

Diagnostics N2 Pressure Setting

========================================= =========================================
Act Value : 4.5 bar
↑ Tank Value : 6.2 bar
N2 Pressure Max : 6.0 bar Min : 0.5 bar
ADC : 3125 mV Tank : 3824mV
ESC 1/5  ESC

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

« Set Value »represent the requested pressure value

« Act Value »represent the outlet pressure measured by the sensor
« Tank Value » represent the pressure value inside the tank
« Max » and « Min » are the maximum and minimum pressure values.
The sign « IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 98% » indicate at which % max of the pressure the setting is.
« ADC » indicate the value of the pressure analogous digital converter. Sub-menu « Oven Temperature » (option)

This value indicates the catalysis oven temperature

Diagnostics Oven Temperature

========================================= =========================================

↑ Actual Value : 645 °C

Oven Temperature Max Value : 660 °C
↓ ADC : 2825 mV

ESC 2/5  ESC Sub-menu « Functioning Time »

This value indicate the functioning time of the instrument as well as the next maintenance.

Diagnostics Functioning Time

========================================= =========================================
Actual Value : 12 Hours
↑ Next Maint. : 4000 Hours
Functioning Time Remaining Time : 3988 hours

ESC 3/5  ESC

« Actual Value » functioning time since beginning of the instrument life

« Next Maint. »is the functioning time corresponding to the next maintenance .
« Remaining Time » remaining time before the next maintenance.
The sign « IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 99% » indicates the functioning « reserve » before maintenance

Once the « remaining time » reaches zero, an indication « Alarm » appears on the screen main
menu :

I> Alarm Menu

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 4.9 bar

When the maintenance is done, go back to the menu « Diagnostic »\ « Total functioning time » and
press on « Maintenance done »

Total Functioning Time

Actual Value : 8 Hours
Next Maintenance : 4000 Hours
Remaining Time : 3992 Hours
Maintenance Done

At this time « maintenance done » disappear, the messages « Next maintenance » is incremented by
4000H and the message « Remaining time » is up dated.
Moreover, the message « Alarm » on the main menu disappear. Sub-menu « Case Temperature »

This value tells about electronic case temperature.

Diagnostics Case Temperature

========================================= =========================================
Case Temp. : 26°C (79°F)
↑ Alarm :57°C (135°F)
Case Temperature ADC : 432
↓ Voltage :263 mV

ESC 4/5  ESC

« Case Temp.» represents the temperature of the electronic module

« Alarm » is the Alarm value.
« ADC » represents the value of the analogue to digital voltage converter Sub-menu « Device Features »

This sub menu allows to view the instrument model, the serial number as well as the version of the

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Diagnostics Device Features

========================================= =========================================
Mod : UZN2 3L-EU
↑ S/N : UZN21-091004099
Device Features Software Revision : V1.1

ESC 5/5  ESC

4.7.4 Menu « Tools »

The tree of this menu is the following ::

Main Menu


ESC 3/6 

Tools Tools
========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Valve Test Purge Test
↓ ↓

ESC 1/4  ESC 3/4 

Tools Tools
========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Oven Test (option) Pump Test
↓ ↓

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC 2/4  ESC 4/4 

In order to use these tools, it is absolutely necessary to place the instrument in

"Stand-By" State mode, as below.

I> Standby Menu

Pressure Set : 5.0 bar

Actual value : 0.2 bar Sub-Menu « Valve Test »

This test allows to open or close the N2 outlet valves.

Tools Valve Test

========================================= =========================================

Valve Test Are you sure to enter ?

ESC 1/4  ESC 

By pressing on «  » It is possible to go into the menu and adjust the setting value

Valve Test Valve Test

========================================= =========================================

Touch to open valve Touch to close valve

ESC ESC Sub-Menu « Oven Test »(option)

This test allows direct access to the catalysis oven setting which can be modified as requested.
WARNING: in order to allow for a very different setting to factory default setting, this feature is little protected
against excessive adjustment values. A constant temperature setting above 750 ° C temperature can damage the

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Tools Oven Test

========================================= =========================================

Oven Test Are you sure to enter ?

ESC 2/4  ESC 

Oven Test
++ +
Regulate oven to 700°C

Act temp. 285°C

By pressing keys ++and –as well as keys + and -, the temperature setting of the catalysis oven is
modified. It should be noted that the measure is done inside the heating body and not on the outskirt
of the oven; this explain the quick reaction of the temperature value. Sub-Menu « Purge Test »

This test allows opening and closing the purge valve of the coalescent filter.

Tools Purge Test

========================================= =========================================

Purge Test Are you sure to enter?

ESC 3/4  ESC 

By pressing on key «  » it is possible to enter into the menu and opening or closing the purge.

Purge Test Purge Test

========================================= =========================================

Touch to open purge Touch to close purge

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC ESC Sous-Menu « Pump Test »

This test allows starting or stopping the internal compressor

Tools Pump Test

========================================= =========================================

Pump Test Are you sure to enter?

ESC 4/4  ESC 

By pressing on key «  » It’s possible to enter into the menu and control the start of the compressor as
well as checking the Air pressure variation inside the tank.

Pump Test
Tank pressure value : 3.5 bar
Touch to Stop Pump


4.7.5 Menu « Auxiliary functions »

This menu tree is the following :

Main Menu

Auxiliary Functions

ESC 5/6 

Auxiliary Functions Auxiliary Functions

========================================= =========================================
↑ ↑

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Clock Settings Alarm setting

↓ ↓

ESC 1/6  ESC 4/6 

Auxiliary Functions Auxiliary Functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Display Settings Touch Pad Calibration
↓ ↓

ESC 2/6  ESC 5/6 

Auxiliary Functions Auxiliary Functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Unit Change Sounds Menu
↓ ↓

ESC 3/6  ESC 6/6  Sub-Menu « Clock setting »

This sub menu is used to set the time and date of the instrument.

Auxiliary Functions

Clock Settings

ESC 1/6 

Clock Settings Clock Settings

========================================= =========================================

++ + ++ +
2009 10
- - - - - -

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC Year  ESC Hour 

Clock Settings Clock Settings

========================================= =========================================

+ ++ +
12 27
- - - -

ESC Month  ESC Min 

Clock Settings Clock Settings

========================================= =========================================

++ + 17/12/2009
17 10 :27
- - -

ESC Day 
Once entered in the menu « Clock setting », the software requires in turn the year (Year), the month
(Month),the day (Day), the time (hour) and the minute (Min). Once in the menu, the « + » and the
« ++ » allows to increase the value, the « - » and the « - - » allows to decrease the value. The « ++ »
and « - - » allow a rapid scroll of the values, the « + » and « - » allows a slow scroll of values.

The entered value is validated by pressing «  ». The software automatically advances to the next

Once all the values are entered the last "page" displays the date and time set. Sub- Menu « Display Setting »

Auxiliary Functions Display Settings

========================================= =========================================

↑ ++ +
↓ - - -

ESC 2/6  ESC Contrast 

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Display Settings

++ +
- - -

ESC Backlight 

This sub menu allows to set the contrast (Contrast) as well as the reverse light screen (light back).
Proceed adjustments with buttons « + », « ++ » and « - » and « - - »

The value entered is validated be pressing on «  ». The software automatically advances to the next
value. Sub- Menu « Unit Change »
This menu allows choosing the working units

Auxiliary Functions

Unit Change

ESC 3/6 

Units Pressure Pressure Pressure

===================== ===================== ===================== =====================
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Pressure Bar Kpa Psi
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
ESC 1/ 2  ESC 1/ 3  ESC 2/ 3  ESC 3/ 3 

Units Temperature Temperature

===================== ===================== =====================
↑ ↑ ↑
Temperature °C °F
↓ ↓ ↓

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC 2/ 2  ESC 1/ 2  ESC 2/2 

Once in the « UNIT » menu it is possible with the keys « ↑ » and « ↓ » to change the following units :
Pressure and Temperature.

Once in the requested window (Pressure or Temperature) press on «  » and choose with the arrows
« ↑ » and « ↓ » then validate with «  » the requested unit.

For the pressure, the units are: Bar, Kilo Pascal and PSI
For the temperature the units are: Degree Celsius and Fahrenheit Sub- Menu « Alarm Setting»

Auxiliary Functions Alarm functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Alarm functions Buzzer ON
↓ ↓

ESC 4/6  ESC 

Value recorded

This sub menu allows enabling or disabling the sound signal in case of alarm (Buzzer).
Once in the menu, choose between “ON” or “OFF” with the arrows then valid with
«  ». Sub- Menu « Touch pad Calibration »

This sub menu allows calibrating the touch screen.

Auxiliary Functions Calibration

Touch black square

Touch Pad Calibration Remove finger

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC 5/6 

Touch black square

Touch the pad
X:0 Y:0 0

Calibration 


Touch black square Touch black square

X:0 Y:0 0 Remove finger

Calibration 

Once in the sub menu « touch pad setting » the software ask to press on the screen (Touch the pad).
After having press on the screen, the software ask to press on the square placed on the top left hand
corner and to keep the finger on it (touch black square). At that time a counter starts up. Once
arrived at the value 10, the next page ask to remove the finger (remove finger) appears. Then another
calibration point is requested (bottom right hand corner). When done, the message « calibration
done » (Pad Calibration done) appears.

Pad Calibration done Sub- Menu « Sounds Menu»

Auxiliary Functions Sounds Menu

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
↓ 50 % ↓

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

ESC 6/6  ESC 

This sub menu lets you adjust the duration of the sound emitted when the screen is touched. A setting to 0 %
totally removes the sound.

4.7.6 Menu « Special functions »

This menu tree is the following :

Main Menu

Special Functions

ESC 5/6 

Special Functions Special Functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Power Up Control Pressure Level Alarm
↓ ↓

ESC 1/6  ESC 4/6 

Special Functions Special Functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Remote Control Service Alarm Settings
↓ ↓

ESC 2/6  ESC 5/6 

Special Functions Special Functions

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Log Book download Pass Word
↓ ↓

ESC 3/6  ESC 6/6 

High Purity Nitrogen Generator Sub- Menu « Power Up Control »

This menu is used to determine, in the event of power failure, in which state the instrument must
restart. There are two possibilities:

Restart in the same Status it was before the power failure (On Last Running Status)
Restart and go in « stand-By » Status (On Standby Status)

Special Functions Power Up Control

========================================= =========================================

↑ ↑
Power Up Control On Standby Status
↓ ↓

ESC 1/6  ESC 1/2 

Power Up Control

On Last Running Status

ESC 2/2  Sub- Menu « Remote Control »

Special Functions

Remote Control

ESC 2/6 

High Purity Nitrogen Generator Sub- Menu « Log Book Download »

This menu allows you to download the log book on a PC in order to send it to the after sale service for
a help in the diagnosis.

Special Functions Log Book Download

========================================= =========================================

Log Book Download Please Connect to a PC

ESC 3/6  ESC 

Once the page « log Book Download » is reached, it is necessary to connect the generator to a PC
through a USB link. If it’s the first time the generator is connected to a PC, he will request to proceed
to the set up of the « driver ». It is stored on the CD provided with the instrument in the directory
« driver »

Then, on the PC menu

\Start up \all programs \accessories \communication \Hyper Terminal open the Hyper Terminal

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Enter a name and validate with « ENTER »

Choose « port COM » on which is plugged the USB link

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Make adjustments as on the above image

Then validate with « ENTER ». Then validate on the instrument by pressing on « «.

Log Book Download


Please Connect to a PC


The following window appears


Log book appears (coded) in Hyper Terminal. Sub- Menu « Pressure Level Alarm»

This submenu allows to adjust the value corresponding to the minimum pressure alarm.
Special Functions

Pressure Level Alarm

ESC 4/6 

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

By pressing on «  »,the setting window appears

Pressure Level Alarm


++ +
- - 4.2 bar -

ESC Pressure Min  Sub- Menu « Service Alarm Settings »

Special Functions PassWord

======================================== ========================================
= =

↑ ↑
Service Alarm Settings 000000
↓ ↓

ESC 5/6  ESC   Sub- Menu « Pass Word »

Special Functions PassWord

======================================== ========================================
= =

↑ ↑
Pass Word 000000
↓ ↓

ESC 6/6  ESC  

This sub menu allows access to the function « USINE » is not accessible to persons who have not
received adequate training.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

4.7.7 Menu « Alarm »

This menu allows to check the list of the latest alarms :

Special Functions Alarm

========================================= =========================================
15.12 10 :56 Reset
↑ 10.12 13 :34 Reset
Alarm 28.11 07 :03 Pressure failed
↓ …

ESC 6/6  ESC

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 5.Maintenance

5.1 Regular maintenance of High Purity N2 Generator

The following table summarizes the acts of maintenance as well as consumables probable
replacement frequency.

Maintenance Frequence Article Number

Air inlet filter Every 6 months (4000H)

Coalescing filter with silencer Every 6 months (4000H)

Catalysis oven with heating cartridge
Every 3 years (24000H)

5.1.1 Air inlet filter

 Open the lower part of front face, in order to access to the inlet filter.
 Unscrew the filter and replace it by a new one

Pressure regulator’s
adjustment button

Inlet filter

5.1.2 Coalescing filter with silencer

To replace the coalescing filter and silencer, we recommend to remove the Air purifier module:
 Unscrew the lateral protection plates on both sides
 Disconnect the cable and tubes on the rear face
 Unscrew the 4 screws which fix the drawer

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Screws to fix the module

(4x) by drawer

 Remove the drawer and place it on a table

Coalescing filter
Coalescing filter (Purge V5)

(drawer shown without oven streamline body)

 Remove the oven ventilation streamline body

 Unscrew the silencer and replace by a new one
 Open the coalescing filter and replace the filtering media,
 Reassemble and verify tightness

5.1.3 Catalysis oven (option)

 Remove the drawer and place it on a table
 Remove the oven ventilation streamline body
 Disconnect the tubes
 Disconnect the heating cartridge cable from the electronic board (Phoenix 5 pins)
 Unscrew, from under the drawer, the 4 screws which fix the oven.
 Exchange with the new one and replug.

5.2 List of Consumables and accessories

The following table lists the available YL Instruments items for light maintenance on the NITROGEN
generator (High Purity N2), as well as the recommended accessories::

High Purity Nitrogen Generator


6711 02 220 Air : set of filters (coalescent V4 + dust) Model Purge V4
6711 02 224 Air : set of filters (coalescent V5 + dust) Model Purge V5

The manufacturer reserves the right to change or modify its products without prior notice.

5.4 Return the instrument to the retailer or the factory

In the event your instrument must be returned to the factory for a repair which cannot be carried out on
the spot, please contact your agent by specifying in detail the problem as well as the instrument
operating environment, the type and the serial number.
This done, your agent will provide all the necessary instructions to return the instrument in the best
In case where the warranty period would have expired, or in case the default would be due to misuse
of the instrument, all transport and repair costs incurred would be the sole responsibility of the user,
unless special arrangement between the manufacturer and the client had been undertaken.

 Disconnect the Nitrogen generator from its application

 Place the instrument in its original packaging box or in another box where the instrument
cannot move
 Fixe the FRAGILE label
 Fill in and send back to your provider or to the factory the form called « Return Autorization
Sheet » presented below. This document is necessary in order to link to the instrument all the
information given to the SAV by phone, e-mail or other means.

Make sure that the instrument will never be exposed during transport or storage, to a
temperature below - 5 ° C.

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Chapter 6.Troubleshooting and Alarms

6.1 Troubleshooting
The following table describes major cases of malfunctions which the user will be able to fix without the
help of trained technicians on this product. In case of more complex failures, the modular concept of
the LINEA10 line, allow to do a standard exchange of the faulty module without having to send back
the full instrument to the retailer or the factory. Refer to the service manual.


The instrument does not 1) Faulty or badly connected electric cable ; check
start, nothing appears on the 2) Fuse melted, replace by a fuse of similar value( value depend on
screen. compressor power)
3) Power cable between PS3550 and MB3800 or between MB3800
and screen not connected or faulty ; check
4) MB3800 board is faulty.
It is not possible to adjust the 1) The alimentation pressure is inferior to the expected value. Verify
pressure to the expected the alimenting line
value. 2) The nitrogen consumption is superior to the instrument’s capacity,
verify there is some flow restrictor (the consumer) fixed at the Air
3) The pressure sensor is out of order. Verify with a gage
1) The instrument does not 1) The alimenting pressure is inferior to the Air pressure setting
2) reach the expected 2) nitrogen consumption is superior to the instrument’s capacity
3) pressure. N2 pressure Alarm 3) The High Purity N2 Generator supplies a circuit with a large dead
volume, the pressure increase but too slowly. If there is no leak on
the circuit the desired pressure will be reached. To speed up the rise,
reduce the circuit volume or acquire another generator and mount
them in parallel mode.
4) 4) There is an important leak on the circuit between High Purity N2
Generator and user. Verify and reduce leak
The instrument does not 1) The consumption is not constant and grows quickly, the instrument
generate a constant cannot keep up; install a small extra tank as well as a pressure
pressure regulator.
2) The consumption is very close to the maximum, even go over it ;
Reduce the consumption or increase the generation capacity.
Oven temperature close to 1) The heating cartridge is not functioning properly. Verify the
ambient temperature connector and wiring
2) The control board GOUS3 is not connected to the internal
communication bus. Verify connection and plug again the module

High Purity Nitrogen Generator

Oven temperature over 1) The heating cartridge is probably melted. The temperature sensor
750°C (thermocouple K-type) inside is out of order. Verify voltage by
“Diagnostics” Menu and eventually wiring. If heating cartridge is
melted, the complete oven must be replaced.


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