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Which of these scenarios are operations and which are projects?

1- Building an extension on house.

2- Shelving books at the library.
3- Baking a wedding cake.
4- Distributing ads for a definite theatre play.

5- Watering your plants twice a week.

6- Walking the dog every day.

7- Knitting a scarf
8- Making a birdhouse
9- Changing your air filters every six months

10- Running an assembly line in a factory

11- Organizing a large conference

12- Going to the gym three times a week


Which of the characteristics of a successful project manager was neglected in the failed
projects listed below?

1- The project was delivered early but it didn’t have all of the features that the customers
asked for. The Vice President has suggested a new requirements gathering technique but the
PM shot it down because he’d never heard of it.

2- The project was late because the team couldn’t meet the company’s standards for
productivity. They were always coming into work late and leaving early and taking long
lunches. It seemed like the Project manager just didn’t think the project was important.

3- The project manager thought his job was to meet the deadline above all else. So he
demanded that the product be released on the date it was due regardless of quality. The team
wanted to create a high quality product and they fought with the PM throughout the project to
try to get him to change his mind. In the end, the team washed their hands of the product after
it was released and refused to support it.

4- The project team had so many conflicts about the project that they couldn’t work together.
They made decisions that undercut each other, and in the end they couldn’t deliver anything at

5- The project was late because the team cut corners that led to sloppy work, and they had to
go back and fix all of their mistakes.

What kind of organization each interview is representing? Functional, Matrix or Projectized.

1. We are looking for someone who can work with our development manager to deliver our
products on time. We have a good programming team; they just need a little encouragement
to meet their deadlines. You’ll be expected to keep really good status meeting notes. If you
run into any trouble with the team, just kick it back to the Development manager and she’ll
address the problem.

2. We need someone who can manage the whole effort, start to finish. You’ll need to work
with the client to establish goals, choose the team, estimate time and cost, manage and track
all of your decisions and make sure you keep everybody in the loop on what’s going on. We
expect the project to last six months.

3. We have a project coming up that’s needed by our customer service team. The project is a
real technical challenge for us, so we’ve assembled a team of top-notch programmers to come
up with a good solution. We need a project manager to work with the programming manager
on this one. You would be responsible for the Schedule, budget and managing the
deliverables. The programming manager would have the personal responsibilities.

4. Most of the work you’ll be doing is contract work. You’ll put together three different teams
of software engineers and you’ll need to make sure that they build everything our customer
needs. And don’t forget; you’ve got to stay within budget and it’s got to be done on time it’s a
big job. Can you handle that?

Which are preventive action and which are corrective action?

1. A software Project is running late, so a software Project manager looks to find slack time
and reassign resources to get things done more quickly.
2. A caterer notices that the snacks are decreased and assigns a chef to make more.
3. A photographer brings an extra camera body to a shoot, in case one breaks down.
4. A consulting company assigns extra resources to a Project to compensate for possible


“Deliverable” or “Work Performance data”?

1. The software Project team builds software.

2. A builder hangs a door.

3. A wedding photographer sends the photo proofs to the client.
4. The cable repair technicians takes an average of four hours per job.

5. The construction crew worked 37 hours of overtime in March.

6. The construction crew built the six houses required by the plan.

1.Which of the following isn’t an input to the Develop Project

Management Plan process?

A. Expert Judgment
B. Project Charter
C. Enterprise environmental factors

D. Outputs from other processes

2. Which is true about the Project charter?

A. The Project manager’s authority to manage the Project is granted by the charter

B. The charter gives a summary milestone Schedule

C. The charter is issued by the Project sponsor
D. All of them

3. Which of the following is not true about the Project Management Plan?

A. The Project Management Plan contains the Schedule baselines

B. The Project Management Plan gives authority to the Project manager

C. The Project Management Plan contains the cost baseline

D. The Project Management Plan contains the scope management plan

4. You have just verified that all of the work on your Project is
completed. Which of these things is not part of the Closing process?

A. Preparing the work performance information

B. Identify lessons learned
C. Finalizing open claims
D. Confirming the delivery and formal acceptance of deliverables by the customer

5. Which of the following is not true about the Project charter?

A. The Project charter defines the detailed project plan

B. The Project charter defines the requirements that satisfy customer needs
C. The Project charter includes the milestone Schedule
D. The Project charter includes the business case that justifies the Project

6. You are a Project manager on a software Project. There are several

changes that need to be made, and you need to decide how to apply
Project resources in order to implement them. What do you do?

A. You should call a team meeting and invite the stakeholders, so that everyone can
reach a consensus on the priority

B. Decide the priority of the changes and announce to the team

C. Consult the change prioritization plan for guidance on prioritizing new changes

D. Deny the changes because they will delay the Project

7. You are the Project manager for a software Project, when the sponsor
pulls the plug and cancels the Project. What do you do?

A. Create a budget summary for the remaining unspent budget

B. Give the team the day off to recuperate from the bad news
C. Find new assignment for any people previously assigned to your Project
D. Follow Project closure procedures to close the Project and update lessons learned

8. One of your team members has discovered a defect in a deliverable

and has recommended that it be repaired. Which of the following is not

A. Your Project is in Monitor and Control Project Work process

B. Your Project charter has authorized you to perform the work
C. You must update the Project management plan to document the defect
D. The defect repair must be approved before the deliverable can be repaired

9. You are on the Project selection committee. You are reviewing a

document that describes the strategic value of potential Project and its
benefits to the company. What is this document called?

A. Business case
B. Project charter
C. Contract
D. Benefit measurement method

10. You have just received a change request. This means:

A. The change needs to be approved before it can be implemented

B. The Project charter is complete, but the work cannot begin yet because you need to
make a change to the scope baseline
C. Escalate the issue to your manager
D. You are in the Direct and Manage Work process and you can implement the change


1. Which of the following is NOT one of the stakeholder attributes you should
analyze as part of the process to identify stakeholders?

A.Their personal conflict resolution style in the project

B.Their expectations of the project

C.Their influence on the Project
D.Their interest in the project

2. Which of the following is NOT an input into the Identify Stakeholders process?

A.Business documents

B.Project charter

C.Stakeholder analysis

D.Enterprise environmental factors

3. You have just taken over a project that has been underway for 8 months. The project is
performing well. As part of your familiarization process you want to understand who the
stakeholders on the project are. Where would you find this information?

A.Email distribution list

B.Organizational process assets

C.Stakeholder management strategy

D.Stakeholder register

4. You are completing the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet
their needs and addressing issues as they occur. Which process are you completing?

A.Manage stakeholder engagement

B.Manage Communications

C.Stakeholder analysis
D.Control communications

5. What is your primary goal in managing and identifying stakeholder expectations?

A. It is to be able to contact stakeholders when you need to send project communications

B. It is to either get stakeholders to support your project or at least not to oppose it

C. It is to be able to introduce key stakeholders to each other so they can exchange project
D. It is to be able to determine which of the stakeholders can be most easily influenced and
which will require a greater amount of effort

6. You and your project team are systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and
qualitative information to determine which stakeholders interests should be taken into account
throughout the project. You have identified the interests, expectations and influence of
individual stakeholders and related them to the purpose of project. What tool or technique are
you using?

A. Stakeholder analysis
B. Expert judgment
C. Information gathering techniques

D. Meetings

7. You are using a classification model for stakeholder analysis that describes groups the
stakeholders based on their level of authority and their level of concern regarding the project
outcomes. What is the name of this particular model stakeholder analysis?

A.Power/Influence grid

B.Power/Interest grid

C.Influence/Impact grid

D.Salience model

8. As part of your analysis of stakeholder engagement you have classified each stakeholders
as either being unaware, resistant, neutral, supportive or leading when it comes to the level of
their engagement with the project. This is an example of what sort of technique?

A.Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix (Analytical techniques)

B.Information gathering techniques

C.Stakeholder analysis

D.Expert Judgment
9. As a senior project manager on a complex project with many stakeholders you are
consistently having to coordinate and harmonize stakeholders towards supporting the project
and accomplishing the project objectives. In order to do this you are using your skills and
facilitating consensus, and influencing people, negotiating agreements and modifying
organizational behavior to accept the project outcomes. These are examples of what?

A.Interpersonal And Team Skills

B.Ground rules

C.Communication methods

D.Information gathering techniques

10. You are managing a complex project with many stakeholders each with their own interest
in the project. You have begun the process of monitoring overall project stakeholder
relationships and adjusting your stakeholder expectation management strategies and plans
were engaging stakeholders to suit the changing project circumstances. Your goal is to
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement activity. Which process
are you engaged in?

A.Manage stakeholder engagement

B.Monitor stakeholder engagement

C.Control communications

D.Manage communications

11- Bob and Sue are stakeholders in your project. Sue is in the high-power/low interest
quadrant of the Power/Interest grid. Bob is in the low-power, high-interest quadrant. Which of
the following BEST describes the approach you should take:

A.Sue needs to participate in every important meeting, while Bob needs to have his
opinion heard in those meetings

B.You need to make sure that Bob is on the change control board, but Sue only
requires minimum effort

C.You need to spend special effort to satisfy all of Sue’s needs, while Bob has to be
kept in the loop on important decisions

D.Sue needs to be managed closely, and Bob must be kept satisfied by making sure he
feels his needs are being met

There is a software project. Which are project scope and which are product scope?
2- Graphic design.

3- Graphics.
4- Mac and PC compatible.

5- Testing.
6- Five playable characters.


1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about a work breakdown structure


A.It describes processes to define the scope, verify work and manage scope changes

B.It contains a graphical, hierarchical list of all work to be performed

C.It can be broken down by project phase or deliverable

D.It is an important element of the scope baseline

2. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a traceability matrix?

A.It describes how WBS Dictionary entries are traced to work packages and how work
packages are decomposed from deliverables

B.It’s used to make sure that all of the sub-plans of the Project Management Plan have
been created

C.It helps you understand the source of each requirement and how that requirement
was verified in a later deliverable

D.It’s used to trace the source of every change, so that you can keep track of them
through the entire Control Scope process and verify that the change was properly

3. You have just started work on the Project Scope Statement. You are
analyzing the expected deliverables, when you discover that one of them could
be delivered in three different ways. You select the best method for creating
that deliverable. What is the BEST way to describe what you are doing?

A.Alternatives generation


C.Define Scope

D.Stakeholder Analysis
4. You are the project manager on a software project. Your team has only
completed half of the work, when the sponsor informs you that the project has
been terminated. What is the best action for you to take?

A. Verify the deliverables produced by the team against the scope and document any place
they do not match

B. Call a team meeting to figure out how to spend the rest of the budget
C. Work with the sponsor to see if there is any way to bring the project back

D. Tell the team to stop working immediately

5. You are the project manager for a new project, and you want to save time
creating the WBS. Which is the best way to do this?

A.Make decomposition go faster by cutting down the number of deliverables

B.Use a WBS from a previous project as template

C.Don’t create the WBS Dictionary

D.Ask the sponsor to provide the work packages for each deliverable

6. You are a project manager working on a project. Your sponsor wants to

know who a certain work package is assigned to, what control account to bill it
against, and what work is involved. What document do you refer her to?

A. Scope management plan

B. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

C. WBS Dictionary
D. Scope statement

7- You’ve taken over as a project manager on a highway construction project,

and the execution is already underway. Your sponsor tells you that moving
forward, all asphalt should be laid down with a 12 inches thickness. The scope
statement and the WBS call for 9 inches thick asphalt. What is BEST course of

A.Look for a cheaper supplier so the cost impact is minimized

B.Tell the sponsor that the work is already underway, so you can’t accommodate his

C.Refuse to alter the plans until the change control system has been used
D.Tell the team to accommodate the request immediately

8- It’s the end of execution for a large highway construction project. The work
has been done, and the workers are ready to pack up their equipment. The
project manager and project sponsor have come by with specialists to check
that each requirement has been met, and that all of the work in the WBS has
been performed. What process is being done?

A.Control Scope

B.Validate Scope

C.Plan Scope Management

D.Define Scope

9- You have just been put in charge of a project that is already executing. While
reviewing the project documentation, you discover that there is no WBS. You
check the Scope Management Plan and discover that there should be one for
this project. What is the BEST thing for to do?

A.Immediately alert the sponsor and make sure the project work doesn’t stop

B.Stop project work and create the WBS, and don’t let work continue until it’s created

C.Make sure you closely manage communications to ensure the team doesn’t miss any
undocumented work

D.Mark it down in the lessons learned so it doesn’t happen on future projects

10- A project manager on an industrial design project finds that the sponsor
wants to make a change to the scope after it has been added to the baseline,
and needs to know the procedure for managing changes. What is the BEST
place to look for this information?


B.Scope Management Plan

C.Change request form template

D.Business Case
11- You are managing an industrial design project. One of your team members
comes to you with a suggestion that will let you do more work while at the
same time saving the project 15% of the budget. What is the BEST way for you
to proceed?

A.Tell the team to make the change because it will deliver more work for less Money

B.Refuse to make the change until a change request is documented and change control
is performed

C.Refuse to consider the change because it will affect the baseline

D.Do a cost-benefit analysis and then make sure to inform the sponsor that the scope

12- You are the project manager for a telecommunications project. You are
working on the project scope statement. Which of the following is NOT
included in this document?

A.Authorization for the project manager to work on the project

B.Requirements that the deliverables must meet

C.A description of the project objectives

D.The list of deliverables that must be created

13- The project manager for a design project is using the Define Scope
process. Which BEST describes this?

A.Creating a document that lists all of the features of the product

B.Creating a plan for managing changes to the scope baseline

C.Developing a detailed description of the project and product

D.Creating a graphical representation of how the phases or deliverables decompose

into work packages

14- You are the project manager for a construction project. You have
completed project initiation activities, and you are now creating a document
that describes processes to document the scope, decompose deliverables into
work packages, verify that all work is complete and manage changes to the
baseline. What process are you performing?
A.Develop Project Management Plan

B.Define Scope

C.Create WBS

D.Develop Project Charter


A project manager in charge of a big civil engineering project came up with an

estimate for a highway restoration project. The worst case scenario was 82 days, but
the team felt more certain based on past experience that they could get it done in 49
days. If all went well with their equipment and materials, it might be done in 34 days
instead. Use PERT to calculate a three-point estimate for this project.

Optimistic duration=
Most likely duration=
Pessimistic duration=
Expected duration=

Which are examples of fast-tracking and which are crashing?

1. Fatma guesses that 70% of the invitees will response. Instead of waiting for all of
them to come in, she goes ahead and reserves the tables and chairs now.

2. Erol is taking a really long time to choose the decorations so Fatma brings in a
professional decorator to help, even though it will cost more.

3. Fatma needs to get the invitations out quickly, so she hires two temps for a few

1. You are managing an industrial design project. You’ve come up with the
complete activity list, created network diagrams and estimated their durations.
What’s the next thing that you do?
A. Use Rolling Wave Planning to compensate for the fact that you don’t have
complete information
B. Create the schedule
C. Consult the project scope statement and perform Sequence Activities
D. Use fast-tracking to reduce the total duration

2. You are managing an interior decoration project, when you find out that you
need to get it done earlier than originally planned. You decide to fast-track the
project. This means:
A. Starting the project sooner and working overtime
B. Assigning more people to the tasks at a greater total cost, especially for activities
on the critical path
C. Starting activities earlier and overlapping them more, which will cost more and
could add risks
D. Shortening the durations of the activities and asking people to work overtime to
accommodate that

3. You’re managing a construction project. You’ve decomposed work packages

into activities and your client needs a duration estimate for each activity that
you come up with. Which of the following will you use for this at this stage?
A. Milestone list
B. Activity attributes
C. Critical path analysis
D. Project schedule network diagram

4. What’s the correct order of the Schedule Management processes?

A. Sequence Activities, Define Activities, Estimate Activity Durations, Plan Schedule
B. Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Develop Schedule, Estimate Activity
C. Plan Schedule Management, Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate
Activity Durations, Develop Schedule
D. Develop Schedule, Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity
Durations, Plan Schedule Management

5. Which of the following is NOT a tool or technique used in Estimate Activity


A. Alternative estimating
B. Parametric Estimation
C. Analogous Estimation
D. Three-Point Estimation

6. You’re managing a project to build a new project management information

system. You work with the team to come up with an estimate of 27 weeks. In
the best case, this could be shortened by two weeks because you can reuse a
previous component. But there’s a risk that a vendor delay could cause the
project to be delayed by five weeks. Use PERT to calculate a three-point
estimate for this project.
A. 25,83 weeks
B. 26 weeks
C. 27,5 weeks
D. 28,3 weeks

7. You’re managing a software project, when your customer informs you that a
schedule change is necessary. Which is the BEST thing to do?

A. Consult the schedule management plan

B. Notify the team and the sponsor that there’s going to be a schedule change
C. Influence the factors that cause change
D. Refuse to make the change because there’s already a schedule baseline

8. You’re planning the schedule for a highway construction project, but the
final date you came up with will run into the next budget year. The state comes
up with capital from a reserve fund, and now you can increase the budget for
your resources. What’s the best way to compress the schedule?

A. Go back to your three-point estimates and use the most optimistic ones
B. Use the extra budget to increase your contingency reserve
C. Hire more experts to use expert judgment so your estimates are more accurate
D. Crash the schedule

9. You’re managing a software project. You’ve created the schedule, and you
need to figure out which activities absolutely cannot slip. You’ve done critical
path analysis, identifying the critical path. Which activities cannot slip without
making the project late?

A. The first activity in project

B. The activities on the critical path
C. The activity with the most lag
D. The last activity in project, because it has no float

10. You’re managing a construction project. You’ve decomposed work

packages into activities, and your client needs a duration estimate for each
activity that you came up with. Which of the following BEST describes what
you are doing?

A. Evaluating each activity to figure out how much effort it will take.
B. Estimating the number of person-hours that will be required for each activity.
C. Understanding, in calendar time, how long each activity will take,
D. Estimating how many people it will take to perform each activity.

11- You are managing a project, when your client tells you that an external
problem happened, and now you have to meet an earlier deadline. Your
supervisor heard that in a situation like this, you can use Schedule
compression by earlier crashing or fast-tracking the Schedule, but he’s not
sure which is which. What do you tell him?

A. Crashing the project adds risk, while fast-tracking adds cost

B. When you crash a project, it always shortens the total duration of the project
C. Crashing the project adds cost, while fast-tracking adds risk
D. When you fast-track a project, it always shortens the total duration of the Project

12- Three members of your project team want to pad their estimates because
they believe there are certain risks that might materialize. What is the BEST
way to handle this situation?
A. Estimate the activities honestly, and then use contingency reverse to cover any
unexpected cost
B. Allow more time for the work by adding a buffer to every activity in the schedule
C. Tell the team members not to worry about it, and if the Schedule is wrong it’s okay
for the project to be late
D. Crashing

13- Your company has previously run other projects similar to the one you’re
currently managing. What is the BEST way to use that information?

A. Check the organizational process assets for lessons learned and other
information about the past projects
B. Use parametric estimation to estimate your project based on past project’s
C. Start from scratch because you don’t want mistakes from past projects to
influence you
D. Reuse the project management plan from a past successful project


Can you write down which tool is being used in each scenarios? (Analogous Estimating,
Expert Judgement, Parametric Estimating, Bottom-Up Estimates, Three-point estimates).

1. Fatma wants to open a market. A market across the street opened just a few months ago.
She sits down with the contractor who did the work there and asks him to help her figure out
how much it will cost. He takes a look at the equipment Emin and Ahmet want to buy and the
features for the cabinets and seating and tells her what she can afford to do with the budget
she has.

2. Fatma creates a spreadsheet with all of the historical information from similar remodeling
projects that have happened on her block. She sits down and types in the guy’s desired
furnishings and the square footage of the room to generate an estimated cost.

3. Before Fatma finishes her schedule, she gathers all of the information (like how much labor
and materials cost). She also talks to a specialist, who gives valuable input.

4. Fatma sits down and estimates for every activity and resource that she is going to need.
Then she adds up all of the estimates into categories. From there she adds up the categories
into an overall budget number.
5. Ahmet sets up an appointment with the same specialist his friend used for some remodeling
work. The contractor comes to the house, takes a look at the room and then gives an estimate
for the work.

6. Fatma figures out a best case scenario, a likely scenario and a worst case scenario. Then she
used a formula to come up with an expected cost for the project.


What tool or technique is the project manager using to build the budget? Reserve Analysis,
Cost aggregation, Funding Limit Reconciliation.

1. Fatma reads a newspaper article that says that there has been a sharp increase in goods
costs recently. She knows this wasn’t in her contractor’s original plan and decides to put a few
hundred dollars aside to deal with the price hike if it should happen.

2. Ahmet helps Fatma add up all of the estimates they have done into control accounts so that
they can figure out how much the sound system is going to cost.

3. Once the budget is close to done, Fatma looks over their financial plans for the year to be
sure that they can afford everything at the time that it is needed.


Use “Earned Value” to solve if your project is really going the way you planned.

1. Your project has a total budget of 300.000 TL. You check your records and find that
you’ve spent 175.000 TL so far. The team has completed 40% of the project work, but when
you check the schedule it says that they should have completed 50% of the work. Calculate
Earned Value numbers PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI, CPI. And answer the following questions.

I -The project is ahead of schedule or behind schedule?

II- The project is over budget or under budget?


Use “Earned Value” to solve if your project is really going the way you planned.(1-4)

1. Your project has a total budget of 300.000 TL. You check your records and find that
you’ve spent 175.000 TL so far. The team has completed 40% of the project work, but
when you check the schedule it says that they should have completed 50% of the
work. Calculate Earned Value numbers PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI, CPI. And answer the
following questions. I-The project is ahead of schedule or behind schedule? II- The
project is over budget or under budget?

2. You’re managing a highway construction project. Your total budget is 650.000 TL, and
there are a total of 7500 hours of work scheduled on the project. You check with your
accounting department and they tell you that you’ve spent a total of 400.000 TL. According to
the schedule, your team should have worked 4.500 hours, but your foreman says that the team
was allowed to work some overtime and they’ve actually put in 5.100 hours of work.
Calculate Earned Value numbers PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI, CPI. And answer the following
questions. I-The project is ahead of schedule or behind schedule? II- The project is over
budget or under budget?

Use “Earned Value” to solve if your project is really going the way you planned.

2. You are the project manager at an industrial design firm. You expect to spend a total
of 55.000 TL on your current project. Your plan calls for six people working on the
project eight hours a day, five days a week for four weeks. According to the schedule,
your team should have just finished the third week of the project. When review what
the team has done so far, you find that they have completed 50% of the work, at a cost
of 25.000 TL. Calculate Earned Value numbers PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI, CPI. And
answer the following questions. I-The project is ahead of schedule or behind schedule?
II- The project is over budget or under budget?

4. Your current project is an 800.000 TL software development effort, with two teams of
programmers that will work for six months, at a total of 10.000 hours. According to the
project schedule, your team should be done with 38% of the work. You find that the project is
currently 40% complete. You’ve spent 50% of the budget so far. Calculate Earned Value
numbers PV, EV, SV, CV, SPI, CPI. And answer the following questions. I-The project is
ahead of schedule or behind schedule?IIB- The project is over budget or under budget?

5. You are creating your Cost Baseline. What process are you in?

A. Determine Budget
B. Control Costs
C. Estimate Costs
D. Plan Cost Management

6. You’re working on a project that has an EV of 7.000 TL and a PV of 8.000 TL. What’s
your SV?

A. -1.000 TL
B. 1000 TL
C. 0.87
D. Not enough information to tell

7. You are working on a project with a PV of 56.000 TL and SPI of 1.2. What’s the Earned
Value (EV) of your project?

A. 67.200 TL B. 46.666 TL C. -67.200 TL D. 0.72

8. You are working on a project with an SPI of 0.72 and CPI of 1.1. Which of the following
BEST describes your project?

A- Your project is ahead of schedule and under budget

B- Your project is behind schedule and over budget

C- Your project is behind schedule and under budget

D- Your project is ahead of schedule and over budget

9. Your project has a BAC of 4.522 TL and is 13% complete. What is the earned value (EV)?

A. 3.934,14 TL
B. There is not enough information to answer

C. 587,86 TL
D. 4.522 TL

10. You are managing a project laying underwater fiber optic cable. The total cost of the
project is 52 TL/meter to lay 4 km of cable across a lake. It’s scheduled to take 8 weeks to
complete, with an equal amount of cable laid in each week. It’s currently over week 5, and
your team has laid 1.800 meters of cable so far. What is the SPI of your project?

A. 1,16 B. 1,08 C. 0,92 D. 0,72 11.

If AC is greater than your EV, what does this mean?

A. The project is under budget

B- The project is over budget
C- The project is ahead of schedule
D- The project is behind schedule

12. A junior project manager is studying for her PMP exam and asks you for advice. She’s
learning about Earned Value Management and wants to know which of the variables
represents the difference between the percentage completion of a project as monetary and
what you’ve actually spent so far. What should you tell her?

A.Actual Cost (AC)

B- Cost Performance Index (CPI)

C- Earned Value (EV)

D- Cost Variance (CV)

13. What is the range of a Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate (initial value)?

A. (-5% to +10%)
B. (-25% to +75%)

C. (-50% to +50%)

D. (-100% to +200%)

14. You are managing a project with a BAC of 93.000 TL, EV of 51.840 TL, PV of 64.800
TL and AC of 43.200 TL. What is the CPI?

A. 1,5
B. 0,8
C. 1,2
D. 9.000 TL

15. You are starting to write your project charter with your project sponsor when the senior
managers ask for a time and cost estimate for the project. You have not yet gathered many of
the project details. What kind of estimate can you give?

A- Analogous Estimate
B- Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate (initial value)

C- Parametric Estimate
D- Bottom-up Estimate

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