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Module 9.


9a. Going shopping

1. Complete the sentences. Use the names of the shops in the frame.
bakery florist’s café shoe shop newsagent’s
greengrocer’s toy shop bookshop chemist’s
record shop clothes shop jeweller’s

 We buy bouquets at ________________.

 I love cakes. I buy them at _______________.
 When I need pills I go to ________________.
 I want to buy a book of sonnets by W. Shakespeare. So I need to find the
nearest ______________.
 Mummy, where can I buy a new CD of Diana Krall? – You can do it at
______________. It’s in jazz section.
2. Word search. Find 11 names of the shops.
e b o o k s h o p t n g
c a f e e f y j k l ‘s r
l k r o u t h k g m v e
o e f s t e r g v h j e
t r e c o r d s h o p n
h y a r y e t h b v d g
e n e w s a g e n t ‘s r
s s f c h e m i s t ‘s o
s a f l o r i s t ‘s u c
h o t h p g y o a e ‘s e
o u p r e d g b c k l r
p s h o e s h o p j a ‘s
List them:
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________

3. Look at the department store plan. Which shops do you usually visit when
you go shopping?
Food Childrenswear, toys, Food court, game zone
Shoes, sportswear, Menswear, ladieswear Furniture, electrical goods
4. Look at the department store in ex. 3 again and say which floor you will go
to buy:

An armchair A pair of boots

A packet of tea Clothes for your little sister
A TV Pencils
A lipstick A skirt
A tie
5. Make a list
of the shops in a street near you;
of the departments there are in your favourite department store.

6. Project.
Design the department store of your dream.
Include as many your favourite shops as you can.
Write its address, draw the plan of it and create an advertisement to attract
new buyers to your department store.

7. Complete the dialogue and act it out:

A: Can I ___________you?
B: Yes, ____________. I’m _______________ for a tie.
A: They are on the second _______________.
B: ____________you very __________.
A: You are ________________.

8. a. Listen to the speaker. Imitate the intonation and the pronunciation.

Time flies!
Stop piping the eyelike a crocodile!
Mind your eye!
Christie will fill the bill!
It isn’t cricket!
b. Match the translation.
Это нечестно!
Гляди в оба!
Кристи будет гвоздем программы!
Время летит!
Не реви!

9. Fill in the gaps with a/an, the.

 He has got ____ cat. ____ cat is on the sofa.

 She sees ____ monkey. ____ monkey is funny.
 We have got ____ house. ____ house is big.
 They see ____ flower. ____ flower is red.
 I read ____ book. ____ book is very interesting.

9b. Let’s go

1. Match the English and the Russian words/sentences.

English Russian
Look at the sign. Знак гласит …
I’m so bored! Они потрясающие!
They’re fantastic! Посмотри на знак!
Let’s take a photo! Почему бы тебе не сходить в кафе?
The sign says… Мне так скучно!
Why don’t you go to the café? Давай сфотографируем!

2. Make a list of what people must not do when they are at the department
store of your dream.
Use prompts:
 Speak loudly
 Sing
 Try the food before they pay for it
 Open the bottle of lemonade before they pay for it
 Try on clothes
 Take a photo
 Walk with the dog
 Rollerblade

3. What do these signs say?

4. Use these questions to make a poster of Maslenitsa Spring festival:
What is the name of the event?
When and where does it take place?
What time does it start?
How much does it cost?
Must visitors wear any special costumes?

9c. Don’t miss it!

1. Do these tasks:
What do government spies do?
Mime the word “disappear”.
Name at least three high-tech gadgets you know.
Give a synonym to “full of”.
Make up a sentence of your own with the word “armed with”.

2. Name 2–3 your favourite films:

Horror –
Romance –
Comedy –
Action –
Animated –

Interview your family on the same topic. Complete the chart:







Speak about your family preferences. What is the most popular film type?
Whose interests do you share? Do your parents like the same films as you do?
Write an advertisement for the film you like to make your parents interested
in it.

3. a. Look at the title of the film. What do you think it’s about? Find the
official Internet site of the film and say, who stars in the film. Do you
recognise this actor?
b. Read the film review. Which type of the film is it? Why do you think so?

Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair and an even bigger heart, has only one
passion--dancing. Her dream is to appear on "The Corny Collins Show,"
Baltimore's hippest dance party on TV. Tracy seems a natural fit for the show
except for one not-so-little problem--she doesn't fit in. Her plus-sized figure has
always set her apart from the cool crowd and her loving but overly weight mother
Edna reminds her of it.

 4. a. Read the words and translate them.

Passion, appear, hippest dance party, dream, natural, except, fit in, plus-sized
figure, set apart from, crowd, remind of.
b. напоминать о, толпа, самая крутая танцевальная вечеринка, страсть,
появляться, мечта, кроме, подходить, естественный, крупная фигура,
1. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with “the” or “-“ if necessary.

Mike: What’s on _____ TV tonight?

Lisa: There’s a comedy at 7-30, but I don’t remember ____ name of it.
M.: I’d like to watch it. You know, I love comedies. What time is ____ dinner?
L.: About 8. I don’t want to eat and watch at ____ same time.
M.: Well, we can record ____ film and watch it later tonight.
L.: Oh, sounds quite reasonable. I think we can do it!

2. Answer the questions.

 What films does Mike like to watch?
 What time does the film start?
 Can they watch the film at 7-30? Why?
 How do they solve the problem?
 Do you sometimes record the films?

3. a. Learn the dialogue by heart and act it out. Make some additions about
the film – who stars, what it is about…
b. Sit on your chairs back-to-back and act the dialogue out as if you are
talking on the phone. Make necessary changes.

 Florist’s
 Bakery
 Chemist’s
 Bookshop
 Record shop

b o o k s h o p g
c a f e r
l k e
o e t e
t r e c o r d s h o p n
h y y g
e n e w s a g e n t ‘s r
s c h e m i s t ‘s o
s f l o r i s t ‘s c
h p e
o r
p s h o e s h o p ‘s

1. bookshop
2. cafe
3. record shop
4. newsagent’s
5. chemist’s
6. florist’s
7. shoe shop
8. clothes shop
9. bakery
10. toy shop
11. greengrocer’s
4th floor
4th floor
Ground floor
2nd floor
Ground floor
1st floor
1st floor
2nd floor

A: help
B: please, looking
A: floor
B: thank, much
A: welcome

Time flies! - Время летит!
Stop piping the eyelike a crocodile! - Не реви!
Mind your eye! - Гляди в оба!
Christie will fill the bill! - Кристи будет гвоздем программы!
It isn’t cricket! - Это нечестно!

9. Fill in the gaps with a/an, the.

 A, the
 A, the
 A, the
 A, the
 A, the
9. b. Let’s go
English Russian
Look at the sign. Посмотри на знак!
I’m so bored! Мне так скучно!
They’re fantastic! Они потрясающие!
Let’s take a photo! Давай сфотографируем!
The sign says… Знак гласит …
Why don’t you go to the café? Почему бы тебе не сходить в кафе?

3. What do these signs say?

 You must not continue moving

 You mustn’t enter the shop with food, dogs or wearing roller skates
 You mustn’t smoke
 You mustn’t over speed 60 km/h

9c. Don’t miss it!

3. a. It’s a comedy, musical. John Travolta stars in the film.

b. Read the film review. Which type of the film is it? Why do you think so?

Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair and an even bigger heart, has only one
passion--dancing. Her dream is to appear on "The Corny Collins Show,"
Baltimore's hippest dance party on TV. Tracy seems a natural fit for the show
except for one not-so-little problem--she doesn't fit in. Her plus-sized figure has
always set her apart from the cool crowd and her loving but overly weight mother
Edna reminds her of it.

4. a. Read the words and translate them.

Passion страсть, appear появляться, hippest dance party самая крутая
танцевальная вечеринка, dream мечта, natural естественный, except кроме, fit
in подходить, plus-sized figure крупная фигура, set apart from отдалять, crowd
толпа, remind of напоминать о.

1. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with “the” or “-“ if necessary.

Mike: -
Lisa: the
M.: the
L.: the
M.: the

2. Answer the questions:

 comedies
 7-30
 No, they can’t. They are having dinner.
 They decide to record the film.

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