Edtpa Lesson Plan

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EdTPA Lesson Plan

*Advice Provided Below Each Item

Teacher Name: Lauren Holan Lesson Title: Using Functions
Date: Course/Subject Area: Technology
Grade Level: 9th grade
Central Focus Javascript: Using functions, draw function
- General goal of the lesson in
simple terms

Content Achievement Standard 1. Achievement Standard: Design, develop, test, and implement
- Listed in the NBEA Standards programs and applications.
Performance Expectations 1. Identify and define programming terminology.
(Level) 2. Demonstrate the ability to code using programming tools.
- Listed below each achievement
standard in the NBEA Standards
Learning Targets/Objectives 1. I can identify and define programming terminology.
- Re-write the performance
2. I can use the draw function to code.
expectation so it is student-
Academic Language Function, function definition, draw function, variable
- In reviewing the standard,
performance expectations, and
learning objectives – clarify any
words that need to be explained
(content specific or cognitive
domain/action words).
Support Student Learning Students will have access to the “IT Presentation” slidedeck on their
(Modifications) chromebooks, there they will find the definitions of the academic language and
visuals of code required for the independent practice
- What will be provided during the
instructional time to support
learning (graphic organizers, visual
aids, graphics, notes, word banks,

Resources/Materials Needed Chromebook, "IT Presentation” slides, Khan academy

- PowerPoints, textbook, e-book,
websites, interactive devices,
worksheets, technology

Lesson Segment (Time) Activity Description (Teacher Does) Activity Description (Student Does)
Anticipatory Set (3) Show students an example of an Watch the animation.
animation they will learn how to
- Engage students, connect with
prior learning, explain what make.
students will learn, explain what
students will do

Introduction of New Material (12) “IT Presentation” slides Watch slides and ask any questions
that arise
- Provide direct instruction of Introduce new language – function,
content, model new skills, explain function definition, and draw function.
new concepts and terms, formative
assessment to check for Reintroduce the term variables as
understanding students will be doing more with them
Show students the code for a function
definition, emphasis that code goes
inside the curly brackets (except for
initial variables, which stay at the top).
Present the draw function as students
first function.
Teach students how to use variable
shortcuts as a way to more easily use
the draw function.
Guided Practice (12) Demonstrate the draw function in Open Khan academy and navigate to
“Challenge: Exploding Sun” and the the animation basics chapter in the
- Facilitate student work, walk
through activities with students, variable shortcut in “Challange: Parting “Intro to JS” course. Follow along while
working together as a large group, Clouds” instructor demonstrates newly learned
or small groups with consistent content.
teacher check-in time
Independent Practice (15) Instruct students to work on “Project: Complete “Project: Shooting Star”
Shooting Star” using their new skills.
- Assign individual classwork and
homework (should reflect similar Ask any questions that arise
content and expectations used in
guided practice), teacher walk-
around to assist.

Closure/Assessment (3) If students have completed their Turn in the Shooting Star project by
project, instruct them to hit the hitting "spin-off" if completed
- Review learning objective,
summarize learning, clarify "spin-off" button to turn in.
homework assessment
Inform students that if they have not If students have not completed the
completed their project, they will project, ensure it is saved so that it
need to complete it as homework. can be completed at home.

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