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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Business Management and Accountancy

Master in Public Administration
An Outcomes-Based Learning Program


COURSE: PA 503 Semester
Public Personnel Administration 2nd SEM 2020-2021


This course will cover context, processes and challenges of human resource management including legal rights and responsibilities, job analysis,
selection, position classification, job evaluation, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and training.
Rationale: Provide depth understanding of the contexts, problems, paradoxes, processes, prospects, issues, strategies, and
challenges in public personnel administration.

Focus: Apply the techniques of public personnel administration.

Outcome: Students shall comprehend the politics, legal aspects, and policies of public personnel administration, eventually leading
to better appreciation and understanding of human resource techniques and functions in public organizations.

VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction; distinctive research, sustainable extension and production services for
improved quality of life towards nation building.

Lspu-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 0 10 August 2016

QUALITY POLICY LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research and production services. Thus, we are
committed with continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university
stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction through a dynamic and excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and

Part 2. Outcomes-Based Macro Curriculum Framework

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS)

Institutional (IILOs) Program Intended Learning Outcomes Course Intended Learning Outcomes
CMO 53, S2007
LSPU Graduate Attributes
When you have fully completed the Master in Public When you have fully completed Theories and Practices
An LSPU ( MPA) Graduate is expected to be
Administration you should be Graduates who: of Public Administration you should be able to:

1. Responsible and Upright

Citizen, who is capable of
Understand, develop and sustain arguments about, and
achieving high level personal Elaborate deep understanding of basic structure,
critically evaluate the current problems, principles, and
well-being contributive to the functions and processes of Public Administration.
concepts of the field study; most of which should be at
harmony and betterment of the

the forefront of developments in the discipline;

profession, family, society and

Demonstrate initiative, self-direction and originality in

2. Compassionate Leader, who
dealing with problems in the field (e.g., develop Establish a profound understanding of the historical
is an advocate of good
innovative teacher approaches and resources; establish foundations and evolutions of Public Administration as a
governance and quality
new teacher supervisory systems etc.) particularly in the discipline.
management for a quality life.
planning and execution of tasks in the field.

Lspu-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 0 10 August 2016

Continue to advance knowledge and skills in the field
using the established resources of advanced information Manifest critical mind in examining relevant and
3. Professionally Skilled, who
in the field. contemporary public administration/management

applies technological as worker-

Undertake more advanced and specialized training to issues.
leader in the field of expertise
develop existing skills; acquire higher level and more
apt to the global needs.
specialized competencies in the formal higher education
4. Effective Communicator, who
is proficient in the exchange of Creatively and systematically deal with complex issues
information orally and in writing
within a field, make judgments or decisions in the Express appreciation of the possibilities to be
both in English and in Filipino in
absence of complete data, and clearly communicate administrator in future.
interpreting, expressing and
one’s justification for such actions to specialist and non-
negotiating meanings in
relevant settings for lifelong specialist audiences.
Apply current knowledge in original ways to specific
5. Creative & Critical Thinker, Share resources, and feelings with team while working in
problems or contexts by undertaking research, a
who articulates and produces a team environment.
complex project or some other form of advanced
entrepreneurial resources
extended to families and

community for improvement.

6. Competent Research
Oriented Individual, who is able
to analyze facts methodically,
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the
discover and establish new
methods of inquiry in their own research or advanced Critically evaluate current research, advanced
theory to use in solving
scholarship, and how these methods are used to create scholarship, and methodologies in the field.
problems and decision making
and interpret knowledge in the field.
contributory to the
sustainability of the needs of
the community.

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Intended Learning Outcomes Course Contents Learning Activities Assessment Time Frame
(ILOs) Tasks
ILO 1: Recognize the Policies, rules Orientation of the Policies, Mission, Vison, Quality Policy, Memorization of the Week 1
and university’s regulation, and Course requirements, Grade Requirements, Vision and Mission &
Vision/Mission. Issuance of Syllabus for orientation of topics to be Quality Policy
To view public personnel discussed for the period.
administration from a variety of
perspectives. INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC PERSONNEL Seminar Type of Concept Paper

ILO 2 : develop the ability to 1. PUBLIC PERSONNEL Reflection Paper: Week 2

interact with human resource 1.1 Public Officers Seminar Type of “Should there be
a. Public Office a need to amend
professionals Presentations
b. Classification of Public Offices and Public RA 6713 - THE
PILO 2 Officers CODE OF
Cilo 1,2,3,4 c. De Facto Officers CONDUCT AND
d. Eligibility and Qualifications ETHICAL
e. Formation of Official Relation STANDARDS FOR

Lspu-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 0 10 August 2016

f. Assumption and Term or Tenure of Office PUBLIC
g. Powers and Duties of Public Officers OFFICIALS AND
1.2 EO 292 – Administrative Code of the
Philippines. Book 1, Chap. 9 – General Principles
Governing Public Officers
ILO3: comprehend the politics, 2. THE PHILIPPINE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SWOT Analysis of
legal aspects, and policies of public 2.1 EO 292 – Administrative Code of the Discussions the CSC as the Week 3
Philippines. Book v, Title I. Subtitle A
personnel administration Q/A Central Personnel
a. General Provisions
PILO 3 b. Coverage of the Civil Service Agency of the
CILO 1,2,3,4 c. Organization and Functions of the Civil GRP.
Service Commission
d. Interdepartment Relations
e. Personnel Policies and Standards
f. Right to Self-Organization
g. Discipline
h. Prohibitions
i. Leave of Absence
j. Miscellaneous Provisions

Midterm Examination

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ILO 4: analyze the crucial status of 3. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
HRM and appreciate and a. HR Research and Information Systems Oral presentations Crafting of own Week 4
b. Union/Labor Relations
understand human resource agency Strategic
c. Employee Assistance
techniques and functions in public d. Training and Development HRD Plan
organizations e. Career Development
PILO 4 f. Organization Development
g. Compensation and Benefits
CILO 1,2,3,4
h. Selection and Staffing
i. Performance Management Systems
j. HR Planning
k. Organization and Job Design

ILO 5: learn and apply the 4. THE FACTORS AFFECTING PPA Oral Presentations Find a situation Week 5
techniques of PPA 4.1 External Factors Sharing where legislation
a. National policy e.g: unemployment policy
PILO.6-CILO 3 & 6 where
b. Employment legislation e.g act and regulations
c. Changes in technology and skills required
that regulates
d. Personnel movement
public personnel
e. National economic scale / productivity
could be applied,
f. Income and compensation policy
and demonstrate
g. Employee and employer relation
the need to apply
h. Labor market
4.2 Internal Factors
a. Organizational culture/policy
b. Organizational strategic objective
c. Organizational performance

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d. Trade union policy in the organization
e. Employment planning

ILO 6: articulate the functions of 5. THE CHALLENGES OF PPA Concept Paper

PPA in terms of structure and Oral Presentations Week 6
5.1 Going global
contemporary issues Sharing
PILO 4 5.2 Embracing new technology
CILO 1,2,3,4
5.3 Managing change

5.4 Developing human capital

5.5 Responding to the market

5.6 Containing costs

Final Examination

Berman, E. et al. Human Resource management in Public service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems. 4 th Edition. Sage Publications. 2013.
Naff, Katherine C. et al. Personnel Management In Government: Politics And Process, Seventh Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2014.
EO 292 – Administrative Code of the Philippines
MATERIALS: LCD, Laptop, slide presentations, Videos


Attendance ………………………..10%
Class Participation: Report, Recitation, Paper Works

Lspu-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 0 10 August 2016

ILO 1:
ILO 2:
ILO 3: 50%
ILO 4:
ILO 5:
ILO 6:
Examination: Midterm 20%
Finals 20%
100% Total
Part 6. Course Policies
1. Regular attendance is required for all students 1 unexcused absence will mean automatically dropped from the subject.
2. Wearing of the University student’s ID at all times is required for all the students.
3. Active Participation individually and in group is expected.
4. Tardiness is equivalent to one day absence.
5. Student shall abide policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

Prepared by: Reviewed: Approved:

Mobile:09090829209 Program Coordinator Dean, CBMA
Email add: [email protected]

Lspu-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 0 10 August 2016

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