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Practical Research 2

Quarter 4 – Module 4
Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically
Collect Data

Jane Claudy Lotero

Grade 12 – Mercury

Lesson 3 Research Instrument, Validity and Reliability

What New
Activity 1. Let’s talk
1. Why is it necessary to use right tools for particular task?
-Each tool is precisely designed for a specific purpose, so choosing the correct tool will also
decrease the amount of effort required to get a job done right without causing damage to either
the equipment or the surface being worked on.
2. What will happen if research instrument are not prepared carefully?
-if research instrument are not prepared carefully it can cause an error in your research and
affects data you have gathered that's why you must carefully prepare your research instruments
because it is a tool to achieve stated objectives when carrying out a research study, There are
possibilities that the study will gone wrong and fail because research instruments is an essential
part of a study used in collecting the desired data from the participants of the study. They are
important for collecting data in all types of research methods.

Activity 2. Let’s read

Guide Question

1. What do you think must have been done to avoid the said situation?
-I think there is a lack of proper preparation. It is said that it will be a competition and there will
be judges, they should consider making the criteria for judging if they want a fair competition for
all of the students.
2. What can you say about the result of investigation?
-For me it is inappropriate, because we all know that the students put so much effort for this
event and they all need to be judged fairly and organize.
3. How will you relate the scenario to the conduct of a qualitative research study?
-In conducting a research study it is necessary to consider and identify all the information that is
relevant to topic.

Activity 2 research and evaluate the instrument

Example 1 Example 2
Title of the Research Online Class Versus Traditional Parental environmental in
Study Classes children academic motivation
Type of research Applied: survey questionnaire Applied: questionnaire interview
instrument Interview questionnaire and observation
Way of Developing the The research made their own Modifying an existing instrument
instrument research instrument

Scale Used Likert scale was being used Likert scale was being used

How the validity of the The type of validity of instrument is The type of validity of instrument
instrument was “content validity” is “ face validity”
How the reliability of the The type of reliability of instrument The type of reliability of
instrument was is “international consistency instrument is “equivalent forms
established? reliability” reliability
Source Internet:// Internet://

What I have Learned

1. Why is it important to have a good research Instrument?
-A good research instrument is one that has been validated and has proven reliability. ... It
should not have any bias in the way that data is collect and it should be clear as to how the
research instrument should be used appropriately.
2. Differentiate validity. Explain how they complement each other to make a good research
- Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. They indicate how
well a method, technique or test measures something. Reliability is about the consistency of a
measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure.

What I can do
1. The goal of your research instrument The researcher used the survey questionnaire on
collecting data to get the design information from the
2. Parts of your instrument Researcher design, input process, output process,
participant of the study researcher(scale, data
gathering procedures, Validation of instruments and
statistical treatment
3. Number of items per sub-factor: total items
Section a: Presentation of demographic data (table 1-
4); Research question 1 (1-4) ; Research question 2
(1-4) Research question 3 (1-4) Research ques. 4 (1-4)

4. Scale to be used Likert scale (SA), (A), (O), (SD)

5. How will it be validated? The design questionnaire will be submitted to the
facilitator of Halapitan National High School and it
was validated before distributing.
6. How will the reliability be established? The research used research method; The descriptive
method in order to beable to provide secure reliable,
accurate and correct information and data that are
necessary to assess the effect of online classes that
traditional classes on student academic performance.

Lesson 4 Research intervention

What’s new
How is the Research intervention conducted in this study?

-Interventional studies are often performed in laboratories and clinical studies to establish
beneficial effects of drugs or procedures

What’s more
Activity 1. Determine the Research Intervention procedure

Example 1
Research intervention conducted Examining how was the effect of the mode of
class learning of the student with online
Procedure used in control group Determining the advantages of online
learning and the disadvantage of it
Procedure used in experimental group Gathering the data under a controlled or
manipulated environment applies treatment
and manipulated

What I have Learned

1. What I know about research intervention

-Intervention research examines the effects of an intervention on an outcome of interest. The
primary purpose of intervention research is to engender a desirable outcome for individuals in
need (e.g., reduce depressive symptoms or strengthen reading skills)
2. I have learned that when describing the research intervention

-Intervention research is the systematic study of purposive change strategies. It is characterized by

both the design and development of interventions.

Lesson 5 Planning data collection Procedure

What’s new
Activity1; What’s the procedure
Looking at the flowchart of the data gathering procedure, what do you think is the research
design of the study?
I think it’s correlational since the study used a stratified random technique.
-A correlational research design measures a relationship between two variables without the
researcher controlling either of them. It aims to find out whether there is either: Positive
correlation. Both variables change in the same direction .

What’s more
Activity 2; arrange your steps

What I have learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative data is defined as the value of data in the
form of counts or numbers where each data-set has an unique numerical value
associated with it.
2. Techniques in quantitative data gathering help to identify statistical significance.
3. In planning my data gathering procedure, I need to consider while choosing the research
methodology is statistical result

What I can do
Plan your data gathering procedures
Analyze the topic you have. Determine within you need quantitative or qualitative type of
Study the guidelines that are provided for doing the paper and collection of data
Settle on a given method and determine the tool you need for your data gathering

Lesson 6 Planning data analysis

What’s more


1. Define your question
2. Set clear measurement priorities
3. Collect data
4. Analyze data
5. Interpret result

What I have learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative research and statistics that this two are
connected. Research is carried out of a need to investigate, revisit, discover or reinterpret
a concept in order to enhance understanding of it. Statistics comes into play when data
for research is collected. Read the answer for importance of data vs research idea.
2. The factors to consider before planning the data analysis of the research study are
- Define Your Questions, Set Clear Measurement Priorities, Collect Data, Analyze Data
and Interpret Results.
3. How do you know the specific statistical tests to be used in a research study?
- To determine which specific statistics tests to be used in research study. statistics test
have valid, and have sample size needs to be Large enough to approximate the True
distribution of the population being studied

lesson 7 presenting research methodology

what’s more
Self Rating

Activity 2. Lets go online

1. What are the new learning you have gained from this module in terms of skills, contect, and
attitude in identifying and stating the research problem?
- I gain more new things and explore different concepts and it helps me to enhance my learning
skills that is important to develop in this lesson
2. Over all, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain you answer
For me it is your own opinion if you are ready or not but keep it at least in yourself that being
nervous is just part of our emotions and don't think negative thoughts be positive, being positive
makes us more confident and comfortable on what we are doing (so i hope you do your best in
your report)

What I have learned

1. What are the new learning you have gained from this module in terms of skills,
content, and attitude in identifying in stating the research problem?
- your understanding should be broad as well as your observation of the things you
are studying

2. How will you improve your research writing skills in quantitative research?
- To improve your research you must work out a schedule, make an outline, conduct
your own investigation, write a thesis statement, use credible sources, provide
unbiased arguments, make the text of your paper coherent, add citations, diagrams,
or tables,
complete a profound summary, edit your paper and refine its content.


Practical Research 2
Quarter 4 – Module 5
Data Collecting, Presentation, and Analysis

Jane Claudy Lotero

Grade 12 – Mercury

What I know
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. D

Lesson 1 Data Collection Instruments

What’s more
Activity 1: Answer me!

A questionnaire to review your study habits

constructs Strong Agree Undecide Disagree Strong
agree d disagree
1 I study where there is a good lighting /
2 I study in a room where the /
temperature is cool
3 The desk where I study is always clear /
from distractions.
4 I use earplugs to minimize distracting /
5 I study facing a wall /
6 I don’t do other things while I am /
7 I prepare ahead of time all the materials /
that will need for studying
8 I avoid wasting my times on facebook , /
etc. in between my study time.
9 I review my notes after class and use it /
for review.
10 I take breaks from time to time during /

Activity 2: Write me down

1. What are you doing to make money now with Pandemic?

2. Are you just relying on government finances?
3. Where do you get the strength to overcome these trials?
4. What did you discover about yourself?
5. Will you be vaccinated against covid19?

Activity 3: quantitative or not?

1. /
2. X
3. /
4. /
5. /
6. /
7. /
8. /
9. X
10. X
11. X
12. X
13. X
14. X
15. X

Activity 4: Observe Me!

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. D

10. A

Activity 5: Try it

Activity 6: watch it

Activity 7: let’s go Online

What I have learned

Quantitative data collection is very essential in determined the exact information with the use of
numbers to quantify legit data. It is highly useful especially for me as a student for my future research
study or case study. Using this method would be beneficial to all to those who wants to gather
information and educate themselves. I learned a lot and understood everything because I’m genius. I
learned that writing recommendation is very important in making a research study so that you can
suggest regarding the best course of action in a certain situation. So you can provide a beneficial guide
that will not only resolve certain issues but result in a beneficial outcome. It is also important to make it
use a simple words for the recommendations for your readers to understand it well.

Lesson 2 Data Presentation and Interpretation

What’s new
1. How is the data presented?
-Data may be presented in(3 Methods): - Textual - Tabular or - Graphical. 5. TABULAR
PRESENTATION - Method of presenting data using the statistical table. ... LINE GRAPH – most
useful in displaying data that changes continuously over time.
2. If you be asked to present again the data. How will you arrange and label it? Use the space to
draw your presentation of the data.

5.Write 3-5 sentences explanation of the data presented.

-PRESENTATION OF DATA This refers to the organization of data into tables, graphs or charts, so that
logical and statistical conclusions can be derived from the collected measurements. ... TABULAR
PRESENTATION - Method of presenting data using the statistical table.

What’s more

Activity 1; PRESENT ME!

Activity 2: look and explain me

Graph 1line graph of covid-19 cases in the philippines since march 15-june 27, 2020


The number of new cases per week has remained stable at 2 thousand for the past three weeks
(Figure 1), with the cumulative total of over thousand cases.. However, the perntage of deaths increases
with age, and approximately 75% of deaths are in those aged 65 years and above. From the month of
March, covid 19 cases started from low cases or numbers then rises up in the month of June.

Graph 2 number of covid-19 cases in the philippines as of april 2, 2020, by gender

As of April 2,2020 there 1,603 males and 1 030 female patients who had novel coronavirus COVID-
19 in the philippines.It estimated that a maximum of one million people would lose theor jobs in the
philippines due to enhance due to community quarantine within Luzon island of the Philippines.

Graph 3: Philippines major import sources, 2016


Philippines imports from United States worth US$ 7,681 million, with a partner share of 8.94
percent. Philippines imports from Thailand worth US$ 6,726 million, with a partner share of 7.83 percent.
Philippines imports from Korea, Rep. worth US$ 5,623 million, with a partner share of 6.54 percent.

Activity 3: Use it

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