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The meaning of the acronym HRM is

A. Human Relations Management

B. Humanistic Resource Management

C. Human Resource Management

D. Human Resourceful Management


HRM is___________

A. A staff functions

B. A line function

C. A staff function, line function and accounting function

D. All of the above


_______ is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a

specific job function or activity during a specific time period.

A. Performance
B. Work function

C. Evaluation

D. None of the above

______ is the personnel activity by means of which the

enterprise determines the extent to which the employee is
performing the job effectively.

A. Job evaluation

B. Work evaluation

C. Performance evaluation

D. None of the above

a/an ______ is a plan or programmes to motivate individual

or group performance.

A. Incentive scheme

B. Promotion scheme
C. Reward

D. None of the above

A/An ______ is a vertical move in rank and responsibility.

A. Increment

B. Appraisal

C. Promotion

D. None of the above

The _________ provides the essential information on which

each job is evaluated.

A. Job ranking

B. Job enrichment

C. Job description

D. Job enlargement

A ______ is a written record of the duties, responsibilities

and conditions of the job.

A. Job ranking

B. Job enrichment

C. Job description

D. Job enlargement

The ________ programme once installed must be continued

on a permanent basis.

A. Job evaluation

B. Training & Development

C. Recruitment

D. All of the above

Union leaders at different levels & at federations are elected

on ________
A. democratic principle

B. political considerations

C. employer?s recommendation

D. seniority basis


The process of analyzing jobs from which job descriptions

are developed are called________.

A. Job analysis

B. Job evaluation

C. Job enrichment

D. Job enlargement


360-Degree Feedback enhances the quality of ________


B. Management


D. All of the above


Under ______ method, common factors to all the jobs are


A. Point

B. Merit

C. Factor comparison

D. Ranking


The best medium to reach a 'large audience for the process

of recruitment is___________

A. Casual applicants

B. Advertising
C. Employee referrals

D. Employment agencies

The most popular method of recruiting applicants to jobs


A. Radio and TV advertisement

B. Corporate website

C. Employee referral schemes

D. Commercial job boards

Using a structured interviewing technique would likely

achieve all of the following except___________

A. Increased consistency across candidates

B. Reduced subjectivity on the part of the interviewer

C. Enhanced job relatedness

D. More opportunity to explore areas as they arise during the interview

Recruiting is necessary to___________

A. forecast the supply of outside candidates

B. developing an applicant pool

C. determine whether to use inside or outside candidates

D. develop qualifications inventories

Campus Recruiting does not have the advantage


A. High Intellectual Capacity

B. Higher understanding of organization

C. High level of curiosity

D. High potential

Job Enrichment involves___________

A. Increases the amount of money employees are paid for completing an unit of work

B. Is a programme through which management seeks greater productivity from workers

C. staff is moved periodically from task to task in order to increase variety and interest

D. Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy


Moving employees from one job to another in a

predetermined way is called ___________

A. Job rotation

B. Job reengineering

C. Work mapping

D. Job enrichment

HRM is more___________ whereas Personnel Management is

slightly narrow

A. Complex
B. Detailed

C. Mechanical

D. Growth-oriented

Which of the following is not a function normally performed

by HR department?

A. Accounting

B. Recruitment and Selection

C. Pay and Reward

D. Employee Relations

HRM is

A. Employee oriented

B. Employer oriented

C. Legally oriented
D. None of the above


Scope of the HRM includes

A. Retirement and separation of employees

B. HR training and development

C. Industrial relations

D. All of the above

The objectives of HRM are categorized as

A. Personal objectives

B. Functional objectives

C. Organisational and social objectives

D. All of the above

The scope of HRM does not include

A. Retirement of employees

B. Manpower planning

C. Training of employees

D. Maintenance of accounts

In which evaluation method, the evaluator is asked to

describe the strong and weak aspects of the employee's

A. Graphic rating scale

B. Forced choice

C. Essay evaluation

D. Management by Objective

The following system combines the superior and self

evaluation systems?

A. Graphic rating scale

B. Forced choice

C. Essay evaluation

D. Management by Objective

In this technique, personnel specialists and operating

managers prepare lists of statements of very effective and
very ineffective behavior for an employee.

A. Critical incident technique

B. Forced choice

C. Essay evaluation

D. Management by Objective

The following technique(s) is based on the critical incident


A. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

B. Critical incident technique

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

Paired comparison method can be used by

A. Superiors

B. Peers

C. Subordinates

D. All of the above


The multiple-input approach to performance feedback is

sometimes called ____ degree assessment.

A. 90

B. 180

C. 270

D. 360

An incentive plan may consist of

A. Monetary

B. Nonmonetary

C. Both monetary and nonmonetary

D. None of the above

The following technique is used to evaluate an employee


A. Graphic scale rating

B. Ranking

C. Paired comparison

D. Forced distribution

The technique that have been used to evaluate an employee

in comparison with other employees
A. Ranking

B. Forced choice

C. Essay evaluation

D. Critical incident technique

The Recognition may be shown in the form of

A. A pat on the back of employee

B. Promotion

C. Assignment of more interesting tasks

D. All of the above

The purpose of Job Evaluation is to determine

A. Worth of a job in relation to other jobs

B. Time duration of a job

C. Expenses incurred to make a job

D. None of the above

Job Evaluation tries to make a systematic comparison


A. Workers

B. Jobs

C. Machines

D. Departments

Basis of Job Evaluation is

A. Job design

B. Job ranking

C. Job analysis

D. Any of the above


The important objectives of a job evaluation programme

A. Establishment of sound wage differentials between jobs.

B. Maintenance of a consistent wage policy.

C. Installation of an effective means of wage control.

D. All of the above


The following is not a job evaluation method.

A. Factor comparison method

B. Point Method

C. Ranking method

D. Assessment method


In which of the following methods Jobs can be arranged

according to the relative difficulty in performing them.

A. Ranking method
B. Point method

C. Factor comparison method

D. Classification method

Job Evaluation is carried on by

A. Groups

B. Individuals

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

The Ranking method is best suited for

A. Complex organizations

B. Large organizations

C. Small organizations
D. Any of the above

Point method is suitable for

A. Small size organization

B. Mid size organization

C. Large organization

D. Both (B) and (C)

In Factor Comparison method, each factor is ascribed a

A. Money value

B. Ranking

C. Scale

D. None of the above

The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the
job is

A. Job performance

B. Job evaluation

C. Job description

D. None of the above

The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of

candidates in line with the human resources plan

A. Development

B. Training

C. Recruitment

D. All of the above

Majority of the disputes in industries is (are) related to the

problem of
A. Wages

B. Salaries

C. Benefits

D. All of the above

In an organisation initiating career planning, the career path

model would essentially form the basis for

A. Placement

B. Transfer

C. Rotation

D. All of the above

The process which is continuous and stops only when the

organisation ceases to exist

A. Training
B. Job evaluation

C. Hiring

D. All of the above


The following factor would be relatively low if supply of

labour is higher than demand.

A. production

B. labour cost

C. wage

D. all of the above


The following system is simple, less expensive and less time


A. Paired comparison

B. Confidential report system

C. Ranking

D. Checklist method


Which pay is one of the most crucial pay given to the

employee & also shown in the pay structure?

A. Performance

B. Strategic

C. Bonus

D. Commission

Recruitment is widely viewed as a

A. Positive process

B. Negative process

C. Positive as well as negative process

D. None of the above processes


Recruitment policy usually highlights need for establishing

A. Job specification

B. Job analysis

C. Job description

D. None of the above


A job specification is one of the areas of

A. Job analysis

B. Job design

C. Job description

D. Job summary

HRM is considered as

A. A reactive function
B. A proactive function

C. An auxiliary function

D. An auto-reactive function

A job design is

A. The design involving maximum acceptable job design qualities to perform a job

B. The division of total task to be performed into manageable and efficient units

C. A systematic way of designing and determination of the worth of a job

D. None of the above


According to Edwin Flippo, the first and immediate product

of job analysis is

A. The job description

B. The job design

C. The job production

D. The job specification

E-recruiting methods include

A. Internet job boards

B. Career websites

C. Employer websites

D. All of the above


When an interviewer prepares a list of questions in advance

and asks those question to the candidate to obtain the
information from him; it is called

A. A structured interview

B. A well-organized interview

C. A systematic type interview

D. None of the above

Job identification is one of the components of

A. Job specification

B. Job design

C. Job description

D. Job evaluation

Systematic and orderly process of determining the worth of a

job in relation to other jobs is

A. Worth job specification

B. Job description

C. Job evaluation

D. Job identification

The process of choosing individuals who have re1evant

qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings is

A. Screening process
B. Selection process

C. Interview process

D. Pre-screening process


What is meant by the term 'management by objectives'?

A. A. System of giving the authority to carry out certain jobs by those lower down the management

B. The system of management that is based on bringing together experts into a team

C. The setting of objectives to bring about the achievement of the corporate goals

D. The control of the Organisation by those in the 'head office'


The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around

A. Machine

B. Motivation

C. Money
D. Men


Human Resource Management aims to maximize employees

as well as Organizational

A. Effectiveness

B. Economy

C. efficiency

D. Performativity


HR's basic challenges in formulating strategies include(s):

A. Need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts.

B. Employees not play any role in performance improvement efforts

C. Not being involved in designing the company's strategic plan

D. Management agenda's

Tests that measure traits, temperament, or disposition are
examples of

A. Manual dexterity tests

B. Personality tests

C. Intelligence tests

D. Work sample tests

Which of the following is NOT a goal of HRM?

A. Integration of HRM with the corporate strategy of the Organization

B. Producing the desired human behavior that helps to achieve Organisations goals

C. Creation of a flexible environment that can easily adopt change

D. To endure proper delivery of products


HRP stands for

A. Human resource project

B. Human resource planning

C. Human recruitment planning

D. Human recruitment procedure

Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned to a job

is called

A. Job rotation

B. Job enlargement

C. Job enrichment

D. (a) and (c)

The first step in the human resource planning process is

A. Preparing a job analysis

B. Forecasting future human resource needs

C. Assessing future demand

D. Assessing future supply

The process of grouping of similar types of works together is

known as

A. Job classification

B. Job design

C. Job evaluation

D. Job description

Mr. 'A' must decide what positions the firm should fill in the
next six months. What activity is Mr. 'A' working on?

A. Recruitment

B. Selection

C. Personnel planning

D. Interviewing

When planning for employment requirements, what must be

A. Sales desired

B. Production Scheduled

C. Inventory

D. Personnel needs

Which of the following emerged when individuals realised

the strength they could gain by joining together to negotiate
with employers?

A. Trade Unions

B. Human Relation movement

C. Employment Legislations

D. Employee relationship Management

How often HR planning process is implemented within an

A. Continuously

B. Annually

C. Bi-annually

D. Quarterly


Why Organisations provide, attractive salaries, fringe

benefits, career development opportunities:

A. To retain valuable human resources

B. To be the market leader in the future

C. To attract more and more people

D. To enforce government regulations

A practice used by different companies to reduce costs by

transferring portions of work to outside provider rather than
completing it internally is termed as:

A. Planning
B. Decentralization

C. Restructuring

D. Outsourcing

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