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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
.$035(7 µ7$'32/( 96 0,&52%$76¶ 21 7:,77(5

Ahmad Fadly
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Cirendeu, Ciputat,
Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
[email protected]

Accepted: 2020-01-16 , Approved: 2020-01-25 , Published: 2020-01-31


As an interactive social media, Twitter gives significat role in creating social systems.
Evaluative language was intensively used on the social media. The Cebong vs Kampret
issue coloured on Twitter and polarized people. By using data Tweet and Reply from
Twitter during 2019 this researcher investigates evaluative language. This research
results that Twitter community were very emotionally force and defense on the Cebong
vs Kampret issue, depicted from many evaluative languages classified into subsystem
attitude. Subsystem graduation was also intensively used in accordance to that issue. It
means that Twitter community emphasized on semantic scale in evaluating things and

Keywords: evaluative language; discourse; appraisal; Twitter

INTRODUCTION grammatical structure used. Language

Language has a role in building social evaluation also reflects the behavior of

systems. Language is not limited to its users. This behavior has the potential

expressing objective reality, but to influence other language users to

becomes a medium of evaluation of an form a social system (McGue &

object, even an action. Evaluation is in Bouchard, 1998).

the form of an assessment that is The social system is formed not

subjective and influences the randomly, but can be demanded from

perspective of others. In addition, human behavior, including in language.

evaluation is reflected through the Therefore, human behavior can be

choice of linguistic units and the predicted (Gunarwan, 2007; Hofstede,

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
2001). As a language producer, the issues coloring the mass media every

human brain can be likened to a day. The community evaluates various

program (mental program) that issues in various ways. Not infrequently

determines the form of human behavior there is controversy on social media

in different situations. Mental is about certain issues that affect the

classified into three types, namely collective memory of readers. Even so,

individual, collective and universal the increasing number of social

mental. Individual mentality is behavior channels to express these ideas has the

that is passed down through family- potential to cause more and more

specific genes so that a person has ignorance of language wisdom. This is

behavioral characteristics that are based on similar conditions after 1998

different from those of other family when there was a growing mass media

members. Meanwhile, collective in the public sphere. Since post-

mentality results from the environment reformation, the use of language in the

in which a person is born and raised. mass media has increasingly shown its

The universal mental is the natural lack of wisdom (Rahyono, Sutanto,

human behavior that is generally Rachmat, & Puspitorini, 2005). Mass

owned, such as crying and laughing. media is often a reference, even a

Language behavior that is "weapon" to strengthen the

classified as a collective mental is very argumentation on social media. The

closely related to the formation of the social media that is most often the

social system. The rise of mass media "arena of battle" between community

and social media makes human members is Twitter. As an interactive

interaction very intensive. Various social media platform, Twitter provides

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
hashtags for dialogue and debate certain budge or avoid. Different conditions

issues with other users (Tremayne, with Twitter media. With features that

2014). The existence of hashtags has make it possible for users to create fake

caused debate to focus on a particular accounts, Indonesian people freely

issue, makes it easy for users to engage launch their "attacks" at others by

in debate, and can take place hiding behind their fake identities.

intensively. As such, debates on the In debates, language

Twitter media often involve users who evaluation can reflect the attitudes and

don't know each other. behavior of the people involved in it.

Indonesian people are Through this evaluation also reflected

generally not accustomed to debating the prevailing social system or

directly. Although television media background. What the attitude of

often airs debates or pro and contra Twitter users in evaluating discourse of

discourses, the community is limited to Cebong vs Kampret in social media

acting as a spectator and seeking Twitter could be reflected through

canalization in other media, which is evaluative language.

not direct. Avoiding conflict directly The term evaluation is

may still be embedded in the collective interpreted as an evaluation framework

memory of the Indonesian people. In for analyzing language expressions

interactions involving large numbers of from the opinions of speakers / writers

people such as on trains or public (Bednarek, 2006). Evaluation can relate

transportation, for example, direct to the assessment of entities or

debate is rarely found related to current propositions such as good / bad news,

issues. At least one of them tends to important / unimportant, comprehensive

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
/ non-comprehensive, possible / as offered by Halliday, has been studied

impossible, sincere / deceitful, expected by several researchers. In 2005, Hyland

/ unexpected, and others. Meanwhile, and Tse identfied that there was a

Thompson and Hunston define phenomenon that said in scientific

evaluation as a term to see the attitude articles, especially abstract sections. By

of the expression of the speaker or using data that were consisted of 240

writer, his tendencies, point of view, or research articles from 8 fields of

feelings about the entity or proposition science, they found that the word that

he is talking about (Thompson & appears once every five sentences and is

Hunston, 2003). The discussion of important in providing author space for

evaluative language is important comment or evaluation (Hyland & Tse,

because it functions as a tool to interpret 2005). Few years later, Asher,

the world and provide evaluations of Benamara and Mathieu (2009) utilize

others that include their behavior the appraisal system as an evaluation of

(Bednarek, 2006). language to analyze opinions. They

Given that during 2019 there identified that opinions, as expressed in

was an intense debate on Twitter, daily life, are difficult to analyze

evaluative language allowed it to be precisely because they have many sides.

reflected therein. The focus of this So far sentiment analysis has been

research study is appraisal with three examined using two approaches:

subsystems: attitude, engagement and psychological and computational. But

graduation. for them, the Natural Language

Appraisal as a framework Processing (NLP) system is able to

developed from interpersonal meaning, reach beyond the expression of positive

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
and negative sentiments, even reaching categorizing emotional expressions

a broader scope, including motivation, using a four-level typology, namely

recommendations and speculation, as reporting expressions, expressions of

well as how they are all related in a judgment, expressions of advice, and

discourse. They use opinion analysis expressions of sentiment. Besides that,

based on lexical semantic analysis the interrelated rhetorical web of their

combined with analysis of how clauses concerns. Moreover, when other studies

combine with one another. The data only rely on annotations on a single

they use are three types of online corpus, while they involve two

corporations with different styles and languages, namely English and French.

audiences: film reviews, letters to Nevertheless, the large variety of data

editors, and news reports in English and causes the analysis of opinion not to

French. The result is an evaluation of focus on a particular issue.

their annotations showing the validity of In 2009, Bednarek developed

the opinion categorization they offer. In one of the appraisal subsystems:

addition, referring to the structure and attitude. She based her research on the

logic of the discourse, opinions found "challenges" of Martin and White

are contradictory and supportive. By (2005) which provided space for the

including reporting expressions, they development of "feeling maps" in the

are able to differentiate between the attitude subsystem by expressing them

opinions of agents in the text and the as a hypothesis. She develops emotions

opinions of the authors (Asher, (affect) into two more subsystems,

Benamara, & Mathieu, 2009). The namely overt affect and covert affect

research offers a novelty that lies in (Bednarek, 2009). The development

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
was very positive in adding to the In 2017 Mayo and Taboada

appraisal study, but not exploiting reviewed the Cosmopolitan women's

corpus linguistics in his research magazine using appraisal theory. Since

reduced the level of objectivity. November 2014, Cosmopolitan

Meanwhile, in 2011 Gales examined the magazine decided to include politics in

threat discourse using appraisal theory. its content with the aim of increasing

He thinks that the discourse of threats is reader participation in voting (to vote)

related to anger, defamation, and in elections and seeking advocacy for

authoritative meaning. Certain women's rights in the electoral process.

ideologies can be linked to violence On that basis, they sought to reveal the

when there is an attempt to command writer's attitude, both the content on

with linguistic forms that reinforce the Cosmovotes's page and the readers'

threatening role. The data he uses is the response. The data used is the

linguistic corpus of The Army of God. Cosmovotes page along with the

As a result, the Army of God threat response of its readers. As a result, there

marked stance in several ways, namely is a difference between the editor's

epistemic stance, threatening attitude position and the reader's response and

stance, and repetition (Gales, 2011). His the role of the verbal process in his

research contributed to revealing the expression. Cosmopolitan has special

stance of The Army of God that has the characteristics such as the superiority of

potential to cause violence, but the intensifying reader opinions and strong

ideology at issue at the beginning of his negative judgments, while political

research was not completely answered. issues are less "contentious" and not

intensive (Aloy Mayo & Taboada,

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
2017). Their research is useful for using the UAM Corpus Tool and

uncovering the gap in views between showed a significant difference between

Cosmovotes content writers and their the two corporations using one-taile t-

readers' responses. Even so, disclosure test (Xu & Nesi, 2019). The research is

of the background of the study still interesting because it uses the UAS

contained non-alignment (Cosmopolitan Corpus Tool software so that it ensures

Magazine with its website a more valid analysis. However, the

development) to determine the selection influence of original culture on the

of data. authors of scientific articles has not yet

Recent research was been proven.

conducted by Xu and Nesi (2019) who Those researches are

examined the engagement subsystem. commonly related to one-way

They considered that the publication of communication. Spesifically on cebong

research results was influenced by the vs kampret issue, there are researches

cultural background of the author and (Fensi, 2019; Hamid, Darwis, &

the expectations of his local Andriyani, 2018). However, both of

community. For this reason, they them did not operate appraisal so the

investigated the subsystems of evaluative language could not be

engagement in English-language captured. For that, this research used

scientific articles written by Chinese Twitter as data source and operated

writers and compared them with appraisal system to capture how its

English authors. As a result, the users behave through language.

frequency of heteroglossia and

monoglossia markers was calculated

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
METHOD and then the debate takes place in the

This research uses a qualitative reply column. The twit and reply are

approach. Observing and recording used as data by the researchers.

method is used to observe the discourse Based on the data collected,

"cebong vs NDPSUHW´ who are the pros there were 65 Twit and 1044 replies on

and cons in Twitter media during 2019. the issue of cebong vs kampret. In

After that, researchers record the analyzing data, this researcher uses an

linguistic data on Twitter by typing on appraisal framework divided into 3

search feature with the keyword subsystems: attitude, engagement and

"cebong vs kampret" and then copying graduation. Attitude subsystems are

to Microsoft Word form and saving. categorized into three groups, namely

This researcher limits the time span of affect, assessment, and appreciation.

linguistic data available on Twitter from Meanwhile, engagement is grouped into

January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. heteroglos (the use of "voices" of

The cebong vs kampret issue others) and monoglos (the use of

represents supporters of the 2019 "voices" of the authors themselves). In

presidential candidate serial number 01 addition, engagement is divided into

and serial number 02. The issue, which four types, namely denying, stating,

is intensively debated on Twitter, has accepting, and referring. The graduation

caused Indonesian society to be is divided into two types, namely force

polarized. The impact, various aspects and focus.

of life are associated with political

affiliation. The debate over the four

issues is generally triggered by a Twit

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION were categorized and analyzed into

In evaluating an issue, Twitter users are three subsystems: attitude, engagement

very emotional when responding to the and graduation.

analogy of the animal being, which is Attitude

associated with the idolized figure. The Attitide is divided into three types:

analogy, for example Cebong vs affect, appreciation and judgment.

Kampret which is referred to the Affect functions as feeling or emotions

presidential candidate pair number 01 like interested and satisfied.

and presidential candidate pair number Appreciation is valuing things like

02. In 2019, the analogy of the Cebong important and complex, while judgment

vs Kampret is very intensively evaluates people or their behavior like

discussed, even debated on Twitter. honest and courageous.

There were 65 Twit and 1044 replies Based on the type of affect, it could be

debated on that issue during 2019. The seen in the following data.

data that consist of tweets and replies

T4: Nyaksiin keributan antara Cebong VS Kampret mah ud biasa. Yang luar
biasa itu nyaksiin keributan antara Kampret VS Kampret. Gw amat sangat
menikmati keributan itu µ:itness the commotion between Cebong VS
Kampret is an ordinary thing. What was amazing was witnessing the
commotion between Kampret VS Kampret. I'm so enjoying to see this
The writer of the tweet has a feeling of Judging from his attitude, the writer

enjoying the shuffle of kampret vs feels pleasure when particular group is

kampret. This attitude shows that there noisy. This also indicates that the writer

are people who want a commotion is affiliated with the cebong group.

between two society groups, although

not between the cebong vs kampret.

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Based on appreciation, seen in the following data.

T5: Cebong vs Kampret: Polarisasi politik setelah Pemilu 2019 akan semakin
tajam akibat akumulasi strategi kampanye kedua kubu sejak 2014 µ&HERQJ YV
Kampret: Political polarization after the 2019 elections will be sharper, due to
the accumulation of campaign strategies of the two camps siQFH ¶

The author of the tweet evaluates an exclusively, the tweet also contains

object (polarization) as something that another subsystem: graduation.

has a sharper impact. As it is known

that the subsystem in the appraisal is not

Meanwhile in terms of judgment, the following data appears.

RP6: terus gak mau kalah padahal salah mungkin didikan kadrun µcontinue to
not want to lose even thouJK RQH PLJKW HGXFDWH NDGUXQ¶ .DGUXQ LV WKH
acronym of kadal gurun (desert lizard).
The judging of right and wrong (mungkin) which indicate the writer's

judgment in the reply shows the attitude uncertainty about his attitude.

of the writer who evaluates the person. Engagement

However, the judgment is not based on Engagement related to stand poin of the

certain norms prevailing in society. This writer in evaluating things or person.

is also followed by possible hedges Based on data, it was shown below.

T3: Abis lebaran gak ada lagi cebong vs kampret Nyang ada: pejuang vs
penghianat! Mukminin vs Munafikun µ$IWHU /HEDUDQ WKHUH LV QR ORQJHU FHERQJ


This twit provides news links from Graduation related to choice on

online mass media. This is used by the meaning-scale to express graduation

writer to strengthen his opinion. value. This subsystem that was depicted

Graduation in data could be seen below.

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
T9: Beda wajah cebong vs kampret pasca pilpres. Cebong ceria, bahagia,
saling mendukung, follower nambah drastic, makin pinter dan bijaksana.
Kampret muka kusut, wajah seram, senang memaki, saling cakar2an sesama
kampret, nyari follower pake promo segala. Hidupnya makin susah. µDifferent
face of Cebong VS Kampret after the presidential election. Cebong is cheerful,
happy, supporting each other, follower added dramatically, more intelligent and
wise. Kampret Face tangled, spooky face, happy cursing, mutilating fellow
kampret, looking for followers using all promos. His life is getting harder and

That tweet was replied by another writer with response below:

RP9: Menyelamatkan bangsa dari kaum monster sebuah karunia Tuhan yang
tak terhingga µSaving the nation from the monsters is DQ LQILQLWH JLIW RI *RG¶

In the tweet the writer was audited by CONCLUSION

comparing the condition of the Cebong Based on findings and discussion, it can

(as an analogy from supporters of be concluded that Twitter users tend to

Presidential Candidate 01) and Kampret evaluate cebong vs kampret

(as an analogy from supporters of emotionally. Even if the presidential

Presidential Candidates 02) in binary election result has been announced, the

terms. The evaluation uses the choice of debate on cebong vs kampret has been

smooth lexis on one side, and uses the lasting. By operating appraisal system,

choice of rough lexis on the other side. it was depicted that subsystem attitude

On the other hand, another Tweeter user and graduation intensively used by

responded with an agreed evaluation. In writer. It shows that related to idolized

fact, he uses a more coarsely lexis, person, Twitter users prioritize

namely monsters. Debate whose topic is emotions or feeling than logical. On the

idolized causes Twitter users to be other hand, they emphasized the

easily provoked into emotions. evaluation on semantic scale that

commonly consist of adjective words.

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 19 Nomor 1 Januari 2020
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2020

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