Ecosystem Management - Forests

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Why preserve forests and plant trees?

Carbon Storage and Oxygen - CO2 Cycle Prevent Land Degradation Preserve Habitats and Sustain
Ecosystem Services
Sunlight Forests prevent the loss Many animal species
Water of fertile topsoil and and human
helps retain moisture. communities
Oxygen Tree roots hold soil depend on
together and prevent forests for

erosion. survival.

other services: Food • Fuel • Air purification • Recreation • Spirituality • Protection of Watersheds • Conservation of Gene-Pools • Plant Pollination

How has global forest cover changed over time?

Current Forest
Cover (2000)
Forest is defined as having greater
than 30% tree cover, except for
sparse trees and parklands, where
forest cover must be between 10
and 30%.

Original Forest Cover

Estimated forest cover between the

end of the last glacial period and
the rise of humans (about 10 000
years ago). Currently of land on earth is covered by forest
Source: UNEP GEO Data Portal, compiled from UNEP-WCMC Source: UNEP GEO Data Portal, compiled from FAO/FRA, 2005

Which countries have the greatest area of What are some of the threats to forests?
sustainably-managed forest? Legal and Illegal Logging • Conflicts • Natural Hazards
Countries with the highest % of FSC*-certified forests (2005)
0% 100%
Climate Change • Pollution • Conversion to Agricultural
Liechtenstein 7 thousand hectares total forest area Land • Urban Development • Fire • Diseases & Insects
Croatia 2 135
Poland 9 192 How are forests managed sustainably?
Ireland 669 Some basic principles of FSC sustainable forestry certification:
Latvia 2 941 Comply with all international laws.
UK 2 846 Respect the rights of indigenous peoples.
Lithuania 2 099 Respect workers’ rights and support local communities.
Estonia 2 284 Share benefits from use of the forest.
Reduce the environmental impact of logging, and maintain
the ecological functions of the forest.
Countries with the most forest area (2005)
Regularly assess the condition of the forest and impacts of
Million Hectares % FSC
of Forest Accredited
environmental and social management plans.
Russian Federation 809 0.6 Wood cannot be a renewable resource unless forests
Brazil 478 0.7 are managed sustainably.
Canada 310 2.5
United States of America 303 2.5 Look for an eco-label on products to make sure you are purchasing wood
China 197 0.2 and paper products from sustainably managed forests. For example, the
(*) Forest Stewardship Council is a major, accredited certification body.
Australia 164 0.3
Source: UNEP GEO Data Portal, compiled from FSC Produced by UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Europe, July 2009

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