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2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. A
31. C
32. D
33. D
34. B
35. D
36. B
37. C
38. A
39. C
40. B
41. D
42. D
43. D
44. D
45. D
46. B
47. B
48. C
49. C
50. A
51. D
52. B
53. B
54. B
55. C
56. D
57. D
58. A
59. B
60. D

1) On his last night in Manila, Rizal rode about the city and its suburbs. He was accompanied by
A. Uncle Antonio Rivera
B. Paciano
C. Soledad
D. Both Uncle Antonio Rivera and Paciano
2) When did Rizal left for Spain to complete his university studies and improved his knowledge of
arts & sciences and his God-given talents?
A. May 3, 1880
B. May 3, 1881
C. May 3, 1882
D. May 3, 1883
3) Rizal's departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the colonial officers and friars,
but the following below knew that Jose was leaving EXCEPT
A. His parents
B. His sisters
C. Uncle Antonio Rivera
D. Paciano
4) In Singapore, Rizal boarded this French steamer named __________, which was sailing to Europe.
A. Belvic
B. Salvadora
C. Hayfong
D. Djemnah
5) In the steamer bound to Europe, Jose tried to speak French with some passengers but to his
surprise the bookish French which he learned from Ateneo couldn't be understood. Jose tried to do
the following EXCEPT
A. Speak it with Latin and Spanish words
B. Aid it with much gesticulation
C. Aid it with frequent sketching on paper
D. Speak it with German and Greek
6) Where did Rizal Rizal hear mass at the sunrise of his embarkation date to Madrid, Spain?
A. Sto. Domingo Church
B. San Agustin church
C. Manila Cathedral
D. San Francisco Church
7) On June 2, 1882, Rizal arrived at the city of ___________ ( Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal),
whose beautiful moonlight of this picturesque city reminded him of his family and Calamba.
A. Colombo
B. Singapore
C. Aden
D. Suez
8) Rizal landed this place to see the interesting spots of ____________, the Mediterranean terminal
of Suez Canal, where he heard the multi-racial residents speaking a babel of tongues - Arabic,
French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Egyptian, etc.
A. Point de Galle
B. Port Said
C. Colombo
D. Aden
9) In his two-day sojourn in the English colony of Singapore, what did Rizal particularly admire?
A. Their languages and culture they spoke
B. Their customs and traditions that were somewhat alike to the Filipinos
C. The confidence which natives of Singapore seemed to have in their government
D. Their discipline and strict compliance of imposed laws
10) The editor of Diariong Tagalog who congratulated Rizal for the article and requested him for
some articles
A. Marcelo H. del Pilar
B. Juan Luna
C. Francisco Calvo
D. Antonio Luna
11) The article that Rizal wrote in Diariong Tagalog urging his compatriots to love their fatherland
just like his prize-winning A La Juventud Filipina
A. Los Viajes
B. Felicitacion
C. Amor Patrio
D. Revista de Madrid
12) The article that Rizal wrote in Madrid on November 29, 1882 which was returned to him because
the Diariong Tagalog ceased publication.
A. Los Viajes
B. Felicitacion
C. Amor Patrio
D. Revista de Madrid
13) Rizal visited _____ (in Marseilles) where Dantes (hero of the Count of Monte Cristo) was
A. Tower of babel
B. Chateau d' If
C. Hanging Garden of Babylon
D. Point de Galle
14) Naples: Italy; Marseilles: France; Port-Bou:_____
A. Spain
B. Germany
C. Japan
D. Singapore
15) Filipinos in Barcelona, some of whom were Rizal's school mate in Ateneo gave him party at their
favorite cafe in _____.
A. Hotel de Paz
B. Plaza de Cataluna
C. Las Ramblas
D. Port-Bou
16) While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received a sad news about the ______ that was ravaging
Manila and provinces causing Calamba folks to have afternoon novenas to San Roque and nocturnal
processions and prayers to stop dreadful epidemic, which Spanish authorities were impotent to check.
What was the disease?
A. Dengue
B. Malaria
C. Typhoid fever
D. Cholera
17) On November 3, 1882, Rizal enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of
Madrid) in two courses aside from his studies in painting and sculpture in Academy of San Carlos,
lessons in French, German and and English under a private instructor, and practice in fencing and
shooting in the Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. What was the 2 courses that he matriculated in
Universidad Central de Madrid?
A. Philosophy and Letters & Medicine
B. Philosophy and Latin & Medicine
C. Philosophy and Latin & Diploma in Surveying
D. Ophthalmology and Philosophy
18) Rizal invested his three pesetas (peseta is the currency of Spain between 1869 and 2002) on
A. A lottery ticket
B. Wine
C. Food
D. Books
19) The historic waterway Suez Canal, which was traversed by Rizal for 5 days, was constructed by
the famous Frenchman named __________.
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Ferdinand de Lesseps
C. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
D. Juan de Salcedo
20) A liberal-minded Spaniard and Civil Governor of Manila (during General Carlos Ma. de la
Torre's administration) whom Rizal used to visit the home of every Saturday evening because the
hero was far away and lonely in Madrid. He and other Filipino students played parlor games with his
2 daughters.
A. Guillermo Puatu
B. Francisco Calvo Muñoz
C. Ramon Blanco
D. Don Pablo Ortega y Rey
21) On August 22, 1883, Rizal wrote a lovely poem entitled A la Senorita C.O. y R. Who was he
dedicating the poem to?
A. Leonor Rivera
B. Pilar
C. Consuelo
D. Concepcion
E. None of the above
22) Shortly after Rizal's arrival in Madrid, he joined the Society of Spaniards and Filipinos, in which
the members of the society requested him so he wrote a poem entitled Me Piden Versos(They Asked
Me for Verses). What's the name of the organization?
A. Circulo Hispano-Filipino
B. El Consuejo de los Dioses
C. Liceo Artistico-Literario
D. Marian Congregation
23) Rizal as lover of books was able to build up a fair-sized private library. His collection of books,
to name a few, were The Bible, Hebrew Grammar, Lives of Presidents of the United States from
Washington to Johnson, History of the French Revolution, Ancient Poetry, The Byzantine Empire,
The Characters of La Bruyere, The Renaissance, Uncle Tom's Cabby Harriet Beecher Stowe, Works
of Alexander Dumas, and so on. Whos is the owner of the second-hand book store where Rizal
purchased books from?
A. Señor Roses
B. Francisco Calvo Muñoz
C. Juan de Salcedo
D. Jose M. Cecicilio
24) In 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia and his Masonic name is Dimasalang. His
reasons why he became a Mason: (1) the abusive bad friars in the Philippines and he needed the help
of the Masons as shield to use in his fight against evil forces of tyranny. On November 15, 1890, he
became a Master Mason in ______.
A. La Liga Filipina
B. Lodge Solidaridad
C. Circulo Hispano-Filipino
D. Propaganda Movement
25) At the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1884, joined by many painters in Europe in
that art competition, Luna won first prize (gold medal) for his _____.
A. Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace
B. Spolarium
C. Felicitacion
D. Uncle Tom's Cabin
26) Rizal graduated a degree of Licentiate in Medicine in June 1884 at Universidad Central de
Madrid as well as a degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters in such school with the rating of
A. Aprobado (passing grade)
B. Bueno (good)
C. Notable (very good)
D. Sobrasaliente (excellent)
27) After Rizal completed his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to
specialize in ___________.
A. Optometry
B. Philosophy and Letters
C. Ophthalmology
D. Philosophy and Latin
28) After completing his studies at Universidad Central de Madrid, on his way to Paris for further
study in Ophthalmology, he stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend named ___________, a medical
student and a member of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.
A. Don Miguel Morayta
B. Señor Eusebio Corominas
C. Paz Pardo de Tavera
D. Maximo Viola
29) During his week-stay in Paris, Rizal befriended _________ the editor of La Publicidad.
A. Don Miguel Morayta
B. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
C. Paz Pardo de Tavera
D. Señor Eusebio Corominas
30) Owner of La Publicidad and statesman whom Rizal made a crayon sketch when Rizal went to
Paris visiting Maximo Viola.
A. Don Miguel Morayta
B. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
C. Dr. Louis de Weckert
D. Señor Eusebio Corominas
31) In October 1885, Rizal living in Paris, where he sojourned for about 4 months, worked as an
assistant to ___, leading French ophthalmogist.
A. Felix Pardo de Tavera
B. Dr. Javier Galezowsky
C. Dr. Louis de Weckert
D. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
32) Rizal discussed with Luna, the great master of brush, by posing as model in several painting. In
Luna's canvas "The Death of Cleopatra posing as a/an _____.. Rizal discussed with Luna, the great
master of brush, by posing as model in several painting. In Luna's canvas "The Death of Cleopatra"
posing as a/an _____.
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Lapu-Lapu
C. Dagohoy
D. Egyptian priest
33) In another Luna's great painting "The Blood Compact" Rizal posed as ______ while Dr. Trinidad
Pardo de Tavera posed as Legazpi
A. Spanish priest
B. Lapu-Lapu
C. Dagohoy
D. Sikatuna
E. Egyptian priest
34) In Heidelberg, Rizal worked in the clinic of __________, famous Polish ophthalmologist
A. Felix Pardo de Tavera
B. Dr. Javier Galezowsky
C. Dr. Louis de Weckert
D. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
35) The Austrian professor, Director of Ateneo of Leitmeritz, whom Rizal had had long and frequent
correspondence as their beautiful friendship lasted all their lives.
A. Dr. Javier Galezowsky
B. Dr. Louis de Weckert
C. Jose Alejandrino
D. Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt
36) Rizal sent two books entitled "Arithmetica" written in Spanish and Tagalog by University of
Santo Tomas Press in 1868. The author was __________, a native of Santa Cruz, Laguna.
A. Felix Pardo de Tavera
B. Rufino Baltazar Hernandez
C. Jose Alejandrino
D. Marcelo H. del Pilar
37) Rizal stayed in Leipzig from August 14, 1886-October 29, 1886, he translated Schiller's
___________ from German to Tagalog so that Filipinos might know the story of Swiss
A. Fairy Tales
B. Travels in the Philippines
C. William Tell
D. The Count of Monte Cristo
38) In Berlin Rizal was enchanted because of the scientifice atmosphere and the absence of racial
prejudice. And he came in contact with the German scientist-traveler named ___________, who was
the author of Travelers in the Philippines which Rizal read and admired for such author foretell the
downfall of the Spanish rule and the coming of Americans to the Phillippine shore.
A. Dr. Feodor Jagor
B. Alexander Dumas
C. Hans Andersen
D. Beecher Stowe
39) Rizal lived in Berlin not just as mere student or a curious tourist, but for the following reasons
i.) to gain further knowledge of opthalmology and sciences & languages
ii.) to observe the conditions of the German nation and associate with the German scientists and
iii) to finish his novel El Filibusterismo
A. I only
B. Ii only
C. Iii only
D. I and ii
40) The winter of 1886 was his darkest winter in Berlin for the following reasons EXCEPT:
i.) He ate only one meal a day consisted of bread and water or some cheap
vegetable soup
ii.) The diamond ring from Saturnina got lost
iii.) He had no money arrived from Calamba and could not pay for his landlord
A. I only
B. Ii only
C. Iii only
D. I and ii
41) How much did Rizal owed to Maximo Viola so that the novel Noli Me Tangere could be printed?
A. P100.00
B. P150.00
C. P200.00
D. P300.00
42) In Rizal's Europe tour, he (together with Viola) visited such because of the following reasons:
i) to further study opthalmology and sciences & anguages
ii) Rizal was interested in botany to study numerous varieties of extraordinary beauty and size
iii) to visit Dr. Adolph B. Meyer
A. i only
B. ii only
C. iii only
D. ii and iii
43) In Leitmeritz, when Rizal and Viola was visiting Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt who was
amazed by Rizal's fluency in German language that Rizal was asked how long did he study German.
Then Rizal answered eleven months.
A. Alcalde mayor
B. Governor general
C. Gobernadorcillo
D. Burgomaster
44) In Prague, as part of Europe tour, Viola and Rizal visited the famous cave where the Catholic
saint was imprisoned. Who was that saint?
A. San Antonio Padua
B. Saint Francisco de Assisi
C. Saint Pascual Bailon
D. San Juan Nepomuceno
45) One of the greatest novelists in Europe (Austrian novelist) whom Rizal and Viola visited in
Vienna and armed with letter of recommendation from Blumentritt, years later He spoke highly of
Rizal, "whose genius HE so much admired."
A. Alexander Dumas
B. Eugene Sue
C. Beecher Stowe
D. Norfenfals
46) After the publication of Noli Me Tangere, Rizal was warned not to return home by the following
people EXCEPT:
i.) Silvestre Ubaldo
ii) Josephine Bracken
iii) Paciano and Jose M. Cecilio
A. i only
B. ii only
C. iii only
D. i and ii
47) Rizal, deciding to return home, left Rome by train for Marseilles, a French port. And on July 3,
1887 he boarded WHAT STEAMER?
A. Tabo
B. Djemnah
C. Hayfong
D. Salvadora
48) In Saigon, on July 30, 1887, he transferred to ANOTHER STEAMER, which was Manila-bound.
What was the steamer he was riding?
A. Tabo
B. Djemnah
C. Hayfong
D. Salvadora
49) In his hometown (Calamba), patients from Manila and provinces flocked to such town, which
Rizal came to be called ___ because he came from Germany, busy attending his lucrative medical
A. Doctor Laon
B. Doctor Dimasalang
C. Doctor Uliman
D. Doctor Soliman
50) While the storm over the Noli was raging in fury, Rizal was not molested in Calamba because of
this Governor-General that assigned a bodyguard for Rizal. Who was that Governor-General?
A. Terrero
B. Blanco
C. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
D. Juan Salcedo
51) The lieutenant who defended Rizal in the court whom the later chose because the former's name
was familiar to him, for the former was the brother of Rizal's bodyguard in 1887
A. Juan Salcedo
B. Blanco
C. Pio Valenzuela
D. Luis Taviel de Andrade
52) The lottery prize that Rizal won.
A. P10,000
B. P20,000
C. P30,000
D. P40,000
53) In his aspiration to reconcile Rizal with the church, Fr. Pastells sent one or the following:
i. Father Obach
ii. Father Jose Vilaclara
iii. Father Paula de Sanchez
A. I only
B. Ii only
C. I and ii
D. All of the above
54) When Rizal was exiled in Dapitan, the different perspectives of Rizal's "many-splendored
genius" were enhanced such as the following EXCEPT:
A. Rizal as Educator
B. Rizal as a Traveler*
C. Rizal as a Farmer
D. Rizal as Inventor and a Scientist
55) What is Jose Rizal's height?
A. 4' 9"
B. 4' 10"
C. 4' 11"
D. 5' 0"
56) When was Rizal arrested and deported to Dapitan (without benefit of trial)?
A. June 21, 1892
B. June 26, 1892
C. July 3, 1892
D. July 7, 1892
57) Rizal was accused of this/these crime or crimes.
i. rebellion
ii. sedition
iii. illegal association
A. I only
B. I and ii
C. I and iii
D. All of the above
58) On July 31, 1896, Rizal's four year exile in Dapitan came to an end. At midnight of that date he
left, together with Josephine, Narcisa, Angelica (Narcisa's daughter), his three nephews, and 6 of his
loyal pupils, on the steamer named ___.
A. España
B. Castilla
C. Isla de Luzon
D. Isla de Panay
59) one of the priests who visited Rizal before the latter was executed whom Rizal made an image of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the latter's Ateneo days
A. Fr. Antonio Rosell
B. Father Luis Viza
C. Fr. Federico Faura
D. Father Jose Vilaclara
60) The exact time Rizal died when he was shot at Bagumbayan Field by firing squad
A. 6:00 am
B. 6:15 am
C. 6:30 am
D. 7:03 am

1. FINAL EXAMINATION In RIZAL: Life, Works and Writings 1- MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letters
onlyof the correct answer inCAPITAL. A. ABOUT RIZAL’S LIFE 1. Which amongthe followingwas
Rizal’s godfather? a. Father PedroCasanas b. Father Rufino Collantes c. Dr. Rafael Palma 2.
Which amongthe followingwas not Rizal’s brother or sister? a. Paciano b. Olimpia c. Ciriaco 3.
Which amongthe followingisn’t part of Rizal’s races? a. Negrito b. Indian c. Malay 4. The real
surname of the Rizal familywas Mercado, which wasadoptedfirst bywhom? a. DomingoLamco b.
Leon Ma. Guerrero c. Francisco Mercado 5. Which amongthe stories told byRizal’s mother left a
deepimpressionon Rizal’s mindabout “deathof a martyr”? a. Storyof the Moth b. Children’s
Friend c. Ill-fated Moth 6. The deathof the three priest martyrs awakenedRizal’s spirit
ofpatriotism. Whichamong the followingisn’t part of the three martyrs? a. Gomez b. Borromeo
c. Zamora 7. When Rizal waselevenhe was sent to what school to studywhich was under the
supervision ofthe Jesuits? a. San Juande Letran b. Ateneo Municipal c. La Concordia College 8.
Who among the professors inAteneo did Rizal consider to be the best andalsohelped Rizal to
study harder and improve his poetry? a. Father Sanchez b. Father Burgos c. Father Lleonart 9.
Rizal went to Universityof Santo Tomasto seekhigher education. Which among the following
wasn’t Rizal’s course on that institution? a. Philosophyand Letters b. Medicine c. Literature 10.
What course didFather Pablo Ramon, Ateneo’s Rector, advice Rizal to take? a. Medicine b.
Philosophyand Letters c. Arts 11. Rizal Completedhismedicine course inwhat universityin Spain?
a. UniversityCentralde Madrid b. UniversityCentralde Barcelona c. Universidadde Barcelona 12.
Rizal joined freemasonryas aidagainst the friars in the Philippines. In whichMasonic lodge
didRizalfirst join? a. Acacia b. Solidaridad c. Publicidad 13. After completinghis studiesinMadrid,
Rizal went to Parisand Germanyto specialize what fieldinmedicine? a. Ophthalmology b.
Obstetrics c. Pathology 14. When Rizal wasinParis, he workedas anassistant to a famous
Frenchdoctor named? a. Dr. Louis De Weckert b. Dr. AdoplhMeyer c. Dr. Feodor Jagor 15. After
acquiring enoughexperience inhis specialization inParis, Rizal left for what Germancityfamous
for its old universityandromantic surroundings? a. Berlin b. Heidelberg c. Wilhelmsfeld 16. What
interests did FerdinandBlumentritt , Director of the Ateneoof Leitmeritz, have
whichultimatelybecame the reasonfor his acquaintancewithRizal? a. StudyingPhilippine History
b. studying Philippine Language c. studyingPhilippine Geography 17. While Rizal
wasinGermanyhe translatedseveral famous books into tagalog, one ofwhichwas Schiller’s
William Tell and another was FairyTales bya famous writer named? a. Hans ChristianAndersen b.
Aesop c. Harriet Beecher Stowe 18. When Rizal wasinBerlinhe came incontact with great
scientists, one of which wasDr. Feodor Jagor whowrote a famous book, whichforetold the
downfall ofSpanish rule inthe Philippinesandthe coming of America to Philippine shores,
entitledwhat? a. The Paradise of the East b. Travels in the Philippines c. Pearl of the Orient Sea
19. Rizal wantedto master Frenchsohe took private lessons from a professor named? a.
FabianBourzat b. Isabelle Delobele c. Lucile Cerdole 20. Who became the savior of Noli Me
Tangere? a. Maximo Viola b. Eduardode Lete c. Valentin Ventura 21. Upon arrivinginhis
hometown fromabroad, Rizal was calledwitha certain name for he was a doctor whocame from
Germany, what was hisname? a. The GermanDoctor b. Doctor Uliman c. Kind German 22.
Governor-GeneralTerreroknewthat Rizal’s life was indanger due to the fact that the
Spanishfriars were too powerful andsohe assigned a young Spanishlieutenant as a bodyguardto
Rizalas a securitymeasure. Who wasthis Spanish lieutenant? a. Jose Rodriguez b.Jose Tavielde
Andrade c. Gregorio Echavarria 23. Who was the theologianfromthe Manila Cathedral
whobecame a gallant defender of Noli? a. Father Vicente Garcia b. Father Federico Fauna c.
Father Jose Beck

2. 2. 24. While on voyage across the Pacific, Rizal befriendeda Japanese journalist who wasa
championfor humanrights and was alsoforced bythe Japanese government to leave Japan. Later,
onthe life of thisperson, he wrote twopolitical novels; Nankai-no-Daiharan which
resemblesRizal’s Noli and O-unabara which wassimilar to Rizal’s El Filibusterismo. What was his
name? a. Usui b. Kagumi c. Tetcho 25. What countrydidRizaldescribe as “the landpar excellence
of freedom but onlyfor the whites”? a. America b. UnitedKingdom c. Japan 26. Rizal’s greatest
achievement while inLondonwas his annotationof Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas written bywhom?
a. Morga b. Morayta c. Beckett 27. While Rizal wasinLondon, he became the honorarypresident
ofa patriotic societywhich would cooperate inthe crusade for reforms. What was the name of
thispatriotic society? a. Asociacionde Indio b. Asociacionde Felipinas c. AsociacionLa Solidaridad
28. While on his2nd sojourninParis, Rizal formeda clubwhich waspurelysocial andtemporaryin
nature to bring together the youngFilipinos duringthe Universal Exposition. What was the name
ofthis club? a. Kidlat b. Indios enParis c. Indios Bravos 29. After forming the ephemeral club
mentionedin number 28, Rizalalso formedanother societywhich pledged its members to excel
inintellectual andphysical prowessinorder to winthe admiration offoreigners. What was the
name ofthis society? a. Kidlat b. Indios enParis c. Indios Bravos 30. Who was Rizal’s bitter
enemyof the penwhoeventuallybecame one of hisgreat admirers and later on authoredthe first
book-lengthbiographyof the greatest Filipino hero? a. Wenceslao Retana b. FrayRodriguez c.
Salvador Font 31. Who became the saviour of El Filibusterismo? a. Maximo Viola b. Eduardode
Letec. Valentin Ventura 32. One of the reasons whyRizal decidedto returnto Manilawas the
formationof a societynamed what? a. La Liga Filipina b. La Solidaridad c. La Mano Roja 33. Jose
Rizal conceived the establishment of FilipinocolonyinNorthBorneo (Sabah)to move the
landlessFilipino families to that rich British-ownedislandwhichhe considered to be as what? a.
New Filipinas b. New Calamba c. New Manila 34. Who was the Governor-General that
plottedthe “Spanish Trap” where a case was secretlyfiled against Rizal and his followers “for
anti-religious andanti-patriotic agitation” whenRizal wason his wayto Manila? a. Despujol b.
Blanco c. Polavieja 35. One of the members of the societywhichRizal founded upon his arrival
inManila ultimatelybecame the “real father of revolution” andleader of Katipunan. Whowas he?
a. Andres Bonifacio b. Apolinario Mabini c. EmilioAguinaldo 36. What is the name of the place
where Rizal wasdeportedbecause of the allegedlyfound incriminatoryleaflets found on Lucia’s
pillowcases (Rizal’s sister)whichwere a satire against Dominican priests? The
gubernatorialdecree cited that Rizalthis place inis “one ofthe islands inthe South”. a. Dapitan b.
Cebu c. Zamboanga 37. The novel El Filibusterismowas dedicatedbyRizal to whom? a. Gom-bur-
za b. Filipinos c. Fellow reformists 38. According to Wenceslao Retana, what was Rizal’s
onlyvice? a. Hard liquor b. Lottery c. Smoking 39. The friars concoctedanespionage plot onRizal
while on his deportationto filch certainletters and writings of Rizal that will incriminate himinthe
Revolutionarymovement byhiring a spywhoassumedwhat name? a. PabloMercado b. Protacio
Rizal c. SimonMercadoRizal 40. Who was the womanwhich Rizalconsideredto be his wife? a.
Leonor Rivera b. Josephine Bracken c. Nellie Bousted B. ABOUT RIZAL’S WORKS AND WRITINGS
41. Who was the onlySpanishpriest whowent indefense to Rizal’s Noli publicly? a. Father
Sanchez b. Father Vilaclara c. Father Obach 42. Which among the following pen-names
didRizaluse inwriting La Vision del FrayRodriguez? b. Makisig b. Laong Laan c. Dimas Alang 43.
What was the title of Rizal’s first article in the patriotic newspaper La Solidaridad? a. Letter to
the Young Women ofMalolos b. La Visiondel FrayRodriguez c. Los AgricultoresFilipinos 44. What
was the name of the poem that Rizal submittedfor the literarycontest heldbyLiceoArtistico-
Literario where Rizal wonin1879? a. A La Juventud Filipina b. Felicitacion c. El Heroismo de Colon
45. What was the title of the first poem whichRizalwrote whenhe was eight years old? a. In
Memoryof MyTown b. Sa AkingMga Kababata c. RecuerdoA Mi Pueblo 46. What sculptural
masterpiece did Rizal carve for one of his teachers inAteneo, Father Lleonart? a. SacredHeart of
Jesus b. The VirginMary c. The HolyTrinity 47. This novel was describedto a romantic novel;it is a
“workof the heart” anda “book offeeling”. a. El Filibusterismo b. Noli Me Tangere c. Makamasa

48. This novel was consideredto be a political novel;a “work ofthe head” and a “bookof the thought”.

a. El Filibusterismo b. Noli Me Tangere c. Makamisa

49.During hisexile inDapitan, Rizal discoveredrare specimens whichwere namedafter him. Which among
the following isn’t part of hisdiscoveredspecies?

a. Apogonia rizali b. Raco rizali c. Rhacophorus rizali

50. What is Rizal’s literarymasterpiece whichwas considered to be the “a pricelessgemof Philippine

a. Mi UltimoAdios b. Noli Me Tangere c. El Filibusterismo

11. True or False: write T if the statement is true and if the statement is false modify the underlined
word which makesit erroneous.

51. Rizal considers Noli Me Tangere as superior to El Filibusterismo

52. The name “Jose” was byhis mother because she was a devotee of San Juan

53.Dr.Pio Viola was named emissaryto Dapitan, inorder to informRizal ofthe planof the Katipunanto
launch a revolution for freedom’s sake.

54. Don Pedro and DonMiguel Camus along withother Filipinoresidents urged Rizal in Singapore to
disembark in the shiphe was in and seek protection ofthe Britishlawwhich might have savedRizal’s life

55. Rizal chose Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade as his defense counsel for histrial.

56. Governor-GeneralCamilo Polavieja signed and approvedthe decisionof the court-martial and ordered
Rizal to be shot at 7:00 o’clock in the morning ofDecember 30 at Laangbayan Field (Luneta).

57. Jose Rizal named Philippinesas the “Pearl of the Orient Sea”

58. The Dominican friars helpedPolavieja to replace Governor-General Blancowhichultimatelysealedthe

deathof Rizal, for Polavieja was ruthlesswhile Blanco believedRizal was not a traitor.

59. Rizal hidhis last poem inan alcohol lamp andleft it to his sister Trinidad.

60. Before he was shot, Rizalrequestedthat he be shot facing the firing squadandthe request was

61. Rizal had a premonitionthat he will somehow die onDecember 30 whenhe was thenat
Madridstudying as a medical student as provedbyanentryon his diaryon January1, 1883.

62. Jose Rizal’s first teacher was his mother.

63. In 1880 the Artistic-LiteraryLyceumopenedhelda literarycontest to commemorate the

fourthcentennialof the deathof Homer where Rizal submitted the allegoryEl Consejo de los Dioses which

64. Rizal was not awardedhisDoctor’s diploma because he did not present the thesisrequiredfor
graduationnor paidthe corresponding fees.

65. FerdinandBlumentritt is consideredto be Jose Rizal’s bestfriend. 

Answer key: 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11-14. A 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A 21.
B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25.A 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. C 32.A 33. B 34-39. A 40. B 11. 41. A 42. C 43. C
44. A 45. B 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. A True or False: 51-52. T 53. Valenzuela 54-55. T 56. Bagumbayan
57-58. T 59. Alcohol cooking lamp 60-62. T 63. Cervantes 64-65. T

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