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01 What is Site Planning?

A site plan or a plot plan is a type of drawing used by architects, landscape

architects, urban planners, and engineers which shows existing and proposed conditions
for a given area, typically a parcel of land which is to be modified. Sites plan typically show
buildings, roads, sidewalks and paths/trails, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer
lines, water lines, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.
Site planning—the art and science of designing settlements on the
land—encompasses a range of activities undertaken by architects, planners, urban
designers, landscape architects, and engineers.
Site planning in landscape architecture and architecture refers to the organizational
stage of the landscape design process. It involves the organization of land use zoning,
access, circulation, privacy, security, shelter, land drainage, and other factors. Site planning
includes the arrangement of buildings, roadways, utilities, landscape elements, topography,
water features, and vegetation to achieve the desired site.

02 What is Site Planning According to Kevin Lynch?

Site Planning is defined by Kevin Lynch as the art of arranging structures on the
land and shaping the spaces between; an art linked to architecture, engineering,
landscape architecture and city planning. Site plans locate objects and activities in space
and time. These plans may concern a small cluster of houses, a single building and its
grounds, or something as extensive as a small community built in a single operation.
Site planning is more than a practical art, however complex its technical apparatus.
Its aim is moral and aesthetic: to make places which enhance everyday life-which liberate
their inhabitants and give them a sense of the world they live in.

03 Define a Site Planner.

When an architect is given a design assignment, there are many environmental
factors that are to be considered. The site is the major factor that has to be considered.
Site means the area or the land that is meant for the construction of the proposed project.
Site Planning is the art and science of arranging the various portions of a particular piece
of land according to their uses. The site planner decides on the uses of the site in detail
by selecting and analyzing it for the various characteristics of soil, slope, vegetation, etc.

04 Define Landscape Architecture.

Landscape architecture is the study and practice of designing environments
(outdoors & indoors) of varying scale that encompasses elements of art, environment,
architecture, engineering, and sociology.
Landscape architecture involves the planning, design, management, and nurturing
of the built and natural environments. With their unique skill set, landscape architects work
to improve human and environmental health in all communities. They plan and design
parks, campuses, streetscapes, trails, plazas, residences, and other projects that
strengthen communities.

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