Exercise On Magnetism

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1. A magnetic pole face has a rectangular section having dimensions 200mm by 100 mm. If the
total flux emerging from the pole is 150 μWb, calculate the flux density.
2. The maximum working flux density of a lifting electromagnet is 1.8T and the effective area of
a pole face is circular in cross-section. If the total magnetic flux produced is 353 mWb,
determine the radius of the pole face.
3. A magnetizing force of 8000A/m is applied to a circular magnetic circuit of mean diameter 30
cm by passing a current through a coil wound on the circuit. If the coil is uniformly wound
around the circuit and has 750 turns, find the current in the coil.
4. A flux density of 1.2 T is produced in a piece of cast steel by a magnetizing force of 1250A/m.
Find the relative permeability of the steel under these conditions.
5. Determine the magnetic field strength and the m.m.f. required to produce a flux density of
0.25 T in an air gap of length 12 mm.
6. A coil of 300 turns is wound uniformly on a ring of non-magnetic material. The ring has a mean
circumference of 40 cm and a uniform cross-sectional area of 4 cm 2. If the current in the coil is 5A,
calculate (a) the magnetic field strength, (b) the flux density and (c) the total magnetic flux in the
7. Determine the reluctance of a piece of mumetal of length 150mm and cross-sectional area
1800mm2 when the relative permeability is 4000. Find also the absolute permeability of the
8. A mild steel ring has a radius of 50mm and a cross-sectional area of 400mm 2. A current of 0.5A
flows in a coil wound uniformly around the ring and the flux produced is 0.1mWb. If the relative
permeability at this value of current is 200 find (a) the reluctance of the mild steel and (b) the number
of turns on the coil.
9. A coil resistance 300Ω is placed in magnetic field of 2mwb.The coil has 200 turns and
galvanometer of 500Ω resistance, is connected in series with it. The coil is moved in 0.2 seconds from
the given field to the field of 0.4mwb.Find
(a) Average induced e.m.f
(b)Average induced current.
10. A closed magnetic circuit of cast steel contains a 6 cm long path of cross-sectional area 1 cm 2 and a
2 cm path of cross-sectional area 0.5 cm 2. A coil of 200 turns is wound around the 6 cm length of
the circuit and a current of 0.4A flows. Determine the flux density in the 2 cm path, if the relative
permeability of the cast steel is 750.
11. A ring has a mean diameter of 25cm cross-sectional area of 2cm 2 and has radial gap of 1mm cut
on it. It is uniformly wound with 2000 turns of insulated copper wire and a current of 2A produces a
flux of 400wb across the gap. Find the relative permeability of iron assuming that there is no
magnetic leakage?
12. Figure shows a conductor moving with a velocity of 10 m/s to the right in a magnetic field. The
flux density is 0.5T, out of the page, and the wire is 1m in length. What are the magnitude and
polarity of the resulting induced voltage?

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