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First- edition



Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination

of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents

Corps gras d’origines animale et v&g&ale - Dosage des mono-1 glyckides

et du g/yc&ol
ISO 7366:1987

Reference number
ISO 7366 : 1987 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. international organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

International Standard ISO 7366 was prepared

by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34,
Agricultural food produc ts.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International
7366:1987implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.

International Organkation for Standardkation, 1987

Printed in Switzerland

Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination

of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents

1 Scope 5.1 Chloroform.

This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- 5.2 Acetic acid, 5 % (Vl v) solution.
mination of l-monoglycerides content and of free glycerol con-
tent consecutively on the same test Portion.
5.3 Periodic acid, 2,7 g/l Solution.

Weigh 2,7 g of periodic acid (H,106) in a 1 litre volumetric flask

2 Field of application and dissolve in 50 ml of water. Make up to the mark with glacial
acetic acid and mix thoroughly. Store in the dark.
It is applicable to animal and vegetable fats and oils and
to interesterified products of oils, fats and fatty acids with
5.4 Potassium iodide, 150 g/l Solution, not containing free

lt is not applicable
when the Sample contains
iodine or iodates.

a) in addition to 1-monoglycerides
: chloroform-soluble
Sodium thiosulfate,
= 0,l mol/l.
Standard volumetric Solution,

polyhydric substances with two or more adjacent hydroxyl

groups; ISO 7366:1987
5.6 Starch, indicator solution, 10 g/l.
b) in addition to free bed9-8a7f056622bc/iso-7366-1987
glycerol : water-soluble polyhydric
Dissolve 1 g of soluble starch in 100 ml of water by stirring and
substances with two or more adjacent hydroxyl groups.
heating. Add 0,l g of salicylic acid to preserve the indicator
Solution and boil for 3 min. Cool to room temperature.

3 Reference
6 Apparatus
ISO 5555, Animal and vegetables fats and oifs - Sampling.
Usual laboratory equipment and in particular

4 Principle 6.1 Conical flasks, of capacity 500 ml, with ground-glass

Dissolution of a test Portion in chloroform. Extraction of free
glycerol from this Solution with acetic acid Solution. Oxidation
6.2 Magnetit stirrer.
of 1-monoglycerides in the chloroform Solution by an excess of
periodic acid solution. Addition of potassium iodide and titra-
tion of the liberated iodine with a sodium thiosulfate Standard
volumetric solution. 7 Sampling
Oxidation of free glycerol in the aqueous Solution by an excess See ISO 5555.
of periodic acid Solution. Addition of potassium iodide and
titration of the liberated iodine with a sodium thiosulfate stan-
’ dard volumetric Solution.
8 Procedure

8.1 Reparation of the test Sample

5 Reagents

All reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade. The water 8.1.1 Solid samples in flake or in powder form
used shall be distilled water or water of at least equivalent
purity. Mix the Sample thoroughly without melting.
ISO 7366:1987 (El

8.1.2 Other solid or semi-solid samples 8.3.3 Rinse the used 50 ml beaker with about 25 ml of acetic
acid Solution (5.2) to dissolve any remaining glycerol. Transfer
Melt the Sample at not more than IO OCa bove its melting Point, the rinsings to separating funnel 1. Stopper, Shake and allow
mix thoroughly. to separate. Run the chloroform (lower) layer into separating
funnel 2.
CAUTION - The Sample shall not be subjected to
excessive temperatures. At temperatures above 80 OC Wash the 50 ml beaker with 25 ml of acetic acid solution and
the 1-monoglycerides content may decrease as a result of pour into separating funnel 2. Stopper, Shake and allow to
interesterification and/or intraesterification. separate. Run the chloroform layer into separating funne13 and
run the aqueous Solution into separating funnel 1.

8.1.3 Liquid samples 8.3.4 Wash the beaker and separating funnel 2 with a further
25 ml of acetic acid Solution and run this into separating funnel
Mix the Sample thoroughly. 3. Stopper, Shake and allow to separate. Run the chloroform
layer into the 100 ml volumetric flask A. Run the aqueous layer
into separating funnel 1.
8.2 Test Portion
Rinse separating funnels 2 and 3 successively with two 20 ml
Weigh accurately into a 50 ml beaker the appropriate mass of volumes of ch!oroform and run the chloroform into separating
the test Portion as indicated in the table. funnel 1. Stopper, Shake and allow to separate.

Table 8.3.5 Run the chloroform layer into the 100 ml volumetric
flask A and make up to volume with chloroform. Stopper and
Expected content of Approximate mix.
1-monoglycerides mass of the
or of glycerol test Portion
8.3.6 Run the aqueous layer into the 100 ml volumetric flask
% (mlm)
0,000 1
B. Rinse the separating funnel 1 with acetic acid Solution, add

( and
0,000 1
0,000 1
the rinsings to flask B
solution. Stopper and mix.
make up to volume with acetic acid

40 0,7 0,000 1
30 14 0,001 ISO 7366:1987
8.4 Determination of l-monoglycerides
20 1,5
15 z5 0,001bed9-8a7f056622bc/iso-7366-1987
Using a pipette, transfer 50 ml of the chloroformSolution from
IO 3,o 0,001 flask A (8.3.5) into the 500 ml conical flask (6.11, add 50 ml of
5 60 0,001 periodic acid Solution (5.3) with a pipette, mix and stopper. I
3 or less IO,0 0,001
Allow to stand for 30 min in the dark.
NOTE - If the contents of 1-monoglycerides and glycerol are very dif-
ferent and therefore an intermediate test Portion mass is not possible,
two test portions are necessary, one for the 1-monoglycerides and the Carry out a blank test under the same conditions, using 50 ml
other for the glycerol. of chloroform (5.1) and 50 ml of periodic acid Solution (5.3).

After the 30 min period add 20 ml of potassium iodide Solution

(5.4) both to the test Solution and to the blank. Stopper the
flasks, mix and allow to stand for 1 min longer.
8.3 Extraction
Add 100 ml of water to each.
8.3.1 Take three separating funnels of capacity 250 ml and
label them 1, 2 and 3. Use separating funnel 1 to collect Titrate with sodium thiosulfate Standard volumetric Solution
aqueous solutions and separating funnels 2 and 3 for washing (5.5) whilst stirring continuously using the magnetic stirrer (6.2)
the solutions. When shaking is required, this is performed in Order to ensure thorough mixing. Towards the end of the
vigorously for about 1 min, releasing pressure from time to time titration, when the brown iodine colour has almost disappeared
through the tap and avoiding the formation of emulsions. from the aqueous layer, add about 2 ml of starch Solution (5.6)
as indicator. Continue the titration dropwise until the end-point
Take two volumetric flasks of capacity 100 ml and label them A is reached (disappearance of the blue iodo-starch colour from
and B. Use flask A for the chloroform Solution of l-mono- the aqueous layer). Vigorous agitation is essential for complete
glycerides and flask B for the aqueous Solution of glycerol. removal of iodine from the chloroform layer.

lf the volume used to titrate the test Solution is not more than
8.3.2 Dissolve the test Portion (8.2) in chloroform (5.11, 80 % of the volume used to titrate the blank, repeat the deter-
dispersing any free glycerol. Pour quantitatively into separating mination using a smaller test Portion or taking a smaller aliquot
funnel 1, using successive small quantities of chloroform to aid of the chloroform Solution (to ensure an adequate excess of
the transfer until the volume reaches 45 to 50 ml. periodic acid).
ISO 7366 : 1987 (El

8.5 Determination of free glycerol r is the ratio of the volume (100 ml) of the chloroform
Phase to the volume (50 ml or less) of this Phase taken for
Filter the aqueous Solution from flask B (8.3.6). the determination.

Using a pipette, transfer 50 ml of the filtrate into a 500 ml Express the result to one decimal place.
conical flask (6.1), add 50 ml of periodic acid Solution (5.3) with
a pipette, mix and stopper. 9.1.2 Calculation of free glycerol content
Allow to stand for 30 min in the dark. The free glycerol content, expressed as a percentage by mass,
is equal to
Carry out a blank test under the same conditions, using 50 ml
of acetic acid Solution (5.2) and 50 ml of periodic acid sol- Wz - VS) crM,
ution (5.3).
After the 30 min period add 20 ml of potassium iodide Solution where
(5.4) both to the test Solution and to the blank. Stopper the
V2 is the volume, in millilitres, of the sodium thiosulfate
flasks, mix and allow to stand for 1 min longer.
Standard volumetric Solution required for the titration of the
Add 100 ml of water to each. blank;

V3 is the volume, in millilitres, of the sodium thiosulfate

Titrate with sodium thiosulfate Standard volumetric Solution
Standard volumetric Solution required for the titration of the
(5.5) adding 2 ml of starch Solution (5.6) when the brown
test Solution;
colour of the iodine has almost disappeared.
c is the concentration, expressed in moles per litre, of the
If the volume used to titrate the test Solution is not more than sodiu m thiosulfate Standard volumetric solu tion;
80 % of the volume used to titrate the blank, repeat the deter-
mination using a smaller test Portion or taking a smaller aliquot Mr is the relative molecular mass of glycerol (Mr = 921);
of the aqueous Solution (to ensure an adequate excess of
periodic acid).
m is the mass, in grams, of the test Portion;
r is the ratio of the volume (100 ml) of the aqueous Phase
to the volume of this Phase (50 ml or less) taken for the
8.6 Number of determinations
( determination.
Carry out two determinations on the same test Sample.
Express the result to one decimal place.
ISO 7366:1987
9 Expression of results 9.2 Repeatability
The differente between the results of two determinations car-
9.1 Method of calculation and formulae
ried out simultaneously or in rapid succession by the same
analyst under the same conditions on the same test Sample
9.1 .l Calculation of 1-monoglycerides content
shall not exceed the values given in 9.2.1 and 9.2.2.
The 1-monoglycerides content, expressed as a percentage by
mass, is equal to 9.2.1 For l-monoglycerides

(V 0 - v,, crM, 0,5 % (mlm) at contents from 15 to 25 % (mlm)

20 m 2 % (relative) of the average value at contents from 25 to
where 50 % (mlm)

V. is the volume, in millilitres, of the sodium thiosulfate

1 % (mlm) at contents greater than 50 % (mlm)
Standard volumetric Solution required for the titration of the
blank; 9.2.2 For free glycerol

VI is the volume, in millilitres, of the sodium thiosulfate 0,l % lmlml

Standard volumetric Solution required for the titration of the
test Solution;
IO Test report
c is the concentration, expressed in moles per litre, of the
sodium thiosulfate Standard volumetric Solution; The test report shall show the method used and the results ob-
tained. lt shall also mention any operating details not specified
Mr is the relative molecular mass of a particular in this International Standard, or regarded as optional, together
1-monoglyceride, the choice depending on the composition with details of any incidents likely to have influenced the
of the fatty acids (when the results are expressed as glyceryl results.
monostearate, Mr = 358);
The test report shall include all the information necessary for
m is the mass, in grams, of the test Portion; the complete identification of the Sample.
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ISO 7366:1987
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ISO 7366:1987
ISO 7366 :1987 (EI


ISO 7366:1987

UDC 664.3 : 543.7 : 547.426.1

Descriptors : agricultural products, animal fats, vegetable fats, animal oils, vegetable oils, Chemical analysis, determination of content,
glycerides, glycerol.

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