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VOLUME 4, 1942



A new point of view in the theory of neuron networks is here adum-

brated in its relation to the simple circuit: it is shown how these methods
enable us to extend considerably and unify previous results for this case
in a much simpler way.

I. Introduction and Definitions

The sequent r e m a r k s are intended primarily as a prolegomenon
and an illustration of a more general theory, of neuron networks to
be later redacted. Herein, as in the more general discussion, we shall
adopt the linear model of excitation as employed by A. S. Householder
in f o u r previous papers in this Bulletin; (Householder 1941a, b, c,
1942) our point of view will be somewhat different, however, in t h a t
we shall be p r i m a r i l y concerned with non-steady-state activity and
the conditions under which a steady-state m a y be attained, r a t h e r
t h a n in the a s c e r t a i n m e n t of equilibrium points per se. We shall
nevertheless find t h a t this point of view has interesting consequences
f o r problems of n e t w o r k statics.
We m a y commence by defining the total conduction time of a
fiber as the sum of its conduction time and the synaptic delay at the
postliminary synapse: we shall suppose, as can be done w i t h o u t sub-
stantive loss of generality, t h a t all the total conduction times of fibers
of the circuit C in question are equal: and we shall measure time so
t h a t this q u a n t i t y is unity. We shall consider explicitly only the case
where all fibers of C have remained unstimulated up to t : 0 , a con-
s t a n t stimulation ~l~ + h~ is applied to each synapse st in the interval
t s ( 0 , 1), and t h e external stimulation assumes t h e r e a f t e r a steady
value of s~. We shall indicate desinently how all other cases are sub-
sumable with inessential novations under this one.
We shall employ the same notation as in (Householder, 1941a, b,
c, 1942) with 'A' f o r the product of the activity parameters of C and
the a b b r e v i a t i o n / ~ : a~ (~, where there are n fibers in C. In addition
to these, we shall find the following notations of value.
The excitation-pattern of C m a y be described in a matrix E , of
n rows and an infinite n u m b e r of columns, each of whose elements

er8 represents the excitation at the synapse s r during the interval

( s , s + 1). The successive entries in the excitation m a t r i x E may be
computed recursively from those in its first column--these are the
quantities At--by the following rule, whose validity is evident: Given
the elements of the p-th column, compute those of the p + l-st thus:
if the element e~p is negative or zero, place ai+l in the i + l-st row and
p + 1-st column, or in the first row of the p + l-st column if i = n .
Otherwise put ~§ + a~e~x, in this place. We shall say t h a t C is in a
steady-state during a series of n intervals ( s , s + 1), . . . , (s + n - 1,
s + n) if, for every p between s and s + n , the p-th and p + n-th col-
umns of E are identical. I f s is the smallest integer for which this is
the case, we shall say t h a t the steady state begins at the interval
( s , s + 1).
It will be seen t h a t the construction of the m a t r i x E implies t h a t
its infinite diagonals--where we take a diagonal to start again at the
top of the succedent column whenever it reaches the last row of E - -
are wholly independent of one another, so t h a t if we know the start-
ing point of a diagonal of E s , we can calculate the entries along it
uncognizant of any other values in the matrix. Physically, this of
course means t h a t the activity in C can be regarded as composed of
wholly independent impulses, commencing originally at a synapse st
with a value ~ , and journeying around C in irrelation to the im-
pulses beginning at other synapses. We shall find it convenient to
adopt this standpoint, and consider only the case of a single impulse,
so t h a t the complete solution must be derived by combining the re-
sults of our subsequent procedures for the separate diagonals, and a
steady-state for the whole circuit is attained only when one has ac-
crued for each separate diagonal.
We may define a set of intervals for every synapse s~, which we
shall call the ranges of succeeding synapses s~§ from s~, and denote
by R~ (s~), by the following recursion:
(1). Ifai>0,R~(si)-~ (~i§
Ifai<0,R~(si) ~(~+~,-or
(2). IfRj(s.~) -~ ( r e , n ) , R~§ = ((,~§247+ maj+~,
~+j+~ + nai§ unless m or n or both are negative, in which
case we replace m or n respectively in this expression by 0 .
I f the range of s~+j from s~ is ( m , n), the end-points m and n
are denoted by Lj(s~) and Ui(s~). I f L~(s.,) - - Us(s~) for some ] , sj
is said to be inaccessible from s~ ; otherwise accessible. Clearly, if the
suffixes i , ] , h , 1 are in cyclic order, Rk-~(s~) is a proper subset of the

range of s~ f r o m s~; it is also inaccessible f r o m s~ or any preceding

synapse. Physically, t h a t the range of s~ from s~ is ( m , n ) , where
say m ~ n , means t h a t by properly v a r y i n g y~, we can cause y~ to as-
sume a n y value within the interval ( m , n) ; but we cannot from s,
cause y~ to diminish beyond m , nor to exceed n . I f s~ is inacces-
sible f r o m s~, then nothing happening at s~ will have any effect upon
the excitation at s~, and consequently, if a circuit contain a n y synapse
inaccessible f r o m anywhere, it will a t t a i n a steady state immediately,
in the second n columns of E , and this steady state will be wholly in-
dependent of the initial stimulation )~. Incidentally, if at any time
there are two zeroes between s~ and s~, between which is an odd num-
ber of inhibitory fibers, s~ is inaccessible from s~ (cf. Householder
1941b, lemma 1).
We shall now find it desirable to establish two lemmas of impor-
tance, the first of which will be necessary for our more general theory,
the second whereof is a special case of a r e s u l t later to be established
for general networks.
L e t ( m , n) be the r a n g e of a g i v e n s y n a p s e s~ f r o m s t . S u p p o s e
first t h a t there are an even n u m b e r of i n h i b i t o r y fibers b e t w e e n si a n d
sj . T h e n w e can find t w o n u m b e r s , ~o and ~ ,90 --< #1, such t h a t f o r
all values of yi <= ~o the consequent value of yj is m ; f o r ~o ~ yi <= #1,
the chain b e t w e e n s~ a n d sj is completely active, and yj is accordingly
a linear f u n c t i o n of y~; f o r Yi > ~1, yj is n . Second, suppose there is
an odd n u m b e r of i n h i b i t o r y fibers b e t w e e n st a n d s j . T h e n w e can
choose ~o and ~ , ~o <- ~ , so t h a t f o r Yi <=~% , Yj - - n ; for ~o <= y~ ~ 0~ ,
yj is a linear f u n c t i o n of y~ , and there are no zeroes b e t w e e n s~ a n d
sj ; f o r yL > 01, Yl -----m .
F o r convenience in statement, we shall assume an even n u m b e r
of inhibitory fibers between s~ and s~.j; the proof m a y be extended to
the other case w i t h inessential changes. It is clearly sufficient to show
(1) t h a t as we increase y~ f r o m 0 to § ~ , then, unless Li (s~) ~ - oo,
when #o -- - oo, t h a t intermediate zero between s~ and sj+~ which is
nearest to sj~ is removed at most once, to produce a state of complete
activity; and (2), if we a u g m e n t y~ still f u r t h e r , so t h a t a new zero
is formed--otherwise U~(s~) ~ § o~, ~ --~ + oo--this zero cannot be
removed by f u r t h e r increase in y~. (1) follows thus. At values of y~
sufficiently small so t h a t if R~ (s~) is finite yj.~ is equal to it, there will
be zeroes at synapses between s~ and sj+~, of which one, say sk is clos-
est to sj.~. Now suppose that, as we increase y~, the zero at sT~ is re-
moved for a least value of y~, say y~o. Now if there were a zero be-
tween s~ and s~, say at sk,, which remained unchanged as y~ assumed

the value Y~o, sk could, of course, not be affected. If all zeroes between
s~ and sk disappeared for y~ =- yio, a state of complete activity would
result, in accordance with (1). The only other possibility is that there
be no zero between s~ and sk for y~ < Yio, but one is initiated, say at
sk,, for y~ = y~0. Now if there is to be no interval of complete activity
at all, then, precisely when the zero at sk, is formed, or Yk, = 0, and
not at all before, sk must cease to be a zero, so that Yk > 0. Now yk is
a linear function of Yk, for all values of the latter greater than or
equal to zero, since there is then no zero between them: consequently
if, as is clearly possible, we select a small Y'k satisfying 0 < Y'k < Yk,
y'~ will be the value of this function for some argument Y'k, which
exceeds zero, by continuity and monotonicity; and since Y'k > 0 , the
zero at sk is broken down for this value of yk also; and consequently
for a y'~, > 0, which is contrary to hypothesis. Hence (1) holds. (2)
follows immediately: if we have complete activity between s~ and sj
for a given range of values of y~, then all y~ for i < k < ] v a r y linear-
ly with y~; and it is only when one of these, say y~, diminishes (lin-
early) to zero that the complete activity is interrupted. Now if com-
plete activity were to be reestablished for a higher value of y~, then
Yk, being the same monotone function of y~, would be exceeded by
zero, which is not compatible with complete activity. By (1), the
zero formed at sk could not be removed in any other way.
It is clear, by the continuity of the value of y~+~ as a function of
y~, that the quantities ~o~, 0~, and the ranges are connected by the
important relations
L;(s~) : A~.~+j #o + (~§ ~j',
Uj(s~) -- A~.~+i O~ + ~,i (j).
F o r the pair 00, ~, in the case where sj -~ s~.. -- s~, as determined
thus, we shall use the permanent notation ~o~, #,~. In this case we
L~ (s~) -~ A 0o~ +/~.~,

I f a circuit C has been in complete activity for a period qn time-
units in length, and ~ < 1, then the excitation of s~ at the time qn +
is given by

1 -- Aq
y~ (qn + ~) -- #, l----Z-~ + ~, Aq, (1)

a n d t h a t at the s y n a p s e s~+j, j < n , f o r a n y t i m e qn + j + ~, 5 < 1 ,


1 --A q
y~+j ( q n + j + ~) : <7i+~(~) + A.i.~+j ,ui 1 - - A + )l~ Aq. (2)

If C is in complete activity we m a y write a difference equation

for excitation at t + n as a function of t h a t at t; this is

yi(t+n) =~i +Aye(t).

One verifies t h a t equation (1) is a solution of this by substitution;

and equation (2) is an Lmmediate consequence of equation (1).
A r m e d with these results, we shall easily be able to determine the
possible types of activity in the circuit C. To this end we m a y divide
the possible values of the activity y~ at si into three regions: first, the
region F1, comprising those which are less than v%~, second the values
#o~ < Yi -< 0il, m a k i n g up F=, and third, the yi > 0~1, which consti-
tutes F3. Suppose the value of yi at a given time belongs to F~, i.e.,
y~ =< V~oi. By lemma 1, the consequent value of the impulse r e t u r n i n g
to & at t + n will be A #oi + #, 9 I f this is also less than #oi, the same
value will r e c u r at t + 2n; and we shall have a steady state of C de-
termined by y~ - - A #oi + #i ; if, however, A #o + ui => #oi, the circuit
will, by lemma 1, go into complete activity, and there will be no steady
state with y~ - - Ai v%i + g~.
Suppose t h a t a given ys belongs to F2, i.e., t h a t ~o~ =< Y~ < 0~ 9
Then C will be in complete activity, and, by lemma (2), the course of
activity will be described by
1 --A t
+ A t+l hi.
Yi - - tti 1 - - A

Consider the value of this expression as t becomes v e r y large. If

IAr > 1, then, unless both ~ and 2i vanish, in which case also C is
not in complete activity, y~ will increase indefinitely, so t h a t a steady
state with complete activity is not possible. If A - - -+ 1, we arrive at
a special case to be treated later. If IA[ < 1, y~ will approach an
asymptotic value

Y~-- 1 - - A '

and if this value for y~ puts C into complete activity, it will determine
a possible steady state of complete activity: i.e., this will be the case

if and only if

~o~ <= < ~.

The possibility of a steady state for a y~ in F3 may be treated ana-
logously to that of F~: we shall have, as necessary and sufficient con-
dition for the existence of such a value y~ ~ A ~ + ~ that A #~ +
!,~ >= ~1~. Collecting these conditions, we shall have the
A circuit C may have at most three possible steady states:
A). One given by y~ ~ A #o~ + ~,

B). One given by y~ -- - -

C). One given by Yi ---- A 9~t + pi 9
Necessary and su~icient conditions for the actual existence of each of
these are given respectively by the requirements:
A). p~_-<(l--A)Oo,.

B). # O i < l-_ A- = < O,i, IAl < 1.

c). ~, > ( 1 - A)#I~.

By way of corollary from these conditions--which differ from
those of (Householder, 1941b and c) in giving explicit expresaions for
the equilibrium points--we may derive the general results of (House-
holder, 1941b and c) for the simple circuit in a very much easier way.
Suppose first that 0 < A < 1. Then (A), (B), and (C) become
A'). l--A-

B'). ~0~< 1 - - A --<91~' fAI <1"

C'). .--<91~.
Clearly one, and only one of these conditions can be fulfilled by a giv-
en circuit. We shall consequently have the
When 0 < A < 1, the circuit C has a unique steady-state activity

pattern. This will also be the case when A < - 1, exvept that here
no steady state of complete activity is possible.
Suppose now that A > 1. Here again, condition (B) is excluded,
and there is no steady state of complete activity; the other possibil-
ities may be expressed as

A"). -->ao~

C"). 1--A =

which are not incompatible, so that we may well have two possible
steady states, given by A ~o4 + / ~ and A 01 + ~4 respectively, both of
which contain at least one zero.
It may be desired to trace the course of activity in C from the
initial value ).4 to whatever steady state, if any, is finally reached.
This may be done without difficulty by considering which region con-
tains 2~, the initial value of y4. If this region contain a possible
steady-state value of y4, then, if it is F1 or Fa the steady state will
obviously be attained immediately, while if it is F2, ir will be ap-
proached asymptotically, in accordance with (1). If the region con-
raining 24 do not contain a steady state then, if it be F1 or F~ the value
of y~ will enter immediately and move through the adjacent regions
until the first one containing a steady state is entered, whereupon
that steady state is either attained immediately or asymptotically ac-
cordingly as this final region is F1 or F3, or is F~; while if the initial
region of Y4 be F~ then, if only one of F1, F~ contain a possible steady
state value, then that one will be entered, at a time determinable by
solving (1) for t with y4 -- ~ or 014 accordingly as t h e final region be
F.~ or F~; but if both/'1 and F~ contain possible steady states, y~ will
be described by (1) until that value y~ ~ 004 or O~ which occurs first
befalls, whereupon it goes into the steady state of F1 or Fz respec-
It will be worth while to conclude our discussion with a consider-
ation of the interesting and important case where A -- -+ 1. We no-
tice first that i f A - - -+ 1, then the conditions (A) and (C) of the
theorem become
A'"'). ~4<_-0
C""). ~4_---0,
at least one of which must hold, so that there always exists a steady
state for G with at least one zero in this case. The interesting case

arises when we have complete activity, however, at least initially, so

that we shall suppose 0o~ < / ~ <= 01~ 9 Equation (1) becomes in this case
1 - (-- 1) t
y~=/t~ I - (-+1) + (+- 1 ) ~ §

for the values of t specified in lemma 2, which is indeterminate ; evalu-

ating the quotient by limits we obtain
y~--tg~( +- 1 ) t + (-+ 1 ) t ' l ~ . (3)
If p~ :~ 0 , y~ becomes indefinitely large with t , so that a steady state
of complete activity is not possible; and the case has no special inter-
est. When t~ ---- 0 , however, we have
yi~--- (-F 1) t+l ki. (4)

In the case k~ -- + 1, this means that the circuit C has an infinitude

of possible steavly states, one for each value of k~ satisfying Oo <= ~
< ~ , so that the parameters of C do not determine the steady state
conditions even among a finite set of values. Another such case arises
when k~ - - - 1; here, however, we have no steady state at all, but
instead continual oscillations in C of amplitude ls It m a y be re-
marked that this possibility might have been determined by the meth-
ods of (Householder, 1941a, b, c) except for an oversight: the appli-
cation of Cram~r's rule on page 68 of (Householder, 1941a) is invalid
when A - - 0 , which is equivalent to supposing A = I ( A : 1 - A) ; on
account of this the principal result of (3) is not in general valid. I f
the -< sign be struck out of the statements of this result, however, and
replaced by < , it becomes correct. A similar correction can generally
be made at a few other places in (Householder, 1941a, b, c, 1942)
where this oversight enters. The two possible cases in respect of the
equations (7) of (Householder, 1941a), namely inconsistency and in-
determinacy, correspond respectively to the case w h e r e / ~ does and
does not vanish for all i . In the first case, as we saw above, equation
9 (2) gives an indefinitely great y~ for sufficiently late t , and no steady
state of complete activity is indeed possible ; in the second we have the
determination of the substantial one of an infinite number of possible
steady states by the initial values )~, as we should infer from the
equations (7) of (Householder, 1941a) in this case.
We may perhaps conclude the present discussion with two re-
marks. First, with regard to the relationship of our present analysis
to the purely static one of (Householder, 1941a, b, and c) ; we have
been able to obtain all the results there found with a r a t h e r simpler
procedurel We are, moreover, enabled to solve explicity a problem

treated less directly in (Householder, 1941a, b, and c). A theorem

there enables us to calculate all the stimulus patterns consistent with
one or two specified activity p a t t e r n s ; since there are only a finite
n u m b e r of activity patterns, we can always enumerate them until we
find all the pairs consistent with any given stimulus pattern, which is
w h a t we really want. This method m a y be very laborious, however:
there are 2" distinct A P ' s , and 2 ~. (2 '~ - 1) pairs to be tested in gen-
eral. Theorem 1 above on the contrary, enables us to determine at once
explicitly how m a n y steady states there are in any given circuit, and
what values of y~ determine them.
Secondly, the above results m a y be extended (1) to the case
where the initial stimulation between t - - 0 and t - - 1 is not a con-
stant ~ , but a bounded function y~ (t), by simply dividing the inter-
na] ( 0 , 1 ) into sufficiently small segments so that all points of a given
segment, when taken as the ,%~ above, permit the circuit to approach
the same steady state in the same w a y ; the predictions thus obtained
for each segment are to be applied only throughout those later time-
interval's which are congruent to it modulo n; (2), to cases w h e r e
the initial variation in stimulation has lasted a r b i t r a r i l y long b e f o r e
becoming steady, by w a i t i n g until the last synapse of C receives a
steady stimulation, counting that interval as the first, and applying
Desinently, I should like to express m y appreciation of the coun-
sel and criticisms of Dr. A. S. Householder, who suggested the prob-
lem of this and later papers on the theory of neuron networks.
This work was aided in p a r t by a g r a n t from the Dr. Wallace C.
and Clara A. A b b o t t Memorial F u n d of the U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago.

Householder, A. S. 1941a. "A Theory of Steady-State Activity in Nerve-Fiber
Networks: I. Definitions and Preliminary Lemmas." Bull. Math. B~ophysic4,
3, 63-69.
Householder, A. S. 1941b. "A Theory of Steady-State Activity in Nerve-Fiber
Networks: II. The Simple Circuit." Bull. Math. Biophysics, 3, 105-112.
Householder, A. S. 1941c. "A Theory of Steady-State Activity in Nerve-Fiber
Networks: III. The Simple Circuit in Complete Activity." Bull. Math. Bio-
physics, $, 137-140.
Householder, A. S. 1942. "A Theory of Steady-State Activity in Nerve-Fiber
Networks: IV. N Circuits with a Common Synapse." Bull. Math. Biophysics,
4, 7-14.

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