Construction Housekeeping Checklist v1

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Yes No A
Work Areas

Is safe access to the job site provided for all workers?

q q q
Are walking/working surfaces kept clear and any liquid or other spilled material
cleaned up immediately?
q q q
Are stairways, passageways, and gangways kept free of material, supplies, or
q q q

Are all debris and trash picked up and placed in their proper containers?
q q q
Are protruding nails, forms, scrap lumber, and other debris kept clear from work
areas, passageways, and stairs, and in and around buildings or other structures?
q q q
Are structural openings covered/protected adequately (e.g. sumps, shafts, floor
openings, etc.)?
q q q
Materials and Storage
Are items not being used (e.g., tools, cords, or chains) stored in their proper
q q q

Are materials storage areas kept clean and free of unnecessary materials and debris?
q q q
Is loose scrap or light material, which may be blown off by high winds, properly
q q q
Are empty cement bags and other dust-producing materials removed from the work
q q q
q q q
Are materials at least 6 ft (2m) from openings, roof edges, excavations or trenches?

Are nails from protruding lumber bent over or removed?

q q q
Are trash and recyclable containers with self-closing covers placed throughout the job
site, marked for proper use, and emptied at regular intervals?
q q q

Are chutes provided to remove waste from above-grade floors?

q q q
q q q
Are drip pans used to collect oils and fluids?
Are all scrap, waste, recyclable, and surplus materials disposed of in accordance with
q q q
federal regulations and local codes?
Are all oil-soaked and paint-saturated rags, clothing, waste, or combustible refuse
placed in non-combustible receptacles with self-closing covers?
q q q

Is combustible waste scheduled for frequent collection and removal?

q q q
q q q
Are used oil containers and dumpsters locked to secure them from unwanted waste?

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