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Lesson Plan in Grade 8 English

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
 .EN8RC-IIIc-2.13: Differentiate facts from opinions
 EN8VC-IIIc-18: Determine the issue and stand presented in the material viewed
 EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7: React to what is asserted or expressed in a text
 EN8G-IIIa-3.6: Use modals appropriately

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Rules in pluralizing nouns.
b. Reference:
c. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Video , Images
d. Values: Environmental consciousness ,
III. Strategies: Computer aided learning, Connected type integration Methods


A. Preliminary activities:

a. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
b. Prayer
Please stand as we feel the presence of
our Lord God.
Ms. Doronio, kindly lead us a prayer. (Angelina will lead the prayer)
c. Checking of attendance
Ms. Secretary, please check your

B. Review

Last meeting we talked about common and proper

nouns .
Can you give me an example for common and
proper nouns RJ? Common: pencil , bag , chair , …
Proper: Mongol , Hawk , Uratex . ..

C. Motivation
Class before we start lets have a quick game.
Identify whether the following statements are
opinions or fact.

 The CoVid19 can be cured by Biogesic Opinion

 Juan would be safe from CoVid if he Fact
stayed at home.
 Under GCQ, 18 years old and above may
go out . Fact
 You may use mayonnaise as lotion
 Richie might have passed the test, if he Opinion
studied well. Fact

Great! you can distinguish fact from opinions.

D. Presentation and Discussion of the


Class have you ever had times where you

were scolded because you are slacking?
Yes sir, I was scolded by mom because I was
What would you tell to convince yourself sitting all day.
to get up and work?
Dear me! Can you stand up now and do your
Good! Today we will read a selection Could you be more productive?
entitled , “ How the camel got his hump”
by Rudyard Kipling.

Group yourselves into two to decide if

you want to watch a video or read a text.

While reading or watching , list down

what you observe that are facts and

Teacher plays video and provides


Are you done class? Students start reading/watching

Did you understand the story ?

Yes sir!
What is the issue presented on the story?
Yes sir!
What does the author say base from the
ending of the story? The Camel refuses to help the other animals.

In my opinion, I think that the author wants to tell

Very well said! us that we should do our role as part of the
Other answers? environment and society. That we do not wait for
consequences to arrive before we start acting.

Very good!
The author wants us to partake our roles and
What are the things you have listed as helping others.
opinions and facts?
The opinions are:
That camels , dogs, horses, and bulls speak.
That they are the companions of man.
That there are djinns.

Wow! You guys have read well. The facts are:

Camels have hump.
Now we will talk about modals. Bulls plough the field
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) That animals carry things.
verb that is used to express: ability, That deserts exist.
possibility, permission or obligation.
Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used
to express the same things as modals, but
are a combination of auxiliary verbs and
the preposition to. The modals and semi-
modals in English are:

Can/could/be able to
Must/have to

Yes sir!
‘I shouldn’t say that again if I were you,’ said the
Can you identify modals that are used in Djinn; ‘you might say it once too often. Bubbles, I
the text class? want you to work.’

he would have been here by now,

but that Humph-thing in the Desert can’t work
E. Application students will answer.
Class, To see if you really understand the lesson .

Kindly use the different modals in a sentence.

F. Generalization Yes sir

. a modal is a verb that combines with another
Cool! Did you understood about the lesson? verb to indicate mood or tense. A modal, also
What are modals ? known as a modal auxiliary or modal verb,
expresses necessity, uncertainty, possibility, or

G. Evaluation

A Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

1 When he was young, my grandfather ...................... (run) 12 kilometres.
2 John can’t run very fast but he ...................... (jump) high.
3 ...................... you ...................... (finish) your homework last week?
4 The dog hurt its leg and it ...................... (walk).
5 ...................... Tony ...................... (find) his way to the party tonight?
B Write sentences using the words below and must or mustn’t.
1 ride / your bike / on the grass 4 drive fast / near the school
.............................................. ..............................................
.............................................. ..............................................
2 take / your medicine / now .. 5 drink / a lot of water / in the summer
.............................................. ..............................................
.............................................. ..............................................
3 put / your feet / on the desk 6 bring / animals / into the shop
C Write sentences with should or shouldn’t.
1 It’s late. (go home now)
2 These sports shoes are expensive. (buy them)
3 You didn’t practise for the event. (take part in the competition)
4 Tim doesn’t like his job. (get another job)
5 Sally is not well. (go to school today)

Modals – Answers
A 1 could run 4 couldn’t walk
2 can jump 5 Can ... find
3 Could ... finish 6 couldn’t help
B 1 You mustn’t ride your bike on the grass.
2 You must take your medicine now.
3 You mustn’t put your feet on the desk.
4 You mustn’t drive fast near the school.
5 You must drink a lot of water in the summer.
6 You mustn’t bring animals into the shop.
C 1 You should go home now.
2 You shouldn’t buy them.
3 You shouldn’t take part in the competition.
4 He should get another job.
5 She shouldn’t go to school today.
6 You should wear a coat and boots.

H. Assignment
For your assignment , write a reflection paper about the story “How the Camel Got His Hump” by
Rudyard Kipling.

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