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Name : Vipul Amrut Bhandari

Class : MBA 2nd year

Subject : Service Marketing

Online Quiz ( Units-1 &2 )

1. A______is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered

for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.
a. Service
b. Demand
c. Need
d. Physical object
2. Distinct characteristic of services is _

a. Intangibility
b. Inseparability
c. Variability
d. Perishability

3. All of the following are examples of services EXCEPT:

a. banking.

b. hotels and motels.

c. tax preparation.

d. computer software.

4. Services are typically produced and consumed simultaneously. This is an example of the
Characteristic of services.

a. Intangibility
b. Variability
c. Inseparability
d. Simultaneously
e. Perishability

5. Services cannot be stored. This describes the characteristic of services.


b. Variability
c. Inseparability
d. Inconsistency
e. Perishability

6. Examples of pure tangible goods include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Soap.
b. Tax preparation.
c. Toothpaste.
d. Salt.

7. The fact that a business traveler may have one very positive check-in experience at a
hotel and then a very negative check-in experience with a different employee on a
subsequent visit is evidence of service:

a. intangibility.
b. inseparability.
c. variability.
d. perishability.

8. describes the employees skills in serving the client.

a. Internal Marketing
b. External Marketing
c. Relationship marketing
d. Interactive marketing
e. Communication Marketing

9. SSTS refers to

a. Service Standards Testing

b. Self- Service Technologies
c. Standard Service Technologies
d. Self Service Treatments

10. occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, and
goods as the props, to engage individual customers in a way that creates a memorable

a. Hybrid offer
b. Core service
c. Augmented or ancillary product
d. Experience
11. A tool for assessing the level of service quality based on the difference between users
expectations and the service experience delivered is:

a. The service dashboard

b. The service quality gap model
c. The balanced scorecard
d. The information value model

12. Text messaging is a type of which promotion strategy?

a. Personal selling
b. Sales promotion
c. Direct marketing
d. Public relations
13. The element of service quality which is defined as 'the knowledge and courtesy of
employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence'
a. Tangibles
b. Reliability
c. Assurance
d. Empathy

14. Attributes where consumers can evaluate only during or after the consumption process is
known as

a. Credence qualities
b. Experience qualities
c. Search qualities
d. None of the above

15. According to Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Benny, the most important determinant of service
quality is:

a. Responsiveness
b. Reliability
c. Assurance
d. Empathy

16. The moments of interaction between the customer and the service firm are called:
a. Servuction junction
b. Critical Incidents
c. core service failures
d. service recovery
17. Services that do not meet customer expectations are called:
a. Service failures
b. critical incidents
c. Servuction failures
d. service recovery
18. The difference between desired service and the level of service considered adequate is
known as :
a. Service quality
b. Tolerance zone
c. GAP

19. Service failures involving problematic customer include

a. uncooperative customers
b. breaking company policies
c. verbal and physical abuse
d. all of the above

20. What are the five principle dimensions to judge service quality?
a. Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles
b. Reliability, response, assurance, empathy, tangibles
c. Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, targets
d. Reliability, responsiveness aspects, empathy, tangibles

21. Consumer complaints tend to be:

a. instrumental and ostensive
b. instrumental and reflexive
c. Non-instrumental and ostensive
d. non-instrumental and reflexive

22. Top firms audit service performance by collecting measurements to probe

customer satisfiers and dissatisfies.

a. Customer satisfier
b. Customer complaint
c. Voice of the customer
d. Psychological

23. The services a customer expects are called the service package.

a. Expected
b. Augmented
c. Primary
d. Secondary Perceived

24. A firm's reaction to a customer complaint that results in customer satisfaction and
goodwill is called a:

a. service recovery paradox

b. service recovery
c. critical incident
d. moment of truth
25. The difference between which two expectation standards is the zone of tolerance?

a. Desired service, adequate service

b. Professional service, adequate service
c. Desired Service, optimal service
d. Desired service, advance service


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