Classroom Management

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Jamaica Tinguha
At the end of the facilitation, the
students are expected to:

To appreciate the importance of classroom management in

the teaching-learning process
To familiarize with the different classroom management styles
To share strategies, they use in the classroom to manage the
Classroom Management
is the term educators use to describe methods of
preventing misbehavior and dealing with it if it arises. In other words,
it is
the techniques teachers use to maintain control in the classroom.
Classroom Management
is one of the most feared parts of teaching for new
teachers. For the students, lack of effective classroom management
can mean that learning is
reduced in the classroom.
The Critical Role of the
Teacher as Classroom

Classroom management is one of the most important

roles played by teachers because it determines
teaching success.

Effective classroom managers are those who

understand and use specific techniques.
Functions Performed
by an Effective

Chooses, makes and uses the most effective instructional strategies

Designs classroom curriculum that facilitates student learning
Also considers, when designing a curriculum, the needs of the students
collectively and individually and not just relying on the textbook provided by the
Implements rules and regulations and imposed disciplinary actions
Importance of Effective Classroom

It is not possible for a teacher

• Effective use of to conduct instruction or for
classroom management students to work productively
• Students in classes where if they have no guidelines for
techniques can effective management how to behave or when to
dramatically decrease techniques move about the room, or if
the disruptions in your are employed have they
classes. achievement higher than frequently interrupt teacher
students in and one another.
classes where effective
management techniques
are not
Rules and Procedures
Effective classroom management needs good rules and

Effective classroom management needs good rules and


Effective classroom management needs good rules and procedures

Rules and procedures should not simply be imposed on students. The proper
design of rules and procedures involves explanation and group input.
Explanation is important in helping the students to see the need for the rule
therefore to accept it.
Students’ involvement
in designing and
Engage students
in the design of the rules and procedures.

The teacher,
should have the final word in the
deliberations if there is a compromise in the
group discussion.

The teacher,
Well-articulated rules and procedures that
are negotiated with
Consequence vs. Punishment
Consequences are viewed as an end result of a child’s
inappropriate act. That is, they should not be viewed as
something imposed, such as sanctioning, but rather as an
appropriate outcome for an inappropriate act.
Consequence vs. Punishment
Punishment, on the other hand, is punitive and/or
penal in nature. It does not necessarily serve a
learning purpose, but rather “gets even.” It sends
the wrong message. Children are in school to learn.
Part of learning is making mistakes, both academic and
• Important to the success of two of the other aspects of effective
classroom management – rules and procedures, and disciplinary
• It is important to communicate appropriate levels of dominance and
to let students know that you are in control of the class and are willing
to lead.
• It is also important to communicate to convey the message that you
are interested in the concerns of the students and individuals and the
class as a whole.
• Students with good relationship with the teacher accept more readily
the rules and procedures and the disciplinary actions that follow their
• Teachers should be effective instructors and lecturers, as well as
friendly, helpful, and congenial. They should be able to empathize with
students, understand their world, and listen to them.
• The nature of an effective teacher-student relationship is one that
addresses the needs of different types of students.
Classroom Arrangement
As Fred Jones, a noted
classroom management expert,
“A good classroom seating
arrangement is the cheapest
form of classroom management.
It’s discipline for free.”
How to achieve proper seating

Students should be seated where their attention is directed toward the teacher.

Students should be able to clearly see chalk board, screens, and teacher.

Students should be seated facing the front of the room and away from the

Classroom arrangements should be flexible to

accommodate a variety of teaching
Classroom Management
authoritative style
is characterized by behavioral principles, high expectations of appropriate
behaviour, clear statements about why certain behaviours are acceptable
and others not acceptable, and warm student teacher relationships.

authoritarian style
tends to be characterized by numerous behavioural regulations, is often
seen as punitive and restrictive, and students have neither a say in
their management, nor are they seen to need explanations; the teacher's
character is sometimes perceived as being cold, even punishing.
Classroom Management Styles

permissive style
is characterized by a lack of involvement, the environment is
non-punitive, there are few demands on students, and there is a
lot of freedom.

indulgent style
presents an environment where there are no demands on the
student of
any sort, and the students are actively supported in their efforts
to seek their own ends using any reasonable means.
Research has shown that the type of
management style used results in characteristic

The authoritative style helps to produce students who are socially

competent and responsible.
The authoritarian style helps to produce students who are ineffective
at social interaction, and somewhat inactive.
Both indulgent and permissive styles help to produce students that
are immature, show poor self-restraint, and who exhibit poor
leadership skills.
What type of classroom
management style are you
implementing in your

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