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Just for Adults™

Following Directions
by Kathryn J. Tomlin
Skills Ages
 reading and auditory comprehension  16 through adult
 categorization Grades
 vocabulary  high school and up
 word relationships
 concrete and abstract language

Evidence-Based Practice
According to the Clinical Guidelines of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
(, 2005) and the National Stroke Association (2006), the following
therapy principles are supported:
 Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, is a fundamental human need. Meeting this
need by facilitating and enhancing communication in any form can be vital to a patient’s
 Therapy should include tasks that focus on semantic processing, including semantic cueing
of spoken output, semantic judgments, categorization, and word-to-picture matching.
 Therapy may target the comprehension and production of complex, as well as simple,
sentence forms.
 Therapy should be conducted within natural communication environments.
 Rehabilitation is an important part of recovering from a stroke, and the goal is to regain as
much independence as possible.
This book incorporates the above principles and is also based on expert professional practice.

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About the Author
Kathryn J. Tomlin, M.S., CCC-SLP, has been a speech-language
clinician in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and in long-term care facilities
for over 25 years. She has authored many materials with LinguiSystems
over the last 20 years. Some of her works include:

WALC 1 (Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition)–

Aphasia Rehab
WALC 2–Cognitive Rehab
WALC 8–Word Finding
WALC 9–Verbal and Visual Reasoning
WALC 10–Memory
WALC 11–Language for Home Activities
The Source for Apraxia Therapy
Kathy and her therapy dog, Zanmi

Zanmi, Kathy’s Samoyed, goes to work with her to encourage the clients.
Her clients enjoy feeding and spending time with Zanmi, and Zanmi
enjoys their company. Everybody wins!

This book is respectfully dedicated to Danielle Fedele. Thanks for all your help in using
the exercises in this series of books. I couldn’t have done it without you. May your
journey in the world of speech/language pathology be fulfilling and fruitful.

Edited by Lauri Whiskeyman

Page Layout by Christine Buysse
Cover Design by Jeff Taylor
Illustrations by Margaret Warner
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
One Step—Body Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Two Step—Body Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Three Step—Body Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Two Component Directions—Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Two Component Directions—Concrete & Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Two Component Directions—Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Four Component Directions—Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Four Component Directions—Concrete & Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Four Component Directions—Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Varied Written Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Directions with Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
If Condition Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Complete Items from Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
One Step, Two Component Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Two Steps, Four Component Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Pictures with Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Making Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Following Written Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Directions with a List of Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Just for Adults: Following Directions 3 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Following directions is an integral part of our daily communication and functioning. We have to follow
directions in various ways for a multitude of activities every day. We follow directions when we use a
recipe, carry out the responsibilities of a job, build something, pay our bills, drive to a new location, and
so on. The ability to follow directions is frequently impaired in someone who has language or thinking
difficulties. Life and communication can become very confusing and frustrating when the ability to
follow directions is impaired.

Many factors can hinder one’s ability to follow directions, such as:

• Difficulty understanding language or concepts due to aphasia.

• Difficulty with mentally manipulating information and then acting upon it.
• Impulsivity, causing action before receiving and analyzing all pertinent information.
• Difficulty following a multimodality task.
• Perseveration, causing an inability to shift from how one task is done to a different method.
• Difficulty attending to and completing multi-step activities.

The exercises in Just for Adults: Following Directions have been developed to address different
forms and processes involved in following directions. In some of the sets of activities, the items get
progressively harder. The later exercises use the underlying processes targeted in the initial exercises.

The exercises can be done in multiple ways.

• Have clients read items silently and complete them independently.

• Have clients read task items aloud and perform the action or write the response. In general,
performance improves when a person has multi-modality input (i.e., hearing it while reading it.)
• Read the items to the client and have the client respond appropriately.

On page 6, you will find a screening tool that is not to be used as a test but rather as a way to observe a
client’s use of strategies and reasoning patterns. Some questions to think about while observing how the
client completes the screening include:

1. Does the client need to use verbal rehearsal to aid comprehension?

2. Is the client impulsive, and does his impulsivity lead to errors?
3. Does the client read too much into the task and become confused?
4. Is the client aware of his error responses?
5. Does the client ask for clarification when having difficulty or does he just keep
going, whether the item is understood or not?
6. Does the client miss salient information?
7. Is the client able to think convergently and divergently?
8. Does the client have trouble shifting from one task to the next?

Just for Adults: Following Directions 4 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Introduction, continued

These guidelines will help you present the activities in this book.

• The exercises are not for testing purposes. Try to make them as enjoyable as possible. Talking
about the specific task items, particularly when correcting error responses, will help to improve
the client’s ability for achieving the goals. Do not get into debates if the client is unable to see
another viewpoint for a response. Just move on to the next item.

• Review common direction words and practice the appropriate motor response before
beginning a section of activities. For example, ask the client to draw a circle, a box, or
underline. Write examples on index cards for future reference if necessary.

• Help the client associate directions to appropriate body parts before asking him to follow the
direction. For example, when he hears the word wink, which body part does he associate
with it?

• Be flexible with presentation and accept answers that differ from your viewpoint if the person
can give a logical explanation. The answers in the Answer Key are provided as a reference
and are not intended to be all inclusive.

I hope you and your clients find these exercises enjoyable and beneficial.


Just for Adults: Following Directions 5 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

1. Rub your arm, blink your eyes, then touch your knee.

2. Underline the coldest. Then, put an X on the tool.

bath pliers icicle coal

3. Cross out any word that begins and ends with S.

stamp scissors barks sixes

4. If a dog shaves, circle the tree. If not, go to the next direction.

maple green weeds thorn

5. Draw a clock.
Put in the numbers.
Set it for 9:25.

Shade in the square.
Underline the p’s.
Draw a line from the circle to the a.

7. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Put an O on the 2nd and on the 3rd blanks.
Put an H on the last blank.
Put a T before the H. Then, put a T in the first blank.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 6 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

One Step—Body Movement
Follow these directions.

1. Close your eyes. 11. Snap your fingers.

2. Give me your hand. 12. Touch your head.

3. Touch your ear. 13. Look down.

4. Pick up your foot. 14. Bend your arm.

5. Raise your arm. 15. Touch your elbow.

6. Smile. 16. Blink your eyes.

7. Make a fist. 17. Rub your arm.

8. Nod your head “yes.” 18. Scratch your chin.

9. Open your mouth. 19. Clap your hands.

10. Touch your foot. 20. Cough.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 7 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

One Step—Body Movement
Follow these directions.

1. Cross your arms. 11. Wave.

2. Shake your head “no.” 12. Look to the left.

3. Point to the door. 13. Touch your knee.

4. Look up. 14. Wink.

5. Touch your nose. 15. Point at the ceiling.

6. Cross your fingers. 16. Scratch your elbow.

7. Straighten your arm. 17. Laugh.

8. Look to the right. 18. Shake your arm.

9. Touch your other hand. 19. Frown.

10. Wipe your mouth. 20. Point to the floor.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 8 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Step—Body Movement
Follow these directions.

1. Open your mouth, then touch your knee.

2. Look at the door, then rub your arm.

3. Close your eyes, then touch your head.

4. Put your hand on your lap, then blink your eyes.

5. Rub your shoulder, then scratch your arm.

6. Yawn, then nod your head “yes.”

7. Clap your hands, then smile.

8. Raise your arm, then touch your chest.

9. Look at the ceiling, then snap your fingers.

10. Take my hand, then touch your ear.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 9 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Step—Body Movement
Follow these directions.

1. Raise your arm, then smile.

2. Scratch your elbow, then close your eyes.

3. Put your hands together, then look up.

4. Smile, then shake your foot.

5. Make a fist, then scratch your chin.

6. Touch your shoulder, then blink your eyes.

7. Wave, then clap your hands.

8. Scratch your nose, then cough.

9. Turn your head, then rub your arm.

10. Point to the floor, then open your mouth.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 10 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Three Step—Body Movement
Follow these directions.

1. Blink your eyes, cover your mouth, then make a fist.

2. Wave, look at the ceiling, then shake your foot.

3. Touch your knee, nod your head, then put your hands together.

4. Bend your arm, look at the floor, then laugh.

5. Raise your arm, close both eyes, then clap your hands.

6. Smile, scratch your elbow, then look to the right.

7. Wipe your mouth, straighten your arm, then wave.

8. Point to the floor, shake your arm, then wink.

9. Rub your stomach, touch your chin, then blink twice.

10. Pick up your foot, cross your fingers, then open your mouth.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 11 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Component Directions—Concrete
Follow these directions.

1. Circle the clothing.

pencil shirt table radio

2. Underline the drink.

water rock crackers light

3. Cross out the piece of furniture.

rabbit book telephone table

4. Draw an X on the day of the week.

block Tuesday November summer

5. Draw a box around the thing you can write with.

picture cashew pencil cup

6. Draw a line over the body part.

elbow smile scissors today

7. Put a check mark on the number.

father truck street fourteen

8. Circle the animal.

stone bird paint cage

Just for Adults: Following Directions 12 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Component Directions—Concrete & Abstract
Follow these directions.

1. Underline the heaviest.

pillow penny bus refrigerator

2. Draw a line over the food.

music tree watch pizza

3. Circle the hardest item.

dough water leaf stone

4. Cross out the money.

happy curtain porch dollar

5. Put a check mark next to the one that bounces.

ball robin shirt charge

6. Draw a box around the thing that is read.

apple sleep book latch

7. Put a line over the one that breaks.

quarter glass crow bar steel beam

8. Circle the food.

tower lace ceiling cereal

Just for Adults: Following Directions 13 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Component Directions—Abstract
Follow these directions.

1. Circle the largest.

cat ant house sofa

2. Underline the softest.

pillow board pebble jar

3. Cross out the one that burns.

brick paper water steel

4. Put a check in front of the one that is green.

stop sign strawberry sun grass

5. Draw a line over the one that tears.

iron cloth glass cement

6. Make a box around the tallest.

tree bush shrub flower

7. Put an X on the one that is crispy.

juice bread cracker soup

8. Circle the one that is wet.

salt powder dust water

Just for Adults: Following Directions 14 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Four Component Directions—Concrete
Follow these directions.

1. Circle the room. Then, underline the fish.

song flounder kitchen phone

2. Draw a line over the spice. Then, cross out the building.
pepper counter glasses bank

3. Underline the bird. Then, check the piece of furniture.

olive sofa brochure eagle

4. Draw a box around the food. Then, put a line over the tree.
oak wash noodles curl

5. Draw a line through the sport. Then, circle the transportation.

baseball button sneaker airplane

6. Put two lines under the drink. Then, put a box around the job.
neck coffee jacket carpenter

7. Draw an X on the season. Then, circle the pet.

dog teeth summer lights

8. Put a check mark on the thing you sit on. Then, underline the vegetable.
tooth corn chair stamp

Just for Adults: Following Directions 15 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Four Component Directions—Concrete & Abstract
Follow these directions.

1. Cross out the dessert. Then, circle the flower.

rose street ice cream lion

2. Draw a line over the red one. Then, put a box around the heaviest one.
lemon tomato grass truck

3. Underline the toy. Then, circle the footwear.

dog shoe doll eight

4. Check the coldest. Then, put two lines over the sharpest.
ice dish tree knife

5. Draw a line through the month. Then, put an X on the state.

New York circle January show

6. Circle the hottest one. Then, put a check after the most expensive.
smile fire diamonds oranges

7. Draw a line under the weather. Then, draw a box around the hair color.
night brunette wrap rainy

8. Circle the longest one. Then, draw a line over the fruit.
mile can pen apple

Just for Adults: Following Directions 16 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Four Component Directions—Abstract
Follow these directions.

1. Circle the shortest one. Then, underline the one you hear.
fence web music inch

2. Draw a box around the roughest. Then, cross out the smoothest.
air glass sandpaper circle

3. Put a check after the yellow one. Then, draw a line over the one
that’s inflated.
lemon potato gorilla basketball

4. Circle the one that floats. Then, put a star on the cheapest one.
dryer car ship stamp

5. Cross out the softest. Then, draw a box around the smallest.
cotton hundred shelves ant

6. Put an X in front of the one that grows. Then, circle the one that can fly.
helicopter pants tree plank

7. Cross out the one you tie. Then, put two lines under the loudest.
siren knot change juggle

8. Circle the one that is shiny. Then, put a box around the oldest one.
shower antique new penny mud

Just for Adults: Following Directions 17 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Varied Written Directions
Follow the directions.

1. Put a box around the word to the left of sixty.

mountain coffee sixty giant

2. Underline the words with five or fewer letters.

table cat spiders hand

3. Put a check beside the word that means the same as car.
boat airplane automobile train

4. Put a triangle over each word that begins and ends with T.
pot tent taunt tooth

5. Cross out the one that is not worn on the feet.

boots shoes slippers gloves

6. Add “ing” to the word that describes a way to cook.

run fry fence chase

7. Circle any word that has a similar meaning to intelligent.

smart brainy wire brilliant

8. Put a line through any letter found in the word dog.

damp good open dragon

Just for Adults: Following Directions 18 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Varied Written Directions
Follow the directions.

1. Check any word that is the opposite of sad.

add happy paw joyous

2. Cross out the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in these words.

man upon bus tie

3. Circle the ones that go slower than a car.

bicycle jet turtle mule

4. Write the opposite of each word above each word.

yes down bottom on

5. Put a box around any word that begins with the last letter of
the word day.
floor year yam now

6. Put a line over any word with four or more letters.

some leg sponge at

7. Circle the animals that can be pets.

sharp cat hippo dog

8. Add “ed” to the ones that frogs do.

croak drive cook jump

Just for Adults: Following Directions 19 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Directions with Numbers
Follow the directions.

1. Circle the number closest to 5.

21 4 16 12

2. Underline the number to the left of 63.

18 63 92 6

3. Put a box around the one that equals the number of days in a week.
2 8 4 7

4. Put a check next to the largest number.

64 27 96 85

5. Draw a line from the first to the last number.

93 38 47 22

6. Cross out the number that equals the number of years in a century.
100 75 50 10

7. Put two lines over the smallest number.

76 50 42 33

8. Put an X on the number that equals a dozen.

20 12 3 7

Just for Adults: Following Directions 20 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

If Condition Directions
Follow the directions.

1. If a fire burns, circle the tallest item. If not, do nothing.

shack hut skyscraper cabin

2. If a child is older than his mother, cross out the second word.
If not, do nothing.
hop meter drink hike

3. If a bird flies, put a box around the last word. If not, do nothing.
bag sound left under

4. If glass breaks, cross out the cold item. If not, do nothing.

snow bench rug sun

5. If a cat barks, underline the first word. If not, do nothing.

bowl inch street hot dog

6. If you wear a hat on your feet, circle the shortest item. If not, do nothing.
inch foot yard mile

7. If a peanut has a shell, put a line over each green item. If not, do nothing.
blood leaves grass emerald

8. If you can see movies on TV, underline the one that grows.
If not, do nothing.
building brick tree book

Just for Adults: Following Directions 21 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

If Condition Directions
Follow the directions.

1. If a green light means stop, put an X on the things that fly.

If not, do nothing.
airplane car train kite

2. If spring comes after winter, circle the flowers. If not, do nothing.

tulips water dirt daffodils

3. If a leg is longer than an arm, underline the words beginning with T.

If not, do nothing.
upper tease walnut thumb

4. If a lemon is sweet, circle the things that float. If not, do nothing.

boat cork anchor stone

5. If scissors cut, cross out the things hung on the wall. If not, do nothing.
picture gum clear mirror

6. If a worm can talk, put a line over the round items. If not, do nothing.
box ball dish microwave

7. If breakfast is eaten in the morning, put a box around the foods.

If not, do nothing.
houses eggs plates pancakes

8. If a dog can chew on a bone, circle the one that is black.

If not, do nothing.
lemon coal snow ice

Just for Adults: Following Directions 22 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Complete Items from Directions
Find the appropriate picture on the right to follow the directions.

1. Put two leaves on the flower stem.

2. Solve the addition problem.

3. Put ears on the cat.

4. Write a word that begins with

the letter T on the blank.

5. Shade in the sun.

6. Draw three circles in the square.

1, ___, 3, 4
7. Fill in the missing number.

8. Draw a flame on the candle.

9. Put a knob on the door.

10. Draw tires on the car.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 23 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Complete Items from Directions
Find the appropriate picture on the right to follow the directions.

1. Shade in the circle.

2. Put an X on the piece of furniture.

3. Write your name on the blank.

4. Draw a shade on the lamp.

5. Underline the item that needs a key.

6. Write a 2 on the pencil.

7. Put an X above the item a dog chews.

8. Circle the kitchen appliance.

9. Draw hands on the clock to show 2:30.

10. Draw an eye on the fish.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 24 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

One Step, Two Component Directions


Use the items in the box to follow the directions.

1. Underline the letter S.

2. Draw an X in the circle.

3. Put a box around the season.

4. Draw a line from the A to the circle.

5. Circle the two m’s.

6. Cross out the A.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 25 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Steps, Four Component Directions

1 A 2 B 3 C
Use the items in the boxes to follow the directions.

1. Shade in the triangle. Underline the 1 and A.

2. Divide the circle in half by drawing a line across the middle.

Draw a line over the 2.

3. Draw a line from the square to the triangle. Cross out the B.

4. Put a check mark (✓) in the square. Circle the 3.

5. Put a box around C. Shade in the top half of the circle.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 26 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Two Steps, Four Component Directions

1 2 A B 3 4
glass f ly
Use the items in the boxes to follow the directions.

1. Circle the shortest word. Shade in the square.

2. Draw a line from the 2 to the 3. Underline the A and B.

3. Put a dot in the circle. Draw a box around the 4.

4. Cross out the one that breaks. Circle the 2.

5. Put a line over the 3. Underline the triangle.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 27 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pictures with Directions

Follow the directions.

1. Draw a line connecting the cat to the tree.

2. Shade in the one worn on the head.

3. Circle the one with a point.

4. Write your name under the car.

5. Put a box around the one with a brim.

6. Draw five apples in the tree.

7. Put an X on the one with wheels.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 28 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Pictures with Directions

Follow the directions.

1. Write the number 3 above the one that is read.

2. Put two small circles inside the one that is hot.

3. Circle the one that cuts.

4. Shade in the bottom half of the glass.

5. Write the present year above the refrigerator.

6. Draw a line from the book to the glass.

7. Put a large X on the appliance.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 29 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Making Words
Follow the directions to form words.

1. Put an R on the second to last blank.

2. Put an A on the fifth blank.

3. Put an E on the second blank.

4. Put a B between the E and R.

5. Put a Z on the first blank.

1. Put a Q on the first blank.

2. Write an S on the fourth blank.

3. Put a T on the last blank.

4. After the first letter put a U.

5. Put an E on the middle blank.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 30 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Making Words
Follow the directions to form words.

1. Put an S on the fourth blank.

2. Put a U before the S.

3. On the second blank, write an R.

4. Put a T on the first blank and the last blank.

1. Put an O on the second blank.

2. Write the first letter of the alphabet on the fourth blank.

3. Put an L on the first blank.

4. Write T on the fifth blank.

5. Write a C on the blank after the O.

6. Put an E on the last blank.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 31 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Following Written Directions

In the box above:

1. Draw two large circles that are not touching.

2. Write your name above the circle on the right.

3. Put an X in the left circle.

4. Write the date in the upper left corner of the box.

5. Divide the right circle in half.

6. Write a number between the circles.

7. Put two lines under the left circle.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 32 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Following Written Directions

In the box above:

1. Draw a large square in the center of the box.

2. Write the numbers 1–3 down the right side of the square.

3. Draw a star in the middle of the square.

4. Draw a small triangle under the square.

5. Write your last name somewhere to the left of the square.

6. Shade in the triangle.

7. Draw a line from the 1 to the 3.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 33 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Following Written Directions

In the box above:

1. Draw a square and a circle. The circle should be to the left of the square.

2. Draw a triangle inside the circle.

3. Write a number between 1 and 10 under the square.

4. Write the letter K between the circle and the square.

5. Draw two small wavy lines inside of the square.

6. Write today’s date somewhere above the circle.

7. Draw an X below the figure on the left.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 34 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Directions with a List of Items

pudding books tooth six

seven lion sausage students

trip orange bear tent

dog four tunnel frog

eleven pencils principal soup

Use the words in the box to follow these directions.

1. Underline the animals.

2. Put a box around each food.

3. Cross out the numbers.

4. Put a line over the things in a school.

5. Draw a line through the words that begin with T.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 35 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Directions with a List of Items

table green cat stop sign

people strawberry turtle tomato

blue brown police car horse

ambulance dog chair purple

blood peanut wig fire truck

Use the words in the box to follow these directions.

1. Underline each of the five things with hair or fur.

2. Circle each of the three things with sirens.

3. Check each of the seven things with legs.

4. Put a line through each of the five things which are usually red.

5. Put a box around each of the four colors.

6. Put an X on each of the two things with shells.

Just for Adults: Following Directions 36 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.






Use these directions to travel on the above map of city blocks.

1. Start at the library.

2. Go one block north. Where are you?

3. From there, go one block east. Where are you?

4. From there, go two blocks south to the Post Office.

5. From there, go 1 block west, then 1 block north.

Where are you?

Just for Adults: Following Directions 37 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.


Elm Street

Broad Street
3rd Street

2nd Street
Maple Street

Chestnut Street

You are driving through the above map of some city blocks.

1. Start at Broad and Chestnut.

2. From there, go two blocks north.

3. Now go west on Elm for one block.

4. Now go south on 2nd Street for one block.

5. Then go west on Maple for one block.

Where are you?

Just for Adults: Following Directions 38 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key
The most likely answers are shown. Accept other logical, appropriate answers as correct.

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Just for Adults: Following Directions 39 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

Answer Key, continued

page 27 page 31 page 35

page 28 page 32 page 36

page 29 page 33 page 37

page 30 page 34 page 38

Just for Adults: Following Directions 40 Copyright © 2007 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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