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Arsi University

College of Behavioral and Educational Science General Psychology Assignment

for 2nd year

Afan Oromo Student (20%)

Assignment Two: - Answers
Que.1. Life skills and components of life skill life skills are abilities for adaptive
and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the
demands and challenges every life major components of life skills are :

- Critical thinking
- Self confidence
- Self-awareness
- Self-steem
- Decision making
- Inter-personal relationships, etc


A) Self-awareness: is knowledge and understanding of one’s strengthens

involve monitoring our inner world, thought, etc
B) Self-steem: The degree to which we perceive ourselves positively or
C) Self-Confidence: Is the degree to which one can rely on hos or her
ability to perform certain behavior alone or in public
D) Self-concept : Is reflective phenomenon that develops in social
interaction and is based on the social character of human.

Que.3. Emotional intelligence : Is refers to the ability to identify and manage

one’s own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It includes:
emotional awareness ability to identify and name one’s own emotions.

Que.4. Resilience: Is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity,

trauma, tragedy, threats or significant source of stress such as family
and relationship problem.

Coping with stress- Is managing our stress by keeping positive attitude/

accepting that instead of aggressive, etc


A. Critical thinking: Is purpose full self-regulating judgment which

result in interpretation analysis; evaluation and inferences.
Creative thinking: Is the way of looking at problems or situations from
a fresh perspective that suggests un orthodox solution (which may
look un setting at first)
B. Problem solving: Is a process in which we perceive and resolve a gap
between a present situation and desired goal.
Decision making- is selection process where one of two or more
possible solutions is chosen to reach a desired goal.

Que.6. Time management: Is ability to plan and control how someone spends
the hour in a day to accomplish his/her goal. Time management does
not mean being busy all the time, It means using your time the way you
want to use.

Que.7. Methods of note taking skills- Note- taking provide someone with key
information about course note-taking need to be organized to be studied
it later strategies considered for good note taking:- getting organized
before class & during class.

Study skills- are approaches applied to learning, are critical to success in

school, considered essential for acquiring good grade and useful through
out one’s life. Strategies to be followed are:

- Time management - Reading

- Not-taking - Test preparation , etc

Que.8. Test-taking skills- are methods in which students or learners

approaches test. Strategies to be followed are:

- Be prepared
- Always arrive early and take a moment to relax
- Follow carefully instruction given
- A memory dump, etc

Test anxiety- Is a negative mood or state characterized by badly

symptoms of physical tension and by apprehension about test goings to
take place in the future. It can be subjective sense of an ease and a set of
behavior response originating in brain.

Que.9. Goal setting is drawing map which will help individuals to track their
development towards reaching their development towards reaching their
full parential. The most important purposes goal setting are guide and
direct behavior, provide clarity, provide challenge and standards, etc

Career development skills: Is a lifelong continuous process of planning

implementing and managing one’s learning, work and leisure in order to
achieve life objective. It often used to describe skills, aptitudes, abilities
and attitudes required to manage life.

Que.10. Intercultural diversity: A system of belief and behaviors that

recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in and

organization cultural differences and encourages and enable their
cultural contribution within an inclusive cultural context.

Diversity Management: The key to manage diversity is to capitalize

more effectively on our capacity for multiple social identities. To
manage cultural diversity.

- Increase level of understanding about each other

- Avoid imposing values on other
- Recognize and understand that concept within the helping profession,

Que.11. Managing cultural diversity and living with others in harmony.

- This need to level understanding about other’s cultures by increasing

with people outside of one’s own culture, avoid imposing values on one
other that may conflict with culture, recognize that limitation in the
language proficiency, recognize and understand that concepts within
the helping profession being proactive in listening accepting & well
coming people, etc.

Que.12. Gender differences and similarities scholars conceptualize gender as

institution in compass three level of analysis:

- Individuals level- refers to stable traits of men and women that

ensure over time, this differences believed to be rooted in early
- The interactional level- refers the way in which social behavior is
- The structural level- address how macro level patterns such as
position to which people are assigned in society.

Que.13. Interpersonal communication: Is process by which people exchange

information feeling and meaning through verbal and non-verbal
messages. It is face to face communication & others. To have effective
- Self- awareness
- Effective listening
- Questioning
- Oral communication
- Helping or facilitating
- Reflecting, etc.

Que.14. Social influences: Is occurs when one person engages in some behavior
that causes another person to have differently from hoal he/she would otherwise
behave social influence may produce attitude change.

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