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Date ______________

Letter Agreement


Dear ______________

This letter " agreement " summarize my understanding of the agreement that we reached on
______________ after our meeting. prior negotiation took place on ______________ . If this agreement
is acceptable, to you please sign below in the space designated for your signature.

As I understand it , we have agreed as follows :

1. Agreement

It is my understanding we have agreed to the following in regard to :

2. Term

The term of this agreement ("Term") will commence as of ______________ and will continue in effect
until ______________ , at which point it shall terminate unless the Term is extended or terminated
earlier in written document signed by both of us in the manner describe in paragraph 5 of this
agreement or us otherwise provided for in this agreement.

3. force majeure

Neither of us will be liable to the other for any loss , damage or default occasioned by strike, civil
disorder , government decree or regulation , acts of God or any other force majeure (collectively , "Force
majeure Event"). we agree that upon conclusion of a Force majeure Even, each of us will use
commercially reasonable means to recommence full performance of our obligation under this

4. Notice

Any notice to be given under this Agreement by either of us may be effected either by personal delivery
in writing or by mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested to the
addresses set forth in this agreement unless one of us notifies

5. This Employee salary ______________ (____________________________) per month.

Client Contractor

____________________________ ____________________________

By: ______________ By ______________

Date : ______________ Date : ______________

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