World of Darkness - Mortal

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World of Darkness Jump

Everyone has had the sense at least once in their lives that things are not right with the
world, that not everything is at it seems. We sometimes feel that sinister truths hide behind a façade
of normality, veiled partially by the rational, orderly “natural laws” taught to us by science. We’re
told that medieval beliefs in monsters and magic were merely primitive superstitions. We’re too
wise for that sort of foolishness these days. Or so we assure ourselves. But at night, when the
shadows grow long and the wind whistles through the trees, we shudder and remember older truths,
the truths of our ancestors, who were right to fear the dark.

Welcome to the World of Darkness

The World of Darkness is a supernatural horror setting encompassing an incredible variety of

creatures from innumerable mythologies all around the world. You will be sent into this world as
none of those. Instead you will be an ordinary mortal (well, mostly ordinary) in a world filled with
terrible entities and shadowy conspiracies. You will need to survive for ten years, relying on your
wits and skills to get by.

For the purposes of this chain you will not become one of the supernatural beings of this world (See
notes for information on the various supernatural factions). You will not awaken as a mage, suffer
your first change as a werewolf, have your soul torn out entirely by the hedge and become a
changeling, be turned into a vampire, or any other such event. Having your soul torn out by the
hedge or being turned into a vampire count as death for this chain. You can enter the hedge safely if
you find an entrance and enter of your own accord, but being snatched away and dragged through
will cause the loss condition.

Now take your +1000 CP and get on your merry way. Good Luck, you might just need it

All the cities below, and anywhere in the world for that manner could have any kind number of
supernatural goings on, and a inhuman population of any combination of creatures. Some places
have more of one kind than another so your starting location may determine what kind of creature
you first encounter. Ready? Now roll 1d8.

1. Chicago, Illinois
The windy city, the city of broad shoulders, Chicago is a large and tough city. In mortal lives
gang crime is a terror, but in the dark it is a thousand times worse. It is currently under split control
between vampires, werewolves, and mages but that is soon to change. A cataclysm will soon befall
this unseen world with one group coming out on top. I wonder which one it will be?

2. New York City, New York

The empire city, New York is a bustling city much more compacted than Chicago. A Major
seat of commerce and politics in the US, NYC has it's share of mortal conspiracies. Behind all that
lays a city beset by ghosts and other creatures from beyond the veil of death, and so many Sin-
Eaters call this city home. Why ever could the veil between life and death be so thin here?

3. Denver, Colorado
Rocky mountain way, Denver is a city of stone up high in the mountains. Many mortals
come here for vacation to ski and snowboard. Some never make it back. Alongside that Denver is a
city surrounded by rugged wilderness, and is home to strong unspoiled spirits of nature and the
wardens that oversee them: the Garou or werewolves in layman's terms. What would happen to this
fair city should the spirits of nature decide to reclaim what was once theirs?
4. New Orleans, Louisiana
The big easy, New Orleans is a city proud of its supernatural heritage. Museums about
voodoo and vampire tours are regular things here. It is a city with a big appetite, well know for it's
Mardi Gras festival and vibrant party scene. There is a darker hunger that lurks in this city as well,
vampires rule it's night preying on the ignorant masses with incredible ease. Be careful not to get
too swept up in this city, and control your own “appetites”. Don't want to devour yourself do you?

5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The city of brotherly love, Philly is a city steeped in history and blood. The seat of the
American revolution Philadelphia is a city of incredible pride. This city is most notable in this
setting for it's (relatively) large number incredibly organised monster hunters. Which is a good thing
because a place this old, that once held such importance, and saw so much violence; that there must
be some incredibly nasty things out there. Lucky for humanity, it's defenders don't posses
overconfidence to the point of stupidity, right? Right?

6. Miami, Florida
The magic city, Miami is a city of fun, sun, and excitement. Miami is a place where you can
always find a way to enjoy yourself. It has a large Caribbean community and with it an above
average number of Santeria and Voodoo practitioners. It location has also led to a sizeable drug and
flesh trade, and the mortals aren't the only ones getting into the act. Home of the seat of Changeling
power in the US, Miami is always threatened with incursion from the Gentry of Arcadia and anyone
you meet might be a fetch. Do watch your back, but try not to become paranoid?

7. Boston, Massachusetts
The city on a hill, Boston is a city known for its architecture, seafood, and beans for some
reason. It, much like Philadelphia played an important role in American independence, and is
seeped in history. Not all of Boston's history belongs to mortals, however. Mages bear dominance in
the city of champions. Mystic conflicts often spill over into the affairs of mundane men and women,
leaving strife and sorrow in its wake. Will you give in to this play? Or will you attempt to subvert
this fate?

8. Free Choice
See? I told you that you would need luck. You can choose any location listed above or
anywhere else in the world. Even Antarctica. Just don't think going there will make you safe.

Time to determine your place in this world. You can pay 50cp to determine you own age. Your sex
is the same as your last jump, or you can pay 50cp to change it.

So you decide your place in this world is that you have none? Perhaps this is a wise choice.
You gain no new memories, family, or friends in this place. As well your age carries over from your
last jump. You wake up in an alley of your starting location, confused and slightly sore. Just what
were you doing before your arrival?

An intelligent individual, you've made it this far in life by relying on your brains rather than
your brawn. Perhaps your a college graduate, or perhaps you've learned all you have on your own.
You have a nice job where your intellect comes into play, such as an architect, scientist, or teacher.
That changed recently though, you stayed at your office a bit later than usual and by the time you
were ready to go everyone else was gone. Then you heard a noise, not unlike the screeching of a
bat. Your curiosity got the better of you and you went to investigate. What you found in the boiler
room defies comprehension. You were afraid, you were in awe, and more than anything you were
curious. Whatever it was disappeared, but you've begun on it's trail, searching for the truth. Do be
alert though, you know what they say “Curiosity killed the cat”. Age 25+1d8

Not exactly an example of a thinking man, you usually rely on your fists to solve your
problems. You work in a field reliant on your strength, perhaps you're a construction worker, a
minor league boxer, or maybe even a gang member. Regardless, you were walking alone one night
when you saw a shadow in a nearby alley. What happened next is a blur. You were attacked by
something terrible, but all it did was make you angry. You fought it off with your strength, leaving it
broken and bruised. Now you have finally found a real challenge for your strength, a purpose you
feel drawn to. To test your mettle against the creatures of the night, but beware of your own
overconfidence. As they say “Pride cometh before the fall”. Age 18+1d6

Faceman they call you, seductress, shyster, or even loudmouth. You're the kind who relies on
charisma and good looks to get by. Maybe you hustle pool, seduce old men or women, hell you
might even be a small time lawyer or politician. You enjoyed having all eyes on you, but then “he”
came. A rival, someone better at manipulating people, better at grabbing the spotlight. You got
jealous, and so you confronted them one night. Then they revealed the truth before your very eyes.
Your rival was something you had only seen in nightmares. Fear took hold, fight or flight, and you
always leaned towards flight. A few miles later you were in the clear, but still astounded at what had
occurred. Now, new knowledge in hand you had only one choice: to show them up. Play a better
game then they do. Just be careful, you never know who could be listening. Age 16+1d8

A mere child, you have faced more hardship than most adults. You lost your parents is a
storm of sharp claws and spraying blood. They say you were traumatized, that you've blocked the
actual events from your own memory. But you know the truth; that your parents were killed by a
monster. You've researched them online, read books upon books on the subject, asked other children
about them. Perhaps your search may yet yield fruit? Do always keep in mind that innocence lost
may never be regained. Age: 5+1d8

Occult Path
Of course, there are paths that a mortal can take to power on their own. In their own way, mortals
who have discovered these secrets are some of the rarest or least known supernatural beings in the
whole world. So, what path will you walk down?

Mundane (Free)
Taking no path is a viable option all it's own. Relying instead on what you can attain without
the aid of the supernatural is for sure a difficult path, but one you can hold your head high knowing
you didn't need to cheat to get where you are.

Psychic (100cp)
Psychic power is a relatively poorly understood phenomenon. What causes some individuals
to attain psychic powers is inconsistent and difficult (or impossible) to recreate. Even the vector by
which psychic phenomenon manifests is a mystery. Some believe psychics are the next stage of
humanity, others the creations of a conspiracy, still others (notably Awakened Mages) believe that
psychics may in fact be nascent will workers. What is known is that there is a phenomenon called
the sheep-goat effect, where nascent psychics with a profound disbelief in the occult cause
interference with the use of psychic powers.
Low Thaumaturge (100cp)
An adherent of the magic of old, a Low Thaumaturge is an individual who understands the
process behind and can utilize traditional magical methods to their fullest for concrete effects but do
not utilize Awakened will working. What causes low magic to work for some and not for others is
another mystery of the world of darkness. Some say it is belief, others an innate power channelled
through rituals. An important thing for all Low Thaumaturge is the form their rituals take: some
utilize complex Christian prayers (like an exorcism), others Voodoo rites, still others utilize alchemy
studying metals and performing pseudo-scientific research.

Purified (500cp)
Immortality is one of those ideas that has led to much strife and terrible deeds across history
both mundane and supernatural. Sometimes in the search for immortality one comes across the
ageless spirits that inhabit the Shadow Realm and every so often one of those who seek immortality
finds or rediscovers the ritual that turns them into one of the purified.
Becoming one of the purified is a complex process and always includes one crucial step —
death. If the person has prepared herself correctly, the power of the ritual transforms her mind and
her body. Once she is dead, her mind successfully makes its way back to her body. When her mind
re-enters her body, she becomes one of the purified. In this state, her mind has been transmuted into
a more rarified and enduring state, as well as being forever tied to the mysterious Shadow Realm.
Even more importantly, her body has become ageless and can be easily re-animated by her mind if
it is ever killed again (You can still die by being drained of essence and then being slain, much
easier if you are already in spirit form after your body dying). See notes for full details and a more
in-depth explanation of the purified, their limitations, and inherent traits.

Skin-Thief (200cp)
Some folk are dissatisfied with their lot in life, for some this is a matter of their physical
appearance such as wanting to be taller or prettier. For some rare few this is a dissatisfaction with
being a human in general. Even fewer are those who truly feel the call of the wild, who tap into
their own primal powers to steal the “skin” of an animal and sup of its blood, gaining the ability to
assume traits or even the form of the animal in question. Of course, these changes aren't innate nor
are they gained from just wearing the animal's hide and drinking its blood. Rituals must be
preformed and the intent must be correct for it all to work. Only then may the Skin-thief assume the
stolen form. Skin-thieves have a minor but noticeable resistance to other supernatural techniques.
They also posses a meagre amount of essence with which to utilize some of their abilities.

Slasher (200cp)
No. You Must be Joking. You Surely wouldn't wish to walk this dark path. Are you certain?
Fine, but beware for the powers here come with a cost. To be a slasher is to be an individual
subsumed by their need to kill. Worse than any ordinary serial killer, a Slasher has skill at killing
unparalleled. Young Slashers, with their minimal power are called Rippers. Once a Slasher passes a
certain threshold they become something more, a Scourge. With supernatural powers fuelled by
their murderous impulses, Scourges are beings only spoken of in urban legends and grindhouse
horror movies. Take the Dark Impulse disadvantage for no additional points.
Discounted perks are 50%, with the 100cp origin perk free for the respective origin

Origin Perks

A Path in the Gloom – 100cp
It can be hard to stay on your chosen path in this world of sin. You now gain a feeling for
acts, objects, or individuals which may cause corruption (physical, mental, or spiritual), or are
contrary to your chosen moral path. As well you gain a small resistance to such corruption.

A Light in the Dark – 200cp

When darkness reigns supreme, there is only one thing that those who dwell within it fear:
Hope. Fear, despair, apathy, these words mean little to you. Your willpower is beyond the ken of
ordinary men, allowing you to bring yourself to full bear against those who would seek to spread
the darkness even further. You also gain the ability to see clearly in the dark, no matter how deep it

The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors – 400cp

So many different entities dwell in this world's shadows, their weaknesses truly known only
to few. You now stand among these few, with a natural sense for what can truly slay these beings.
With a minute or so of study you can determine what kind of weaknesses a supernatural creature
has. The weaknesses of more powerful beings, or more obscure weaknesses take longer to analyse
and discover.

Sword of Damocles – 600cp

The children of the night claim dominance over the herd of mankind, but the throne they sit
themselves upon is a fragile thing. You can intuitively sense and understand the machinations of
secret societies and conspiracies, see their unseen hand woven throughout society. You can also
intuitively sense the weak points in these works, and know how to unravel and disrupt their efforts.
You also become harder to predict, either by magic or mundane ways, making you that much harder
to plan around.

Professional – 100cp
Well aren't you a smart cookie? You can choose a single field to have the equivalent
knowledge and experience of a masters degree in. You know the ins and outs of the business related
to your field, and know at least one fellow professional. If you want you can in fact have an actual
degree in this subject.

Pursuit of the Truth – 200cp

The cold hard truth, the ultimate enticement for a one such as yourself. When pursuing
secrets and digging for the truth you become unto a force of nature. As long as you have a hidden
truth you are directly in search of you could go for days without eating, drinking, or sleeping. Of
course, once you find that truth you're gonna need to make up all those calories you've burned, all
that water your body has absorbed, and all those hours of sleep you missed. At least it was worth it.

Mind Over Monster – 400p

Your mind is like a steel trap. A steel bear trap. Coming up with clever traps, convincing set-
ups, even calculating weapon trajectories come natural to your incredible mind. With enough time
and information you could set the stage to kill many of the powerful and dangerous beings in this
world. Of course you need time to set all these up.
The Forbidden Fruit – 600cp
Okay, so sometimes there is knowledge that was not meant to be known. Too much of a
good thing and all that. Mortal minds just aren't designed to handle some truths. Unlike those idiots
though, yours can understand. Well most of it anyway. You can comprehend non-euclidian shapes
and forms, see impossible colours. Maybe even meet Nyarlahotep's gaze (Just joking, you cannot do
that). Knowledge that intrinsicly instils madness in those who come into such information leaves
your mind alone. Unfortunately this ability marks you, allowing eldritch abominations and demons
(both from the inferno or the abyss) within 1 kilometer of you now become immediately aware of
your presence. This drawback goes away post-jump.

Mr. McMuscles – 100cp
Strength. Its what you lie by, what you die by. You're strong, not inhumanly so, but strong.
Probably able to bench 180lbs. Pretty fit too, you have plenty endurance and can run at a good clip.
Enough to at least run a mile or two at 6 miles per hour. This doesn't mean your attractive, but
you're no 90 pound nerd that gets sand kicked in his face.

A Fightin' Man – 200cp

You've had plenty of experience putting fist to cuff in you life. You know one real world
martial art, and have the equivalent of 7 years experience in it. This experience has also hardened
you to damage and pain, making you tougher than you before. With enough willpower you might
even be able to fight with a gunshot wound. Which would be amazing if you only fought ordinary
men, but there are creatures out there that move faster than the eye can see and throw cars with
disturbing ease.

A New Paradigm – 400cp

So yeah, creatures with incredible powers. How does a normal man defeat such things? By
pushing oneself to the limit, and then beyond. Your strength and speed aren't effected, but now your
combat abilities have hit the next plateau. You can rely on your instinct to dodge incoming attacks,
sometimes even ones you didn't see coming. You can also rely on these same instincts to know
when to strike, hitting that speeding blur just right to trip it up. You might even be able to catch a
bullet, but it would still go through your hand.

A Shelter Against the Storm – 600cp

A skilled fighter know that he is but one, and could never stand against a larger force. But
what if you could? Your mind is capable of incredible multitasking, but only when applied to
combat. You could track a dozen opponents on a battlefield, aim two firearms at separate targets
with ease, and come up with small unit and solo tactics on the fly. In fact the worse the odds, the
more opponents you face it seems you get only better at this. Just don't bite off more than you can
chew, eh?

Do the Hustle – 100cp
Boy do you talk fast. You know all the tricks to confound, befuddle, and distract with your
words as well as a variety of seduction techniques, pick up artist tricks, and political double talk.
You could easily live somewhat comfortably just relying on your gift of gab. As little side bonus
you have a disarming and charming smile, improving your personal charisma and charm a little bit.
The Honourable Scoundrel – 200cp
Fist thing, you know exactly how to act when interacting with wildly different social groups.
You could fit in easily with a bunch of homeless junkies or fortune 500 CEOs with equal ease. As
well, you know just the right way to talk to talk your way into high society balls or low society
hideouts. Of course this won't work in supernatural social groups. So do watch that.

Man the Pitchforks – 400cp

Sometimes you cant deal with people one on one, or even one on six. Sometimes you have
to deal with a whole crowd of individuals. This, of course, requires a different approach but now
you've got that covered. You know the little words and actions needed to take advantage of mob
mentality. You could work a croup of gathered people into a fever pitch, or convince them all to
look that way while you make your escape or pull off some kind of trick. Its almost like magic, but
only almost.

My Brother Earnest – 600cp

You are a consummate actor, who can play any role they so well please. You could maintain
a dozen unique identities and never mix them up, or let your any clue as to who you really are slip.
You know how to emulate most accents, how to monitor and control your body language and facial
expressions, and apply makeup just right as to alter your appearance in small but important ways so
you don't get recognized anywhere near as easily as you honestly should be. With a lot of effort and
work you might even be able to pull of a convincing vampire or other supernatural entity.

Heart of a Child – 100cp
Wonder, curiosity, creativity. These are all traits associated with the innocence of childhood.
Things we lose as we grow to become more jaded. But you hold these close; not allowing yourself
to grow up like a metaphorical Peter Pan. No matter what happens from now on, you will never
become jaded, or lose the sense of wonder that comes with discovering something new. Your
youthful soul burns inside like an inferno that can never be extinguished.

I'm an Adult Now – 200cp

Not really, but now you give off this feeling of confidence that makes people not think twice
if you're doing something a child normally wouldn't or shouldn't be doing. You find it easy to get
away with things like skipping school, not doing your homework, staying out past curfew, driving a
car, and even drinking or smoking if you really feel like pushing your luck.

The Worlds Greatest Superpower – 400cp

What is it you ask? Common sense of course! Children have yet to reach the point where
they just accept that things are the way they are, and as such are capable of questioning even long
held beliefs and seeing past the bullshit people feed themselves and each other. With all this you
also gain an innate sense of if something you are about to do is stupid or dangerous.

The Young Prodigy – 600cp

You're no ordinary child, you have something up on your peers. Choose three intimately
connected mundane skills, you immediately gain three years of experience using them and from
then on your ability with these skills can be improved ad infinitum. Your peak will never be in sight.
Do watch that pursuit of these skills do not kill you.
General Perks

Striking Looks – 100cp

You are exceptionally attractive by modern standards; heads turn and conversations stop
when you enter a room.

Holistic Awareness – 200cp

You're skilled in the arts of whole body healing, promoting health and recovery by keeping a
person’s entire physiology balanced and strong. The result is that you are able to treat sickness and
some injuries (those not requiring surgery or those which do not heal naturally) with a collection of
natural remedies rather than resorting to a doctor or hospital.

Resistance- 200cp
Choose one of the supernatural paths available in this jump other than mundane. You have
an inborn or trained resistance to the supernatural perks of that path. While this does not confer
immunity, attacks with them will deal less damage and less direct methods will have a harder time
affecting you. Post-jump this will apply to similar abilities, resistance to a psychic's powers would
translate to other psi-type abilities, etc.

Demonology- 200cp
You have the mixture of innate traits and talent that allow one to summon up beings from the
inferno and create contracts with them. Even with this perk you must still discover or create a
suitable ritual for the summoning, and without this perk it would be impossible even with the
rituals. Once summoned you can contract with the summoned demon for a boost to your personal
traits (intellect, charisma, strength, etc.) or a power based on the sin the demon summoned
embodies. Examples will be listed in the notes. After this jump you can use this ability to interact
with demon's from the local dimension or call back to the World of Darkness Inferno by jumpchan

Unseen Sense – 300cp

You gain a “sixth sense” when it comes to the supernatural. Perhaps your hair stands on end,
goose bumps race along your arms, or a shiver runs up your spine. Regardless of the manner, you
body reacts to the presence of unseen forces. You can’t see or hear anything, and in fact you might
not know at first what causes this reaction. It might be a response to a specific type of supernatural
phenomenon such as ghosts or vampires, or it might be a general sense that something isn’t right.
time and with a little trial and error, you might be able to qualify what your body tries to tell you.
The specific type of supernatural phenomenon to which you are sensitive must be determined when
this perk is purchased. It can be something as vague as a creepy feeling when in the presence of
ghosts, or something as specific as a sudden chill when a vampire is nearby.

Occult Path Perks

Each Occult Path Perk tree is restricted to members of that supernatural path. Sorry.

Psychic Perks
You can select two 100cp perks and one 200cp perk for free.

Clairvoyance- 200cp
When most people discuss ESP, they really refer to clairvoyance — the power to perceive
things beyond the normal range of human senses. The default form of clairvoyance permits a seer to
project all of her senses to a distant location, observing what happens there as if she were physically
present. The events witnessed happen contemporaneously. The seer can neither see into the future
nor into the past of the location viewed, unless she also has precognition and/or postcognition.
While this power is in use it is difficult to perceive both the status of your body and anything going
on in the your immediate surroundings.

Astral Projection- 200cp (Requires Clairvoyance)

Astral Projection allows a clairvoyant to completely free his consciousness from his physical
form and travel mentally to distant locations while leaving his body behind. The psychic must first
enter a trance state in order to project, and you can only project for as long as your stamina holds
up. y. Once separated, the psychic can instantly travel to any location he is capable of perceiving
with a normal Clairvoyance.
Once at a desired location, a psychic can move around freely but is generally intangible and
invisible. He can, however, be perceived through any appropriate psychic means (such as Aura
Reading). Other astral projectors or other beings existing in Twilight — an ephemeral state in the
material world, such as a ghost’s — can perceive him normally. If the psychic's body is tampered
with while they are “gone”, the intrusion may be sensed but not with reliability. The psychic always
feels actual pain inflicted on their physical body and may react accordingly

Dream Travel- 300cp (Requires Astral Projection, Mind Reading, and Though Projection)
Dream Travel is a refinement of Astral Projection, combined with elements of telepathy. A
dream traveller can cause her astral form to enter the mind of a sleeping person and interact with the
sleeper during his dreams. The psychic must first astrally project, and then must then navigate
astrally to the physical location of a sleeping person, although doing so may not require any roll if
the sleeper is physically near the psychic’s body. Once the psychic locates her subject, she can enter
the subject’s dreamscape and communicate with the sleeper as if the two were in the same physical
location. To the dream traveller, the dreamscape is exceptionally realistic, even more so than it is for
the person who is actually having the dream.
Anything encountered by the psychic in the dreamscape is “real” to her and potentially
capable of causing her injury. Normally, this harm occurs only if the psychic enters a nightmare, the
dream of a mortal who is a lucid dreamer able to defend himself against an intruder or if the
traveller encounters someone else intruding in the same mind. If a psychic is caught within
another’s nightmare, the psychic may be subjected to an attack, depending on the nature of the
nightmare and how the psychic responds to it. Any phantom damage inflicted has no lingering
effect once a psychic withdraws to her own body, unless the phantom damage is enough to kill her
in a dream. In that case, the psychic’s physical body dies instantly, usually of a heart attack or
cerebral haemorrhage. The same limitations of astral projection apply.

Dowsing- 100cp
Dowsing allows a psychic to search for hidden objects. Traditionally, dowsing was used to
search for good places to dig wells for fresh water, although it was also used to find gold and oil
with varying degrees of success. The procedure requires a psychic to walk around and concentrate
on the object or substance to be found, while holding either a swinging pendulum or a stick called a
divining rod. If the psychic is successful, the rod or pendulum swings slightly in the direction of
whatever is sought.
Exactly how dowsing works is unclear, even to psychics. Some say it is a form of
clairvoyance, others a form of mediumship (with spirits moving the divining rod in the same way a
ghost might affect a Ouija board). Still others say the practice calls upon the Universal
Unconscious. Generally, dowsing can find things and not individuals although it may be possible to
find a missing person with great effort and a personal belonging of the individual.

Postcognition- 200cp (100cp with Precognition)

The psychic ability ability to see into the past. It is easier to see into the recent past, with it
becoming staggeringly more difficult after the 10 year mark. A specific incident may be “felt” for, a
technique which becomes easier if you possess an item that was present for the incident in question.

Precognition- 400cp (See Below)

Precognition represents the power to predict the future. Precognition quite difficult for
psychics to use properly. While precognitive visions might give a psychic a clear vision of a future
event, the future changes constantly based on people’s actions. Thus, when a psychic receives a
completely “accurate” vision of the future, time remains in flux, and a seer can never be entirely
sure whether his actions in response to the vision will prevent the it from coming to pass or ensure
that it will do so. Even when mastered a psychic's vision can still be distorted, blurry or possibly
even wrapped in symbolism, particularly in the case of dream precognition or precognition though a

Special Options- 300cp or 200cp

You can select on of the below restrictions to your precognition, reducing it's cost to 300cp
or 200cp in the case of Uncontrolled Precognition.

Precognitive Dreams
The psychic’s visions come to him in the form of dreams. Thus, he can trigger visions only
after entering a trance state.

Required Foci
The psychic requires some form of divination tool in order to predict the future. Common
types include crystal balls or mirrors. The psychic can attempt to force a vision without a tool but
the chances of it working are one in a million.

Touch Precognition
The psychic can predict the future of other people only while physically touching them. The
psychic can predict a person’s future with some object close to that person if the psychic also has
the Psychometry Merit. Otherwise, attempting to force a vision is nearly impossible. It is equally
near impossible for a psychic to predict their own future.

Uncontrolled Precognition
A psychic whose powers are uncontrolled has precognitive visions only at random, or if
Jumpchan is feeling particularly generous (yeah right).

Psychometry- 300cp or 400cp

Psychometry is a subset of clairvoyance that deals with perceiving the history of physical
objects. Also known as “object reading,” psychometry permits a psychic to handle an object for
several seconds and then undergo a brief vision of important moments in the object’s history.
Exactly what the most important moments are is a matter of fiat, but, as a general rule, the
stronger the emotions connected with the item, the more clearly the psychometrist can see events
connected to those feelings. Negative emotions tend to resonate more than positive ones, so the fact
that a little girl loved her teddy bear will usually be overshadowed by fact that she was holding it as
she watched her mother’s murder.
Psychometry is generally tied to objects, not places, and an object must generally be small
enough to fit in both hands, however with the 400cp version of this perk the psychometrist can
perceive the history of any object he can touch, or he can simply walk into a location and “see” the
most emotionally charged moments in the recent history of the place.

Automatic Writing- 100cp

Automatic Writing permits a medium to access a source of paranormal knowledge through
indirect means. Individual mediums disagree on whether they commune with spirits or the
Universal Unconscious, or if they simply use clairvoyance. In any case, the mechanical effects are
the same. The psychic must first enter a trance state. As she does so, she also randomly draws on
paper, usually in a spiral pattern. As her trance takes hold, her writings become less random, and she
draws pictures symbolic of whatever questions she seeks to answer. She continues to draw until the
trance ends (usually an entire hour or longer unless someone interrupts her), by which time she is
typically surrounded by crudely scribbled drawings that may direct her to whatever she wants to

Channelling- 200cp
Channelling represents a psychic’s capacity to paranormally gain abilities that he does not
normally possess. There are three distinct forms of channelling: Cayce Channelling, whereby the
psychic accesses the Universal Unconscious to gain the knowledge he seeks; Past-Life Channelling,
with which he accesses the talents he possessed in a former life; and Spirit Channelling, with which
a psychic allows a ghost to possess his body and give him access to its wisdom. The three versions
are grouped together because the mechanical effects are the same. The psychic must successfully
enter a trance before he can channel effectively to gain new skills. Skills gained in this manner last
until the psychic attempts another channelling. You must select which form of channelling you
perform when this perk is purchased. If you REALLY want to, you can purchase this multiple times
selecting a different form each time.

Cayce Channelling
With this technique (named for Edgar Cayce), the psychic enters a trance state in which he
can access the Universal Unconscious, the sum total of accumulated human knowledge.
Theoretically, anything that has ever been known can be rediscovered through this power. Few
modern practitioners have psychic powers on par with Edgar Cayce’s and are thus unable to utilize
his techniques to their full extent. Cayce Channelling alone cannot be used to learn personal or
secret details about people and places outside the psychic’s vicinity. Clairvoyance and precognition
are more useful for that purpose; Cayce was also skilled in both of those powers. Finally, while
Cayce Channelling can give a psychic access to potentially any empirical knowledge, Cayce
Channelling cannot convey talents that require kinesthetic training (i.e., Physical Skills). A psychic
might be able to use this power to identify a particular sword as a 15th-century Japanese katana, but
he could not use the power to gain any proficiency in swordsmanship.
A psychic who loses their focus while attempting a Cayce Channelling is trapped in his
trance state for hours as he contemplates the infinite mysteries of the Universal Unconscious. This
will last at least an hour before it subsides.

Past-Life Channelling
The psychic has a preternatural awareness of his own prior incarnations. After entering a
trance state, he can summon forth the collective life experiences of one of his prior selves, merging
it with his own personality. Although each person conceivably has countless past lives, the more
recent they are, the more progressively difficult to channel. Most past lives capable of being
channelled are from primitive eras, thus cannot be used to access abilities that require a modern
A psychic who loses their focus while attempting a Past- Life Channelling is subsumed by
one of their past incarnation's personalities. . He may (or may not) retain the ability to speak his
normal languages, and has no knowledge of any friends, his current situation or, indeed, anything
about modern life, viewing everything through the lens of a Roman centurion, a courtesan from the
era of Louis XIV, a Mississippi plantation owner on the eve of the Civil War or anything else.

Spirit Channelling
A medium uses his powers to commune with the dead to summon a ghost capable of
providing the capabilities that he needs. After entering the necessary trance state, the medium
invites a ghost with useful traits into his body. Spirit Channeling is also used by professional
mediums to allow ghosts to commune directly with bereaved loved ones.
A psychic who loses their focus while attempting to channel a spirit, the ghost summoned
may be instinctively hostile toward the psychic or the effect summons a different and more
malevolent entity than intended.

Death Sight- 100cp or 50cp

The medium can see dead people. The psychic may perceive and communicate with any
ghost she encounters. The power allows only perception of and communication with ghosts in
Twilight — ghosts tied to the material world and not to any otherworldly spirit world. The power
affords no ability to contact spirits from the Shadow Realm that have entered the material world and
that exist in Twilight. ). Most ghosts instinctively realize when a mortal can perceive them, and
psychics who possess this power are often inundated by requests from desperate beings seeking
help to resolve their earthly affairs. For 50cp, instead you cannot toggle this ability off.

Ghost Calling- 200cp

Your medium is capable of more than merely perceiving the dead; he can summon them to
his presence and even assist them in crossing over to the physical world. A sufficiently talented
medium can call out to an existing ghost and draw it to his location. By doing so, he can also help
the entity to “cross over,” aiding it in manifesting in the physical world or in using other ghostly
powers that affect the material realm. Mediums who possess this perk and Astral Projection have
the option of physically interacting with ghosts and other beings in Twilight, but it requires a lot of
willpower. Ghost-Calling can only summon ghosts; other supernatural beings existing in Twilight
are not affected.
Not all deceased persons continue to exist as ghosts, and few ghosts persist more than a few
decades after their demise. If a ghost is still in existence, the medium can potentially contact the
ghost wherever it roams. Once the connection is formed, the medium is considered to be a
temporary anchor for the ghost, and it can instantly come to his vicinity from wherever it may be. If
the ghost is unwilling to come to the medium, he can attempt to compel its attendance by
overpowering it's will with their own. A medium cannot control a ghost in any meaningful way.

Biokenisis- 400cp
Biokinesis governs a psychic’s ability to manipulate the biological processes of living
things. The scientific explanation for biokinesis eludes most parapsychologists. The most
commonly accepted explanation relies on Wilhelm Reich’s theories regarding orgone energy, which
are consistent with biokinetics’ claims that they can perceive and manipulate some form of ambient
“life energy.” Biokinesis permits a psychic to manipulate his own personal life force to alter his
body in three ways. First Biokinesis is a prerequisite for a number of other powers that allow a
psychic to manipulate life energy. Second, the power can aid a psychic in attempts to control his
own mind and body. Finally, Biokinesis allows a psychic to make minor alterations to his own
physical body, temporarily affording him the benefit of various mundane physical and mental
abilities (not skills, more like increasing ones height and strength or ability to eat rotten things).
Alterations made to one's body fade after an hour.

Psychic Healing- 200cp or 100cp (Requires Biokenisis)

By building on the psychic’s underlying facility with Biokinesis, a psychic can now heal
herself and others. The healer can also use her gifts to facilitate recovery from disease, poison or
drugs. The psychic begins knowing only how to use this ability on themselves, but with time will
learn how to use in on others. Using this power is extremely draining on an individuals psyche and
willpower, causing incredible amounts of stress.
Taking the 100cp version of this perk the psychic cannot cure the effects of poison, drugs or
illness on others, although he can still cure them within himself. When healing another of physical
injuries, the psychic feels the pain suffered by his patient effectively transferring the damage to
himself. However this version causes less mental stress to use.

Psychic Vampirism- 300cp (Requires Biokenisis)

The inverse of Psychic Healing, Psychic Vampirism allows a psychic to take life as well as
restore it, draining orgone energy from victims to replenish one’s own Willpower. Using this ability
in any shape requires physical contact. The drained to gain ratio improves with time and practice.
This power automatically fails when used against mages, werewolves or vampires.

Cryokenisis- 500cp or 400cp

Cryokinesis permits a psychic to decrease ambient temperature. While it will begin weak,
training can increase it to the point where one could drop the ambient temperature by hundreds of
degress within a range of maximum 15 yards. Once a psychic has successfully lowered the
temperature in a given location, he can do one of three things: (1) maintain the reduced temperature
as long as he concentrates, (2) release his concentration and let temperature equalize normally or (3)
use his Cryokinesis powers again to lower the temperature even further. Thus, with time and a
prodigious amount of Willpower, a cryokinetic can reduce ambient temperature to low levels,
although the absolute lowest temperature that any cryokinetic can achieve is about –400 degrees
fahrenheit (F), well above absolute zero.
Cryokinesis is potentially deadly to living beings. The record for the lowest body
temperature in a human is approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit, although that patient lost all four
limbs as a result. When Cryokinesis is used against a human, the victim suffers nothing more than
discomfort until her internal body temperature is reduced by 10 degrees F. At which point joints
start becoming stiff, reflexes slow and muscles strain. This will get progressively worse until they
freeze to death.
Most physical objects suffer no direct damage from low temperatures, but pipes can burst
from frozen water, and machines that depend on lubricants may seize up if ambient temperature
drops below freezing. At temperatures of 50 degrees F below zero, trees snap and splinter
spontaneously as heavy ice accumulates on their branches. Ice accumulates on streets and bridges,
making travel hazardous. At 100 degrees F below zero, almost any amount of water within an area
is flash frozen, and living creatures are killed almost instantly unless protected somehow. Vampires
and the undead are almost completely immune to low temperatures, but at temperatures of –100 F
or lower, a vampire’s body might well freeze solid.
Once a psychic ceases to focus her attention on a specific location, temperatures equalize
normally. In the case of extreme temperature changes in excess of a 400-degree F difference from
the surrounding area, “equalize normally” may mean an explosive reaction. Cryokinetics also have
an improved resistance to environmental temperature extremes. A psychic with this power is
automatically immune to natural temperature extremes ranging from zero to 100 degrees F, and this
will improve over time. Cryokinetics are immune to the cryokinetic arts of those weaker than them.
For 400cp, this ability reacts wildly to the psychics emotional state. Any strong emotional
experiences will cause this ability to flare up at random intervals for days whenever the psychic
becomes agitated, causing freakish “cold spots.”

Plant Empathy- 100cp (Requires Biokenisis)

Plant Empathy makes a psychic a natural “green thumb,” giving him almost supernatural
talent at cultivating plants. Additionally, the growth rate of plants under the psychic’s care is
multiplied, improving with the psychic's biokenisis powers.

Pyrokenisis- 500cp or 400cp

Pyrokinesis represents the ability to cause objects to spontaneously combust. Psychics with
this power are usually referred to as pyrokinetics. Pyrokinesis does not directly produce heat.
Instead, this power triggers a chemical reaction that causes a given material to burn. A fire triggered
by this power continues to burn until its fuel has been exhausted or until the fire is put out normally.
A pyrokinetic can also extinguish an existing flame (whether or not she started it), but stopping a
fire may be more difficult than starting one, as a fire may quickly spread to encompass a bigger area
than where it was ignited. Once a fire is set, it is completely mundane in nature. A character with
Pyrokinesis must overcome three difficulties in starting a fire: the size of the fire to be set, the
desired heat level of the flame and the relative flammability of the material to be ignited. Once a fi
re is set, it can be put out normally or extinguished instantly with another application of
For 400cp, this ability reacts wildly to the psychics emotional state. Any strong emotional
experiences will cause this ability to flare up at random intervals for days whenever the psychic
becomes agitated, causing random objects nearby to burst into flames.

Pyrokinetic Immunity- 300cp (Requires pyrokenisis)

Psychics with this perk become resistant to fire, and with enough training and exposure may
become completely immune. Regardless this ability only holds up as long as your willpower can
keep up.

Telekenisis- 200cp
The power to move physical objects by mind alone. The psychic can lift objects, assuming
they are light enough for his Telekinesis to handle. He can also throw objects that he is capable of
lifting at a target. At higher levels of powers, a telekinetic can immobilize someone with a
telekinetic grapple or even strike someone with a telekinetic blow. You begin with the ability to lift
and throw an object with the strength of an average person (around 120 pounds of lifting force) and
this will increase with time and training with an upper limit around half a ton, although with infinite
time and an incredibly powerful mind this limit could be transcended.

Animal Empathy- 100cp or 200cp

Although Animal Empathy is sometimes considered a rare gift, some parapsychologists
speculate that it is more common than it appears, since the average observer cannot readily
distinguish between a psychic with the innate ability to communicate with non-sentient creatures
and an ordinary “horse whisperer” who is simply “good with animals”. Regardless, this perk
combines a wide number of psychic effects, including Mind Reading, Thought Projection and
Emotion Control under a single power, albeit one which can affect only animals. The 100cp version
only affects a single type of animal (such as dogs, horses, or spiders), and the 200cp will effect any
kind of animal.
Either version can allow a psychic to affect multiple animals at once, although it becomes
increasingly difficult and mentally strenuous to do so. Also, a psychic attempting to control large
numbers of animals at one time must give the same instructions to all of them, and cannot send
different animals off on individual missions without expending even more mental resources. No
version of this power can affect truly sentient animals or other beings that have transformed into

Animal Possession- 300cp or 400cp (Requires Animal Empathy)

Animal Possession builds on the power of Animal Empathy to actually allow a psychic to
possess a particular animal, totally controlling its body and perceiving through all of its senses. The
psychic’s own body is completely inert and helpless while this power is in effect, and she cannot
perceive anything about her body’s surroundings unless the possessed animal is nearby. If the
character’s body is damaged, though, she knows it and can reflexively end the possession after
taking any damage. If the character’s physical body is killed while possessing an animal, her mind
dies as well. If the animal is killed during the possession, the psychic’s mind is immediately sent
back to her body. This power requires the animal to be possessed to have at least the intelligence of
a small rodent or fish. Simpler creatures such as insects cannot be possessed.
The time that can be spent possessing an animal is reliant an an individual's stamina and
becomes harder after the first few hours. The animal possessed can be no smaller than a mouse, and
animals larger than a lion are increasingly difficult to possess and retain possession of.
This perk costs 300cp if the psychic has the 200cp version of animal empathy, 400cp if they
only have the 100cp version.

Animal Rapport- 100cp

This Merit acts as a version of Animal Empathy. The character has an innate mental bond
with a single animal. The character can communicate with the creature, understanding its barks or
hisses as speech and allowing the animal to comprehend the character’s normal language. The
character must speak to the animal to communicate with it, but by extending one's willpower they
may be able to communicate non-verbally for a short time. The psychic does not have the capacity
to control the creature outright. If he wishes it to do something that the animal might consider
dangerous, it must be convinced. While generally loyal, an animal does not normally commit
suicide on its master’s behalf .
You can receive one ordinary animal, within reason (a horse or a large snake being the far
end of acceptability) for free to bond with, or pay 100cp to import a pre-existing mundane animal,
or 200cp to import a fantastic one. Only non-sentients may be imported. Otherwise this animal is an
ordinary example of it's species, except for a small boost to the animal's intelligence. If the animal
dies this bond may be transferred to any ordinary animal or to another example of an imported
species but this will require time and psychic effort.

Aura Reading- 100cp or 300cp

Aura Reading blurs the distinction between telepathy and ESP, as Aura Reading represents a
form of psychic perception, but also has elements of mind reading. According to telepaths who have
this power, all living things (and some “unliving” things) are surrounded by a nimbus of energy that
is perceptible by psychic means or by Kirlian photography. Aura Reading allows a psychic to
perceive this otherwise invisible halo, and with experience interpret its constantly changing hues to
gain insights into a subject. Vampires and mages have access to a similar power known as Aura
Perception. Aura Reading, however, does not carry with it the same level of sophistication. And yet,
a talented psychic can deduce a target’s general emotional state and perform such feats as
determining whether the person is lying.
With the 300cp version of this perk a psychic would be capable of recognizing the unique
aura of supernatural individuals or objects on top of the other uses of this ability. Reading an aura is
not foolproof, and without the 300cp version the auras of supernatural entities cannot be read at all.

Mind Control- 500cp

One of the most insidious manifestations of psychic power, Mind Control permits a telepath
to project his mind to overcome a subject’s will and render the subject open to suggestion. Unless
the character also has Thought Projection or some similar advantage, he must verbally tell his
subject what he wants her to do, effectively making this power a form of paranormal hypnosis.
Combined with Thought Projection, the psychic can make anyone a puppet, silently seizing a
victim’s will from across a room and making her his slave. If he has both Thought Projection and
Clairvoyance, he can command the mind of someone from across a city like a modern-day
Svengali. Commands that force a subject to violate deeply held beliefs, to act against Virtues, or to
harm loved ones impose a penalty to the psychic's control. The psychic must concentrate fully on
his subject while conveying his instructions, and once the full set of instructions is given
concentration is no longer required.
Naturally this power can be resisted with enough willpower, and more complicated
instructions weaken the control.
Mind Reading- 200cp or 300cp or 400cp
Mind Reading is the essential telepathic power; the ability to read the thoughts of others.
The 200cp version of this perk allows the psychic to read the surface thoughts of an ordinary
person, although the telepath cannot yet perceive information that a subject does not currently think
about. The 300cp version permits the telepath to probe the mind of an ordinary person for buried
information or even subconscious thoughts, or to perceive the surface thoughts of beings who are
supernatural. The 400cp version permits the telepath to probe the buried thoughts of even
supernatural beings. This last version also allows a telepath to perform “light scans” of multiple
minds at once to discover who among several thinks something in particular (such as identifying
which of several murder suspects thinks, I killed her.)

Thought Projection- 100cp or 300cp (Requires Mind Reading)

The telepath can move beyond simple mind reading to actually projecting his thoughts into
the mind of another. A telepath cannot usually transmit thoughts beyond his line of sight. With the
300cp version, however, he can communicate with individuals outside his line of sight at a penalty
determined by his degree of psychic connection to a target. Even with the 100cp version, a telepath
can communicate with someone in a distant location if he is able to perceive the subject through
clairvoyance. If the psychic also wishes to read the thoughts of the person to whom he sends, he
must also activate his Mind Reading ability, stretching his mind even further.

Telepathic Communication- 100cp (Requires Thought Projection)

Having mastered both Mind Reading and Thought Projection, the telepath can now initiate
two-way telepathic communication with another person. The contact must be within line of sight
unless the psychic has a Telepathic Rapport with the other party. This power fails automatically if
the other party does not wish to communicate. The psychic cannot perceive any thoughts other than
those a subject wishes to send, unless the psychic also uses Mind Reading, even if the other party is
willing. This technique causes much less mental stress than combining thought projection and mind
reading together.

Telepathic Rapport- 100cp (Requires Telepathic Communication)

The telepath can establish a permanent telepathic connection with the mind of another
person, allowing the character to form a psychic link with the subject from anywhere in the world,
requiring quite a bit of stress. The psychic may sever this connection whenever they so chose, and
only they may initiate utilizing the connection. A psychic can forge a new rapport with an
individual, requiring the use of both thought projection and mind reading on the target and charge it
with a large amount of psychic stress which reduces the willpower of the psychic until they can
train back up to their previous level of willpower. This rapport must be with some other person
close to the character, such as a parent or twin sibling, and represents a paranormal bond not
dependent on the character’s facility with telepathy.

Mental Blast- 300cp (Requires Though Projection)

An extremely rare and dangerous power, Mental Blast allows a telepath to damage the mind
of another being by force of will. The psychic uses Thought Projection with such force and intensity
that it overwhelms the victim’s brain, potentially causing a stroke or cerebral haemorrhage. This
damage takes the form of a blistering migraine. A sustained attack may have lethal results. Fatalities
inflicted with Mental Blast generally appear to be strokes or similar maladies, but in some cases the
power quite literally causes a victim’s head to explode. Once this power is initiated, the psychic can
maintain the assault, but it requires the psychic's undivided concentration.

Mind Breaker- 300cp (Requires Thought Projection)

Mind Breaker does not inflict any damage on a victim. Instead it warps the target's mind,
causing temporary bouts of insanity on the low end, with full blown psychosis on the high end
levels of this power. If the psychic has specialized training and incredible experience in psychology
they may be able to tailor the insanity afflicted on their victim. This power is morally dubious in the
worst way and puts your soul in danger when used in this setting.

Psychic Illusions- 300cp (Requires Thought Projection and Mind Control)

This power represents a refinement of the Mind Control ability. Instead of giving hypnotic
commands to the target, a telepath causes the subject to see something that isn’t there, or to
misapprehend some element of his surroundings. The telepath must be able to see the person to be
affected, although clairvoyance can substitute for direct observation. Cameras and videotapes are
never affected by a psychic illusion. The illusions created can affect any normal senses that the
illusionist possesses. The illusionist cannot create an image capable of deceiving psychic powers, so
a clairvoyant remotely viewing the scene is not deceived. Likewise, a psychic cannot create an
illusion of something he cannot perceive, such as a deaf individual creating an illusion that includes
an auditory element.
Normally using this power affects one sense at a time, but with enough willpower and
concentration multiple sense may be affected. Theoretically, the illusionist can fool any number of
people with a particular illusion, but the maximum number of people who can easily be affected at
the same time is impacted by the psychic's intellect and willpower.
Normally, an illusion is static and cannot interact with beings. If the illusionist wishes his
visions to interact with someone who is deceived by them (such as having a “phantom police
officer” direct observers away from a crime scene), it requires further concentration and being able
to sufficiently “bluff” the interaction in the first place.
Regardless of how convincing an illusion is, it is never solid, although it “feels” solid to a
deceived observer if the illusionist incorporates tactile sensations into the creation. An illusory chair
is not capable of supporting an observer’s weight, no matter how strongly she believes in it. An
illusory wall does not prevent someone from passing through it if she leans against it, although both
may feel perfectly solid to the casual touch. So, an illusionary item cannot be used as a weapon.

Psychic Invisibility- 200cp (Requires Though Projection and Mind Control)

As the name suggests, Psychic Invisibility represents a psychic’s ability to “cloud men’s
minds” so that onlookers cannot perceive him. The character is not truly invisible; cameras are not
affected by this power and anyone sufficiently perceptive can see through the deception. The
psychic cannot disappear from view if he has already been seen, but any witnesses he encounters
after the power is activated are typically unable to see him unless he does something to call
attention to himself. If the psychic affects any physical object while a potential observer is looking,
or he makes any particularly loud sound, the invisibility ends automatically for observers. Also, the
character must maintain concentration for the duration of the power’s use.

Low Thaumaturge Perks

You can select two 100cp perks and one 200cp perk for free.
Using a Thaumaturgical ability requires a ritual to be performed. The length and complexity of the
ritual scales with the power of the effect. The exact details are up to you, but all your rituals should
fit a theme, like Kaballah or I Ching.

Alchemy (External)- 300cp

In simplistic terms, external alchemy is the art of transforming one physical substance into
another. Fairy tales and legends speak loudest of the ability to change base metals into gold, because
dreams of wealth captured the imaginations of influential sponsors of court magicians. Clever
alchemists invent endless other applications for the art, while wise ones avoid demonstrating their
capabilities to the greedy or powerful. Stories and actual practice agree on one important detail: an
alchemist requires materials and equipment with which to work. Without a “laboratory” of some
kind, an alchemist is unable to perform. A laboratory usually takes the form of a cooking fire,
various mixing glassware or crockery and an assortment of reagents, but a well-stocked herbal
collection and pure water may suffice for holistic practitioners.
A beginning thaumaturge transform a simple, common, non-precious substance into a
different simple, common, non-precious substance but with time and experimentation it allows an
alchemist to create or transform a complex, rare or precious substance. A simple compound may be
refined into a complex one, a rare substance might be turned into a common one or a precious
material might become a different precious material. However it becomes more difficult the more
different the compounds to be transmuted are.

Alchemy (Internal)- 300cp

Eastern occult scholars have long believed in two different studies of alchemy. Western
alchemists are usually focused on the physical realm, and while Eastern have also explored the
concepts of internal alchemy. The principle is the refinement of the mind and body in pursuit of
purity of spirit from which life springs. Although a mystic may consume medicinal herbs and
compounds, the art requires one to go further. Meditation, breath control and purification rituals
blend with nonresistance, asceticism and physical training to recapture energies lost in daily life and
to direct them toward a return to the spiritual state.
Starting out an alchemist may hone her body or mind toward a more perfect state. With this
they may focus and improve one of their physical or mental attributes for up to an hour. This
attribute is increased by a factor depending on the individuals willpower and skill with this ability.
Starting out, a normal human may double their physical strength for instance.
At higher levels this represents the alchemist’s great strides toward the achievement of
spirituality. A successful use causes the character to transform into an ephemeral being, immaterial
in the manner of a ghost. Held objects larger than a machine gun cannot be turned with oneself. It
takes a moment of focus to return to a physical state, but the transformation can only last for a few
hours at most. A transformed individual cannot affect the material world at all as she passes
harmlessly through physical objects. She moves as fast as she normally would travel were she still
physical. Being ephemeral allows her to affect other ephemeral beings as though they were
The transformation is harder in more dense and urban settings, while it is much easier in the

Communion- 300cp
The thaumaturge is capable of connecting his consciousness to that of another being,
generally a figure of godly intellect and incredible power. The experience is usually deeply personal
and highly religious — one does not communicate directly with one’s divine inspiration without
being changed by the experience. At first allows a character to reach out to the entity he considers
his patron and open the way for the divine presence to communicate directly with him. This contact
is one-way; the thaumaturge is limited to receiving whatever wisdom his patron desires to send
without any ability to communicate in return. Spiritual figures of great power may be omniscient (or
nearly so), and thus cognizant of a follower’s wishes. At the highest levels of this power, it allows
the performer to open the same pathway with the advantage of sending as well as receiving.
Although the patron figure might choose to focus on matters different from what the character asks,
revelations generally consist of warnings against particular courses of action, or of suggestions that
will aid the goals of the thaumaturge.
Try to keep in mind the goals that the thaumaturge’s benefactor might pursue. More
importantly, remember that the patron is a spiritual figure with an intellect far greater than that of
humanity, and that the patron’s answers are likely to stretch the understanding of a thaumaturge to
its limits. The wisdom granted in a single ritual may take years to fully comprehend or for its
intended effects to be realized. Perhaps each communion should be recorded so that its full meaning
may someday be discovered by future generations.
Countermagic- 300cp
One of the first questions that a new practitioner of magic is likely to ask is, “How do I
defend myself against other people who can do magic?” Most paths provide some training in the
arts of protecting oneself against hostile powers. It begins with the idea that first defence is being
able to detect an attack. This ritual extends a mystic’s senses for a single for an hour or so, allowing
her to detect the first thaumaturge ritual used against her during that time, whether the magic is
intended for good or ill. Rites performed through a sympathetic connection are noticed, though the
source may not be. She senses the beginning of the ritual, which may give her time to try to prevent
its completion via other means. The greater version of this mystic art weaves the will into a
defensive barrier against hostile magic. After performing the more powerful version of this ritual
the first thaumaturgical art used against the caster is made much more difficult to cast properly.

Divination- 200cp
The thaumaturge performs ritual readings to divine the future. The character declares a
target — a person, place or thing. He can then attempt to divine the future of that subject. The
information revealed is typically vague and difficult to comprehend until the predicted situation is
imminent. At that point, things suddenly make sense to the thaumaturge and courses of action may
be remarkably clear.
The same target can be divined with this rite only once every 24 hours. Any attempts to read
the same person, place or thing’s future again before 24 hours have passed fails automatically. If the
thaumaturge means a target ill, then the divination counts as hostile magic for purposes of defensive
measures. The thaumaturge must have some connection to the target or the ritual fails. The
thaumaturge cannot choose himself as the target, because the divination allows him to determine the
future only as it relates to his own interaction with a subject.

Dream- 100cp
Your character has a connection to primordial forces, ancient truths that can be seen and
comprehended only through dreams. He gains insight into secrets through reverie and visions,
finding answers to questions he couldn’t normally get by mundane means. Behind the lie of the so-
called real world, dreams reveal the world as it really is — from a certain point of view. Through
effort of will, your character can even channel this insight into action. Activating this ability
requires at least one hour spent in sleep, a trance or in an activity focused exclusively on accessing
an altered state of consciousness.
The meaning of these clues is hidden behind allegory, symbols and archetypes. Dreams
rarely answer questions directly, typically relying on symbolism and images to convey information.
A thaumaturge seeking a specific person’s location wouldn’t see his address, but landmarks nearby
could lead the way: a river, a tower or even the face of a man walking by at dusk. The answer has
the potential to resolve a problem.

Enchantment- 300cp
Enchantment is the magic of controlling and perceiving others’ emotions and desires.
Thaumaturges trained in this type of magic can affect the feelings of people and animals. These
abilities can also be used on living supernatural beings such as ghouls and werewolves. The
emotions of spirits, ghosts, vampires and other dead or otherwise inhuman things are sufficiently
alien that they are immune to the effects of Enchantment.
At first this allows a magician to cause a target to feel a relatively simple emotion. These
feelings are more a suggestion than a mandate, though they are apt to be heeded if they make sense
for the individual and situation. (Causing someone to feel sad when walking into a decrepit old
house is reasonable and likely to be dismissed as a natural reaction, whereas making someone feel
sadistic glee at the funeral of a sibling almost certainly causes the subject to question from whence
the emotion came.) In all cases, the emotions produced are very general and are applied by the
target to the immediate situation. For example, if a subject is made angry while talking to an
employee, the target becomes angry with the employee, but does not suddenly become angry with
someone the target had not been thinking about or talking to. A character can be made to feel angry,
but not angry at a particular person who is not present. Producing murderous rage in someone who
is both naturally aggressive and already quite angry can have dramatic results. If the target speaks
with multiple people, the magician has no way to determine whether the target turns angry with
everyone or with only a specific individual.
With more experience and magical power the same ritual grants the caster the ability to exert
more precise control over a target’s emotions and desires. In addition to being able to fill targets
with rage or to make them sad, this ritual can cause a target to become angry with someone he had
not seen or spoken to in several weeks, or to be in a crowd of people and suddenly fall in love with
a specific person. If this ritual succeeds, the target feels these emotions, but may rapidly dismiss
them if they are completely inappropriate or nonsensical. Someone working for a boss she likes and
respects is likely to feel no more than annoyance or mild anger, but she still becomes angry at him.
Similarly, filling a committed teetotaler with a desire for a drink isn’t likely start him on a lengthy
drinking binge.
One of the major limitations of this ritual is that while a thaumaturge can produce emotions
and desires in a target, she cannot control or even predict how he will respond. Causing the subject
to feel rage at a particular person can result in the target yelling at the person, physically attacking
him or attempting to drown his rage in drink or some similar intense or self-destructive activity. A
single target can be subject to only one of these rituals at a time. Causing a subject to feel a second
emotion immediately negates the impact of the first.

Evocation- 200cp
Evocation is the art of compelling a spirit or ghost to answer a summons. A thaumaturge
with this perk must choose ghosts or spirits as the perks focus, though she may learn both versions
separately. Initially the thaumaturge learns to force an entity to answer her call. Eventually, she can
impose her will directly over the entity and enslave it temporarily. Obviously, most ghosts and
spirits despise such treatment and may seek revenge once their servitude has ended. Some
thaumaturges try to circumvent this danger by demanding only minor services, while others silence
vengeful servants by treating them as expendable resources. Evocation does not grant a mystic the
power to perceive Twilight, and Evocation’s power does not reach into the Shadow Realm; the
target summoned must already exist in Twilight.

Geomancy- 100cp
The art of geomancy (known as feng shui in the East) is the study of harmonizing the
physical environment with the flow of energy. The goal of feng-shui is to create the ideal place to
live or work. Through a combination of architectural design and mystic mathematics, a geomancer
plans a pattern that must be duplicated within the entire structure (in the case of a building) or the
layout of a room or series of connected rooms (in the case of interior design). Implementing this
design increases the time required and the cost of the work involved, but practitioners consider it
well worth the effort. When designing a geomancy effect, the thaumaturge chooses a single
Attribute or Skill to be the focus. Once assigned, the Trait cannot be changed without completely
redesigning the location. Attribute-based designs are more difficult to create than Skill-based ones.
The selected Trait must reflect the building or space’s function. For example, a library might
enhance academic or research skills. If the thaumaturge is successful, she creates a unique design
that benefits those who use the location in the manner for which it was created, provided that the
design is followed perfectly. If the thaumaturge creates her geomancy design successfully, and the
architect or interior designer successfully integrates the design into the physical location, the flow
of energy is modified within the space. Any action that takes place in the space using the designated
Attribute or Skill may gain a bonus.
Once a geomantic design is created and implemented, it remains in effect indefinitely unless
something happens to disrupt or change the flow of energy. Natural disasters may change the
magical landscape more than they appear to affect it physically, requiring geomantic designs to be
realigned. New construction or destruction of buildings or even spaces within a building may
require that a thaumaturge reassess the location for potential updates. Poorly designed geomantic
locations may disrupt those around them, as well. The only limits on the number of designs a
geomancer may create are her time, her capability and the ability of others to come up with the
resources to put her designs into place.

Healing- 300cp
The thaumaturge can use her magic to heal wounds and cure diseases for both humans and
animals. Although healing serious injuries or life-threatening diseases is difficult and potentially
dangerous, magical healing is the only hope of recovery for some. Of course, failing to heal or cure
someone can easily result in a desperate patient turning on the mystic. Thaumaturges cannot use this
ritual to aid any form of undead or inhuman beings such as vampires, spirits or werewolves. This
ritual can be used to heal any living human including the magician himself, as well as individuals
who are possessed, ghouls or werewolf kin. Only one application of this ritual can affect a subject at
one time. The mystic must touch the patient while performing some action appropriate to his
tradition, such as going into a trance, drawing a magic circle and invoking the five elements or
calling on various deities or other powerful beings. If this ritual is performed using a magical
connection to a distant patient, the connection assumes the role of the patient. With time and effort
this can heal most wounds and with exceptional power and effort can even cure incurable illnesses.

Longevity- 400cp (Requires Alchemy (Either))

Your character possesses alchemical secrets of long life, achieved through a combination of
medicinal and magical elixirs. Each application of alchemical Longevity keeps him from ageing for
the duration of the magic. With continuous use, a thaumaturge can achieve — or grant — virtual
immortality, though elixirs do not protect against illnesses unconnected to age and do not prevent
death at the hands of violence or accident. The creation of longevity elixirs requires rare and potent
ingredients and incredible amounts of magic power. The potions duration and effectiveness, as well
as the age of the intended recipient makes the process increasingly more difficult. The duration of
the mixture is the period of time in which the elixir remains potent, whether it has been consumed
or not. Thus, a thaumaturge creating an elixir with one week’s duration who waits three days before
consuming it gains four days of agelessness

Luck Magic- 200cp

The thaumaturge gains the ability to control chance and bend luck in his favour, improving
his success at specific tasks. No character can be affected by more than one luck ritual (of any type)
at a time, and the magician can successfully perform this ritual only once per day. This perk cannot
be used to improve any supernatural efforts. This spell can cause increasingly better odds on
mundane tasks for any individual targeted with this ritual.

Favorable Fortune- 200cp (Requires Luck Magic)

The magician creates a shift of destiny, effectively generating a highly directed turn of
personal good luck. These small manipulations of fortune always take the form of totally plausible
events, such as a parched magician finding the five dollars she needs on the sidewalk to buy a drink,
or finding a moderately attractive person in a bar who wants to spend the night. Big shifts such as
finding a $1,000 at the convenience store’s front door, or meeting the love of her life are simply too
implausible for the limited power of this ritual. The magician requests some small jolt in the desired
direction and allows destiny to decide how it comes about. The character should be on her toes,
ready for anything in the event that her request comes about in an extremely unexpected manner. A
wish for “a ride” along a lonely country road at night yields one, but the results could be anything
from being picked up by a truck driver to having a thief abandon a stolen car nearby and then flee
into the woods.
These manipulations of destiny are small, but they may be undertaken for a wide variety of
ends. Indeed, these tweaks can grow into something bigger and more meaningful if tended
carefully. Mr. Right Now could, in fact, actually be Mr. Right, provided the magician puts in the
time and effort to bring such a relationship to fruition. Alternatively, the $50 a magician wins from a
scratch ticket might yield up many times its own value if invested wisely. This ritual helps destiny
along rather than creating it, but does give a character an opportunity to seize her own fortune or to
help make one for another. This ritual cannot provide a thaumaturge with more than $50 at a time,
or produce any item whose value is greater than that unless the item has a significant drawback
(such as a stolen car whose theft was reported to the police).
This is a simple ritual where The magician decides what he wants and then creates some
simple representation of it. He performs an action involving what he wants, such as writing his
desires on a leaf or a small scrap of paper and burning it, or writing out what he wants to occur and
rearranging and compressing the letters until he has turned the phrase into a complex and abstract
sigil. This effect lasts for a minimum of an hour.

Curse of Ill-Fortune- 200cp (Requires Luck Magic)

The character can inflict bad luck upon others. This spell is a basic curse intended to bring
about ill-fortune when another person performs a specific type of action such as driving a car or
making a speech. The performer chooses both the target and the nature of the activity to be affected
before the rite begins. If the rite is successful, the curse brings bad luck to the target for an amount
of time relative to the work and energy put into the rite. For example, the magician could curse
someone to do poorly at a job interview, or simply to drive especially badly whenever going faster
than 60 mph. A single target can be subject to no more than one curse at a time.

Scrying- 200cp
The magician can view a location remotely. She can both see and hear the location normally,
allowing her to overhear conversations or read text on a distant computer screen, all as if she were
physically present. Because the mystic is in a light trance, she can talk softly, write or type while
continuing to view a distant location. She must use a magical connection to perform this ritual and
can see the location only from the point of view of the subject to which her magical connection is
linked. For example, if a mystic is holding a piece of someone’s hair, she can observe events
occurring around that person. If she holds a chip of brick from a wall, she can observe the
surroundings from the exact location where the chip was taken.
The thaumaturge can turn her point of view as if she were turning her head, but she cannot
move the location from which she observes without obtaining another magical connection to a
different subject and performing this ritual again. If, however, a thaumaturge scrys a moving
vehicle, a person who is walking or an object that someone picks up and carries, the thaumaturge’s
point of view moves accordingly. Because the mystic merely observes a distant location, she is
aware of events occurring around her body and her trance ends automatically if she is harmed,
shaken roughly or otherwise disturbed significantly.

Second Sight- 200cp

Occult stories speak of “second sight” as the ability to perceive the spiritual realm via sight
and sound. By attuning her senses, a thaumaturge temporarily gains the ability to see and hear
Twilight. Second Sight allows a performer to see and hear ghosts, provided they exist within
Twilight and lie in normal visual and audible ranges for the caster. Of course, the ability to perceive
the immaterial doesn’t guarantee that there is something to see. If a ghost hides behind a desk, the
caster must try to spot him normally. Spiritual fog or ephemeral darkness hampers second sight as
much as the physical versions of such things hamper mundane sight. Likewise, the mad screams of
a tormented ghost can make it hard to hear cries for help from his eternal, ghostly victim. While
using Second Sight, a thaumaturge can still see and hear the physical world around her, but with
less focus and a great degree of distraction.
Soul Jar- 300cp (Requires Second Sight)
Creation of a Soul Jar allows a thaumaturge to trap the soul of a dying person, usually in
preparation for nefarious purposes. The ritual may be performed upon an individual who is actually
dying or who is merely trapped in a deathlike state (a vodoun bokor uses poisonous powders to
achieve this state). The mystic must touch the subject throughout the ritual and must have a physical
object ready to receive the soul. The performer must overcome the victim’s will to successfully
complete the ritual. If the performer achieves their goal, the victim’s soul leaves his body and
becomes a ghost with a single anchor: the object used as a focus for this rite. If the subject
overcomes the rite the caster. If the subject achieves the total successes first, his soul goes wherever
it normally would. If the victim is truly dying, the soul passes on or it might become a ghost over
which the mystic has no hold. If the victim’s deathlike state is temporary, his soul hovers over his
body until signs of life resume. If the ritual fails, it cannot be recast on the same target until at least
24 hours have passed. Of course, a dying subject may have escaped his fate by then.
This ritual allows a thaumaturge to gain a certain degree of power over the dead, and over
the living as well. The caster knows the single anchor of the ghost involved, and probably has
physical possession of it. This standing allows the performer to control the ghost’s behaviour to an
extent, without further magic, but powerful thaumaturges may also use Evocation (ghosts only) to
gain more direct control. A person who returns to life from a deathlike state without a soul suffers
from the loss. A living body that’s lost its soul is easier to possess. So long as the thaumaturge is
careful to not let the original soul ever possess its own body (which ends the power of Soul Jar and
frees the soul to live in its original body), the living soulless body remains subject to manipulation.
The Soulless will slowly lose their morality and willpower until they become a shuffling zombie.

See Auras- 100cp

A thaumaturge can open his perceptions to the psychic auras that surround all sentient
creatures, witnessing numerous and often-shifting hues and patterns. Although the strongest
emotions predominate, almost every individual has more than one colour to his aura at any given
time, and an observer can see any number of streaks or flashes. “Psychic colours” change with the
subject’s mental or emotional state, creating an ever-moving pattern that is as unique to each person
as a fingerprint. As a rule, the more powerful the emotions, the more intense the colours, but even
this guideline is betrayed by any number of mitigating factors, depending on circumstance. Practice
makes perfect; a true master aura-perceiver learns to understand the significance of each whorl and
Because mystics’ powers are limited and rather dim, thaumaturges cannot see auras clearly
enough to tell the difference between the radiance of ordinary humans and those of mages, vampires
or werewolves. If performed correctly, this ritual allows a thaumaturge to observe a single subject’s
aura. The magician must recast this ritual to observe the aura of another subject. After the magician
completes the ritual to allow her to perceive auras, she must concentrate on observing a subject. She
can continue to perceive his auras for the next scene, and can talk, walk slowly or perform other
non-distracting activities while doing so. However, she cannot run, walk rapidly, perform any
complex or difficult physical tasks (including combat) or even look closely at anything other than
her target. Thaumaturges who use this ability to observe someone in the act of lying may recognize
that the subject speaks falsely.

Visionary Trances- 200cp

The thaumaturge can see and communicate with beings in the Shadow Realm. She goes into
a trance and essentially opens a mental window into the Shadow Realm to observe the landscape
and inhabitants of that dimension from the position her body occupies. Although she cannot
physically interact with any being or object in the Shadow Realm, the magician can communicate
with spirits within earshot. When in this type of visionary trance, the character cannot use any of
her other magical abilities. Spirits in the Shadow Realm cannot target her with their powers. The
performer has no way of knowing her body’s current state of health or any other information about
it. Should her body die while psychically projecting, her soul passes on.
With greater power, experience, and a more complex ritual the thaumaturge perform a more
powerful rite that allows her to create an ephemeral body in the Shadow Realm so that she can
physically interact with the dimension and its inhabitants. While the thaumaturge is in the Shadow
Realm in this form, she can use all of her other magical abilities. Also, spirits and other beings in
the Shadow Realm can target the mystic’s mind and mystical physical body with their powers. Any
damage received in this form transfer overs to the thaumaturge's true body. The magician’s
ephemeral body can move around normally in the Shadow Realm, walking and running at normal
Speed. During the time she is mentally projected, the thaumaturge’s body is alive but comatose and
her soul has actually separated from the body. She has no way of knowing her body’s current state
of health or any other information about it. Should the magician’s body die while psychically
projected, she most likely becomes a ghost and moves to an appropriate anchor.
The thaumaturge’s ephemeral form appears in clothes and other portable gear that the
character wears or uses regularly. The more advanced version can also bring along ephemeral
versions of any artefacts or other magically powerful items she owns. In addition, her body in the
Shadow Realm manifests an ephemeral silver cord connecting back to her physical body. If this
cord is severed, the magician must try to find her way back to her body by some other means (a
daunting proposition). The instant a thaumaturge’s silver cord is broken, her physical body lapses
into a coma from which she cannot awaken unless her spirit is reattached to her body. Another
mystic in a visionary trance can look for the lost spirit and guide it back to its body. Alternatively,
the lost thaumaturge can ask a powerful spirit for help. Any spirit that can breach the barrier
between worlds, materialize or steal souls might restore the thaumaturge’s spirit to her body, but
such spirits may ask a high price. All damage to a silver cord is erased once the ritual ends. Each
time this ritual is performed anew, the silver cord starts at full Health.

See Spirits- 100cp (Requires Visionary Trances)

Your character automatically notices the presence of spirits from the Shadow Realm when
they intrude into the Twilight Realm. Your character can automatically see, hear and speak to any
nearby immaterial spirits in Twilight without needing to make any special effort. Although
magicians with this perk cannot see or hear the ghosts of the recently deceased,they may hear
immaterial ghosts that are old or twisted enough to have become significantly inhuman in their
appearance or motivations. A magician also notices the existence of any openings or thin points
between the Twilight Realm and the Shadow Realm. See Spirits does not allow a mystic to perceive
ghosts in Twilight, only spirits. Second Sight is required for awareness of the restless dead. This
ability cannot be toggled off.

Dream Travel- 200cp (Requires Visionary Trances)

The thaumaturge can psychically enter the dreams of another. This ability operates much
like the Visionary Trances perk, except that the mystic enters the dreams of a sleeping individual
instead of the Shadow Realm. Entering another’s dreams is resisted only if the target is unwilling. If
the thaumaturge asks permission and the target agrees before he goes to sleep the ritual is
immensely easier.
During the time the thaumaturge’s consciousness is in a subject’s dream, the thaumaturge’s
body is alive but comatose and her spirit has actually separated from her body. She has no way of
knowing her body’s current state of health or any other information about it. Once inside a target’s
dream, the mystic can simply observe and possibly gain a deeper understanding of the subject’s
fears and worries. Alternatively, the thaumaturge can choose to form an ethereal dream-body
capable of interacting physically with the target’s dream-self and the contents of his dream. The
thaumaturge normally appears in a form identical to her own body, dressed in clothes in which she
is comfortable. She can interact with the target and the contents of the dream as easily and normally
as if she were awake and interacting with the target and his surroundings. Although damage done to
the sleeper’s dream-body cannot harm the his physical body in any way, the mystic is not so lucky.
Any damage done to her ethereal dream-body become bruises and damage on their true body. If the
thaumaturge’s physical body loses all Health, her spirit is thrown out of the target’s dream
automatically and she is likely unconscious from her injuries. If the target’s ethereal dream-body
loses all Health, he wakes up automatically, but does not suffer any damage to his physical body.
The mystic also wakes automatically.
The thaumaturge may attempt to leave a target’s dream at any time.. If the target wishes to
stop her from leaving, this effort becomes a battle of wills. Holding onto the thaumaturge,
imprisoning her or otherwise attempting to keep her from “getting away” counts as an attempt to
keep the mystic from leaving a dream. Magicians who are prevented from leaving a dream may
suffer damage from being in a trance for a long period, and from being attacked in the target’s
dream. Although the thaumaturge cannot use her magic to directly affect the subject’s dream, she
can use her understanding of dreams to affect her form and location within the dream.

Warding- 200cp
Your magician can create a magical barrier around an area to keep out ghosts and spirits.
This barrier can be created as a general ward that keeps out all low-level entities, or as a powerful
barrier designed to protect against a single supernatural being. Both types of wards can be used to
protect an area only against ghosts and spirits. The only way to move a ward is to move the entire
structure it protects. While thaumaturges can ward the exterior of a house or even the interior of a
car or van, they cannot create a portable or wearable ward. An area can be protected by only a
single ward at a time — putting up a new one automatically eliminates any existing one. Each ward
must be tied to some sort of physical marker, such as a fence with symbols painted on it or a line of
chalk drawn on a floor.
If anyone disturbs or makes an opening in this physical marker, or if a drawing is washed
away by rainfall or blown away by the wind, the ward instantly ceases to function. Magicians
cannot create wards that are more than 21 yards on a side; they can protect a small house and most
of its yard, a large house or most of a warehouse but not an entire office building or city block.
When creating a ward against a specific ghost or spirit, a mystic does not need to know the name of
the entity — an obvious designation, such as “the ghost of the young man who was murdered here”
or “the spider-like spirit that has been attempting to possess the inhabitants of this house” is a
sufficiently accurate description. Specific wards protect against only that particular being, though.
They have no affect on any other spirits or ghosts.
Although spirits or ghosts may convince a mortal to remove or damage the physical markers
that keep a ward in place, such entities are completely incapable of affecting these physical markers
directly, even if they could normally move or destroy them. A spirit affected by a ward cannot make
the area into an anchor while the protection is in place. This perk does not undo the connection
between an entity and its anchor if the rite is performed on such an object, however. The spirit or
ghost’s Power is still reduced by the ritual, but the spirit remains in proximity to its anchor.

Weather Control- 300cp

The thaumaturge can control local weather in a relatively minor way. He can call up weather
conditions that are reasonable for the season and location, so making snow in Death Valley in the
summer is impossible. The character cannot create catastrophic weather such as hurricanes or
tornadoes. All weather produced appears to be perfectly natural and takes between a few minutes
and an hour to appear, depending upon how long such conditions would normally take to form.
After six hours (or longer in the case of an exceptional success), the weather fades at the same
speed. The effects are purely local, covering anything from one square mile to an entire large town
or small city (not counting the suburbs). The thaumaturge can make moderate changes, say, creating
light rain on a sunny day, calling a light snowstorm on a cool, early winter day or transforming a
thunderstorm into a violent and windy hailstorm or into a cloudy day with occasional rain.
Purified Perks
You gain 400 points to spend in this section only
Purified abilities, called Siddhi, typically require the expenditure of essence

Chi- 200cp (First Purchase free, can be purchased up to five times)

When they undergo the right of purification, these beings change their minds and their souls
to be more like those of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, including the ability to manipulate
Essence. As they gain in power and experience, the purified gain even greater power over Essence.
Chi represents their connection to and power over Essence. Each purchase of Chi adds to a
Purified's resistance to supernatural effects, the amount of essence they can contain and how rapidly
they expend it, as well as being a measurement of one's power and status within the Shadow. Spirits
treat Purified with higher Chi as they would higher level spirits.

Influence Spirit- 100cp

The character can cause a single spirit to feel any desired emotion. This emotion isn’t
overwhelming, but a spirit that becomes afraid is more likely to either flee if threatened, just as an
angry spirit is more likely to attack anyone who annoys it. If desired, purified can use this ability in
conjunction with attempts to influence the spirit’s behaviour. This ability cannot be used to
influence werewolves, other purified or any other being that is not a spirit. The character must also
be able to clearly see the target to affect it. The emotions produced by this ability fade like any
normal emotion.

Influence Beasts and Mortals- 200cp (Requires Influence Spirit)

The character learns to influence the emotions of both mortals and normal animals. This
ability can also be used to affect supernatural creatures with ties to the mortal world, like
werewolves, vampires or other purified. This ability can also be used to influence ghosts, because
they were once mortals. Otherwise it works similarly to Influence Spirit. Once this ability is
possessed the Purified may use more essence to influence multiple spirits.

Command the Rebellious Spirit- 300cp (Requires Influence Beasts and Mortals)
The character can use this ability to control both spirits and ghosts. This requires the Purified
to overpower the will of the spirit or ghost. Each single command used by this power requires
essence to be expended.

Distant Vision- 100cp

The character can see and hear events happening around the target of this power as if she
were physically present in this location. To use this power, the character must remain stationary and
focus on the desired target. Many purified use objects like crystal balls or mirrors to help focus their
concentration. Such tools are not necessary, but can provide a bonus. However, he must maintain
his concentration to continue to use this power. The character can write or speak normally and can
respond to questions, but cannot examine the world around him or take any physical action that is
not both simple and very slow. This power can also be used in any realm. If the purified is in the
mortal world, he can use it to look at a familiar location in the mortal world or a spirit in the
Shadow Realm, just as one of the purified projecting in the Shadow Realm can use it to see a person
or place in the mortal world

Ethereal Presence- 200cp (Requires Distant Vision)

Using this ability is almost identical to using distant vision, except that in addition to being
able to simply observe and hear 105 the target location, the character can also create an illusory
image of himself at this location. This image looks and sounds identical to the character and moves
just like the character does. However, it is nothing more than a completely intangible image. Also,
while it seems to move like the character, its feet don’t actually touch the floor and it often floats a
few inches in the air.
To use this Siddhi, the character must go into a deep trance. . While in this trace, he cannot
sense his present surroundings, but can see, hear and even smell the location his image is in, exactly
like he was there in person. The character can also speak normally and can talk to people and spirits
in the location just as if he were physically present. However, the character appears in the target
location as an intangible image that cannot touch anything. Also, nothing in this location, including
spirits, ghosts or magicians, can affect this image in any fashion. The character can move the image
at her normal Speed and in doing so can move through walls and other barriers as if they did not
exist. As a result, the character can explore regions that he has never seen before by moving through
a wall an examining them. However, whenever the character enters a region he was previously
unfamiliar with he must work harder to retain his concentration. With some some concentration the
projected image can be altered.

Walking the Hidden Shortcut- 300cp (Requires Ethereal Presence)

The character has now learned to walk from one location to another by stepping halfway
into the Shadow Realm. This type of travel carries the character through the boundary between the
mortal world and the Shadow Realm and greatly reduces distances. However, it is not particularly
exact. For the first few minutes after activating this siddhi, the character must walk around the
mortal world. He seems to be wandering aimlessly, but he is actually seeking an entrance into the
strange border-realm through which he travels. Then the purified enters this nebulous in-between
realm, where he cannot be seen or affected by residents of either the mortal world or any
supernatural realm. The character can take others along on his journey, but they must all maintain
physical contact with him. Each additional person the character brings along costs more essence. If
desired, the character can even take an entire vehicle along with him.
all passengers must ride inside the vehicle and the character must be the person driving or
piloting the vehicle. The character cannot simply be a passenger. When moving a vehicle in this
fashion, the character can take as many other passengers with him as will fit in the inside of the
vehicle. Purified can use this power to move to any location, but the time needed to use it means
that for travelling short distances it is often faster to use conventional means of travel. Also, purified
can only travel to locations where they can pass through an opening like an open or unlocked
doorway, a tunnel, a natural archway or some similar natural or artificial structure. As a result, the
character cannot use this power to travel to a barren desert, the interior of a locked vault or any
other location lacking any opening that is not locked or otherwise impassible.
This Siddhi does not always work perfectly, and sometimes the user re-enters the mortal
world at some reasonably safe, but occasionally awkward location between where he left it from
and his destination. The same happens to anyone who the character is bringing along on the journey
who either breaks physical contact with the character or leaves the vehicle the character is driving.
If he is interfered with in a serious manner he may find himself, and anyone accompanying him, in
an exceptionally awkward and utterly random location. The character could appear in the Shadow
Realm, in front of the lair of a feared enemy, in the middle of a large lake, inside a maximum
security prison, or in some equally problematic location.

Spirit Projection- 100cp

The character can project his mind into the Shadow Realm. To enter the Shadow Realm, the
character need only lie down and concentrate. To return to her body, she must find a locus and
concentrate again. If the character’s body is alive, she immediately returns to her body. If the
character’s body is dead, she appears in Twilight, hovering over her body. Unless the character also
knows Twilight Projection, she cannot venture more than a few feet away from her corpse, but she
may use Essence to repair it, return it to life, or return to the Shadow Realm to seek help.
Twilight Projection- 200cp (Requires Spirit Projection)
The character can project her mind into Twilight. Here, she can interact with both ghosts and
spirits who are also in Twilight and can spy on the mortal world, unseen by anyone except
supernatural beings and the few mortals who can perceive beings in Twilight. Because of the nature
of their perceptions, all purified can clearly see and hear everything occurring in the portion of the
mortal world corresponding to their location in Twilight, allowing purified who know this ability to
be excellent spies. Otherwise this works similarly to Spirit Projection. A Purified can move between
Twilight and the Shadow with a moment of concentration.

Underworld Projection- 300cp (Requires Twilight Projection)

The character now learns to project her mind into the Underworld. While this mysterious
realm is the natural home of ghosts, the partially inhuman nature of the character’s mind makes the
underworld an alien realm that it more difficult to enter than the Shadow Realm or Twilight.
Purified who attempt to enter or leave the Underworld must meditate for an extended period. If they
are interrupted they must begin anew. Because of the difficulty involved in leaving the underworld,
most purified consider it an especially dangerous place to visit. The character can also move
between the Underworld and either Twilight or the Shadow Realm, but doing so also requires
similar meditation.

Tread Lightly- 100cp

As the first step on learning to interact physically with the Twilight realm, the character
learns to transfer a portion of her weight there. The character greatly reduces her weight for the next
hour or so. Although this reduction in weight does not allow the character to fly or even jump
further than normal, but she takes only minimal damage from falling, regardless of the distance. In
addition, she can walk or run over any surface, including water, tissue paper or thin panes of glass.
She can also walk across mud, dry sand or any other surface without leaving tracks or getting her
feet even damp. She can also climb up surfaces too fragile to support her normal weight. However,
she cannot run any faster or climb any better than usual.

Breaching Barriers- 200cp (Requires Tread Lightly)

The character learns to shift his body into Twilight for a brief instant. This allows the
purified to walk through walls and similar barriers. Briefly stepping into Twilight allows the
character to walk through any barrier that is no thicker than one yard. He can step through a closed
door, walk through a wall, or even jump from one floor down to another. When walking through a
barrier, the character makes no noise and does not disturb the barrier at all. Instead, he vanishes for
an instant and reappears just on the other side of the barrier. The character cannot use this power to
pass through a barrier thicker than one yard. Attempts to do so automatically fail, leaving the
character bumping his nose against the barrier.

Twilight Shift- 300cp (Requires Breaching Barriers)

The character learns to shift her body fully into Twilight. By doing so, she becomes
completely invisible and intangible, and can physically interact with all ghosts and spirits in
Twilight. She can also use this power to gain access to the interior of almost any building by
walking into it in Twilight and then shifting back to the mortal world inside.

Exorcism- 100cp
The character can drive out a spirit or ghost inhabiting a person or object simply by touching
the possessed individual. Exorcism can only be used to protect targets in the mortal world, since
spirits cannot possess beings in Twilight or the Shadow Realm. The Purified must overpower the
offending entity with their Chi. If the purified wins the contest, the spirit or ghost must instantly
depart from the person or object it is possessing. The spirit cannot attempt to possess the same
target again for at least one full day. To use this power, the character must maintain physical contact
with the possessed object or person for at least one whole minute, if this contact is broken, the
exorcism attempt automatically fails.

Touch of Death or Life- 200cp (Requires Exorcism)

The character can either directly attack spirits and ghosts, damaging their corpus, or she can
reverse this ability and heal their corpus. The character can use both facets of this Siddhi in the
mortal world as well as in Twilight, the Underworld and the Shadow Realm. To use either ability,
the character must touch the target. Usually, this means the character must enter melee combat with
the spirit or ghost to harm it. When the character uses this ability to cause harm, spirits and anyone
else with the ability to see into Twilight or the Shadow Realm sees the purified holding a glowing
melee weapon of some sort. If the character uses this ability to heal, she appears to hold some sort
of glowing rod. If the character uses ability on a spirit or ghost who is riding or otherwise
possessing someone in any fashion, it harms or heals the spirit or ghost, but has no effect on the
person who is possessed

Mass Banishing- 300cp (Requires Touch of Death or Life)

Purified can learn to banish ghosts and spirits en mass as well as individually; this power
only works on spirits and ghosts that are either in Twilight or that are physically manifesting in the
mortal world. It specifically does not affect spirits who are possessing individuals, since they have a
firmer connection to the mortal world. The purified can affect every spirit and ghost within 20
yards. To use this spell, she must say a short chant loudly enough to be heard within this range.
When the chant is concluded, every spirit or ghost within range must resist the spell or be banished
back to their native realm. Banished spirits and ghosts return to the Shadow Realm or the
Underworld and cannot attempt to return to either Twilight or the mortal world for one full day. This
power also instantly ends all uses of the Reaching Numina that are within range or other Numina
used by spirits or ghosts in another realm to affect the mortal world.

Summoning Spirits- 100cp

Purified who learn this ability can summon spirits from the Shadow Realm to his location. If
the spirit is capable of materializing into the mortal world, it does so; otherwise, it remains in
Twilight at the desired location. The character can either summon a specific spirit or send out a
general call to the nearest spirit of a particular type, such as tree spirits, or spirits of electricity.
Alternately, the character can simply call upon the nearest spirit of the desired power level. When
calling a specific spirit, this ability is limited by the fact that the spirit cannot travel farther than the
maximum distance it is allowed to travel from its Anchor.
The character can either ask for the spirit to appear, or he may attempt to overpower it's will
to force it to appear. In the second case, the spirit appears, but it is not under the character’s control.
In either case, the character must either use the binding the rebellious spirit Siddhi to attempt to
control it, or bargain with the spirit for its services. Most spirits are willing to appear if called,
simply because most are interested in who might call them and seek to either gain some payment or
wreak vengeance upon anyone who threatens them.

Summon the Wandering Shade- 200cp (Requires Summoning Spirits)

Purified can use this power to summon ghosts either from Twilight or the Underworld. The
character can summon a specific ghost or she can either ask for the nearest ghost to appear or the
nearest ghost of a general type, like children or murder victims. If distant, the ghost travels to the
character as rapidly as it can. The ghost only materializes if it is able to do so. The ghost is not
under the character’s control. The character must either use the binding the rebellious spirit Siddhi
to attempt to control the ghost, or bargain with the ghost for its services.
Call Spirit- 300cp (Requires Summon the Wandering Shade)
The character can instantly summon any spirit she knows or any type of spirit with which
she is familiar. The distance between the character and the spirit does not matter, regardless of
where it was before, it instantly appears in front of the character. The character cannot use this
Siddhi to summon ghosts.

Ward Against Supernatural Beings- 100cp

This ward is designed to prevent spirits, ghosts, and similar beings from other realms from
affecting the warded area and anyone or anything inside it. There are two forms to this ward, and
the character can only use one of these at a time on any single location. Locations cannot be
simultaneously protected by both types of wards. The first type of ward raises or lowers the
Gauntlet for the warded area in relation to the Purified's Chi. This ward can only be created as a
temporary ward.
The second type of ward prevents spirits, ghosts, and similar beings from outside the mortal
world from entering the area. Any such being attempting to enter or to use the Reaching Numina to
gain access to the warded region must overpower the Purified's Chi. Even if they are in Twilight,
spirits, ghosts and similar beings that fail to do so cannot enter the warded area and must wait for
one full day before trying again to do so.

Ward Against Magic- 200cp (Requires Ward Against Supernatural Beings)

This ward protects the space and people inside it from all forms of magic and other
supernatural powers, including werewolf Gifts, vampire Disciplines, spirit Numina and all similar
powers. The character protects an area from supernatural effects used by anyone other than the
character and up to a two dozen specific individuals named when the warding is created. Even if he
is not present inside the warded area, the purified can reflexively attempt to negate any supernatural
ability used on anyone or anything inside the warded area.

Ward Against the Living- 300cp (Requires Ward Against Magic)

This ward prevents all living or once-living creatures, including humans and animals, as
well as partly human beings like werewolves and once-human beings native to the mortal world like
vampires or other purified. The character can create a ward designed to only protect against certain
general types of beings, like only vampires or only human children. However, it is impossible to
ward an area against “enemies” or some other similarly vague category. Also, when creating this
warding the character can specify up to two dozen named individuals who can freely enter and
leave the warded area.

Skin-Thief Perks
Skin-Thieves receive 600cp to spend in this section only

Totem Animal- Free

Every skinchanger has a totem animal. The animal is whatever creature that the shapeshifter
associates with his own nature. A nocturnal fellow who looks at other people as “smaller” and
“prey” while desiring classical wisdom clearly idolizes the owl. The woman who roughly maintains
her position at the head of her group of friends might consider herself the “bitch” alpha of her pack.
These associations are what develop into skinchanger-totem animal relationships, though these
associations are often even more pronounced.
A skinthief has no agreement with the spirit of her totem animal. A cat-based skinthief
doesn’t talk with Cat or Languid Cat or any of the many cat-spirits that roam and hunt in the spirit
world, and those spirits almost certainly pay the skinthief no attention. A totem animal is simply the
creature the skinthief emulates. If a spirit representing her totem animal ever does get in touch with
her, the skinthief should probably be honored and worried. Mostly worried.
Bound Totem- Free (cannot be selected with Talisman, Permanent Talisman, or No Talisman)
Somewhere, the skinchanger’s totem animal is trapped and bound, constantly being drained
of its life and spirit to power the thief’s unnatural abilities. Though bound totem animals usually last
longer than impermanent talismans — it sometimes takes as long as six months for the captive to
die under optimal care and conditions — this method has its own problems.
Totem animals are still alive and, for all that they are weak and trapped, can occasionally
escape. An escaped creature takes with it all its power, and the skinthief must then find a new one to
take its place. He would have had to do so anyway, but now it is without the benefit of having an
animal already bound. A skinthief’s enemies can release its totem animal if they know where it is,
just as they can steal a talisman. Finally, some totems are smarter than mere animals; if the totem
escapes captivity, the totem may desire some form of vengeance. When a totem disappears (rather
than dies), the skinthief’s power to change shape fades over the next 24 hours. He is aware that the
source of his power is gone, and he has only a limited amount of time to retrieve it before his
powers fade completely. A skinthief in an alternate form when the day runs out automatically
returns to his natural shape, as the ability to veil himself in another form leaves completely.
After a bound totem dies, the skinthief must capture and bind a new totem animal within one
month before he can no longer change shape. During this period, he fuels his changes with residual
death energy left over from the totem’s death, and his animal shape begins to emit a foul odour
reminiscent of the rot that accompanies death. Without the corpse of his bound totem, or a barely
living totem to kill, the skinthief must perform the hardest part of his nature-stealing ritual again.
Renewing his connection to his totem (by binding a new creature) then requires that he also expend
a significant amount of willpower.

Talisman- Free (cannot be selected with Bound Totem, Permanent Talisman, or No Talisman)
Most talismans are impermanent, requiring the skinthief to periodically seek out a new
creature of his totem and perform the appropriate ritual again. Usually, the necessary animal is not
particularly difficult to find, and the skinchanger should have the abilities required to hunt and kill
it. A skinthief’s talisman remains useful for one month before he must make another and perform
the ritual to endow it with power and bind it to his soul. He may delay making another talisman for
up to one month, but he begins to emit the smell of death when he is in his animal form, and the
time required to transform is doubled.
A skinthief must have his old talisman in order to instill his new one with the same power.
Otherwise, he must perform the original ritual again and expend a lot of willpower. A skinthief’s
talisman is entirely personal in nature — though the talisman may be stolen, it can never be used by
anyone other than the skinthief who made it. Even another skinthief with the same totem animal and
mystical tradition cannot use it. Still, talisman-skins are stolen, both to rob the skinthief of the
power to change and for the connection they hold to the skinthief — some shamans know how to
use such a tool as a weapon against its owner.
Most talismans supernaturally withstand the rigours of time. Most, in fact, lose the potency
of their magic before they begin to rot, even when the enchantment process does not involve
traditional curing. Still, many talismans derive some measure of their power from the energy
released by the totem animal’s death, and that eventually fades. As such, most skinchangers know
how to create a new talisman to replace an older one whose strength is flagging. Performing that
ritual scatters to the winds any power in the old talisman, and weakens (though does not sever
completely) the connection between the skinthief and the last talisman.

Permanent Talisman- 100cp (cannot be selected with Talisman, Bound Totem, or No Talisman)
The skinchanger’s talisman does not wear out. This prevents him from having to cut a new
skin every time or bind another animal every so often; perhaps he found one of the rare rituals that
can imbue a cured hide or channeled the essence of his totem creature into an object he keeps on his
person. If the talisman is destroyed or otherwise lost forever, it cannot be remade without spending
severe amounts of spiritual resources and performing the relevant ritual again.
No Talisman- 400cp (cannot be selected with Talisman, Permanent Talisman, or Bound Totem)
Binding the skinchanger’s totem animal to her is a method that some thieves learn. This
obviates the need for any physical talisman, such as an animal’s skin or a necklace of teeth, for the
skinthief to change form. The thief must still take the life of her totem animal once, when she takes
her first real step into the supernatural, to bind the creature’s energy to her soul. A skinchanger with
no talisman cannot have her ability to shapeshift stolen from her except by powerful hostile magic.

Animal Speech- 100cp

Speaking the language of the beasts does not come naturally to the skinchanger. This Aspect
allows one to speak directly with animals of his totem’s type and understand them in turn. Animal
Speech in no way ensures that other animals will obey the skinchanger; he must treat with them as
he would with any human, though their motivations are more instinctual and simple than a human’s.
In order to activate this Aspect, the skinthief must spend some of their Essence. He need not be in
the animal form to do so, and the effect lasts for at least one hour.
For 100cp more the Aspect allows the skinchanger to understand and communicate with all
beasts, rather than just his totem animals.

Bare Necessities- 100cp

Nudity is the order of the day for many skinchangers, who cannot successfully transform if
their skin-cloak is worn over clothing or anything else. Those with the Bare Necessities Aspect do
not have this limitation, for whatever reason. The clothes on their backs and other things close to
their skin transform as well, though they are inaccessible until the changer returns to human form.
For 200cp more this Aspect allows the skinchanger to take other things — a backpack and
its contents, for example, or a holstered sidearm — with him when he changes form. Such things
are effectively nowhere until he changes back.

Enchanting Affinity- 100cp

A skinchanger may feel great affinity for the animal she emulates, but the animals rarely feel
a similar affinity for her. After all, she smells and acts too oddly to be one of them, whatever her
looks. This Aspect makes the skinchanger unnaturally attractive to other animals of her type. For
the most part, they treat her as they would a friendly member of their species. If she desires,
however, she can exude an aura that incites the animals to react in a certain way. She can draw them
to her (if they are close enough to detect her normally) and make them peaceful or violent.
She cannot cause them to obey explicit orders unless they can understand her (see the
Animal Speech Aspect).

Static Beast Shape- 100cp

In most cases, if a skinthief catches a new member of his totem species and takes its skin for
a talisman, his animal shape becomes like that of the animal he just killed. But some are bound to a
certain shape and appearance, usually by the nature of their skintaking rituals. The decision to take
this Aspect is binding, the beast-shape is bound to him, and he cannot choose to change it.

Extraordinary Specimen- 100cp (Requires Static Beast Shape)

Most skinthieves draw their talisman from and transform into an average example of their
totem’s species. Skinthieves with this Aspect have hunted down the greatest, most powerful
members of that species, the monsters among their chosen totem animals. Increase the Strength and
Size of the skinthief’s animal form by one. A skinthief with this Aspect often also has the Static
Beast Shape Aspect, allowing her to renew her talisman with any specimen she chooses to hunt
without worrying that it will change her animal shape. Those without must only hunt the mightiest
of their chosen species, else they lose the benefit of having this Aspect.
Fast Healing- 200cp
Perhaps the skinchanger has a little bit of werewolf blood, released or somehow triggered by
her unique supernatural change. Or maybe the ritual accelerated her body’s metabolism and
chemical reactions to the point the where she heals more quickly. Whatever the cause, the skinthief
heals twice as quickly as a normal human, but only when her special nature is active and evident —
that is, when she is in a non-human shape.

Fast Skinner- 100cp

Despite the physical and mystical effort necessarily involved in creating a new talisman, the
skinthief with this Aspect is able to go from skinning an animal to wearing and becoming it in
minutes flat. Usually, the remainder of the ritual to make the talisman permanent or useful in the
longer term must be performed later, once the thief has time to spare.
Chasing a skinchanger with this Aspect can be a real frustration, especially if it’s a long-term
chase that gives the entity a chance to change her skin over more than once to throw off the scent.
This method works well for skinthieves who take the form of common animals because they are
easiest for humans to tell apart. When the animals have clearly different markings, the tactic can
also be effective (changing from a red to grey wolf). Some skinchangers are not so blessed; their
totem animals are so rare in a given area, or generally indistinguishable to human eyes, that no
amount of host- or skin-switching helps them get away.
Skinthieves with the Static Beast Shape Aspect won’t gain such an advantage from the
ability to use a talisman without a long ritual, but the Aspect can still be useful.

Hybrid Form- 200cp or 400cp

When a skinchanger has this Aspect, he may change into a human-animal hybrid that shows
increased strength and fierceness similar to that of the Uratha’s Gauru form. When in this form, the
skinchanger has a Strength equal to the greater of his human or animal Strengths increased by
another 20% and a size equal to his human size plus 20%. The balance of human and animal minds
is also harder to maintain in hybrid form.
The 200cp version means that the skinchanger only has a hybrid form and cannot don the
shape of the normal animal. This is, by far, the more common option. For 400cp the Skin-changer
has access to both animal and hybrid forms.

Out of Body- 200cp

Not all skinchangers draw a creature’s skin or power over their own bodies to take its shape.
Some, instead, force their essence into the body of such a creature, and indulge their inhuman urges
while there. The rituals necessary to enact this aspect usually ensure that the animal dies after a
short while, but some skinchangers can keep their “bodies” alive for extended periods. The benefit
to this method of changing skins is that there is little danger to the shapeshifter as he explores the
world in his other skin; if it is harmed or destroyed, he usually escapes with little harm. If he is
inside the creature when it dies, he generally suffers only minor damage and disorientation.
Less advantageous is that the changer must leave his body behind, empty of thought and
vulnerable, in order to become his chosen animal. If some harm befalls his body, he feels it only
when he returns there; if the body is destroyed, he is trapped in his animal skin until it dies, which
may be a long or short time, depending on the skinchanger’s methods.
Out-of-Body Aspect can also represent those skinchangers who leave some aspect of
themselves behind their transformations as insurance. It may be a small tooth around which his
flesh reforms or the diary that will contain his essence until he can claim a new body. But just like
leaving a full body behind, this item represents a vulnerability. If an enemy gets a hold of this
object, she may be able to harm or control the skinchanger.

Rejuvenating Change- 300cp

Injuries suffered in animal form carry over into human form, serving as indication that the
two creatures are actually the same beast and hindering the skinthief’s ability to escape from
whatever hunter did the damage. Skinthieves with this Aspect gain a small respite from that curse.
Part of their ritual, or some aspect of their will, binds the damage taken in animal form to the
skinthief’s talisman, where it remains. When the skinthief shifts from animal form to his natural
form, he shunts some of his damage off of him leaving behinds only bruises where there was once a
bloody gash. When the skinthief returns to animal form, the lethal wound is still there. It heals
normally over the course of two days without affecting the skinthief, but he must spend those two
days either in human form (giving the spirit in his talisman time to recover) or in animal form
(healing the wound normally). Changing form resets the time necessary for the wound to heal. In
human form, the skinthief’s wound becomes a scar, so it does not completely eliminate the
possibility that someone might recognize him based on that wound. Until the affected wound heals,
Rejuvenating Change does not affect any new wounds suffered by the skinthief, nor does it affect
wounds suffered in a hybrid form — only a natural animal form has a distinct enough spirit to lock
wounds into it.

Resilient Form- 200cp

Many skinthieves take on the form of smaller creatures, taking advantage of small sizes and
other modes of transportation (such as flight or creeping through walls) to accomplish their varied
goals. The immediately apparent disadvantage to these forms is that their smaller Size and often
reduced Stamina produces a weaker frame, one that is less able to suffer the arrows of ill fortune.
This Aspect allows a skinthief to have somewhat more confidence in her ability to withstand
damage in her smaller shape. Possesion of this perk brings a Skin-thief's alternate form to her
natural levels of resilience as a human. As such, this Aspect has no effect for any skinthief whose
alternate form has more Health than her natural form.

Scentless Transformation- 100cp

No animal smells exactly right after having its belly slit open and its innards scooped out.
Likewise, few skinchangers can avoid leaving some scent of themselves on the outside of the
creature as they prepare and don the skin. Those with the Scentless Transformation Aspect have
found a way, meticulous or mystical, to completely avoid these identifying scents. When a
skinchanger with this Aspect puts on a new skin, he smells only as the animal did before he killed it.
This does not avoid the scent that accompanies death rot.

Sense of Familiarity- 200cp

It’s a strange thing when a dog follows you from street to street or when you see a black bird
sitting outside your window, apparently looking in, for hours on end. And it’s downright impossible
for a rat to speak to you, everyone knows that.
But magic is real. On some level, people know that, too. This Aspect plays on two parts of
the human mind: First is the one that ignores things that are there every day, like that busted car
that’s been in Sammy’s driveway for three years and the slight crack in your windshield. Second,
this Aspect enhances that sense of wonder, that subtle knowledge that “real” things aren’t all that’s
out there, and it makes the unreal seem natural. Familiar, even.
Skinthieves with this Aspect have an easier time going unnoticed in their animal form.
Nobody notices anything out of the ordinary from the skinthief. They barely notice him at all, in
fact — he doesn’t quite register, and even when he does it’s as something that’s always there.
They also have a chance to act strangely — magical, really — without freaking out the
people around them. “Acting Strangely” includes changing shape, talking a human language or
anything else that looks flat-out impossible. When used it affects all bystanders, and , the people
treat the skinthief as just another thing that’s going on, and possibly something to pay attention to.
It’s sort of like a fairy tale. Certain actions will be remembered no matter what — if a skinthief
attacks a person in animal form, they won’t brush off the attack or forget it. They may assume the
animal was rabid rather than “unusual,” but they won’t behave as though the attack never happened.
Afterward, victims of the Sense of Familiarity never realize that they encountered something
strange. It was so familiar that they just forget about it. Most such memories remain buried forever,
but some people sense them more sharply after a related event that brings it to mind. Effects vary.

Strong Instincts- 100cp

The character is well-connected to his animal side, and when he dons his skin he has
complete access to the creature’s bestial instincts. Whenever he is in animal form, the skinthief uses
the natural skills and mental powers of the natural animal instead of his own, even if these are
worse than the skinchanger's own.
By concentrating and charging oneself with essence at any time while wearing the other
form, the skinthief can achieve a perfect blending of instinct and cogent thought, allowing him to
use both his own and his animal form's abilities in perfect unison.

Sweet Voiced Fiend- 100cp

Your character may or may not be a fiend, but she’s certainly a silver-tongued devil.
Something about her transforming ritual made her voice melodious and pleasant to hear, and that
makes it hard to resist.

Twisted Tongue- 100cp

Most animals can’t speak human words, or the First Tongue, for that matter. Not all
skinchangers are satisfied to give up speech to attain their animal nature. Rather than becoming
mute, they learn the Twisted Tongue Aspect. This Aspect gives a skinchanger the ability to speak in
animal form any language she knows in her normal form. Skinchangers who don forms that can
normally speak other languages, such as parrots or ravens, do not need this Aspect. Without it,
however, they will speak as the birds speak; only with the Twisted Tongue can they speak normally.

Tell- +100cp
Some skinchangers have a trait that can betray them, something that is evident in all her
forms. It must be evident enough that those who meet her may, with an intuitive leap, use to identify
her, regardless of form. Such marks, sometimes called tells, usually appear during the first ritual
that makes a human a skinthief. Tells can be anything reasonably subtle: a classic example is the
lock of white hair that appears in both forms or the birthmark that becomes a peculiar colouring on
a coat of fur. Other tells might be a light odour of musk or blood that hovers about the character in
all her forms or flecks of a unique colour in the eyes.
The tell is always an immediate perception. Slightly mystical in nature, it doesn’t leave
lasting impressions. Tells that are scents or light drips of preserving liquid fade quickly once the
skinthief leaves, and cannot be used to aid in tracking her.

Unhealing- +100cp
The spirit bound into the skinthief’s skin or talisman isn’t vibrant, isn’t alive enough to heal
on its own, and when it’s wrapped around the skinthief, he doesn’t heal either. Bruises suffered in
the skinthief’s second shape never fade, and open wounds never close, though they may stop
bleeding if bound. When the skinthief returns to his natural shape, he heals normally, but when he
dons the shape again, the wounds reopen as if they had never healed.
There are two ways to eliminate these wounds. They disappear when the skinthief replaces
his talisman, as the new shape or fresh spirit comes free and clear of those injuries. Alternately, the
skinthief may perform a half-hour ritual and some of their Essence to invest each wound with some
of his vigour, a portion of his life. For each half hour and Essence expenditure, he endows one
wound with the capability to heal. Any wounds so treated heal normally.
Slasher Perks
Slashers may select a single Ripper perk, which they receive for free. Further Ripper perks are
100cp.They can upgrade to the matching Scourge perk (retaining both) for 200cp. All Ripper and
scourge perks come with a frailty, an inbuilt disadvantage which is revoked at the end of the jump.
Purchasing a Scourge perk requires the matching Ripper perk. All Slashers may select a single
200cp or less non-ripper or scourge perk for free.
The following section lists and describes the undertaking, the Slasher's style, before the appropriate
perk and frailty. The first listed is the Ripper level, followed by the Scourge level.
Regular slasher perks begin at Atavism.

Everyone commits crimes against their fellow human beings. Sometimes it’s as simple as
cutting someone off in traffic. Sometimes it’s emotional — people cheat on their spouses, steal from
their employees, and lie to their constituents. Sometimes it’s physical. People shove each other out
of the way, get into drunken brawls. We wound people every day, and figure it’s all going to wash
away by the next morning.
Some people, though, don’t forget.
Avengers are slashers driven by the hurts they have received. Usually, an Avenger starts with
something very specific to redress, such as the murder of a loved one. The Avenger finds the people
responsible and slaughters them, sometimes one by one, sometimes in an orgy of carnage. It might
end there — the killer puts away his knives or his guns, never to kill again. This is especially likely
if the offence that drove the character to kill wasn’t permanent. A man’s daughter is raped, and he
finds the four boys responsible, beats them unconscious, ties them up in a van, and burns them. His
daughter never knows of his actions, and the two of them try to put it all behind them. But if the
Avenger cannot move on with his life, if his existence has been so fundamentally altered by the
infractions against him that he is no longer the same person, the call to murder becomes his passion.
He generalizes his need for vengeance, and the circle just keeps growing wider.

Working the Room (Avenger-Ripper)

Avengers might try to kill their victims one by one, but sooner or later they wind up with a
roomful of people that require their attention. Fortunately, these slashers are adept at taking on
crowds without being beaten down. The Avenger is adept at evading attacks from multiple
Nothing But the Mission: Most slashers are obsessive, but Avengers take it to a whole new
level. When faced with the choice between pursuing a target and taking some other course of action,
it requires monumental focus and willpower, even in the face of impending doom.

It’s possible to get swept up in one’s own story. The Avenger, unable to make rational
choices regarding his mission, becomes the nightmare that his victims imagine him to be. The
Legend is a deadly foe, because Legends do not die — but on the other hand, a Legend’s fate is not
his own. The slasher has no control over how his story ends, and his free will is tenuous at best.
A Legend, in practical terms, is a slasher about whom stories are told, often within a
community that the slasher has already preyed upon. Legends are the scourge version of Avengers
because Avengers want, on some level, to become Legends. They want their victims to know them,
to appreciate how they’ve suffered, and to feel remorse or terror in the wake of the slasher’s attack.
As mentioned with Avengers, though, the net for victims is always cast too wide. Sooner or later,
the slasher doesn’t discriminate anymore, and at that point, others try to make sense of his killings,
ascribing rules and logic to every knife wound, every flippant statement, and every coincidence.
Strength from the Tales (Legend-Scourge)
The Legend can draw strength from his victims (or other people) acting in accordance with
his myth. This can only be done once per hour. When the Slasher fulfils an aspect of his “myth” he
may concentrate to call upon the tales to restore his willpower, heal, or temporarily enhance his skill
in pursuit of his agenda.
Trapped in the Story: All Legends have a weakness. While this weakness is up to the jumper,
it needs to be fairly stringent. An attack exploiting the weakness might deal more damage. A
banishment, repellent, or abjuration do not allow the slasher to resist.

All slashers are horrific, but the Brute is unstoppable. All rage and unbridled strength, he
crashes through doors, breaks necks with his bare hands, and is unfailingly deadly with any
instrument he picks up. He is a killing machine; he knows or wants nothing else. And everyone,
everyone is a target.
The Brute might seem simple, even stupid. Maybe he is. Perhaps whatever condition led to
his enhanced physical strength also reduced his ability to reason. It almost certainly reduced his
capacity for moral or empathetic behaviour. It’s hard to get inside the Brute’s head, because there’s
just not much room in there. His motives aren’t oddly justifiable like the Avenger’s or the Freak’s,
or fascinatingly arcane like the Genius’. He doesn’t even have the compelling, cloying madness of
the Charmer. He drives the knife home, watches the light in his victim’s eyes die, and then searches,
slowly, methodically, for the next one.

Unstoppable (Brute-Ripper)
Brutes are hard to kill. When hunting, they enter a kind of trance, in which they do not feel
pain, discomfort, or fear. Brutes do not suffer restrictions due to wounds they take, nor can they be
rendered unconscious through damage.
Blinded by Blood : The hyper-focus on murder that gives Brutes their strength also means
they don’t perceive the world around them very clearly. They have a form of tunnel vision when
pursuing prey, and have increased difficulty finding victims that hide.

The Brute taken to its bloody, frenzied extreme is the Mask. When all traces of humanity
have gone, and all that remains is the body, the blade, and the urge to kill, the Mask has arrived. The
Mask has no compassion, no fear and no remorse. He — it — does not hesitate to kill in the face of
pleas or entreaties. Some Masks do refuse to kill certain targets (children, people of a particular
race, age or even hair colour), but the Mask makes no show of granting them mercy. Instead, the
Mask simply ignores them.
Masks have little or no ability to use or understand language. The very few that are willing
to take orders or work in a group retain a tenuous grip on receptive language (that is, they can
understand what is said to them), but spoken or written language is far out of their purview.
Language is unique to humanity, and Masks have given up their humanity for superlative ability to

Unstoppable Killing Machine (Mask-Scourge)

Like the Brute's unstoppable, the Mask suffers no pain or disability from wounds. In
addition, though, Masks do not need sleep or food. As well, intended damage with weaponry deal
only minimal damage, but incidental damage (like fire, falling, electrocution, or drowning) deal
normal damage.
No Mind But for Murder: Masks cannot speak, write or generate language in any meaningful
way. They might be able to indicate a direction or an intent to kill with a nod of the head or a wave
of the knife, but complicated gestures are beyond them. Reading is likewise impossible for a Mask
to understand.
The Charmer is deadly not because he is strong or even smart. The Charmer kills with trust.
He is impeccably polite, sympathetic, well-spoken and knowledgeable. He is selfless, he is a superb
listener and he has a voice that makes you hang on every word. Charmers often sing, whistle or hum
to themselves, and their voices are hauntingly beautiful. They choose their victims and seduce them
— not necessarily to the point of sexual congress (indeed, most Charmers find the notion of coitus
unspeakably revolting), but to the point of intimacy. And then the victim feels the knife slide home,
or receives a sharp blow to the head. The truly unlucky ones are the ones that the Charmer drugs,
because then he can take his sweet time. Off all of the Undertakings, Charmers make some of the
most enthusiastic torturers.
A Charmer might troll for victims in any number of ways. He might find an isolated
community and surreptitiously murder a priest, teacher or some other important figure, and then
replace him before the death can be reported to the proper authorities (this tactic doesn’t work as
well in the modern era as in decades past, but some Charmers are also skilled hackers and can forge
what records they need). He might bar-hop every night, and develop a reputation as a true
gentleman — he’ll give you a ride home if you’re too drunk to drive, and he’ll never, ever take
advantage. The Charmer might even open a shop on the corner, selling books, selling food, selling
coffee, and become a fixture in the community.

Disarming (Charmer-Ripper)
When a Charmer meets a new person, they can initiate a social interaction with them. If the
Slasher's social skills are more powerful than the individual's willpower that person refuses to see
anything wrong with the Charmer and makes excuses for him, supports him and might even lie for
him. Common sense and danger sense will not counteract this effect. If someone actually witnesses
the Charmer harming another person (and the Charmer can’t make a case for self-defence or
justifiable homicide), the effect is lost.
Note that Charmers get one chance at this for a given person. First impressions are
everything. This however only causes the target to feel that the Charmer is a phony, not necessarily
dangerous, but the warning bells definitely go off (which probably makes her the Charmer’s first
Thin Veneer: Charmers are held together by staples and a few strands of sinew. They have a
tightly regimented view of the world, and they hate having it shaken. They often believe their own
hype; a Charmer taking the persona of a preacher might really believe that he’s doing God’s work.
All Charmers have a trigger, which the jumper may determine. This might be bringing up a certain
topic, a particular song, being touched in a sexual manner, or just being called by name rather than
by title. When this trigger occurs, or when someone who resists the slasher’s charms calls him out
(“You’re fucking creepy, dude” is enough), it will take all of the Slasher's focus not to lash out. If
they fail to retain control the slasher lashes out — usually verbally, but sometimes physically. At
this point, anyone who fell under the Charmer’s wiles before has a chance to snap out of it.

Beneath the polished veneer of the Charmer is the Psycho. The Charmer’s pathological
hatred of the world — of women, of sex, of whatever the Charmer most despises — has become a
full-blown ideology. The Psycho retains the Charmer’s ability to disarm, up to a point, but the mask
is much thinner. The Psycho is obviously crazy, noticeably damaged, and clearly dangerous.
Some Psychos are zealots. Their fervour might be focused on religious faith, and their
murders have become a kind of cleansing activity. Once in a while, racial “purity” or some other
supremacist agenda drives the Psycho. A Psycho might be a Jack the Ripper-style killer,
slaughtering prostitutes out of some mad desire to rid the world of lust. He might target gay men (or
men who just look gay to his demented eyes) in a Biblical rage, or he might kill divorced women
for forsaking their wedding vows. He has a reason for what he does, even if that reason is ludicrous
on its own.

Deadly Distraction (Psycho-Scourge)

A Psycho can cause someone to drop her guard just long enough to incapacitate or kill her.
This requires only a moment of conversation, and cannot be attempted in combat or when other
(non-slasher) witnesses are about.
Obsessive: Psychos just can’t let something go. Once a Psycho chooses a victim, and
attempts to charm her (either by using Deadly Distraction or mundane Social attempts) and fails, the
Psycho cannot just leave her be. He must break her down, hurt her, scare her and finally kill her.
The Psycho can be patient, but most of them aren’t equipped for it, and wind up impulsively
attacking the victim (who is by no means unsuspecting and helpless). If the victim inflicts damage
upon the Psycho, the Frailty’s effects end and he can flee, but the impulse will come back over time.
This Frailty is obviously a problem for the potential victim, but it does make Psychos easier to track
and predict than other slashers.

The Freak is similar to the Brute, but rather than being defined by the strength and tenacity
with which he approaches his grisly work, the Freak’s characteristic trait is deformity. Freaks are
born of humanity, but set apart by physical ugliness. It might be a birth defect stemming from
inbreeding or even prenatal drug use on the mother’s part. It might be the result of an accidental (or
deliberate) fire or splash of acid. It might even be that the Freak is otherworldly, and that his
hideous outward appearance is reflective of some supernatural taint. In either case, Freaks wear
their evil on their skin.
Not all Freaks are self-conscious about the way they look. Some are, of course. They shun
humanity, sticking to dark places and covering themselves with heavy clothes or scarves. They hate
other people for the way that they have been treated, and this hatred ultimately serves as the impetus
to kill. But some Freaks revel in what they are. Some might even be self-made Freaks, made
grotesque not by birth or mishap but by their own knives. And then some Freaks are just as bestial
in mind as in body…but these Freaks are usually well on their way to becoming Mutants (the
scourge version of this Undertaking).

Lay of the Land (Freak-Ripper)

When Freaks find a place to call home, they learn it quickly and completely. They cannot
become lost in this area, can travel through it with no penalties from the environment, and can
easily track victims in this location.
Deformity: All Freaks are hideous to the eye. No matter what the source of their ugliness,
birth or accident, normal people cannot help but stare at them. Many mock them, or shun them
thinking that their disgusting visage is contagious (and maybe it is).
Alternately, it is possible for a Freak to possess some other quality that sets him apart from
humanity so completely as to make him fit this Undertaking. Francis Dolarhyde in the film Red
Dragon, for instance, isn’t entirely unpleasant to look at, but his speech makes him a Freak. Of
course, a great deal of the reason why his speech makes him such an outcast is because he is so
ashamed of it, and so a Freak with this kind of “deformity” is more of self-made Freak than one
who wears his problems on his face.

The Mutant is an atavism, a creature recognizable as human only by its gait and, perhaps, its
language. Unlike Freaks, who might have acquired their conditions after leading relatively normal
lives, Mutants are almost invariably born with their hideous features. This might be the result of
genetic disorders, inbreeding or toxin exposure, but is much more likely to be the fault of
supernatural interference. A witch curses a pregnant woman, and her child is born with a pig’s snout
and mouthful of fangs. A demon takes on human shape and sires a child — and that child has his
father’s (true) looks. A young werewolf, dosing on experimental drugs from early puberty, becomes
pregnant and the baby has all of the aggression and animalistic features that the mother works so
hard to deny.
Are Mutants truly aggressive, even evil? Or are they simply striking out at a world that hates
them? It’s impossible to say, because every Mutant has at least some negative experience with
“normal” human beings. Sometimes that experience starts at home — like Freaks, Mutants might be
chained in an attic or thrown down a well to keep them from shaming their parents. Sometimes a
Mutant grows up with well-meaning adults (whether they are his biological parents or not), and the
abuse comes from the world outside the home. A Mutant’s first encounter with people who hate or
fear him because of his appearance is a formative experience, and one that often leads to another
such experience: the first kill.

Natural Weaponry (Mutant-Scourge)

The deformities of a Mutant work for him, at least with respect to murder. A Mutant might
have sharp fangs, gnarled claws or even bony outgrowths from his forehead. His skin might be as
tough as leather, or covered in a heavy layer of callus. You can decide between either armoured
flesh or a single type of natural weapon.
Sensitivity: Mutants inspire fear and revulsion in all who see them. Mutants have a near
impossible time with social interactions. In addition, Mutants are all hypersensitive to some form of
stimulus — bright light, powerful antiseptic scents, certain textures, sudden shifts in temperature,
and so on. Contact with this stimulus urges the mutant to flee. If he cannot flee, he lashes out at any
available targets wildly, or tries his best to hide.

Ignorance is bliss, they say, and according to one source, whoever increases knowledge also
increases sorrow. Is that, perhaps, why Genius slashers are so angry, why they hate people with
normal intellects so much? Do they feel a twisted sense of jealousy, wishing they could ignore what
their minds tell them?
Geniuses are slashers that kill with their minds. They don’t wield psychic powers (usually),
but they certainly seem like they do. They think several steps ahead of their victims, predicting what
a target will do based on a set of options, how those options are presented, and that target’s
predisposition. Geniuses profile their targets, tailor their methods of abduction and murder to suit
them, and then sit back and watch their victims kill themselves. It’s not uncommon for Geniuses to
kill using traps, rather than to do the deed themselves. Some Geniuses consider killing coarse and
vulgar, some are physically incapable, and some feel that allowing victims the possibility of escape
in some way obviates their moral responsibility in the victims’ deaths.

Profiling (Genius-Ripper)
Geniuses aren’t psychic, but they certainly seem like it. Even on casual observation, a
Genius can predict what a given person will do in a basic way based on appearance, body language
and bearing. If the target is actively trying to conceal his motives or pretend to be something that
he’s not it impedes this ability, but not too much.
Worse, though, if the Genius has the opportunity to talk with a target at length, he can ferret
out mental problems — or create them. With an hours conversation he can either choose to learn
one damning fact about the target (a dark secret, a particular fear or “hot button,” or the location of
something important) or force the target to develop a minor but temporary mental derangement.
Intolerance for Chaos: Not every variable is predictable. Geniuses might understand on
some level that they can’t allow for every freak of chance, but in practice, they get frustrated if they
miss something or if something happens that they couldn’t have predicted. Any failure in utilizing
their intelligence or progress towards killing a new victim causes the Slasher to lose vast amounts of
willpower temporarily.
The mind of a Maniac is alien. It functions on a different level than the mind of a normal
person, even that of a supernatural being. The Maniac’s mind is predictive, functioning with both
induction and deduction at frightening speeds. Guessing a Maniac’s next move is almost
impossible. Outsmarting one is unthinkable. Trying to understand one is dangerous, because a
Maniac’s mind is infectious.
Maniacs, like Geniuses, are more likely to trick victims into dying than actually driving the
knife home. The difference, though, is that Maniacs more often work through intermediaries. Most
Maniacs have henchmen, acolytes or assistants ready to do their bidding, but the subtlest (and most
dangerous) slashers have dozens of employees waiting on cue to perform simple actions. One might
open a door at a precise moment, allowing another access to a building where she leaves a small,
insulated bag containing a peanut butter sandwich. A third henchman — with no knowledge of the
other two — picks up the bag and carries it to a break room. A fourth steals a sandwich out of the
intended victim’s lunch, while a fifth replaces it with the sandwich from the planted bag. The victim
takes one bite, and her allergies do the rest. The Maniac reads about the “accidental” death the next
day, and makes another mark on his wall. His henchmen, unable to see the whole picture, remain
unaware of their roles in the murder

Compelling Madness (Maniac-Scourge)

Maniacs only need a few minutes of observation to know a victim better than he knows
himself. If a Maniac watches a character for five minutes, whether the target is in conversation,
doing his job, or just driving down the street, the Maniac can profile him. This can be used to easily
confound or out “play” the victim. The Maniac must be able to see the victim to do this, but seeing
her over a video feed or from a distance is enough. Finally, if the Maniac sets up a trap or ambush
with a person (or people) he has profiled in mind, it is much more difficult for the victim to notice
the trap, bypassing danger senses.
In addition, Maniacs can, given time, alter a victim’s Morality. Through prolonged
interaction with an individual a maniac can twist an individual into believing in the Slasher's twisted
world view.
Obvious Lunatic: Maniacs are dangerous, and it’s obvious to anyone who talks to them.
They can keep it under wraps for a few minutes, long enough to give instructions or convey a
message, but beyond that time, people around them feel threatened. This makes social interaction
difficult, but this effect is less pronounced on people with similarly twisted mindsets.

Atavism- 100cp
You’re a throwback to a time when men were closer to beasts. Whether your mental state
matches a warped and twisted body, or you look out of a normal face with the eyes of an ancient
predator, you’re not normal. You run on instinct more than intellect, your body moving in response
to signals that your brain never consciously registers, however other people can see that look in
your eyes and know that something’s wrong . This works as a minor danger sense. This ability
cannot be developed and must be bought with points.

Murder Expert- 100cp

may not be any good in a fight, but it doesn’t matter. You understand the language of murder
in a way that few others do. You’re a connoisseur of death, skilled at bringing other people to their
ends. By focusing on a target before surprising them, your damage output on that individual is
vastly improved.

Telltale Murder- 200cp

You know how to disguise a murder as a suicide, or use the means by which your victims die
to taunt your attackers. This allows you to make one brief statement: “The murder symbolizes
Pride,” or “The victim is not innocent.” An investigator will pick up on these statements with
minimal effort.
You can also stage a killing so that it sends a message that isn’t true: “This death was a
suicide,” for example. This ability is not truly supernatural, and can be defeated a highly intellectual

Morbid Fascination- 200cp

People find themselves wanting to talk to your character even despite themselves. There’s
something distinctly wrong with how you come across, whether you miss common social cues or
deliberately cultivate a predatory air. Their fear begets fascination, and soon they can’t leave you
alone. You ignore all penalties for your otherwise disturbing mannerisms when talking one-on-one
with someone.

Cannibalism- 200cp
Tales of cannibals eating the flesh of their enemies to gain power are at least as old as the
written word, if not significantly older. According to many cultures, the devouring of human flesh is
among the greatest sins imaginable, but also the key to unlocking great mystical power. True
supernatural benefits from cannibalism require specialized mystic knowledge, but even without
witchcraft or hedge sorcery there are rituals that can bestow unusual boons upon those who dare to
break the ultimate taboo. Scholars of the occult hotly debate whether there is some true,
metaphysical benefit to consuming the flesh of one’s fellow human beings or whether the deranged
mind of someone who would perform such a rite merely floods the body with adrenaline, in effect
creating a “mind over matter” effect.
The “cannibal rite” can take any form, from elaborate chants in long-dead tongues found in
ancient scrolls to a simple mockery of the traditional grace said before a meal. Successfully
completing this act empowers the individuals involved with incredible strength and reflexes for a
minimum of an hour.

Grisly Scene- 200cp

Many slashers like to keep trophies of their kills, from the comparatively mundane (a piece
of jewellery worn by their victims) to the truly grotesque (human heads mounted on a wall via
taxidermy). The sight of such a trophy room can shock and sicken the unsuspecting, and some
slashers deliberately set up gory trophy rooms in their lairs and then funnel would-be pursuers or
hapless victims into them, waiting for the horror to incapacitate them before closing in for the kill.
Setting this trophy room up correctly allows one to supernaturally compel fear in those who
stumble across it, whether the Slasher is present or not. If the Slasher is present they may attempt to
overpower their victims willpower with their own. If the Slasher succeeds the victim's willpower
becomes greatly weakened and the fear effect is multiplied.

Man Can Lick Too- 200cp

Many apocryphal stories of slashers tell it in different ways: sometimes it’s the dead dog and
the note “Man can lick, too;” sometimes it’s the dead roommate with “Aren’t you glad you didn’t
turn on the lights?” Whatever form it takes, the idea of a killer almost revealing himself but passing
his presence off as something else is a common trope, and it can be a useful tool in the arsenal of
any Slasher.
A Slasher with this perk becomes incredibly stealthy when attempting to replicate (or create
his own version of) one of these legends. As long as they maintain their concentration perform a
proper variation of this act it will be near impossible to detect the slasher.

Pack of Blood Hounds- 200cp

Stories about slashers often include tales of their uncanny ability to hound their victims,
whether through sprawling back-country roads or through the claustrophobic spaces of an inner-city
apartment building. Some stories attribute supernatural acuity to a slasher’s senses, insisting that the
killers can find victims by the smell of their fear or the sound of their heartbeat. While some
slashers might possess such preternatural senses, even an otherwise-ordinary slasher can
demonstrate a terrifying efficiency in locating and pursuing its quarry.
With this perk a Slasher can tag a victim, and as long as they directly continue pursuit they
will feel a slight pull in the direction of their prey. If the slasher tags another victim or stops pursuit
this ability is cancelled out for the current prey.

No Escape- 200cp
The isolated, inescapable killing den is a trope of the slasher story, and it’s a trope that has
more basis in fact than fiction. Many slashers take some isolated space as their lair, fortifying it and
riddling it with trap doors, secret hiding places, and most especially reinforced exits to trap their
victims inside. For some, it’s an apparently ramshackle old house on a deserted lane, the windows
all boarded over and the doors nailed shut. For others it’s a disused factory in the industrial district,
refitted with the latest steel security doors and electronic locks. Whatever form it takes, it serves one
purpose: trammelling some unfortunate quarry into a confined space from which there is no escape
This Perk represents the ability and skill to construct a proper murder-castle. Utilizing this
perk allows a Slasher to construct buildings and architecture with inbuilt and near invisible traps
that serve to maim and prevent escape. Any normal living space can be converted to a deadly death
maze with only a few weeks work. But when an individual with this perk constructs a new structure
with the intention of making it into such a place of murder, this ability truly shines. Such a building
is an impossibly deadly and nearly impossible to escape structure that would confuse even the most
intelligent and crafty individuals. Go ahead and re-create H.H. Holmes's boarding house with this if
you want.

Revel in the Kill- 200cp

Charismatic or forceful slashers often surround themselves with weak-willed cronies to
validate their existence and provide companionship (or just someone to kick around). Where a
solitary slasher might find a threshold of depravity at which she balks, a cell of slashers eggs each
other on and pushes its members to greater atrocities. By gaining the approval of his twisted peers, a
slasher renews his commitment to indulging the baser aspects of his nature and experiences a rush
of energy. Thus invigorated, the slasher can operate at a manic level of intensity for periods that
would exhaust an ordinary man.
With this perk a group of slashers can indulge in a horrific kill to charge themselves up with
the energy of the kill, revelling in the deed and in the approval of his allies. This supercharges the
slasher who performs the kill's willpower temporarily, and grants a minor boost to his allies as well.
Gear Selection
Members of the Mundane Occult Path get an extra 400cp to use in this section only.

The Core Rulebook – 50cp (Free to Drop-in)

Hey look! Its a copy of the New World of Darkness core rulebook! And a pouch of matching
ten sided die! Why don't you try playing a session with your companions?

Savings – 50cp
10,000 USD. Maybe you saved it over your long career, or ripped off some rich fool in a
game of poker. Can be purchased multiple times.

A Collection of Literature – 100cp (1st purchase Free to Scholar)

Its a collection of about one hundred books on the subjects of mythology, ufology,
parapsychology, and religion. About 10 of these books may be extremely valuable or rare, and of
the rest many are of high quality. Maybe if you study all of them hard enough you can gleam a
kernel of truth. Can be purchased multiple times. Each purchase gives a hundred different books.

Civilian Weaponry – 100cp (1st purchase Free to Bruiser)

Maybe its a really good survival knife, or a hatchet, maybe its a hunting rifle, or small
calibre pistol. Regardless, its legal for civilians to own and you have it. Can be purchased multiple
times. Each purchase can be used for a different weapon.

Razor-Sharp Suit – 100cp (1st purchase Free to Player)

A very nice looking suit, perfectly tailored to your body. It can be of any colour or design
you want, regardless it looks good on you. Can be purchased multiple time. Each purchase can be of
different designs or colours.

A Harmless Stuffed Whatchamacallit - 100cp(1st purchase Free to Innocent)

Its a stuffed version of any animal, dinosaur, or creature of your choice. It's incredibly soft
and fluffy. Holding it tight makes you feel calmer. Can be purchased multiple times. Each purchase
can be a different animal or such.

Foci – 100cp (Free to Low-Thaumaturge)

A simple wand, goblet, or other mystical item which serves to enhance a Thaumaturge's
focus when performing rituals. Can be purchased multiple time. Each purchase can be a different

Zener Cards- 100cp (Free to Psychic)

A deck of Zener cards, cards designed and utilized to test individuals for psychic potential.
While these normally don't work, this set does. If the classic Zener test if performed with this deck,
the results will be accurate (even if the psychic being tested does not possess an ability that would
normally allow them to determine the cards).

Sanctified Tomb -100cp (Free to Purified)

A sanctified tomb is the place where a Purified undertook the ritual that turned them into one
of the Purified. The tomb is a small basement-like room with a sacrificial plinth in the centre for the
Purified's body to rest on. This location is difficult to locate for others, and slightly (but noticeably)
speeds up the reconstruction of the Purified's body within its walls. Post-jump this attaches to the
warehouse or follows along to a location of the jumper's choice.
Skinning and Tanning Supplies – 100cp (Free to Skin-Thieves)
A basic set of skinning blades, bone-cutting saws, and the chemicals required to preform a
simple skinning and tanning process. If any of these tools break they are replaced in a week, and the
chemicals refill once a week as well.

Kevlar Vest – 200cp

You gain a kevlar vest, which is resistant (not invincible against) bullets and knives. It can
be a bit bulky at times but could be mostly concealed under a trenchcoat. Can be Purchased
Multiple times.

A Cheap set of Wheels – 200cp

A cheap, rusted, beater vehicle of your choice. The only limit is that it is in poor repair with
an equally poor appearance and that you cant pick a vehicle with more than 200 horsepower. I know
you were thinking about it. If you destroy it it will re-appear in your warehouse in a week.

A Better Set of Wheels – 400cp

Fine. Pick a vehicle that is 400 horsepower or less. You get a brand new one. If you destroy
it it will re-appear in your warehouse in a week.

Signature Weapon – 300cp (Discount to Bruiser)

You gain a high quality mundane weapon. It could be any kind of melee weapon, muscle
powered ranged weapon, or a firearm that is non-automatic, non-military grade, and not anti-
vehicle/armour. This weapon works better than a regular version of it, firing straighter or cutting
deeper. It feels perfect in your hand, almost like an extension of your body. If lost, this weapon will
find it's way back to you within twenty four hours and it will never break. You may freely import a
weapon that fits the previously listed criteria. You can only have a single signature weapon. You can
also add aesthetic details marking it as your own freely within reason.

Forgotten Book – 300cp (Discount to Scholar)

You have a musty old book written in Latin. It has a strange seal on it's leather binding, and
its pages are littered with various sketches of creatures and mystical rites. Its grammar is strange
and diction archaic (even for Latin), and as such is difficult even for an individual who is fluent in
Latin to translate or understand. What secrets could lie within?

Lucky Tie Pin – 300cp (Discount to Player)

It's a small silver tie pin in the shape of an ouroboros with a emerald eye. You can't be sure,
but it feels like when you wear it near hits become near misses, you find cash on the ground more
often even if it is just a single, and you manage to make it just in time for the bus. But that's just
being superstitious, right?

A Loving Keepsake – 300cp (Discount to Innocent)

A small charm or figurine that once belonged to someone you loved. You can still feel their
touch when you hold it, and when you sleep near it you dream of them and they often have good
advice to give, just the motivation or clue you might need. But it's silly thinking this keepsake has
anything to do with those dreams right?

Essence Reliquary – 300cp (Discount Purified)

You posses an amulet or some other mystical object that can contain essence for your
personal use. It can only contain a small amount of essence at a time but can be recharged in any
manner you posses that restores your personal essence.
Kill-Site – 300cp (Discount Slasher)
This is a simple storage container with a single operating table bolted to the bottom in the
centre of it. This container is in some far off deserted location of your starting location. The
operating table has leather straps, and the walls are adorned with various medical implements and
power tools.

Groovy Chainsaw – 300cp

This appears to be a simple chainsaw with a red body. However this is no mere chainsaw, as
it requires no fuel and is much more balanced and easy to use in combat. This item can be taken
with a discount if you replace one of your hands with it. You get your hand back post-jump. Or you
can keep the chainsaw arm. Your call.

Support Group – 400cp

You can create or import 8 companions. They gain a background of their choice and 500cp.
They may purchase their own Occult path or receive one matching yours for free. They can take
disadvantages as well.

Home – 400cp
You own a medium size residence, located in your starting location. Its fully furnished and
utilities have been paid off for a whole year in advance. Yes you own this even if you are in fact
only six years old.

Antikythera Mechanism – 600cp (Discount Drop-in)

This resembles nothing so much as a few hunks of wood and several bits of craggy stone
with embedded gears. Whether it is found in a glass case deep in a museum’s archives, forgotten in
a dusty attic, or at the bottom of a half-finished archaeology dig, it seems weightier than its
surroundings – it feels more true, more correct, even to the average person who can’t recognize it
for what it is. In truth, it is a degraded bronze machine encrusted with centuries of sediment and
tarnish. It is rough to the touch and its gears look completely locked up. Logic wars with instinct in
those who look at it: reason dictates that any use the mechanism once had is clearly gone, while the
subconscious mind insists that the device still has some sort of purpose or, curiously, wisdom. Only
one power left in this broken device. A person who feeds the mechanism a question (written in a
Greek-based code) activates the device, even though it has no apparent power source. Feeding blank
paper into another slot delivers an answer to the sound of soft whirring and the occasional grinding,
printed with holes in the same code. The answer predicts the future within a few days, however in
exchange it brings minor misfortunes for each question asked upon the questioner.

A Crystal Skull – 600cp (Discount Drop-in)

This relic appears to be a perfect replica of a human skull carved from a solid piece of
quartz. It is slightly warm to the touch and, although heavy, can be held in one palm. While several
skulls sculpted from crystal have been found in various places by archaeologists, most are simple,
unarticulated replicas, hardly more than vaguely spherical shapes with rough eye-holes ground into
their surface. The Crystal Skull, on the other hand, is lifelike to the point of including minute flaws
in the teeth and skull such as any human might have, and the jaw detached. Animals dislike being
near the Crystal Skull and struggle to escape its presence. Humans feel discomfort in its presence as
well, as if it is somehow a threat even just sitting there – this sense disappears completely, however,
when actually touching the skull. The magic of the Crystal Skull allows a character to virtually
assure himself of success in a given endeavour – but at quite a cost. The skull can only ensure
success by causing deaths. A rival competing for the promotion the Skull’s owner wants might be
distraught by his beloved pet’s death and loses the boss’ favour – or the rival himself might die
outright. An unknown relative might leave the relic’s owner an inheritance – or the bequeathment
may come from a beloved parent who is struck with an unexpected heart attack. A friend might rush
to the owner’s side, anxious to share the first news of her winning lottery ticket, only to drop dead
on the owner’s doorstep, winning ticket clutched conveniently where the owner can access it.

Military-Grade Stash – 600cp (Discount Bruiser)

You have a storage locker somewhere in your starting location. You will never need to pay
for it nor will the authorities discover it on their own (you still could lead them there, and enemies
who can't arrest you based on it's contents could track it down with some effort). It is loaded up
with one RPG, with three rockets, three claymore mines, a dozen fragmentation grenades, one
assault rifle of your choice, one combat shotgun of your choice, one silenced pistol of your choice,
and one sniper rifle of your choice. If you get caught with any of these by the authorities you will be
in quite a bit of trouble.

True Damascus Steel Katana – 600cp (Discount Bruiser)

A blade unlike any other. Forged in mystical flame, quenched in human blood; this blade is
not only magical, but nearly alive, gleaming with hunger like a wolf’s eyes. The edge of it's blade is
as sharp as a diamond and can (with effort on the user's part) defeat many supernatural defences.
The blade itself is unbreakable. The art of crafting these blades are lost to time, and even the
greatest smiths may never learn it's secrets again.

Dagger of the Schutzstaffe – 600cp (Discount Scholar)

Artefacts from the Third Reich enjoy an odd popularity in modern nights, and these daggers
of this elite unit of German soldiers, with their silver handles and ivory inlays, were unlike the
ceremonial weapons granted to officers. These daggers were functional knives and not just for
presentation, and, by all evidence, saw frequent use against unarmed opponents. Some say that
these weapons are cursed. Many have reported that poltergeist-like effects occur where the dagger is
stored — mirrors fly from walls, windows open and then close so hard they break, plates rattle and
shatter. Some say they have even witnessed the daggers themselves hovering in the centre of the
madness, like the eye of an invisible storm. A few have heard the weapons talking to them,
whispering barely audible messages that may or may not be in German. One collector claimed that
the dagger instructed him, in a perfect Austrian dialect, how to use it to “slice open a door between
worlds.” With effort and experimentation this dagger can be used to “cut” open gateways between
earth, the shadow, the twilight, and the underworld, or potentially stranger places still.

The Labrys – 600cp (Discount Scholar)

The labrys is an ancient Minoan-designed battleaxe. Often crafted from bronze or gold,
these axes are considered works of great beauty, and upon them are scribed intricate mazes meant to
symbolize the Labyrinth of Crete. The strangest and most recent tale regarding the labrys concerns a
number of these axes unearthed in an archaeological dig of caves near Knossos. Reportedly, the
archeologists who uncovered the weapons (of which there were 13, said to be found in a bodiless
tomb) seemed obsessed with the artifacts, particularly with the intricate mazes etched upon the ax-
heads, which seemed to defy solution. Eventually, members of the dig team stole the artifacts and
vanished. This axe can be planted in the ground while underground and will warp the surrounding
tunnels into an true labyrinth, like the one the legendary Minotaur dwelled within.

The Amazing Technicolour Trenchcoat – 600cp (Discount Player)

An old British officer's trenchcoat from the first world war, dug up from beneath one of it's
many battlefields. It appears beige at first glance, and it fits perfectly. It's also quite rugged, and
could probably resist an attack from a knife wielding assailant. The inside of it is akin to a void and
can conceal a large amount of items (up to a rifle and great axe simultaneously). By willing the
trenchcoat to change colour, I can assume a variety of colours that grant unique blessings. Black to
make one more intimidating, brown to make on a batter investigator, grey for increased artistic
talent, white for mystical understanding, red for speed, blue for luck in combat, and yellow for luck
in wealth. Occasionally while wearing this coat you will hear echoes of one of WWI's greatest
battles. Don't wear it for too long either, or the hallucinations will be more than auditory.

The Lady of Salt – 600cp (Discount Player)

This strange figure is part of a private collection of Middle-Eastern artefacts, a slightly-
damaged statue of a woman in early middle-age, wrapped closely in a cloak. What makes it unusual
is that it appears to be carved entirely from rock salt. The sculpture is utterly realistic, far beyond
the capabilities of any known ancient sculptor. In shape it has more in common with the petrifi ed
corpses of Pompeii than any classical portrait. The body twists around, the face looking over the
shoulder, and the right arm (now missing its hand) raised as if to shield its eyes. Its expression of
shock and surprise gives the figure a disturbing aspect, as if it was instantly caught at some horrible
moment and frozen forever. The statue was apparently found in Jordan, back in the nineteenth
century, close to the remains of a small town which had apparently suffered some kind of disaster
and which had simply died in the space of a night. While in possession of this artefact, an individual
can restore their supernatural energy sources (including essence, as well as one's own willpower) by
committing any of the seven deadly sins, with the amount restored relative to the severity of the sin
committed. Do be aware that use of this artefact may be addictive.

Prayer of St. Benedict – 600cp (Discount Innocent)

The patron saint of schoolchildren, copies of Prayers to Saint Benedict are easily obtainable
by anyone with a library or an Internet connection, but this particular version is inscribed upon a
black stole made of silk. The Prayer is stitched into the fabric of the stole in silver thread, and
despite the age of the garment the silver of the thread still shimmers in sunlight. Channelling one's
willpower while reciting this prayer creates a field of protection against supernatural creatures
around the individual reciting the prayer. The supernatural being feels a profound sense of shame
and penitence, as though a higher power looks down on her actions and disapproves.

Imaginary – 600cp (Discount Innocent)

Imaginaries are a form of spirit that only coalesces in the presence of small children. They
are intelligent, generally benevolent and capable of a great deal in defence of their children. Not
every imaginary friend in the world is an Imaginary. They generally only manifest themselves for
children in genuine need of a friend, who either lack physical friends to associate with or who are
endangered by their loneliness in some way. An Imaginary could easily be a child’s Guardian
Angel. While it may begin as only one of the most minor kind of spirits, if the child's belief is
strong enough to keep it around long enough it could grow to possess great power. Counts as a

Locus Access – 600cp (Discount Purified)

A locus is a location of significant spiritual power, a natural wellspring of essence. You
know of one that you have easy access to. However this location may be discovered by others and
defensive actions may be required to drive them off. Post-jump you receive a copy of this location
that can either become attached to the warehouse or simply follow you from jump to jump.

+1000cp disadvantage limit

The Beast That We Call: Fandom - +0cp

This world now includes supernatural beings from various fanworks such as Leviathan the
Tempest, Pathogen the Infected, Genius the Transgression, and Princess the Hopeful. This world
just got a whole lot more dangerous and strange.
Second Edition - +0cp
This adds in Demon the Descent and Mummy the Curse into the cannon of this setting.

What I Was Doing Before - +0cp

So you have been here before? Why, in the name of jumpchan did you come back then?
Fine. Any Jumps in the New World of Darkness you have done before are now part of this world's

Fanboy: The Wanking - +100cp

Choose one type of supernatural being present in the world of darkness. You are now a
fanboy of that type of creature. As well, all of that type of creature now find you really annoying.
Have fun with that.

Wanderlust- +100cp
A natural born traveller, you find it hard to stay in one place for long. If you do not travel
more than 250 miles in 7 days, actually travelling away from your starting location you become
increasingly anxious and agitated to up until the point where you can hardly function and all you
think about is travelling.

Fearful- +200cp
So you have a little bit of a problem: you are a goddamned coward. You jump at strange
noises or sudden movement. The sight of a real monster might even lead to you to faint. While this
can be mitigated with some perks, you will be a trembling mess for most of your time here.

Doubting Thomas - +200cp (Cannot be Taken With “I Want to Believe)

You adamantly insist that there is a scientific and mundane answer for everything and will
continue in your disbelief unless a supernatural entity is literally trying to tear your throat out.
Afterwards you'll still deny that it was supernatural. Nice to meet you agent Scully.

I Want to Believe- +200cp Cannot be Taken With “Doubting Thomas)

You believe with complete certainty that everything in the world has something supernatural
or otherwise sinister behind it. You are the ultimate conspiracy nut, and nothing could ever convince
you that there is a rational explanation for whatever ideas you get in your head. Hello agent Mulder.

Blood Doll- +200cp

Well, I hope you have a lot of blood to spare, since you are now addicted to having your
blood drank by a vampire. It is nearly impossible to break this addiction, and if you continue to feed
it you will need increasingly common “hits” of your drug.

Dark Impulse- +300cp

Did you really need these point? Because that how you get serial killers. More exactly this
disadvantage makes you into a serial killer. Choose a group of people (anything from little girls,
nazis, teenage boys, ex-cons to more broad categories like men or women or even everybody). You
now have a incredibly strong urge to murder people of the chosen category. You could maybe go for
a few moths between kills if you have some willpower but like any high you will slowly escalate to
killing more people in less of a span of time.

Nemesis - +300cp
Your arrival here has spawned a terrible creature indeed. It is a wholly new and unique
monster that possesses the exact same capabilities as you and lives with only one purpose: to
destroy you. Lucky for you there is only one of them. It's appearance is similar to your own, but
twisted and terrible in ways that make it look quite monstrous up close. It can be mistaken for a
human at a distance. It does not have your gear, but it appears “clothed” similar to your normal
dress. It's “clothes” are actually a part of it's body. You must kill it before your ten years are up.

The Hunt is On - +300cp

A group of monster hunters has found out about your nature as a jumper. The believe you are
a threat to humanity and will stop at nothing to destroy you. They know of all of your capabilities
and there are at least a dozen of them. If you kill them another group will pick up the torch within
six months.

True Mortal Mode- +600cp

Really? You're going for this? Alright. All powers and gear from outside this jump is locked
for you and any companions you bring with. You also lose warehouse access for the entirety of this
jump. For these ten years you are trapped in your body-mod form. For an additional +200cp you
also lose access to all Occult path perks bought in this jump (this option cannot be taken by
individuals of the mundane path). This also prevents you from utilizing the demonologist perk. You
get them back after this jump of course.

Dark Conspiracy- +800cp

Somewhere out there is a cabal made up of members from every supernatural faction. They
have hands in every government, every business, and every police force and military. While most of
their goals are inscrutable, they have found one more task at their hands: Slaying the dimension
jumping lunatic that has invaded their world. That's you by the way.

You have somehow survived ten years in the darkness. What is your next step?

Go Home- Finally, you've made a decision that makes sense. Go ahead, go back home where it's

Stay- You are madman. I'm afraid to continue speaking with you. Go on, stay, It's you're funeral.

Carry On- Greener pastures, eh? Well I certainly hope it all continues to go well for you.
Notes on the Purified
As their bodies actively attempt to return to its initial pristine state, the purified are immune
to all diseases, resistant to poison, and possess a minor healing factor.

All purified can automatically see and hear any spirits, ghosts or other beings in Twilight.
Not only can purified see ghosts and spirits in Twilight as easily as they can see ordinary people,
they cannot choose not to see such beings. Also, because of the dual nature of their existence, any
being in Twilight who sees one of the purified automatically knows that the character can see and
hear them. This ability often becomes an exceptionally mixed blessing. Spirits, and even more
commonly, ghosts occasionally approach purified and ask, threaten or beg for aid. As well, all
Purified know the inhuman language of spirits. They can understand and speak to all spirits as
easily as they can understand and speak to someone fluent in their native tongue. The only
limitation on this ability is that purified who speak to spirits while occupying their physical bodies
must speak aloud, if only in a whisper. This speech sounds like complicated gibberish to mortals
who overhear it, at best it sounds like the incoherent ravings of a lunatic. Purified who wish to avoid
attracting attention soon learn to either only speak to spirits when no one else is around or to do so
only in a whisper.

Purified also possess a version of the Unseen Sense perk that allows them to sense the
presence of any phenomena related to spirits or the Shadow Realm, as well as the active use of all
unseen forces. They can sense the use of all supernatural powers, but not the presence of a vampire
or werewolf.

In addition to healing more rapidly than mortals, the purified are also ageless and to a large
degree immortal. Their bodies do not age, and if their body is killed, their mind is automatically
sent into the Shadow Realm. Here, it can collect Essence and then use this Essence to gradually heal
its body. So long as the mind of a purified still exists, its body literally cannot die. Even if his body
is reduced to ash, with sufficient quantities of Essence, the purified can cause the charred fragments
to reform and come back to life. Normally dying would end your chain, but for this jump as long as
your essence in the shadow realm is not destroyed you can come back for the duration of this jump.
After this jump you can restore your body once per jump. This limitation is removed post-spark.

Constructing a new body after the last one is destroyed requires spending extended time in
the shadow to collect essence. Collected essence is expended to “build” a new body. During this
time you are as a spirit, and if you are destroyed in this form you are dead for real.

Like spirits, the purified cannot create Essence, but must obtain it, either by extracting it
from loci or obtaining it from a spirit or another of the purified, either as a gift, or by stealing it
from them. Purified can absorb Essence by going to a loci. However, they cannot do so in the
mortal world. To obtain Essence, the character must leave her body and enter Twilight or the
Shadow Realm.

The amount of Essence that one of the purified can absorb at one time depends upon their
Chi. Purified who have higher Chi can absorb additional Essence.

Purified may also attempt to steal Essence from spirits, ghosts or even each other by
overpowering the will of the target with their Chi. Purified must touch a target to attempt to steal
Essence from it. Stealing all of the Essence from a spirit causes it to become dormant and
unresponsive. Stealing all the Essence from one of the purified makes him exceptionally vulnerable.
Purified can only steal Essence or have Essence stolen from them when they are projecting outside
of their body.
Post-jump spiritual projection abilities, of the purified or others, function by sending the
individual to the closest equivalent. If there is no equivalent, they send you to a generic ethereal
plane. When in these locations the Purified can regain essence as if they were projecting normally.

As far as how Purified Chi relates to other energies called Chi? I'd say it's less like DBZ ki
and more like Bleach Spiritual Pressure or Soul Eater Soul Power. Go on ahead and wank how you

And no, I'm not going to put hard numbers on Chi. We all know how that goes. You figure
out the exact power progression, but please be reasonable. Each purchase adds a lateral amount and
means you don't have to develop it on your own over time. Can you Increases it beyond 5? In terms
of essence contained, probably. As for Spirit Rank? Beyond the fifth purchase improved Chi will
not help on its own. In terms of chi expenditure speed? No. Hard no.

Notes on Skin-Thieves
Skinchangers often have a meager supply of Essence that they can use to fuel some of their
Aspects. They do not need Essence to change shape, and many Aspects do not need Essence —
which is good, because just as skinthieves steal their skins, they must steal their Essence. They have
no auspice moon’s gift of power, and they are almost never strong or savvy enough to capture and
hold a locus. Instead, their stores of Essence come from the life energy of their totem animal,
usually as a part of the ritual that creates their talismans.

Notes on Demonology
An occultist might enter into a pact with a demon for any of the reasons he might summon
one. Some want power, some want a single favour. Most of the time the motive can be traced back
to Vice, and so motive often informs the kind of demon being summoned. An occultist who wants
the power to rend his enemies into flesh chunks is unlikely to summon a demon known for Sloth,
after all.

A demon can be summoned for virtuous reasons, but it does mean that when the pact bargain
happens, the demon needs a little more enticement to perform what the summoner has in mind.

Benefits are divided into two loose categories, traits and services. A demon can theoretically
increase any trait the summoner possesses, though some demons are better than others. Demons can
also grant supernatural powers. Services, on the other hand, allow the Indebted to keep his own
body and mind clear of demonic taint… depending upon the Sacrifice he must make.

A demon grants Benefits in proportion to the Sacrifice made. The demon doesn’t have any
way to grant a larger Benefit than it receives in Sacrifice; it uses the energy of the Sacrifice to
power the Benefit. Of course, a demon can grant a weak Benefit in exchange for a hefty Sacrifice.
In fact, that’s usually the demon’s goal.

Demons can grant Indebted individuals the power to wield Infernal magic. They are,
however, limited to traits that resonate with their controlling Vice. Any demon can grant a human
being powers that are mechanically identical to its Numina, provided the power is something for
which a human being could find a use. For instance, a demon of Wrath grants a person the power to
hurl blackened, stinking fire at his foes (the Blast Numen), but cannot bestow the Materialize
Numen, since the Indebted already has a body. The Numina can provide an easy roadmap to the
kinds of powers demons can grant. Beyond Numina, though, the demon can grant other powers as

Hunger Pangs (Gluttony): The Indebted who accepts a pact from a demon of Gluttony never feels
sated. Hunger is simply his default state from then on out. With this Benefit, the Indebted can
transfer those feelings of hunger to a victim, and then multiply them many times over.

Voice of the Incubus (Lust): The character’s voice becomes so smooth and seductive that it entices
those who hear it to acts of carnal abandon they normally wouldn’t consider.

Lord of Demons (Pride): The Indebted gains some power over minor demons. He is able to
summon one up at will and force it to do his bidding.
Note, though, that this power does not compel loyalty beyond the duration of the Benefit,
and so a character who mistreats his servants might discover they aren’t immediately banished back
to Hell when their time as his slaves ends.
The Indebted can summon a demon of a given Vice, but makes no other specification
beyond that. An Indebted might call up a demon of Wrath for assistance in a fight, for instance, or a
demon of Envy when trying to discover an opponent’s weakness. This power requires a Deadly

Notes on Willpower
Some abilities mention “expending” willpower or mental stress. What this means is that
prolonged or repeated use will put strain on an individuals mind potentially leading to them
snapping, developing a mental illness, or blacking out. This can be combated with meditation, rest,
herbal tonics, or even booze and narcotics.

Notes on Dark Impulse

While you may select various supernatural beings for your target with this disadvantage, the
impulse will still trigger when encountering individuals who play at being one. A wannabe vampire
will still make you want to murder him.

Notes on Learning and Developing Abilities

Occult path abilities may be developed without purchasing them with Cp but the method and
time required depends on the path in question

Psychic abilities evolve with use and exponential expenditures of willpower. A psychic may only
develop new abilities he has a prerequisite ability for. Otherwise new abilities cannot be gained.

Low-Thaumaturgy rites can be learned with time and effort, but require the individual to discover
actual ritual components and techniques via research and hunting for repositories of knowledge.

Purified Siddhi can be learned and developed from training, use, time, and spirit tutelage. As well
the Purified can be taught Numina by spirits and ghosts.

Skin-Thieves cannot develop new aspects, however they can be taught Numina by spirits (but not

Slashers cannot learn new ripper abilities, but pre-existing ones can develop into scourges with
effort and time. Other Slasher abilities, except Atavism, can be learned.
Notes on Items

The forgotten book is a genuine grimoire, and as such can reveal minor truths about the various
supernatural beings of this world as well as minor ritual magics (the kind that are near useless,
lesser than even low thaumaturgy). Translating it will also improve the powers of Thaumaturges and
those with the Demonologist perk.

The major supernatural factions of this world are as follows:

Vampires, or the Kindred. They drink blood, do blood magic, burn in sunlight, and a stake through
the heart paralyzes them. They manipulate from the shadows and do other typical vampire-y stuff.

Werewolves, or the Garou. Half-Spirit half-man, the Garou were tasked long ago to basically be the
spirit police. Then they murdered big daddy wolf and everything went to hell. There is a civil war
among them between the factions that killed the big wolf daddy and those that opposed it. They can
turn into a part wolf human, a war form (typical werewolf), a dire wolf form, and a wolf form. A
human seeing one transform suffers from “lunacy” which causes panic and short term memory loss.
They do take extra damage from silver.

Mages, or the Awakened. Mostly mortal individuals who “awakened” and can impose their will
upon reality to a point. Of course doing this in front of normal people causes magical backlash
called paradox. Mages are split into basically three camps; the seers who worship old mages who
ascended, the regular mages that are trying to fix reality (maybe?), and the banishers who think that
mages are a blight and murder other mages.

Changelings. Stolen away from their normal lives by the True Fae and replaced with a fake that
believes it is the original, Changelings were dragged through the hedge and made into slaves and
toys. This has changed them into something different. They then escaped back home and are now
trying to live in a world that could have progressed decades from the time they were taken.

Prometheans, or the Created. Artificial lifeforms created by (mostly) mad (mostly) scientists.
These include golems (not actually made of earth or clay), Frankenstein monsters, and the
occasional android. Regardless, they appear mostly human, but inspire dark feelings in those who
encounter them and the poison the earth they walk upon. If they stay in one place too long it
becomes a wasteland. The goal of most Prometheans is to become human. Occasionaly angel-like
beings show up to give them cryptic advice. Don't ask me about that, I don't know.

Sin-Eaters. Humans who died and cut a deal with formerly human death spirits called Geists for a
second chance. They work hard to put ghosts to rest and enjoy their newfound lives. They have
incredibly potent powers called manifestations that put them on par with most mages in terms of
power, and have a unique from of death-based ritual magic.

Innumerable other kinds of supernatural entities exist as well, but are much less numerous than
those listed above.

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