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What I Eat:

3 Days of Nutrition
with Marcus Filly

! Training Day #1
What does a day of nourishment look like
for me, and what are the takeaways for
you? I've taken this opportunity to capture
three days of my eating and give you some
suggestions and recipes that might
influence how you choose to shape your
own nourishment.
Key Tips:
Breakfast - Meal 1
I like to start my day with something very
simple to digest. There are some complex
carbs in the form of oatmeal, usually
some fruit, and an easy to digest protein
source. I keep fats relatively low at
breakfast so that the meal digests and
clears my gut before I train at around
9am. The fats I have are in the form of Brazil nuts and heavy cream in my coffee. I love eggs but usually
save those for a later meal after I've trained and more as my second breakfast. More on that to come.
Some of the other items that are listed in my meal one are supplements that I will cover later on.
Lunch - Meal 4
My first meal post workout is an important one for me. I usually have my main training session around
12-2 each day and that means that around 2 I'm having my Meal 3 recovery shake. Shortly thereafter is my
first big nourishment opportunity for the day. That meal post workout is important since my body has just
been working hard and the skeletal muscles that have been trained are primed to take up nutrients. It is
also a meal that I tend to put a higher number of carbohydrates in for the day. Because of the training my
carbohydrate sensitivity is very high and my muscles are ready to absorb nutrients.

Grilled Marinated Chicken Thighs

4lbs Chicken Thighs
3 Tbsp Tamari (gluten free soy sauce)
1 Tbsp Cajun Seasoning
3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

3 Tbsp Avocado Oil

Let marinate for 2+ hours (overnight is best) and cook
over a hot grill.

Roasted Broccoli Spears

2lbs Broccoli Spears (cut lengthwise)
2 Tbsp Avocado Oil

Salt and Pepper to taste

Toss the spears in a bowl with the oil and seasonings.
Spread out over a sheet pan and roast in the oven at 350
degrees until it is golden brown, about 30-40 mins. Be
sure to toss them around at about the half way point.
Training Day #2
Key Tips:


Starches are a big part of my meals. These along

with some workout supplements supply the
majority of my carbohydrate needs for the day.
You can see I have rice, potatoes, or oats at
almost every meal throughout the day. Part of
why this works for me is that I have a relatively
low body fat compared to most. As body fat
decreases for an individual, their ability to
process starchy carbs goes up as a general rule.

How do you know if you are lean enough to

handle starchy carbs? Have a look in the mirror.
Do you see visible abdominal muscles? When you
look at your upper back, can you see defined
muscle in the middle of your back around your
traps and your shoulders? If the answer is NO to
these questions, then you are better off sticking
to veggies for the bulk of your carbohydrate
needs. Keep your starches to the one meal that
immediately follows your workout of the day. 

If you answered YES to those questions, then you can likely handle some starches in your meals and they will
likely support your training goals along with body composition goals. Start moderate. As you can see by my daily
totals, my carb intake is close to 400grams a day. This is pretty high for most people and represents close to 50%
of my daily caloric intake. This isn't a starting place for most.


Breakfast of Champions (Oats and Prots) !
! If you look at the bulk of my meals, aside from
100 grams Dry Oatmeal supplements, all my food is prepared by me. I don't
1.5 Cups Water buy prepackage food. Everything requires some form
100 grams Banana of cooking. The stuff we buy at the store all would be
2 Scoops Revive-Rx Rebuild Vanilla Flavor classified as ingredients. What that means is that
1-2 Tbsp Almond Butter when we pull things out of our grocery bag and we
! look at their ingredient labels we can't find them.
Combine the first 3 ingredients in a bowl and microwave Our food doesn't have ingredient labels because they
for 2mins. Then add in the last two ingredients and stir are simply basic food staples. If there is a label on it
until a creamy texture and enjoy! This is one of my favorite then the ingredient list is one item long (ex. OATS).
ways to start my day and usually happens shortly after This will have a dramatic influence on your physique
waking. If I get up around 5:30am then I'll usually eat and performance.
before 6:30am for my first meal.
I!tend to keep the last meal of the day which is more like a bedtime snack to just protein and fat. This historically
! always been best for me. In times of intense training for competition I may add some carbs into this meal, but
! about 20-25grams of protein and a little bit of fat in the form of nuts or nut butter is perfect. It sits well
with me before bed, my digestive system tolerates it well so I don’t have stomach disruptions when trying to fall
asleep, and it is a great way to get in the last little bit of protein for the day so I stay above my goal of 1gram per
pound of bodyweight.

Filly Frittata

2 Bell Peppers Diced

1 Summer Squash Diced
3 Tbsp bacon fat
(reserved after cooking bacon)
12oz Ground beef
12 Whole Eggs
.5 C chopped fresh basil

Brown the ground beef over medium heat in a cast iron pan in the
bacon fat, then remove to drain and dry. In the same pan while still hot
sauté the peppers and squash until they have most of the water cooked
out of them and are brown. Add the beef back in and pour over 12 eggs
that have been beaten in a bowl. Lastly add the fresh herbs on top and
stir in lightly. Place the whole cast iron pan in a 350 degree oven for
20-30mins. Remove and cut into 6 slices for 6 days of breakfast!
Rest Day
Key Tips and Takeaways
1. On rest days my total food intake is usually a
bit lower than training days. I try not to
dramatically change my food on rest days. In
fact I try to get the same core meals in with
roughly the same rhythm to my day. What that
does for me is it allows my body to stay in
rhythm, not get too confused by too many new
foods, and therefore keeps stress low so I can
recover. Without my workout shakes and
supplements, however, you will see that the
total calories and macronutrients are a bit
lower on the day. Specifically carbohydrates are
a little bit lower.
2. Every week I try to give myself one or two
breaks from routine. Notice my language choice
around this. I don't call them cheat meals
because they are intentional and planned. I also
don't go completely off the rails of my food
guidelines as you will see these were gluten free
choices that consider my gut health too. What you will see is that for meal 3 my wife and I went out for coffee and
got a couple gluten free baked good treats to share.

Instant Pot Pork

2lbs Pork Tenderloin
6oz Tomato Paste
.5 Cup Chicken broth
1 Tbsp Cajun Seasoning from above

Place all ingredients into the Instant Pot
and set it to high pressure meat setting.
Should be done in about 40mins. Shred
the meat and put this on salads or serve
it over rice.
This was a great way to take a thoughtful and not terrible break from our routines. I always keep my treats gluten
free as I've never felt particularly good on gluten, and I try to make sure that even on a day with treats I don't miss
my other valuable meals and quality food. Note that the rest of the day was still on schedule and contained great
Often the first nutrition questions I get from clients or people on social media are in and around supplements. The
truth is that the food you eat will accomplish about 95% or more of what you are aiming to achieve in your health
and fitness. Supplements account for less than 5% of the progress and results and should therefore be emphasized
less than food. With that said, supplements are a part of my daily routine and each one plays a unique role. I only
take my supplementation seriously if my food quality and consistency is very high. Here are the supplements I take
and why they are important to my daily routine.
Morning Supplement Routine 

How I start every day and a very purposeful routine to set the tone for the
day ahead.
1. Morning Hydration

Morning Hydration This concoction is a terrific way to hydrate the cells of the body upon waking,
! get necessary pH in the digestive system to support healthy enzymatic
Fresh juice from 1/2 lemon
8 oz. room temperature water digestion for the day, and to deliver electrolytes that will aid in proper
1/4 tsp. Himalayan Pink Salt muscle function for the day to come.
2. Gut Health

This concoction is a staple in my morning routine and has been for years. The combination of these two
supplements is powerful in setting up the gut for a great day of digestion and healing the intestinal lining with a
"fiber" supplement that is less about fiber and more about soothing herbs and extracts for the gut.
Greens First - 1 serving as recommended on bottle
Max Fiber - 1 serving as recommended on bottle
3. Immune System Support

This combination is an immune support concoction. Trying to raise a child who is in daycare is rough on the immune
system. Along with the stress of daily life, there is definitely a need for some immune help and these two deliver.
Vitamin C - 500mg
Oregano Oil - 1 Dropper Full
4. Supplements With Breakfast
Active Vit-B Complex - For the support of my adrenals
Vit-D - For immune function and gut health
Probiotic - Populate the digestive system daily with healthy gut flora. I rotate the brand periodically to ensure I'm
getting different strains in my gut on a regular basis.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil - Essential fatty acids and Omega 3 content
Brazil Nuts - Selenium
Sports Supplements

Taken in and around training, or at meals to deliver added protein
MRM - Reload - Combination of Branched Chain Amino Acids and Beta Alanine that is taken intra workout
Creatine Monohydrate - 5 Grams taken with MRM Reload during training
Revive-Rx Recover - Post training this product has a 2:1 carb to protein ratio and delivers necessary sugars and
amino acids that are ideal for recovery
Revive-Rx Rebuild - Used during breakfast or an evening snack to deliver 25grams of whey protein that mixed great
with oatmeal or with water for a shake.
Evening Supplements
In an effort to wind down in the evening these are chosen to help me remain calm and transition to sleep well.
Yin Reserve - This is a magnesium supplement that supports muscle repair and function, along with relaxation in
the evening.
Probiotic - A second dose of these every day to populate the digestive system daily with healthy gut flora. I rotate
the brand periodically to ensure I'm getting different strains in my gut on a regular basis.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil - A second dose of these every day to provide Essential fatty acids and Omega 3 content.

Eat For Your Goals and Lifestyle

Now it’s your turn. Cut through the confusion around what to eat to support
your own goals with the support of a Revival Strength coach. Look good, move
well, and feel amazing on a training and nutrition program designed just for
you. Sign up for a free, no-pressure conversation with a coach to answer all
your questions about how a Functional Bodybuilding training and nutrition
plan can finally deliver the results you’ve been craving.


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