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Data Mining MCQ’s Viva Questions

1: Which of the following applied on warehouse?

a) write only
b) read only
c) both a & b
d) none of these
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2: Data can be store , retrive and updated in …
c) FTP
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3: Which of the following is a good alternative to the star schema?
a) snow flake schema
b) star schema
c) star snow flake schema
d) fact constellation
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4: Patterns that can be discovered from a given database are which
a) More than one type
b) Multiple type always
c) One type only
d) No specific type
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5:Background knowledge is…
a) It is a form of automatic learning.
b) A neural network that makes use of a hidden layer
c) The additional acquaintance used by a learning algorithm to facilitate the
learning process
d) None of these
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6: Which of the following is true for Classification?
a) A subdivision of a set
b) A measure of the accuracy
c) The task of assigning a classification
d) All of these
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7: Data mining is?
a) time variant non-volatile collection of data
b) The actual discovery phase of a knowledge
c) The stage of selecting the right data
d) None of these
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8: ——- is not a data mining functionality?
A) Clustering and Analysis
B) Selection and interpretation
C) Classification and regression
D) Characterization and Discrimination
Answer - Click Here: B

9: Which of the following can also applied to other forms?

a) Data streams & Sequence data
b) Networked data
c) Text & Spatial data
d) All of these
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10:Which of the following is general characteristics or features of a
target class of data?
a) Data selection
b) Data discrimination
c) Data Classification
c) Data Characterization
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11: ——– is the out put of KDD…
a) Query
b) Useful Information
c) Data
d) information
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12: What is noise?
a) component of a network
b) context of KDD and data mining
c) aspects of a data warehouse
d) None of these
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Data mining is a tool for allowing users to find the hidden relationships in data. True/False
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Firms that are engaged in sentiment mining are analyzing data collected from?
A. social media sites.
B. in-depth interviews.
C. focus groups.
D. experiments.
E. observations.

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A. social media sites.
Which of the following forms of data mining assigns records to one of a
predefined set of classes?

(A). Classification

(B). Clustering

(C). Both A and B

(D). None

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(B). Clustering
What are the two main objectives associated with data mining?
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to find hidden patterns and trends are the two main objectives associated with data mining
1.  What is the adaptive system management?
a) machine language techniques
b) machine learning techniques
c) machine procedures techniques
d) none of these
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2. An essential process used for applying intelligent methods to extract the
data patterns is named as …
a) data mining
b) data analysis
c) data implementation
d) data computation
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3. Classification and regression are the properties of…
a) data analysis
b) data manipulation’
c) data mining
d) none of these
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4. A class of learning algorithm that tries to find an optimum classification of
a set of examples using the probabilistic theory is named as …
a) Bayesian classifiers
b) Dijkstra classifiers
c) doppler classifiers
d) all of these
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5. Which of the following can be used for finding deep knowledge?
a) stacks
b) algorithms
c) clues
d) none of these
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6. We define a ______ as a subdivison  of a set of examples into a number
of classes.
a) kingdom
b) tree
c) classification
d) array
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7. Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects is
named as …
a) classification
b) cluster
c) community
d) none of these
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8. Combining different type of methods or information is ….
a) analysis
b) computation
c) stack
d) hybrid
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9.  What i sthe name of database having a set of databases from different
vendors, possibly using different database paradigms?
a) homogeneous database
b) heterogeneous database
c) hybrid database
d) none of these
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10. What is the strategic value of data mining?
a) design sensitive
b) cost sensitive
c) technical sensitive
d) time sensitive
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11. The amount of information with in data as opposed to the amount of
redundancy or noise is known as …
a) paragraph content
b) text content
c) information content
d) none of these
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12. What is inductive learning?
a) learning by hypothesis
b) learning by analyzing
c) learning by generalizing
d) none of these
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