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Hizon, Dan Melton Anthony A.


1. If you are given the opportunity to build a nursing

home facility, what is your dream for the older
If I were given an opportunity to build a nursing home
facility I will create a facility which is relaxing and have a tons of
fun activity for the elderly to enjoy. I will create a law for the
significant others of the elderly to visit their love ones once a
month and if they cannot fulfill the law they will visit them 5
times. I think that elderly always want to see their family or
friends that help them to go into the nursing home. I also want to
create an organization of young people to support elderly and
help them to realize that nursing elderly is fun. Sharing life
experience will help also the young ones on their lives

2. My lolo and lola, our heritage heroes

I consider my grandparent to be my heritage hero. Not
only without them, I will not exist in this world but they
also guided us on our lives. Since our parent is still novice
on rearing their child. Our heritage heroes support them
and educate them to help us grow strong and healthy.
The love of grandparents to their grandchildren is
incomparable to all the love that is exist in the world

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