New Advances in Machine Learning

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New Advances in Machine Learning

New Advances in Machine Learning

Edited by
Yagang Zhang

Published by In-Teh

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First published February 2010

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Technical Editor: Sonja Mujacic

Cover designed by Dino Smrekar

New Advances in Machine Learning,

Edited by Yagang Zhang

p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-034-6


The purpose of this book is to provide an up-to-data and systematical introduction to the
principles and algorithms of machine learning. The definition of learning is broad enough to
include most tasks that we commonly call “Learning” tasks, as we use the word in daily life.
It is also broad enough to encompass computer that improve from experience in quite straight
forward ways.
Machine learning addresses the question of how to build computer programs that improve
their performance at some task through experience. It attempts to automate the estimation
process by building machine learners based upon empirical data. Machine learning algorithms
have been proven to be of great practical value in a variety application domain, such as,
data mining problems where large databases may contain valuable implicit regularities that
can be discovered automatically; poorly understood domains where humans might not have
the knowledge needed to develop effective algorithms; domains where the program must
dynamically adapt to changing conditions.
Machine learning is inherently a multidisciplinary field. It draws on results from artificial
intelligence, probability and statistics, computational complexity theory, control theory,
information theory, philosophy, psychology, neurobiology, and other fields. The goal of
this book is to present the important advances in the theory and algorithm that from the
foundations of machine learning.
Large amount of knowledge about machine learning has been presented in this book, mainly
include: classification, support vector machine, discriminant analysis, multi-agent system,
image recognition, ant colony optimization, and so on.
The book will be of interest to industrial engineers and scientists as well as academics who
wish to pursue machine learning. The book is intended for both graduate and postgraduate
students in fields such as computer science, cybernetics, system sciences, engineering,
statistics, and social sciences, and as a reference for software professionals and practitioners.
The wide scope of the book provides them with a good introduction to many approaches of
machine learning, and it is also the source of useful bibliographical information.

Yagang Zhang


Preface V

1. Introduction to Machine Learning 001

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele

2. Machine Learning Overview 009

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele

3. Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 019

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele

4. Methods for Pattern Classification 049

Yizhang Guan

5. Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 075

Cai-Xia Deng, Li-Xiang Xu and Shuai Li

6. Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application

to Pedestrian Recognition 093
Laetitia LEYRIT, Thierry CHATEAU and Jean-Thierry LAPRESTE

7. From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 105

8. Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 117

Victor Eijkhout and Erika Fuentes

9. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy

Model for Multi-Agent Problem 137
Toshihiko Watanabe

10. Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 151

Hassab Elgawi Osman

11. An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using ART2-based

Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 163
Kwang-Baek Kim, Sungshin Kim and Young Woon Woo

12. Data mining with skewed data 173

Manoel Fernando Alonso Gadi Grupo Santander, Abbey, Santander Analytics,
Alair Pereira do Lago and Jörn Mehnen

13. Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 189

Aida de Haro-García, Juan Antonio Romero del Castillo and Nicolás García-Pedrajas

14. Ant Colony Optimization 209

Benlian Xu, Jihong Zhu and Qinlan Chen

15. Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 227
Xunkai Wei, Yinghong Li, Dong Liu and Liguang Zhan

16. On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown
nonlinear discrete-time controllers with estimated linearization 251
Chidentree Treesatayapun

17. Knowledge Structures for Visualising Advanced Research and Trends 271
Maria R. Lee and Tsung Teng Chen

18. Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 283


19. Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 305
Jiayu Zhou and Shi Wang

20. Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 329

Yi Guo and Zhiqing Shao

21. A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 345
Dilek Göksel Duru

22. A Novel Credit Assignment to a Rule with Probabilistic State Transition 357
Wataru Uemura
Introduction to Machine Learning 1


Introduction to Machine Learning

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele
University of Portsmouth
United Kingdom

1. Introduction
In present times, giving a computer to carry out any task requires a set of specific
instructions or the implementation of an algorithm that defines the rules that need to be
followed. The present day computer system has no ability to learn from past experiences
and hence cannot readily improve on the basis of past mistakes. So, giving a computer or
instructing a computer controlled programme to perform a task requires one to define a
complete and correct algorithm for task and then programme the algorithm into the
computer. Such activities involve tedious and time consuming effort by specially trained
teacher or person. Jaime et al (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) also explained that the present day
computer systems cannot truly learn to perform a task through examples or through
previous solved task and they cannot improve on the basis of past mistakes or acquire new
abilities by observing and imitating experts. Machine Learning research endeavours to open
the possibility of instruction the computer in such a new way and thereby promise to ease
the burden of hand writing programmes and growing problems of complex information
that get complicated in the computer.
When approaching a task-oriented acquisition task, one must be aware that the resultant
computer system must interact with human and therefore should closely match human
abilities. So, learning machine or programme on the other hand will have to interact with
computer users who make use of them and consequently the concept and skills they
acquire- if not necessarily their internal mechanism must be understandable to humans.
Also Alpaydin (Alpaydin, 2004) stated that with advances in computer technology, we
currently have the ability to store and process large amount of data, as well as access it from
physically distant locations over computer network. Most data acquisition devices are
digital now and record reliable data. For example, a supermarket chain that has hundreds of
stores all over the country selling thousands of goods to millions of customers. The point of
sale terminals record the details of each transaction: date, customer identification code,
goods bought and their amount, total money spent and so forth, This typically amounts to
gigabytes of data every day. This store data becomes useful only when it is analysed and
tuned into information that can be used or be predicted.
We do not know exactly which people are likely to buy a particular product or which author
to suggest to people who enjoy reading Hemingway. If we knew, we would not need any
analysis of the data; we would just go ahead and write down code. But because we do not,
we can only collect data and hope to extract the answers to these and similar question from
2 New Advances in Machine Learning

data. We can construct a good and useful approximation. That approximation may not
explain everything, but may still be able to account for some part of data. We believe that
identifying the complete process may not be possible, we can still detect certain patterns or
regularities. This is the niche of machine learning. Such patterns may help us understand
the process, or we can use those patterns to make predictions: Assuming that the future, at
least the near future, will not be much different from the past when the sample data was
collected, the future predictions can be expected to be right.
Machine learning is not just a database problem, it is a part of artificial intelligence. To be
intelligent, a system that is in a changing environment should have the ability to learn. If the
system can learn and adapt to such changes, the system designer need not foresee and
provide solutions for all possible situations. Machine learning also help us find solutions to
may problems in vision, speech recognition and robotics. Lets take the example of
recognising of faces: This is a task we do effortlessly; we recognise family members and
friends by looking their faces or from their photographs, despite differences in pose,
lighting, hair, style and so forth. But we do consciously and are able to explain how we do it.
Because we are not able to explain our expertise, we cannot write the computer program. At
the same time, we know that a face image is not just a random collection of pixel: a face has
structure, it is symmetric. There are the eyes, the nose, the mouth, located in certain places
on the face. Each person’s face is a pattern that composed of a particular combination of
these. By analysing sample face images of person, a learning program captures the pattern
specific to that person and then recognises by checking for the pattern in a given image. This
is one example of pattern recognition.
Machine learning is programming computers to optimise a performance criterion using
example data or past experience. We have a model defined up to some parameters, and
learning is the execution of a computer program to optimise the parameter of the model
using the training data or past experience. The model may be predictive to make predictions
in the future, or descriptive to gain knowledge from data, or both. Machine learning uses the
theory of statistics in building mathematical models, because the core task is making
inference from sample. The role of learning is twofold: First, in training, we need efficient
algorithms to solve the optimised problem, as well as to store and process the massive
amount of data we generally have. Second, once a model is learned, its representation and
algorithmic solution for inference needs to be efficient as well. In certain applications, the
efficiency of the learning or inference algorithm, namely, its space and time complexity may
be as important as its predictive accuracy.

1.1 History of Machine Learning

Over the years, Jaime et al (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) elaborated that research in machine
learning has been pursued with varying degrees of intensity, using different approaches and
placing emphasis on different, aspects and goals. Within the relatively short history of this
discipline, one may distinguish three major periods, each centred on a different concept:

 neural modelling and decision-theoretic techniques

 symbolic concept-oriented learning
 knowledge-intensive approaches combining various learning strategies
Introduction to Machine Learning 3

1.1.1 The Neural Modelling (Self Organised System)

The distinguishing feature of the first concept was the interest in building general purpose
learning systems that start with little or no initial structure or task-oriented knowledge. The
major thrust of research based on this approach involved constructing a variety of neural
model-based machines, with random or partially random initial structure. These systems
were generally referred to as neural networks or self-organizing systems. Learning in such
systems consisted of incremental changes in the probabilities that neuron-like elements
(typically threshold logic units) would transmit a signal. Due to the early computer
technology, most of the research under this neural network model was either theoretical or
involved the construction of special purpose experimental hardware systems, such as
perceptrons (Forsyth, 1990), (Ryszard S. Michalski, 1955), (Rosenblatt, 1958) pandemonium
(Selfridge, 1959), and (Widrow, 2007). The groundwork for this paradigm was laid in the
forties by Rashevsky in the area of mathematical biophysics (Rashevsky, 1948), and by
McCulloch (McCulloch, 1943), who discovered the applicability of symbolic logic to
modelling nervous system activities. Among the large number of research efforts in this
area, one may mention many works such as (Rosenblatt, 1958), (Block H, 1961), (Ashby,
1960), (Widrow, 2007). Related research involved the simulation of evolutionary processes,
that through random mutation and “natural” selection might create a system capable of
some intelligent, behaviour (for example, (Friedberg, 1958), (Holland, 1980).
Experience in the above areas spawned the new discipline of pattern recognition and led to
the development of a decision-theoretic approach to machine learning. In this approach,
learning is equated with the acquisition of linear, polynomial, or related discriminant
functions from a given set of training examples Example include, (Nilsson, 1982). One of the
best known successful learning systems utilizing such techniques (as well as some original
new ideas involving non-linear transformations) was Samuel’s checkers program, (Ryszard
S. Michalski J. G., 1955). Through repeated training, this program acquired master-level
performance somewhat, different, but closely related, techniques utilized methods of
statistical decision theory for learning pattern recognition rules.

1.1.2 The Symbolic Concept Acquisition Paradigm

A second major paradigm started to emerge in the early sixties stemming from the work of
psychologist and early AI researchers on models of human learning by Hunt (Hunt, 1966).
The paradigm utilized logic or graph structure representations rather than numerical or
statistical methods Systems learned symbolic descriptions representing higher level
knowledge and made strong structural assumptions about the concepts to he acquired.
Examples of work in this paradigm include research on human concept acquisition (Hunt,
1966) and various applied pattern recognition systems. Some researchers constructed task-
oriented specialized systems that, would acquire knowledge in the context of a practical
problem. Ryszard (Ryszard S. Michalski J. G., 1955), learning system was an influential
development in this paradigm. In parallel with Winston’s work, different approaches to
learning structural concepts from examples emerged, including a family of logic-based
inductive learning programs.
4 New Advances in Machine Learning

1.1.3 The Modern Knowledge-Intensive Paradigm

The third paradigm represented the most recent period of research starting in the mid-
seventies. Researchers have broadened their interest beyond learning isolated concepts from
examples, and have begun investigating a wide spectrum of learning methods, most based
upon knowledge-rich systems specifically, this paradigm can be characterizing by several
new trends, including:
1. Knowledge-Intensive Approaches: Researchers are strongly emphasizing the use
of task-oriented knowledge and the constraints it provides in guiding the learning
process One lesson from the failures of earlier knowledge and poor learning
systems that is acquire and to acquire new knowledge a system must already
possess a great deal of initial knowledge

2. Exploration of alternative methods of learning: In addition to the earlier research

emphasis on learning from examples, researchers are now investigating a wider
variety of learning methods such as learning from instruction, (e.g (Mostow,
1983), learning by analogy and discovery of concepts and classifications (R. S.
Michalski, 1983).
In contrast to previous efforts, a number of current systems are incorporating abilities to
generate and select tasks and also incorporate heuristics to control their focus of attention by
generating learning tasks, proposing experiments to gather training data, and choosing
concepts to acquire (e g., Mitchell et al (Mitchell, 2006).

1.2. Importance of Machine Learning

These are benefits of machine learning and these are why research in machine learning is
now what could not be avoided or neglected. Using machine learning techniques make life
easier for computer users. These are the importance of machine learning. They are:

 Some tasks cannot be defined well except by example; that is we might be able to
specify input and output pairs but not a concise relationship between inputs and
desired outputs. We would like machines to be able to adjust their internal
structure to produce correct outputs for a large number of sample inputs and thus
suitably constrain their input and output function to approximate the relationship
implicit in the examples.

 It is possible that hidden among large piles of data are important relationships and
correlations. Machine learning methods can often be used to extract these
relationships (data mining).

 Human designers often produce machines that do not work as well as desired in
the environments in which they are used. In fact, certain characteristics of the
working environment might not be completely known at design time. Machine
learning methods can be used for on the job improvement of existing machine
Introduction to Machine Learning 5

 The amount of knowledge available about certain tasks might be too large for
explicit encoding by humans. Machines that learn this knowledge gradually might
be able to capture more of it than humans would want to write down.

 Environments change over time. Machines that can adapt to a changing

environment would reduce the need for constant redesign. New knowledge about
tasks is constantly being discovered by humans. Vocabulary changes. There is a
constant stream of new events in the world. Continuing redesign of AI systems to
conform to new knowledge is impractical. But machine learning methods might be
able to track much of it.

1.3 Machine Learning Varieties

Research in machine learning is now converging from several sources and from artificial
intelligent field. These different traditions each bring different methods and different
vocabulary which are now being assimilated into a more united discipline. Here is a brief
listing of some of the separate disciplines that have contributed to machine learning
(Nilsson, 1982).

 Statistics: A long-standing problem in statistics is how best to use samples drawn

from unknown probability distributions to help decide from which distribution
some new sample is drawn. A related problem is how to estimate the value of an
unknown function at a new point given the values of this function at a set of
sample points. Statistical methods for dealing with these problems can be
considered instances of machine learning because the decision and estimation rules
depend on a corpus of samples drawn from the problem environment. We will
explore some of the statistical methods later in the book. Details about the
statistical theory underlying these methods can be found in Orlitsky (Orlitsky,
Santhanam, Viswanathan, & Zhang, 2005).

 Brian Models: Non linear elements with weighted inputs have been suggested as
simple models of biological neurons. Networks of these elements have been
studied by several researchers including (Rajesh P. N. Rao, 2002). Brain modelers
are interested in how closely these networks approximate the learning phenomena
of living brain. We shall see that several important machine learning techniques are
based on networks of nonlinear elements often called neural networks. Work
inspired by this school is some times called connectionism, brain-style computation
or sub-symbolic processing.

 Adaptive Control Theory: Control theorists study the problem of controlling a

process having unknown parameters which must be estimated during operation.
Often, the parameters change during operation and the control process must track
these changes. Some aspects of controlling a robot based on sensory inputs
represent instances of this sort of problem.
6 New Advances in Machine Learning

 Psychological Models: Psychologists have studied the performance of humans in

various learning tasks. An early example is the EPAM network for storing and
retrieving one member of a pair of words when given another (Friedberg, 1958).
Related work led to a number of early decision tree, (Hunt, 1966) and semantic
network, (Anderson, 1995) methods. More recent work of this sort has been
influenced by activities in artificial intelligence which we will be presenting. Some
of the work in reinforcement learning can be traced to efforts to model how reward
stimuli influence the learning of goal seeking behaviour in animals, (Richard S.
Sutton, 1998). Reinforcement learning is an important theme in machine learning

 Artificial Intelligence From the beginning, AI research has been concerned with
machine learning. Samuel developed a prominent early program that learned
parameters of a function for evaluating board positions in the game of checkers. AI
researchers have also explored the role of analogies in learning and how future
actions and decisions can be based on previous exemplary cases. Recent work has
been directed at discovering rules for expert systems using decision tree methods
and inductive logic programming Another theme has been saving and
generalizing the results of problem solving using explanation based learning,
(Mooney, 2000) ,(Y. Chali, 2009).

 Evolutionary Models
In nature, not only do individual animals learn to perform better, but species
evolve to be better fit in their individual niches. Since the distinction between
evolving and learning can be blurred in computer systems, techniques that model
certain aspects of biological evolution have been proposed as learning methods to
improve the performance of computer programs. Genetic algorithms and genetic
programming (Oltean, 2005) are the most prominent computational techniques for

2. References
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Introduction to Machine Learning 7

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8 New Advances in Machine Learning

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Machine Learning Overview 9


Machine Learning Overview

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele
University of Portsmouth
United Kingdom

1. Machine Learning Overview

Machine Learning according to Michie et al (D. Michie, 1994) is generally taken to
encompass automatic computing procedures based on logical or binary operations that
learn a task from a series of examples. Here we are just concerned with classification, and it
is arguable what should come under the Machine Learning umbrella. Attention has
focussed on decision-tree approaches, in which classification results from a sequence of
logical steps. These are capable of representing the most complex problem given sufficient
data (but this may mean an enormous amount!). Other techniques, such as genetic
algorithms and inductive logic procedures (ILP), are currently under active development
and in principle would allow us to deal with more general types of data, including cases
where the number and type of attributes may vary, and where additional layers of learning
are superimposed, with hierarchical structure of attributes and classes and so on. Machine
Learning aims to generate classifying expressions simple enough to be understood easily by
the human. They must mimic human reasoning sufficiently to provide insight into the
decision process. Like statistical approaches, background knowledge may be exploited in
development, but operation is assumed without human intervention.
To learn is:
 to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or
study or to gain knowledge (of something) or acquire skill in (some art or
 to acquire experience of or an ability or a skill in
 to memorize (something), to gain by experience, example, or practice.

Machine Learning can be defines as a process of building computer systems that

automatically improve with experience, and implement a learning process. Machine
Learning can still be defined as learning the theory automatically from the data,
through a process of inference, model fitting, or learning from examples:

 Automated extraction of useful information from a body of data by

building good probabilistic models.
 Ideally suited for areas with lots of data in the absence of a general theory.
10 New Advances in Machine Learning

A major focus of machine learning research is to automatically produce models and

a model is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the main
working of a system, or concept, such as rules determinate rule for performing a
mathematical operation and obtaining a certain result, a function from sets of formulae to
formulae, and patterns ( model which can be used to generate things or parts of a thing from
Learning is a MANY-FACETED PHENOMENON as described by Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983) and also stated that Learning processes include the acquisition of new
declarative knowledge, the development of motor and cognitive skills through instruction
or practice, the organization of new knowledge into general, effective representations, and
the discovery of new facts and theories through observation and experimentation. The study
and computer modelling of learning processes in their multiple manifestations constitutes
the subject matter of machine learning. Although machine learning has been a central
concern in artificial intelligence since the early days when the idea of “self-organizing
systems” was popular, the limitations inherent in the early neural network approaches led to
a temporary decline in research volume. More recently, new symbolic methods and
knowledge-intensive techniques have yielded promising results and these in turn have led
to the current, revival in machine learning research. This book examines some basic
methodological issues, existing techniques, proposes a classification of machine learning
techniques, and provides a historical review of the major research directions.
Machine Learning according to Michie et al (D. Michie, 1994) is generally taken to
encompass automatic computing procedures based on logical or binary operations that
learn a task from a series of examples. Here we are just concerned with classification, and it
is arguable what should come under the Machine Learning umbrella. Attention has
focussed on decision-tree approaches, in which classification results from a sequence of
logical steps. These are capable of representing the most complex problem given sufficient
data (but this may mean an enormous amount!). Other techniques, such as genetic
algorithms and inductive logic procedures (ILP), are currently under active development
and in principle would allow us to deal with more general types of data, including cases
where the number and type of attributes may vary, and where additional layers of learning
are superimposed, with hierarchical structure of attributes and classes and so on. Machine
Learning aims to generate classifying expressions simple enough to be understood easily by
the human. They must mimic human reasoning sufficiently to provide insight into the
decision process. Like statistical approaches, background knowledge may be exploited in
development, but operation is assumed without human intervention. Machine learning has
always been an integral part of artificial intelligence according to Jaime et al (Jaime G.
Carbonell, 1983), and its methodology has evolved in concert, with the major concerns of the
field. In response to the difficulties of encoding ever increasing volumes of knowledge in
model AI systems, many researchers have recently turned their attention to machine
learning as a means to overcome the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. This book presents
a taxonomic analysis of machine learning organized primarily by learning strategies and
secondarily by knowledge representation and application areas. A historical survey out
lining the development of various approaches to machine learning is presented from early
neural networks to present knowledge-intensive techniques.
Machine Learning Overview 11

1.1 The Aim of Machine Learning

The field of machine learning can be organized around three primary research Areas:

 Task-Oriented Studies: The development and analysis of learning

systems oriented toward solving a predetermined set, of tasks (also
known as the “engineering approach”).
 Cognitive Simulation: The investigation and computer simulation of
human learning processes (also known as the “cognitive modelling
 Theoretical Analysis: the theoretical exploration of the space of possible
learning methods and algorithms independent application domain.

Although many research efforts strive primarily towards one of these objectives, progress in
on objective often lends to progress in another. For example, in order to investigate the
space of possible learning methods, a reasonable starting point may be to consider the only
known example of robust learning behaviour, namely humans (and perhaps other biological
systems) Similarly, psychological investigations of human learning may held by theoretical
analysis that may suggest various possible learning models. The need to acquire a particular
form of knowledge in stone task-oriented study may itself spawn new theoretical analysis or
pose the question: “how do humans acquire this specific skill (or knowledge)?” The
existence of these mutually supportive objectives reflects the entire field of artificial
intelligence where expert system research, cognitive simulation, and theoretical studies
provide some (cross-fertilization of problems and ideas (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).

1.1.1 Applied Learning Systems

At, present, instructing a computer or a computer-controlled robot, to perform a task
requires one to define a complete and correct, algorithm for that task, and then laboriously
program the algorithm into a computer. These activities typically involve a tedious and
time-consuming effort by specially trained personnel. Present-day computer systems cannot
truly learn to perform a task through examples or by analogy to a similar, previous-solved
task. Nor can they improve significantly on the basis of past, mistakes or acquire new
abilities by observing and imitating experts. Machine learning research strives to open the
possibility of instructing computers in such new ways, and thereby promises to ease the
burden of hand-programming growing volumes of increasingly complex information into
the computers of tomorrow. The rapid expansion of application and availability of
computers today makes this possibility even more attractive and desirable.

1.1.2 Knowledge acquisition

When approaching a task-oriented knowledge acquisition task, one must be aware that, the
resultant computer system must interact with humans, and therefore should closely parallel
human abilities. The traditional argument that an engineering approach need not reflect
human or biological performance and is not, truly applicable to machine learning. Since
airplane, a successful result on an almost pure engineering approach, better little
resemblance to their biological counterparts, one may argue that applied knowledge
12 New Advances in Machine Learning

acquisition systems could be equally divorced from any consideration of human

capabilities. This argument does not apply
here because airplanes need not interact, with or understand birds Learning machines, on
the other hand, will have to interact, with the people who make use of them, and
consequently the concept and skills they acquire- if not necessarily their internal mechanism
and must be understandable to human.

1.2 Machine Learning as a Science

The clear contender for a cognitive invariant in human is the learning mechanism which is
the ability facts, skills and more abstractive concepts. Therefore understanding human
learning well enough to reproduce aspect of that learning behaviour in a computer system
is, in itself, a worthy scientific goal. Moreover, the computer can render substantial
assistance to cognitive psychology, in that it may be used to test the consistency and
completeness of learning theories and enforce a commitment to the fine-structure process-
level detail that precludes meaningless tautological or untestable theories (Bishop, 2006).
The study of human learning processes is also of considerable practical significance.
Gaining insights into the principles underlying human learning abilities is likely to lead to
more effective educational techniques. Machine learning research is all about developing
intelligent computer assistant or a computer tutoring systems and many of these goals are
shared within the machine learning fields. According to Jaime et al (Jaime G. Carbonell,
1983) who stated computer tutoring are starting to incorporate abilities to infer models of
student competence from observed performance. Inferring the scope of a student’s
knowledge and skills in a particular area allows much more effective and individualized
tutoring of the student (Sleeman, 1983).
The basic scientific objective of machine learning is the exploration of possible learning
mechanisms, including the discovery of different induction algorithms, the scope of
theoretical limitations of certain method seems to be the information that must be available
to the learner, the issue of coping with imperfect training data and the creation of general
techniques applicable in many task domains. There is not reason to believe that human
learning methods are the only possible mean of acquiring knowledge and skills. In fact,
common sense suggests that human learning represents just one point in an uncharted space
of possible learning methods- a point that through the evolutionary process is particularly
well suited to cope with the general physical environment in which we exist. Most
theoretical work in machine learning are centred on creation, characterization and analysis
of general learning methods, with the major emphasis on analyzing generality and
performance rather than psychological plausibility.
Whereas theoretical analysis provides a means of exploring the space of possible learning
methods, the task-oriented approach provides a vehicle to test and improve the
performance of functional learning systems and testing applied learning systems, one can
determine the cost-effectiveness trade-offs and limitations of particular approaches to
learning. In this way, individual data points in the space possible learning systems are
explored and the space itself becomes better understood.
Knowledge Acquisition and Skill Refinement: There are two basic form of learning:

1) Knowledge Acquisition
2) Skill refinement
Machine Learning Overview 13

When it is said that someone learned mathematics, it means that this person acquired
concepts of mathematics, understood the meaning and their relationship to each other as
well as to the world. The importance of learning in this case is acquisition of knowledge,
including the description and models of physical systems and their behaviours,
incorporating a variety of representations from simple intrusive mental model models,
examples and images to completely test mathematical equations and physical laws. A
person is said to have learned more if this knowledge explains a broader scope of situations,
is more accurate, and is better able to predict the behaviour of the typical world (Allix,
2003). This form of learning is typically to a large variety of situations and is generally
learned knowledge acquisition. Therefore, knowledge acquisition is defined as learning a
new task coupled with the ability to apply the information in the effective manner.
The second form of learning is the gradual improvement of motor and cognitive skills
through practice- Learning by practice. Learning such as:

 Learning to drive a car

 Learning to play keyboard
 Learning to ride a bicycle
 Learning to play piano

If one acquire all textbook knowledge on how to perform these aforementioned activities,
this represent the initial phase in developing the required skills. So, the major part of the
learning process consists of taming the acquired skill, and improving the mental or motor
coordination or learning coordination by repeated practice and correction of deviations from
desired behaviour. This form of learning often called skill taming. This differs in many ways
from knowledge acquisition. Where knowledge acquisition may be a conscious process
whose result is the creation of new representative knowledge structures and mental models,
and skill taming is learning from example or learning from repeated practice without
concerted conscious effort. Jamie (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) explained that most human
learning appears to be a mixture of both activities, with intellectual endeavours favouring
the former and motor coordination tasks favouring the latter. Present machine learning
research focuses on the knowledge acquisition aspect, although some investigations,
specifically those concerned with learning in problem-solving and transforming declarative
instructions into effective actions, touch on aspects of both types of learning. Whereas
knowledge acquisition clearly belongs in the realm of artificial intelligence research, a case
could be made that skill refinement comes closer to non-symbolic processes such as those
studied in adaptative control system. Hence, perhaps both forms of learning- (knowledge
based and refinement learning) can be captured in artificial intelligence models.

1.3 Classification of Machine Learning

There are several areas of machine learning that could be exploited to solve the problems of
email management and our approach implemented unsupervised machine learning method.
Uunsupervised learning is a method of machine learning whereby the algorithm is
presented with examples from the input space only and a model is fit to these observations.
For example, a clustering algorithm would be a form of unsupervised learning.
“Unsupervised learning is a method of machine learning where a model is fit to
observations. It is distinguished from supervised learning by the fact that there is no a priori
14 New Advances in Machine Learning

output. In unsupervised learning, a data set of input objects is gathered. Unsupervised

learning then typically treats input objects as a set of random variables. A joint density
model is then built for the data set. The problem of unsupervised learning involved
learning patterns in the input when no specific output values are supplied” according to
Russell (Russell, 2003).
In the unsupervised learning problem, we observe only the features and have no measurements
of the outcome. Our task is rather to describe how the data are organized or clustered”.
Hastie (Trevor Hastie, 2001) explained that "In unsupervised learning or clustering there is no
explicit teacher, and the system forms clusters or “natural groupings” of the input patterns.
“Natural” is always defined explicitly or implicitly in the clustering system itself; and given
a particular set of patterns or cost function, different clustering algorithms lead to different
clusters. Often the user will set the hypothesized number of different clusters ahead of time,
but how should this be done? How do we avoid inappropriate representations?"
according to Duda (Richard O. Duda, 2000).
There are various categories in the field of artificial intelligence. The classifications of
machine learning systems are:

 Supervised Machine Learning: Supervised learning is a machine learning

technique for learning a function from training data. The training data consist of
pairs of input objects (typically vectors), and desired outputs. The output of the
function can be a continuous value (called regression), or can predict a class label of
the input object (called classification). The task of the supervised learner is to
predict the value of the function for any valid input object after having seen a
number of training examples (i.e. pairs of input and target output). To achieve this,
the learner has to generalize from the presented data to unseen situations in a
"reasonable" way (see inductive bias). (Compare with unsupervised learning.)
Supervised learning is a machine learning technique whereby the algorithm is first
presented with training data which consists of examples which include both the
inputs and the desired outputs; thus enabling it to learn a function. The learner
should then be able to generalize from the presented data to unseen examples."
by Mitchell (Mitchell, 2006). Supervised learning also implies we are given a
training set of (X, Y) pairs by a “teacher”. We know (sometimes only
approximately) the values of f for the m samples in the training set,  we assume
that if we can find a hypothesis, h, that closely agrees with f for the members of ‫ؠ‬
then this hypothesis will be a good guess for f especially if  is large. Curvefitting
is a simple example of supervised learning of a function. Suppose we are given the
values of a two-dimensional function. f, at the four sample points shown by the
solid circles in Figure 9. We want to fit these four points with a function, h, drawn
from the set, H, of second-degree functions. We show there a two-dimensional
parabolic surface above the x1 . x2 , plane that fits the points. This parabolic
function, h, is our hypothesis about the function f, which produced the four
samples. In this case, h  f at the four samples, but we need not have required
exact matches. Read more in section 3.1.
Machine Learning Overview 15

 Unsupervised Machine Learning: Unsupervised learning1 is a type of machine

learning where manual labels of inputs are not used. It is distinguished from
supervised learning approaches which learn how to perform a task, such as
classification or regression, using a set of human prepared examples.
.Unsupervised learning means we are only given the Xs and some (ultimate)
feedback function on our performance. We simply have a training set of vectors
without function values of them. The problem in this case, typically, is to partition
the training set into subsets,  1 ….  R , in some appropriate way.

1.3.1 Classification of Machine Learning

Classification of machine learning system could be implemented along many different
dimensions and we have chosen these two dimensions:

 Inference Learning: This is a form of classification on the basis of underlying

strategy that is involved. These strategies will depend on the amount of inference
the learning system performs on the information provided to the system.
Now learning strategies are distinguished by the amount of inference the learner
performs on the information provided. So, if a computer system performs email
classification for example, it knowledge increases but this may not perform any
inference on the new information, this means all cognitive efforts is on the part of
the analyst or programmer. But if the machine learning classifier independently
discovers new theories or adopt new concepts, this will perform a very substantial
inference. This is what is called deriving knowledge from example or experiments or by
observation. An example is: When a student wants to solve statistical problems in a
text book – this is a process that involves inference but the solution is not to
discover a brand new formula without guidance from a teacher or text book. So, as
the amount of inference that the learner is capable of performing increases, the
burdens placed on the teacher or on external environ decreases. According to Jaime
(Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983) , (Anil Mathur, 1999) who stated that it is much more
difficult to teach a person by explaining each steps in a complex task than by
showing that person the way that similar tasks are usually done. It more difficult
yet to programme a computer to perform a complex task than to instruct a person
to perform the task; as programming requires explicit specification of all
prerequisite details, whereas a person receiving instruction can use prior
knowledge and common sense to fill in most mundane details.
 Knowledge Representation: This is a form of skill acquire by the learner on the
basis of the type of representation of the knowledge.

1.3.2 Existing Learning Systems

There are many other existing learning systems that employ multiple strategies and
knowledge representations and some have been applied to more than one. In the
knowledge based machine learning method, no inference is used but the learner display the
transformation of knowledge in varieties of ways:
16 New Advances in Machine Learning

 Learning by being programmed: When an algorithm or code is written to

perform specific task. E.g. a code is written as a guessing game for the type of
animal. Such a programme could be modified by external entity.
 Learning by memorisation: This is by memorising given facts or data with no
inference drawn from the incoming information or data.
 Learning from examples: This is a special case of inductive learning. Given a
set of examples and counterexamples of a concept, the learner induces a
general concept description that describes all of the positive examples and
none of the counterexamples. Learning from examples is a method has been
heavily investigated in artificial intelligence field. The amount of inference
perform by the learner is much greater than in learning from instructions,
(Anil Mathur, 1999), (Jaime G. Carbonell, 1983).
 Learning from Observation: This is an unsupervised learning approach and is
a very general form of inductive learning that includes discovery systems,
theory formation tasks, the creation of classification criteria to form taxonomic
hierarchies and similar task to be performed without benefit of an external
teacher. Unsupervised learning requires the learner to perform more inference
than any approach as previously explained. The learner is not provided with a
set if data or instance of a particular concept. The above classification of
learning strategies should help one to compare various learning systems in
terms of their underlying mechanisms, in terms of the available external
source of information and in terms of the degree to which they reply on pre-
organised knowledge. Read more in section 3.2.

1.4 Machine Learning Applications

The other aspect for classifying learning systems is the area of application which gives a
new dimension for machine learning. Below are areas to which various existing learning
systems have been applied. They are:
1) Computer Programming
2) Game playing (chess, poker, and so on)
3) Image recognition, Speech recognition
4) Medical diagnosis
5) Agriculture, Physics
6) Email management, Robotics
7) Music
8) Mathematics
9) Natural Language Processing and many more.

2. References
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Practices. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice .
Alpaydin, E. (2004). Introduction to Machine Learning. Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press.
Anderson, J. R. (1995). Learning and Memory. Wiley, New York, USA.
Machine Learning Overview 17

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Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 19


Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

Taiwo Oladipupo Ayodele
University of Portsmouth
United Kingdom

1. Machine Learning: Algorithms Types

Machine learning algorithms are organized into taxonomy, based on the desired outcome of
the algorithm. Common algorithm types include:

• Supervised learning --- where the algorithm generates a function that maps inputs
to desired outputs. One standard formulation of the supervised learning task is the
classification problem: the learner is required to learn (to approximate the behavior
of) a function which maps a vector into one of several classes by looking at several
input-output examples of the function.
• Unsupervised learning --- which models a set of inputs: labeled examples are not
• Semi-supervised learning --- which combines both labeled and unlabeled examples
to generate an appropriate function or classifier.
• Reinforcement learning --- where the algorithm learns a policy of how to act given
an observation of the world. Every action has some impact in the environment, and
the environment provides feedback that guides the learning algorithm.
• Transduction --- similar to supervised learning, but does not explicitly construct a
function: instead, tries to predict new outputs based on training inputs, training
outputs, and new inputs.
• Learning to learn --- where the algorithm learns its own inductive bias based on
previous experience.

The performance and computational analysis of machine learning algorithms is a branch of

statistics known as computational learning theory.
Machine learning is about designing algorithms that allow a computer to learn. Learning is
not necessarily involves consciousness but learning is a matter of finding statistical
regularities or other patterns in the data. Thus, many machine learning algorithms will
barely resemble how human might approach a learning task. However, learning algorithms
can give insight into the relative difficulty of learning in different environments.
20 New Advances in Machine Learning

1.1 Supervised Learning Approach

Supervised learning 1 is fairly common in classification problems because the goal is often to
get the computer to learn a classification system that we have created. Digit recognition,
once again, is a common example of classification learning. More generally, classification
learning is appropriate for any problem where deducing a classification is useful and the
classification is easy to determine. In some cases, it might not even be necessary to give pre-
determined classifications to every instance of a problem if the agent can work out the
classifications for itself. This would be an example of unsupervised learning in a
classification context.
Supervised learning 2 often leaves the probability for inputs undefined. This model is not
needed as long as the inputs are available, but if some of the input values are missing, it is
not possible to infer anything about the outputs. Unsupervised learning, all the observations
are assumed to be caused by latent variables, that is, the observations is assumed to be at the
end of the causal chain. Examples of supervised learning and unsupervised learning are
shown in the figure 1 below:

Fig. 1. Examples of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Supervised learning 3 is the most common technique for training neural networks and
decision trees. Both of these techniques are highly dependent on the information given by
the pre-determined classifications. In the case of neural networks, the classification is used
to determine the error of the network and then adjust the network to minimize it, and in
decision trees, the classifications are used to determine what attributes provide the most
information that can be used to solve the classification puzzle. We'll look at both of these in
more detail, but for now, it should be sufficient to know that both of these examples thrive
on having some "supervision" in the form of pre-determined classifications.
Inductive machine learning is the process of learning a set of rules from instances (examples
in a training set), or more generally speaking, creating a classifier that can
be used to generalize from new instances. The process of applying supervised ML to a real-
world problem is described in Figure F. The first step is collecting the dataset. If a requisite
expert is available, then s/he could suggest which fields (attributes, features) are the most

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 21

informative. If not, then the simplest method is that of “brute-force,” which means
measuring everything available in the hope that the right (informative, relevant) features
can be isolated. However, a dataset collected by the “brute-force” method is not directly
suitable for induction. It contains in most cases noise and missing feature values, and
therefore requires significant pre-processing according to Zhang et al (Zhang, 2002).
The second step is the data preparation and data pre-processing. Depending on the
circumstances, researchers have a number of methods to choose from to handle missing data
(Batista, 2003). Hodge et al (Hodge, 2004) , have recently introduced a survey of
contemporary techniques for outlier (noise) detection. These researchers have identified the
techniques’ advantages and disadvantages. Instance selection is not only used to handle
noise but to cope with the infeasibility of learning from very large datasets. Instance
selection in these datasets is an optimization problem that attempts to maintain the mining
quality while minimizing the sample size. It reduces data and enables a data mining
algorithm to function and work effectively with very large datasets. There is a variety of
procedures for sampling instances from a large dataset. See figure 2 below.
Feature subset selection is the process of identifying and removing as many irrelevant and
redundant features as possible (Yu, 2004) . This reduces the dimensionality of the data and
enables data mining algorithms to operate faster and more effectively. The fact that many
features depend on one another often unduly influences the accuracy of supervised ML
classification models. This problem can be addressed by constructing new features from the
basic feature set. This technique is called feature construction/transformation. These newly
generated features may lead to the creation of more concise and accurate classifiers. In
addition, the discovery of meaningful features contributes to better comprehensibility of the
produced classifier, and a better understanding of the learned concept.Speech recognition
using hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks relies on some elements of
supervision as well in order to adjust parameters to, as usual, minimize the error on the
given inputs.Notice something important here: in the classification problem, the goal of the
learning algorithm is to minimize the error with respect to the given inputs. These inputs,
often called the "training set", are the examples from which the agent tries to learn. But
learning the training set well is not necessarily the best thing to do. For instance, if I tried to
teach you exclusive-or, but only showed you combinations consisting of one true and one
false, but never both false or both true, you might learn the rule that the answer is always
true. Similarly, with machine learning algorithms, a common problem is over-fitting the
data and essentially memorizing the training set rather than learning a more general
classification technique. As you might imagine, not all training sets have the inputs
classified correctly. This can lead to problems if the algorithm used is powerful enough to
memorize even the apparently "special cases" that don't fit the more general principles. This,
too, can lead to over fitting, and it is a challenge to find algorithms that are both powerful
enough to learn complex functions and robust enough to produce generalisable results.
22 New Advances in Machine Learning


Identification of

Data Pre-Processing

Definition of training set


Tuning Training

Evaluation with test


YES Classifier

Fig. 2. Machine Learning Supervise Process

1.2 Unsupervised learning

Unsupervised learning 4 seems much harder: the goal is to have the computer learn how to
do something that we don't tell it how to do! There are actually two approaches to
unsupervised learning. The first approach is to teach the agent not by giving explicit
categorizations, but by using some sort of reward system to indicate success. Note that this
type of training will generally fit into the decision problem framework because the goal is
not to produce a classification but to make decisions that maximize rewards. This approach
nicely generalizes to the real world, where agents might be rewarded for doing certain

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 23

actions and punished for doing others. Often, a form of reinforcement learning can be used
for unsupervised learning, where the agent bases its actions on the previous rewards and
punishments without necessarily even learning any information about the exact ways that
its actions affect the world. In a way, all of this information is unnecessary because by
learning a reward function, the agent simply knows what to do without any processing
because it knows the exact reward it expects to achieve for each action it could take. This can
be extremely beneficial in cases where calculating every possibility is very time consuming
(even if all of the transition probabilities between world states were known). On the other
hand, it can be very time consuming to learn by, essentially, trial and error. But this kind of
learning can be powerful because it assumes no pre-discovered classification of examples. In
some cases, for example, our classifications may not be the best possible. One striking
exmaple is that the conventional wisdom about the game of backgammon was turned on its
head when a series of computer programs (neuro-gammon and TD-gammon) that learned
through unsupervised learning became stronger than the best human chess players merely
by playing themselves over and over. These programs discovered some principles that
surprised the backgammon experts and performed better than backgammon programs
trained on pre-classified examples. A second type of unsupervised learning is called
clustering. In this type of learning, the goal is not to maximize a utility function, but simply
to find similarities in the training data. The assumption is often that the clusters discovered
will match reasonably well with an intuitive classification. For instance, clustering
individuals based on demographics might result in a clustering of the wealthy in one group
and the poor in another. Although the algorithm won't have names to assign to these
clusters, it can produce them and then use those clusters to assign new examples into one or
the other of the clusters. This is a data-driven approach that can work well when there is
sufficient data; for instance, social information filtering algorithms, such as those that use to recommend books, are based on the principle of finding similar groups
of people and then assigning new users to groups. In some cases, such as with social
information filtering, the information about other members of a cluster (such as what books
they read) can be sufficient for the algorithm to produce meaningful results. In other cases, it
may be the case that the clusters are merely a useful tool for a human analyst.
Unfortunately, even unsupervised learning suffers from the problem of overfitting the
training data. There's no silver bullet to avoiding the problem because any algorithm that
can learn from its inputs needs to be quite powerful.
Unsupervised learning algorithms according to Ghahramani (Ghahramani, 2008) are
designed to extract structure from data samples. The quality of a structure is measured by a
cost function which is usually minimized to infer optimal parameters characterizing the
hidden structure in the data. Reliable and robust inference requires a guarantee that
extracted structures are typical for the data source, i.e., similar structures have to be
extracted from a second sample set of the same data source. Lack of robustness is known as
over fitting from the statistics and the machine learning literature. In this talk I characterize
the over fitting phenomenon for a class of histogram clustering models which play a
prominent role in information retrieval, linguistic and computer vision applications.
Learning algorithms with robustness to sample fluctuations are derived from large
deviation results and the maximum entropy principle for the learning process.
24 New Advances in Machine Learning

Unsupervised learning has produced many successes, such as world-champion calibre

backgammon programs and even machines capable of driving cars! It can be a powerful
technique when there is an easy way to assign values to actions. Clustering can be useful
when there is enough data to form clusters (though this turns out to be difficult at times)
and especially when additional data about members of a cluster can be used to produce
further results due to dependencies in the data. Classification learning is powerful when the
classifications are known to be correct (for instance, when dealing with diseases, it's
generally straight-forward to determine the design after the fact by an autopsy), or when the
classifications are simply arbitrary things that we would like the computer to be able to
recognize for us. Classification learning is often necessary when the decisions made by the
algorithm will be required as input somewhere else. Otherwise, it wouldn't be easy for
whoever requires that input to figure out what it means. Both techniques can be valuable
and which one you choose should depend on the circumstances--what kind of problem is
being solved, how much time is allotted to solving it (supervised learning or clustering is
often faster than reinforcement learning techniques), and whether supervised learning is
even possible.

1.3 Algorithm Types

In the area of supervised learning which deals much with classification. These are the
algorithms types:

• Linear Classifiers
 Logical Regression
 Naïve Bayes Classifier
 Perceptron
 Support Vector Machine
• Quadratic Classifiers
• K-Means Clustering
• Boosting
• Decision Tree
 Random Forest
• Neural networks
• Bayesian Networks

Linear Classifiers: In machine learning, the goal of classification is to group items that have
similar feature values, into groups. Timothy et al (Timothy Jason Shepard, 1998) stated that
a linear classifier achieves this by making a classification decision based on the value of
the linear combination of the features. If the input feature vector to the classifier is
a real vector , then the output score is
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 25

where is a real vector of weights and f is a function that converts the dot product of the
two vectors into the desired output. The weight vector is learned from a set of labelled
training samples. Often f is a simple function that maps all values above a certain threshold
to the first class and all other values to the second class. A more complex f might give the
probability that an item belongs to a certain class.
For a two-class classification problem, one can visualize the operation of a linear classifier as
splitting a high-dimensional input space with a hyperplane: all points on one side of the
hyper plane are classified as "yes", while the others are classified as "no". A linear classifier is
often used in situations where the speed of classification is an issue, since it is often the
fastest classifier, especially when is sparse. However, decision trees can be faster. Also,
linear classifiers often work very well when the number of dimensions in is large, as
in document classification, where each element in is typically the number of counts of a
word in a document (see document-term matrix). In such cases, the classifier should be well-

• Support Vector Machine: A Support Vector Machine as stated by Luis et al

(Luis Gonz, 2005) (SVM) performs classification by constructing an N-
dimensional hyper plane that optimally separates the data into two
categories. SVM models are closely related to neural networks. In fact, a SVM
model using a sigmoid kernel function is equivalent to a two-
layer, perceptron neural network.
Support Vector Machine (SVM) models are a close cousin to classical
multilayer perceptron neural networks. Using a kernel function, SVM’s are
an alternative training method for polynomial, radial basis function and
multi-layer perceptron classifiers in which the weights of the network are
found by solving a quadratic programming problem with linear constraints,
rather than by solving a non-convex, unconstrained minimization problem as
in standard neural network training.
In the parlance of SVM literature, a predictor variable is called an attribute,
and a transformed attribute that is used to define the hyper plane is called
a feature. The task of choosing the most suitable representation is known
as feature selection. A set of features that describes one case (i.e., a row of
predictor values) is called a vector. So the goal of SVM modelling is to find
the optimal hyper plane that separates clusters of vector in such a way that
cases with one category of the target variable are on one side of the plane and
cases with the other category are on the other size of the plane. The vectors
near the hyper plane are the support vectors. The figure below presents an
overview of the SVM process.
26 New Advances in Machine Learning

A Two-Dimensional Example
Before considering N-dimensional hyper planes, let’s look at a simple 2-dimensional
example. Assume we wish to perform a classification, and our data has a categorical target
variable with two categories. Also assume that there are two predictor variables with
continuous values. If we plot the data points using the value of one predictor on the X axis
and the other on the Y axis we might end up with an image such as shown below. One
category of the target variable is represented by rectangles while the other category is
represented by ovals.

In this idealized example, the cases with one category are in the lower left corner and the
cases with the other category are in the upper right corner; the cases are completely
separated. The SVM analysis attempts to find a 1-dimensional hyper plane (i.e. a line) that
separates the cases based on their target categories. There are an infinite number of possible
lines; two candidate lines are shown above. The question is which line is better, and how do
we define the optimal line.
The dashed lines drawn parallel to the separating line mark the distance between the
dividing line and the closest vectors to the line. The distance between the dashed lines is
called the margin. The vectors (points) that constrain the width of the margin are the support
vectors. The following figure illustrates this.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 27

An SVM analysis (Luis Gonz, 2005) finds the line (or, in general, hyper plane) that is
oriented so that the margin between the support vectors is maximized. In the figure above,
the line in the right panel is superior to the line in the left panel.
If all analyses consisted of two-category target variables with two predictor variables, and
the cluster of points could be divided by a straight line, life would be easy. Unfortunately,
this is not generally the case, so SVM must deal with (a) more than two predictor variables,
(b) separating the points with non-linear curves, (c) handling the cases where clusters
cannot be completely separated, and (d) handling classifications with more than two
In this chapter, we shall explain three main machine learning techniques with their
examples and how they perform in reality. These are:

• K-Means Clustering
• Neural Network
• Self Organised Map

1.3.1 K-Means Clustering

The basic step of k-means clustering is uncomplicated. In the beginning we determine
number of cluster K and we assume the centre of these clusters. We can take any random
objects as the initial centre or the first K objects in sequence can also serve as the initial
centre. Then the K means algorithm will do the three steps below until convergence.
Iterate until stable (= no object move group):

1. Determine the centre coordinate

2. Determine the distance of each object to the centre
3. Group the object based on minimum distance

The Figure 3 shows a K- means flow diagram

28 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 3. K-means iteration

K-means (Bishop C. M., 1995) and (Tapas Kanungo, 2002) is one of the simplest
unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the well known clustering problem. The
procedure follows a simple and easy way to classify a given data set through a certain
number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a priori. The main idea is to define k centroids,
one for each cluster. These centroids shoud be placed in a cunning way because of different
location causes different result. So, the better choice is to place them as much as possible far
away from each other. The next step is to take each point belonging to a given data set and
associate it to the nearest centroid. When no point is pending, the first step is completed and
an early groupage is done. At this point we need to re-calculate k new centroids as
barycenters of the clusters resulting from the previous step. After we have these k new
centroids, a new binding has to be done between the same data set points and the nearest
new centroid. A loop has been generated. As a result of this loop we may notice that the k
centroids change their location step by step until no more changes are done. In other words
centroids do not move any more.
Finally, this algorithm aims at minimizing an objective function, in this case a squared error
function. The objective function

Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 29

where is a chosen distance measure between a data point and the cluster

centre , is an indicator of the distance of the n data points from their respective cluster
The algorithm in figure 4 is composed of the following steps:

1. Place K points into the space represented by the objects that

are being clustered. These points represent initial group
2. Assign each object to the group that has the closest
3. When all objects have been assigned, recalculate the
positions of the K centroids.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the centroids no longer move.
This produces a separation of the objects into groups from
which the metric to be minimized can be calculated.

Although it can be proved that the procedure will always terminate, the k-means algorithm
does not necessarily find the most optimal configuration, corresponding to the global
objective function minimum. The algorithm is also significantly sensitive to the initial
randomly selected cluster centres. The k-means algorithm can be run multiple times to
reduce this effect. K-means is a simple algorithm that has been adapted to many problem
domains. As we are going to see, it is a good candidate for extension to work with fuzzy
feature vectors.
An example
Suppose that we have n sample feature vectors x1, x2, ..., xn all from the same class, and we
know that they fall into k compact clusters, k < n. Let mi be the mean of the vectors in cluster
i. If the clusters are well separated, we can use a minimum-distance classifier to separate
them. That is, we can say that x is in cluster i if || x - mi || is the minimum of all the k
distances. This suggests the following procedure for finding the k means:

• Make initial guesses for the means m1, m2, ..., mk

• Until there are no changes in any mean
• Use the estimated means to classify the samples into clusters
• For i from 1 to k
30 New Advances in Machine Learning

• Replace mi with the mean of all of the samples for

cluster i
• end_for
• end_until

Here is an example showing how the means m1 and m2 move into the centers of two

This is a simple version of the k-means procedure. It can be viewed as a greedy algorithm
for partitioning the n samples into k clusters so as to minimize the sum of the squared
distances to the cluster centers. It does have some weaknesses:

• The way to initialize the means was not specified. One popular way to start is to
randomly choose k of the samples.
• The results produced depend on the initial values for the means, and it frequently
happens that suboptimal partitions are found. The standard solution is to try a
number of different starting points.
• It can happen that the set of samples closest to mi is empty, so that mi cannot be
updated. This is an annoyance that must be handled in an implementation, but that
we shall ignore.
• The results depend on the metric used to measure || x - mi ||. A popular solution
is to normalize each variable by its standard deviation, though this is not always
• The results depend on the value of k.

This last problem is particularly troublesome, since we often have no way of knowing how
many clusters exist. In the example shown above, the same algorithm applied to the same
data produces the following 3-means clustering. Is it better or worse than the 2-means
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 31

Unfortunately there is no general theoretical solution to find the optimal number of clusters
for any given data set. A simple approach is to compare the results of multiple runs with
different k classes and choose the best one according to a given criterion

1.3.2 Neural Network

Neural networks (Bishop C. M., 1995) can actually perform a number of regression
and/or classification tasks at once, although commonly each network performs only one. In
the vast majority of cases, therefore, the network will have a single output variable,
although in the case of many-state classification problems, this may correspond to a number
of output units (the post-processing stage takes care of the mapping from output units to
output variables). If you do define a single network with multiple output variables, it may
suffer from cross-talk (the hidden neurons experience difficulty learning, as they are
attempting to model at least two functions at once). The best solution is usually to train
separate networks for each output, then to combine them into an ensemble so that they can
be run as a unit. Neural methods are:

• Multilayer Perceptrons: This is perhaps the most popular network architecture in

use today, due originally to Rumelhart and McClelland (1986) and discussed at
length in most neural network textbooks (e.g., Bishop, 1995). This is the type of
network discussed briefly in previous sections: the units each perform a biased
weighted sum of their inputs and pass this activation level through a transfer
function to produce their output, and the units are arranged in a layered feed
forward topology. The network thus has a simple interpretation as a form of input-
output model, with the weights and thresholds (biases) the free parameters of the
model. Such networks can model functions of almost arbitrary complexity, with
the number of layers, and the number of units in each layer, determining the
function complexity. Important issues in Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) design
include specification of the number of hidden layers and the number of units in
these layers (Bishop C. M., 1995), (D. Michie, 1994).
The number of input and output units is defined by the problem (there may be
some uncertainty about precisely which inputs to use, a point to which we will
return later. However, for the moment we will assume that the input variables are
32 New Advances in Machine Learning

intuitively selected and are all meaningful). The number of hidden units to use is
far from clear. As good a starting point as any is to use one hidden layer, with the
number of units equal to half the sum of the number of input and output units.
Again, we will discuss how to choose a sensible number later.
• Training Multilayer Perceptrons: Once the number of layers, and number of units
in each layer, has been selected, the network's weights and thresholds must be set
so as to minimize the prediction error made by the network. This is the role of
the training algorithms. The historical cases that you have gathered are used to
automatically adjust the weights and thresholds in order to minimize this error.
This process is equivalent to fitting the model represented by the network to the
training data available. The error of a particular configuration of the network can
be determined by running all the training cases through the network, comparing
the actual output generated with the desired or target outputs. The differences are
combined together by an error function to give the network error. The most
common error functions are the sum squared error (used for regression problems),
where the individual errors of output units on each case are squared and summed
together, and the cross entropy functions (used for maximum likelihood
In traditional modeling approaches (e.g., linear modeling) it is possible to
algorithmically determine the model configuration that absolutely minimizes this
error. The price paid for the greater (non-linear) modeling power of neural
networks is that although we can adjust a network to lower its error, we can never
be sure that the error could not be lower still.

A helpful concept here is the error surface. Each of the N weights and thresholds of the
network (i.e., the free parameters of the model) is taken to be a dimension in space.
The N+1th dimension is the network error. For any possible configuration of weights the
error can be plotted in the N+1th dimension, forming an error surface. The objective of
network training is to find the lowest point in this many-dimensional surface.
In a linear model with sum squared error function, this error surface is a parabola (a
quadratic), which means that it is a smooth bowl-shape with a single minimum. It is
therefore "easy" to locate the minimum.
Neural network error surfaces are much more complex, and are characterized by a number
of unhelpful features, such as local minima (which are lower than the surrounding terrain,
but above the global minimum), flat-spots and plateaus, saddle-points, and long narrow
It is not possible to analytically determine where the global minimum of the error surface is,
and so neural network training is essentially an exploration of the error surface. From an
initially random configuration of weights and thresholds (i.e., a random point on the error
surface), the training algorithms incrementally seek for the global minimum. Typically, the
gradient (slope) of the error surface is calculated at the current point, and used to make a
downhill move. Eventually, the algorithm stops in a low point, which may be a local
minimum (but hopefully is the global minimum).
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 33

• The Back Propagation Algorithm: The best-known example of a neural

network training algorithm is back propagation (Haykin, 19994), (Patterson,
19996), (Fausett, 19994). Modern second-order algorithms such as conjugate
gradient descent and Levenberg-Marquardt (see Bishop, 1995; Shepherd, 1997) (both
included in ST Neural Networks) are substantially faster (e.g., an order of
magnitude faster) for many problems, but back propagation still has advantages in
some circumstances, and is the easiest algorithm to understand. We will introduce
this now, and discuss the more advanced algorithms later. In back propagation, the
gradient vector of the error surface is calculated. This vector points along the line
of steepest descent from the current point, so we know that if we move along it a
"short" distance, we will decrease the error. A sequence of such moves (slowing as
we near the bottom) will eventually find a minimum of some sort. The difficult
part is to decide how large the steps should be.
Large steps may converge more quickly, but may also overstep the solution or (if
the error surface is very eccentric) go off in the wrong direction. A classic example
of this in neural network training is where the algorithm progresses very slowly
along a steep, narrow, valley, bouncing from one side across to the other. In
contrast, very small steps may go in the correct direction, but they also require a
large number of iterations. In practice, the step size is proportional to the slope (so
that the algorithm settles down in a minimum) and to a special constant:
the learning rate. The correct setting for the learning rate is application-dependent,
and is typically chosen by experiment; it may also be time-varying, getting smaller
as the algorithm progresses.

The algorithm is also usually modified by inclusion of a momentum term: this encourages
movement in a fixed direction, so that if several steps are taken in the same direction, the
algorithm "picks up speed", which gives it the ability to (sometimes) escape local minimum,
and also to move rapidly over flat spots and plateaus.
The algorithm therefore progresses iteratively, through a number of epochs. On each epoch,
the training cases are each submitted in turn to the network, and target and actual outputs
compared and the error calculated. This error, together with the error surface gradient, is
used to adjust the weights, and then the process repeats. The initial network configuration is
random, and training stops when a given number of epochs elapses, or when the error
reaches an acceptable level, or when the error stops improving (you can select which of
these stopping conditions to use).

• Over-learning and Generalization: One major problem with the approach

outlined above is that it doesn't actually minimize the error that we are really
interested in - which is the expected error the network will make when new cases
are submitted to it. In other words, the most desirable property of a network is its
ability to generalize to new cases. In reality, the network is trained to minimize the
error on the training set, and short of having a perfect and infinitely large training
set, this is not the same thing as minimizing the error on the real error surface - the
error surface of the underlying and unknown model (Bishop C. M., 1995).
34 New Advances in Machine Learning

The most important manifestation of this distinction is the problem of over-learning,

or over-fitting. It is easiest to demonstrate this concept using polynomial curve fitting rather
than neural networks, but the concept is precisely the same.
A polynomial is an equation with terms containing only constants and powers of the
variables. For example:


Different polynomials have different shapes, with larger powers (and therefore larger
numbers of terms) having steadily more eccentric shapes. Given a set of data, we may want
to fit a polynomial curve (i.e., a model) to explain the data. The data is probably noisy, so we
don't necessarily expect the best model to pass exactly through all the points. A low-order
polynomial may not be sufficiently flexible to fit close to the points, whereas a high-order
polynomial is actually too flexible, fitting the data exactly by adopting a highly eccentric
shape that is actually unrelated to the underlying function. See figure 4 below.

Fig. 4. High-order polynomial sample

Neural networks have precisely the same problem. A network with more weights models a
more complex function, and is therefore prone to over-fitting. A network with less weight
may not be sufficiently powerful to model the underlying function. For example, a network
with no hidden layers actually models a simple linear function. How then can we select the
right complexity of network? A larger network will almost invariably achieve a lower error
eventually, but this may indicate over-fitting rather than good modeling.
The answer is to check progress against an independent data set, the selection set. Some of
the cases are reserved, and not actually used for training in the back propagation algorithm.
Instead, they are used to keep an independent check on the progress of the algorithm. It is
invariably the case that the initial performance of the network on training and selection sets
is the same (if it is not at least approximately the same, the division of cases between the two
sets is probably biased). As training progresses, the training error naturally drops, and
providing training is minimizing the true error function, the selection error drops too.
However, if the selection error stops dropping, or indeed starts to rise, this indicates that the
network is starting to overfit the data, and training should cease. When over-fitting occurs
during the training process like this, it is called over-learning. In this case, it is usually
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 35

advisable to decrease the number of hidden units and/or hidden layers, as the network is
over-powerful for the problem at hand. In contrast, if the network is not sufficiently
powerful to model the underlying function, over-learning is not likely to occur, and neither
training nor selection errors will drop to a satisfactory level.
The problems associated with local minima, and decisions over the size of network to use,
imply that using a neural network typically involves experimenting with a large number of
different networks, probably training each one a number of times (to avoid being fooled by
local minima), and observing individual performances. The key guide to performance here
is the selection error. However, following the standard scientific precept that, all else being
equal, a simple model is always preferable to a complex model, you can also select a smaller
network in preference to a larger one with a negligible improvement in selection error.
A problem with this approach of repeated experimentation is that the selection set plays a
key role in selecting the model, which means that it is actually part of the training process.
Its reliability as an independent guide to performance of the model is therefore
compromised - with sufficient experiments, you may just hit upon a lucky network that
happens to perform well on the selection set. To add confidence in the performance of the
final model, it is therefore normal practice (at least where the volume of training data allows
it) to reserve a third set of cases - the test set. The final model is tested with the test set data,
to ensure that the results on the selection and training set are real, and not artifacts of the
training process. Of course, to fulfill this role properly the test set should be used only once -
if it is in turn used to adjust and reiterate the training process, it effectively becomes
selection data!
This division into multiple subsets is very unfortunate, given that we usually have less data
than we would ideally desire even for a single subset. We can get around this problem by
resampling. Experiments can be conducted using different divisions of the available data
into training, selection, and test sets. There are a number of approaches to this subset,
including random (monte-carlo) resampling, cross-validation, and bootstrap. If we make
design decisions, such as the best configuration of neural network to use, based upon a
number of experiments with different subset examples, the results will be much more
reliable. We can then either use those experiments solely to guide the decision as to which
network types to use, and train such networks from scratch with new samples (this removes
any sampling bias); or, we can retain the best networks found during the sampling process,
but average their results in an ensemble, which at least mitigates the sampling bias.
To summarize, network design (once the input variables have been selected) follows a
number of stages:

• Select an initial configuration (typically, one hidden layer with the number of
hidden units set to half the sum of the number of input and output units).
• Iteratively conduct a number of experiments with each configuration, retaining
the best network (in terms of selection error) found. A number of experiments are
required with each configuration to avoid being fooled if training locates a local
minimum, and it is also best to resample.
• On each experiment, if under-learning occurs (the network doesn't achieve an
acceptable performance level) try adding more neurons to the hidden layer(s). If
this doesn't help, try adding an extra hidden layer.
36 New Advances in Machine Learning

• If over-learning occurs (selection error starts to rise) try removing hidden units
(and possibly layers).
• Once you have experimentally determined an effective configuration for your
networks, resample and generate new networks with that configuration.

• Data Selection: All the above stages rely on a key assumption. Specifically, the
training, verification and test data must be representative of the underlying model
(and, further, the three sets must be independently representative). The old
computer science adage "garbage in, garbage out" could not apply more strongly
than in neural modeling. If training data is not representative, then the model's
worth is at best compromised. At worst, it may be useless. It is worth spelling out
the kind of problems which can corrupt a training set:

The future is not the past. Training data is typically historical. If circumstances have
changed, relationships which held in the past may no longer hold. All eventualities must be
covered. A neural network can only learn from cases that are present. If people with
incomes over $100,000 per year are a bad credit risk, and your training data includes nobody
over $40,000 per year, you cannot expect it to make a correct decision when it encounters
one of the previously-unseen cases. Extrapolation is dangerous with any model, but some
types of neural network may make particularly poor predictions in such circumstances.
A network learns the easiest features it can. A classic (possibly apocryphal) illustration of
this is a vision project designed to automatically recognize tanks. A network is trained on a
hundred pictures including tanks, and a hundred not. It achieves a perfect 100% score.
When tested on new data, it proves hopeless. The reason? The pictures of tanks are taken on
dark, rainy days; the pictures without on sunny days. The network learns to distinguish the
(trivial matter of) differences in overall light intensity. To work, the network would need
training cases including all weather and lighting conditions under which it is expected to
operate - not to mention all types of terrain, angles of shot, distances...
Unbalanced data sets. Since a network minimizes an overall error, the proportion of types of
data in the set is critical. A network trained on a data set with 900 good cases and 100 bad
will bias its decision towards good cases, as this allows the algorithm to lower the overall
error (which is much more heavily influenced by the good cases). If the representation of
good and bad cases is different in the real population, the network's decisions may be
wrong. A good example would be disease diagnosis. Perhaps 90% of patients routinely
tested are clear of a disease. A network is trained on an available data set with a 90/10 split.
It is then used in diagnosis on patients complaining of specific problems, where the
likelihood of disease is 50/50. The network will react over-cautiously and fail to recognize
disease in some unhealthy patients. In contrast, if trained on the "complainants" data, and
then tested on "routine" data, the network may raise a high number of false positives. In
such circumstances, the data set may need to be crafted to take account of the distribution of
data (e.g., you could replicate the less numerous cases, or remove some of the numerous
cases), or the network's decisions modified by the inclusion of a loss matrix (Bishop C. M.,
1995). Often, the best approach is to ensure even representation of different cases, then to
interpret the network's decisions accordingly.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 37

1.3.3 Self Organised Map

Self Organizing Feature Map (SOFM, or Kohonen) networks are used quite differently to the
other networks. Whereas all the other networks are designed for supervised
learning tasks, SOFM networks are designed primarily for unsupervised learning (Haykin,
19994), (Patterson, 19996), (Fausett, 19994) (Whereas in supervised learning the training data
set contains cases featuring input variables together with the associated outputs (and the
network must infer a mapping from the inputs to the outputs), in unsupervised learning the
training data set contains only input variables. At first glance this may seem strange.
Without outputs, what can the network learn? The answer is that the SOFM
network attempts to learn the structure of the data.
Also Kohonen (Kohonen, 1997) explained one possible use is therefore in exploratory data
analysis. The SOFM network can learn to recognize clusters of data, and can also relate
similar classes to each other. The user can build up an understanding of the data, which is
used to refine the network. As classes of data are recognized, they can be labelled, so that
the network becomes capable of classification tasks. SOFM networks can also be used for
classification when output classes are immediately available - the advantage in this case is
their ability to highlight similarities between classes.
A second possible use is in novelty detection. SOFM networks can learn to recognize
clusters in the training data, and respond to it. If new data, unlike previous cases, is
encountered, the network fails to recognize it and this indicates novelty.
A SOFM network has only two layers: the input layer, and an output layer of radial units
(also known as the topological map layer). The units in the topological map layer are laid
out in space - typically in two dimensions (although ST Neural Networks also supports one-
dimensional Kohonen networks).
SOFM networks (Patterson, 19996) are trained using an iterative algorithm. Starting with an
initially-random set of radial centres, the algorithm gradually adjusts them to reflect the
clustering of the training data. At one level, this compares with the sub-sampling and K-
Means algorithms used to assign centres in SOM network and indeed the SOFM algorithm
can be used to assign centres for these types of networks. However, the algorithm also acts
on a different level.
The iterative training procedure also arranges the network so that units representing centres
close together in the input space are also situated close together on the topological map. You
can think of the network's topological layer as a crude two-dimensional grid, which must be
folded and distorted into the N-dimensional input space, so as to preserve as far as possible
the original structure. Clearly any attempt to represent an N-dimensional space in two
dimensions will result in loss of detail; however, the technique can be worthwhile in
allowing the user to visualize data which might otherwise be impossible to understand.
The basic iterative Kohonen algorithm simply runs through a number of epochs, on each
epoch executing each training case and applying the following algorithm:

• Select the winning neuron (the one who's centre is nearest to the input case);
• Adjust the winning neuron to be more like the input case (a weighted sum of the
old neuron centre and the training case).

The algorithm uses a time-decaying learning rate, which is used to perform the weighted
sum and ensures that the alterations become more subtle as the epochs pass. This ensures
38 New Advances in Machine Learning

that the centres settle down to a compromise representation of the cases which cause
that neuron to win. The topological ordering property is achieved by adding the concept of
a neighbourhood to the algorithm. The neighbourhood is a set of neurons surrounding the
winning neuron. The neighbourhood, like the learning rate, decays over time, so that
initially quite a large number of neurons belong to the neighbourhood (perhaps almost the
entire topological map); in the latter stages the neighbourhood will be zero (i.e., consists
solely of the winning neuron itself). In the Kohonen algorithm, the adjustment of neurons is
actually applied not just to the winning neuron, but to all the members of the current
The effect of this neighbourhood update is that initially quite large areas of the network are
"dragged towards" training cases - and dragged quite substantially. The network develops a
crude topological ordering, with similar cases activating clumps of neurons in
the topological map. As epochs pass the learning rate and neighbourhood both decrease, so
that finer distinctions within areas of the map can be drawn, ultimately resulting in fine-
tuning of individual neurons. Often, training is deliberately conducted in two distinct
phases: a relatively short phase with high learning rates and neighbourhood, and a long
phase with low learning rate and zero or near-zero neighbourhoods.
Once the network has been trained to recognize structure in the data, it can be used as a
visualization tool to examine the data. The Win Frequencies Datasheet (counts of the number
of times each neuron wins when training cases are executed) can be examined to see if
distinct clusters have formed on the map. Individual cases are executed and the topological
map observed, to see if some meaning can be assigned to the clusters (this usually involves
referring back to the original application area, so that the relationship between clustered
cases can be established). Once clusters are identified, neurons in the topological map are
labelled to indicate their meaning (sometimes individual cases may be labelled, too). Once
the topological map has been built up in this way, new cases can be submitted to the
network. If the winning neuron has been labelled with a class name, the network can
perform classification. If not, the network is regarded as undecided.
SOFM networks also make use of the accept threshold, when performing classification.
Since the activation level of a neuron in a SOFM network is the distance of the neuron from
the input case, the accept threshold acts as a maximum recognized distance. If the activation
of the winning neuron is greater than this distance, the SOFM network is regarded as
undecided. Thus, by labelling all neurons and setting the accept threshold appropriately, a
SOFM network can act as a novelty detector (it reports undecided only if the input case is
sufficiently dissimilar to all radial units).
SOFM networks as expressed by Kohonen (Kohonen, 1997) are inspired by some known
properties of the brain. The cerebral cortex is actually a large flat sheet (about 0.5m squared;
it is folded up into the familiar convoluted shape only for convenience in fitting into the
skull!) with known topological properties (for example, the area corresponding to the hand
is next to the arm, and a distorted human frame can be topologically mapped out in two
dimensions on its surface).

1.4 Grouping Data Using Self Organise Map

The first part of a SOM is the data. Above are some examples of 3 dimensional data which
are commonly used when experimenting with SOMs. Here the colours are represented in
three dimensions (red, blue, and green.) The idea of the self-organizing maps is to project
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 39

the n-dimensional data (here it would be colour and would be 3 dimensions) into something
that be better understood visually (in this case it would be a 2 dimensional image map).

Fig. 5. Sample Data

In this case one would expect the dark blue and the greys to end up near each other on a
good map and yellow close to both the red and the green. The second components to SOMs
are the weight vectors. Each weight vector has two components to them which I have here
attempted to show in the image below. The first part of a weight vector is its data. This is of
the same dimensions as the sample vectors and the second part of a weight vector is its
natural location. The good thing about colour is that the data can be shown by displaying
the color, so in this case the color is the data, and the location is the x,y position of the pixel
on the screen.

Fig. 6. 2D Array Weight of Vector

In this example, 2D array of weight vectors was used and would look like figure 5 above.
This picture is a skewed view of a grid where you have the n-dimensional array for each
weight and each weight has its own unique location in the grid. Weight vectors don’t
necessarily have to be arranged in 2 dimensions, a lot of work has been done using SOMs of
1 dimension, but the data part of the weight must be of the same dimensions as the sample
vectors.Weights are sometimes referred to as neurons since SOMs are actually neural
networks. SOM Algorithm. The way that SOMs go about organizing themselves is by
42 New Advances in Machine Learning

where x[i] is the data value at the ith data member of a sample and n is the number of
dimensions to the sample vectors.
In the case of colour, if we can think of them as 3D points, each component being an axis. If
we have chosen green which is of the value (0,6,0), the color light green (3,6,3) will be closer
to green than red at (6,0,0).

Light green = Sqrt((3-0)^2+(6-6)^2+(3-0)^2) = 4.24

Red = Sqrt((6-0)^2+(0-6)^2+(0-0)^2) = 8.49

So light green is now the best matching unit, but this operation of calculating distances and
comparing them is done over the entire map and the wieght with the shortest distance to the
sample vector is the winner and the BMU. The square root is not computed in the java
program for speed optimization for this section.

• C. Scale Neighbors
1. Determining Neighbors
There are actually two parts to scaling the neighboring weights: determining which
weights are considered as neighbors and how much each weight can become more
like the sample vector. The neighbors of a winning weight can be determined using
a number of different methods. Some use concentric squares, others hexagons, I
opted to use a gaussian function where every point with a value above zero is
considered a neighbor.
As mentioned previously, the amount of neighbors decreases over time. This is
done so samples can first move to an area where they will probably be, then they
jockey for position. This process is similar to coarse adjustment followed by fine
tuning. The function used to decrease the radius of influence does not really matter
as long as it decreases, we just used a linear function.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 43

Fig. 9. A graph of SOM Neighbour’s determination

Figure 8 above shows a plot of the function used. As the time progresses, the base goes
towards the centre, so there are less neighbours as time progresses. The initial radius is set
really high, some value near the width or height of the map.

2. Learning
The second part to scaling the neighbours is the learning function. The winning
weight is rewarded with becoming more like the sample vector. The neighbours
also become more like the sample vector. An attribute of this learning process is
that the farther away the neighbour is from the winning vector, the less it learns.
The rate at which the amount a weight can learn decreases and can also be set to
whatever you want. I chose to use a gaussian function. This function will return a
value ranging between 0 and 1, where each neighbor is then changed using the
parametric equation. The new color is:

Current color*(1.-t) + sample vector*t

So in the first iteration, the best matching unit will get a t of 1 for its learning
function, so the weight will then come out of this process with the same exact
values as the randomly selected sample.

Just as the amount of neighbors a weight has falls off, the amount a weight can learn also
decreases with time. On the first iteration, the winning weight becomes the sample vector
since t has a full range of from 0 to 1. Then as time progresses, the winning weight becomes
slightly more like the sample where the maximum value of t decreases. The rate at which
44 New Advances in Machine Learning

the amount a weight can learn falls of linearly. To depict this visually, in the previous plot,
the amount a weight can learn is equivalent to how high the bump is at their location. As
time progresses, the height of the bump will decrease. Adding this function to the
neighbourhood function will result in the height of the bump going down while the base of
the bump shrinks.
So once a weight is determined the winner, the neighbours of that weight is found and each
of those neighbours in addition to the winning weight change to become more like the
sample vector.

1.4.1 Determining the Quality of SOMs

Below is another example of a SOM generated by the program using 500 iterations in figure
9. At first glance you will notice that similar colour is all grouped together yet again.
However, this is not always the case as you can see that there are some colour who are
surrounded by colour that are nothing like them at all. It may be easy to point this out with
colour since this is something that we are familiar with, but if we were using more abstract
data, how would we know that since two entities are close to each other means that they are
similar and not that they are just there because of bad luck?

Fig. 10. SOM Iteration

There is a very simple method for displaying where similarities lie and where they do not.
In order to compute this we go through all the weights and determine how similar the
neighbors are. This is done by calculating the distance that the weight vectors make between
the each weight and each of its neighbors. With an average of these distances a color is then
assigned to that location. This procedure is located in and named public void
If the average distance were high, then the surrounding weights are very different and a
dark color is assigned to the location of the weight. If the average distance is low, a lighter
color is assigned. So in areas of the center of the blobs the colour are the same, so it should
be white since all the neighbors are the same color. In areas between blobs where there are
Types of Machine Learning Algorithms 45

similarities it should be not white, but a light grey. Areas where the blobs are physically
close to each other, but are not similar at all there should be black. See Figure 8 below

Fig. 11. A sample allocation of Weight in Colour

As shown above, the ravines of black show where the colour may be physically close to each
other on the map, but are very different from each other when it comes to the actual values
of the weights. Areas where there is a light grey between the blobs represent a true
similarity. In the pictures above, in the bottom right there is black surrounded by colour
which are not very similar to it. When looking at the black and white similarity SOM, it
shows that black is not similar to the other colour because there are lines of black
representing no similarity between those two colour. Also in the top corner there is pink and
nearby is a light green which are not very near each other in reality, but near each other on
the colored SOM. Looking at the black and white SOM, it clearly shows that the two not
very similar by having black in between the two colour.
With these average distances used to make the black and white map, we can actually assign
each SOM a value that determines how good the image represents the similarities of the
samples by simply adding these averages.

1.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of SOM

Self organise map has the following advantages:

• Probably the best thing about SOMs that they are very easy to understand. It’s very
simple, if they are close together and there is grey connecting them, then they are
similar. If there is a black ravine between them, then they are different. Unlike
Multidimensional Scaling or N-land, people can quickly pick up on how to use
them in an effective manner.
• Another great thing is that they work very well. As I have shown you they classify
data well and then are easily evaluate for their own quality so you can actually
calculated how good a map is and how strong the similarities between objects are.

These are the disadvantages:

46 New Advances in Machine Learning

• One major problem with SOMs is getting the right data. Unfortunately you need a
value for each dimension of each member of samples in order to generate a map.
Sometimes this simply is not possible and often it is very difficult to acquire all of
this data so this is a limiting feature to the use of SOMs often referred to as missing
• Another problem is that every SOM is different and finds different similarities
among the sample vectors. SOMs organize sample data so that in the final product,
the samples are usually surrounded by similar samples, however similar samples
are not always near each other. If you have a lot of shades of purple, not always
will you get one big group with all the purples in that cluster, sometimes the
clusters will get split and there will be two groups of purple. Using colour we
could tell that those two groups in reality are similar and that they just got split,
but with most data, those two clusters will look totally unrelated. So a lot of maps
need to be constructed in order to get one final good map.
• The final major problem with SOMs is that they are very computationally
expensive which is a major drawback since as the dimensions of the data increases,
dimension reduction visualization techniques become more important, but
unfortunately then time to compute them also increases. For calculating that black
and white similarity map, the more neighbours you use to calculate the distance
the better similarity map you will get, but the number of distances the algorithm
needs to compute increases exponentially.

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Methods for Pattern Classification 49


Methods for Pattern Classification

Yizhang Guan
South China University of Technology

1. Introduction
Pattern classification is to classify some object into one of the given categories called classes.
For a specific pattern classification problem, a classifier is computer software. It is developed
so that objects ( x ) are classified correctly with reasonably good accuracy. Through training
using input-output pairs, classifiers acquire decision functions that classify an input datum
into one of the given classes (  i ). In pattern recognition applications we rarely if ever have the
prior probability P(i ) or the class-conditional density p ( x | i ) . of complete knowledge
about the probabilistic structure of the problem. In a typical case we merely have some vague,
general knowledge about the situation, together with a number of design samples or training
data—particular representatives of the patterns we want to training classify. The problem,
then, is to find some way to use this information to design or data train the classifier.
The organization of this chapter is to address those cases where a great deal of information
about the models is known and to move toward problems where the form of the distributions
are unknown and even the category membership of training patterns is unknown. We begin in
Bayes decision theory(Sec.2) by considering the ideal case in which the probability structure
underlying the categories is known perfectly. In Sec.3(Maximum Likelihood) we address the
case when the full probability structure underlying the categories is not known, but the
general forms of their distributions are the models. Thus the uncertainty about a probability
distribution is represented by the values of some unknown parameters, and we seek to
determine these parameters to attain the best categorization. In Sec.4(Nonparametric
techniques)we move yet further from the Bayesian ideal,and assume that we have no prior
parameterized knowledge about the underlying probability structure;in essence our
classification will be based on information provided by training samples alone. Classic
techniques such as the nearest-neighbor algorithm and potential functions play an important
role here. We then in Sec.5(Support Vector Machine) Next, in Sec.6(Nonlinear Discriminants
and Neural Networks)we see how some of the ideas from such linear discriminants can be
extended to a class of very powerful algorithms such as backpropagation and others for
multilayer neural networks; these neural techniques have a range of useful properties that
have made them a mainstay in contemporary pattern recognition research. In Sec.7(Stochastic
Methods)we discuss simulated annealing by the Boltzmann learning algorithm and other
stochastic methods. We explore the behaviour of such algorithms with regard to the matter of
local minima that can plague other neural methods. Sec.8(Unsupervised Learning and
50 New Advances in Machine Learning

Clustering),by addressing the case when input training patterns are not labelled, and that our
recognizer must determine the cluster structure.

2. Bayesian Decision Theory

Suppose that we know both the prior probabilities P( j ) and the conditional densities
p( x |  j ) . Suppose further that we measure the features of a sample and discover that its
value is x . How does this measurement influence our attitude concerning the true state of
nature—that is, the category of the input? We note first that the(joint) probability density of
finding a pattern that is in category  j and has feature value x can be written in two ways:
P ( j , x)  P ( j | x ) p ( x)  p( x |  j ) P ( j ) . Rearranging these leads us to the answer to our
question, which is called Bayes formula:

p ( x |  j ) P ( j )
P ( j | x)  (1)
p ( x)

where in this case of c categories

p ( x)   p ( x |  j ) P ( j ) (2)
j 1

2.1 Two-Category Classification

If we have an observation x for which P (1 | x) is greater than P ( 2 | x) , we would
naturally be inclined to decide that the true state of nature is 1 . Similarly, if P ( 2 | x) is
greater than P (1 | x) , we would be inclined to choose  2 . Thus we have justified the
following Bayes decision rule for minimizing the probability of error:

Decide 1 if P (1 | x)  P (2 | x), otherwise decide 2 (3)

In Eq. (1), p (x) is a scale factor and unimportant for our problem. By using Eq.(1), we can
instead express the rule in terms of the conditional and prior probabilities. And we notice
P(1 | x)  P ( 2 | x))  1 . By eliminating this scale factor, we obtain the following completely
equivalent decision rule:

Decide 1 if p( x | 1 ) P(1 )  p( x |  2 ) P( 2 ), otherwise decide  2 (4)

While the two-category case is just a special instance of the multi-category case, it has
traditionally received separate treatment.Indeed,a classifier that places a pattern in one of
only two categories has a special name—a dichotomizer. Instead of using two dichotomizer
discriminant functions g1 and g 2 and assigning x toω1 if g 1 > g 2 , it is more common
to define a single discriminant function
Methods for Pattern Classification 51

g ( x )  g1 ( x )  g 2 ( x ) (5)

and to use the following decision rule:

Decide 1 if g ( x)  0, otherwise decide  2
Thus, a dichotomizer can be viewed as a machine that computes a single discriminant
function g (x) , and classifies x according to the algebraic sign of the result. Of the various
forms in which the minimum-error-rate discriminant function can be written, the following
two(derived from Eqs.(1)&(5)are particularly convenient:

g ( x)  P(1 | x)  P(2 | x) (6)

p ( x | 1 ) p (1 )
g ( x)  ln  ln (7)
p ( x | 2 ) p (2 )

2.2 Multi-Category Classification

Let 1 ,  , c be the finite set of c states of nature. Let the feature vector x be a d -
component vector-valued random variable, and let P( x |  j ) be the state- conditional
probability density function for x —the probability density function for x conditioned on
 j being the true state of nature. As before, P( j ) describes the prior probability that
nature is in state  j . Then the posterior probability P( j | x) can be computed from
p( x |  j ) by Bayes formula:

p ( x |  j ) P ( j )
P ( j | x)  (8)
p ( x)

where the evidence is now

p( x)   p ( x |  j ) P( j ) (9)
j 1

A Bayes classifier is easily and naturally represented in this way. For the minimum-error-
rate case, we can simplify things further by taking gi(x)=P(ωi|x),so that the maximum
discriminant function corresponds to the maximum posterior probability.
Clearly, the choice of discriminant functions is not unique. We can always multiply all the
discriminant functions by the same positive constant or shift them by the same additive
constant without influencing the decision. More generally, if we replace every g (x) by
f ( g ( x)) , where f () is a monotonically increasing function, the resulting classification is
unchanged. This observation can lead to significant analytical and computational
simplifications. In particular, for minimum-error-rate classification, any of the following
choices gives identical classification results, but some can be much simpler to understand or
to compute than others:
52 New Advances in Machine Learning

p( x | i ) P(i )
g ( x)  P(i | x)  c
 p( x |  j ) P( j )
j 1

g ( x)  P(i | x)  p ( x | i ) P(i ) (11)

g ( x)  P(i | x)  ln p ( x | i )  ln P(i ) (12)

where ln denotes natural logarithm.

3. Maximum-likelihood Method
It is important to distinguish between supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In
both cases, samples x are assumed to be obtained by selecting a state of nature i with
probability P(i ) ,and then independently selecting x according to the probability law
p( x |  i ) . The distinction is that with supervised learning we know the state of nature(class
label)for each sample, whereas with unsupervised learning we do not. As one would expect,
the problem of unsupervised learning is the more difficult one. In this section we shall
consider only the supervised case, deferring consideration of unsupervised learning to
Section 8.
The problem of parameter estimation is a classical one in statistics, and it can be approached
in several ways. We shall consider two common and reasonable procedures, maximum
likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation. Although the results obtained with these two
procedures are frequently nearly identical, the approaches are conceptually quite different.
Maximum likelihood and several other methods view the parameters as quantities whose
values are fixed but unknown. The best estimate of their value is defined to be the one that
maximizes the probability of obtaining the samples actually observed. In contrast, Bayesian
methods view the parameters as random variables having some known a priori distribution.
Observation of the samples converts this to a posterior density, thereby revising our opinion
about the true values of the parameters. In the Bayesian case, we shall see that a typical
effect of observing additional samples is to sharpen the a posteriori density function,
causing it to peak near the true values of the parameters. This phenomenon is known as
Bayesian learning. In either case, we use the posterior densities for our classification rule, as
we have seen before.

3.1 Maximum Likelihood

Maximum likelihood estimation methods have a number of attractive attributes. First, they
nearly always have good convergence properties as the number of train- ing samples
increases. Further, maximum likelihood estimation often can be simpler than alternate
methods, such as Bayesian techniques or other methods presented in subsequent section.
Suppose that we separate a collection of samples according to class, so that we have c sets,
D1 ,, Dc , with the samples in Di having been drawn independently according to the
probability law p( x |  i ) . We say such samples are i.i.d.—independent identically
distributed random variables. We assume that p( x |  i ) has a known parametric form, and
is therefore determined uniquely by the value of a parameter vector  i . For example, we
Methods for Pattern Classification 53

might have p ( x |  i ) ~ N (  i ,  i ) , where  i consists of the components of  i and  i . To

show the dependence of p ( x |  i ) on  i explicitly, we write p( x |  i ) as p ( x |  i ,  i ) . Our
problem is to use the information provided by the training samples to obtain good estimates
for the unknown parameter vectors  1 ,  , c associated with each category.
To simplify treatment of this problem, we shall assume that samples in Di give no
information about  i if i  j —that is, we shall assume that the parameters for the different
classes are functionally independent. This permits us to work with each class separately,
and to simplify our notation by deleting indications of class distinctions. With this
assumption we thus have c separate problems of the following form: Use a set D of
training samples drawn independently from the probability density p(x|θ)to estimate the
unknown parameter vector  .
Suppose that D contains n samples, x1 ,, x n . Then, since the samples were drawn
independently, we have

p( D |  )   p( x k |  ) (13)
k 1

Viewed as a function of  , p ( D |  ) is called the likelihood of  with respect to the set of

samples. The maximum likelihood estimate of  is, by definition, the value  that
maximizes p ( D |  ) . Intuitively, this estimate corresponds to the value of  that in some
sense best agrees with or supports the actually observed training samples.
For analytical purposes, it is usually easier to work with the logarithm of the likelihood than
with the likelihood itself. Since the logarithm is monotonically increasing, the  that
maximizes the log-likelihood also maximizes the likelihood. If p ( D |  ) is a well behaved,
differentiable function of  ,  can be found by the standard methods of differential
calculus. If the number of parameters to be set is p , then we let  denote the p -component
vector   ( 1 ,  ,  p ) T , and  be the gradient operator

  
  
 1 
     (14)
  
  p 
 

We define L( ) as the log-likelihood function?

L( )  ln p ( D |  ) (15)
We can then write our solution formally as the argument  that maximizes the log-
likelihood, i.e.,
ˆ  arg max L( ) (16)

54 New Advances in Machine Learning

where the dependence on the data set D is implicit. Thus we have from Eq.(13)

L( )   ln p ( x k |  ) (17)
k 1

  L     ln p ( x k |  ) (18)
k 1

Thus, a set of necessary conditions for the maximum likelihood estimate for  can be
obtained from the set of p equations

 L  0 (19)

A solution  to Eq.(19) could represent a true global maximum, a local maximum or

minimum, or(rarely)an inflection point of L( ) . One must be careful, too, to check if the
extremum occurs at a boundary of the parameter space, which might not be apparent from
the solution to Eq.(19). If all solutions are found, we are guaranteed that one represents the
true maximum, though we might have to check each solution individually(or calculate
second derivatives)to identify which is the global optimum. Of course, we must bear in
mind that  is an estimate; it is only in the limit of an infinitely large number of training
points that we can expect that our estimate will equal to the true value of the generating

3.2 Bayesian estimation

We now consider the Bayesian estimation or Bayesian learning approach to pattern
classification problems. Although the answers we get by this method will generally be
nearly identical to those obtained by maximum likelihood, there is a conceptual difference:
whereas in maximum likelihood methods we view the true parameter vector we seek,  , to
be fixed, in Bayesian learning we consider  to be a random variable, and training data
allows us to convert a distribution on this variable into a posterior probability density.
The computation of the posterior probabilities P(i | x) lies at the heart of Bayesian
classification. Bayes formula allows us to compute these probabilities from the prior
probabilities P (i ) and the class-conditional densities p( x |  i ) , but how can we proceed
when these quantities are unknown? The general answer to this question is that the best we
can do is to compute P(i | x) using all of the information at our disposal. Part of this
information might be prior knowledge, such as knowledge of the functional forms for
unknown densities and ranges for the values of unknown parameters. Part of this
information might reside in a set of training samples. If we again let D denote the set of
samples, then we can emphasize the role of the samples by saying that our goal is to
compute the posterior probabilities P(i | x, D) . From these probabilities we can obtain the
Bayes classifier.
Given the sample D , Bayes formula then becomes
Methods for Pattern Classification 55

p( x | i , D ) P(i | D)
P (i | x, D)  c
 p( x |  j , D) P( j | D)
j 1

As this equation suggests, we can use the information provided by the training samples to
help determine both the class-conditional densities and the a priori probabilities.
Although we could maintain this generality, we shall henceforth assume that the true values
of the a priori probabilities are known or obtainable from a trivial calculation; thus we
substitute P (i )  P(i | D) . Furthermore, since we are treating the supervised case, we can
separate the training samples by class into c subsets D1 ,, Dc with the samples in Di
belonging to i . As we mentioned when addressing maximum likelihood methods, in most
cases of interest(and in all of the cases we shall consider), the samples in Di have no
influence on p ( x |  j , D) if i  j . This has two simplifying consequences. First, it allows us
to work with each class separately, using only the samples in Di to determine p ( x | i , D) .
Used in conjunction with our assumption that the prior probabilities are known, this allows
us to write Eq. 23 as
p ( x | i , D j ) P (i )
P (i | x, D)  c
 p ( x |  j , D j ) P( j )
j 1

Second, because each class can be treated independently, we can dispense with needless
class distinctions and simplify our notation. In essence, we have c separate problems of the
following form: use a set D of samples drawn independently according to the fixed but
unknown probability distribution p(x)to determine p ( x | D ) .This is the central problem of
Bayesian learning.

4. Nonparametric Techniques
We treat supervised learning under the assumption that the forms of the underlying density
functions are known in the last section. But in most pattern recognition applications, the
common parametric forms rarely fit the densities. In this section we shall examine
nonparametric procedures that can be used with arbitrary distributions and without the
assumption that the forms of the underlying densities are known.
There are several types of nonparametric methods of interest in pattern recognition. One is
to estimate the density functions p ( x |  j ) from sample. And it can be substituted for the
true densities. Another is to estimate a posteriori probabilities P( j | x) directly. such as the
nearest-neighbor rule Finally, there are nonparametric procedures for transforming the
feature space in the hope that it may be possible to employ parametric methods in the
transformed space.
The following obvious estimate for p (x) :
56 New Advances in Machine Learning

kn / n
p ( x)  (22)

4.1 Parzen Windows

Assume that the region R n is a d -dimensional hypercube. hn is the length of an edge of
that hypercube, then its volume is given by

V n  hnd (23)

Define the window function as

1 | u j | 1 / 2
 (u )   j  1,  , d (24)
0 otherwise

The number of samples in this hypercube is given by

n  xx 
k n     
 (25)
i 1  hn 

Substitute this into Eq (22). we obtain the estimate

1 n 1  x  xi 
p n ( x)     (26)
n i 1 V n  hn 

Eq.(26) expresses the estimate for p (x) as an average of functions of x and the samples xi. In
essence, the window function is being used for interpolation—each sample contributing to
the estimate in accordance with its distance from x.
It is natural to ask that the estimate p n (x ) be a legitimate density function. We can require
 ( x)  0 , (27)
  (u )du  1 (28)

Maintain the relation Vn  hnd , then the p n (x ) also satisfies these conditions.
Define  n ( x ) by
1  x 
 n ( x)    (29)
V n  hn 

Then p n (x) can be written as the average

Methods for Pattern Classification 57

1 n
p n ( x)    n ( x  xi ) (30)
n i 1

Since V n  hnd , hn clearly affects both the amplitude and the width of  n (x) . If hn is very
large, the amplitude of  n (x) is small, and x must be far from xi before  n ( x  xi ) changes
much from  n (0) .In this case, pn(x) is the superposition of n broad, slowly changing
functions and is a very smooth “out-of-focus” estimate of p (x) . On the other hand, if hn is
very small, the peak value of  n ( x  xi ) is large and occurs near x=xi. In this case p (x) is the
superposition of n sharp pulses centered at the samples—an erratic, “noisy” estimate. For
any value of hn , the distribution is normalized, that is

1  x  xi 
  n ( x  x i ) dx    dx    (u )du  1 (31)
V n  h n 

Let Vn slowly approach zero as n increases and p n (x) converges to the unknown density
p(x). p n (x) has some mean p n (x) and variance  n2 ( x) . p n (x) converges to p(x) if

lim p n ( x )  p ( x) (32)
n 

lim  n2 ( x)  0 (33)
n 

To prove convergence we must place conditions on the unknown density p (x) , on the
window function  (u ) , and on the window width hn . In general, continuity of p () at x is
required, and the conditions imposed by Eqs.(27)&(28) are customarily invoked. With care,
it can be shown that the following additional conditions assure convergence:

sup  (u )   (34)

lim  (u )  i  0 (35)
||||  i 1

lim Vn  0 (36)

lim nV n   (37)

Equations (34)&(35) keep  () well behaved, and are satisfied by most density functions that
one might think of using for window functions. Equations (36)&(37) state that the volume
Vn must approach zero, but at a rate slower than 1/ n . We shall now see why these are the
basic conditions for convergence.
58 New Advances in Machine Learning

4.2 k n –Nearest-Neighbor Estimation

A potential remedy for the problem of the unknown “best” window function is to let the cell
volume be a function of the training data, rather than some arbitrary function of the overall
number of samples. For example, to estimate p(x)from n training samples or prototypes we
can center a cell about x and let it grow until I captures k n samples, where k n is some
specified function of n. These samples are the k n nearest-neighbors of x . It the density is
high near x , the cell will be relatively small, which leads to good resolution. If the density is
low, it is true that the cell will grow large, but it will stop soon after it enters regions of
higher density. In either case, if we take

kn / n
p( x)  (38)

we want k n to go to infinity as n goes to infinity, since this assures us that kn / n will be a

good estimate of the probability that a point will fall in the cell of volume Vn . However, we
also want k n to grow sufficiently slowly that the size of the cell needed to capture k n
training samples will shrink to zero. Thus, it is clear from Eq.(38) that the ratio kn / n must go
to zero. Although we shall not supply a proof, it can be shown that the conditions lim k n  

and lim k n / n  0 are necessary and sufficient for pn (x) to converge to p(x)in probability at
n 

all points where p (x) is continuous. If we take k n  n and assume that pn (x) is a
reasonably good approximation to p (x) we then see from Eq.(38) that Vn  1 /( n p ( x)) . Thus,
Vn again has the form V1 / n , but the initial volume V1 is determined by the nature of the
data rather than by some arbitrary choice on our part. Note that there are nearly always
discontinuities in the slopes of these estimates, and these lie away from the prototypes

5. Support Vector Machine

In a support vector machine, the direct decision function that maximizes the generalization
ability is determined for a two-class problem. Assuming that the training data of different
classes do not overlap, the decision function is determined so that the distance from the
training data is maximized. We call this the optimal decision function. Because it is difficult
to determine a nonlinear decision function, the original input space is mapped into a high-
dimensional space called feature space. And in the feature space, the optimal decision
function, namely, the optimal hyper-plane is determined.
Support vector machines outperform conventional classifiers, especially when the number
of training data is small and the number of input variables is large. This is because the
conventional classifiers do not have the mechanism to maximize the margins of class
boundaries. Therefore, if we introduce some mechanism to maximize margins, the
generalization ability is improved.
If the decision function is linear, namely, g i (x) is given by
Methods for Pattern Classification 59

g i ( x)  w T x  b (39)

where w is an m-dimensional vector and b is a bias term, and if one class is on the positive
side of the hyper-plane, i.e., g i ( x)  0 , and the other class is on the negative side, the given
problem is said to be linearly separable.

5.1 Indirect Decision Functions

For an n( 2) -class problem, suppose we have indirect decision functions g i (x) for classes
i . To avoid unclassifiable regions, we classify x into class j given by

j  arg max g i ( x) (40)


where arg returns the subscript with the maximum value of g i (x) .If more than one
decision function take the same maximum value for x , namely, x is on the class boundary,
it is not classifiable.
In the following we discuss several methods to obtain the direct decision functions for
multi-class problems.
The first approach is to determine the decision functions by the one-against-all formulation.
We determine the i th decision function g i (x) i  1,, n , so that when x belongs to class i ,

g i ( x)  0 (41)

and when x belongs to one of the remaining classes,

g i ( x)  0 (42)

When x is given, we classify x into class i if g i ( x)  0 and g j ( x)  0 j  i, j  1,, n . But

by these decision functions, unclassifiable regions exist when more than one decision
function are positive or no decision functions are positive.
The second approach is based on a decision tree. It is considered to be a variant of one-
against-all formulation. We determine the i th decision function gi (x) i  1,, n , so that
when x belongs to class i ,

g i ( x)  0 (43)
and when x belongs to one of the classes i  1,, n ,

g i ( x)  0 (44)

In classifying x , starting from g1 ( x) , we find the first positive g i (x) and classify x into
class i . If there is no such i among g i (x) ( i  1, , n ), we classify x into class n .
60 New Advances in Machine Learning

The decision functions change if we determine decision functions in descending order or in

an arbitrary order of class labels. Therefore, in this architecture, we need to determine the
decision functions so that classification performance in the upper level of the tree is more
accurate than in the lower one. Otherwise, the classification performance may not be good.
Pair-wise Formulation
The third approach is to determine the decision functions by pair-wise formulation. For
classes i and j we determine the decision function gij (x) ( i  j, , i, j  1,, n , so that

g ij ( x)  0 (45)

when x belongs to class i and

g ij ( x)  0 (46)

when x belongs to class j .

In this formulation, g ij ( x)   g ji ( x) , and we need to determine n(n?1)/2 decision functions.
Classification is done by voting, namely, we calculate gi (x)

g i ( x )   sign( g ij ( x)) (47)
j  i , j 1

1 x0
sign( x)   (48)
 1 x  0

and we classify x into the class with the maximum g i (x) . By this formulation also,
unclassifiable regions exist if g i (x) take the maximum value for more than one class. These
can be resolved by decision-tree formulation or by introducing membership functions.
The fourth approach is to use error-correcting codes for encoding outputs. One-against-all
formulation is a special case of error-correcting code with no error-correcting capability, and
so is pair-wise formulation, as if“don’t”care bits are introduced.
The fifth approach is to determine decision functions at all once. Namely, we determine the
decision functions g i (x ) by

g i ( x)  g j ( x ) for j  i, j  1,  , n (49)
In this formulation we need to determine n decision functions at all once. This results in
solving a problem with a larger number of variables than the previous methods. Unlike one-
against-all and pair-wise formulations, there is no unclassifiable region.
Determination of decision functions using input-output pairs is called training. In training a
multilayer neural network for a two-class problem, we can determine a direct decision
function if we set one output neuron instead of two. But because for an n-class problem we
set n output neurons with the i th neuron corresponding to the class i decision function, the
obtained functions are indirect. Similarly, decision functions for fuzzy classifiers are indirect
because membership functions are defined for each class. Conventional training methods
Methods for Pattern Classification 61

determine the indirect decision functions so that each training input is correctly classified
into the class designated by the associated training output. Assuming that the circles and
rectangles are training data for Classes 1 and 2, respectively, even if the decision function
g 2 ( x ) moves to the right as shown in the dotted curve, the training data are still correctly
classified. Thus there are infinite possibilities of the positions of the decision functions that
correctly classify the training data. Although the generalization ability is directly affected by
the positions, conventional training methods do not consider this.

5.2 Linear Learning Machines

In training a classifier, usually we try to maximize classification performance for the training
data. But if the classifier is too fit for the training data, the classification ability for unknown
data, i.e., the generalization ability is degraded. This phenomenon is called over-fitting.
Namely, there is a trade-of between the generalization ability and fitting to the training data.
For a two-class problem, a support vector machine is trained so that the direct decision
function maximizes the generalization ability. Namely, the m -dimensional input space x is
mapped into the l -dimensional( l ≥ m )feature space z . Then in z , the quadratic
programming problem is solved to separate two classes by the optimal separating hyper-
plane. One of the main ideas is, like support vector machines, to add a regularization term,
which controls the generalization ability, to the objective function.
Let M m -dimensional training inputs xi ( i  1,, M ) belong to Class 1 or 2 and the
associated labels be yi  1 for Class 1 and -1 for Class 2. If these data are linearly separable,
we can determine the decision function:

D( x)  w T x i  b (50)

where w is an m-dimensional vector, b is a bias term, and for i  1,, M

 0 for yi  1
w T x i  b (51)
 0 for y i  1

Because the training data are linearly separable, no training data satisfy wT xi  b  0 . Thus,
to control separability, instead of(51),we consider the following inequalities:

 1 for yi  1
w T x i  b (52)
 1 for y i  1

Equation(2.3)is equivalent to

y i ( w T x i  b)  1 for i  1,  , M (53)

The hyper-plane
D( x)  w T x i  b  c for 1  c  1 (54)
62 New Advances in Machine Learning

forms a separating hyper-plane that separates xi ( i  1,  , M ). When c  0 , the separating

hyper-plane is in the middle of the two hyper-planes with c  1 and  1 . The distance
between the separating hyper-plane and the training datum nearest to the hyper-plane is
called the margin. Assuming that the hyper-planes D ( x)  1 and  1 include at least one
training datum, the hyper-plane D ( x)  0 has the maximum margin for 1  c  1 . The
region {x | 1  D ( x)  1} is the generalization region for the decision function.
Now consider determining the optimal separating hyper-plane. The Euclidean distance
from a training datum x to the separating hyper-plane is given by | D ( x) | / w . Because the
vector w is orthogonal to the separating hyper-plane, the line that goes through x and that
is orthogonal to the hyper-plane is given by aw / || w ||  x , where | a | is the Euclidean
distance from x to the hyper-plane. It crosses the hyper-plane at the point where

D (aw / || w || x)  0 (55)

is satisfied. Solving(2.6)for a , we obtain a   D( x) / w .

Then all the training data must satisfy

y k D ( xk )
  for k  1,  , M (56)
|| w ||

Where  is the margin.

Now if ( w, b ) is a solution, ( aw, ab ) is also a solution, where a is a scalar. Thus we impose
the following constraint:

  w 1 (57)

From (56) and (57),to find the optimal separating hyper-plane, we need to find w with the
minimum Euclidean norm that satisfies(52). Therefore, the optimal separating hyper-plane
can be obtained by minimizing
Q( w)  || w || 2 (58)

with respect to w and b subject to the constraints:

y i ( w T x i  b)  1 for i  1,  , M (59)

Here, the square of the Euclidean norm w in (58) is to make the optimization problem
quadratic programming. The assumption of linear separability means that there exist w and
b that satisfy (59).We call the solutions that satisfy (2.10) feasible solutions. Because the
optimization problem has the quadratic objective function with the inequality constraints,
even if the solutions are non-unique, the value of the objective function is unique(see Section
2.6.4).Thus non-uniqueness is not a problem for support vector machines. This is one of the
Methods for Pattern Classification 63

advantages of support vector machines over neural networks, which have numerous local

5.3 SVM and Change-point Theory

To detect the change-points in signal data is an important practical problem. The classical
method to solve this problem is using the statistical algorithms which are based on Bayesian
theory. The efficiency of these methods always depends on the character of the given data.
In this paper, we introduce support vector machine method to detect the abrupt change on
signal data. The experience shows that the idea is effective, and it does not limit to the
character of the distribution.
Consider time series x1(1) , x2(1) ,, xm(1) and time series xm( 2)1 , xm( 2)2 ,, xn( 2 ) , and assume some
character has been change during xm(1) to xm( 2)1 , that means the first m points submit to the
distribution (1), and the following data occur with the other distribution. The time series is
recombination like this:

y1( k )  ( x1(1) , x2(1) ,, xk(1) ),

y2( k )  ( x2(1) , x3(1) ,, xk(1)1 ), (60)

where k is greatly less than m and n  m .
We assume that the change-point is at m , and the changing information has been
distributed to several distinct and continuous y i ’s. the vectors contain only the point on
state (1) and state (2) are classifiable since the different distributions. Of course, it seems
arbitrary here. We must do a great deal of experience to support this point of view.
In this paper, we illustrate our method to detect change-point with support vector machine
method firstly in next section. The result of experience shows that the method is effective.
And in the third section, we discuss on the detail of method. After that, the last section is our
conclusion. .

Fig. 1. Plots of train data and test data

The method is still effective for classifying the samples from the distributions with distinct
variance. Let us consider a new simulation data set. The randomizer produces 100 samples
64 New Advances in Machine Learning

that submit to N ( 1 ,  12 ) and the others that submit to N (  2 ,  22 ) . Let 1  10 ,  2  20 ,

 12  5 ,  22  10 . The randomizer produce 100 samples under two group of parameter
respectively. These samples are taken as training data set. Repeat the steps to produce more
60 and 40 samples under the different group of parameter. These samples act as test data set.
The values of samples are described by figure below.
The result of output file is list in the table below. The terms of columns are: (1) Dimension;
(2) Accuracy on test set; (3) support vectors; (4) Count of incorrect samples; and (5) Mean
Squared Error.

k Accuracy SV incorrect MSE

2 88.78% 100 11 0.890499
3 90.63% 85 9 1.687711
4 94.68% 74 5 1.437032
5 96.74% 68 3 1.260453
6 97.78% 62 2 1.098423
7 97.73% 57 2 0.859724
8 100.00% 55 0 0.814199
9 100.00% 52 0 0.727360
10 100.00% 53 0 0.754256
Table 1. Result of experience

We are interested in considering the location of the incorrect samples. Figure 4 tell us the

Fig. 2. Predictions with SVMs which k vary from 2 to 10

Methods for Pattern Classification 65

To detect the change-points in signal processing is an important practical problem. The

classical method to solve this problem is using the statistical algorithms which are based on
Bayesian theory. The efficiency of these methods always depends on the character of the
given data. In this paper, we introduce support vector machine method to detect the abrupt
change on signal data. A change-point detecting problem is transformed to a classification
problem. The experience shows that the idea is effective,

6. Neural Networks
For classification, we will have c output units, one for each of the categories, and the signal
from each output unit is the discriminant function g k (x) as:

 nH 
g k ( x)  zk  f   wkj f   w ji xi  w j 0   wk 0 
 j 1  i1  

This, then, is the class of functions that can be implemented by a three-layer neural network.
An even broader generalization would allow transfer functions at the output layer to differ
from those in the hidden layer, or indeed even different functions at each individual unit.
Kolmogorov proved that any continuous function g (x) defined on the unit hypercube
I n (I=[0,1]and n ≥ 2)can be represented in the form

g ( x)   E j   ij ( xi ) 
2 n 1 d
j 1  i 1 

or properly chosen functions E j and  ij ( xi ) .

We consider the training error on a pattern to be the sum over output units of the training
squared difference between the desired output t k (given by a teacher)and the actual error
output z k , much as we had in the LMS algorithm for two-layer nets:

1 c 1
J ( w)   (tk  zk ) 2  (t  z ) 2 (63)
2 k 1 2

where t and z are the target and the network output vectors of length c ; w represents all
the weights in the network.
The back propagation learning rule is based on gradient descent. The weights are initialized
with random values, and are changed in a direction that will reduce the error:

w   (64)
or in component form
wmin   (65)
66 New Advances in Machine Learning

where  is the learning rate, and merely indicates the relative size of the change in weights.
This iterative algorithm requires taking a weight vector at iteration m and updating it as:

w(m  1)  w(m)  w(m) (66)

where m indexes the particular pattern presentation

7. Stochastic Search
Search methods based on evolution—genetic algorithms and genetic programming —
perform highly parallel stochastic searches in a space set by the designer. The fundamental
representation used in genetic algorithms is a string of bits, or chromosome; the
representation in genetic programming is a snippet of computer code. Variation is
introduced by means of crossover, mutation and insertion. As with all classification methods,
the better the features, the better the solution. There are many heuristics that can be
employed and parameters that must be set. As the cost of computation contiues to decline,
computationally intensive methods, such as Boltzmann networks and evolutionary methods,
should become increasingly popular.

7.1 Simulated annealing

In physics, the method for allowing a system such as many magnets or atoms in an alloy to
find a low-energy configuration is based on annealing. Annealing proceeds by gradually
lowering the temperature of the system—ultimately toward zero and thus no randomness—
so as to allow the system to relax into a low-energy configuration. Such annealing is
effective because even at moderately high temperatures, the system slightly favors regions
in the configuration space that are overall lower in energy, and hence are more likely to
contain the global minimum. As the temperature is lowered, the system has increased
probability of finding the optimum configuration.
This method is successful in a wide range of energy functions Fortunately, the problems in
learning we shall consider rarely involve such pathological functions.
The statistical properties of large number of interacting physical components at a
temperature T , such as molecules in a gas or magnetic atoms in a solid, have been
thoroughly analyzed. A key result, which relies on a few very natural assumptions, is the
following: the probability the system is in a(discrete)configuration indexed by 
having energy E is given by
E /T
e 
P ( )  (67)
Z (T )

where Z is a normalization constant. The numerator is the Boltzmann factor and the
denominator the partition function, the sum over all possible configurations

 E ' / T
Z (T )   e (68)
Methods for Pattern Classification 67

which guarantees Eq. 2 represents a true probability. The number of configurations is very
high, 2 N , and in physical systems Z can be calculated only in simple cases. Fortunately, we
need not calculate the partition function, as we shall see.

7.2 Genetic Algorithms

In basic genetic algorithms, the fundamental representation of each classifier is a binary
string, called a chromosome. The mapping from the chromosome to the features
chromosome and other aspects of the classifier depends upon the problem domain, and the
designer has great latitude in specifying this mapping. In pattern classification, the score is
usually chosen to be some monotonic function of the accuracy on a data set, possibly with
penalty term to avoid overfitting. We use a desired fitness, θ, as the stopping criterion.
Before we discuss these points in more depth, we first consider more specifically the
structure of the basic genetic algorithm, and then turn to the key notion of genetic operators,
used in the algorithm.
There are three primary genetic operators that govern reproduction: Crossover, Mutation
and Selection.: Crossover involves the mixing—“mating”—of two chromosomes. A mating
split point is chosen randomly along the length of either chromosome. The first part of
chromosome A is spliced to the last part of chromosome B, and vice versa, thereby yielding
two new chromosomes. Each bit in a single chromosome is given a small chance, Pmut, of
being changed from a 1 to a 0 or vice versa. Other genetic operators may be employed, for
instance inversion—where the chromosome is reversed front to back. This operator is used
only rarely since inverting a chromosome with a high score nearly always leads to one with
very low score. Below we shall briefly consider another operator, insertions.
The process of selection specifies which chromosomes from one generation will be sources
for chromosomes in the next generation. Up to here, we have assumed that the
chromosomes would be ranked and selected in order of decreasing fitness until the next
generation is complete. This has the benefit of generally pushing the population toward
higher and higher scores. Nevertheless, the average improvement from one generation to
the next depends upon the variance in the scores at a given generation, and because this
standard fitness-based selection need not give high variance, other selection methods may
prove superior.
The principle alternative selection scheme is fitness-proportional selection, or fitness
proportional reproduction, in which the probability that each chromosome is selecte is
proportional to its fitness. While high-fitness chromosomes are preferentially selected,
occasionally low-fitness chromosomes are selected, and this may preserve diversity and
increase variance of the population.
A minor modification of this method is to make the probability of selection proportional to
some monotonically increasing function of the fitness. If the function instead has a positive
second derivative, the probability that high-fitness chromosomes is enhanced. One version
of this heuristic is inspired by the Boltzmann factor of Eq.2; the probability that chromosome
i with fitness fi will be selected is
e fi / T
P(i )  (69)
 
E e fi / T
68 New Advances in Machine Learning

where the expectation is over the current generation and T is a control parameter loosely
referred to as a temperature. Early in the evolution the temperature is set high, giving all
chromosomes roughly equal probability of being selected. Late in the evolution the
temperature is set lower so as to find the chromosomes in the region of the optimal classifier.
We can express such search by analogy to biology: early in the search the population
remains diverse and explores the fitness landscape in search of promising areas; later the
population exploits the specific fitness opportunities in a small region of the space of
possible classifiers.
When a pattern recognition problem involves a model that is discrete or of such high
complexity that analytic or gradient descent methods are unlikely to work, we may employ
stochastic techniques—ones that at some level rely on randomness to find model
parameters.Simulated annealing,based on physical annealing of metals, consists in
randomly perturbing the system,and gradually decreasing the randomness to a low final
level,in order to find an optimal solution.Boltzmann learning trains the weights in a network
so that the probability of a desired final output is increased. Such learning is based on
gradient descent in the Kullback-Liebler divergence between two distributions of visible
states at the output units:one distribution describes these units when clamped at the known
category information, and the other when they are free to assume values based on the
activations throughout the network. Some graphical models, such as hidden Markov models
and Bayes belief networks, have counterparts in structured Boltzmann networks, and this
leads to new applications of Boltzmann learning.

8. Unsupervised Learning and Clustering

Until now we have assumed that the training samples used to design a classifier were
labelled by their category membership. Procedures that use labelled samples are said to be
supervised. Now we shall investigate a number of unsupervised procedures, which use
unlabeled samples.
Let us reconsider our original problem of learning something of use from a set of unlabeled
samples. Viewed geometrically, these samples may form clouds of points in a d -
dimensional space. Suppose that we knew that these points came from a single normal
distribution. Then the most we could learn form the data would be contained in the
sufficient statistics—the sample mean and the sample covariance matrix. In essence, these
statistics constitute a compact description of the data. The sample mean locates the centre of
gravity of the cloud; it can be thought of as the single point m that best represents all of the
data in the sense of minimizing the sum of squared distances from m to the samples. The
sample covariance matrix describes the amount the data scatters along various directions. If
the data points are actually normally distributed, then the cloud has a simple
hyperellipsoidal shape, and the sample mean tends to fall in the region where the samples
are most densely concentrated.
If we assume that the samples come from a mixture of c normal distributions, we can
approximate a greater variety of situations. In essence, this corresponds to assuming that the
samples fall in hyperellipsoidally shaped clouds of various sizes and orientations. If the
number of component densities is sufficiently high, we can approximate virtually any
density function as a mixture model in this way, and use the parameters of the mixture to
describe the data. Alas, we have seen that the problem of estimating the parameters of a
Methods for Pattern Classification 69

mixture density is not trivial. Furthermore, in situations where we have relatively little prior
knowledge about the nature of the data, the assumption of particular parametric forms may
lead to poor or meaningless results. Instead of finding structure in the data, we would be
imposing structure on it.
One alternative is to use one of the nonparametric methods to estimate the unknown
mixture density. If accurate, the resulting estimate is certainly a complete description of
what we can learn from the data. Regions of high local density, which might correspond to
significant subclasses in the population, can be found from the peaks or modes of the
estimated density.
If the goal is to find subclasses,a more direct alternative is to use a clustering procedure.
Roughly speaking, clustering procedures yield a data description in terms clustering of
clusters or groups of data points that possess strong internal similarities. Formalprocedure
clustering procedures use a criterion function, such as the sum of the squared distances from
the cluster centres, and seek the grouping that extremizes the criterion function. Because
even this can lead to unmanageable computational problems, other procedures have been
proposed that are intuitively appealing but that lead to solutions having few if any
established properties. Their use is usually justified on the ground that they are easy to
apply and often yield interesting results that may guide the application of more rigorous

8.1 Similarity Measures

The most obvious measure of the similarity(or dissimilarity)between two samples is the
distance between them. One way to begin a clustering investigation is to define a suitable
distance function and compute the matrix of distances between all pairs of samples. If
distance is a good measure of dissimilarity, then one would expect the distance between
samples in the same cluster to be significantly less than the distance between samples in
different clusters.
Suppose for the moment that we say that two samples belong to the same cluster if the
Euclidean distance between them is less than some threshold distance d 0 . It is immediately
obvious that the choice of d0 is very important. If d 0 is very large, all of the samples will be
assigned to one cluster. If d 0 is very small, each sample will form an isolated, singleton
cluster. To obtain “natural” clusters, d 0 will have to be greater than the typical within-
cluster distances and less than typical between-cluster distances.
Less obvious perhaps is the fact that the results of clustering depend on the choice of
Euclidean distance as a measure of dissimilarity. That particular choice is generally justified
if the feature space is isotropic and the data is spread roughly evenly a long all directions.
Clusters defined by Euclidean distance will be invariant to translations or rotations in
feature space—rigid-body motions of the data points. However, they will not be invariant to
linear transformations in general, or to other transformations that distort the distance
relationships. Thus, a simple scaling of the coordinate axes can result in a different grouping
of the data into clusters. Of course, this is of no concern for problems in which arbitrary
rescaling is an unnatural or meaningless transformation. However, if clusters are to mean
anything, they should be invariant to transformations natural to the problem.
One way to achieve invariance is to normalize the data prior to clustering. For example, to
obtain invariance to displacement and scale changes, one might translate and scale the axes
70 New Advances in Machine Learning

so that all of the features have zero mean and unit variance— standardize the data. To
obtain invariance to rotation, one might rotate the axes so that they coincide with the
eigenvectors of the sample covariance matrix. This trans- formation to principal components
can be preceded and/or followed by normalization for scale.
However, we should not conclude that this kind of normalization is necessarily desirable.
Consider, for example, the matter of translating and whitening—scaling the axes so that
each feature has zero mean and unit variance. The rationale usually given for this
normalization is that it prevents certain features from dominating distance calculations
merely because they have large numerical values, much as we saw in networks trained with
backpropagation. Subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation is an
appropriate normalization if this spread of values is due to normal random
variation;however,it can be quite inappropriate if the spread is due to the presence of
Instead of scaling axes, we can change the metric in interesting ways. For instance, one
broad class of distance metrics is of the form

1/ q

d ( x, x' )    | xk  xk '|q 
 k 1 

where q ≥1 is a selectable parameter—the general Minkowski metric we considered in.

Setting q =2 gives the familiar Euclidean metric while setting q =1 the Manhattan or city
block metric—the sum of the absolute distances along each of the d coordinate axes. Note
that only q =2 is invariant to an arbitrary rotation or translation in feature space. Another
alternative is to use some kind of metric based on the data itself, such as the Mahalanobis
More generally, one can abandon the use of distance altogether and introduce a nonmetric
similarity function s ( x, x' ) to compare two vectors x and x . Convention-similarity ally,
this is a symmetric functions whose value is large when x and x are somehowfunction
“similar.” For example, when the angle between two vectors is a meaningful measure of
their similarity, then the normalized inner product

x t x'
s ( x, x ' )  (71)
|| x ||  || x'||

may be an appropriate similarity function. This measure, which is the cosine of the angle
between x and x ,is invariant to rotation and dilation, though it is not invariant to
translation and general linear transformations.

8.2 Criterion Functions

8.2.1 The Sum-of-Squared-Error Criterion
The simplest and most widely used criterion function for clustering is the sum-of- squared-
error criterion. Let ni be the number of samples in Di and let mi be the mean of those
Methods for Pattern Classification 71

mi  x (72)
ni xDi

Then the sum-of-squared errors is defined by

J e    || x  mi ||2 (73)
i 1 xDi

8.2.2 Related Minimum Variance Criteria

By some simple algebraic manipulation we can eliminate the mean vectors from the
expression for J e and obtain the equivalent expression

1 c 
Je   ni si (74)
2 i1

 1
si  2   || x  x'||2 (75)
ni xDi x 'Di

Equation 51 leads us to interprets si as the average squared distance between points in the
i -th cluster, and emphasizes the fact that the sum-of-squared-error criterion uses Euclidean
distance as the measure of similarity. It also suggests an obvious way of obtaining other

criterion functions. For example, one can replaces si by the average, the median, or perhaps
the maximum distance between points in a cluster. More generally, one can introduce an

appropriate similarity function s(x,x)and replaces si by functions such as
 1
si  2  s( x, x' ) (76)
ni xDi


si  min s ( x, x' ) (77)
x , x 'Di

8.3 Hierarchical Clustering

The most natural representation of hierarchical clustering is a corresponding tree, called a
dendrogram, which shows how the samples are grouped. If it is possible to measure the
similarity between clusters, then the dendrogram is usually drawn to scale to show the
similarity between the clusters that are grouped. We shall see shortly how such similarity
values can be obtained, but first note that the similarity values can be used to help
determine whether groupings are natural or forced. If the similarity values for the levels are
roughly evenly distributed throughout the range of possible values, then there is no
principled argument that any particular number of clusters is better or “more natural” than
another. Conversely, suppose that there is a unusually large gap between the similarity
72 New Advances in Machine Learning

values for the levels corresponding to c =3 and to c =4 clusters. In such a case, one can
argue that c =3 is the most natural number of clusters.

8.3.1 The Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm

When d max is used to measure the distance between clusters the algorithm is sometimes
called the nearest-neighbor cluster algorithm, or minimum algorithm Moreover, if it is
terminated when the distance between nearest clusters exceeds an arbitrary threshold, it is
called the single-linkage algorithm. Suppose that we think of the data points as being nodes
of a graph, with edges forming a path between the nodes in the same subset Di . When dmin
is used to measure the distance between subsets, the nearest neighbor nodes determine the
nearest subsets. The merging of Di and D j corresponds to adding an edge between the
nearest pair of nodes in Di and D j . Since edges linking clusters always go between distinct
clusters, the resulting graph never has any closed loops or circuits;in the terminology of
graph theory, this procedure generates a tree. If it is allowed to continue until all of the
subsets are linked, the result is a spanning tree—a tree with a path from any node to any
other node. Moreover,it can be shown that the sum of the edge lengths of the resulting tree
will not exceed the sum of the edge lengths for any other spanning tree for that set of
samples. Thus, with the use of d min as the distance measure, the agglomerative clustering
procedure becomes an algorithm for generating a minimal spanning tree.

8.3.2 The Farthest-Neighbor Algorithm

When dmax(Eq.75)is used to measure the distance between subsets, the algorithm is
sometimes called the farthest-neighbor clustering algorithm, or maximum algorithm. If it is
terminated when the distance between nearest clusters exceeds an arbitrary threshold, it is
called the complete-linkage algorithm. The farthest-neighbor algorithm discourages the
growth of elongated clusters. Application of the procedure can be thought of as producing a
graph in which edges connect all of the nodes in a cluster. In the terminology of graph
theory, every cluster constitutes a complete subgraph. The distance between two clusters is
determined by the most distant nodes in the two clusters. When the nearest clusters are
merged, the graph is changed by adding edges between every pair of nodes in the two
Unsupervised learning and clustering seek to extract information from unlabeled samples. If
the underlying distribution comes from a mixture of component densities described by a set
of unknown parameters  , then  can be estimated by Bayesian or maximum- likelihood
methods. A more general approach is to define some measure of similarity between two
clusters, as well as a global criterion such as a sum-squared- error or trace of a scatter matrix.
Since there are only occasionally analytic methods for computing the clustering which
optimizes the criterion, a number of greedy(locally step-wise optimal)iterative algorithms
can be used, such as k-means and fuzzy k-means clustering.
If we seek to reveal structure in the data at many levels—i.e., clusters with sub-clusters and
sub-subcluster—then hierarchical methods are needed. Agglomerative or bottom-up
methods start with each sample as a singleton cluster and iteratively merge clusters that are
“most similar” according to some chosen similarity or distance measure.Conversely,
divisive or top-down methods start with a single cluster representing the full data set and
Methods for Pattern Classification 73

iteratively splitting into smaller clusters, each time seeking the subclusters that are most
dissimilar. The resulting hierarchical structure
is revealed in a dendrogram. A large disparity in the similarity measure for successive
cluster levels in a dendrogram usually indicates the “natural” number of clusters.
Alternatively, the problem of cluster validity—knowing the proper number of clusters —can
also be addressed by hypothesis testing. In that case the null hypothesis is that there are
some number c of clusters; we then determine if the reduction of the cluster criterion due to
an additional cluster is statistically significant.
Competitive learning is an on-line neural network clustering algorithm in which the cluster
center most similar to an input pattern is modified to become more like that pattern. In
order to guarantee that learning stops for an arbitrary data set, the learning rate must decay.
Competitive learning can be modified to allow for the creation of new cluster centers, if no
center is sufficiently similar to a particular input pattern, as in leader-follower clustering and
Adaptive Resonance. While these methods have many advantages, such as computational
ease and tracking gradual variations in the data, they rarely optimize an easily specified
global criterion such as sum-of-squared error.
Component analysis seeks to find directions or axes in feature space that provide an
improved, lower-dimensional representation for the full data space. In(linear) principal
component analysis, such directions are merely the largest eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix of the full data; this optimizes a sum-squared-error criterion. Nonlinear principal
components, for instance as learned in an internal layer an auto- encoder neural network,
yields curved surfaces embedded in the full d -dimensional feature space, onto which an
arbitrary pattern x is projected. The goal in independent component analysis—which uses
gradient descent in an entropy criterion—is to determine the directions in feature space that
are statistically most independent. Such directions may reveal the true sources(assumed
independent)and can be used for segmentation and blind source separation.
Two general methods for dimensionality reduction is self-organizing feature maps and
multidimensional scaling. Self-organizaing feature maps can be highly nonlinear, and
represents points close in the source space by points close in the lower-dimensional target
space. In preserving neighborhoods in this way, such maps also called “topologically
correct.” The source and target spaces can be of very general shapes, and the mapping will
depend upon the the distribution of samples within the source space. Multidimensional
scaling similarly learns a nonlinear mapping that, too, seeks to preserve neighborhoods, and
is often used for data visualization. Because the basic method requires all the inter-point
distances for minimizing a global criterion function, its space complexity limits the
usefulness of multidimensional scaling to problems of moderate size.

9. Conclusion
One approach to this problem is to use the samples to estimate the unknown probabilities
and probability densities, and to use the resulting estimates as if they were the true values.
In typical supervised pattern classification problems, the estimation of the prior probabilities
presents no serious difficulties. However, estimation of the class-conditional densities is
quite another matter. The number of available samples always seems too small, and serious
problems arise when the dimensionality of the feature vector x is large. If we know the
number of parameters in advance and our general knowledge about the problem permits us
74 New Advances in Machine Learning

to parameterize the conditional densities, then the severity of these problems can be reduced
significantly. Suppose, for example, that we can reasonably assume that p ( x | i ) is a normal
density with mean  i and covariance matrix  i , although we do not know the exact values
of these quantities. This knowledge simplifies the problem from one of estimating an
unknown function p ( x |  i ) to one of estimating the parameters  i and  i .
In general there are two approaches to develop classifiers: a parametric approach and a
nonparametric approach. in a parametric approach, a priori knowledge of data distributions
is assumed, otherwise, a nonparametric approach will be employed. Neural networks, fuzzy
systems, and support vector machines are typical nonparametric classifiers.

10. References
Abe, S. (2005). Support vector machines for pattern classification, Springer, 1852339292, USA
Richard, D.; Peter, H. & David, S. (1999). Pattern Classification, Wiley, John & Sons,
Incorporated, 0471056693, USA
Simon S. Haykin (2008). Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Prentice Hall, 0131471392
Thorsten Joachims(2002), Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines.
Dissertation, Kluwer,.
Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical learning theory. Chichester, UK: Wiley
Yizhang, G.; Zhifeng, H. (2007). Using SVMs Method to Detect Abrupt Change, Proceedings
of 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 3298-
3301, 1-4244-0972-1, Aug. 2007, Hong Kong
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 75


Classification of support vector

machine and regression algorithm
1Harbin University of Science and Technology, 2Hefei University

1. Introduction
Support vector machine (SVM) originally introduced by Vapnik. V. N. has been successfully
applied because of its good generalization. It is a kind of learning mechanism which is based
on the statistical learning theory and it is a new technology based on the kernel which is
used to solve the problems of learning from the samples. Support vector machine was
presented in 1990s, and it has been researched deeply and extensively applied in some
practical application since then, for example text cataloguing, handwriting recognition,
image classification etc. Support vector machine can provide optimal learning capacity, and
has been established as a standard tool in machine learning and data mining. But learning
from the samples is an ill–posed problem which can be solved by transforming into a posed
problem by regularization. The RK and its corresponding reproducing kernel Hilbert space
(RKHS) play the important roles in the theory of function approach and regularization.
However, different functions approach problems need different approach functional sets.
Different kernel’s SVM can solve different actual problems, so it is very significant to
construct the RK function which reflects the characteristics of this kind of approach function.
In kernel-based method, one map which put the input data into a higher dimensional space.
The kernel plays a crucial role during the process of solving the convex optimization
problem of SVM. How to choose a kernel function with good reproducing properties is a
key issue of data representation, and it is closely related to choose a specific RKHS. It is a
valuable issue whether a better performance could be obtained if we adopt the RK theory
method. Actually it has caused great interest of our researchers. In order to take the
advantage of the RK, we propose a LS-SVM based on RK and develop a framework for
regression estimation in this paper. The Simulation results are presented to illustrate the
feasibility of the proposed method and this model can give a better experiment results,
comparing with Gauss kernel on regression problem.

2. Small Sample Statistical Learning Theory

In order to avoid the assumption that the distribution of sample points and sample purpose
of the request created a new principle of statistical inference ---- structured risk
minimization principle.
76 New Advances in Machine Learning

We discussed the two classification problems, that is

( x1 , y1 ),( x2 , y2 ), ,( xl , yl )  R n  Y
where Y  1, 1 ; xi  i  1, 2,, l  is the independent and identical distribution data based
on distribution density function p ( x, y ) .
Suppose f to be classifier, which is defined as the expectations of risk
R ( f )   f ( x)  y p( x, y )dxdy . (1)
Experience of risk is defined as
1 l
 f ( xi )  yi .
Remp ( f ) 
l i 1

Since the distribution density function p ( x, y ) is unknown, it is virtually impossible to

calculate the risk expectations R ( f ) .
If l   , we have R ( f )  Remp ( f ) . Accordingly, the process from control theory modeling
method to the neural network learning algorithm always constructs model with minimum
experience risk. It is called as Empirical Risk Minimization principle.
If R ( f ) and Remp ( f ) converge to the same limitation inf R( f ) in probability, that is,
p p
R ( f ) 
n 
 inf R( f ) , Remp ( f ) 
n 
 inf R( f ) .
Then Empirical Risk Minimization principle (method) has the consistency.
Unfortunately, as early as in 1971 Vapnik had proved that the minimum of experience of
risk may not converge to the minimum of expectations of risk, that is, the experience of risk
minimization principle is not established.
Vapnik and Chervonenkis proposed structural risk minimization principle, laid the
foundation for small sample statistical theory. They studied the relationship between
experience of risk and expectations of risk in-depth, and obtained the following inequality,
that is
2l 
h(ln  1)  ln
R ( f )  Remp ( f )  h 4 , (3)
which l ----- samples number;  ----- Parameters  0    1 ; h ----- Dimension of
function f , for short VC-dimension.
The importance of formula (3): the right side of inequality has nothing to do with the
specific distribution of the sample, that is, Vapnik's statistical learning theory do not need
the assumption about the distribution of samples, it overcomes the problem of the
high-dimensional distribution to the demand of samples number as exponential growth
with the dimension growth. This is essence distinction with the classic statistical theory and
the reasons for we call the Vapnik statistical methods for small samples of statistical theory.
From the formula (3), if l / h is large, the expectations of risk (real risk) is decided mainly
by the experienced of risk, and this is the reason of the experience of risk minimization
principle can often give good results for large sample set. However, if l / h is small, the
small value of the experience of risk Remp ( f ) has not necessarily a small value of the actual
risk. In this case, in order to minimize the actual risk, we must consider two items of the
right in formula (3): the experience of risk Remp ( f ) and confidence range (called the VC
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 77

dimension confidence). VC dimension h play an important role, in fact, confidence range

is an increasing function about h . When fixed the number l of points in the sample, the
more complex the classifier, that is, the greater the VC dimension h , the greater the range
of confidence, leading to the difference between the actual risks and experience gets greater.
Therefore, in order to ensure the actual risk to be the smallest, to make sure experience risk
minimization, but also to make the VC classifier peacekeeping function as small as possible,
this is the principle of structural risk minimization.
With Structural risk minimization principle, the design of a classifier has two-step process:
(1) Choice of model classifier to a smaller VC dimension, that is, small confidence range.
(2) Estimate the model parameters to minimize the risk experience

3. Classification of support vector machine based on quadratic program

3.1 Solving quadratic programming with inequality constraints
On the target of finding a classifying space H which can exactly separate the two-class
sample, and maximize the spacing of classification. The classifying space is called optimal
classifying hyper plane.
In mathematics, the equation of classifying space is
w, x  b  0 ,
where w, x is the inner product of the two vector, w is the weight number, b is a
So we can conclude that the problem which maximizes the spacing of classification between
the two-class samples corresponds with an optimization problem as followed:
1 2 1
min  ( w)  min w  min w, w . (4)
w, b 2 w, b 2
The constraint condition is
yi  w, xi  b   1 i  1, 2,, l . (5)
The (4) and (5) are current methods which describes the date sample is separated by the rule
of the support vector machine. Inherently it's a quadratic program problem solved by
inequality constraint.
We adopt the Lagrange optimization method to solve the quadratic optimization problem.
Therefore, we have to find the saddle point of a Lagrange function
L( w, b, ) 
w, w    y  w, x
i 1
i i i 
 b  1 ,


where  i  0 is the Lagrange multiplier.

By extremal condition, we can obtain
l l
Q( )    2    y y
i 1
i , j 1
i j i j xi , x j . (7)

Then we have already changed the symbol from L( w, b, ) to Q( ) for reflecting the final
The expression (7) is called Lagrange dual objective function. Under the constraint condition
78 New Advances in Machine Learning

 y  0 ,
i 1
i i (8)

 i  0, i  1, 2,, l , (9)
we find that  i which can maximize the function Q( ) . Then, the sample is the support
vector when  i are not zero.

3.2 Kernel method and its algorithm implementation

When the samples are not separated by liner classification, the way of the solution is using a
liner transforms   x  to put the samples from input data space to higher dimensional
character space, and then we separate the samples by liner classification in higher
dimensional character space, and finally we use the  1  x  to put the samples from higher
dimensional character space to input data, which is a nonlinear classification in input data.
The basic thought of the kernel method is that, for any kernel function K  x, xi  which
satisfies with the condition of Mercer, there is a character space 1  x  ,2  x  ,,l  x  ,
and in this space the kernel function implies inner product. So the inner product has been
replaced by kernel in input space.
The advantage of the kernel method is that, the kernel function of input space is equivalent
to the inner product in character space, so we only choose the kernel function K  x, xi 
without finding out the nonlinear transforms   x  .
Considering the Lagrange function
l l l
w C    i   i yi w,  xi   b  1  i      , i i (10)
i 1 i 1 i 1

 i ,  i  0, i  1,, l .
Similar to the previous section, we can get the dual form of the optimization problem
l l l

  y y K  x, x  .
max 
i 1
i 
i 1 j 1
i j i j i (11)

The constraint condition is


 y  0 ,
i 1
i i (12)

0   i  C , i  1,, l . (13)
Totally, the solution of the optimization problem is characterized by the majority of  i
being zero, and the support vector is that the samples correspond with the  i which are
not zero.
We can obtain the calculation formula of b from KKT as followed
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 79

 l 
yi    j y j K x j , xi  b   1  0,  i   0, C  .
  (14)
 
 j 1 
So we can find the value of b from anyone of the support vector. In order to stabilization,
we can also find the value of b from all support vectors, and then get the average of the
Finally, we obtain the discriminate function as followed
 l 
f  x   sgn   i yi K  xi , x   b  .
 (15)
 
 i 1 

3.3 One-class classification problem

Let a sample’s set be
 xi , i  1,, l , xi  R d .
We want to find the smallest sphere with a as its center and R as the radius and can
contain all samples. If we directly optimize the samples, the optimization area is a hyper
sphere. Allowing some data errors existed, we can equip with slack variable i to control,
and find a kernel function K  x, y  which satisfies that K  x, y     x  ,  y  , and the
optimization problem is
min F  R, a, i   R 2  C  .
i 1
i (16)

The constraint condition is

  xi   a    xi   a   R 2  i i  1,, l , (17)
i  0, i  1,, l . (18)
Type (16) will be changed into its dual form
l l l
max 
i 1
 i K  xi , xi     K  x , x  .
i 1 j 1
i j i j (19)

The constraint condition is


i 1
i 1, (20)

0   i  C , i  1,, l . (21)
We can get  by solving (19). Usually, the majority of  will be zero, the samples
corresponded with  i  0 are still so-called the support vector.
According to the KKT condition, the samples corresponded with 0   i  C are satisfied
 l 
 
R 2   K  xi , xi   2  j K x j , xi  a 2   0 ,
   (22)
 j 1 
80 New Advances in Machine Learning

a    x  . Thus, according to the (22), we can find the value of
i 1
i i R by any support

vector. For a new sample z , let

l l l

   K  x , x  .
 
f  z    z  a   z  a   K  z, z   2  i K  z , xi   i j i j
i 1 i 1 j 1

If f  z   R 2 , z is a normal point; otherwise, z is an abnormal point.

3.4 Multi-class support vector machine

1. One-to-many method
The idea is to take samples from a certain class as one class and consider the remaining
samples as another class, and then there is a two-class classification. Afterward we repeat
the above step in the remaining samples. The disadvantage of this method is that the
number of training sample is large and the training is difficult.
2. One-to-one method
In multi-class classification, we only consider two-class samples every time, that is, we
k (k  1)
design a model of SVM for every two-class samples. Therefore, we need to design
models of SVM. The calculation is very complicated.
3. SVM decision tree method
It usually combines with the binary decision tree to constitute multi-class recognizer, whose
disadvantage is that if the classification is wrong at a certain node, the mistake will keep
down, and the classification makes nonsense at the node after that one.
4. Determine the multi-class objective function method
Since the number of the variables is very large, the method is only used in small problem.
John C.Platt brings forward this method, combining DAG with SVM to realize the
multi-class classification.
6. ECC-SVM methods
Multi-class classification problem can be changed into many two-class classification
problems by binary encoding for classification. This method has certain correction
7. The multi-class classification algorithm based on the one-class classification
The method is that we first find a center of hyper sphere in every class sample in higher
dimensional character space, and then calculate the distance between every center and test
the samples, finally, judge the class based on the minimum distance a point on it.

4. Classification of support vector machine based on linear programming

4.1 Mathematical background
Considering two hyper plane of equal rank on R d , H1 :  , x  b1  0 and H 2 :  , x  b2  0 .
Based on L p two the hyper plane distance of norm is:
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 81

d p  H1 , H 2  : min x  y p , (23)
y H 2

 d p p
x p    xi  . (24)
 i 1 
Choose a y  H 2 arbitrarily, then two hyper plane's can be write be
d p  H1 , H 2   min x  y p
. (25)

Moves two parallel hyper plane to enable H 2 to adopt the zero point, can be obtain the
same distance hyper plane:
H1 :  , x   b1 , b2   0 , H 2 :  , x  0 .
If chooses y spot is the zero point, then the distance between two hyper plane is
d p  H1 , H 2   min x p . (26)

If L p is the Lq conjugate norm, that is p and q satisfy the equality

1 1
 1. (27)
p q
By the Holder inequality may result in
x p
 q  x,  . (28)
Regarding x  H , we have  , x  b1  b2 . Therefore
min x p
 q  b1  b2 . (29)

So, the distance between two hyper plane is

b1  b2
d p  H1 , H 2   min x  , (30)
 q

4.2 Classification algorithm of linear programming

1 norm formula of L1
The two hyper-plane H1 :  , x  b1  0 and H 2 :  , x  b2  0 , through the definition of the
norm of the distance between them
b1  b2
d1  H1 , H 2   , (31)
 

Where,  
expressed as a norm of L¥ , it is the dual norm of L1 , defined as
L¥ = max j w j . (32)
Supposes H :  , x  b  1 , H :  , x  b  1 , established through the two types of
 

support Vector distance between the hyper-plane as follow

 b  1   b  1 2
d1  H  , H     . (33)
 max j  j
82 New Advances in Machine Learning

Therefore the optimized question's equation is

min max j w j . (34)
w ,b

The restraint is
yi ( w, x i + b ) ³ 1, i = 1, , l . (35)
Therefore obtains the following linear programming
mina . (36)
The restraint is
yi ( w, x i + b ) ³ 1, i = 1, , l , (37)
a ³ w j , j = 1, , d , (38)
a ³ -w j , j = 1, , d , (39)
a,b Î R, w Î R . d
This is a linear optimization question, must be much simpler than the quadratic
2 norm formula of L¥
If defines L¥ between two hyper-planes the distances, then we may obtain other one form
linear optimization equation. This time, between two hyper-planes distances is
b b
d   H1 , H 2   1 2 . (41)
 1

Regarding the linear separable situation, two support between two hyper-planes the
distances is
1  b    1  b  2
d  H  , H     . (42)
1 

Maximized type (42) is equivalent to

min å w j . (43)
w ,b j

The restraint is
yi ( w, x i + b ) ³ 1, i = 1, , l . (44)
Therefore the optimized question is
min å a j . (45)
j =1

Bound for
yi ( w, x i + b ) ³ 1, i = 1, , l , (46)
a j ³ w j , j = 1, , d , (47)
a j ³ -w j , j = 1, , d . (48)

4.3 One-class classification algorithm in the case of linear programming

The optimized question is
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 83

1 l
 2    C  i ,
min (49)
2 i 1

Restrain for
 ,  xi     i , i  0, i  1,, l . (50)
Introduces Lagrange the function
1 2 l l l

 L      C  i    i  ,  xi     i   ii ,
2 i 1 i 1 i 1
  (51)
in the formula  i  0,  i  0, i  1,, l .
The function L’s extreme value should satisfy the condition
  
L  0, L  0, L 0. (52)
  i
    i  xi  , (53)
i 1

i 1
i  1, (54)

C   i   i  0, i  1,, l . (55)
With (53)~(55) replace in Lagrange function (51). And using kernel function to replace inner
product arithmetic in higher dimensional space, finally we may result in the optimized
question the dual form is
1 l l
min    i j k  xi , x j  . (56)
2 i 1 j 1
Restrain for
0   i  C , i  1,, l , (57)

i 1
i  1. (58)

After solving the value of  we may get the decision function

f ( x)    i k  xi , x  . (59)
i 1

While taking the Gauss kernel function , we may discover that the optimized equation (56)
and a classification class method's of the other form ----- type (19) is equal.
We may obtain its equal linear optimization question by the reference
 l

min     C  i  . (60)
 i 1 
Restrain for
 , ( xi )    i , i  0, i  1,, l , (61)
 1 1. (62)
Using kernel expansion  k  x , x 
j 1
j j i to replace the optimized question type (60) the
84 New Advances in Machine Learning

inequality constraint item  , ( xi ) , so we can obtain the following linear programming

 l

min     C  i  . (63)
 i 1 
Restrain for

 k  x , x      , i  1,, l ,
i 1
i i i (64)

 i 1
i  1, (65)

 i , i  0, i  1,, l . (66)
Solving this linear programming may obtain the of value  and  , therefore we can
obtain a decision function:
f ( x)    i k  xi , x  . (67)
i 1

According to the significance of optimization problems, regarding the majority of training

samples will meet f ( x)   , the significance of parameter C satisfies the condition
f ( x)   to control the sample quantity , the larger parameter C will cause all samples to
satisfy the condition ,and the geometry significance of parameter C will give in the 5th
chapter. Hyper plane of the decision-making to be as follows:

 k  x , x    .
i 1
i i (68)

After Hyper plane of the decision-making reflected back to the original space, the training
samples will be contained in the regional compact. Regarding arbitrary sample x in the
region, satisfies f ( x)   , and for region outside arbitrary sample y to satisfy f ( x)   
In practical application, the value of parameter  2 in kernel function is smaller , which
obtains the region to be tighter in the original space to contain the training sample , this
explained that the parameter  2 will decide classified precisely .

4.4 Multi-class Classification algorithm in the case of linear programming

The following linear programming will be under the classification of a class which is
extended to many types of classification. Using the methods implement a classification class
operation to each kind of samples, then obtains a decision function to each kind. Then input
the wait for testing samples in each decision function, according to the decision function to
determine the maximum-point belongs to the category. The concrete algorithm is as follows
Supposes the training sample is:
 x1, y1  ,,  xl , yl   R n  Y , Y  1, 2,, M  ,
where, n is the dimension of input samples ; M is a category number . Sample is divided
into M -type, and various types of classifications are written separately:
 x
, y1
 ,,  x  , y   , s  1,, M 
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 85

where  x i
, yi
 , s  1, 2,, l s represents the s -th type of training samples

l1  l2    lM  l . A kind of classification thought according to 2.3 section, made the

following linear programming:
 M ls

min     C   si  . (69)
 s 1 i 1 
Restrain for

   k  x  , x      
j 1
si , s  1,, M , i  1,, ls , (70)


    1, s  1,, M ,
j 1

 i s  ,  si  0, s  1,, ls . (72)
Solving this linear programming, may obtain M decision functions

j 1

f s ( x)   a j  k xj  , x , s  1,, M .
 (73)

Assigns treats recognition sample z , calculated  i  f s ( z ), i  1,, M . Compared with the

size, find the largest  k , then z belongs to the k -th type. At the same time, the definition
of the classification results can trust is as follows:
 1 k  

Bk    k . (74)
 otherwise

When the difference of the number among samples of various types is large, we can
introduce the different  value in optimized type (69). And using quadratic programming
the similar processing methods, here no longer relates in details.
Another alternative way is to directly compare the new sample size in all decision function,
and then the basis maximum value to determine where a new category of sample was taken.
As a result of the decomposition algorithm to the optimization process is an independent, it
can also be carried out in parallel computing.

5. The beat-wave signal regression model based on least squares

reproducing kernel support vector machine
5.1 Support Vector Machine
For the given sample’s set
{( x1 , y1 ) , ... , ( xl , yl )}
xi  R , yi  R , l is the samples number, d is the number of input dimension. In order to
precisely approach the function f ( x) which is about this data set, For regression analysis,
SVM use the regression function as following
f ( x)   wi k ( xi , x)  q , (75)
i 1
86 New Advances in Machine Learning

wi is the weight vector, and q is the threshold, k ( xi , x) is the kernel function.

Training a SVM can be regarded as minimizing the value of J ( w, q )
1 l
 l

min J ( w, q)  w    yk   wi k ( xi , xk )  q  .
2 k 1  i 1 
The kernel function k ( xi , x) must satisfy with the condition of Mercer. When we define
the kernel function k ( xi , x) , we also define the mapping which is from input datas to
character space. The general used kernel function of SVM is Gauss function, defined by
k ( x, x)  exp( x  x /2 2 ) . (77)
For this equation,  is a parameter which can be adjusted by users.

5.2 Support Vector’s Kernel Function

1. The Conditions of Support Vector’s Kernel Function
In fact, if a function satisfies the condition of Mercer, it is the allowable support vector’s
kernel function.
Lemma 2.1 The symmetry function k ( x, x) is the kernel function of SVM if and only if: for
all function g  0 which satisfies the condition of  Rd
g 2 ( )d   , we need to satisfy the
condition as following
 Rd  Rd
k ( x, x)g ( x) g ( x)dxdx  0 . (78)
This Lemma proposes a simple method to build the kernel function.
For the horizontal floating function, we can give the condition of horizontal floating kernel
Lemma 2.2 The horizontal floating function k ( x, x)  k ( x  x) is a allowable support
vector’s kernel function if and only if the Fourier transform of k ( x) need to satisfy the
condition as following

kˆ( )  (2 ) 2  d exp( jwx)k ( x)dx  0 . (79)

2. Reproducing Kernel Support Vector Machine on the Sobolev Hilbert space H ( R : a, b) 1

Let F ( E ) be the linear space comprising all complex-valued functions on an abstract set
E . Let H be a Hilbert (possibly finite-dimensional) space equipped with inner product
  ,  H . Let h : E  H be a Hilbert space H -function on E . Then, we shall consider
the linear mapping L from H into F ( E ) defined by
f ( q)  ( Lg )( p)  ( g , h( p)) H . (80)
The fundamental problems in the linear mapping (80) will be firstly the characterization of
the images f ( p ) and secondly the relationship between g and f ( p ) .
The key which solves these fundamental problems is to form the function K ( p, q ) on
E  E defined by
K ( p, q)  ( g ( q), g ( p)) H . (81)
We let R ( L) denote the range of L for H and we introduce the inner product in R( L)
induced from the norm
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 87

f R( L)
 inf{ g H
; f  Lg} . (82)
Then, we obtain
Lemma 2.3 For the function K ( p, q ) defined by (81), the space  R( L),(, ) R ( L )  is a Hilbert
(possibly finite dimensional) space satisfying the properties that
(i) for any fixed q  E , K ( p, q ) belongs to R ( L) as a function in p ;
(ii) for any f  R( L) and for any q  E ,
f ( q)  ( f () , K (, q )) R ( L ) .
Further, the function K ( p, q ) satisfying (i) and (ii) is uniquely determined by R ( L) .
Furthermore, the mapping L is an isometry from H onto R ( L) if and only if
{h( p ); p  E} is complete in H .
On the Sobolev Hilbert space H 1 ( R : a, b) on R comprising all complex valued and
absolutely continuous functions f ( x) with finite norms

  < ,
 2 2 2
(a 2 f ( x)  b 2 f ( x) )dx (83)

where a , b  0 .
The function
1  ba x  y 1 ei ( x  y )

Ga ,b ( x, y ) 
e 
2 
 a  2  b 2 2
d . (84)

is the RK of H 1 ( R : a, b) .
On the Hilbert space, we construct this horizontal floating kernel function:
k ( x, x)  k ( x  x)   Ga ,b ( xi  xi) . (85)
i 1

Theorem 2.1 The horizontal floating function of Sobolev Hilbert space H 1 ( R : a, b) is

defined as
1  ab x  x 
Ga ,b ( x, x) 
e , (86)
and the Fourier transform of this function is positive.
Proof. By (86), we have
1  ba x
Ĝ a ,b ( )   exp( j x)Ga ,b ( x)dx   exp( j x)  e dx
R R 2ab
1  x  j x 1
2ab R
 e a
dx  0
b 2  a 2 2
Theorem 2.2 The function


d d
1   ba xi  ji xi
kˆ( )  (2 ) 2  d exp( j x)k ( x)dx  (2 ) 2   (  e dxi ) , (87)
i 1 2ab

is a allowable support vector kernel function.

Proof. By the Lemma 2.2, we only need to prove
d d
 d
1  d
kˆ( )  (2 ) 2   (2 ) 2
 Gˆ a ,b (i )  0 .
i 1 b 2
 a 2
i 1
88 New Advances in Machine Learning

That is

kˆ( )  (2 ) 2  d exp( j x) k ( x)dx

d d
1   ba xi  ji xi
 (
2ab 
 (2 ) 2
e dxi )
i 1

By Theorem 2.1, we have

d d
 d
1  d
kˆ( )  (2 ) 2 b  (2 ) 2
 Gˆ a ,b (i )  0
i 1
 a 2i 2 i 1

For regression analysis, the output function is defined as

l d
1  ba x j  xij
f ( x)   wi  e q, (88)
i 1 j 1 2ab
xij is the value of the i -th training sample’s j -th attribute.

5.3 Least Squares RK Support Vector Machine

Least squares support vector machine is a new kind of SVM. It derives from transforming
the condition of inequation into the condition of equation. Firstly, we give the linear
regression algorithm as follows.
For the given samples set
{( x1 , y1 ) , , ( xl , yl )}
xi  R d , yi  R , l is the sample’s number, d is the number of input dimension. The linear
regression function is defined as
f ( x )  wT x  q . (89)
Importing the structure risk function, we can transform regression problem into protruding
quadratic programming
1 2 1 l 2
min  w    i  . (90)
2 2 i 1 
The limited condition is
yi  wT xi  q  i . (91)
We define the Lagrange function as
1 2 1 l 2 l
L  w    i    i (wT xi  q  i - yi ) , (92)
2 2 i 1 i 1

and we obtain
 L l

 w  0  w    i xi
 i 1

 L l

  0   i  0
 q i 1
 . (93)
 L
 0   i  i ; i  1,, l
 i

 L  0  wT x  q   - y  0 ; i  1,, l
  i i i
 i
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 89

From equations (93), we can get the following linear equation

I 0 0  x   w  0 
0 0 0 T   q   0 
  , (94)
0 0 I  I     0 
 T    
x  I 0     y 
where x  [ x1 ,, xl ] , y  [ y1 ,, yl ] ,   [1,,1] ,   [1 ,, l ] ,   [1 ,, l ] .
The equation result is
0 T   q  0
 1   
 , (95)
 x x   I     y 

where w    i xi , i   i /  .
i 1

For non-linear problem, the non-linear regression function is defined as

f ( x)    i k ( xi , x)  q . (96)
i 1

The above equation result can be changed into

0 T   q   0 
 1   
 , (97)
 K   I     y 
K  ki , j  k ( xi , x j )
, the function k ( , ) is given by (87). Based on the RK kernel
i , j 1

function, we get a new learning method which is called least squares RK support vector
machine (LS-RKSVM). Since using least squares method, the computation speed of this
algorithm is more rapid than the other SVM.

5.4 Simulation results and analysis

We use LS-RKSVM to regress the Beat-wave signal
a (t )  A sin(1t )  sin(2t )
where a (t ) is the Beat-wave signal, A is the Signal amplitude, 1 is the higher
frequency of Beat-wave frequencies, that is the resonant frequency of resonant Beat-wave,
2 is the frequency of Beat-wave, the relationship between 1 and 2 is that 2  1 / 2n ,
where n is the cycle number of sine wave which is included in a beat-wave with a 1
We assume A  1.1, 2  0.5, n  5, t  2 s , and 150 sampling points. We can get the result of
this experiment which can be described as figure 1, figure 2 and table 1. Figure 1 is the
regression result of LS-SVM which uses the Gauss kernel function. Figure 2 is the regression
result of LS-RKSVM which uses the RK kernel function.
For regression experiments, we use the approaching error as following
1 N

N t 1
( y (t )  y l (t )) 2 ) 2 .
Ems  ( (98)

The Simulation results shows that the regression ability of RK kernel function is much better
than Gauss kernel function. This reveals RK kernel function has rather strong regression
90 New Advances in Machine Learning

ability and it can be used for pattern recognition. We can find that the LS-SVM is a very
promising method based on RK kernel. The model has strong regression ability.

kernel function kernel parameter error

RBF kernel:γ=150  =0.01 0.0164
RK kernel: γ=150 a=0.1, b=1 0.0110
Table 1. The regression result for Beat-wave signal

Fig. 1. The regression curve based on Gauss kernel (“.” is true value, “+” is predictive value)

Fig. 2. The regression curve based on RK kernel (“.” is true value, “*” is predictive value)

The SVM is a new machine study method which is proposed by Vapnik based on statistical
learning theory. The SVM focus on studying statistical learning rules under small sample.
Classification of support vector machine and regression algorithm 91

Through structural risk minimization principle to enhance extensive ability, the SVM
preferably solves many practical problems, such as small sample, non-linear, high
dimension number and local minimum points. The LS-SVM is an improved algorithm
which base on SVM. This paper proposes a new kernel function of SVM which is the RK
kernel function. We can use this kind of kernel function to map the low dimension input
space to the high dimension space. The RK kernel function enhances the generalization
ability of the SVM. At the same time, adopting LS-SVM, we get a new regression analysis
method which is called least squares RK support vector machine. Experiment shows that the
RK kernel function is better than Gauss kernel function in regression analysis. The RK and
LS-SVM are combined effectively. Thereby we can find that the result of regression is more

6. Prospect
Further study should be started in the following areas:
1. The kernel method provides an effective method which can change the nonlinear problem
into a linear problem, that is, the kernel function plays an important role in the support
vector machine. Therefore, for practical problems, rational choice of the kernel function and
the parameter in it is a problem which should be research.
2. For the massive data of practical problems, a serious problem need to be solved is to
propose an efficient algorithm.
3. It is a valuable research direction that fusion of the Boosting and the Ensemble methods
are proposed to be a better algorithm of support vector machine.
4. It is significant to put the support vector machine, planning network, Gauss process and
neural network into same frame.
5. It is a significant research subject that combines the idea of support vector machine with
the Bayes Decision and consummates the maximum margin algorithm.
6. The research on support vector machine still needs to be done extensively.

7. References
Bernhard S. & Sung K.K. (1997). Comparing support vecter machines with Gaussian kernels
to radical basis fuction classifiers. IEEE transaction on signal processing
Fatiha M. & Tahar M. (2007). Prediction of continuous time autoregressive processes via the
reproducing kernel spaces. Computational mechanics, Vol 41, No. 1, dec
Karen A. Ames; Rhonda J. & Hughes. (2005). Structural stability for ill-posed problems in
Banach space, Semigroup forum, Vol 70, No. 1, Jan
Mercer J. (1909). Function of positive and negative type and their connection with the theory
of integral equations. Philosophical transactions of the royal society of London, Vol
209, pp. 415~446
O.L.Mangasarian. (1999). Arbitrary-norm Separating Plane. Operation Research Letters,
1(24): 15~23
Saitoh S. (1993). Inequalities in the most simple Sobolev space and convolutions of 2
functions with weights. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 118, pp. 515~520
92 New Advances in Machine Learning

Smola A. J.; Scholkopf B. & Muller K. R. (1998). The connection between regularization
operators and support vector kernels. Neural networks, Vol 11, No. 4, pp. 637~649
Suykens J. & A. K. (2002). Least squares support vector machines, World scientific, Singapore
Vapnik. V. N. (1995). The nature of statistical learning theory. Springer-verlag, New York
Vapnik V N. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. Wiley, New York
Yu Golubev. (2004). The principle of penalized empirical risk in severely ill-posed problems.
Probability theory and related fields, Vol 130, No. 1, sep
Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application to Pedestrian Recognition 93


Classifiers Association for

High Dimensional Problem:
Application to Pedestrian Recognition
Laetitia LEYRIT, Thierry CHATEAU and Jean-Thierry LAPRESTE
LASMEA - UMR 6602 CNRS & Blaise Pascal University

1. Introduction
Machine learning is widely used for object recognition in images (Viola & Jones, 2001). Indeed,
the goal is to recognize any object of the same class whatever the background, the illumina-
tion conditions, ... . The key-point of such a method is the ability to create a generic model
able to describe the huge variability of an object class. A large training set is then used so as
to cover all the variations taken by the object class. For each example, a simple description
provides a huge feature vector from which only a subset is relevant according to the object to
be recognised.
Kernel based machines like Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Vapnik, 1998) have shown great
performances for object recognition in images (Papageorgiou & Poggio, 2000). But high di-
mensional problem can be prohibitive for it: it implies expensive time, presence of irrelevant
features can disturb the classifier and overfitting often occurs.
Various approaches were proposed in order to decrease this number of variables (Guyon &
Elisseeff, 2003). They are of two types: the filters and the wrappers. The filters methods use only
the training set. They process the entire data before the learning step and keep only relevant
characteristics. Most widespread is the Relief algorithm, introduced by Kira and Rendell (Kira
& Rendell, 1992) and improved by Konenko (Kononenko, 1994), which computes a criterion
of relevance for each characteristic of the training set. Another approach presented by Hall in
(Hall, 2000) uses a correlation score to reduce the training set. An extension of this method
was developed in (Yu & Liu, 2003) for great dimension sets.
The wrappers methods carried out the variable choice at the same time as the training process
is done. Moreover, they use the process itself to select relevant characteristics (Kohavi & John,
1997). Solutions were brought for SVMs. Weston in (Weston et al., 2000) explores parame-
ter space by a stepped gradient descent and fix an exit threshold on the classification error.
Rakotomamonjy proposes in (Rakotomamonjy, 2003) a selection criterion based on the vari-
able influence on the decision rule of a SVM classifier. Generally, these methods, which take
account of the training set and the classifier in the same time, give good results but induce
expensive computing times.
For an out-line learning, the computing time is not the main problem. However, studies like
(Campedel et al., 2005) showed the efficiency of variable selection to improve the classifier
performances: the presence of useless data can disturb the classifier and memory is misused.
94 New Advances in Machine Learning

With the aim of time-saving, the ideal is to use a variable selection algorithm which can be
processed independently of the learning process. But not to take account of the classifier is
the major disadvantage of the filtering methods: the drawback is to select attributes which are
not finally useful for this one. To guarantee the relevance of the characteristics preserved for
the classifier, the best tool is this classifier used itself.
AdaBoost algorithms can also be used for feature selection. In (Viola & Jones, 2001) an
AdaBoost cascade is used with Haar wavelets based descriptor. At each stage of the classifier,
a Haar resolution is chosen and images are divided into several sub-windows. The classifier
rejects the non-informative ones. At the follow step, the Haar resolution is increased only for
sub-windows which were selected at the previous iteration. This stage of the classifier rejects
also the non-informative sub-windows and the process keeps on. After several stages of the
classifier, the number of sub-windows decrease quickly. Moreover the decision threshold is
readjusted as the classifier progresses. An extension of this cascade method is developed in
(Le & Satoh, 2004) with a final SVM classifier. First stages of the classifier use AdaBoost algo-
rithm to reduce the feature space and select relevant features. The last stage is a SVM classifier
which builds a face model from the features selected previously. This both methods allow to
reduce the features number in the first stages of the cascade. In this approach, the AdaBoost
algorithm is only used to select relevant features from a huge set of possible ones.
We propose here an original association of a classic AdaBoost algorithm with a kernel based
machine. Adaboost is an algorithm which builds a strong classifier by selecting a huge num-
ber of weak ones. It can be used for feature selection too: each feature can be seen as a weak
classifier and AdaBoost selects a subset of them. Our approach consists on using the result-
ing subset of weak relevant classifiers (and not relevant features) as binary vectors in a kernel
based machine learning classifier (like SVM).
We focus our proposal on pedestrian recognition: since pedestrians provide a large appear-
ance variability (size, clothes, skin colour, ...) the training set used for learning must be very
large. Numerous features are then used to describe correctly each sample of the training set.
The association of AdaBoost and kernel machine allows to handle this high dimensional prob-
This chapter is organized as follow: section 1 describes the main features used in classification;
then the classifiers methods is presented in section 2. Experiments and results of the proposed
method on a pedestrian recognition task are realizes in section 3; and finally section 4 gives
the conclusion.

2. Features for image description

In pattern recognition, different types of features are widely used to describe each image. For
many recognition system, the goal is to realize an on-line application, and features are cho-
sen according to that. These features have to be efficient of course but moreover to compute
quickly so as to reach an on-line processing time. We present here three types of features
widely used in pattren recognition: Haar wavelets, histograms of oriented gradients and bi-
nary descriptors.

2.1 Haar wavelets

They are probably the most used features for pattern recognition in images. Introduced by
Papageorgiou in (Papageorgiou & Poggio, 2000), they encode a local information with an in-
tensity difference at different scales.
Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application to Pedestrian Recognition 95

The overcomplete dictionnary presented in (Papageorgiou & Poggio, 2000) allows a fast com-
putation of haar wavelets in threes directions: horizontal, vertical and diagonal (see figure
1) The main difficulty is to find adapted sizes for a given image. Indeed a finer scale only
captures noise whereas large scale doesn’t capture an object characteristics.

Fig. 1. The three different orientations of the Haar wavelets.

2.2 Histograms of Oriented Gradients

This image descriptor for image recognition was introced in (Dalal & Triggs, 2005). This de-
scriptor is a based on edge orientation histograms (Freeman & Roth, 1995) and SIFT descriptor
(Lowe, 2004) The idea is to count occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of
an image called cells. We thus obtain a dense grid of uniformly spaced cells and overlapping
local contrast normalization is used for improved performance. Here difficulties are to choose
a correct grid to describe an object and to select a correct normalization schema.

2.3 Binary descriptors

This kind of descriptor becomes very popular used in pattern recognition, especially for low
resolution images. It computes an intensity comparison of two points, which is an enough
resolution for small images. Various methods were proposed to select and associated them
(Lepetit & Fua, 2006; Moutarde et al., 2008). The points selection appears as the main problem
of this descriptor because it gives quickly a high dimensional feature vector if all the possibil-
ities space is cover up. We build our own binary descriptor based on the comparison result of
the grey levels as presented in the figure 2. Let us note u the coordinates of an image point.
I (u) returns the pixel intensity at this point, i.e. the grey level associated with these coordi-
nates in the image. Given two points of the image, u1 and u2 , the descriptor carries out the
following comparison:
( I (u1 ) ≥ I (u2 )) (with u1 = u2 ) (1)
It returns the logical value 1 if the test is true and 0 if the test is false.

Fig. 2. Descriptor of grey-levels comparisons.

96 New Advances in Machine Learning

3. Machine Learning
Today the machine learning used in image recognition are either Boosting method either Ker-
nel method. This section describes these learning methods.
Here, we follow the standard notations, representing the output labels by a scalar y which
can take two possible discrete values corresponding to the object class: y = −1 for negative
examples (non-objects) and y = 1 for positive examples (objects). Vectors x ∈ IRQ represents
input features provided by images descriptors. Let S = {(xi , yi )}iN=1 denotes a training set
composed by N samples of feature vectors associated to their corresponding labels.

3.1 Adaptative Boosting or AdaBoost

This method is developped by Freund and Schapire in (Freund & Schapire, 1996). It’s the more
commun method of Boosting used for image recognition. The AdaBoost principle is straight
forward. As opinions of several experts are better than only one, this algorithm combines
decisions of several weak classifiers. An uniform weight is given for each data of the training
set. At each iteration, a subset of the training set is drawn from S according to the weights
assigned to them at the previous iteration. A weak classifier h(t) is created from this subsam-
ple and the classification error t is calculated for the entire training set. The weight vector is
then updated: the weight of the elements well classified decreases, while the weight of those
badly classified increases. The process is reiterated until reaching the number of required
weak classifiers or until the error on the training set is lower than a given threshold.
The decision rule associated to Adaboost is then a linear combination of selected weak classi-
y = sign( ∑ αt ht (x)) (2)
t =1
where αt are weights estimated from the learning step. Equation (2) clearly shows that the
classification rule is given by the sign of a linear equation (hyperplane) into the selected weak
classifiers space.

3.2 Kernel Machine

Kernel based machines has been widely used for classification ((Suard et al., 2006),(Papageor-
giou & Poggio, 2000),(Shashua et al., 2004)). The general form of the classifier is given by:
y = sign ∑ wm φm (x) (3)
m =1

Here, {φm (x)|m = 1...M} are basis functions and {wm |m = 1...M} are the associated weights.
We propose non linear basis functions:
φm (x) = k(x, xm ) (4)
where k (x, xm )
is a kernel function. The classification rule can be written in a more compact
form by the following equation:
y = sign(w T φ(x)) (5)
where w T = (w1 , w2 , ..., w M ) is a weight vector and φ(x) = (φ(x1 ), φ(x2 ), ..., φ(x N ) . To train
the model (estimate w), we are given the training set Sh = {(xi , yi )}iN=1 . We use the Euclidean
norm to measure y-space prediction errors, so the estimation problem is of the form:
w := arg min {||w T Φ − y||2 } (6)
Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application to Pedestrian Recognition 97

.   .
where Φ = φ(x1 )), φ(x2 ), ..., φ(x N ) is the design matrix and y = (y1 , ...y N ) T is the training set
label vector. The estimation of the parameter vector w using the least-square criterion defined
in equation (6) is given by:1
wls = yΦ+ (7)
Alternative methods can be used to estimate w. A solution is to place priors over w in order to
set many weights to zero. The resulting model is then called sparse linear model. SVM (Sup-
port Vector Machine)(Vapnik, 1998) is a sparse linear model where the weights are estimated by
the minimization of a Lagrange multipliers based functional. Other sparse linear models, like
RVM (Relevant Vector Machines) (Tipping, 2001) may also be employed.
Vectors used for basis functions are usually composed by a subset of the training set Sh . It is
also possible to use the entire training set and in this case M = N. The matrix Φ is then sym-
metric and system resolution can be made more efficiently using Cholesky decomposition.
We make the common choice to use Gaussian data-centred basis functions:
φm (x) = exp − (x − xm (x))2 /σ2 , (8)

which gives us a ”radial basis function” (RBF) type model from which the parameter σ must
be adjusted. On one hand, if σ is too small, the ”design matrix” Φ is mostly composed of
zeros. On the other hand, if σ is too large, Φ is mostly composed of ones. We propose to
adjust σ using a non linear optimization maximizing an empirical criteria based on the sum
of the variances computed for each line of the design matrix Φ:

σ := arg max[−C (σ)] (9)


N M  2
C (σ) = ∑ ∑ φm (x) − φ(x(n) (x)) (10)
n =1 m =1
1 M
φm (x(n) (x))
M m∑
φ(x) = (11)
The classifier thus obtained will be denoted by KHA (Kernel Approximation Hyperplane) in sec-
tion 4.

3.3 Classifiers Association

Our goal is to be able to recognize object with a great variability. For that, we use dataset
with a large number of examples, and each example is described by a huge features vector.
Using all this features set is prohibitive for the computation of kernel machines. That’s why
we propose here to use an Adaboost algorithm to choose only the more relevant features into
the training set. As AdaBoost selects the best weak classifiers for a classification task, the fea-
tures selected will be relevant for a kernel machine too. Here, we propose an original approach
which consists in selecting weak classifiers with AdaBoost (not relevant feature selection), and
then using the selected weak classifiers as new binary input vectors to learn a kernel based
classifier. This method provides non-linear separator in the weak learner space and classifies
accurately more examples as shown in figure 3; positive examples are denoted by symbol +,
negative examples by −. h1 ( x ) and h2 ( x ) are two weak classifiers selected by AdaBoost. They
1 Φ+ denotes the pseudo-inverse of Φ.
98 New Advances in Machine Learning

return value 1 for examples classified as positive and −1 for examples classified as negative.
In the weak learner space, AdaBoost provides a linear separator and some examples are mis-
classified. Our method provides non-linear separator and classified correctly all examples. So

Fig. 3. Our method provides non-linear separator while AdaBoost gives linear one.

the first stage of the learning process is doing by an AdaBoost algorithm which gives a new
binary training set for the kernel machines. We define Sh = {(h(xi ), yi )}iN=1 a new training
set where h(xi ) ∈ IR T is a vector composed by the output of each selected classifier estimated
.  T
from parameters x such as h(xi ) = h1 (xi ), ..., hT (xi ) . Next the classification rule for kernel
machines becomes:  
y = sign ∑ wm φm (h(x)) (12)
m =1
φm (h(x)) = k(h(x), hm (x)) (13)
where k(h(x), hm (x)) is the kernel function. The estimation problem is given by equation (6)
and the resolution is done like presented in section 3.2 .

4. Experiments and Results

Fig. 4. Examples of pedestrian (first line) and non-pedestrian (second line) images.

We focus our work on pedestrian recognition in images coming from low-cost camera (see
(Leyrit et al., 2008)). This work is challenging because pedestrian is a hard pattern to recog-
nize due to the differences of clothes, size... added to classic illumination and background
variations. Since pedestrian appearance provides a large variability, the training set used in
Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application to Pedestrian Recognition 99

the learning stage must be very huge and each sample can be described by a huge feature
vector. We used the images dataset provided by Gavrila and Munder in (Munder & Gavrila,
2006). This base is subdivided into five parts; each one contains 4800 positive and 5000 neg-
ative images. Each picture has a size of 36x18 pixels, in grey levels. In the positive images,
the pedestrians are standing and entirely visible; they were taken in various postures, and
in various illumination and background conditions. Each pedestrian picture was randomly
reflected and shift a few pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions. The negative images
describe the urban environment: trees, buildings, cars, roadsigns... This base (some examples
of which are shown in figure 4) constitutes the data used for training and the validation of the
proposed method. According to (Munder & Gavrila, 2006) the three first parts are used for
the training, and the two last ones are used for the validation. It assumes that the validation
is doing independently of the training.

4.1 The proposed method compared to a standard AdaBoost

In this part we compare the results of a standard AdaBoost to the ones given by the proposed
method. We use here the association of the binary output of the AdaBoost with a KHA kernel
machine. Results are obtained for the descriptor of grey level comparisons (see paragraph
2.1). We make these comparisons between points belonging to the same line or the same
column. As the image size is of 36x18 pixels, we obtain 5508 binary descriptors for the lines
and 11340 for the columns.
The table 1 gives recognition errors for these experiments; the class decision rule is computed
with a classical threshold set to zero. We also plot ROC curves for each experiments as shown

Classifier Learning set Error on Error on

number validation set 4 validation set 5
Standard AdaBoost 1 27,49% 25.09%
Association with KHA 1 30,61% 24,21%
Standard AdaBoost 2 26,81% 31,69%
Association with KHA 2 16,62% 14,81%
Standard AdaBoost 3 44,79% 44,71%
Association with KHA 3 21,42% 13,48%
Table 1. Comparison between standard AdaBoost and the classifiers association using grey-
level features.

in figure 5 for more precision. A ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic) presents vari-
ations and sensitivity of a test for various values of the discrimination threshold. The x-axis
represents the false negative rate (non-pedestrians classified as pedestrians) while the y-axis
corresponds to the true positive rate (of the pedestrians which are well detected as such). Let
us suppose a ROC curve through the point (0.1;0.9). That means that for 90% of the well classi-
fied pedestrians, 10% of non-pedestrians are badly classified. Most of the time, the classifiers
association gives best results than a standard AdaBoost. In this way, we can achieve good
recognition rate despite the high dimensional size of the features vectors.

4.2 Comparison between two different kernel machines

We tested the proposed method with a SVM kernel machine. Results are given in table 2
(decision threshold set to zero) and ROC curves are presented in figure 6. With a decision
threshold set to zero, KHA gives better results; but we can see in figure 6 that for other decision
100 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 5. Comparison between standard Adaboost and the proposed method.

thresholds, SVM reachs equivalent recognition rate. The decision threshold should be selected
carrefully according to each application. It depends on the rate of misclassified an application
can tolerate.

Classifier Learning set Error on Error on

number validation set 4 validation set 5
Association with KHA 1 30,61% 24,21%
Association with SVM 1 30,62% 25,70%
Association with KHA 2 16,62% 14,81%
Association with SVM 2 20,76% 21,09%
Association with KHA 3 21,42% 13,48%
Association with SVM 3 30,96% 27,86%
Table 2. Errors of the proposed method with two different kernel machines.

4.3 Comparison between three descriptors

We have implemented the three descriptors presented in section 2: the histograms of oriented
gradients (HOG), Haar wavelets and our grey-level descriptor.
We chose a Haar wavelets size of 2x2 and 4x4, shifted by 14 of the size of the wavelet in the
three directions (see paragraph 2.1). It gives 1755 features.
As regards the HOG, we chose a cutting into 3x3 cells, and histograms are computed with 8
bins. We thus obtain 576 features.
For the two previous descriptors, the feature vector is relatively small and doesn’t require a
previous weak classifier selection. We only use the complete method for the binary descriptor.
Then a KHA kernel machine is trained on each dataset.
Classifiers Association for High Dimensional Problem: Application to Pedestrian Recognition 101

Fig. 6. The proposed method implemented with two different kernel machines.

The results presented in table 3 and in figure 7 show that these three descriptors work into
almost the same range of values. With more precison, ROC curves show that histogramms
of oriented gradients are better for these pedestrian recognition task. The binary descriptor,
despite its simplicity, achieves almost same results. Haar wavelets doesn’t reach the same
performances than the two others descriptors.

Descriptor Learning set Error on Error on

number validation set 4 validation set 5
HOG 1 24,99% 21.17%
Haar wavelets 1 31,54 % 31,18%
Grey-level descriptor 1 30,61% 24,21%
HOG 2 26,17% 21,39%
Haar wavelets 2 20,35% 20,55%
Grey-level descriptor 2 16,62% 14,81%
HOG 3 18,84% 16,32%
Haar wavelets 3 21,84% 16,32%
Grey-level descriptor 3 21,42% 13,48%
Table 3. Errors with three different descriptors.
102 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 7. Comparison between three different descriptors.

5. Conclusion and future works

We have proposed a learning based approach for high dimensional object detection. This
method uses an AdaBoost algorithm to select relevant weak classifiers, which are then used
as binary vectors to learn a kernel based classifier.
This method helps to solve high dimensional problem like a pedestrian recognition task; re-
sults show that the method gives good performances and outperforms standard AdaBoost.
Three popular descriptors have been tested; histograms of oriented gradients give the best
results but the binary descriptors reach almost the same results, which is very interesting for
a real-time application. Haar wavelets are less competitive than the two others descriptors.
We have designed our own classifier, KHA, which gives similar results than a SVM classi-
fier. KHA is easy to develop but we explore now solutions to decrease the number of retained
support vectors and to select relevant ones. It should help us to reach faster computation time.

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From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 105


From Feature Space to Primal Space:

KPCA and Its Mixture Model
Haixian Wang
Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science of Ministry of Education,
Research Center for Learning Science, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096,
P. R. China

1. Introduction
Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) (Schölkopf et al., 1998) has proven to be an ex-
ceedingly popular technique in the fields of machine learning and pattern recognition, and
is discussed at length in literature. KPCA is to perform linear PCA (Hotelling, 1933; Jol-
liffe, 2002) in a high- (and possibly infinite-) dimensional kernel-defined feature space that is
typically induced by a nonlinear mapping. In implementation, the so-called kernel trick is
employed. Namely, KPCA is expressed in terms of dot products between the mapped data
points, and the dot products are then evaluated by substituting an a priori kernel function.
KPCA has demonstrated to be an incredibly useful tool for many application areas includ-
ing handwritten digits recognition and de-noising (Schölkopf et al., 1998; Mika et al., 1999;
Schölkopf et al., 1999), nonlinear regression (Rosipal et al., 2001), face recognition (Kim et al.,
2002a; Yang, 2002; Kong et al., 2005), and complex image analysis (Kim et al., 2005; Li et al.,
In practice, however, we are often confronted with the situation that needs to process a large
number of data points. This raises a problem for KPCA, since KPCA has to store and di-
agonalize the kernel matrix (also known as Gram matrix), whose size is equal to the square
of the number of training samples. So, for large scale data set, KPCA would consume large
storage space and be computationally intensive (with time complexity O(n3 ), a cubic growth
with n, where n is the number of the training samples). Then it is impractical for KPCA to
be applied in some circumstances. Another attendant problem is that eig-decomposing large
matrix directly suffers from the issue of numerical accuracy. Some algorithms have been de-
veloped to address the drawbacks associated with KPCA. By considering KPCA from a prob-
abilistic point of view, Rosipal and Girolami (2001) presented an expectation maximization
(EM) (Dempster et al., 1977; McLachlan & Krishnan, 1997) method for carrying out KPCA.
Their algorithm is of computational complexity O( pn2 ) per iteration, where p is the number
of extracted components. Whereas the EM algorithm for KPCA does alleviate computational
demand, there exists a rotational ambiguity with the algorithm. To remove the obscurity, a
constrained EM algorithm for KPCA (and PCA) was formulated based on coupled probabil-
ity model (Ahn & Oh, 2003). Also, one deficiency of these EM-type algorithms is that the
kernel matrix still required to be stored. Kim et al. (2005) then derived the kernel Hebbian
algorithm (KHA), which was the counterpart of the generalized Hebbian algorithm (GHA)
(Sanger, 1989), to iteratively perform KPCA, where only linear order memory complexity was
106 New Advances in Machine Learning

involved. However, the price one has to pay for this saving is that the time complexity is
not under control. Motivated by the idea “divide and rule”, Zheng et el. (2005) proposed
another improved algorithm for KPCA as follows. First, the entire data set was divided into
some smaller data sets, then the sample covariance matrix of each smaller data set was ap-
proximately computed, and finally kernel principal components were extracted by combin-
ing these approximate covariance matrices. With their method, the computational demand
and memory requirement are effectively relieved. However, the advantages relate with many
factors such as the required accuracy of extracted components, the number of the divided
smaller data sets (which is usually empirically set), and the data to be processed. As a generic
methodology, another thread of speeding up kernel machine learning is to seek a low-rank
approximation to the kernel matrix. Since, as noted by several researchers, the spectrum of
the kernel matrix tends to decay rapidly, the low-rank approximation often achieves sufficient
precision of the requirement. Williams and Seeger (2001) used Nyström method to compute
the approximate eigenvalue decomposition of the kernel matrix. Also, Smola and Schölkopf
(2000) presented a sparse greedy approximation technique. These two methods yield similar
forms and performances.
Another limitation of KPCA is that it defines only a global projection of the samples. When the
distribution of the data points is complex and non-convex, a global subspace based on KPCA
may fail to deliver good performance in terms of feature extraction and recognition. In input
space, Tipping and Bishop (1999) and Roweis and Ghahramani (1999) introduced mixture of
PCA to remedy the same shortcoming of PCA. Kim et al. (2002b) used mixture-of-eigenfaces
for face recognition. There are many other papers on face recognition using mixture method,
but as they do not focus on KPCA, references are omitted.
The contributions of this chaper are twofold: Firstly, viewing KPCA as a problem in primal
space with the “samples” created by using the incomplete Cholesky decomposition, we show
that KPCA is equivalent to performing linear PCA in the primal space using the created sam-
ples. So, the same kernel principal components as the standard KPCA are produced. Con-
sequently, all the improved methods dealing with linear PCA (such as the constrained EM
algorithm and the GHA method mentioned above), as well as directly diagonalizing the co-
variance matrix, could be applied to the created samples in the primal space to extract kernel
principal components. Theoretical analysis and experimental results on both artificial and real
data have shown the superiority of the proposed method for performing KPCA in terms of
computational efficiency and storage space, especially when the number of the data points is
large. Secondly, we extend KPCA to a mixture of local KPCA models by applying the mixture
model of the probabilistic PCA in the primal space. While KPCA uses one set of features to
model the data points, the mixture of KPCA uses more than one set of features. Therefore,
the mixture of KPCA is expected to represent data more effectively and has better recognition
performance than KPCA, which is also confirmed by the experiments.
The remainder of this chaper is organized as follows. The standard KPCA is briefly reviewed
in Section 2, and in Section 3, we formulate KPCA in the primal space using the incomplete
Cholesky decomposition. Next, we extend KPCA to its mixture model in Section 4. Experi-
mental results are presented in Section 5. In Section 6, we draw the conclusion.

2. Kernel Principal Component Analysis

Suppose xi ∈ R l , i = 1, . . . , n, are n observations. The basic idea of KPCA is as follows. First, the
samples are mapped into some potentially high- (and possibly infinite-) dimensional feature
From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 107

space F
φ : R l → F , xi → φ(xi ), (i = 1, . . . , n) (1)
where φ is a typically nonlinear function. Then a standard linear PCA is performed in F using
the mapped samples. In evaluation, we don’t have to compute the mapping φ explicitly. The
mapped samples occur in the forms of dot products, say between φ(xi ) and φ(x j ), which are
computed by choosing a kernel function k:
k(xi , x j ) = (φ(xi ) · φ(x j )). (2)
The mapping φ into F such that (2) stands exists if k is a positive definite kernel, thanks to
Mercer’s theorem of functional analysis. So, the mapping φ and thus F are fixed implicitly
via the function k. The dth-order polynomial kernel, k (xi , x j ) = (xi · x j )d , Gaussian kernel with
width σ > 0, k(xi , x j ) = exp(−xi − x j 2 /2σ2 ), and sigmoid kernel k(xi , x j ) = tanh( a(xi · x j ) +
b) are commonly used Mercer kernels.
For notation simplicity, the mapped samples are assumed to be centered, i.e. ∑in=1 φ(xi ) = 0.
We wish to find eigenvalues λ > 0 and associated eigenvectors v ∈ F \ {0} of the covariance
matrix of the mapped samples φ(xi ), given by
1 n
n i∑
Cφ = φ ( xi ) φ ( xi ) T , (3)

where T denotes the transpose of a vector or matrix. Since the mapping φ is implicit or Cφ
is very high dimensional, direct eigenvalue decomposition will be intractable. The difficulty
is circumvented by using the so-called kernel trick; that is, linear PCA in F is formulated
such that all the occurrences of φ are in the forms of dot products. And the dot products
are then replaced by the kernel function k. So, dealing with the φ-mapped data explicitly is
avoided. Specifically, since λv = Cφ v, all solutions v with λ = 0 fall in the subspace spanned
by {φ(x1 ), . . . , φ(xn )}. Therefore, v could be linearly represented by φ(xi ):
v= ∑ α i φ ( xi ) , (4)
i =1

where αi (i = 1, . . . , n) are coefficients. The eigenvalue problem is then reduced as the following
equivalent problem
λ(φ(x j ) · v) = (φ(x j ) · Cφ v) for all j = 1, . . . , n. (5)
Substituting (3) and (4) into (5), we arrive at the eigenvalue equation

nλKα = K2 α ⇒ nλα = Kα, (6)

where α denotes a column vector with entries α1 , . . . , αn , and K, called kernel matrix, is an
n × n matrix with elements defined as
Kij = k(xi , x j ) = (φ(xi ) · φ(x j )). (7)
Assume that t is a testing point whose φ-image is φ(t) in F . We calculate its kernel princi-
pal components by projecting φ(t) onto the kth eigenvectors vk . Specifically, the kth kernel
principal components corresponding φ are
n n
(vk · φ(t)) = ∑ αik (φ(xi ) · φ(t)) = ∑ αik k(xi , t), (8)
i =1 i =1
108 New Advances in Machine Learning

where αk has been normalized such that λk (αk · αk ) = 1. Note that centering the vectors φ(xi )
and t in F is realized by centering the corresponding kernel matrices (Schölkopf et al., 1998).

3. Kernel Principal Component Analysis in Primal Space

In this section, we will derive KPCA in the primal space with the samples created by us-
ing the incomplete Cholesky decomposition. Let φ(X) = [φ(x1 ), . . . , φ(xn )] be the data matrix
containing all the φ-mapped training samples as columns. By partial Gram-Schmidt orthonor-
malization (Cristianini et al., 2002), we factorize the data matrix φ(X) as

φ(X) = QR, (9)

where Q has m orthonormal columns, R ∈ R m×n is an upper triangular matrix with positive
diagonal elements, and m is the rank of φ(X). Note that the matrix R could be evaluated row
by row without computing φ explicitly. The partial Gram-Schmidt procedure pivots the sam-
ples and selects the linearly independent samples in the feature space F . The orthogonalized
version of the selected independent samples, i.e. the columns of Q, is thus used as a set of
basis. All φ-mapped data points could be linearly represented using the basis. Specifically,
the ith column of the matrix R are the coefficients for the linear representation of φ(xi ) using
the columns of Q as the basis. So, the columns of R are, in fact, the new coordinates in the
feature space of the corresponding data points of φ(X) using the basis. By (9), the following
decomposition of the kernel matrix is yielded:

K = φ(X)T φ(X) = RT QT QR = RT R, (10)

which is the incomplete Cholesky decomposition (Fine & Scheinberg, 2001; Bach & Jordan,
From (10), if defining a new mapping

φ̃ : F → R m , φ(xi ) → ri , (i = 1, . . . , n) (11)

where ri is the ith column of R, then the n vectors {r1 , . . . , rn } give rise to the same Gram matrix
K (Shawe-Taylor & Cristianini, 2004); that is

(φ(xi ) · φ(x j )) = k(xi , x j ) = (ri · r j ). (12)

The space R m is referred to as the primal space, and ri (i = 1, . . . , n) are viewed as “samples”.
From (9), we see that, if φ(xi ) are centered, then ri are also centered. In other words, ri could
be centered by centering the kernel matrix K. By using the samples ri created in the primal
space R m , we have the following
Theorem 1. Given observations xi (i = 1, . . . , n) and kernel function k, KPCA is equivalent to per-
forming linear PCA in the primal space R m using the created samples ri (i = 1, . . . , n), both of which
produce the same kernel principal components.
Proof. It suffices to note that the dot products between the φ-mapped samples in the feature
space F are the same with that between the corresponding φ̃-mapped samples in the primal
space R m , and linear PCA in both the feature space F (i.e., KPCA) and the primal space R m
could be represented through the forms of dot products between samples. The equivalence
between KPCA and linear PCA in the primal space is schematically illustrated as follows:
From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 109

diagonalize Gram matrix K = φ(X)T φ(X) ≡ diagonalize Gram matrix K = RT R

 through dot products  through dot products
KPCA, i.e., linear PCA in F with samples φ(xi ) linear PCA in R m with samples ri

The theorem is thus established. 

In the primal space, we could, of course, carry out linear PCA by using the dual expression
of dot products; but this obviously makes the motivation for creating the new samples in the
primal space useless. Considering the dimension of the primal space, m, is small, we perform
linear PCA by directly diagonalizing the m × m covariance matrix of the φ̃-mapped data points
ri , given by
1 n 1
Cφ̃ = ∑ ri rT = RRT . (13)
n i =1 i n

Let λ̃1 ≥ λ̃2 ≥ · · · ≥ λ̃m be the eigenvalues of Cφ̃ , and ṽ1 , . . . , ṽm the corresponding eigenvec-
tors. We proceed to compute the kernel principal components of the testing point t. Firstly, we
need to compute its φ̃-image. We carry out the projections of φ(t) onto the basis vectors, i.e.,
the columns of Q. This is achieved by calculating an extensional column of the matrix R in
the partial Gram-Schmidt procedure (Shawe-Taylor & Cristianini, 2004). The kernel principal
components corresponding to φ are then computed as

(ṽk · r̄) (14)

for k = 1, . . . , p, where r̄ is the φ̃-image of φ(t) and p (≤ m) is the number of components.

Alternatively, all improved methods dealing with linear PCA could be applied to R in the
primal space. For example, with the constrained EM algorithm for PCA (Ahn & Oh, 2003), we
obtain iterative formula

E step: Z = (L(ΓT Γ))−1 ΓT R, (15)

new T T −1
M step: Γ = RZ (U (ZZ )) , (16)

where the element-wise lower operator L is defined such as L(wst ) = wst for s ≥ t and is
zero otherwise, the upper operator U is defined such as U (wst ) = wst for s ≤ t and is zero
otherwise, and Z denotes the p × n matrix of latent variables. The matrix Γ at convergence is
equal to Γ = VΛ, where the columns of V = [ṽ1 , . . . , ṽ p ] are the first p eigenvectors of Cφ̃ , with
corresponding eigenvalues λ̃1 , . . . , λ̃ p forming the diagonal matrix Λ. Another extensively
used iterative method for PCA is the generalized Hebbian algorithm (GHA) (Sanger, 1989).
Based on GHA, the m × p eigenvectors matrix V corresponding to the p largest eigenvalues is
updated according to the rule
V(t + 1) = V(t) + δ(t) r(t)y(t)T − V(t)U (y(t)y(t)T ) , (17)

where y = VT r is the principal component of r, δ(t) is a learning rate parameter. Here, the
argument t denotes a discrete time when a sample r(t) is selected randomly from all the sam-
ples ri . It has been shown by Sanger (1989) that, for proper setting of learning rate δ(t) and
initialization V(0), the columns of V converge to the eigenvectors of Cφ̃ as t tends to infinity.
In summary, the procedure of the proposed algorithm for performing KPCA is outlined as
110 New Advances in Machine Learning

1. Perform the incomplete Cholesky decomposition for the training points as well as test-
ing points to obtain R and r̄;
2. Compute the p leading eigenvectors corresponding to the first p largest eigenvalues of
the covariance matrix Cφ̃ (defined in (13)) by (a) directly diagonalizing Cφ̃ , (b) using the
constrained EM algorithm (according to (15) and (16)), or (c) using the GHA algorithm
(according to (17));
3. Extract kernel principal components by projecting each testing point onto the eigenvec-
tors (according to (14)).
Complexity analysis. The computational complexity of performing the incomplete Cholesky
decomposition is of the order O(m2 n), and the storage requirement is O(mn). Next, if one
explicitly evaluates the covariance matrix Cφ̃ followed by diagonalization to obtain the eigen-
vectors, the computational and storage complexity are O(m2 n + m3 ) and O(( p + m)m), respec-
tively. When p  m, it is possible to obtain computational savings by using the constrained
EM algorithm, the time and storage complexity of which are respectively O( pmn) per itera-
tion and O( p(m + n)). If using the GHA method, the time complexity is O( p2 m) per iteration
and storage complexity O( pm). The potential efficiency gains, nevertheless, depend on the
number of iterations needed to reach the required precision and the ratio of m to p. As one
has seen, the proposed method do not need to store the kernel matrix K, the storage of which
is O(n2 ), and its computational complexity compares favorably with that of the traditional
KPCA, which scales as O(n3 ).

4. Mixture of Kernel Principal Component Analysis Models

Single KPCA provides only a globally linear model for data representation in a low dimen-
sional subspace. It may be insufficient to model (heterogeneous) data with large variation.
One remedy method is to model the complex data with a mixture of local linear sub-models.
Considering KPCA in its equivalent form in the primal space, and using the mixture model
in the primal space (Tipping & Bishop, 1999), we extend KPCA to a mixture of local KPCA
models. While KPCA uses one set of features for the data points, the mixture of KPCA uses
more than one set of features. Mathematically, in the primal space, we suppose that r1 , . . . , rn
are generated independently from a mixture of g underlying populations with unknown pro-
portion π1 , . . . , π g

ri = µ j + Γ j zij + ε ij , with probability π j , ( j = 1, . . . , g; i = 1, . . . , m) (18)

where µ j is a m-dimensional non-random vector, the m × p matrix Γ j is known as the factor

loading matrix, zij are p-dimensional latent (unobservable) variables (also known as common
factors), ε ij are m-dimensional error variables, and π j is the corresponding mixing proportion
with π j > 0 and ∑ j=1 π j = 1. The generative model (18) assumes that z1j , . . . , znj are indepen-
dently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) as Gaussian with zero mean and identity covariance,
ε 1j , . . . , ε nj i.i.d. as Gaussian with mean zero and covariance matrix σj2 Im , and zij is indepen-
dent with ε ij and their joint distribution is Gaussian.
In the case of g = 1, it was shown by Tipping and Bishop (1999) and Roweis and Ghahramani
(1999) that, as the noise level σ12 becomes infinitesimal, the PCA model in the primal space
was recovered, which just is KPCA as shown in Section 3. So, model (18) is an extension to
KPCA. We refer to (18) as mixture of KPCA (MKPCA). Note that a separate mean vector µ j is
From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 111

associated with each component of the g mixture model, therefore allowing each component
to model the data covariance structure in different regions of the primal space.
Since the true classification of ri into components are unknown, we use the marginal proba-
bility density function (p.d.f.) that is a g-component Gaussian mixture p.d.f.
f ( ri ; Θ ) = ∑ π j ϕ ( ri ; µ j , Σ j ) (19)
j =1

for the observations, where ϕ(ri ; µ j , Σ j ) is the Gaussian p.d.f. with mean µ j
and variance Σ j = Γ j ΓT 2 the model parameters are given by Θ =
j + σj Im ,
(µ1 , . . . , µ g , Γ1 , . . . , Γ g , σ12 , . . . , σg2 , π1 , . . . , π g ). For log-likelihood maximization, the model
parameters could be estimated via the EM algorithm as follows (Tipping & Bishop, 1999).
The E-step is
(k) (k) (k)
π̂ j ϕ(ri ; µ̂ j , Σ̂ j )
ẑij = g (k) (k) (k)
. (20)
∑i=1 π̂i ϕ(ri ; µ̂i , Σ̂i )
In the M-step, the parameters are updated according to

( k +1) 1 n (k)
n i∑
π̂ j = ẑij , (21)
( k +1) ∑in=1 ẑij ri
µ̂ j = (k)
, (22)
∑in=1 ẑij
( k +1) (k+1/2) (k) 2( k ) 2( k ) (k)T (k) −1 (k)T (k+1/2) (k) −1
Γ̂ j = Ŝ j Γ̂ j σ̂j Im + (σ̂j I p + Γ̂ j Γ̂ j ) Γ̂ j Ŝ j Γ̂ j , (23)
2( k +1) (k+1/2) (k+1/2) (k) 2(k) ( k )T ( k ) ( k +1)T
σ̂j = tr Ŝ j − Ŝ j Γ̂ j (σ̂j I p + Γ̂ j Γ̂ j )−1 Γ̂ j , (24)
(k+1/2) 1 (k) ( k +1) ( k +1) T
(k+1) ∑ ij
Ŝ j = ẑ (ri − µ̂ j )(ri − µ̂ j ) . (25)
nπ̂ j i =1

In the case σj2 → 0, the converged Γ̂ j contains the (scaled) eigenvectors of the local covariance
matrix Ŝ j . Each component performs a local PCA weighted by the mixing proportion. And
the Γ̂ j in the limit case are updated as

( k +1) (k+1/2) (k)T ( k ) ( k )T

Γ̂ j = R̂ j Ẑ j (U (Ẑ j Ẑ j ))−1 , (26)

(k) (k)T (k) −1 (k)T (k+1/2)
Ẑ j = (L(Γ̂ j Γ̂ j )) Γ̂ j R̂ j ,
and   
 (k)  (k)
 ẑ1j  ẑnj
(k+1/2)  ( k +1)  ( k +1) 
R̂ j =  ( k +1)
(r1 − µ̂ j ), . . . ,  ( k +1)
(rn − µ̂ j ) .
nπ̂ j nπ̂ j
112 New Advances in Machine Learning

Methods for Size of matrix needed Training time Storage space

performing KPCA to be diagonalized (seconds) (M bytes)
Standard KPCA 2000 × 2000 293 90
Proposed KPCA 233 × 233 36 2
MKPCA N.A. 63 5

Table 1. Comparison of training time and storage space on the toy example with 2000 data

Number of Standard KPCA Proposed KPCA MKPCA

features d=2 3 4 d=2 3 4 d=2 3 4
32 93.6 93.6 92.5 93.5 93.6 92.4 94.5 94.3 93.5
64 94.3 93.1 93.0 94.2 93.0 93.0 95.2 94.2 94.1
128 94.4 93.7 93.2 94.4 93.5 93.1 95.0 94.1 94.0
256 94.5 93.5 92.9 94.4 93.8 92.9 94.9 94.4 94.0
512 94.3 93.9 92.8 N.A. 93.8 92.8 N.A. 94.1 93.6
1024 94.5 93.9 92.4 N.A. N.A. 92.4 N.A. N.A. 93.1

Table 2. Recognition rates of the 2007 testing points of the USPS handwritten digit database
using the standard KPCA, proposed KPCA and MKPCA methods with polynomial kernel of
degree two through four.

(k) (k)
When the noise level becomes infinitesimal, the component p.d.f. ϕ(ri ; µ̂i , Σ̂i ) in (20) is
singular. It, in probability 1, falls in the p-dimensional subspace span{Γ̂ j }, i.e.,
(k) (k) (k)T (k) −1/2
ϕ(ri ; µ̂i , Σ̂i ) = (2π )− p/2 det(Γ̂ j Γ̂ j ) exp −â(k)T â(k) /2 , (27)

( k )T ( k ) ( k )T (k)
where â(k) = (Γ̂ j Γ̂ j )−1 Γ̂ j (ri − µ̂ j ).
As can be seen, by applying the KPCA mixture model, all the observations are softly divided
into g clusters each modelled by a local KPCA. We use the most appropriate local KPCA for
a given observation. Based on the probabilistic framework, a natural choice is to assign the
observation to the cluster belong to which its posterior probability is the largest.

5. Experiments
In this section, we will use both artificial and real data sets to compare the performance of the
proposed method with that of the standard KPCA (Schölkopf et al., 1998). In the first example,
we use toy data to visually compare the results by projecting testing points onto extracted
principal axes, and to show that the proposed method is superior to the standard KPCA in
terms of time and storage complexity. In the second example, we perform the experiment of
handwritten digital character recognition to further illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
method. All these experiments are run with the settings of 3.06GHz CPU and 3.62GB RAM
using Matlab software.
From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 113

Standard KPCA
1 1 1

0 0 0

−1 −1 −1

−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
(a) (b) (c)
Proposed KPCA

1 1 1

0 0 0

−1 −1 −1

−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
(a) (a) (c)

1 1 1

0 0 0

−1 −1 −1

−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1. From left to right, the first three kernel principal components extracted by the standard
KPCA (top), proposed KPCA (middle), and MKPCA method with g = 2 (bottom), respectively,
using the Gaussian kernel k (xi , x j ) = exp(−xi − x j 2 /0.1). The feature values are illustrated
by shading and constant values are connected by contour lines.

5.1 Toy Example

The data are generated from four two-dimensional parabolic shape clusters that are verti-
cally and horizontally mirrored by the function y = x2 + , where x-values are uniformly
distributed within [−1, 1] and  is Gaussian distributed noise having mean 0.6 and standard
deviation 0.1. We generate 500 data points for each parabolic shape, and use the Gaussian
kernel with σ2 = 0.05 through the experiment. The standard KPCA, proposed KPCA (by, in
this experiment, using the incomplete Cholesky decomposition followed by directly diagonal-
izing Cφ̃ ), and MKPCA methods are adopted to calculate the leading principal components of
the data set. In using the two proposed methods, we choose 233 linearly independent samples
from the entire 2000 samples, i.e., m = 233, during the incomplete Cholesky decomposition,
and set g = 2 for performing the MKPCA. Therefore, the proposed KPCA method consumes
much less time and storage space than that of the standard KPCA (to see table 1 for detailed
comparison). In Fig. 1, we depict the first three kernel principal components extracted by the
three methods. The features are indicated by shading and constant feature values are con-
114 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 2. Some digit images from the USPS database.

Methods for Size of matrix needed Training time Storage space

performing KPCA to be diagonalized (seconds) (M bytes)
Standard KPCA 5000 × 5000 6112 457
Proposed KPCA (d = 2) 371 × 371 114 41
Proposed KPCA (d = 3) 956 × 956 342 69
Proposed KPCA (d = 4) 1639 × 1639 634 118
MKPCA (d = 2) N.A. 321 68
MKPCA (d = 3) N.A. 901 115
MKPCA (d = 4) N.A. 2213 304

Table 3. Comparison of training time and storage space on the USPS handwritten digit
database with 5000 training points.

nected by contour lines. From Fig. 1, we see that the proposed KPCA method obtains almost
the same results with that of the standard KPCA method (ignoring the sign difference), and
both methods nicely separate the four clusters. For the data points, the average relative devi-
ation of the principal components found by the standard KPCA (by diagonalizing the kernel
matrix K) and by the proposed KPCA is less than 0.01. In this simple simulated experiment,
the toy data are compact in the feature space, and are well modelled by the KPCA method.
So, the MKPCA method doesn’t show its advantage; in fact, most of the toy data belong to
one component of the MKPCA model, since the estimated mixing proportions π̂1 = 0.9645
and π̂2 = 0.0355. As a result, the MKPCA method produces the similar result with that of the
KPCA method.

5.2 Handwritten Digit Character Recognition

In the second example, we consider the recognition problem of handwritten digital character.
The experiment is performed on the US Postal Service (USPS) handwritten digits database that
are collected from mail envelopes in Buffalo, New York. The database contains 7291 training
samples and 2007 testing samples for 10 numeral classes with dimensionality 256 (Schölkopf
et al., 1998). Some digit samples are shown in Fig. 2. With this database, 5000 training points
From Feature Space to Primal Space: KPCA and Its Mixture Model 115

are chosen as training data and all the 2007 testing points are used as testing data. The polyno-
mial kernel with various degree d is utilized in each trial to compute the kernel function. We
employ the nearest neighbor classifier for classification role. In using MKPCA, we set g = 2. The
recognition rates obtained by the three approaches are reported in Table 2, while the training
times and storage spaces consumed are listed in Table 3. From Table 2, we see that the MKPCA
method achieves the best recognition rate among the three systems. The standard KPCA and
the proposed approach to performing KPCA have similar recognition rates. Nevertheless, the
proposed KPCA reduces the time and storage complexity significantly.

6. Conclusion
We have presented an improved algorithm for performing KPCA especially when the size of
training samples is large. This is achieved by viewing KPCA as a primal space problem with
the “samples” produced via the incomplete Cholesky decomposition. Since the spectrum
of the kernel matrix tends to decay rapidly, the incomplete Cholesky decomposition, as an
elegant low-rank approximation to the kernel matrix, arrives at sufficient accuracy. Compared
with the standard KPCA method, the proposed KPCA method reduces the time and storage
requirement significantly for the case of large scale data set.
In order to provide a locally linear model for the data projection onto a low dimensional
subspace, we extend KPCA to a mixture of local KPCA models by applying mixture model
of PCA in the primal space. MKPCA supplies an alternative choice to model data with large
variation. The mixture model outperforms the standard KPCA in terms of recognition rate.
The methodology introduced in this chaper could be applied to other kernel-based algorithms,
provided the algorithm could be expressed through dot products.

This work was supported by Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher
Education of China under grant 20070286030, and National Natural Science Foundation of
China under grants 60803059 and 10871001.

7. References
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Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 117


Machine Learning for Multi-stage

Selection of Numerical Methods*
Victor Eijkhout
Texas Advanced Computing Center, The University of Texas at Austin

Erika Fuentes
Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee

In various areas of numerical analysis, there are several possible algorithms for solving a prob-
lem. In such cases, each method potentially solves the problem, but the runtimes can widely
differ, and breakdown is possible. Also, there is typically no governing theory for finding
the best method, or the theory is in essence uncomputable. Thus, the choice of the optimal
method is in practice determined by experimentation and ‘numerical folklore’. However, a
more systematic approach is needed, for instance since such choices may need to be made in
a dynamic context such as a time-evolving system.
Thus we formulate this as a classification problem: assign each numerical problem to a class
corresponding to the best method for solving that problem.
What makes this an interesting problem for Machine Learning, is the large number of classes,
and their relationships. A method is a combination of (at least) a preconditioner and an itera-
tive scheme, making the total number of methods the product of these individual cardinalities.
Since this can be a very large number, we want to exploit this structure of the set of classes,
and find a way to classify the components of a method separately.
We have developed various techniques for such multi-stage recommendations, using auto-
matic recognition of super-clases. These techniques are shown to pay off very well in our
application area of iterative linear system solvers.
We present the basic concepts of our recommendation strategy, and give an overview of
the software libraries that make up the Salsa (Self-Adapting Large-scale Solver Architecture)

1. Introduction
In various areas of numerical analysis, there are several possible algorithms for solving a prob-
lem. Examples are the various direct and iterative solvers for sparse linear systems, or rou-

* This work was funded in part by the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute through the subcontract
# R71700J- 29200099 from Rice University, and by the National Science Foundation under grants 0203984
and 0406403.
118 New Advances in Machine Learning

tines for eigenvalue computation or numerical optimization. Typically, there is no governing

theory for finding the best method, or the theory is too expensive to compute. For instance,
in iterative linear system solving, there are many preconditioners and iterative schemes; the
convergence behaviour is determined by the decomposition of the right-hand side in terms of
the eigenvectors of the preconditioned operator. However, computing this spectrum is expen-
sive, in fact more expensive than solving the problem to begin with, and the dependency of
the iterative scheme on this decomposition is not known in explicit form.
Thus, the choice of the optimal method is in practice determined by experimentation and ‘nu-
merical folklore’. However, a more systematic approach is needed, for instance since such
choices may need to be made in a dynamic context such as a time-evolving system. Certain
recent efforts have tried to tackle this situation by the application of various automatic learn-
ing techniques Arnold et al. (2000); Bhowmick et al. (2006); Dongarra et al. (2006); Houstis
et al. (2000); Ramakrishnan & Ribbens (2000); Wilson et al. (2000). Such methods extract the
problem features, typically relying on a database of prior knowledge, in order to recommend
a suitable method. However, we may characterize this earlier research as either being too
general and lacking in specific implementations, or being too limited to one area, lacking the
conceptual necessary for generalization to other areas.
In this paper we present a theoretical framework for such recommender systems, as well as
libraries that we have developed that embody these concepts. Our framework is more gen-
eral than what has been studied before, in that we consider methods to be structured objects,
consisting of a composition of algorithms. Correspondingly, we describe strategies for rec-
ommending methods that acknowledge this structure, rather than considering methods to be
elements out of a flat set of elements.
In addition to the abstract mathematical description, we propose software interfaces imple-
menting the various entities in the framework. Some of this software has been realized in our
Salsa (Self-Adapting large-scale Solver Architecture) project; see Salsa Project (n.d.a;n).
We start by giving a brief introduction to our field in section 2, after which we formalize the
problem in sections 3 and 4. Section 5 has a general discussion of intelligent method selec-
tion, while section 6 details strategies for recommending composite method objects. Practical
experiments are reported in section 7.

2. Application: linear system solving

Many problems in engineering and in sciences such as physics, astronomy, climate modeling,
reduce to a few basic numerical problems:
• Linear system solving: given a square, nonsingular, matrix A and a vector f , find a
vector x such that Ax = f . Linear system solving also appears as a subproblem in
nonlinear systems and in time-dependent problems.
• Eigenvalue calculations: given a matrix A, find the pairs u, λ such that Au = λu.
Some eigenvalue calculations again lead to linear systems.
• Numerical optimization: find the vector x that maximizes a function f ( x ), often linear:
f ( x ) = at x, under certain constraints on x: g( x ) = 0.
For each of these numerical problems, more than one solution algorithm exists, often without
a sufficient theory that allows for easy selection of the fastest or most accurate algorithm. This
can be witnessed in the NEOS server Czyzyk et al. (1996; 1998), where a user can choose from
various optimization algorithm, or the PETSc numerical toolkit Balay et al. (1999); Gropp &
Smith (n.d.) which allows the user to combine various predefined solver building blocks. The
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 119

aim is then to find an algorithm that will reliably solve the problem, and do so in the minimum
amount of time.
Since several algorithm candidates exist, without an analytic way of decid-
ing on the best algorithm in any given instance, we are looking at the classifi-
cation problem of using non-numerical techniques for recommending the best
algorithm for each particular problem instance.
In this chapter we will focus on linear system solving. The textbook algorithm, Gaussian
elimination, is reliable, but for large problems it may be too slow or require too much memory.
Instead, often one uses iterative solution methods, which are based on a principle of successive
approximation. Rather than computing a solution x directly, we compute a sequence n → xn
that we hope converges to the solution. (Typically, we have residuals rn that converge to zero,
rn ↓ 0, but this behaviour may not be monotone, so no decision method can be based on its
direct observation.)

2.1 Feature selection

As noted above, there is no simple, efficiently computable, way of deciding on the best al-
gorithm for solving a linear system. Theoretically it is known that the behaviour of iterative
solvers depends on the expansion of the right hand side in the eigenvector basis, but comput-
ing this expansion is far more expensive than solving the linear system to begin with. Also,
there are a few negative results Greenbaum & Strakos (1996) that stand in the way of easy
However, using a statistical approach, we have no lack of features. For instance, we typically
are concerned with sparse matrices, that is, matrices for which only a few elements per row
are nonzero. Thus, we can introduce features that describe the sparsity structure of the ma-
trix. From a theoretical point of view, the sparsity structure is not relevant, but in practice, it
can correlate to meaningful features. For instance, high order finite element methods lead to
larger numbers of nonzeros per row, and are typically associated with large condition num-
bers, which are an indication of slow convergence. Thus, indirectly, we can correlate these
structural features with solver performance.

2.2 Multilevel decisions

As we remarked above, in essence we are faced with a classification problem: given a linear
system and its features, what is the best method for solving it. However, the set of classes, the
numerical methods, has structure to it that makes this a challenging problem.
It is a truism among numerical mathematicians that an iterative method as such is virtually
worthless; it needs to be coupled to a ‘preconditioner’: a transformation B of the linear sys-
tem that tames some of the adverse numerical properties. In its simplest form, applying a
preconditioner is equivalent to solving the equivalent system

Ãx = f˜, where à = BA and f˜ = B f

à x̃ = f , where à = AB and x̃ = B−1 x so x = B x̃.
Since there are many choices for the preconditioner, we now have a set of classes of cardinality
the number of preconditioners times the number of iterative schemes.
Additionally, there are other transformations such as permutations Pt AP that can be applied
for considerations such as load balancing in parallel calculations. In all, we are faced with a
120 New Advances in Machine Learning

large number of classes, but in a set that is the cartesian product of sets of individual decisions
that together make up the definition of a numerical method. Clearly, given this structure,
treating the set of classes as just a flat collection will be suboptimal. In this chapter we consider
the problem of coming up with better strategies, and evaluating their effectiveness.

2.3 Software aspects

The research reported in this paper has led to the development of a set of software libraries,
together called the SALSA project, for Self-Adapting Large-scale Solver Architecture. The
components here are
• Feature extraction. We have written a custom library, AnaMod, for Analysis Modules
for this.
• Storage of features and runtime results. During runtime we use our NMD, for Numeri-
cal MetaData, library. For permanent storage we are using a standard MySQL database.
• Learning. We use various Matlab toolboxes here, though ultimately we want to move
to an open source infrastructure.
• Process control. The overall testbed that controls feature extraction, decision making,
and execution of the chosen algorithms, is a custom library named SysPro, for System
Since the overall goal is to optimize solution time, the feature extraction and process control
software need to be fast. Though we will not elaborate on this point, this means that we
occasionally have to trade accuracy for speed.

3. Formalization
In this section we formalize the notion of numerical problems and numerical methods for
solving problems. Our formalization will also immediately be reflected in the design of the
libraries that make up the Salsa project.

3.1 Numerical Problems and Solution Methods

The central problem of this paper, selecting the optimal algorith for a numerical problem,
implies that we have a specific problem context in mind. That can be linear system solving,
eigenvalue computations, numerical quadrature, et cetera. For each of these areas, there is a
definition of a numerical problem: in the case of linear systems, a problem will be a pair  A, b
of matrix and righthand side; for eigenvalue problems it denotes a matrix plus optionally an
interval for the eigenvalues, et cetera.
It would be pointless to capture this diversity of problems in a rigorous definition, so we will
use a leave the concept of ‘numerical problem’ largely undefined. We denote the space of
numerical problems by
A: the set of numerical problems in a class
where the exact definition of this will depend on the problem area.
The implementation of numerical problems is similarly domain-specific. As an example, we
give the following possible definition in the area of linear system solving: 1 :

1 After this example we will tacitly omit the typedef line and only give the structure definition.
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 121

struct Problem_ {
LinearOperator A;
Vector RHS,KnownSolution,InitialGuess;
DesiredAccuracy constraint;
typedef struct Problem_* Problem;

Corresponding to the problem space, there is a result space

R = S × T: results, the space of solutions plus performance mea- (1)


containing computed solutions and performance measurements of the computing process.

The following is an illustration of results and performance measurements for the case of linear
system solving.

struct PerformanceMeasurement_ {
int success;
double Tsetup,Tsolve;
double *ConvergenceHistory;
double BackwardError,ForwardError;
struct Result_ {
Vector ComputedSolution;
PerformanceMeasurement performance;

Some component of the performance measurement, typically a timing measurement, will be

used to judge optimality of solution methods.
Having defined problems and results, we define the space of methods as the mappings from
problems to results.

M = {A → R }: the space of methods (potentially) solving the class of

numerical problems
We allow for methods to fail to compute the solution, for instance by the divergence of an
iterative method, or exceeding a set runtime limit. We formalize this by introducing a timing
function T ( A, M), denoting the time that it takes method M to solve the problem A, where in
case of failure we set T ( A, M) = ∞.
We will defer further discussion of the method space M for section 4.

3.2 Features and features extraction

As in natural in any Machine Learning context, we introduce the concept of problem features,
which will be the basis for any recommendation strategy.
F: the space of feature vectors of the numerical problems
Φ : A → F: a function that extracts features of numerical problems
122 New Advances in Machine Learning

where Φ( A) = x̄ ∈ F is the feature vector describing the numerical problem.

Feature space can be complicated in structure: elements of x̄ can be real numbers (for instance
matrix elements), positive real (norms), integer (quantities related to matrix size and sparsity
pattern), or elements of a finite set of choices. They can even be array-valued in any of these
The NMD (Numerical MetaData) library Eijkhout & Fuentes (2007) provides an API for fea-
ture storage, including various utility functions.
We posit the existence of a parametrized function that can compute one feature at a time:

ComputeQuantity(Problem problem,
char *feature,ReturnValue *result,TruthValue *success);

Here, the ReturnValue type is a union of all returnable types, and the success parameter
indicates whether the quantity was actually computed. Computation can fail for any number
of reasons: if sequential software is called in parallel, if properties such as matrix bandwidth
are asked of an implicitly given operator, et cetera. Failure is not considered catastrophic, and
the calling code should allow for this eventuality.
For a general and modular setup, we do not hardwire the existence of any module. Instead,
we use a function

DeclareModule(char *feature,ReturnType type,


to add individual feature computations to a runtime system.

The AnaMod (Analysis Modules) library Eijkhout & Fuentes (2007) implements the above
ideas, though in a slightly different form.

4. Numerical methods
In a simple-minded view, method space can be considered as a finite, unordered, collection
of methods { M1 , . . . , Mk }, and in some applications this may even be the most appropriate
view. However, in the context of linear system solving a method is a more structured entity:
each method consists at least of the choice of a preconditioner and the choice of an iterative
scheme (QMR, GMRES, et cetera), both of which are independent of each other. Other possi-
ble components of a method are scaling of the system, and permutations for improved load
balancing. Thus we arrive at a picture of a number of preprocessing steps that transform the
original problem into another one with the same solution – or with a different solution that
can easily be transformed into that of the original problem – followed by a solver algorithm
that takes the transformed problem and yields its solution.
This section will formalize this further structure of the method space.

4.1 Formal definition

Above, we had defined M as the set of mappings A → R. We now split that as the prepro-
P = {A → A }: the set of all mappings from problems into problems

and the solvers2

2 In the context of linear system solving, these will be Krylov methods, hence the choice of the letter ‘K’.
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 123

K = {A → R }: the set of all solvers

To illustrate the fact that the preprocessing stages are really mappings A → A, consider
a right scaling D of a linear system, which maps the problem/solution tuple  A, b, x̄  to
 AD, b, D −1 x .
To model the fact that we have different kinds of preprocessors, we posit the existence of
Pi ⊂ P,
and we will assume that the identity mapping is contained in each. For instance, one Pi could
be the set of scalings of a linear system:

P4 = { none ,  left ,  right ,  symmetric }

Other possibilities are permutations of the linear system, or approximations of the coeffient
matrix prior to forming the preconditioner.
Applying one preprocessor of each kind then gives us the definition of a method:

m ∈ M : m = k ◦ p n ◦ · · · ◦ p1 , k ∈ K, pi ∈ Pi (2)

We leave open the possibility that certain preprocessors can be applied in any sequence (for
instance scaling and permuting a system commute), while for others different orderings are
allowed but not equivalent. Some preprocessors may need to be executed in a fixed location;
for instance, the computation of a preconditioner will usually come last in the sequence of
Typically, a preprocessed problem has a different solution from the original problem, so each
preprocessor has a backtransformation operation, to be applied to the preprocessed solution.

4.2 Implementation
The set of system preprocessors, like that of the analysis modules above, has a two level struc-
ture. First, there is the preprocessor type; for instance ‘scaling’. Then there is the specific
choice within the type; for instance ‘’left scaling’. Additionally, but not discussed here, there
can be parameters associated with either the type or the specific choice; for instance, we can
scale by a block diagonal, with the parameter indicating the size of the diagonal blocks.
We implement the sequence of preprocessors by a recursive routine:

(char *method,Problem problem,Result *solution)
if ( /* more preprocessors */ )

The actual implementation is more complicated, but this pseudo-code conveys the essence.
We again adopt a modular approach where preprocessors are dynamically declared:
124 New Advances in Machine Learning

DeclarePreprocessor(char *type,char *choice,


The SysPro (System Preprocessor) library provides a number of preprocessors, including the
forward and backward transformation of the systems. It also includes a framework for loop-
ing over the various choices of a preprocessor type, for instance for an exhaustive test.

5. Method selection
Our method selection problem can be formalized as of constructing a function
Π : A → M: the problem classification function
that maps a given problem to the optimal method. Including feature extraction, we can also
Π : F → M: the classification function in terms of features
We start with a brief discussion of precisely what is meant by ‘optimal’. After that, we will
refine the definition of Π to reflect the preprocessor/solver structure, and we will address the
actual construction of Π.

5.1 Different classification criteria

The simplest (non-constructive) definition of the method selection function Π is:

Π( A) = M ≡ ∀ M ∈M : T ( A, M) ≤ T ( A, M ) (3)

Several variant definitions are possible. Often, we are already satisfied if we can construct a
function that picks a working method. For that criterium, we define Π non-uniquely as

Π ( A) = M where M is any method such that T ( A, M) < ∞ (4)

Also, we usually do not insist on the absolutely fastest method: we can relax equation (3) to

Π( A) = M ≡ ∀ M ∈M : T ( A, M) ≤ (1 − ) T ( A, M ) (5)

which, for sufficient values of , also makes the definition non-unique. In both of the previous
cases we do not bother to define Π as a multi-valued function, but implicitly interpret Π( A) =
M to mean ‘M is one possible method satisfying the selection criterion’.
Formally, we define two classification types:
classification for reliability This is the problem equation (4) of finding any method that will
solve the problem, that is, that will not break down, stall, or diverge.
classification for performance This is the problem equation (3) of finding the fastest method
for a problem, possibly within a certain margin.
In a logical sense, the performance classification problem also solves the reliability problem.
In practice, however, classifiers are not infallible, so there is a danger that the performance
classifier will mispredict, not just by recommending a method that is slower than optimal, but
also by possibly recommending a diverging method. Therefore, in practice a combination of
these classifiers may be preferable.
We will now continue with discussing the practical construction of (the various guises of) the
selection function Π.
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 125

5.2 Examples
Let us consider some adaptive systems, and the shape that F, M, and Π take in them.

5.2.1 Atlas
Atlas Whaley et al. (2001) is a system that determines the optimal implementation of Blas
kernels such as matrix-matrix multiplication. One could say that the implementation chosen
by Atlas is independent of the inputs3 and only depends on the platform, which we will
consider a constant in this discussion. Essentially, this means that F is an empty space. The
number of dimensions of M is fairly low, consisting of algorithm parameters such unrolling,
blocking, and software pipelining parameters.
In this case, Π is a constant function defined by

Π( f ) ≡ min T ( A, M)
M ∈M

where A is a representative problem. This minimum value can be found by a sequence of line
searches, as done in Atlas, or using other minimization techniques such a modified simplex
method Yi et al. (2004).

5.2.2 Scalapack/LFC
The distributed dense linear algebra library Scalapack Choi et al. (1992) gives in its manual a
formula for execution time as a function of problem size N, the number of processors Np , and
the block size Nb . This is an example of a two-dimensional feature space (N, Np ), and a one-
dimensional method space: the choice of Nb . All dimensions range through positive integer
values. The function involves architectural parameters (speed, latency, bandwidth) that can
be fitted to observations.
Unfortunately, this story is too simple. The LFC software Roche & Dongarra (2002) takes
into account the fact that certain values of Np are disadvantageous, since they can only give
grids with bad aspect ratios. A prime number value of Np is a clear example, as this gives a
degenerate grid. In such a case it is often better to ignore one of the available processors and
use the remaining ones in a better shaped grid. This means that our method space becomes
two-dimensional with the addition of the actually used number of processors. This has a
complicated dependence on the number of available processors, and this dependence can
very well only be determined by exhaustive trials of all possibilities.

5.2.3 Collective communication

Collective operations in MPI Otto et al. (1995) can be optimized by various means. In work by
Vadhyar et al. Vadhiyar et al. (2000), the problem is characterized by the message size and the
number of processors, which makes F have dimension 2. The degrees of freedom in M are
the segment size in which messages will be subdivided, and the ‘virtual topology’ algorithm
to be used.
Assume for now that the method components can be set independently. The segment size
is then computed as s = Πs (m, p). If we have an a priori form for this function, for instance
Πs (m, p) = α + βm + γp, we can determine the parameters by a least squares fit to some
Suppose the virtual topology depends only on the message size m. Since for the virtual topol-
ogy there is only a finite number of choices, we only need to find the crossover points, which

3 There are some very minor caveats for special cases, such as small or ‘skinny’ matrices.
126 New Advances in Machine Learning

can be done by bisection. If the topology depends on both m and p, we need to find the areas
in (m, p) space, which can again be done by some form of bisection.

5.3 Database
In our application we need to be explicit about the database on which the classification is
based. That issue is explored in this section.

5.3.1 General construction

The function Π is constructed from a database of performance results that results from solving
a set of problems A ⊂ A by each of a collection of methods M ⊂ M, each combination
yielding a result r ∈ R (equation (1)). Thus we store features of the problem, an identifier of
the method used, and the resulting performance measurement:
D ⊂ D = {F × M → T }: the database of features and performance results of
solved problems
We posit a mechanism (which differs per classifcation strategy) that constructs Π from a
database D . Where needed we will express the dependency of Π on the database explicitly
as ΠD . In the case of Bayesian classification the construction of Π from D takes a particularly
elegant form, which we will discuss next.

5.3.2 Bayesian classification; method suitability

In methods like Bayesian classification, we take an approach to constructing Π where we
characterize each method individually, and let Π be the function that picks the most suitable
Starting with the database D as defined above, We note for each problem – and thus for each
feature vector – which method was the most successful:
D  : F × M → {0, 1} defined by D  ( f , m) = 1 ≡ m = arg min D( f , m)

This allows us to draw up indicator functions for each method4 :

B  : M → pow(F ) defined by f ∈ B  (m) ⇔ D  ( f , m) = 1 (6)
These functions are generalized (multi-dimensional) histograms: for each method they plot
the feature (vector) values of sample problems for which this method is was found to be opti-
mal. However, since these functions are constructed from a set of experiments we have that,
most likely, ∪m∈M B  (m)  F. Therefore, it is not possible to define
Π( f ) = m ≡ f ∈ B  ( m ),
since for many values of f , the feature vector may not be in any B  (m). Conversely, it could
also be in B  (m) for several values of m, so the definition is not well posed.
Instead, we use a more general mechanism. First we define suitability functions:5

S = {F → [0, 1]}: the space of suitability measurements of feature vectors (7)

4 There is actually no objection to having D( f , m) return 1 for more than one method m; this allows us to
equivocate methods that are within a few percent of each other’s performance. Formally we do this by
extending and redefining the arg min function.
5 Please ignore the fact that the symbol S already had a meaning, higher up in this story.
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 127

This is to be interpreted as follows. For each numerical method there will be one func-
tion σ ∈ S, and σ ( f ) = 0 means that the method is entirely unsuitable for problems with
feature vector f , while σ( f ) = 1 means that the method is eminently suitable.
We formally associate suitability functions with numerical methods:

B : M → S: the method suitability function (8)

and use the function B to define the selection function:

Π( f ) = arg max B (m)( f ). (9)


Since elements of S are defined on the whole space F, this is a well-posed definition.
The remaining question is how to construct the suitability functions. For this we need con-
structor functions

C : P(F ) → S: classifier constructor functions (10)

The mechanism of these can be any of a number of standard statistical techniques, such as
fitting a Gaussian distribution through the points in the subset ∪ f ∈ F f where F ∈ P(F ).
Clearly, now B = C ◦ B  , and with the function B defined we can construct the selection
function Π as in equation (9).

5.4 Implementation of Bayesian classification

Strictly speaking, the above is a sufficient description of the construction and use of the Π
functions. However, as defined above, they use the entire feature vector of a problem, and
in practice a limited set of features may suffice for any given decision. This is clear in such
cases as when we want to impose “This method only works for symmetric problems”, where
clearly only a single feature is needed. Computing a full feature vector in this case would be
wasteful. Therefore, we introduce the notation F I where I ⊂ {1, . . . , k}. This corresponds to
the subspace of those vectors in F that are null in the dimensions not in I.
We will also assume that for each method m ∈ M there is a feature set Im that suffices to eval-
uate the suitability function B (m). Often, such a feature set will be common for all methods
in a set Pi of preprocessors. For instance, graph algorithms for fill-in reduction only need
structural information on the matrix.
Here is an example of the API (as used in the Salsa system) that defines and uses feature sets.
First we define a subset of features:

FeatureSet symmetry;

After problem features have been computed, a suitability function for a specific method can
then obtain the feature values and use them:
128 New Advances in Machine Learning

FeatureSet symmetry; // created above

FeatureValues values;
if (f1 && f2 && an.r>1.e-12*sn.r)
printf("problem too unsymmetric\n");

6. Classification of composite methods

In section 4 we showed how, in our application area of linear system solving, the space of
methods has a structure where a method is a composite of a sequence of preprocessing steps
and a concluding solver; equation equation (2). Accordingly, our recommendation function Π
will be a composite:
Π =  Π k , { Π i } i ∈P .
In the previous section, we posited a general mechanism (which we described in detail for
methods like Bayesian classification) of deriving ΠD from a database D ⊂ {F × M → T }.
In this section we will consider ways of defining databases DK , DP and attendant functions
ΠK , ΠP , and of combining these into an overall recommendation function.
For simplicity of exposition, we restrict our composites to a combination of one preprocessor
(in practice, the preconditioner), and one solver (the iterative method); that is M = P × K.
At first we consider the performance problem, where we recommend a method that will mini-
mize solution time (refer to section 5.1 for a definition of the two types of classification). Then,
in section 6.4 we consider the reliability problem of recommending a method that will con-
verge, no matter the solution time.

6.1 Combined recommendation

In this strategy, we ignore the fact that a method is a product of constituents, and we simply
enumerate the elements of M. Our function Π is then based on the database
D = { f ,  p, k, t | ∃ a∈A : t = T ( p, k, a)}

and the recommendation function is a straightforward mapping Πcombined ( f ) =  p, k .

For Bayesian classification we get for each  p, k ∈ M the class

C p,k = { A ∈ A : T ( p, k, A) is minimal}

and corresponding function σp,k . We can then define

Πcombined ( f ) = arg max σp,k ( f )


The main disadvantage to this approach is that, with a large number of methods to choose
from, some of the classes can be rather small, leading to insufficient data for an accurate clas-
In an alternative derivation of this approach, we consider the C p,k to be classes of preproces-
sors, but conditional upon the choice of a solver. We then recommend p and k, not as a pair
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 129

but sequential: we first find the k for which the best p can be found:

conditional let k := arg maxk max p σp,k ( f )
Π =
return arg max p σp,k ( f ), k 

However, this is equivalent to the above combined approach.

6.2 Orthogonal recommendation

In this strategy we construct separate functions for recommending elements of P and K, and
we put together their results.
We define two derived databases that associate a solution time with a feature vector and a
preprocessor or solver separately, even though strictly speaking both are needed to solve a
problem and thereby produce a solution time. For solvers:
DK =  f , k, t | k ∈ K, ∃ a∈A : f = φ( a), t = min T ( p, k, a)
p ∈P

and for preprocessors:

DP =  f , p, t | p ∈ P, ∃ a∈A : f = φ( a), t = min T ( p, k, a) .
k ∈K

From these, we derive the functions ΠK , ΠP and we define

Πorthogonal ( f ) = ΠP ( f ), ΠK ( f )

In Bayesian classification, the classes here are

Ck = { A : min p T ( p, k, A) is minimal over all k }

C p = { A : mink T ( p, k, A) is minimal over all p},
giving functions σp , σk . (Instead of classifying by minimum over the other method component,
we could also use the average value.) The recommendation function is then

Πorthogonal ( f ) = arg max σp ( f ), arg max σk ( f )

p k

6.3 Sequential recommendation

In the sequential strategy, we first recommend an element of P, use that to transform the
system, and recommend an element of K based on the transformed features.
Formally, we derive ΠP as above from the derived database
DP =  f , p, t | p ∈ P, ∃ a∈A : f = φ( a), t = min T ( p, k, a) .
k ∈K

but ΠK comes from the database of all preprocessed problems:

DK = ∪ p∈P DK,p ,
DK,p = { f , k, t | k ∈ K, ∃ a∈A : f = φ( p( a)), t = T ( p, k, a)}
130 New Advances in Machine Learning

which gives us a single function ΠP and individual functions ΠK,p . This gives us

Πsequential ( f ) = let p := ΠP ( f ), k := ΠK ( p( f )) or ΠK,p ( p( f ))

For Bayesian classification, we define the classes C p as above:

C p = { A : mink T ( p, k, A) is minimal over all p},

but we have to express that Ck contains preconditioned features:

Ck = { A ∈ p(A) : T ( p, k, A) is minimal, where p is such that A ∈ p(A)}

Now we can define

Πsequential ( f ) = let p := arg max p σp ( f ), k := arg max σk ( p( f ))


This approach to classification is potentially the most accurate, since both the preconditioner
and iterator recommendation are made based on the features of the actual problem they apply
to. This also means that this approach is the most expensive; both the combined and the or-
thogonal approach require only the features of the original problem. In practice, with a larger
number of preprocessors, one can combine these approaches. For instance, if a preprocessor
such as scaling can be classified based on some easy to compute features, it can be tackled
sequentially, while the preconditioner and iterator are then recommended with the combined
approach based on a full feature computation of the scaled problem.

6.4 The reliability problem

In the reliability problem we classify problems by whether a method converges on them or
not. The above approaches can not be used directly in this case, for several reasons.
• The above approaches are based on assigning each problem to a single classes based on
minimum solution time. In the reliability problem each problem would be assigned to
multiple classes, since typically more than one method would converge on the problem.
The resulting overlapping classes would lead to a low quality of recommendation.
• The sequential and orthogonal approaches would run into the additional problem that,
given a preconditioner, there is usually at least one iterative method that gives a con-
verging combination. Separate recommendation of the preconditioner is therefore im-
Instead, we take a slightly different approach. For each method m we define a function Π(m) :
F → {0, 1} which states whether the method will converge given a feature vector of a prob-
lem. We can then define

Π( f ) = a random element of {m : Π(m) ( f ) = 1}

For Bayesian classification, we can adopt the following strategy. For each M ∈ M, define the
set of problems on which it converges:

C M = { A : T ( M, A) < ∞}
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 131

and let C̄ M be its complement:

C̄ M = { A : T ( M, A) = ∞}.

Now we construct functions σM , σ̄M based on both these sets. This gives a recommendation
Π( f ) = { M : σM ( f ) > σ̄M ( f )}
This function is multi-valued, so we can either pick an arbitrary element from Π( f ), or the
element for which the excess σM ( f ) − σ̄M ( f ) is maximized.
The above strategies give only a fairly weak recommendation from the point of optimizing
solve time. Rather than using reliability classification on its own, we can use it as a preliminary
step before the performance classification.

7. Experiments
In this section we will report on the use of the techniques developed above, applied to the
problem of recommending a preconditioner and iterative method for solving a linear system.
The discussion on the experimental setup and results will be brief; results with much greater
detail can be found in Fuentes (2007).
We start by introducing some further concepts that facilitate the numerical tests.

7.1 Experimental setup

We use a combination of released software from the Salsa project Salsa Project (n.d.a;n) and
custom scripts. For feature computation we use AnaMod Eijkhout & Fuentes (2007); The Salsa
Project (n.d.); storage and analysis of features and timings is done with MySQL and custom
scripting in Matlab and its statistical toolbox.
The AnaMod package can compute 45 features, in various categories, such as structural fea-
tures, norm-like features, measures of the spectrum and of the departure from normality. The
latter two are obviously approximated rather than computed exactly.
The Salsa testbed gives us access to the iterative methods and preconditioners of the Petsc
package. including the preconditioners of externally interfaced packages such as Hypre Fal-
gout et al. (2006); Lawrence Livermore Lab, CASC group (n.d.).

7.2 Practical issues

The ideas developed in the previous sections are sufficient in principle for setting up a prac-
tical application of machine learning to numerical method selection. However, in practice we
need some auxiliary mechanisms to deal with various ramifications of the fact that our set of
test problems is not of infinite size. Thus, we need
• A way of dealing with features that can be invariant or (close to) dependent in the test
problem collection.
• A way of dealing with methods that can be very close in their behaviour.
• An evaluation of the accuracy of the classifiers we develop.

7.2.1 Feature analysis

There are various transformations we apply to problem features before using them in various
learning methods.
132 New Advances in Machine Learning

Scaling Certain transformations on a test problem can affect the problem features, without
affecting the behaviour of methods, or being of relevance for the method choice. For
instance, scaling a linear system by a scalar factor does not influence the convergence
behaviour of iterative solvers. Also, features can differ in magnitude by order of mag-
nitude. For this reason, we normalize features, for instance scaling them by the largest
diagonal element. We also mean-center features for classification methods that require
Elimination Depending on the collection of test problems, a feature may be invariant, or
dependent on other features. We apply Principal Component Analysis Jackson (2003)
to the set of features, and use that to weed out irrelevant features.

7.2.2 Hierarchical classification

It is quite conceivable that certain algorithms are very close in behaviour. It then makes sense
to group these methods together and first construct a classifier that can recommend first such
a group, and subsequently a member of the group. This has the advantage that the classifiers
are build from a larger number of observations, giving a higher reliability.
The algorithm classes are built by computing the independence of methods. For two algo-
rithms x and y, the ‘independence of method x from method y’ is defined as

#cases where x works and y not

Iy ( x ) =
#cases where x works
The quantity Iy ( x ) ∈ [0, 1] describes how much x succeeds on different problems from y. Note
that Iy ( x ) = Ix (y) in general; if x works for every problem where y works (but not the other
way around), then Iy ( x ) = 0, and Ix (y) > 0.

7.2.3 Evaluation
In order to evaluate a classifier, we use the concept of accuracy. The accuracy α of a classifier
is defined as
#problems correctly classified
total #problems
A further level of information can be obtained looking at the details of misclassification:
a ‘confusion matrix’ is defined as A = (αij ) where αij is the ratio of problems belonging in
class i, classified in class j, to those belonging in class i. With this, αii is the accuracy of classi-
fier i, so, for an ideal classifier, A is a diagonal matrix with a diagonal ≡ 1; imperfect classifiers
have more weight off the diagonal.
A further measure of experimental results is the confidence interval z, which indicates an
interval in which the resulting accuracy for a random trial will be away for the presented
average accuracy α by ±z Douglas & Montgomery (1999) of the time. We use z to delimit the
confidence interval since we have used the Z-test Douglas & Montgomery (1999), commonly
used in statistics. The confidence interval is a measure of how ‘stable’ the resulting accuracy
is for an experiment.

7.3 Numerical test

We tested a number of iterative methods and preconditioners on a body of test matrices, col-
lected from Matrix Market and a few test applications. The iterative methods and precondi-
tioners are from the PETSc library.
As described above, we introduced superclasses, as follows:
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 133

• B={ bcgs, bcgsl, bicg }, where bcgs is BiCGstab van der Vorst (1992), and bcgsl is
BiCGstab() Sleijpen et al. (n.d.) with  ≥ 2.
• G={ gmres, fgmres } where fgmres is the ‘flexible’ variant of GMRES Saad (1993).
• T={ tfqmr }
• C={ cgne }, conjugate gradients on the noral equations.
for iterative methods and
• A = { asm, rasm, bjacobi }, where asm is the Additive Schwarz method, and rasm is its
restricted variant Cai & Sarkis (1999); bjacobi is block-jacobi with a local ILU solve.
• BP = { boomeramg, parasails, pilut }; these are three preconditioners from the hypre pack-
age Falgout et al. (2006); Lawrence Livermore Lab, CASC group (n.d.)
• I = { ilu, silu }, where silu is an ILU preconditioner with shift Manteuffel (1980).
for preconditioners.

(a) Iterative Methods (b) Preconditioners

ksp α±z pc α±z
bcgsl 0.59±0.02 asm 0.72±0.05
bcgs 0.71±0.03 bjacobi 0.11±0.11
bicg 0.68±0.06 boomeramg 0.71±0.06
fgmres 0.80±0.02 ilu 0.66±0.02
gmres 0.59±0.04 parasails 0.46±0.12
lgmres 0.81±0.03 pilut 0.80±0.06
tfqmr 0.61±0.05 rasm 0.70±0.04
silu 0.83±0.02

Table 1. Accuracy of classification using one class per available method

(a) Iterative methods (b) Preconditioners

Super Class α Compound Super Class α Compound
B 0.95 A 0.95
bcgs 0.93 0.87 asm 0.98 0.93
bcgsl 0.92 0.87 bjacobi 0.67 0.64
bicg 0.89 0.84 rasm 0.82 0.78
G 0.98 BP 0.99
fgmres 0.96 0.94 boomeramg 0.80 0.80
gmres 0.91 0.89 parasails 0.78 0.77
lgmres 0.94 0.93 pilut 0.97 0.96
T 0.91 I 0.94
tfqmr − 0.91 ilu 0.82 0.75
silu 0.97 0.91

Table 2. Hierarchical classification results

134 New Advances in Machine Learning

strategy average

combined .3 .15
orthogonal .78 .04
Table 3. Average and standard deviation of the correct classification rate

In table 1 we report the accuracy (as defined above) for a classification of all individual meth-
ods, while table 2 gives the result using superclasses. Clearly, classification using superclasses
is superior. All classifiers were based on decision trees Breiman et al. (1983); Dunham (2002).

Fig. 1. Confusion matrix for combined approach for classifying ( pc, ksp).

Finally, in figures 1, 2 we give confusion matrices for two different classification strategies for
the preconditioner / iterative method combination. The orthogonal approach gives superior
results, as evinced by the lesser weight off the diagonal. For this approach, there are fewer
classes to build classifiers for, so the modeling is more accurate. As a quantative measure of
the confusion matrices, we report in table 3 the average and standard deviation of the fraction
of correctly classified matrices.

7.4 Reliability and Performance

Above (section 5.1) we defined the Performance recommendation problem of finding the
fastest method, and the Reliability recommendation problem of finding one that works at
all. Since orthogonal recommendation is not possible for the reliability problem (section 6.4),
we use combined recommendation there. In our tests, this strategy turns out to recommend a
subset of the actually converging methods, so it is indeed a valuable preprocessing step.
Machine Learning for Multi-stage Selection of Numerical Methods 135

Fig. 2. Confusion matrix for orthogonal approach for classifying ( pc, ksp).

8. Conclusion
We have defined the relevant concepts for the use of machine learning for algorithm selection
in various areas of numerical analysis, in particular iterative linear system solving. An innova-
tive aspect of our approach is the multi-leveled approach to the set of objects (the algorithms)
to be classified. An important example of levels is the distinction between the iterative process
and the preconditioner in iterative linear system solvers. We have defined various strategies
for classifying subsequent levels. A numerical test testifies to the feasibility of using machine
learning to begin with, as well as the necessity for our multi-leveled approach.

9. References
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Academic Computer Center CYFRONET, pp. 23–30.
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chine learning to the selection of sparse linear solvers, Int. J. High Perf. Comput. Appl.
. submitted.
Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Olshen, R. & Stone, C. (1983). CART: Classification and Regression
Cai, X.-C. & Sarkis, M. (1999). A restricted additive Schwarz preconditioner for general sparse
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136 New Advances in Machine Learning

Choi, Y., Dongarra, J. J., Pozo, R. & Walker, D. W. (1992). Scalapack: a scalable linear algebra
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Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 137


Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Using a Modular Fuzzy Model
for Multi-Agent Problem
Toshihiko Watanabe
Osaka Electro-Communication University

1. Introduction
Reinforcement learning (Sutton & Barto, 1998; Watkins & Dayan, 1998; Grefenstette, 1988;
Miyazaki et al., 1999; Miyazaki et al., 1999) among machine learning techniques is an
indispensable approach to realize the intelligent agent such as autonomous mobile robots.
The importance of the technique is discussed in several literatures. However there exist a lot
of problems compared with the other learning techniques such as Neural Networks in order
to apply reinforcement learning to actual applications. One of the main problems of
reinforcement learning application of actual sized problem is “curse of dimensionality”
problem in partition of multi-inputs sensory states. High dimension of input leads to huge
number of rules in the reinforcement learning application. It should be avoided maintaining
computational efficiency for actual applications. Multi-agent problem such as the pursuit
problem (Benda et al., 1985; Ito & Kanabuchi, 2001) is typical difficult problem for
reinforcement learning computation in terms of huge dimensionality. As the other related
problem, learning of complex task is not easy essentially because the reinforcement learning
is based only upon rewards derived from the environment.
In order to deal with these problems, several effective approaches are studied. For relaxation
of task complexity, several types of hierarchical reinforcement learning have been proposed
to apply actual applications (Takahashi & Asada, 1999; Morimoto & Doya, 2000). To avoid
the curse of dimensionality, there exists modular hierarchical learning (Ono & Fukumoto,
1996; Fujita & Matsuno, 2005) that construct the learning model as the combination of
subspaces. Adaptive segmentation (Murano & Kitamura, 1997; Hamagami et al.,2003) for
constructing the learning model validly corresponding to the environment is also studied.
However more effective technique of different approach is also necessary in order to apply
reinforcement learning to actual sized problems.
In this chapter, I focus on the well-known pursuit problem and propose a hierarchical
modular reinforcement learning that Profit Sharing learning algorithm is combined with Q
Learning reinforcement learning algorithm hierarchically in multi-agent environment. As
the model structure for such huge problem, I propose a modular fuzzy model extending
SIRMs architecture (Seki et al., 2006; Yubazaki et al., 1997). Through numerical experiments,
I show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm compared with the conventional
138 New Advances in Machine Learning

The chapter is organized as follows. In section 2, an overview of pursuit problem as multi-

agent environment is presented. In section 3, I propose construction of agent model and
essential learning algorithms of a hierarchical reinforcement learning using a modular
model architecture. In section 4, I propose a modular fuzzy model for agent model
construction. The results of numerical experiments are shown in section 5. Finally,
conclusions are drawn in section 6.

2. Pursuit problem as multi-agent environment

The pursuit problem is well known and has been studied as typical benchmark problem in
Distributed Artificial Intelligence research field (Benda et al., 1985). It is multi-agent based
problem that hunter agents act collaboratively to capture prey agent. Figure 1 shows the 4-
agent pursuit problem in 77 grids field. In the problem, all agent behave in turn to move
upward, downward, rightward, leftward in one gird, or to stay. Collision of the agents is
prohibited because one grid allows only one agent to stay. The objective of the simulation is
to surround the prey agent by the hunter agents as shown in Fig.2.

: Prey Agent

: Hunter Agent


Fig. 1. 4-Pursuit Problem(7x7 grids)


: Prey Agent

: Hunter Agent

Successful Capturing
(utilizing the wall)

Not Yet Capture

Fig. 2. Examples of Capturing Condition in Pursuit Problem

The hunter agents can utilize walls for surrounding as well as surrounding by whole hunter
agents. When the surrounding is successfully performed, related hunter agents receive
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 139

reward from the environment to carry out reinforcement learning. As for behavior of the
prey agent, it behaves to run away from the nearest hunter agent for playing a fugitive role.
For actual computer simulations or mobile robot applications, it is indispensable to avoid
huge memory consumption for the state space, i.e. “curse of dimensionality”, and to
improve slow learning speed caused by its sparsity(e.g. acquired Q-value through
reinforcement learning). In this study, I focus on the 4-agent pursuit problem to improve
precision and efficiency of reinforcement learning in multi-agent environment and to
demonstrate settlement of “curse of dimensionality”.
For simulation study, I adopt “soft-max” strategy for selecting the action of the hunter
agents. The conditional probability based on Boltzmman distribution for action selection is
as follows:

exp  w( s, a) / Tt 
p a | s  , Tt 1  Tt   (1)
 dN
exp  w( s, d ) / Tt 
where Tt is temperature at t-th iteration, s is state vector, a is the action of the agent, β is the
parameter for temperature cooling(0<β<1), w denotes evaluation value for state-and-action
pair, and N denotes the set of all alternative action at the state s. Owing to this mechanism,
the hunter agent act like random walk(exploring) with high temperature value in the early
simulation trials and act definitely based on acquired evaluation values in the later
simulation trials according to the lowered temperature value.

3. A hierarchical reinforcement learning using modular model architecture

3.1 Basic concepts
There exist two problems to solve the pursuit problem efficiently. One is huge memory
consumption for internal knowledge expression of the agents expressed as evaluation
weights corresponding to the pair of state-and-action caused by the grid size of the
environment and the number of hunter agents. In order to restrain the increase of required
memory for the agents, modular structure is applied for expression of the agent knowledge
base. The other is complex objective, i.e. surrounding the prey collaboratively. In general, it is
effective for dealing with such complex task to decompose into sub-tasks. Then I decompose
the task into hierarchical sub-tasks to fulfill reinforcement learning effectively. I propose a
hierarchical modular reinforcement learning to solve the above described two problems in
the multi-agent pursuit simulation.

3.2 Hierarchical task decomposition for agent learning

It is difficult to decide how many kinds of subtask should be decomposed into. In this study,
I empirically decompose the surrounding task(capturing) into “decision of move position
target” for surrounding according to current monitored state and “selection of appropriate
action” to move to the target position of each agent. The latter task is native, isolated from
the other hunter agents, and is not needed to be collaborative such as position control of the
single agent. In other words, the task is decomposed into “surrounding” task synchronized
with the other hunter agents and “exploring the environment” task. Moreover, the upper
task corresponds only to collaborative surrounding strategy. Figure 3 shows the internal
hierarchical structure of the hunter agent. The knowledge base of the agent is composed of
the “Rules in Upper Layer” and the “Rules in Lower Layer” as shown in the figure. It is
140 New Advances in Machine Learning

important to keep learning capability as well as task decomposition. According to the two-
layered decomposition, rules in the lower layer can be adapted corresponding to the agent
behavior in every step as Markov Decision Process, as shown in Fig.4.
Sensory Rules in Upper Layer
IF (Monitored State) Then (Target Position)

Profit Sharing

Rules in Lower Layer

IF (Target Position) Then (Action)

Fig. 3. Internal Hierarchical Structure of Hunter Agent

Upper Layer Lower Layer

Learning of Target Position Corresponding to Learning of Rules for Reaching Quickly

States of Prey Agent and the Other Hunter Agent to the Target Position

To Move Quickly to Surround the Prey Corresponding to

States of the Other Agents (Collaborative Behavior)
Fig. 4. Conceptual Diagram of Hierarchical Task Decomposition

3.3 A modular profit sharing learning for upper layer

In the upper layer, the target position of the agent is decided based on observed state such
as the current position of the prey agent and the other hunter agents. The rules in the upper
layer express goodness of the target position corresponding to the current state excluding
actual actions. In order to construct the rules based on the current state combination, huge
corresponding memory is needed. To avoid such requirement, the authors applied modular
structure for the rule expression (Takahashi & Watanabe, 2006) in the upper layer as shown
in Fig.5. In this section, the dimension of modular model is assumed to be three for
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 141

explanation simplicity. Higher dimension can also be considered as the same manner.
Original state space of each agent is expressed as the modular model by covering with three
subspaces of oneself-and-another pair as shown in Fig.6.

State Space
(g, s1, s2 , s3, s4 )

State Subspace of State Subspace of State Subspace of State Subpace of

Agent #1 Agent #2 Agent #3 Agent #4

(1, g, s1, s2 ) (2, g, s2 , s1) (3, g, s3, s1) (4, g, s4 , s1)

(1, g, s1, s3 ) (2, g, s2 , s3 ) (3, g, s3, s2 ) (4, g, s4 , s2 )
(1, g, s1, s4 ) (2, g, s2 , s4 ) (3, g, s3, s4 ) (4, g, s4 , s3 )

Learning of Each State Subspace

Fig. 5. Modular Structure of Agent State Maps

Fig. 6. An Example of Modular Structured Maps

The weights of rules in the upper layer are updated by Profit Sharing learning
algorithm(Miyazaki et al., 1999), when capturing succeeds, as the following formulations:
142 New Advances in Machine Learning

u e, gi ,he,i , h ,i   u e, gi , he, i , h ,i   k e, gi ,he, i , h , i 

k e, gi 1 , he, i 1 , h ,i 1   k e, gi , he,i , h ,i  (i  0,1, ..., m  1,   e)

where u is the weight of the rule, g is state of the prey agent, he,i denotes the state of agent e
at i step ago from the current step, k denotes the reinforcement function, and  is the
In the action phase, the target position is desirable to be decided as a sub-goal for
surrounding task instead of final goal corresponding to the current state of the prey agent
according to the rule weights. In this study, the target position of the agent is generated as:

u  e, g , , hq 
p  arg max  q (q  e,   1) (3)
v  h e

where he denotes the current position of the agent, v denotes candidate of the target position,
q denotes the other agent, and μ is the parameter. Due to these state selections, the target
position as valid sub-goal is generated and sent to the lower layer.

3.4 Q-learning for lower layer

In the lower layer, appropriate selection of concrete action to reach the target position
decided at the upper layer should be fulfilled through reinforcement learning process. It
should be noted that states of the other hunter agents are unnecessary for the lower task.
The input state of the rule consists of the target position and the current own position. At
every step in learning trial, the learning of the lower layer is employed because we can
interpret every agent movement as the movement to current position considered as the
movement to virtual targeted position according to another viewpoint. In the lower layer,
Q-Learning (Sutton & Barto, 1998; Watkins & Dayan, 1988) can be applied successfully
because the process is typical Markov Decision Process. Q-Learning is realized as:

Q  se ,t , ae ,t , c   Q  se ,t , ae ,t , c    rt   max Q  se ,t , , c   Q  se ,t , ae ,t , c 

 (4)

where Q is Q-value, se,t is the state vector of the agent e at t-th step, ae,t is action of the agent e
at t-th step, c denotes the state for updating, r denotes the reward, and α, γ are parameters. It
should be noted that the current state of the agent moved from the other position always
receive rewards considered as the virtual targeted state, internally.

4. A modular fuzzy model

4.1 Model structure
As a fuzzy model having high applicability, Single Input Rule Modules(SIRMs) (Seki et al.,
2006; Yubazaki et al., 1997) was proposed. The idea is to unify reasoning outputs from fuzzy
rule modules comprised with single input formed fuzzy if-then rules. The number of rules
can be drastically reduced as well as bringing us high maintainability in actual application.
However, its disadvantage of low precision is inevitable in order to apply the method to
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 143

huge multi-dimensional problems. I extend the SIRMs method by relaxing the restriction of
the input space, i.e. single, to arbitrary subspace of the rule.
I propose a “Modular Fuzzy Model”, for constructing the model of huge multi-dimensional
space. Description of the model is as follows:

Rules  1:{ if P1 ( x) is A1j then y1  f j1 ( P1 ( x))}mj 1 1

Rules  i :{ if Pi ( x) is Aij then yi  f ji ( Pi ( x))}mj 1i

Rules  n :{ if Pn ( x) is Anj then yn  f jn ( Pn ( x))}mj1 n

where “Rules-i” stands for the i-th fuzzy rule module, Pi(x) denotes predetermined
projection of the input vector x in i-th module, yi is the output variable, and n is the number
of rule modules. The number of constituent rules in the i-th fuzzy rule module is mi. f is the
function of consequent part of the rule like TSK-fuzzy model (Takagi & Sugeno, 1985). A ij
denotes the fuzzy sets defined in the projected space.
The membership degree of the antecedent part of j-th rule in “Rules-i” module is calculated

hij  Aij ( Pi ( x 0 )) (6)

where h denotes the membership degree and x0 is an input vector. The output of fuzzy
reasoning of each module is decided as the following equation.

h i
 f ki ( Pi ( x 0 ))
y 
k 1
k 1

The final output of the “Modular Fuzzy Model” is formulated as:

y 0   wi  yi0 (8)
i 1

where wi denotes the parameter of importance of the i-th rule module. The parameter can be
also formulated as the output of rule based system like modular neural network structure
(Auda & Kamel, 1999). Figure 7 shows the structure of Modular Fuzzy Model.
144 New Advances in Machine Learning

weight parameters

Module 1 IF (xIF1, xx2 is

) is 1A1 THEN y =b1
IF x11 is AA1jj THEN
THEN y=w
1 11 j
y=w jj

Module 2 IF (x 1, xx3 is
) is A
1 j THEN y2=b
2 2
IF x11 is A
THEN y=w
11 j
jj y

Fig. 7. Modular Fuzzy Model

4.2 Application of modular fuzzy model for upper layer

I tackle to the “curse of dimensionality” in the multi-agent pursuit problem using above
proposed modular fuzzy model method. The objective of this study is to restrain memory
consumption of rules in reinforcement learning keeping its performance. In this study, the
function of consequent part in Eq.(5) is defined as parameter of “real value”, i.e. simplified
fuzzy reasoning model (Ichihashi & Watanabe, 1990), in order for applying to the pursuit
problem as:

Rules  1:{ if P1 ( x) is A1j then y1  b1j }mj 1


Rules  i :{ if Pi ( x) is Aij then yi  bij }mj 1

Rules  n :{ if Pn ( x) is Anj then yn  b jn }mj1 n

The importance parameter in Eq.(8) is set as 1.0 in this study. Instead of “crisp type”
modular model described in section 3.3, I apply the modular fuzzy model to the upper layer
model in the hierarchical reinforcement learning for pursuit problem. In addition to the
usual crisp partition of the agent position as shown in Fig.8, fuzzy sets of the position are
defined as shown in Fig.9. The antecedent fuzzy sets are defined by Cartesian products of
each fuzzy set on the state of the agent position.
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 145

Membership Functions of
Horizontal Position

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5

Membership Functions of

V5 V4 V3 V2 V1
Vertical Position


5x5 = 25 partitions
Fig. 8. Usual Crisp Partition of Agent Position

u in Eq.(2) is calculated by the modular fuzzy model and is learned considering the
membership degree of the rules by the profit sharing algorithm. In this study, I assume that
the number of fuzzy sets and parameters in the premise part is decided in advance. The
parameters of real value in the consequent part are learned by the profit-sharing algorithm.
The parameters are modified as:

bij  mi
k (10)
 hki
k 1

where k denotes the reinforcement function in Eq.(2). The denominator in Eq.(10) can be
omitted in actual processing because its value is always 1.0 from the definition of fuzzy sets
described above.
Membership Functions of
Horizontal Position

Membership Functions of

Vertical Position



3x3 = 9 partitions
Fig. 9. Fuzzy Partition of Agent Position
146 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 10. Initial Placement of the Agents in 5x5 environment

5. Numerical experiments
5.1 Results compared with conventional learning methods
In the pursuit problem, the performance of the proposed hierarchical modular
reinforcement learning method is compared with conventional methods through computer
simulations. The size of the pursuit problem is 5x5. The absolute coordinate of the agent
position is used in the experiments. The reason why relative coordinate is not used in the
experiments is to evaluate essential performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of
precision of learning, learning speed, and the memory consumption. As basic simulation
conditions, each agent cannot communicate each other but can monitor the position of the
other agents. The rule of the prey agent behavior is set as random behavior because the
random behavior theoretically involves every action strategies. The initial placement of the
prey agent and the hunter agents is shown in Fig.10.
The proposed methods are compared with the simple Q-Learning algorithm in order to
evaluate basic performance of the methods. In the experiments, it is assumed that the Q-
Learning agent(not hierarchically structured) can only utilize the position of the prey agent
in addition to own position. The Q-Learning agent decides the action by calculating Q-value
defined as Q(g, se, ae) from the sensed position of the prey agent and own position, where se
is the position of the agent e, ae is the corresponding action of the agent e, and g is the
position of the prey agent.
As for hierarchical modular reinforcement learning agents, three methods are simulated.
The expressions of the upper layer are different, though their hierarchical structures and the
lower layer driven by Q-Learning are the same. The first method is structured as the
complete expressed upper layer. From all positions of the hunter agents and the prey agent,
the target position to move is decided. The number of rules in upper layer is
25*25*25*25*25=9,765,625. The second method is “crisp” modular model for upper layer.
The number of rules in upper layer of each agent is (25*25*25*25)*3= 1,171,875. The last
method is the modular fuzzy model for upper layer. Detailed constructions of the model are
described in next subsection. For example, the 1st agent of the modular fuzzy model for
upper layer is constructed as:

Rules  1: { if  g , h1 , h2 , h3  is A1j then y1  b1j }50,625

j 1

Rules  2 : { if  g , h1 , h2 , h4  is A2j then y2  b 2j }50,625

j 1
Rules  3 : { if  g , h1 , h3 , h4  is A then y3  b }
3 50,625
j j 1
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 147


Episode Length(Average of 20 times)

600 NonH-Q
500 CrispMod(c5555x)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
The Number of Trials(x100)
Fig. 11. Simulation Results

where g is the position of the prey agent, h is the position of the hunter agent, and b is the
parameter of consequent part of the fuzzy rule. The fuzzy set A is constructed by
combining the crisp sets of own agent position and prey agent position with the fuzzy sets
of the other two hunter agent positions defined by partitioning the grid into 33 as shown
in Fig.9. The number of rules in upper layer is much smaller than the others, i.e.
I perform the simulation 20 times for each method. The number of trials in the simulation
are 20,000. The results are shown in Fig.11. The depicted data is averaged value of 20 series
after averaging each sequential 100 trials. The results by the modular fuzzy model(depicted
as ModFuzzy) show the best performance compared with the other methods. Both the
learning speed and the precision of learning are desirable. Furthermore required memory
amount is much smaller than the other methods. The results by “crisp” modular
model(depicted as CrispMod) show also good performance. The complete expression
model(depicted as NonMod) cannot acquire rules efficiently and the performance is
deteriorated over time. This seems to be caused by the sparsity of model expression. The
simple Q-Learning agent (NonH-Q) is not so bad unexpectedly in the small 55 grid world.
The strategy only to approach to the prey agent acquired by the simple non-hierarchical Q-
Learning might be reasonable in such small world. However, as the knowlede about
surrounding task cannot be learned at all in such model expression, successful surrounding
completely depends upon accidental behavior of the prey agent.

5.2 Detailed results by proposed model

In order to construct the modular fuzzy model, the important issue is to decide the
dimension of projection in rule modules. Furthermore the number of partition should be
also decided appropriately. In the pursuit problem, as the positions of own agent and the
prey agent are indispensable by nature, the issue is restricted to decide the number of the
other hunter agents included in model expression and the number of partition, i.e. crisp or
fuzzy. In this study, the projection is extended step by step through modeling(reinforcement
learning) from one other hunter agent added. The number of partition for each position is
148 New Advances in Machine Learning

changed as well as the dimension. The results are summarized in Table 1. In this Table,
averaged value, standard deviation, and standard error of episode lengh average of last 100
trials in 20 times simulation are shown as well as the number of partition and the number of

Model The Number of Partition of Agent Position The Number of Episode Length of Last 100 trials (20 times)
ID Target Own Other1 Other2 Other3 Rules for One Agent Average Standard Deviation Standard Error
m333xx 9 9 9 2,187 225.77 310.71 69.48
m533xx 25 9 9 6,075 142.76 68.08 15.22
m335xx 9 9 25 6,075 98.27 44.75 10.01
m353xx 9 25 9 6,075 8.25 1.70 0.38
m535xx 25 9 25 16,875 121.99 85.53 19.12
m553xx 25 25 9 16,875 5.97 0.50 0.11
m355xx 9 25 25 16,875 10.94 1.06 0.24
c555xx 25 25 25 46,875 11.30 22.20 4.96
m3355x 9 9 25 25 151,875 115.76 33.90 6.92
m5533x 25 25 9 9 151,875 5.81 0.33 0.07
c5555x 25 25 25 25 1,171,875 9.07 0.67 0.14
u55555 25 25 25 25 25 9,765,625 271.49 283.88 63.48

Notes of Model ID: m5533x

The number of partition: Target, Own, Other1, Other 2, Other3
m : modular fuzzy model 3 : fuzzy partition
c : crisp modular model 5 : crisp partition
u : usual memory type x : void ( not used in model)

Table 1. Detailed Results of Modular Model


Episode Length with SD

2 c5555x

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
The number of Trials(x100, Averaged)
Fig. 12. Comparison of Modular Fuzzy Model and Crisp Modular Model

rules corresponding to the model. From the results of first four models, own position of the
agent might be partitioned by crisp sets, i.e. m353xx. From further results of next four
models, own position of the agent and position of the target, i.e. prey agent, might be
partitioned by crisp sets, i.e. m553xx. From these obserbations, the model construction is
heuristically performed as shown in the last four results in the Table. From the results
m5533x model has best performance among the models. Compared results with good
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Using a Modular Fuzzy Model for Multi-Agent Problem 149

model(c5555x) are shown in Fig.12. The significance of the m5533x model performance
compared with the other good model performance is also investigated by the t test. The
result compared with m553xx model is that null hypothesis, i.e. the means do not differ, is
rejected with statistical significance level of 0.01. As the results compared with the other
model are obvious, the description is omitted.
The results by the proposed model are considered that the learned agent can perform
surroundig task within six times movement against almost all behavior pattern of the prey
agent. This level cannot be attained without collaborative behavior of the learned agent. In
addition to its drastically improved learning speed, it can be said that the precision level of
learning is sufficient compared with the conventional techniques.

6. Conclusion
In this chapter, I focused on the pursuit problem and proposed a hierarchical modular
reinforcement learning that Profit Sharing learning algorithm is combined with Q Learning
reinforcement learning algorithm hierarchically in multi-agent environment. As the model
structure for such huge problem, I proposed a modular fuzzy model extending SIRMs
architecture. Through numerical experiments, I showed the effectiveness of the proposed
algorithm compared with the conventional algorithms. My future plan concerning with the
proposed methods includes application of another multi-agent problem or complex task

7. References
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Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 151


Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision

Hassab Elgawi Osman
Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology

1. Introduction
Combining multiple classifiers (e.g., decision trees) to build an ensemble is an advanced ma-
chine learning technique with substantially improvement over single-based classifiers. Ran-
dom forests (RFs) (1), a representative decision tree-based ensemble has been emerged as a
principle machine learning tool combining properties of efficient classifier and feature selec-
tion model running on general-purpose processor (GPP-based) custom-hardware and opti-
mized operating systems. Rather than minimizing training error, RF minimizes the general-
√ error, while being fast to train, proven not to overfit, and computationally effective,
(O( VTlogT ), where V is the number of variables and T is the number of observations).
These merits make RF a potential tool suited for adaptive classification problems. RF has
been applied to vision problems such as object recognition (2–7). It has also been used for
OCR (8) and for key point recognition (9). Despite of the appearance success of RF virtually
no work has been done to map from its ideal mathematical model to compact and reliable
hardware design.
In this chapter we present object recognition system implemented on a field programmable
gate array (FPGA), enables learning algorithm to scale up. Fig.1 shows the general architec-
ture of the proposed recognition system, composed of two main steps, each comprises several
computational models. In the first step, objects are automatically represented as covariance
matrices followed by a tree-based RF detector that operates on-line. We have shown in (4)
utilizing a bag of covariance matrices as object descriptor improves the accuracy of object
recognition while speed up the learning process, so we are extending this technique, present
its hardware architecture. The on-line RF detector is designed using Logarithmic Number
System (LNS) (10), RF-LNS, allows the reduction of the required word-length to 16 bits, and
consequently a general-purpose microprocessor of the same word-length can be used. For the
compact architecture we made RF-LNS comprises few computation modules, referred to as
‘Tree Units’, ‘Majority Vote Unit’, and ‘Forest Units’. The main contribution of our approach
(in addition to its impacts on the tradeoff between algorithmic setting accuracy and hardware
implementation cost) is three-fold: (1) its direction towards arithmetic complexity reduction
using a modified RF based on LNS (RF-LNS), (2) it has been designed in order to be easily
integrated in a system-on-chip (SoC), which can perform both automatic feature selection and
recognition, and (3) it allows for fair comparison with floating-point (FP) and fixed-point (FX)
implementations. We test and verified the model functionality using numerical simulation,
present results obtained using examples from GRAZ02 dataset (11). First, in Section 2 we
present related works and highlight on general constrains in implementing hardware-based
recognition systems. Section 3 shows the object descriptor we used and overview on RF al-
152 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 1. Object Recognition based on RF-LNS which is optimized to be easily integrated in a

System-on-Chip (SoC) platform implementation.

gorithmic settings. In Section 4 we present full architecture and design of our recognition
system. We follow with experimental evaluation and estimation of the required precision in
Section 5. A brief conclusion appears in Section 6.

2. Hardware-based Machine Learning

Perhaps motivated by the high computational complexity of many software-oriented machine
vision algorithms, there have been several attempts to create faster execution hardware imple-
mentations which are able to identify and localize objects in a given scene or an image, achieve
high recognition performance. There are studies about Pulsed Neural Network (PNN) that
employ Pulsed Neuron (PN) or Spiking Neuron object localization and processing. The PN
models and have the ability to adapt, much better than traditional neural nets. The Kernel-
tron (12; 13) is a SVM classification module, with a system precision resolution of no more
than 8 bits. A fully digital architecture for SVM classification employing the linear and RBF
kernels is proposed. The minimal word size they are able to use is 20 bits. In (14) hardware
implementation of Decision Trees (DTs) is proposed. However to the best of our knowledge,
ours is the first attempt to implement RF in hardware. We predict further progress using this

2.1 Hardware implementations: problems and constraints

Any kind of hardware implementations of machine vision algorithms be it analog, digital, or
optical, brings along various constraints:
• Algorithematic design: Automatic optimize settings of the parameters.
• Accuracy and efficiency: Hardware implementations can only offer limited accuracy. FP
arithmetics are costly in terms of the number of logic elements required while FX im-
plementation may speed up the algorithm but is leading to a definitively power con-
sumption with marginally lose in precision.
• Area: The tradeoff between accuracy required and hardware (chip) area available. Ac-
curacy often comes at the price of an area penalty.
Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 153

• GPP vs. FPGA: A general purpose processor’s (GPP) hardware contains all the basic
blocks needed to build any logic of mathematical function imaginable but the limita-
tions are in the parallelism available in the program, i.e. performance, and power con-
sumption. FPGA provides flexibility to cope with the current evolving applications but
at the cost of large performance, area, power and reconfiguration time penalties.

2.2 logarithmic Number System (LNS)

LNS is an alternative way to represent real numbers/values beside the conventional FP rep-
resentation. The idea is to convert values into logarithms once and keep them in this repre-
sentation throughout the entire computation. The LNS represents a number by the exponent
in a certain base and a sign bit. The multiplication of two numbers is simply the sum of the
two numbers’ exponent parts, log2 ( x · y) = log2 ( x ) + log2 (y), divisions and square roots are
implemented by fixed-point subtraction and bit shift respectively. However, the addition of
two LNS numbers, log2 |( X, Y )| = X + log2 |1 + 2Y − X | is not a linear operation and requires two
fixed-point adder/subtractors, and lookup-tables (LUTs) process (Function Generators (FGs)).
The size of LNS adders increases exponentially as the operands’ word lengths increase. Thus
the LNS arithmetic systems usually have advantages of low precision and constant relative

3. Algorithmtic Considerations
The proposed object recognition approach consists of two basic models, a model for object
descriptor based on covariance matrices (4; 15) and a classifier based on on-line variant of RF
implemented on FPGA using LNS. First we introduce the algorithmtic settings of each model.

3.1 Covariance Matrices Descriptor

We have used bag of covariance matrices (Fig.2), to represent an object region.
Let I be an input color image. Let F be the dimensional feature image extracted from I

F ( x, y) = φ( I, x, y) (1)

where function φ can be any feature maps (such as intensity, color, etc). For a given region
R ⊂ F, let {zk }k=1···n be the d dimensional feature points inside R. We represent region R with
d × d covariance matrix CR of feature points.
CR = ∑ (z − µ)(zk − µ) T (2)
n − 1 k =1 k

where µ is the mean of region R centered at the point.

3.2 Image Labeling

We gradually build our knowledge of the image from features to covariance matrix to a bag
of covariance matrices. Starting by forming covariance matrix C from image features such
that each feature Z in C has intensity µ(z) and associated variance λ−1 (z), so λ is the inverse
variance (precision). We then group covariance matrices as a set of spatially grouped feature
in C that are likely to share common labels into a bag of covariance matrices.
Covariance matrix. Different regions of an object may have different descriptive powers and,
hence, a difference impact on learning and recognition (Fig.2A). Following (15), we represent
image objects with five covariance matrices Ci=1···5 of the feature computed inside R (Fig.2B),
154 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 2. (A) Rectangles are examples of possible regions for histogram features. Stable appear-
ance in Rectangles A, B and C are good candidates for a car classifier while regions D is not.
(C) Top, points sampled to calculate the LBP around a point ( x, y). Bottom, the use of standard
invariant feature (SIFT). (D) Any region can be represented by a covariance matrix. Size of the
bag is proportional to the number of features used, while the size of the covariance matrix
depends on the dimension of the features.

noting that features in the covariance matrix may be used in multiple image locations.
Color. Color is described by taken Ohta space histogram values of pixels ( I1 = R + G + B/3,
I2 = R − B, I3 = (2G − R − B)/2). This histogram is chosen because it is less sensitive to vari-
ations in illumination. Ohta values for each pixel in an image are clustered using k-means,
e.g., each pixel in image I is assigned to the nearest cluster center, then histogram frequency
is normalized.
Appearance. We have used histograms of Local Binary Patterns (LBPs) for representing each
feature’s appearance in some appearance space. Fig.2C depicts the points that must be sam-
pled around a particular point ( x, y) in order to calculate the LBP. In our implementation, each
sample point lies at a distance of 2 pixels from ( x, y). Instead of the traditional 3 × 3 rectangu-
lar neighborhood, we sample neighborhood circularly with two different radii (1 and 3). The
resulting operators are denoted by LBP8,1 and LBP8,1+8,3 , where subscripts tell the number of
samples and the neighborhood radii.
A bag of covariance matrices. A bag of covariance which is a concatenation of Ohta color
space histogram, and appearance model based on LBP and Scale Invariant Feature Transform
(SIFT) of different features of an image region is presented in Fig.1E. Then estimate the bag of
covariance matrix likelihoods P( Ii |C, Ii ) and the likelihood that each bag of covariance matri-
ces is homogeneously labeled. We use this representation to automatically detect any target
in images. We then apply on-line RF learner to select object descriptors and to learn an object

3.3 RF for Recognition

A detailed discussion of Breiman’s RF (1) learning algorithm is beyond our scope here, how-
ever, in order to simplify the further discussion, we briefly define some fundamental terms:
Decision-tree. For the k-th tree, a random covariance matrix Ck is generated, independent of
the past random covariance matrices C1 , . . . , Ck−1 , and a tree is grown using the training set of
Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 155

positive (contains the object relevant to the class) and negative (does not contain the object)
image I, and covariance feature Ck . The decision generated by a random tree corresponds to
a covariance feature selected by learning algorithm. Each tree casts a unit vote for a single
matrix, resulting in a classifier h ( I, Ck ).
Forest. Given a set of M decision trees, a forest is computed as ensemble of these tree-
generated base classifiers h ( I, Ck ), k = 1, . . . , n, using a majority vote.
Majority vote. If there are M Decision Trees, the majority voting method will give a correct
decision if at least f loor ( M/2) + 1 decision trees gives correct outputs. If each tree has prob-
ability p to make a correct decision, then the forest will have the following probability P to
make a correction decision.
P= ∑ i
p (1 − p ) (3)

3.4 On-line RF for Recognition

To obtain an on-line algorithm, the steps above must be on-line where the current base classi-
fier is updated whenever a new sample arrives. In particular our on-line RF involves two steps
in inferring the object category (Algorithm 1). First, based on covariance object descriptor we
develop a new, conditional permutation scheme for the computation of feature importance
measure. Second, the fixed set tree K is initialized, then individual trees in RF are incremen-
tally generated by specifically selected covariance matrix from the bag of covariance matrices.
For updating, any on-line learning algorithm may be used, but we employ a standard Karman
filtering technique.

Algorithm 1 On-line Random Forests

1: Initially select the number K of trees to be generated.
2: for k = 1, 2, · · · , K do
3: T̀ b̄ootstrap sample from T initialize e = 0, t = 0, Tk = φ
4: Do until Tk = Nk
5: Vector Ck that represent a bag of covariance is generate
6: Construct Tree h ( I, Ck ) using any decision tree algorithm
7: Each Tree makes its estimation based on a single matrix from the bag of covariance
matrices at I
8: Each Tree casts a vote for most popular covariance matrix at image I
9: The popular covariance matrix at I at is predicted by selecting the matrix with max
votes over h1 , h2 , . . . , hk
10: hl = arg maxy ∑kK=1 I (hk ( x ) = y)
11: Return a hypothesis hl
12: end for
13: Get the next sample set
14: Output: Proximity measure, feature importance, a hypothesis h
156 New Advances in Machine Learning

4. Hardware Architecture
4.1 FPGA Architecture
All FPGAs consist of three major components: 1) logic blocks (LBs); 2) I/O blocks; and 3)
programmable routing, as shown in Fig.3(A). A logic block (LB) is functionally complete logic
circuits, partitioned to LB size, mapped and routed, and place in an interconnect framework to
perform a desired operation. Field programmability is achieved through switches (transistors
controlled by memory element or fuses) and each I/O block is programmed to act as an input
or output, as required, i.e., N-input LUTs can implement any n-input boolean function. The
programmable routing is also configured to make the necessary connections between logic
blocks, and from logic blocks to I/O blocks. The processing power of an FPGA is highly
dependent on the processing capabilities of its LBs and the total number of LBs available in
the array. Generally, FPGAs use logic blocks that contain one or more LUT, typically with at
least four-inputs. A four-input LUT can implement any binary function of four logic inputs.
Fig.3(B) shows the architecture of a simple LB containing one four-input LUT and one flip-flop
for storage.

Fig. 3. (A) Granularity and interconnection structure of generic Xilinx FPGA. (B) An architec-
ture of a logic block with one, four-input LUT use for implementation of memory and shift

4.2 Transform into Log-domain

Rather than adapting the FP arithmetic we based on LNS, eliminate the need for multiplica-
tions and division, allowing all operations to be carried out using shifts and additions. In LNS,
a number x is represented in signed magnitude form, i.e., as a pair (S, e), where x = (−1)s (r )e ,
S being the sign bit (which is either 0 or 1 according to the sign of x) and e being the signed
exponent of the radix r (usually in radix 2). The exponent e is expressed in fixed-point bi-
nary mode with say, G bits for the integer part and F bits for the fractional part and one bit
Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 157

for the sign of the exponent, i.e., with a total of ( G + F + 1) bits. If the radix is considered
to be 2, then the smallest number that can be represented using the scheme is 2− N , where
N = (s G − 1) + (1 − 2− F ) = (2G − 2− F ). The ratio between two consecutive numbers is equal
to r2 , and the corresponding precision e is roughly (lnr )2− F . Typically, if G = 5, F = 30, and
r = 2, we can have a precision of 30 bits in radix 2. However, for the purpose of comparison
with the precision of FP representation, e will be assumed as 2−23 (≈ 10−7 ). Numbers closer
to zero, are represented with better precision in LNS than FP systems. However, LNS depart
from FP in that, the relative error of LNS is constant and LNS can often achieve equivalent
signal-to-noise ratio with fewer bits of precision relative to FP architectures.

4.3 Object Recognition Architecture based on RF-LNS

Fig.4 shows RF-LNS object classifier proposed in this paper. The classifier consists of three
main design blocks (a) The LG block; (b) The ACC block; and (c) The SIGM block. The ‘Co-
variance Unit’ in Fig.1 contains all the features extracted from an image in a form of bag of
covariance matrices. The output of covariance descriptor becomes the input of the RF-LNS
classifier. However, Function φ given by eq(1) consists of float values which require much
place for storing in an FPGA memory. In order to reduce the hardware cost, we propose to
approximate the function φ using LG. This function will transform float elements of the φ
into binary elements. For ‘Tree Units’ we compute 16 covariance matrices in 32 bit memory.
Basically the decision trees consist of two types of nodes: decision nodes, corresponding to
state variables and least nodes, which correspond to all possible covariance features that can
be taken. In a decision node a decision is taken about one of the input. Each least node stores
the state values for the corresponding region in the image, meaning that a least node stores
a value for each relevant covariance matrix that can be taken. The tree starts out with only
one least node that represents the entire image region then, a decision has to be made whether
the node should be split or not. ACC block that does the accumulation operations at each
node. Once a tree is constructed it can be used to map an input vector to a least node, which
corresponds to a region in the image. Then a decision tree can be converting into an equiva-
lent ‘Tree Unit’ by extracting one logic function per class from the tree structure. Each ‘Tree
Units’ gives a unit vote for its popular object class. ‘Forest Unit’ is an ensemble of trees grown
incrementally to a certain depth. The object is recognized as the one having the majority vote,
stored at ‘Majority Vote Unit’. The SIGM block that performs the sigmoid evaluation function
for majority votes.

Fig. 4. RF-LNS object classifier Architecture.

158 New Advances in Machine Learning

5. Evaluation
The functionality of the proposed system was simulated, and the hardware is programmed.
We now demonstrate the usefulness of this frame work in the area of recognition generic
objects such as bikes, cars, and persons.

5.1 Dataset
We have used data derived from the GRAZ021 dataset (11), a collection of 640 × 480 24-bit
color images. As can be seen in Fig.5, this dataset has three object classes, bikes, cars, persons,
and in addition to the background class (270 images). This database contains variability with
respect to scale and clutter. Objects of interest are often occluded, and they are not dominant in
the image. According to (16) the average ratio of object size to image size counted in number
of pixels is 0.22 for bikes, 0.17 for people, and 0.9 for cars. Thus this dataset is more complex
dataset to learn detectors from, but of more interest because it better reflects the real world
complexity. Table 1 reports the number of images and objects in each class, 380 images are
available for background class .

Dataset Images Objects

Bikes 365 511
Cars 420 770
Persons 311 785
Total 1096 2066

Table 1. Number of images and objects in each class in the GRAZ02 dataset.

5.2 Experimental Settings

Our RF-LNS is trained with varying amounts (10%, 50% and 90% respectively) of randomly
selected training data. All images not selected for the training split were put into the test
split. For the 10% training data experiments, 10% of images were selected randomly with the
remainder used for testing. This was repeated 20 times. For the 50% training data experi-
ments, stratified 5 × 2 fold cross validation was used. Each cross validation selected 50% of
the dataset for training and tested the classifiers on the remaining 50%; the test and training
sets were then exchanged and the classifiers retrained and retested. This process was repeated
5 times. Finally, for the 90% training data situation, stratified 1 × 10 fold cross validation was
performed, with the dataset divided into ten randomly selected, equally sized subsets, with
each subset being used in turn for testing after the classifiers were trained on the remaining
nine subsets.

6. Performances
GRAZ02 images contain only one object category per image so the recognition task can be
seen as a binary classification problem: bikes vs. background (i.e., non-bikes), people vs.
background, and car vs. background. Generalization performances in these object recogni-
tion experiments were estimated by statistic measure; the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC)
to measure the classifiers performance. AUC measures of classifier performance that is inde-
pendent of the threshold, meaning it summarizes how true positive and false positive rates
1 available at˜pinz/data/
Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 159

Fig. 5. Examples from GRAZ02 dataset (11) for four different categories: A) cars and ground
truth, B) bikes and ground truth, C) persons and ground truth, and D) background.

change as the threshold gradually increases from 0.0 to 1.0, i.e., it does not summarize accu-
racy. An ideal perfect classifier has an AUC of 1.0 and a random classifier has an AUC of

6.1 Finite Precision Analysis

The primary task here is to analyze the precision requirements for performing recognition.
The RF-LNS precision was varied to ascertain optimal LNS precisions and compare them
against the cost of using FP architectures. Tables 2, 3, and 4 give the mean AUC values across
all runs to 2 decimal places for RF-LNS and training data amount combinations, for the bikes,
cars and people datasets respectively. The performance of RF-LNS is reported with weight
quantized with 4, 8, and 16 bits, and for different decision tree depths, from depth = 3 to depth
160 New Advances in Machine Learning

= 7. For example a figure of 85% means that 85% of object images were correctly classified but
15% of the background images were incorrectly classified (i.e. thought to be foreground). For
RF-LNS to maintain acceptable performance, 16 bits of precision are sufficient for all GRAZ02
categories, even when only 10% training examples are used. Such low precision required by
RF-LNS makes it competitive with FP arithmetic for our generic object recognition application.

RF-LNS (4-bit Precision) RF-LNS (8-bit Precision) RF-LNS (16-bit Precision)

D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 h=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7
10% 0.79 0.79 0.77 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.84 0.83
50% 0.86 0.86 0.82 0.81 0.83 0.88 0.89 0.85 0.88 0.86 0.90 0.90 0.86 0.89 0.89
90% 0.80 0.81 0.81 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90

Table 2. Mean AUC performance of RF-LNS on the Bikes vs. Background dataset, by amount
of training data. Performance of RF-LNS is reported for different Depths (D).

RF-LNS (4-bit Precision) RF-LNS (8-bit Precision) RF-LNS (16-bit Precision)

D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7
10% 0.66 0.70 0.70 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.75 0.75 0.77 0.75
50% 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83
90% 0.77 0.75 0.75 0.73 0.79 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.78 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.85

Table 3. Mean AUC performance of RF-LNS on the Cars vs. Background dataset, by amount
of training data. Performance of RF-LNS is reported for different Depths (D).

RF-LNS (4-bit Precision) RF-LNS (8-bit Precision) RF-LNS (16-bit Precision)

D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7 D=3 D=4 D=5 D=6 D=7
10% 0.83 0.73 0.77 0.77 0.79 0.77 0.74 0.80 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.78 0.81 0.81 0.82
50% 0.79 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.83 0.81 0.83 0.83 0.80 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.85 0.82 0.85
90% 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.83 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.80 0.86 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.83 0.87

Table 4. Mean AUC performance of RF-LNS on the Persons vs. Background dataset, by
amount of training data. Performance of RF-LNS is reported for different Depths (D).

6.2 Efficiency and Hardware area

The efficiency of RF-LNS classifier is evaluated in terms of the number of slices. This is sim-
ply equivalent to hardware area required to achieve acceptable performance. Table 5 shows
number of slice used by RF-LNS classifier as compared with 10- and 20-bit fixed-point (FX)
implementations. The number of slices is reported for different Tree Unit for each dataset.
RF-LNS takes almost the same number of slices as 10-bit FX but less than one-half of 20-bit
FX implementation. This is interesting because 10-bit FX implementation has been widely
recognized for not acceptable performance, particularly for recognition problem. Our design
Random Forest-LNS Architecture and Vision 161

also achieved high speed clock rate processing. For the 1-bit RF-LNS, the power dissipation is
small, and the area usage on FPGA is less than 2 percents.

7. Conclusions and Future Works

Efficient hardware implementations of machine-learning techniques yield a variety of advan-
tages over software solutions: increased processing speed, and reliability as well as reduced
cost and complexity. In this paper RF technique is modified so that classification is performed
by LNS arithmetic. The model is applied for generic object recognition task, it shows that at
low precision the RF-LNS hardware has significant area savings compared to the fixed-point
alternative. With these characteristics, RF-LNS may be a good way for designing a real-time
low power object recognition systems. Our future goals include further exploring precision re-
quirements for hardware RF-LNS, noise analysis to determine the robustness of the hardware
classifier and expanding LNS hardware architectures to other machine learning algorithms.

Dataset Tree Units 16-bit LNS 10-bit FX 20-bit FX

Bikes 3 315 219 576
4 498 407 713
5 611 622 878
6 823 835 1103
7 1010 974 1345
Cars 3 277 283 603
4 397 476 783
5 536 694 866
6 784 943 1002
7 989 1287 1311
Persons 3 336 318 409
4 534 535 657
5 765 689 845
6 878 926 1127
7 1123 1158 1287

Table 5. Slices used for different tree units for each dataset.

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An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 163


An Intelligent System for Container

Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing
Supervised Learning Algorithm
Kwang-Baek Kim1, Sungshin Kim2 and Young Woon Woo3
2Pusan National University,
3Dong-Eui University,


1. Introduction
Recently, the quantity of goods transported by sea has increased steadily since the cost of
transportation by sea is lower than other transportation methods. Various automation
methods are used for the speedy and accurate processing of transport containers in the
harbor. The automation systems for transport container flow processing are classified into
two types: the barcode processing system and the automatic recognition system of container
identifiers based on image processing. However, these days the identifier recognition
system based on images is more widely used in the harbors.
Identifiers of shipping containers are given in accordance with the terms of ISO standard,
which consist of 4 code groups such as shipping company codes, container serial codes,
check digit codes and container type codes (ISO-6346, 1995; Kim, 2003). And, only the first
11 identifier characters are prescribed in the ISO standard and shipping containers are able
to be discriminated by automatically recognizing the first 11 characters. But, other features
such as the foreground and background colors, the font type and the size of container
identifiers, etc., vary from one container to another since the ISO standard doesn’t prescribes
other features except code type (Kim, 2004; Nam et al., 2001). Since identifiers are printed on
the surface of containers, shapes of identifiers are often impaired by the environmental
factors during the transportation by sea. The damage to a container surface may lead to a
distortion of shapes of identifier characters in a container image. So, the variations in the
feature of container identifiers and noises make it quite difficult the extraction and
recognition of identifiers using simple information like color values (Kim, 2004).
Generally, container identifiers have another feature that the color of characters is black or
white. Considering such a feature, in a container image, all areas excepting areas with black
or white colors are regarded as noises, and areas of identifiers and noises are discriminated
by using a fuzzy-based noise detection method. Noise areas are replaced with a mean pixel
value of the whole image area, and areas of identifiers are extracted and binarized by
applying the edge detection by Sobel masking operation and the vertical and horizontal
164 New Advances in Machine Learning

block extraction to the conversed image one by one. In the extracted areas, the color of
identifiers is converted to black and one of background to white, and individual identifiers
are extracted by using a 8-directional contour tacking algorithm. An ART2-based self-
organizing supervised learning algorithm for the identifier recognition is proposed in this
chapter, which creates nodes of the hidden layer by applying ART2 between the input layer
and the hidden one and improves performance of learning by applying generalized delta
learning and the Delta-bar-Delta algorithm (Vogl et al., 1998). Experiments using many
images of shipping containers show that the presented identifier extraction method and the
ART2-based supervised learning algorithm is more improved compared with the methods
proposed previously.

2. The proposed container identifier recognition method

2.1 Extraction of container identifier areas
Due to the rugged surface shape of containers and noises vertically appeared by an external
light, a failure may occur in the extraction of container identifier areas from a container
image. To refine the failure problem, a novel method is proposed for extraction of identifier
areas based on a fuzzy-based noise detection method.
In the proposed method, edges of identifiers are detected by applying Sobel masking
operation to a grayscale image of the original image and extracts areas of identifiers using
information on edges. Sobel masking operation is sensitive to noises so that it detects noises
by an external light as edges. To remove an effect of noises in the edge detection, first, noise
pixels are detected by a fuzzy method and replaced by the pixels with a mean gray value.
Next, Applying Sobel masking to the noise-removed image, areas of container identifiers are
separated from background areas.

2.2 Fuzzy-based noise detection

To remove noises by an external light, an container image is converted to a grayscale one
and apply the membership function like Fig. 1 to each pixel of the grayscale image, deciding
whether the pixel is a noise or not. In Fig. 1, C and E are categories being likely to belong to
an area of identifiers, and D is the category being likely to be a noise. Eq. (1) shows the
expression for the membership function of Fig. 1. The criterion to distinguish pixels of noise
and non-noise using the degree of membership in the proposed method is given in Table 1.

Degree of


50 110 170
Intensity value of pixel
Fig. 1. Membership function(G) for gray-level pixels
An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 165

if  G  50  or  G  170  then u  G   0
G  50 (1)
else if  G  50  or  G  110  then u  G  
110  50
110  G
else if  G  110  or  G  170  then u  G  
170  110

pixel of non-noise u(G) < 0.42

pixel of noise u(G) ≥ 0.42
Table 1. Criterion to distinguish pixels of noise and non-noise

To observe the effectiveness of the fuzzy-based noise detection, results of edge detection by
Sobel masking are compared between the original image and the noise-removed image by
the proposed method. Fig. 2 is the original container image, and Fig. 3 is the output image
generated by applying only Sobel masking to a grayscale image of Fig. 2. Fig. 4 is results of
edge detection obtained by applying the fuzzy-based noise removal and Sobel masking to
Fig.2. First, the fuzzy-based noise detection method is applied to a grayscale image of the
original image and pixels detected as noises are replaced with a mean gray value. Next,
edges of container identifiers are detected by applying Sobel masking to the noise-removed
image. As shown in Fig. 3, noise removal by the proposed fuzzy method generates more
efficient results in the extraction of areas of identifiers.

Fig. 2. An original container image

Fig. 3. Result of edge detection by only Sobel masking

166 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 4. Result of edge detection by fuzzy-based noise-removal and Sobel masking

2.3 Binarization of container identifier areas

Currently, the iterative binarization algorithm is mainly used in the preprocessing of pattern
recognition. The iterative binarization algorithm, first, roughly determines an initial
threshold, divides an input image to two pixel groups using the threshold, calculates a mean
value for each pixel group, and sets the arithmetic mean of two mean values to a new
threshold. And, the algorithm repeats the above processing until there is no variation of
threshold value and sets the last value to the threshold value for binarization operation. In
the case of a noise-removed container image, since the difference of intensity between the
background and the identifiers is great, the iterative algorithm is able to provide a good
threshold value.

2.4 Extraction of individual identifiers

Individual identifiers are extracted by applying the 8-directional contour tracking method
(Chen & Hsu, 1989) to binarized areas of container identifiers. In the extraction process, the
extraction of individual identifiers is successful in the case that the background color is a
general color except white one like Fig. 5, and on the other hand, the extraction is failed in
the case with white background color as shown in Fig. 6. In the binarization process,
background pixels of a bright intensity are converted to black and identifier pixels of a dark
intensity are converted to white. Since the contour tracking method detects edges of an area
with black color, it can not detect edges of identifiers from target areas with white
background. So a result of binarization process is reversed for identifier areas with white
background. That is, background pixels are converted to white and identifier pixels to black.
Fig. 7 shows that the pixel reversal lead to a success of edge detection in an identifier area
with white background presented in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Identifier area with a general color and successful results of edge extraction
An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 167

Fig. 6. Identifier area with white color and failed results of edge extraction

Fig. 7. Reversed binarized area of Fig. 6 and successful result of edge detection

The procedure of extracting individual identifiers using the 8-directional contour tracking
method is as follow: Pi r and Pi c are pixels of horizontal and vertical directions being
currently scanned in the identifier area, respectively, and Pi r 1 and Pi c 1 are pixels of the two
directions being next scanned in the identifier area. And Psr and Psc are pixels of horizontal
and vertical directions in the first mask of the 8-directional contour tracking.
Step 1. Initialize with Eq. (2) in order to apply the 8-neighborhood contour tracking
algorithm to the identifier area, and find the pixel by applying tracking mask as
shown in Fig. 8.

Pi r 1  Pi r , Pi c 1  Pi c (2)

Step 2. When a black pixel is found after applying the tracking mask in the current pixel,
calculate the value of Pi r and Pi c as shown in Eq. (3)

7 7
Pi r   Pi r 1 , Pi c   Pi c 1 (3)
i 0 i 0

Step 3. For the 8 tracking masks, apply Eq. (4) to decide the next tracking mask.

if Pi r  Pi r 1 and Pi c  Pi c 1 then rotates counter-clockwise. (4)

Step 4. Stop if Pi r and Pi c return back to Psr and Psc or go back to the Step 1 and repeat. If
Pi r  Psr  1 and Pi c  Psc  1 then break, else go back to Step 1.
168 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 5 and Fig. 7 shows extraction results of individual identifiers by using the 8-directional
contour tracking method.

6 5 4 7 6 5 0 7 6 1 0 7

7 3 0 4 1 5 2 6

0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5


2 1 0 3 2 1 4 3 2 5 4 3

3 7 4 0 5 1 6 2

4 5 6 5 6 7 6 7 0 7 0 1


Fig. 8. 8-diectional contour tracking masks

2.5 Recognition of container identifiers using ART2-based self-organizing supervised

leaning algorithm
The error backpropagation algorithm uses gradient descent as the supervised learning rule
to minimize the cost function defined in terms of the error value between the output value
and the target one for a given input. Hence, the algorithm has the drawback that the
convergence speed of learning is slower and the possibility of falling into the local minima is
induced by the insufficient number of nodes in the hidden layer and the unsuitable initial
connection weights. During the learning process, the algorithm uses credit assignment for
propagating error value of the output layer’s nodes backward to the nodes in the hidden
layer. As a result, paralysis can be induced in the hidden layer. Generally, the recognition
algorithms using the error backpropagation are plagued by the falling-off of recognition rate
caused by the empirical determination of the number of hidden layer nodes and the credit
assignment procedure(Kim & Yun, 1999).
Fuzzy C-Means-based RBF networks uses the fuzzy C-Means algorithm to generate the
middle layer. It has a disadvantage of consuming too much time when applied to character
recognition. In character recognition, a binary pattern is usually used as the input pattern.
Thus, when the fuzzy C-Means algorithm is applied to the training pattern composed of 0
and 1, it is not only difficult to precisely classify input patterns but also takes a lot of
training time compared to other clustering algorithms(Kim et al., 2005).
The ART2 architecture was evolved to perform learning for binary input patterns and also
accommodate continuous valued components in input patterns(Carpenter et al., 1991). In
the ART2 algorithm, connection weights are modified according to the calculation of mean
values of all input patterns. Then the cluster center is calculated by adapting it to the new
However, the averaged mean value of the difference in input vector and connection weight
is used for comparison with the vigilance factor, which leads to the possibility of an input
pattern being classified to a similar cluster having different properties (Kim & Kim, 2004).
This could happen particularly in cases where the pattern dimensionality is large and one
An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 169

feature drastically differs from the cluster center but its impact is minimized due to
averaging all differences. When the traditional ART2 algorithm was applied to the
recognition of container identifiers, it was observed that the recognition rate declined due to
the classification of such different input patterns to the same cluster. Therefore, we propose
a novel ART2-based hybrid network architecture where the middle layer neurons have RBF
(Radial Basis Function) properties and the output layer neurons have a sigmoid function
An ART2-based self-organizing supervised learning algorithm for the recognition of
container identifiers, is proposed in this chapter. First, a new leaning structure is applied
between the input and the middle layers, which applies ART2 algorithm between the two
layers, select a node with maximum output value as a winner node, and transmits the
selected node to the middle layer. Next, generalized Delta learning algorithm and Delta-bar-
Delta algorithm are applied in the learning between the middle and the output layers,
improving the performance of learning. The proposed learning algorithm is summarized as
1. The connection structure between the input and the middle layers is like ART2
algorithm and the output layer of ART2 becomes the middle layer of the proposed
learning algorithm.
2. Nodes of the middle layer mean individual classes. Therefore, while the proposed
algorithm has a fully-connected structure on the whole, it takes the winner node
method that compares target vectors and output vectors and back-propagates a
representative class and the connection weight.
3. The proposed algorithm performs the supervised learning by applying generalized
Delta learning as the learning structure between the middle and the output layers.
4. The proposed algorithm improves the performance of learning by applying Delta-bar-
Delta algorithm to generalized Delta learning for the dynamical adjustment of a
learning rate. When defining the case that the difference between the target vector and
the output vector is less than 0.1 as an accuracy and the opposite case as an inaccuracy,
Delta-bar-Delta algorithm is applied restrictively in the case that the number of
accuracies is greater than or equal to inaccuracies with respect to total patterns. This
prevents no progress or an oscillation of learning keeping almost constant level of error
by early premature situation incurred by competition in the learning process.
The detailed description of ART2-based self-organizing supervised learning algorithm is
like Fig. 9.

3. Performance evaluation
The proposed algorithm is implemented by using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 on the IBM-
compatible Pentium-IV PC for performance evaluation. 79 container images with size of
640x480 are used in the experiments for extraction and recognition of container identifiers.
In the extraction of identifier areas, the previously proposed method fails to extract in
images containing noises vertically appearing by an external light and the rugged surface
shape of containers. On the other hand, the proposed extraction method detects and
removes noises by using a fuzzy method, improving the success rate of extraction compared
with the previously proposed. The comparison of the success rate of identifier area
extraction between the proposed method in this chapter and the previously proposed
method is like Table 2.
170 New Advances in Machine Learning

For the experiment of identifier recognition, applying the 8-directional contour tracking
method to 72 identifier areas extracted by the proposed extraction algorithm, 284 alphabetic
characters and 500 numeric characters are extracted. The recognition experiments are

Initialize weight of middle layer(w ji),

weight of output layer(wkj) and bias(  k ) Calculate output vector(Ok ) of output layer
Ok 
 N 1 
 w * O *  k
kj j

Set training vector and target pattern 1.0  e  i 0 

Calculate output vector(O j ) of middle layer

Calculate error signal vector

  x  w t  
N 1
Oj  i ji  k  (Tk  Ok )Ok (1  Ok )
N i 0

Calculate values of Delta and Delta-bar

Select winner node( O*j )
tk   k z k
O *j  {O j }
tk  1   tk   tk1
Oj  O
Adjust learning rate
Similarity Test
 t  x if tk1 tk  0
O*j  No
t 1 
  (1   ) t if tk1 tk  0
Yes  t
 if tk1 tk  0
Adjust weighs and similarity
w j *i t   u n  xi
w j *i t  1  Adjust weights and bias
wkj * t  1  wkj * t    k  k O
 k t  1   k t    k  k
Learning of all training patterns
No is completed?
the total number of accuracies  0
Yes No
Select winner node of middle layer
Ok *  MAX (O ) Yes
Stop training

Fig. 9. ART2-based self-organizing supervised learning algorithm

Previously-proposed method Proposed method in this chapter

Success rate 55/79(69.6%) 72/79(91.1%)

Table 2. Comparison of the success rate of identifier area extraction

performed with the FCM-based RBF network and the proposed ART2-based self-organizing
supervised learning algorithm using extracted identifier characters and compared the
recognition performance in Table 3.
In the experiment of identifier recognition, the learning rate and the momentum are set to
0.4 and 0.3 for the two recognition algorithms, respectively. And, for ART2 algorithm
An Intelligent System for Container Image Recognition using
ART2-based Self-Organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm 171

generating nodes of the middle layer in the proposed algorithm, vigilance variables of two
character types are set to 0.4.
When comparing the number of nodes of the middle layer between the two algorithms, the
proposed algorithm creates more nodes than FCM-based RBF network, but via the
comparison of the number of Epochs, it is known that the number of iteration of learning in
the proposed algorithm is less than FCM-based RBF network. That is, the proposed
algorithm improves the performance of learning. Also, comparing the success rate of
recognition, it is able to be known that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of
recognition compared with FCM-based RBF network. Failures of recognition in the
proposed algorithm are incurred by the damage of shapes of individual identifiers in
original images and the information loss of identifiers in the binarzation process.

ART2-base self-organizing
FCM-based RBF network
supervised learning algorithm
# of success of # of success of
# of Epoch # of Epoch
recognition recognition
Alphabetic 240 280
236 221
Characters(284) (84.5%) (98.5%)
Numeric 422 487
161 151
Characters(500) (84.4%) (97.4%)
Table 3. Evaluation of recognition performance

4. Conclusion
This chapter proposes an automatic recognition system of shipping container identifiers
using fuzzy-based noise removal method and ART2-based self-organizing supervised
learning algorithm. In the proposed method, after detecting and removing noises from an
original image by using a fuzzy method, areas of identifiers are extracted. In detail, the
performance of identifier area extraction is improved by removing noises incurring errors
using a fuzzy method based on the feature that the color of container identifiers is white or
black on the whole. And, individual identifiers are extracted by applying the 8-directional
contour tracking method to extracted areas of identifiers. Experiments using 79 container
images show that 72 areas of identifiers and 784 individual identifiers are extracted
successfully and 767 identifiers among the extracted are recognized by the proposed
recognition algorithm. Failures of recognition in the proposed algorithm are incurred by the
damage of shapes of individual identifiers in original images and the information loss of
identifiers in the binarzation process.

5. References
Chen, Y.S. & Hsu, W.H. (1989). A systematic approach for designing 2-subcycle and pseudo
1-Subcycle parallel thinning algorithms, Pattern Recognition, Vol.22, No.3, (1989) pp.
ISO-6346, (1995). Freight Containers-Coding -Identification and Marking
172 New Advances in Machine Learning

Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg, S.J., Reynolds H. (1991). ARTMAP: Supervised Real-time

Learning and Classification of Nonstationary Data by a Self-organizing Neural
Network, Neural Networks, Vol.4, (1991) pp.565-588
Kim, K.B., Yun, H.W. (1999). A Study on Recognition of Bronchogenic Cancer Cell Image
Using a Physiological Fuzzy Neural Networks, Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics
and Biological Engineering, Vol.13, No.1, (1999) pp.39-43
Kim, K.B. (2003). The Identifier Recognition from Shipping Container Image by Using
Contour Tracking and Self-Generation Supervised Learning Algorithm Based on
Enhanced ART1, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.9, No.3, (2003) pp. 65-
Kim, K.B. (2004). Recognition of Identifiers from Shipping Container Images using Fuzzy
Binarization and Neural Network with Enhanced Learning Algorithm, Applied
Computational Intelligence, (2004) pp. 215-221
Kim, K.B., Kim, C. K. (2004). Performance Improvement of RBF Network using ART2
Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic System, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI
3339, Springer, (2004) pp.853-860
Kim, K.B., Lee, D.U., Sim, K.B. (2005). Performance Improvement of Fuzzy RBF Networks,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3610, Springer, (2005) pp.237-244
Nam, M.Y., Lim, E.K., Heo, N.S. & Kim, K.B. (2001). A Study on Character Recognition of
Container Image using Brightness Variation and Canny Edge, Proceedings of Korea
Multimedia Society, pp. 111-115
Vogl, T.P., Mangis, J.K., Zigler, A.K., Zink, W.T. & Alkon, D.L. (1998). Accelerating the
convergence of the backpropagation method, Biological Cybernetics, Vol.59, (1998)
pp. 256-264
Data mining with skewed data 173


Data mining with skewed data

Manoel Fernando Alonso Gadi Grupo Santander, Abbey, Santander
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Alair Pereira do Lago

Depart. de Ciencia de Computacao, Inst. de Matematica e Estatistica Universidade de Sao

Jörn Mehnen
Decision Engineering Centre, Cranfield University Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL
United Kingdom

In this chapter, we explore difficulties one often encounters when applying machine learning
techniques to real-world data, which frequently show skewness properties. A typical example
from industry where skewed data is an intrinsic problem is fraud detection in finance data. In
the following we provide examples, where appropriate, to facilitate the understanding of data
mining of skewed data. The topics explored include but are not limited to: data preparation,
data cleansing, missing values, characteristics construction, variable selection, data skewness,
objective functions, bottom line expected prediction, limited resource situation, parametric
optimisation, model robustness and model stability.

1. Introduction
In many contexts like in a new e-commerce website, fraud experts start investigation proce-
dures only after a user makes a claim. Rather than working reactively, it would be better for
the fraud expert to act proactively before a fraud takes place. In this e-commerce example, we
are interested in classifying sellers into legal customers or fraudsters. If a seller is involved in
a fraudulent transaction, his/her license to sell can be revoked by the e-business. Such a de-
cision requires a degree of certainty, which comes with experience. In general, it is only after
a fraud detection expert has dealt with enough complains and enough data that he/she ac-
quired a global understanding of the fraud problem. Quite often, he/she is exposed to a huge
number of cases in a short period of time. This is when automatic procedures, commonly
computer based, can step in trying to reproduce expert procedures thus giving experts more
time to deal with harder cases. Hence, one can learn from fraud experts and build a model for
fraud. Such a model requires fraud evidences that are commonly present in fraudulent behav-
ior. One of the difficulties of fraud detection is that fraudsters try to conceal themselves under
a “normal” behavior. Moreover, fraudsters rapidly change their modus operandi once it is
174 New Advances in Machine Learning

discovered. Many fraud evidences are illegal and justify a more drastic measure against the
fraudster. However, a single observed indicator is often not strong enough to be considered
a proof and needs to be evaluated as one variable among others. All variables taken together
can indicate high probability of fraud. Many times, these variables appear in the literature
by the name of characteristics or features. The design of these characteristics to be used in a
model is called characteristics extraction or feature extraction.

2. Data preparation
2.1 Characteristics extraction
One of the most important tasks on data preparation is the conception of characteristics. Un-
fortunately, this depends very much on the application (See also the discussions in Section 4
and 5). For fraud modelling for instance, one starts from fraud expert experience, determine
significant characteristics as fraud indicators, and evaluates them. In this evaluation, one is
interested in measuring how well these characteristics:
• covers (is present in) the true fraud cases;
• and how clearly they discriminate fraud from non-fraud behavior.
In order to cover as many fraud cases as possible, one may verify how many of them are
covered by the characteristics set. The discrimination power of any of these characteristics
can be evaluated by their odds ratio. If the probability of the event (new characteristics) in
each of two compared classes (fraud and non-fraud in our case) are p f (first class) and pn
(second class), then the odds ratio is:
p f / (1 − p f ) p f (1 − p n )
OR = = .
p n / (1 − p n ) p n (1 − p f )

An odds ratio equals to 1 describes the characteristics as equally probable in both classes
(fraud and non-fraud). The more this ratio is greater/less than 1, the more likely this charac-
teristic is in the first/second class than in the other one.

2.2 Data cleansing

In many manuals on best practice in model development, a chapter on data consistency
checks, or data cleansing, is present. The main reason for this is to avoid waisting all the
effort applied in the model development stage, because of data inconsistency invalidating the
dataset in use.
Here we understand data consistency checks as being a set of expert rules to check whether
a characteristic follows an expected behaviour. These expert rules can be based on expert
knowledge or common sense. For example, a common error when filling in the date-of-birth
section in a credit card application form is to put the current year instead of the year the person
was actually born. In most countries an under sixteen year old can not have a credit card.
Therefore, an easy way of checking this inconsistency is to simply calculate the applicant’s
age and check if it falls within a valid range. With more information available, more complex
checks can be applied, such as, e.g. matching name with gender or street name with post code.
In some cases the model developer has access to reports stored in Management Information
Systems (MIS). If that is the case, it is a highly recommended idea to calculate key population
indicators and compare these to portfolio reports. For example, in a credit card industry envi-
ronment one can check the volume of applications; accept rate, decline rate and take-up rate
Data mining with skewed data 175

and others. It can also be useful to check the univariate distribution of each variable including
the percentage of outliers, missing and miscellaneous values.
Having identified the characteristics that contain errors, the next step is to somehow fix the
inconsistencies or minimise their impact in the final model. Here we list, in the form of ques-
tions, some good practices in data cleansing used by the industry that can sometimes improve
model performance, increase generalisation power and finally, but no less important, make
models less vulnerable to fraud and faults.
1. Is it possible to fix the errors by running some codes on the dataset? Sometimes wrong
values have a one-to-one mapping to the correct values. Therefore, the best strategy is
to make the change in the development dataset and to carry on with the development.
It is important that these errors are fixed for the population the model will be applied to
as well. This is because both developing and applying populations must be consistent,
otherwise fixing the inconsistency would worsen the model performance rather than
improving it;
2. Is a small number of attributes1 (less than 5%) impacting only few rows (less than 5%)?
In this case, one can do a bivariate analysis to determine if it is possible to separate these
values into a default (or fault) group. Another option is to drop the rows. However, this
tactic might turn out to be risky (see section about missing values);
3. Is the information value of the problematic attribute(s) greater than for the other at-
tributes combined? Consider dropping this characteristic and demand fixing;
4. Is it possible to allow outliers? Simply dropping them might be valid if there are few or
there are invalid values. Change their values to the appropriate boundary could also be
valid. For example, if an acceptable range for yearly income is [1,000;100,000] MU2 and
an applicant has a yearly income of 200,000 MU then it should be changed to 100,000
MU. This approach is often referred to as truncated or censored modelling Schneider
5. Finally, in an industry environment, when an MIS is available, one can check for the
acceptance rate or number of rows to be similar to the reports? It is very common for
datasets to be corrupted after transferring them from a Mainframe to Unix or Windows

3. Data skewness
A dataset for modelling is perfectly balanced when the percentage of occurrence of each class
is 100/n, where n is the number of classes. If one or more classes differ significantly from the
others, this dataset is called skewed or unbalanced. Dealing with skewed data can be very
tricky. In the following sections we explore, based on our experiments and literature reviews,
some problems that can appear when dealing with skewed data. Among other things, the
following sections will explain the need for stratified sampling, how to handle missing values
carefully and how to define an objective function that takes the different costs for each class
into account.

1 possible values of a given characteristic

2 MU = Monetary Units.
176 New Advances in Machine Learning

3.1 Missing values

Missing values are of little importance when dealing with balanced data, but can become
extremely harmful or beneficial when dealing with skewed data. See how the example below
looks harmful at first glance, but indeed exposes a very powerful characteristic.
Table 1 shows an example of a characteristic called Transaction Amount. By looking at the
first line of the table one may conclude that the number of missing values is small (1.98%)
and decide not to investigate any further. Breaking it down into fraudulent and legitimate
transactions, one can see that 269 (32.5%) data items whose values are missings are frauds,
which is nearly 9 times bigger than the overall fraud rate in our dataset (1,559/41,707 = 3.74%
see Table 2).

Population # transaction # missing % missing

Total 41707 825 1.98%
Fraud 1559 269 17.26%
Legitimate 40148 556 1.39%
Table 1. Fraud/legitimate distribution

Investigating even further, by analysing the fraud rates by ranges as shown in table 2, one
can see that the characteristic being analysed really helps to predict fraud; on the top of this,
missing values seem to be the most powerful attribute for this characteristic.

Trans. amount # frauds # trans. Fraud rate

Missings 269 825 32.61%
0,100 139 14639 0.95%
101,500 235 10359 2.27%
501,1000 432 8978 4.81%
1001,5000 338 4834 6.99%
5001,+inf 146 2072 7.05%
Total 1559 41707 3.74%
Table 2. Transaction amount bivariate

When developing models with balanced data, in most cases one can argue that it is good prac-
tice to avoid giving prediction to missing values (as a separate attribute or dummy), especially,
if this attribute ends up with dominating the model. However, when it comes to unbalanced
data, especially with fraud data, some specific value may have been intentionally used by the
fraudster in order to bypass the system’s protection. In this case, one possible explanation
could be a system failure, where all international transaction are not being correctly currency
converted when passed to the fraud prevention system. This loophole may have been found
by some fraudster and exploited. Of course, this error would have passed unnoticed had one
not paid attention to any missing or common values in the dataset.

4. Derived characteristics
New or derived characteristics construction is one of, if not the, most important part of mod-
elling. Some important phenomena mapped in nature are easily explained using derived
variables. For example, in elementary physics speed is a derived variable of space over time.
In data mining, it is common to transform date of birth into age or, e.g., year of study into
primary, secondary, degree, master, or doctorate. Myriad ways exist to generate derived char-
acteristics. In the following we give three typical examples:
Data mining with skewed data 177

1. Transformed characteristics: transform characteristics to gain either simplicity or general-

isation power. For example, date of birth into age, date of starting a relationship with a
company into time on books, and years of education into education level;
2. Time series characteristics: a new characteristic built based on a group of historical months
of a given characteristic. Examples are average balance of a bank account within the last
6 months, minimum balance of a bank account within the last 12 months, and maximum
days in arrears3 over the last 3 months;
3. Interaction: variable combining two or more different characteristics (of any type) in
order to map interesting phenomena. For example, average credit limit utilization =
average utilization / credit limit.

5. Categorisation (grouping)
Categorisation (discretising, binning or grouping) is any process that can be applied to a char-
acteristic in order to turn it into categorical values Witten & Franku (2005). For example, let
us suppose that the variable age ranges from 0 to 99 and all values within this interval are
possible. A valid categorisation in this case could be:
1. category 1: if age is between 1 and 17;
2. category 2: if age is between 18 and 30;
3. category 3: if age is between 31 and 50;
4. category 4: if age is between 51 and 99.
Among others, there are three main reasons for categorising a characteristic: firstly, to increase
generalisation power; secondly, to be able to apply certain types of methods, such as, e.g.
a Generalised Linear Model4 (GLM) Witten & Franku (2005), or a logistic regression using
Weight of Evidence5 (WoE) formulations Agterberg et al. (1993); thirdly, to add stability to the
model by getting rid of small variations causing noise. Categorisation methods include:
1. Equal width: corresponds to breaking a characteristic into groups of equal width. In the
age example we easily break age into 5 groups of 20 decimals in each: 0-19, 20-39, 40-59,
60-79, 80-99.
2. Percentile: this method corresponds to breaking the characteristic into groups of equal
volume, or percentage, of occurrences. Note that in this case groups will have different
widths. In some cases breaking a characteristic into many groups may not be possible
because occurrences are concentrated. A possible algorithm in pseudo code to create
percentile groups is:
Nc <- Number of categories to be created
Nr <- Number of rows
Size <- Nr/Nc
Band_start [0] <- Minimum (Value (characteristic[0..Nr]))
//Dataset needs to be sorted by the characteristic to be grouped
For j = 1 .. Nc {
For i = 1 .. Size {
3 Arrears is a legal term for a type of debt which is overdue after missing an expected payment.
4 One example of this formulation is logistic regression using dummy input variables
5 This formulation replaces the original characteristic grouped attribute for its weight of evidence
178 New Advances in Machine Learning

Value_end <- Value(characteristic[i+Nc*Size])

Band_end[j] <- Value_end
Band_start[j+1] <- Value_end
3. Bivariate grouping: this method corresponds to using the target variable to find good
breaking points for the ranges of each group. It is expected that, in doing so, groups
created using a bivariate process have a lower drop in information value, whilst it can
improve the generalisation by reducing the number of attributes. One can do this in a
spreadsheet by recalculating the odds and information value every time one collapses
neighbouring groups with either similar odds, non-monotonic odds or a too small pop-
ulation percentage.
Next, we present one possible process of grouping the characteristic age using a bivariate
grouping analysis. For visual simplicity the process starts with groups of equal width, each
containing 10 units (see Table 3). The process consists of eliminating intervals without mono-
tonic odds, grouping similar odds and guaranteeing a minimal percentage of individuals in
each group.

Age goods bads Odds %tot

0-9 100 4 25.00 1.83%
10-19 200 10 20.00 3.70%
20-29 600 50 12.00 11.46%
30-39 742 140 5.30 15.55%
40-49 828 160 5.18 17.42%
50-59 1000 333 3.00 23.50%
60-69 500 125 4.00 11.02%
70-79 300 80 3.75 6.70%
80-89 200 100 2.00 5.29%
90-99 100 100 1.00 3.53%
Total 4570 1102 4.15 100.00%
Table 3. Age bivariate step 1/4

Age goods bads Odds %tot

0-9 100 4 25.00 1.83%
10-19 200 10 20.00 3.70%
20-29 600 50 12.00 11.46%
30-39 742 140 5.30 15.55%
40-49 828 160 5.18 17.42%
50-79 1800 538 3.35 41.22%
80-89 200 100 2.00 5.29%
90-99 100 100 1.00 3.53%
Total 4570 1102 4.15 100.00%
Table 4. Age bivariate step 2/4

The result of the first step, eliminating intervals without monotonic odds can be seen in Ta-
ble 4. Here bands 50-59 (odds of 3.00), 60-69 (odds of 4.00) and 70-79 (odds of 3.75) have been
merged, as shown in boldface. One may notice that merging bands 50-59 and 60-69 would
Data mining with skewed data 179

Age goods bads Odds %tot

0-9 100 4 25.00 1.83%
10-19 200 10 20.00 3.70%
20-29 600 50 12.00 11.46%
30-49 1575 300 5.23 32.97%
50-79 1800 538 3.35 41.22%
80-89 200 100 2.00 5.29%
90-99 100 100 1.00 3.53%
Total 4570 1102 4.15 100.00%
Table 5. Age bivariate step 3/4

result in a group with odds of 3.28; hence resulting in the need to merge with band 70-79 to
yield monotonic odds.
By using, for example, 0.20 as the minimum allowed odds difference, Table 5 presents the re-
sult of step two where bands 30-39 (odds of 5.30) and 40-49 (odds of 5.18) have been merged.
This is done to increase model stability. One may notice that odds retrieved from the devel-
opment become expected odds in a future application of the model. Therefore, these values
will vary around the expectation. By grouping these two close odds, one tries to avoid that a
reversal in odds may happen by pure random variation.

Age goods bads Odds %tot

0-19 300 14 21.43 5.54%
20-29 600 50 12.00 11.46%
30-49 1575 300 5.23 32.97%
50-79 1800 538 3.35 41.22%
80-89 200 100 2.00 5.29%
90-99 100 100 1.00 3.53%
Total 4570 1102 4.15 100.00%
Table 6. Age bivariate step 4/4

For the final step, if we assume 2% to be be the minimum allowed percentage of the population
in each group. This forces band 0-9 (1.83% of total) to be merged with one of its neighbours;
in this particular case, there is only the option to merge with band 10-19. Table 6 shows the
final result of the bivariate grouping process after all steps are finished.

6. Sampling
As computers become more and more powerful, sampling, to reduce the sample size for
model development, seems to be losing attention and importance. However, when dealing
with skewed data, sampling methods remain extremely important Chawla et al. (2004); Elkan
(2001). Here we present two reasons to support this argument.
First, to help to ensure that no over-fitting happens in the development data, a sampling
method can be used to break the original dataset into training and holdout samples. Fur-
thermore, a stratified sampling can help guarantying that a desirable factor has similar per-
centage in both training and holdout samples. In our work Gadi et al. (2008b), for example,
we executed a random sampling process to select multiple splits of 70% and 30%, as training
and holdout samples. However, after evaluating the output datasets we decided to redo the
sampling process using stratified sampling by fraud/legitimate flag.
180 New Advances in Machine Learning

Second, to improve the model prediction, one may apply an over- or under- sampling pro-
cess to take the different cost between classes into account. Cost-sensitive procedure Elkan
(2001) replicates (oversampling) the minority (fraud) class according to its cost in order to bal-
ance different costs for false positives and false negatives. In Gadi et al. (2008a) we achieved
interesting results by applying a cost-sensitive procedure.
Two advantages of a good implementation of a cost-sensitive procedure are: first, it can enable
changes in cut-off to the optimal cut-off, For example, in fraud detection, if the cost tells one,
a cost-sensitive procedure will consider a transaction with as little as 8% of probability of
fraud as a potential fraud to be investigated; second, if the cost-sensitive procedure considers
cost per transaction, such an algorithm may be able to optimise decisions by considering the
product [probability of event] x [value at risk], and decide on investigating those transactions
in which this product is bigger.

7. Characteristics selection
Characteristics selection, also known as feature selection, variable selection, feature reduction,
attribute selection or variable subset selection, is commonly used in machine learning and sta-
tistical techniques to select a subset of relevant characteristics for the building of more robust
models Witten & Franku (2005).
Decision trees do characteristics selection as part of their training process when selecting only
the most powerful characteristics in each subpopulation, leaving out all weak or highly cor-
related characteristics. Bayesian nets link different characteristics by cause and effect rules,
leaving out non-correlated characteristics Charniak (1991). Logistic Regression does not use
any intrinsic strategy for removing weak characteristics; however, in most implementations
methods such as forward, backward and stepwise are always available. In our tests, we have
applied a common approach in the bank industry that is to consider only those characteristics
with information value greater than a given percentage threshold.

8. Objective functions
When defining an objective function, in order to compare different models, we found in our
experiments that two facts are especially important:
1. We have noticed that academia and industry speak in different languages. In the aca-
demic world, measures such as Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) Chakravarti et al. (1967)
or Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC curve) Green & Swets (1966) are the most
common; in industry, on the other hand, rates are more commonly used. In the fraud
detection area for example it is common to find measures such as hit rate (confidence)
and detection rate (cover). Hit rate and detection rate are two different dimensions and
they are not canonical. To optimise a problem with an objective having two outcomes
is not a simple task Trautmann & Mehnen (2009). In our work in fraud detection we
avoided this two-objective function by calculating one single outcome value: the total
cost of fraud;
2. In an unbalanced environment it is common to find that not only the proportion be-
tween classes differs, but also the cost between classes. For example, in the fraud de-
tection environment, the loss by fraud when a transaction is fraudulent is much bigger
than the cost to call a customer to confirm whether he/she did or did not do the trans-
Data mining with skewed data 181

9. Bottom line expected prediction

The problem of finding the best model can be computationally expensive, as there are many
parameters involved in such a search. For this reason, it is very common for model developers
to get satisfied with suboptimal models. A question equally difficult to answer, in general, is
how far we are from an optimum. We do not intend to respond to this question here; what we
want to address is a list of ways to help the model developer to estimate a minimum acceptable
performance before getting close to the end of the model development. In our fraud analysis
we found two good options for estimating a bottom line for expected suboptimal cost: a first
option could be the cost resulting from a Naı̈ve Bayes model. It is important to notice that
Naı̈ve Bayes does not need any grouping, characteristics selection or parameter tuning; a
second option could be to consider the cost from a first “quick and dirty” model developed
using the method chosen by the model developer.

10. Limited resource situation

Many real-world application present limited resource problems. This can make the decision
of what is the best model different compared to a model without restrictions. In a hospital,
for example, there may be a limited number of beds for patients; in a telephone costumer
service facility, there may be a limited number of attendants; in the fraud detection world the
number of people available to handle manual transactions is in general fixed; and the number
of transactions each member of fraud detection can handle per day is also fixed due to practical
reasons. In such applications, being aware of the capacity rate becomes very important. It is
also extremely important for the model outcome to indicate the probability6 of the event rather
than providing a simple yes/no response. By having the outcome as a probability, models
can be compared using for example, cutoffs that keep the selecting rate equal to the capacity
rate. In fraud detection, comparing models detection rate and hit rate fixing for example 1000
transaction to be investigated.

11. Parametric optimisation

Once we have the data and the optimisation criteria, the following questions have to be an-
Which classification method is recommended for producing the best model for
any given application?
Which parameter set should be used?
For instance, we can apply classification methods such as: Neural Networks (NN), Bayesian
Networks (BN), Naı̈ve Bayes (NB), Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) and Decision Trees (DT),
Support Vector Machines (SVM), Logistic Regression and others. In fact, there is not a final
and unique answer to this first question. Support Vector Machines, for instance, is known
to be very effective for data with a very large number of characteristics and is reported to
perform well in categorisation problems in Information Retrieval. However, our experience
with SVM on fraud data did not meet our expectations. For many parameter sets, the method
did not even converge to a final model and this behaviour for unbalanced data is reported to
not be uncommon.

6 Or be possible to transform it into a probability.

182 New Advances in Machine Learning

In order to assess methods many factors can be used including the chosen optimisation crite-
ria, scalability, time for classification and time spent in training, and sometimes more abstract
criteria as time to understand how the method works. Most of the time, when a method is
published, or when an implementation is done, the method depends on parameter choices
that may influence the final results significantly. Default parameters, in general, are a good
start. However, most of the time, they are far from producing the best model. This comprises
with our experience with many methods in many different areas of Computer Science. This is
particular true for classification problems with skewed data.
Quite often we see comparisons against known methods where the comparison is done by
applying a special parameter variation strategy (sometimes a parameter optimisation) for the
chosen method while not fairly conducing the same procedure for the other methods. In
general, for the other methods, default parameters, or a parameter set published in some
previous work is used. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the new proposed method wins. At
a first glance, the usage of the default parameter set may seem to be fair and this bias is often
reproduced in publications. However, using default sets can be biased by the original training
set and, thus, not be fair.
Parameter optmisation takes time and is rarely conduced. For a fair comparison, we argue that
one has to fine tune the parameters for all compared method. This can be done, for instance,
via an exhaustive search of the parameter space if this search is affordable, or some kind of
sampling like in Genetic Algorithm (GA)7 (see Figure 1). Notice, that the final parameter set
cannot be claimed to be optimal in this case.
Unfortunately, this sampling procedure is not as easy as one may suppose. There is not a sin-
gle best universal optimisation algorithm for all problems (No Free Lunch theorem - Wolpert
and Macready 1997 Wolpert & Macready (1997)). Even the genetic algorithm scheme as shown
in Figure 1 might require parameter adjustment. According to our experience, we verified
that a simple mistake in the probability distribution computation may drive the results to
completely different and/or misleading results. A good genetic algorithm requires expertise,
knowledge about the problem that should be optimised by the GA, an intelligent design, and
resources. The more, the better. These considerations also imply that comparisons involv-
ing methods with suboptimal parameter sets depend very much on how well each parameter
space sampling was conduced.

12. Robustness of parameters

After the parameter optimisation has been conducted, it can be advantageous or desirable to
have the optimised parameters independent from the training set, i.e. they can be applied to
different datasets of the same problem. In this case we can call this parameter set robust.
When the parameter are not robust, the optimisation process is not as strong as expected since
the obtained optimised parameter set has no or little generalisation power. In this case, in our
experiments, we found that it is a good approach to sacrifice some prediction power in order
to gain robustness in the parameter set. Note that a procedure using n-fold cross validation
could lead to a parameter set that is more independent from a dataset. However, we choose
to present a different approach which also generates robust parameter sets with more control
of what is happening during the process. This procedure is based on repeated sampling from
the development dataset into training and holdout samples. Then, we applied parameter

7 One could also use some kind of Monte Carlo, Grid sampling or Multiresolution alternatives.
Data mining with skewed data 183

Initial Population
(50 randomly executions)

GA – start
generation pool

new population

20 generations? 
(15 new children)

Local Search GA – Best Parents Cross Over

around the best (15 parameter sets
parameter set with smaller costs)

Fig. 1. Genetic Algorithm for parameters optimisation. We start with an initial pool of e.g.
50 random individuals having a certain fitness, followed by e.g. 20 Genetic Algorithm (GA)
generations. Each GA generation combines two randomly selected candidates among the best
e.g. 15 from previous generation. This combination performs: crossover, mutation, random
change or no action for each parameter independently. As the generation goes by, the chance
of no action increases. In the end, one may perform a local search around the optimised
founded by GA optimisation. Retrieved from Gadi et al. Gadi et al. (2008b).

optimisation and choose the set of parameters which is the best in average over all splits at
the same time.
In our work, in order to rewrite the optimisation function that should be used in a GA algo-
rithm, we have used a visualization procedure with computed costs for many equally spaced
parameter sets in the parameter space. After having defined a good optimisation function,
due to time constraints, we did not proceed with another GA optimisation, but we reused
our initial runs used in the visualization, with the following kind of multiresolution optimisa-
tion Kim & Zeigler (1996) (see Figure 2):
• we identified those parameters that have not changed, and we frozen these values for these
respective parameters;
• with any other parameter, we screened the 20 best parameter sets for every split and iden-
tified a reasonable range;
• for all non-robust parameters, we chose an integer step s so the search space did not explode;
184 New Advances in Machine Learning










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

1st execution 2nd execution 3rd execution

Fig. 2. An example of the multiresolution optimisation that was applied in order to find robust
parameters. In this example one can see two parameters in the search space and three steps of
this multiresolution optimisation. For the parameter represented in horizontal line, the search
space in first step ranges from 10 to 90 with step size 20 and the minimum was found for 30.
In the second step, the scale ranges from 10 to 50 with step size 5 and the minimum was found
for 40. In third step, it ranges from 35 to 45, with step size 1, which is equivalent to a local
exhaustive search in this neighborhood. Retrieved from Gadi et al. Gadi et al. (2008a).

• we evaluated the costs for all possible combinations according to the search space defined
above and found the parameter set P that brings the minimum average cost among all the
different used splits;
• if the parameter set P was at the border of the search space, we shifted this search space by
one step in the direction of this border and repeated last step until we found this minimum
P in the inner area of the search space;
• we zoomed the screening in on the neighborhood of P, refined steps s, and repeated the
process from then on until no refinement was possible.

13. Model stability

In industry, generally the aim of modelling is to apply a model to a real situation and to gener-
ate profit, either by automating decision making where a model was not previously available
or replacing old models by a new and improved one. For doing so, most model development
processes rely on past information for their training. Therefore, it is very important to be able
to assess whether or not a model is still fit for propose when it is in use, and to have a set of
Data mining with skewed data 185

actions to expand the model’s life span. In this section we explore advantages of using out-of-
time samples, monitoring reports, stability by vintage, vintage selection and how to deal with
different scales over time.

13.1 Out-of-time:
an Out-Of-Time sample (OOT) is any sample of the same phenomena used in the model de-
velopment that is not in the development window8 , historic vintages or observation point
selected for development. In most cases in reality a simple split of the development sample
into training and testing data cannot identify a real over-fitting of the model Sobehart et al.
(2000). Therefore, the most appropriated approach to identify this change is either to select a
vintage or observation point posterior to the development window or select this previously to
the development window. The second approach gives the extra advantage of using the most
up-to-date information for the development.

13.2 Monitoring reports:

the previous action, OOT, should be best done before the actual model implementation; after
that, it becomes important to evaluate whether the implemented model still delivers a good
prediction. For this purpose, it is crucial to create a set of period based monitoring reports to
track the model’s performance and stability over time.

13.3 Stability by vintage:

stability by vintage corresponds to breaking the development sample down by time within
the development window and evaluate the model’s performance in all of the different peri-
ods within the data. For example, if one has information collected from January 08 to De-
cember 08, a good stability by vintage analysis would be to evaluate the model’s performance
over each month of 2008. This tends to increase the chance of a model to be stable after its

13.4 Vintage selection:

many phenomena found in nature, and even in human behaviour, repeat themselves year af-
ter year in a recurrent manner; this is known as seasonality. Choosing a development window
from a very atypical month of the year can be very misleading; in credit cards, for example,
choosing only December as the development time window can lead to overestimation of ex-
pected losses since this is the busiest time of the year. Two approaches intend to mitigate this
problem. Both approaches are based on selecting the broadest development window possi-
ble. One common window size is 12 months, allowing the window to cover the whole year.
Please notice, there is no need to fix the start of the window to any particular month. The first
approach corresponds to simply develop the model with this pool of observation points; it is
expected for the model to be an average model that will work throughout the year. A second
approach is to introduce a characteristic indicating the “month of the year” the information
was collected from, or any good combination of it, and then to develop the model. As a result,
one would expect a model that adjusts better to each observation point in the development

8 Here we understand development window as being the period from where the training samples were
extracted. This can be hours, days, months, years, etc.
186 New Advances in Machine Learning

13.5 Different scale over time:

Another common problem applies to the situation where characteristic values fall outside
the training sample boundaries or some unknown attributes occur. To reduce the impact of
this problem, one can always leave the groups with the smallest and biggest boundaries as
negative infinite and positive infinite, respectively, for example, changing [0,10];[11,20];[21,30]
to ]−∞,10];[11,20];[21,+∞[. Furthermore, undefined values could always be assigned to a
default group. For example, if for a numeric characteristic a non-numeric value ocurrs it
could be assigned to a default group.

14. Final Remarks

This work provided a brief introduction to pratical problem solving for machine learning with
skewed data sets. Classification methods are generally not designed to cope with skewed data,
thus, various action have to be taken when dealing with imbalanced data sets. For a reader
looking for more information about the field we can recommend a nice editorial by Chawla et
al. ? and three conference proceedings Chawla et al. (2003); Dietterich et al. (2000); Japkowicz
(2000). In addition, good algorithm examples can be found in Weka Witten & Franku (2005)
and SAS Delwiche & Slaughter (2008).
Perhaps, most solutions that deal with skewed data do some sort of sampling (e.g: with un-
dersampling, oversampling, cost sensitive training Elkan (2001), etc.). These contributions are
effective Gadi et al. (2008a) and quite well known nowadays.
This text provides recommendations for practitioners who are facing data mining problems
due to skewed data.
Details on the experiments can be found at Gadi et al. (2008b) and Gadi et al. (2008a), which
presents an application of Artificial Immune Systems on credit card fraud detection.
Finally, another subject explored in this work was the importance of parametric optimization
for chosing a good classification method for skewed data. We also suggested a proceedure for
parametric optimization.

15. References
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in credit card fraud detection, ICMLA ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 Seventh International
Data mining with skewed data 187

Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, Washington,

DC, USA, pp. 279–285.
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system, ICARIS ’08: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Artificial Immune
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188 New Advances in Machine Learning
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 189


Scaling up instance selection algorithms

by dividing-and-conquering
Aida de Haro-García, Juan Antonio Romero del Castillo
and Nicolás García-Pedrajas
University of Córdoba

1. Introduction
The overwhelming amount of data that is available nowadays in any field of research poses
new problems for machine learning methods. This huge amount of data makes most of the
existing algorithms inapplicable to many real-world problems. Two approaches have been
used to deal with this problem: scaling up machine learning algorithms and data reduction.
Nevertheless, scaling up a certain algorithm is not always feasible. On the other hand, data
reduction consists of removing from the data missing, redundant and/or erroneous data to
get a tractable amount of data. The most common methods for data reduction are instance
selection and feature selection.
However, these algorithms for data reduction have the same scaling problem they are trying
to solve. For example, in the best case, most existing instance selection algorithms are
 
O n2 , n being the number of instances. For huge problems, with hundreds of thousands or
even millions of instances, these methods are not applicable. The same happens with feature
selection algorithms.
The alternative is scaling up the machine learning algorithm itself. In the best case, this is an
arduous task, and in the worst case and impossible one. In this chapter we present a new
paradigm for scaling up machine learning algorithms based on the philosophy of divide-
and-conquer. One natural way of scaling up a certain algorithm is dividing the original
problem into several simpler subproblems and applying the algorithm separately to each
subproblem. In this way we might scale up instance selection dividing the original dataset
into several disjoint subsets and performing the instance selection process separately on
each subset. However, this method does not work well, as the application of the algorithm
to a subset suffers from the partial knowledge it has of the dataset. However, if we join this
divide-and-conquer approach with the basis of the construction of ensembles of classifiers,
the combination of weak learners into a strong one, we obtain a very powerful and fast
method, applicable to almost any machine learning algorithm. This method can be applied
in different ways. In this chapter we propose two algorithms, recursive divide-and-conquer
and democratization, that are able to achieve very good performance and a dramatic
reduction in the execution time of the instance selection algorithms.
190 New Advances in Machine Learning

We will describe these methods and we will show how they can achieve very good results
when applied to instance selection. Furthermore, the methodology is applicable to other
machine learning algorithms, such as feature selection and cluster analysis.
Instance selection (Liu & Motoda, 2002) consists of choosing a subset of the total available
data to achieve the original purpose of the data mining application as if the whole data were
used. Different variants of instance selection exist. Many of the approaches are based on
some form of sampling (Cochran, 1997) (Kivinen & Mannila, 1994). There are other more
modern methods that are based on different principles, such as, Modified Selective Subset
(MSS) (Barandela et al., 2005), entropy-based instance selection (Son & Kim, 2006),
Intelligent Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (IMOEA) (Chen et al., 2005), and
LVQPRU method (Li et al., 2005).
The problem of instance selection for instance based learning can be defined as (Brighton &
Mellish, 2002) “the isolation of the smallest set of instances that enable us to predict the class
of a query instance with the same (or higher) accuracy than the original set”. It has been
shown that different groups of learning algorithms need different instance selectors in order
to suit their learning/search bias (Brodley, 1995). This may render many instance selection
algorithm useless, if their philosophy of design is not suitable to the problem at hand.
We can distinguish two main models of instance selection (Cano et al., 2003): instance
selection as a method for prototype selection for algorithms based on prototypes (such as k-
Nearest Neighbors) and instance selection for obtaining the training set for a learning
algorithm that uses this training set (such as decision trees or neural networks). This chapter
is devoted to the former methods.
Regarding complexity, in the best case, most existing instance selection algorithms are of
 
efficiency O n2 , n being the number of instances. For huge problems, with hundreds of
thousands or even millions of instances, these methods are not applicable. Trying to develop
algorithms with a lower efficiency order is likely to be a fruitless search. Obtaining the
nearest neighbor of a given instance is O  n  . To test whether removing an instance affects
the accuracy of the nearest neighbor rule, we must measure the effect on the other instances
of the absence of the removed one. Measuring this effect involves recalculating, directly or
 
indirectly, the nearest neighbors of the instances. The result is a process of O n2 . In this
way, the attempt to develop algorithms of an efficiency order below this bound is not very
Thus, the alternative is reducing the size n of the set to which instance selection algorithms
are applied. In the construction of ensembles of classifiers the problem of learning from
huge datasets has been approached by means of learning many classifiers from small
disjoint subsets (Chawla et al., 2004). In that paper, the authors showed that it is also
possible to learn an ensemble of classifiers from random disjoint partitions of a dataset, and
combine predictions from all those classifiers to achieve high classification accuracies. They
applied their method to huge datasets with very good results. Furthermore, the usefulness
of applying instance selection to disjoint subsets has also been shown in (García-Pedrajas et
al., 2009). In that work, a cooperative evolutionary algorithm was used. The training set was
divided into several disjoint subsets and an evolutionary algorithm was performed on each
subset of instances. The fitness of the individuals was evaluated only taking into account the
instances in the subset. To account for the global view needed by the algorithm a global
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 191

population was used. This method is scalable to medium/large problems but cannot be
applied to huge problems. Zhu & Wu (2006) also used disjoint subsets in a method for
ranking representative instances.
Following this idea, we will present in this chapter two approaches for scaling up instance
selection algorithms that are based on a divide-and-conquer approach. The presented
methods are able to achieve very good performance with a drastic reduction in the time
needed for the execution of the algorithms. The general idea underlying this work is
dividing the original dataset into subsets and performing the instance selection process in
each subset separately. Then, we must find a method for combining the separate
applications of the instance selection algorithm to a final global result.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 revised some related work; Section 3
describes in depth our proposal; Section 4 shows the experiments performed with our
methods; and finally Section 5 states the conclusions of our work.

2. Related work
As stated in the previous section, scaling up instance selection algorithms is a very relevant
issue. The usefulness of applying instance selection to disjoint subsets has also been shown
in (García-Pedrajas et al., 2009). In this work a cooperative evolutionary algorithm is used.
Several evolutionary algorithms are performed on disjoint subsets of instances and a global
population is used to account for the global view. This method is scalable to medium/large
problems but cannot be applied to huge problems.
There are not many previous works that have dealt with instance selection for huge
problems. Cano et al. (2005) proposed an evolutionary stratified approach for large
problems. Although the algorithm shows very good performance, it is still too
computationally expensive for huge datasets. Kim & Oommen (2004) proposed a method
based on a recursive application of instance selection to smaller datasets.
In a recent paper, De Haro-García and García-Pedrajas (2009) showed that the application of
a recursive divide-and-conquer approach is able to achieve a good performance while
attaining a dramatic reduction in the execution time of the instance selection process.

3. Scaling up instance selection algorithms using divide-and-conquer

As stated in the previous section, scaling up instance selection algorithms is a very relevant
issue. In this section we will discuss our proposals based on a divide-and-conquer approach.
The two methods aim a general objective of scaling up instance selection algorithms.
However, individually they have two different aims. The first one, based on recursively
using the principle of divide-and-conquer, has as main goal the reduction of the time
needed by the instance selection process. In this way, it trades time for performance,
allowing a small increase on the testing error achieved by the algorithms. The second one,
based on combining the divide-and-conquer approach with principles from ensembles of
classifiers, has as special objective reducing the time of the algorithms, but keeping their
performance as much as possible.
192 New Advances in Machine Learning

3.1 Recursive divide-and-conquer approach

As we have said, in the best case, most existing instance selection algorithms are of
 
efficiency O n2 . For huge problems, with hundreds of thousands or even millions of
instances, these methods are not applicable. Trying to develop algorithms with a lower
efficiency order is likely to be a fruitless search.
Following the divide-and-conquer philosophy, we can develop a methodology based on
applying the instance selection algorithm to subsets of the whole training set. A simple
approach consists of using a stratified random sampling (Liu & Motoda, 2002) (Cano et al.,
2005), where the original dataset is divided into many disjoint subsets, and then apply
instance selection over each subset independently. However, due to the fact that to select the
nearest neighbor of an instance we need to know the whole dataset, this method is not likely
to produce good results. In fact, in practice its performance is poor. However, the divide-
and-conquer principle of this method is an interesting idea for scaling up instance selection
algorithms. Furthermore, divide-and-conquer methodology has the additional advantage
that we can adapt the size of the subproblems to the available resources.
Following this philosophy we start performing a partition of the dataset and then applying
the instance selection algorithm to every subset independently. This step is able to be
performed fast and obtains good results in terms of testing error. However, its results in
terms of storage reduction are poor. To avoid this drawback we apply this method
recursively. After an instance selection step is performed the remaining instances are
rejoined to obtain again subsets of approximately the same size and the instance selection
process is repeated. Fig. 1 shows and outline of the process.

Fig. 1. Outline of recursive divide-and-conquer instance selection method

This method is applicable to any instance selection algorithm, as the instance selection
algorithm is a parameter of the method. More formally, first, our method divides the
whole training set, T, into disjoint subsets,
t i , of size s such as T = t . s is the only
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 193

parameter of the algorithm. In this study the dataset is randomly partitioned, although
other methods may be devised. Then, the instance selection algorithm of our choice is
performed over every subset independently. The selected instances in each subset are
joined again. With this new training set constructed with the selected instances, the process
is repeated until a certain stop criterion is fulfilled. The process of combining the instances
selected by the execution of the instance selection algorithm over each dataset can be
performed in different ways. We can just repeat the partition process as in the original
dataset. However, as the first partition is performed we can take advantage of this
performed task. In this way, instead of repeating the partitioning process, we join together
the subsets of selected instances until new subsets of approximately size s are obtained.
The detailed process is shown in Fig. 2.

Data: A training set T={ �

x 1, y 1 �
,� , �
x n ,y n �
} , and subset size s.
Result: The reduced training set S�T .

t : T=�t i of size s
divide instances into disjoint subsets i

repeat until stop criterion

for each subset i do
t s � ti
apply instance selection algorithm to i to obtain i
remove from S the instances removed from i
end for

s t
fusion subsets i to obtain new subsets j of size s

end repeat

return S

Fig. 2. Recursive divide-and-conquer instance selection algorithm

The stop criterion may be obtained in different ways. We can have a goal in terms of testing
error or reduction of storage and stop the algorithm when that goal is achieved. However, to
avoid the necessity of setting any additional parameter, we obtain the stop criterion by
means of cross-validation. We apply the algorithm using a cross-validation setup and obtain
the number of steps before the testing error starts to grow. This number of steps gives the
stopping criterion.
194 New Advances in Machine Learning

3.2 Democratic instance selection

The above method is very fast as it will be shown in the experimental results. However, it
has the drawback of worsening the testing error achieved by some algorithms for certain
problems. To improve the results of our approach in this aspect, we have developed a
second method we called democratic instance selection. The method is also based on the
general divide-and-conquer approach but including ideas from ensembles of classifiers.
Democratic instance selection is based on repeating several rounds of a fast instance
selection process. Each round on its own would not be able to achieve a good performance.
However, the combination of several rounds using a voting scheme is able to match the
performance of an instance selection algorithm applied to the whole dataset with a large
reduction in the time of the algorithm. Thus, in a different setup from the case of ensembles
of classifiers, we can consider our method a form of “ensembling” instance selection.

Fig. 3. Outline of democratic instance selection method

Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 195

In classification, several weak learners are combined into an ensemble which is able to
improve the performance of any of the weak learners isolated (García-Pedrajas et al., 2007).
In our method, the instance selection algorithm applied to a partition into disjoint subsets of
the original dataset can be considered a weak instance selector, as it has a partial view of the
dataset. The combination of these weak selectors using a voting scheme is similar to the
combination of different learners in an ensemble using a voting scheme. Fig. 3 shows a
general outline of the method.
An important issue in our method is determining the number of votes needed to remove an
instance from the training set. Preliminary experiments showed that this number highly
depends on the specific dataset. Thus, it is not possible to set a general pre-established value
usable in any dataset. On the contrary, we need a way of selecting this value directly from
the dataset in run time.
A first natural choice would be the use of a cross-validation procedure. However, this
method is very time consuming. A second choice is estimating the best value for the number
of votes from the effect on the training set. This latter method is the one we have chosen. The
election of the number of votes must take into account two different criteria: training error,
ε t , and storage, or memory, requirements m . Both values must be minimized as much as
possible. Our method of choosing the number of votes needed to remove an instance is
based on obtaining the threshold number of votes, v , that minimizes a fitness criterion,
f  v  , which is a combination of these two values:

f  v  = αεt  v  +  1  α  m  v  , (1)

where α is a value in the interval [0, 1] which measures the relative relevance of both
values. In general, the minimization of the error is more important than storage reduction,
as we prefer a lesser error even if the reduction is smaller. Thus, we have used a value
of α= 0 . 75 . Different values can be used if the researcher is more interested in reduction
than in error. m is measured as the percentage of instances retained, and t is the training
error. However, estimating the training error is time consuming if we have large datasets.
To avoid this problem the training error is estimated using only a small percentage of the
whole dataset, which is 1% for medium and large datasets, and 0.1% for huge datasets.

Data: A training set T =  x1,y1  , , xn ,yn  , subset size s, and number of rounds r.
Result: The set of selected instances S  T .

for i = 1 to r do
divide instances into disjoint subsets ti :  ti = T of size s
for each i do
apply instance selection algorithm to i
store votes of removed instances from i
end for
196 New Advances in Machine Learning

obtain threshold of votes, v , to remove an instance

remove from S all instances with a number of votes above or equal to v

return S
Fig. 4. Democratic instance selection algorithm

More formally, the process is the following: We perform r rounds of the algorithm and store
the number of votes received by each instance. Then, we must obtain the threshold number
of votes, v, to remove an instance. This value must be v 1,r  . We calculate the criterion
f  v  (eq. 1) for all the possible threshold values from 1 to r, and assign v to the value which
minimizes the criterion. After that, we perform the instance selection removing the instances
whose number of votes is above or equal to the obtained threshold v. Fig. 4 shows the steps
of this algorithm.

4. Experimental setup and results

In order to make a comprehensive comparison between the standard algorithms and our
proposal we have selected a set of 30 problems from the UCI Machine Learning Repository
(Hettich et al., 1998). A summary of these data sets is shown in Table 1. We have selected
datasets with, at least, 1000 instances. For estimating the storage reduction and
generalization error we used a k-fold cross-validation method. In this method the available
data is divided into k approximately equal subsets. Then, the method is learned k times,
using, in turn, each one of the k subsets as testing set, and the remaining k-1 subsets as
training set. The estimated error is the average testing error of the k subsets. A fairly
standard value for k is k = 10.

4.1 Evaluating instance selection methods

The evaluation of a certain instance selection algorithm is not a trivial task. We can
distinguish two basic approaches: direct and indirect evaluation (Liu & Motoda, 2002).
Direct evaluation evaluates a certain algorithm based exclusively on the data. The objective
is to measure at which extent the selected instances reflect the information present in the
original data. Some proposed measures are entropy (Cover & Thomas, 1991), moments
(Smith, 1998), and histograms (Chaudhuri et al., 1998).
Indirect methods evaluate the effect of the instance selection algorithm on the task at hand.
So, if we are interested in classification we evaluate the performance of the used classifier
when using the reduced set obtained after instance selection as learning set.
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 197

Fe a ture s
Da ta s e t Ins ta nc e s Re a l Bina ry No mina l Cla s s e s 1-NN e rro r
a b a lo ne 4 17 7 7 - 1 29 0 .8 0 34
a dult 48842 6 1 7 2 0 .20 0 5
car 17 28 - - 6 4 0 .158 1
g e ne 317 5 - - 60 3 0 .27 6 7
g e rma n 10 0 0 6 3 11 2 0 .3120
hypo thyro id 37 7 2 7 20 2 4 0 .0 6 9 2
is o le t 7797 6 17 - - 26 0 .14 4 3
krko pt 28 0 56 6 - - 18 0 .4 356
kr vs . kp 319 6 - 34 2 2 0 .0 8 28
le t te r 20 0 0 0 16 - - 26 0 .0 4 54
ma g ic 0 4 19 0 20 10 - - 2 0 .20 8 4
mfe a t-fa c 20 0 0 216 - - 10 0 .0 350
mfe a t-fo u 20 0 0 76 - - 10 0 .20 8 0
mfe a t-ka r 20 0 0 64 - - 10 0 .0 4 35
mfe a t-mo r 20 0 0 6 - - 10 0 .29 25
mfe a t-pix 20 0 0 24 0 - - 10 0 .0 27 0
mfe a t-ze r 20 0 0 47 - - 10 0 .214 0
nurs e ry 129 6 0 - 1 7 5 0 .250 2
o ptdig its 56 20 64 - - 10 0 .0 256
pa g e -b lo c ks 54 7 3 10 - - 5 0 .0 36 9
pe ndig its 10 9 9 2 16 - - 10 0 .0 0 6 6
pho ne me 54 0 4 5 - - 2 0 .0 9 52
s a tima g e 6 4 35 36 - - 6 0 .0 9 39
s e g me nt 2310 19 - - 7 0 .0 39 8
s huttle 58 0 0 0 9 - - 7 0 .0 0 10
s ic k 37 7 2 7 20 2 2 0 .0 4 30
te xture 550 0 40 - - 11 0 .0 10 5
wa ve fo rm 50 0 0 40 - - 3 0 .28 6 0
ye a s t 14 8 4 8 - - 10 0 .4 8 7 9
Table 1. Summary of datasets used in our experiments

Therefore, when evaluating instance selection algorithms for instance learning, the most
usual way of evaluation is estimating the performance of the algorithms on a set of
benchmark problems. In those problems several criteria can be considered, such as (Wilson
& Martínez, 2000): storage reduction, generalization accuracy, noise tolerance, and learning
speed. Speed considerations are difficult to measure, as we are evaluating not only an
198 New Advances in Machine Learning

algorithm but also a certain implementation. However, as the main aim of our work is
scaling up instance selection algorithms, execution time is a basic issue. To allow a fair
comparison, we have performed all the experiments in the same machine, a bi-processor
computer with two Intel Xeon QuadCore at 1.60GHz.
One of the advantages of our approach is that it can be applied to any kind of instance
selection method. As the instance selection method to apply is just a parameter of the
algorithm, there is no restriction in the algorithm selected. In the experiments we have used
several of the most widely used instance selection methods.
In order to obtain an accurate view of the usefulness of our method, we must select some of
the most widely used instance selection algorithms. We have chosen to test our model using
several of the most successful state-of-the-art algorithms. Initially, we used the algorithm
ICF (Brighton & Mellish, 2002). ICF (Iterative Case Filtering) is based on the concepts of
coverage and reachability of an instance c, which are defined as follows:

Coverage(c) = c' T :c  LocalSet  c'

Reachable(c) = c' T :c' LocalSet  c 

The local-set of a case c is defined as “the set of cases contained in the largest hypersphere
centered on c such that only cases in the same class as c are contained in the hypersphere”
(Brighton & Mellish, 2002) so the hypersphere is bounded by the first instance of different
class. The coverage set of an instance includes the instances that have this as one of their
neighbors and the reachable set is formed by the instances that are neighbors to this
instance. The algorithm is based on repeatedly applying a deleting rule to the set of retained
instances until no more instances fulfill the deleting rule.
In addition to this method, it is worth mentioning Reduced Nearest Neighbor (RNN) rule
(Gates, 1972). This method is extremely simple, but it also shows an impressive performance
in terms of storage reduction. In fact, it is the best of the methods used in these experiments
in reducing storage requirements, as will be shown in the next section. However, it has a
serious drawback, its computational complexity. Among the standard methods used this is
the one that shows a worst scalability, taking several hundreds hours in the worst case.
Therefore, RNN is the perfect target for our methodology, an instance selection method
highly efficient but with a serious scalability problem. So we have also tested our approach
using RNN, as base instance selection method.
The same parameters were used for the standard version of every algorithm and its
application within our methodology. All the standard methods have no relevant
parameters, the only value we must set is k, the number of nearest neighbors. Both, for ICF
and RNN, we used k = 3 neighbors. This is a fairly standard value (Cano et al., 2003). Our
method has two parameters: subset size, s, for both methods, and number of rounds, r, for
the democratic approach. Regarding subset size we must use a value large enough to allow
for a meaningful application of the instance selection algorithm on the subset, and small
enough to allow a fast execution, as the time used by our method grows with s. As a
compromise value we have chosen s = 100. For the number of rounds we have chosen a
small value to allow for a fast execution, r = 10. The application of our recursive divide-and-
conquer method with a certain instance selection algorithm X will be named RECURIS.X and
the democratic approach named DEMOIS.X.
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 199

4.2 Recursive divide-and-conquer approach

In this section we show the results using the recursive approach. First, we compare the
proposed approach against standard instance selection methods in terms of testing error
and storage requirements. In the next section we will show execution time results.

Storage Error











z er










z ip

Fig. 5. Results of standard ICF method and its recursive counterpart for testing error and
storage requirements

Fig. 5 shows the results comparing standard ICF and its recursive counterpart. The figure
(as well as the following ones) shows for each dataset the difference between the standard
method and our approach, a negative value meaning a better results of our proposal. The
figure shows that in terms of storage reduction our method is better in general, achieving for
some datasets, namely car, gene, german, krkopt, krvskp and nursery, significant
improvements over the standard method. In terms of testing error RECURIS.ICF is slightly
worse than standard ICF.
Fig. 6 shows the results for RNN as base instance selection method. This a very good test of
our approach, as RNN is able to achieve very good results in terms of storage reduction
while keeping testing error in moderate bounds. However, RNN has a big problem of
scalability. The results show that our method is able to mostly keep the good performance
of RNN in terms of storage requirements, although with a general worst behavior.
However, this is compensated by a better testing error for most datasets.
200 New Advances in Machine Learning

Storage Error



- 0.1





z er










z ip

Fig. 6. Results of standard RNN and its recursive counterpart in terms of testing error and
storage requirements

As an alternative to these standard methods, genetic algorithms have been applied to

instance selection, considering this task to be a search problem. The application is easy and
straightforward. Each individual is a binary vector that codes a certain sample of the
training set. The evaluation is usually made considering both data reduction and
classification accuracy. Examples of applications of genetic algorithms to instance selection
can be found in (Kuncheva, 1995), (Ishibuchi & Nakashima, 2000) and (Reeves & Bush,
2001). Cano et al. (2003) performed a comprehensive comparison of the performance of
different evolutionary algorithms for instance selection. They compared a generational
genetic algorithm (Goldberg, 1989), a steady-state genetic algorithm (Whitley, 1989), a CHC
genetic algorithm (Eshelman, 1990), and a population based incremental learning algorithm
(Baluja, 1994). They found that evolutionary based methods were able to outperform
classical algorithms in both classification accuracy and data reduction. Among the
evolutionary algorithms, CHC was able to achieve the best overall performance.
In evolutionary computation, a population (set) of individuals (solutions to the problem
faced) are codified following a code similar to the genetic code of plants and animals. This
population of solutions is evolved (modified) over a certain number of generations
(iterations) until the defined stop criterion is fulfilled. Each individual is assigned a real
value that measures its ability to solve the problem, which is called its fitness.
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 201

Storage Error



- 0.1

- 0.2

- 0.3

- 0.4




z er







z ip






Fig. 7. Results of standard CHC and its recursive counterpart in terms of testing error and
storage requirements

In each iteration new solutions are obtained combining two or more individuals (crossover
operator) or randomly modifying one individual (mutation operator). After applying these
two operators a subset of individuals is selected to survive to the next generation, either by
sampling the current individuals with a probability proportional to their fitness, or by
selecting the best ones (elitism). The repeated processes of crossover, mutation and selection
are able to obtain increasingly better solutions for many problems of Artificial Intelligence.
Nevertheless, the major problem addressed when applying genetic algorithms to instance
selection is the scaling of the algorithm. As the number of instances grows, the time needed
for the genetic algorithm to reach a good solution increases exponentially, making it totally
useless for large problems. As we are concerned with this problem, we have used as fifth
instance selection method a genetic algorithm using CHC methodology. The execution time
of CHC is clearly longer than the time spent by ICF, so it gives us a good benchmark to test
our methodology on an algorithm that, as RNN, has a big scalability problem.
For CHC, see Fig. 7, the results show that the recursive approach is able to improve the
results of the standard algorithm in terms of storage requirements but the error is worse
than when using the whole dataset. However, the achieved storage reduction is relevant,
and our method is clearly worse than standard CHC only in magic04 problem.
An interesting side result is the problem of scalability of CHC algorithm, which is more
marked for this algorithm than for the previous ones. In other works, (Cano et al., 2003)
(García-Pedrajas et al., 2009), CHC algorithm was compared with standard methods in small
to medium problems. For those problems, the performance of CHC was better than the
performance of other methods. However, as the datasets are larger, the scalability problem
of CHC manifests itself. In our set of problems, CHC clearly performs worse than ICF and
RNN in terms of storage reduction. We must take into account that for CHC we need a bit in
the chromosome for each instance in the dataset. This means that for large problems, such as
adult, krkopt, letter, magic or shuttle, the chromosome has more than 10000 bits, making the
convergence of the algorithm problematic. Thus, CHC is, together with RNN, an excellent
example of the applicability of our approach.
202 New Advances in Machine Learning

Storage Error








z er







z ip





4.3 Democratic approach

In this section we show the results using the democratic approach. Results for ICF and
DEMOIS.ICF are plotted in Fig. 8.
In terms of testing error, DEMOIS.ICF is able to match the results of ICF for most of the
datasets. In terms of storage reduction the average performance of both algorithms is
similar, with a remarkably good performance of DEMOIS.ICF for nursery and car datasets.
The next experiment is conducted using as base instance selection algorithm RNN. The
results are plotted in Fig. 9. As we stated in the previous section, this is a perfect example of
the potentialities of our approach. In our experiments RNN showed the best performance in
terms of storage reduction. However, the algorithm has a very serious problem of
scalability. As an extreme example, for adult problem it took more than 500 hours per
experiment. This scalability problem prevents is application in those problems where it
would be most useful.
Fig. 8. Results of standard ICF method and its democratic counterpart for testing error and
storage requirements
Storage Error









z er










z ip

Fig. 9. Results of standard RNN method and its democratic counterpart for testing error
and storage requirements
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 203

The figure shows how DEMOIS.RNN is able to solve the scalability problem of RNN. In terms
of testing error, it is able to achieve a similar performance as standard RNN. In terms of
storage reduction our algorithm performs worse than RNN. However, the performance of
DEMOIS.RNN is still very good, in fact, better than any other of the previous algorithms. So,
our approach is able to scale RNN to complex problems, improving its results in terms of
testing error, but with a small worsening of the storage reduction. In terms of execution time
the results are remarkable, the reduction of the time consumed by the selection process is
large, with the extreme example of the two most time consuming datasets, adult and krkopt,
where the speed-up is more than a hundred times (see next section).
Storage Error



- 0.1

- 0.2

- 0.3

- 0.4





z er










z ip

Fig. 10. Results of standard CHC method and its democratic counterpart for testing error
and storage requirements

Fig. 10 plots the results of CHC algorithm. For this method, the scaling up of CHC provided
by DEMOIS.CHC is evident not only in terms of running time, with a large reduction in all 30
datasets, but also in terms of storage reduction. DEMOIS.CHC is able to improve the
reduction of CHC in all 30 datasets, with an average improvement of more than 20%, from
an average storage of CHC of 31.83% to an average storage of 11.58%. The bad side effect is
a worse testing error, which is however not very marked and compensated by the
improvement in running time and storage reduction. As a summary, for CHC the results
show that the democratic approach is able to improve the results of the standard algorithm
in terms of storage requirements but the error is worse than when using the whole dataset.
However, as it was the case for the recursive approach, there is a clear gaining in storage
reduction with a moderately worse testing error.

4.4 Time
As we have estated our main aim is the scaling up of instance selection algorithms. In the
previous sections we have shown that our methodology is able to match the performance of
standard instance selection algorithms. In this section we show the results of execution time
spent by each algorithm, showing a dramatic advantage of our approach. Fig. 11, 12 and 13
show the execution time of ICF, RNN and CHC methods respectively. The figures show
execution time, in seconds, plotted against problem size.
204 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 11. Execution time using ICF as base instance selection algorithm

All the three figures show the excellent behavior of the two described methods. Both behave
almost linearly as the problem size grows. On the other hand, ICF shows it is a quadratic
complexity method and RNN and CHC behave far worse.
From a theoretical point of view the two algorithms presented in this chapter are of linear
complexity. For the recursive approach we divide the dataset into s subsets of size s. Then,
we apply the instance selection algorithm to each subset. The time needed for performing
the selection in each subset will be fixed as the size of each subset is always s, regardless the
number of instances of the datasets. More instances means a larger
n s . Thus, the
complexity of each step of the recursive algorithm will be linear as s depends linearly on
n, the size of the dataset. The algorithm performs a few of these steps before reaching the
stopping criterion, and thus the whole method is of linear complexity.
The democratic approach also divides the dataset into partitions of disjoint subsets of size s.
Thus, the chosen instance selection algorithm is always applied to a subset of fixed size, s,
which is independent from the actual size of the dataset. The complexity of this application
of the algorithm depends on the base instance selection algorithm we are using, but will
always be small, as the size sis always small. Let K be the number of operations needed by
the instance selection algorithm to perform its task in a dataset of size s. For a dataset of n
instances we must perform this instance selection process once for each subset, that is n/s
times, spending a time proportional to (n/s)K. The total time needed by the algorithm to
perform r rounds will be proportional to r(n/s)K, which is linear in the number of instances,
as K is a constant value.
Scaling up instance selection algorithms by dividing-and-conquering 205

Fig. 12. Execution time using RNN as base instance selection algorithm.

Thus, the gaining in execution time would be greater as the size of the datasets is larger. If
the complexity of the instance selection algorithm is greater, the reduction of the execution
will be even better. The method has the additional advantage of allowing an easy parallel
implementation. As the application of the instance selection algorithm to each subset is
independent from all the remaining subsets, all the subsets can be processed at the same
time, even for different rounds of votes. Also, the communication between the nodes of the
parallel execution is small.

Fig. 13. Execution time using CHC as base instance selection algorithm
206 New Advances in Machine Learning

An additional process completes the method, the determination of the number of votes.
Regarding the determination of the number of votes, the process can be made in different
ways. If we consider all the training instances, the cost of this step would be O n2 . 
However, to keep the complexity linear we use a random subset of the training set for
determining the number of votes, with a limit on the maximum size of this subset that is
fixed for any dataset. In this way, from medium to large datasets we use the 10% of the
training set, for huge problems the 1%, and the percentage is further reduced as the size of
the dataset grows. In fact, we have experimentally verified that we can consider any
reasonable bound1 in the number of instances without damaging the performance of the
algorithm. Using a small percentage does not harm the estimation of the threshold of votes.
With this method the complexity of this step is O  1  as the number of instances used is
bounded regardless the size of the dataset.
Finally, we consider the partition of the dataset apart from the algorithm as many different
partition methods can be devised. The performed random partition is of complexity O  n  .

7. Conclusions
In this chapter we have shown two new methods for scaling up instance selection
algorithms. These methods are applicable to any instance selection method without any
modification. The methods consist of a recursive procedure, where the dataset is partitioned
into disjoint subsets, an instance selection algorithm is applied to each subset, and then the
selected instances are rejoined to repeat the process, and a democratic approach where
several rounds of approximate instance selection are performed and the result is obtained by
a voting scheme.
Using three well-known instance selection algorithms, ICF, RNN and a CHC genetic
algorithm, we have shown that our method is able to match the performance of the original
algorithms with a considerable reduction in execution time. In terms of reduction of storage
requirements, our approach is even better than the use of the original instance selection
algorithm over the whole dataset. Additionally, our method is straightforwardly
parallelizable without modifications.
The proposed methods allow the application of instance selection algorithms to almost any
problem size. The behavior is linear in the number of instances as it has been shown both
theoretically and experimentally.
Furthermore, this philosophy can be extended to other learning algorithms such as feature
selection or clustering, which means it is a powerful tool for scaling up machine learning

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Ant Colony Optimization 209


Ant Colony Optimization

Benlian Xu, Jihong Zhu and Qinlan Chen
Changshu Institute of Technology

1. Introduction
Swarm intelligence is a relatively novel approach to problem solving that takes inspiration
from the social behaviors of insects and of other animals. In particular, ants have inspired a
number of methods and techniques among which the most studied and the most successful
one is the ant colony optimization.
Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm, a novel population-based and meta-heuristic
approach, was recently proposed by Dorigo et al. to solve several discrete optimization
problems (Dorigo, 1996, 1997). The general ACO algorithm mimics the way real ants find
the shortest route between a food source and their nest. The ants communicate with one
another by means of pheromone trails and exchange information indirectly about which
path should be followed. Paths with higher pheromone levels will more likely be chosen
and thus reinforced later, while the pheromone intensity of paths that are not chosen is
decreased by evaporation. This form of indirect communication is known as stigmergy, and
provides the ant colony shortest-path finding capabilities. The first algorithm following the
principles of the ACO meta-heuristic is the Ant System (AS) (Dorigo,1996), where ants
iteratively construct solutions and add pheromone to the paths corresponding to these
solutions. Path selection is a stochastic procedure based on two parameters, the pheromone
and heuristic values, which will be detailed in the following section in this chapter. The
pheromone value gives an indication of the number of ants that chose the trail recently,
while the heuristic value is problem-dependent and it has different forms for different cases.
Due to the fact that the general ACO can be easily extended to deal with other optimization
problems, its several variants has been proposed as well, such as Ant Colony System
(Dorigo,1997), rank-based Ant System (Bullnheimer,1999), and Elitist Ant System
(Dorigo,1996) . And the above variants of ACO have been applied to a variety of different
problems, such as vehicle routing (Montemanni,2005), scheduling (Blum,2005), and
travelling salesman problem (Stützle,2000). Recently, ants have also entered the data mining
domain, addressing both the clustering (Kanade,2007), and classification task (Martens et
This chapter will focus on another application of ACO to track initiation in the target
tracking field. To the best of our knowledge, there are few reports on the track initiation
using the ACO. But in the real world, it is observed that there is a case in which almost all
ants are inclined to gather around the food sources in the form of line or curve. Fig. 1 shows
the evolution process of ants searching for foods. Initially, all ants are distributed randomly
210 New Advances in Machine Learning

in the plane as in Fig.1 (a), and a few hours later we find that most of ants gather together
around the food sources as shown in Fig.1 (b). Taking inspiration from such phenomenon,
we may regard these linear or curvy food sources as tentative tracks to be initialized, and
the corresponding ant model is established from the optimal aspect to solve the problem of
multiple track initiation.
food source 1 food source 1

food source 2 food source 2

(a) Initial distribution of ants (b) The distribution of ants a few hours later
Fig. 1. The evolution process of ant search for foods

The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows. First, in section 2, the widely used ant
system and its successors are introduced. Section 3 gives the new application of ACO to the
track initiation problem, and the system of ants of different tasks is modeled to coincide
with the problem. The performance comparison of ACO-based techniques for track
initiation is carried out and analysized in Section 4. Finally, some conclusions are drawn.

2. Ant System and Its Direct Successors

2.1 Ant System
Initially, three different versions of AS were developed (Dorigo et al., 1991), namely ant-
density, ant-quantity, and ant-cycle. In the ant-density and ant-quantity versions the ants
updated the pheromone directly after a move from one city to an adjacent city, while in the
ant-cycle version the pheromone update was only done after all the ants had constructed the
tours and the amount of pheromone deposited by each ant was set to be a function of the
tour quality.
The two main phases of the AS algorithm constitute the ants’ solution construction and the
pheromone update. In AS, a good way to initialize the pheromone trails is to set them to a
value slightly higher than the expected amount of pheromone deposited by the ants in one
iteration. The reason for this choice is that if the initial pheromone values are too low, then
the search is quickly biased by the first tours generated by the ants, which in general leads
toward the exploration of inferior zones of the search space. On the other side, if the initial
pheromone values are too high, then many iterations are lost waiting until pheromone
evaporation reduces enough pheromone values, so that pheromone added by ants can start
to bias the search.
Tour Construction
In AS, m (artificial) ants incrementally build a tour of the TSP. Initially, ants are put on
randomly chosen cities. At each construction step, ant k applies a probabilistic action choice
Ant Colony Optimization 211

rule, called random proportional rule, to decide which city to visit next. In particular, the
probability with which ant k , located at city i , chooses to go to city j is

[ ij ]  [ij ]
pijk  , if j  N ik , (1)
 lNik
[ il ]  [il ]
where ij  1/ d ij is a heuristic value that is computed in advance,  and  are two
parameters which determine the relative importance of the pheromone trail and the
heuristic information, and N ik is the set of cities that ant k has not visited so far. By this
probabilistic rule, the probability of choosing the arc (i, j ) may increase with the bigger
value of the associated pheromone trail  ij and of the heuristic information value ij . The
role of the parameters  and  is described as below. If   0 , the closest cities are more
likely to be selected: this corresponds to a classic stochastic greedy algorithm. If   0 , it
means that the pheromone is used alone, without any heuristic bias. This generally leads to
rather poor results and, in particular, for values of   1 it leads to earlier stagnation
situation, that is, a situation in which all the ants follow the same path and construct the
same tour, which, in general, is strongly suboptimal.
Each ant maintains a memory which records the cities already visited. And moreover, this
memory is used to define the feasible neighbourhood N i in the construction rule given by
equation (1). In addition, such a memory allows ant k both to compute the length of the
tour T k it generated and to retrace the path to deposit pheromone for upcoming global
pheromone update.
Concerning solution construction, there are two different ways of implementing it: parallel
and sequential solution construction. In the parallel implementation, at each construction
step all ants move from their current city to the next one, while in the sequential
implementation an ant builds a complete tour before the next one starts to build another one.
In the AS case, both choices for the implementation of the tour construction are equivalent
in the sense that they do not significantly influence the algorithm’s behaviour.
Update of Pheromone Trails
After all the ants have constructed their tours, the pheromone trails are updated. This is
done by first lowering the pheromone value on all arcs by a factor, and then adding an
amount of pheromone on the arcs the ants have crossed in their tours. Pheromone
evaporation is implemented by the following law

 ij  (1   )  ij , (i, j )  L (2)
where 0    1 is the pheromone evaporation rate. The parameter  is used to avoid
unlimited accumulation of the pheromone trails and it enables the algorithm to “forget’’ bad
decisions previously taken. In fact, if an arc is not chosen by the ants, its associated
pheromone value decreases exponentially with the number of iterations. After evaporation,
all ants deposit pheromone on the arcs they have crossed in their tour:
212 New Advances in Machine Learning

 ij  (1   )  ij    ijk , (i, j )  L (3)
k 1

where  ijk is the amount of pheromone ant k deposits on the arcs it has visited. It is
defined as follows:

 1/ C k if arc (i, j ) belongs to T k

 ijk   (4)
0 otherw
where C k , the length of the tour T k travelled by ant k , is computed as the sum of the
lengths of the arcs belonging to T k . By means of equation (4), the shorter an ant’s tour is,
the more pheromone the arcs belonging to this tour receive. In general, arcs that are used by
many ants and which are part of short tours, receive more pheromone and are, therefore,
more likely to be chosen by ants in the following iterations of the algorithm.

2.2. Elitist Ant System

The elitist strategy for Ant System (EAS) (Dorigo,1996) is, in principle, to provide a strong
additional reinforcement to the arcs belonging to the best tour found since the start of the
algorithm. Note that this additional feedback to the best-so-far tour is another example of a
daemon action of the ACO meta-heuristics.
Update of Pheromone Trails
The additional reinforcement of tour T bs is achieved by adding a quantity e / C bs to its arcs,
where e is a parameter that defines the weight given to the best-so-far tour T , and C bs is
its length. Thus, equation (3) for the pheromone deposit becomes

 ij   ij    ijk  e ijbs (5)
k 1

where  ijk is defined as in equation (4) and  ijbs is defined as follows:

1/ C bs if arc (i, j ) belongs to T bs

 ijbs   (6)
0 otherw
Note that in EAS the pheromone evaporation is implemented as in AS.

2.3. Rank-Based Ant System

Another improvement over AS (Bullnheimer,1999) is the rank-based version of AS ( AS rank ).
In AS rank each ant deposits an amount of pheromone that decreases with its rank.
Additionally, as in EAS, the best-so-far ant always receives the largest amount of
pheromone in each iteration.
Update of Pheromone Trails
Before updating the pheromone trails, the ants are sorted by increasing tour length and the
quantity of pheromone an ant deposits is weighted according to the rank of the ant. In each
Ant Colony Optimization 213

iteration, assume that total W best-ranked ants are considered, and only the (W  1) best-
ranked ants and the ant that produced the best-so-far tour are allowed to deposit
pheromone. The best-so-far tour gives the strongest feedback with weight w ; the r th best
ant of the current iteration contributes to pheromone updating with the value 1/ C r
multiplied by a weight given by max 0,W  r . Thus, the AS rank pheromone update rule is

W 1
 ij   ij   (W  r ) ijr  w ijbs (7)
r 1

where  ijr  1/ C r and  ijbs  1/ C bs .

2.4 Max- Min Ant System

Max-Min Ant System (MMAS) (St ü tzle & Hoos, 2000) introduces some main
modifications with respect to AS. First, it strongly exploits the best tours found: only either
the iteration-best ant, that is, the ant that produced the best tour in the current iteration, or
the best-so-far ant is allowed to deposit pheromone. Unfortunately, such a strategy may lead
to a stagnation situation in which all ants follow the same tour, because of the excessive
growth of pheromone trails on arcs of a good, although suboptimal, tour. To counteract this
effect, a second modification introduced by MMAS is that it limits the possible range of
pheromone trail values to the interval [ min , max ] . Second, the pheromone trails are
initialized to the upper pheromone trail limit, which, together with a small pheromone
evaporation rate, increases the exploration of tours at the start of the search. Finally, in
MMAS, pheromone trails are reinitialized each time the system approaches stagnation or
when no improved tour has been generated for a certain number of consecutive iterations.
Update of Pheromone Trails
After all ants have constructed a tour, pheromones are updated by applying evaporation as
in AS, followed by the deposit of new pheromone as follows:

 ij   ij   ijbest , (8)
where 
best best
ij  1/ C . The ant which is allowed to add pheromone may be either the best-
so-far, in which case  ij  1/ C , or the iteration-best, in which case  ij  1/ C ,
best bs best ib

where C is the length of the iteration-best tour. In general, in MMAS implementations
both the iteration-best and the best-so-far update rules are used in an alternate way.
Obviously, the choice of the relative frequency with which the two pheromone update rules
are applied has an influence on how greedy the search is: When pheromone updates are
always performed by the best-so-far ant, the search focuses very quickly around T bs ,
whereas when it is the iteration-best ant that updates pheromones, then the number of arcs
that receive pheromone is larger and the search is less directed.
Pheromone Trail Limits
In MMAS, lower and upper limits  min and  max on the possible pheromone values on any
arc are imposed in order to avoid earlier searching stagnation. In particular, the imposed
214 New Advances in Machine Learning

pheromone trail limits have the effect of limiting the probability pij of selecting a city j
when an ant is in city i to the interval [ pmin , pmax ] , with 0  pmin  pij  pmax  1 . Only
when an ant k has just one single possible choice for the next city, that is N ik  1 , we have
pmin  pmax  1 .
It is easy to show that, in the long run, the upper pheromone trail limit on any arc is
bounded by 1/  C * , where C * is the length of the optimal tour. Based on this result,
MMAS uses an estimate of this value, 1/  C bs , to define  max : each time a new best-so-far
tour is found, the value of  max is updated. The lower pheromone trail limit is set to
 min   max /  , where  is a parameter (Stützle & Hoos, 2000).
Pheromone Trail Initialization and Re-initialization
At the start of the algorithm, the initial pheromone trails are set to an estimate of the upper
pheromone trail limit. This way of initializing the pheromone trails, in combination with a
small pheromone evaporation parameter, causes a slow increase in the relative difference in
the pheromone trail levels, so that the initial search phase of MMAS is very explorative.
Note that, in MMAS, pheromone trails are occasionally re-initialized. Pheromone trail re-
initialization is typically triggered when the algorithm approaches the stagnation behaviour
or if for a given number of algorithm iterations no improved tour is found.

3. ACO for Track Initiation of Bearings-only multi-target tracking

3.1 Problem Presentation
Bearings-only multi-target tracking (BO-MTT) (Nardone, 1984 ; Dogancay, 2004, 2005) in a
bistatic system can be described as: given a time history of noise-corrupted bearing
measurements from two observers, the objective is to obtain optimum estimation of the
positions, velocities and accelerations of all targets. Generally, the whole process of target
tracking includes track initiation, track maintenance and track deletion. To the best of our
knowledge, however, many reported literature mainly focused on the track maintenance, i.e.
target tracking, without considering the track initiation process, after the motion of each
target is modelled. Actually, track initiation plays an important role in evaluating the
performance of subsequent target tracking, and improperly initiated tracks may either lead
to target loss or the increase of consumption of limited resources.
In the case of multi-sensor-multi-target BOT, for instance, two-sensor-two-target BOT at a
given scan, four Line of Sights (LOSs) are available alone to determine which LOS belongs
to some target of interest. Usually, such a problem can also be dealt with the general track
initiation techniques widely used in the radar tracking field through intersecting these LOSs
to obtain a group of candidates of true targets’ position points. However, such an operation
will result in some intersections including both the true “target positions” and the virtual
“target position” called “ghost”, as shown in Fig.2. These “ghosts”, in fact, do not belong to
any target (denoted by position points 3 and 4). Due to this fact, the origin uncertainty of
obtained position candidates should be discriminated and this issue forms the topic of this
section. In addition, such a problem becomes harder to handle in the presence of clutter.
Ant Colony Optimization 215

track of target 2

track of target 1 4

sensor 1

sensor 2

Fig. 2. The generated “ghosts” in case of two-sensor-two-target BOT

3.2 Motive
In the image detection field, the Hough transform (H-T) has been recognized as a robust
technique for line or curve detection and also have been largely applied by scientific
community (Bhattacharya, 2002; Shapiro, 2005). The basic idea of H-T is to transform a point
( x, y ) in the Cartesian coordinate system onto a curve in the (  ,  ) parameter space, which
is formulated as

  x cos   y sin  (9)

where  is the distance from the line through ( x, y ) to the origin, and  is the angle to the
normal with the x axis. The angle  varies from 00 to 1800 , while the  may be either
positive or negative.
So, it is observed that, if a set of points in the Cartesian coordinate lie on the same line, all
curves each corresponding to a point must intersect at a same point denoted by (  0 ,  0 ) in
the parameter space. Inspired by this phenomenon, the H-T technique can be utilized to
initialize the track of target which makes a uniform rectilinear motion.

3.3 Solution to Multi-Target Track Initiation by ACO

In this section, we will investigate the problem of multi-target track initiation. First, a
objective function is presented to describe the property of the multi-target track initiation.
Second, a novel ACO algorithm, called different tasks of ants, is modelled to initiate the
tracks of interest.
As noted before, if there are n curves in the parameter space, at most Cn intersections are
obtained in general. However, in a real tracking scenario, these curves will not strictly
intersect the point but several points distributed in the parameter space due to the existence
216 New Advances in Machine Learning

of measurement error. Even so, these points are still distributed in a small region, and thus
such a small area could be deemed as an objective function to be optimized.
For the case of two given tracks, the corresponding intersections in the parameter space are
plotted in Fig.3, and for the upper left expanded subfigure, which corresponds to target 1,
the minimum and maximum values of  could be obtained and then denoted by  min and
 max , respectively. Similarly, the related minimum and the maximum values of  are also
found and denoted by  min and  max , respectively.



39 1
39 target 1
(max , max )
 (m)

target 1
38.9 3
5 4
 (m)

(min , min ) 37

1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46

 (rad ) target 2
target 2  , max
(max  )

 (m)

38.85 34


4 33
6 5

 , min
 ) 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
1.38 1.4 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48

 (rad )  (rad )

Fig. 3. A case of determination of objective function in the parameter space

As a result, two rectangular blocks are formed and the area of each is calculated as

Si  ( max
  min
)(  max
  min
), (10)
and the objective function J is defined as

J  min  S r ( r1  r2  r3  r4 )
r 1

s.t rk  mk r1  r2  r3  r4 , m1  m2  m3  m4   , (11)

k  1,..., 4;
where r1  r2  r3  r4 or m1  m2  m3  m4 is the possible track in the track space  , M is
the number of tracks to be initialized.
Afterwards, the ants of different tasks will be investigated, and it has the following
1) The number of tasks is equal to the one of tracks to be initiated, or equal to the one of
targets of interest.
2) The traditional ACO algorithm builds solutions in an incremental way, but the
proposed system of different tasks of ants builds solutions in parallel way. Especially,
in the proposed system of ants of different tasks, the thought of both collaboration and
competition between ants is considered and introduced. For instance, ants of the same
task search for foods in a collaborative way, while ants of different tasks will compete
with each other during establishing solutions.
Ant Colony Optimization 217

3) Ants of the same task are dedicated to finding their best solution, and a set of all best
solutions found by ants of different tasks constitute the solutions to Eq. (11) we
4) In the system of ants of different tasks, the search space depends not only on the
measurement returns at the next scan but also on the prior knowledge of target motion.

The determination of search space

In the case of bearings-only two-sensor- M -target tracking, the sampling data of the first
four scans are utilized sequentially to initiate tracks, and then total four search spaces, i.e.,
1 ,  2 , 3 , and  4 , are obtained sequentially. Suppose that the prior knowledge about
target motion, such as the minimum and maximum velocities denoted by vmin and
vmax respectively, is known and then utilized to construct an annular region whose inner and
outer radiuses are determined by r1 || vmin ||T and r2 || v max ||T , respectively, where T
denotes the sampling interval. For instance, if an ant is now located at position i in 1 ,
then the ant will visit the next position located in the shadow section covered by both the
 i in Fig.4.
annular region and  2 , which is denoted by  2

r2 2


 4

Fig. 4. The determination of search spaces

Track Candidate Construction Using the Ants of Different Tasks

Initially, M ants of different tasks are placed randomly on position candidates in the first
search space 1 , then each ant of a given task visits probabilistically the position candidate
in the next search space. Suppose that an ant of a given task s is now located at position i
 i ( 1  i  3 ), then the ant will visit position j in the next search space by applying the
in  i
following probabilistic formula:
218 New Advances in Machine Learning

   s   

 

arg max     i , j   
i , j 1
    s   if q  q0
j   i , j  , (12)
 i
 i , j i , j  
j i 1

 J otherwise
and J is a random variable selected according to the following probability distribution

  s     1 

  i , j   i , j    
  i , j     i , j   is, j 
  i
if j  
P( j )    is,l 

  1 
 i 1
  l i    i ,l    s 
i 1 
  i ,l   i ,l   i ,l 

0 otherwise
where  s
i, j denotes the pheromone amount deposited by ants of task s on trail ( i, j ),  i , j is
the total pheromone amount deposited by all ants of different tasks on trail ( i, j ),  shows
the repulsion on the foreign pheromones left on the trail ( i, j ), q is a random number
uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, and q0 is a parameter which determines the relative
importance of the exploitation of good solutions versus the exploration of search spaces.
According to the search spaces discussed above, Fig. 5 plots the process of how the heuristic
value is calculated from search spaces 1 to  2 , namely, if an ant will move from positions
i to j , the corresponding heuristic value can be defined as

 (di , j  r0 ) 2 
i , j  exp  
 2(r  r ) 2 
, (14)
 2 1 
where d i , j denotes the distance between positions i and j , and r0 is equal to (r2  r1 ) / 2 .
 , we set   0 , and the search failure is declared for
Note that if position j falls out of 
2 i, j

the current ant.

r1 
di , j
i , j
o r
di , j

 2

Fig. 5. The calculation of heuristic value

Ant Colony Optimization 219

Update of Pheromone
The pheromone update is performed in two phases, namely, local update and global update.
While building a solution, if an ant of task s carries out the transition from positions i to j ,
then the pheromone level of the corresponding trail is changed in the following way:

 is, j  (1   ) is, j   0s , (15)

where  0s is the initial pheromone level of ants of task s .
Once all ants of different tasks at a given iteration have visited four candidate positions each
from different sampling indices, the pheromone amount on each established track will be
updated globally. Here, we use the best-so-far-solution found by ants of the same task, i.e.
the best solution found from the start of the algorithm run, to update the corresponding
pheromone trail. We adopt the following rule

 is, j  (1   ) is, j    is,,jk . (16)
k 1

where  is,,jk is the pheromone amount that ant k of task s deposits on the trail ( i, j ) it has
traveled at the current iteration, and p is the number of ants. In the case of bearings-only
multi-sensor-multi-target tracking,  is,,jk is set to a constant.

4. A Comparison of ACO-Based Methods for Track Initiation

4.1 The Problem
Two cases are investigated here, namely two and three tracks’ initiation problems. For each
scenario, the performance of track initiation is investigated both in clutter-free environments
and in clutter environments, respectively.
Two fixed sensors used to measure the targets’ bearings are located at ( 0, 0 ) and ( 18km, 0 )
respectively in a surveillance region. The standard deviation of the bearing measurements
for each sensor is taken as 0.1 , and the sampling interval is set to be T  10 s . The case in
which each target makes a uniform rectilinear motion is considered, and the initial state of
each target is illustrated in Table 1.

x y x y
Scenarios Targets
(km) (km) (m/s) (m/s)
1 60 30 50 -100
2 80 60 150 -150
1 60 30 50 -100
2 2 80 60 150 -150
3 60 50 80 -120
Table 1. The initial position and velocity of each target in the two considered scenarios
220 New Advances in Machine Learning

70 60
target 1 target 1
target 2 target 2
60 ghost target 3
50 ghost

50 45

Y (km)

Y (km)

30 30


30 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
X (km) X (km)

Fig. 6. The target position candidates in a “clutter-free” environment (left: Scenario 1, right:
Scenario 2)

60 target 1
target 1 80
target 2 target 2
55 target 3
clutter and ghost
70 clutter and ghost

45 60

Y (km)
Y (km)


20 20

40 50 60 70 80 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
X (km) X (km)

Fig. 7. The target position candidates in clutter environments (left: Scenario 1, right: Scenario
Figs.6 and 7 depict a part of position candidates obtained by intersecting LOSs at each scan,
and our object is to discriminate the true “positions” of each target of interest. Here, we use
two ACO-based techniques, namely the Ant System (called the traditional ACO) and the
system of ants of different tasks (called the proposed ACO).
Other parameters related to the two ACO-based methods are illustrated in Table 2
Parameter Parameter
Value Value
 0.01  0.03
 0.2 M 3M 2
 2 | vmin | 100m / s
 0.8 | vmax | 400m / s
q0 0.7 | amax | 15m / s 2
0 0.05 N 50
Table 2. The Parameter Settings for ACO-related Methods
Ant Colony Optimization 221

4.2 Evaluation Indices

Two performance indices are introduced to evaluate the system of ants of different tasks, i.e.
The probability of false track initiation: assuming N Monte-Carlo runs are performed, we
define the probability of false track initiation as

N N
F   fi n i , (17)
i 1 i 1

where f i denotes the number of false initiated tracks at the i th Monte-Carlo run, and ni is
the total number of initiated tracks.
The probability of correct initiation of at least j tracks: if at least j ( 1  j  M ) tracks are
initiated correctly, its corresponding probability is

C j   lij N , (18)
i 1

where li j is a binary variable and defined as

1 if at least j tracks are initiated correctly

lij   (19)
0 otherwise
at the i th Monte-Carlo run.

4.3 Results
All results in Tables 3 to 6 are averaged over 10,000 Monte-Carlo runs. According to the
evaluation indices we introduce, the traditional ACO algorithm performs as well as the
proposed one, as illustrated in Tables 3 and 4, in clutter-free environments. However, in the
presence of clutter, the proposed ACO algorithm shows a significant improvement over the
traditional one with respect to the probability of false track initiation, as shown in Tables 5
and 6.

Evaluation indices The traditional ACO The proposed ACO

Pro. of false track initiation ( F ) 0.0001 0.0002

C1 1.0000 1.0000
Pro. of correct initiation
of at least j tracks( C j )
C2 0.9998 0.9997

Table 3. Performance comparison for two-track-initiation problem in clutter-free

222 New Advances in Machine Learning

Evaluation indices The traditional ACO The proposed ACO

Pro. of false track initiation ( F ) 0.0048 0.0046

C1 1.0000 1.0000

Pro. of correct initiation of

C2 1.0000 1.0000
at least j tracks( C j )

C3 0.9857 0.9861

Table 4. Performance comparison for three-track-initiation problem in clutter-free


Evaluation indices The traditional ACO The proposed ACO

Pro. of false track initiation ( F ) 0.0348 0.0107

C1 1.0000 1.0000
Pro. of correct initiation
of at least j tracks( C j )
C2 0.9787 0.9997

Table 5. Performance comparison for two-track-initiation problem in clutter environments

Evaluation indices The traditional ACO The proposed ACO

Pro. of false track initiation ( F ) 0.0672 0.0380

C1 1.0000 1.0000

Pro. of correct initiation of

C2 0.9594 1.0000
at least j tracks( C j )

C3 0.9267 0.9861

Table 6. Performance comparison for three-track-initiation problem in clutter environments

Among 10,000 Monte-Carlo runs, only the cases of all tracks being initiated successfully are
investigated and called effective runs later. For the objectivity of comparison, we select the
worst case, in which the maximum running time for each ACO algorithm is evaluated, from
the effective runs.
Ant Colony Optimization 223

Fig. 8 depicts the trends of objective function evolution with the increasing number of
iterations in scenario 2. Compared with the traditional ACO algorithm, the proposed one
requires fewer iterations for convergence in clutter-free or clutter environments. According
to Tables 3 and 4, although the performance of the traditional ACO algorithm is comparable
to that of the proposed one, we find that the proposed ACO one seems more practical due to
less running time needed. Figs. 9 and 10 depict varying curves of pheromone on the true
targets’ tracks, it is observed that the amount of pheromone on each “true” track increases in
a moderate way, which means most ants prefer choosing these tracks and regarded them as
optimal solutions.

1200 400

1100 The proposed ACO 350 The proposed ACO

1000 The traditional ACO The traditional ACO

900 300
Objective value (m.rad)

Objective value (m.rad)


600 200


300 100


0 0
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Iteration Iteration

Fig. 8. Objective function curves (left: In clutter-free environments; right: In clutter


0.125 0.11


0.1 0.09
Pheromone amount

Pheromone amount


0.075 0.07

On track 1 On track 1
On track 2 0.06 On track 2
On track 3 On track 3


5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Iteration Iteration

Fig. 9. Pheromone curves in clutter-free environments (left: The proposed ACO; right: The
traditional ACO)
224 New Advances in Machine Learning

0.13 0.13

0.12 On track 1 0.12

On track 2
0.11 On track 3 0.11

0.1 0.1
Pheromone amount

Pheromone amount
0.09 0.09
0.07 On track 1
0.07 On track 2
0.06 On track 3
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Iteration Iteration

Fig. 10. Pheromone curves in clutter environments (left: The proposed ACO; right: The
traditional ACO)

5. Conclusion
This chapter mainly aims to introduce some widely used ACO algorithms and their origins,
such as the AS, EAS, MMAS, and so on. It is found that all concerns are focused on the
pheromone update strategy. Some uses the best-so-far-ant or the iteration-best ant
independently/interactively to update the trail that ants travelled. Meanwhile, the update
law may differ a bit for different ACO algorithms. Among the four ACO algorithms, two
versions have received great popularities in various applications, i.e. AS and MMAS.
Another contribution in this chapter is the extension of the general ACO algorithm to the
system of ants of different tasks, and its behaviour is modelled and implemented in the
track initiation problems. Simulation results are also presented to show the effectiveness of
the novel ACO algorithm. According to the example presented in this chapter, we believe
that the general framework of AS can be modified to solve various optimal or non-optimal

6. References
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A computational study, Central Eur. J. Oper. Res. Econ., Vol. 7, No. 1, 25–38, ISSN
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651-665, ISSN 1089-778X.
Kutluyll Dogancay. (2004). On the bias of linear least squares algorithm for passive target
localization, Signal Processing, Vol. 84, No. 3, 475-486, ISSN 0165-1684.
Ant Colony Optimization 225

Kutluyll Dogancay. (2005). Bearings-only target localization using total least squares, Signal
Processing, Vol. 85, No. 9,1695-1710, ISSN 0165-1684.
M. Dorigo; V. Maniezzo & A. Colorni. (1991). Positive Feedback as a Search Strategy,
Technical Report 91–016, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy.
M. Dorigo; V. Maniezzo & A. Colorni. (1996). The ant system: optimization by a colony of
cooperating agents, IEEE Trans. on System, Man, and Cybernetics-part B, Vol.26, No. 1,
29-42, ISSN 1083-4419.
M. Dorigo & L. M. Gambardella. (1997). Ant colony system: A cooperative learning
approach to the traveling salesman problem, IEEE Trans. on Evolutional
Computation, Vol.1, No. 1, 53-66, ISSN 1089-778X.
P. Bhattacharya; A. Rosenfeld & I. Weiss. (2002). Point-to-line mappings as Hough
transforms, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1705-1710, ISSN 0167-8655.
Parag M. Kanade & Lawrence O. Hall. (2007). Fuzzy Ants and Clustering, IEEE Trans. on
System, Man, and Cybernetics-part A, Vol. 37, No. 5, September 2007, 758-769,ISSN
R. Montemanni; L. M. Gambardella; A. E. Rizzoli & A. Donati. (2005). Ant colony system for
a dynamic vehicle routing problem, J. Combinatorial Optim., Vol. 10, No. 4, 327–343,
ISSN 1573-2886.
S.C. Nardone; A.G. Lindgren & K.F. Gong. (1984). Fundamental properties and performance
of conventional bearings-only target motion analysis, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace
and Electronic Systems, Vol. 29, No. 9, 775-787, ISSN 0018-9251.
T. Stützle & H. H. Hoos. (2000). MAX-MIN ant system, Future generation computer systems,
Vol.16, 889-914, ISSN 0167-739X.
V. Shapiro. (2006). Accuracy of the straight line Hough transform: the non-voting approach,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 103, No. 1, 1-21, ISSN 1077-3142.
226 New Advances in Machine Learning
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 227


Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made

Fast and Robust
Xunkai Wei†‡, Yinghong Li‡, Dong Liu†, Liguang Zhan†
†Beijing Aeronautical Engineering Technology Research Center
‡Air Force Engineering University


1. Introduction
As is known to us, common Euclidean distance based SVMs are easily influenced by outliers
in given samples and might subsequently cause big prediction errors in testing processes.
Therefore, many scholars propose various preprocessing methods such as whitening or
normalizing the data to a sphere shape to remove the outliers and then call the routine SVM
methods to build a more reasonable machine. However, since Euclidean distance is often
sub-optimal especially in high dimension learning problem and might cause the learning
machine fail due to the ill-conditioned Gram kernel, then it is necessary to find some more
efficient and robust way to resolve the problem, which is the motivation of this chapter.
The Mahalanobis distance is superior to Euclidean Distance in handling with outliers and is
widely used in statistics and machine learning area. Currently there are some methods in
building SVMs combined with Mahalanobis distances. Some of them use it in the kernel and
replace common kernel by a Mahalanobis one in SVMs. Some of them use it in
preprocessing phase to remove the outlier first and then build SVMs using common
methods. Others use it in the postprocessing phase to extract key support vectors for
speedup and efficiency. Most of them achieve superior performances compared with SVM
counterpart. However, it should be pointed out that the complexity of the combined
algorithm is the most concerned factor in building such an algorithm.
As is known to us, none of them incorporates the Mahalanobis distance into models, which
tradeoff the complexity and performance in the same algorithm meantime and make the
algorithm more robust. The obvious feature of this new method is that there is no more
necessary to remove the outlier first, since it is already considered and will be identified
automatically in the model. It is also expected to improve and simplify the whole learning
process efficiently.
One Class Classification (OCC) (Scholkopf, 2001) now becomes an active topic in machine
learning domain. One Class Support Vector Machines (OCSVM) is firstly proposed via
constructing a hyperplane in kernel feature space which separates the mapped patterns
from the origin with maximum margin. Support vector domain description (SVDD) (Tax,
1999) is another popular OCC method, which seeks the minimum hypersphere that encloses
all the data of the target class in a feature space. In this way, it finds the descriptive area that
228 New Advances in Machine Learning

covers the data and excludes the superfluous space that results in false alarms existed in
However, although OCSVM does provide good representation for the classes of interest, it
overlooks the discrimination issue between them. Moreover, the hypersphere model of
SVDD is not flexible enough to give a tight description of the target class generally.
Therefore, in our previous works, we proposed two Mahalanobis distance based learning
machine called QP-MELM and QP-MHLM respectively via solving their duals. However, as
is suggested in (Löfberg, 2004), if both the primal form and dual form of an optimization
problem are solvable, then the primal form is more commendable for approximation ability.
Therefore, (Wei, 2007A) rewrote the MELM as a Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP)
representable form and proposed a SOCP-MELM for class description. Applications to real
world UCI benchmark datasets show promising results.
Recently, Wei etc al proposed a novel learning concept called enclosing machine learning
(Wei, 2007D), which imitates the human being’s cognition process, i.e. cognizing things of
the same kind (To obtain a minimum bounding boundary for class description) and
recognizing unknown things via point detection. Wei illustrated the concept using
minimum volume enclosing ellipsoid learner for one class description and extended it to
imbalanced data set classification. Except this, (Wang, 2005) and (Liu, 2006) proposed two
SVDD based pattern classification algorithms (called SSPC and MEME respectively for
simplicity) for imbalanced data set, which can also been classified to enclosing machine
leaning’s framework .
This chapter will be organized as follows. First, review of Mahalanobis distance\property
and related learning methods will be briefed. Then, the new optimization models based on
linear programming for Data Description, Classification incorporating Mahalanobis distance
will be proposed. Third, benchmark datasets experiments for classification and regression
will be investigated in detail. Finally, conclusions and discussions will be made.

2. The Mahalanobis Distance

2.1 Definitions
Let X be a m  N sample matrix containing N random observations
xi  R , i  1, 2, , N . The sample mean μ and covariance matrix Σ can be concisely
expressed in terms of sample matrix.

 1
μ  N X1
 (1)
 Σ  1 XXT  1 X11T XT
 N N2

where 1 is a N  dimensional all one vector.

If the covariance matrix is singular, it is difficult to calculate the inverse of Σ . Instead, we
  1 T
can use the pseudoinverse Σ to approximate as Σ  PΣ P using inverse of nonzero
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 229

eigenvalues. This gives the minimum squared error approximation to the true solutions. It
should be noted that pseudoinverse restricts inversion to the range of the operator, i.e. the
subspace where it is not degenerate. This is often unavoidable in high dimensional feature
spaces. If the covariance is real symmetric and positive semidefinite, then the covariance
matrix can be decomposed as Σ  PT GP , and thus Σ 1  PT G 1P . Then the
Mahalanobis distance from a sample x to the population X is

d 2 (x, X)  (x  μ)T Σ 1 (x  μ) (2)

2.2 The Mahalanobis Distance in Kernel Feature Space

In implicit high-dimensional feature space defined by kernel functions, the Mahalanobis
distance can be represented in terms of the dot products of data maps. Suppose
X , μ  , Σ are the sample matrix, mean vector, and covariance matrix in the feature
space, respectively. The centered kernel matrix is defined as

1 1 1
KC  K  EK  KE  2 EKE (3)

where E is a NN all one matrix, K  (xi )(x j )  k (xi , x j ) is a

i , j 1,, N

N  N symmetric matrix.
Using (1), we obtain

Σ   X T Z 2 X  (4)

1 1
where Z( (I  E)) 2 is a NN symmetric matrix, I is a NN unit matrix.
The kernel Mahalanobis distance in the feature space can then be written as

d 2 ( (x), X )  ( (x)  μ  )T Σ 1 ( (x)  μ  )

k ()
1 N
 (k ( X, x) 
 k (X, x ))
i 1
 (ZM 2 Z) (5)

1 N
(k ( X, x) 
 k (X, x ))
i 1
230 New Advances in Machine Learning

where K  k ( X, XT ) , xi is the i th sample of X , M  ZKZ is symmetric and

M 2
semidefinite matrix and thus can be calculated via singular value decomposition, i.e.
M  UΛUT , M 2  UΛ 2 UT .
Using singular value decomposition method, we can easily conclude following theorem:
Theorem 1: Let the eigenstructures of the centered matrix KC be K C  QT ΩQ , then the
covariance matrix Σ can be diagonalized as follows:

1 1
 1 
Σ   (Ω 2 QXT )T ( Ω)(Ω 2 QXT ) (6)

where N is the number of samples.

Proof: Recall that the covariance matrix Σ in the feature space, and suppose Σ could be
 T
decomposed via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): Σ  P GP , we have

1 N
Σ   ((xi )  μ )((xi )  μ )T
N i 1
1 1
 X XT  2 XT 11T X  PT GP

Notice that the eigenvectors necessarily lie in the span of the centered data, thus P can be
written as following linear combination

P  θ( X T  EXT ) (8)

where θ is the coeffient matrix to be determined, E is a NN all one matrix.

Multiplying (8) by X T  EXT from the left side, and by PT from the right side, we
have (after substituting X X  K )

(K C ) 2 θT  K C θT G (9)

Multiplying (9) by pseudoinverse K C from the left side, we have

Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 231

K C θT  θT G (10)

Since matrix G is diagonal, and the centered kernel matrix can be decomposed as

K C  QT ΩQ (11)

We can obtain
θ  DQ (12)
G Ω (13)

where D is some diagonal matrix.

Since the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix are orthogonal, we have

1 1
 θ( X T EXT )( X  X E)θT
N N (14)

DΩ 2

Using the fact that

 QK C  ΩQ  Ω 1QK C E  QE
1 1 1
 Ω 1Q(K  EK  KE  2 EKE)E  QE (16)
1 1
 Ω 1Q(KE  EKE  KE  EKE)  QE
 Ω Q0  QE  0

Thus from (8), using (12), (15) and (16), we have

232 New Advances in Machine Learning


P  Ω 2 QXT (17)

Consequently, from (7), using (13), (17), we obtain

1 1
 1 
Σ  (Ω QX ) ( Ω)(Ω 2 QXT )
 2 T T
And this ends the complete proof of Theorem 1.
According to Theorem 1, we can calculate the pseudoinverse Σ to approximate Σ 1 as

Σ   NX QT Ω 2QXT (19)

Thus (5) can be simplified as

1 N
d 2 ( (x), X )  N (k ( X, x) 
 k ( X, x ))
i 1

(Q Ω Q) 2

1 N
(k ( X, x) 
 k (X, x ))
i 1

As we mentioned before, there often exists zero eigenvalues condition in high dimensional
feature spaces, (7) is represented to approximate the true inverse of sample covariance
matrix. Later, we will introduce another regularization method for avoiding the zero
eigenvalues condition in Section 3.

3. Mahalanobis One Class SVMs

3.1 Mahalanobis One Class SVM
It is often beneficial to utilize the covariance matrix Σ and use the Mahalanobis distance
instead. Given a set of unlabeled patterns {x 1 , x2 , , xN } , the OCSVM first maps them to
the feature space  via a nonlinear map  . In the sequel, the OCSVM is obtained via
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 233

1 T 1 N
w ,i  0,  2
w w
i 1
i 
w T xi    i ,
s.t. 
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where wT x   is the decision hyperplane, i  0 is slack variable, N is the number of

samples. Using kernel trick, the corresponding dual

1 T
max α Kα
i 0 2
 1 (22)
0  α  1
s.t.  N
α1  1.

T 
is a quadratic convex optimization problem, where α is the dual variable, K  X X is
a kernel matrix. By using the Mahalanobis distance metric instead of Euclidean distance
metric, the primal now becomes:

1 T 1 1 N
w ,i  0,  2
w Σ w
i 1
i 
w Σ xi    i ,
T 1
s.t. 
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where Σ is the sample covariance matrix.

Using w  Σu , then the separation hyperplane is now u x  
and the distance to the

origin becomes . Therefore, (23) is equivalent to
uT Σu
1 T 1 N
u ,i  0,  2
u Σu 
i 1
i 
u x    i ,
s.t.  i
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

The dual is as follows using optimality conditions:

234 New Advances in Machine Learning

1 T T 1 
max α X Σ X α
α 2
 1 (25)
0  α  1
s.t.  N
αT 1  1.

Note that the kernel trick is

k ()
X T X   K , (26)

Using the kernel trick and (21), the kernel Mahalanobis hyperplane learning machine can be
written in kernel form as:

max NαT KQT Ω 2QKα
α 2
 1 (27)
0  α  1
s.t.  N
αT 1  1.

where the symbols are defined as previously noted.

We can easily conclude that (13) is a QP problem, thus can be efficiently solved via
As is mentioned before, there is uncertainty in the estimation of Σ in general. We can
assume that Σ is only known to be within the set [5]

{Σ : Σ  Σ 0  r} (28)

 Σ0  r Σ , then according to the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality [14], we get

Suppose Σ
uT Σu  u 2 Σu 2  u 2 Σ F u 2  uT u
This holds of compatibility of the Frobenius matrix norm and the Euclidean vector norm
and because Σ F
 1 . For Σ the unity matrix, this upper bound is attained.
Thus we have
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 235

max uT Σu  uT ( Σ 0  r max Σ)u

Σ: Σ  Σ r Σ 1
 u ( Σ  rI )u

where r 0 is fixed and  denotes the Frobenius norm, Σ is estimated via (1).
Then the primal in (10) can be modified as

1 T 1 N
min max
u ,i  0,  Σ 2
u Σu 
i 1
i 

uT xi    i ,
s.t.  Σ  Σ 0  r ,

i  0, i  1, 2, , N . (30)

1 1 N
 min uT Σ r u 
u ,i  0,  2
  
 N i 1 i
uT x    i ,
s.t.  i
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where Σ r  Σ0  rI , now the sample covariance matrix is always nonsingular for r  0 .

Actually, this is a regularization method.
The dual is now
1 T T 1 
max α X Σr X α
α 2
 1 (31)
0  α  1
s.t.  N
αT 1  1.

By using the Woodbury formula [10]

( A  BC) 1  A 1  A 1B(I  CA 1B) 1 CA 1 (32)

and (4), we obtain

236 New Advances in Machine Learning

Σ r 1  (rI  X ZZX T ) 1
1 1 (33)
 I  X Z(rI  ZXT X  Z) 1 ZX T
r r
Using the kernel trick, (17) then becomes

1 T
max α (K  KZM r 1ZK )α
α 2r
 1 (34)
0  α  1
s.t.  N
αT 1  1.

whereM r  rI  ZKZ . Again, we get a standard QP problem, and the inverse of the real
symmetric and positive definite matrix M r can be exactly estimated using stable and
efficient eigenvalue decomposition method.

3.2 Mahalanobis Data Description Machine

Given a set of unlabeled patterns {x 1 , x2 , , xN } , the SVDD first maps them to the
feature space  via a nonlinear map  . In the sequel, the SVDD is obtained via solving
min R 2  C  i
R ,i  0,c
i 1
d (c, xi )  R 2  i ,
s.t. 
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where R is radius, i  0 is slack variable, c is the center, d () is the given distance
metric (the default is the Euclid norm) , C is a tradeoff that controls the size of sphere and
the errors, N is the number of samples.
The corresponding dual
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 237

max   i k (xi , xi )    i j k (xi , x j )
i 0
i 1 i 1 j 1

0   i  C , i  1, 2, , N (36)

s.t.  N
  i  1.
 i 1

is a convex optimization problem, where i  0 is dual variable, k () is a kernel function

that satisfies Mercer condition.

By using the Mahalanobis distance metric instead of Euclidean distance metric, the primal
now becomes:
min R 2  C  i
R ,i  0,c
i 1
(xi  c) Σ 1 (xi  c)  R 2  i ,
s.t. 
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where Σ is the sample covariance matrix.

The dual is as follows using optimality conditions:

max   i xTi Σ 1xi    i j xTi Σ 1x j
i 0
i 1 i 1 j 1

0   i  C , i  1, 2, , N (38)

s.t.  N
  i  1.
 i 1
Using the kernel trick, and following equations,

k () N
xTi X  k (xi , X) , c    i xi , (39)
i 1

the kernel Mahalanobis Ellipsoidal learning machine can be written in kernel form as:
238 New Advances in Machine Learning

max   i k (xi , X)QT Ω 2Qk ( X, xi )T
i 0
i 1
   i j k (xi , X)QT Ω 2Qk ( X, x j ) (40)
i 1 j 1

0   i  C , i  1, 2, , N

s.t.  N
  i  1.
 i 1
Accordingly we can obtain the following Mahanlanobis distance of the sample x from the
center c in the feature space:

d 2 (x , c )  N (x  c )T X QT Ω 2QXT (x  c )

 N (k ( X, x)    i k ( X, xi ))T QT Ω 2Q (41)
i 1
(k ( X, x)    i k ( X, xi ))
i 1

The parameters R, i can be determined by the following relations via KKT conditions:

d 2 (x  , c )  R 2 ,  i  0, i  0
d 2 (x  , c )  R 2 , 0   i  C , i  0 (42)

d (x , c )  R  i ,  i  C , i  0
2   2

Again, we can assume that Σ is only known to be within the set

{Σ : Σ  Σ 0  r} (43)

where r 0 is fixed and called regularization constant and  F

denote s the Frobenius
norm, Σ is estimated via (1).

Then the primal in (37) can be modified as

Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 239

min max R 2  C  i
R ,i  0,c Σ
i 1

(x  c)T Σ 1 (x  c)  R 2   , (44)

 i i i

s.t. i  0, i  1, 2, , N ,

 0
 Σ  Σ F  r

Suppose Σ  Σ  r Σ . Then for any given v, according to the Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality, we get

vT Σv  v 2
Σv 2  v 2
Σ F
v 2  vT v

This holds of compatibility of the Frobenius matrix norm and the Euclidean vector norm
and because Σ F
 1 . For Σ the unity matrix, this upper bound is attained.

Thus for any given v and Σ 0 , we have

min vT Σ 1 v  vT ( Σ0  r max Σ) 1 v

Σ: Σ  Σ r Σ 1
T 0 1
 v ( Σ  rI ) v

Therefore, (44) can be modified as

min R 2  C  i
R ,i  0,c
i 1
(x  c) Σ r (xi  c)  R  i ,
1 2
s.t.  i
i  0, i  1, 2, , N .

where Σ r  Σ 0  rI , now the sample covariance matrix is always nonsingular for r  0 .

Actually, this is a regularization method.
The dual is now
240 New Advances in Machine Learning

max   i xTi Σ r 1xi    i j xTi Σ r 1x j
i 0
i 1 i 1 j 1

0   i  C , i  1, 2, , N (47)

s.t.  N
  i  1.
 i 1
By using the Woodbury formula

( A  BC) 1  A 1  A 1B(I  CA 1B) 1 CA 1 (48)

we obtain
Σ r 1  (rI  X ZZXT ) 1
1 1 (49)
 I  X Z(rI  ZXT X  Z) 1 ZX T
r r
Using the kernel trick, (47) then becomes

max   i (k (xi , xi )  k (xi , X)ZM r 1Zk ( X, xi ))
i 0
i 1
  i j (k (xi , x j )  k (xi , X)ZM r1Zk ( X, x j )) (50)
i 1 j 1

0   i  C , i  1, 2, , N

s.t.  N
  i  1.
 i 1

where M r  rI  ZKZ . Again, the inverse of the real symmetric and positive definite

matrix M r can be estimated via singular value decomposition.

Note that above mentioned models are both QP based, which might converge slowly in
large dataset case. In order to further reduce the model complexity of above Mahalanobis
Distance based SVM, here we introduce a new linear programming based model for
ellipsoidal data description.
Let {(xi ), i  1,, N } be the images of the samples in feature space through mapping
 . We first center all the samples in feature space, and then we can build ellipsoidal
machine centered at origin enclosing a majority of the imaged vectors. Then according to (5),
the distance from any sample x to the origin can be kernelized as
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 241

d 2   ( xi ) 1 ( xi )T   ( xi )  ( xi )T  N Ω 1Qk i (51)

where k i : (k (x1 , xi ),, k (x N , xi )) .

Therefore, now we can rewrite the primal form as:

R 2  C  i
R ,i 0
i 1

 2 (52)
 N Ω Qk i 2  R  i ,
1 2
s.t. 
i  0, i  1, 2,, N .

The Lagrange function for the primal form will be as follows:

N N N 2
L ( R 2 ,  i ,  i ,  i )  R 2  C   i    i i    i ( R 2  N Ω 1Qk i  i ) (53)
i 1 i 1 i 1

where  i , i  0 are Lagrange multipliers or the dual variables. According to the KKT

conditions, and equating the partial derivatives of L with respect to R 2 , i to zero yields:

L N

R 2
 1  
i 1
i  0 (54)

 C  i   i  0 (55)
From (55), we get
i  C   i  0 (56)

From (56) and using  i ,  i  0 , we can obtain

0  i  C (57)

Using (57), and substituting (54), (55) into (53) results in the dual problem:
242 New Advances in Machine Learning

N 2
min   i N Ω 1Qk i
 2
i 1

N (58)
i  1
s.t.  i 1
0    C
 i

We can see that the optimization problem (58) is in a linear programming form. This LP
form is superior to QP form in computational complexity.
From the solution of (58), the samples with i  0 will fall inside the ellipsoid. The

samples with i  0 is called support vectors. Support vectors with i  C is called

border support vectors. And the radius of the ellipsoid can be obtained using

R N Ω 1Qk sv (59)

via using any border support vectors x sv .

Again, we assume that Σ is only known to be within the set {Σ : Σ  Σ0  r} ,where

r0 is fixed and called regularization constant and

denotes the Frobenius norm.
Then, the kernelized distance formula from any sample x to the origin is as follows:

1 1 2
1  
d   ( xi )  ( xi )   ( xi )  ( xi )  ( Ω  rI) 2 Ω 2 Qk i
2 1
T 
N 2

Therefore, the robust Mahalanobis data description in kernel form is

R 2  C  i
R ,i 0
i 1

 1 

 ( Ω  rI) Ω Qk i
2 2
 R 2  i ,
s.t.  N 2
  0, i  1, 2,, N .
 i

where k i : (k ( x1 , xi ), k ( x2 , xi ),, k ( xN , xi )) .
And the dual form is
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 243

1 1 2
1  
min  i ( Ω  rI) 2 Ω 2 Qk i

i 1 N
N (61)
i  1
s.t.  i 1
0    C
 i

Accordingly, we can get the ellipsoidal radius function in robust form for any sample x,
1 1
1  
f (x)  N ( Ω  rI) 2 Ω 2 Qk x (62)
N 2

4. Mahalanobis Classification SVMs

4.1 The main idea
Given a set of training data {(x1 , y1 ),(x 2 , y2 ),,(x N , yN )} , where x i  R k , yi
 {1, 1} , yi  1 denotes target class, yi  1 denotes outlier class. Recall that SVM tries
to find an optimum separation hyperplane by maximizing the margin as shown in Fig. 1(a).
One can also try to find a hypersphere with a maximum separation shell which separates
the target class from the outlier class shown in Fig.1 (b). Co-inspired by this idea, but
instead of trying to find a sphere that provides a description of one class, for classification
purposes, we would like to find a more compact and flexible hyper-ellipsoid that encloses
all samples from one class (target class) but excludes all samples from the other class (outlier
class). That is to say, we would like to find a hyper-ellipsoid  ( R , c) that encloses all the
target class samples and excludes all outlier class samples (see Fig.1 (c)). For the depicted
example, we can see that our proposed MMEE method is tighter. Thus this can
commendably reduce the risk of false alarms.

So as to guarantee the generalization performance, we also assume that hyper-ellipsoid

centered at origin  ( R , 0) separates the two classes with margin 2 d , i.e. it satisfies the
following constraints
R 2  xi M
 d 2 , yi =1
xi M
 R 2  d 2 , yi =-1
244 New Advances in Machine Learning

where d is the shortest distance from the hyper-ellipsoid to the closest target and outlier
class samples, z M
: z T Σ1 z for any vector z. Note that the distance is now under
Mahalanobis distance metric and d act s just as the margin of the SVM.


R Rd


Fig. 1. Geometric illustrations of separation between two classes via different algorithms. (a)
SVM. (b) Sphere shell separation (c) Ellipsoidal shell separation.

Obviously, there are many such hyper-ellipsoids which satisfy (63). An ideal criterion is to
maximize the separation ratio . But this objective is nonlinear and cannot be dealt
with directly. Yet, it is easy to show that maximization of the separation ratio is equivalent
R R2
to minimization of   . Using Taylor series formula, can be approximated as
d d2

R 2 R02 1  2 R02 2 
  R  2 d  (64)
d 2 d 02 d 02  d0 
Now, the primal of Ellipsoidal shell separation in original space can be written as

2 2
R2   d 2
R ,d

s.t. yi R  x i 2 2
M d 2

where  is a constant, which controls the ratio of the radius to the separation margin.
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 245

4.2 The Linear Programming Classification Machine

Introducing the kernel trick, the primal form can be rewritten as follows:

2 2
R2   d 2
R ,d

 
s.t. yi R 2  N Ω 1Qk i  d2

The robust kernelized primal version is

2 2
R2   d 2
R ,d

 1 

1 2
 (67)
s.t. yi  R 2  ( Ω  rI) 2 Ω 2 Qk i   d2
 N 
 

So as to allow misclassified samples, we introduce slack variables i  0 . Thus (66) can be

modified as
2 2
R 2   d 2  C  i
R ,d ,i
i 1

 y R  x
s.t. 
i  2

i M  d  i
2 2 (68)

i  0, i  1,, N

Accordingly, the kernelized primal version is

2 2
R 2   d 2  C  i
R ,d ,i
i 1

 i
s.t.  
 y R 2  N Ω 1Qk
d 2
 i

i  0, i  1,, N

And the robust kernel version is

246 New Advances in Machine Learning

2 2
R 2   d 2  C  i
R ,d ,i
i 1

  1 

1 2
 (70)
 yi  R 2  ( Ω  rI) 2 Ω 2 Qk i   d 2  i
s.t.   N 
 

i  0, i  1,, N

In order to obtain the obtain the dual form, the for the primal form (69) will be as follows:

L( R 2 , d 2 ,  i ,  i ,  i )  R 2   d 2  C   i 
i 1
 ( y ( R
i 1
i i
 N Ω Qk i )  d  i )    ii
1 2

i 1

According to the KKT conditions, we will get following equalities:

L N

R 2
 1  
i 1
i yi  0 (72)

L N

d 2
    i 1
i  0 (73)

 C  i   i  0 (74)

Using (72)-(74), the Lagrange function for the primal form (69) is simplified into following
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 247

min   i yi N Ω1Qk i

i 1

 N

 i yi  1
 i 1 (75)
s.t.  i  
 i 1
0   i  C

i  1,, N
We can see that (75) is in a linear programming form. Therefore, we can easily solve it using
any mature and stable LP solvers. And it is expected to be easily extended to large scale
Accordingly, we can also conclude the dual form for (70) as follows:

1 1 2
1  
min  i yi ( Ω  rI) Ω 2 Qk i

i 1 N
 i yi  1
 i 1 (76)
s.t.  i  
 i 1
0   i  C

i  1,, N

5. Applications
5.1 Mahalanobis One Class SVMs
We investigate the initial performances of our proposed Mahalanobis Ellipsoidal Learning
Machine (MELM) using three real-world datasets (ionosphere, heart and sonar) from the
UCI machine learning repository. To see how well the MELM algorithm performs with
respect to other learning algorithms, we compared the OCSVM, SVDD and MOCSVM
algorithm using Gaussian kernels k ( x, y )  exp( x  y ) .As for the MOCSVM, we
only use one single RBF kernel for performance comparison.
We treat each class as the “normal” data in separate experiments. We randomly choose 80%
of points as training data and the rest 20% as testing data. We determined the optimal
248 New Advances in Machine Learning

values of  and C for RBF kernels by 5-fold cross validation. For the regularization
constant, we set it as 0.01.
The datasets used and the results obtained by the four algorithms are summarized in Table
1. We can notice that the performance of our proposed Mahalanobis Ellipsoidal Learning
Machine is competitive with or even better than the other approaches for the three datasets


ionosphe +1 66.02 65.26 66.05 68.98
re -1 69.13 68.96 70.99 75.82
+1 70.13 70.01 69.96 71.19
-1 71.11 70.23 71.78 75.37
+1 92.98 92.10 93.29 96.49
-1 89.73 89.38 90.49 94.32
Table 1. Performance results of different algorithms for single class problems. Correctness
ratio (%) is reported.

From Table 1, we also see that, on all 3 datasets, the results obtained by the Mahalanobis
distance based learning algorithm are slightly better than the corresponding results of the
other two Euclidean distance based methods.

5.2 Mahalanobis Classification Machine

We tested the new algorithm and compared it to standard SVMs using several real-world
datasets from the UCI machine learning repository. The results of MMEE and other three
algorithms SVM, SSPC and MEME depend on the values of the kernel parameter  and the
regularization parameter C . In addition, the performance of MMEE, SSPC and MMEE also
depend on the constant that balances the volume and the margin. For simplicity, we set C
to infinity for all four algorithms. Thus, we only considered hard margin MMEE, SSPC,
MEME and SVM algorithms.
For all the datasets, we used the 5-fold cross-validation method to estimate the
generalization error of the classifiers. In the 5-fold cross-validation process, we ensured that
each training set and each testing set were the same for all algorithms, and the same
Gaussian kernel k ( x, y )  exp( x  y ) was used. On each dataset, the value of the
kernel parameter  for SVM was optimized to provide the best error rate using 5-fold
cross-validation. As for MMEE, We investigate the robust version MMEE. And the
regularization constant r was set as 0.03. For SSPC, MEME and MMEE, the kernel
parameter  and the constant that balances the volume and the margin were optimized
using grid based 5-fold CV method.
The datasets used and the results obtained by all four algorithms are summarized in Table 1.
As we can see, SSPC and MEME achieve the same or slightly better results than SVMs on all
5 datasets. But our proposed MMEE method shows promising performances. The accuracy
is commendably higher than the other three methods in the datasets studied in this paper.
Mahalanobis Support Vector Machines Made Fast and Robust 249


Breast Cancer 4.26 4.26 4.25 4.05
Ionosphere 6.00 5.71 5.70 4.84
Liver 36.19 35.36 35.42. 33.89
Pima 35.13 34.90 34.91 28.56
Sonar 11.22 10.73 11.03 9.93
Table 2. Performance results of different algorithms. Error rate (%) is reported.

6. Conclusions
In this paper, we extended the support vector data description one class support vector
machines via utilizing the sample covariance matrix information and using the Mahalanobis
distance metric instead of Euclidean distance metric. The proposed Mahalanobis Ellipsoidal
Learning Machine can be easily addressed as a robust optimization problem by introducing
an uncertainty model into the estimation of sample covariance matrix. We propose a LP
representable Mahalanobis Data Description Machine for one class classification. We also
address a robust optimization problem by introducing an uncertainty model into the
estimation of sample covariance matrix. The results of applications to the three UCI real
world datasets show promising performances.
We also proposed a LP based Minimum Mahalanobis Enclosing Ellipsoid (MMEE) pattern
classification algorithm for generally two class dataset classification. The MMEE method can
be solved in kernel form of LP. We also address a robust optimization problem by
introducing an uncertainty model into the estimation of sample covariance matrix. Initial
applications to several UCI real world datasets show promising performances. The initial
results show that the proposed methods own both good description and discrimination
character for supervised learning problems. Moreover, the data description with non-
hyperplane bounding decision boundary owns better discrimination performance than
hyperplane counterpart in the context of supervising learning.

7. References
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On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 251


On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated

networks for a class of unknown nonlinear
discrete-time controllers with
estimated linearization
Chidentree Treesatayapun
Department of Robotic and Manufacturing, CINVESTAV-Saltillo, Ramos Arizpe, 25900
Department of Electrical Engineering, North-Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, 50230

1. Introduction
Recently, the linearization of a class of unknown discrete-time dynamic systems has achieved
considerable topics for the controller design. The unknown functions after system lineariza-
tion have been estimated by several methods including artificial intelligence techniques such
as neural networks, fuzzy logic systems and neurofuzzy networks. In a number of published
articles, the issues of system theoretic analysis have been introduced and addressed in the top-
ics of stabilization, tracking performance and the bounded parameters. For all of these cases,
the results are validated in the domain around the equilibrium point or state (9; 11). These
methods of linearization including local linearization, Taylor series expansion and feedback
linearization impose Lipschitz conditions (4; 6; 10; 14; 18). The closed-loop system stability
and tracking error have been analyzed in the case of neural network adaptive control (5; 7)
but during the learning phase the stability and convergence can not be ensured because of the
special conditions. The system stability or bounded signals analysis has been verified (1; 13)
and references therein. However, these nonlinear systems under control should be obtained
in the format as y(k + 1) = f (k) + g(k)u(k) when y(k) and u(k) are the system output and the
control input at time index k, respectively and f (k) and g(k ) are unknown nonlinear functions.
The small learning rate is often defined to solve the stability problem but the convergence is
very slow. The discrete-time projection has been introduced for adaptive control systems in
(16). The node number of multi-layer neural networks can take more effect of closed-loop sta-
bility and tracking performance. In (15), the unknown nonlinear part has been compensated
by neural networks and the closed-loop system stability has been also guaranteed for a class
on discrete-time systems. Nevertheless, this algorithm needs the renovation when the oper-
ating point is changed. In the case of robust system, the dead-zone function has been applied
for feedback linearization systems (8) but this control algorithm are only limited for the sys-
tem with slow trajectory tracking. In this chapter, we discuss about the controller for a class of
nonlinear discrete-time systems with estimated unknown nonlinear functions by Muti-input
Fuzzy Rules Emulated Networks (MIFRENs). These nonlinear functions are occurred when
252 New Advances in Machine Learning

the control law is constructed and they are completely unknown as a priori. All adjustable
parameters inside MIFRENs are automatically tuned by the proposed leaning algorithm. By
the theoretical analysis, these parameters are all bounded during the system operation with
out any request of off-line learning phase. The closed-loop tracking error is also bounded by
the universal function approximation of MIFREN.

2. Preliminaries
2.1 Formulation of Nonlinear discrete-time systems
In this work, we devote our interest in to the discrete-time systems which can be described by

y(k + 1) = f ( p(k), u(k)), (1)

where f (·, ·) is an unknown nonlinear function, k is time index, y(k) ∈ R denotes the mea-
surable output, u(k) ∈ R is the control effort and p(k) = [y(k), y(k − 1), . . . , y(k − n + 1), u(k −
1), u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − m + 1)] when m ≤ n. For system design in the next section, these follow-
ing assumptions are still needed
Assumption : System derivative Let define two compact sets Ωy and Ωu for the system out-
put y and the control effort u, respectively. The derivative of f (·, ·) in (1) with respect
∂ f (·,u)
to the control effort u(k) is always existed ∀k = 1, 2, · · · and 0 < | ∂u | ≤ y¯u when
y(·) ∈ Ωy and u(·) ∈ Ωu where y¯u is a finite positive value.
Assumption : Existence of controller For any desired trajectories r (k), let the ideal control
effort of the system (1) u∗ (k) be existed by

u∗ (k ) = gu ( p(k), r (k + 1)), (2)

when gu (·, ·) is a smooth function.

( )

Fig. 1. Illustration of compact sets

With the ideal control effort obtained by (2), the controlled system can provide the output to
be the desired trajectory as
r (k + 1) = f ( p(k), u∗ (k)). (3)
Let u∗ (k) ∈ Ωu∗ and r (k) ∈ Ωr , for the output y(k) ∈ Ωy such that Ωr ⊂ Ωy . The function gu (−)
is a one-to-one mapping function of Ωr into Ωu∗ , that is Ωu∗ ⊂ Ωu . With the last assumption,
gu (−) is smooth and Ωr is a compact set, then Ωu∗ must be a compact set also. The clearly
illustration is given in Fig. 1.
On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 253

2.2 Function Approximation with MIFREN

In (2) and (3), the function approximation MIFREN property had been introduced. An un-
known nonlinear function f u (.) can be estimated by MIFREN as

f u (k) = β T Fµ (y(k), · · · , y(k − n̂ − 1), · · · , u(k − m̂ − 1)) + ε(k), (4)

where β T is the target linear parameter of MIFREN, Fµ (.) is the rule vector at MIFREN’s rule-
layer n̂ and m̂ are designed delay-order integers for y and u, respectively and ε(k) stands
for the MIFREN function approximation error. Eventually, the using function approximation
result of MIFREN can be given as

fˆu (k) = β̂ T (k) Fµ (y(k), · · · , y(k − n̂ − 1), · · · , u(k − m̂ − 1)), (5)

when β̂(k) is the actual linear parameter vector of MIFREN. The vector β̂(k) can be automat-
ically tuned via the proposed algorithm as will be discussed in the next section. In this sub-
section, it will be shown that MIFREN has the property of a universal function approximation
using the Stone-Weierstrass theorem (1; 17).

Theorem 2.1 (Universal function approximation of MIFREN). Let Ω be a compact space of N

dimensions and let F be a set of real functions on a compact set Ω. If
(1) F is an algebra,
(2) F separates points on Ω, and
(3) F vanishes at no point on Ω,
then F is dense in C (Ω), the set of continuous real-valued function on Ω. In other words, for any ε̂ > 0
and any function f in C (Ω), there is a function fˆ in F such that | f ( x ) − fˆ( x )| < ε̂ for all x ∈ Ω.

Proof: The proof is omitted here moreover for the interested reader can refer to (2) and (3).

3. Controller design
In this section, the controller for system given in (1) is constructed with the approximated
linearization and MIFRENs approximation.

3.1 Control law based on system linearization

From the system equation described in (1), let use the second-order Taylor expansion with the
mean value theorem, we have
∂ f ( p(k), u) 
y ( k + 1) = f ( p(k), u(k − 1)) +  ∆u(k)
∂u u = u ( k −1)
1 ∂2 f ( p(k), u) 
+  ∆u2 (k), (6)
2 ∂u2 u=ūk

where ūk = γu(k) + (1 − γ)u(k − 1) with 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 and ∆u(k) = u(k) − u(k − 1). To simplify,
(6) can be rewritten as

y(k + 1) = f ( p(k), u(k − 1)) + f 1 ( p(k ), u(k − 1))∆u(k) + f 2 ( p(k), ūk )∆u2 (k), (7)
254 New Advances in Machine Learning


∂ f ( p(k ),u)  1 ∂ f ( p(k),u) 
when f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1)) = ∂u  and f 2 ( p(k), ūk ) = 2 ∂u2  . By using (2)
u = u ( k −1) u=ū k
and the second assumption mentioned in the previous section, f 2 (·, ·) can be given by

f 2 ( p(k), ūk )∆u2 (k) = f 2 ( p(k), γu(k) + (1 − γ)u(k − 1))[u(k) − u(k − 1)]2 , (8)

when u(k) can be obtained by

u(k) = gu ( p(k), y(k + 1)). (9)

Substitute (9) into (8), thus f 2 (·, ·) can be simplified by

f 2 ( p(k), ūk )∆u2 (k) = f 2 ( p(k), γgu ( p(k), y(k + 1)) + (1 − γ)u(k − 1)),
×[ gu ( p(k), y(k + 1)) − u(k − 1)]2 ,
= f¯2 ( p(k), y(k + 1)). (10)

By substituting (10) into (7), we have

y ( k + 1) = f ( p(k), u(k − 1)) + f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1))∆u(k) + f¯2 ( p(k), y(k + 1)),
= f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) + f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1))∆u(k), (11)

where f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) = f ( p(k), u(k − 1)) + f¯2 ( p(k), y(k + 1)). In (11), clearly, we have been
forced with the causality problem. Fortunately, with the second assumption, the ideal control
effort u∗ (k) can provide r (k + 1) as described in (3), thus we have

r (k + 1) = f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1))[u∗ (k) − u(k − 1)]. (12)

To continue our design procedure, the ideal control effort u∗ (k) can be obtained by

r (k + 1) − f 3 ( p(k ), r (k + 1))
u∗ (k ) = u ( k − 1) + ,
f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1))
1 f ( p(k), r (k + 1))
= u ( k − 1) + r ( k + 1) − 3 , (13)
f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1)) f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1))
u∗ (k) = u(k − 1) + f 1∗ ( p(k))r (k + 1) − f 2∗ ( p(k), r (k + 1)), (14)
1 f 3 ( p(k),r (k+1))
when f 1∗ ( p(k)) = f 1 ( p(k),u(k −1))
and f 2∗ ( p(k), r (k + 1)) = f 1 ( p(k),u(k −1))
. From the control law
given by (14), the singularity problem of can be avoided by MIFREN approx-
f 1 ( p(k ),u(k −1))
imation which will be discussed later. Let us consider the ideal control effort in (14), thus
these nonlinear functions f 1∗ (·, ·) and f 2∗ (·, ·) are unknown. In this work, two MIFRENs are
constructed to approximate f 1∗ (·, ·) and f 2∗ (·, ·) by MIFREN1 and MIFREN2 , respectively. We

u∗ (k) = u(k − 1) + [ β∗1 T F1 ( p(k)) + ε 1 (k)]r (k + 1) − β∗2 T F2 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) − ε 2 (k), (15)

where F1 (·) and F2 (·) are rule-functions of MIFREN1 and MIFREN2 , respectively, β∗1 =
[ β∗1,1 β∗1,2 · · · β∗1,n1 ] T , β∗2 = [ β∗2,1 β∗2,2 · · · β∗2,n2 ] T are ideal weight vectors, n1 and n2
denote number of rules for each MIFREN and ε 1 (·) and ε 2 (·) are approximation errors. Let
On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 255

us neglect these errors and use the actual weight vector as β 1 (k) and β 2 (k) thus the proposed
control law can be given by

u(k ) = u(k − 1) + [ β T1 (k) F1 ( p(k))]r (k + 1) − β T2 (k) F2 ( p(k), r (k + 1)). (16)

With this control equation, the causality problem has been solved by the MIFRENs approxi-
mation of unknown nonlinear functions. In the next subsection, the system performance will
be analyzed with the designed parameters and main theorem.

3.2 Feedback system error

To guarantee the system performance, we need to design some parameters and theirs operat-
ing regions. Let the control error be defined by

e ( k ) = r ( k ) − y ( k ), (17)

e ( k + 1) = r ( k + 1) − y ( k + 1), (18)
for time index k + 1. Substitute y(k + 1) from (11) into (18), we have

e(k + 1) = r (k + 1) − f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) − f 1 ( p(k))∆u(k). (19)

By using Taylor expression and mean value theorem, the control error in (19) can be obtained
 ∂ f ( p(k), y) 
e(k + 1) = r (k + 1) − f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + 3  ( y ( k + 1)
∂y y=ȳk+1

−r (k + 1)) − f 1 ( p(k))∆u(k), (20)

where ȳk+1 is between r (k + 1) and y(k + 1). Let us consider the system in (11) with the control
effort given by (9), we have

y(k + 1) = f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) + f 1 ( p(k))[ gu ( p(k), y(k + 1)) − u(k − 1)]. (21)

From (21), we can reconsider into two cases as these followings:

Case I In this case, we assume that y(k + 1) = r (k + 1) and take the derivative with respect to
y(k + 1) for the both sides of (21) thus we have

∂ f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) ∂gu ( p(k), y(k + 1))

1= + f 1 ( p(k)) . (22)
∂y(k + 1) ∂y(k + 1)

Case II For this second case, we reconsider (21) again with y(k + 1) = r (k + 1), take the
derivative with respect to y(k + 1) for the both sides of (21) and use Tayler expansion
256 New Advances in Machine Learning

with the mean value theorem thus we have

y ( k + 1) = f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) + f 1 ( p(k))[ gu ( p(k), y(k + 1)) − u(k − 1)],

∂ f ( p(k), y) 
= f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + 3  [y(k + 1) − r (k + 1)]
∂y y=ȳ(k+1)
 ∂gu ( p(k), y) 
+ f 1 ( p(k)) gu ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + 
∂y y=y̆(k +1)

×[y(k + 1) − r (k + 1)] − u(k − 1) ,
= f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + f 1 ( p(k))[ gu ( p(k), r (k + 1)) − u(k − 1)]
∂ f ( p(k), y) 
+ 3  [y(k + 1) − r (k + 1)]
∂y y=ȳ(k +1)
∂gu ( p(k), y) 
+ f 1 ( p(k))  [y(k + 1) − r (k + 1)]. (23)
∂y y=y̆(k+1)

From (12) and u∗ (k) = gu ( p(k), r (k + 1)), we can rearrange (23) to be

∂ f 3 ( p(k), y) 
y ( k + 1) − r ( k + 1) = +  [y(k + 1) − r (k + 1)]
∂y y=ȳ(k +1)
∂gu ( p(k), y) 
+ f 1 ( p(k))  [ y ( k + 1)
∂y y=y̆(k +1)
−r (k + 1)]. (24)

With the previous assumption, we still have ȳ(k + 1) = y̆(k + 1) and y(k + 1) = r (k + 1)
thus (24) can be rewritten as

∂ f 3 ( p(k ), y(k + 1)) ∂gu ( p(k), y(k + 1))

1= + f 1 ( p(k)) . (25)
∂y(k + 1) ∂y(k + 1)

Taking the results from the both cases, the following relation can be obtained

∂ f 3 ( p(k), y(k + 1)) ∂gu ( p(k ), y(k + 1))

= 1 − f 1 ( p(k), u(k − 1)) . (26)
∂y(k + 1) ∂y(k + 1)

Substitute (26) into (20), we have

e ( k + 1) = r (k + 1) − f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) + e(k + 1) − f 1 ( p(k))∆u(k)

∂gu ( p(k), y) 
− f 1 ( p(k))  e ( k + 1), (27)
∂y y=ȳ(k +1)

∂gu ( p(k), y) 
f 1 ( p(k))  e ( k + 1) = r (k + 1) − f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1))
∂y y=ȳ(k +1)
− f 1 ( p(k))∆u(k). (28)
On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 257

For the controllable system in (11), clearly, f 1 ( p(k)) = 0 and u∗ (k) = gu ( p(k), r (k + 1)) or
u(k) = gu ( p(k), y(k + 1)) thus the system sensibility [ ∂u ]−1 should be obtained as

∂u(k)  ∂gu ( p(k), y) 

 =  ,
∂y y=y(k+1) ∂y y = y ( k +1)
= . (29)
γy ( k )

The next time-index error can be rewritten again as

 r ( k + 1) f 3 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) 
e ( k + 1 ) = γy ( k ) − − ∆u(k) . (30)
f 1 ( p(k)) f 1 ( p(k))

Rearrange (30) with MIFRENs approximation given by (15), we have

e(k + 1) = γy (k) β∗1 T F1 ( p(k))r (k + 1) − β∗2 T F2 ( p(k), r (k + 1)) − ∆u(k)
+ γy ( k ) ε 1 ( k ) r ( k + 1 ) − ε 2 ( k ) . (31)

Substitute the proposed control law (16) into (31), we obtain

e(k + 1) = γy (k) β∗1 T F1 ( p(k))r (k + 1) − β∗2 T F2 ( p(k), r (k + 1))

− β T1 (k) F1 ( p(k))r (k + 1) + β T2 (k) F2 ( p(k), r (k + 1))
+ γy ( k ) ε 1 ( k ) r ( k + 1 ) − ε 2 ( k ) ,
= γy (k) βT1 (k) F1 (k)r (k + 1) − βT2 (k) F2 (k) + γy (k)ε t (k), (32)

when βTi (k) = β∗i T − β Ti (k) for i = 1, 2 and ε t (k) = ε 1 (k)r (k + 1) − ε 2 (k).

3.3 MIFRENs tuning laws

The parameter vectors β 1 (k) and β 2 (k) are required to update during the system operation or
on-line learning. To simplify, let us rewrite (32) to be
e(k + 1) = γy (k) βT1 (k) βT2 (k) F (k) + γy (k)ε t (k), (33)
F1 (k )r (k + 1)
where F (k) = . With (33), we can define the update law as the following:
− F2 (k)
β 1 ( k + 1) β 1 (k) η
= + F (k)D(e(k)), (34)
β 2 ( k + 1) β 2 (k) y¯u || F (k)||2

where η is the selected learning rate which will be discussed next and D(·) is the dead-zone
function which can be defined by

 e(k) − ε m if e(k) > ε m
D(e(k)) = 0 if |e(k)| ≤ ε m (35)

e(k) + ε m if e(k) < −ε m ,
258 New Advances in Machine Learning

when |γy (k)ε t (k)| ≤ ε m as a small positive number. In the case of |e(k − 1)| > ε m , with the
dead-zone function (35) and the next time-index error (33), we have
D(e(k + 1)) = α D γy (k) βT1 (k) βT2 (k) F (k), (36)

where 0 < α D ≤ 1.

3.4 System analysis

To analyze the system performance and stability, the bounded weight vectors βTi (k) and the
bounded tracking error e(k) are both given in this work.
Lemma 1: For the nonlinear discrete-time system given in (1) with the control law defined in
(16), the error weight vectors βTi (k) for i = 1, 2 are bounded by the tuning law in (34) and the
selected learning rate η as the followings:
0<η< , (37)
α D γy ( k )
when 0 < y¯u , and
< η < 0, (38)
α D γy ( k )
when y¯u < 0.
Proof: Let us define a Lyapunov candidate function as

Vβ(k) = βT1 (k ) β1 (k) + βT2 (k) β2 (k). (39)

The first difference can be obtained by

∆Vβ(k) = Vβ(k + 1) − Vβ(k),

= βT1 (k + 1) β1 (k + 1) + βT2 (k + 1) β2 (k + 1) − βT1 (k) β1 (k)

− βT (k) β2 (k).
2 (40)

Let us define βΣ (k + 1) = βT1 (k + 1) β1 (k + 1) + βT2 (k + 1) β2 (k + 1), from the tuning law given
by (34) and βTi (k) = β∗i T − β Ti (k), we have
  T  T  2η β1 (k)
β Σ ( k + 1) = β 1 ( k ) β 1 ( k ) + β 2 ( k ) β 2 ( k ) − F (k)
y¯u || F (k)||2 β 2 (k)
×D(e(k + 1)) + 2 || F ( k )||4
|| F (k)||2 D2 (e(k + 1)). (41)
Substitute (41) into (40) and use (36), we obtain
2η β1 (k) η2
∆Vβ(k) = − F (k)D(e(k + 1)) + 2 || F (k)||2
y¯u || F (k)|| 2 β 2 (k) y¯u || F (k)||4
×D2 (e(k + 1))
2η 2 η2
= − D ( e ( k + 1 )) + D2 (e(k + 1))
α D γy (k)y¯u || F (k)||2 y¯u 2 || F (k)||2
 −2 η  η
= + D2 (e(k + 1)). (42)
α D γy ( k ) y¯u y¯u || F (k)||2
On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 259

With the selected learning rate defined by (37) and (38) and γy (k) given in (29), the first dif-
ference of Lyapunov function is negative, thus βTi (k) for i = 1, 2 are bounded.

Remark: Normally, with out loss of generality, y¯u is assumed to be positive thus γy (k) < y¯u :
∀k. The bounded tracking error for the closed-loop system is introduced by the following
Theorem 3.1 (Bounded tracking error). For the nonlinear discrete-time system given in (1) with
the control law defined in (16), let define a compact set Ωε = {e(k)||e(k) ≤ 4ε m }, thus the ultimate
boundary on the tracking error is limk→∞ |e(k)| ≤ ε m or in a compact set Ωε .
Proof: Let a Lyapunov candidate function be given by
Ve (k) = e2 (k) + Vβ(k), (43)
2y¯u 2 Fo2
when Fo is defined by 0 < || F (k)|| ≤ F0 , ∀k. The first difference can be obtained by
∆Ve (k) = Ve (k + 1) − Ve (k),
= [e2 (k + 1) − e2 (k)] + ∆Vβ(k). (44)
2y¯u 2 Fo2
Substitute (42) into (44), we have
η 2ηD2 (e(k + 1))
∆Ve (k) = [e2 (k + 1) − e2 (k)] −
2y¯u 2 Fo2 α D γy (k)y¯u || F (k)||2
η 2 D2 (e(k + 1))
+ . (45)
y¯u 2 || F (k)||2
From the learning rate given by (37- 37), we can rearrange (45) as
η η
∆Ve (k) < e2 ( k + 1) − D2 (e(k + 1)),
2y¯u 2 Fo2 α D γy (k)y¯u || F (k)||2
η η
< e2 (k + 1) − 2 2 D2 (e(k + 1)),
2y¯u 2 Fo2 y¯u Fo
= [e2 (k + 1) − 2D2 (e(k + 1))]. (46)
2y¯u 2 Fo2
In this proof, we need to provide only the case when |e(k + 1)| > ε m . With |e(k + 1)| > ε m , the
dead-zone function in (35) can be obtained as
D(e(k + 1)) = e(k + 1) − ε m sign {e(k + 1)} . (47)
Substitute (47) into (46), we have
η  2 
∆Ve (k) < 2 2
e (k + 1) − 2[e(k + 1) − ε m sign {e(k + 1)}]2 ,
2y¯u Fo
= 2 2
− e2 (k + 1) + 4e(k + 1)ε m sign {e(k + 1)} − 2ε2m ,
2y¯u Fo
= 2 2
− e2 (k + 1) − 2ε2m + 4|e(k + 1)|ε m ,
2y¯u Fo
< 2 2
− e2 (k + 1) + 4|e(k + 1)|ε m . (48)
2y¯u Fo
260 New Advances in Machine Learning

Consider the result in (48), clearly, ∆Ve (k) is always negative where |e(k + 1)| > 4ε m , thus
∆Ve (k) < 0 when |e(k + 1)| is out side a compact set Ωε .

4. Computer simulation example

The proposed control algorithm and theorem are verified by the computer simulation. The
selected controllable system is described by

y(k + 1) = sin(y(k)) + cos(y(k)u(k))u(k) + 5u(k). (49)

The system performance can be demonstrated into two cases as the nominal system and the
robust control.

4.1 Nominal system

With the system displayed in (49), the system parameters can be selected as ε m = 0.001, η = 0.8
and y¯u = 5. All IF-THEN rules for both MIFRENs are given by the followings:

Rule 1 If y(k) is N and u(k − 1) is N Then f 1,1 (k) = β 1,1 (k) F1,1 (k),
Rule 2 If y(k) is N and u(k − 1) is Z Then f 1,2 (k) = β 1,2 (k) F1,2 (k),
Rule 3 If y(k) is N and u(k − 1) is P Then f 1,3 (k) = β 1,3 (k) F1,3 (k),
Rule 4 If y(k) is Z and u(k − 1) is N Then f 1,4 (k) = β 1,4 (k) F1,4 (k),
MIFREN1 Rule 5 If y(k) is Z and u(k − 1) is Z Then f 1,5 (k) = β 1,5 (k) F1,5 (k),
Rule 6 If y(k) is Z and u(k − 1) is P Then f 1,6 (k) = β 1,6 (k) F1,6 (k),
Rule 7 If y(k) is P and u(k − 1) is N Then f 1,7 (k) = β 1,7 (k) F1,7 (k),
Rule 8 If y(k) is P and u(k − 1) is Z Then f 1,8 (k) = β 1,8 (k) F1,8 (k),
Rule 9 If y(k) is P and u(k − 1) is P Then f 1,9 (k) = β 1,9 (k) F1,9 (k),

Rule 1 If y(k) is N and r (k + 1) is N Then f 2,1 (k) = β 2,1 (k) F2,1 (k),
Rule 2 If y(k) is N and r (k + 1) is Z Then f 2,2 (k) = β 2,2 (k) F2,2 (k),
Rule 3 If y(k) is N and r (k + 1) is P Then f 2,3 (k) = β 2,3 (k) F2,3 (k),
Rule 4 If y(k) is Z and r (k + 1) is N Then f 2,4 (k) = β 2,4 (k) F2,4 (k),
MIFREN2 Rule 5 If y(k) is Z and r (k + 1) is Z Then f 2,5 (k) = β 2,5 (k) F2,5 (k),
Rule 6 If y(k) is Z and r (k + 1) is P Then f 2,6 (k) = β 2,6 (k) F2,6 (k),
Rule 7 If y(k) is P and r (k + 1) is N Then f 2,7 (k) = β 2,7 (k) F2,7 (k),
Rule 8 If y(k) is P and r (k + 1) is Z Then f 2,8 (k) = β 2,8 (k) F2,8 (k),
Rule 9 If y(k) is P and r (k + 1) is P Then f 2,9 (k) = β 2,9 (k) F2,9 (k),

when N, Z and P denote negative, zero and positive linguistic levels respectively. The mem-
bership functions for these rules are illustrated in Fig. (2) and (3). In this work, we use the
same membership functions of y(k) and r (k + 1) because these variables have equality lin-
guistic levels in the sense of human.
On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 261

Fig. 2. Membership functions of u(k − 1)

Fig. 3. Membership functions of r (k + 1) and y(k)

The initial setting β i,j (1) for i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, · · · , 9 can be given as

β i,1 (1)=-1 β i,2 (1)=-0.75 β i,3 (1)=-0.5,

β i,4 (1)=-0.25 β i,5 (1)=0 β i,6 (1)=0.25,
β i,7 (1)=0.5 β i,8 (1)=0.75 β i,9 (1)=1.

In Fig. 4, the tracking performance is quite satisfied with out the off-line learning. The control
effort is illustrated in Fig. 5. The convergence of β i (k) is shown by || β i (k)|| in Fig. 6 for both
262 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 4. Tracking performance y(k) for nominal plant.

Fig. 5. Control effort u(k) for nominal plant.

On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 263

Fig. 6. || β i (k)|| for nominal plant.

4.2 Robust control

In the robust system case, the uncertainty terms ∆ f 1 (k) and ∆ f 2 (k) are included in the system
(49) as

y(k + 1) = sin(y(k)) + ∆ f 1 (k) + cos(y(k)u(k))u(k) + 5u(k) + ∆ f 2 (k)u(k), (50)

when 

 1 if 0 < k < 125

0.75 if 125 ≤ k < 325
∆ f 1 (k) = (51)
 −1.25
 if 325 ≤ k < 425

1.25 if 425 ≤ k < 500,
and 

 −0.5 if 0 < k < 125

1 if 125 ≤ k < 225
∆ f 2 (k) = (52)
 −0.75
 if 225 ≤ k < 425

−0.5 if 425 ≤ k < 500.
We use the initial setting IF-THEN rules, membership functions, ε m , η, y¯u and parameter
vectors β i , as the same as the previous one. With out any off-line learning for MIFRENs, the
tracking performance is represented in Fig. 8. The control effort u(k) is shown in Fig. 9. The
time variation of || β i (k)|| can be illustrated in Fig. 10. These uncertainty terms ∆ f 1 (k) and
∆ f 2 (k) are varied with time but the tuning vectors are all bounded.
264 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 7. Illustration of uncertainty ∆ f 1 (k) and ∆ f 2 (k).

Fig. 8. Tracking performance y(k) for robust system.

On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 265

Fig. 9. Control effort u(k) for robust system.

Fig. 10. || β i (k)|| for robust system.

266 New Advances in Machine Learning

5. Experimental setup example

In this section, the performance of our proposed controller is demonstrated by an experimen-
tal setup with FESTO mobile robot system called Robotino R . Our task is to design the con-

troller for moving this Robotino R to reach the desired position in ( x, y ) coordinate as x ( i, k )
and yd (i, k ), respectively. During the movement, the desired angular of Robotino R denoted as

φd (i, k) should be maintained as 0◦ for all ith desired position and time index k. The system
configuration can be illustrated in Fig. 12 by the block diagram.

Fig. 11. Robotino.

Fig. 12. Block diagram for experimental setup.

On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 267

The commercial Robotino R needs velocity to control its movement such as velocity in x −axis

v x (i, k ) for x −direction, vy (i, k ) for y−direction and vφ(i,k) for the rotation. In this work, we
consider these signals as the control efforts which can be generated by the pair of MIFRENs.
The experiment has been demonstrated by 4 desired points and 4 routes as the following:
route 1 [(0.0, 0.5)→(0.5, 0)], route 2 [(0.5, 0)→(0.0, 0.0)], route 3 [(0.0, 0.0)→(0.5, 0.5)] and
route 4 [(0.5, 0.5)→(0.0, 0.5)]. In Fig. 13, the movement of Robotino R is illustrated in x − y

coordinate with errors in x and y axis as ex and ey shown in Fig. 14. Because of the fixed
angular φd = 0, we need to consider only two control efforts v x and vy as presented in Fig.
15. At the beginning, on route 1 and 2, the movement of robot is not strange line because
MIFRENs need to tune the parameters inside. After that the better results can be obtained in
route 3 and 4. In case of losing the wireless signal, we still have the satisfied result as shown
in Fig. 16.

Fig. 13. Experimental result: position x − y.

268 New Advances in Machine Learning

Fig. 14. Experimental result: position errors e x and ey .

Fig. 15. Experimental result: velocity v x and vy .

On-line learning of fuzzy rule emulated networks for a class of unknown nonlinear discrete-time
controllers with estimated linearization 269

Fig. 16. Experimental result: position x − y (in case of loss signal transmission).

6. Conclusion
In this chapter, an adaptive control for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems based on
multi-input fuzzy rules emulated networks (MIFREN) is introduced by the approximation
with Taylor and mean value theorem. With out the need of mathematical system model, the
approximation can be existed directly to construct the control law. Two MIFRENs are imple-
mented to estimate these unknown functions obtained by the nonaffine linearization. With
the main theorem, the learning algorithm for parameters inside MIFRENs guarantees the con-
vergence of these parameters and the satisfied tracking performance. The computer simula-
tion system demonstrates the accuracy of our mathematic proof. We already consider both
operating cases for the nominal plant and the plant with some uncertainties. The bounded
parameters || β 1 || and || β 2 || and the satisfied tracking performance can be presented for the
both cases with the same initial setting. The experimental setup the commercial mobile robot
system called Robotino R is given to demonstrate the controller performance.
270 New Advances in Machine Learning

7. References
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Knowledge Structures for Visualising Advanced Research and Trends 271


Knowledge Structures for Visualising Advanced

Research and Trends
Maria R. Lee1 and Tsung Teng Chen2
1 Shih Chien University
2National Taipei University

Due to the enormous amount of research publications are available, perceiving the growth
of scientific knowledge even in one’s own specialise field is a challenge task. It would be
helpful if we could provide scientists with knowledge visualisation tools to discover the
existence of a scientific paradigm and movements of such paradigms. This chapter
introduces the state of the art of visualising knowledge structures. The aim of visualising
knowledge structures is to capture intellectual structures of a particular knowledge domain.
Approaches to the visualisation of knowledge structures with emphasis on the role of
citation-based methods are described. The principal components of factor analysis and
Pathfinder network are utilized to reveal new and signification developments of intellectual
structure in ubiquitous computing research area. Literature published in the online citation
data bases CiteSeer and Web of Science (WoS) are exploited to drive the main research
themes and their inter-relationships in ubiquitous computing. The benefit of the results
obtained could be for someone new to a specific domain in research study, ubiquitous
computing in this case. The outcome uncovers popular topics and important research in the
particular domain. Potential developments can be re-used and utilized in other disciplines
and share across different research domains.

1. Introduction
Computing technology is a paradigm shift where technology becomes virtually invisible in
our lives and is a rapidly advancing and expanding research and development field in this
decade. Due to the enormous amount of available scientific research publications, keeping
up the growth of scientific knowledge even in one’s own specialise field is a challenge task.
It would be helpful if we could provide scientists with knowledge visualisation tools to
detect the existence of a scientific paradigm and movements of such paradigms. The main
scientific research themes are also very difficult to analyze and grasp by using the
traditional methodologies. For example, visualising intrinsic structures among documents in
scientific literatures could only capture some aspects of scientific knowledge.
272 New Advances in Machine Learning

This chapter introduces the state of the art of visualising knowledge structures. The aim of
visualising knowledge structures is to capture and reveal insightful patterns of intellectual
structures shared by scientists in a subject field. This chapter describes approaches to the
visualisation of knowledge structure with emphasis on the role of citation-based methods.
Instead of depending upon occurrence patterns of content-bearing words, we aim to capture
the intellectual structures of a particular knowledge domain.
We focus on the study of ubiquitous computing, also called pervasive computing.
Numerous journals and conferences are now dedicated to the study of ubiquitous
computing and related topics. Ubiquitous computing was first described by Weiser (1991).
Since then, a rich amount of related literatures are published. It would be useful if the
content of those publications could be summarised and presented in an easy way to capture
structures and facilitate the understanding of the research themes and trend in ubiquitous
The goal of the chapter is to show the scope and main themes of ubiquitous computing
research. We begin by examining the survey studies of visualising knowledge structures.
Next, the data collection method and intellectual structure techniques, factor analysis and
Pathfinder Network, are introduced. The results of the analysis are presented and discussed.

2. Visualising Knowledge Structures

Information visualisation techniques have become a rapid growth research area since the
last decade (Card et al 1999; Chen 1999). In information retrieval, the vector-space model
(Salton 1991) is an originally and popularly exploited framework for indexing documents
based on term frequencies. A focal part of modern statistical probability modelling is
Bayesian theorem (Neal 1996), which focuses on the probabilistic relationship between
multiple variables and determining the impact of one variable on another. Shannon’s
information theory (Shannon 1948) describes information could be treated as a quantifiable
value in communications. Self-organised feature maps are essentially classification processes
through a neural network. (Lin, Soergel and Marchionini 1991) is the first to use self-
organised maps to visual information retrieval. WEBSOM organizes textual documents for
exploration and search based on self-organised map (Lagus et al 1996).
Visualising knowledge structure is an art of making maps, which shares some intrinsic
characteristics with cartography (Chen 2002). Number of useful knowledge visualisation
techniques has been applied to detect and extract significant elements from unstructured
text. The basis for the visualisation of knowledge structures is formed by the
interrelationships between these elements. Citation indexing has been widely applied since
1950s. One of the fundamental objectives of science mapping is to identify the trend
associated with a field of study. The map created through citation analysis provides a series
of historical data, which cover the literature year by year (Garfield 1975). These maps show
intrinsic semantic connections among disciplines of domains. The author co-citation analysis
(ACA) was introduced to discover how scientists in a particular subject field are
intellectually interrelated as perceived by authors in their scientific publications (White and
Griffith 1981). An intellectual structure of prominent authors in the field provides a
respectable source for knowledge visualisation.
Knowledge Structures for Visualising Advanced Research and Trends 273

Knowledge Domain Visualisation (KDV) depicts the structure and evolution of scientific
fields (Borner, Chen and Boyak 2002). Some recent works in knowledge discovery and data
mining systems compose analysis of engineering domain (Mothe and Dousset 2004; Mothe
et al 2006).

2.1 Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is one of the commonly used methods in author co-citation analysis. It has
been used to identify the intrinsic dimensionality of given co-citation data in a subject
domain. (White and McCain 1995) demonstrates the author co-citation analysis of the
information science field that some authors indeed belong to several specialties
simultaneously. However, if datasets is big, then the size of the corresponding author co-
citation matrix could be large and the analysis becomes computationally complicate and
White and McCain introduces the raw co-citation should be transformed into Pearson’s
correlation coefficients using the factor analysis (White and McCain 1995). The correlation
coefficients measure the nearness between authors’ co-citation profiles. Principal component
analysis (PCA) is a suggested alternative to extract factors. The default criterion, Eigen
values greater than 1, is normally chosen to decide the number of factors extracted. Missing
data should also be replaced by mean co-citation counts for corresponding authors.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient can be used as a measure of similarity between pairs of

2.2 Pathfinder Network Scaling

Pathfinder network scaling is originally developed by cognitive psychologists for
structuring modelling (Schcaneveldt, Durso and Dearholt 1989). Pathfinder network scaling
relies on the triangle inequality condition to select the most salient relations from proximity
data. The Pathfinder network (PFNET), the results of Pathfinder network scaling, consists of
all the vertices from the original graph. The number of edges in a Pathfinder network is
driven by the basic structure of semantics. The topology of a PFNET is decided by two
parameters q and r. The corresponding network is denoted as PFNET (q, r). The q-parameter
controls the scope that the triangular inequality condition should be set. The r-parameter is
used to computing the distance of a path. The weight of a path with k links is determined by
weights w1, w2, …, wk of each individual link as follows.

P     w ir 
k r
 i 1 

3. Intellectual Structure of Ubiquitous Computing

Numerous amounts of scientific papers publish every year and the accumulated literatures
over the years are voluminous. We utilized the methods that have been developed in
visualizing information structure to comprehend the entire body of scientific knowledge.
The aim is to discover the development in ubiquitous computing.
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 289

Y tk Yt k Yt k

Vtk Vt k Vt k

Y tk Yt k Yt k

Vtk Vt k Vt k

Y tk Yt k Yt k

Vtk Vt k Vt k

Fig. 5. A probabilistic directed graphical model for visual motion estimation. Here, t = t + 1
and t = t + 2 denote future timesteps and k = k + 1 and k = k + 2 denote finer scales.
Observable nodes are shaded gray, hidden nodes are white.

Elad & Feuer (1998); Singh (1991) to recursively estimate the optical flow over time including
a prediction model that defines some temporal relation between pixel movements (see Fig. 4
third row). For prediction, a model for the underlying dynamics is needed to predict image
Some authors work in a probabilistic framework assuming that velocity distributions are
Gaussian parameterized by a mean and covariance. Kalman filtering can then be used to
properly combine the information from scale to scale or time to time taking into account un-
certainties of the measurements Simoncelli (1999); Singh (1991). The presumption of Gaussian
distributed velocity measurements is sometimes incomplete because velocity distributions are
often multimodal or ambiguous Simoncelli et al. (1991); Weiss & Fleet (2002), especially at mo-
tion boundaries. To circumvent this problem, particle filtering methods for non-Gaussian ve-
locity distributions have recently been used to improve motion estimation for tracking single
or multiple objects in a scene Isard & Blake (1998); Rosenberg & Werman (1997).

4. A dynamical system for motion estimation

Having all the different possibilities of motion disambiguation in mind, the question is how to
unify them in one general framework for motion estimation. In this section we derive a quite
general probabilistic solution which is still computationally tractable.

4.1 Dynamic Bayesian Network

A Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) is a directed graphical model of a dynamic stochastic
process. Here, we propose such a network as depicted in figure 5 to model the dynamics of
visual motion. The structure of the graphical model in figure 5 is similar to a Markov random
field. The difference is that the edges are directed. As can be seen, it tightly couples several
290 New Advances in Machine Learning

Markov chains along time that are defined for each scale k via Markov chains along scale defined
at each time step t. Note that the DBN forces an independency structure. The probability that
a node is in one of its states depends directly only on the states of its parents Yedidia et al.
We assume a generative model for the observables Ytk of an image sequence I1:T,1:K with T
images at equidistant points in time t ∈ T at K spatial resolution scales k ∈ K with t = t + 1
and k = k + 1 being the next time step and the next finer scale, respectively. Without loss of
generalization we define the time intervals ∆t = 1 and scale intervals ∆k = 1 to be unity. Here,
the observable Ytk comprises image data of several frames within a time interval around t at
the same scale k. For example, Ytk = (Itk , It k ) has to be at least a pair of images with both

images being defined over the same image range X k at the same scale k but at consecutive
points in time t and t . Each image Itk consists of image intensities Ixtk at each image position
x ∈ X k . Similarly, the hidden state Vtk is a flow field at time slice t and scale k defined over
the image range X k with velocity vectors vtk x at each image position x.

4.2 Generative model

The probabilistic generative model is precisely defined by the following probabilities and fac-
torization assumptions:
First, an initial prior for the flow field at time t = 1 and scale k = 1

P(V11 ) = ∏ P(v11
x ), (11)

defining some preference for the speed and direction of the velocities in the flow field. Often
this is chosen to be a product of zero mean Gaussian distributions to prefer slow and smooth
velocities Weiss & Fleet (2002). Second, the specification of the observation likelihood for the
images Ytk given the flow Vtk for all times t ∈ T and scales k ∈ K

P(Ytk |Vtk ) = ∏ (Ytk , vtk

x ). (12)

This factorisation assumption is somewhat unusual because we do not assume the image ob-
servation to factorize in pixel observations but assume the observation likelihood to factorize
in the velocities only. And third, the specification of the transition probabilities for the flow
fields Vt k at the new timestep t at finer scale k given the flow field Vt k at the same time t

but coarser scale k and the flow field V from last time t but at the same scale k . For the first
time slice t = 1 and the coarsest scale k = 1 the transitions are conditioned only on one flow
field V1k or Vt1 .

P(V1k |V1k ) ∏ φk (v1k 1k

= x ,V ),

P(Vt 1 |Vt1 ) ∏ φt (vxt 1 , Vt1 ) ,

t k t k tk
∏ φk (vtx k , Vt k )φt (vtx k , Vtk ) .
P(V |V , V ) = (13)

These equations explicitly express that the probability distribution for each flow field fac-
torises into independent distributions for each velocity vector. Nevertheless, although each
velocity vector is not dependent on velocity vectors from the flow field at the same time and
scale it heavily depends on all the velocity vectors from the flow fields at coarser scale and
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 291

Vt k
vxt k

k (vx
, Vt k )

vxt k

tk Vt k
t (vx , Vtk )

Fig. 6. Pairwise potentials of the scale-time transition probability.

past time. Further on, the conditional dependence P(vtx k |Vt k , Vtk ) can be split in two pair-

wise potentials φk , φt . This will allow us to maintain only factored beliefs during inference,
which makes the approach computationally practicable.

4.3 A general class of flow field transitions

To further specify the generative model we have to define the formulas for the prior (11), the
observation likelihood (12), and the transitions (13). Some concrete examples are given in
the next section 5. For the flow field transitions in equation (13) we propose a certain class
of transition probability functions which satisfy a probability mixture model. Equation (13)
consists of two pairwise potentials. The first potential φt (vtx k , Vtk ) assumes that the flow

field at every spatial scale k transforms from t → t according to itself. The second potential
φk (vtx k , Vt k ) realizes a refinement from coarser to finer scale k → k at every time t . A sketch

of the information flow is shown in figure 6.

To motivate the temporal transition factor φt (vtx k , Vtk ) we assume that the direction and

speed of a flow vector vtx k at position x at time t is functionally related to a previous flow

vector vtk
x at some corresponding position x at time t,

vtx k ∼ f t (vtx k , vtk

x ; θ t ) , (14)

including some free parameters θt that allow for adaptation of the temporal relation. Now,
asking what the corresponding position x in the previous image was, we assume that we can
infer it from the flow field itself as follows

x ∼ f xt (x , x − vtx k ; θ xt ) .

In principle f xt can be any arbitrary function that defines the relation between neighboring
positions. Again the free parameters θ xt allow for adaptation of the spatial relation. Note that
here we use vtx k to retrieve the previous corresponding point x . This is a suitable approxima-

tion as long as the similarity vtx k ≈ vtk

x is not heavily violated. Combining both factors (14)
292 New Advances in Machine Learning

and (15) and integrating x leads to the first pairwise potential

φt (vtx k , Vtk ) = ∑ f xt (x , x − vtx k ; θ xt ) f t (vtx k , vtk

x ; θ t ) . (16)

Equivalent to (14) for the scale transition factor φk (v1k 1k 

x , V ) we assume that the origin of a
flow vector vx at position x at finer scale k corresponds to a flow vector vtxk from coarser
t  k  

scale k at some corresponding position x ,

vtx k ∼ f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk ) .


Since it is uncertain how strong a position x at coarser scale k influences the velocity estimate
at position x at finer scale k , we assume that we can infer it from the neighborhood similar to
x ∼ f xk (x , x; θ xk ) . (18)
The considerations for the scale transition are analogous to the ones for the temporal tran-
sition. Again, combining both factors (17) and (18) and integrating x we get the second
pairwise potential
φk (vtx k , Vt k ) = ∑ f xk (x , x; θ xk ) f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk ) ,
that imposes a spatial smoothness constraint on the flow field via spatial weighting of motion
estimations from coarser scale. The combination of both potentials (16) and (19) results in the
complete conditional flow field transition probability as given in (13). The transition factors
(16) and (19) allow us to unroll two different kinds of spatial constraints along the temporal
and the scale axes while adapting the free parameters for scale and time transition differ-
ently. This is done by splitting not only the transition in two pairwise potentials, one for the
temporal- and one for the scale-transition, but also every potential in itself in two factors, one
for the transition noise and the other one for an additional spatial constraint. In this way, the
coupling of the potentials (16) and (19) realizes a combination of (A) scale-time prediction and
(B) an integration of motion information neighboring in time, in space, and in scale.

4.4 Inference
The overall data likelihood P(Y1:T,1:K , V1:T,1:K ) is assumed to factorize as defined by the di-
rected graph in figure 5
P(Y1:T,1:K , V1:T,1:K ) = ∏ ∏ P(Ytk |Vtk ) × P(V11 ) ×
t =1 k =1
T −1 K −1
∏ P(Vt 1 |Vt1 ) ∏ P(V1k |V1k ) P(Vt k |Vt k , Vtk ) .
t =1 k =1

What we are usually interested in is the probability for some flow field given all the data
aquired so far. For the offline case where all the data of a sequence is accessible this would be
the probability P(Vtk |Y1:T,1:K ). For the online case where only the past data is accessible the
probability P(Vtk |Y1:t,1:K ) would be interesting. To infer these probabilities, Bayes’ rule and
marginalization has to be applied. For the offline case this reads

P(Y1:T,1:K , V1:T,1:K )
P(Vtk |Y1:T,1:K ) = ∑ . (21)
V1:T,1:K \Vtk
P(Y1:T,1:K )
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 293

The online case neglects future observations and simplifies to

P(Y1:t,1:K , V1:t,1:K )
P(Vtk |Y1:t,1:K ) = ∑ . (22)
V1:t,1:K \Vtk
P(Y1:t,1:K )

Either for the online or offline case, the direct computation of the marginals using equation
(21) or (22) would take exponential time Yedidia et al. (2003). The most prominent solution to
this problem is Belief Propagation (BP) which is a very efficient approximate inference algorithm
especially applicable if the graph has a lot of loops and many hidden nodes like it is the case
for our graphical model for dynamic motion estimation (see figure 5).

4.5 Approximate inference

Here, we propose an approximate inference algorithm based on Belief Propagation and re-
strict ourselves to the online case (22) since its extension to the offline case is straightforward
Bishop (2006) (see also section 5). The marginal probabilities that are now computed only
approximately are called beliefs and here we use α’s as the notation for forward filtered beliefs
tk 1:t,1:K
x ) ≈ P(vx |Y ). (23)

Let us start with the inference of the flow field at first time slice t = 1 and coarsest scale k = 1
just having access to the observable Y11 . Applying Bayes’ rule we get

(Y11 , v11 11
x ) P(vx )
α(v11 11 11
x ) = P(vx |Y ) = 11
. (24)
P(Y )

This is the initial belief that has to be propagated along time and scale. To derive an approxi-
mate forward filter suitable for online applications we propose the following message passing
scheme that realizes a recurrent update of the beliefs. Let us assume, we isolate one time slice
at time t and neglect all past and future beliefs, then we would have to propagate the mes-
sages mk→k from coarse to fine and the messages mk →k from fine to coarse to compute a belief
over the scale Markov chain. Similarly, if we isolate one scale k for all time slices and neglect
all coarser and finer beliefs, then we would have to propagate the messages mt→t from the
past to the future and the messages mt →t from the future to the past to compute a belief over
the temporal Markov chain. For the realization of a forward scale-time filter, we combine the
forward passing of temporal messages mt→t and the computation of the likelihood messages
mY →v = (Yt k , vtx k ) at all scales k. As a simplification we restrict ourselves to propagating

messages only in one direction k → k and neglect passing back the message mk →k . The con-
sequence of this is that not all the V-nodes at time t have seen all the data Y1:t,1:K but only all
past data up to the current scale Y1:t,1:k . This reduces computational costs but the flow field
on the finest scale Vt,K is now the only node that sees all the data Y1:t,1:K . Nevertheless, we
also tested passing back the messages mk →k which only slightly improved the accuracy but
increased computational costs.
The factored observation likelihood and the transition probability we introduced in (12) and
(13) ensure that the forward propagated joint belief

P(Vt,1:K |Y1:t,1:K ) = ∏ P(vt,1:K

x |Y1:t,1:K )
294 New Advances in Machine Learning

will remain factored. Similar to BP in a Markov random field, we assume independency for
all neighboring nodes in the Markov blanket. This means the belief over Vtk and Vtk at time

t is assumed to be factored which implies that also the belief over Vt k and Vtk factorizes.

P(Vt k , Vtk |Y1:t ,1:k \ Yt k ) = P(Vt k |Y1:t ,1:k ) P(Vtk |Y1:t,1:k ) = ∏ α(vtx k )α(vtk
x ), (25)

where we used \ as the notation for excluding Yt k from the set of measurements Y1:t ,1:k .

The two-dimensional forward filter propagates the belief over Vt k and Vtk from (25) via

multiplying with the scale-time transition (13) and marginalizing over V and Vtk . The
t k 

result is multiplied with the new observation likelihood (12) and normalized by P(Yt k ) to

get the updated belief

P(vtx k |Y1:t ,1:k ) ∑ P(vtx k |Vt k , Vtk ) P(Vt k , Vtk |Y1:t ,1:k
(Yt k , vtx k ) ∑
\ Yt k ) ,
= P ( Yt k )
V t k Vtk
α(vtx k )
mY →v (vtx k ) ∑
  t k t k t k tk t k tk
∝ ∑ k x
φ ( v , V ) φ (
t xv , V ) ∏ x
α ( v ) α ( v x ),
Vt k Vtk x

mY →v (vx ) ∑ φk (vx , V ) ∏ α(vx ) ∑ φt (vx , Vtk ) ∏ α(vtk

t k t k t k t k t k  
∝ x ),
Vt k x Vtk x
mY →v (vtx k )
mk→k (vtx k )
mt→t (vtx k ) .
∝ × × (26)

As can be seen, the complete scale-time forward filter can now be defined by the computation
of updated beliefs α as the product of incoming messages,

α(vtk tk tk tk
x ) ∝ mY → v ( v x ) m k → k  ( v x ) m t → t  ( v x ) . (27)

Inserting the proposed class of temporal transitions (16) into (26) leads to the following tem-
poral message

mt→t (vtx k )
∑ φt (vtx k , Vtk ) ∏ α(vtkx ) ,
Vtk x

∑ ∑ f xt (x , x − vtx k ; θxt ) f t (vtx k , vtkx ; θt ) ∏ α(vtkx ) ,

Vtk x x

, x − vtx k ; θ xt ) f t (vtx k , vtk

∑ ∏ α(vtkz ) ,

= ∑ ∑ f xt (x 
x ; θ t ) α ( v x )
x Vtk


∑ f xt (x , x − vtx k ; θxt ) ∑ f t (vtx k , vtkx ; θt )α(vxtk ) .

= (28)
x vtk

Note that the summation ∑Vtk is summing over all possible flow fields, i.e. ∑Vtk repre-
sents X k summations ∑vtk ∑vtk ∑vtk · · · over each local flow field vector. We separated these
1,1 1,2 2,1
into a summation ∑vtk over the flow field vector at x and a summation ∑Vtk \vtk over all
x x
other flow field vectors at x = x . Then, we use the equivalence ∑Vtk \vtk ∏z=x α(vtk

z ) =
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 295

Algorithm 1 Scale-Time Filter

Initialize the priors α(v0,1:K

x )

for t = 1 to T do
for k = 1 to K do
for x = 1 to X k do

Compute the messages

mY →v (vtx k )

mt→t (vtx k ) = ∑ f xt (x , x − vtx k ; θ xt ) ∑vtk f t (vtx k , vtk

x ; θ t ) α ( v x )
mk→k (vtx k ) = ∑ f xk (x , x; θ xk ) ∑vt k f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk )α(vtxk )

Update the beliefs

α(vtx k ) ∝ mY →v (vtx k ) mt→t (vtx k ) mk→k (vtx k )


end for
end for
end for

∏z=x ∑vtkz  α(vtk

z ) = 1. Similarly, we arrive at the scale message if we insert the scale tran-
sition (19) into (26)

mk→k (vtx k )
∑ φk (vtx k , Vt k ) ∏ α(vtx k ) ,
Vt k x

∑ ∑ f xk (x , x; θxk ) f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk ) ∏ α(vtx k ) ,

Vt k x x

, x; θ xk ) f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk )α(vtxk )

∑ ∏ α(vtz k ) ,

= ∑ ∑ f xk (x 

vtx k x 
Vt k z=x
\vtx k

∑ f xk (x , x; θxk ) ∑ f k (vtx k , vtxk ; θk )α(vtxk ) .

= (29)
x vtx k

Finally, the three equations (27), (28), and (29) define a very efficient tightly coupled scale-time
forward filter for visual motion estimation. It realizes a complete probabilistic recurrent esti-
mation of a set of flow fields Vt,1:K with different resolutions k swept along the time dimension
t. It follows the principle that the longer you observe a scene and the finer the resolution of
the data is the more accurate the flow can be estimated.
296 New Advances in Machine Learning

5. Filter realisations
The pseudo-code, Algorithm 1, shows the very compact form of the derived scale-time filter
suitable for an algorithmic implementation. What remains to be done, is the specification of
the observation likelihood (12) and the potentials of the transition probability (16) and (19).
Without loss of generalization the derivation for the filter assumes discrete state variables
which is reflected in using summations ∑ for marginalization. If continuous
 state variables
are given the summations ∑ simply have to be replaced by integrals . Everything else keeps
being the same. To show the applicability of the framework, we derive two realizations: One
for continuous Gaussian and one for discrete grid-based observation likelihoods as well as
Mixture of Gaussians and Mixture of Student’s-t-distributions transitions. Both realizations
have already been published at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Ap-
plications Willert et al. (2007; 2008). Here, we summarize the essentials of the modelling in
relation to the general filter framework. For optical flow estimation results, discussions on the
parameters, and benchmark tests we refer to the published material.

5.1 The Gaussian realisation

We define the observation likelihood and the transitions in such a way that we are left with a
purely Gaussian belief representation. This results in a filter similar to an extended Kalman
Filter only propagating means and covariances along scale and time.

5.1.1 Gaussian observation likelihood

We follow a similar argumentation as Simoncelli et al. (1991) to obtain the (vtk x )-factors (12) of
the observation likelihood. However, our likelihood results from a generative model assum-
ing that a scalar field patch of temporal derivatives Itk X k ×1 centered around x is generated
t,x ∈ R
by the velocity vtk 2×1 at position x and the gradient field patch (∇ Itk ) T ∈ R X ×2 centered
x ∈R x
around the same position x.
While introducing this model based on patches around position x instead of only the pixel at
position x itself we imply that the optical flow is locally constant in a sense similar to the
Lucas-Kanade constraint Lukas & Kanade (1981). Additionally, we assume i.i.d. additive
Gaussian noise st , Sv on the temporal derivatives and the flow field, respectively.

x ) = N (−Itk tk T tk tk
t,x |(∇ Ix ) vx , Σ,x ) , (30)
 
 . ... 0 
 . .. 
,x =  .
 . σtk,xx

. , (31)
 
0 ... .
(∇ Ixtk ) T Sv ∇ Ixtk + st
σtk,xx = . (32)
f  (x , x, t, k)

In notation (30), the patches can be regarded as vectors and the covariance matrix Σtk ,x is a
diagonal with entries σ,xx that depend on the position x relative to the center x, the time t, the
scale k, the flow field covariance Sv and the variance on the temporal derivatives st . Here, f 
takes into account the spatial uncertainty of the velocity measurement and can implement any
kind of spatial weighting, such as a binomial blurring filter proposed in Simoncelli (1999) or an
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 297

anisotropic and inhomogenous Gaussian weighting f  = N (x |x, Σtk I,x ) which is investigated
in Willert et al. (2008).
In contrast to Simoncelli (1999), we introduced time t as an additional dimension and derived
a more compact notation by putting the spatial weighted averaging directly into the likeli-
hood formulation defining multivariate Gaussian distributions for vectors that describe image
patches centered around image locations. Allowing for uncertainties Σtk ,x that are adaptive in
location x, scale k and time t we are able to tune the local motion measurements dynamically
e.g. dependent on the underlying structure of the intensity patterns.

5.1.2 Mixture of Gaussians transition

For the temporal contraint (14) we now chose a Gaussian

vtx k ∼ N (vtx k |vtk

x , σt ) , (33)

which says that the change in time of the flow field is white with undirectional transition
noise between Vtk and Vt k . For the spatial interaction (15) an inhomogeneous anisotropic

Gaussian is assumed
x ∼ N (x |x − vxt k , Σtk
t,x ) . (34)
to be able to steer the orientation and to adapt the strength of the uncertainty in spatial iden-
tification Σtk
t,x between corresponding positions in time. Combining both factors (33) and (34)
and integrating x we get a Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) as the first pairwise potential (16)

φt (vtx k , Vtk ) = ∑ N (x |x − vtx k , Σtk

    tk tk   
t,x )N ( vx | vx , σt ) , (35)

with the Gaussian spatial coherence constraint being the mixing coefficients. Equivalent to
(33) for the scale transition factor (19) we chose a Gaussian

vtx k ∼ N (vtx k |vtxk , σk ) ,


assuming white transition noise σk . The influence of neighboring velocity states from coarser
scale is also modelled as an adaptive Gaussian kernel similar to (34)

x ∼ N (x |x, Σtk

k,x ) . (37)

Again, combining both factors (36) and (37) and integrating x we get a MoG as the second
pairwise potential

φk (vtx k , Vt k ) = ∑ N (x |x, Σtk

   tk tk   
k,x )N ( vx | vx , σk ) , (38)

that imposes a spatial smoothness constraint on the flow field via adaptive spatial weighting
of motion estimations from coarser scale. The combination of both potentials (16) and (19)
results in the complete conditional flow field transition probability as given in (13).
298 New Advances in Machine Learning

5.1.3 Approximate inference

To arrive at a Gaussian belief we introduce a last approximative restriction. We want every
factor of the posterior probability (27) to be Gaussian distributed

α(vtk tk tk tk tk tk tk
x ) ∝ mY → v ( v x ) m t → t  ( v x ) m k → k  ( v x ) : ≈ N ( v x | µ x , Σ x ) . (39)

We fulfill this constraint by making all single messages Gaussian distributed. This already
holds for the observation likelihood mY →v (vtk x ). A more accurate technique (following as-
sumed density filtering) would be to first compute the new belief α exactly as a MoG and then
collapse it to a single Gaussian. However, this would mean extra costs. Here, we do not inves-
tigate the tradeoff between computational cost and accuracy for different collapsing methods.
Inserting Gaussian distributed beliefs α into the propagation equations (28, 29) leads to two
different MoGs for the resulting messages

µ txk , Σ̂txk ) ≈ N (vtx k |ω tx k , Ωtx k ) ,

mt→t (vtx k ) = ∑ p̂txk N (vtx k |µ̂


N (x − x | µ tk
= x , Σ̌x ) , (41)
µ txk
(σt + Σtk
 tk  tk tk tk
µ̂ = x ) Λ̌x ( x − x ) + Σt,x Λ̌x µ x , (42)
= Σtk tk tk
t,x Λ̌x ( σt + Σx ) , (43)
Σ̌ x = Λ̌tk
x = σt + Σtk tk
t,x + Σx ,

t k
mk→k (vtx k ) = ∑ ptxk N (vtx k |µ txk , Σx ) ≈ N (vtx k |π tx k , Πtx k ) ,
t k
ptxk = N (x |x, Σtk
k,x ) , Σx = σk + Σx . (45)
In order to satisfy the Gaussian constraint formulated in (39) the MoG’s are collapsed into sin-
gle Gaussians (40, 44) again. This is derived by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
between the given MoG’s and the assumed Gaussians for the means ω tk tk
x , π x and the covari-
ances Ωtkx , Π tk which results in closed-form solutions for these parameters. The final predictive
belief α(vtk
x ) follows from the product of these Gaussians

x) = (vtk tk µ tk tk
x ) N ( vx | µ̃ x , Σ̃x ) , (46)
x = Πtk tk
x Πx + Ωx
x , (47)
  −1   −1
µ tk
µ̃ x = Ωtk tk
x Πx + Ωx
π tk tk tk tk
x + Πx Πx + Ωx ω tk
x . (48)

By applying the approximation steps (39, 40) and (44) we guarantee the posterior (27) to be
Gaussian which allows for Kalman-filter like update equations since the observation is de-
fined to factorize into Gaussian factors (30). The final recurrent motion estimation is given
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 299


x ) = N (vtk tk tk
x |µ x , Σx ) (49)
= N (−Itk tk T tk tk tk µ tk tk
t,x |(∇ Ix ) vx , Σ,x )N ( vx | µ̃ x , Σ̃x ) , (50)
x = Λ̃tk tk tk tk T
x + ∇ Ix Λ,x (∇ Ix ) , (51)

µ tk
x = µ tk
µ̃ tk tk tk tk
x − Σx ∇ Ix Λ,x Ĩt,x . (52)

For reasons explained in Simoncelli (1999) the innovations process is approximated as the
Ĩtk tk µ tk
t,x ≈ ∂/∂t T Ix , µ̃ x , (53)

with T applying a backward warp plus bilinear interpolation on the image Itk x using the pre-
µ tk
dicted velocities µ̃ x from (48). We end up with a Gaussian scale-time filter which is, in com-
parison to existent filtering approaches Elad & Feuer (1998), Simoncelli (1999), Singh (1991),
not a Kalman Filter realization but related to an extended Kalman Filter since the result of the
nonlinear transitions is linearized after each message pass with the collpase of each MoG to a
single Gaussian.

5.2 The grid-based realisation

A grid-based filter allows only a discrete set of state variables but is otherwise not restricted
to any particular form of distribution. Here, we neglect the scale dimension but show how
past and future observables can be processed offline via a Two-Filter.

5.2.1 Observation likelihood

Now, we define the observation likelihood P(Yt |Vt ) by assuming that the likelihood factor
(Yt |vtx ) of a local velocity vtx should be related to finding the same or similar image patch
centered around x at time t that was present at time t but centered around x − vtx . More
rigorously, let S(x, µ , Σ, ν) be the Student’s t-distribution and N (x, µ , Σ) = limν→∞ S(x, µ , Σ, ν)
be the normal distribution of a variable x with mean µ , covariance matrix Σ and the degrees
of freedom ν. In the following the covariance is chosen to be isotropic Σ = σ2 E (with identity
matrix E). We define

(Yt+1 |vxt+1 ) = ∑ N (x |x,  I )S( Ixt  | Ixt+ 1 1

, σI , νI ) = ∑ N (x |x − vtx ,  I )S( Ixt  +vt+1 | Ixt+

 − v t +1  , σI , νI ) .
x x
x x
Here, N (x |x,  I ) implements a Gaussian weighting of locality centered around x for I t+1 and
around x − vtx for I t . The parameter  I defines the spatial range of this image patch and σI
1 t
the grey value variance. The univariate Student’s t-distribution S( Ixt+  , Ix − vt , σI , νI ) realizes
a robust behaviour against large gray-value differences within image patches, which means
these gray-values are treated as outliers and are much less significant for the distribution.

5.2.2 Mixture of Student’s t transition

Similarly to equation (54), we define the transition probability P(vxt+1 |Vt ) by assuming that
the flow field transforms according to itself like defined in 16 and further specified as

P(vxt+1 |Vt ) ∝ N (x |x − vtx+1 , V )S(vxt+1 |vtx , σV , νV ) . (55)

300 New Advances in Machine Learning

Using a heavy tailed Student’s t distribution, we assume robust spatiotemporal coherence

because evaluations on first derivative optical flow statistics Roth & Black (2005) and on
prior distributions that allow to imitate human speed discrimination tasks Stocker & Si-
moncelli (2006) provide strong indication that they resemble such heavy tailed Student’s t-
distributions. The parameter V defines the spatial range of a flow-field patch, so we com-
pare velocity vectors within flow-field patches at different times t and t + 1. We introduced
new parameters V and σV for the uncertainty in spatial identification between two images
and the transition noise between Vt and vxt+1 , respectively. The robustness against outliers is
controlled by νV , with smaller/larger νV decreasing/increasing the influence of incoherently
moving pixels within the observed spatial range V . With νV → ∞ the uncertainty for the ve-
locity gets Gaussian distributed and (55) equals the transition probability formulated in Burgi
et al. (2000) which expresses the belief that pixels are, on average, moving along a straight line
with constant velocity. Therefore, the proposed spatiotemporal transition model 55 can be seen
as a generalization of the transition model proposed by Burgi et al. (2000).

5.2.3 Two-Filter inference

Like beforehand, for inference we need to propagate beliefs over the flow field Vt . Storing
a distribution over a whole flow field Vt is infeasible if one does not make factorization as-
sumptions. The factored observation likelihoods and transition probabilities we introduced
ensure that the forward propagated beliefs will remain factored. However, the standard back-
ward messages do not exactly factor under this model. Hence we follow a two-filter approach
Kitagawa (1994) where the ”backward filter” is strictly symmetric to the forward filter.
Following the derivation for the temporal belief propagation 28 and specifying the transition
probability as in equation 55 the forward filter reads

α(vxt+1 ) ∝ (Yt+1 |vtx+1 ) α∗ (vxt+1 ) (56)

α ∗
(vxt+1 ) ∝ ∑ N (x |x − vtx+1 , V ) ∑ S(vxt+1 |vtx , σV , νV ) α(vtx ) . (57)
x vtx

If we have access to a batch of data (or a recent window of data) we can compute smoothed
posteriors as a basis for an EM-algorithm and train the free parameters. In our two-filter
approach we derive the backward filter as a mirrored version of the forward filter, but using

P(vtx |Vt+1 ) ∝ ∑ N (x |x + vtx , V ) S(vtx , vtx+ 1

 | σV , νV ) (58)

instead of (55). This equation is motivated in exactly the same way as we motivated (55):
we assume that vtx ∼ S(vtx+ 
 , σV , νV ) for a corresponding position x in the subsequent image,

and that x ∼ N (x − vtx , V ) is itself defined by vtx . However, note that using this symmetry
of argumentation is actually an approximation to our model because applying Bayes rule on
(55) would lead to a different, non-factored P(Vt |Vt+1 ). What we gain by the approximation
P(Vt |Vt+1 ) ≈ ∏ x P(vtx |Vt+1 ) are factored β’s which are feasible to maintain computationally.
The backward filter equations read

β∗ (vtx ) ∝ (Yt |vtx ) β(vtx ) , (59)

β(vtx ) ∝ ∑ N (x 
|x + vtx , v ) ∑ S(vtx |vxt+ 1 , σV , νV ) β∗ (vxt+ 1 ) . (60)
x vtx+ 1
Dynamic Visual Motion Estimation 301

To derive the smoothed posterior we need to combine the forward and backward filters. In
the two-filter approach this reads

P(Yt+1:T |vtx ) P(vtx |Y1:t )

γ(vtx ) = P(vtx |Y1:T ) = (61)
P(Y1:T )
P(vtx |Yt+1:T ) P(Yt+1:T ) P(vtx |Y1:t )
P(vtx ) P(Y1:T )
∝ α(vtx ) β(vtx ) , (62)
P(vtx )

with P(Yt+1:T ) and P(Y1:T ) being constant. If both the forward and backward filters are ini-
tialized with α(v0x ) = β(vxT ) = P(vx ) we can identify the unconditioned distribution P(vtx )
with the prior P(vx ). For details on the standard forward-backward-algorithm we refer to
Bishop (2006).

6. Summary
A reliable and robust motion estimate is an important low-level processing unit that has the
potential to bootstrap a number of visual perception tasks to be solved by a cognitive vision
system. Since the estimation of motion information has to rely on highly uncertain visual
information a probabilistic treatment of the problem is proposed. Based on three basic ap-
proaches to solve motion ambiguities, the derivation of a probabilistic filter is given that com-
bines all these three approaches into one recurrent framework. The derivation comprises an
efficient approximate inference algorithm based on belief propagation applied on a directed
graphical model with a graph topology suitable for intertwining belief propagation along two
dimensions, scale and time, simultaneously. Introducing some factorisation assumptions and
a special class of transition probabilities results in a very compact and computationally effi-
cient algorithm. For this algorithm two implementations are presented. The first one realizes a
purely factored Gaussian belief propagation and the second one the propagation of a factored
non-parametric discrete distribution. The presented framework provides a flexible basis for
the realization of user specific motion estimation algorithms with the focus on online appli-
cations. It also serves as an exploration platform to investigate in adaptation mechanisms
and online learning strategies for example to improve the optical flow estimation accuracy or
increase the robustness for highly dynamic scenes.

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304 New Advances in Machine Learning
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 305


Concept Mining and Inner Relationship

Discovery from Text
Jiayu Zhou, Shi Wang
School of Computing, Informatics and Decision
Systems Engineering, Arizona State University
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1. Introduction
From the cognitive point of view, knowing concepts is a fundamental ability when human
being understands the world. Most concepts can be lexicalized via words in a natural
language and are called Lexical Concepts. Currently, there is much interest in knowledge
acquisition from text automatically and in which concept extraction, verification, and
relationship discovery are the crucial parts (Cao et al., 2002). There are a large range of other
applications which can also be benefit from concept acquisition including information
retrieval, text classification, and Web searching, etc. (Ramirez & Mattmann, 2004; Zhang et al.,
2004; Acquemin & Bourigault, 2000)
Most related efforts in concept mining are centralized in term recognition. The common used
approaches are mainly based on linguistic rules (Chen et al., 2003), statistics (Zheng & Lu,
2005; Agirre et al., 2004) or a combination of both (Du et al., 2005; Velardi et al., 2001). In our
research, we realize that concepts are not just terms. Terms are domain-specific while
concepts are general-purpose. Furthermore, terms are just restricted to several kinds of
concepts such as named entities. So even we can benefit a lot from term recognition we
cannot use it to learn concepts directly.
Other relevant works in concept mining are focused on concepts extraction from documents.
Gelfand has developed a method based on the Semantic Relation Graph to extract concepts
from a whole document (Gelfand et al., 1998). Nakata has described a method to index
important concepts described in a collection of documents belonging to a group for sharing
them (Nakata et al., 1998). A major difference between their works and ours is that we want
to learn huge amount of concepts from a large-scale raw corpus efficiently rather than from
one or several documents. So the analysis of documents will lead to a very higher time
complexity and does not work for our purpose.
There are many types relationships between lexical concepts such as antonymy, meronomy
and hyponymy, among which the study of hyponymy relationship has attracted many effort
of research because of its wide use. There are three mainstream approaches—the Symbolic
approach, the Statistical approach and the Hierarchical approach—to discovery general
306 New Advances in Machine Learning

hyponymy relations automatically or semi automatically (Du & Li, 2006). The Symbolic
approach, depending on lexicon-syntactic patterns, is currently the most popular technique
(Hearst, 1992; Liu et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006; Ando et al., 2003). Hearst (Hearst, 1992) was one
of the early researchers to extract hyponymy relations from Grolier’s Encyclopedia by
matching 4 given lexicon-syntactic patterns, and more importantly, she discussed about
extracting lexicon-syntactic patterns by existing hyponymy relations. Liu (Liu et al., 2005; Liu
et al., 2006) used the “isa” pattern to extract Chinese hyponymy relations from unstructured
Web corpus, and have been proven to have a promising performance. Zhang (Zhang et al.,
2007) proposed a method to automatically extract hyponymy from Chinese domain-specific
free text by three symbolic learning methods. The statistical approach usually adopts
clustering and associative rules. Zelenko et al. (Zelenko et al., 2003) introduced an
application of kernel methods to extract two certain kinds of hyponymy relations with
promising results, combining Support Vector Machine and Voted Perception learning
algorithms. The hierarchical approach is trying to build a hierarchical structure of hyponymy
relations. Caraballo (Caraballo, 1999) built a hypernymy hierarchy of nouns via a bottom-up
hierarchical clustering technique, which was akin to manually constructed hierarchy in
In this paper, we use both linguistic rules and statistical features to learn lexical concepts
from raw texts. Firstly, we extract a mass of concept candidates from text using
lexico-patterns, and confirm a part of them to be concepts according to their matched
patterns. For the other candidates we induce an Inner-Constructive Model (CICM) of words
which reveal the rules when several words construct concepts through four aspects: (1) parts
of speech, (2) syllables, (3) senses, and (4) attributes. Once the large scale concept set is built
based on the CICM model, we developed a framework to discover inner relationships within
concepts. A lexical hyponym acquisition is proposed based on this framework.

2. Extracting Concepts from Text using Lexico-Patterns

In this research, our goal is to extract huge amount of domain-independent concept
candidates. A possible solution is to process the text by Chinese NLU systems firstly and
then identity some certain components of a sentence to be concepts. But this method is
limited dut to the poor performance of the existing Chinese NLU systems, which still against
many challenge at present for Chinese (Zhang & Hao, 2005). So we choose another solution
based on lexico-patterns.

2.1 The Lexico-Patterns of Lexical Concepts

Enlightened Hearst's work (Hearst, 1992), we adopt lexico-patterns to learning lexical
concepts from texts. But first design a lot of lexico-patterns patterns manually, some of which
are shown in Table
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 307

ID Lexical Patterns
1 <?C1><是><一|><个|种|><?C2>
2 <?C1><、><?C2><或者|或是|以及|或|等|及|和|与><其他|其它|其
3 <?C1><、><?C2><等等|等><?C3>
4 <?C1><如|象|像><?C2><或者|或是|或|及|和|与|、><?C3>
5 <?C1><、><?C2><是|为><?C3>
6 <?C1><、><?C2><各|每|之|这><种|类|些|样|流><?C3>
7 <?C1><或者|或是|或|等|及|和|与><其他|其它|其余><?C2>
8 <?C1><或者|或是|或|及|和|与><?C2><等等|等><?C3>
9 <?C1><中|里|内|><含|含有|包含|包括><?C2>
10 <?C1>由<?C2><组成|构成>
Table 1. The Lexico-Patterns for Extracting Concepts from Text

Here is an example to show how to extract concepts from text using lexico-patterns:

Example 1. Lexico-Pattern_No_1{
Pattern: < ?C1> <是><一 | > < 个|种> < ?C2>
Restrict Rules:
not_contain(<?C2>,<! 标
点> )^lengh_greater_than(<?C1>,1)^lengh\_greater\_than(<?C2>,1)^

Sample sentences and the concepts extracted:

(1) 地球是一个行星,地球会爆炸吗?(The earth is a planet, will it blast?) →<?C1>=地球(The

earch); <?C2>=行星(a planet)
(2) 很久很久以前地球是一个充满生机的星球.(Long long ago the Earth is a planet full of
vitality.) →<?C1>=很久很久以前地球(Long long ago the Earth); <?C2>=充满生机的星球(a
planet full of vitaligy)

How to devise good patterns to get as much concepts as possible? We summarized the
following criteria through experiments:
(1) High accuracy criterion. Concepts distributing in sentences meet linguistics rules, so each
pattern should reflect at least one of these rules properly. We believe that we should know
linguistics well firstly if we want create to good patterns.
(2) High coverage criterion. We want to get as much concepts as possible. Classifying all
308 New Advances in Machine Learning

concepts into three groups by their characteristics, (i.e. concepts which describe physical
objects, concepts and the concepts which describe time) is a good methodology for designing
good patterns to get more concepts.

2.2 Confirming Concepts using Lexico-Patterns

Obviously, not all the chunks we got in section 2.1 are concepts, such as <?C1>=很久很久以
前地球(Long long ago the Earth) in Example 1 above. In order to identify concepts from the
candidates, we introduce a hypothesis, called Hypothesis 1.

Hypothesis 1. A chunk ck extracted using lexico-patterns in section 2.1 is a concept if (1) {ck}
has been matched by sufficient lexico-patterns, or (2) {ck} has been matched sufficient times.

To testify our hypothesis, we randomly draw 10,000 concept candidates from all the chunks
and verify them manually. The association between the possibility of a chunk to be a concept
and its matched patterns is shown as Fig. 1:

Fig. 1. Association between the lexico-patterns number / the times matched by all the
patterns of chunks and their possibility of being concepts}

The left chart indicates our hypothesis that the chunks which matched more patterns are
more likely to be concepts and the right chart shows that the frequency of the chunk does
work well to tell concepts from candidate chunks too. In our experiments, we take the
number of patterns matchings to be 5 and threshold of matching frequency as 14, and single
out about 1.22% concepts from all the candidate chunks with a precision rate of 98.5%. While
we are satisfied with the accuracy, the recall rate is rather low. So in the next step, we
develop CICMs to recognize more concepts from chunks.

3. Learning Concepts using CICM

The CICM is founded on an instinctive hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. Most lexical concepts obey certain inner constructive rules.
That means, when some words form a concept, each word must play a certain role and has
certain features. We develop the hypothesis enlightened mainly from the knowledge of
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 309

linguistics (Lu et al., 1992) and the cognitive process of human beings creating lexical
concepts (Laurance & Margolis, 1999). Some examples will be given to illuminate the
Hypothesis 2 after present the definition of CICM.

3.1 Definition of CICM

According to Hypothesis 2, we can tell whether an unknown chunk is a concept or not by
checking whether each word in it whether obeys the CICM. The problems are how to
materialize these rules and how to get them. The POS models can reveal these rules using the
parts of speech of words but is not precise enough and has many defections (Yu, 2006). To get
better performance we probe into the structure of concepts more deeply and find that besides
POS, we must ensure each word's more definite role through at least other three aspects.

Definition 1. The word model W=< PS, SY, SE, AT> of a word w is a 4-tuple where (1) PS is
all the parts of speech of w; (2) SY is the number of w's syllable; (3) SE is the senses of w in
HowNet; and (4) AT is the attributes of w.

The word models are integrated information entities to model words. The reason of choosing
these four elements listed above will be clarified when we construct CICMs.

Definition 2. Given a concept cpt=w1… wi-1 wi wi+1 …wn with n words, the C-Vector of the
word wi towards cpt is a n-tuple:

C-Vector(wi)=< i, W1,… ,Wi-1 ,Wi+1 ,…,Wn > (1)

The C-Vector of a word stands for one constructive rule when it forms concepts by linking
other words and i is its position in the concept. A word can have same C-Vectors towards
many different concepts. The C-Vector is the basis of CICM.
Definition 3. The Concept Inner-Constructive Models (CICMs) of a word w is a bag of
C-Vectors, in which each C-Vector is produced by a set of concepts contain w.
Essentially, CICMs of words represent the constructive rules when they construct concepts.
In the four elements of word models, PS and SY embody the syntactical information which
have significant roles when conforming concepts in Chinese (Lu et al., 1992) and are
universal for all types of words. SE and AT reveal the semantic information of words and are
also indispensably. HowNet is an elaborate semantic lexicon attracted many attentions in
many related works (Dong & Dong, 2006). But there are still some words which are missing
in it so we need to introduce attributes as a supplement. Attributes can tell the semantic
differences at the quantative level or qualitative level between concepts. Tian has developed
a practicable approach to acquire attributes from large-scale corpora (Tian, 2007).
310 New Advances in Machine Learning

ID C-Vectors Sample Concepts

1 < 1, W(管理) > 生产 管理
2 < 1, W(许可证) > 生产 许可证
3 < 1,W(实习),W(报告)> 生产 实习 报告
4 < 2,W(食品)> 食品 生产
5 < 2,W(分布式)> 分布式 生产
6 < 2,W(国民),W(总值)> 国民 生产 总值
7 < 2,W(新疆),W(建设),W(兵团)> 新疆 生产 建设 兵团
8 < 3,W(广东省),W(春耕)> 广东省 春耕 生产
9 < 3,W(国家),W(安全),W(监督),W(管理局)> 国家 安全 生产 监督 管理局
… … …
Table 2. CICM of “生产”

Note that we omit the details of each word vector for simplicity. Taking ``国民 生产 总值''
for example, the full C-Vector is:
< 2,

3.2 Learning CICMs

Using CICMs as the inner constructive rules of concepts, our next problem is how to get
these models. We use the confirmed concepts obtained in section 2.2 as a training set and
learn CICMs hidden in them automatically. It is an instance learning process and the
following procedure is implemented for this task:

CICMs Instance Learning Algorithm:
(1) Initializing the resources including (1.1) A words dictionary in which each one has fully parts
of speech; (1.2) The HowNet dictionary; and (1.3) An attributes base of words (Tian, 2007).
(2) Constructing a model set MSet to accommodate all the words' models which is empty
(3) For each concept cpt in the training set, segment it and create each word's C-Vector(wi).
Subsequently, if C-Vector(wi) ∈ MSet(wi), then just accumulate the frequency; otherwise add
C-Vector(wi) to MSet(wi).
(4) Removing the C-Vectors which have low frequency for each word's MSet.

Based on experiments, we choose 10% as the threshold of the number of the concepts
containing the word in the training set. We exclude the vectors which have low frequency,
that is, if a C-Vector for a word is supported by just a few concepts, we look at it as an
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 311

4. Clustering Words for More Efficient Analogy

Essentially, CICMs are models of instance analogy. We want to learn new concepts by
``recalling'' the old ones just as human beings. For example, we can build CICMs for the
word `` 生 产 (produce, production)'' like Table 2 and then identify that `` 药 品 生 产
(pharmaceutical production)'' is also a concept, because the latter has the same constructive
rule as ``食品 生产(food production)''.

But unluckily, even we know ``药品 生产'' is a concept, our system still cannot tell whether ``
药品 制造(pharmaceutical manufacture)'' is also a concept for there are no CICMs for the word
``制造''. The reason for this is that the system still cannot make use of word similarity.
Therefore, we need to cluster words based on the similarity of CICMs and then learn more
new concepts.

4.1 Similarity Measurement of Words

The similarity measurement of CICMs is the basis of clustering words in our task. Our
measurement is founded on the intuitive distribute hypothesis that:
Hypothesis 3 In concepts, similar words have similar CICMs.
According to Hypothesis 3, the similarity of two words w1, w2 is defined as:

sim(w1, w2)=sim(CICM(w1), CICM(w2)) (2)

The commonly used similarity measure for two sets includes minimum distance, maximum
distance, and average distance. Considering that there are still some noises in our training set
which would result in some wrong C-Vectors in CICMs, we choose the average distance for
it is more stable for noisy data, that is:

sim(w1, w2) =  sim ( veci ,CICM ( w 2 ))
|CICM ( w1)| veciCICM ( w1)
   sim ( veci ,vecj )
|CICM ( w1)||CICM ( w 2 )| veciCICM ( w1) veciCICM ( w1)

Now the problem is how to calculate the similarity of two C-Vectors of two words now. For
two C-Vectors:

C-Vectori=<i, W1,…,Wn>, C-Vectorj=<j,W1,…,Wm> (4)

We standardize them to an \emph{N-Vector} that is:

C-Vectori=<Wi-N,...,WiN>, C-Vectorj=<Wj-N,…,WjN> (5)

and Wk=  if there is no word model in position k for both of them. We adopt the cosine
312 New Advances in Machine Learning

similarity when compare two vectors, that is:

 
  vecivecj
sim ( veci , vecj )  cos( veci , vecj )    (6)

4.2 Clustering Words based on the Density

Among all the clustering methods using density functions has prominent
advantages--anti-noisiness and the capability of finding groups with different Inspired by
DENCLUE (Hinneburg & Keim, 1998), we define a influence function of a word w0 over
another word w:

f Bw  fB ( w0, w) (7)

which is a function proportionately to the similarity of w0 and w, and reveals the influence
degree w0 over w. Commonly used influence functions include Square Wave Function and
Gauss Function. The former is suitable for the data which dissimilar distinctly while the later
is more suitable for reflect the smooth influence of w0. Because a word is related with many
other words in different degrees but no simply 1 or 0 in corpus, it is more reasonable to
choose Gauss Influence Function:
 (1 sin( w 0, w1)) 2 (8)
f Gauss ( w0)  e 2 2

We call Equation (8) the Gauss Mutual Influence of w, w0 for fwGauss (w0)=fw0Gauss (w). It makes
each word linked with many other words to some extent. According to it, we can cluster
words into groups. Before giving the definition of a word group, we develop some
definitions first for further discussing:

Definition 4. Given a parameter  ,  _region(w0)={w|fGuess(w,w0)>  } is called 

_region of w0. Given a parameter MinPts, w0 is called a CoreWord if |  _region(w0)|>MinPts.
The minimal  which makes w0 to be a CoreWord is called the CoreDistance of w0 and be
marked as  *.

Definition 5. We call w0 is direct reachable to w' if w0 is a CoreDistance and w'∈ 

_region(w0)$ and marked as dreachable(w0,w'). For a set of words w0, w1, …,wn=w', if
dreachable(wi,wi+1) for all wi, 1 ≤ i<n$, then w0 is reachable to w', that is, reachable(w0,w').

Based on the definitions above, a word group can be seen as the maximal words set based on
the reachable property. The corresponding clustering algorithm is given below:

(1)Taking  =  * and for all the words w perform the following operation:
 cur=  *;cwcur={w};
while(  cur < 1){
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 313

if(|  cur_region(w0)| > MinPts){

Build a word group cvcur which contains all the words in  cur_region(w)
and takes w as the CoreWord of it.
| cvcur  cvpre |
if( <  ){break;}
| cvcur |
 pre=  cur;   cur+=  ;
(2)For each pair of CoreWords wi, wj
Merge cwi,cwj into a new group cwi+j which has two CoreWords cwi and cwj
(3)Repeate (2) until no new groups are generated.
Many groups with different density will be generated in (2) for we set value for  not a
single number but a large range of field. The groups with high density will be created firstly
and be covered by the dilute groups. We escape choosing the parameter of  by doing this.

4.3 Identifying Concepts using CICMs

Having the learned CICMs and word cluster, identifying method of new concepts is
straightforward. Given a chunk, we just create its local L-Vector and judge whether it
satisfies one of its or its similar words' C-Vector we have learned.

Definition 6. For a chunk ck=w0… wn, the Local C-Vector for a word wi in it :
L_Vector(wi, ck)=<i,W0,…,Wi-1, Wi+1,…, Wn>.
Theorem 1. For a chunk ck=w0 … wn , for each word wi in it, there is L_Vector(wi, ck) ∈
CICM(gwi), then ck is a concept, where gwi is the similar word group of wi.

5. Inner Relationship Discovery

The concept extractor introduced in last chapters makes a large-scale concept set available to
be used for discovering inner relationships of the concept. In this study, we have found a
special kind of Chinese hyponymy relationship, called lexical hyponymy, which is of great
importance in ontology learning. To the best of our knowledge, no existing method can
extract these hyponym relations. In this chapter, we will show a semi-automatic lexical
hyponymy acquisition approach within a large-scale concept set, integrating symbolic,
statistical and hierarchal techniques.

In a large-scale concept set C, if a subset S={<cpt1>,<cpt2>,…,<cptn>} exists, where


314 New Advances in Machine Learning

The <suf> here denotes a common suffix of all concepts. We may think the <suf> could be a
hypernymy concept and following relations may exist:
HISA(<cpt1>, <suf>), HISA(<cpt2>,<suf>),…, HISA(<cptn>,<suf>)
For instance, given S={炭疽活菌苗, 冻干鼠疫活菌苗, 结核活菌苗, 自身菌苗, 外毒素菌苗}, we
can segment the concepts as follows,
where the corresponding hypernymy concept suffix <suf> is <菌苗> and all HISA relations
come into existence. However, if we consider the suffix chunk <苗> to be <suf> instead of <
菌苗> (i.e. we segment the concept <外毒素菌苗>:=<外毒素菌><苗> ), all HISA relations do
not exist. Moreover, the suffix <苗> can not even be considered as a concept. We notice that a
subset S’={结核活菌苗, 炭疽活菌苗, 冻干鼠疫活菌苗} of S contains a longer common
hyponymy <活菌苗>, lexical hyponymy relations HISA(结核活菌苗, 活菌苗), HISA(炭疽活
菌苗, 活菌苗) and HISA(冻干鼠疫活菌苗, 活菌苗).

We will investigate into such common suffix in a concept set and mine lexical hyponymy
taking advantage of the common suffix features. There is a limitation in this approach: the
size of the concept set should be very large in order to find such common chunks. In an
extreme case, we can extract nothing if there is only one concept in the concept set, even if the
only concept in the set contains rich lexical hyponymy relations. However, there is no
definition how large can be thought to be very large and we will analysis this factor in the
experiment section.

Fig. 2. Lexical hyponymy acquisition framework

Figure 2 describes our framework of lexical hyponymy acquisition. We use a Google-based

Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 315

statistical acquisition model [16] to extract concepts from web corpus, which results in a
large-scale concept set and then clustered them into a common suffix tree according to
suffixes of concepts. The suffix analysis module uses a set of statistical-based rules to analyze
suffix nodes. Class concept candidates, which are concepts, are identified by our Google-base
verification module and used to enlarge the original concept set. A class concept verification
process was taken to verify class concept candidates. Human judgment-based relation
verification is taken after a prefix clustering process dedicating to reduce the verification cost
is done. Finally we got extracted hyponymy relations from the common suffix tree with a
hierarchical structure.

6. Common Suffix Tree Clustering

To find and analyze the common suffix, we propose a data structure called common suffix tree
(CST), inspired by suffix tree clustering (Cusfield, 1997).

Definition 7. A common suffix tree containing m concepts is a tree with exactly m leaves.
Each inner node, other than leaf, has more than two children, and contains a single Chinese
gram. Each leaf indicates a concept with a longest shared suffix that equals the string leading
from the leaf to root. Along with the path, the string from each inner node to root is a shared
suffix of the concept indicated by leaves it can reach.

With CST, not only are we able to find what is the longest shared suffix, we can also find
which concepts share a certain common suffix. Following CST clustering algorithm will help
us construct a CST in liner time complexity:

CST Clustering Algorithm:

Use the suffix-based clustering, and compute big 1-gram concept clusters.
Until(convergence) {
From each n-gram cluster, iterate the algorithm to get finer, hierarchy n+1
gram clusters.
The convergence condition of algorithm above is when the all clusters leave one leaf. For
instance, in a given concept-set S={北京第六中学,南京第十六中学,天津第二十六中学,经济
学,生物学,好学,同学,木鱼,黄花鱼,烧黄花鱼,鲤鱼}, The CST algorithm can be described
as following steps:
1) Using the suffix-based clustering, we get big 1-gram clusters ({*} represents the least
common suffix):
[木, 黄花, 烧黄花, 鲤]{鱼},
2) From each 1-gram cluster, we iterate the algorithm to get finer, hierarchical clusters until
[[[北京第, [南京第,天津第二]{十}]{六}]{中},经济,生物,好,同]{学}
[木, [#, 烧]{黄花}, 鲤]{鱼},
316 New Advances in Machine Learning

where # represents an empty entry.

Figure 3 visualized the CST structure of {学}-cluster. The rest parts of our framework are built
on the computing and analysis on suffixes of CST.

Fig. 3. Common Suffix Tree of {学}-cluster

7. Suffix Analysis
Given the “学” cluster in the example above, the suffix collection S={第十六中学, 十六中学, 六
中学, 中学} may all hypernymy concepts we interested in, without any other information
supporting (1-gram suffix causes great ambiguous, therefore we leave it alone in our system).
Some suffix concepts may be extracted by some Chinese word segment systems [20], however,
there is no word segment system adopted in our system, because the segment system performs
poor in a large scale general-purposed concept set, where many suffixes cannot be correctly
segmented and thus lowered the performance of the entire system.
However, some useful statistic features can be obtained in a concept-set to identify class
concepts. For a suffix chunk <ck> in concept-set, we may have patterns such as CNT[<ck><*>],
CNT[<*><ck>], CNT[<*><ck><*>] and etc., where CNT[<pattern>] means the frequency of
<pattern> in concept set. A list of examples of such patterns was listed in Table 3.

Pattern Example
(1) ISCpt[<ck>] <大学>∈S
(2) CNT[<ck><*>] <大学>学生服务部,
<大学>校区, …
(3) CNT[<*><ck>] 理工<大学>, 科技<大学>, …
(4) CNT[<*><ck><*>] 北京<大学>学生会,
中国<大学>评估组, …
Table 3. Statistical patterns and examples

Pattern (1) is not a real statistic. The pattern, once appears in the given concept set, prove that
indicated suffix <ck> is a class concept candidate. If the concept set is large enough (i.e. for any
<cpt>, always exists <cpt>∈S), this single rule can be used to identify all class concept
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 317

canndidates. Actually, our concept seet can never achieeve that large.
Thhe emergence of pattern
p (2) and (3)) is a strong indica
ation of class conccept, which usuallly can
be some components of other wo ords. Class conceept < 大学 (univerrsity)> can be ussed as
mitation of other concept,
c such as <大学校区(univerrsity campus)>, wh hich indicates a special
kinnd of <校区(camppus)>. Experiment in following con ntent shows thatt once the patternn (2) or
(3)) appears, the emppirical probability y of <ck> to be a concept
c is very h

Thhe information em mbedded in the pattern (4) is riccher. We rewritee the CNT[<*><cck>] as
fsuff(<ck>), called suff
ffix frequency. The ith suffix of conceept <cpt>= <xm>……<x1> (i.e. <xi>…
wh here <xi> a is singgle gram, is denotted as Suf(<cpt>, i)i and m is the len
ngth of <cpt>. Thee suffix
proobability Ssuf(<cpt>
>,n) is defined as::

<cpt>,n) =psuf(<xm>…<x1>, <xn+1>< <xn>…<x1>)
= fsuf(Suf(<cpt>,n+1)) / fsuf(Suf(<cp

here n≦ Length(<
wh <cpt>)-1. psuf(<ck1>,
> <ck2>) is the joiint probability of chunk <ck1> and <ck2>.
Wee define that sing
gle-gram conceptss have no suffix probability.

g. 4. Case study: suffix
s probability
y of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9-gra
am concepts resp
318 New Advances in Machine Learning

Figure 4 shows some cases of suffix probability whose numbers of grams composed are
ranging from 4 to 9. Such cases illustrate how suffix probability changes with varying
number of grams.
Figure 4 (V) shows the change of suffix frequency of concept <cpt>:= “混合型证券投资基金”
in a concept set with a size of 800,000. Figure 4 (U) shows the situation when <cpt>:=“流行性
感冒病毒感染”. For instance,

S(“混合型证券投资基金”, 2)=P(“基金”, “资基金”)

=F(“资基金”)/F(“基金”)= 300/498 = 0.60241

From the case (S) we observe that S(<cpt>, 3)=0.99667 is the maximum among S(<cpt>, 2),
S(<cpt>, 3) and S(<cpt>, 4). At the same time Suf(<cpt>, 4) (i.e. 投资基金) is a class concept.
Same situation could be found in maximum point S(<cpt>, 5) and S(<cpt>, 8), while Suf(<cpt>,
6) and Suf(<cpt>, 8) are both class concept. In another case when <cpt>=“流行性感冒病毒感
染”, we find the same phenomenon that class concept happened to appear in inflexions,
which makes us believe it to be a useful rule. The rule is proved to be very effective in later
experiment and is defined as follows:

Definition 8. (Suffix Probability Inflexion Rule) In a large-scale concept set, whenever the suffix
probability S(<cpt>,n) encounters an inflexion, the suffix Suf(<cpt>,n+1) =<wn+1><wn>…<w1>
is considered to be a class concept candidate, which is called Inflexion Rule.

The suffix probability inflexion rule is exported from empirical study, and the hidden
theoretical support of this rule is based on mutual information. The higher the S(<cpt>,n), then
the suffix <wn>…<w1> and <wn+1><wn>…<w1> has higher mutual information, which may
lead to a close correlation, the sudden reduce of mutual information means differentiation in
linguistic usage.
Based on the discussions above, we summarize three Suffix Concept Identification (SCI) Rules:
1. Pattern ISCpt[<wx>] appears, then <wx> must be a concept.
2. Pattern CNT[<wx><*>] or CNT[<*><wx><*>] appears, then <wx> can be a concept.
3. Suffix Probability Inflexion Rule.

The experimental baseline comparisons among three rules are listed in Table 4. We use SCI
rules in an 800,000 concept set and 300 test cases and manually extract all the class concept
candidates in test cases, denoted by cm. Then we use SCI rules to extract class concepts,
denoted by ca. We adopt following evaluation measurements in baseline experiment:

Precision = | ca ∩ cm | / | ca |
Recall = | ca ∩ cm | / | cm |

The average value and standard deviation of precisions and recalls are computed in 5
baseline scheme. Rules based on (1), (2) or the combinations of which have a low recall
although with a high precision, as a result of the data sparsity. However, rule (3) holds a high
precision and at the same time has a promising recall once combined with the other two
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 319

Precision Recall
Average Std. Dev Average Std. Dev
Rule(1) 100% 0 - n/a
Rule(2) 95.753% 0.4603 - n/a
Rule(3) 98.641% 0.1960 65.125% 2.393
Rule(1,2) 96.561% 0.5133 - n/a
Rule(1,2,3) 98.145% 0.5029 66.469% 2.792
Table 4. SCI Rules Baseline Comparison (- mean the value is lower than 5%).

8. Class Concept Verification

In previous section we mentioned that not every concept could be a class concept. In this
section, we proposed a lexicon-syntactic approach to verify class concept by scoring concepts
via Googling web corpus.
Through our investigation, class concepts primarily appear in three kinds of
lexicon-syntactic patterns which have different semantic meanings: Class I patterns appear
when people are trying to give examples. Class II patterns are used when people construct
question sentences. Class III patterns are, on the other hand, commonly used when we give
definitions. The generic type of Class II is <Which><*>, where <Which> is some of the
interrogatives. The generic type of Class II is <是> <Unit><*>, and here <Unit> is some of the
unit quantifiers. Therefore, the pattern II and III includes a number of patterns. All three
types of pattern with examples are summarized as shown in Table 5.

Pattern Type Pattern Examples Examples

Class I <ClassCpt>例如 一些水果例如香蕉,它如何繁衍后
<Such as><*> 代
等<ClassCpt> 76%预期深圳等城市的房价将下跌
Class II 什么<ClassCpt> 福威镖局在福州府的什么大街
哪些<ClassCpt> 中国哪些城市适宜工作?
那种<ClassCpt> 青苹果和红苹果哪种苹果有营养
Class III 是 一 个 法国夏特瑞城是一个小镇
<是><Unit><*> <ClassCpt>
是 一 种 宪政是一种文化
是 一 类 他和你是一类人
Table 5. Patterns and examples in three classes

Definition 9. Google provides statistical information in web corpus, probability framework

based on which has been built by (Zhou et al., 2007; Cilibrasi & Vitanyi, 2007). Given a lexical
chunk <ck>, the frequency of this term is defined as number of pages containing such term,
denoted by f(<ck>).
320 New Advances in Machine Learning

Definition 10. For a concept <cpt>, the pattern frequency is defined as f(Pattern(<cpt>)),
where Pattern(<cpt>) is applying the concept to a certain pattern. Pattern association is
defined as the pattern frequency of the concept dividing its frequency, denoted by

p ( Pattern (  cpt ))  f ( Pattern (  cpt )) / f (  cpt  ) (10)

To verify class concepts, pattern associations can be used as attributes to train a classifier by
machine learning algorithms. However, according to the linguistic property of the three
classes, the pattern associations of a certain concept are likely to associate well with only one
pattern in each class. Therefore we only use the patterns that can have the maximum pattern
association in each class. We use the liner combination to sum pattern associations of all three
classes into a scoring function, which is proved to be more effective than adopting three
separate attributes.
Three classes of patterns are assigned with different class weights wI, wII, wIII, which can be
used to adjust score according to liner analysis methods. Besides, we take the frequency of
concept as a coefficient of the score, which indicates that a concept with a higher frequency is
more likely to be a class concept. To sum all effects above, the expression of scoring a concept
<cpt> is:

Score( cpt )  Log ( f ( cpt ))  

i( I , II , III )
( wi  Max ( p ( Patternj ( cpt ))))
jClassi (11)

To obtain a score threshold identifying class concept, we firstly annotate a training set of 3000
concepts, including 1500 class concept and 1500 non-class concept. We then use Google to
retrieve pattern associations of training set. So the pattern associations are calculated into a
score. And we use a linear analysis method to adjust the class weighs that can maximize the
scoring function, and finally we get a score threshold. Concepts that exceed the given
threshold are classified as class concept and vice versa. In our experiment, the class concept
classifier we built is proved to achieve a remarkable high accuracy at 95.52%.

9. Prefix Clustering
Due to the property of lexical hyponymy relations, they hardly appear in other sources such
as text corpus and web corpus, which makes human judgment a compulsory step in the
relation verification process. In a large-scale concept set, the number of lexical hyponymy
relations is huge, and thus it becomes a misery if we need to manually verify each relation.
In a concept sub-set S={<京津塘高速公路>, <长株潭高速公路>, <京石高速公路>, <京承高速
公路>, <信息高速公路>} with the suffix Suf={<*>, 4} and Suf={<*>, 2}, where <*> denotes the
wildcard of concepts, but the hyponymy relation within term <信息高速公路(Information
High-Way)> is different from others. Since the concept is a kind of metaphor, there is not a
real lexical hyponymy relation. If we can cluster the relations into meaningful groups, such
as, metaphor group and non-metaphor group, it is possible for us to verify parts of the
relation group instead of all relations.
We notice that a prefix <pref> of a concept <cpt>=<pref><suf> is typically a term that forms
parts of other concepts in our concept set. Given a <pref>, H(<pref>) denotes all chunks that
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 321

appears before <pref> in other concepts and T(<pref>) denotes all chunks that appears after
<pref> in other concepts. The two statistical information, that provided by concept set
context, can be used to define the similarity of two prefixes.
Definition 11. Prefix Similarity is a quantity for measuring the similarity of two prefixes
within a concept-set context. It is the average of Crossover Coefficients of Head Similarity
and Tail Similarity.

| H ( x  )  H ( y ) | | T ( x )  T (  y ) |
Sim( x ,  y )  (  ) (12)
min(| H ( x ) |,| H ( y ) |) min(| T ( x ) |,| T ( y ) |)

K-cluster technique, which is the simplest unsupervised learning algorithm, enables us to

cluster data according to a given number of clusters k (MacQueen, 1967). With the ease to
control cluster number, we can then flexibly choose a specific grain to cluster our relations.
We perform a k-cluster algorithm on concept set using prefix similarity. In the case above,
there are 1210 concepts containing “信息” in our 800,000 concept set. Other prefix terms
rarely appear and share some terms such as <*><收费站>. Given k=2, the prefix <信息> will
be placed in a separate group through clustering, while the rest four prefixes are grouped
into one cluster. Hence, we only need to judge two hyponymy relations respectively from
each cluster. From the empirical study, the best k-value is a median proportion of the size of
the target concept sub-set.





20% Judging Cases Accuracy

1 2 4 8 16
Fig. 5. Judging cases and accuracy in prefix clustering

This step is optional comparing to other modules employed in our framework, and
sometimes it may lower the precision of the system. Figure 5 describes our judging cases and
accuracy in a 1000-sized sub tree of a CST built by an 800,000 concept set. When setting the
K-value to be 8, we will have an accuracy of 90.4% by judging 62% relation cases.
Remarkably,not only does the percentage of judging cases depend on K-value, it also relates
to the structure of targeting CST. However, prefix clustering will significantly improve the
efficiency of human judgment during verification phase.

10. Discovering Hierarchical Lexical Hyponymy

Given a concept set C, we use the CST clustering technique to build a CST. Then we compute
the statistics of patterns described in Sect. 6 and store them in each CST node. We apply the
322 New Advances in Machine Learning

SCI rules to extract class concept candidates T’, and add them to C, enlarging our original
concept set. We verify the unverified candidates in T’ with the Google-base verification
described in Sect. 7, and get a class concept set T. In lexical hyponymy relation candidate set
H’, we remove all the relations that have hypernymy concepts in T-T’.
Lexical hyponymy relations are generated as follows: For a given concept node <cpt>, set
{<s-cpt1>… <s-cptn>} is used to denote all the verified class concept nodes it goes through in
CST, and we have HISA(<s-cpti>,<s-cptj>) (i<j). Put all generated relations to H’. As the
original concept set changed, we update statistical information of each node, and keep
performing steps above until the status of each node remains unchanged. Finally we cluster
the prefix according to Sect.7 and judge one relation candidate in each cluster in H’, resulting
our final hierarchical lexical hyponymy relation set H. The pseudo code of acquiring process is
given in Figure 6.

Acquiring a large-scale concept set C.

Constructing CST using CST clustering.
Compute statistical information of inner nodes.
For each concept node <cpt> in CST {
Apply SCI rules.
Get all class concept candidates T’
T← Verify unverified candidates in T’
Remove hyponymy of invalid candidates
H’←All relation candidates in T
Perform Prefix Clustering in H’
Judging Relations in H’, resulting H

Fig. 6. Acquiring hierarchical lexical hyponymy relations

Fig. 7. An example of hierarchical acquisition process

Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 323

To better illustrate this acquisition process, an example is given in Figure 7. Nodes {a, b, c, d, e,
f} are suffix chunk nodes in a Common Suffix Tree. A suffix chunk node represents a lexical
chunk of string starting from the corresponding CST node leading to the root. In (I), we have
already known that b, d, e are class concept nodes and the rest are unknown nodes. Through
suffix analysis, a is proved to be a non-concept and b, c are identified to be class concept
candidates, as shown in (II). The candidates are then verified by the class concept classifier.
In (III), c is classified as class concept and d is classified as non-class concept. Hyponymy
relation candidates are HISA(d, c), HISA(e, c), HISA(d, b), HISA(e, b), HISA(f, b), where HISA(d,
b) and HISA(e, b) are derived from transitivity of hyponymy relation. HISA(e, c) is judged as a
non-hyponymy relation, leading that HISA(e, b) to be removed, as shown in (IV).

11. Experiment
11.1 Concept Extraction
The concept extraction part of our system is called Concept Extractor (CptEx) and uses the
following formulae to evaluate its performance:

|| ma  mm || || ma  mm || 2 pr
p ,r  , F  Measure  (8)
|| ma || || mm || pr

where ma are the concepts CptEx extracts and $m_{m}$ are the ones built manually. To
calculate the performance, we selected 1000 chunks from the raw corpus and label the
concepts in them manually. We compare the results based on CICMs with those based the
Syntax Models and the POS Models as shown in Table 6:

Measurement Syntax Models POS Models CICM

p 98.5% 86.1% 89.1%
r 1.2% 87.8% 84.2%
F-measure 2.3% 86.9% 86.6%
Table 6. Performance of CptEx

Having adopted CICMs to distinguish concepts from the chunks extracted by lexico-patterns,
the precision rate drops down to 89.1% while the recall rate flies to 84.2%. The precision rate
reduces because there are still some improper CICMs which will confirm fake concepts.
Compared with POS Models, CICMs has a higher accuracy rate because we consider more
factors to clarify the inner constructive rules rather than using part of speech only. On the
other hand, our stricter models result in a lower recall rate.

11.2 Relation Mining

Our lexical hyponymy relation discovery is being evaluated through 5 concept sets of the
size of 10000, 50000, 100000, 400000, and 800000, respectively. To compare their performances
under different settings, we use the resulting lexical hyponymy relations acquired, followed
by a human judgment with a k=10 prefix clustering. The same evaluation system as the last
section is used to evaluate the performance of our system:
324 New Advances in Machine Learning

40,00% Precision
30,00% Recall
20,00% F‐Measure
10.000 50.000 100.000 400.000 800.000

Fig. 8. System performance with different concept set size

From the acquisition result shown in Fig.8, we can discover that F-measure incrementally
increases coincides the larger concept-set size, from 24.93 in 10000-sized concept set,
climbing to 78.34 in 800000 one. Precision lower slightly and recall increase significantly with
a larger concept set. As the size of concept set enlarges, more statistical information emerges,
and at the same time more suffix concepts are extracted as class concepts, some of which
form lexical hyponymy relations, causing a higher recall, while some other relations are
invalid, leading to a lower precision. Under the concept-set with a size of 800000, the
precision is 93.8% and recall reaches to 67.24%. The recall can be even higher when given a
larger concept set.
In our concept set, we discover noise due to exocentric compounds, in which the suffix
concepts are not hypernymy concepts. So far, no effort has been done to verify Chinese
exocentric structures and the difficulty of linguistic usage makes it hard to analyze semantic
relation within Chinese lexical concepts, which inevitably lower the precision of our
Single-gram hypernymy concepts, such as ‘计’, are likely to cause ambiguity. In our concept
set, we find a large number of concepts ended with suffixes like {“硬度计”,“光度计”, “温度
计”, “速度计”, “长度计”, “高度计”}. The mutual information between “度” and “计” is very
high, leading the algorithm adopting SPI rule to wrongly mark the chunk “度计”, rather than
“计”, as a class concept candidate. This problem might be solved if we could avoid the
information sparsity by further enlarging the concept set.
The precision of class concept verification module is an important factor to the performance
of whole system. We can further obtain a larger feature space and enhance the performance
by employing advanced learning techniques such as SVM and Naïve Bayes Network.
Final precision of the framework is affected by our prefix clustering judgment, however,
when the concept set becomes larger and thus more relations are extracted, it is inevitable for
us to adopt that judgment.
Concept Mining and Inner Relationship Discovery from Text 325

12. Conclusion
We have described a new approach for automatic acquisition of concepts from text based on
Syntax Models and CICMs of concepts. This method extracted a large number of candidate
concepts using lexico-patterns firstly, and then learned CICMs to identify more concepts
accordingly. Experiments have shown that our approach is efficient and effective. We test the
method in a 160G free text corpus, and the outcome indicates the utility of our method.
To discover the inner relationships of the concept set, we propose a novel approach to
discover lexical hyponymy relations in a large-scale concept set and make the acquisition of
lexical hyponymy relations possible. In this method we cluster a concept set into a common
suffix tree firstly, and then use the proposed statistical suffix identification rules to extract
class concept candidates in the inner nodes of the common suffix tree. We then design a
Google-base symbolic class concept verifier. Finally we extract Lexical hyponymy relations
and judge them after the prefix clustering process. Experimental result has shown that our
approach is efficient and can correctly acquire most lexical hyponymy relations in a
large-scale concept set.
In the concept extraction part there are still some more works be done to get better
performance for there are some improper CICMs. We plan to validate concepts in an open
corpus such as in the World Wide Web in the future. In the relation discovery future work
will be concentrated on the extraction of single-gram suffixes, which covers a large part of
lexical hyponymy relations. On the other hand, through inner cross verification within a
concept set, an approach that automatically verifies hyponymy relation is coming soon.

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328 New Advances in Machine Learning
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 329


Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding

Yi Guo, Zhiqing Shao
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology

1. Introduction
In the research field of natural language understanding, sentence stands a very prominent
position in text processing. The process of sentence understanding involves computing the
meaning of a sentence based on analysis of meanings of its individual words. Research
procedures in sentence understanding examine the representations and processes that
connect the identification of individual words in text reading (Culter, 1995; Balota, 1994)
with mapping sentence meanings to relevant mental models (Johnson-Laird, 1983) or
discourse representations (Kintsch, 1988; van Eijck & Kamp, 1997).
The task of sentence understanding includes two stages, sentence parsing and semantic
processing. Sentence parsing resides in the fundamental level, while semantic
understanding involves lexcial and higher discourse analysis. Sentence understanding has
compact connections with human cognition, thus this chaper will introduce how cognitive
models are integrated, with machine learning algorithms (or models), into the procedures of
sentence parsing and semantic processing.

2. Statistical Learning Review

Over the past decade, statistical learning, a means to discover hidden structures or patterns
by analyzing statistical properties of the input, has emerged a general candidate mechanism
by which a wide range of linguistic experience can be acquired (Saffran, 2003).
Statistical learning, as a type of implicit learning, has been demonstrated across a variety of
natural and artificial language learning situations, including learning of information that is
potentially highly relevant to sentence comprehension processes, such as using function
words to delineate phrases (Green, 1979), integrating prosodic and morphological cues in
the learning of phrase structure (Morgan et al., 1987), parsing each natural language
sentence (Charniak, 1997) to a hierarchical structure which presents how words hookup
together to form constituents, discovering phonological and distributional cues to lexical
categories (Monaghan et al., 2005), locating syntactic phrase boundaries (Saffran, 2001;
2003), and detecting long-distance relationships between words (Gómez, 2002; Onnis et al.,
330 New Advances in Machine Learning

Misyak & Christiansen (2007) revealed that statistical learning ability was a stronger
predictor of relative clause comprehension than the reading span measure, and suggested
that statistical learning may play a strong role in the accumulation of linguistic experience
relevant for sentence processing.
Moreover, within natural language comprehension and production studies, there is clear
evidence that prior experience of a given syntactic structure affects (1) comprehension of
similar structures and (2) the probability that a speaker will utter a sentence with the same
or similar structure, even when there is no meaning overlap between sentences (Ferreira &
Bock, 2006).
Syntactic priming has been described as stemming from statistical learning at the syntactic
level (Bock & Griffin, 2000; Chang et al., 2006) or at the syntactic–semantic interface (Chang
et al., 2003), which can be viewed as examples of statistical learning of information relevant
to sentence processing.
Above research works have testified the significance of statistical learning for natural
language processing, including sentence comprehension, and also explicitly pointed out the
performance bottlenecks (Monaghan et al., 2005; Dell & Bock, 2006; Misyak & Christiansen,
2007) of statistical processing technologies. Since human, rather than the computer software
and hardware, is the core subject to process and understand natural language, it is essential
to survey pivotal research works regarding human cognition.

3. Cognitive Concepts Highlight

Sentences convey not only lexico-semantic information for each word, but sentence meaning
based on syntactic structures (Townsend & Bever, 2001; Friederici, 2002), which has
elucidated the importance of syntactic structures for sentences.
Recursion is a unique human component of the faculty of language (Hauser et al., 2002),
which is also known as the property of discrete infinity, the ability to generate an infinite
range of discrete expressions from a finite set of elements. Sentences are indeed such infinite
expressions generated from a limited set of words, signs, or letters; and syntactic
mechanisms (Chomsky, 2000) have been applied to instantiate this property.
Thus, the processing of syntactic structures plays a critical role in the selective integration of
lexico-semantic information into sentence meaning. Syntactic analyses are performed in the
service of semantics, and sentence meaning is derived from syntactic analyses of the
sentence structures.
As mentioned before, the procedure of sentence understanding includes sentence parsing at
a fundamental level, and semantic understanding at lexcial and higher discourse analysis.
This section will highlight several cognitive concepts regarding sentence parsing and
emantic understanding.

3.1 Syntax-First and Interactive Models

How human beings parse sentences, especially for syntactically ambiguous sentences, has
been a long-history cognitive research topic attracting research efforts for decades in the
field of cognitive psychology. In cognitive psychology, behavioristic experiments have been
popularly implemented to explore the sentence-analyzing mechanism, which is also called
“parser”, especially in the case that human beings cannot automatically constitute the
meaning of a sentence.
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 331

With respect to syntactic and semantic processing in sentence comprehension, two main
classes of cognitive models have been proposed to account for the behavioral data: Syntax-
First and Interactive models.
Syntax-First models (Fodor, 1983; Frazier & Fodor, 1978; Kako & Wagner, 2001) claims that,
(1) syntax plays the main part whereas semantics is only a supporting role, (2) the parser
initially builds a syntactic structure based on word category information, which is
independent from lexical or semantic information, and (3) thematic role assignment takes
place during a second stage. If the initial syntactic structure cannot be mapped onto the
thematic structure, the final stage will require a re-analysis.
Interactive models (Bates & Mac-Whinney, 1987; MacDonald et al., 1994; Marslen-Wislon &
Tyler, 1980; Taraban & McClelland, 1988) state that syntactic and semantic processes
actually interact with each other at an early stage, and both syntax and semantics work
together to determine the meaning of a sentence. Despite the agreement that syntactic and
semantic information has to be integrated within a short period of time, the two model
classes differ in their views on the temporal structure of the integration processes.
Syntax and semantics are two indispensable properties of sentences. The eye-tracking
studies (Tanenhaus & Trueswell, 1995) have supported the conclusion that syntax and
semantics interact during parsing, which denotes that meaning affects early processing.
These behavioristic experiments have convinced that the interactionist approach (Trueswell
et al., 1994) is rational and effective to simulate human parsing and semantic understanding

3.2 The Garden Path Model and Alternatives

Theories of sentence processing have illustrated various perspectives on when
comprehenders initiate semantic interpretation of an incoming word. One of the most
prominent and influential models of sentence processing is the garden path model (Ferreira
& Clifton, 1986; Frazier & Rayner, 1982; Rayner et al., 1983), which states that semantic
interpretation generally followes the construction of a syntactic analysis.
The syntactic analysis applies appropriate syntactic parsing strategy together with
information of major syntactic category (e.g. noun, verb, adjective, etc.) of incoming words.
Semantic interpretation can proceed after he construction of a syntactic analysis. The strict
temporal ordering of syntactic analysis and semantic interpretation produce the fact that
semantic information cannot influence the construction of a syntactic analysis. The effects of
semantic information observed during the resolution of syntactic ambiguity have been
interpreted as reflecting processes occurring after an initial syntactic analysis (Ferreira &
Clifton, 1986; Kennison, 2001; Speer & Clifton, 1998).
From the perspective of the garden path theory, the results of the present research can be
viewed as supporting the claim that certain aspects of high-level integrative semantic
processing for an incoming word occur only after the comprehender determines the word’s
syntactic analysis.
The most prominent alternatives to the garden path model include interactive and
constraint-based approaches to sentence processing. These approaches stated that language
comprehension can be achieved through highly interactive and parallel processing
(MacDonald et al., 1994; Sedivy et al., 1999; Tanenhaus et al., 1995; Taraban & McClelland,
1988; Trueswell & Tanenhaus, 1994; Trueswell et al., 1993). Word-specific (lexical)
information will produce candidate syntactic frames, which are activated in parallel.
332 New Advances in Machine Learning

Although semantic interpretations are constructed upon syntactic frames (MacDonald et al.,
1994), semantic information can influence the activation of syntactic frames. As a
consequence, syntactic and semantic analysis may influence each other.

3.3 The Brain-Based Model

In the brain-based model (Friederici, 2002), language comprehension is divided into three
functionally and temporally separable processing steps: (1) initial local structure building in
the first phase; (2) lexical-semantic and thematic processes in the second phase; and (3)
syntactic integration and revision in the third phase. For an integrative view of language
processing, recent brain image research (Friederici & Kotz, 2003) provides support evidence
that syntax-first aspects take place in an early time window and the interactive aspects
happen in a later time window.

3.4 Working Memory and Semantic Memory

An early study (Fodor, 1983) of sentence understanding hypothesized a cognitive
architecture focusing on a component building grammatical structures of sentence
processing. Later research works (Caplan & Waters, 1999; Gibson, 1998; Just & Carpenter,
1992; Zurif et al., 1995) involve various executive resources facilitating sentence processing,
such as working memory (WM), which contains specific sentence features and acts as
temporary storage for phrasal information manipulation during the processing of long-
distance syntactic dependencies in a sentence. During the course of sentence processing,
working memory may help maintain, in a linear or non-linear manner, crucial components
of a sentence in an active state until the correct grammatical relationships are established
(Lewis et al., 2006).
Tulving (1972) first introduced semantic memory (SM), which refers to the general
knowledge of concepts and facts, including word meaning, and involves encoding and
retrieval of information in multiple domains (Hart et al., 2007). The essence of semantic
memory is that contents are not statically bound to any particular instance of experience as
in episodic memory. Instead, semantic memory stores is the gist of experience, an abstract
structure applicable to a wide range of experiential objects, and delineates categorical and
functional relationships between such objects.

4. Simple Recurrent Networks (SRNs)

Hadley (1994) proposed that systematic behavior is a matter of learning and generalization;
thus, a neural network trained on a limited number of sentences should to be able to process
all possible sentences in a generalize manner. Moreover, since people learn systematic
language behavior from exposure to only a small fraction of possible sentences, a neural
network should similarly be able to learn from a relatively small proportion of possible
sentences, if it is to be considered cognitively plausible.
Simple Recurrent Networks (SRNs) (Elman, 1991) has been widely applied in basic
connectionist approaches (parallel distributed processing) for language learning. SRN has
been implemented to employ the functions of working memory (MacDonald et al., 2001;
MacDonald & Christiansen, 2002).
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 333

The SRN architecture (as illustrated in Fig. 1.) includes the activations from the recurrent
layer (RL, the hidden layer) as the context layer (CL) in the input layer (IL), aiming at
processing inputs that consist of sequences of patterns of variable length. This architecture
allows the network to include information connected with all the previous steps in a
sequence in its processing of the current stage. The architecture will remember what has
gone before, forgetting gradually as it progresses through the sequence.

Layer (OL)

… …

Layer (RL)

Time Delay … …

Context Input
Layer (CL) Layer (IL)

… … … …

Fig.1. Architecture of Simple Recurrent Networks

Symbols Definition
IU A unit of input layer
RU A unit of recurrent layer
CU A unit of context layer
OU A unit of output layer
|I| The number of units in IL
|R| The number of units in RL
|C| The number of units in CL
|O| The number of units in OL
WRI The weight vector from IL to RL
WRC The weight vector from CL to RL
WOR The weight vector from RL to OL
Table 1. Definition of SRN Symbols

Symbols in Fig. 1. are defined in table 1: the first order weight matrices WRI and WOR fully
connect the units of the input layer (IL) , the recurrent layer (RL) and the output layer (OL)
respectively, as in the feed forward multilayer perceptron (MLP). The current activities of
recurrent units RU(t) are fed back through time delay connections to the context layer, which
is presented as CU(t+1) = RU(t).
Therefore, each unit in recurrent layer is fed by activities of all recurrent units from previous
time step through recurrent weight matrix WRC. The context layer, which is composed with
334 New Advances in Machine Learning

activities of recurrent units from previous time step, can be viewed as an extension of input
layer to the recurrent layer. Above working procedure represents the memory of the
network via holding contextual information from previous time steps.
The weight matrices W RI , W RC and W OR are presented as equations (1) to (3)

 w11ri w12ri  w1ri,|R| 

 ri ri 
W RI = [ ( w1RI )T , ( w2RI )T ,…, ( w|RI T
] =  w21 w22  w1ri,|R| 
R| )
     
 ri 
 w|I |,1 w|riI|, 2 ri
 w|I |,|R| 

 w11rc w12rc  w1rc,|R| 

 rc rc 
W RC = [ ( w1RC )T , ( w2RC )T ,…, ( w|RC T
] =  w21 w22  w1rc,|R| 
R| )
     
 rc rc rc 
 w|C|,1 w |C |, 2  w|C|,|R| 

 w11or w12or  w1or,|O| 

 or or 
W OR = [ ( w1OR )T , ( w2OR )T ,…, ( w|OR T
] =  w21 w22  w1or,|O| 
O| )
     
 or 
 w|R|,1 w|orR|, 2 or
 w|R|,|O| 

In above formulations, where ( wkRI )T is the transpose of wkRI for the instance of W ,
where w k
is a row vector, ( w ) is the column vector of the same elements. The

vector w = ( w1rik , w2rik ,… w|riI |,k ) represents the weights from all the input layer units to the

recurrent (hidden) layer unit RU k . The same conclusion applies with W RC and W OR
Given an input pattern in time t, IU(t) = ( IU1( t ) , IU 2( t ) ,..., IU |(It| ) ), and recurrent activities RU(t)
= ( RU 1( t ) , RU 2( t ) ,..., RU |(Rt|) ) ), for the ith recurrent unit, the net input RU i(t ) and output
activity RU i(t ) are calculated as equations (4) and (5).

|I | |R|
RU i(t ) = IU(t) · ( wiRI )T + RU(t-1) · ( wiRC )T = 
j 1
IU (jt ) w riji +  RU
j 1
( t 1)
j w rcji (4)

RU i(t ) = f ( RU i(t ) ) (5)

For the kth output unit, its net input OU k(t ) and output activity OU k(t ) are calculated as
equations (6) and (7).
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 335

OU k(t ) = RU(t) · ( wkOR )T =  RU (jt ) worjk (6)
j 1

OU k(t ) = f ( OU k(t ) ) (7)

Here, the activation function f applies the logistic sigmoid function (Eq. 8).
1 ex (8)
f ( x)  
1  e x 1  e x

5. Cognitive Learning with Machine

Most current cognitive models of language processing agree that sentence comprehension
involves different types of constraints (Jackendoff, 2002) in which syntactic and semantic
(conceptual) information deserve the most salient consideration.
From one point of view, separable, independent but partly sequential processes construct
distinct syntactic and semantic representations of a sentence (Berwick & Weinberg, 1984;
Ferreira & Clifton, 1986). The opposed view is that syntactic and semantic constraints
directly and simultaneously interact with each other at the message-level representation of
the input (Johnson-Laird, 1983; Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 1987; McClelland et al., 1989).
There also exist other proposals in between above fully independent and fully interactive
models. Frazier (1987) suggests that syntactic analysis is autonomous and independent from
semantic variables in initial stage(s), but is affected by semantic variables at later stage(s); in
the contrary, syntactic analysis can influence semantic integration from the very beginning
of processing. Meanwhile, Trueswell et al., (1994) claims that semantic information affects
and leads syntactic analysis of the utterance in an immediate and direct mannner.
Abve and several other diverging proposals can be testified by using event-related brain
potentials (ERPs), measurements of brain activity, which are elicited during the process of
sentence comprehension. Different reliable ERP components have been employed to prove
the distinction between the processing of syntactic and semantic information during
sentence understanding. The extent and type of interaction of ERPs are taken as evidence for
the interplay occurring between syntactic and semantic analyses during sentence
This section will focus on how syntactic parsing and semantic processing are
implemented with sentence processing machinery.

5.1 Sentence Parsing

The processing of syntactic structures plays a critical role in the selective integration of
lexico-semantic information into sentence meaning. Syntactic analyses are performed in the
service of semantics, and sentence meaning is derived from syntactic analyses of the
sentence structures.
As discussed in section 3.1, the behavior experiments proved that semantics and syntax
work together in sentence parsing to clarify the meaning. As a conclusion, semantics should
be assigned an equal prominent role as syntax to improve parsing results. Thus, how to
incorporate semantics with syntax simultaneously is the dominant challenge in sentence
336 New Advances in Machine Learning

In recent a few years, the research works of natural language processing (NLP) have strived
toward the elaboration of huge linguistic dictionaries and ontologies (Knight et al., 1995;
Miller et al., 1990; Sugumaran & Storey, 2002), even including relations between concepts
and common sense. The exploitation and implementation of such dictionaries and
ontologies has fulfilled some understanding requirements.
Kapetanios et al. (2005) proposed to implement the process of parsing natural language
queries with an ontology, which preserved extensional semantics, such as domain terms,
operators and operations. Since the context of terms circumscribed by the real-world
semantics can be expressed by the ontology, it also will alleviate the semantic parsing.
Context of terms is defined by the interrelationships expressed with an ontology as well as
by the intentional meaning expressed with annotations.
Considering the impacts of linguistic dictionaries and ontologies in NLP, our solution for
interactionist parsing, CIParser, takes WordNet (Miller et al., 1990) as the linguistic
dictionary, and designs a corresponding ontology, WNOnto (as defined in Guo & Shao
(2008)), referring to a W3C working draft (van Assem et al., 2006). Since nouns and verbs are
more dominant in parsing sentences into phrases, they are the word types deliberately
chosen for semantical analysis with WordNet. Therefore, the design of WNOnto grounds on
nouns and verbs, which also benefits time efficiency in machine learning and parsing.

Verification and Adjustment of Parsing Results

Left Wing Output Output Right Wing

Layer (OL) Layer (OL)

… … … …

WOR Recurrent WOR Recurrent

Layer (RL) Layer (RL)

Time Delay … … … …
Time Delay

Context WRC WRI Input WRI Input WRC Context

Layer (CL) Layer (IL) Layer (IL) Layer (CL)

… … … … … … … …

Word1,Word2, ,Wordi, WordOnto1,WordOnto2, ,WordOntoi,

Fig. 2. Architecture of CIParser

Based on the architecture of SRN (figure 1), our CIParser is designed as illustrated in Fig. 2.
The left wing is a classical SRN as described in section 4: all the input units in IL are single
words from original sentences; the activations from RL of the previous time step produce
the CL for the current stage; the units of IL and CL respectively multiplying matrices of
W RI and W RC compose the input of RL; the activations of RL multiplying W OR produce the
input units of OL in current stage.
All the grammatical information is implicitly preserved in its pattern of link weights.
Moreover, there are fewer independence assumptions. The SRN itself decides what to pay
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 337

attention to and what to ignore. Statistical issues, such as combining multiple estimators or
smoothing for sparse data, are handled in the training procedure. “One-size-fits-all” is a
common feature of machine learning techniques.
The right wing is structurally identical as the left wing, except that the input units in IL
include not only single words from sentences but also individual ontologies, WordOntos,
produced according to WNOnto with querying results from WordNet. In another word,
each input unit of IL is composed with (1) a single word and (2) a corresponding ontology
(only for a noun or verb). Here, any noun or verb has been appended with its semantical
information from WordNet in the ontology manner.
The syntactic structure of a natural language sentence is a hierarchical structure, which
represents how the words connect together to form constituents, such as phrases and even
clauses. This structure is normally specified with a constituent-tree, in which the
constituents are nodes or leaves and the hierarchical structure is denoted with parent-child
In the final processing phase, “Verification and Adjustment of Parsing Results”, the parsing
results of left and right wings are verified against each other in case that either wing takes
too long time to deliver a parsing result. In the case of both wings producing parsing results,
we have followed a selection rule that the tree containing more constituents wins, which has
been strictly followed in later experiments. The application of phrases to identify structural
constituents in our CIParser also offers the competence to generalize machine learned
information across structural constituents.
As we know that (1) people has language processing constraints in constructions, such as
center embedding (Chomsky, 1959), and (2) people can only activate a limited number of
information units in memory at any one time (Miller, 1956), we introduced working
memory (Baddeley & Susan, 2006) into our CIParser. Baddeley et al. (2006) defined working
memory as a limited capacity system for temporary storage and manipulation of
information for complex tasks such as comprehension, learning and reasoning. In this paper,
we add the storage task of working memory to our CIParser to simulate human processing
The nature of SRN decides that each new input, a word or/and its ontology, of the network,
will also be input of the network in a new state, which indicates that information is
computed through all of these states in every subsequent time period. However, the
constraints on the depth of center embedding (Chomsky, 1959) implies that a limited
number of these states will be referred to by following parts of the constituent-tree in any
given time period.
In CIParser, we construct a queue with limited length to simulate the active units in human
memory. When the SRNs arrive at a new state, this state will be queued from head to tail.
When a new state comes to the queue fully filled with previous network states, the oldest
state leaves the queue at tail and the new one enters the head. This queue mechanism
presents that, when the number of states exceeds the queue length, the oldest state will be
forgotten. This mechanism also helps the CIParser to focus on active states and to achieve
precise computing results efficiently.
Guo & Shao (2008) has designed and constructed experiments for training and examining
CIParser in sentence parsing. The experiments demonstrate that the SRN-based CIParser
may be used for connectionist language learning with structured output representations.
338 New Advances in Machine Learning

The performance of CIParser is evaluated in terms of traditional measures, Precision and

Recall of constituents with the famous SUSANNE Corpus.
The experimental results demonstrate that the CIParser has comparability with the state-of-
the-art parsing techniques based on statistical language learning. Guo & Shao (2008) also
pointed out that (1) thinking of the parsing efficiency, only the semantic information of
nouns and verbs are considered in current stage; (2) involving other word types (e.g. adverb
and adjective) will be future research efforts.

5.2 Semantic Processing

As we know, several knowledge repositories, e.g. WordNet (Miller et al., 1990) and Cyc
(Lenat, 2006), have been developed to support programs (or agents) to increase the
intelligence of specified tasks. Meanwhile, other existing repositories are domain dependent
and only represent information about certain aspects of the domains.
WordNet, as a linguistic repository, does not have the capability to capture the semantic
relationships or integrity constraints between concepts. As linguistic repositories lack
semantic knowledge, query expansion cannot deal with several issues: (1) knowledge
related to the domain of the query, (2) common sense inferences, or (3) the semantic
relationships in which the concepts of the query can participate.
The Cyc ontology is a semantic repository developed to capture and represent common
sense, but can not represent linguistic relationships of the concepts (e.g. whether two
concepts are synonyms). Semantic repositories need linguistic knowledge to identify
relevant concepts from the repository that represent a given term used in the query. Thus, a
semantic repository, as Cyc, can be extended with linguistic information from the WordNet
lexicon, and factual information from the World Wide Web.
In section 5.1, we have illustrated a model for sentence parsing, and we will construct
another model (as Fig. 3.) for semantic processing in this section. In order to implement
semantic processing in sentence understanding, we have to consider semantic repositories
to represent semantic information; the integration of linguistic and semantic information
could be useful to increase the contexts where knowledge in these repositories can be used
In step one, each original sentence will be first processed by CIParser to obtain a
corresponding syntactic structure, e.g. a constituent tree. In step two, as the sentence is
processed word by word, open and closed class words are segregated into distinct
processing streams. The Grammatical Relations Mapping module will integrate constituent
information for each word or phrase with strict mapping operations. In step three, the
Linguistic Relations Construction module constructs linguistic relationships (e.g. synonyms,
antonyms, hypernyms, and hyponyms) of the concepts in a sentence with referent provided
by WordNet. In step four, the Semantic Relations Construction module captures the
semantic relationships or integrity constraints between concepts, so as to successfully deal
with domain knowledge and common sense inferences. Finally, in step five, all the
structured data (instances of ontolgy in XML format) from previous processing steps are
used to fulfill the appropriate components of the meaning structure, the Sentence-Meaning
Construction Index (SMCI). Obviously, SMCI contains four types, lexical, syntactic,
grammatical and semantic (or conceptual) of information.
Cognitive Learning for Sentence Understanding 339

Sentence-Meaning Construction Index

CYC Ontologies Semantic Relations Construction

WordNet Ontologies Linguistic Relations Construction

Constituent Tree(s) Grammatical Relations Mapping

CIParser Verification and Adjustment of Parsing Results Sentence(s)

Left Wing Output Output Right Wing
Layer (OL) Layer (OL)

OU1 OU2 …… OU| O| OU1 OU2 …… OU| O|

WOR Recurrent WOR Recurrent

Time Delay RU1 RU2
Layer (RL)

…… RU| R| RU1 RU2

Layer (RL)

…… RU| R|
Time Delay

Context W RC WRI Input W

Input W
Layer (CL) Layer (IL) Layer (IL) Layer (CL)

CU1 CU2 …… CU| C| I U1 I U2 …… I U| I | I U1 I U2 …… I U| I | CU1 CU2 …… CU| C|

Word1 ,Word2,…,Wordi,… WordOnto1,WordOnto2,…,WordOntoi,…

Fig. 3. A Computing Model of Semantic Processing for Sentence Understanding

The above model is able to store and retrieve different sentence-meaning construction
appropriate for different sentences. The requirement is that each individual sentence should
yield a unique construction index. The construction indices are used in a working memory
or an associative memory to store and retrieve the correct sentence-meaning construction

6. Conclusion
This chaper starts with a review of classical and traditional statistical learning approaches.
As sentence understanding has latent compact connections with human cognition, this
chaper also highlights relevant cognitive concepts or models in sentence understanding
domain. Afterwards, this chapter described the completion of sentence understanding task
from two aspects, sentence parsing and semantic processing, and how cognitive models are
integrated, with machine learning algorithms (or models), into the procedures of sentence
parsing and semantic processing.
The CIParser has been evaluated and proven comparablr with the state-of-the-art parsing
techniques based on statistical language learning. Another computing model of Semantic
Processing for Sentence Understanding (Fig. 3.) also has been constructed to deliver
Sentence-Meaning Construction Index (SMCI) for each sentence. With SMCI, a sentence can
be understood in four dimensions, which are lexical, syntactic, grammatical and semantic
(or conceptual) dimensions.
Cognitive learning with machines for sentence understanding has just started with minor
productions, in which our works took SRNs as an initial model of artificial neural networks.
340 New Advances in Machine Learning

In an artificial language learning task (next-word prediction), van der Velde et al. (2004)
evaluated a simple recurrent network (SRN) and claimed that the SRN failed to process
novel sentences appropriately, for example, by correctly distinguishing between nouns and
verbs. However, Frank (2006) extended above simulations and showed that, although
limitations had arisen from overfitting in large networks (van der Velde et al., 2004), an
identical SRN still can display some generalization performance in the condition that the
lexicon size was increased properly. Moreover, Frank (2006) demonstrated that
generalization could be further improved by employing the echo-state network (ESN)
(Jaeger, 2003), an alternative network that requires less training (due to fixed input and
recurrent weights) and is less prone to overfitting.
Recurrent Self-Organizing Networks (RSON) (Farkaš & Crocker, 2006), coupled with two
types of a single-layer prediction module, had demonstrated salient benefit in learning
temporal context representations. In the task of next-word prediction, RSON achieved the
best performance, which turned out to be more robust and faster to train than SRN and
higher prediction accuracy than ESN. As a conclusiong, further investigation will take ESN
and RSON as neural network models, and we believe that comparison and evalation works
among SRNs, ESNs, and RSONs are also venturing and promising directions.

7. Acknowledgement
This research work has been partly funded with the Returned Scholar Research Funding of
Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE).

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A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 345


A Hebbian Learning Approach

for Diffusion Tensor Analysis
& Tractography
Dilek Göksel Duru
Bogazici University

1. Introduction
The principle significance of an artificial neural network is that it learns and improves
through that learning. The definition of the learning process in neural networks is of great
importance. The neural network is stimulated and regarding to these stimulations the free
parameters of the network change in its internal structure. As a result the neural network
replies in a new way. Based on a basic learning algorithm namely Hebbian learning, a
solution to the problem of resolving uncertainty areas in diffusion tensor magnetic
resonance image (DTMRI) analysis is represented. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a
developing and promising medical imaging modality allowing the determination of in-vivo
tissue properties noninvasively upon the random movement of the water molecules. The
method is unique in its ability being a noninvasive modality which is a great opportunity to
explore various white matter pathologies and healthy brain mapping for neuroanatomy
research. In neuroscience applications DTI is mostly used addressing brain’s fiber
tractography, reconstructing the connectivity map. Clinical evaluation of fiber tracking
results is a major problem in the field. Noise, partial volume effects, inefficiency of
numerical implementations by reconstructing the intersecting tracts are some of the reasons
for the need of standardized fiber tract atlas. Also misregistration caused by eddy currents,
ghosting due to motion artifacts, and signal loss due to susceptibility variations may all
affect the calculated tractography results.
The proposed method based on the Hebbian learning provides an instance of non-
supervised and competitive learning in a neurobiological aspect as a solution to the tracking
problem of the intersecting axonal structures. The main contribution of the study is to
describe a tracking approach via a special class of artificial neural networks namely the
Hebbian learning with improved reliability.

2. Diffusion tensor imaging

Essential concepts necessary to understand DTMRI are explained in this section. The utility
of the diffusion tensor is that it provides the direction in three dimensional space in which
346 New Advances in Machine Learning

the rate of diffusion is greatest (Basser et al., 2000). The developing imaging modality is
almost a routine MR technique analyzing tissue anisotropy characteristics, connectivity and
alterations of human brain neural tracts.
The discrete diffusion tensor and diffusivity trajectory estimation between neighboring
image pixels are used to trace out the fiber pathways namely the tracts. The process of
determining the neural tracts especially white matter structures by diffusion tensor analysis
is commonly known as tractography. Fiber tractography is able to provide both quantitative
and qualitative information aiming to clarify the anatomical architecture of brain’s fibers
and advance our knowledge of fiber connectivity maps (Ding et al., 2003). There are some
limiting cases in DTI analysis and fiber tracking. One of the critical problems in estimating
these brain maps is the existence of intersecting tracts within the tissue. As a consequence of
this fact, axonal structures in the image voxels with more than one diffusivity direction can
not be clearly defined, where the generally the diffusion tensor model becomes inaccurate to
define the uncertainties (Bammer, 2003; Ciccarelli et al., 2003).
Current researchs are involved in multi-tensor mixture models (Tuch et al., 2002) and higher
order tensor models (Basser et al., 1994; Basser, 2002). Some techniques such as q-space
imaging (Callaghan et al. 1988; Basser, 2002), and high angular resolution diffusion imaging
(Frank, 2002; Tuch et al., 2002) are enhanced in resolving such multidiffusivities within a
voxel. Jones employed the so called “cone of uncertainty” as a construction method where
the tensor’s principal eigenvector has a confidence interval in which one helps to define the
uncertainty regions as a cone with a probability distribution instead of a discrete diffusivity
determination (Jones, 2003). In spite of having some proposed methods for determination of
the intersecting diffusivities (Westin et al., 1999; Pajevic & Pierpaoli, 2000; Poupon et al.,
2000; Tuch et al., 2002), still the connection is not precisely defined, and there isn’t any gold
standard yet (Westin et al., 1999; LeBihan et al., 2006). So depending on the proposed
Hebbian learning rule approach, we aim to clarify the tracts in the intersections in order to
eliminate the uncertainty.

3.1 Diffusion tensor theory

Diffusion weighted images are the raw data source for the calculation of the diffusion tensor
measured using the Stejskal-Tanner equation (Basser & LeBihan, 1992; Basser et al., 1994),
where |g| is the strength of the diffusion gradient pulses, S0 is the RF signal received for a
measurement without diffusion gradient pulses, and Si is the signal received with diffusion
gradient pulses. The diffusion tensor D is gained by systematically application of the
diffusion weighted gradients in multiple directions. The mathematical expression D is a real,
symmetric second order tensor, represented in matrix form as a real, symmetric 3x3 matrix
(Eq. 1).
T 
S i  S 0 e bg i Dg i (1)

Getting the six unique elements of the diffusion tensor D requires at least six diffusion
weighted measurements in non-collinear measurement directions g along with a non-
diffusion-weighted measurement S0 based on the three-dimensional Gaussian Stejskal-
A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 347

Tanner model (Eq.2). The linear system of n ≥ 6 diffusion weighted measurements

constraining the diffusion tensor D may be represented in matrix form (Basser, 2002).

 1 S 
 ln

 Dxx   b S 
   

x 2
2 x1 y1 2 y1 z1 2 x1 z1   Dyy   1 S 
  ln
 2  
 x2 y22 z22 2 x1 y1 2 y2 z 2 2 x2 z2   Dzz   b S 
 

        Dxy    (2)
 2    
 xn y 2
z 2
2 xn yn 2 yn z n 2 xn zn   Dxz   
n n
 
 Dyz   1 S 
  ln

 b S
In the linear system of equations Ad = s of equation 2, A is the encoding matrix containing
the n ≥ 6 unit normalized gradient measurement directions, d is a vector specifying the 6
unique elements of the diffusion tensor D (Eq.3), and s is a vector containing natural
logarithmic scaled RF signal loss resulting from the Brownian motion of spins (Berg, 1983).

 Dxx Dxy Dxz 

 
D   Dyx Dyy Dyz  (3)
 Dzx Dzy Dzz 

Diagonalization of the diffusion tensor yields its eigensystem with its eigenvectors and
eigenvalues 1, 2, 3 listed in decreasing order. The eigensystem of D is calculated in every
pixel for DT analysis. Different research groups have studied mathematical explanations of
the diffusion tensor (Lori et al., 2002; Ciccarelli et al., 2003; Khader & Narayana, 2003). The
scalar diffusion tensor eigenvalues and their derivatives defining the anisotropy values are
correlated to the underlying tissue in the region of interest (ROI). The directional
eigenvectors are relevant to the anisotropy spatially and orientationally (Pierpaoli et al.,
2002). The largest eigenvector actually corresponds to the major molecular motion of water
indicating the principal orientation of the analyzed axonal structures. Most of the diffusion
tensor analyses rely in assigning the major eigenvector as the direction of the largest water
diffusion called the principal diffusivity for reconstructing the 3D trajectories of human
brain fiber bundles (Westin et al., 1999; Basser et al., 2000; Poupon et al., 2000; Khader et al.,
2003; Taylor et al., 2004). The approach is adopted in our implementation too. Using the
computational diagonalization the eigensystem of the 3 by 3 symmetric D is achieved
(Borisenko & Tarapov, 1979; Szafer et al., 1995; Göksel & Özkan, 2006). The eigenvectors ei
and the corresponding eigenvalues i are the solutions of the equation (5), where the
eigenvectors ei (Eq. 4) are the principal diffusion directions (i = 1, 2, 3).
 
Dei  i ei (4)

| D - I|=0 (5)
348 New Advances in Machine Learning

The calculated eigenvectors are ordered descending, and an ordered orthogonal basis with
the first eigenvector having the direction of largest variance of the data is created (Goksel &
Ozkan, 2006). In our sample, this leads to the principal diffusivity, and so the most
appropriate diffusivity directions can be determined (Borisenko & Tarapov, 1979). The first
principal component 1 has maximum variance, and thus its weighting coefficients give the
direction of the maximum diffusion weighted signal, or largest principal diffusivity (Basser
et al., 2000). The weighting coefficients of the second and third principal components 2 and
3 give the directions of the intermediate and smallest principal diffusivity respectively.
Estimating the fiber tract maps follow the implementation of the selected post processing
methods, in this study the Hebbian learning rule, to resolve the related eigensystem. To
begin the tracking process, generally a starting pixel also called a seed point is selected to
focus on the desired region of interest and to avoid calculation overload in consideration of
working on the whole brain DTMR data. Starting at the seed point coordinates, similar fiber
orientation vectors are traced out upon a predefined similarity constraint until the selected
ROI is fully covered. Specific tracts related to the investigated ROIs can be visualized by
choosing the regions/seed points according to anatomical structures picked on the brain
atlas where the selection can be made either on segmented DT brain map or unsegmented
and full brain volume.

3. Hebbian learning for pattern association

3.1 Hebb’s hypothesis
Hebb’s rule is the earliest and the simplest of the learning rules for a neural network. The
basic neural net model provides knowledge about the synaptic modifications and learning
procedure between nodes in a pattern. The technique relies in representing the activity
between correlated nodes according to their related weighting. The Organization of
Behavior is expressed by Donald Hebb (1949) as: ``When the axon of cell A is near enough to
excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or
metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of the cells
firing B, is increased''. This Hebbian learning rule is used to store patterns in artificial neural
network models of associative memory. The Hebb’s postulate of learning implies both
temporal and spatial constraints on learning.
The ability of the Hebb’s rule to determine the weights for the correct output related to all
the training pattern is influenced by three factors. One is the existence of such weights.
Linear independency is a must to provide the existence of the weights. The second factor is
the correlation factor. The quality of the resulting weight matrix of the Hebbian learning
depends on the orthogonality of the input vectors. Finally, the weights of the Hebb’s process
represent the simultaneous activation of the stimulated nodes unit by unit, which lead the
rule make also called correlation training or encoding (Fausett, 1994). The rule is sometimes
called the activity product rule also, because of the correlational characteristic of Hebb’s
The idea selecting the Hebbian learning to resolve the uncertainty problem in diffusion
tensor tractography (DTT) relies in the proficiency of the neural networks as classifiers
especially in non-linear real world problems. The Hebbian learning algorithm is performed
locally, which makes the application a plausible theory for biological learning methods. That
is also making Hebbian learning process ideal in DTT.
A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 349

In this study, the input pattern is actually the eigensystem defining the principal diffusivity
of the fibers in DTMRI. As previously mentioned, the learning theory of Hebb relies in the
increase of the weights between neighboring nodes by simultaneous activation. In other
words, the weights between the nodes of the input pattern in Hebbian learning are
representing the relationship between these nodes. The modification of the weights and the
implementation will be explained in the next subtitles.

3.2 Mathematical model of Hebb’s rule

The formulation of the Hebbian learning follows with a synaptic weight wkj of neuron k with
F a function of both input signal xj and output signal yk (Haykin, 1999):

wkj (n)  F ( yk (n), x j (n)) (6)

The Hebb’s formula has many forms, the simplest form expressed with the weight
modification is given as (Haykin, 1999):

wkj (n)   yk (n) x j (n) (7)

The synaptic adjustment wkj is applied to the synaptic weight vector wkj at time step n
with a learning rate parameter . This proceeds from one step in the learning algorithm to

F(x1) w1j
F(x2) 1 if yj ≥ 
. .  yj = (Fw)
0 if yj < 
. .
. . wij
Fig. 1. The principal of the Hebbian learning: The activation function with a threshold  is
defining the output in other words activated, allowed vectors of the examined pattern

Generally, modification of a weight wij from an excited neuron xi to a destination neuron yj

having a learning rate , the Hebb’s learning rule is defined formally as in Eq.(7) and
expressed graphically as in Fig.1. Correlated nodes will have strong negative or positive
weights regarding to their tendency being opposite or not, where uncorrelated nodes will
have weights near zero. As a result, a neuron map is obtained with weights encoding the
stationary probability density function of the input pattern vectors (Haykin, 1999). The
procedure is an instance of unsupervised and competitive learning process. The advantages
of the procedure is that it is a local learning rule, simple with very little computational
requirement and biological plausibility.
350 New Advances in Machine Learning

As a basis of the proposed Hebbian method, independent component analysis (ICA) is

applied to solve the intersecting fiber problem in DTT literature (Arfanakis et al., 2002;
Sungheon et al., 2005; Jeong-Won & Singh, 2006). The application has provided useful
information about the diffusion properties of brain structures without estimation of the
diffusion tensor. But ICA should not be considered as a fiber tracking method. The
technique maps structures. The advantage is that it may be used for visualization of
particular structures without any user specific a priori information. Relying on the
successful implementation of the ICA method in the literature, the basic Hebbian learning is
proposed for the post processing of the diffusion weighted MR images.

3.3 The Hebbian rule in DTI

The fiber directions in living tissue should be compared carefully, thus simulation studies
are done addressing verification and validation of the analysis. By generating the algorithm,
first all the weights wi=0 (i=1,…,n) are initialized. For each input training vector, the input
units and the output unit are activated, while new weights are adjusted regarding Eq.(7).
The weight modification wkj follows until the ROI is covered according to the predefined
Our approach relies in the assumption that the axon follows a unique path. Each element in
the Hebbian input pattern represents a voxel in the ROI, and each voxel is related with its
neighboring voxels. To clarify the idea and the implementation steps, a sample synthetic
fiber tract ROI with its eigenvectors in every pixel is given in Fig.2:

(1,4) (4,4) (8,4)

(2,3) (4,3)

(2,2) (3,2)

(1,1) (2,1) (5,1) (8,1)

Fig. 2. A segment of synthetic fiber tract pattern illustrating the diffusion tensor orientations
in each pixel with computed eigenvectors.

The seed point in Fig.2 is the voxel with the coordinate (4,2). The 8 neighboring nodes of the
starting point are first investigated and in each step the weight is been updated. For the
A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 351

same sample, Gaussian noise is added to the pattern, and again weights are updated
starting from the same seed point. As a result, the Hebb rule defines the green path as the
winning path (Fig.3). Depending on the threshold function varying branches can be
determined for the same ROI (Fig.4). For simulation studies various threshold functions are
selected to verify the algorithm, and to define the simulated paths more precisely. In living
tissue, the selection of the threshold constraint is depending actually on the human brain
atlas and anatomical structure knowledge.

(1,4) (4,4) (8,4)

(2,3) (4,3)

(2,2) (3,2)

(1,1) (2,1) (5,1) (8,1)

Fig. 3. The green branching path represents the winning tracts estimated by Hebb’s learning

(1,4) (4,4) (8,4)

(2,3) (4,3)

(2,2) (3,2)

(1,1) (2,1) (5,1) (8,1)

Fig. 4. For the same ROI, changing the threshold function results a non-branching trajectory
352 New Advances in Machine Learning

The real data sets of brain diffusion MR images are used for the validation of the
algorithm. The starting point and the activation function’s threshold are selected upon the
knowledge of white matter fiber atlas and the most common pathology regions in the

Fig. 5. Eigenvectors of the whole slice is represented on the registered anatomic MR image.
The manually executed seed point selection is seen on the figure.
Tracking Result (red) on the Principle Vector (blue) Representation







20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 6. Implementation of the algorithm at the starting point shown in Fig. 5 with a threshold
function 1 allowing a wide range of neighbors as winning nodes results the represented
axial slice registered with the anatomic MR image
A Hebbian Learning Approach for Diffusion Tensor Analysis & Tractography 353

Tracking Result (red) on the Principle Vector (blue) Representation Tracking Result (red) Representation








34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 7. Implementation of the algorithm with an activation function having a threshold 2

allowing a limited number of neighbors of the seed point shown in Fig. 5 as winning nodes

4. Discussion
The special class of artificial neural networks namely Hebbian learning is proposed for the
analysis of a relatively new 3D imaging technique DTMRI’s raw data. One of the major
problems in DTI literature is the absence of a gold standard in fiber tractography.
Intersections of two or more fiber tracts yield to erroneous estimates of the diffusivity and
the fiber orientation. The anatomical fiber maps determined by diffusion tensor analysis are
having still an unclear accuracy because of the inefficiency of the tensor model used to
define the uncertainty regions such as crossing diffusivities in a single voxel. The practical
accuracy of DT analysis and tractography vary upon the limitations of data quality and
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (Mangin et al., 2002). In this proposed study the critical
uncertainty problem is tried to be eliminated by adequate analysis tool. The method is first
implemented on synthetic tract pattern (Fig. 2). The weight modifications yield to determine
the weighted connections between the neighboring pixels (Fig. 3). The application results
give promising tract estimations (Fig. 4) based on the threshold determination of the
activation functions. Some real data analyses are done as represented in the implementation
section 3.3 in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Still the proposed rule has to be implemented on 3D brain
volume for validation studies.
Post processing reconstruction can reduce the sensitivity of tractography, so in Hebb
application automated mapping and tracking after seed point selection is achieved and
the method relies in basic learning algorithm which is quite an accepted procedure in
defining the anatomical brain mapping. The applicability of the Hebbian rule to the
uncertainty problem is verified by examining the updated weight changes by defining a
fiber path.
The assumptions made in the determination of the diffusion tensor analysis are of great
importance because the error tolerance and the general limitations of all the sequent
applications including tractography are highly dependent on these.
366 New Advances in Machine Learning

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