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Rollair ®

Rotary Screw Compressors

ROLL AIR 180-420 AND ROLL AIR V 180-420

Worthington Creyssensac’s
Creyssensac was founded in Nanterre (near Paris), France
in 1934 by Elie Creyssensac and quickly became renowned
in the automotive industry for developing high quality
piston compressors.

In the mid nineteen sixties, screw compressors were added

to the product portfolio while 1973 saw the merge with
Worthington. This further expanded the influence of the
company in the compressed air world and reinforced the
distributor network.

Today, its long-standing experience and continuous

innovation ensure Worthington Creyssensac is a trusted
partner for its customers.

Driven by technology
Designed by experience
Discover what happens when a passion for
technology is fused with hands-on industrial
experience. Designs evolve towards more
practical installation and maintenance, giving you
the freedom to focus on your job. Product ranges
include the exact machine you need, with the
right options for your performance needs. Return
on investment is ensured, while your carbon
footprint shrinks. And, because we stay close
to our customers, we’re one step ahead when
your needs change.

2 ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420

The power of the Rollair range
The Rollair 180 – 420 screw compressors provide high-quality compressed air for a wide range of
industrial applications.

Ultimate reliability
• Developed and designed by our global
engineering team, assembled in multiple
production sites.
• Top quality key components from renowned
global suppliers.
• Separate oil and air coolers resulting in less
thermal shocks and a longer lifetime.
• Designed for harsh conditions and ambient
temperatures up to 46°C.

Superior efficiency and low life cycle

• In-house design compression elements.
• Gear drive transmission.
• IE3 Premium Efficiency motor.
• Integrated inverter option for up to 35% energy
• 75% of energy consumption recoverable with
energy recovery option.

Intelligent control
• Airlogic² full-colour 3.5 inch HD screen.
• Intelligent unload cycle control.
• Precise pressure control.
• Warning indications.
• Graphical indication service plan.
• Additional communication possibilities

Great serviceability and high uptime

• Long service intervals for lower maintenance
costs and higher uptime.
• Excellent accessibility to service components
thanks to multiple service doors.
• Extensive service support.

ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420V 3

10 reasons to choose Worthington
Check out these innovative features and see how they provide you with a compressor that is highly
efficient, quiet and easy to maintain.

1. Element and drive train

• In-house design compression elements
• Gearbox technology ensuring outstanding efficiency and
continued reliability
• Spider coupling reduces vibrations and stress and
extends lifetime of compression elements and motor

2. High efficiency motors

• IE3 Premium Efficiency motor as standard for fixed- and
variable speed units
• TEFC IP55 motor (Class F insulation)

3. Cooling module
• Separate oil and air cooler for high quality cooling, high
reliability and longer lifetime.
• Separate cooling fan driven by IE3 Premium efficiency
motor enables energy efficiency, low long-term
vibrations on the coolers as well as easy cleaning of the

4. Standard enclosed intake filter

• Improved FAD due to air intake positioning.
• High-quality filtration to maximize oil quality and
protect your compression element.
• Low noise levels thanks to design and position of filter.

5. Intelligent controller
• The full-colour graphic control of the Airlogic² offers
a user-friendly interface to access all the compressor 6
parameters, 1
service notifications and events.
• The various control modes and intelligent algorithms
allow the compressor to automatically adapt to demand

4 ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420

6. Water separator drain
5 9
• Water separator drain as standard to remove
excess water and protect downstream

7. In-house designed oil

separator vessel
• Integrated minimum pressure valve (MPV)
eliminates risk of leakage.
• Long lifetime thanks to cast iron parts.
• Designed for optimal oil separation.

8. Separate inverter cubicle

• Optimal cooling ensures
a longer lifetime.
• Easy access for maintenance
and cleaning.

9. Service friendly
• Long lifetime consumables as standard.
• Multiple service doors and easy to reach
service components results in quick
maintenance, low operating cost and high

10. Improved motor cooling
• Separate cooling flow.
• Suitable for harsh conditions
and temperatures up to 46°C.

ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420V 5

Optimize your energy consumption
Did you know that energy costs represent about 70% of the total operating cost of your compressor
over a 5-year period? That’s why reducing the energy consumption of our compressed air installation
should be a major focus.

Variable speed technology

For the right application, variable speed technology, such as on the Rollair V, can cut the energy bill of your
compressor by up to 35%. The Rollair V reduces energy consumption in the following ways:
• The variable frequency drive compressor matches air supply with demand therefore reducing energy
consumption when the demand is lower. If the demand is stable then the Airlogic² controller guarantees
a fixed set pressure.
• No unload cycles above 20% load.
• No peak current due to soft start.

Energy recovery
When air is compressed, heat is formed. The excess heat can be captured with an energy recovery
option and channeled to other applications allowing you to save energy and cut costs. The energy
recovery option integrates a heat exchanger on the oil circuit, which heats up the continuously
pressurized water flow. The system is regulated automatically, and in case of limited water cooling
capacity, the standard cooling system of the compressor will operate and backup the energy
recovery device.

10% Heat from the

compressed air cooler

75% Heat
recoverable via 100% Total
energy recovery electrical energy

10% Losses in the 5% Heat lost from

compressor element drive motor

6 ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420

Technical data
Max Reference
Fixed speed Free air delivery @ Noise Compressed air Dimensions
working working Motor power Weight
version reference conditions* level ** output diameter LxWxH
pressure pressure
Model bar bar m³/h l/s cfm kW hp dB(A) kg " mm
7 7 1516 421 892
8 8 1426 396 839
RLR 180 132 180 77 3300 DN80 2800 x 1755 x 1960
10 10 1260 350 742
13 13 1087 302 640
7 7 1699 472 1000
8 8 1649 458 970
RLR 220 160 220 78 3650 DN80 2800 x 1755 x 1960
10 10 1508 419 888
13 13 1314 365 773
7 7 2056 571 1210
8 8 1987 552 1170
RLR 270E 200 270 79 3950 DN100 3525 x 1755 x 2005
10 10 1818 505 1070
13 13 1616 449 951
7 7 2491 692 1466
8 8 2358 655 1388
RLR 340E 250 340 80 4170 DN100 3525 x 1755 x 2005
10 10 2250 625 1324
13 13 1966 546 1157
7 7 2351 653 1384
RLR 270 8 8 2203 612 1297 200 270 77 5200 DN125 4800 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 1998 555 1176
7 7 2765 768 1627
RLR 340 8 8 2538 705 1494 250 340 77 5350 DN125 4800 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 2362 656 1390
7 7 3139 872 1848
RLR 420 8 8 3136 871 1845 315 420 78 6380 DN125 5100 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 2894 804 1704

Max Reference
Inverter driven Free air delivery @ Noise Compressed air Dimensions
working working Motor power Weight
version reference conditions* level ** output diameter LxWxH
pressure pressure
Model bar bar m³/h l/s cfm kW hp dB(A) kg " mm
7 7 454-1516 126-421 267-892
8 8 428-1426 119-396 252-839
RLR 180V 132 180 77 3550 DN80 2800 x 1755 x 1960
10 10 378-1260 105-350 222-742
13 13 328-1087 91-302 193-640
7 7 511-1699 142-472 301-1000
8 8 493-1649 137-458 290-970
RLR 220V 160 220 78 3980 DN80 2800 x 1755 x 1960
10 10 454-1508 126-419 267-888
13 13 396-1314 110-365 233-773
7 7 616-2056 171-571 362-1210
8 8 598-1987 166-552 352-1170
RLR 270EV 200 270 79 4320 DN100 3605 x 2105 x 2020
10 10 547-1818 152-505 322-1070
13 13 486-1616 135-449 286-951
7 7 749-2491 208-692 441-1466
8 8 709-2358 197-655 417-1388
RLR 340EV 250 340 80 4530 DN100 3605 x 2105 x 2020
10 10 677-2250 188-625 398-1324
13 13 601-1966 167-546 354-1157
7 7 706-2351 196-653 415-1384
RLR 270V 8 8 659-2203 183-612 388-1297 200 270 77 5550 DN125 4800 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 601-1998 167-555 354-1176
7 7 828-2765 230-768 487-1627
RLR 340V 8 8 763-2538 212-705 449-1494 250 340 77 5750 DN125 4800 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 709-2362 197-656 417-1390
7 7 943-3139 262-872 555-1848
RLR 420V 8 8 940-3136 261-871 553-1845 315 420 78 6900 DN125 5100 x 2155 x 2275
10 10 868-2894 241-804 511-1704
*Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, latest edition.
** Noise level measured according to ISO 2151.
All technical data for air-cooled machines, 50 Hz. For technical data of water-cooled machines, please contact your
local sales force.


ROLLAIR 180-420 | V 180-420V 7



Care is what service is all about: professional service by
knowledgeable people, using high-quality original parts.

Trust is earned by delivering on our promises of reliable,
uninterrupted performance and long equipment lifetime.

Equipment efficiency is ensured by regular
maintenance. Efficiency of the service organization is
how Original Parts and Service make the difference.
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