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Statement of Partnership

This partnership agreement (the “Agreement”) is made as of this 26 day of February 2021, (the
“Effective Date”) by and between YOUR NAME Owner of YOUR Podcast (“the Owner”) and
The EdUp Experience name and business (the “Network”) referred to as the “Partners”.
1. Ownership Name and Purpose – The Owner agrees to join the Network to increase the
possibility for sponsorships, audience, and shared resources. The Owner owns the RSS
podcast feed and will engage in activities to promote their podcast in collaboration with the
2. Partnership Term – The Partnership shall commence on the Effective Date and will
continue indefinitely until or unless an Owner decides to vacate their ownership, the Network
decides to sever the agreement, or the Network is sold.
3. Owners’ Capital Contributions – The Partners will not contribute capital to the
4. Sponsorships and Revenue Share:
a. If a sponsorship is sold by the Owner, for the Owner’s Podcast, underneath the terms
of partnership with the Network, the Owner agrees to pay 25% of revenue from the
sponsorship sale to the Network.
b. If the Network is able to sell a sponsorship for the Owner’s Podcast, underneath the
terms of partnership with the Owner, the owner agrees to pay the Network 50% of
revenue from the sponsorship sale to the Network.
5. Invoicing – Owner agrees to send a copy of all invoices from a sale of a sponsorship to the
Network for documentation purposes. The Network agrees to send a copy of all invoices
from a sale a sponsorship for Owner to the Owner for documentation purposes.
6. Marketing – The Owner agrees to include the Network logo in all artwork, content creation,
audio, video, or other media while in partnership with the Network.
7. Sole Authority. Owners has the ability to make normal decision for the direction of their
podcast and has no obligation for podcast release frequency.
8. Voluntary Dissolution of Partnership – The Agreement may be dissolved at any time by
either party with 60 days notice. The Owner shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, pay any
sponsorship sale revenue the Network.
9. Owner Withdrawal – The Owner may withdraw from the Agreement voluntarily AT ANY
TIME by providing at least 60 days written notice of such intention to withdraw to the
10. Network Withdrawal – The Network may withdraw from the Agreement voluntarily AT
ANY TIME by providing at least 60 days written notice of such intention to withdraw to the
11. Materials/Services – If either the Owner or Network withdraw from the Agreement, the
Owner agrees that use of the Network name, any materials with the Network graphic, or any
reference to being a partner with the Network will cease at the conclusion of the notice
12. Amendments – Partners can request amendments to this Agreement, and Amendments may
be executed if both Partners agree to the terms of the amendment. Agreed upon amendments
will be appended to this Agreement when signed by both Partners.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed and delivered as of the date first
written above.


Dr. Joe Sallustio – Managing Owner

Podcast Owner

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