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Table of Contents
Chapter 1....................................................................................................................................3
Introduction of organization.......................................................................................................3
Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................4
Computing professionals............................................................................................................4
Cybersecurity consultant........................................................................................................4
ERP consultant and management...........................................................................................4
ERP implementation in cybersecurity....................................................................................4
Intellectual property...................................................................................................................5
Social networking.......................................................................................................................5
Business ethical practices by the organization...........................................................................6
Personal piracy.......................................................................................................................6
Trade secrets...........................................................................................................................6
Corporate social responsibility by organization.........................................................................6
Reducing carbon footprint......................................................................................................6
Charitable giving....................................................................................................................7

Chapter 1

Introduction of organization
Information technology plays an important role in the life of students and employees. It is the
power that can change the business world. All over the world, business departments use
information technology to make the business run smoothly. Similarly here for having deep
research on information technology the company that I choose is 9T9 information technology
which is located in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The company was founded in 2011 and
providing software and technology with the best quality and class solutions to make the
business process automation. The company has millions of happy users because they are
providing a lot of services that are beneficial for every business [ CITATION Tur16 \l 1033 ].

“Mission of the company is to provide innovative and unique solutions to all the clients
according to the business requirements”.

“The vision of the company is to always remain the first choice in providing information
technology solutions”.

The company always offer their customers to avail their services, because they are the only
one on which the customers can rely upon. 9T9 information technology is committed to
providing software solutions that are very fast and efficient. The company can improve the
business efficiency which makes the business go ahead of its competitors by increasing
productivity. 9T9 information technology is offering services at reasonable prices. The
company is also offering an ERP boost module to fulfill various business objectives.
Although the company is located in Bahrain they are providing global access by installing the
software in their client servers [ CITATION Bes17 \l 1033 ].

9T9 information technology also provides their customers to build custom services according
to the requirement of the clients. The company works according to the information given by
the clients on the standard frameworks. The mission and vision of the company rely upon the
increasing productivity of their clients and enhancing the business process even in critical
situations. They are offering services for retail and supermarkets, restaurants and cafes,
pharmacy stores, and spa and salon. 9T9 information technology is also offering services for

mobile applications, e-commerce websites, and website development. The company is also
offering ERP services for project management, manufacturing, hospital and clinic, and
property management [ CITATION Mac18 \l 1033 ].

Chapter 2

Computing professionals
The IT and Information technology professionals play an important role in the 9T9
Information technology company. The professionals can transfer or use the information
through computing. The various experts that are currently working in 9T9 information
technology include cyber security consultant, ERP consultant, and Management, ERP
implementation in cyber security [ CITATION Bec20 \l 1033 ].

Cybersecurity consultant
The cybersecurity consultant in 9T9 Information technology plays an important role by
focusing upon the protection of the company in different sectors and has the ability for
security checks. The consultant can research the cybersecurity criteria and the systems
[ CITATION Kur20 \l 1033 ].

ERP consultant and management

The ERP consultants in management in 9T9 information technology play an important role
because he is responsible to analyse and understand the existing software and the company.
The ERP consultant also manages the implementation and the support systems while having
proper documentation regarding ERP configuration which they need to provide to their
clients [ CITATION Had18 \l 1033 ].

ERP implementation in cybersecurity

The ERP implementation in 9T9 information technology has the responsibility of
implementing the internal project by managing its budget, expectations of the client and
considered training in development after looking upon the use of feedback. The ERP
implementation in cybersecurity involves installing different software's and the new systems
according to the clients of 9T9 information technology

Intellectual property
Information technology also needs proper intellectual property rights to protect its ideas and
business innovations from its competitors. This can only be done through having a proper
research and development department. The company uses different software licenses to
determine or have the copyright law for protecting their software.

The company then further requires a huge amount of payment for their commercial
software’s which the user has to pay before downloading the software. After paying the lump
sum amount of money there is no feature limit or time limit for using the particular software.
There’s also software name shareware which is offered by the company to use free but after
paying a limited amount. it is allowed free for a limited period after purchasing it. 9T9
Information technology has a lot of intellectual property rights which are known as source
codes and integrity rights and also some license for a specific product to restrict the use
[ CITATION Bic17 \l 1033 ].

Social networking
9T9 Information technology has generated their proper website which is The
website is basically for social networking and to make people know about the services they
are offering. The company also mentions their direct WhatsApp contact on their website.
Even also all of the services include online, software, ERP, cybersecurity, etc. They mainly
focus on social networking areas like supermarkets and stores restaurants and cafes pharmacy
stores in Bahrain [ CITATION Boh17 \l 1033 ].

9T9 information technology is offering services is especially for the social networking areas
in which people interact with each other like the garment store software, property
management software, manufacturing software, project management ERP, hospital and clinic
ERP. The company is also offering social networking services like E-Commerce websites,
IOS, and Android mobile applications, and also website development which gives a boost to
any business. Information Technology Company also indulges in a mobile application that
helps the company to directly communicate with the customers and have a great impact
through social media as well by increasing promotions and accessibility. Through all of these
social networking connections, the company offers their clients to accelerate their sales by
developing new sales channels which work 24/7 [ CITATION Kus17 \l 1033 ].

Business ethical practices by the organization

Ethical practices are considered to be very important in every organization because it makes
the company realize to their employees about the positive benefits which lead to the
improvement and business outcomes. Similarly, the ethical practices and the perception of
ethical behavior are also important in information technology organizations for the
betterment of employee performance, organizational commitment, and trust, and job
satisfaction [ CITATION Zah20 \l 1033 ].

Personal piracy
The ethical practices that are considered to be important in 9T9 information technology focus
upon the personal piracy of people because they facilitate hardware and operating systems.
The company always tries to maintain the privacy and integrity of the data and announce the
strict policy upon the accidental disclosure of appropriate data through different individuals
which is also considered as bad ethical behaviour [ CITATION Aso20 \l 1033 ].

There are some of the ethical practices in the 9T9 information system which is interlinked
with the copyrights because the information security specialists must know about all the
copyright concepts that are present in the company at the particular time.

Trade secrets
All the employees and top management working in 9T9 information technology have to
follow the ethical practice of trade secrets by securing the valued and useful information from
the externals.

Corporate social responsibility by organization

Corporate social responsibility practices help the business to provide benefits to societies.
The world of technology is changing every day so 9T9 information technology is looking
forward to having more corporate social responsibility activities.

Reducing carbon footprint

9T9 information technology is working upon reducing the carbon footprint in their
organization by restricting their employees to buy water in plastic. As well as incorporate
using the purpose of traveling through walking or biking rather than cars. The company also
so looking forward to turning off the lights and unplug all the software devices when they are

not using them although it is a very little action it creates a lot of value for the betterment of
society [ CITATION Kib18 \l 1033 ].

Charitable giving
The company also builds upon charitable giving because donating to others is considered to
be very rewarding. The corporate social responsibility act has also a positive impact on the
company itself. Charitable giving can provide income for the family and friends and it is also
considered as a mood booster. Donating money to society helps the company to improve their
self-esteem in self-worth and leads towards a greater sense of satisfaction [ CITATION Kan19 \l
1033 ].

It is concluded that 9T9 information technology is a very popular company and it helps a lot
of businesses as well as the government in the kingdom of their dream to increase their
efficiency and effectiveness. We all know that the Kingdom of Bahrain is developing as time
passes. So, the rapid improvements in the company through the use of hardware and software
technologies by such kind of information technology companies force their customers to
invest more and purchase new technology for the businesses. Many organizations and
businesses in Bahrain are demanding innovative technological solutions for the business
process with a unique concept and 9T9 information technology has all the capability to
provide them the demanded solutions [ CITATION AlA16 \l 1033 ].

9T9 information technology promotes innovation in business all over the world, by using
smarter applications and software with the wider distribution of technology all over the
country which makes the business is run more efficiently and smoothly. The innovations
through the information technology company meet the business is in Bahrain more innovative
by increasing their value and enhancing quality. Information technology is increasing day by
day because it can establish faster communication and protection of the records in the
business [ CITATION AlA161 \l 1033 ].


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