Short - Pride and Prejudice

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Joseph Andrew

Hennery Fielding
Pride and prejudice
By Jane Austen

Topic: Love and Marriage

Mr. and Mrs. Bennet (owner of wealth of Hertfordshire:

Living in Long born with 05 unmarried daughters (Jane, Elizabeth, Marry Kitty and
Mr. Charles Bingley
Came to live in neighborhood of Bennet’s family at Netherfeild Park, with
Having 02 sisters (Miss Caroline and Mrs Hurst)
Very nice and friendship behavior
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy
A friend of Mr. Bingley
Very proud man
Everybody meets in dance party and Bennet’s house.
Mr. Bingley told to Darcy for dance with Elizabeth and Darcy rejects this with saying that
Elizabeth is not so beautiful
Mr. Caroline invites Jane to come home
Jane got fever and illness at Mrs. Caroline’s home
Elizabeth visits his sister to Mrs. Caroline’s home
Mr. William Collins
Nephew of Mr. Bennet and the only one can be owner of wealth after Mr. Bennet
Lady Catherine de bourgh
Mad of Mr. Collins and aunty of Darcy
Elizabeth rejects marriage with Mr. Collins, invited by lady Catherine
Mr. Gorge Wickham: an army officer, told to Elizabeth that Darcy is not good man
During this Bingley’s family return to London: Jane was upset on this
Charlotte Lucas a friend of Elizabeth marriage with Collins
She invites Elizabeth at her home. Darcy also came there to meet with Collins
Cousin col Feeder William
Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth to told reality of Wickham
Elizabeth goes to Pemberley
Georgiana (sister of Darcy)
Elizabeth receives a letter of jane that Lydia eloped with Wickham
Uncle Mr. Gardiner tries to fine Lydia and Wickham and succeed
Darcy paid amount to be required by Mr. Wickham for marriage with jane
Bingley meets with jane and marriage with her
Lady Catherine tries to console Elizabeth for not marrying with Darcy because she
wants her daughter’s marriage with Darcy but Elizabeth stands on his own decision
Darcy invites for marriage to Elizabeth and got success
At the end three marriages Darcy with Elizabeth, Jane with Bingley and Lydia with
Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy

Daughter of poor parents
Have one horse named prince
Ager 16-17 years
Starts working at form house

Alec –
Son of owner of form house
Negative character
Successes to sex with Tess

Tess mother told to Tess that convince Alec for marrying with her but Aled didn’t listen
and left her as she was.

Birth of child (Sorrow)

Died in some days

Starts working on another form house and meets with Angel

Start liking and loving with Tess

Tess writer a letter to angel for informing reality of herself

Angel couldn’t find the letter because letter slips under the carpet

First night Angel told to Tess about a crime done by himself and Tess forgives him for
that but when Tess told a crime done by herself unconsciously, Angel left her and gone
to his parents.

Tess meets again with Alec in the form of a Jew

Alec invites Tess again and Tess accepts

Angel was in Brazil

Angel tries to meet with Tess
Friends of Tess, also tries to contact Angel by writing letters

Alec Murdered by Tess frustration

Police captured Tess and court punished her death

Anger Marry Lize-Lu (sister of Tess)

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