A Thesis of Numerical Simulation of Flow Through Open Channel With Series of Groins by Suman Jyoti

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Student ID: 191125
([email protected])

In Co-operation with

Supervised By:
Prof. Dr. Md. Alauddin
Department of Civil Engineering

Submitted to the
Project Report Series 2021
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
APRIL, 2021

This series is published by

Bachelor of Science in Engineering Project Report

Department of Civil Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur

The conclusion and viewpoints presented in this study are those of the
authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the department.

DUET, 2021


Rivers in Bangladesh are highly unstable due to their loose boundaries, mild slope at
bed and water surface, irregular siltation of huge sediment load coming from upstream,
and so on. Groins are installed in river bank in order to deflect the flowing water away
from vulnerable zone. In many cases, conventional groins are not functioning
successfully. The effect of groins with different configurations needs to be intensively
studied to defend the river bank from erosion, improve navigation, enrich the
biodiversity of aquatic species, and so on. The main objective of this study is to simulate
flow through open channel with series of groin models by using 2D numerical model,
iRIC Nays2DH. In this numerical simulation, K-ε model for turbulence and Cubic
Interpolation Pseudo-particle (CIP) method for advective terms are utilized. Simulation
of flow fields due to interaction of series of impermeable, permeable and combined
groins placed in a straight channel has been made. A given flow condition is applied
for all the groins. The simulation results depict that combined groins in series influence
favorable flow fields compared to impermeable and fully permeable groins. This causes
still water zone near bank at the downstream of impermeable part, then slow flow
through the permeable part. No strong circulation of flow at groin field and strong
current after the groin head is present.


All praises go to almighty Allah, the most magnificent merciful. The author gratefully
acknowledge their profound gratitude and indebtedness to project supervisor, professor
Dr. Mohammed Alauddin, Department of Civil Engineering, Dhaka University of
Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur for his keen interest in this project,
continuous supervision, guidance, encouragement, inspiration and thoughtful
suggestion in completing the work.

The authors also grateful to honorable Head of the Department of Civil Engineering,
Professor Dr. Md. Kamal Hossain.

Finally authors would like to express gratitude to all the faculty members of the
Department for their kind Co-operation.



ρ Density
u Velocity in the x direction
h Water depth
τx Riverbed shearing force in the x direction
τy Riverbed shearing force in the y direction
Fx Resistance by vegetation in the x direction
Fy Resistance by vegetation in the y direction
Cf Riverbed shear coefficient.
Cd Drag coefficient of vegetation.
l Length
Cμ Model constant
C1ε, C2ε, σk and σε K-ε model constants
n Manning's roughness parameter
L Length of channel
Q0 Discharge
h0 Mean depth
S Bottom slope
n Manning’s coefficient
u0 Mean velocity


Fig. 2. 1 Finite difference grid ....................................................................................... 7

Fig. 2. 2 Conceptual relationship between consistency, stability and convergence. ..... 8
Fig. 2. 3 An outline of the iRIC Software, its functions and features. ........................ 11
Fig: 3. 1 Channel with series of impermeable groin ................................................... 18
Fig: 3. 2 Channel with series of impermeable groin (with grid) on iRIC Nays2DH . 18
Fig: 3. 3 Channel with series of permeable groin ........................................................ 19
Fig: 3. 4 Channel with series of permeable groin (with grid) on iRIC Nays2DH ....... 19
Fig: 3. 5 Channel with series of combined groin......................................................... 20
Fig: 3. 6 Channel with series of combined groin on iRIC Nays2DH .......................... 20
Fig: 4. 1 Channel and grids with groin (90° orientation). ........................................... 23
Fig: 4. 2 Comparison of resultant velocity profile with the available previous study
for 90° groin .................................................................................................. 24
Fig: 4. 3 Simulated velocity vectors around the groins for (a) series of impermeable,
(b) series of permeable groin, and (c) series of combined groins. ................ 25
Fig. 4.4 Simulated streamlines around the groins for (a) series of impermeable, (b)
series of permeable, and (c) series of combined groin.................................. 27
Fig: 4. 5 Velocity magnitude around the groins for (a) series of impermeable (b)
series of permeable and (c) series of combined groin................................... 28
Fig: 4. 6 Simulated velocity fields in the 1st groin field. ............................................. 29
Fig: 4. 7 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles along the channel at D/S of 1st
groin. ............................................................................................................. 30
Fig: 4. 8 Simulated velocity fields at the mid portion of 3rd and 4th groin. ................. 30
Fig: 4. 9 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles at the mid portion between 3rd and
4th groin. ........................................................................................................ 31


Table: 3. 1 Model Constants ....................................................................................... 14

Table: 3. 2 Channel dimension ................................................................................... 17
Table: 3. 3 Groin Parameter (Impermeable) .............................................................. 18
Table: 3. 4 Groin parameter (Permeable).................................................................... 18
Table: 3. 5 Groin parameter (Combined) ................................................................... 19
Table: 3. 6 Flow conditions......................................................................................... 20

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDAGEMENT ........................................................................................ iii
NOTATIONS ................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1

1.1 General ........................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ..................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................... 3

2.1 General ............................................................................ 3
2.2 Literature review.............................................................. 3
2.3 Generalized simulation procedure ..................................... 6
2.3.1 Simulation and modeling .................................................. 6
2.3.2 Components of a numerical solution ................................. 6
2.3.3 Discretization approaches ................................................. 6
2.3.4 Numerical grid ................................................................. 7
2.3.5 Properties of numerical solution methods .......................... 7
2.4 iRIC software .................................................................. 8
2.4.1 Features of the flow field calculation model ..................... 11

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 13

3.1 Introduction ................................................................... 13
3.2 Software used ................................................................ 13
3.3 Basic equation ............................................................... 13
3.3.1 K-ε model ..................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Equation of continuity ................................................... 14
3.3.3 Equation of motion ........................................................ 14
3.3.4 Bottom friction calculation method ................................ 16
3.4 Operational procedure of software .................................. 16
3.5 Calculation conditions .................................................... 20
3.6 Working procedure ......................................................... 20

CHAPTER IV SIMULATION OF FLOW ................................................................ 22

4.1 General .......................................................................... 22
4.2 Verification of numerical model ..................................... 22

4.3 Simulated flow fields ...................................................... 24
4.4 Simulated streamlines ..................................................... 25
4.5 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles ....................... 27

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................ 33

5.1 Introduction ................................................................... 33
5.2 Conclusion..................................................................... 33
5.3 Recommendations for further study ................................. 33

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 35


1.1 General

Bangladesh is a great delta formed by the three mighty river systems: the Ganges, the
Brahmaputra and the Meghna. There are around 400 rivers in the country. Most of the
basin area of major rivers of the country is located outside the country, serving as
the predominant sources for rivers that go with flow through the nations China, Bhutan,
Nepal and India, and eventually passing into the Bay of Bengal to the south of
Bangladesh. Every year hundreds of hectares of land are eroded by means of the rivers
(NWMP, 2001). No other disasters are as disastrous as riverbank erosion
in phrases of long-term effect on people and society (Elahi, 1991). To shield river
erosion, use of groins is very popular and effective. The following sections describe
background, objectives and scope of the present study.

1.2 Background
Recurrent flood phenomena occurred after heavy rainfall, riverbed and bank of the
rivers tend to erode due to high velocity. Also, there are some other reasons for bank
erosion like very mild slope in riverbed and water surface, loose sedimentary formation
in channel boundaries, small depth of flow due to siltation of huge sediment load
coming from upstream, and so on. The simulation of water flow in rivers has been the
subject of many researches in the field of hydraulics and river engineering (Azevedo
and Gates, 2000). In river and coastal engineering, groins are very important structures
for river navigation, coastal protection, and beach reclamation (Sarveram and Shamsai,
2012). These hydraulic structures have been constructed in river bank in order to deflect
the flowing water away from vulnerable zone. The main purpose of building up of such
obstacles on natural river bank is to divert the direction of water flow so that bank
erosion can be eliminated. Construction of such obstacles against water flow causes
significant change in flow patterns, sediment transport and bed topography. Many
experimental and numerical researches have been done in order to examine flow pattern
and scouring around groins (Francis et al., 1968), (Rajaratnam and Nwachukwu, 1983),
(Choudhury et al, 1995), (Tang and Ding, 2007), (Hossain et al., 2012), (Pandy et al.,

2015), (M. Shahjahan et al, 2018). In different conditions of groin length, groin
installation angle towards the approaching flow, permeable or impermeable states,
submerged and non-submerged states and number of groins, and so on (Yeo et al.,
2005). Due to the variety in the configuration of groins, flow separation and
recirculating length would be greatly different, which is a challenge to the applications
of numerical models (Quanhong and Pengzhi, 2007).

In stabilizing river channels, groins are extensively used. Impermeable groin imposes a
huge obstruction to flow, and change the flow profile abruptly. Fully permeable groin
cannot modify the flow environment rightly, and flow near bank occurs, which could
affect the bank when associated with oblique flow. Combined groins, which have
impermeable parts near bank, could improve the flow field to have favorable
environment for groin and bank stability.

In this study, open channel flow with three different arrangements of groins in series –
impermeable, permeable and combined groins, is simulated with a two-dimensional
(2D) numerical model, iRIC Nays2DH.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of the present study is to investigate flow profiles around different
types of groins. So that, the effects of groins in an open channel can be evaluated. The
specific objectives are as follows:
 To simulate the flow through open channel with groins placed in a series.
 To determine the flow fields and compare the channel responses due to three
different groin structures.

1.4 Scope of the study

In nature, there are various flow conditions, complex channel geometry and boundary
materials. The channel boundaries are composed of loose sedimentary materials, very
irregularity in the geometry of channel boundary, flow varies highly there. However, a
simplified open channel has been considered in the present study. A straight channel
with immoveable boundary is considered and constant flow is maintained in the study
to investigate the effects of groin structures.


2.1 General

Groin is an elongated obstruction having one end on the bank of the stream and the
other end projecting into the current. It reduces the flow velocity in the critical area and
encourage deposition of sediment in the downstream area of the structures near the bank
line. The simulation of flow in rivers has been the subject of many researchers in the
field of hydraulics and river engineering. In this chapter, the available previous studies
made on channels with groins are reported. Besides, some basic information on groin
functioning, concepts of numerical modeling and description of iRIC Nays2DH
software are illustrated.

2.2 Literature review

Groins have been used extensively all over the world as river training and bank
protection structure to reduce the current along the stream bank, thus reducing the
erosive capacity of the stream and in some cases including sedimentation between
groins. In the groin-flow study, the dead-water zone between groins is called the groin
field. Secondary flow produces and develops in the groin field, and one or more vortices
dominate the flow structures in the zone. A mixing layer is prevailed at the interface
between the groin field and the main channel. Eddies are produced near the groins and
then move downstream owing to the disturbance of the flow by the groins. The mean
velocity in the main channel exceeds that of the groin field. The properties of groin flow
significantly influence the velocity profile, transport of sediment and pollutants in
rivers. Groin flow properties, including the velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic
energy and flow structures, are related to groin parameters, such as the groin height,
groin length, angle to the bank, and aspect ratio (the ratio of the groin length to the
distance between two adjacent groins).

In broad aspect, the functions of groins not only to keep banks from erosion
(Przedwojski 1995), they improve the navigation capability of the main channel,

restores river ecosystems (Hood, 2004), and increases biological diversity. Groins can
protect neighboring banks from scouring by guiding flow to a certain direction. The
flow is concentrated in the center of the river, and the velocity simultaneously increases
in the main channel and the vicinity of groin heads (Wu et al., 2005). In contrast, the
groins can induce a rising of water level during extreme conditions and hence, increase
the risk of levee overtopping and collapsing (Pinter et al. 2001).

The first research carried out in this field by Francis et al. (1968). They considered
separation zone for various types of groin in a rectangular flume, but they did not
measure the flow velocities. Researches done by Rajaratnam and Nwachukwu (1983)
did velocity measurements in the flow induced by groins. Also, Choudhury et al. (1995)
applied numerical methods for the solution of flow field around groins. Molls et al.
(1995) also developed a general mathematic model to solve the unsteady two-
dimensional depth averaged equations by combining it with a constant eddy viscosity
turbulent model. Various models in considering turbulence under different flow
conditions of and groin dimensions are utilized to investigate scour around groins by
Zhanfeng and Xiaofeng (2006), Quanhong and Pengzhi (2007), Tang and Ding (2007),
and so on.

Kim and Choi (2003) conducted an experiment on numerical simulations of open-

channel flows in a bend using the finite element method. They used the 2D numerical
algorithm for this simulation. The proposed model was applied to 180° bend
experimented by Rozovskii (1961). The simulated results compare favorably to
measured data. Then, the model was used to simulate flows in a 7.7 km curved reach in
the Han River, Seoul, Korea. They also investigate the impact of planting vegetation on
each side of floodplain.

Masjedi and Foroushani (2012) studied the effect of different shape of single spur dike
in river bend on local scour. Hossain et al. (2012) applied a numerical model on a
rectangular straight channel which is 13.3m long and 0.8m wide. The barb structure is
installed as a obstacle at 45°, 90° and 135° on the upstream portion of river channel.
The length of the barb is 24cm, one third of the cross-section. The numerical
simulations have been done considering sediment transport. Barbs have been used by

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of US department of agriculture, in
Origon for river and stream bank protection since the late 1980.

Permeable spur dikes have the advantages of being more stability requiring easier
maintenance than impermeable ones (Kang et al, 2011). Scour around spur dikes occurs
under both clear water and live bed conditions. Where there is no transport of sediment
by the approaching flow to the region of scour activities around the spur dike or under
live bed scour where sediment is transported by the approaching flow as bed load or
suspended load to the scour hole at the spur dike (Pandy et al., 2015). M.Shahjahan et
al, (2018) predicted velocity profiles and bed shear stress profiles for 45º, 90º and 135º
angles of groin in a straight channel.

Most of the studies through experiments or numerical simulations were done about a
single groin with different orientation, and they found out several merits and demerits
of impermeable and permeable groins. For impermeable groins, flow is obstructed
largely, and because of flow separation and strong vortices developed near the groin
head, huge scour occurs near groin, which hampers stability of groins. In case of
permeable groins, the flow partly penetrates the structures which results in a
considerable reduction in velocity, vortex strength and shear force at the nose of the
spur dike (Li et al. 2005). Fully permeable groins allow flow near bank, and do not
divert the flow far from the bank. However, from the experimental investigation, this
has been found that a combined groin (a combination of impermeable and permeable
part) can influence and develop dead zone in the groin field (Alauddin et al., 2011).

In the present study, numerical simulations have been conducted for investigating flow
fields around groins of three different designs. These groin models are – impermeable,
permeable and combined. The comparison of change in velocity profiles due to
different groin models can give important information to explore a suitable design of a

2.3 Generalized simulation procedure

2.3.1 Simulation and modeling

Simulation of a system is used for understanding the physics of the process of the
system in time and space. Generally the simulation process contains following steps:

 Conceptualization of process of physical system.

 Transforming the process of physical system by into partial differential
 Transforming the partial differential equation into algebraic equations or
numerical equations.
 Development of the solution algorithm of the numerical equations.
 The computed codes are written.
 Finally, the model is validated.

2.3.2 Components of a numerical solution

A numerical solution method contains following components –

 Mathematical Model,
 Discretization Approach,
 Coordinate and Basis Vector Systems,
 Numerical Grid,
 Finite Approximations,
 Solution Method,
 Convergence Criteria,
Discretization Approach and Numerical Grid are two most important components.
Here, these have explained.

2.3.3 Discretization approaches

There are three discretization approaches –

 Finite Difference Method
 Finite Volume Method
 Finite Element Method

2.3.4 Numerical grid
The discrete locations at which the variables are to be calculated are defined by
numerical grid which is essentially a discrete representation of the geometric domain.
It divides the solution domain into a finite number of sub domains (grids, elements,
control volumes, etc).

 Continuous function is replaced by discrete function as grid or elements in a

process, which is called discretization. Finite difference grid is shown below
(Fig. 2.1).
 Discrete time steps approximate continuous time.

Fig. 2. 1 Finite difference grid

2.3.5 Properties of numerical solution methods

The solution method should have certain properties. In most cases it is not possible to
analyze the solution method. One analyzes the components of the method; if the
components do not possess the desired properties, neither will the complete method but
the reverse is not necessarily true. Some important properties are given below –
 Consistency
 Stability
 Convergence
 Conservation
 Roundedness
 Realize ability
 Accuracy

Fig. 2. 2 Conceptual relationship between consistency, stability and convergence.

2.4 iRIC software

The International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) is an informal organization made

up of academic faculties and government scientists with the goal of developing,
distributing, and providing education for a public-domain software interface for river
modeling. Nays2D is an analytical solver for calculation of unsteady 2D plane flow and
riverbed deformation using boundary-fitted coordinates within general curvilinear
coordinates. Professor Yasuyuki Shimizu of Hokkaido University firstly developed the
solver’s prototype in the 1990s. After many improvements, first it was adopted in 2004
as a calculation solver for incorporation in the iRIC-Nays riverbed deformation
calculation pre post software of the Foundation of Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention
Research Center (Version 1.0).

Later refined by the inclusion of dynamic memory allocation by Ichiro Kimura of

Hokkaido University and outfitted with a bank erosion model by Yasuyuki Shimizu
and a HotStart function by Toshiki Iwasaki of Hokkaido University, Nays2DH (Version
2.0) was distributed as one of the solvers included with iRIC in 2010 at the release of
iRIC Version 1.0.

Further functional additions included the incorporation of a mixed-diameter multilayer
model proposed by Toshiki Iwasaki. A river confluence model proposed by Takuya
Inoue and Michihiro Hamaki of Kaihatsu Koei Co. Ltd. Nays2DH was registered as a
calculation solver for iRIC Version 2.0 in March 2011 under the planning and
supervision of Kazutake Asahi from the Foundation of Hokkaido River Disaster
Prevention Research Center (Version 3.0).

This model has an established reputation for calculation of unsteady flows accompanied
with turbulence and laminar flow and it is capable of dynamically showing the realistic
motions of unsteady eddies. In addition, its riverbed deformation calculations can
reproduce the generation, development and migration of sandbars with high precision.
There have been many examples of Nays2D being used on actual rivers for purposes
such as assessing the effects of trees and vegetation, making flood calculations,
studying the effects of inflowing rivers and simulating bank erosion disasters. Nays is
a model developed at Hokkaido University; the details of the model are described in
Shimizu (2002). The title of the model is not an acronym; it is an Ainu word meaning
“small river”.

There are four primary features of Nays:

 It is two-dimensional (vertically integrated).
 It is fully unsteady.
 It is cast in a general, non-orthogonal coordinate system with variable cell size.
 It includes a much more sophisticated method for treating turbulence that
includes both a horizontal large eddy simulation and a suite of turbulence

The non-orthogonal coordinate system allows more precise fitting of the coordinate
system to suit arbitrary channel curvature and variable width. More importantly, the
more detailed treatment of turbulence and large eddies allows predictions of time-
variable behavior even for steady discharges. Nays is currently the most sophisticated
model within iRIC in terms of handling advection of momentum and strong local
unsteadiness. Nays also includes full sediment-transport capabilities and morphologic
change prediction, so the impacts of unsteadiness on bed change can assessed with this
approach. Furthermore, Nays provides a variety of particle-tracking information.

Formed in late 2007, the group released the first version of this interface, iRIC, in 2009.
The purposes of the activities of this project are creation of opportunities for interaction
and provision and exchange of information on issues to utilize knowledge and
engineering about rivers. To support creation of more beneficial and sustainable river
environments among administrative engineers, construction consultant companies,
river researchers and students focusing on development of software for analysis of
stream flows, river bed fluctuations and floods. The iRIC software interface includes
models for two- and three-dimensional flow, sediment transport, bed evolution,
groundwater-surface-water interaction, topographic data processing, and habitat
assessment, as well as comprehensive data and model output visualization, mapping,
and editing tools. All of the tools within iRIC are specifically designed for use in river
reaches and utilize common river data sets. The models are embedded within a single
graphical user interface so that many different models can be made available to users
without requiring them to learn new pre- and post-processing tools. iRIC provides a
comprehensive, unified environment in which data that are necessary for river analysis
solvers (hereafter, solvers) can be compiled, rivers can be simulated and analytical
results can be visualized. The highly flexible iRIC interface allows various solvers to
be imported. Upon selecting the solver, iRIC selects functions suitable for the solver
and prepares the optimal simulation environment. Because the iRIC functions vary
depending on the solver, the method of using the iRIC application depends on the

The iRIC software consists of three functions: preprocessor, postprocessor, and solver
(Figure 2.3)

Fig. 2. 3 An outline of the iRIC Software, its functions and features.

2.4.1. Features of the flow field calculation model

As a coordinate system, the general curvilinear coordinate system is adopted, allowing

direct consideration of complex boundaries and riverbed shapes.

 Calculations involving the confluence of a main channel and a tributary can be


 For the finite-difference method applied to the advection terms in equations of

motion, the user can choose the upwind difference method (primary precision)
or the CIP method. This is a high-order finite-difference method. By using a
cubic polynomial as an interpolation function, numeric diffusion is reduced,
thus enabling high-precision local interpolation.

 For the turbulent field calculation method, the user can select one from Constant
eddy viscosity model, Zero-equation model, and K-ε model.

 Various settings are possible for boundary conditions of the upstream and
downstream ends, including periodic boundary conditions, downstream end

water surface elevation setting and upstream end velocity setting. This makes it
easy to set boundary conditions from limited observation data.

 For setting the initial water surface profile, the user can select from among
[Constant slope], [Line], [Uniform flow calculation] and [Non-uniform flow

 The bottom friction evaluation method is set by using Manning's roughness

parameter. This parameter can be set to each computational cell.

 Any obstacle within the calculation target area can be taken into account on a
calculation-cell basis. For each calculation cell, a flag can be set to define an
obstacle. By this means, river structures such as bridge piers can be easily
incorporated in calculation.

 The effect of vegetation for the flow calculation can be introduced as a drag
force. The user can set the density of vegetation in each computational domain.


3.1 Introduction

In the present study, three different types of series groin models were considered for
investigating the flow pattern due to a constant flow. In this chapter, the details of flow
domain, flow parameters, and simulation of flow due to different groin series are
presented. The simulation works were conducted using iRIC Nays2DH. A brief
description of 2D numerical model, iRIC Nays2DH and its operational procedure have
been given in the following sections.

3.2 Software used

In this study, iRIC Nays2DH is used to simulate the flow fields in an open channel with
groins. iRIC (International River Interface Cooperative) is a pre- and post-processing
software application and framework for computation of flow and sediment transports
in rivers. The application through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows the model
user to build, run, and visualize the results from the system. The GUI provides tools for
building both structured and unstructured grids, defining topography and other
boundary conditions on the grid, and defining grid-dependent values such as grain size,
vegetation, and obstacles by mapping measured values to the grid or by creating user-
defined polygons with attributes of grid dependent value. It combines the functionality
of MD_SWMS, developed by the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) and iRIC-Nays,
developed by the Foundation of Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Research Center.

3.3 Basic equation

3.3.1 K-ε model

The eddy viscosity coefficient in the standard k-ε model can be expressed by the
following equation:

where, Cμ is a model constant. k and ϵ are obtained by the following equations:

Table: 3. 1 Model Constants

Cμ C1ε C2ε σk σε

0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3

Where C1ε, C2ε, σk and σε are model constants whose respective values are shown in
Table 2.1 note that Pkv and Pεv are calculated with the following equations:

3.3.2 Equation of continuity

The equation of continuity is given below:

3.3.3 Equation of motion

The equation of motion is given as:


As for diffusion terms Dξ and Dη in the motion equation in general coordinates, since
developing those terms will make the number of terms huge, they are simplified by
assuming the following conditions:

The second-order derivative for the metric coefficient is assumed to be locally zero.
Those terms are locally treated as pseudo-orthogonal coordinates. As a result, the
diffusion terms can be approximated as follows:

Where, ξr and ηr are parameters each representing the ratio of the local grid size in
general coordinates to the full-scale length of the grid. They are defined as follows:

Note that to derive the approximate equations of Dξ and Dη above; the following
relations are used, based on the assumption of a relationship of local orthogonally.

Where, θ represents the angle formed by the x axis and the ξ axis (or the y axis and the
η axis).

3.3.4 Bottom friction calculation method

In Nays2DH, bottom friction is set using Manning's roughness parameter. For

Manning's roughness parameter, the user can define this parameter in each
computational cell.

Riverbed shearing forces τx and τy are expressed by using coefficient of riverbed

shearing force Cf. The coefficient of riverbed shearing force Cf is estimated by
Manning's roughness parameter nm as follows:

This Manning’s roughness parameter can be estimated from the relative roughness
height, ks, by using the Manning – Strickler equation as follows:

3.4 Operational procedure of software

The following are the basic procedures for operating Nays2DH with iRIC:

1. Launching Nays2DH
Prepare to use Nays2DH with iRIC

2. Create new project

Create a new project select Nays2DH iRIC.3x 1.0 64bit

3. Creating Calculation grids

Create a grid for calculation import channel measured data. Which
prepare in excel at .riv format.

4. Setting calculation conditions
Set simulation discharge, boundary conditions, roughness and other

5. Making simulations
Use Nays2DH to run the simulation

6. Visualizing the calculation results

Visualize the simulation results, such as flow velocity, water depth,
by using vector map to see whether the simulation has successfully
run and save the file.

Three different types of groins in series were considered in the present study. These
models are – Impermeable, permeable and combined (combination of impermeable and
permeable parts) groins. All groins are placed perpendicular to the channel bank. A
nonlinear 𝑘-𝜀 model is used to predict the turbulent flow field by capturing the
anisotropic turbulence. Cubic interpolation pseudo-particle (CIP) method was used for
advection term. The basic equations are discretized as fully explicit forms and solved
successively with the time increment in step by step. It is solved using iterative
procedure at each time step.

The concrete channel under hydraulic engineering laboratory of DUET, Gazipur, which
has the dimension of length 20.50 m, width 1.52 m and depth 1.12 m is considered in
the numerical simulation. The information of channel and groin models have been
presented in Tables 3.2 - 3.5.

Table: 3. 2 Channel dimension

Length of the channel 20.50 m

Width of the channel 1.52 m
Depth of the channel 1.12 m

Table: 3. 3 Groin Parameter (Impermeable)

Length of the groin 0.45m

Thickness of the groin 5cm
Number of groin 5 Nos
Position of first groin 7.5 m from U/S section
c/c distance between groin 0.90m

Fig. 3.1 shows model setup and Fig. 3.2 shows calculation grid for impermeable groin.

Fig: 3. 1 Channel with series of impermeable groin

Fig: 3. 2 Channel with series of impermeable groin (with grid) on iRIC Nays2DH

Table: 3. 4 Groin parameter (Permeable)

Length of the each groin 0.45m
Size of block(each) 3cm
Size of opening(each) 6cm
Thickness of the groin 5cm
Total impermeable portion 15cm
Total permeable portion 30cm
Number of groin 5 Nos

Position of first groin 7.5 m from U/S section
c/c distance between groin 0.90m

Fig. 3.3 shows model setup and Fig. 3.4 shows calculation grid for impermeable

Fig: 3. 3 Channel with series of permeable groin

Fig: 3. 4 Channel with series of permeable groin (with grid) on iRIC Nays2DH

Table: 3. 5 Groin parameter (Combined)

Length of the each groin 0.75m

Total impermeable portion 0.45m
First impermeable portion 0.30m
Size of block (each) 3cm
Size of opening (each) 6cm
Thickness of the groin 5cm
Number of groin 5 Nos
Position of first groin 7.5 m from U/S section
c/c distance between groin 0.90m
Fig. 3.5 shows model setup and Fig. 3.6 shows calculation grid for impermeable groin.

Fig: 3. 5 Channel with series of combined groin

Fig: 3. 6 Channel with series of combined groin on iRIC Nays2DH

3.5 Calculation conditions

A certain flow condition was considered in this study, and it was maintained same for
all cases. This condition has been explained below:

A constant discharge of 0.05 m3/sec is used in the simulation. The depth of flow in the
channel was kept constant, and it was around 22.5 cm in the channel. The flow
discharge remains same for all the cases in this study. Related parameters are given in
Table 3.6 below:
Table: 3. 6 Flow conditions
Discharge (m3/sec) 0.05
Depth of flow (m) 0.225
Time period (minutes) 30
Bed slope (𝑆𝑜) 0.001

3.6 Working procedure

The numerical simulation works were done as mentioned in the following procedure:

i. First, the channel geographic data have been collected and prepared for making
calculation grid.
ii. Then, the geographic data is imported, and grid is created.

iii. In the grid made in the previous step, obstacle cells are defined in some certain
locations to function these as groins as per groin parameters mentioned earlier.

iv. After that, calculation condition is given for computation. Constant discharge at
upstream and constant depth with zero velocity gradients was given as
downstream boundary conditions.

v. The simulations are done and the calculation results are extracted for further


4.1 General

2D numerical model Nays2DH is used to simulate the flow field in a straight open
channel with 90º groin angled with the flow direction with three different series of groin
models. The simulation has been performed utilizing channel and flow conditions and
analyzed for comparing velocity profiles induced by different groins. These have been
explained in the following sections.

4.2 Verification of numerical model

The model is verified with experimental data of Rajaratnam and Nwachukwu (1983),
where they investigated the flow-fields in a laboratory flume near a groin-like structure.
The flow-fields of the physical model are well reproduced by the numerical model
outside of the groin field, but some discrepancies are present downstream of the groin
where the flow is highly skewed.

The sketch of the flow domain for flows in an open channel with groin of 90° angled
to the direction of flow which was performed under the same conditions of the
experiments conducted by Rajaratnam and Nwachukwu (1983). The length of the
channel 6m, width of the channel 0.9m, discharge 0.0430 𝑚3 /𝑠, water depth at
downstream 0.001m, manning’s roughness co-efficient 0.01 were taken .

Fig: 4. 1 Channel and grids with groin (90° orientation).

For 90° groins, the resultant velocity profile is compared with available experimental
result measured at y/l =2 and 3, where l = 141mm is the length of the groin. Fig. 4.2
shows the comparison of velocity profile for lateral distance (y/l =3 ). Here the initial
flow velocity profiles for different lateral distance (y/l). Here the initial flow velocity
and water depth were 𝑈0 = 0.50 m/s and H = 0.189m, respectively. In the figure,
velocity is normalized by 𝑈0 . In the figure, x/l = 0 indicated the groin position along
flume direction.

Good agreements are found between experimental and calculated results. For the
velocity profile, the result obtained by iRIC Nays2Dh is very near to the experimental
result. The calculated results under predict the experimental data in the downstream
zone of the groin. The numerical result provide by (Quanhong and pengzhi, 2007) and
(Sarveram et al., 2012) also under predicted the experimental data largely in this region.
This may be due to the very high velocity gradient arising in this region which makes
the depth-averaged model inapplicable. Otherwise, the possible reason may come from
the experimental measurement errors in this region. In the figure only present data
compared with the experimental data by Rajaratnam and Nwachukwu (1983).

Calculated (present study)

Measured (Rajaratnam & Nwachukwu, 1983)

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

(a) Velocity along y/l= 2

Calculated (present study)
Measured (Rajaratnam & Nwachukwu, 1983)

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

(b) Velocity along y/l= 3

Fig: 4. 2 Comparison of resultant velocity profile with the available previous study for 90°

4.3 Simulated flow fields

Fig. 4.3 shows the simulated velocity vectors of the flow field around the groin for three
different series of groin with a constant flow. The upstream flow of channel started
from right side. For all the cases, the model is found to reproduce the general flow
features of the flow field around the groin successfully. From the simulated results, it
is seen that at the upstream boundary the flow is uniform and hence the flow vectors
are straight and parallel to bank. However, when the flow approaches the groin, the
flow is deviated towards the right bank compared to the left due to obstruction of flow
by the groin. Recirculation of flow zone is observed just downstream region of the first
groin for impermeable series of groins. In permeable condition, the velocity vectors are
not disturbed as found in the impermeable case, though these have same length. For the
impermeable series portion, the velocity vectors are too closed at the main channel area
after the first groin. In combined series of groin, the velocity vectors are modified
compared to both impermeable and permeable cases. Small recirculation of flow occurs
at the downstream of each groin along the length.







Fig: 4. 3 Simulated velocity vectors around the groins for (a) series of impermeable,
(b) series of permeable groin, and (c) series of combined groins.

4.4 Simulated streamlines

Fig. 4.4 shows the streamline around series of groin for all cases such as
impermeable, permeable and combined series condition, which is obtained by
the present study. From the streamline contour it is found that at the position of
groin head the flow is deviated towards the opposite bank and at the downstream
of the groin. In permeable series of groins the flow pass through the permeable

portion. The flow stream line is less disturb as impermeable groins. Due to the
permeable portion on the combined series of groin the flow can occur along the
permeable portion so that the velocity intensity reduced on the upper portion of
the groins. The Figures 4.2 depict that series of impermeable groin deviations of
streamline are higher compared to series of combined groin. In the combined
series of groin shows the least deviation compared to series of impermeable






Fig. 4.4 Simulated streamlines around the groins for (a) series of impermeable, (b)
series of permeable, and (c) series of combined groin.

4.5 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles

Fig. 4.5 shows the predicted velocity magnitude of the flow field around the groin for
three different series of groin with a constant flow. The results are found to be similar
in nature. For all cases, the velocity contour along the left bank is higher than right bank
at the downstream region of the groin; it indicates the deflection of flow towards right
bank and sheltering of flow by groin at left bank. For the impermeable series of groin
the velocity of flow is very high at just upper position of groins head. The velocity of
flow is pick at the first, fourth and fifth groin head. Though the same length between
impermeable and permeable groin the velocity is very low for permeable groins. It is
due to in the permeable series of groin the total impermeable length is 15cm, where the
impermeable groins total impermeable length is 45cm. At the same time for the
combined series of groin the velocity is pick after the groins head but the intensity of
flow velocity is comparatively low than impermeable series of groin. For the combined
series of groin the velocity intensity at the impermeable zone is very low and in the
permeable zone flow intensity increase very slowly. Though large dead zone occurs at
the downstream of series impermeable groin but here also produced one or more
recirculation with high velocity. Scouring have done in this area. So the stability of
groins structure is affected by scouring. In the series combined groin the velocity
intensity very large at the 5th groin head. In the interior of the series combined groin,
the dead zone occurs that is comparatively large and the recirculating area is small with
low velocity with respect to impermeable series of groin.




Fig: 4. 5 Velocity magnitude around the groins for (a) series of impermeable (b)
series of permeable and (c) series of combined groin.

The figure given below (Fig. 4.6) shows the predicted velocity profiles for series of
impermeable, permeable and series of combined groin at different points along the
channel. For each circumstance, the longitudinal velocity profiles are compared at a
lateral position of the channel bed. In the graph, horizontal axis presents the velocity
magnitudes of the flow and the vertical axis represent the lateral distance of the channel

Fig: 4. 6 Simulated velocity fields in the 1st groin field.

Figure 4.6 represent the position of 1st groin D/S and 2nd groin U/S portion in different
series groin case. Figure 4.7 represents the flow velocity at the downstream of the 1st
groin along the channel width. Both figure shows the comparison the velocity intensity
in these area produced by the series of impermeable, permeable and series of combined
groin. The velocity intensity produced by the impermeable groin at the D/S along the
groin length is very low intensity. The velocity intensity reached at pick position just
upper the position of the groin head. For permeable series of groin condition the
velocity along the groin length is high with respect to impermeable series of groins. The
velocity intensity through the width of channel is medium due to the resistant portion
is very small comparatively impermeable groins. At the same time for the combined
groin, the velocity intensity in the impermeable zone is lower than the impermeable
groin. After the impermeable zone the velocity intensity rise a small portion and varies
depending upon the permeable and impermeable portion along the length of the groin.
At the groin head the velocity increase slightly but the intensity is low rather than
impermeable groin head. In this point a dead zone produced by impermeable and
combined groin but for permeable groin no dead zone produced. Single but large
recirculation produced by impermeable groin, for permeable groin no recirculation
produced and for combined groin single recirculation produced a low flow intensity.



Velocity (m/s) 0.5





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Transverse Distance (m)

Impermeable Permeable Combined

Fig: 4. 7 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles along the channel at D/S of 1st

Fig: 4. 8 Simulated velocity fields at the mid portion of 3rd and 4th groin.

Fig. 4.8 represents the mid groin field, i.e area bounded by 3rd and 4th groin for all groin
cases. Fig. 4.9 represents the flow velocity at the middle of the 3rd and 4th groin along

the channel width. The graph shows the evaluation of velocity intensity in middle
position along the width produced by the series of impermeable, permeable and series
of combined groins. Here the flow velocity intensity for the impermeable groin is very
low along the length of groin and after the groin head the velocity is instantly higher.
For the permeable groins the velocity have a small change with respect to impermeable
groins. At the same time the velocity intensity for the combined groin is comparatively
low in the impermeable zone. In the permeable zone the velocity intensity is increase
but lower than velocity intensity produced by impermeable groin. The pick flow occur
after a certain distance from the head of combined groins. This makes the combined
groin more stable in sustainable life. In impermeable groin condition approximate two
large recirculation produced and for combined groin two small recirculation produced.
Due to the high velocity no deposition occurs in that area and maintain the flow depth.
Though the total impermeable portion between impermeable and combined groins are
same but the velocity reduction pattern is very good for combined groins and the dead
zone produced by combined groins is large. The size of recirculation area also small.



Velocity (m/s)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Transverse Distance (m)

Impermeable Permeable Combined

Fig: 4. 9 Comparison of simulated velocity profiles at the mid portion between 3rd and
4th groin.

From the simulation data, this can be found that installation of permeable groin
produces slow flow near side or bank. Although, a dead zone is created in the groin

field due to impermeable groin, strong recirculation of flow might be present which can
attack the bank line. The flow velocity near the head of the impermeable groin is found
very high. So that the possibility of scouring near groin is very high, and thus stability
of the groin might be hampered. As the length of permeable groin was kept same of
impermeable one, velocity at main channel area is not increased enough, which could
assist improving navigation facility. In permeable groin condition though the velocity
reduced but no dead zone produced at the groin bank side. In the combined series of
groins, the total impermeable portion is same as impermeable groin. Even though, this
has same obstruction, because of the presence of permeable part with impermeable part,
velocity of flow is not increased much near the head of groin; so that, less scour might
be expected. In addition, due to the impermeable portion near bank, a dead zone of less
circulation of flow is created which might influence deposition of sediment near bank.


5.1 Introduction

Two-dimensional numerical model Nays2DH was employed in the present study to

investigate the characteristics of flow field developed around groin structures. From the
numerical simulation performed in the study, the velocity profiles are compared for
different types of series groin for evaluating their performance. The following sections
describe conclusion and recommendations.

5.2 Conclusion

This study has given the detailed information regarding the flow fields due to groins in
an open channel. From the numerical simulation, the general flow features around a
groin is reproduced successfully. The flow fields found in the study can be described
i. The flow at upstream side is uniform.
ii. Circulation of flow is found at the downstream of the groin that is created
due to sheltering the flow by impermeable groin.
iii. High velocity zone is created after the groin due to the deflected flow.
From the comparison of flow profiles due to series of impermeable, permeable and
combined groins, this is observed that the velocity is maximum near the head of
impermeable groin, and this is much less for permeable and combined groins. Strong
circulation of flow is present for impermeable groin; however, a dead zone of less
circulation is created near side of channel due to combined groin.

5.3 Recommendations for further study

Following recommendation can be made for further research:

i. The study can be extended to simulate the sediment transport, nutrient transport
and bed deformation due to groins.
ii. As the flow near a groin is distinctly three-dimensional, it is recommended to use,
a 3D numerical model needs to study flow vortex and local scour.

iii. The model can be applied for different spacing between two groins to study the
effect of spacing.
iv. The study can be extended for different groin length to channel width ratios to
study the effect of groin length to the flow field and sediment transport.


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