WG 178

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EnviCom WG Report

PIANC n° 178 - 2020


The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure
The World Association for
Waterborne Transport Infrastructure




PIANC has Technical Commissions concerned with inland waterways and ports (InCom),
coastal and ocean waterways (including ports and harbours) (MarCom), environmental
aspects (EnviCom) and sport and pleasure navigation (RecCom).

This report has been produced by an international Working Group convened by the En-
vironmental Commission (EnviCom). Members of the Working Group represent several
countries and are acknowledged experts in their profession.

The objective of this report is to provide information and recommendations on good

practice. Conformity is not obligatory and engineering judgement should be used in its
application, especially in special circumstances. This report should be seen as an expert
guidance and state-of-the-art on this particular subject. PIANC disclaims all responsibil-
ity in the event that this report should be presented as an official standard.

PIANC Secrétariat Général

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 20, B 3
B-1000 Bruxelles


VAT BE 408-287-945

ISBN 978-2-87223-001-3
© All rights reserved

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
TABLE OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................. 3
TABLE OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ 3
TABLE OF BOXES .................................................................................................................................................. 4
SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
STAGE 1: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................... 6
STAGE 2: CLIMATE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 6
STAGE 3: VULNERABILITIES AND RISKS ............................................................................................................ 7
STAGE 4: ADAPTATION OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8

WORKING GROUP MEMBERSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................... 9

Full Members of PIANC Working Group 178 ........................................................................................................... 9

Other contributors to PIANC Working Group 178 .................................................................................................... 9

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 10

Background ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Urgent Need for Adaptation Planning .................................................................................................................... 10
Identifying and Assessing the Risks ...................................................................................................................... 10
Understanding How the Climate May Change ....................................................................................................... 12
Involving Stakeholders and Identifying Actions ...................................................................................................... 13
Four-Stage Approach to Climate Change Adaptation Planning ............................................................................. 13

STAGE 1: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................... 15

Step 1.1 Agree High-level Goals ........................................................................................................................... 15

Step 1.2 Identify Critical Assets, Operations, Systems and Interdependencies .................................................... 15
1.2.1. Prepare an Inventory ............................................................................................................................... 15
1.2.2. Determine Criticality............................................................................................................................... 17
Step 1.3 Indicate the Susceptibility of Assets, Operations and Systems ............................................................... 20
Step 1.4 Work with Stakeholders ........................................................................................................................... 21
1.4.1. Identify Relevant Stakeholders ................................................................................................................ 21
1.4.2 Encourage Ownership of the Climate Change Challenge......................................................................... 22
Step 1.5 Determine Adaptation Objectives ............................................................................................................ 23
1.5.1. Agree Boundary Conditions, Constraints and Opportunities .................................................................... 23
1.5.2. Determine the Planning Horizon .............................................................................................................. 25
1.5.3. Set Specific Adaptation and Resilience Objectives.................................................................................. 25
Step 1.6 Consider Data Needs .............................................................................................................................. 26
1.6.1. Monitoring and Recording ........................................................................................................................ 26
1.6.2 Physical Assets and Operational Efficiency .............................................................................................. 26
1.6.3. Implications of Extreme Events................................................................................................................ 27
1.6.4. Data Management ................................................................................................................................... 27
Outcomes of Stage 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 28

STAGE 2: CLIMATE INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 29

Step 2.1 Establish Climate Information Needs ...................................................................................................... 29

2.1.1 Confirm Which Climate Parameters and Processes are Relevant ................................................. 29
2.1.2 Involve Stakeholders in Identifying Relevant Climate Parameters and Processes ........................ 30
Step 2.2 Understand Baseline Conditions ............................................................................................................. 32
2.2.1 Collate Baseline Climate Information ............................................................................................. 32
2.2.2 Include Extreme Events ................................................................................................................. 34
Step 2.3 Explore Possible Future Climate Conditions ........................................................................................... 35
2.3.1 Align Planning Horizon with Climate Change Scenarios ................................................................ 35
2.3.2 Collate Climate Projections Data ................................................................................................... 37
2.3.3 Accommodate the Possibility of Increasingly Frequent or Severe Extreme Events ....................... 38

Step 2.4 Analyse Data to Understand the Climate Change Hazard ...................................................................... 40
2.4.1 Analyse Baseline and Projections Data ......................................................................................... 40
2.4.2 Understand Data Limitations.......................................................................................................... 41
Outcomes of Stage 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 42

STAGE 3: VULNERABILITIES AND RISKS .......................................................................................................... 43

Step 3.1 Agree Approach to Vulnerability Assessment ......................................................................................... 43

Step 3.2 Establish Changes in Susceptibility ......................................................................................................... 45
Step 3.3 Agree on Risk Indicators and Assess Vulnerability ................................................................................. 46
3.3.1 Threshold Based Approach to Define Risk Indicators .................................................................... 46
3.3.2 Define an Acceptable Level of Risk ............................................................................................... 47
3.3.3 Determine Whether Thresholds Could Be Exceeded .................................................................... 48
3.3.4 Explore the Extent of Adaptive Capacity ........................................................................................ 50
3.3.5 Identify Other Indicators of Increased Vulnerability ........................................................................ 51
3.3.6 Complete Vulnerability Assessment and Report on Outcomes...................................................... 52
3.3.7 Set Adaptation Priorities ................................................................................................................ 54
3.3.8 Agree Next Steps ........................................................................................................................... 55
Step 3.4 Select an Appropriate Level of Risk Analysis .......................................................................................... 55
Step 3.5 Assess Likelihood.................................................................................................................................... 57
Step 3.6 Assess Consequences ............................................................................................................................ 58
3.6.1 Record Magnitude, Severity and the Nature of the Impact ....................................................................... 58
3.6.2 Derive Consequence Ratings ................................................................................................................... 58
3.6.3 Prepare Risk Matrices .............................................................................................................................. 59
Step 3.7 Summarise Risk Assessment Outcomes ................................................................................................ 63
Outcomes of Stage 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 63

STAGE 4: ADAPTATION OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 64

Step 4.1 Understand Implications of Uncertainty: Role of Adaptation Pathways ................................................... 64

4.1.1 Avoiding Maladaptation ................................................................................................................. 64
4.1.2 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Measures ............................................................................................ 65
4.1.3 Accommodate Uncertainty in Design ............................................................................................. 65
4.1.4 Understanding When to Act? ......................................................................................................... 68
Step 4.2 Use the Portfolio of Measures ................................................................................................................. 68
4.2.1 Collate Information to Inform the Selection of Measures ............................................................... 68
4.2.2 Prepare to Use the Portfolio of Measures ...................................................................................... 68
4.2.3 Use the Portfolio to Identify a List of Measures for Screening ....................................................... 71
Step 4.3 Screen List of Possible Measures to Derive Options ............................................................................... 74
4.3.1 Agree Screening Methodology and Criteria ................................................................................... 74
4.3.2 Undertake Screening ..................................................................................................................... 74
Step 4.4 Evaluate Shortlist of Options ................................................................................................................... 76
4.4.1 Available Evaluation Methods ................................................................................................................... 76
4.4.2 Select Method and Evaluate Options ............................................................................................. 77
Step 4.5 Develop Adaptation Pathways ................................................................................................................ 78
Step 4.6 Prepare Adaptation Strategy ................................................................................................................... 80
4.6.1 Agree Priorities .............................................................................................................................. 80
4.6.2 Prepare and Consult on Adaptation Strategy................................................................................. 81
Step 4.7 Implement Adaptation Strategy ............................................................................................................... 82
4.7.1 Set-up Monitoring Programmes ..................................................................................................... 82
4.7.2 Promote Research and Technical Studies ..................................................................................... 83
Outcomes of Stage 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 83

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 84

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 84
STAGE 1 Context and Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 84
STAGE 2 Climate Information ............................................................................................................................... 85
STAGE 3 Vulnerabilities and Risks ....................................................................................................................... 87
STAGE 4 Adaptation Options ................................................................................................................................ 89

OVERVIEW OF CASE STUDIES .......................................................................................................................... 91

CASE STUDY 1 – Climate Change Adaptation in the Port of Rotterdam: Botlek Water Safety Pilot Project ........ 92
CASE STUDY 2 – Port of Long Beach (USA) Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan ........................... 96
CASE STUDY 3 – The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ................................................................... 101
CASE STUDY 4 – Port of London Authority (UK) Climate Change Adaptation Reporting ................................... 105

CASE STUDY 5 – Port of Providence (USA): Stakeholder Resilience Strategy and Vulnerability Assessment
of Maritime Infrastructure ..................................................................................................................................... 109
CASE STUDY 6 – Harwich Haven Authority (UK) Climate Adaptation Reporting. .............................................. 114
CASE STUDY 7 – Tuvalu Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project ............................................................... 117
CASE STUDY 8 – Risk Quantification for Sustaining Coastal Military Installation Assets and Mission
Capabilities, Norfolk Naval Base, USA ................................................................................................................ 121
CASE STUDY 9 – A Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment For Avatiu Port, Rarotonga, Cook Islands ............... 125
CASE STUDY 10 – NSW Ports Climate Change Risk Assessment for two Maritime Ports: Port Botany and
Port Kembla, Australia ......................................................................................................................................... 130
CASE STUDY 11 – Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in The Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ...................................................... 134
CASE STUDY 12 – San Pedro Breakwater (Los Angeles, USA) Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment ............... 140
CASE STUDY 13 – IFC’S Climate Risk and Ports Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque, Cartagena,
Colombia ............................................................................................................................................................. 144
CASE STUDY 14 – Albert Canal (Belgium): Pumping Installations/Water Power Plant ...................................... 148
CASE STUDY 15 – MOWE IT – Management of Weather Events in the Transport System ............................... 151
CASE STUDY 16 – Port of Manzanillo ................................................................................................................ 153

Annex 1A – Template Inventory .......................................................................................................................... 158

Annex 1B – Template Stakeholders .................................................................................................................... 158
Annex 1C – Effective Stakeholder Engagement: Value of a Facilitated Workshop ............................................. 158
Annex 1D – Costs and Consequences of Extreme Weather Events ................................................................... 159
Annex 1E – Guiding Principles for Setting up a Fit-for-Purpose Monitoring and Data Management System ...... 161
Annex 2A – Data Sources ................................................................................................................................... 163
Annex 2B – Meteorological, Hydrological and Oceanographic Monitoring .......................................................... 166
Annex 2C – Downscaling..................................................................................................................................... 168
Annex 3A – Levels of Risk Analysis .................................................................................................................... 170
Annex 4 – Portfolio of Measures .......................................................................................................................... 172

Figure 1: Interactions between climate parameters and processes and representative port assets and
operations 11
Figure 2: The four stages in the climate adaptation planning process 14
Figure 3: Stage 1 in the climate change adaptation planning process 15
Figure 4: Interdependencies between and within infrastructures within the system of the Port of Rotterdam
[Bles et al., 2016] 16
Figure 5: Stage 2 in the climate change adaptation planning process 29
Figure 6: The December 2015 extreme rainfall event on the English River Tyne [Marsh et al. 2016] 35
Figure 7: Time series of global annual mean surface air temperature according to IPCC’s RCOs 36
Figure 8: Stage 3 in the climate change adaptation planning process 43
Figure 9: Key steps in assessing vulnerability (over the planning horizon/under each scenario as appropriate) 44
Figure 10: Use of thresholds to identify potential climate hazards 49
Figure 11: Stage 4 in the climate change adaptation planning process 64
Figure 12: Retrofitting options for a breakwater or seawall [Howe and Cox, 2018] 73

Table 1: Examples of changes in climate parameters being used for port adaptation planning purposes 12
Table 2: Snapshot of a completed template showing land-water interface assets and operations 17
Table 3: Example considerations for determining criticality 18
Table 4: Snapshot of the template showing the assessment of the criticality for the different assets and
operations 19
Table 5: Snapshot from completed template illustrating susceptibility of critical assets and operations 21
Table 6: Examples of boundary conditions and constraints on adaptation studies 24
Table 7: Examples of climate change adaptation objectives 25
Table 8: Examples of typical relevant parameters and processes based on impact susceptibility 30
Table 9: Baseline data requirements and possible sources 33
Table 10: Climate scenarios developed as part of the IMPRESSIONS project exploring inter-dependent risks
and opportunities posed by high levels of climate change [Holman et al., 2017] 37
Table 11: Overview of data analysis methods 41
Table 12: Relative comparison of approaches to assessing vulnerability 44

Table 13: Snapshot from completed template illustrating how supporting information used to determine
adaptive capacity can be recorded 51
Table 14: Example presentation for vulnerability assessment outcomes in a seaport 53
Table 15: Snapshot from completed template illustrating current adaptive capacity 54
Table 16: Examples of determining and presenting risk likelihood 57
Table 17: Examples of determining risk consequence 59
Table 18: Typical presentation of risk assessment outcomes 60
Table 19: Generic measures for strengthening resilience or adapting assets, operations or systems 69
Table 20: Criteria for screening adaptation measures 74
Table 21: Example of screening outcomes 75
Table 22: Examples of phased measures in adaptation pathways 80

Box 1: Critical assets and operations identified by Port of Long Beach, USA 19
Box 2: Port of New York and New Jersey experience in determining susceptibility 21
Box 3: Role of facilitated workshops in identifying climate change adaptation priorities 23
Box 4: Port of Providence, USA, strategic vulnerability and resilience assessment 23
Box 5: Highlighting socio-economic and environmental co-benefits and the role of ecosystem services 24
Box 6: Relevant climate parameters and processes for Port Botany and Port Kembla, Australia 31
Box 7: Data used in climate change impact and vulnerability assessments for seaports in Jamaica
and Saint Lucia 38
Box 8: Example of the value of a long-term dataset 39
Box 9: Development of a low probability but plausible High ++ sea level rise scenario 39
Box 10: Percentage of the deviation of the ensemble mean regional relative sea level change between
1986-2005 and 2081-2100 from the global mean value [IPCC, 2013] 42
Box 11: Use of scenarios in determining the vulnerability of USA Defense Department critical coastal
installations 46
Box 12: Operational thresholds approach for assessing the vulnerability of critical transportation assets in
Jamaica and Saint Lucia 49
Box 13: Transport Canada use of a vulnerability assessment protocol 52
Box 14: Example of vulnerability assessment undertaken by Port of Long Beach, USA 54
Box 15: US Army Corps of Engineers advanced risk analysis for coastal military installations 56
Box 16: US Army Corps of Engineers advanced risk analysis for coastal military installations 56
Box 17: Climate change adaptation risk assessment for Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque, Cartagena,
Colombia 61
Box 18: Associated British Ports (UK) climate change adaptation risk assessment 62
Box 19: The so-called Climate-DYke of the German Federal State Schleswig-Holstein 66
Box 20: Understanding and preparing for the possible failure of a sea wall 67
Box 21: Accommodating extremes in wharf repair design, Lucinda Bulk Sugar Terminal, Australia 67
Box 22: Example of the value of operational and institutional measures to improve resilience 70
Box 23: Example of a structural solution to improving resilience 70
Box 24: An example of a win-win measure providing co-benefits to stakeholders 72
Box 25: EU Guidebooks for strengthening the resilience of European Inland and Maritime Navigation 73
Box 26: Cost-benefit assessment in the evaluation of retrofitting options for rubble mound breakwaters 77
Box 27: Cost-effectiveness analysis outcomes of adaptation options at Port of Manzanillo 78
Box 28: Accommodating deeply uncertain climate change projections to evaluate the costs and benefits of
infrastructure upgrading at Port of Los Angeles 78
Box 29: Prioritisation of adaptation action by Pot of Long Beach, USA 81
Box 30: Working with stakeholders to develop an adaptation strategy 82

Ports and waterways around the world are experiencing air and water temperature increases, rising sea
levels, and changes in seasonal precipitation, wind and wave conditions. Many are also seeing more
frequent and severe extreme events such as storms, heatwaves and droughts.
Climate change represents a significant risk to business, operations, safety and infrastructure – and
hence to local, national and global economies. Waterborne transport infrastructure will be adversely
affected. Port and waterway operators need to take urgent action to strengthen resilience and adapt.
The guidance prepared by PIANC’s technical Working Group 178 provides a brief introduction to the
potential consequences of climate change and some of the challenges to be addressed. It then
introduces a four-stage methodological framework to help port and waterway operators plan how best
to adapt.
• Stage 1 facilitates understanding of the assets, operations and systems that could be affected by
climate change; highlights possible interdependencies with other sectors that are also susceptible;
encourages engagement with internal and external stakeholders; and enables the setting of climate
change adaptation objectives. It also stresses the need for data collection and its effective
• Stage 2 identifies the type of information needed to determine baseline conditions and to explore
possible future changes in relevant climate-related parameters and processes. It also introduces
the use of climate change scenarios to assist in understanding the range of possible future changes,
and highlights the importance of monitoring and collecting local data.
• Stage 3 describes how the vulnerability of waterborne transport infrastructure assets, operations
and systems can be assessed and, where appropriate, a more detailed risk analysis undertaken to
understand the likelihood and potential consequences of the projected changes.
• Stage 4 introduces some of the concepts that need to be considered when deciding how best to
address climate risks and hazards. It also presents a ‘portfolio’ of potential measures (structural,
operational and institutional), and provides guidance on how to screen and evaluate options that
might be included on an adaptation pathway.
Sixteen international good practice case studies are appended to the guidance, along with various
templates to be used for data collection and record keeping.

Different climate-related publications use the same terminology in different ways. The tables below
explain how this guidance document uses these terms. These tables are arranged according to the
Stage in which the terminology is used.

Stage 1: Context and Objectives

Climate hazard The term hazard refers to climate-related physical events or trends or their physical
impacts [IPCC, 2014]. A change in a climate parameter that exceeds a certain pre-
determined threshold or has the potential to cause damage or disruption or other negative
effects is therefore a hazard.

Criticality Criticality is a measure of the relative importance that enables the identification of assets,
systems or operations where disruption or destruction would have a significant adverse
impact on the continued functioning of the port or waterway or those that are indispensable
in some other way.

Planning The planning horizon is the length of time into the future that is covered in a climate change
horizon adaptation strategy.

Slow onset Slow onset changes are characterised by gradual and incremental changes that typically
occur gradually, evolving over many years. In the context of this guidance, slow onset
events include increasing air and water temperatures, sea level rise, ocean acidification,
salinisation, glacial retreat and related impacts. [UNFCCC, 2012]

Susceptibility Susceptibility indicates whether an asset, operation or system is prone to harm, disruption
or other adverse effects as a result of changes in meteorological, oceanographic or
hydrological characteristics.

Adaptation A response or a process of adjustment to accommodate the actual or projected climate or

the effects of climate change.

Stage 2: Climate Information

Term Description

Climate driver A climate driver is a cause of or contributor to climate change. Changes in the atmospheric
abundance of greenhouse gases and aerosols (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide), in solar radiation and in land surface properties alter the energy balance of (i.e.
drive change in) the climate system. These changes are often expressed in terms of
radiative forcing. [IPCC, 2007]

Climate-related Climate is characterised by measurable parameters including atmospheric parameters

parameters such as air pressure and temperature, and non-atmospheric parameters such as sea
and processes surface temperature. Changes in these parameters in turn drive change in processes such
as wind, waves, precipitation and river flow. For this reason, some other publications use
the term climate drivers to describe these parameters. To avoid confusion with the above
use of the same term, however, this guidance uses ‘parameters and processes’ to cover
this wide range of meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological variables or

Climate hazard See definition in Stage 1.

Impact The term impact is used to describe an effect of the change in a climate-related parameter
or process on an aspect of the human or natural environment (i.e. an impact is the
consequence of a climate hazard). The impacts of climate change on geophysical
systems, including floods, droughts, and sea level rise, are a subset of impacts called
physical impacts. [IPCC, 2014]

Projections The term ‘projection’ rather than ‘prediction’ is used in this guidance. A prediction is a
probabilistic statement that something will happen in the future based on what is known
today, for example as is used in weather forecasting. Projections of future climate change
are not like weather forecasts. It is not possible to make deterministic, definitive predictions
of how climate will evolve over the next century and beyond as it is with short- or even
medium-term weather forecasts. Projections of climate change are uncertain, both
because they depend primarily on scenarios of future anthropogenic and natural forcings
that are uncertain, and also because of incomplete understanding and imprecise models
of the climate system and the existence of internal climate variability. [Collins et al., 2013]

Stage 3: Vulnerabilities and Risks

Term Description

Risk In this guidance, risk describes an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect
on at least one objective i.e. uncertainty about future changes in relevant climate parameters
and processes that could affect port or inland waterway assets, operations or systems.
Risk assessment is an overall process of risk identification, analysis and evaluation. There
are various types of risk assessment involving differing levels of detail.
Risk analysis is the systematic process employed to understand the likelihood that a climate
hazard will occur, and if it does, the magnitude and severity of the consequences.

Vulnerability Vulnerability indicates the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and unable to cope
with, adverse climate change effects, including climate variability and extremes.
Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude and rate of climate change and
variation to which an asset, operation or system is exposed, its sensitivity (see criticality)
and its adaptive capacity.

Consequence Outcome of a climate-related event affecting the objectives. Consequences are most likely
adverse impacts upon vulnerable assets, operations and systems.

Likelihood The chance of a consequence or impact occurring, generally described in terms of

probability, or frequency, and that can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively
(depending on the type of risk assessment being used).

Redundancy Redundancy is the duplication or supplementation of critical components or functions of a

system with the intention of increasing the reliability of the system.

Residual risk The remaining risk after all efforts have been made to eliminate, minimise and/or mitigate
risks through identifying and implementing adaptation actions and activities. An ‘acceptable’
residual risk depends on the appetite for risk of the risk taker (e.g. port, inland waterway,
owner of maritime infrastructure). Different stakeholders are likely to start with different
perceptions of what constitutes an ‘acceptable’ residual risk, so dialogue will be important.

Stage 4: Adaptation Options

Adaptation term Definition

Maladaptation Failing to adjust adequately or appropriately to an anticipated change, for example by

implementing an inflexible solution that cannot be modified if climate-related variables
do not change in the manner projected at the time of design provides an example of
maladaptation. An asset could ultimately be over-designed or under-designed and
(some of) the initial investment may be wasted. Alternatively, the vulnerability of the
infrastructure to ongoing future climate change may be increased. Interventions that
increase vulnerability at another location or of another sector are also considered as
maladaptation. [IPCC, 2014]

Resilience Resilience refers to the capacity to anticipate and plan for disruption, absorb the impact
of disturbance, and rapidly recover afterwards. Resilient assets and operations can
adapt to both short- and long-term stressors, and to changing conditions and
constraints. Resilience is not only physical; it is also societal, environmental and
economic. Accommodating or accepting disturbance (rather than only protecting against
it) can be important components of resilience.

Adaptive Adaptive capacity means having the ability to adjust to change. For example, there may
capacity be redundancy or resilience within the system that means a change or impact can be
accommodated. Having adequate adaptive capacity can make the difference between
an incident or event being inconvenient and potentially catastrophic.

No or low-regret No or low-regret measures refer to solutions that provide benefits under any foreseeable
measures climate scenario including present day climate (i.e. the benefits will be realised
irrespective of how climate variables change over time).

Low-hanging Taking the low-hanging fruit means doing the most obvious and simplest work first;
fruit implementing the easiest measures that will contribute to or achieve the climate change
adaptation objective. These measures enable some useful early benefits to be realised
even if the delivery of a long-term solution takes some time.

Adaptive Adaptive management describes an iterative approach to planning, developing,

management delivering and modifying operations or infrastructure solutions while retaining maximum
flexibility in the face of uncertainty through an incremental risk management process.
Monitoring is critical to adaptive management because responsive solutions are
informed by evidence gathered as conditions evolve.

Adaptation Adaptation pathways describe a sequence of actions (measures, modifications or other

pathway investments) that are implemented as conditions change. Uncertainty is accommodated
by allowing the first steps on the pathway to be taken with confidence, while the
organisation continues to plan to deal with risks associated with climate change in a
flexible way. As future options are kept open, maladaptation can be avoided.

All PIANC Working Group reports rely on the willingness of individual experts to provide their time and
to share their technical expertise. Working Group 178 was no exception, and PIANC therefore expresses
its sincere gratitude to the following individuals for their invaluable contributions to this technical
guidance on climate change adaptation planning for ports and inland waterways.

PIANC also recognises and thanks the many other individuals and organisations that provided case
study information, hosted workshops or otherwise assisted with the development of this report.

Full Members of PIANC Working Group 178

Brooke, Jan (PIANC EnviCom Mentor) Jan Brooke Environmental Consultant Ltd
Haine, Charles (Chair) WSP

Carnegie, Anne Ex-International Harbour Masters’ Association

Cockrill, Don International Maritime Pilots’ Association
Comhaire, Ina Government of Flanders
Delelis, Sabrina International Harbour Masters’ Association
Fassardi, Claudio Jacobs
Herbert, Laure SOCOTEC
Koppe, Baerbel Bremen University of Applied Science
Lankenau, Lena Bremen University of Applied Science
Lizondo, Susana Arup
Losada, Iñigo J. IH Cantabria - University of Cantabria
Mackenzie, Tanja Cardno
Moulaert, Ine International Association of Dredging Companies
Nilsen, Arne Aurecon
Ogrodnick, Jennifer Ex-Baird
Tomasicchio, Giuseppe
University of Salento

Other contributors to PIANC Working Group 178

Asariotis, Regina UNCTAD

Bouvelot, Pierre Voies navigables de France (VNF)
Burks-Copes, Kelly ERDC – Environmental Lab
Comerford, Adam Canal and River Trust
Geldenhuys, Marli Aurecon
Hodgkin, Ben Ex-Royal Haskoning DHV
Jaan, Roy Swedish Maritime Administration
Kempmann, Kai CCNR
Musch, Onno F.R. Norconsult
Schweighofer, Juha Via donau


The climate is changing. Ports and waterways around the world are experiencing temperature increases,
rising sea levels, and changes in seasonal precipitation, wind and wave conditions. More frequent and
severe extreme events such as storms, heatwaves and droughts are also attributable to climate change.
Early analysis using sophisticated climate models estimate that global warming made the elevated
temperatures experienced in Europe in 2019 at least five times more likely and potentially over 100 times
more likely than a century ago [World Weather Attribution Group, 2019].

Extreme events, such as those summarised below, cause direct damage, structural failure, downtime
and even the closure of waterborne transport assets, cargo handling activities and operational systems.

 Hurricane Sandy, USA, 2013, completely closed the Port of New York and New Jersey for around
a week. The re-opening of numerous cargo terminals and maritime support facilities was delayed
further because of power failures and damage to ancillary equipment.
 Severe storm conditions, Port of Durban, South Africa, 2017, blew containers into the Bay, broke
mooring lines and left a container ship blocking the entrance to the harbour, one of several vessels
grounded as a result of the storm.
 Extreme rainfall and flooding, Itajal Port, Brazil, 2017, resulted in a three-week closure of the port;
dangerously strong currents prevented the berthing of 30 vessels leaving temperature-controlled
warehousing stretched beyond capacity. A significant dredging requirement to restore safe
navigation in the approach channel was another consequence.
 Extended drought conditions, River Rhine, Germany, 2018, due to a combination of prolonged
heatwave, low rainfall and reduced supply from shrinking glaciers, led to restrictions on River
shipping throughout much of 2018, in some cases making river sections impassable and cutting off
freight suppliers from their markets.

Urgent Need for Adaptation Planning

In 2019, extreme weather and climate change policy failures were identified by the World Economic
Forum's Global Risk Report as the gravest short to medium-term threats to be dealt with globally. The
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD, 2018] specifically highlighted the
urgent need for ports to adapt, along with vital connecting transport infrastructure and global supply-
chain networks, if significant trade disruption is to be avoided. In 2018, the European Joint Research
Centre [JRC, 2018] published two studies highlighting an unprecedented coastal flood risk unless urgent
climate change adaptation measures are taken [Vousdoukas et al., 2018a ; 2018b]. Equivalent reports
exist for other regions around the world.

Without timely and effective preparation, climate change will result in increasing incidences of damage
or structural failures; lead to downtime, disruption and operational delays; and impact on the safety of
personnel, equipment and the environment. Port and waterway operators need to act urgently to
strengthen resilience and adapt critical assets, operations and systems.

Identifying and Assessing the Risks

Ports and waterways already have to accommodate a variety of risks associated with a range of
meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic parameters and processes. Climate change will impact
upon these parameters and processes, exacerbating existing risks and introducing new ones including
impacts associated with:

 overwhelmed drainage systems or high groundwater levels resulting in flooding

 overtopping and flooding due to high river flow levels, high tide or storm surge
 high in-channel river flow velocities or sea state changes (agitation, extreme waves)
 low river flow conditions, drought or reduced water supply
 changes in bathymetry or in sediment or debris transport, deposition and accumulation
 river or sea bed or bank erosion

 fog or other reduced visibility, for example due to blizzard conditions or sandstorms
 changes in wind speed/strength, direction, or duration
 extreme cold, ice or icing
 extreme heat or humidity (magnitude, duration or frequency)
 changes in water chemistry (acidity, salinity)
 changes in biological character (vegetation growth rates, species migration, invasive species)

Figure 1 illustrates where changes in climate parameters or processes can lead to such impacts in a
representative port.

Figure 1: Interactions between climate parameters and processes and representative port assets and operations

In addition to the direct physical effects of climate change dealt with in this guidance, ports and
waterways may need to identify and adapt to a number of indirect (economic) impacts. In particular, the
effects of climate change on other industry sectors may lead to some ports and waterways experiencing
shifts in the nature, quantities or timings of goods being transported, or of passenger traffic. Climate-
related changes, in agricultural production or manufacturing activity for example, may result in changes
in vessel types using the port or waterway, in changing specifications for berthing or storage facilities, a
demand for increased seasonal capacity, a reduction of turnover, or a move from export towards import
activities (or vice versa). Modal shift to waterborne transport for goods and passengers to help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from road transport, changes in tourism patterns, and even migration
associated with temperature extremes also have the potential to change existing demands on ports and
waterways in the short or longer term. Some of these indirect effects will mean that a port or waterway
needs to adapt its infrastructure, operations or systems.

Notwithstanding that the focus of this guidance is on the projected direct, physical effects of the changing
climate and all of the examples provided reflect this focus, the methodology set out herein is equally
applicable to, and can therefore be used to identify and respond to, indirect economic effects.

Understanding How the Climate May Change

In order to prepare for, and appropriately manage, future climate change risks, some form of risk
assessment is required.
A fit-for-purpose comparison of current and future risks will help to identify areas where resilience can
be improved or where existing assets, operations and systems need to be adapted. In some cases, a
high-level assessment based on local experience and expert judgement will suffice. In others, a detailed
assessment involving independent advisors or consultants, modellers and other technical specialists
may be justified.
This risk assessment should be informed by an understanding of how the climate is expected to change.
Many of the climate-related changes that matter most to ports and waterways are driven by changes in
temperature. However, for political and economic reasons, there remains a great deal of uncertainty
about how quickly temperature will change. Uncertainty about long term changes in temperature
therefore means uncertainty about changes in seasonal precipitation; rates of sea level rise; increases
in extreme event frequency and severity; and changes in many other potentially relevant parameters
and processes.
Levels of uncertainty increase significantly beyond ten years from the present time, so if an organisation
is developing a medium to long term adaptation strategy, a range of possible future changes need to be
considered. This is done by exploring different climate change scenarios.
Table 1 provides examples of the projected or observed changes being used for climate change
planning purposes by the Ports of Antwerp (Belgium) and London (UK) in Europe, Manzanillo (Mexico)
and Sydney (Australia). The full version of the case studies mentioned in the table can be found, together
with the other case studies referred to throughout this guidance, at the end of the document after

Port Parameter or process Working projections for adaptation planning

London, UK Temperature Mean +3o C to +4o C by 2080s
(Case Study 4) Summer maximum +4o C to +5o C by 2080s
Sea level +0.2 m to +0.9 m most likely, but up to +2.7 m by 2100
Precipitation Winter +10 % to +20 % by 2080s. Summer -20 % to -30 % by 2080s
Fog Winter fog days +20 % by 2080s
Cartagena, Mean temperature Global Climate Models project +1.2 to +2.2° C by 2050s; +1.7 to +3.7° C by
Colombia 2080s
(Case Study Downscaled models suggest +6° C by 2050s
12) Sea level Observed sea level rise suggests +0.5 m by 2100
Accelerated sea level rise scenario +1.3 m by 2100
Mean precipitation Continuation of observed trends suggests annual increase of 0.6 % wet days
Wind +0.2 m/s by the 2020s and +0.5 m/s by the 2050s and 2080s; winds in the
range 3 to 10 m/s could become more frequent
Long Beach, Temperature +0.6 to +6.4°F by 2050 (Long Beach); +4.1 to +8.6°F (California) by 2100.
USA Extremely hot days >95°F increase two- or three-fold by 2050
(Case Study 2) Sea level +0.13 m to +0.61 m by 2050; +0.43 m to 1.68 m by 2100
Precipitation -9 % total rainfall at coast; -13 % daily rainfall totals by 2050. +10-25 % total
rainfall per storm in California by 2100.
1:20 year storm becomes 1:4 to 1:15 year storm by 2100
Acidity -0.5 units pH (California) by 2050
Antwerp, Temperature +3.7o C to +7.2o C by 2100, 2 to 9 heatwaves annually
Belgium 1 Sea level +0.6 m most likely, but up to +2.0 m worst case by 2100
Waves Predicted significant wave height +4.0 m per 1.0 m sea level rise
Precipitation Winter +3 % by 2030, +12 % by 2100. Summer -4 % by 2030, -15 % by 2100
Table 1: Examples of changes in climate parameters being used for port adaptation planning purposes

1 Presented at the European Environmental Ports Conference in Antwerp, Belgium on 12-13 June 2019.

Involving Stakeholders and Identifying Actions

Key players from within and beyond the organisation need to be involved in the adaptation planning
process: connected operations and businesses will also be affected by climate change.
Interdependencies are important. If the site has no power or if personnel cannot get into work because
access roads are under water, business will be interrupted. So too will the import and distribution of
disaster relief aid. It is, therefore, important to look beyond the boundary of the port or waterway.
Engagement with external stakeholders can help to identify win-win opportunities and save money.

Strengthening resilience and adapting an existing port or waterway to the effects of climate change is
not only about raising or strengthening physical infrastructure. Depending on the type of risks identified,
changes to operations, management or maintenance might be more appropriate or cost-effective.
Institutional changes, for example in policy or financing, might also form part of a long-term solution.
Delivery of some of these measures will depend upon the effective involvement of external stakeholders.

Four-Stage Approach to Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Ports and navigable waterways play a vital commercial and societal role. Ensuring their resilience to
climate change is clearly in the local, national and international interest. This PIANC guidance document
therefore introduces a stepwise process to climate change adaptation planning. It builds on local
knowledge about the existing susceptibility of the port or waterway, enabling the user to answer the
following questions:

 Which assets, operations or systems might be affected by climate change?

 What are the aims and objectives of the adaptation planning exercise?
 Who should be involved in the process?
 What to think about when setting climate change adaptation objectives, agreeing on the planning
horizon and selecting scenarios?
 Which climate-related parameters are expected to change and by how much?
 How will critical assets, operations and systems be affected?
 How to deal with uncertainty?
 What other information is needed to inform the assessment?
 How to identify and assess the risks?
 How to identify and evaluate interim and long-term options to strengthen resilience and adapt?
 How to decide when action needs to be taken?

The four stages in this process are summarised in Figure 2. These four stages in the guidance can be
followed in their entirety or a particular stage can be used as a standalone reference for the topic in

Figure 2: The four stages in the climate adaptation planning process

Stage 1 describes the preparatory steps needed to understand which assets, operations and systems
are critical and might be affected by the changing climate, to highlight interdependencies, and to identify
relevant stakeholders. This understanding enables climate change adaptation objectives to be agreed.

Step 1.1 Agree High-level Goals

The first step in the adaptation planning process is to set the main goal(s) that represent the expected
or desired outcome and describe its high-level, medium- to long-term aims. A typical overarching goal
is the example of the Port of Rotterdam where the main goal was to “make the port fully resilient to
climate change impacts by 2025 and ensure that it remains one of the safest port cities in the world”
(see Case Study 1).

The subsequent steps (1.2 to 1.4) then provide information to help define more specific adaption
objectives. Objective setting is an iterative process, however, and the initial high-level goals may need
to be revisited and revised as indicated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Stage 1 in the climate change adaptation planning process

Step 1.2 Identify Critical Assets, Operations, Systems and Interdependencies

The development of an adaptation plan or strategy needs to be based on a full understanding of which
port or waterway assets, operations and systems could be impacted by the changing climate.
Understanding both internal and external interdependencies (e.g. energy supply, water, supply chain
networks, onward transport modes) is also important in ensuring the resilience of the port or waterway.

1.2.1. Prepare an Inventory

Reference to an inventory of infrastructure assets, operations and systems and associated

interdependencies helps to promote understanding and develop ownership of climate change
adaptation issues. In this context, infrastructure includes the following:

 Physical assets such as breakwaters, groynes, quays and berths, embankments, docks, locks and
other protective or operational structures
 Terrestrial or hinterland assets associated with the port estate or waterway operation (e.g. offices,
operations’ centres, terminals, equipment and handling, storage or reception facilities)
 Other assets such as port navigation and approach channels, berth pockets and disposal sites for
dredged material
 Operations such as maintenance dredging, pilotage, vessel services, scheduling, passage planning,
mooring, berthing, cargo handling or recreational use that depend on, or are related to, waterborne
transport assets

 Supporting systems such as River Information Services [PIANC, 2019], Vessel Traffic Services,
Terminal Operating Systems, Automatic Identification Systems, tracking systems, incident
management systems, port security or CCTV, and administrative systems
 Interdependent services or systems including connecting road, rail or other transport infrastructure,
power stations or energy supplies, utilities such as water supply and waste water treatment works,
and supply chain terminals, distribution and storage centres (see example in Figure 4 [Bles et al.,

Figure 4: Interdependencies between and within infrastructures within the system of the Port of Rotterdam

Annex 1A provides a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of assets, operations and systems in
template format. Using this template as a starting point for the preparation of an inventory helps to
ensure that nothing of potential importance is missed out. It also provides a starting point for the risk
The rows in the template show the assets, operations and systems that should be evaluated for their
susceptibility to climate change. Relevant third-party infrastructure, services, etc. should also be added
to the template to reflect hinterland assets, interdependencies, supply chains and other interconnected
features or activities.
The columns in the template should include the location and details on who is responsible for each
asset, operation and system.

A ‘snapshot’ of such a template (showing only the land-water interface assets and operations by way of
an example) is provided in Table 2.

Key facts

Geometrical data Responsible department or organisation

(m relative to OD)

(m relative to OD)

Operation and
Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure



Quay wall (i) North quay wall -15 3 Port Manager Operations Manager
Quay wall (ii) East quay wall -12 3 '' ''

Structures Fenders North quay wall -5 2 '' ''

Ladders North quay wall -5 N/A '' ''
Slipway Central area -2 3 '' ''
Physical systems Cathodic protection North quay wall N/A N/A '' ''
Heritage resource (Lighthouse) East Pier N/A 10 Local Government Local Government
Beach nourishment South of East quay wall -1 1 '' ''
Pilotage N/A N/A N/A Harbour Master Pilotage Master
Dredging / disposal Inner harbour N/A N/A '' Harbour Master
Sailing / water sports events Inner harbour N/A N/A '' ''
Marker buoys navigation aids water sports events Inner harbour N/A N/A '' ''

Table 2: Snapshot of a completed template showing land-water interface assets and operations

1.2.2. Determine Criticality

Critical infrastructure refers to assets or systems and associated operations that are of relatively greater
importance because their disruption or destruction would have a significant adverse impact on the
continued functioning of the port or waterway, or they are indispensable in some other way.

In order to provide focus to the collection of climate change data (Stage 2) and the scope of the risk
assessment (Stage 3), the assets, operations and systems identified in Step 1.2.1 need to be reviewed
to determine their relative criticality. This exercise is done in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

The process of establishing criticality is not climate change-specific. Critical assets, operations or
systems could also be affected by structural, mechanical or power failures, by natural catastrophes or
emergencies, or by human error. Common considerations in determining criticality relate to the potential
consequences if the asset, operation or system is compromised for a given period of time, for example

 port or navigation activity or business continuity would be adversely impacted

 there would be health and safety implications
 there would be strategic consequences (e.g. for the regional or national economy or for the
distribution of aid, either directly or because of interdependencies or network or supply chain
connectivity issues)
 the functioning of the emergency services would be affected
 there would be unacceptable social, socio-economic or environmental implications

The process of determining criticality should be commensurate with the scale of the facility and the level
of detail required from the climate change adaptation assessment.

If a corporate method for identifying criticality exists, this should be applied. If there is no corporate
method, a simple, subjective exercise based on expert judgement might suffice. For example, ‘critical’
assets, operations or systems could be highlighted on the completed inventory template using a traffic
light system of colour-coding.

Table 3 illustrates a qualitative but structured approach to determining whether a particular asset,
operation or system is critical [Australian Greenhouse Office, 2006; European Commission
2008/114/EC]. This type of approach encourages the organisation to consider the likely severity of the
implications if an asset or system is out of service for whatever reason or if an operation is compromised
to the extent that it can no longer take place for, say, a day, a week or a month. The first column on the
table qualitatively describes the potential consequence; the final column indicates whether the asset,
operation or system concerned might therefore be considered to be critical. The middle columns on the
table can be adjusted to reflect site-specific characteristics and the adaptation goal(s).

Economic Environment
for: Public effects and
Safety effects; business sustainability and Critical?
Scale local community
continuity compliance
of impact:
Catastrophic Risk of large Loss or Essential services Irrecoverable Yes
numbers of degradation would lost, daily life damage, proven
serious risk long-term becomes intolerable, breach, prospect of
injuries or viability of unacceptable corporate penalty
loss of life business including physical suffering
supply chains

Major Risk of Loss or Severe disruption of Severe and Probably

isolated degradation would essential services continuing loss,
instances of have serious and hence daily life, significant
serious effects on business high levels of management effort
injuries or requiring physical suffering needed to deal with
loss of life significant remedial compliance failure

Moderate Risk of small Intervention Frequent disruption Minor, reversible Unlikely

numbers of needed to protect of essential services; damage, action
injuries business continuity daily life difficult, needed on issues of
moderate levels of compliance
physical suffering

Minor or Risk of near Isolated difficulties Intermittent Negligible damage, Not critical
insignificant misses or (e.g. in supply disruption of minor breaches,
minor injuries chain, essential services easily resolved
replacements or and daily life, low
alternatives exist) levels of physical

Table 3: Example considerations for determining criticality

The criteria used to determine criticality will vary between organisations. In addition, if third party
activities or services are involved, criticality criteria will also need to be agreed with the responsible
owner or operator.

The column with the outcome of the criticality analysis can now be added to the template (see snapshot
in Table 4).


Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Not cirtical


Quay wall (i) P
Quay wall (ii) P

Structures Fenders P
Ladders P
Slipway P
Physical systems Cathodic protection P
Heritage resource (Lighthouse) P
Beach nourishment P
Pilotage P
Dredging / disposal P
Sailing / water sports events P
Marker buoys navigation aids water sports events P

Table 4: Snapshot of the template showing the assessment of the criticality for the different assets and operations

Irrespective of the level of sophistication of the exercise, a record should be kept confirming how
criticality was determined and by whom.

Box 1 describes which assets and operations were deemed critical by Port of Long Beach, USA, in
preparing their Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan. It also notes which of these assets were
subsequently found to be susceptible or vulnerable to the projected changes in sea level and storm

As part of their Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan (Case Study 2), a comprehensive inventory of assets
and operations considered important for maintaining business continuity was developed by the Port of Long Beach,
USA. This process catalogued assets at piers and wharves as well as in the backlands, and included utilities, roads, rail
assets, and critical buildings such as those housing security, administration, fire, and life safety functions.

The assets most critical to the Port’s business continuity were identified and vulnerability profiles were subsequently
developed for these asset types: pier infrastructure, transportation network, critical facilities, utilities, and the breakwater.

 Most critical buildings are located at a sufficiently high elevation to not be susceptible to the modelled levels of sea
level rise and storm surge. However, the most vulnerable building is Fire Station #24 (Pier S) because its access
route is susceptible to inundation.
 The Foss Maritime mooring of tugboats and barges could be indirectly impacted under storm conditions because the
access road is susceptible to inundation.
 Extreme heat may cause electrical outages and area-wide brown-outs unless back-up generators are installed in the
building. Building heating and cooling equipment will be disrupted, including all computers and other mechanical and
electrical systems, and employee comfort, health, and productivity may be impacted.

Box 1: Critical assets and operations identified by Port of Long Beach, USA

Step 1.3 Indicate the Susceptibility of Assets, Operations and Systems

Port and waterway owners and operators already deal with a variety of existing hazards associated with
hydrological, meteorological or oceanographic conditions. Climate change has the potential both to alter
these existing climate-related hazards and associated impacts, and to introduce new ones.

Susceptibility is a function of exposure to a risk. Understanding the current or possible future

susceptibility of those ‘assets, operations and systems identified as being ‘critical’ or ‘probably critical’
will help in understanding the type of climate data needed to inform the risk assessment. Critical assets,
operations or systems may be susceptible to the following impacts 2.

 Flooding due to overwhelmed drainage systems or high groundwater levels

 Overtopping and flooding due to high river flow levels, high tide or storm surge
 High in-channel river flow velocities or changes in sea state (extreme waves, agitation)
 Low river flow conditions, drought or reduced water supply
 Changes in bathymetry or in sediment or debris transport, deposition and accumulation
 River or sea bed or bank erosion
 Fog or other reduced visibility, for example due to blizzard conditions or sandstorms
 Changes in wind speed/strength, direction, or duration
 Extreme cold, ice or icing
 Extreme heat or humidity (magnitude, duration or frequency)
 Changes in water chemistry (acidity, salinity)
 Changes in biological character (vegetation growth rates, species migration, invasive species)

In order to indicate susceptibility, records of hydrological, meteorological or oceanographic incidents

should be reviewed and the conditions that have caused or contributed to past adverse impacts or near
misses should be identified. It may also be helpful to make a note (if known) of whether the impacts
were associated with a discrete extreme event or with a longer-term trend in ambient conditions. If these
data do not already exist (i.e. information on trends or on the occurrence and consequences of extreme
events), a system of monitoring and record keeping will need to be introduced. Effective, targeted
monitoring and data management are essential to improving preparedness, informing decisions on how
and when to act to strengthen resilience and adapt, and justifying the necessary investment.

The amount of effort dedicated to the initial assessment of susceptibility should be commensurate with
the scale of the facility and the level of detail required from the climate change adaptation assessment.

Local knowledge and the expert judgement of responsible individuals will often be sufficient at this stage.
Reference might also be made to generic resources such as ThinkHazard! – an initiative of the World
Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, which identifies and classifies
different types of hazard at country and local level. However, there may be some situations in which it
is necessary to use a more formal or sophisticated, qualitative or quantitative methodology.

Information on the susceptibility of each critical asset, operation or system to each potential impact can
now be added to the template columns (Table 5). Key data on critical assets (e.g. design data and
current condition, as well as geospatial and geometrical information) can also be added where these
are available. Such data will typically be sourced from record keeping associated with existing routine
activities such as asset management, condition and performance monitoring or maintenance. If these
data are not already available a system of monitoring and record keeping will need to be introduced.
Data needs and data management are discussed in Step 1.6.

2 In addition to the direct physical impacts highlighted above, a port or waterway may also experience indirect, economic effects
as a result of climate change, for example associated with changes in agricultural production, manufacturing, tourism, etc. As
noted in the introduction, the stepwise methodology set out in this guidance document can equally well be used to identify and
assess the adaptation responses needed to address such changes.

A snapshot of the template illustrating which assets, operations, etc. are susceptible to which impacts,
and highlighting available data on design and condition, is presented in Table 5.

Criticality Susceptibility to hazards causing impacts Key facts

Flow velocities/extreme waves

Design data Asset condition

Extreme heat, also humidity

Changes in water chemistry

Extreme cold, ice or icing
Fog or reduced visibility
Changes in bathymetry

Date of construction
Design life (years)
Bed or bank erosion
Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Changes in biology

Residual life

Changes in wind


Low river flow
Not cirtical



Quay wall (i) P P P P P P P P P P 50 1994 25 P
Quay wall (ii) P P P P P P P 50 2014 45 P

Structures Fenders P P P P P P 15 2014 10 P

Ladders P P P P P P 15 2014 10 P
Slipway P
Physical systems Cathodic protection P P P P 10 2014 5 P
Heritage resource (Lighthouse) P P P P P P P P N/A 1950 N/A P
Beach nourishment P P P P P P 15 2018 14 P
Pilotage P P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dredging / disposal P P P P P P P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sailing / water sports events P
Marker buoys navigation aids water sports events P

Table 5: Snapshot from completed template illustrating susceptibility of critical assets and operations

An example of how the susceptibility of assets and operations can be determined, and the role
stakeholders can play in this process, is provided in Box 2, describing the experience of the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey following Superstorm Sandy.

Following the events and impacts of Superstorm Sandy in 2016, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
(PANYNJ, USA) carried out a study to identify the potential risks of future coastal flood inundation from storms of various
scales (Case Study 3). These investigations evaluated the potential impacts of storms, sea level rise and climate change,
over a 40-year period, on critical infrastructure, assets and operations at PANYNJ.

Representatives from various departments within the Port Authority worked alongside tenant operations (external
stakeholders) in Port Newark South to characterise assets and to identify vulnerabilities to coastal flood hazards. The
tenants provided input on potential impacts such as how they would function with loss of electricity, loss of water service,
and equipment loss. The fact that Hurricane Sandy was still fresh in the memory of many of the tenant representatives
meant that most could recall which assets and infrastructure were impacted and explain how they had adjusted or
adapted their operations to meet a future event similar to Sandy.

The most obvious issues involved water damage to buildings, damage to electrical and electronics equipment, and
problems associated with power loss. Other issues were the damage to cranes, stackers, and other mobile equipment:
these factors significantly slowed many of the tenants’ operations for months after the event. Fuel supply was also a
critical issue in the region after Hurricane Sandy, both regarding the operation of clean-up/debris removal equipment and
in relation to the transportation of staff to and from their homes to assist in the clean-up operation.

Box 2: Port of New York and New Jersey experience in determining susceptibility, USA

Step 1.4 Work with Stakeholders

1.4.1. Identify Relevant Stakeholders

The development of a port or waterway climate change adaptation strategy will typically involve a wide
range of stakeholders from both within and outside the organisation. Effective dialogue with external
individuals and organisations is vital for a number of reasons, including:

• ensuring that interrelationships and interdependencies between different port and waterway assets,
operations and systems as well as with third party interests are identified and properly

• enabling adverse impacts on others’ interests or working practices to be avoided
• reducing the risk of maladaptation (i.e. avoiding making the wrong decision on which measures are
adequate and appropriate; see Step 4.1.1)
• identifying cost-effective adaptation pathways (see Step 4.5)
• ensuring that collaborative opportunities are not missed

Climate change adaptation often focuses in the first instance on measures to strengthen the resilience
of day-to-day activities or working practices. Maintenance regimes may need to be modified, or
contingency plans prepared or updated. This means that internal stakeholders such as the harbour
master, pilots, port engineer and berth or terminal operators will need to be involved.

Most ports and waterways cannot operate without power/energy or water and wastewater provision so
the security of these third-party services will be of concern. The same applies to the resilience of onward
transport infrastructure and the wider supply chain – not only shipping lines, but road, rail and other
modes of transport. Engaging with the organisations responsible for such infrastructure and services
will therefore be essential.

In cases where incremental physical or operational/management measures prove insufficient and a

fundamental or ‘disruptive’ change is needed, senior management will need to be involved in adaptation
decision making. In other cases, changes in local, regional or national policy might be sought.

The template in Annex 1B provides a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of typical port or waterway
and external stakeholders and their associated roles and responsibilities. Reference to this template will
help ensure that all relevant individuals, organisations and groups are identified and approached.
However, the template is not a prescriptive list. Rather it gives examples of different types of
organisations. Its intention is to stimulate thinking about who needs to be involved. The preparation of a
list of relevant stakeholders, whether based on Annex 1B or using another process, will be an
organisation- or site-specific exercise.

Climate change adaptation is an iterative process. The process of engaging stakeholders may lead to
the identification of additional critical assets or interdependencies to be added to the inventory and
included in the assessment of adaptation requirements. (see Figure 3).

1.4.2 Encourage Ownership of the Climate Change Challenge

Some climate change preparedness measures might be implemented unilaterally by the port or
waterway, but others will require the support of, or action by, third party organisations. Efforts therefore
need to be made to raise awareness and generate ownership of the challenges that climate change will
bring. Having identified relevant stakeholders, an effective way of developing ownership is to organise
a facilitated workshop like that used by the Port of London Authority in the UK (see Box 3). This case
study also illustrates the value of such workshops in identifying unexpected impacts.

Further guidance on identifying and engaging stakeholders is provided in Annex 1C.

A series of facilitated workshops to discuss the potential implications of climate change formed a key part of the
preparation of the Port of London Authority’s first climate change adaptation report for the UK Government (Case
Study 4). The workshops involved senior personnel from different port departments (harbour masters, navigation
systems, civil and marine engineering, hydrographic surveying, corporate affairs, planning and partnerships, finance,
environment and marine services) as well as commercial terminal owners and operators, shippers, recreational users,
water companies and various public sector and community groups.

These workshops led to a much-improved understanding of climate-related risks. Prior to the workshop most of those
attending had assumed that the main issues – and hence the need for adaptation measures – would be associated with
sea level rise and would be focused on the Thames Estuary. By the end of the discussion, however, it was clear that
although sea level rise is relevant, climate change is likely to bring far greater short to medium term challenges with
regard to precipitation and associated freshwater flow rates into port and with vegetation management in the upper

Projections suggest extreme low and high flows will become much more common, with associated risks for safety of
navigation. A potentially significant increase in the number of fog days affecting parts of the river used by both recreational
and commercial traffic is also possible, but there is more uncertainty around these projections. The need to identify
drought-tolerant species for planting along the upper river banks was identified as another relatively urgent action.

Overall, therefore, the workshop not only raised awareness; it resulted in a significant shift in emphasis within the
Authority on where initial climate change adaptation measures would be needed.

Box 3: Role of facilitated workshops in identifying climate change adaptation priorities, UK

Other methods that can be used to improve engagement and encourage ownership include face-to-face
meetings, presentations and training initiatives. Where relevant, these should build on existing
organisation-specific processes such as risk management, emergency planning, sustainability reporting,
For external stakeholders, the preparation of technical documents; online activities such as webinars,
webpages or social media posts, the publication of newsletters, or exhibitions, drop-in events or similar
outreach initiatives can all help to raise awareness and generate engagement.

Not being able to assign or encourage ownership might lead to inaction and thus a possible high risk of
unacceptable climate change impacts. An example of this is provided by the case of the Port of
Providence, summarised in Box 4.

There is no official port authority in Rhode Island. Rather the businesses that make up the Port of Providence most
closely resemble a private sector port. The State plays no direct role in managing port operations or centralised planning
although the Coastal Resources Management Council, the State’s coastal agency, regulates land use in the coastal area
including the area occupied by the Port.

A pilot project, funded by the Federal Highway Administration and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation,
brought together 30 key stakeholders from the Port of Providence to engage in a dialogue around the risks from a major
hurricane at the Port (see Case Study 5).

Researchers from the university surveyed the stakeholders to ascertain their preferred strategy and to identify where
they felt leadership responsibility should lie for both disaster preparedness and for the delivery of adaptation measures.
While all participants agreed there was a need for strong public-private collaboration on disaster preparedness, the study
highlighted the different views of stakeholders as to the allocation of responsibility for adapting to climate change impacts.

Although many stakeholders recognise the likelihood of climate change and the increased occurrence of major storm
events affecting their port, in this case threats were not perceived as imminent. Little was being done to prepare and the
incentives for making investments are still not clear. The private sector puts the leadership burden on the public sector
and vice versa to a certain extent. In any case, most agreed that the state needs to play a large role in leading the process
and that specific leaders from the private and/or public sectors will need to step forward to initiate actions – through
guidance, directive, mandate, self- or altruistic-interest – that make the system, or components thereof, more resilient to
climate change and natural disasters.

Box 4: Port of Providence strategic vulnerability and resilience assessment, USA

Step 1.5 Determine Adaptation Objectives

1.5.1. Agree Boundary Conditions, Constraints and Opportunities

Boundary conditions or constraints can significantly influence the objectives of a climate change
adaptation strategy. Typical constraints can relate to ownership or jurisdictional limits; reflect
environmental, financial, regulatory or policy requirements; or concern the availability of data, budgets
or resources.

The examples in Table 6 illustrate on the one hand how legislative requirements and jurisdictional limits
might determine the scope of climate change adaptation considerations and on the other, how policy
and practical factors might constrain the scope of what is realistically achievable.

Case Study Examples of boundary conditions or constraints

Harwich Haven Under the UK Climate Change Act (2008) ten major ports were required to report
Authority, UK to the DEFRA Secretary of State on how climate change will impact their
(Case Study 6) organisation and what adaptation measures are proposed. Reports were to focus
on the port’s statutory responsibilities and duties.

Harwich Haven Authority on the east coast of England is a statutory UK Harbour

Authority established by Act of Parliament in 1863. The scope of the report
therefore had to reflect the Authority’s duty to conserve, protect and improve the
harbour and its approaches for the benefit of all its users; and to cover the
services the Authority provides for shipping, pilot boarding and landing as well
as for recreational users within its area of jurisdiction.

Tuvalu, South Pacific The early recognition of a number of policy and logistical issues which were likely
(Case Study 7) to constrain options for adaptation or improving infrastructure resilience meant
that investigations could focus on realistic options from the outset:

 Environmental concerns had led to a Government ban on the use of locally

available coral sands and rock. Any construction materials required for
adaptation will therefore need to be imported.
 The islands’ remoteness makes it difficult to source and transport
construction materials, plant or machinery to site.
 Funds and capacity to undertake ongoing maintenance of the infrastructure
are limited.

Table 6: Examples of boundary conditions and constraints on adaptation studies

Climate change adaptation is not only about recognising limitations; it also provides a platform for
seeking opportunities, particularly for collaborative initiatives. It may be possible, for example, to:
 Link climate change adaptation to ongoing corporate initiatives such as asset management or
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes
 Realise cost savings e.g. through collaboration on third party initiatives, shared services
 Deliver social, recreational, socio-economic or environmental co-benefits, or highlight win-win
solutions (see Box 5)
 Identify Working with Nature [PIANC, 2018] or other nature-based solutions.

The Mid-Atlantic coast, where many US Department of Defense (DoD) critical installations are located, supports a
diverse ecological community and provides significant economic benefit to the region (e.g. migratory waterfowl hunting
and blue crab shellfishery). Importantly for the DoD, these ecosystems also provide natural storm surge attenuation. Sea
level rise (SLR) will affect both built and natural systems, leading to changes in structure and function which could
drastically alter the system’s capacity to provide such ecosystem benefits and services. Although inundation is a primary
concern, other effects of SLR such as increased storm susceptibility, barrier island migration, coastal erosion, wetland
drowning, and saltwater intrusion needed to be accounted for to adequately understand the impacts of SLR on coastal
installations. Of particular concern, conversion, migration, or loss of beach, marsh, or swamp features could result in loss
of critical habitat and change storm surge attenuation. The US Army Corps of Engineers’ step-wise risk assessment
approach for critical defence assets in Chesapeake Bay therefore considered both the direct and indirect implications of
SLR and changes in storm characteristics for these ecosystem services (Case Study 8).

Box 5: Example of socio-economic and environmental co-benefits and the role of ecosystem services, USA

1.5.2. Determine the Planning Horizon

Another important consideration that influences the objectives of the climate change assessment is the
period of time (horizon) to be covered by the adaptation plan or strategy.

Much port and waterway infrastructure has a design life of decades. An adaptation strategy for existing
assets should therefore cover a similar period if it is to assist owners and operators in understanding
the type of changes over the lifetime of their assets. Conversely, if the assessment is intended to inform
short-term investment decision making (e.g. about the type of measures needed to prolong the
functionality of existing assets until these are replaced with new, climate-resilient infrastructure) a shorter
planning horizon may be appropriate. The interests of key stakeholders are also important in deciding
on the adaptation planning horizon.

Taking into account the climate change projections and associated uncertainties discussed in Stage 2,
there are three broad possibilities:

i. Planning horizon up to 10 years from the present time

ii. Planning horizon between 10 and 30 years from the present
iii. Planning horizon beyond 30 years

The decision on the adaptation planning horizon is critical because it determines the type of climate
change data and nature of the analysis required for the assessment.

1.5.3. Set Specific Adaptation and Resilience Objectives

The next step is to draft practicable adaptation objectives in conjunction, or to be discussed with
stakeholders. These objectives need to be realistic in terms of the identified boundary conditions,
constraints, opportunities and the agreed planning horizon, but they should also relate directly to
the critical assets, operations and systems likely to be affected by climate change. Two quite different
examples of climate change adaptation objectives taken from the case studies are presented in Table

Port or navigation
Climate change adaptation objectives
Avatiu Port, Rarotonga (Cook  Understand the risks posed by changes to sea level and
Islands) qualitative climate risk wave behaviour on coastal infrastructure and communities in
assessment (Case Study 9) the Avarua area, particularly during extreme events.
 Identify needs and develop options for responses to the
 Build local capacity to understand the science and manage
the risk assessment and planning process.
Port of Long Beach (USA)  A more resilient Port able to continue operations under
climate adaptation and coastal changed conditions.
resiliency plan (Case Study 2)  A Port prepared and ready to adapt.

Table 7: Examples of climate change adaptation objectives

Ideally, adaptation objectives should be ‘SMART’ (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely).
However, in practice, they can only be as SMART as the available information allows.

Climate change adaptation is an iterative process. Discussions with stakeholders and taking a flexible
approach to incorporating new sources of information are therefore essential. The objectives are likely
to be modified as the adaptation planning process progresses. For example monitoring results or other
new information will become available; other organisations may become involved in the planning and
delivery process; or understanding of the potential implications of climate change may improve. Initial
priorities might be set at this stage to help to provide clarity and focus to the climate change adaptation
decision-making process. The roles and responsibilities of the port or waterway operator and other
stakeholders, both in the process of developing the strategy and in taking action to achieve the
objectives, similarly need to be defined.

Step 1.6 Consider Data Needs

1.6.1. Monitoring and Recording

Effective and efficient climate change adaptation depends on accessible, fit-for-purpose data. Local
knowledge is invaluable in informing decisions on climate change adaptation as well as in minimising
downtime and managing operations during an event. Data collection and accurate record-keeping play
a vital role, both in understanding local trends and hence determining when action is needed; and in
documenting the frequency and consequences of extreme events. The significant value of long-term
data series in assessing trends in meteorological, oceanographic and hydrological data cannot be
overstated when climate change adaptation decisions are being made.

An important early step in climate change adaptation planning is therefore to acquire, store and manage
relevant local data. Owners and operators of waterborne transport infrastructure should make provision
to collect and manage the following:

• Data on the condition and performance of physical assets and on operational efficiency. Reference
to this data set will facilitate understanding of the effects on infrastructure of slow onset, climate-
related changes such as increasing air or water temperatures or sea level rise. It will also enable
any deterioration caused by climate-related incidents to be highlighted. This information is useful
both in determining the susceptibility and vulnerability of critical assets, systems and operations and
in understanding how urgently adaptation measures are likely to be needed (relevant to Steps 1.3,
3.2 and 3.3 and 4.5).
• Data on the costs and consequences of extreme events, including damage, disruption and
downtime. These data contribute to the assessment of susceptibility and vulnerability and also
enable the potential costs of inaction to be quantified, in turn supporting the business case for
adaptation and resilience measures (relevant to Steps 1.3, 3.2 and 3.3 and 4.4 to 4.6).
• Local meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological data. Such information is invaluable in
determining if local trends are in line with projected rates of change, as well as informing decisions
on ‘when’ an adaptation action or adaptive management response is needed (relevant to Steps 2.2
to 2.4 and 4.5).
• Information on the performance of already implemented adaptation and resilience measures,
including their efficiency. This will enable decisions to be made on future modifications,
supplementary measures or adaptation pathways (relevant to Step 4.7).

1.6.2 Physical Assets and Operational Efficiency

Data on the status or condition of physical assets and on the efficiency of operations (performance)
already informs many activities in ports and waterways. These technical data are equally important to
climate change adaptation decision making. If a comprehensive and accessible record of asset
condition/status and other factors relating to functionality efficiency does not exist, an appropriate
monitoring system needs to be developed, set up and maintained.

Whenever possible, monitoring and recording to be used to inform climate adaptation decisions should
be aligned with existing asset management procedures and systems, e.g. for hydrology, hydrographic
or other surveying, technical services or infrastructure inspection. In some cases, specialist companies
may need to be involved. Local research institutes or universities might provide assistance with
measurement and interpretation, including analytical and numerical modelling if appropriate.

Insofar as monitoring the performance and condition of physical assets is concerned, knowing the
design life of a structure is useful to adaptation decision making, but it is usually its integrity or actual
condition (i.e. its residual life) that will influence whether climate resilience measures can wait until the
asset is due to be replaced or whether action needs to be taken in the meantime. The effectiveness of
maintenance can similarly be a major factor in determining whether and when additional resilience
measures may be needed.

When deciding what to monitor, reference should be made to the inventory of critical infrastructure (Step
1.2) and its susceptibility to climate related impacts (Step 1.3). Depending on the nature of the (critical)
assets, the following might be amongst the parameters requiring monitoring and recording:

• structural condition, status, integrity, including condition of foundations
• residual life of structural elements; levels with respect to design or operational functionality
• nature/extent of post-event or weather-related damage, level of damage and any associated
consequences (serviceability, reparability, ultimate fate)
• extent to which rates of change in the above (deterioration, damage, etc.) are exceeding those
normally expected.

Structural monitoring can be undertaken through routine, special, or post-repair inspections carried out
by competent individuals. Inspections can be visual, undertaken through measurements (e.g. designed
to identify rates of change), or intrusive. Inspection of underwater constructions can be realised by de-
watering or using underwater cameras or professional divers.

Insofar as day-to-day port and waterway operations are concerned, anecdotal information on
performance or efficiency should be collated via a regularly completed log used by pilots, harbour
masters, maintenance personnel, terminal operators and others. Such a log, whether electronic or
paper-based, can be used to record delays or disruptions, operational threshold exceedances, or
situations where it is necessary to resort to an alternative operational mode or back-up provision. It may
also be useful for recording general asset condition or specific damage (see above).

Whenever a record is logged, the exact time, date and location should be documented alongside
information about the prevailing conditions. This will enable the records to be used alongside local
meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological data (see Step 2.2) to help understand any changes in
frequency, etc. Wherever practicable, key facts collected as a result of the monitoring should be added
to the critical assets, operations and systems inventory template.

1.6.3. Implications of Extreme Events

Specifically, in relation to understanding the costs and consequences of extreme events, information on
the following needs to be recorded whenever business is disrupted:

• the nature of the event causing the damage or disruption, including details about its magnitude and
other key characteristics (e.g. total rainfall over a period of time, duration of drought, strength and
direction of wind, maximum wave height, etc.)
• details about disruption and downtime, including which assets or operations were affected, for how
long, and with consequential costs (e.g. lost trade)
• direct and indirect losses to the business resulting from such disruption or downtime, including
during the post-event recovery period (e.g. increased insurance premium)
• implications for business performance, locally and at system level; this should be recorded against
locally-defined and agreed metrics, or as a deviation from agreed targets
• the direct costs of clean up and damage repair
• how stakeholders were affected (terminal operators, others on the port estate, workforce, local
community, industry)
• implications for nature and environmental resources
In order to facilitate the collection of information on downtime, disruption or loss of function, a template
such as that provided in Annex 1D might be used.

The records of extreme events are somewhat distinct from the day-to-day changes discussed in Step
1.6.2, because they address exceptional incidents. When this type of event occurs, the immediate focus
tends to be on cleaning up, repairing damage, replacing assets, reopening facilities, etc. The full cost of
the event to the port or waterway business is rarely properly documented. However, an understanding
of these costs is vital if the cost of inaction is to be understood and investment in improved resilience

1.6.4. Data Management

A modern data management system enabling the control, protection and efficient use of data and
information assets is vital in supporting timely, proportionate and cost-effective adaptation action.

Understanding when to act and what type or how much of a measure is needed to meet the adaptation
objective requires targeted monitoring and effective management of the data being collected.

Decision makers not only need information on the status of assets, operations and systems (Step 1.6.2)
and how and when these may be affected (i.e. rates of change in key parameters and when thresholds
are expected to be exceeded; Step 2.2.1), but also on the costs and consequences of the projected
changes, including extreme weather events (Step 1.6.3); and the effectiveness of implemented
adaptation measures (see Step 4.7.1).

To be of maximum value, all these data need to be collected in a consistent and compatible manner and
stored and managed so as to be readily accessible when needed. This includes retaining existing
datasets when a system is upgraded or renewed.

Annex 1E discusses how to set up a fit-for-purpose data management system.

Outcomes of Stage 1

For those working through the climate change adaptation planning process, the following steps should be completed
before progressing to Stage 2:

 The goal(s), planning horizon and objectives of the climate change adaptation initiative are agreed (Steps 1.1 and
 An inventory of critical assets, operations and systems including interdependencies is complete (Step 1.2) and the
climate impacts to which each is susceptible have been confirmed (Step 1.3).
 Relevant internal and external stakeholders have been identified and action taken to ensure they are engaged in
the process (Step 1.4).
 Monitoring of physical asset condition, operational performance and the consequences of extreme events is in place,
along with a fit-for-purpose data management system (Step 1.6).

Future changes in the climate will affect many of the critical maritime and inland navigation infrastructure
assets, operations and systems identified in Stage 1. The steps in Stage 2, illustrated in Figure 5, help
the user identify which climate parameters and processes are relevant and how these are projected to
change under different climate change scenarios.

Before progressing to Stage 3 to identify and assess the risks associated with the climate hazard, data
need to be collated and reviewed to understand both slow onset changes and the expected increases
in the frequency or severity of extreme meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological events.
Comparisons can then be made with baseline conditions, taking into account existing patterns or trends,
and any uncertainties or limitations in the data.

Figure 5: Stage 2 in the climate change adaptation planning process

Step 2.1 Establish Climate Information Needs

Climate information is available at different spatial and temporal scales, for example:

• global, regional, national, local and site specific

• annual, seasonal, monthly, daily and/or hourly
The decision about which climate data are needed and the appropriate level of detail or sophistication,
will depend on:

• the location of the port or waterway

• the nature of the critical assets, operations and systems identified in Step 1.2 and the hazards to
which they are susceptible (Step 1.3)
• the objectives and scope of the adaptation initiative and its planning horizon (Step 1.5) and the
resources and technical expertise available
Understanding and quantifying existing conditions is important as this forms the baseline for the
adaptation strategy.

2.1.1 Confirm Which Climate Parameters and Processes are Relevant

Organisations will already be aware of some climate parameters and processes of relevance because
past events have caused damage or disruption. For example, strong winds, high waves or extreme
rainfall may have adversely impacted on aspects of port or waterway performance.

The completed inventory from Step 1.3 showing the impacts to which critical assets, operations and
systems are susceptible, can be used to inform the identification of parameters and processes of known
direct relevance. Some typical parameters and processes are illustrated in Table 8.

Parameter or process

Water temperature
Air temperature

Sea level rise


Impact susceptibility

Flooding due to overwhelmed drainage systems or high

 
groundwater levels
Overtopping due to high river flows, high tides or storm surges   
High in-channel flow velocities or changes in sea state   
Low river flow conditions, drought or reduced water supply 
Changes in bathymetry, or sediment or debris transport   
River, sea or bank erosion   
Fog or other reduced visibility issues   
Wind speed, strength, direction, duration  
Extreme cold, ice or icing  
Extreme heat or humidity 
Changes in water chemistry 
Changes in biological character   

Table 8: Examples of typical relevant parameters and processes based on impact susceptibility

However, it is also important to be aware that the potential relevance of other climate parameters or
processes may not yet have been recognised. There may be no record of extreme heat having adversely
impacted the port, or the waterway might not previously have been closed due to drought conditions.
The importance of such additional parameters or processes may only become clear as future climate
scenarios are examined.

If it is not clear whether a particular climate parameter or process is relevant, records of near misses
could be analysed where these exist. It will also be useful to explore hypothetical but plausible ‘what if’
questions. For example, what would happen to critical assets, operations and systems if double or half
of the usual winter rainfall was received, or if there was a prolonged drought or heatwave?

Where the relevance of a parameter or process (e.g. temperature, sea level rise) remains uncertain, it
is better to collate the available data, than to dismiss it now because it might become significant in the

2.1.2 Involve Stakeholders in Identifying Relevant Climate Parameters and Processes

Discussions with managers, operators and other stakeholders will help identify the full range of relevant
climate parameters and processes. These discussions can be particularly important if consultants are
carrying out the assessment because those responsible for the management of critical assets,
operations or systems should be able to draw on personal experience and/or records to provide accurate
information on existing and potential susceptibility.

A meeting or a workshop such as discussed in Step 1.4.2 would provide an ideal opportunity to develop
consensus on the climate parameters and processes to which critical assets, etc. are already, or could
be, susceptible.

Box 6 illustrates the relevant climate parameters and processes identified by a wide range of internal
stakeholders as part of the climate change risk assessment for Port Botany and Port Kembla in New
South Wales, Australia.

In 2015, the NSW Ports (New South Wales, Australia) conducted a climate change risk assessment for their assets
(Case Study 10). This study involved the port management team and various internal stakeholders responsible for asset
management, infrastructure maintenance and operation, environmental planning, and community engagement. It aimed
to identify the likely impacts of climate change, enabling the port to adapt as necessary to ensure the long-term resilience
of potentially affected assets.

The key climate parameters and processes identified for the ports in question were sea level rise, air temperature,
precipitation, winds, and potential changes in storm intensity and frequency. Port Kembla in particular is protected by
significant breakwater structures and there is a risk that a change in wave and storm activity could result in increased
overtopping and/or dislodgement of armour units from the structures. Other physical risks to port assets that were
considered include:

• degradation of roads and pavements due to extreme temperatures and rainfall events
• increased risk of flooding damage due to higher frequency/intensity of extreme rain events
• increased risk of power failure and degradation of electrical and communications infrastructure due to extreme
temperatures and/or severe storms
• potential for increased rates of deterioration of marine infrastructure due to increased exposure to saline water (e.g.
associated with sea level rise or incidence of wave attack)
In addition to physical risks to port assets, an increased frequency of extreme weather events may impact on port
operations. Issues identified in this regard included:

• large swell and high winds closing Port Botany and Port Kembla to shipping
• high winds delaying quay crane operations
• high winds causing empty boxes to fall from container stacks
• hot weather stopping stevedoring activity
This information was used to identify relevant climate variables as shown in the table below.

Climate parameters and processes relevant to assets and operations in two NSW ports

Critical asset/operation Climate parameter or process Potential impact

Roads Air temperature, precipitation Degradation of pavements
Buildings Precipitation Flooding
Electrical power systems Air temperature Degradation
Air temperature Degradation
Mean sea level, storm surge, astronomical tide, sea
Marine infrastructure Degradation due to flooding
level rise, waves
Berth area Wind, waves Operational downtime
Quay cranes Wind Operational downtime
Container storage area Wind Container damage

Box 6: Relevant climate parameters and processes for Port Botany and Port Kembla, Australia

Further information on which climate parameters and processes are of potential relevance to waterborne
transport, ports and waterways can be found in the PIANC publication ‘Climate Change and Navigation’
(2008, update forthcoming) including, amongst others, metocean variables such as wind, waves, sea

level and ice as well as more complex geographical response variables such as ocean circulation and
estuarine morphology.

Step 2.2 Understand Baseline Conditions

2.2.1 Collate Baseline Climate Information

Various sources of observed, measured or hindcast modelled historical data provide the baseline
against which the possible implications of future climate change can be assessed. Analysis of such
historic information for relevant climate parameters and processes (see Step 2.4.1) will enable the
organisation to:

 understand existing recent patterns or trends, including determining whether these may be related
to climate change, and how, if at all, they are already impacting on critical assets, operations or
 compare historic values to projected trends, helping to inform decisions on an appropriate
adaptation pathway or make plans for investment in adaptation measures.
 recognise when a particular threshold is likely to be crossed, in turn triggering adaptation action,
preparation for the next phase of implementation, or a change to a different method.
 understand some of the characteristics of historic extreme events.
Long-term (i.e. over multiple years and decades) historical datasets should be compiled for each
relevant parameter or process wherever practicable.

The port or waterway organisation may already hold some relevant data. Discussions with internal and
external stakeholders can identify potential sources of good quality baseline data, including information
collected by third parties. Reliable local information is always of great value in climate change adaptation
decision making

A wide range of international, regional and national authorities, scientific and academic institutions and
other organisations collect and analyse relevant climate data. Long-term data from water level gauging
stations, airport weather stations and wave rider buoys may be available from government organisations
or research institutes. Temperature, atmospheric air pressure, moisture, and wind velocity and direction,
as well as rain gauge/digital meteorological weather station results, are often freely available or can be
purchased at low cost. In some cases, these resources may offer a wireless connection to specific
sensors, data storage or downloadable datasets.

Table 9 illustrates the type of data that may be needed to inform the preparation of a climate change
adaptation strategy and indicates where such data might be obtained. Annex 2A contains a further list
of key sources of climate data, including both information on baseline conditions and climate change

Climate- Options if parameter or process is relevant Possible sources of existing

related information
or process Minimum data
More sophisticated data
collection and
collection options

Precipitation Rain gauge, daily National weather forecasting service,

precipitation (mm) local research or educational

Water level Water level at a specific Hourly, automated tidal gauge, National weather forecasting service;
location, recorded at nearshore/ offshore wave buoy nationally and internationally operated
least twice a day using water level gauges
a water level gauge with
fixed reference level

Climate- Options if parameter or process is relevant Possible sources of existing
related information
or process Minimum data
More sophisticated data
collection and
collection options

Currents/ flow Anecdotal information Hourly, automated current National and international forecasting
rates logged by pilots or velocity measurements (e.g. services, information from port or
users e.g. using the via Acoustic Doppler Current waterway users
vessel’s navigation Profiler)

Bathymetry Basic bathymetric Single beam/multi-beam National shipping authority, scientific

survey (see Box in survey research programme
Annex 2B)

Sediment or Anecdotal information Hydrographic survey Scientific research programme,

debris logged by pilots, port or information from port or waterway users
transport waterway users, or
those undertaking
maintenance dredging

Wave height Anecdotal records from Hourly records (wave height, National weather forecasting and/or
and direction, operators when a period, direction), nearshore hydrographic services, nationally and
sea conditions threshold is exceeded; and offshore, wave buoy with internationally operated wave buoys,
log of approximate associated water levels, information from port or waterway
height, period and automated records located users, Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS)
direction nearshore and offshore data

Wind speed Anecdotal information Hourly records of 10-minutes Airports, national weather forecasting
and direction logged by operators mean values, automated service, local research or educational
when a threshold is records institutions, port or waterway users

Storminess Anecdotal records Automated records with a Airports, national weather forecasting
logged by operators defined threshold service, port or waterway users
when a threshold is

Fog or other Manual log of Logs kept by pilots, information from

restrictions on frequency, duration, port or waterway users
visibility severity

Air Manual log, average Automated records Airports, national weather forecasting
temperature daily measurement service, research or educational
and humidity institutions

Water Manual log, average Automated records Airports, national weather forecasting
temperature daily temperature service, research or educational

Atmospheric Manual log, average Automated records Airports, national weather forecasting
pressure daily measure service, research or educational

Table 9: Baseline data requirements and possible sources

Efforts should be made to identify what is needed/available and to collate as much of this baseline data
as possible from credible and authoritative sources.

Where there is no easy access to existing reliable and relevant information (e.g. the required data do
not already exist, or their coverage or resolution is limited), Table 9: Baseline data requirements and
possible sources should be used to identify what is needed and a monitoring exercise should be

Further guidance on developing and implementing local monitoring programmes is provided in Annex

2.2.2 Include Extreme Events

The collation of baseline data should cover not only slow onset changes in ambient conditions
[UNFCCC, 2012]), but also historic extreme events.

This is important because climate change is widely expected to affect the frequency, intensity, spatial
extent, duration and timing of extreme weather and climate events. For example, warmer sea surface
temperatures and increased evaporation are likely to contribute to larger and more intense tropical
storms, with stronger wind speeds, larger surges and increased amounts of precipitation [Hoyos et al.,
2006]. Increased climate variability may similarly lead to an increase in unprecedented meteorological,
oceanographic or hydrological events, including those resulting from an accumulation of events that are
not extreme when considered independently [IPCC, 2012].

Extreme precipitation, wind, waves, heat, humidity, cold, etc. pose risks to life, businesses and the
environment. They can result in damage to waterborne transport infrastructure such as breakwaters,
quay walls, terminal yards or drainage systems, and have the potential to cause disruption to the daily
operations of ports, inland waterways and connected intermodal hubs.

Knowledge about extreme events is therefore crucial for effective contingency and disaster response
planning. It is also used to inform design return periods, so an adequate understanding is essential if
assets with a long residual life are being planned and/or if a substantial financial commitment is being

Many of the possible sources of climate information listed on Table 9 and in Annex 2A concern changes
in average or typical conditions. Understanding the magnitude and frequency of possible future extreme
events can be more challenging.

Recent climate extremes need to be included in baseline datasets because they may affect trends and
values. There are growing numbers of examples of situations where recent events have not complied
with previously derived trends, not only because the data series was not long enough but also – in cases
– because information on recent events was not included in the analysis.

An example of this phenomenon is provided by the analysis of the extreme wave climate offshore of the
Venice lagoon, which considered the entire (16 October 1987 to 31 December 2014) and reduced (16
October 1987 to 31 October 2009) sets of historical observations of significant wave height, H s. In this
case, a Peak Over Threshold analysis conducted for the two sets of data resulted in values of H s for a
return period of 100 years equal to 5.46 m and 4.82 m, respectively [De Marinis and Tomasicchio, 2017].

The difference that recent extreme events can make to data series is further illustrated by Figure 6
[Marsh et al., 2016], which shows the average December river flows on the English River Tyne. In
December 2015, flows on the Tyne were more than 250 % of typical flows for this period. Similar
observations were made on many other rivers across the North of England: in time series of around 40
years, the December 2015 maxima were clear outliers.

Figure 6: The December 2015 extreme rainfall event on the English River Tyne
Such events are characteristic of what is expected in future, i.e. more severe and frequent extreme
events, and these examples illustrate very well the importance of capturing the longest possible dataset,
including most recent events.

Step 2.3 Explore Possible Future Climate Conditions

2.3.1 Align Planning Horizon with Climate Change Scenarios

To understand how climate change might affect waterborne transport assets, operations or systems in
the future, projections of future changes in relevant climate parameters and processes are needed.

As with baseline data, there are many different sources of information on climate change projections at
different spatial and temporal resolutions (see Annex 2A). There are also uncertainties, and for many
parameters and processes levels of uncertainty increase significantly over time.

Whilst recent trends and patterns may provide an adequate indicator of short-term future changes (see
Step 2.4.1), adaptation strategies that have a planning horizon of 10 to 30, or beyond 30 years into the
future, require different climate change scenarios to be considered.

Climate change scenarios enable users to take account of various uncertainties, including rates of
change in overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. They do this by providing an insight into the
respective climate consequences of a range of possible future conditions, from an optimistic scenario
where effective emissions’ control measures are implemented at a global level, to a continuation of
business-as-usual emissions or a ‘no policy’ situation. Reference to the range of possible future climate
states described by these scenarios enables those preparing an adaptation strategy to develop
responses that recognise and accommodate these uncertainties.

The most widely-used climate change scenarios are based on the ‘Representative Concentration
Pathways’ (RCPs) i.e. greenhouse gas concentration trajectories developed by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2013].

Four pathways that were subject to extensive climate modelling and research describe four different
climate futures, all of which are considered possible depending on the quantities of GHG emitted in
years to come [IPCC, 2013]. The RCPs are labelled according to a possible range of anthropogenic
radiative forcing values in the year 2100 (2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 W/m 2, respectively):

 RCP 2.6 is an optimistic emissions pathway representing scenarios in the literature that lead to very
low GHG concentration levels
 RCP 4.5 is a stabilisation scenario where GHG emissions peak by 2040 and total anthropogenic
radiative forcing is stabilised before 2100 through the employment of a range of technologies and
strategies for reducing GHG emissions
 RCP 6.0 is a stabilisation scenario where GHG emissions peak around 2080 and total anthropogenic
radiative forcing is stabilised after 2100 through the employment of a range of technologies and
strategies for reducing GHG emissions
 RCP 8.5 is the most pessimistic pathway, characterised by increasing GHG emissions over time,
representing scenarios in the literature that lead to high GHG concentration levels

Figure 7 illustrates that the RCPs and associated global mean surface temperature changes are
indistinguishable in the short term (up to 10 years) and the trajectories show only a limited difference
until 2050 (i.e. around 30 years from the date of preparation of this guidance).

The different scenarios do not diverge significantly until around 2050. Therefore, if a port or waterway
organisation’s adaptation planning horizon is less than (approximately) 30 years, the number of climate
scenarios required for the purposes of the assessment can be reduced. This might be done by grouping,
or using a combination (ensemble) of, the projections.

Beyond 2050, however, the divergence of the trajectories indicates the increased uncertainty about
global temperature changes. Any adaptation strategy extending beyond 30 years should thus assess a
wide range of possible future climate scenarios.

Figure 7: Time series of global annual mean surface air temperature according to IPCC’s RCOs 3
The recommended use of scenarios in port or waterway adaptation planning can be summarised as

 If the planning horizon for a port or waterway adaptation strategy is ten years or less (short-term)
and adequate historical data are available to help estimate future projections, the use of climate
change scenarios may not be required. Nonetheless, the ‘worst case’ possibility should always be
considered alongside the continuation of existing trends.
 If the planning horizon for the adaptation strategy is more than ten years but less than 30 years
(medium-term), and the IPCC’s RCPs are being used, the number of climate scenarios required can
be reduced by using an ensemble (combination) of the different RCPs. If the RCPs are not being
used, an equivalent minimum approach would be to identify and apply the ‘most likely’ and ‘worst
case’ projections.
 If the planning horizon extends beyond 30 years into the future (long-term), separate reference
should be made to each of the individual RCPs. If the RCPs are not being used, the widest possible
range of equivalent assumptions from ‘optimistic’ to ‘worst-case’ must be explored, and a regular
review of these assumptions (e.g. using sensitivity analysis) should be built into the adaptation

Time series of global annual mean surface air temperature anomalies (relative to 1986-2005) from CMIP5 concentration-driven
experiments. Projections are shown for each RCP for the multi model mean (solid lines) and the 5-95 % range (±1.64 standard
deviation) across the distribution of individual models (shading). Discontinuities at 2100 are due to different numbers of models
performing the extension runs beyond the 21st century and have no physical meaning. Only one ensemble member is used from
each model and numbers in the figure indicate the number of different models contributing to the different time periods. No ranges
are given for the RCP6.0 projections beyond 2100 as only two models are available. [IPCC, 2013]

In all cases, the anticipated change in the frequency and severity of extreme events occurring during
the planning horizon must also be properly considered (see Step 2.3.3).

The selection of climate change scenarios is fundamental to the outcome of the risk assessment (Stage
3). It is therefore essential that the stakeholders identified in Stage 1 participate in the process of
agreeing which scenarios should be used.

2.3.2 Collate Climate Projections Data

The next step is to collate the available climate projections for each relevant climate parameter or
process. Future projections are based on statistical or modelling simulations. For adaptation planning
purposes, however, reference will typically be made to published data rather than undertaking bespoke
climate modelling. For example reference might be made to storm surge and wave modelling from
published changes in cyclone behaviour.

A good source of regional or national projections derived from the IPCC scenarios described in Step
2.3.1 can be found via the IPCC Data Distribution Centre website. If it is not possible or practicable to
use the IPCC projections, or if supplementary information is needed, reference should be made to other
recent regional or national climate change projections from authoritative sources (see Annex 2A) in
order to compile a range of possible climate outcomes.

National standards of practice or government policy may also require certain minimum projections for
particular parameters to be considered, for example with respect to infrastructure planning.
Notwithstanding the presence of such guidance, the step presented here is important to assess the
validity and adequacy of that guidance for the particular circumstance being considered.

An example of different scenarios that might be identified for use in adaptation planning is shown in
Table 10. This table illustrates the European climate scenarios developed for a cross-sector research
project undertaken in support of the 2013 EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy [Holman et al., 2017].
The future climate conditions are intended to be used to inform a sensitivity analysis allowing the
respective climate hazards to be identified and the range of possible climate futures compared (i.e. the
steps dealt with in Stage 3 of this guidance).

Climate scenario Range of temperature Range of precipitation

projections* projections*

Moderately high
+2.0 to +3.0°C -4 % to +3 %
Extremely high
+3.7 to +5.4°C +5 % to +13 %
* Both columns represent average annual change in 2071-2100 compared to 1961-1990

Table 10 Climate scenarios developed as part of the IMPRESSIONS project exploring inter-dependent risks and
opportunities posed by high levels of climate change

The World Bank Climate Knowledge Portal is an easy-to-use example of authoritative climate data
presented at country level. This is one of many possible sources of information on climate change
parameters and processes listed in Annex 2A to this guidance. This Annex includes both baseline data
and climate change projections, collected and presented at global, regional and national level. However,
it is by no means an exhaustive list, and the data listed therein are not endorsed. Rather Annex 2A
provides an indication of the type of organisation from which useful data might be obtained.

Box 7 illustrates the data sources being used in a climate change adaptation assessment from the
UNCTAD technical assistance project for coastal transport infrastructure in Caribbean Small Island
Developing States (SIDS). Table 1 in the Introduction to this guidance provides further examples of the
type and range of climate change projections identified for adaptation planning purposes in ports around
the world.

From 2015-2017, UNCTAD implemented a technical assistance project aimed at improving the understanding of the
implications of climate change for critical coastal transport infrastructure in Caribbean Small Island Developing States
(Case Study 11). As part of this study, impact assessments with a focus on four seaports (and four airports) in Saint
Lucia and Jamaica explored climatic changes forced by a 1.5°C temperature increase above pre-industrial levels, as well
as under different emission scenarios and time periods in the present century.

Coastal inundation modelling by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (ECJRC) was used to produce flood
maps for seaports and airports, and marine inundation was projected for different periods under different emission
scenarios. Extreme sea levels were simulated for the baseline historical period (1995) and under the 1.5°C warming
scenario, for 9 return periods (1, 1/5, 1/10, 1/20, 1/50, 1/100,1/200, 1/500, 1/1000 years). In addition, simulations were
carried out for 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2080 and 2100 under two emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).

In addition to coastal inundation arising from sea level rise, storm surges and waves, operational disruptions arising from
other climatic stressors, such as extreme heat, precipitation and wind speed (i.e. those potentially causing operational
disruption or damage) were also assessed. For the assessment of operational disruption caused by the exceedance of
operational thresholds, climatic data were extracted from the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre’s (CCCCC)
database that contains downscaled daily climate projections for the period 1970-2100 from the Regional Climate Model

Box 7: Data used in climate change impact and vulnerability assessments for seaports in Jamaica and Saint Lucia

In the absence of adequate historic extreme event information for a particular location, and if there are
no reliable local estimates of what might happen in future, efforts should be made to identify data from
adjacent locations or catchments. Such data might be interpolated with the objective of deriving a
hypothetical but realistic estimate for use in the analysis. Indeed, information on changes in latitude,
track, frequency and intensity of extreme storm events on a regional or even continental scale rather
than a local one will form an important input into statistical analyses and sensitivity testing. In Europe,
for example, there are records of seven extreme heatwaves since 2000 (in 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010,
2014, 2015 and 2017 [EEA, 2019]). This information could be used to help understand what is ‘possible’
in different parts of Europe in future.

Whichever sources of information are used, lower bound, ‘most likely’ and upper bound or ‘worst-case’
scenarios should be identified or developed as a minimum. Sensitivity testing should also be used to
check any assumptions made.

Finally, it is important to be aware that climate science develops very quickly, and updated information
appears regularly. Sources of data should thus be re-visited regularly to capture new versions and to
ensure that enhanced or previously unavailable data and information are accessed.

2.3.3 Accommodate the Possibility of Increasingly Frequent or Severe Extreme Events

The many uncertainties in climate science include future rates of change in GHG emissions, the
implications of these changes for impacted climate parameters and processes, and the possibility that
‘tipping points’ will be exceeded. When the expectation that extreme events may become more frequent
and severe is also taken into account, it is apparent that care is needed in using conventional statistical
methods that rely on past events to reliably predict the magnitude of low probability future events (e.g.
100, 500, 1000, 2000-year average return periods) [Herbert et al., 2020, forthcoming], even if a long-
term dataset exists.

Notwithstanding the changing climate, it is difficult to reach a conclusion on the likelihood of any
particular event occurring on the basis of historical record or modelling unless the available records span
a period significantly longer than the average recurrence interval being defined.

Box 8 illustrates the value of a comprehensive dataset whilst highlighting the errors that might arise
when trying to define and analyse trends in the recurrence of rare extreme events even on the basis of
significant historical data sets.

An investigation into the history of flooding in the Australian Brisbane River Catchment (Brisbane River Catchment Flood
Studies: a history of living with flooding) provides a good example of the need for a longer-term data set because of year
to year, decade to decade and even century to century variability.
Any examination of flood events in the Brisbane River Catchment limited to the period since 1900 might conclude that
the severity and frequency of major flood events has recently increased, such that the average recurrence interval (ARI)
of a major flood event is in the order of 50 years. However, flood records on the Brisbane River date back to the early
1800s, making this an exceptional set of data, and prior to 1900 eight major floods were recorded in the preceding 70
years. When these data are also considered, the same examination might estimate that the ARI of a major flood event
is as frequent as 10 years. Over the full set of records (i.e. from the early 1800s to today), it could even be concluded
that the trend in the severity and frequency of flooding over time has decreased.
These two opposing conclusions, both apparently correct on the basis of the separate data sets analysed, demonstrate
the significantly different conclusions that can be drawn with insufficient data.
It is also of note from the more recent record that the major Brisbane River flood of 2011 occurred within a period of
higher rainfall years that followed a sustained period of drought. Over a period of ten or even 20 years this could have
been interpreted as an increase in flood frequency and severity. However, a review of the longer record shows a cyclic
behaviour of clustered flood events over a period of decades. What appears to be a sign of change in this case may
therefore appear ‘normal’ if a longer period is assessed.
The Brisbane River Catchment Flood Studies highlight that, while local data is important to understand trends in climate,
caution must also be exercised in predicting trends in extreme events when the data set only includes a small sample of
such events. Computer modelling of a much longer period than that for which measurements exist, including likely climate
change effects on the model input parameters, may be necessary to reliably define the likely climate change effect on
extreme climatic events.
Brisbane River Catchment Flood Studies https://www.qra.qld.gov.au/brcfs

Box 8: Example of the value of a long-term dataset, Australia

Establishing the probability of a certain critical threshold being exceeded can therefore represent a
significant challenge in the context of the changing climate, yet recognition of the potential consequences
of an ‘unlikely-but-plausible’ event is vital if maladaptation is to be avoided (see Stage 4).

The IPCC projections discussed in Step 2.3.2 do not include either the extreme lows or the extreme
highs in the range: they cover only the 5 % to 95 % range of estimates. In the context of climate change
adaptation, these extremes may be important to inform decision making [Hinkel et al., 2015]. The
following paragraphs therefore provide some high-level guidance on how future extreme events can be
anticipated and accommodated.

In some cases, it may be possible to obtain reliable projections of extremes from published sources (e.g.
prepared by specialists in relation to major infrastructure projects). More often, however, a combination
of historic evidence, recent local data, available future projections and expert opinion will be needed to
derive a pragmatic ‘unlikely-but-plausible’ estimate for the parameter or process in question. By way of
an example, Box 9 illustrates the derivation of a High-plus-plus (H++) scenario for UK sea level rise.

In response to the scientific uncertainty about some aspects of ice sheet behaviour and how the melting of the large ice
sheets might affect sea level, the UK sea level rise projections include an additional H++ scenario (see

The maximum global mean sea level rise from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report [IPCC, 2007] was supplemented by
indirect observations of sea level rise during the last interglacial period and estimates of maximum glacial flow rates, to
derive a low probability H++ absolute sea level rise range for the UK of 0.93 m to 1.90 m by 2100. This ‘unlikely but
plausible’ scenario, which is intended for use in vulnerability testing, compares to projected relative sea level increases
by 2095 of 0.21 m to 0.68 m for London and 0.07 m to 0.54 m for Edinburgh, both based on the 5th-95th percentile for the
medium emissions scenario being used at that time.

Box 9: Development of a low probability but plausible High ++ sea level rise scenario, UK

In the absence of adequate historic extreme event information for a particular location, and if there are
no reliable local estimates of what might happen in future, efforts should be made to identify data from
adjacent locations or catchments. Such data might be interpolated with the objective of deriving a
hypothetical but realistic estimate for use in the analysis. Indeed, information on changes in latitude,
track, frequency and intensity of extreme storm events on a regional or even continental scale rather
than a local one will form an important input into statistical analyses and sensitivity testing. In Europe,
for example, there are records of seven extreme heatwaves since 2000 (in 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010,
2014, 2015 and 2017 [EEA, 2019]). This information could be used to help understand what is ‘possible’
in different parts of Europe in future.

There is also evolving evidence of situations where climate change has increased the probability of
extreme events, sometimes markedly – including heatwaves in Australia, and certain cases of floods
associated with extreme rainfall or with sea level rise [EASAC, 2018].

Finally, if no projections or other form of estimate of future extreme events exists, an informed
‘guesstimate’ will need to be made. Assuming an increase of +20 %, +50 %, +100 % or +200 % on the
observed worst case at least enables some level of quantification and hence understanding of the
potential consequences of an ‘unprecedented’ event.

Step 2.4 Analyse Data to Understand the Climate Change Hazard

2.4.1 Analyse Baseline and Projections Data

Where raw data have been obtained, these will need to be subject to a proportionate analysis to identify
and understand the typical characteristics of each relevant baseline and future climate parameter or
process. As a minimum, expert judgement should be used to determine whether the climate parameter
or process has already increased, and whether it is expected to increase, remain the same, or decrease
over the period for which data respectively projections are available. Arrows or other symbols, or a
coloured scale, can be used to highlight the direction and, if available, relative rate of change. Qualitative
or quantitative indicators can also be used, or a statistical analysis undertaken, to further quantify the
extent (magnitude, percentage, etc.) of change. Table 11 provides an overview of the different types of
analysis approaches that may be employed.

When analysing historical data, efforts should be made to distinguish between climatic variations or
trends linked to natural, background variability; trends due to man-made alterations like deepening of
tidal rivers to enable better shipping conditions with resulting changes in tidal currents; and those that
may be associated with long-term climate-related changes. Depending on the parameter in question,
natural variability may be exhibited over a period of months (e.g. seasonal variation), years (e.g. El Niño-
Southern Oscillation) or inter-annually.

Details about periodic extreme events such as cyclones or hurricanes, heatwaves or droughts should
always be highlighted alongside observed trends in relevant slow onset climate parameters or processes
because extreme values may affect previous statistical trends and values (see Steps 2.2.2 and 2.3.3).
The need for further analysis of extremes arises in many branches of science and engineering (e.g.
predicting hurricane winds for suspension bridge design, or storm surge heights for coastal defence
works). For climate change adaptation it may therefore be useful, or even necessary, to undertake an
extreme value analysis (EVA) to identify and quantify extreme deviations from the median of probability

In all cases, the level of sophistication in the analytical methods selected and the presentation of the
outcomes should be appropriate to: the nature and resolution of the data; the availability of expertise
and resources; and the objectives of the adaptation initiative.

Approach Relative Data analysis methods Typical analysis outcomes

Expert Very Low Expert judgement is used to determine whether a Scale or symbols indicating
judgement parameter or process increases, remains the same, either: increase ↑, no change
or decreases over the time horizon. Limited analysis - or decrease ↓ in each
is required. parameter.

Indicator- Low A qualitative assessment is undertaken to determine Scale or symbols indicating

based whether a parameter or process increases or change, with some
decreases, based on coarse resolution information. information regarding
A global climate model may be used to provide the magnitude and timeline e.g.
baseline data/future conditions, but no formal ++, +, o, -, --.
analysis is done to downscale the results.

Formula- Medium Empirical formulae are used to estimate changes in A value is calculated for each
based the parameter or process. Each calculation is parameter for key time
typically spatially and temporally static, so a number periods.
of calculations may be required to determine how a
parameter has changed or is expected to change in
time or space. For example, overtopping formulas
from EurOtop (2018) might be used to estimate

Process- High Numerical models are prepared to model the physical Spatially and temporally
based process at a fine resolution both in space and time. varying values for each
modelling The boundary conditions are often driven by global or parameter.
regional models; these may require downscaling.
Various models are commercially available e.g. using
hydrodynamic, wave or sediment transport data.

Table 11: Overview of data analysis methods

In some cases, it will also be necessary to consider the interdependencies between parameters. For
example, the total water level at a maritime port is the combination of tide level, atmospheric pressure,
and storm surge. For such parameters, a joint probability analysis (JPA) may be required.
If the required data analysis is beyond the capability of the port or waterway organisation, some of the
stakeholder organisations identified in Stage 1 may be able to help, or assistance could be sought from
academic institutions, local government, or relevant not-for-profit organisations. Advice could also be
obtained from a professional who has experience of analysing meteorological, oceanographic or
hydrological data for ports or waterways. Engineering consulting firms, universities and research
institutes typically provide such services.
If data are only available at the global or regional scale, consideration might exceptionally be given to
commissioning a downscaling exercise to facilitate the use of these data. Downscaling is the process
by which coarse resolution model results are translated down to a finer resolution. Specialists would
need to be engaged in this. However, in most situations it will be more cost-effective to use sensitivity
analysis to assess a range of scenarios than to embark on a downscaling exercise. For further details
about downscaling, see Annex 2C.

2.4.2 Understand Data Limitations

In collating and using climate baseline and future climate data, it is important to be aware that the quality
and reliability of information can vary significantly, and misleading data result in misleading outcomes.
Potential data limitations include many types of uncertainty, data gaps and insufficient or erroneous
records. There may also be issues with spatial or temporal resolution, or downscaling data from the
global climate models may give contradictory results.
Modelled data inherently has uncertainty. The level of uncertainty should be understood before using
the data. The reliability of global scale climate models tends to be supported by calibration and

verification against other models. Some regional models, however, may not have been calibrated or
verified. On the positive side though, regional models are usually of finer resolution and as such are
able to include details such as local topography, bathymetry, and structures.
Insofar as the nature of the data is concerned, it is also important to understand exactly what is being
presented because there can be significant differences in apparently similar information. Global sea
level trends, for example, can be quite different from relative sea level trends because of ocean dynamic
processes, movements of the sea floor, and changes in gravity due to water mass redistribution. These
differences are illustrated by the example in Box 10. It is therefore important to thoroughly understand
what has been measured (or projected) and to carry out the analysis accordingly.

For the RCP4.5 scenario ensemble (not including the dynamic ocean contribution in response to the
influx of freshwater associated with land-ice loss and changes in terrestrial groundwater), mean
relative sea level changes between 1986-2005 and 2081-2100 show that many regions are likely to
experience regional sea level changes differing substantially from the global mean. As shown on the
Figure [IPCC, 2013], regional changes in sea level reach values of up to 30 % above the mean value
in the Southern Ocean and around North America and up to 50 % below the global mean in the Arctic
region and some regions in the Antarctica. Whereas the described results have been computed for
RCP4.5 scenario, they are representative to first order for all RCPs.

Box 10: Percentage of the deviation of the ensemble mean regional relative sea level change between 1986-2005
and 2081-2100 from the global mean value

With a good awareness of the potential issues, it is usually possible to make meaningful use of the
available data. Conversely, using data in ignorance of its limitations can lead to erroneous outcomes,
some of which will have significant cost consequences or social or environmental impacts.
Understanding and recording the level of confidence in the data used for adaptation planning purposes
is therefore an important step, especially where significant investment is planned. The level of effort
needed to reduce or manage uncertainties with confidence is discussed further in Step 4.1.

Outcomes of Stage 2
For those working through the climate change adaptation planning process, the following steps should be completed
before progressing to Stage 3:

 The climate parameters and processes relevant to the critical assets, operations and systems identified in Stage 1
are confirmed (Step 2.1).
 Existing baseline data including information on extreme events have been collated for each relevant climate
parameter or process and monitoring has been instigated to enhance local knowledge or fill gaps (Step 2.2).
 Depending on the planning horizon for the adaptation strategy, climate change scenarios are agreed, and climate
change projections collated for relevant parameters and processes (Step 2.3).
 Data has been analysed to confirm baseline conditions, identify existing patterns and trends, and determine what is
expected to change under each scenario. Both slow onset changes and expected changes in the frequency or
severity of extreme meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological events have been considered. Data limitations
are acknowledged (Step 2.4).

Stage 3 brings together the collated information on critical assets, operations and systems (from Stage
1) and the understanding about projected changes in the climate parameters and processes to which
these assets, operations and systems are susceptible (from Stage 2), to identify and assess potential
risks associated with climate change.

In order to make informed choices about adaptation options, the next steps involve understanding how
climate change is likely to affect existing risks or introduce new ones. Steps 3.1 to 3.3 therefore describe
how climate hazards (i.e. projected changes that have the potential to cause damage, disruption or
similar negative effects) can be identified, quantified, and compared to the baseline situation, in turn
highlighting future changes in the vulnerability of critical assets, operations or systems.

As illustrated on Figure 8, vulnerability assessment can be an exercise in its own right or it can be used
to determine the scope of a more targeted risk analysis. A climate change risk analysis (Steps 3.4 to
3.7) explores the relative likelihood (possibility or probability) of the climate hazard occurring and the
nature and relative acceptability of the associated consequences (impacts).

Figure 8: Stage 3 in the climate change adaptation planning process

Step 3.1 Agree Approach to Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability indicates the degree to which something is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, possible
adverse effects. In this case, the effects in question result from changes in ambient climate conditions,
variability and extremes.

The extent to which an asset, operation or system is vulnerable to changes in climate parameters and
processes will vary according to its unique characteristics, including its susceptibility (exposure to the
hazard), proximity to relevant thresholds and adaptive capacity.

A vulnerability assessment therefore involves, for each climate change scenario as appropriate:

 Determining whether the projected changes in relevant climate parameters and processes
highlighted in Stage 2, will lead to a change in the susceptibility of any of the critical assets,
operations or systems identified in Stage 1.
 Assessing whether vulnerability is likely to increase within the adaptation planning horizon when
factors such as proximity to thresholds and the availability of adaptive capacity are taken into
A vulnerability assessment can either be a standalone exercise or it can act as a screening step for the
next steps in the risk assessment process.

In order to determine whether climate change could affect the vulnerability of critical assets, operations
or systems, the following questions need to be answered:

 Could the projected change in a relevant climate parameter or process lead to a change in the
susceptibility of the asset, operation or system when compared to the current situation? If yes…
 Could this change in susceptibility lead to exceedance of a threshold or an increase in damage,
disruption or another type of impact? If yes…
 Is there sufficient adaptive capacity to accommodate the projected degree of change for the duration
of the planning horizon?
These questions, which can be elaborated into steps as shown in Figure 9, are elaborated in Steps 3.2
and 3.3.

Figure 9: Key steps in assessing vulnerability over the planning horizon, under each scenario as appropriate

A vulnerability assessment, like other forms of risk assessment, can vary in its complexity or
sophistication according to the characteristics used to determine criticality, the availability of the data,
expertise and resources to support the analysis and so on.

There are a number of ways in which such an assessment can be carried out, based around the following
general levels of complexity:

1. Use of in-house knowledge, local data and/or expert judgement to identify the scenarios in which
thresholds could be exceeded, with potential associated implications for the vulnerability of the
asset, operation or system.
2. Use of the output of Stage 2 as indicators to inform the same process.
3. Application of climate parameters and processes in a quantitative engineering assessment, for
example, deterministic or probabilistic analysis of threshold exceedance.
4. Process-based modelling of the projected effects of climate change on relevant climate
parameters and processes including, if appropriate in the context of the assessment, site specific
analyses, high-resolution numerical models or possibly physical models.
These different approaches have different levels of complexity and residual uncertainty as indicated in
Table 12.

Typical level of Typical input Typical resource Residual

Assessment approach
complexity data demand demand uncertainty
Expert judgement Very low Very low Very low High
Indicators Low Low Low Medium to high
Formulas Medium Medium Medium Medium
Process based modelling High High High Medium to low*
* But note that expert judgement is always needed to interpret model results

Table 12: Relative comparison of approaches to assessing vulnerability

The outcomes of the different assessment approaches depend on experience, acumen and
competence. The judgement of a skilled expert with local knowledge might result in more valuable
information than an unsophisticated model. When selecting the most appropriate approach to the
vulnerability assessment, the following points should be considered:

 Establishing relative changes (i.e. an increase or reduction in susceptibility (exposure)) always

requires reference to historical data as well as to future projections.
 Quantitative approaches for assessing vulnerability should not exclude a qualitative element. Even
the most sophisticated quantitative assessments should always be complemented with qualitative
information in order to capture the full range of issues, including both tangible and intangible aspects
of vulnerability in its different dimensions. [Cardona, O.D. et al., 2012]
 Confidence levels in the climate data should always be recorded (Step 2.4.2). Where confidence in
the data is high, it may be possible to make decisions based on the vulnerability assessment alone;
conversely if confidence levels are low, it may be prudent to progress to the next stage of the risk
assessment in any case so as to maximise confidence in the outcomes.
 If resources are limited but it is already clear that the potential risk could be significant, a
precautionary approach should be taken and the asset, operation or system in question should
automatically be ‘screened in’ for further assessment in 3.4.
 A high level of residual uncertainty does not preclude further progress: Step 4.1 explicitly discusses
how residual uncertainties can be addressed through the selection of measures for inclusion on an
adaptation pathway.
It is worth noting that an international standard [ISO 14090, 2019] entitled ‘Adaptation to Climate
Change, Principles, Requirements and Guidelines’ has been published as the first in a range of
proposed ISO Standards. This Standard provides a framework to help organisations identify and
manage risks, assess climate change impacts and put plans in place for effective adaptation. A further
Standard, ISO 14091, on vulnerability assessment and climate change adaptation is in preparation.

Finally, as with other Steps, key stakeholders need to be fully involved throughout the vulnerability
assessment. A joint exercise might therefore be undertaken, or relevant groups may be invited to
meetings where the process is discussed and asked to comment on the draft outputs. Their feedback
should be incorporated before progressing to the next stage.

Step 3.2 Establish Changes in Susceptibility

The initial process of identifying which critical assets, operations and systems are susceptible to different
climate hazards (Step 1.3) now needs to be refined in the knowledge of the projected changes in each
climate parameter or process over the planning horizon (Steps 2.3 and 2.4 respectively).

The minimum objective of Step 3.2 is to differentiate between the following changes in susceptibility
compared to the current situation: significant increase, increase, no change, reduction, significant

An No A
significant significant
increase change reduction
increase reduction

If the adaptation planning horizon is more than ten years, Step 3.2 needs to be applied to each climate
change scenario. This is important because the susceptibility (i.e. exposure) of an asset, operation or
system might change under one scenario but not under another.

In all cases, at least one unlikely-but-plausible extreme climate event scenario should be considered as
part of this exercise (see Step 2.3.3).

The possibility of new climate hazards such as those associated with heatwaves, intolerable humidity,
or prolonged droughts should be considered alongside anticipated changes or recent trends in relevant

parameters or processes. The possibility of joint occurrences (e.g. a storm surge conditions coinciding
with spring tides, or unprecedented rainfall and wind combinations) should also be taken into account.

Box 11 explains how different scenarios were explored in an approach designed to help the US Army
Corps of Engineers evaluate the vulnerability of critical national defence coastal installations, and
quantify the associated loss of performance, in situations when the capabilities of these installations are
impacted by a combination of rising sea levels and coastal storm hazards.

The US Army Corps of Engineers developed a step-wise risk assessment approach to quantify the vulnerability of critical
Department of Defense assets based on their susceptibility, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to withstand storm
forcings (tidal fluctuations, waves, winds, surge, sedimentation, saltwater intrusion, flooding, etc.) exacerbated by sea
level rise (Case Study 8). For these nationally significant, high value assets, it was deemed appropriate to use numerical
models to simulate coastal storms and assess regional, nearshore, surface, and subsurface conditions under a range of
sea level rise scenarios.

Modelling covered 25 scenarios in total, comprising local mean sea-level rise of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, and 2.0 m by 2100
combined with five simulated coastal storms ranging in intensity from 1-year to 100-year return intervals. The modelling
outcomes provided an indication of anticipated impacts on each installation and its surroundings. Site-specific network
modelling was then used to capture the effects on performance, taking into account the unique position, condition, and
interdependencies of the critical infrastructure.

For the Norfolk Naval Station case study site, these investigations demonstrated that several critical systems were
vulnerable and likely to be incapacitated once sea levels rise above 1.0 m from the present. Overall, the probabilities of
damage to infrastructure and losses in performance increased dramatically after 0.5 m of sea level rise was experienced,
indicating there is a ‘tipping point’ or threshold to be accommodated when undertaking future planning or operational
activities on the installation.

Box 11: Use of scenarios in determining the vulnerability of USA Defense Department critical coastal installations

The list below provides some further examples of where a change in the susceptibility of an asset,
operation or system might be anticipated as a result of changes in a climate hazard:

 Establishing relative changes (i.e. an increase or reduction in susceptibility (exposure)) always

requires reference to historical data as well as to future projections
 Quantitative approaches for assessing vulnerability should not exclude a qualitative element. Even
the most sophisticated quantitative assessments should always be complemented with qualitative
information in order to capture the full range of issues, including both tangible and intangible aspects
of vulnerability in its different dimensions. [Cardona, O.D. et al., 2012]
 Confidence levels in the climate data should always be recorded (Step 2.4.2). Where confidence in
the data is high, it may be possible to make decisions based on the vulnerability assessment alone;
conversely if confidence levels are low, it may be prudent to progress to the next stage of the risk
assessment in any case so as to maximise confidence in the outcomes
 If resources are limited but it is already clear that the potential risk could be significant, a
precautionary approach should be taken and the asset, operation or system in question should
automatically be ‘screened in’ for further assessment in 3.4
 A high level of residual uncertainty does not preclude further progress: Step 4.1 explicitly discusses
how residual uncertainties can be addressed through the selection of measures for inclusion on an
adaptation pathway

Step 3.3 Agree on Risk Indicators and Assess Vulnerability

3.3.1 Threshold Based Approach to Define Risk Indicators

Design and operational thresholds, or other indicators of acceptable risk, represent an essential enabling
element of climate change adaptation planning. Thresholds capture the point at which a change in a
climate-related parameter or process might be expected to cause damage, compromise the integrity of

an asset, lead to operational disruption including temporary closures of particular facilities, or otherwise
impact on safety, business or the environment.

Recognising when an asset, operation or system is close to a particular threshold can provide an
indication of its relative susceptibility (or of the amount of adaptive capacity (see Step 3.3.4)).
Exceedance of a threshold usually indicates an expected impact. Thresholds are therefore used as a
type of risk indicator.

Typical thresholds include maximum wind speed, maximum or minimum temperature or humidity, water
or flood depth, and significant wave height (see Step 3.3.3) but economic and financial thresholds might
also be relevant. For example, ports and waterways may previously have investigated whether it is most
cost-effective to hire contractors or equipment to carry out activities such as maintenance dredging or
vegetation clearance or to buy the necessary equipment and train or employ personnel to operate it.
Climate change may alter the outcome if the same rationale is followed.

Threshold data can be obtained or derived from many sources including design documents, plant or
equipment manuals, standard damage curves, health and safety regulations or protocols, expert
knowledge and experience and so on. Every make and model of crane, for example, will have its own
wind speed limits set by the manufacturer according to its configuration.

Threshold data need to be collated before progressing to Step 3.3.2. If appropriate, threshold information
can be incorporated into the inventory of assets, operations and systems prepared during Step 1.2.

3.3.2 Define an Acceptable Level of Risk

In addition to operational thresholds where exceedance potentially represents an impact, the port or
waterway organisation may have a pre-determined reference hazard level. For example, it may be
company policy to provide protection against an event with a certain return period.
Determining the level of residual or ‘acceptable’ risk to an organisation is informed by several factors,
including an understanding of historic occurrences. Many countries have developed flood depth-damage
curves based on analysis of past events and on expert judgement. International organisations have also
been active in this area, for example the European Commission has published global flood depth-
damage functions [Huizinga and Szeqczky, 2017]. This type of information can be used to define an
acceptable level of risk in situations where an organisation-specific or published operational threshold
does not exist.
One issue in this regard, however, is the uncertainty inherent in climate change scenarios. As explained
in Step 2.3.3, it is often not possible to be sure what an event with a current probability of 1:100 years
will look like in, say, 30 or 50 years from now.
The outcomes of Step 1.5, including the main boundaries, constraints and opportunities, will have
impacted decisions on what constitutes an acceptable level of residual risk. For many organisations,
resource constraints may also have been an influencing factor. If adaptation objectives are to be realistic
and practical, it might have been necessary to accept a greater than desirable level of residual risk.
Understanding how critical assets, operations and systems might be affected by climate change and the
frequency and magnitude of the anticipated disruption will help determine adaptation priorities. For
example, an organisation may decide to protect against a certain type of incident or a given level of
disruption whilst strengthening the resilience of other assets, operations and systems to improve their
ability to bounce-back (i.e. recover) after a more significant event.
Whatever type of risk indicator is selected, it should ideally be quantified or be capable of quantification,
including defining classes or thresholds below or above which the acceptability (tolerance) of the risk
changes. For example, a 20 % increase in maintenance costs might be deemed acceptable by an
organisation, or a 5 % drop in revenue might represent the maximum that can be tolerated before action
has to be taken.
Insofar as operational thresholds are concerned, these might be safety-related, or a minimum level of
redundancy (representing flexibility) might need to be maintained. In all cases, appropriate thresholds
and acceptable levels of risk both need to be agreed with the relevant stakeholders.

A threshold-based approach provides a consistent and practical risk indication: exceeding a threshold
indicates that an impact is likely.

3.3.3 Determine Whether Thresholds Could Be Exceeded

If a simple evaluation based on local knowledge and expert judgement is being undertaken, the
response to the question of whether the change in susceptibility identified in Step 3.2 could result in a
threshold being exceeded may be a yes or no answer.

In other cases, it may be possible or necessary to indicate by how much a threshold might be exceeded
and/or to establish the likely frequency of such exceedances. More complex statistical or probabilistic
analysis or modelling can also be undertaken depending on the resources available and the objectives
of the assessment.

Examples of threshold exceedance might include situations where:

• Projected wind speeds under several of the climate change scenarios investigated would exceed
the recommended operating limits for cranes or straddle carriers, or would adversely affect the ability
to berth ships.
• Design standards or flood depth damage curves would be exceeded in the more pessimistic
scenarios, for example in relation to water levels, or overtopping and risk of failure.
• Projected reductions in seasonal rainfall could reduce water levels to below the minimum depth
required for safe navigation in inland waters within 20 years.
• Within 25 years, projected extreme wave crest levels could reach the height of a superstructure or
deck and thus result in a step-change in loading.
• Under some scenarios, changes in water level variation could affect berthing viability e.g. of RoRo
vessels because of the linkspan or ramp configuration [PIANC, 1979].
• Projected winter wave conditions or sea state could make certain pilotage operations unsafe under
most scenarios or they could exceed the safety threshold for access to the sea disposal site used
to dispose of dredged material.
• Projected increases in the frequency of fog days could mean the numbers of pilots available to
service port safety requirements is insufficient within 10 years.
• Changes in seasonal rainfall mean projected flood depths are likely to prevent safe vehicular access
to parts of the site within 30 years.
• Projected maximum (or minimum) temperatures or high humidity levels would compromise the
health and safety of port or waterway personnel, adversely impact on the handling or storage of
sensitive cargo or exceed operating limits for certain equipment.
• Heatwave increases under all scenarios could adversely affect operations due to increased energy
costs for cooling equipment within 10 years.
• Projected vegetation growth rates in warmer waters will mean revised cutting frequencies, making
it financially preferable to buy, not hire, cutting equipment.
Figure 10 provides an example of how thresholds can be used to identify potential impacts and
determine whether the projected change in a parameter or processes potentially increases vulnerability
and therefore represents a climate hazard. In Figure 10 the relevant parameters and processes are
extreme storm surge with a return period of 100 years and rates of sea level rise. When this combination
of the parameters is compared to the elevation of the buildings, flood depths can be estimated for future
conditions. The results show that under the scenario assessed, the changes in mean sea level in
conjunction with extreme storm surge represent a hazard because around the year 2045 the flooding
depth threshold is likely to be exceeded by a 100-year storm surge.

Figure 10: Use of thresholds to identify potential climate hazards

A case study that illustrates the use of operational thresholds in a vulnerability assessment to explore
the potential impacts of climate change for coastal transport infrastructure is provided by the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD, 2017]. This methodology was developed as
part of a project intended to enhance the adaptive capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in
the Caribbean. The details of the work are presented in Case Study 11 but Box 12 highlights how these
thresholds were used to identify the potential direct impacts of climate variability and change in relevant
climate parameters and processes.

Between 2015 and 2017, UNCTAD implemented a technical assistance project with a focus on climate change impacts
and adaptation for coastal transport infrastructure in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The study
(Case Study 11) aimed to build capacity in understanding of how coastal transport infrastructure, including seaports, is
likely to be affected by climate variability and change and in identifying appropriate adaptation response measures.

As part of this study, the direct impacts of climate variability and change on operations were assessed using an
‘operational thresholds’ method. The potential direct impacts on infrastructure, meanwhile, were explored through
modelling of marine flooding/inundation due to extreme sea levels (ESLs) under the present and future climate.

The operational thresholds approach included the following steps:

1) Identification of generic operational thresholds (e.g. extreme temperatures and rainfall) under which facility
operations are impaired.

2) Collation of climatic data including projections from the Regional Climate Model (RCM) PRECIS (abstracted from the
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre – CCCCC – database), available projections in terms of emissions
and potential impacts, approximate to the RCP6.0.

3) Operational thresholds and the RCM PRECIS climatic projections were compared to assess threshold exceedance

This work showed that, in addition to the projected issues associated with marine inundation identified through the
modelling, rising temperatures (above the 1.5 °C temperature cap, which may be reached as early as in the 2030s) are
expected to cause operational problems for the Jamaican and Saint Lucian critical international transportation assets, in

• By the early 2030s, staff working outdoors at the Jamaican and Saint Lucian international transportation assets could
be at ‘high’ risk for 5 and 2 days per year, respectively; by 2081-2100, such days could increase to 30 and 55 days
per year, respectively.

• Energy demand will increase e.g. for the Jamaican seaports, a 1.5 °C temperature rise will increase energy
requirements by 4 % for 214 days per year; a 3.7 °C rise (2081-2100) will increase energy requirements by 15 % for
215 days per year. Similar trends are projected for Saint Lucia seaports.

Box 12: Operational thresholds approach for assessing the vulnerability of critical transportation assets in
Jamaica and Saint Lucia

In situations where no quantified threshold (risk indicator) information is available, qualitative methods
such as those often used in environmental impact assessment (EIA) might be applied to establish
whether a particular asset, operation or system could be significantly affected by the identified change.
Particularly where data are lacking, however, it is important to indicate the level of confidence in the
findings and to ensure that sensitivity analyses are undertaken before implementing any measures.

3.3.4 Explore the Extent of Adaptive Capacity

Adaptive capacity refers to the ability to accommodate and adapt to change – in this case, the ability of
existing port or waterway assets, operations and systems to accommodate change in average and
extreme meteorological, oceanographic or hydrological conditions.

Practical examples of where ports and waterways have a degree of existing adaptive capacity (i.e. could
handle an element of change with little adverse consequence) include:

• Critical facilities such as container vessel berths, or electricity sub-stations providing power to
operations’ centres including the VTS building, have been ‘over-designed’ enabling them to
withstand currently projected storm surge levels or high flow conditions.
• There is redundancy in the system insofar as duplicate or alternative berths, storage facilities,
equipment, access points, etc. already exist, or it is acknowledged that a particular asset is easily
repairable or replaceable.
• Existing contingency plans have identified the need to instigate temporary restrictions on container
stack height or to provide alternative berthing arrangements during severe weather, in turn helping
to minimise effects on continuity of operations during an event or in a post-event situation.
• Storage heights of bulk cargoes exposed to weather have been reduced to control stockpile
slumping due to higher or more intense rainfall and the effect of this contingency on port capacity
has been taken into account.
• The port or waterway operator has a back-up power supply, a stock of sandbags, well-drilled
emergency plans including necessary detours and diversions, and a store of readily accessible
warning signs.
In general, where existing adaptive capacity is low, the asset, operation or system in question is likely
to be more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In these cases, adaptation action may need to
be prioritised. Conversely, the availability of sufficient adaptive capacity throughout the adaptation
planning horizon may allow investment to be delayed or even avoided. If an asset has a short residual
life but capacity exists to accommodate the anticipated amount of change during that period, potentially
expensive retrofitting action may similarly be avoided in favour of investment in a climate-resilient
replacement in due course.

Whenever Step 3.3.3 identifies that a threshold (or other risk indicator) could be exceeded within the
adaptation planning horizon, it is important to explore the role of adaptive capacity.

In order to help understand the extent of existing adaptive capacity, the following information should be
collated and recorded, for example by adding extra columns to the inventory developed in Steps 1.2 and

 The design life and the residual life of the particular structure or asset (i.e. the number of years
remaining after the originally-intended economic or technical life has been reached and before
functional failure occurs).
 An indication of its current condition or status, structural integrity or health.
 Serviceability, in particular maintenance costs, can be a useful indicator of status, whilst also
highlighting possible savings if investment in climate-resilient infrastructure results in a reduced
maintenance requirement.
 Depth, elevation relative to Datum (fixed start point) or similar physical indicators.
 Current performance at system level or relative to business requirements.
 Existing flexibility or redundancy in the system; availability of alternatives.
 Relevant operational characteristics including operational thresholds and frequency of exceedance
(see Step 3.3.3).

 Information about the impacts (consequences and costs) of recent extreme weather events or
hydrological/oceanographic conditions (see Step 1.6.3).
 Consequences of failure (linked to criticality: see Step 1.2).
If the data needed to determine current condition or status, structural integrity or health, serviceability or
functionality, etc. are insufficient or inadequate, steps should be taken to set up monitoring and/or data
management systems to ensure future decisions are better informed (see Step 1.6.2).

In addition to carrying out an internal assessment, efforts should be made to understand and record how
much adaptive capacity exists within the important links and interdependencies identified in Steps 1.2
and 1.4 (e.g. third-party infrastructure or services, or physical transfers of goods and services).

Particular attention should be paid to known weaknesses or inadequacies, whether these are internal
or external. It is vital to recognise the weakest link in the chain so that action on this can be prioritised.

Colour coding, footnotes, etc. can be used to highlight the key factors determining adaptive capacity or
vulnerability at department, site or facility level, including identifying possible priorities for action. Key facts

Summarising the outcomes of Step 3.3.4 on the critical assets, operations and
Geometrical data systems Design
data Asset condition
prepared in Step 1.3 might prove valuable. Table 13 illustrates how information contributing to the

Maintenance costs
decision on available adaptive capacity can be included in this Template.

Elevation (m relative to

Date of construction
Depth (m relative to
Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Design life (years)

Residual life

Susceptibility to hazards causing impacts Key facts

Extreme cold, ice or icingLocation




Flow velocities/extreme waves

Design data Asset condition Performance

Extreme heat, also humidity

Changes in water chemistry

Fog or reduced visibility
Changes in bathymetry

Performance against
Date of construction

Maintencance cost
Design life (years)
Bed or bank erosion
Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Changes in biology

Residual life

Changes in wind


Low river flow

Quay wall (i) North quay wall -15 3 50 2014 45 P


Not cirtical

Quay wall (ii) East quay wall -12 3 50 2014 45 P



Fenders North quay wall -5 2 15 2014 10 P

Ladders North quay wall -5 N/A 15 2014 10 P

Quay wall (i) P P P P P P P P P P 50 1994 25 P 

Quay wall (ii) Physical P Cathodic

P protection (i)P PNorth
P quay
P wallP N/A50 2014
N/A 45 10 P 2014 5 P

Structures Fenders systems and

P P P P P P 15 2014 10 P
Cathodic protection (ii)
Ladders utilities P P East
P quay
P wall
P P N/A 10 10 P 2014
N/A15 2014 5 P
Slipway P
Physical systems Cathodic protection
resource P P P 10 2014 5 P
Heritage resource (Lighthouse) Resources (Lighthouse)
P P P P P PEastPPierP N/A
N/A 10
1950 N/AN/A 1950 P N/A P
Beach nourishment P Beach nourishment
P P P P P South of East quay wall P -115 1
2018 14 15 P 2018 14 P
Pilotage P
Pilotage P / operation
assets P P P P N/A P N/A
Dredging / disposal
Operations P P
Dredging / disposal P P
activity P P
Inner harbour N/A N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A  N/A
Sailing / water sports events P
Marker buoys navigation aids water sports events P Marker buoys Inner harbour N/A N/A 25 2015 21 P

Legend High Moderate Low


Table 13: Snapshot from completed template illustrating how supporting information used to determine adaptive
capacity can be recorded

3.3.5 Identify Other Indicators of Increased Vulnerability

In addition to considering adaptive capacity, several other factors can act as indicators of future
vulnerability, for example:

• Maintenance effort: do records show an increasing level of effort, or higher maintenance costs
compared to historic maintenance activity? This may indicate increasing vulnerability. The expected
residual asset life might provide a proxy indicator if maintenance information is not available.
• Frequency of exceedance of operational thresholds: do records show increasingly frequent
exceedances over recent years? This may suggest increased vulnerability if there is further
unfavourable change in a key climate parameter or process.
• Has there been new development or are there new development plans in the vicinity? Vulnerability
can be increased if, for example, a major new investment is planned in a potentially susceptible
location, or if it is intended to modify certain operations such that these activities are more sensitive
to key climate parameters.

• Do data exist on the consequences (delays, downtime, clean-up, damage repair) and associated
costs resulting from recent and historic extreme weather or other hydrological/oceanographic
events? Such data may provide an indicator of possible future risks. Box 13 illustrates how this type
of information is included in the vulnerability assessment protocol developed and used by Transport

The Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee or PIEVC Protocol (https://pievc.ca/assessments) is a

free, publicly available methodology that has been used by Transport Canada to understand infrastructure vulnerability
to climate risks. The development of this flexible and versatile tool helped to address several concerns, including that
looking back at historic trends is no longer a reliable approach given the current rate of climate change. Rather, an
approach based on risk science principles is needed.

The PIEVC Protocol has proven applicable to various transport modes. The five-step process enables the user to make
informed judgments on which infrastructure components require adaptation and what measures to take. Vulnerability is
established with reference to:

• infrastructure type and condition including physical condition, age, significance within the region, maintenance,
operation and management amongst others
• the historic, recent and projected climate, including through flood plain mapping, intensity-duration-frequency curves
and other regionally specific climate modelling scenarios
• historic and projected responses of the infrastructure to changes in relevant climate parameters and processes

Infrastructure data sources (e.g. element lists, plans, policies) and climate data sources vary depending on the mode,
location, characteristics, and the nature of the asset being evaluated.

Box 13: Transport Canada use of a vulnerability assessment protocol, Canada

Whilst it is important to recognise potential vulnerabilities, care should also be taken to avoid mistakenly
attributing recent changes or trends to the changing climate, for example:

• Notwithstanding a period of extreme weather conditions, a recorded increases in delays may be

attributable to changes in labour practices or to the introduction of a new piece of equipment in the
corresponding time period.
• Increased maintenance costs may be a function of the age of the asset rather than of increased
overtopping or wave action.
• Changes in sedimentation may be caused by the construction of a new facility further along the
coast rather than being related to changes in storminess.

In the absence of clear evidence regarding a causal link, it is important to keep an open mind on the
possible causes of observed changes.

3.3.6 Complete Vulnerability Assessment and Report on Outcomes

The information gathered in Steps 3.3.1 to 3.3.5 facilitates the identification of climate change scenarios
under which it can be concluded that vulnerability will increase because thresholds or other risk
indicators are expected to be exceeded and there is insufficient capacity within the system to
accommodate these changes.

There may also be situations or scenarios under which vulnerability will reduce (for example if the
duration of extreme cold or the frequency of fog days is expected to reduce) and situations where there
will be no change.

The outcomes of the vulnerability assessment can be documented and presented in many different
ways. One option is to complete a summary table such as that shown in Table 14 for each of the
scenarios assessed. In other cases, however, more detail will be required: for example, a statistical
analysis and/or modelling exercise might be undertaken and a vulnerability assessment report prepared,
to set the scope for a more detailed risk analysis.

Port Example Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Compared to the Considering relevant
SCENARIO 1 of 3 baseline, how does thresholds and
exposure to the existing adaptive
potential climate capacity, how is
hazard change vulnerability likely to
within the planning be affected?
 Significant
 Significant increase
increase  Increase
 Increase  No change
 No change  Reduction
 Reduction  Significant
 Significant reduction

Examples of relevant parameters or

Wave conditions

Wave conditions
processes →
Sea level rise

Sea level rise

Extreme heat

Extreme heat
Wind speed

Wind speed

Examples of critical assets,

operations or systems ↓

Berthing and loading, offloading cargo          

Access to berth (e.g. navigation 

        
Maritime structures          
Quay equipment (e.g. cranes, ship
         
loaders/unloaders, marine loading arms)
Trucks/in-terminal vehicles          

Onshore structures          
Storage areas          
Onshore equipment (e.g. stacking or
reclaiming machines, conveyors, rubber-          
tyre gantry cranes)
Electrical power systems          
Drainage systems          
Fuel systems          
Road/rail access and internal road
         
Facilities for workers          

Table 14: Example presentation for vulnerability assessment outcomes in a seaport

If the projected change in a climate parameter or process could increase susceptibility (exposure) such
that the vulnerability of the asset, operation or system is expected to increase, the corresponding change
in the parameter or process represents a climate hazard with potential consequences (impacts) for the
port or waterway.

Box 14 provides an example of how a vulnerability assessment was used to identify vulnerable areas
and assets in the Port of Long Beach, USA.

A Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan developed by the Port of Long Beach, California, USA, used climate
data, an inventory of port assets, and detailed sea level and storm surge inundation mapping to inform the development
of vulnerability profiles for critical port infrastructure (pier infrastructure, transportation network, critical facilities, utilities,
and the breakwater, see Case Study 2).

Based on low, mid and high range sea level rise scenarios and an increase in rainfall intensity, detailed inundation maps
were prepared to identify where sea level rise-related (SLR) inundation or extreme tide (storm surge) flooding was
expected. An overtopping assessment identified the locations most likely to overtop. Two tide conditions (daily high tide
and extreme tide) were used, resulting in six mapped scenarios showing inundation depth and extent. Wave action was
not included in this assessment. Potential future increases in precipitation of 20 % and 30 % were also evaluated and

The inventory and maps were used to identify vulnerable areas of the Port. Scoring criteria were developed to determine
vulnerability based on susceptibility, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of each asset. The most significant future impacts
identified were associated with a combination of SLR and storm surge. The Port expects such impacts to become more
pronounced as sea levels increase.

Box 14: Example of vulnerability assessment undertaken by Port of Long Beach, USA

Once it has been identified how climate change may affect critical assets, operations and systems, this
Key facts

conclusion can be added to the inventory as illustrated on Table 15. One or two red
Geometrical data
crosses against
Design data
anAsset condition
asset, operation or system in the final column indicates that action is required (e.g. further analysis of

Maintenance costs
risks or the identification and implementation of measures (see Step 3.3.8)).

Elevation (m relative to

Date of construction
Depth (m relative to
Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Design life (years)

Residual life

Susceptibility to hazards causing impacts
Extreme cold, ice or icingLocation
Criticality Key facts



Flow velocities/extreme waves

Design data Asset condition Performance

Available adaptive capacity

Extreme heat, also humidity

Changes in water chemistry

Fog or reduced visibility
Changes in bathymetry

Performance against
Date of construction

Maintencance cost
Design life (years)
Bed or bank erosion

Maritime and inland port and navigation infrastructure

Changes in biology

Residual life

Changes in wind


Low river flow

Quay wall (i) North quay wall -15 3 50 2014 45 P


Not cirtical

Quay wall (ii) East quay wall -12 3 50 2014 45 P



Fenders North quay wall -5 2 15 2014 10 P

Ladders North quay wall -5 N/A 15 2014 10 P

Quay wall (i) P P P P P P P P P P 50 1994 25 P  

Quay wall (ii) Physical P Cathodic

P protection (i)P PNorth
P quay
P wallP N/A50 2014
N/A 45 10 P 2014 5 P

Structures Fenders systems and

P P P P P P 15 2014 10 P
P Cathodic protection (ii) P East
P quay
P wall
Ladders utilities N/A 10 10 P 2014
N/A15 2014 5 P
Slipway P
Physical systems Cathodic protection
resource P P P 10 2014 5 P
Heritage resource (Lighthouse) Resources (Lighthouse)
P P P P P PEastPPierP N/A
N/A 10
1950 N/AN/A 1950 P N/A P 
Beach nourishment P Beach nourishment
P P P P P South of East quay wall P -115 1
2018 14 15 P 2018 14 P
Pilotage P
Pilotage P / operation
assets P P P P N/A P N/A
Dredging / disposal
Operations P P
Dredging / disposal P P
activity P P
Inner harbour N/A N/A N/A
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Sailing / water sports events P
Marker buoys navigation aids water sports events P Marker buoys Inner harbour N/A N/A 25 2015 21 P

Legend High Moderate Low


Table 15: Snapshot from completed template illustrating current adaptive capacity

3.3.7 Set Adaptation Priorities

In many cases, the outputs from the vulnerability assessment will need to be ranked or prioritised to
ensure that the next steps focus on the most important potential impacts.

Priorities will usually be defined in accordance with the adaptation objectives set in Step 1.5. If resources
are limited, however, the prioritisation exercise might need to target the assets, operations or systems
deemed to be the most critical, sensitive or vulnerable; or those with the greatest change in relative
vulnerability (e.g. illustrated on Table 14 by two red arrows).

Alternatively, a ranking to determine priorities might be based on the climate hazard. In these cases, the
focus of the next steps would be on whichever assets, operations and systems are potentially impacted

by changes in the climate parameter(s) or process(es) perceived to represent the greatest future threat.
In the situation illustrated on Table 14, priority might be given to addressing impacts caused by extreme
heat or changes in seasonal rainfall.

Priorities should always be determined in collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders.

3.3.8 Agree Next Steps

In cases where the planning horizon is relatively short, where confidence levels are high, or where the
adaptation initiative is being undertaken as a broad or high-level exercise, the vulnerability assessment
might provide sufficient information about the potential impacts of climate change to allow an
infrastructure owner or operator to move directly to the identification of potential adaptation measures
(i.e. Stage 4).

Otherwise the vulnerability assessment helps determine the scope of a more detailed (quantified)
analysis of risk likelihood and consequence as described in Steps 3.4 onwards.

In both cases, the output of Steps 3.2 and 3.3 provide a record of which climate parameters and
processes constitute the climate hazard as well as the potentially impacted (i.e. vulnerable) assets,
operations and systems. A record should be prepared for each climate scenario investigated and the
level of certainty in the conclusions should be noted.

The vulnerability assessment outputs should be shared with relevant stakeholders.

Step 3.4 Select an Appropriate Level of Risk Analysis

The next step in the overall risk assessment process involves analysing the likelihood that the climate
hazard will occur, and the magnitude and severity of the consequences if it does.

This further analysis will provide a detailed understanding of the level of risk and the nature of the impact
on critical assets, operations and systems. Subject to any caveats associated with confidence in the
data, the outputs from this analysis will be used in Stage 4 to prioritise adaptation requirements and to
inform the development of strategies that describe the required adaptation measures (i.e. pathways).

Some organisations have existing risk analysis procedures, incorporating established risk tolerance
thresholds for critical assets, operations or systems, that could readily be adapted for use in climate
change assessments. The advantage of using such processes, with their associated presentational
matrices, is that climate change risks can be assessed and presented in a familiar manner, easily
understood by the organisation’s risk assessors, risk managers, stakeholders and those making
decisions on investment. A potential disadvantage, however, is that some of the climate-change specific
issues outlined in the following steps may not currently be addressed within the bespoke process, for
example the use of scenarios to address climate change uncertainties. This guidance document is
therefore intended to be used alongside an organisation’s own risk assessment procedures.

Where an organisation-specific approach does not exist, reference might be made to one of a number
of published climate change-specific risk assessment procedures. Many such publications are generic
or to relate to the design of new infrastructure but a number (e.g. Directorate-General Climate Action
EC, 2011; Standards Australia, May 2013; West and Brereton, 2013, and UK’s Committee on Climate
Change, 2017) do include examples from the transportation sector.
Steps 3.4. to 3.6 herein do not duplicate the detailed guidance on the principles and practice of risk
analysis available from these and many other sources. Rather these steps propose a simple, climate
change-specific risk analysis procedure that can be followed if a basic analysis will suffice or if an
organisation wants to go beyond a vulnerability assessment but lacks the expertise or resources to carry
out a sophisticated risk analysis. In these cases, following Steps 3.4 to 3.6 enables the user of the
guidance to progress to Stage 4 with a more thorough understanding of the main risks that need to be
For situations requiring or justifying a greater level of sophistication, a hierarchy of risk analysis
approaches exists, ranging from an initial analysis through an intermediate procedure to an advanced

assessment. An overview of these is provided in Annex 3A. Each represents a greater level of effort,
resources and complexity and in return reduces the residual level of uncertainty. The levels can build
upon each other. For example, an initial level analysis of a dozen different risks may identify one
potentially significant or extreme risk that justifies a more detailed investigation.

As with other steps, a decision on the most appropriate level of risk analysis should consider the quantity
and quality of the available data, the required resources and expertise, and the level of detail of the
desired outcomes. An organisation can undertake more detailed risk analyses either as more data
become available or as their approach to risk matures in other ways.
A simple analysis may suffice in many cases. However, if it is clear from the outset that the purpose of
the risk analysis is to support large scale investment decisions and/or decisions in relation to
infrastructure with a design life of several decades, or to deal with a potential structural failure as
illustrated in Box 15, expert advice should be sought. In these cases, it is likely that an advanced level
of analysis will need to be undertaken.

The San Pedro Breakwater, which provides the Port of Los Angeles, USA, with wave protection for its infrastructure,
navigation, berthing, and cargo operations, was built just over 100 years ago. By current standards, its design can be
considered obsolete. The breakwater also exhibits some structural issues of concern because its crest has settled an
average 0.60 metres from its 4.25 metres mean lower low water (MLLW) design elevation. The average crest level of the
breakwater is now around 3.65 metres, making the breakwater vulnerable to wave overtopping and damage in high 2
metres MLLW spring tides and storm wave conditions.

Whilst there was limited data available to define the breakwater fragility and several assumptions had to be used in a sea
level rise impact assessment (Case Study 12), this analysis clearly indicated that sea level rise due to climate change
would have a significant impact on the vulnerability of the breakwater. Increasing the breakwater crest elevation appeared
to be a justifiable solution to reduce the risk of failure, but detailed analyses would be required to reduce the uncertainty
in the breakwater fragility and to define a design crest elevation to adapt to SLR due to climate change. For the existing
superstructure, these would include physical model tests for combinations of R/H, wave period and angle of incidence
or, for the assessment of wave damage if alternative superstructure designs are considered.

Box 15: Example of analyses needed to assess the risk of breakwater failure, USA

Box 16 provides an example of a situation that justified an advanced level of climate risk analysis. This
deals with the United States’ Department of Defense need to understand the climate change and climate
variability risks to its numerous coastal facilities in order to be able to identify and evaluate structural
and non-structural risk-mitigating alternatives that would sustain critical assets and mission capabilities
at an actionable scale under a wide range of sea level rise and storm scenarios.

An example of an advanced level risk analysis is provided by that carried out for the United States military base ports,
such as in the Port of Norfolk, Virginia (Case Study 8). The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) developed a robust,
scientifically informed, risk-based approach, specifically applicable to large sale coastal military installations threatened
by coastal hazards and rising sea levels. This assessment approach enabled the US Department of Defense to identify
climate change induced vulnerabilities in its portfolio of marine and land-based infrastructure (including naval bases).
Changes in climate variability were included in the analysis. A series of stepwise procedures was established that couples
multiple high-fidelity coastal storm models with installation-specific asset models and regional ecosystem response
models, to systematically assess mission-related risks in a probabilistic manner using Bayesian networking. Putting vital
assets in a risk context offers a nationally-consistent approach and a credible way of prioritising action in the face of
constrained resources. USACE plan to use such advanced risk assessments to prioritise life safety risks for its own
activities whilst also providing a basis for communicating risk so that stakeholders can make more informed decisions.

Box 16: US Army Corps of Engineers advanced risk analysis for coastal military installations, USA

However sophisticated or basic the level of risk analysis selected:

• Both internal and external stakeholders should be involved in and have the opportunity to provide
input to the analysis.
• The analysis should include a ‘business as usual’ option to understand the risks if no action is taken.
• Care should be taken to ensure that all sources of hazards, areas of impacts, events (including
changes in circumstances) along with their causes and potential consequences are identified and
analysed commensurate to the objectives agreed in Step 1.5.

Step 3.5 Assess Likelihood

As explained in Step 2.3.1, there are many uncertainties inherent in climate science, including in the
projection of future changes in GHG emissions and the scale at which changes are modelled. It is
therefore not possible to be certain that any one particular climate change scenario will be realised.

In cases where Step 3.3 has identified the potential for a change in vulnerability under a certain scenario,
it is therefore the relative likelihood of the hazard occurring or threshold being exceeded that needs to
be determined. Table 16 provides an illustration of how likelihood might be described and rated in
qualitative terms; quantified using a simple scale of 1 to 5; and presented using colour-coding following
an initial risk analysis [West and Brereton, 2013].

Qualitative description of likelihood Likelihood rating

It is expected that the climate hazard will occur, that the threshold will be exceeded or there Almost certain 5
will be another significant impact within the adaptation planning horizon under all climate
change scenarios investigated.

It is likely that the climate hazard will occur, the threshold will be exceeded or there will be Likely 4
another significant impact within the adaptation planning horizon under some of the climate
change scenarios investigated.

The climate hazard may occur or the threshold may be exceeded or there may be another Possible 3
significant impact within the adaptation planning horizon under some of the climate change
scenarios investigated.

The climate hazard could occur, or the threshold could be exceeded or there could be another Unlikely 2
impact within the adaptation planning horizon under one or more of the climate change
scenarios investigated.

The climate hazard (or the exceedance of the threshold or the manifestation of an impact) is Rare 1
not expected to occur other than in exceptional circumstances within the adaptation planning
horizon under most of the climate change scenarios investigated.

Table 16: Examples of determining and presenting risk likelihood

If the data are available to support a more detailed assessment, likelihood can be expressed as a
probability of occurrence. For instance, a rating of 3 could represent a +/-50 % probability while 5 may
represent a ‘certainty’ near to or at 100 %.

In all cases where the planning horizon is more than ten years, the likelihood of hazard occurrence or
threshold exceedance under each of the scenarios agreed in Step 2.3.1 should be assessed. This is
important in order to ensure the range of full possible future climates is adequately reflected.

Taking this approach can provide confidence – for example, if the occurrence of a particular hazard or
the exceedance of a certain threshold is ‘almost certain’ or is ‘unlikely’ under all the scenarios assessed.
It can also warn of sensitivity – for example, the likelihood of occurrence or threshold exceedance may
be ‘almost certain’ under one scenario, ‘likely’ under another, and ‘possible’ under a third.

Step 3.6 Assess Consequences

3.6.1 Record Magnitude, Severity and the Nature of the Impact

Climate hazards can affect port and inland waterways assets, operations, and systems in many different
ways. For example, there may be:

• Physical risks (to asset integrity, condition, physical risk)

• Operational risks (to safety, security, delays, closures)
• Business risks (to continuity, reputation, efficiency, finance)
• Environmental risks (pollution, hazards, ecosystem services)
The overall consequence of a climate change hazard for a critical asset, operation or system is a function
of the nature of the impact(s), its magnitude and severity. These characteristics can be derived and
described using different approaches ranging from expert judgement or simple statistical methods
through to detailed modelling and evaluation. Step 1.3 illustrated the typical impacts to which port and
waterway infrastructure may be susceptible.

Stakeholders should be involved in identifying and assessing potential climate change impacts and their
consequences. Whilst stakeholders’ interests and priorities may be different from those of the port or
waterway organisation, it is essential that these are acknowledged so that possible win-win adaptation
measures can be recognised and explored in Stage 4 (e.g. Step 4.2.3).

3.6.2 Derive Consequence Ratings

In determining the potential consequence of an identified hazard, it is always important to bear in mind

• A small magnitude change is not always of low severity. For example, an asset may already be
functioning, or a system may already be operating, very close to a critical threshold.
• A large magnitude change may not necessarily be of high severity. For example, there may be
significant redundancy or adaptive capacity available meaning that even a large change can be
Table 17 illustrates how a consequence ‘rating’ might be derived based on a generic, qualitative
description. The criteria and terminology presented in this table should be modified to suit the local
circumstances, even if an initial level of risk analysis is being undertaken. Such refinements might

• Introducing different metrics to suit the particular circumstances of an assessment or the objectives
of the adaptation strategy (e.g. based on the criteria used to determine criticality; see Step 1.2.2),
• Preparing quantitative indicators (for example a port or waterway operator may decide that a
catastrophic impact would be characterised by severe injury or death ‘to multiple individuals’,
disruption of port operations of ‘more than one week’, or damage to infrastructure ‘exceeding US$
The more sophisticated the level of risk analysis being applied, the more important it will be to develop
and apply quantifiable, site-specific metrics.

… then an appropriate
If the occurrence of the hazard would cause impacts that…
consequence rating is
Irreplaceably or permanently affect critical assets, operations or systems and Catastrophic 5
thus threaten the viability of the port or waterway with possible implications
for the regional or national economy, potentially lead to loss of life, cause
significant and irreversible contamination with hazardous substances,
prevent the import or distribution of post-disaster aid, or have similar
potentially catastrophic implications.

Have a significant, negative long-term effect on critical assets, operations or Major 4

systems and thus compromise the business continuity of the port or
waterway, potentially lead to serious injury, result in significant or irreversible
environmental impacts, compromise the import or distribution of post-disaster
aid, or have similar potentially major implications.

Have a negative, locally significant and/or short- to medium-term effect on Moderate 3

critical assets, operations or systems with implications for business continuity
in the affected parts of the port or waterway; potentially lead to minor injury,
cause moderately significant environmental impacts, affect the ability of the
facility to import or distribute post-disaster aid effectively, or have similar
moderately significant implications.

Temporarily affect the efficiency or effectiveness of critical assets, operations Minor 2

or systems or aspects thereof but with no significant implications for business
continuity overall, cause environmental impacts of minor significance,
interrupt aspects of post-disaster aid import or distribution, or have similar
implications of minor significance.

Have negligible implications for critical assets, operations or systems and Insignificant 1
hence business continuity, insignificantly affect the environment or the import
and distribution of post-disaster aid.

Table 17: Examples of determining risk consequence

3.6.3 Prepare Risk Matrices

By combining the likelihood of the climate hazard as presented in Table 16, and the consequence ratings
as presented in table 17, a risk matrix can be developed. Table 18 illustrates a typical format for
presenting the outcomes of the risk analysis using a widely applied ‘traffic light’ approach. The risk
scores in this example are shown using colours and/or numeric values. This type of matrix can, however,
also present the overall risk using descriptions or other forms of classification. The level of risk is not
fixed but a choice. Instead of separate colours, also a gradation between green and red could be used.

Likelihood → Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost
Impact ↓ (1) (2) (3) (4) Certain (5)

Catastrophic (5) 5 10 15 20 25
Major (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Moderate (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Minor (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Insignificant (1) 1 2 3 4 5


Level of risk Required adaptation action

Very high risk Immediate adaptation action required
High risk Adaptation action required as high priority
Moderate risk Adaptation actions to be implemented via day-to-day management
Low risk Risks to be managed and monitored via routine internal procedures

Table 18: Typical presentation of risk assessment outcomes

This type of assessment matrix is commonly used to represent and report risk and serves as a basic
framework for the development of an adaptation strategy. Whilst it is typically used to identify and
represent negative consequences, it can also be modified to highlight benefits or opportunities (e.g. a
reduction in the level of risk to navigational safety associated with fog, or in the days of waterway closure
due to ice).

Attitudes to risk, and the level of accepted risk originally identified in Step 3.3.2 could usefully be
reviewed at this stage in the process i.e. before moving on to identify and evaluate adaptation options.

In the example shown in Table 18, it might be the case that the acceptable level of residual risk is
moderate, in which case the adaptation strategy to be developed in Stage 4 would prioritise action on
the very high and high-risk consequences, at least in the short- to medium-term. In any case, another
round of engagement with internal and external stakeholders will provide a useful check on the draft
outcomes of the risk analysis and provide an opportunity for further feedback on levels of acceptability
or tolerability.

The following two boxes, Box 1, Box 17 and Box 18 provide examples of where ports in Colombia and
in the UK have used this type of risk analysis process, and illustrate some of the outcomes. The details
(risk categories, colour schemes, descriptions, etc.) differ between the examples, but both cases make
clear how priorities for action were identified.

A climate change adaptation study for Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque (MEB), in Cartagena, Colombia adopted a
practical approach to assessing potential climate change impacts on imports and exports (Case Study 13). Amongst the
activities carried out were literature reviews and analysis, and discussions with MEB staff and other stakeholders during
a site visit. Using these sources, high level scenarios were developed that describe a range of potential climate change
related impacts, and a financial analysis was then conducted [IFC, 2011]. Considering the uncertainties in future trade
projections over long timescales, the study produced high-level estimates of potential impacts on MEB’s revenues up to
the 2050s.

The table below provides a snapshot of some of the outcomes. It illustrates the significance of different climate change
risks and opportunities assuming that no adaptation takes place. Risk significance is evaluated by scoring the two
dimensions of risk, namely the likelihood of a hazard and the magnitude of its consequence. Note that, where relevant,
the risk assessment considered the implications of climate variability as well as average changes in the future climate.

Risk Likelihood Consequences

Risk Risk Level
Category (1-5) (1-5)
Vehicle movement inside the port (Section 5)
Increased seawater flooding of port areas
Operational 5 4 VERY HIGH
(observed SLR Scenario)
Increased seawater flooding of port areas
Operational 3 5 HIGH
(accelerated SLR Scenario)

Increased maintenance of port unpaved areas Operational 3 1 LOW

Demand, trade levels and patterns (Section 6)

Reduction in total trade at MEB Financial 3 3 MEDIUM

Reduction in grain imports at MEB Financial 2 3 MEDIUM

Reduction in agricultural exports at MEB Financial 3 1 LOW

Better relative performance of MEB compared

Reputational 4 n/a OPPORTUNITY
to other ports

Increase in certain agricultural exports at MEB Financial 1 n/a OPPORTUNITY

Goods storage (Section 7)

Goods damage or loss due to seawater flooding Reputation
(accelerated SLR scenario) al

Box 17: Climate change adaptation risk assessment for Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque, Cartagena,

Associated British Ports (ABP) owns and operates 21 ports around the UK, handling over 92 million tonnes of cargo
every year. ABP’s Climate Change Adaptation Report 2016 Update, prepared for the British Government, assessed
the key climate change risks likely to impact on a range of functions at Immingham, Hull and Southampton [ABP, 2016].
Their assessment used the latest climate change information and an existing internal risk management mechanism. It
identified that the main risks were related to engineering and VTS/pilotage functions, and the projected impacts were
associated with sea level rise and flooding, temperature increases and storminess.

Impact was scored against the highest of financial or reputational impact or service interruption:
Impact % Earnings affected Reputational Service interruption
1 Minor <1 % Little coverage <24 hours
2 Moderate 1-5 % Limited effect 24-48 hours
3 Major 5-10 % Local impact 48-96 hours
4 Catastrophic >10 % Adverse coverage >96 hours
Likelihood considered the expected frequency of the event:
Likelihood Expected frequency
1 Not expected in next 40 years; no evidence of occurrence in last 40 years
2 May occur in next 40 years and/or has occurred in last 40 years
3 May occur in next 10 years and/or has occurred in last 10 years
4 Likely to occur in next 5 years and/or has occurred in last 5 years
Overall risk ratings were determined using the table below:

1 2 3 4
Applying this system led ABP to identify and classify 18 potential risks to engineering, dredging, hydrography, VTS and
pilotage, including the following examples affecting the engineering and pilotage functions. In each case, mitigation
measures and residual risks were also elaborated.
Business function: Engineering Business function: Engineering
Climate variable: Sea level rise Climate variable: Storminess
Primary impact: Flooding Primary impact: Maintenance/repair delays
Threshold: Nominal quay height Threshold: Weather windows
Potential impacts: Infrastructure damage, Potential impacts: Delay in shipping
loss of power, knock-on consequences movements
Impact: 3 Impact: 3
Likelihood: 4 Likelihood: 3
Risk rating: High Risk rating: Medium

Business function: Pilotage Business function: Pilotage

Climate variable: Temperature Climate variable: Storminess
Primary impact: Staff operating conditions Primary impact: Boarding compromised
Threshold: Tolerance limits Threshold: Wind/swell conditions
Potential impacts: Health and safety Potential impacts: Delays in vessel movement
(temperature controls, clothing required)
Impact: 3 Impact: 3
Likelihood: 1 Likelihood: 4
Risk rating: Low Risk rating: High

Box 18: Associated British Ports (UK) climate change adaptation risk assessment

Step 3.7 Summarise Risk Assessment Outcomes

Timely, transparent and targeted communication is essential if climate change risks are to be
acknowledged and resolved effectively. Openness is also crucial if expectations are to be managed and
if inclusivity is to be ensured.

Characterising and explaining uncertainty is an important part of this communication insofar as it

improves collective understanding about the risks and assists with the selection, evaluation and
implementation of adaptation measures. A report or another form of documentation of the risk
assessment process and its outcomes should therefore be prepared.

The presentation of the risk assessment documentation can be organisation- or site-specific and tailored
to a specific audience, but in all cases should provide an important trail to explain how the risk outcomes
were derived.

Outcomes of Stage 3

For those working through the climate change adaptation planning process, the following steps should be completed
before progressing to Stage 4:

 The approach to the vulnerability assessment has been agreed and changes in susceptibility have been confirmed
(Steps 3.1 and 3.2)
 Risk indicators have been identified and vulnerable assets, operations and systems have been highlighted for each
climate change scenario (Step 3.3)
 The need for and approach to a further risk analysis has been determined (Step 3.4)
If appropriate, risk likelihood and consequences have been assessed to complete the risk analysis and to identify
‘at risk’ assets, operations and systems (Steps 3.5 to 3.7)

Stage 4 sets out a series of steps to identify, screen, and where relevant evaluate, possible adaptation
and resilience options. Options comprise measures or groups of measures to deal with the risks
identified in Stage 3. These steps culminate in the development of ‘adaptation pathways’. An adaptation
pathway describes a sequence of actions (measures, modifications or other interventions) that are
implemented in response to changes in meteorological, hydrographic or oceanographic conditions.

The overall approach to climate change adaptation can then be presented as an adaptation strategy.
The implementation of measures on the adaptation pathways, and their subsequent performance in
meeting the objectives of the strategy, are informed by monitoring.

Figure 11 illustrates these steps.

Figure 11: Stage 4 in the climate change adaptation planning process

Step 4.1 Understand Implications of Uncertainty: Role of Adaptation Pathways

For many organisations, climate change adaptation will represent a significant deviation from business
as usual. The many uncertainties that have to be accommodated mean that the ‘conventional solution’
or the ‘most obvious option’ may no longer be the most effective, either technically or in terms of cost.
Rather, a range of possible (traditional or novel) structural, operational and institutional measures needs
to be considered on a site-specific basis.

Selecting the most effective measures and combinations of measures and determining how and when
they can best be implemented over time as conditions change will often require thinking outside the box.

4.1.1 Avoiding Maladaptation

When identifying options to strengthen resilience and adapt to climate change, ‘maladaptation’ must be
avoided. Maladaptation means failing to adjust adequately or appropriately to an anticipated change.

There can be a significant risk of under- or over- design or investment if adaptation decisions are taken
without understanding the big picture. It is vital to avoid a decision that locks the infrastructure owner
or operator into a solution with insufficient flexibility or capacity for future adjustment, or an investment
that only works if climate parameters change in a certain way or at a certain rate. Such decisions may

fail to deliver their anticipated functionality over the intended term and may even result in increased
levels of risk.

Examples of maladaptation include:

• failing to secure an effective asset or to deliver the necessary redundancy or adaptive capacity
because climate-related parameters change more quickly than projections suggested, or
• over-designing, adopting an inappropriate/irreversible design, or spending more than was
necessary because climate does not change as rapidly as, or in the way that, current projections
Selecting short-term or interim options that strengthen resilience or otherwise help to reduce climate-
related risks can help to address uncertainties and avoid maladaptation by providing time to collect data,
carry out studies, explore alternative options, or seek additional investment.

4.1.2 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Measures

The first steps on an adaptation pathway will often be temporary, interim or short-term measures. In
addition to the need to avoid maladaptation, such measures might be taken to prolong the functionality
of an existing asset because retrofitting is currently too complex, or because the asset has a short
residual life and is anyway due to be replaced in a few years. Precautionary measures might be
considered if there is insufficient redundancy or adaptive capacity in the existing system. In the short to
medium term, nature-based solutions that help strengthen the resilience of existing infrastructure or
operations alongside other benefits may play an important role in an adaptation pathway.

In some situations, however, there may be an immediate need to move to a long-term solution,
particularly if an unacceptably high risk to life, property or business continuity has been identified or if
an expensive asset with a long service life is planned. In these situations, flexible, reversible or no-regret
solutions should be sought, at least until such time as the climate change consequences are better

4.1.3 Accommodate Uncertainty in Design

Even with the application of scenarios described in Step 2.3.1 or other forms of sensitivity testing, there
will be situations where outstanding climate change-related uncertainties demand more flexible
engineering solutions than is currently the norm.

If it is necessary to retrofit or replace an asset, or if new operations or systems are being introduced,
these should be designed with the need for future modification in mind, with sufficient redundancy or
contingency, or should be reversible where appropriate. The consequences of failure should also be
understood and accommodated.

Build Flexibility into Design

Extreme conditions applied for the design of infrastructure such as quays or protective structures
including breakwaters and flood defences, typically correspond to conditions that occur on average once
every 50 or 100 years [Herbert et al., 2020, forthcoming]. Port and waterway operations such as cargo
handling or pilotage, on the other hand, are generally governed by more frequent environmental
conditions (i.e. monthly or annual conditions).

As the climate changes, so too will return periods. Some projections do exist – for example the IPCC
Oceans and Cryosphere report (2019) concludes that extreme sea levels experienced once per century
in the recent past will occur at least annually at many locations by 2050 under all RCP scenarios
especially in tropical regions – but other parameters remain much more uncertain, both with regard to
currently rare events and to relatively common ones [Hattermann et al., 2019 ; Kopp et al., 2014]. What
will a 1 in 100 years storm event look like in 30 years from now? Could the current annual maximum
wave height or wind speed occur monthly in future, or even weekly?

New or modified infrastructure with an intended design life of, say, 50 years needs to remain functional
for that period irrespective of the actual rate and nature of change in key climate parameters. A

breakwater may be required to provide protection against a 1 in 100-year storm but there may be
insufficient certainty to understand what this storm will look like in 30 years’ time. Rather than locking in
to a single climate change scenario and investing in a breakwater of a certain height (i.e. an irreversible
decision, risking maladaptation) it may therefore be preferable to design the base and structure such
that it can be raised, strengthened or otherwise modified in future years as conditions demand. Box 20
provides an example of such a solution from Germany, where such solutions are considered as state-

The German state Schleswig-Holstein built the first so-called ‘Klimadeich – Climate-Dyke’ on the North Sea peninsula
Nordstrand in 2014 with a design that already considers a safety margin of 0.5 m to be prepared for the foreseeable sea
level rise. In order to obtain unforeseeable developments and new knowledge, the width of the top of the dyke was
enlarged by 2.5 m for just 10-20 % of the construction costs of a traditional approach to enable an easy heightening of
the structure at a later stage [Greiving, Maegdefrau, 2018] without the need for further land purchase.

1) Existing Dyke, 2) Dyke reinforcement with a climate surcharge of 0.5 m, 3) Adapted dyke profile for construction reserve, 4)
Construction reserve for additional heightening in case of a more severe sea level rise

Box 19: The so-called Climate-Dyke of the German Federal State Schleswig-Holstein

Future upgrading or modification of infrastructure might involve raising, widening, deepening, extending,
strengthening or decommissioning and re-building. Decisions on when such action is required are built
into the adaptation pathway, informed by monitoring of the relevant climate parameters and processes
as well as the condition and performance of the asset, rather than according to the dates shown on a
pre-defined construction programme.

Incorporate Redundancy

Climate change uncertainties require that an appropriate level of redundancy is designed into vulnerable
aspects of critical infrastructure. Redundancy in this context means the supplementation or duplication
of key functions to increase resilience (see Step 3.3.4).

Over recent decades there has been a tendency to move away from incorporating redundancy in design
because sophisticated modelling and design tools have encouraged an impression of greater certainty.
Deliberate duplication (e.g. providing a backup generator) or over-design (e.g. adding 0.1 m to the height
of a quay wall) may therefore diverge from recent practice. In a climate change context, however,
including redundancy can help to strengthen adaptive capacity, improve overall longevity, and
significantly reduce the potential losses associated with both long-term changes and – in particular –
with extreme events.

Accommodate Consequences of Failure

The frequency and severity of extreme events will continue to increase as the climate changes but there
are many associated uncertainties. Where structures or operations are prone to failure, understanding
the consequences of such failures will therefore be vital. Such structures and operations will need to be
designed to ‘fail gracefully’ rather than catastrophically. Achieving this might involve the design being
modified, a different design being selected, or supplementary measures being introduced to improve

Box 20 illustrates these ideas with reference to a flood defence.

A new or replacement flood defence is designed to protect against an extreme water level with a probability of occurrence
of 1:100 years. It is recognised that climate change increases the likelihood of a larger event occurring within the design
life of the structure, but the cost of constructing a defence to withstand such an event (e.g. with a current probability of
occurrence of 1:250 years or greater) is prohibitive. The infrastructure owner therefore seeks to understand the
consequences of failure of the flood defence by identifying the areas at most risk, and takes further action to
accommodate this, for example by:

 designing the flood defence to ensure that any failure takes place in clearly defined, predicted locations (selected
to ensure the most valuable assets remain protected)
 bunding (embanking) critical assets within the area at risk
 making provision to manage the flooding process by defining local flood compartments, identifying preferred
flood storage areas, and creating preferential flow routes
 flood-proofing infrastructure within the areas that is expected to flood (e.g. raising electricity supply points and
installing drainage)

Box 20: Understanding and preparing for the possible failure of a flood defence

It is also important to remember, however, that engineering responses to a structure vulnerable to

extreme climate loads do not always involve strengthening. Box 21 provides an example of how
understanding the consequences of failure led to a solution that deliberately weakened parts of a
structure vulnerable to extreme climate loading in order to improve its overall resilience. This case study
illustrates why such considerations are an important part of risk management.

When the wharf of the Lucinda Bulk Sugar Terminal in Australia was subjected to large waves during Tropical Cyclone
Yasi in 2011, its concrete deck was stronger under wave uplift than the connections of the deck to the steel wharf
structure. This led to the heavy concrete deck being lifted off the steel structure by waves, and then dropping down on it,
causing significant impact damage to the wharf. Consideration of climate change issues when the wharf’s repair was
designed included the development of a hierarchy of structural capacities such that the deck will now fail before the
deck’s connections to the wharf do.

Box 21: Accommodating extremes in wharf repair design, Lucinda Bulk Sugar Terminal, Australia

Finally, the economic incentive to plan for failure can also be important. The inherent uncertainties of
accommodating climate change, particularly extreme events, mean that an increasing proportion of new

and retrofit developments will need to accept, and cater for, such risks. This is because the cost of
providing protection against all eventualities is likely to be excessive in all but exceptional cases.

4.1.4 Understanding When to Act?

The uncertainties discussed in Step 4.1.3 mean it is not always clear when adaptation action will be
needed. In order to manage uncertainty and deliver adaptation in a timely and cost-effective way,
adaptive management principles should therefore be applied.

Adaptive management is a process where thresholds for action are agreed (Step 3.3.1) and stepwise
decisions on implementation are informed by monitoring (e.g. of local trends in climate parameters, Step
2.2.1 or Annex 2B or asset condition or performance, Step 1.6.2).

Monitoring enables cost effective or just-in-time solutions by demonstrating, for example, that:

• sea level rise combined with increases in storm surge magnitude are reaching the threshold where
investment in retrofitting a breakwater will be justified
• the number of days with significantly reduced visibility is approaching a specific threshold requiring
the employment of an additional pilot to ensure continued safety of navigation without compromising
acceptable working conditions
• the increase in the frequency of days with temperatures or humidity levels above an identified
threshold now justifies investment in air conditioning or similar for port offices or for certain types of
storage facilities
• the existing adaptive capacity for the asset or operation in question will soon be exceeded

Step 4.2 Use the Portfolio of Measures

4.2.1 Collate Information to Inform the Selection of Measures

In identifying measures to be included on the adaptation pathway for a particular critical asset, operation
or system (or grouping thereof), reference should be made to:

• the nature of the hazard and its anticipated impact(s) (Step 3.6)
• relevant design or operational thresholds (Step 3.3.1)
• the nature, extent and significance of residual uncertainty in key climate parameters or processes
(Steps 2.4) and the associated risk of maladaptation (Step 4.1.1)
• the amount of existing adaptive capacity or redundancy (Step 3.3.4)
• the asset’s residual life or condition (Step 1.6.2)
• the planning horizon (Step 1.5.2)
• risk tolerance or the acceptable levels of risk (Step 3.3.2).

When these factors are all considered, a single solution may be available and acceptable in terms of
the residual risk. More often, however, it will be preferable to develop a pathway of measures starting
with temporary or interim actions that reduce risks whilst data are gathered, and confidence improves
to identify the most potentially suitable longer-term options.

4.2.2 Prepare to Use the Portfolio of Measures

Table 19 supplemented by the impact-specific portfolio of measures, available in Annexes 4A to 4P, list
a wide range of measures for adapting or strengthening the resilience of waterborne transport

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Prioritise maintenance to maximise operational resilience and Undertake climate change risk assessment, prepare risk maps Prepare strategic level climate change adaptation strategies
improve adaptive capacity
Prepare and raise awareness of contingency, emergency or Review and revise relevant codes of practice, standards,
Install real-time monitoring infrastructure disaster response plans specifications or guidelines to accommodate changing conditions
Use Cloud (back-up) for data storage to reduce physical risks Introduce and regularly review warning systems Review health and safety requirements and revise if needed
to systems
Prioritise asset inspection Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards
Relocate vulnerable assets and equipment out of high-risk
areas Educate workforce, stakeholders, local communities Require zoning of assets, operations or activities based on risk

Revert to phased array for radar Liaise and coordinate with utilities and other service providers; Use local regulations (e.g. byelaws) to reduce risks, especially in
develop information-sharing protocols multi-use locations
Invest in redundancy, temporary infrastructure or other
physical back-up provision for critical assets (including power Improve (or instigate) monitoring, record keeping and data Policies to encourage relocation out of high-risk areas
and water supply) management, consider cybersecurity issues
Collaborate with land-use planning systems e.g. to introduce set
Reinforce, raise, strengthen or otherwise protect or modify Undertake trend analysis or forecasting back or buffer areas
critical assets Develop revised operational protocols; modify working Limit new infrastructure development in high-risk areas
Install or develop new, responsive or demountable practices as conditions change
Identify, secure and coordinate alternative transport routes or
infrastructure or equipment Introduce and implement adaptive management procedures, modes
Install warning equipment base operations or working arrangements on monitoring outputs
Promote reduced insurance premiums if improved resilience is
Nominate or provide physical sanctuaries Allow for flexibility and responsiveness in programming demonstrated
(increase operational hours, modify staffing rotas, vessel
Increase storage capacity scheduling, lock operation, etc.) Set up contingency or disaster response fund

Install multi-modal equipment Revert to traditional, low tech, ways of operating; ensure Introduce and enforce build-back-better or build-out-of-harm’s-
binoculars, telephone, paper charts, two-way radios are available way policy
Apply nature-based solutions, Working with Nature, soft
engineering Ensure availability of transport and accommodation for Facilitate diversification in facilities and employment as conditions
personnel during an incident change
Install treatment or reception facilities
Temporarily or permanently restrict activities in high-risk areas Improve legal protection for vulnerable habitats with risk reduction
Incorporate flexibility in new or replacement infrastructure role (e.g. absorbing wave energy, providing erosion protection)
design to allow for modification as conditions change Nominate safe routes and areas, identify diversions
Provide grants or incentives e.g. for development or maintenance
Modify material or equipment selection to accommodate Identify and exploit interconnectivity and intermodal options to of resilient infrastructure
changing conditions maintain business continuity during events
Research and develop novel tools and methods
Invest in SMART technology Provide training on new tools, codes of practice, procedures or
protocols, ensure importance of redundancy is understood
Facilitate technology transfer

Table 19: Generic measures for strengthening resilience or adapting assets, operations or systems

In line with the IPCC AR5 report [IPCC, 2013], the measures in Table 19 and in the Annexes have been
categorised according to whether they are:
• Physical – including structural, engineered, technological, systems and service-based
interventions. This category of measures covers hard and soft engineering measures, nature-based
solutions, maintenance activities and new products
• Social – people-based, including operational, management, educational, information-related and
behavioural measures. Awareness-raising, training, early warning, incident response, contingency
planning, operational modifications and data collection are examples from this category
• Institutional – including governance, economics, law, regulation, policies and programmes. This
category covers legal and financial incentives and penalties, mapping and zoning, spatial planning
and the role of design or building standards
Social and institutional measures are especially important in preparing for the challenges that climate
change will inevitably bring. Depending on the nature of the risks identified in Stage 3, changes in
operations, management, maintenance or behaviour might be more cost-effective than a structural or
technological solution, at least in the short to medium term. Institutional changes, for example in policy
or financing, might similarly form part of a long-term solution.
Box 22 provides a practical example of the importance of considering social (operational) and
institutional measures. In 11 out of 12 cases where a climate risk vulnerability assessment tool was
applied by Transport Canada, it was determined that the resilience of existing infrastructure could be
strengthened without the need for capital-intensive engineering interventions.
On the other hand, sometimes physical/structural measures are the only solution. Box 23 provides an
example from Belgium of where a structural intervention was deemed necessary.

Transport Canada’s experience in assessing climate risks using the PIEVC Protocol (https://pievc.ca/assessments)
introduced in Box 13 highlights the importance of taking an open-minded approach and ensuring that a range of interested
stakeholders is represented in the risk assessment process (e.g. operations, management, technical and environmental
teams). Such engagement was shown to contribute significantly to a successful outcome, not least because the preferred
actions often related to optimising the asset’s maintenance and capital planning. Typical recommended measures
included policy updating, initiating instrumentation and monitoring, making operational changes, and undertaking
engagement activities. These types of activity deliver adaptation and strengthen resilience without requiring major

In an evaluation of 12 climate risk assessments undertaken using the PIEVC protocol for surface and air transportation
infrastructure, only one assessment (for an ice road in the Northwest Territories) required a capital-intensive engineering
solution. The others showed that the desired level of resilience could be achieved through updating relevant policies,
instigating studies and instrumentation, improved monitoring and management, or various operational measures.

Box 22: Example of the value of operational and institutional measures to improve resilience, Canada

Climate change is expected to cause more frequent and longer periods of drought in Belgium. The associated lower
water levels will compromise the viability of the strategically important Albert Canal, reducing the available draft for inland
navigation and making waterborne transport less attractive for the movement of goods.

To avoid future economic damage, the Flemish administration of Mobility and Public Works engaged with stakeholders
to investigate potential solutions (Case Study 14). A series of preparatory projects led to the decision to pursue a
structural intervention. A low water strategy was first developed for the canal. This was based on an inventory of water
uses, ideas from stakeholders on how to reduce water use (i.e. behavioural measures), modelling, and discussions at
stakeholder workshops.

The final outcome was a decision to install three of the largest Archimedes’ screws in Europe, each 28 m long, 4.3 m
wide and weighing 85 tonnes, in each of the six locks on the Canal. During drought periods, these screws will pump up
to 15 m3/s of water upstream of the lock. At other times, the screws will be used as a hydropower plant and the pumps
will be used to generate electricity. The screws’ design allows fish migration to protect biodiversity.

Box 23: Example of a structural solution to improving resilience, Belgium

4.2.3 Use the Portfolio to Identify a List of Measures for Screening

Measures in the portfolio (Annex 4) are listed according to the nature of the anticipated impact on the
critical asset, operation or system as follows4:

• rainfall-related or groundwater flooding (see Annex 4A)

• flooding due to overtopping (see Annex 4B)
• high in-channel river flow velocities or changes in sea state (see Annex 4C)
• low flow or drought (see Annex 4D)
• changes in sediment or debris regime (see Annex 4E)
• bed or bank erosion (see Annex 4F)
• reduced visibility (see Annex 4G)
• change in wind characteristics (see Annex 4H)
• extreme cold, ice or icing (see Annex 4I)
• extreme heat (see Annex 4J)
• changes in ocean water acidity (see Annex 4K)
• changes in salinity or salt water intrusion (see Annex 4L)
• changes in vegetation growth (see Annex 4M)
• changes in species migration or range (see Annex 4N)
• changes in native species survivability or growth rate (see Annex 4O)
• introduction or spread of invasive, non-native species (see Annex 4P)
Reference should be made to the table(s) in Annex 4 that correspond to the impact(s) identified in the
Stage 3 vulnerability or risk assessment.

For each impact affecting a particular critical asset, operation or system (or grouping thereof), potentially
suitable short-term or interim, medium-term and long-term measures should be highlighted as

Before accessing the impact-specific tables, be aware that the portfolio of measures is not
intended to be a comprehensive list of possible solutions. Rather it is intended as a source of
ideas and inspiration to supplement local knowledge and experience. It aims to encourage those
developing adaptation pathways to consider emerging technologies, soft engineering or nature-based
solutions, changes in operations or maintenance practices, hybrid options, or policy interventions,
alongside more conventional structural solutions.

When reviewing the measures in the portfolio to identify a list of measures to be screened for their
suitability, the following points should also be noted:

• Not all climate change adaptation requires the port or waterway to engage consultants or undertake
expensive retrofitting programmes. There can be some very simple and cheap options, including
prioritising maintenance to maximise operational resilience, developing extreme weather warning
systems and putting contingency plans in place, modifying working practices, or awareness raising.
• There may not be a single solution. Climate change adaptation measures are typically explored
simultaneously or implemented in-combination. Developing a phased adaptation pathway, possibly
including measures from each category (i.e. physical, social and institutional) may be the most
effective approach (Step 4.5).

4 In addition to the direct physical impacts highlighted above, a port or waterway may also experience indirect, economic effects
as a result of climate change, for example associated with changes in agricultural production, manufacturing, tourism, etc. As
noted in the introduction, the stepwise methodology set out in this guidance document can equally well be used to identify and
assess the adaptation responses needed to address such changes.

• Climate change adaptation or resilience strengthening is often an incremental process, addressing
immediate concerns whilst retaining flexibility to respond appropriately if future requirements vary
as the climate changes. In some cases, however, adaptation has to involve transformative or
disruptive change. For example, increases in flooding frequency or erosion rates may make
continued cost-effective operation untenable, such that (part of) a port may have to close or re-
locate, or the increased incidence of drought or low water levels may force a change to smaller,
shallow draft vessels if waterborne transport is to remain viable.
• No or low-regret measures provide benefits under any foreseeable climate scenario including
present day climate. Such interventions are useful irrespective of how climate parameters and
processes change over time.
• Climate change is likely to drive collaboration in the interests of economic efficiency or to achieve
cost savings. Win-win measures that provide co-benefits to other organisations may offer the
possibility of sharing implementation costs, so should be explored. The pilot project Spadenlander
Busch/Kreetsand from Germany (Box 24) provides a good example of a win-win solution.
Organising a workshop with key stakeholders to discuss opportunities for collaboration could
provide a useful means of identifying such measures.
• Adaptation measures might be implemented at a system or strategic level, or at the scale of the site,
project, asset or operation. Measures might be grouped, or they might be implemented individually.
• Retrofitting existing infrastructure is listed in the tables as a generic option requiring a site- or asset-
specific investigation into potentially feasible engineering designs. Figure 12 (from Howe and Cox,
2018) provides some examples of different upgrading approaches for retrofitting a breakwater or
seawall but each type of asset will have different retrofitting possibilities.
• Nature-based solutions can enable a port or waterway to capitalise on nature’s resilience. They may
also represent a cost-effective solution. For example, some habitats provide important ecosystem
services such as storm surge attenuation as was described in Box 5.
• Climate change is already driving innovation; future changes in the technical or economic feasibility
of options for adaptation may need to be anticipated. Non-conventional or innovative solutions can
be the best ones: it is important to take account of local conditions and think ‘outside the box’ taking
note of the particular characteristics of the specific port or waterway.

The Port of Hamburg, on the Elbe estuary in northern Germany, is subject to a high amount of sedimentation due
to tidal asymmetry, which results in the transport of sediments to the upper estuary and port area on the flood tide.
As a consequence, there are high costs for maintenance dredging. Climate change is expected to exacerbate this
'tidal pumping' effect. Furthermore, high flood water levels in conjunction with storm surges can negatively affect port

In 2012, the Hamburg Port Authority set up the pilot project ‘Spadenlander Busch/Kreetsand’ using river engineering
measures to reduce tidal range and to create space for water storage. The project will transform former dyke foreland
into 30 hectares of shallow tidal waters. Besides modifying tidal action, valuable habitats are being created and an
information centre and pathways along the dyke will allow residents and visitors to enjoy the site and enhance their
understanding of the tidal system.

The IPCC scenarios and the regional climate change scenarios developed by the German Federal Ministry of
Transport’s research programme ‘KLIWAS’ (Impacts of climate change on waterways and navigation) were used to
inform the hydro-morphological numerical modelling and for the design. The planning process also involved a broad
range of stakeholders including environmental organisations, local administrations, and residents.

In 2020, when the river engineering works proposed under the pilot project will be completed, monitoring of hydro-
morphological and ecological parameters will be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the works against the aim
of reducing the sediment transport, modifying the tidal range, and meeting the objectives of the European Flora and
Habitats Directive. [Meine, Gutbrod, 2010; BAW, 2012]

Box 24: Example of a win-win measure providing co-benefits to stakeholders, Germany

Figure 12: Retrofitting options for a breakwater or seawall

Reference to the portfolio of measures and other available references (e.g. the Guidebooks described
in Box 25 for strengthening the resilience of inland or maritime navigation in Europe, or the Australian
climate change adaptation guidelines for ports [Scott et al., 2013]) should be supplemented by local
knowledge and experience to facilitate the preparation of an initial list of possible measures to manage
each climate change impact.
This initial list of measures will provide the starting point for the screening exercise in Step 4.3.

The European MOWE-IT project assessed mitigation strategies to deal with extreme weather-related vulnerabilities
across a range of transport modes including waterborne (Case Study 15). These strategies included short term options
for dealing with disruption (including cross modal cooperation with less affected modes) as well as longer-term solutions.

Several guidebooks were prepared to help operators. For inland waterways, a Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience in
European Inland Waterway Transport in Extreme Weather Events and for maritime transport a Guidebook for Enhancing
Resilience of European Maritime Transport in Extreme Weather Events, were both published in 2014.

For inland navigation, the guidebook emphasises the vital importance of maintenance, and the crucial role of monitoring.
Concepts such as ‘fairway in a fairway’ (informed by up to date or real time online information) are also highlighted. In
the medium to term options to optimise, lengthen, shorten, raise or lower structural elements, whilst at the same time
minimising river bed degradation, are acknowledged. A shift to more customer-oriented waterway management, the
development and use of River Information Services, and the implementation of new information and communication
technologies (e.g. improved weather forecasting and monitoring) are also proposed, along with measures to adapt and
modernise the inland waterways fleet and associated port infrastructure-related modifications to accommodate the
modernised fleet.

Box 25: EU Guidebooks for strengthening the resilience of European Inland and Maritime Navigation, Europe

Step 4.3 Screen List of Possible Measures to Derive Options

4.3.1 Agree Screening Methodology and Criteria

The next step is to screen the measures selected for each impact against locally applicable criteria.
Screening aims to reject or eliminate any measures that prove unsuitable and to identify measures or
combinations of measures (i.e. options) that are preferred or require more detailed evaluation.

When developing the screening criteria, reference should be made to the objectives developed in Step
1.5.3, and to the priorities defined in Step 3.3.7. Relevant internal and external stakeholders should be
involved in the process.

Table 20 identifies possible screening criteria. These criteria are illustrative rather than definitive. They
should be reviewed and modified as appropriate. For example they might be made more locally-specific,
additional criteria may be added, or weighting factors applied.

Table 20 also provides some ideas on how the screening exercise conclusions might be presented using
colour-coding. A symbol-based representation or a scoring system could similarly be employed. Either
way, the main objectives are to eliminate measures that would prove unacceptable or not feasible and
to identify measures or combinations of measures worthy of more detailed assessment. The application
of the screening process is explained in Step 4.3.2.

Screening criteria Extent to which the measure meets the criterion, alone or in-
combination with other measures

Compatible with objectives Entirely Mostly Partly Incompatible

Relative cost Inexpensive Moderate Expensive Prohibitive

Technical feasibility Easy Moderate Challenging Not feasible
Level of risk reduction Significant Moderate Negligible None/brings a new risk
Implications for other users or
Positive Neutral Negative Prohibitive
Impacts on physical or natural
Positive Neutral Negative Unacceptable
environment or heritage assets
Maintenance or management
Negligible Acceptable Significant Prohibitive
Risk of maladaptation Low Acceptable Significant Unacceptable
Extent of co-benefits Significant Moderate N/A N/A
Represents a no or low- regret
No-regret Low-regret N/A N/A

Table 20: Indicative criteria for screening adaptation measures

4.3.2 Undertake Screening

Each measure or group of measures for a particular impact should be assessed against each of the
criteria. Qualitative or quantitative information or a combination of both should be used. The completed
screening table will identify measures that best meet the selected criteria and enable a decision to be
made on which options should be taken through to the next step. It will also highlight whether any options
should be rejected outright.

Note, however, that this type of high-level exercise may only determine the current ‘relative’ suitability
of each option. Where several potential measures have been identified, separate tables might need to
be prepared for temporary, short-term or interim options and possible longer-term options.

It is important to remember that climate change adaptation decision-making differs from ‘business as
usual’. Measures should not be rejected at the screening stage simply because they are unfamiliar or
because they are not a conventional solution.

Similarly, some measures that do not currently seem to be technically feasible or economically viable in
the short term may become more relevant in the future as a wider range of responses to climate change
are developed. The screening exercise may therefore need to be reviewed or repeated.

The outcomes of the screening exercise are best illustrated by an example. From the example shown
in Table 21, Options 8 and 10 would likely go forward for a more detailed appraisal. Depending on the
local situation, options 5 and 4 may also be taken forward.

Risk reduction



Impacts on
Options (i.e.

No- or low-

measure or

group of




Table 21: Example of screening outcomes

Even if it is the case that a single option is clearly favoured, a more detailed evaluation may still be
beneficial or even necessary. For example, there may be a regulatory requirement to demonstrate that
alternatives have been considered or to clarify which option is preferred from an economic perspective;
absolute rather than relative values may be needed.

If too many options appear potentially suitable, an initial prioritisation exercise might take place, enabling
the most promising option(s) to be evaluated in detail first with others revisited at a later stage if

The outcome of Step 4.3 is a shortlist of potentially suitable adaptation or resilience options relevant to
the anticipated impacts on the (group of) critical assets, operations or systems. The screening process

and its results can be revisited as necessary as part of an iterative procedure until a conclusion on
suitable options is reached (see Step 4.6.1).

Step 4.4 Evaluate Shortlist of Options

Shortlisted options may need to be subject to a more detailed evaluation for a variety of reasons, for
example if:

 different types of options appear viable or if trade-offs between different adaptation pathways are
 cost considerations, the requirements of financing organisations, or corporate protocols require that
an economic analysis and/or an assessment of alternatives be undertaken, or
 the judgement of an experienced practitioner is not sufficient for other reasons

4.4.1 Available Evaluation Methods

Where the costs and benefits of different options require evaluation, various economic analysis methods
and tools exist. These tools are not mutually exclusive and should be used in combination as appropriate
to the requirements of the evaluation exercise.

Traditional cost benefit analysis (CBA) and cost effectiveness analysis (CEA) do not deal well with
uncertainty so are most useful where the climate change adaptation planning horizon is short (e.g. ten
years or less) and where climate risk probabilities are known and/or sensitivity is small. CBA and CEA
are suitable for application to no or low-regret options but for more complex decisions investments they
should be used in combination with other techniques [Tröltzsch et al., 2016].

Furthermore, techniques like CBA that use a discount rate to discount future cash flows back to their
present value can be associated with an increased risk of maladaptation because less value is placed
on future benefits. As it is often difficult to be sure exactly when the benefits of resilience or adaptation
measures will be realised, other techniques such as sensitivity testing or probabilistic modelling should
also be applied if the adaptation planning horizons extends beyond ten years. This is important if only
to compare the respective outcomes.

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) can be a relatively easy method to apply, including where alternative
options need to be ranked. MCA relies on expert judgement but captures qualitative issues, so it works
well where societal, environmental or similar costs and/or benefits are difficult to quantify. Uncertainties
can also be integrated into the assessment criteria. The screening process presented in Step 4.3.2 is a
form of MCA so the criteria described on Table 20 could be used or refined, or additional criteria could
be added (e.g. relating to phasing, operational benefits, regulatory complexity, ability to be constructed).

Other commonly used methods that might be used to evaluate adaptation options include the following
[Tröltzsch et al., 2016]:

 Iterative risk management: deals with uncertainty by using monitoring and research to support
iterative analysis over the medium to long term in cases where risk thresholds are clear
 Real option analysis, for major capital investments: allows analysis of different climate change
scenarios where economic valuation and climate risk probability information is available
 Robust decision making: a highly computational analysis to identify optimal operational and strategic
options under different climate change scenarios can be applied where uncertainty and risk are both
high (see Box 27)
 Bayesian belief networks: statistical cause and effect models that strengthen understanding of the
relationships between climate risks, and aid examination of the benefits of different adaptation
options and associated trade-offs

Portfolio analysis, scenario planning, cost-utility analysis, options evaluation and copula modelling are
amongst many other potentially appropriate methods [Herbert et al., 2020] forthcoming). However,
where the nature or scale of adaptation investment requires the application of these more complex
methods, the port or waterway organisation may need to seek expert assistance.

4.4.2 Select Method and Evaluate Options

Prior to selecting a method and commencing the evaluation of shortlisted options, the following
questions will require attention:

i. Is it prudent to select a method that allows for comparison of scenarios? In many cases, the
robustness of the evaluation will be improved if options are assessed for their respective risk
reduction achievement, other benefits, costs, etc. under a number of different climate change
scenarios (see Step 2.3.1). The outcomes under each scenario should then be compared. Options
that meet the criteria and deliver benefits irrespective of which climate change scenario is applied
will usually be preferred to those that meet the criteria or are effective only under one scenario.
ii. Is it preferable to prepare separate assessments for short- vs. long-term options? Unless there are
unavoidable interdependencies, or if early-implementation no-regret options are explicitly being
compared to selected long-term targeted solutions rather than being considered as sequential
steps, it may be better to assess the respective costs and benefits of temporary or interim options
separately from the medium to long term options. Decisions on the latter can be deferred until
monitoring has been instigated and/or relevant data collected.
iii. What are the implications of not taking action to strengthen resilience and adapt? Quantified and
where possible, monetised information, will be important in making the business case for
investment. The costs of inaction (i.e. the ‘do nothing’ scenario), which form the baseline for the
evaluation, are derived from the risk assessment outcomes. They include the anticipated costs
associated with future climate change-related disruption, damage or other limitations on
functionality. In addition to the effects of slow onset changes such as increased air and water
temperature and sea level rise, the potential costs and consequences of extreme events should
be included. Step 1.6.3 discussed the importance of monitoring and recording such costs and
Annex 1D provides a template for collecting these data.

The choice of an appropriate evaluation method will also be influenced by the following:

• the importance of rigour and/or transparency, which may favour a quantitative analysis
• the availability of resources and detailed data to be able to quantify effects
• the ease with which various components can be quantified or monetised
• the views and priorities of relevant stakeholders and co-beneficiaries

Box 26 and Box 27 respectively provide an example of cost benefit assessment being used to evaluate
options for retrofitting armoured breakwaters in Australia and illustrate how a cost-effectiveness analysis
was used to inform adaptation decision making at Port of Manzanillo, Mexico. Another example was
provided in Box 16 explained how the risk analysis carried out for the Port of Norfolk Naval Station, USA,
used Bayesian networking to systematically evaluate mission-related risks in a probabilistic manner.

An investigation into the physical and economic feasibility of rubble mound breakwater upgrades to address the threats
posed by sea level rise, explored the physical and economic feasibility of upgrading rock and concrete armoured
breakwaters with reference to case studies representative of typical Australian east coast sites [Harrison and Cox, 2015].

The implications for armour size, which varies with design wave height (and water depth) cubed, were assessed using
two-dimensional wave flume testing of armour stability. This demonstrated that a single layer of larger upgraded armour
stone can be placed on top of a conventional two-layer rock breakwater to provide additional protection against the effects
of sea level rise.

Economic feasibility studies used cost benefit assessment and present value analyses to evaluate different planned
upgrade sequences and determine a cost-effective strategy. This assessment confirmed that breakwater upgrade
decisions are most sensitive to the discount rate which, in this case, influenced whether retrofitting should be undertaken
as a one-off or phased activity.

Box 26: Cost-benefit assessment in the evaluation of retrofitting options for rubble mound breakwaters, Australia

A high-level analysis of the cost effectiveness of measures to deliver adaptation action on priority risks was undertaken
as part of an IDB-funded study into adaptation options for the Port of Manzanillo in Mexico (Case Study 16). The approach
used was aligned with recent literature on the cost effectiveness analysis of climate resilience measures. The
comparative high, medium and low scores provided a relative comparison of the costs and the effectiveness of each
option. These scores were based on expert judgement, the transfer of values from literature where available, and
application of study-specific criteria.

The approach taken in the Port of Manzanillo study enabled the following generic conclusions to be drawn based on the
findings of the cost effectiveness analysis:

 Operational measures tend to be low cost and to have a medium effectiveness at reducing risk.
 Engineered measures are often the most effective at reducing risk. However, they are generally costlier and have
few positive (beneficial) additional consequences.
 Ecosystem-based and hybrid measures have more positive additional consequences, but they are typically not
as effective as engineered measures at reducing risk. They tend to be more complex to implement, and the
evidence base on them is weaker, so there is uncertainty regarding their effectiveness.

Box 27: Cost-effectiveness analysis outcomes of adaptation options at Port of Manzanillo, Mexico

In some cases, levels of uncertainty are such that climate risk assessments need to be updated on a
regular basis to determine whether the changing conditions are leading to a different outcome, or
whether it would be beneficial to apply a more sophisticated evaluation method. This was the case at
Port of Los Angeles (see Box 28), where deep uncertainty about the potential rate and hence
consequences of sea level rise needed to be understood in order to inform investment decision making
on infrastructure upgrading.

RAND Corporation worked with the Port of Los Angeles to develop a model that evaluates the potential of large impacts
from sea level rise and whether it is cost-effective to invest in infrastructure upgrades at unscheduled intervals. The
decision-making tool addressed the strengthening of breakwater, wharves, buildings, and equipment; elevation of
breakwater, wharves, buildings, roads, and rails; increasing channel dredging, and relocating chemical storage areas in
the light of predictions of sea level rise for the west coast of California. [Lempert et al., 2012]

Further to the 2012 analysis and recognising that climate risk assessments must be reassessed periodically, the Port of
Los Angeles built upon the RAND project and prepared an additional study assessing sea level rise risks and impacts.
This subsequent study explored the characterisation of deeply uncertain climate change projections to support adaptation
decision making by applying robust decision-making analysis. A 2018 report deals with various issues surrounding
potential future changes in low probability, but large impact flooding events associated with changes in sea-levels and
storm surges. Two specific investment decisions are addressed: (1) under what future conditions would a Port of Los
Angeles decision to harden its facilities against extreme flood scenarios at the next upgrade pass a cost-benefit test, and
(2) do sea-level rise projections and other information suggest such conditions are sufficiently likely to justify such an
investment? Robust decision-making methods are also compared to and contrasted with a full probabilistic analysis.
[Sriver et al., 2018]

Box 28: Accommodating deeply uncertain climate change projections to evaluate the costs and benefits of
infrastructure upgrading at Port of Los Angeles, USA

For the user of this guidance, applying the evaluation method selected in Step 4.4 will confirm which
options are best suited to address the impacts on critical assets, operations and systems.

Step 4.5 Develop Adaptation Pathways

When planning for climate change adaptation, a ‘pathway’ is preferred to a fixed ‘programme’. This is
because residual uncertainties make it difficult or impossible to know exactly when a particular
intervention may need to be triggered or a new measure introduced.

Developing an adaptation pathway for each anticipated impact on a critical asset, operation or system
(or grouping of these) enables the port or waterway to accommodate uncertainty by highlighting the
measures likely to be required but without fixing a date for their implementation.

Amongst the different options identified in Step 4.4 as being potentially suitable, some may be relatively
simple and cheap to implement. These measures, described as the ‘low hanging fruit’, are often amongst
the first steps on the adaptation pathway. In many cases they are no-regret measures, and some may
yield other benefits in addition to those associated with climate change.

The initial measures, modifications or other interventions on the pathway can be implemented with
confidence, while the timing (and sometimes even the nature) of future options is kept open. This
flexibility can be crucial in avoiding maladaptation.

For longer-term interventions, instead of setting a deadline in terms of months or years, monitoring
outcomes or other meteorological, hydrographic or oceanographic observations act as an early-warning
system or confirm when a critical threshold is being approached (see Steps 1.6.2 and 2.2.1). For
example, if an asset becomes vulnerable when mean sea level has risen by 0.50 m, a trigger level of
0.48 m of sea level rise may provide sufficient notice to begin implementing relevant adaptation

Monitoring can also support short-term forecasts, triggering emergency and other rapid adaptation

Table 22 illustrates how groups of suitable measures might be developed into an adaptation pathway.
Adaptation pathways should be prepared in collaboration with stakeholders if appropriate.

Impact Measure Conditions triggering action

Sea level rise leading to 1 Prepare contingency plan for Immediate (no regret)
increasingly frequent alternative berthing arrangements
flooding of one of two
general cargo berthing 2 Instigate monitoring of asset condition Funding is secured
and loading areas in the 3 Decision on retrofit of elevated quay Monitoring of local sea level rise rates or
port superstructure vs. replacement asset asset deterioration or both, indicate the
acceptable threshold will be exceeded within
three years

Increased frequency of 1 Develop and implement community Immediate (no regret)

extreme wave and wind engagement programme on role of
conditions exacerbating mangroves as buffer; lobby for
erosion of the mangrove strengthened legal protection of
swamp that provides the remaining vegetated shorelines
port with natural
protection from storms 2 Instigate research and trials into Funding is secured
appropriate mangrove planting and
breakwater construction techniques
3 Design and implement mangrove Research outcomes are available; funding is
planting strategy secured
4 Design and construct new breakwater Monitoring of changes in wind and wave
(e.g. using brushwood or dredged conditions, erosion rates and/or the
material filled geo-tubes) sufficiency of the area of mangrove
successfully re-established indicate that
action will be needed within two years

Accumulation of debris in 1 Improve maintenance of existing Immediate (no regret)

harbour following drainage system, trash screens,
extreme rainfall events culverts, etc.

2 Raise awareness with local people to Immediate (no regret)
reduce dumping of trash in upstream
3 Upgrade existing drainage system Monitoring of rainfall totals and system
performance indicates that, even with
enhanced maintenance, existing capacity is
4 Investigate use, costs and benefits of Land use monitoring shows community
temporary booms or debris removal engagement action is ineffective and/or
equipment residual risk from debris remains

Excessive weed growth 1 Increase frequency of cutting and Immediate

associated with clearance to reduce risks to
increased water navigational safety
temperature is
compromising 2 Research into biological or nature- Funding is secured
navigational safety based weed control options
3 Invest in a higher capacity cutting Water temperature and vegetation growth
machine [only if research concludes rates approach the critical threshold
biological control is impractical] indicating that current cutting capacity close
to being exceeded

Table 22: Examples of phased measures in adaptation pathways

Prior to finalising the steps on an adaptation pathway the results should go through a rigorous logic
check to ensure that:

• all the adaptation objectives are met including criteria relating to the acceptable level of residual risk
• there is no internal incompatibility within or across pathways, and
• any internal and external interdependencies between port and third-party infrastructure, operations
and systems have been addressed

Step 4.6 Prepare Adaptation Strategy

An adaptation plan or strategy summarises the assessment process and explains what is proposed
going forward. Background information and the assessments carried out in Stages 1 (context and
objectives), 2 (climate change projections and the scenarios used) and 3 (vulnerability and/or risk
assessment) will be included or appended for transparency, along with the outcomes of the options’
screening and/or evaluation process.
Importantly, the strategy will describe the measures to be implemented, according to the adaptation
pathways identified in Step 4.5 for each critical asset, operation or system likely to be impacted by
climate change.
The strategy will set implementation priorities where these are needed. It will also confirm roles and
responsibilities where other stakeholders are also involved.

4.6.1 Agree Priorities

If funding or other constraints mean that not all the identified measures can be implemented immediately
and choices have to be made, the organisation may have a prescribed process for determining priorities.
If there is no prescribed method, the following steps should be worked through in collaboration with
relevant stakeholders, until agreement has been reached on a prioritised and affordable set of
• Revisit Step 1.2.2 to establish whether the criticality assessment indicates which assets, operations
or systems should take precedence

• Revisit the outcomes of the vulnerability or risk assessment (Steps 3.3.6 or 3.7) to confirm whether
certain risks need to be addressed as a priority
• Revisit the selection of options (Step 4.2.3 and portfolio of measures (Annex 4)) to establish whether
alternative less costly, no regret or win-win options exist or whether temporary measures can be
implemented whilst resources are secured
• Modify the assessment or evaluation criteria, for example by applying weightings, and repeat Step
Where urgent action is required to deal with an imminent threat, measures should be identified in the
strategy as being high priority for implementation as soon as resources are available. An example of
such prioritisation is highlighted in the Long Beach case study summarised in Box 29.

In addition to identifying near-term solutions for protecting the Port’s most vulnerable areas, the Climate Adaptation and
Coastal Resiliency Plan developed by the Port of Long Beach, California, USA (Case Study 2) recommended a suite
of potential adaptation strategies intended to help the port maintain business continuity across its infrastructure and
operations into the next century. A collaborative process was used to select a subset of these strategies for further
refinement, and five strategies were prioritised and developed into detailed studies or concept designs.

Two of these prioritised strategies were linked to governance issues (incorporating climate change impacts into port
policies, plans and guidelines; and a specific action to add sea level rise analysis to the Harbor Development Permitting
Process). A third priority involved a study of the combined impacts of riverine and coastal flooding on Piers A and B; and
two more addressed physical infrastructure vulnerabilities: improving shoreline protection and substation protection at
Pier S.

Box 29: Prioritisation of adaptation action by Port of Long Beach, USA

In situations where adaptation resources have already been secured, a precautionary approach of early
implementation may be justified, for example if:

• there is doubt about whether funding will still be available when it is needed in the future (i.e. the
currently allocated resources might be used for other purposes in the meantime)
• the option will improve adaptive capacity, reducing the risk to the asset or operation in the event of
extreme weather conditions, and possibly enabling significant expenditure to be reduced or deferred
• no or low-regret, or win-win adaptation measures will deliver other benefits in the meantime (e.g.
enhancing marsh or mangrove habitats may have been identified as a medium-term option for wave
attenuation as sea levels rise, but in the meantime, will provide additional fish nursery habitat,
supporting local subsistence fishing activity).

4.6.2 Prepare and Consult on Adaptation Strategy

If relevant stakeholders and co-beneficiaries have been fully-engaged in the decisions about when and
how to adapt, the format of the strategy can be agreed amongst those involved in the implementation
process. It is nonetheless important that a strategy incorporates SMART goals and objectives (Step
1.5.3) and that it is a living document subject to frequent review and updating.

If third parties are involved in or could be affected by the proposed strategy, a draft should be made
available for comment by interested organisations. The concerns and suggestions of respondents
should be accommodated as far as practicable before the final adaptation strategy is agreed and signed

Box 30 gives an example from the Port of Rotterdam where the port worked with stakeholders in a
staged approach to develop measures from the final adaptation strategy.

In this pilot study of flood risk adaptation measures for the Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam (Case Study 1), a broad
inventory was made of possible measures and a hierarchical approach to their assessment was adopted. The aim was
to start from a broad overview to select favourable measures that contributed to the drawing up of a promising adaptation

The inventory was carried out on the basis of expert judgment and drawing on previous studies. The most promising
measures were then selected through a process involving several steps.

Step 1 – Based on literature research and expert judgment, possible measures to control flood risks in the Botlek area
were inventoried. This first selection was carried out by experts on the basis of reality and feasibility.

Step 2 – In dialogue with stakeholders, the measures were divided into possible adaptation strategies based on
prevention, spatial planning or emergency response. The costs and benefits of these measures were then estimated.
The measures with the least favourable cost-benefit ratio dropped out in this step.

Step 3 – The possible adaptation strategies were subsequently assessed for effectiveness, feasibility and time/flexibility,
leading to a recommendation for the Botlek area in which measures from various possible adaptation strategies were

Box 30: Working with stakeholders to develop an adaptation strategy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Step 4.7 Implement Adaptation Strategy

With a strategy agreed, the next step is implementation. Activity during the implementation phase is
directly related to the type of adaptation measure. Simple adaptation measures – for example
behavioural changes – might be implemented quickly with relatively little financial resource. More
complicated adaptation measures, particularly those with many interrelated elements, may need
significant planning and preparation, require considerable resources, and take a number of years to

Whilst the scale and complexity of the activity will therefore differ, typical steps associated with
implementation might involve some or all of the following:

• set up a project team(s)

• engage other interested and influencing stakeholders
• educate and build capacity
• secure funding
• prepare, develop, plan, design, taking note of the discussion on residual risk in Step 3.3.2 and on
the need for innovative approaches and flexibility in design, etc. to reduce vulnerability (Step 4.1)
• obtain permissions or consents
• construct, launch and implement
• monitor, review and revise

4.7.1 Set-up Monitoring Programmes

Whenever an adaptation measure or group of measures is implemented, monitoring of its performance

is essential, both to ensure maladaptation is avoided and to inform decisions on future actions along the
adaptation pathway. Understanding how effectively a particular measure or combination of measures is
performing in terms of both the risks identified (Steps 3.3.6 or 3.7) and trends in key variables or climate
drivers (Step 2.4.1) will ensure measures can be revised or supplemented as necessary.

Monitoring should reflect the objectives or targets of the intervention (Step 4.5), with metrics or indicators
(i.e. what is to be monitored) agreed accordingly. Monitoring results should be quantified as far as
possible, for example by recording:

• the frequency of adverse effects such as overtopping or inundation

• the exceedance of operational thresholds, for example relating to berthing or loading
• economic losses due to delay or downtime
• maintenance costs
• damage repair or replacement costs
• safety target failures

When monitoring identifies that thresholds are being exceeded too frequently or that costs have
increased to an unacceptable level, a decision can be made on whether to change the adaptation
response or trigger the next phase of investment on the adaptation pathway.

Co-beneficiaries or other stakeholders should be involved in discussions about how performance is to

be measured (i.e. where, when, how and by whom) and how ‘success’ is to be defined. If these co-
beneficiaries or stakeholder organisations will be undertaking some of the monitoring themselves, roles
and responsibilities should be agreed early to make sure nothing important is overlooked.

4.7.2 Promote Research and Technical Studies

In addition to monitoring activities, research and additional technical studies can provide information to
help reduce uncertainty in order to support and inform implementation. Numerical modelling of physical
processes, for example, can provide a detailed understanding of how vulnerable a particular asset is to
climate change, enabling expenditure to be programmed appropriately. However, the costs of such
investigations can be significant. Their ‘value’ in terms of monetary savings or reducing uncertainty
therefore needs to be balanced against the expected benefits both in the short and long term. For
example, if an existing asset is unlikely to be impacted for ten years, this type of investigation might be
deferred until a future date.

4.7.3 Engage the Local Community

Public engagement and support may be desirable, or indeed necessary, for the successful
implementation of an adaptation strategy. Some measures might require a change in the behaviour of
the local community (e.g. stopping the disposal of garbage in watercourses or riparian areas). Others
may rely on the assistance of local community groups such as fishermen or conservation organisations
(e.g. the planting of mangroves to improve the natural buffer against flooding, or the monitoring and
recording of local weather and hydro-meteorological conditions). Local populations may also need to be
made aware of relevant components of disaster response or emergency plans, including how and when
they should act.

In all cases, effective engagement and communication is essential to reduce misconceptions and
misunderstandings about the effects of climate change and the measures needed to address its

Outcomes of Stage 4

For those working through the climate change adaptation planning process, completion of the following steps culminates
in an agreed strategy for implementation:

 the management of uncertainties and the role of adaptation pathways are understood (Step 4.1)
 reference to the portfolio of measures has identified a list of potentially applicable short- or long-term adaptation
and resilience options (Step 4.2)
 options have been screened against a set of agreed criteria and, if relevant, evaluated using an appropriate
methodology (Steps 4.3 and 4.4)
 an adaptation strategy, setting out prioritised adaptation pathways for strengthening resilience and adapting critical
assets, operations and systems, has been prepared and agreed with key stakeholders (Steps 4.5 and 4.6)
 a way forward on implementation, including further monitoring or research and stakeholder engagement where
needed, has been determined (Step 4.7).


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Available: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/.

STAGE 1 Context and Objectives

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• PIANC InCom Permanent Working Group 125 (2018a): “Guidelines and Recommendations for
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• World Economic Forum (2019): “The Global Risks Report 2019”, 14th Edition, World Economic
Forum Geneva, ISBN: 978-1-944835-15-6.

Further Information

• European Financing Institutions Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change, EUFIWACC

(May 2016): “Integrating Climate Change Information and Adaptation in Project Development –
Emerging Experience from Practitioners”, Working Group consisting of consists of the Agence
Française de Développement (AFD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), the
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), the European Commission’s
Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), the European Investment Bank (EIB), KfW
Development Bank (KFW), and the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), [Online], Available:
• ThinkHazard! World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, [Online],
Available: http://thinkhazard.org/en/.

STAGE 2 Climate Information

• Cheng, H-Y., Huan-Meng Chang, Hwa Chien (2017): “Development and Application of Miniature
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and Environments, Penghu, Taiwan.
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University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
• De Marinis, G. and Tomasicchio, G.R. (2017): “Investigation on the Damage to the Offshore
Breakwater at Bocca Di Lido in Venice during the Sea Storm of 31 October 2012”, Confidential
report for Consorzio Venezia Nuova.
• EASAC (March 2018): “Extreme Weather Events in Europe”, European Academies’ Science
Advisory Council Statement.
• EEA (2019): “Global and European temperature”, Indicator Assessment, European Environment
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M. (2017): “How to Carry out Bathymetric and Elevation Surveys on a Tight Budget: Basic Surveying
Techniques for Sustainability Scientists”, International Journal on Sustainable Future for Human
Security Vol. 5, No. 2.
• EurOtop (2018): “Manual on Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures”, an
overtopping manual largely based on European research, but for worldwide application. Van der
Meer, J.W., Allsop, N.W.H., Bruce, T., De Rouck, J., Kortenhaus, A., Pullen, T., Schüttrumpf, H.,
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• Herbert, L., Brooke, J. and Altamirano, M.A. (2020, forthcoming): “Dealing with Climate Change
Uncertainties in Option Selection, Design and Investment for Resilient Waterborne Transport
Infrastructure”, PIANC Discussion Paper.
• Hinkel, J., Jaeger, C., Nicholls, R.J., Lowe, J., Ortwin, O and Peijun, S. (2015): “Sea-Level Rise
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Fronzek, S., Harrison, P.A., Honda, Y., Janes, V., Kovats, S., Lafond, V., Lobanova, A., Sloth
Madsen, M., Mokrech, M., Nunez, S., Pedde, S., Sandars, D., Savin, C. and Wimmer, F. (2017):

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• IPCC (2007): “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report”, Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III
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on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, pp. 3.
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Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects”, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., Barros, V.R.,
Dokken, D.J., Mach, K.J., Mastrandrea, M.D., Bilir, T.E., Chatterjee, M., Ebi, K.L., Estrada, Y.O.,
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L.L. (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp.
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Mentaschi, L., Nikolaou, A., Nuse, L., Phillips, W., Smith, D.A.Y., Satoh, M., O’Donnell Trotz, U.,
Velegrakis, A.F., Voukouvalas, E., Voudoukas, M.I. and Witkop, R. (2018): “Climate Change
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• PIANC EnviCom Task Group 3 – Climate Change and Navigation (2008, update forthcoming):
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Responses and Mitigation”.
• UNCTAD (2017a): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), SAINT LUCIA: A Case
Study”, UNDA project 14150.
• UNCTAD (2017b): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
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Study, UNDA project 14150.
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Drifters Array for Nearshore Current Mapping in Coastal Groin Effect Basins”, The 12th International
Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering Hydro-Science & Engineering for Environmental
Resilience, pp: 373-377.

Further Information

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Century Regional Sea-Level Changes”, In: Climatic Change 124: 317, [Online], Available:
• UNCTAD (September 2011): “Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation:
A Challenge for Global Ports”, Geneva, Palais des Nations, 29-30 September 2011, Information
note by the UNCTAD secretariat UNCTAD/DTL/TLB/2011/2, [Online], Available:
• UNECE (2014): “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for International Transport Networks”,
[Online], Available:
• UNFCC (2015): “”Adoption of the Paris Agreement, 21st Conference of the Parties, Paris”, United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
• World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal, [Online], Availble:
• World Meteorological Organization (WMO), [Online], Available:
• WMO Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation (the CIMP Guide), [Online],
Available: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/CIMO-Guide.html.

STAGE 3 Vulnerabilities and Risks

• ABP (2016): “Climate Change Adaptation Report 2016 update”, Associated British Ports, [Online],
Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/climate-adaptation-reporting-second-
• Cardona, O.D., van Aalst, M.K., Birkmann, J., Fordham, M., McGregor, G., Perez, R., Pulwarty,
R.S., Schipper, E.L.F. and Sinh, B.T. (2012): “Determinants of Risk: Exposure and Vulnerability”,
In: “Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation”
[Field, C.B., Barros, V., Stocker, T.F, Qin, D., Dokken, D.J., Ebi, K.L., Mastrandrea, M.D., Mach,
K.J., Plattner, G.-K., Allen, S.K., Tignor, M. and Midgley, P.M. (eds.)]: “A Special Report of Working
Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)”, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, pp. 65-108).

• Directorate-General Climate Action, European Commission (2011): “Non-Paper – Guidelines for
Project Managers: Making Vulnerable Investments Climate Resilient”, [Online], Available:
• Huizinga, J., Moel, H. de, Szewczyk, W. (2017): “Global Flood Depth-Damage Functions.
Methodology and the Database with Guidelines”, EUR 28552 EN. doi: 10.2760/16510.
• ISO 14090 (2019): “Adaptation to Climate Change – Principles, Requirements and Guidelines”,
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
• Monioudi, I.N., Asariotis, R., Becker, A., Bhat, C., Dowding-Gooden, D., Esteban, M., Feyen, L.,
Mentaschi, L., Nikolaou, A., Nuse, L., Phillips, W., Smith, D.A.Y., Satoh, M., O’Donnell Trotz, U.,
Velegrakis, A.F., Voukouvalas, E., Voudoukas, M.I. and Witkop, R. (2018): “Climate Change
Impacts on Critical International Transportation Assets of Caribbean Small Island Developing States
(SIDS): The Case of Jamaica and Saint Lucia”, [Online], Available: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-
018-1360-4; https://rdcu.be/Q1OY.
• PIANC (1979): “Report of the International Study Commission for the Standardisation of Roll On/Roll
Off Ships and Berths 1978”, Brussels, Belgium.
• PIEVC Protocol, [Online], Available: https://pievc.ca/assessments.
• Standards Australia (2013): “AS 5334-2013: Climate Change Adaptation for Settlements and
Infrastructure – A Risk Based Approach”, [Online], Available: https://infostore.saiglobal.com/en-
• UNCTAD (2017): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Climate Risk and
Vulnerability Assessment Framework for Caribbean Coastal Transport Infrastructure”, UNDA project
• UK Committee on Climate Change (2017): “”UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence
Report”, [Online], Available: https://www.theccc.org.uk/tackling-climate-change/preparing-for-
• West, J.M. and Brereton, D (2013): “Climate Change Adaptation in Industry and Business: A
Framework for Best Practice in Financial Risk Assessment, Governance and Disclosure”, National
Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 144 pp.
Further Information

• DEFRA (2011): “Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management: Green Leaves
III”, Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs, London, [Online], Available:
• International Standards Organization – ISO 31000: 2018 Risk Management, [Online], Available:
• Inter-American Development Bank (May 2015): “Climate Change Risk Management Options for the
Transportation Sector”, Inter-American Development Bank, [Online], Available:
• IPCC (2012): “Summary for Policymakers”, In: “Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and
Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation”, [Field, C.B., Barros, V., Stocker, T.F., Qin, D.,
Dokken, D.J., Ebi, K.L., Mastrandrea, M.D., Mach, K.J., Plattner, G.-K., Allen, S.K., Tignor, M. and
Midgley, P.M. (eds.)]: “A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA.
• ITF (2016): “Adapting Transport to Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Implications for
Infrastructure Owners and Network Managers”, ITF Research Reports, OECD Publishing, Paris.
• Kaplan, S. and Garrick, B.J. (1981): “On the Quantitative Definition of Risk”, Risk Analysis 1(1):11-
• Morgan, M.G. and Henrion, M. (1990): “Uncertainty: A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty in
Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis”, Cambridge University Press.
• PIANC EnviCom Working Group 143 (2014): “Initial Assessment of Environmental Effects of
Navigation and Infrastructure Projects”, Brussels, Belgium.
• Snover, A.K., Whitely Binder, L., Lopez, J., Willmott, E., Kay, J., Howell, D. and Simmonds, J.
(2007): “Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional and State Governments”,
in association with and published by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Oakland, CA.

STAGE 4 Adaptation Options

• Adaptationpathways.net (undated). A user’s guide to applied adaptation pathways.

• BAW (December 2012): “Untersuchung des Strombaus und des Sedimentmanagements im
Rahmen des Tideelbekonzepts – Bericht zur Wirkung der Maßnahmen im Bereich Spadenland“,
Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau BAW, BAW Nr. A3955 03 10172-4.
• Greiving, S., Maegdefrau, N. (2018): “Flood Risk Management by Spatial Planning”, In: Greiving,
S., Ubaura, M., Tesliar, J. (ed.): “Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disaster”, International
and comparative perspectives, Policy Press, University of Bristol.
• Harrison, A. and Cox, R. (2015): “Physical and Economic Feasibility of Rubble Mound Breakwater
Upgrades for Sea Level Rise”, Presented to Australian Coasts and Ports Conference, 15-18
September 2015, Pullman Hotel, Auckland.
• Hattermann, F.F., Wortmann, M., Liersch, S., Toumi, R., Sparks, N., Genillard, C., Schroeter, K.,
Steinhausen, M., Gyalai-Korpos, M., Máté, K., Hayes, B., del Rocio Rivas Lopez, M., Rácz, T.,
Nielsen, M.R., Kaspersen, P.S., Drews, M. (2019, forthcoming): “Simulation of Flood Hazard and
Risk in the Danube Basin with the Future Danube Model”, Climate Service, Elsevier.
• Herbert, L., Brooke, J. and Altamirano, M.A. (2020 – forthcoming): “Dealing with Climate Change
Uncertainties in Option Selection, Design and Investment for Resilient Waterborne Transport
Infrastructure, PIANC Discussion Paper.
• Howe, D. and Cox, R. (2018): “Upgrading Breakwaters in Response to Sea Level Rise: Practical
Insights from Physical Modelling”, Presented to ICCE International Conference on Coastal
Engineering Baltimore USA, 30 June-3 August 2018.
• IPCC (2013) Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I
to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F.,
D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M.
Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA,
1535 pp, doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324:http://www.climatechange2013.org/report/full-report
• IPCC (2014): “Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and
Sectoral Aspects”, Contribution to Working Group II of the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., Barros, V.R., Dokken, D.J., Mach, K.J.,
Mastrandrea, M.D., Bilir, T.E., Chatterjee, M., Ebi, K.L., Estrada, Y.O., Genova, R.C., Girma, B.,
Kissel, E.S., Levy, A.N., MacCracken, S., Mastrandrea, P.R. and White, L.L. (eds.)], Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 833-868.
• Lempert, R., Sriver, R.L. and Keller, K. (RAND) (2012): “Characterizing Uncertain Sea Level Rise
Projections to Support Investment Decisions”, California Energy Commission. Publication Number:
CEC-500-2012-056, [Online], Available: https://www.energy.ca.gov/2012publications/CEC-500-
• Meine, M., Gutbrod, B. (2010): “The Sustainable Development of the Tidal River Elbe – Hamburg
Starts with 30 Hectares of New Tidal Area”, In: PIANC Yearbook 2010, Brussels.
• Kopp, Robert E., Horton, Radley M., Little, Christopher M., Mitrovica, Jerry X., Oppenheimer, M.,
Rasmussen, D.J. et al. (2014): “Probabilistic 21st and 22nd Century Sea-Level Projections at a Global
Network of Tide-Gauge Sites”, In: Earth's Future 2 (8), S. 383-406. DOI: 10.1002/2014EF000239.
• Scott, H, McEvoy, D, Chhetri, P, Basic, F and Mullett, J. (2013): “Climate Change Adaptation
Guidelines for Ports. Enhancing the Resilience of Seaports to a Changing Climate Report Series”,
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, 28 pp.
• Sriver, R. L., Lempert, R. J., Wikman-Svahn, P. and Keller, K. (2018): “Characterizing Uncertain
Sea-Level Rise Projections to Support Investment Decisions”, PloS one, 13(2), e0190641.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190641, [Online], Available:
• Tröltzsch, J., Rouillard, J., Tarpey, J., Lago, M., Watkiss, P., Hunt, A. (2016): “The Economics of
Climate Change Adaptation: Insights into Economic Assessment Methods”, ECONADAPT
Deliverable 10.2.
• UNCTAD (2017): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Climate Risk and
Vulnerability Assessment Framework for Caribbean Coastal Transport Infrastructure”, UNDA project

Further Information

• Pulido, D., Darido, G., Munoz-Raskin, R. and Moody, J. (2018): “The Urban Rail Development
Handbook”, Washington, DC: World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO, [Online], Available:
• Quinn, A., Jack, A. Hodgkinson, S., Ferranti, E., Beckford, J. and Dora, J. (2017): “RAIL ADAPT:
Adapting the railway for the future”, International Union of Railways, France and University of
Birmingham, UK.
• Toplis, C., Kidnie, M., Marchese, A., Maruntu, C., Murphy, H., Sebille, R. and Thomson, S. (2015):
“International Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Road Infrastructure”, PIARC Ref.
2015R03. ISBN: 978-2-84060-362-7.

Case Study 1 – Climate Change Adaptation in the Port Of Rotterdam: Botlek Water Safety Pilot Project

Case Study 2 – Port of Long Beach (USA) Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan

Case Study 3 – The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Case Study 4 – Port of London Authority (UK) Climate Change Adaptation Reporting

Case Study 5 – Port of Providence (USA): Stakeholder Resilience Strategy and Vulnerability Assessment
of Maritime Infrastructure

Case Study 6 – Harwich Haven Authority (UK) Climate Adaptation Reporting.

Case Study 7 – Tuvalu Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project

Case Study 8 – Risk Quantification For Sustaining Coastal Military Installation Assets and Mission
Capabilities, Norfolk Naval Base, Usa

Case Study 9 – A Qualitative Climate Risk Assessment for Avatiu Port, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

Case Study 10 – NSW Ports Climate Change Risk Assessment for Two Maritime Ports: Port Botany and
Port Kembla, Australia

Case Study 11 – Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in The Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Case Study 12 – San Pedro Breakwater (Los Angeles, Usa) Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment

Case Study 13 – IFC’s Climate Risk And Ports Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque, Cartagena,

Case Study 14 – Albert Canal (Belgium) : Pumping Installations/Water Power Plant

Case Study 15 – MOWE IT – Management Of Weather Events In The Transport System

Case Study 16 – Port of Manzanillo



How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

The City of Rotterdam recognises that the climate is changing, and Rotterdam will be affected. Rainfall
is already becoming heavier and causing more flooding in the city. As a low-lying delta city, Rotterdam
will have to cope with the effects of an increase in the sea level and with varying river levels. The overall
goal of the Rotterdam Climate Proof Programme is to make the city and port ‘fully’ resilient to climate
change impacts by 2025 and ensure that it remains one of the safest port cities in the world. The
adaptation strategy focuses on flood safety, accessibility for ships and passengers, adaptive building,
the urban water system, and city climate. New port developments including port reconstruction are
designed to be climate-proof and climate change assessments are integrated into the port’s spatial
planning. To allow for dealing with uncertainties, knowledge development is considered an important
pillar of the strategy. (This general adaptation strategy for the city of Rotterdam is however not further
discussed here but can be consulted online5)

The city of Rotterdam is protected by the storm surge barrier Maeslantkering, which makes up the larger
Europoortkering together with Hartelkering and the dyke ring at Rozenburg. These barriers are closed
during high water levels (Amsterdam Ordinance Datum or NAP +3 metres and higher) to protect the
hinterland against floods. Most of the Port of Rotterdam area however located outside these dykes.

The report ‘Advies Deltaprogramma Rijnmond-Drechtsteden’ published in 2014 concluded that a

targeted research needed to be performed to ensure that local residents and companies in the
Rotterdam region are protected against floods in the years ahead. This research was subsequently
conducted in four areas that lie beyond the dykes. They are Dordrecht’s historical port area,
Noordereiland, Merwe-Vierhavens and Botlek. The Botlek area is situated in a section of the port area
that is relatively elevated at around 4.5 metres above sea level and is partly protected by the storm
surge barrier. Botlek was specifically selected for its situation within Rotterdam’s larger port area, its
ensuing economic importance and the presence of vital and vulnerable functions.

The Botlek Water Safety pilot project was undertaken in 2015 and 2016 by the Port of Rotterdam
performed with the aim of examining the consequences of flooding as a result of climate change, in
particular sea level rise.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The specific nature of the Botlek and Vondelingenplaat promotes a true partnership with the
stakeholders in flood risk adaptation. It is an industrial area situated outside the flood defence system,
and as such the companies are responsible for the risks of flooding themselves. At the same time, the
area is of great economic importance. In the extreme event that companies in the area would flood, it
could cause significant economic damage. So, companies and government have a stake in a flood
resilient Botlek and Vondelingenplaat. Therefore, a thorough and careful stakeholder engagement
process has been organised to organise the partnership, right from the beginning. Workshops were held


to facilitate the dialogue between the partners in every step along the way: from joint fact finding of flood
risks, to developing a flood risk assessment framework and formulating a flood risk adaptation strategy.

The pilot project is a joint initiative of the Port of Rotterdam Authority, the Municipality of Rotterdam, the
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and Rijkswaterstaat. It was executed in close
collaboration with various private sector firms, utility companies and Deltalinqs. The project was jointly
funded by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the Port of Rotterdam Authority. The
following parties were also involved in the pilot project:

 Companies in the Botlek area and Wall-Eemhaven

 Deltalinqs
 Deltaprogramma Ruimtelijke Adaptatie – Vitaal en Kwetsbaar
 Hollandse Delta Water Board
 DCMR, the Dutch environmental protection agency
 Province of Zuid Holland
 Rotterdam-Rijnmond Safety Region
 Utilities
 Sector organisations (e.g. Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry and the Dutch Association
for Transport and Logistics)
 Rail and road authorities

The project was jointly funded by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the Port of
Rotterdam Authority.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

In contrast with areas situated within the dykes, areas located beyond the dykes were not traditionally
required to comply with any national water safety norms. Residents and companies set up outside the
dikes at their own risk from flooding. This means that they themselves bear responsibility for taking
measures to limit the potential impact of a flood (e.g. from ocean inundation).

The main driver for undertaking the Botlek Water Safety pilot study was the European Seveso III
directive, which came in mid-2016, and requires industries using and storing large amounts of hazardous
materials to undertake risk assessments, including consideration of flood risk and climate change
adaptation. All vulnerable infrastructure must be 0.5 metres above the flood planning level. In the Botlek
area, the flood planning level is the 10,000-year water level.

To meet this requirement, a flood risk assessment was undertaken in 2015 for the Botlek area, and in
2016, a climate change adaptation strategy developed. The objectives of the project were to study the
possibility and consequences of flooding in the Botlek area, to propose mitigation measures and
formulate an adaptation strategy.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

The assessment considered two sea level rise Delta scenarios:

 a range of +0.15 to +0.35 metres by 2050

 a range of +0.35 to +0.85 metres by 2100
The key challenge for the port under a climate change scenario is to provide sufficient protection against
ocean inundation/flooding, while at the same time maintaining a sufficient flow of freshwater for

How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

Together with the stakeholders, an area specific flood risk assessment framework has been developed
in the process. This framework is a tool that shows how flood risks relate to standards from existing
external safety and water safety policies. The added value of the partnership was that the tool is widely
supported for identifying when flood risks will no longer be acceptable. Furthermore, a joint fact-finding
process has been initiated in the workshops; together translating the probability of flooding to potential
consequences for people, the economy and the environment. This has resulted in a new understanding
of flood risks in the Botlek area.

What were the main risks/what were the main outcomes?

The results of the pilot project show that the main outcome of a possible future flood will be economic
damage. This damage comprises both direct damage to buildings, systems and other facilities and
indirect damage resulting from business interruption and/or the sub-optimal utilisation of the available
infrastructure. There is limited risk of environmental damage and flooding is expected to lead to few or
no human casualties.

In some cases, the indirect damage will actually transcend the afflicted area. The various activities at
Botlek are not only closely connected and mutually dependent within the area itself, but also interwoven
with activities in the surrounding port areas and beyond (in regions like Schiphol and Chemelot, for
example). The economic damage is heavily dependent on where the flooding takes place, and the type
of company.

Flooding in the Botlek area would also have major consequences for crisis management measures. For
example, it will become next to impossible for most emergency services to access the flooded areas. In
addition, if the A15 motorway were to be flooded, this would limit evacuation options in the surrounding
dike rings (Rozenburg, Voorne-Putten).

The pilot project has yielded numerous insights for the participating companies and public authorities
that can be used to further improve their crisis management programmes.


How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

In this pilot study, a broad inventory was made of possible measures. The aim was to be able to start
from this broad overview to select the measures that are most suitable for an effective adaptation
strategy. The inventory was carried out on the basis of expert judgment and previous studies.

Subsequently, the most promising measures have been selected in various steps:

Step 1 – Based on literature research and expert judgment, possible measures to control flood risks in
the Botlek area have been inventoried. The first selection was carried out by experts on the basis of
reality and feasibility.

Step 2 – In dialogue with stakeholders, the measures are divided into possible adaptation strategies
based on prevention, spatial adaptation or crisis management. The costs and benefits of these
measures have been estimated. The measures with the least favourable cost-benefit ratio dropped out
in this step.

Step 3 – The possible adaptation strategies were subsequently assessed for effectiveness, feasibility
and time/flexibility. This assessment led to a recommendation for an adaptation strategy for the Botlek
area in which measures from various possible adaptation strategies were selected.

The results of the pilot project served as input for the ‘Strategic Adaptation Agenda for Areas Outside
the Dykes’. The final report sets out adjustments and measures (adaptation strategy) that can be taken

to avoid or minimise the negative effects of a flood and consequently protect the area in question in the
years ahead.


What were the main lessons learnt?

 A process with stakeholders leads to new insights, awareness (and encourages) commitment.
 Joint fact finding leads to openness and creates space for solutions.
 A shared decision framework is helpful to explore to what extent risks are still acceptable and gives
insight into the timing of measures.
 An effective region-wide adaptation strategy combines preventive measures with spatial adaptation
and emergency response and tailors each measure to specific characteristics of an area (e.g. with
regard to flood probability, the different activities in the area and area dynamics).
 Having a responsibility is not always associated with coming up with the most effective solutions,
e.g. collective measures coordinated by public authorities versus private responsibility to implement
measures to prevent or adapt to flooding.


Environmental Manager, Port of Rotterdam

Tel: +31 (0) 10 252 10 10
Email: [email protected];
Website: www.portofrotterdam.com

Rotterdam Climate Change Adaptation Strategy:

Pilot Waterveilgheid Botlek Final Report: https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en/a-safe-and-accessible-


Brief case study description

The Port of Long Beach is an important economic engine for Southern California and the nation and a
critical gateway to global trade. Climate change and extreme storm events are already impacting the
Southern California coast. Sea levels will continue to rise, and the frequency and magnitude of extreme
storm events are likely to increase. The Port of Long Beach and its tenants will experience storm events
with a greater potential to impact Port operations. Consideration of these impacts will allow the Port and
its tenants to make sound, science-based decisions as they invest in their maritime infrastructure, and
to prioritise their resource allocations in a way that considers near-term and long-term climate change
vulnerabilities and risks.

The Port of Long Beach developed a Climate Adaptation and Coastal Resiliency Plan (CRP) to manage
the direct and indirect risks associated with climate change and coastal hazards:

 The CRP includes a review of the best available climate science, an inventory of Port assets, and
detailed sea level and storm surge inundation mapping. Together, these data sets informed the
development of vulnerability profiles for the Port’s infrastructure, transportation networks, critical
buildings, and utilities.
 A broad suite of potential adaptation strategies was developed to reduce the Port’s vulnerabilities.
A collaborative process was used to select a subset of these strategies for further refinement.
 The CRP recommends near-term solutions for protecting the Port’s most vulnerable areas and
long-term strategies that can assist the Port in maintaining business continuity across its
infrastructure and operations into the next century.
 The CRP provides a framework for the Port to incorporate adaptive measures related to projected
climate change into its policymaking and planning processes, construction practices, infrastructure
design, and environmental documents.


Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The project involved a consultant and staff from several divisions across the Port, including:
Environmental Planning, Transportation Planning, Master Planning, Engineering Design, Programme
Management, Risk Management

What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

A comprehensive inventory was developed to identify and organise Port assets and operations that are
important for maintaining business continuity. The inventory catalogue’s assets at the piers, wharves,
and backlands, and includes utilities, roadways, rail assets, and critical buildings such as those housing
security, administration, fire, and life safety functions. The assets most critical to the Port’s business
continuity were highlighted.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The Port’s vulnerabilities were highlighted in August 2014 when storm surge and wave hazards resulting
from Hurricane Marie ravaged the Southern California coast. The Port suffered damage at the Navy
Mole (Nimitz Road) and Pier F, and shipping operations were halted for multiple days. Access to the
surrounding roads and facilities was impacted for several months. Although Hurricane Marie was
considered a unique storm event due to its direction of attack relative to the coastline, the changing

climate and ocean conditions may increase the likelihood of storm events that are outside observations
of historical events.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

While the exact timing of future climate events is uncertain, there is strong consensus that the global
mean temperature is rising. This causes a rise in sea level due to thermal expansion and the melting of
land ice (glaciers). Sea levels at the Los Angeles tide station adjacent to the Port are currently projected
to rise 5 to 24 inches by mid-century and 17 to 66 inches by end-of-century, based on projections by the
Coastal and Ocean Working Group of the California Climate Action Team (CO-CAT 2013) and the
National Research Council (2012).

The project considered low, mid and high range sea level rise scenarios, and increase in rainfall


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

Detailed inundation maps were created for the Port study area. The maps considered SLR inundation
and extreme tide (storm surge) flooding of the Port property, as well as an overtopping assessment
along the existing shoreline structures and the Port’s breakwater. Each SLR scenario – 16, 36, and 55
inches – was evaluated under two tide conditions, (1) daily high tide and (2) extreme tide (represented
by the 1-percent-annual-chance stillwater elevation), resulting in six mapped scenarios that highlight
both inundation depth and extent. Wave action was not included in this assessment.

Increased precipitation may result in increased riverine flows that could also impact Port property and
subject areas to temporary flooding. Potential future increases in precipitation of 20 percent and 30
percent and the impact of these increases on riverine flooding were evaluated and mapped. An
overtopping assessment highlighted locations along the shoreline where riverine floodwaters were most
likely to overtop existing channel banks and shoreline infrastructure.

The asset inventory and inundation maps were used to identify vulnerable areas of the Port. Scoring
criteria were developed to determine climate vulnerability based on exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive
capacity of each asset. The impacts of climate change on the Port will likely fall into three broad areas
of concern: asset damage, cargo damage, and lost revenue due to facility impact/closure. The largest
impacts are due to a combination of SLR and storm surge. While SLR is a gradual and long-term
stressor, storm surge related to an extreme event can be sudden, unpredictable, and temporary. The
impacts associated with storm surge are expected to become more pronounced as sea levels increase.

Vulnerability profiles were developed for these Port asset types: pier infrastructure, transportation
network, critical facilities, utilities, and the breakwater.

What were the main outcomes?

Pier Infrastructure:

 Portions of Piers S and D would be inundated first by SLR. Under the most extreme projections,
the backlands of Piers A, B, and C would also be inundated, as well the tip of Pier E.
 Piers F, G, J, and T would not be exposed to SLR or periodic flooding, but they may be isolated
due to inundation on adjacent piers.
 The riverine floodplain is projected to expand along the wharfs of Pier A West and Pier B, as well
significantly at the backlands of Piers A and B if there is a 20 percent increase in precipitation.
 Many portions of the pier structures themselves are not sensitive to damage from short-term
flooding. If a portion of the pier is submerged, operations will stop, but they are expected to resume
quickly post-flood. However, any wharf or backland infrastructure that has electrical components,

such as conveyors, communications, security systems, lighting, and shore-to-ship power systems,
may be at risk from damage if not waterproofed or otherwise protected.
Transportation Network:

 Railways and roadways on Piers S and D will be the first to be directly impacted due to inundation
from SLR, which will prevent cargo from leaving these piers. The Pier T railway would be indirectly
impacted because it connects to the inundated rail on Pier S.
 Under the most extreme conditions, Piers A, B, C, and D would also be inundated, which would
indirectly impact Piers F, G, and J, since they connect to the inundated railways. Roadways within
Piers A, B, C, and tip of E would also be directly inundated, as well as the freeway, State Route 47,
that connects to Terminal Island.
 Rail infrastructure materials are not sensitive to damage as a result of short-term flooding. If rails
are submerged, train movement will stop, but would be expected to resume quickly post-flood.
 Roadways on Piers S and D are most vulnerable and directly inundated. Inundation will prevent
cargo leaving these piers.
 Road materials are not very sensitive to damage from temporary inundation. If roads are
submerged, vehicle movement will stop during flood depths over a few inches but would be
expected to resume post-flood. Repeated inundation is more likely to cause deterioration.
 Rail speeds are slowed when temperatures reach around 90 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid buckling
and derailment, which will occur more often as the frequency of hot days (over 95 degrees)
Critical Facilities:

 The majority of critical building structures are located at a high elevation and will not be impacted
by the modelled levels of SLR and storm surge.
 The most vulnerable building is Fire Station #24 (Pier S) the access to which will be inundated
under the 16-inch SLR scenario. Under storm conditions, the Foss Maritime mooring of tugboats
and barges will be indirectly impacted because the access road will be inundated.
 Extreme heat may cause electrical outages and area-wide brown-outs. Building heating and cooling
equipment will be disrupted, including all computers and other mechanical and electrical systems,
unless the building has backup generators. Employee comfort, health, and productivity may be

 In most cases, water distribution lines are underground and are currently inundated by
groundwater. Apart from valve vaults, water distribution lines are not anticipated to be sensitive to
SLR inundation.
 In general, sewer lines will not be susceptible to SLR inundation. Lift/pump stations could be
inundated with ground or surface water from SLR, affecting the efficiency of these units or causing
spills outside of the system.
 Stormwater systems are susceptible to SLR inundation. If the outfall area is inundated, the water
cannot drain and will contribute to further flooding in the area. Rising groundwater due to SLR will
exacerbate this impact. Further, if the pump station locations are inundated, they will no longer
 Electrical systems that are vulnerable to SLR will no longer be operable if they are subjected to
even minimal flooding. Electrical system components that will be impacted by flooding include
switchgear, substations, transformers, switchboards, panel boards, and building/facility lighting.

 The existing breakwater protects the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles (Middle
Breakwater) as well as a portion of the city of Long Beach shoreline (Long Beach breakwater). As
sea levels rise, larger waves will impact the breakwater, resulting in increased transmission of
waves into the protected harbour.
 Based on historical storm conditions, the Long Beach breakwater is most vulnerable to wave
damage from wave runup and overtopping.
 The second most vulnerable area is the eastern portion of the Middle Breakwater; however, the
overall impact is projected to be minimal if future storms track well with historical events.

How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

Drawing on best management practices and input from technical experts (coastal and electrical
engineers, port and transportation planners, and environmental policy specialists), a preliminary list of
potential adaptation strategies was established. Over 20 strategies were identified and categorised into
one of three types:

 Governance (address Port-wide planning and design documents): by adding language to

overarching policies/plans and in technical guidelines, both planners and designers start thinking
about climate change from the start of a project.
 Initiatives (address informational gaps): by introducing initiatives, stakeholders and Port staff can
continue to evaluate impacts on operations and physical damage that are associated specifically
with climate change.
 Infrastructure (address physical vulnerabilities): by modifying existing infrastructure, such as
strengthening sea walls or raising electrical equipment, the Port can be more prepared for future
climate-related events.
A workshop was held with staff from Divisions across the Port to review all of the strategies to determine
which should be considered a priority or a future consideration or omitted.

Evaluation was based on the following criteria:

Strategy type ▪ Governance

▪ Initiative
▪ Infrastructure
Asset Type ▪ Port-wide
▪ Piers
▪ Transportation – Rail
▪ Critical Facilities
▪ Utilities – Stormwater
▪ Utilities – Electrical
▪ Utilities – Security
▪ Breakwater
Climate Stressor ▪ Sea Level Rise (SLR) and first point of inundation (16-, 36-, or 55-inch)
▪ Storm Surge
▪ Extreme Heat
▪ Extreme Precipitation
Focus Area Highlight vulnerable areas/assets of the Port, such as ‘Pier S’ or ‘Port-wide’. Brief
description of Strategy.
Point of Intervention Description of how strategy would be implemented, e.g., by integrating it into the existing
study, scheduled upgrade, etc.
Implementation Timeframe Implement strategy timeline:
▪ I = Immediate
▪ S = up to 5 years
▪ M = 5 to 15 years
▪ L = over 15 years
Cost Cost to implement strategy (Include incremental cost only; e.g., if it is recommended that
a pier be raised, the cost will only identify the delta, not the cost for rebuilding the entire
▪ $ = up to $ 500K
▪ $$ = $ 500K to $ 5M
▪ $$$ = $ 5M to $ 50M
▪ $$$$ = over $ 50M
Partners Includes both internal (Port Divisions) and external (other agencies, tenants, etc.)

Five strategies were prioritised and developed into detailed studies or concept designs:

 Strategy 1 (Governance): addressing climate change impacts through Port policies, plans, and
 Strategy 2 (Governance): adding sea level rise analysis to the Harbor Development Permit
 Strategy 3 (Initiative): Piers A & B Study – Combined Impacts of Riverine and Coastal Flooding
 Strategy 4 (Infrastructure): Pier S shoreline protection
 Strategy 5 (Infrastructure): Pier S substation protection – evaluation of multiple strategies


What were the main lessons learnt?

 Timing is important – don’t wait for the best data

 Collaboration with local agencies, organisations, academia is/will be important
 Staff input/support is essential
 There may be multiple adaptation options which require careful assessment
 Extreme weather events help highlight the potential impacts
 Adaptation is crucial


Port of Long Beach

Planning & Environmental Affairs
4801 Airport Plaza Drive
Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 283-7100




Brief case study description

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

In 2016, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PA), following the events and impacts of
superstorm Sandy, evaluated the potential risks of future coastal flood inundation from various scale
storms and the prospective impacts on port facilities. This study evaluated potential sea level rise and
climate change impacts on infrastructure, assets, and operations over the next 40 years at the Port of
New York and New Jersey (PONYNJ).

The study area included the southern peninsula of Port Newark (Port Newark South), which lies between
the Newark Channel and the Elizabeth Channel. Port Newark South has a variety of operational
components and a diverse set of tenants, including a container terminal, bulk, liquid bulk, warehouse
operations, drayage facilities, as well as other port tenants.

The results of the evaluation provide high-level quantitative risk data and an understanding of how to
assess options to manage that risk over time.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

All types of infrastructures/assets were taken into consideration.

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The work required a collaborative effort from various Departments within the PA and representatives
from various tenant operations (external stakeholders) in Port Newark South to characterise assets and
identify vulnerabilities to coastal flood hazards. PA and stakeholder experiences from Hurricane Sandy
helped provide detail and context to develop a basis for understanding the potential damages and
operational impacts of these coastal storm events.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The events and impacts following superstorm Sandy were the drivers to start up this study.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

The study evaluated the impacts and potential damages to various assets under several major event
scenarios including both a mid-range projection (50th percentile) and a high range projection (90th
percentile) for potential sea level rise (SLR) in the years 2025, 2035 and 2055.

In conjunction with these SLR projections, the study evaluated the impacts of four coastal flood

 10-year event
 50-year event
 100-year event
 500-year event


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

Tenants provided input on potential impacts such as how they would function with loss of electricity, loss
of water service, and equipment loss. Because Hurricane Sandy was still fresh in many of the tenant
representatives’ memories, most were able to recount which assets and infrastructure were impacted,
and how they have adjusted or adapted their operations to meet a future event similar to Sandy.

To evaluate impacts on assets, the team utilised data gathered from the facility and tenants to create a
database of buildings and operational components at Port Newark South, including each asset’s
criticality and vulnerability to flooding. The resulting database was overlaid in GIS along with data on
topography, flood hazard data, wave height analysis, and six scenarios of projected future flooding
amplified by sea level rise. The flood risk model was validated by cross-checking anticipated flooding
under today’s sea level with flooding experienced during Hurricane Sandy, as well as less extreme
recent events.

The flood hazard impacts were then translated into a high-level quantitative risk assessment using
FEMA’s Hazus software. Hazus was used to estimate potential damages and losses to the assets and
operational components based on estimated flood depths. For building assets, losses were calculated
as a function of damage to the structure, contents, and inventory. Losses for operational components
like gantry cranes were estimated through custom functions in Hazus. Losses were calculated on an
event basis as well as by computing Average Annualised Loss (AAL), which is a loss statistic that
estimates the expected losses per year averaged over time.

What were the main risks/what were the main outcomes?

The most obvious issues involved water damage to buildings, damage to electrical and electronics
equipment, and issues associated with power loss. During the restoration work, tenants relocated their
electrical systems above the Sandy flood elevation, raised or protected their electrical transformers, and
stored their back-up generators and emergency equipment at higher ground or behind flood barriers.

Lack of electricity following Hurricane Sandy due to damaged power facilities and distribution
infrastructure was one of the largest problems for many tenants. The PA is working with the local utility
provider to better protect the electrical equipment on the Port in preparation for future flooding events.

Less apparent issues were the damage to cranes, stackers, and other mobile equipment, which
significantly slowed many of the tenants’ operations for months after. The situation addressed the
appropriate locations and heights for the storage of extra crane motors, as well as the means of storage,
as crane motors are large and heavy pieces of equipment. Tenants also grappled with how to protect

immovable objects, such as truck scales and boiler systems, which are critical to operations. Fuel supply
was also a critical issue in the region after Hurricane Sandy, both for keeping clean-up/debris removal
equipment up and running and for the transportation of staff to and from their homes to assist in the

Modelling showed that projected sea level increases will not only increase flood hazards through higher
flood elevations and wave heights but will also increase the frequency of damage-inducing flooding
events. Port Newark South can currently expect to experience inundation of approximately 12 % of the
facility during the 10-year flood event. Looking at the mid-range (50th percentile) scenario, that
inundation extent increases to 23 % of the entire facility in 2025 and eventually to 47 % by 2055. The
projected increase in extent for the 10-year flood event under the mid-range and high-range sea level
rise scenario is depicted in the figure below.

As the sea level rise and flooding extent at Port Newark South is modelled further into the future, the
potential impacts become more apparent. Both the mid-range (50th percentile) and the high-range (90th
percentile) sea level rise scenarios project a significant increase in inundation extent and depth for a 10-
year event, a storm that today would be considered a minor nuisance flooding event. In the case of the
90th percentile sea level rise projection, the inundation is dramatically increased, inundating nearly the
entire facility.

The damage and loss analysis found a general trend of increasing damage and loss for all flood events
and sea level rise scenarios over time.


How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

Adaptation options that are relevant to the facility’s potentially vulnerable infrastructure and assets were
developed and presented during a design charrette with stakeholders.


What were the main outcomes? What were the main lessons learnt?

The study results, including increased coastal storm risk exposure and estimates for Average
Annualised Loss (AAL), can be used to weigh the costs and benefits of adaptation options. Generally,

four mitigation options can increase coastal storm resiliency informed by sea level rise predictions:
elevation, relocation, protection, and accommodation.

Sea level rise is projected to exacerbate Port Newark South’s vulnerability to coastal storms. The
increased impact (higher depths) that will be associated with more frequent events represents a
significant issue from both an operational and a damage/loss perspective.

As a port, Port Newark South’s vulnerability to coastal hazards and sea level rise is in many ways an
inherent aspect of its function. The assets and operations of an efficient port need to be on the water –
the same source of increasing risk due to the impact of sea level rise. The objective of this study was to
provide facility managers and tenants with a better understanding of those hazards and a framework to
evaluate adaptation options. This information allows stakeholders to understand how best to weigh the
costs of adaptation for major capital investments against potential long-term unmitigated risks.


Stephan Pezdek
Manager Port Jersey
(Previous position Senior Project Manager for Port Planning, Resiliency, and Sustainability)
[email protected]

Brief case study description

The Port of London Authority (PLA) manages the UK’s largest Trust Port and the UK's second biggest
port overall, handling more than 40 million tonnes of cargo, responsible for the employment of more
than 40,000 people, and contributing over £ 3 billion to the economy annually. The tidal Thames, over
which the PLA also has jurisdiction, is the busiest UK inland waterway, handling over five million tonnes
of goods annually, 60 % of the UK’s inland freight traffic. The Thames through London is also a major
recreational resource. In total, the PLA’s Port Control Service oversees the safe movement of 230,000
commercial and leisure vessels within the 95 miles of waterway in the Port of London each year, whilst
90 Thames pilots board and guide more than 10,000 of these vessels annually.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

It was clear from the outset that a wide range of internal stakeholders would need to be involved in the
development/preparation of the adaptation report. A series of facilitated workshops was therefore
organised to enable key personnel to discuss the potential implications of climate change and evaluate
possible responses. These workshops involved senior personnel from the following departments:
harbour masters; navigation systems, civil and marine engineering; hydrographic surveying; corporate
affairs; planning and partnerships; finance; environment; and marine services.

In addition to internal personnel, however, it was recognised that commercial terminal owners and
operators as well as shippers; recreational users (especially in the upstream reaches); water companies
(responsible for abstraction upstream, in turn affecting water depths in the upper tidal Thames); and
various public sector and community groups all have an interest in the management of the tidal Thames.
Dialogue on climate change matters, including awareness raising amongst these organisations was
therefore recognised as being important.

The 2015 exercise to update the original climate change adaptation report was led by the PLA’s Planning
and Environment Manager and again involved representatives from across the organisation. In parallel
to the updating procedure, in early 2015 the PLA initiated an exercise to develop a 20-year vision for
the Tidal Thames. Climate change provided a necessary context for this exercise, which saw the PLA
engage with groups and individuals throughout the wider Thames community including infrastructure,
recreation and the environment.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The Climate Change Act 2008 sets out the legal requirements for climate change mitigation and
adaptation in the UK. Under the adaptation reporting power in this Act, the larger UK Harbour Authorities
(those with a throughput of more than 10 million tonnes of commercial cargo annually) were required to
prepare an adaptation report for submission to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The PLA submitted its first climate change adaptation report to the Secretary of State in 2011. This
report raised awareness of climate change impacts within the organisation and proved to be of particular

value when the Authority had to respond to extreme weather events during the winter of 2013-2014. In
2015, the PLA submitted an updated adaptation report to Government [PLA, 2015].


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

The 2011 adaptation report was based on the UKCP09 medium greenhouse gas emissions, 50 %
probability scenario, supplemented by the more detailed projections being prepared for the Environment
Agency’s work on the TE2100 project, an initiative to review flood risk management options for the tidal
Thames in London [Environment Agency, 2012]. The 2011 report also referred to the UKCP09 additional
projections in relation to wind and fog. Both these parameters are of critical importance to the PLA’s
duties with respect to navigational safety and pilotage.

The work identified that the following climate-related changes have the potential to directly or indirectly
affect the Authority’s functions and activities:

• relative sea level rise including changes in significant wave heights

• changes in average seasonal precipitation with consequent changes in levels of high or low
freshwater flow and implications for erosion, accretion and sediment transport
• air and water temperature increases; and related changes in water quality
• changes in wind (strength, direction) or fog (frequency, severity, duration)
• changes in the frequency of extreme events

For the 2015 update, the PLA carried out a review of all these data and was content that the forecasts
were still valid notwithstanding some improved data availability in the meantime.

Changes in rainfall are critical for many of the PLA’s operations. Since the 2011 report was prepared,
the Climate Modelling Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5) concluded that predicted reductions in average
summer rainfall will be less than estimated for the UKCP09 projections. For the purposes of the 2015
review, the PLA therefore considered that the assumptions used in its 2011 report as the worst-case

Improved data are also now available in relation to river flows, notably the Environment Agency’s fluvial
flow data collected under the Lower Thames Operating Agreement (LTOA). This work has confirmed
the greater frequency of low flows in the summer months resulting in reduced water depths, and
increased winter flow rates, both of which potentially impact on recreational use in the upper reached of
the tidal River Thames.

How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

A key outcome of the workshops held to inform the PLA’s 2011 adaptation report was a matrix of
potential impacts likely to affect operations and activities (i) in the short term (within ten years) and (ii)
in the longer term. Further scrutiny of this matrix involving relevant departments enabled the Authority
to identify and prioritise adaptation actions. Actions identified as being needed in the short term were
then subject to more detailed cost benefit assessment.

What was the solution/what were the main outcomes?

This process highlighted that a wide range of activities and functions could be affected by climate
change, and also that the changes were likely to vary according to location, from the outer Thames
Estuary to the upstream limit of the tidal Thames in west London. In particular, the 2011 adaptation
report identified the following risks:

• Changes in the amount and/or flow of water due to changes in sea level and/or changes in
precipitation, potentially affecting navigational safety notably in the upstream area

• Vulnerability of navigational aids including VTS and radar to sea level rise and flooding
• Potential for changes in wind and fog to curtail navigation in central London and to increase difficulty
of landing pilots on vessels in outer estuary
• Operational facilities at risk from sea level rise and flooding
• Changes in precipitation affecting bankside vegetation, particularly in the upstream reaches, inter
alia increasing the number of trees requiring removal from the river (N.B. the PLA already clears
more than 200 tonnes of driftwood and rubbish from the river in central London each year)
• Changes in water volumes, turbidity and temperature leading to increased incidents of algal blooms
• Implications of climate change for the issue of third-party licences
An important outcome of the first risk assessment process was the improved understanding of the
potential implications of climate change for the upstream areas i.e. the tidal Thames through London. It
had originally been anticipated that the main risks – and hence the need for adaptation measures –
would be focused on the lower reaches i.e. out in the estuary. The evaluation process findings, which
demonstrated that the most serious risks were primarily in the upper reaches, were therefore somewhat
unexpected. These outcomes resulted in a complete change in emphasis within the organisation as to
where the greatest focus on climate change adaptation measures would be needed.

Partly in the light of these findings, a comprehensive risk register has been developed. This register
includes climate change as an external risk. According to the 2015 ‘update’ report, adaptation
requirements are now included in the PLA’s quarterly reporting to the External Risk Committee, which
is chaired by the PLA’s Chief Executive.


How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

With regard to potential longer-term risks the report anticipated that measures would be needed in
relation to:

• maintenance and management practices including bank or wall repairs or dredging

• working practice modifications in response to changes in wind or fog conditions
• increased river patrols and other management measures to ensure continued safety of navigation,
especially for recreational users
• upgrading or providing new moorings

The 2011 adaptation report also stressed the importance of monitoring.


What were the main lessons learnt?

The 2011 report concluded that the development of corporate climate change policies and processes
required urgent attention. It also noted that short-term action was required in relation to towpath tree
management; and it drew attention in general terms to the importance of monitoring and improved

Finally, the 2011 report highlighted the lack of awareness of climate change issues amongst those using
the river, particularly the upstream areas. This was particularly relevant because of the projected
seasonal changes in precipitation (increases in winter rainfall of up to 40 % by 2080 along with
reductions in summer rainfall), which could have significant implications for leisure users particularly
those using unpowered craft e.g. rowers and sailors.

In response to these findings, the PLA initiated a process of monitoring, an annual review meeting and
the inclusion of climate adaptation progress in the Authority’s Annual Report. In addition, the PLA
undertook to use its participation in various Thames stakeholder groups to collect information on climate
risks and to disseminate information and raise awareness.

The 2015 update report confirmed that the actions proposed in the 2011 report had mostly been
completed. However, it also highlighted a number of further actions, some of which were implemented
in response to an extreme event experienced in winter 2013-2014. This event had a significant adverse
effect on navigation, notably on leisure users such as rowers, due to the unprecedented combination of
an exceptional period of high fluvial flow levels and a strong ebb tide. Following this incident, a set of
electronic and physical ‘flag’ warnings was introduced to notify all those participating in leisure activities
on the tideway of the prevailing conditions. This was an action that the PLA was able to implement
swiftly, having been alerted to the possibility of high-flow related problems through the earlier work.

Whilst there have been no specific financial savings to the PLA as a result of implementing these
additional adaptation actions, there has been a considerable reputational benefit associated with
avoiding collisions and other incidents as steps are taken to proactively communicate with river users
and minimise the effects of extreme events.

The 2011 adaptation report stressed the importance of monitoring. By the time the 2015 report was
prepared, a comprehensive climate change monitoring programme had been introduced covering
parameters such as tidal heights and fog in addition to bathymetric surveys and river flow recording.
Such monitoring is considered vital because recreational use of the river is continuing to increase, and
it is important to warn users not only about high flow but also low flow conditions. The importance of
communication of these risks, and also those associated with predicted and actual tidal heights is an
ongoing priority to the PLA.


The Port of London Authority

Tel: +44 (0)1474 562200
Website: http://www.pla.co.uk


Environment Agency (November 2012): “Managing Flood Risk through London and the Thames
Estuary”, [Online], Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/thames-estuary-2100-

PLA (March 2011): “Adapting to Climate Change: Port of London Authority Report to the Secretary of
State”, Accessed on 12 January 2017, under the heading “Adaptation Plan Reports: Electricity
Generators, Electricity Distributors & Transmitters, Gas Transporters, Road & Rail, Ports, Aviation,
Lighthouse Authorities”, [Online], Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/adaptation-

PLA (December 2015): “Adapting to Climate Change: Port of London Authority Update Report to the
Secretary of State, [Online], Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/climate-adaptation-

UKCP09, [Online], Available: http://ukclimateprojections.metoffice.gov.uk/21678.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

The stakeholder vulnerability and resilience strategy assessment pilot project focused on the Port of
Providence, a small North Atlantic port in Rhode Island, USA, with high exposure to hurricanes. The
Port of Providence is defined here as the Providence and East Providence waterfronts between the
Hurricane Barrier and Fields Point.

Maritime transportation serves a critical role in the Rhode Island economy, providing energy products,
raw materials, and revenue from scrap metal and other exports. The Port of Providence supplies
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island with petroleum products and handles bulk and break-
bulk cargo totalling approximately 3.1 million tonnes in 2010. Numerous ancillary businesses depend
on the port’s functionality, including trucking companies, rail service, manufacturing companies, ship
repair facilities, marine pilots, and dredging companies, generating more than $USD 200 million in
economic benefits for the region and over 2,400 jobs.

The study area for this project includes ProvPort, the main port terminal, and 23 other waterfront
businesses and industries which together take up nearly 573 acres of waterfront in Providence and East
Providence. Though the state of Rhode Island has embraced climate adaptation planning in some of its
policy and planning efforts, little work has focused on the resilience issues facing the Port of Providence.
The Port of Providence does not have a centralised planning body such as a port authority to plan for
long-range climate change resiliency.

The Port is located at the northern end of Narragansett Bay, an ecologically sensitive estuary that
provides breeding grounds for marine life in the region. The length and orientation of Rhode Island’s
Narragansett Bay, and its proximity to the Atlantic hurricane zone, make it susceptible to extreme storm
surges from the southerly winds that are generated when a hurricane passes to the west of the Bay.

Funded by the Federal Highway Administration and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation,
this study brought together 30 key stakeholders from the Port of Providence to engage in a dialogue
around the risks from a major hurricane at the Port. The study, conducted by researchers from the
University of Rhode Island in 2015-2016, used three main tools to facilitate this discussion:

 a storm scenario with local-scale visualisations

 three long-term resilience concepts
 a decision support tool used to assess the relative merits of and prioritise the resilience concepts
The researchers adopted a scenario involving a direct hit by a Category 3 Hurricane as a plausible
hurricane in Providence and measured the consequences of such a storm on the Port and its operations
with a view to facilitating climate change resilience planning.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

There is no official port authority in Rhode Island and the State plays no direct role in managing port
operations or centralised planning, although the State’s coastal agency, the Coastal Resources
Management Council (CRMC), does regulate land use in the coastal area that the port occupies.
Together the business that make up the Port of Providence most closely resemble a private service port.

The project was implemented under the guidance of a steering committee comprised of state and federal
representatives from a range of organisations, including:

 Researchers from the University of Rhode Island

 Port of Quonset/Davisville
 Rhode Island Department of Transportation
 Rhode Island Climate Change Committee
 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 U.S. Coast Guard
 Rhode Island State-wide Planning
 Coastal Resources Management Council
 Commerce Rhode Island
 Providence Department of Planning
 U.S. Maritime Administration
The steering committee guided the overall research agenda and identified port stakeholders to be
included in the project.

The focus of the study was to stimulate dialogue around long-range options for resilience investments
and to assess the impacts of the hurricane scenario on the specific business premises and the transport
infrastructure on which they are dependent, including the:

 40 foot (12.2 metres) deep shipping channel

 Road network (Allens Avenue and Interstate-95)
 Providence and Worchester Railroad
Participants also considered the potential impacts on critical utilities such as electricity supply, water
supply and telecommunications.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The study was driven by the University of Rhode Island whose researchers have a focus on adaptation
planning for ports. Having observed the impacts of Hurricane Sandy on the Port of New York and New
Jersey in 2012, the study participants were motivated to better understand the potential impacts of a
hurricane on the Port of Providence to inform long-term disaster management planning.

The discussion with study participants focused on resilience of the businesses and transport
infrastructure to such storm events. Participants then considered how the level of resilience may be
improved by adopting one of three so-called ‘transformational’ strategies, along with a ‘Do-nothing’

 ‘Protect’ – Reduce risk by decreasing the probability of occurrence of impacts. This strategy
proposes relocating the existing hurricane barrier further south to provide improved protection for
the port
 ‘Relocate’ – Also known as retreat; reduce risk by limiting the potential negative impacts by moving
assets out of the storm surge zone
 ‘Accommodate’ – Reduce risk by developing strategies to minimise the impacts to assets in their
current location
 ‘Do nothing’ – That is, the existing level of resilience is maintained

What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

The main data inputs to the study were observations from historical hurricanes, coupled with some
numerical modelling and digital elevation data for inundation mapping. Catchment flooding was not
considered in the study.

The study considered a Category 3 hurricane scenario. Numerical modelling of this storm scenario was
undertaken for Narragansett Bay adopting a nominal 21-foot (6.4 metres) storm surge level based on
historical observations. This is estimated at a 1 in 60-year storm tide level, with a 1.7 % chance of
occurrence in any given year.

The Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, a 25-foot high barrier located north of the port, protects the downtown
Providence area. It could also result in higher storm-surge levels just south of the barrier at the port, as
surge waters would accumulate in Providence Harbour instead of spreading throughout the low-lying
region now protected behind the barrier. The design water level for the adopted hurricane scenario lies
at the threshold of the design criteria for the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier and represents the maximum
surge the barrier was designed to withstand before overtopping.

Though climate change was not explicitly considered in the scenario, researchers informed participants
that this scenario would have a higher likelihood of occurrence in future under climate change conditions.
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration estimates that the Atlantic basin will see an
increase in hurricane wind speed and rainfall intensity, with wind speeds approximately 4 % stronger for
every 1°C increase in sea surface temperature, and a model-projected rainfall increase near 20 % by


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

What were the main risks/what were the main outcomes?

Numerical and spatial modelling showed that about 86 % (490 acres) of the study area would be
inundated by at least one foot of water in the adopted hurricane scenario. The spatial visualisations were
reviewed by the study participants to consider the potential impacts on their businesses over the coming
weeks, months and years after the event. Participants were instructed to focus on long-term
consequences, as opposed to what might happen on the day of the event. A multi-criteria decision
support tool was used to assess the four different strategies (Protect, Relocate, Accommodate, Do
Nothing) against seven resilience goals.

The Protect scenario was considered by participants to be most effective in meeting their goals, followed
by Relocate, then Accommodate, and finally Do Nothing. While all agreed that the Do-Nothing scenario
was the least attractive option, it is the strategy currently being followed by the port community.

Six months after conducting the initial study, the researchers surveyed the stakeholders again to
ascertain their preferred strategy and identify where they felt leadership responsibility lay. The
government participants more strongly preferred the Accommodate strategy, for which businesses
would be largely responsible for implementation, whereas the respondents from port businesses
preferred the Protect strategy (relocation of the existing hurricane barrier), which they considered should
be spearheaded by the government. Both government and business respondents felt that a new
public/private collaboration, with strong leadership from the state, should take leadership responsibility
for implementation of resilience measures.

What were the main lessons learnt?

The key lessons learnt relate to:

 the need for early stakeholder participation in long-range planning

 the value in using visualisations for considering impacts of storm events
 the difficulty in allocating responsibility for implementation of adaptation measures
 the value in considering economic costs and benefits of adaptation
 the need for leadership in adaptation planning
The participants found that these exercises and decision support tools engaged them in critical thinking
to better understand shared risk and complexity inherent in implementing meaningful resilience
strategies. Though the workshop did not, by design, result in a concrete decision for action or specific
plan, it represents an example of a pre-planning exercise necessary to lay the groundwork for future
decision making in the face of climate change related hazard events.

While all participants agreed

there was a need for strong
public-private collaboration on
disaster preparedness, the
study highlighted the different
views of stakeholders as to
the allocation of responsibility
for the mitigation of impacts.
The private stakeholders had
a strong interest in seeing the
State take leadership in
developing a high investment,
longer term Protect strategy,
while acknowledging that they
should implement strategies
to Accommodate in the short to medium term to minimise business impacts.

The study participants felt that a detailed cost-benefit analysis would have greatly assisted in decision
making, in particular in identifying who bears the economic impacts of storms on the port operations and
state economy and, therefore, how the cost of implementing measures to improve resilience should be
borne by various actors. It would also assist individuals in making a business case to implement
strategies to Accommodate storm events within their own organisations.

The final key finding was that, while all the stakeholders agreed that there was a need for adaptation
planning for the Port of Providence, there was no specific lead for such an activity. It was considered
that there was no immediate incentive to commence planning, and stakeholders were generally quite
daunted by the task.


Austin Becker, PhD

Assistant Professor of Coastal Planning, Policy, and Design - Department of Marine Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 401-874-4192
Fax: 401-874-2156
Website: web.uri.edu/abecker



Becker, Austin (2016): "Using Boundary Objects to Stimulate Transformational Thinking: Storm
Resilience for the Port of Providence, Rhode Island (USA)", Sustainability Science, doi:

Becker, A. and Caldwell, M.R. (2015): “Stakeholder Perceptions of Seaport Resilience Strategies: A
Case Study of Gulfport (Mississippi) and Providence (Rhode Island)”, Coastal Management 43:1–34.
DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2014.983422.

Becker A. and Kretsch, E. (2019): “The Leadership Void for Climate Adaptation Planning: Case Study
of the Port of Providence (Rhode Island, US)”, J Front Earth Sci., 22 February 2019. Original Research,

Brief case study description

Harwich Haven Authority is a statutory UK Harbour Authority established by Act of Parliament in 1863.
Located on the east coast of England, it has a duty to conserve, protect and improve Harwich Harbour
and its approaches for the benefit of all its users. The Haven Authority provides services for shipping
using several commercial ports including Felixstowe and Harwich International and for shipping on
passage to the port of Ipswich; as well as pilot boarding and landing services for vessels bound inter
alia for the rivers Thames and Medway. The area is extensively used by recreational craft, and there
are several sailing clubs and marinas located in the area over which the Authority has jurisdiction.
Under the UK Climate Change Act (2008), the Secretary of State directed Harwich Haven Authority to
prepare and submit a report describing the current and future predicted impacts of climate change on
the organisation and setting out the Authority’s proposals for adapting to climate change. This report
was prepared and submitted to Government in 2011.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The Harbour Engineer led the exercise with support from the Harbour Master, and Environment and
Health and Safety officers. Internal consultation took place with several other departments including:
pilotage; vessel services; operations room including VTS, radar and VHF; maintenance dredging and
disposal; marine engineering (provision and maintenance of vessels); civil engineering, provision and
maintenance of jetties, pontoons, etc.; hydrographic surveying; navigation aids, beacons, buoyage
(provision and maintenance); environmental monitoring; buildings design, maintenance and operation;
personal; and licensing. The interests of the many commercial port and recreational stakeholders, as
well as fishermen, environmental groups, local communities, local government and various regulators
were also taken into account.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation?

What adaptation issues were addressed?

Harwich Haven Authority was a ‘reporting authority’ under the UK Climate Change Act (2008). As such,
the Authority was required to prepare and submit to the Secretary of State, a report containing an
assessment of the current and predicted impacts of climate change insofar as these related to its
statutory functions, and a statement of its proposals and policies for adapting to climate change in the
exercise of its functions, along with associated timescales.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

The assessment was informed by the projections described in the UK Climate Impacts Programme 09
(UKCP 09) and discussed in the 2010‐ 2011 Marine Climate Change Impacts Programme Annual
Report Card. The review of these data confirmed that the following climate change parameters and
consequences have the potential to directly or indirectly affect the Authority’s functions and activities:

• relative sea level rise including changes in significant wave heights
• changes in average seasonal precipitation with consequences for levels of high or low freshwater
flow and/or implications for erosion, accretion and sediment transport
• air and water temperature increases; and related changes in water quality, pollution
• changes in wind (strength, direction) or fog (frequency, severity, duration)
• changes in the frequency of extreme events

The UKCP 09 ‘medium greenhouse gas emissions’ scenario was used as a basis for the assessment
with the 2090 projections representing the ‘long-term’ change scenario. The high++ sea level rise
projections were also considered.


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

A qualitative and mainly high-level risk assessment process involving the responsible departments and
functions within the authority identified sea level rise and a potential increase in the frequency of extreme
(storm/surge) events as the main threat. Other potentially significant risks associated with projected
increases in air and water temperatures and with any increase in fog frequency or increased wind
strength were also highlighted.

What were the main outcomes of the risk assessment?

As a result of the assessment, the Haven Authority confirmed that the following potential consequences
of climate change would require an adaptation response in the short to medium term:

 Increased risk of flooding of radar and radio equipment at Landguard Point, Shingle Street and
Shotley as a consequence of sea level rise and/or any increase in the frequency of extreme events.
Loss of this equipment would have a major and unacceptable impact on the Authority’s ability to
fulfil its statutory functions, so investigations into options for the relocation or modification of these
assets were initiated. Responsibility: Harbour Engineer.
 Loss of power supply disrupting business. Loss of power, whether the loss of grid power due to
flooding or extreme events and/or the inability of existing standby generation facilities to provide
cover due to their location or mode of operation, would significantly affect the Authority’s ability to
fulfil its statutory functions. The Authority therefore explored alternative arrangements and prepared
a contingency plan to deal with any loss of power supply and thus ensure the continuity of both
day‐ to‐ day operations and essential safety‐ related (including response) activities. Responsibility:
Harbour Engineer.
 Increased risk of flooding of buildings to seaward of flood wall as a result of sea level rise or any
increase in frequency of extreme flooding/storm events. Operations currently carried out to seaward
of the floodwall include buoy maintenance and activities on the jetties and pontoons. Loss of facilities
for buoy maintenance would be a significant issue, but it was concluded that these facilities could
be relocated. Predicted rates of sea level rise and frequency of extreme events are unlikely to lead
to problems within the residual lifetime of the jetty and pontoon structures but sea level rise and
flood risk will be material considerations when developing plans for renewal or replacement of the
assets. Responsibility: Harbour Engineer.
 Increased risks of incidents arising from the increased numbers or activity levels of leisure vessels
anticipated to be using harbour areas as a result of warmer air and water temperatures. Any
significant increase in recreational use of the Haven could potentially increase the risk of serious
incidents. This would in turn impact on the Authority’s operations in that it requires staff, time and
resources, which would not then be available for other matters. Responsibility: Harbour Master.
 Various increased operational risks associated with possible extended periods of winter fog and/or
high winds e.g. reduced visibility; high windage; increased downtime. A number of the Authority’s
activities such as pilot transfer, buoy maintenance, or environmental monitoring could become more
hazardous if there was additional fog or extended periods of high winds. These activities could take
longer or require more resources to ensure continued safe operation (e.g. additional staff resources
as Fog Watch Pilot could be required in the operations room). Responsibility: Harbour Master.


Harwich Haven Authority already had an extensive programme of monitoring in place, covering a wide
range of physical and natural environment parameters. As an outcome of the adaptation reporting
exercise it was agreed that climate change adaptation reporting and progress would become a
permanent item in the Authority’s annual submissions to both the Regulators’ Group meeting and the
Haven Authority’s Safety and Environment Committee.


What were the main lessons learnt?

In their summary report to Defra on the adaptation reporting power, Cranfield University 6 highlighted
that ‘possibly the greatest legacy of the first round of the Adaptation Reporting Power is that it has been
the catalyst behind many organisations formally considering their climate change risks and possible
adaptation responses for the first time’. This was very much the case for Harwich Haven Authority as
the adaptation reporting exercise highlighted several risks that had not previously been comprehensively

As an outcome of the reporting exercise, the Authority made proposals for implementation of several
identified measures and for monitoring and evaluation of the process. Climate change adaptation was
embedded in the organisation and became a permanent item in the Authority’s annual report to its
statutory Regulators’ Group, the Harbour Liaison Group and the Leisure Vessels Committee. It will also
be formally included in the Annual Report to the Haven Authority’s Safety and Environment Committee
and the Authority’s Annual Report.


Harbour Engineer, Harwich Haven Authority,

Harbour House,
The Quay, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3HH, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1255 243030
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hha.co.uk


“Adapting to Climate Change: Harwich Haven Authority Report to the Secretary of State” (February
2011), [Online], Available:

Final Summary’ (2012) prepared for the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) (2012): “Adaptation
Reporting Power”, [Online], Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/183427/

Brief case study description

This case study is from Tuvalu, a small island nation located east of the Solomon Islands in the South
Pacific Ocean. The Government of Tuvalu has been working with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
to improve its outer Island maritime facilities. The project will help Tuvalu overcome connectivity
problems that constrain its economic and social development. The only form of transport between
islands is inter-island ships. At present there are three passenger/cargo ships and all goods must come
onto and leave each island by ship. Each island has access to these ships once every 2-3 weeks. Goods
and people must be transferred from the ship to the inner reef and the island by small workboats. The
passage between the channels to the shoreline can be dangerous depending on the sea conditions and
serious accidents occur, occasionally resulting in loss of life and high value goods. In addition, many
outer islands have no docking facilities, and people must get on and off board laboriously and cargo
must be carried.

The key aspects of the case study that may be of interest to the reader are:

 The remote nature of the site: The closest sizeable city is Suva in Fiji, a distance of over 1,000
kilometres. As for all the islands, Nukulaelae is only accessible by sea, and is a distance of 112 km
from Funafuti. The remote nature of these islands presents a range of challenges, including for
sourcing of construction materials and logistics for construction and maintenance. This has
implications for procurement and design.
 Limited resources: the Government of Tuvalu has limited resources, both technical and financial, to
construct and maintain infrastructure. They are therefore highly dependent on international donors
and expertise for the provision of essential infrastructure.
 Dependence on maritime infrastructure: Tuvalu’s main form of transport is by boat, and the inter-
island ships provide a critical life line for residents. At present, the transfer of goods between the
inter-island boat, the workboats/barges and the shore is very dangerous. In addition, being the only
form of transport, the infrastructure must be accessible by a range of people, including those with
limited mobility.
 Vulnerability to the impact of climate change: Tuvalu has been identified as being highly vulnerable
to the potential impacts of climate change.

What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

The project is investigating infrastructure improvements at a total of around six sites. This case study
focusses on the Nukulaelae site. The preliminary concept design for the Nukulaelae project incorporates
the following elements:

 a new dredged channel at -1.5 m MSL (mean sea level) and turning basin for boats
 a new wharf landing/approach jetty on the southern side of the basin. The landing area and jetty
must have universal access (e.g. for people with disabilities, children, the elderly, etc.)
 ramp for fishing vessels
 rehabilitation of cargo sheds, road access to this shed
 lighting along the structure, for night unloading when necessary
 two breakwaters
A design life of 50 years has been adopted for the project.

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The Climate Risk Assessment was undertaken by a climate change specialist with input from the
following stakeholders:

 the project leaders, the Government of Tuvalu and the ADB

 engineering consultancy engaged to develop the design. Its team included engineers, a social
specialist and procurement specialist
 a number of representatives from different government departments, including Marine and Ports,
Environment, Public Works, Lands, Rural Development, Central Procurement Unit, Business and
Investment Unit, and Gender
 project officers from associated ongoing projects being implemented by various donor agencies
 key civil society representatives including Tuvalu Non-Government Organisation (TANGO) and
Tuvalu National Council of Women
 regional civil works contractors with current or past experience working in Tuvalu
 local leaders, women and youth representatives on each of the project islands


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

As an island nation, Tuvalu is highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change. Infrastructure facilities,
including wharves, breakwaters and other maritime infrastructure, are always vulnerable against sea
level rise and frequent extreme weather events. Tropical cyclone Pam in March 2015 caused flooding
and erosion of the west coasts and damaged maritime infrastructure. In Nanumaga, a ramp that had
been helpful in loading and unloading cargo from the ships was washed away. In other outer islands
such as Niutao and Nui, channels were silted up with boulders and sand.

Facing these difficulties, the government is committed to improving the maritime transportation network
as articulated in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development – Te Kakeega II and the
Infrastructure Strategic Investment Plan 2011-2015. By making maritime transportation more efficient
and safer, Tuvalu envisages achieving the following objectives:

 economic development including fisheries

 improved livelihoods and safety conditions in the outer islands
 reduced migration from the outer islands to Funafuti, which currently faces problems with
overcrowding, pollution, and spread of diseases
Since 2014, the Asian Development Bank has required all investment projects to consider climate risk
and incorporate adaptation measures in projects at risk from climate change impacts. This in
consistency with ADB’s commitment to scale up support for adaptation and climate resilience in project

design and implementation articulated in the Midterm Review of Strategy 2020: Meeting the Challenges
of a Transforming Asia and Pacific (ADB, 2014a).

The ADB has established a Risk Management Framework aimed at reducing risks associated with
climate change on investment projects by providing for climate risk assessments and inclusion of
adaptation measures into projects at the design phase.

The initial risk screening undertaken for the Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project identified that
the Project was at high risk from wind speed increase, offshore Category 1 storms, and sea level rise.
All other risk topics were deemed to be low risk. These risk screening results have triggered the
requirement for the preparation of a CRVA for the Project.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

Due to the paucity of data available on current climatic and metocean conditions, the development of
design parameters for present day water level and wave conditions was reliant on short term tide gauge
data from Funafuti and WaveWatch3 data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in the US. Additional monitoring/data collection was not considered feasible.

The climate change scenario adopted was RCP6.0 based on the current trajectory of emissions and
adopting a 2065 planning horizon (or nearest available) consistent with the engineering design life of
the infrastructure (50 years). The key resources consulted for information on existing and future climate
for Tuvalu include:

 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5)

 BoM & CSIRO (2014) Climate Variability, Extremes and Change in the Western Tropical Pacific:
New Science and Updated Country Reports 2014. Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and
Adaptation Planning Programme
 TMS, BoM & CSIRO (2011) Current and future climate of Tuvalu. Pacific Climate Change Science
Program. International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative
The key climatic parameters of relevance to the project that were considered in the CRVA were:

 sea level rise

 wind speed increase (and resultant impacts on waves)
 cyclones


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

Following preparation of the preliminary concept designs, a Climate Risk and Vulneratbility Assessment
(CRVA) was undertaken to inform the design development and ensure appropriate consideration of
climate change adaptation requirements.

The CRVA involved the following steps:

 literature review to identify relevant climate change scenarios and projections

 risk assessment in accordance with ISO 31000:2009: “Risk Management – Principles and
Guidelines” and AS 5334:2013: “Climate Change Adaptation for Settlements and Infrastructure – A
Risk-Based Approach”. This involved setting the risk context/success criteria, assessing vulnerability
and developing likelihood and consequence criteria. The success criteria included utilisation,
functionality (‘user friendly’), maintenance and public safety
 developing potential adaptation measures for the identified climate change risks
 analysing the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of these adaptation measures
 prioritising the adaptation options

What were the main outcomes of the risk assessment?

The effects of sea level rise and increased nearshore wave heights were identified as representing an
extreme risk to public safety. High risks included:

 more regular overtopping of the wharf, breakwater and ancillary facilities, making them unsafe or
undesirable for use by the community
 permanent inundation of the shoreline connections and/or the wharf, making the infrastructure unsafe
or unusable
 increased maintenance requirements due to increased nearshore wave heights and cyclonic activity


Which adaptation measures where recommended?

 Extend the jetty further inland, above future sea level. This may also require creating a raised mound
where it meets the land, due to the low-lying nature of the island.
 Locate shore-based assets further landward above future sea level and/or storm surge level.
 Raise the breakwater crest levels and/or use larger armour units.


What were the main lessons learnt?

The main challenges for this project were the remoteness of the sites, lack of resources (both material
and financial), and the lack of data. These characteristics are inherent to the location of these project
sites and are therefore unlikely to be surmounted in the near future. Key considerations for such a project
then become:

 Procurement – A local source of materials is unlikely. What materials could be used, where will they
come from and how will they get to the site? Are the contractors experienced in working on such
sites, and can they demonstrate they can overcome the logistical difficulties?
 Maintenance – Maintenance is generally a bigger concern than capital cost, keeping in mind the
difficulties in obtaining resources to ensure the ongoing functionality of the assets. In some cases, it
may be better to ‘over-design’ to minimise as much as possible future maintenance requirements
and ongoing reliance on international donors.
 Lack of data – There is generally a lack of data on climatic conditions, which can present a challenge
to establishing basic design parameters. For example, very limited or no tidal gauging has been done
in locations such as Tuvalu, and therefore mean sea level and extreme water levels are not always
known. Similarly, this represents a challenge for inferring future climatic conditions under climate
 Engineering feasibility – In some cases it is not possible to feasibly implement the typical adaptation
measures. For example, Nukulaelae itself is very low lying, and therefore the ability to ‘raise’
infrastructure above future mean sea or storm surge levels is limited. Innovation in design can be
important to overcome these constraints.
All these factors are significant drivers of the adoption of certain types of design and adaptive features
for such projects.


ADB (2018): “Tuvalu Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project”, Asian Development Bank, [Online],
Available: https://www.adb.org/projects/48484-002/main.


The objective of this study was to develop and test a risk-based methodology to evaluate threats to
critical installation assets and to quantify the potential loss of mission performance when installation
capabilities were impacted by a combination of rising sea levels and coastal storm hazards. The step-
wise risk assessment approach used predictive inferences to quantify vulnerabilities of critical assets
based on their exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to withstand storm forcings (tidal fluctuations,
waves, winds, surge, sedimentation, saltwater intrusion, flooding, etc.) exacerbated by sea level rise.
Hierarchical aggregations of assets were then arrayed in a relational network to capture
interdependencies, and service interruptions were monitored from a systems perspective to capture the
overall risk to mission performance.

This approach began with an environmental and geomorphological characterization of the baseline
conditions of a region. Potential changes were mapped as likely to occur to the coastline under a variety
of sea level rise (SLR) scenarios in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to better visualise the
system’s response to the combination of inundation and vegetative switching. High fidelity numerical
models to simulate coastal storms and assess regional, nearshore, surface, and subsurface conditions
were used under a range of SLR scenarios. These models generated a series of resultant forcings
(winds, waves, surge, etc.) that impacted both the installation and its surrounding environs. An
installation-specific Asset Capability Network (ACN) model was then created and used to capture the
unique position, condition, and interdependencies of the installation’s critical infrastructure in supporting
the mission. An assessment of possible damages to the installation network was undertaken, and risks
of mission impairment were quantified using probabilistic Bayesian analyses under the various storm
and SLR scenarios.

This project scope and parameters were determined by the funding agency, the Strategic Environmental
Research and Development Program (SERDP; https://www.serdp-estcp.org/) and were as follows:

 Develop analysis methods to assess the impacts of local mean sea-level rise of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5
m, and 2.0 m, and utilise these methods to assess the impacts to a coastal military installation.
 Include an assessment of the potential impacts caused by an increase in the frequency and intensity
of storms.
 Include an analysis of the impacts due to: (1) inundation of land; (2) increased storm and flood
damage; (3) loss of wetlands; (4) changes in erosion patterns and rates; (5) salt water intrusion in
surface and ground waters; (6) rising water tables; and (7) changes in tidal flows and currents.
 For the specific military installation selected, examine:
- loss of or damage to mission essential infrastructure
- loss or degradation of mission capabilities
- loss of training and testing lands
- loss of transportation means, facilities and/or corridors
- increased risk of storm damage
- increased potential for loss of life (not including disease or other indirect health impacts)
 Utilise routinely available data and existing models.
 Develop methodologies capable of implementation at any DoD installation worldwide that may be
affected by a rise in sea level.


This effort was directed at the Naval Station Norfolk (NSN) in Hampton Roads, Virginia (located at the
mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, North Atlantic coast of the United States) to test the efficacy of the
approach. Stakeholders included the US Naval Facilities Engineering Command and the Naval Station


With over 30 percent of the total United States population residing in coastal counties, changes in sea
level represent a significant threat to coastal residents, infrastructure, and their way of life [Gill et al.,
2009]. As a major U.S. land management agency, the Department of Defense (DoD) owns and operates
numerous coastal facilities that are threatened. These Mid-Atlantic facilities carry out diverse tasks
ranging from outdoor training activities (e.g. Camp Lejeune, North Carolina) to port and harbour facilities
(e.g. NSN in Virginia) to air combat training (e.g. Langley Air Force Base, Virginia). In 2008, 30 of these
installations were already experiencing increased risk due to SLR [National Intelligence Council (NIC),

The Mid-Atlantic coast (including these installations) supports a diverse ecological community and
provides significant economic benefit to the region (e.g. migratory waterfowl hunting and blue crab
shellfishery). Under SLR, both built and natural systems will undergo changes in structure and function
which could drastically alter the system’s capacity to provide these benefits and services. Although
inundation is a primary concern, other effects of SLR such as increased storm susceptibility, barrier
island migration, coastal erosion, wetland drowning, and saltwater intrusion should be accounted for to
adequately understand the impacts of SLR on coastal installations [Gesch et al., 2009]. Of particular
concern, conversion, migration, or loss of beach, marsh, or swamp features could result in loss of critical
habitat and change storm surge attenuation.


All modelling efforts for the case study focused on a series of 25 scenarios comprised of five prescribed
sea level rise conditions ranging from 0.0 m to 2.0 m (by 2100) in combination with five simulated coastal
storms ranging in intensity from 1-yr to 100-yr return intervals. In addition, three historical nor’easters
were incorporated into the storm analysis (at the request of NSN managers) to capture the localised
impacts of these unique storms, but were omitted from the risk-based analysis due to time and budgetary


Risk-informed decision making implemented within the traditional military planning paradigm, requires
information produced with decision-relevant risk analysis. Several guiding research questions have
been used to fashion the study’s technical approach:

1) What are the key pieces of information necessary to operationalize the risk assessment?

2) What is the risk of mission impairment or even failure if future sea level rise (SLR) were to happen
at some level and a tropical (or extra-tropical) storm were to impact the study site?

3) Are there critical points of failure (i.e. specific assets that were most vulnerable) under any or all of
the five prescribed SLR scenarios? These then could be provided to the managers to consider
upgrades in advance of the potential threat.

4) What are the thresholds or tipping points?

With these motivations in mind, the team developed a series of goals and objectives to guide the
development of a risk assessment framework.

Specific goals included:

• characterise the scope and magnitude of sea level change effects in existing and future no-action
coastal installation conditions
• identify thresholds of significant onset of installation losses due to coastal hazard impacts
• advance the military’s knowledge and capabilities for risk assessment as a strategic enabler to risk

The project has had several significant outcomes. It produced a robust, scientifically informed risk-based
approach that is applicable to coastal military installations threatened by coastal hazards and rising sea
levels. As part of this effort, a series of stepwise procedures was established to couple multiple high-
fidelity coastal storms models with installation-specific asset models and regional ecosystem response
models to systematically assess risks to mission in a probabilistic manner using Bayesian networking.
A successful test of the framework on Naval Station Norfolk clearly illustrated the efficacy of the
procedures and the benefits of deploying a risk-based approach. Numerous products were generated
for the test case. For example, each model application generated a series of 25 forcings datasets and
accompanying high resolution maps that captured the existing conditions and quantified the storm
forcings (winds, waves, surge, etc.) impacting the area under the various sea level rise scenarios.
Accompanying these analyses, several associated GIS-based products (model meshes, digital
elevation models, land use cover classifications) have been produced for the study area. Although not
a primary objective of this study, it is important to note that the test case also generated a series of GIS-
based maps of forcings (winds, waves, surge, flooding, etc.) for the entire Hampton Roads area (for
each of the SLR-storm scenarios studied) that can now be used to assess vulnerability of assets both
inside and outside the installation, supporting community efforts to address the threats of SLR and
coastal storm hazards from a regional perspective. The asset network model developed for the site
offered a unique highly detailed systems perspective of the installation’s service production (i.e. electric
supply, water supply, waste removal, etc.), and has now been stored in the GIS database for use in
future management and operations activities by the installation’s personnel. The Bayesian model
developed for the test site now holds more than 13,000 conditional probabilities characterising the
fragility of the assets with regards to their location, condition, and structural composition. The relational
Bayesian network quantifies impacts to capabilities and the risks to mission performance due to
exposure to storm hazards and SLR.
Based on our analysis of NSN’s site-specific vulnerabilities, sea level rise was found to be a significant
and pervasive threat multiplier to mission sustainability, significantly increasing loadings on built
infrastructure, and dramatically increasing risks to system capabilities and service provisioning. Using
the framework, it was possible to identify several critical systems on the study site that were particularly
vulnerable and likely to be incapacitated once sea levels rise above 1.0 metre on the site. The results
show that the probabilities of damage to infrastructure and losses in mission performance increased
dramatically once 0.5 metres of SLR was experienced, indicating a ‘tipping point’ or threshold that should
be considered when undertaking future planning or operational activities on the installation.


The NSN Risk Model was also designed to explore adaptive management strategies via ‘what if’
scenario analysis. Proposed changes in the Asset Capability Network (i.e. insertions/deletions of assets
or replacements/retrofits of assets) can be reflected in the model to actively manage system response
and manage regrets. Several hypothetical modifications to the infrastructure network were explored to
demonstrate these capabilities. In general, these analyses required either a change in the structure of
the model’s directed acyclic graph (DAG) (representing an insertion or removal of an asset) or a change
in one or more of the conditional probability tables (CPT) (representing the replacement or retrofit of an
asset). The four hypothetical modifications considered for this study included:

1. the removal of the primary steam plant from the infrastructure network
2. the removal of several backup electric power generators from the network
3. the flood proofing of these same generators
4. the flood proofing of the wastewater lift pumps, transformers, and backup electrical generators at
each waterfront lift station


The analytical framework described herein can be used to evaluate relative performance of existing
conditions, future no-action conditions, as well as structural and non-structural risk mitigating
alternatives to sustain critical assets and mission capabilities at an actionable scale under a wide range
of SLR and storm scenarios. Deploying this approach, defense installations can identify critical
thresholds where minor mission impairment annoyances (on the order of ~1-2-hour delays in
performance) evolve into catastrophic events (i.e. on the order of weeks or months). Once
communicated to the planners and managers both on and offsite in an actionable construct through

maps and network diagrams, installations can consider altering the status quo to incorporate proactive
management strategies to prevent or anticipate impairments based on the risks (i.e. regret
management). Moreover, military leadership can use these experiences to develop new guidance and
policy to proactively address systemic, commonly occurring failures across the range of the military’s
holdings. In effect, this study offers a robust, scientifically defensible approach that transparently
communicates potential risks to installations, while helping policymakers develop guidance to promote
military readiness and sustainability in the face of climate change and sea level rise.
Taken together, the findings suggest that Department of Defense assets positioned on coasts and
islands will be threatened by increased coastal hazards, which will ultimately threaten the Department’s
ability to sustain those resources needed for training, day-to-day operations, and assigned missions, in
the face of climate change and sea level rise.


Martin Schultz, Ph.D.,

Research Environmental Engineer
US Army Corps of Engineers,
Engineer Research and Development Center,
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199
Email: [email protected]


Gesch, D.B., Gutierrez, B.T. and Gill, S.K. (2009): “Coastal Elevations”, In: “Coastal Sensitivity to Sea
Level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region. A report by the U. S. Climate Change Science Program
and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research” [Titus, J.G. (coordinating lead author), Anderson,
K.E., Cahoon, D.R., Gesch, D.B., Gill, S.K., Gutierrez, B.T., Thieler, E.R. and Williams, S.J. (lead
authors)]. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, pp. 25-42.

Gill, S.K., Wright, R., Titus, J.G., Kafalenos, R. and Wright, K. (2009): “Population, Land Use, and
Infrastructure”, In: “Coastal Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise: A Focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region. A report
by the U. S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research”
[Titus, J.G. (coordinating lead author), Anderson, K.E., Cahoon, D.R., Gesch, D.B., Gill, S.K., Gutierrez,
B.T., Thieler, E.R. and Williams, S.J. (lead authors)], U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington DC, pp. 105-116.

National Intelligence Council (NIC) (2008): “National Security Implications of Global Climate Change
Through 2030”, 58 pp.

Brief case study description

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

The vulnerability to climate change, and importance of, ports of Pacific Island countries to their national
economies was brought to the attention of the Australian Government by the Australian Climate Change
Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure and PIANC Australia following the
Pacific Maritime Transport Alliance Conference held in Tonga in 2012.

In recognition of the importance of the Avatiu Port to the community of the Cook Islands, the Cook
Islands Government initiated the project under the Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Programme
(PASAP) in partnership with the key stakeholders, the University of New South Wales’ Water Research
Laboratory, the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science,
Research and Tertiary Education, and Climate Change Cook Islands.

The project uses Avatiu Port as a case study for implementing a qualitative risk assessment
methodology that can later be applied to other Pacific Island ports. The methodology, through a process
of surveys and information gathering with port and connected infrastructure managers in Rarotonga,
was to identify the existing and primary risks of climate change on port facilities and operations. In
addition, the project identifies the secondary risks to supply services for the Rarotonga and wider Cook
Islands communities including fuel, energy, water, communications, transport, consumables and
tourism. Critical linkages between the port and connected infrastructure services were identified their
associated risks qualified. The project assessed existing adaptive capacity and present adaptation
options for facilities and operations identified as being at high risk.

Funding for the project was provided by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

A ‘key elements’ approach from AGO (2006) was used to target port specific key elements through
which risks were identified:

 vehicle movements inside the Port

 demand, trade levels and patterns
 goods storage

 environmental performance
 navigation and berthing
 goods handling
 inland connected infrastructure
 social performance
 insurance

The series of key elements were also developed to classify consequence [McEvoy et al., 2013 ; Stenek
et al., 2011], including:

 interruption/halt to logistical operations

 interruption to boat movements
 increased maintenance costs
 deferment of capital expenditure
 increased insurance costs
 adverse reputational impact
 environmental impact
 regulatory impact
 lost time due to staff or contractor injuries
 adverse safety impact
 staff unable to attend works
 altered dredging schedule

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The importance of stakeholder engagement was recognised with meetings, discussions and interviews
being held with many of the port staff and key managers and operational staff connected to infrastructure
and service providers across government and the private sector. Information gathered from stakeholders
included historical information on events that impacted the assets or operations in the past, and
descriptions of the consequences arising from each of these historic events on the port, operations
areas, connected infrastructure, and the region in general. Key stakeholder agencies consulted

 Cook Island Port Authority (CIPA)

 Emergency Management Cook Islands (EMCI)
 Cook Islands Trading Company (CITC; food and goods)
 Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP; roads, bridges, drainage, water, waste)
 TRIAD Pacific Petroleum (fuel)
 Pacific Energy
 NES (National Environment Service)
 Airport Authority
 Cook Islands Tourism
 TAU (Te Aponga Uira; power-electricity)
 Telecom Cook Islands


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The Cook Islands comprise 15 islands spread over nearly two million square kilometres of ocean
between French Polynesia and American Samoa. The town of Avarua is the capital of the Cook Islands
and is located on the north coast of the Island of Rarotonga, within the southern group of volcanic
islands. Avarua is the hub of the Cook Islands economy and is the most densely populated residential
area on any of the Cook Islands. Government offices, the major telecommunications
receivers/transmitters, water and solid waste treatment facilities, landfill sites, international airport, main
fuel stores and Avatiu Harbour (which processes all incoming freight to Rarotonga and the other Cook
Islands) are all situated along the Avarua to Nikao stretch of the Rarotongan coastline. Tourism is the

main economic activity of the Cook Islands, and the tourism industry is heavily dependent on the
functionality of this stretch of coast.

The northern coastline is dominated by two passages through the reef system, these being for Avatiu
and Avarua harbours. Aside from the harbours the foreshore has either man-made or armoured slopes
that form a ‘bund’ that varies in elevation from 2.5 to 5 metres Mean Sea Level (MSL). Landward of the
foreshore bund the topography forms a lower basin with an elevation typically between 2 and 3 metres
MSL. The lower inland area is drained to the lagoon via the stormwater network and streams.

The coastline of Rarotonga is typical of volcanic Pacific Islands, with a shallow fringing reef (approx. -
0.3 metres MSL bed elevation) dropping into the ocean via a very steep carbonate reef system.

The key objectives of the project were to:

 understand the risks posed by changes to sea level and wave behaviour on coastal infrastructure
and communities in the Avarua area, particularly during extreme events
 identify needs and develop options for responses to the risks
 build local capacity to understand the science and manage the risk assessment and planning


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

For the Cook Islands, the ADB (2005) has identified the key climatic risks:

 extreme rainfall events

 drought
 high sea levels and extreme wave heights
 strong winds
 cyclones with occurrence of high sea levels, strong winds, and extreme waves
 extreme high air temperatures

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are the biggest climatic risk facing the Cook Islands. Undoubtedly the worst
cyclone in living memory for most residents of Rarotonga is TC Sally (1987), which resulted in
widespread flooding from storm surge, overtopping and rainfall, but also destroyed and damaged many
buildings along the coast through direct wave overtopping impacts. A series of five TCs in 2005 (Meena,
Nancy, Olaf, Heta and Rae) also resulted in areas of significant localised damage. Although TC Sally
(1987) and the 2005 cyclones resulted in significant destruction, TC sally was relatively low intensity
(Category 2) while tracking over Rarotonga, and none of the 2005 cyclones tracked directly over the
island. TC Sally was estimated at having a return interval of around 20 years. Events more severe than
TC Sally have been recorded, including situations where storm surge is reported to have met the foot
of the mountains in Avarua. Should such an event occur today, the complete township of Avarua would
be almost completely inundated by storm surge, and the resulting destruction would be worse than
occurred in TC Sally.


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

The risk management methodology adopted for the project generally sought to align itself with the
principles, framework and process set out by ISO 31000:2009, as adapted to port operations. The
Australian Greenhouse Office [AGO, 2006] Guide to Climate Change Impacts and Risk Management
was very useful in informing application of the standard in relation to climate change.

The key aspect of the project was the adoption of a hybrid risk/vulnerability approach [McEvoy et al.,
2013] where consideration of current day vulnerabilities to extreme weather events is integrated with an
assessment of future climate risks. This was found to be beneficial particularly useful in undertaking a

‘first pass’ vulnerability assessment that could not only act as a filtering tool, but would assist in
identifying assets that required a more intensive risk assessment. It was considered preferable to keep
measurement and recording at a minimum at this early, qualitative stage of the risk assessment.

The project methodology allowed for capture of factual and anecdotal information via a desktop study,
and then a series of three surveys of port and connected infrastructure users:

 First Pass Vulnerability Assessment Part A – which considered the vulnerability of water-based,
interface, land-based and connected infrastructure to extreme events associated with high wind,
high rainfall, high waves, temperature, sea level rise, and cyclonic events (being a combination of
several of these climatic factors)
 First Pass Vulnerability Assessment Part B – which considered how important each piece of
connected infrastructure was to maintaining port operations
 Qualitative Risk Assessment – considering the outcomes of the first two surveys, the stakeholders
rated the adaptive capacity of each asset for current and perceived future climate risk

What were the main outcomes of the risk assessment?

 Cyclones, which are projected to increase in intensity with climate change, create the highest risk
to the port and connected infrastructure.
 The Port’s practice of removing all assets (water and land based) from the Port region in advance
of an approaching cyclone is an effective adaptation response which limits risk, and for the 1:20
year ARI TC Sally event operations were expected to resume within a few days.
 The wharves and berthing facilities at the Port were recently upgraded in 2012 (including allowance
for sea level rise) and are in very good condition and possess adaptive capacity. There is around
three to four-days’ notice of a cyclone. Other adaptation measures that are employed by the Port
prior to the arrival of a cyclone include:
- Commercial and fishing boats are moved to higher ground, or in the case of large vessels cannot
be transported overland, they are sent to sheltered moorings on the other side of the island
- All the removable components of the Port facilities (including a mobile crane, tug boat and other
plant and equipment) are also relocated to higher ground. Assuming little to no damage to these
assets, the Port can resume operations within 12-24 hours following a cyclone
- Securing of the three LPG gas containers that supply gas for cooking and water heating
 The recent upgrades to the Port ensure increased navigability, deeper basin allowance and more
efficient quay wall alignment have assisted in limiting future climate related damage and risk.
 Notwithstanding the above, for a direct hit or impacts of a passing higher category cyclone (such as
a 1:100-year ARI cyclone), the ability to respond and recover requires further assessment and
planning and would likely result in longer downtime of Port operations.
 The Port relies upon the road and bridge infrastructure network, but can operate without water,
power and communications.
 In contrast, the fuel, power, airport, goods and food (and thus tourism and the economy) rely heavily
on the Port.

What monitoring was undertaken and why (e.g. weather or physical process variables, asset
condition, performance of measures)?

Weather and climate are monitored by the Cook Islands Meteorological Service who also convey
warning information from the RSMC Nadi Tropical Cyclone Centre. Tide data at Avatiu Port is collected
by the National Tidal Centre as part of the Pacific Sea Level Monitoring Project.

No other monitoring data was obtained specifically for the project.

What were the main lessons learnt?

 For many such Pacific Island states, historical climatic data, tidal gauging, survey data and other
data is lacking, which can be challenging when developing project-specific climatic projections.
While some data was used to inform the project, whether historical data or that collected during the
course of the project, the methodology adopted highlighted the importance of anecdotal
observations from historical events.
 The importance of engaging with stakeholders was invaluable in this study and should be
considered necessary in any future climate change adaptation assessments for other Pacific Port
 The study demonstrates the value of qualitative risk assessments in raising awareness (from CEO
level through management and to operational staff) and the building of adaptive capacity.


Bim Tou, General Manager,

Cook Islands Port Authority,
Email: [email protected]

Brief case study description

Port Botany and Port Kembla, located on the east coast of Australia, are managed and developed by
NSW Ports under 99-year leases from the New South Wales (NSW) Government.

As the major container port in NSW, Port Botany is a vital part of the overall NSW logistics and
transportation supply chain in facilitating trade growth in NSW. Port Botany is the sole container port
servicing Sydney, the largest population centre in Australia and NSW, the most populated state and a
major importer of goods. Port Botany is also the State’s major facility for bulk liquids and gas.

Located around 90 kilometres south of Sydney, Port Kembla has historically serviced the needs of
regional industries, predominantly coal (export) and steel (import of raw materials and steel products).
In recent years Port Kembla has seen a diversification of its trade base to include general and breakbulk
cargoes, containers and motor vehicle imports. It is the largest vehicle importing hub in Australia and
the primary facility in NSW. It is also the principal grain export port for producers in Southern and South-
Western NSW.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

In 2015 NSW Ports conducted a climate change risk assessment for their assets in both ports.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?
Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The risk assessment was facilitated by a consultant and involved stakeholders from various departments
within NSW Ports, including personnel from various functions such as:

 management team (e.g. General Managers)

 strategic asset management
 engineering services
 operations and logistics
 environment and sustainability
These stakeholders are responsible for a range of functions in the port, such as:

 maintenance and operation of port infrastructure, including container terminals and berths, container
handling and storage facilities, bulk liquids and gas storage facilities, the internal road network and
truck marshalling area, and other assets
 environmental and sustainability planning, policy and management
 community and stakeholder engagement


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

Following the purchase of the Port Botany and Port Kembla in 2013, NSW Ports prepared a 30-Year
Master Plan and Sustainability Plan. The two documents outline a strategic vision for achieving

sustainable and efficient management of Port Botany and Port Kembla. One of the goals articulated in
the Sustainability Plan is: “To address the likely impacts of climate change on NSW Ports assets and
adapt as necessary to ensure their long-term resilience.”

As part of this process, NSW Ports undertook a qualitative climate change risk assessment. The risk
assessment considered a range of factors that may impact port operations and assets in future. This
included not only the direct impact of changes in climate, but also issues such as how government policy
may affect the use of fossil fuels (and therefore shipping, e.g. of coal), and other potential changes in
commodities being shipped through the port (e.g. grain export volumes).


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?
At the time, the work was undertaken, the most up to date global climate change projections were from
the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC). The AR4 projections had been downscaled and regional projections developed by the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Australian Bureau of
Meteorology (BoM) and reported in Climate Change in Australia [CSIRO and BoM, 2007]. The scenarios
adopted were the near-term moderate climate change scenario and long-term upper range scenario.


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

For their risk assessment, NSW Ports considered in a qualitative sense the potential impacts of climate
change. Site specific numerical modelling was not undertaken for the project.

What was the solution / what were the main outcomes?

Sea level rise was not considered a significant climate change hazard for Port Botany or Port Kembla.
Revised design criteria that take into account sea level rise and other climate change related impacts
on water levels have been developed for fixed infrastructure such as new land reclamation or hard stand
areas and breakwaters.

The key climate change-related hazards for the two ports were considered to be potential changes in
sea-state and storm activity (i.e. wave heights, wave direction, and storm intensity and frequency). Port
Kembla in particular is protected by significant breakwater structures and there is a risk the change in
wave and storm activity could result in increased overtopping and/or dislodgement of armour units from
the structures. However, the challenge in addressing the associated risk to the breakwaters is that the
projections for future wave climate are too uncertain. It is at this stage unclear as to whether ongoing
monitoring and reactive maintenance activities would suffice to manage the risk, or if significant works
may be required at some stage in the future to increase the height or strength of the breakwater.

Other physical risks to port assets that were considered include:

 degradation of roads and pavements due to extreme temperatures and rainfall events
 increased risk of flooding and associated damage due to higher frequency and intensity of extreme
rain events
 increased risk of power failure and degradation of electrical and communications infrastructure due
to extreme temperatures and severe storms
 potential for increased rates of deterioration of marine infrastructure due to increased exposure to
saline water (e.g. associated with sea level rise or increased incidence of wave attack)

In addition to physical risks to port assets, an increased frequency of extreme weather events may
impact on port operations. Issues identified for consideration include:

 large swell and high winds closing Port Botany and Port Kembla to shipping
 high winds delaying quay crane operations
 high winds blowing over empty container stacks

 Hot weather stopping stevedoring activity

These aspects were assessed as being of low to moderate risk to NSW Ports. Given the relatively long
timeframe for climate change with respect to asset life, it was thought that an adaptive approach to
maintenance regimes and operating practices would be the most suitable risk management approach.

What monitoring was undertaken and why (e.g. weather or physical process variables, asset
condition, performance of measures)?

No monitoring was undertaken specifically to inform this project, although NSW Ports routinely monitors
a range of things, such as:

 water levels and offshore wave height and direction at Port Kembla
 condition of assets and associated maintenance records

Proposed changes to NSW Ports monitoring strategies are discussed below.


What were the main lessons learnt?

The first challenge relates to our ability to translate an understanding of the physical impacts of climate
change into an appreciation of what these impacts may mean for NSW Ports’ infrastructure and
operations. NSW Ports decided that, while it was possible to allocate resources for numerical modelling
of the site-specific impacts of climate change on Port Kembla and Port Botany, it would not necessarily
add significant value due to the uncertainty in the climate change projections. While we can be relatively
confident in the sea level rise projections, their greatest risk is in relation to the water level impacts of
changes in wave heights and storm activity, for which the projections are much less certain.

For these reasons, NSW Ports considered the best value for money could be achieved by improved
record keeping, such as:

 monitoring disruption to port activities due to storm events, and analysing the data for any trends
over time (e.g. increase in rate or magnitude of disruptive events)
 standardising the maintenance processes across both ports to analyse trends in maintenance
requirements and impacts on materials durability and performance
 continuing to monitor policy and trade patterns, and diversify the ports’ throughput over time
Funds have also been allocated for a study to re-assess the existing breakwaters, which were identified
as being potentially at risk from climate change. The study will consider the existing condition of the
breakwaters and their vulnerability to increased damage or overtopping as a result of climate change.
Given that the port lands are elevated above future mean sea levels up to around 2100, this was
considered sufficient, and a reactive management approach will be adopted in the short term.
NSW Ports’ Development Codes require climate change risk assessments for new development
proposals within both Port Botany and Port Kembla. Proponents must consider design aspects relating
to sea level rise and extreme weather events including flooding, high wind, high temperatures and storm
Given the degree of uncertainty regarding the rate of future climate change, it may be appropriate to
shift focus to developing trigger levels (e.g. an amount of sea level rise) that may lead to significant
impacts on port operations, rather than a specific time-based planning horizon.

Trevor Brown – Environment Manager NSW Ports
Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 1300 922 524 - Website: http://www.nswports.com.au/


Brief case study description

Small island developing States (SIDS) share a number of socioeconomic and environmental
vulnerabilities that challenge their growth and development aspirations. Their climate, geographical, and
topographical features as well as their critical reliance on coastal transport infrastructure, in particular
seaports and airports, exacerbate these vulnerabilities, including their susceptibility to climate change
factors, such as sea-level rise and extreme weather events. While recent studies by UNCTAD and
others indicate that the Caribbean coastal transport infrastructure is vulnerable to mean sea level rise,
storm surges and waves, heat waves and flash floods, climate change is projected to increase the
region’s vulnerability to hydro-meteorological hazards. At the same time, however, SIDS capacity to
adapt and build the resilience of their coastal transport infrastructure is constrained. SIDS have limited
capacity to conduct targeted risk - and vulnerability assessments and identify, prioritise and implement
requisite adaptation options.

Against the above background, and drawing on earlier related work, since 2008, a technical assistance
project on ‘Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean: Enhancing
the Adaptive Capacity of SIDS’ has been implemented by UNCTAD over the period 2015-2017. The
main aims of the project were to strengthen the capacity of policy makers, transport planners and
transport infrastructure managers in SIDS to understand climate change impacts on coastal transport
infrastructure, mainly seaports and airports, and take appropriate adaptation response measures.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed and who was

involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?
As part of the project, case studies focusing on two Caribbean SIDS (Jamaica and Saint Lucia) were
carried out to (a) enhance the knowledge and understanding of the vulnerability of critical coastal
transportation assets at the national level, and (b) to develop a transferable methodology for assessing
climate-related impacts and potential adaptation options in Caribbean SIDS.

The draft case studies and methodology were reviewed and refined at a technical Expert Group meeting
in June 2016 and were presented and discussed at two national capacity-building workshops held in
Saint Lucia (24-26 May 2017, Rodney Bay) and in Jamaica (30 May-01 June 2017, Kingston). The
workshops also provided an important opportunity for training and demonstration, as well as for
feedback by a wide range of national stakeholders, with a view to finalising the case studies. A follow
up technical meeting with key stakeholders from St. Lucia and Jamaica was convened, back-to-back
with the regional workshop in Barbados, in December 2017, to take stock of progress, identify obstacles
and lessons learned and consider further technical assistance needs.

To ensure significant multiplier effects, a regional capacity-building workshop on ‘Climate Change

Impacts and Adaptation for Caribbean Coastal Transport Infrastructure’ was held in Barbados (5-7
December 2017, Bridgetown), bringing together seaports and airports authorities as well as a range of
other stakeholders, experts, development partners, and organisations from the wider Caribbean region
(21 countries and territories). The regional workshop provided an opportunity to present and discuss the
findings of the national case studies for Jamaica and Saint Lucia, and to provide demonstrations and
training on the methodology developed under the project. In the light of the impacts of the devastating
hurricane season of 2017, the regional workshop also served as an important topical forum for exchange
and discussion of collaborative action amongst stakeholders in the region. Regional workshop
participants, as well as participating international experts, expressed the need for continued work in the
area and identified several specific areas for follow-up.

UNCTAD’s implementation of project activities benefited from collaboration with UNECLAC, UNDP,
UNEP, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), OECS Commission, as well as
the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (ECJRC) and academic experts, among others.
PIANC participated in a technical expert meeting under the project, held in June 2016, to review and
refine drafts of the case studies and methodology.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were
UNCTAD has been working, 'ahead of the curve', on the implications of climate change for maritime
transportation, since 20087, with a particular focus on impacts and adaptation needs of seaports and
other coastal transport infrastructure. Direct weather and climate-related threats to ports include
accelerated coastal erosion, port and coastal road inundation/submersion, increased runoff and siltation
requiring increased dredging, water supply problems, access restrictions to docks and marinas,
deterioration of the condition and problems with the structural integrity of road pavements, bridges and
railway tracks. In addition, port and other transport operations (e.g. shipping volumes and costs, cargo
loading/capacity, sailing and/or loading schedules, storage and warehousing) may also be severely
impacted. Indirect impacts on ports and, more generally, international transportation, which are even
harder to assess, arise through, for example, changes in the population concentration/distribution, as
well as through changes in production, trade and consumption patterns, which are likely to lead to
considerable changes in demand for transportation.

Port vulnerability varies across regions, and depends on many factors, including the type of risks faced,
the degree of exposure and the level of adaptive capacity. SIDS are among the most vulnerable, as they
are both prone to being affected by climate change-related (and other) natural disasters and have low
adaptive capacity. The significance of weather and climate-related threats has been underscored by the
recent impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Maria and other storms that wreaked havoc on several Caribbean
airports and seaports during the 2017 hurricane season.

While the potential risk exposure for ports is significant, there are still important knowledge gaps about
vulnerabilities, as well as the specific nature and extent of exposure that individual ports may be facing.
Worth noting in this context are the results of an UNCTAD port-industry survey, which revealed important
gaps in terms of information available to seaports of all sizes and across regions suggesting that urgent
action should be taken to increase the knowledge base in ports. 8


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?
Impact assessments of changing climatic factors on coastal transport infrastructure and operations were
carried out for climatic changes forced by a 1.5 °C temperature increase above pre-industrial levels, as
well as for different emission scenarios and time periods in the present century.

State-of the art inundation modelling by the ECJRC produced flood maps focussed on ports and airports
in Saint Lucia and Jamaica. Marine inundation was projected for different periods under different
emission scenarios: extreme sea levels (ESLs) were simulated for the baseline historical period (1995)
and under the 1.5 °C warming scenario, for 9 return periods (1, 1/5, 1/10, 1/20, 1/50, 1/100,1/200, 1/500,
1/1000 years). Simulations were also carried out for 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2080 and 2100
under two emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).

In addition to climatic factors forcing coastal marine flood inundation (i.e. sea level rise, storm surges
and waves), other climatic stressors (e.g. extreme heat, precipitation and wind speed) that can cause
operational disruptions/damages to the ports and airports considered in detail as part of the case studies

For further information and documentation, see https://unctad.org/en/Pages/DTL/TTL/Legal.aspx.
Port Industry Survey on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (UNCTAD/SER.RP/2017/18).

were also covered. For the assessment of operational disruptions caused by the exceedance of
operational thresholds, climatic data were extracted from the Caribbean Community Climate Change
Centre’s (CCCCC) database that contains downscaled daily climate projections for the period 1970 -
2100 from the Regional Climate Model RCM PRECIS.


Important outcomes of the two case studies include an assessment of the potential vulnerabilities to
climatic change of two Caribbean SIDS, focusing on potential operational disruptions and the marine
inundation risk of critical seaports (also coastal international airports) in Jamaica and Saint Lucia. In that
context, historical hydro-meteorological impacts and disruptions were summarised and direct and
indirect impacts on the critical coastal transport assets of St. Lucia and Jamaica were assessed.

Approach to vulnerability assessment of critical coastal transportation assets

Direct impacts. The following approaches were adopted to assess direct impacts of climate variability
and change (CV & C) on critical coastal transport infrastructure/assets in Saint Lucia and Jamaica:

 assessment of direct impacts of changing climatic factors on coastal transport operations using the
‘operational thresholds’ method
 assessment of direct impacts on coastal transport infrastructure through modelling of the
flood/inundation due to extreme sea levels (ESLs) under the present and future climate
The operational thresholds approach included the following steps: 1) Identification of the operational
thresholds (e.g. extreme temperatures and rainfall under which facility operations are impaired); as
specific facility thresholds were not available, generic thresholds were used. 2) Collation of climatic data:
Climatic projections from the RCM PRECIS were abstracted from the CCCCC database; available
projections are for the SRES A1B scenario (which in terms of emissions and potential impacts,
approximates the RCP6.0). 3) Operational thresholds and the RCM PRECIS climatic projections were
then compared to assess threshold exceedance frequencies.

Assessment of the direct impacts on coastal infrastructure was carried out through modelling of the
marine flood/inundation due to extreme sea levels (ESLs) under the present and future climate. ECJRC
contributed to the study in that context. Extreme sea levels for different emission scenarios and periods
in the 21st century have been estimated by combining projections of Mean Sea Level Rise (MSLR) with
projections of astronomical tide changes, and the episodic coastal water level rise due to storm surges
and wave set ups. Storm surges were simulated using a flexible mesh setup of the DFLOW FM model,
whereas wave projections were provided by the spectral wave model WW3; in both cases, atmospheric
forcing was provided by ERA-INTERIM projections. Effects of cyclones on coastal sea levels were also
taken into consideration in the projections. The projected total ESLs were then used to simulate marine
coastal flood/inundation on the basis of dynamic simulations using the open-access model LISFLOOD-
ACC (LFP) and the available digital elevation models (DEMs).

Indirect impacts. Potential indirect CV & C impacts on tourism in Saint Lucia were also assessed. Since
most of the tourist infrastructure is concentrated along the island beaches, potential CV & C impacts on
St. Lucia’s tourism (with potential implications for the demand for air transport) were projected through
the ‘proxy’ of decreasing carrying capacity of the beaches due to beach erosion under different climatic
forcings. The geo-spatial characteristics (e.g. beach width maxima) and other attributes (e.g. backshore
development) of all (‘dry’) beaches of Saint Lucia were recorded using the images and other related
optical information available in the Google Earth Pro application. Seven cross-shore analytical and
numerical morphodynamic models were used in appropriate ensembles to project the response of Saint
Lucia’s ‘pocket’ beaches to long and short-term SLR.

What were the main outcomes of the risk assessment?

Key project outcomes included the assessment of potential vulnerabilities to climatic change in two
Caribbean SIDS, focused on potential operational disruptions and marine inundation risks to coastal
international airports and seaports of Jamaica and Saint Lucia under different climate scenarios.

The 1.5 °C temperature increase cap above pre-industrial levels – included as an aspirational goal in
the Paris Agreement (Art. 2.2) and of particular importance for SIDS – was translated into a date year
under the project. According to the analysis, the 1.5 °C temperature increase cap will be reached by
2033 under the IPCC RCP4.5 and by 2028 under the RCP8.5 scenario. Both operational disruptions
and marine inundation are projected to increase significantly in Saint Lucia and Jamaica when the
temperature rise cap of 1.5 °C is exceeded. See also IPCC 1.5 degrees report, Chapter 3, with reference
to Monioudi et. al, 2018.

Climatic operational thresholds:

 Operational disruptions are projected when the temperature cap of 1.5 °C is exceeded. It appears
that most operational problems for the Jamaican and Saint Lucian critical transportation assets will
be due to rising temperatures (apart from marine inundation).
 Outside working conditions: by the early 2030s, staff working outdoors at the Jamaican and Saint
Lucian international transportation assets could be at ‘high’ risk for 5 and 2 days/year, respectively;
by 2081-2100, such days could increase to 30 and 55days/year, respectively.
 Energy needs: it was found that for e.g. the Jamaican seaports, a 1.5 °C temperature rise will
increase energy requirements by 4 % for 214 days/year, whereas a 3.7 °C rise (2081-2100) will
increase energy requirements by 15 % for 215 days/year. Saint Lucia seaports are projected to
experience similar trends.
 Extreme rainfall: future disruptions due to intense (> 20 mm/day) and very heavy rainfall (> 50
mm/day) are projected not to differ significantly from those of the baseline period.
 Strong winds: the projections show that future winds will not affect significantly airport and seaport
operations on the basis of these thresholds.
Limitations: As the climate projections from the CCCCC database do not include the effects of tropical
storms/hurricanes, these results may be considered as underestimates. Also, facility-specific
operational sensitivities that cannot be captured by generic thresholds (e.g. the disruptive effects of wind
and wave directional changes on ship berthing) may also increase operational disruptions.

Coastal (marine) inundation:

Projections showed that the critical transportation assets of both SIDS would face rapidly increasing
marine inundation risks compared with the current situation, with those of Saint Lucia being at higher
risk than those of Jamaica. The results also suggest that, even under the 1.5 °C temperature increase
cap, some of the critical assets of the islands will face increased direct marine inundation under extreme
events, which will deteriorate very significantly and involve other assets later in the century. Flood maps
illustrating the vulnerability to marine flooding of key international transport assets in both countries are
available at SIDSport-ClimateAdapt.unctad.org (see also Monioudi et al. (2018)).

Kingston Freeport By 2030, some areas of the KCT seaport are projected to be flooded under the ESL100, whereas by 2100,
and Container much larger areas will be affected. Its access roads are also projected to be vulnerable to flooding.
Terminal (KCT)

Historic Falmouth HFCP cruise port will be very moderately affected until the 2080s, even by events with return periods in
Cruise Port (HFCP) excess of 200 years. However, it appears that the low-lying access roads will be increasingly vulnerable to

Port Castries (CSP) The ESL100 is projected to impact docks severely, inundate berths, cargo sheds and cruise ship facilities
and cause flooding of the city, even under 1.5 °C warming scenario; later in the century and under both RCP
scenarios tested, CSP flooding is projected to deteriorate in the absence of effective adaptation measures.

Vieux Fort Seaport VFSP appears vulnerable to marine flooding under all tested scenarios, which is markedly different from its
(VFSP) previous experience.

Table 1: Summary of coastal (marine) inundation of ports in Jamaica and Saint Lucia


A methodology was developed under the project to assist transport infrastructure managers and other
relevant entities in SIDS assess climate-related impacts and adaptation options for coastal transport
infrastructure. The methodology provides a structured framework for the assessment of impacts with a
view to identifying priorities for adaptation and effective adaptation planning for critical coastal transport
infrastructure (Figure 1). It takes a practical approach that uses available data to inform decision-making
at a facility, local, and national level. Technical elements include an ‘operational thresholds’ method to
determine the climatic conditions under which facility operations might be impeded, as well as coastal
inundation modelling (see above). The methodology is transferable, subject to location specific
modification, for use in other SIDS within the Caribbean and beyond.

The case studies and the workshops also generated a wealth of information on vulnerability assessment
and adaptation processes in Caribbean SIDS. Major lessons learnt fall into three categories:

1. Data:

 Data collection efforts take time; many SIDS lack baseline data
 Site visits and interviews with local stakeholders are essential
(‘the map is not the terrain’)
 Steps to validate stakeholder input from facility managers can
ensure high-quality inputs
 Identifying facility specific sensitivity thresholds can help
streamline and improve the vulnerability assessment process
 Further research, including detailed technical studies, as well as
collaborative concerted action at all levels is urgently required
2. Awareness and coordination:

 Communication and collaboration among public and private

sector stakeholders are key
 Ports/airports already taking action to increase resilience should
share their success stories
 There is a need for regional cooperation, and to build a
knowledge base and community of practice around
3. Implementation:
 Organisational ‘best practices’ can increase resilience, and vice-
 ‘Mainstream’ adaptation activities into existing planning and
decision-making processes
 Climate change adaptation often comes down to a policy
decision related to risk tolerance
 Financing for capital projects remains a major hurdle
 Ecosystem enhancements can play a significant role in reducing
natural hazard risks, including coastal hazards and inland

Regina Asariotis, Chief, Policy and Legislation Section, UNCTAD,
Phone: +41 22917564
Email: [email protected]
Project website: SIDSport-ClimateAdapt.unctad.org
UNCTAD website: https://unctad.org/en/Pages/DTL/TTL/Legal.aspx


UNCTAD (2017a): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), SAINT LUCIA: A Case
Study”, UNDA project 14150.

UNCTAD (2017b): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), JAMAICA: A Case Study”,
UNDA project 14150.

UNCTAD (2017): “Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean:
Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Climate Risk and
Vulnerability Assessment Framework for Caribbean Coastal Transport Infrastructure”, UNDA project

Monioudi et al., Reg Environ Change (2018): “Climate Change Impacts on Critical International
Transportation Assets of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS): The C”ase of Jamaica and
Saint Lucia”, [Online], Available: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1360-4; https://rdcu.be/Q1OY.

UNCTAD (2018): “‘SIDSport-ClimateAdapt’ on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Coastal
Transport Infrastructure in the Caribbean”.

Full documentation is available: SIDSport-ClimateAdapt.unctad.org.

Brief case study description

The San Pedro Breakwater is one of the three

U.S. Government breakwaters in San Pedro Bay
(Los Angeles, California, USA). The breakwater
provides the Port of Los Angeles with wave
protection for its infrastructure, navigation,
berthing, and cargo operations. It is located in
approximately 15 metres water depth and
consists of a superstructure of 8 to 25-tonnes
fitted granite blocks underlain by a rubble mound
substructure. It was built just over 100 years
ago, and, by current standards, its design can
be considered obsolete.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

Besides design considerations that make it vulnerable to damage, the breakwater exhibits some
structural issues of concern. From a climate change vulnerability perspective, the key issue of concern
is that its crest has settled an average 0.60 metres from its 4.25 metres mean lower low water (MLLW)
design elevation. The average crest level of the breakwater is now around 3.65 metres. The reduced
crest elevation makes the breakwater vulnerable to wave overtopping and damage in 2 metres MLLW
spring tides and storm wave conditions. Sea level rise due to climate change is expected to exacerbate
this situation, increasing the vulnerability of the structure and requiring adaptation to accommodate the
increased risk.


What types of infrastructure/ operation/ management activities were assessed?

The assessment was limited to the condition of the breakwater and the increased vulnerability due to
sea level rise.

What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

Since its completion in 1912, the San Pedro Breakwater has been damaged and repaired several times.
Damage has typically occurred during strong El Niño years when, in Southern California, the mean sea
level (MSL) could be as much as 0.30 metres above normal and the frequency of storms typically
increase. The damage mechanism in all these events consisted of the displacement of numerous granite
blocks from the superstructure due to the combination of high waves and high water levels.

During the El Niño of 1939, the breakwater suffered its first severe damage due to waves caused by the
tropical storm of 25 September 1939. On 1 March 1983, during one of the strongest El Niño events on
record, the breakwater was subjected to severe wave attack combined with exceptionally high water
levels, which resulted in the most extensive damage the breakwater has suffered to date. At the Port of
Los Angeles tide gauge, the measured peak water level during the storm was 2 m MLLW and the latest
wave hindcast (3-hour interval, from 1970 to 2008 (39 years) [Halcrow, 2014]) showed that the storm
generated 3.85 m, 17-second waves coincident with the peak water level. The breakwater was breached
at six locations with one breach extending approximately 120 metres. In the El Niño winter of 1987-88,
the breakwater was again subjected to severe wave attack during to the storm of 17-18 January 1988.
This storm did not generate as large waves as the storm of 1983, and while the water levels were
exceptionally high, water levels did not peak at the same time as the highest waves. The measured
peak water level during the storm was 2.2 m MLLW and the latest wave hindcast [Halcrow, 2014]
showed that the storm generated 1.6 m, 10-second waves at the time of the peak water level.
Considering that the crest of the breakwater is on average at 3.65 metres MLLW and that spring tides
can reach approximately 2 metres MLLW, the resulting approximately 1.7 metres freeboard is
inadequate in high water level/storm conditions. The wave climate in San Pedro Bay exhibits wave
heights higher than 1 metre approximately 5 % of the time and the 100-year wave height is in the order
of 3.8 metres.

The settlement of the breakwater has resulted in a reduced freeboard and an increased likelihood of
wave overtopping and damage, and the damage history evidenced that the San Pedro Breakwater is
vulnerable to high waves and water levels. This was confirmed with an analysis performed with
NN_OVERTOPPING, a neural network wave overtopping model developed by Deltares (2016), using
surveyed cross sections of the breakwater and 39-year time histories of waves and water levels. The
average discharges (i.e. water overtopping due to waves) computed for the storm of March 1983 (> 200
L/m/sec) were consistent with the damage produced by that storm. Finally, the wave and water level
hazards were combined into a single hazard, the relative freeboard parameter R/H where R is the
freeboard (= crest – still water level) and H is the significant wave height. A 39-year time history of R/H
was computed and correlation between R/H and damage observed in condition assessments of the
breakwater and 1:30-scale model tests [USACE, 1984] indicated that damage to the superstructure due
to wave overtopping may occur in high wave/high water level conditions when R/Hs are in the order of
0.3 to 0.45, while damage to the foundation of the superstructure may occur in high wave/low water
level conditions when R/Hs are in the order of 0.7 to 1.

Given the scientific evidence that sea levels are rising and that will continue to rise because of climate
change, an increase in the vulnerability of the breakwater and frequency of damage is therefore
expected. The damage due to high sea levels and severe storms that occurred in strong El Niño years
can be considered representative of the damage that may occur in climate change scenarios when these
conditions would be typical as opposed to episodic. Consequently, the impact of sea level rise (SLR)
due to climate change on the vulnerability of the breakwater needed to be assessed. This was
accomplished by performing a risk analysis by which the annual frequencies of failure of the breakwater
were computed and compared for two scenarios: a) the current sea level and b) for a sea level scenario
due to climate change.

What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

Because cost would likely limit adaptation works to a one-time event and due to the uncertainty in end-
of-the-century SLR projections, a 0.60 metre ‘high’ (A1FI) SLR scenario was selected from projections
by the National Research Council (2012) for the year 2060 (50 years of additional service life from 2010).
The annual frequency of non-exceedance of R/H was computed from the 39-year time history of R/H,
and given that there is no basis to determine what distribution would be more appropriate to represent
the fragility (probability of failure) of the granite block superstructure of the breakwater, a lognormal
distribution was assumed as this distribution is often used in structural evaluations.

How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

The methodology followed in the risk analysis consisted of selecting the sea levels for each scenario,
estimating the corresponding annual frequency of non-exceedance of R/H and the breakwater fragility,
performing a systems analysis, and risk quantification.

Failure was defined as the unacceptable degree of damage that would lead to loss of functionality (e.g.
decreased capability to provide wave protection), and to repairs that would prevent further damage and
restore functionality. For the purpose of quantifying the damage due to R/H and to estimate the fragility
of the breakwater, unacceptable damage levels achieved in model tests [USACE, 1984] were used. To
account for the variability of the wave conditions along the breakwater, as well as the variability of cross
section geometry and stability, breakwater fragilities were estimated at representative locations for three
segments of the breakwater: the 900-metre west segment, the 550-metre curved segment, and the
1,360-metre east segment. Along each segment, the breakwater’s physical characteristics were
assumed to be similar. The breakwater was modelled as a series system, where each segment performs
and fails independently, and the breakwater fails when one or more segments fail.

What was/were the main outcome(s)?

The risk analysis was performed at a preliminary level and based on limited available information and
engineering analysis. Consequently, it provided a conservative estimate of the annual frequency of
occurrence of failure. It indicated that the mean annual frequency of breakwater failure due R/H is 0.11
for the current sea level, and 0.25 for a 0.60 metre SLR due to climate change by 2060, an increase by
a factor of 2.3. Figure 4 shows the probability distribution of the annual frequency of failure of the
breakwater due to R/H.


At 0.11, the mean annual frequency of failure due to R/H in the current mean sea level scenario is higher
than the 0.03 annual frequency of breakwater failure estimated from the breakwater’s damage and repair
history. This discrepancy can be attributed to the limited data available to define the breakwater fragility
and the assumptions used in the analysis. In any case, while this discrepancy could be perceived as
large in an absolute sense, in relative terms it clearly shows that SLR due to climate change would have
a significant impact on the vulnerability of the breakwater. Increasing the breakwater crest elevation
appears to be a justifiable solution to reduce the risk of failure. Detailed analyses would be required to
reduce the uncertainty in the breakwater fragility and to define a design crest elevation to adapt to SLR
due to climate change. For the existing superstructure, these would include physical model tests for
combinations of R/H, wave period and angle of incidence or, for the assessment of wave damage if
alternative superstructure designs are considered.


Claudio Fassardi, Senior Principal Engineer, Jacobs,

Phone: +1-760-258-7719,
Email: [email protected] - Website: www.jacobs.com


Deltares (2016): “Overtopping Neural Network”, [Online], Available: http://v-


Halcrow (2014): “San Pedro Breakwater Comprehensive Condition Assessment Report”, Prepared for
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District.

National Research Council (2012): “Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and
Washington: Past, Present, and Future”, Committee on Sea Level Rise in California, Oregon, and
Washington, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Earth Sciences
and Resources and Ocean Studies Board.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1984): “San Pedro Breakwater Repair Study, Los Angeles,California:
Hydraulic Model Investigation”, Final Report. Miscellaneous Paper CERC-84-11.

Walker, J.G., Rodgers, A.F, Burr, W.H. and G.S. Morison (1897): “Report of the Board”, 55th Congress
1st Session, Senate, Document No. 18.

Brief case study description

Muelles el Bosque (MEB) is a port terminal in Cartagena, Colombia. At the time of the study MEB
employed approximately 250 people and handled four types of cargo: containers, grain, bulk materials
and coke (in decreasing order of average throughput for the period 2005-2009). Between 2005 and
2010, containers represented the largest share of MEB’s revenue. In 2008, MEB moved 1 % of
Colombia’s international trade (in tonnage). The 10ha-terminal is located in a mixed industrial and
residential zone of Cartagena. It is composed of two sites, an island named ‘Isla del Diablo’ and an
adjacent mainland area linked via a causeway road.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

Recognizing these issues, the IFC Adaptation Program aims to develop knowledge, tools and methods
for analysing climate-related risks and opportunities to the private sector, and for evaluating adaptation
responses. This is being achieved initially by undertaking case studies of some of IFC’s investments, to
investigate how they could be affected by climate change. Within this context, IFC has commissioned
this report for a port, Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque (MEB), in Cartagena, Colombia. The report
presents the outcomes of an assessment of the potential risks and opportunities from climate change
for MEB, along with analyses of climate-resilient actions that the company can consider.

The report aims to address the following questions:

• What risks and opportunities does climate change present for MEB?
• What are the most significant risks for MEB?
• How could MEB manage climate change risks in the most economically optimal way, taking account
of environmental and social objectives?
• How could climate-related opportunities be developed and exploited?
• Where could MEB work in collaboration with other stakeholders to manage climate risks?
• What tools and techniques for climate risk assessment and management can be applied to
understand these issues?


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

The study analysed effects of climate impacts on all key direct and indirect assets and operations that
may affect the company’s financial returns, and environmental and social performance. In addition to
the assessment of terminal assets and operations in direct ownership or control of the company,
additional elements included impacts on navigation in the region and the port’s competitiveness, effects
of climate change on the main goods transported through the port, and goods’ movement beyond the
port gates.

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The study was led by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and elaborated by the consultancy
Acclimatise, in cooperation with WorleyParsons, University of Oxford, Synergy, Exocol, and Universidad
Nacional de Colombia.

The following institutions contributed to the study:

• Alcaldía de Cartagena de Indias – Secretaría de Infraestructura

• Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar de Colombia (Cenicaña)

• Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas de la Dirección General Marítima (CIOH)
• Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
• Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café (Cenicafé)
• Corporación Autónoma Regional del Canal del Dique (CARDIQUE)
• Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (CORPOICA)
• Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP)
• Dirección General Marítima (DIMAR)
• Federación Nacional de Cafeteros
• Fundación Natura; Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA)
• Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia (IDEAM)
• Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR)
• Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural
• Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial (MAVDT)
• Puerto de Mamonal
• Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (SPRC)
• Universidad de Cartagena
• Universidad de los Andes – Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo (CIDER)


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

For this study, a broad set of climate models and greenhouse gas emission scenarios (A2, A1B and B2)
were considered, to capture the range of uncertainty in future climate change. Results of the regional
PRECIS model were also used.

The observational data was obtained from a variety of local resources, principally from Instituto de
Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM, the Colombian institute of hydrology,
meteorology and environmental studies).

Climate and Observed conditions recorded by Future scenarios from climate model
climate-related meteorological stations and tidal gauges in projections
variables Cartagena
Mean  Between 26.7°C and 28.5°C (average monthly)  Increases of 0.7 to 1.2°C by the 2020s, 1.2 to
temperature  No obvious trend in temperature over the last 70 2.2°C by the 2050s and 1.7 to 3.7°C by the
years 2080s (projected by an ensemble of Global
Climate Models (GCM))
 Potential increases up to 6°C by the 2050s
(projected by an ensemble of downscaled
Mean  Annual average rainfall was about 600mm per  Assumed yearly increase of 0.6 % on wet days,
precipitation year in the 1940s and has risen steadily, to about based on continuation of observed trends
1,100 mm per year in the last decade  Climate models perform poorly at projecting
 Increase of 6mm per year in 1941-2009; future rainfall in Colombia
corresponding to a 0.6 % increase per year on
wet days
Sea level rise  Rising at 5.6 mm per year (± 0.008 mm)  ‘Observed sea level rise scenario’: 5.6 mm per
(Source: Tidal gauge data) year, i.e. 504 mm by 2100
 ‘Accelerated sea level rise scenario’: 1,300 mm
by 2100

Wind  Calm or between 1.6 and 13.9 m/s for most of the  Increases by up to 0.2 m/s by the 2020s and 0.5
time m/s by the 2050s and 2080s (projected by an
ensemble of GCMs)
 Winds in the range 3 to 10 m/s could become
more frequent (projected by the regional climate
model PRECIS)
Storminess and  Not affected by tropical cyclones  Little to no change
storm surges  Storm surge height up to 171 mm for a 1 in 300-
year event

How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

These analyses have been undertaken through a combination of desk-based studies and modelling,
and discussions with MEB, government and Colombian climate change experts, during a two week visit
to Colombia in November 2010. Discussions with MEB during the site visit were particularly important
in helping to define the key risks associated with climate change. For the risk assessments, the study
used both observed and projected future changes in climate conditions.

Risk significance is evaluated by scoring the two dimensions of risk, namely the likelihood of a hazard
and the magnitude of its consequence. The consequence and likelihood ratings are scored from 1 (low)
to 5 (high). Where relevant, the risk assessment considered the implications of climate variability as well
as average changes in the future climate.

What were the main risks/what were the main outcomes?

The assessment for MEB revealed that among all the potential impacts that climate change could have
on ports in general, only a few issues are of significance to MEB:

• impacts on vehicle movements inside the port due to sea level rise
• demand, trade levels and patterns
• goods storage
• navigation and berthing
• goods handling
• inland transport beyond the port
• environmental impacts
• social impacts

Others climate-related issues were found to be less significant for MEB but may be critically important
to other ports. For example:

• Vulnerability to extreme coastal flooding due to mean sea level rise and changes in storm surges
can be very critical in some ports, as shown by the costs of Hurricane Katrina for US ports. However,
by virtue of its protected location in the Bay of Cartagena, and because Cartagena lies south of
tropical cyclone tracks, MEB is unlikely to be affected by potential increases in tropical cyclones.
• High winds can cause damage to port buildings or equipment, as well as costly disruptions.
However, Cartagena does not experience strong winds and climate models do not point to large
increases in wind speeds in the region.
• It should be noted that, currently, climate models are not good at projecting changes in wind speeds
and tropical cyclones. However, ongoing and future climate model improvements will increase
confidence in these projections.


How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

For all the climate change risks identified across MEB’s activities, the study identified adaptation
measures. Where risks to MEB were found to be significant, an appraisal was undertaken of the costs
and benefits of adaptation. The level of detail of these adaptation assessments is a function of the level
of confidence in climate change projections: where there were reasonably good future projections (for
example, for sea level rise), trigger dates for undertaking adaptation were identified and different
adaptation scenarios were compared (e.g. incremental adaptation over time against ‘one-off’

The adaptation options recommended for consideration by MEB included:

 raising the height of the causeway road between the island and the mainland

 paving of the port’s unpaved areas to reduce future maintenance costs, reduce vehicle
maintenance, and minimise dust generation
 improve drainage capacity to reduce flood risk. It was recommended that this be complemented by
a range of initiatives, such as improved inspection and maintenance practices and fitting tide flaps
to drainage outlets
 investigate climate resilient commodities and consider the need to diversify or transition the types
of commodities shipped through the port
 protect goods from inundation by seawater using measures such as, increasing floor levels of
storages areas, providing emergency flood protection to storage areas, store perishables in less
vulnerable port areas, and increasing the crest level of the wall protecting the port
 contract additional insurance to cover climate-related hazards (e.g. those that affect access to and
from the port)


What were the main outcomes?

The objective of the study and their results were identification of climate risks and recommendation of
adaptation options addressing those risks. Following on the recommendations of the work, MEB
invested US$ 10 million in upgrading the port infrastructure to address the impacts.

What were the main lessons learnt?

Depending on facilities’ characteristics, a relatively low investment in assessment of climate risks help
a port improve its short- and longer-term performance, assist in medium- to long-term investment
planning, and help in the overall competitiveness of a facility.

As with most climate change risk and adaptation assessments, the gaps and barriers identified in this
study fall within the following categories:

• lack of quality localized data (such as LiDAR elevation datasets)

• uncertainty in future climate projections, relative to climate change timescales
• lack of knowledge of existing climate risks and adaptation measures
• short time horizon for investment decisions
• failure by other organisations to acknowledge climate change


Vladimir Stenek, Senior Climate Change Specialist – International Finance Corporation

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ifc.org/climaterisks


IFC (2011): “Climate Risk and Business Ports: Terminal Maritimo Muelles el Bosque Cartegena,

Case study online:


Brief case study description

In the eastern part of Flanders one of Belgium’s biggest canals is situated: the Albert Canal. This canal
connects the industrial zones from the (French-speaking) Walloon part of Belgium with Antwerp,
Belgium’s largest harbour. Ships can continue at both ends of the canal, to the Netherlands (e.g. Rhine,
Rotterdam) and to France (Meuse). Because of the building of the canal also some important industrial
areas were developed along it, making it an economically extremely important waterway for Belgium,
with a total traffic of 40 million tonnes per year, avoiding 6,000 trucks daily on the highways.

The canal gets its water from the river Maas (Meuse), a river only fed by rain. The Maas is also feeding
other canals, with the Juliana canal to the Netherlands being the most important. Therefore, agreements
had to be established with the Netherlands to address situations of extreme weather events, including
low water events. In some (rare) cases, the discharge of the river Meuse is not enough for feeding all
canals in Flanders and the Netherlands and for maintaining a minimum discharge in the Meuse itself.
During these periods, the water level of the Albert Canal can drop, so that the allowed draft for ships
has to be reduced, making inland navigation less attractive as transport mode. Up to now these problems
were addressed by a number of measures, such as lift-locking of professional shipping with less water
and limiting water withdrawals for agricultural and nature management purposes, but these measures
implied accepting associated economic and ecological damages.

Climate change is expected to cause more frequent and longer periods of drought in Belgium, which will
lower the water level of the Albert Canal and in this way reducing the allowed draft for inland navigation
and making it less attractive for the transportation of goods.

To avoid economic damage due to reduced navigability of the canal, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv, the
former nv De Scheepvaart, part of the Flemish administration of Mobility and Public Works, has worked
with stakeholders to investigate potential solutions. As an outcome of the study within each of the six
locks of the Albert Canal three Archimedes’ screws, each with a length of 28 metres, a width of 4.3
metres and a weight of 85 tonnes, will be installed – the largest in Europe.

In case of drought these screws pump up maximum 15 m²/s of water upstream of the lock. In normal
circumstances (an average availability of water), the screws are used as a hydropower plant and the
pumps work as an electricity generator. The screws are designed to allow fish migration to protect

The first set of screws were installed in 2012 in Ham and are fully operational. The second set of screws
are implemented in Olen and are operational in 2015. The third set was installed in Hasselt in 2018.
Three more sets of screws will be installed in the coming years in Diepenbeek, Genk and Wijnegem.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

The case study is an example of an adaptation measure for inland shipping. In the preparatory phase
climate science was interpreted and used. Also, climate change risks had to be assessed and


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

Inland waterway

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

Within the organisation, a broad array of people were involved with of course the executive board and
the engineering and planning division, but also environmental and hydrographic experts. External
stakeholders consisted of government or regulatory agencies (also environmental agencies),
environmental groups and local community representatives.


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were
The main driver for considering climate change adaptation was improving resilience and reducing
vulnerability, mainly to drought and low water levels.


What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?
Water levels and changes in precipitation were used as parameters in quantified mid estimate plus high
climate change projections. Both IPCC data and regional climate assessments were used.


How were risks assessed/what methodology was used? What was the solution/what were the
main outcomes?
The project mainly focused on identifying the best adaptation measure. The risk was already defined.


How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?
The organisation ‘NV de Scheepvaart’ resorting under the policy area ‘Mobility and Public Works’ has
searched for solutions together with its partners. Two major preparatory projects led to the eventual
design of the measures, in which relevant stakeholders were involved. The first was the development of
a low water strategy for the canal. This strategy was developed in four stages:
• In a first stage, the problem analysis phase, an inventory was made of different water uses,
consulting water users about their ideas to reduce water use.
• In a second phase, different possible solutions were proposed, inviting feedback from all relevant
• In the third phase the effects of the solutions in terms of effectiveness and costs were analysed
quantitatively with a suite of models and other analytical tools.
• In a fourth and final phase preferred strategies were discussed in a series of workshops with a broad
range of stakeholders using water from the canal system for economic, ecological or societal
reasons, including industries, shipping representatives, drinking water supply companies, power
companies, nature protection organisations, municipalities and others.
Secondly, an environmental impact assessment was undertaken to choose the preferred option from
the proposed solutions, taking into account various environmental dimensions, notably fish stock
interests and noise.

What monitoring was undertaken and why (e.g. weather or physical process variables, asset
condition, performance of measures)?
Continuous monitoring of discharge of the River Meuse and the Albert Canal and the water savings
realised by pumping up the water coming from lockage takes place, but also the impacts of the pumps
on the fishes are monitored.

What were the main lessons learnt?

Uncertainties in climate change projections and technical solutions and lack of funding were the main

Next to the realisation of the pumps with a capacity of 15m²/s to keep shipping on the canal possible in
longer periods of drought, this project has also raised awareness among the different stakeholders on
the consequences of climate change and low water levels, more specifically for water management of
the canal. The stakeholders are also more aware that specific measures exist to solve this in a
sustainable way.

Important success factors included the acknowledgement of ecological values and the attention to the
development of a collaborative process in which all stakeholders were seriously engaged. As to the
former, two ecological factors played a key role: the structural possibility to protect natural values in the
Meuse valley by limiting extraction of Meuse water and maintain a sufficiently high run-off level, and the
consideration of the fish stocks in the Albert Canal.

One of the main factors of success to collaborate was the awareness of the inadequacy of current
solutions and projected worsening of the situation in terms of frequency and length of low water level.


Koen Maeghe, head of division

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Phone: +32-11-298400
Website: http://www.vlaamsewaterweg.be/

Brief case study description. How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation?

The goal of the MOWE-IT project was to identify existing best practices and to develop methodologies
to assist transport operators, authorities and transport system users to mitigate the impact of natural
disasters and extreme weather phenomena on transport system performance. The project was funded
by the European Commission’s 7th RTD framework programme between October 2012 and September
2014. MOWE-IT was co-ordinated by the Technical Research Centre Finland (VTT) and involved 12
European research institutes and companies.


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed? Who was
involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The project-specific objectives of MOWE-IT were to:

1. Address the cross-modal features of the European transport system, key determinants of travel
choice and distance-destination relationships between transport modes across Europe.
2. Undertake a mode-by-mode (road, rail, aviation and waterborne transport) review of impacts and
mitigation strategies of natural disasters and extreme weather events currently available for industry,
operators and regulators.
3. Prepare short-term options for dealing with induced disruptions, including the availability of
alternative transport options in the form of less affected transport mode options.
4. Provide policy recommendations for longer term solutions to reduce disruption to the European
transport system caused by extreme weather phenomena.
5. Involve stakeholders, including the transport industry and authorities from a variety of fields (border
and customs control, emergency services, health sector etc.) in order to create an arena in which
the adaptation process can be discussed in a cross-modal perspective and a wide geographical


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The European transport system has shown vulnerability to external shocks due to weather events, which
have partially or, in some cases, totally shut down part of the transport system. Dedicated practical
applications to manage transport networks more effectively were expected to reduce the vulnerability of
the European transport system to adverse weather events.


What were the main outcomes? What were the main lessons learnt?

The main outcomes of the project were the provision of guidebooks for enhancing resilience of rail, road,
aviation, inland waterway and maritime transport. The guidebooks were considered an essential tool for
decision makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders interested in reducing the impact of extreme
weather events on transport. Based on the guidebooks created, policy recommendations were drafted,
and a long-term implementation plan developed.

These deliverables were developed based on comprehensive literature reviews, information provided
by the project partners, stakeholder interviews, and feedback received during the regional conferences
held (stakeholder conferences).

Specifically for inland navigation, the guidebook emphasises the vital importance of maintenance, and
the crucial role of monitoring. Concepts such as ‘fairway in a fairway’ (informed by up to date or real
time online information) are also highlighted. In the medium-term options to optimise, lengthen, shorten,
raise or lower structural elements, whilst at the same time minimising river bed degradation, are
acknowledged. A shift to more customer-oriented waterway management, the development and use of
River Information Services, and the implementation of new information and communication technologies
(e.g. improved weather forecasting and monitoring) are also proposed, along with measures to adapt
and modernise the inland waterways fleet and associated port infrastructure-related modifications to
accommodate the modernised fleet.


Juha Schweighofer, D.Sc.

Member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Senior Expert for Ship Technology
Strategy & Action Programmes
Phone: +43 50 4321-1624
Fax: +43 50 4321-1450
Mobile: +43 664 80842 1624
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.viadonau.org


Siedl, N. and Schweighofer, J. (2014): “Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience in European Inland
Waterway Transport in Extreme Weather Events”, MOWE-IT: project funded by the European
Commission’s 7th RTD framework programme, [Online], Available: www.mowe-it.eu.

Golikov, V., Nazarenko, K., Nokkala, M., Hutchinson, P., Kopsala, P., Michaelides, S., Tymvios, F.,
Papadakis, M., and Athanasatos, S. (2014): “Guidebook for Enhancing Resilience of European Maritime
Transport in Extreme Weather Events”, MOWE-IT: project funded by the European Commission’s 7th
RTD framework programme, [Online], Available: www.mowe-it.eu.

Brief case study description

The Port of Manzanillo in the State of Colima, Mexico, is one of the largest containerised cargo ports in
the world. Nationally, it has positioned itself as the main port for the management of containerised cargo,
accounting for 60 % of this cargo on the Mexican Pacific coast and 46 % of all the containerised cargo
in the country.
Recognising the potential significance of climate change to ports, a Technical Cooperation between the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Administración Portuaria Integral of Manzanillo S.A.
de C.V (API Manzanillo) was established. Through this cooperation, a group of consultants lead by the
consulting firm Acclimatise were requested to carry out a study to help assess the capacity of the port
to respond to potential climate change risks and to foster opportunities stemming from early action and
adaptation responses.

How is the case study relevant to climate change adaptation (e.g. understanding and assessing
climate change risk, collecting and analysing data)?

This study seeks to address the climate change threats and opportunities faced by the Port of
Manzanillo. This task is accomplished through a comprehensive climate risk assessment that takes into
consideration the port´s entire value chain and through the formulation of a climate change adaptation
plan for the port.

The study aimed to address the following questions:

1. What risks and opportunities does climate change present for the port?
2. What key climate-related factors should API Manzanillo take into account to maintain its
competitiveness and develop its medium- and long-term business strategy?
3. How could the port manage climate risks and uncertainties in the most financially optimal way, taking
account of environmental and social objectives?
4. How could climate-related opportunities be developed and exploited?
5. How should adaptation actions be prioritised and sequenced in an Adaptation Plan?
6. Where could API Manzanillo work in collaboration with other stakeholders to best manage climate
risks and take advantage of opportunities?


What types of infrastructure/operation/management activities were assessed?

The study analyses how climate-related risks and opportunities could affect the various elements of the
Port of Manzanillo’s value chain and identifies and quantifies (where possible) the key risks and
opportunities. Accordingly, it addresses the exposure and sensitivity of infrastructure and equipment
associated with:

• navigation and berthing
• goods storage
• goods handling
• terrestrial and maritime transport routes, including inland rail and highways
• other port services

The study also takes into account social and environmental standards at the port as well as the potential
effects of future changes in:

• demand and consumption patterns

• competition with other ports
• possible future agreements on GHG emissions (e.g. policy and taxes)
• evolution of the insurance market

Who was involved in the project (internal and external stakeholders)?

The following stakeholders were involved in the project:

• The consultancy Acclimatise, who led the study, with support from Worley Parsons, Consultect and
some individual subject matter experts
• IDB staff members
• An IFC representative with expertise in undertaking similar projects
• Staff from API Manzanillo
• The port community, including representatives of 14 terminals, the Capitanía de Puerto
(Harbourmaster), the Ayuntamiento de Manzanillo (Town Council of Manzanillo) and Ferromex (the
rail company)
• A range of institutes from the State of Colima, including the:
- Instituto para el Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado (IMADES)
- Centro Universitario de Gestión Ambiental from the University de Colima
- Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano del Estado de Colima
• A range of Federal Government entities including the:
- Comisión Nacional del Agua
- Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres
- Comisión Nacional de Áreas naturales Protegidas
- Comisión Nacional para el Conociemiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
- Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático
- Insituto Mexicano del Transporte
- Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes
- Secretaría de Marina
- Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- Secretaría de Turismo
• INECC, SEMARNAT and IMT provided external peer review of the study


What was the driver for considering climate change adaptation? What adaptation issues were

The initial driver for the project was an application by a terminal operator for funding from IDB to expand
their operations into a second terminal. The land that was the subject of the proposal was state-owned
and managed by API Manzanillo, hence their involvement in the project. One of the conditions of funding
imposed by the IDB was the completion of a port-wide study on climate change adaptation targeting
supply chain interventions.

The IDB provided the funding and partnered with API Manzanillo to form a technical cooperation to
undertake climate change adaptation funding. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provided in-
kind technical support to IDB.

What climatic parameters and scenarios were used? Which data sources were used?

Three different future climate change scenarios were taken into account, namely, RCP 8.5 (high), RCP
4.5. (moderate) and RCP 2.6 (low). The climatic factors considered in the climate risk and vulnerability
assessment included:

 changes in rainfall patterns (number of rain days, potential for dust generation)
 increases in the frequency of intense rainfall events and flooding
 sedimentation of the port basin as a result in increased rainfall intensity
 increases in average and peak temperatures and humidity
 mean sea level rise and storm surge
 increased intensity and duration of tropical cyclones
 higher wind speeds in more intense storm events

How were risks assessed/what methodology was used?

The study determined the level of present-day and future climate-related risk to each of the elements of
the value chain of the port, making use of various methods to reflect the different sensitivity and exposure
that can be attributed to each type of port activity. Risks identified were evaluated against four criteria:

1. Current vulnerability is high

2. Projected impacts of climate change are large
3. Adaptation decisions have long lead times or long-term effects
4. Large uncertainties – scale of future risk is uncertain but could be large
According to their level of importance, climate risks were prioritised, and their financial and economic
implications quantified. Risk that rated ‘high’ against two or more of these criteria were considered ‘high
priority risks’. Similarly, whenever current vulnerability was rated ‘high’, the risk was identified as a ‘high
priority risk’.

A financial analysis was undertaken in three stages as follows:

• A ‘Baseline case’ – establishes baseline future projections (ignoring the effects of climate change)
within a financial model in consultation with API Manzanillo and the terminals.
• A ‘Climate change cases’ – estimates the financial implications of climate change impacts for a
range of scenarios within the financial model i.e. future climate change impacts with no adaptation.
• A ‘Climate change with adaptation cases’ – assesses the financial cost and benefits of adaptation
options and identify economically optimal adaptation measures.

What was the solution/what were the main outcomes?

The priority risks considered are:

• Increased intensity of rainfall causing surface water flooding of the internal access road and rail
connections and port entrance, causing disruptions to port operations.
• Increased frequency of intense rainfall events causing damage to infrastructure and equipment
through surface water flooding.
• Increase in intensity of rainfall causing increased sedimentation of the port basin, reducing draft
clearance for vessels and terminal access.

How were the possible adaptation measures identified and which ones where recommended?

Identification and prioritisation of adaptation measures was undertaken as follows by the study team:

1. First, adaptation measures were identified for each of the climate risks.
2. Adaptation measures were then prioritised as follows: (1) Measures that address priority risks were
termed ‘priority adaptation measures’ and (2) Those that address medium and low priority risks are
in turn, medium and low priority measures.
3. Within the set of priority adaptation measures, certain measures were identified that should be
undertaken first.

A high-level analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the measures which deliver adaptation action for the
priority risks identified was undertaken. The approach used is aligned with recent literature on cost
effectiveness analysis of climate resilience measures. The comparative high, medium and low scores
were primarily a relative comparison of the costs and effectiveness of each option, based on expert
judgement, the transfer of values from literature where available and application of study-specific criteria.

The following high-level conclusions can be made based on the findings of the cost effectiveness

• Operational measures tend to be low cost and to have a medium effectiveness at reducing risk.
• Engineered measures are often the most effective at reducing risk. However, they are generally
more costly and have few positive (beneficial) additional consequences.
• Ecosystem-based and hybrid options have more positive additional consequences, but they are
typically not as effective as engineered options at reducing risk. They tend to be more complex to
implement, and the evidence base on them is weaker, so there is uncertainty regarding their


What were the main lessons learnt?

Uncertainties about future climate conditions will always remain, and so it is important that Adaptation
Plans place an emphasis on undertaking no regret, low regret, win-win and flexible adaptation measures

Adaptation actions can be more easily implemented when they respond to priority risks and when they
clearly relate to success factors and development objectives of ports. Moreover, the inclusion of a
stakeholder engagement plan can help different actors understand each other´s roles and
responsibilities and help keeping track on the implementation of the plan´s adaptive measures.

It is important to take into consideration national, sub-national and sectorial adaptation policies in the
development of adaptation plans for ports. This helps to ensure that adaptation measures at ports are
well aligned with government objectives and may help port operators getting support and assistance
from government when implementing adaptation measures.

What would you do differently?

It was recognised that on many occasions local entities would have developed studies and assessments
incorporating some climate-related considerations. It is important to try to incorporate this information
and to get buy-in from these entities early in the assessment process. This can facilitate access to data
and provide legitimacy and credibility to the study´s results. Due to the timeline of the project it was not
always possible to develop deep relationships with these actors. Stronger participation of local
consultants from the project could have facilitated this interaction.


Joana Pascual (IDB)

Email: [email protected]

Ernesto Monter (IDB)

Email: [email protected]


IABD (August 2015): “Port of Manzanillo: Climate Risk Management”, Executive Summary. Inter-
American Development Bank.


Annex 1A – Template Inventory


Annex 1B – Template Stakeholders


Annex 1C – Effective Stakeholder Engagement: Value of a Facilitated Workshop

Extreme weather events potentially linked to climate change are frequently reported in the media.
However, if this general awareness is to be successfully translated into action on the ground, a number
of guiding principles can be applied to ensure that both internal and external stakeholders are effectively
and productively engaged in the adaptation planning process.

• Climate change communications and reasoning must be clear, meaningful and personally relevant.
• Technical jargon should be avoided wherever possible; the glossary is intended to help translate
climate terminology into concepts that are familiar to individual stakeholders.
• A variety of media can be used, including face-to-face presentations, meetings, workshops,
webinars, pop-up exhibitions and so on.
• Efforts should be made to build climate change awareness raising and discussion about future
adaptation requirements into training procedures at organisation level or into existing initiatives such
as corporate and social responsibility programmes as appropriate.

A Facilitated Workshop

An engagement approach that has worked well in a number of situations (see Case Study 4) has been
to convene a facilitated workshop. The workshop environment provides an excellent opportunity for
infrastructure owners, operators and managers along with other key stakeholders, to discuss how their
respective assets, operations or systems might be affected by a variety of climate change scenarios,
and to develop their ideas about how best to respond whilst also considering others’ interests and
requirements (e.g. to identify win-win opportunities).

To be most effective, such a workshop must be well-structured, follow a logical format and be effectively
facilitated. The workshop facilitator can be someone internal to the organisation or can be external; they
do not have to come from a specific discipline (a facilitator may have expertise in climate change
scenarios, have waterborne transport infrastructure experience, be an engineer, practitioner,
professional communications’ specialist or an academic). However, to be most effective, the facilitator

• have a clear idea of the process to be followed, be experienced and confident to lead, and be able
to get the best out of participants.
• be competent to develop a common understanding of the local situation and the main challenges
likely to be faced.
• be confident in encouraging workshop participants to step back from any pre-conceived ideas, move
beyond business-as-usual and to ‘think outside the box’.

Climate change, including changes in the magnitude and frequency of extreme events, will require
innovative and imaginative solutions. Depending on their expertise, the facilitator may be able to offer
suggestions for alternative approaches if solutions cannot be identified or if technical or resource
constraints seem likely to preclude conventional responses. More importantly, the facilitator’s role is to
help participants explore different ways of designing, constructing or using waterborne transport
infrastructure or systems and options for modifying or replacing existing operational or management

The facilitator also needs to recognise that people may find it difficult to engage in discussions beyond
business-as-usual. Barriers to engagement can be related to perceptions and how people acquire

knowledge (cognitive) or related to behavioural standards or norms (normative). They could also be
political or economic.

In order to overcome such barriers, discussion about climate change and adaptation or resilience
measures might initially focus on social, environmental or reputational implications or opportunities.
Highlighting existing or known risks can be a useful starting point for introducing discussion about future

Participation Going Forward

Whichever approach is used to start the discussion, the active participation of those responsible for
potentially impacted assets, operations and systems is important to generate engagement and
ownership. This engagement and ownership will be vital to the subsequent steps of assessing
vulnerabilities and risks and identifying, evaluating and implementing climate change adaptation

Annex 1D – Costs and Consequences of Extreme Weather Events

A lack of data on the costs of inaction (i.e. the consequences of not investing in strengthened resilience)
can represent a barrier to justifying investment in improving climate-resilience.

Quantified, and ideally monetised, information on the consequences of downtime, disruption, damage
or other limitations on functionality (irrespective of their cause) can support the business case for
investment in climate change adaptation. In particular, when an extreme meteorological, oceanographic
or hydrological event is experienced, a record should be kept of which assets, operations or systems
were affected; the costs of clean up, repairs or additional maintenance; the length of time before normal
service resumed and the associated financial or economic impacts.

In order to facilitate the collection of this type of information whenever business is interrupted, a template
such as that in the table below might be used.


Topic Information to be recorded Costs

[Delete the guidance notes in the square brackets [Delete notes and
and complete this column as indicated] insert amount]

Date (and name) of N/A

incident or event

Nature of incident or [Wherever possible, provide information on N/A

event (relative) duration, magnitude, etc.]

Facilities or locations [Note the facilities or operations impacted e.g. N/A

affected terminal, fairway, berth, whole port].

Additional information [For weather-related events, consider how the N/A

about the event event is compared to previous events? Could it
be explained as an incremental continuation of an
observed trend or otherwise exacerbated by
natural changes? Or was it somehow
exceptional, unprecedented or otherwise out-of-
the-ordinary? Were warnings received and if so,

was effective action taken to reduce the


Closure, downtime, [Include the number of hours closure or delay and Approximate costs if
delays, loss of the activities affected; the operation(s) interrupted exact figures are not
function, business and duration of the interruption] available

Clean up and/or [Include a full list of clean-up activities. Identify Approximate costs if
implications for any additional maintenance requirements exact figures are not
maintenance resulting from the incident or event] available

Damage [Include the nature of the damage; any Approximate costs if

implications for operation (i.e. constrained but still exact figures are not
operable; out of action)] available

Other business [Note any other direct and indirect losses to the Approximate costs if
implications business resulting from disruption or downtime, exact figures are not
including during the post-incident or post-event available
recovery periods]

Implications for [Describe and where possible quantify the Indicative costs if
stakeholders implications of the incident or event for port or exact figures are not
waterway users, external stakeholders, or the available
wider environment. Include disruption or
interruption of activities, downtime, clean-up, and


Total cost of event [Keep in mind: an

approximate cost is
better than no cost

Proportion of cost [Provide percentage or other indication] N/A

covered by insurance

Implications for [Indicate how business performance was N/A

business performance affected, both locally and at system level. For
example, record the impacts as deviations from
agreed targets/using agreed metrics]

It may be appropriate to develop and agree standard ‘unit costs’ for certain types of disruption or
downtime to make the reporting process easier, but any information, even if it is anecdotal or if a range
is provided, is more useful than no information.

Irrespective of how the information is to be collected, it must be recorded in a consistent way, and the
mechanism for so doing should be well-publicised. For example, the data collection template can be
downloadable on the organisation’s website or developed as an app; a paper version might be made
available; and/or an event ‘logbook’ might be placed in the harbour master’s office. Photographs and/or
videos of the events can also provide a useful source of information for comparative purposes, both with

previous or subsequent events, including an assessment of their effects. This type of information also
helps more generally in optimising port and waterway infrastructures [PIANC, 2016].

In order to ensure that a ‘complete picture’ of the consequences of an incident or event is obtained,
external stakeholders should be asked to submit information about the effects on their interests or
activities. This is particularly important where organisations such as terminal operators, onward transport
providers or recreational water users are affected, but there is also value in understanding the
implications of an event for the wider local community or environmental protection groups. A parallel
recording procedure should therefore be provided for these organisations, and an awareness-raising
exercise undertaken to explain why this recording helps improve preparedness for future extreme

If necessary, post-event reminders should be issued to those responsible for affected assets or
operations, to try to capture as much information as possible before it is forgotten or lost as the business
moves on.

Annex 1E – Guiding Principles for Setting up a Fit-for-Purpose Monitoring and

Data Management System

Data Collection

Data collection and management are crucial to effective and efficient climate change adaptation.
Amongst other things, collecting and managing data will allow infrastructure owners and operators to:

• understand the actual local impacts of climate change

• plan for and understand when to implement adaptation measures and decide ‘how much’ of a
measure is needed
• monitor the efficiency of measures that have already been implemented

Monitoring and recording data can be realised in different ways at various levels of detail. In many cases
even low-resolution data, which can be gathered using quite simple methods and little effort, will be
significantly better than holding no data.

Monitoring does not necessarily have to be sophisticated. Rather, it should be fit-for-purpose. Generic
or anecdotal recording may be adequate in certain cases. If monitoring is being used to inform phased
implementation or adaptive management decision making, it may be important to establish whether a
particular threshold has been crossed, for example, triggering the next phase of implementation, or
instigating a change to a different method.

Decisions on monitoring locations, methods and programmes, as well as the level of precision required,
will be case specific, as will considerations such as the frequency of checking equipment for accuracy,
calibrating results, etc.

A detailed and comprehensive record of trends or patterns in relevant climate parameters and
processes; the status of assets, including instances of structural damage, and operational downtime,
can be developed based on monitoring undertaken by port or waterway operators or other organisations.
The cooperation of interested parties, including long-term stakeholders for example, should be
encouraged in the ongoing development and implementation of a monitoring programme.

Data Management and Review

Information collected as part of routine activities (e.g. inspections) should be recorded in a standardised
format including, as a minimum, parameters such as date, time, location, driver, parameter or variable,
unit and associated observations.

The importance of having a simple, coordinated process in place to facilitate the logging of climate-
related data in a standard, ideally digital, format to avoid losing information over the years cannot be
overstated. A secure back-up system is also needed.

Paper records can also be used but this will increase both the risk of data being lost and the amount of
effort required to process the data.

Whenever possible, it is preferable to align monitoring and recording of data for climate change
adaptation purposes with existing data management procedures if these exist. Integrating this as part
of objectives, policy, protocols and operating procedures within a formal ‘system’ (e.g. Quality
Assurance, Environmental Management, and/or Integrated System) would be prudent.

Having collected and collated data, it is important to ensure that the data log or management system is
kept up-to-date and is readily accessible to all those involved in climate change adaptation decision-
making. Relevant departments within the business, along with any other organisations or stakeholder
groups that are collaborating on climate change adaptation initiatives, need to be made aware of the
monitoring programmes and ongoing changes to them.

Raising awareness of the existence of these data and their intended use should similarly be included
into corporate systems, and the availability and use of relevant information should be mentioned in
induction, training and awareness programmes.

Data quality needs to be ensured and reviewed on a regular basis, and review, feedback and updating
processes should be implemented. Data being collected or supplied by third party organisations should
similarly be quality-assured and regularly reviewed.

For these and other reasons, it is important to retain data when a system is upgraded or renewed. To
be of maximum value, data series should be accurate, consistent, and homogenous: when investing in
a new data storage or management system it is therefore worth the extra effort to ensure compatibility
and consistency can be maintained.

Finally, it should always be borne in mind that climate change adaptation will be an ongoing, iterative
process. In some cases, ongoing organisational processes such as risk management, emergency
planning, sustainable reporting, etc. may trigger a regular review of whether adaptation objectives are
being achieved, amongst other things drawing on monitoring outcomes. If there are no existing
processes driving such a process, a five-yearly review should be instigated to determine whether already
implemented measures are effective; whether additional measures are needed; and whether the
adaptation goals and objectives need to be updated or amended.

Annex 2A – Data Sources

There are many sources of information on climate change parameters and processes, including
projections. The table below lists some of these, but this is by no means an exhaustive list, and the data
listed therein are not endorsed. Rather the table provides an indication of the type of organisation or
report from which useful data might be obtained.

Data Source Climate parameter Additional Information

AVISO • Mean Sea Level Satellite information
• Waves
Climate Forecast • Various such as Global high resolution, third generation reanalysis
System Reanalysis wind, relative product
(CFSR) humidity, air https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/climate-
Temperature and forecast-system-reanalysis-cfsr
many more. Limitations: relatively few evaluations of CFSR have
been conducted so the performance is not well known.
COPERNICUS Marine • Temperature Global analysis forecast
Environmental • Salinity https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/home
Monitoring Services • Sea surface height http://marine.copernicus.eu
• Currents
• Ice
• Wind
• Waves
Global Climate • Temperature Provides users with access to climate observations, data
Observing System, • Physical, chemical records and information based on the concept of
World Meteorological and biological Essential Climate Variables
Organization • Atmosphere, https://public.wmo.int/en/programmes/global-climate-
oceans, terrestrial observing-system
IBTracks, NOAA • Tropical Cyclones Global set of historical cyclones
IPCC Fifth Assessment • Various such as Global projections
Report mean sea level, air https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/
temperature and
Limitations: Is not suited for extreme values analysis as
many more
it does not include the highest 5%.
NCAR Research Data • Various Large collection of meteorological and oceanographic
Archive observations, operational and reanalysis model outputs,
and remote sensing datasets to support atmospheric
and geosciences research, along with ancillary datasets,
such as topography/bathymetry, vegetation, and land
NOAA National Buoy • Waves Global wave buoy data
Center http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/obs.shtml
PODAAC • Physical https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
oceanography https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/datasetlist
PSMSL (Permanent • Sea level http://www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/complete.php
Service for Mean Sea

Data Source Climate parameter Additional Information

The World Bank Climate • Baseline and http://sdwebx.worldbank.org/climateportal/

Change Knowledge future projections
Portal. per country (or
• Temperature and
precipitation, but
with evolving
datasets on other
parameters such
as observed sea
level rise.

ThinkHazard! is an • Hazard http://thinkhazard.org/en/

initiative of the World classification
Bank and the Global
Facility for Disaster
• Includes river,
urban and coastal
Reduction and Recovery
flooding, cyclones,
extreme heat and
WorldClim • Precipitation Global climate grids with spatial resolution of about 1
• Temperature

Caribbean Community Projections for Portal for climate change information in the Caribbean,
Climate Change Centre Available at: http://www.caribbeanclimate.bz/.
(5Cs) database • Temperature
• Precipitation New datasets are added regularly. Current datasets
• Humidity
• Wind speed
 PRECIS Regional Climate Model – 50-km spatial
• Soil moisture resolution, daily-scale projections
• Evaporation  GCMs – 25-km spatial resolution daily-scale
projections (e.g. soil moisture content, convective
rainfall rate, evaporation rate, large-scale rainfall rate,
maximum temperature, minimum temperature,
humidity, wind speed). Available for 15 GCMs.

EMODnet Central Portal • Various Marine data in Europe

European Centre for • Various https://www.ecmwf.int/
Medium-Range Weather
The IPCC Data • Observations, http://www.ipcc-data.org.
Distribution Centre computer
simulations and
analyses ranging
from socio-
economic to the
physical climate
North American • Precipitation High resolution climate change simulations
Regional Climate http://www.narccap.ucar.edu/data/
• Temperature

Data Source Climate parameter Additional Information
Change Assessment
Program (NARCCAP)
Providing Regional • Precipitation Database developed by MetOffice
Climates for Impact https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/applied/internatio
Studies (PRECIS)
• Temperature
Sea Conditions • Sea temperature Forecast model data for Europe
• Surface currents www.sea-conditions.com
• Waves
National synthesis Future projections National reports, typically providing a synthesis of high-
reports to the UN including temperature level climate projections for each country including
Framework Convention and, in some cases, change in average temperature. Some provide
on Climate Change extremes projections for more extreme variables. The level of detail
in each report varies by country:

National websites for • Wave levels The Italian record, for the entire country, since 1989:
wave and sea level • Sea levels http://dati.isprambiente.it/dataset/ron-rete-ondametrica-

NOAA National Centers • Various https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov

for Environmental
Local in-situ data • Various, site Local organizations may have relevant in-situ data
dependent measurements. For example:
• Canada Great Lakes Water Levels:
• Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology:
• Channel Coastal Observatory in England. Online:
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration for North America
• Italian Research Council, ISMAR_CNR, Venice

Annex 2B – Meteorological, Hydrological and Oceanographic Monitoring

Information on meteorological, hydrological or oceanographic conditions should be collated to build up

an accurate picture of local trends and the occurrence of extreme events. Such data will facilitate the
understanding of potential impacts, facilitate an assessment of the likelihood or probability of extreme
events, and provide basic information for other further studies as and when these are needed.

Before embarking on a data collection exercise, efforts should be made to establish whether relevant
data already exist: general information on meteorological and hydrological measuring techniques and
data processing is available from various sources, for example the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) (see Annex 2A).

However, if a lack of available data might represent a constraint on adaptation planning (for example if
information is not available to enable the identification of areas at risk from flooding, or to facilitate
understanding of the implications for sediment transport of changes in run-off or an increase in
storminess) local data collection and monitoring should be instigated. The value of such information to
adaptation planning cannot be overstated: climate change adaptation decision-making does not require
sophisticated data rather what matters is that data are fit-for-purpose.

Collecting Local Data

If it is necessary or appropriate to collect local data, these can be collected via various means:
automated, real-time, manual or anecdotal. Careful consideration should be given to the likely future
use of the information prior to putting recording procedures in place. This will help to ensure that data
are collected in the right locations and at an appropriate level of detail given the availability of resources.

The following table provides a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of different types of
data collection methodologies.

Methodology Potential advantages Potential disadvantages

Automated and High quality and high frequency Cost and time to install and maintain
real-time of data
Cost and time to specify the correct
equipment or tool, parameter, location etc.

Automated High quality of data Cost and time to install and maintain

Generally high frequency of data Cost and time to specify the correct
equipment or tool, parameter, location etc.

Manual Low instrumental costs Need to ensure the parameter is

consistently measured and recorded
Easily and quickly implemented
Generally lower frequency than automated

In general, higher personal efforts

Anecdotal (log) Better than no data, especially if Can be infrequent or intermittent

collected regularly and
systematically Generally lower accuracy (e.g. visually
observed data)

Good industry practice as promoted by professional bodies, should always be followed when monitoring
is initiated. Temperature and humidity units, for example, should not be placed in a position facing the
sun but should ideally be located in a shaded area. A rain gauge should be mounted no higher than two

metres from the ground. A wind gauge should ideally be installed at a height of around 10 m but needs
to be higher than surrounding buildings or obstacles, (e.g. on an open roof exposed to wind from all

Water level and water depth monitoring is also possible at very modest costs and personnel effort. A
tidal gauge will provide an adequate reading of water level within the port or waterway. Water depth can
be measured using a small boat, a GPS and a rope and lead. The available guaranteed accuracy of
GPS devices, excluding differential GPS, is approximately 10 m in horizontal and approx. 6 m in
vertical direction for 95 % of the measurements. Therefore, the use of consumer GPS devices are
sufficient for determining latitude and longitude of measuring points (horizontal surveys) but not for
measurements of water levels, which have to be carried out with higher accuracy of at least 0.5 m.
Adequate bathymetric and topographic measurements, corrected for the tide as appropriate, can
nonetheless be collected at very low cost (for example, for an investment of less than US$ 1,000
[Esteban et al., 2017]. Some examples of how relevant data can be collected on a tight budget are
illustrated below.

- Esteban et al. (2017) set out a methodology allowing adequate bathymetric and topographic
measurements, corrected for the tide as appropriate, to be collected for an investment of less than US$
1,000. Their useful paper, ‘How to Carry Out Bathymetric and Elevation Surveys on a Tight Budget: Basic
Surveying Techniques for Climate Change Planning’ provides a series of worked examples.

- With the rapid growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, a significant reduction of the cost of
measurements can be realised by adopting the latest commercial sensors, radio frequency communication
and mobile computation modules available from market and integrating them into hydrographic instruments.
The Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences of the National Central University in Taiwan, for
example, plays an active role in developing low cost hydrographic instrumentation. Ready for operation are
e.g. a low-cost drifter system to track river and nearshore currents [Zhong et al., 2016] as well as a low-cost
wave buoy especially for nearshore use [Cheng et al., 2017].

- Students from the Anton de Kom University, Paramaribo, Suriname, are monitoring the progression of a
series of massive mud waves along the coast. Some of the outcomes of this work are informing a
collaborative ‘Building with Nature’ (see YouTube video here) initiative at the endangered Weg naar Zee
area, famous for vegetable growing, home to fishermen and religious sites. In 2016, work by Conservation
International Suriname, with local donors, was undertaken to protect the coastline against flooding from
rising seawater and salinisation of arable land using a permeable dam (100 m wide, 200 m length, 2 m
height, 0.5 m depth) from local plant materials to capture sediment and fostering an environment for
mangrove regrowth. A benefit of the natural water defence project was to the local port authority in making
them aware of how rapidly these features are moving/changing and hence an improved understanding of
the potential future implications for port access.

- In the southern India state of Tamil Nadu, a region which has witnessed a surge in storms, floods and
beach erosion in the last decade and where a 1.0 m rise in sea levels by 2050 could affect more than
100,000 fishermen as well as ports, roads and other infrastructure, local fishermen and other stakeholders
have undertaken a mapping exercise using open source software/geographic data and affordable
technology on smartphones (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-45080917). The resulting
detailed maps of scale, which include land use patterns as well as current high tide, low tide and hazard
lines in accordance with local official requirements, are being submitted for official approval.

The Suriname and Tamil Nadu initiatives illustrate how local stakeholders including academic institutions
can assist in monitoring changes, for example in river or coastal morphological features. Specifically, a small
investment in training to ensure consistent and comparable outcomes can be useful in situations where
students or other stakeholders can undertake regular, supervised, monitoring or surveys. The outcomes of
such work can help the nearby port or waterway operator understand relative rates of change in parameters
that have the potential impact on operations or activities in the medium to long term.

New Monitoring Systems and Big Data

The term ‘big data’ refers to the collation and analysis of very large data sets to help identify patterns
and trends that might otherwise not be obvious or may be difficult to discern with confidence. With the
rapid evolution of technology, it is expected that big data will play an increasingly significant role in future
monitoring systems, with subsequent benefits for the management and maintenance of structures and
facilities. These new technologies and their application for structural health monitoring are likely to have
an important impact on the assessment of the performance of structures and operations, including under
climate change effects.

Whilst there are limited uses of big data in the current design of structures, it is expected that digital
technology and sensors will become increasingly integrated into these structures and buildings in the
near future as new methods and technologies for the health monitoring of structures are researched and
developed. One example is the use of wireless sensors in reinforced concrete structures, which can
measure and transmit in real time different parameters impacting on the performance of the structure.

The assessment of the new sets of big data obtained will improve understanding of the most relevant
climatic variables and will help to establish more accurate trigger levels for climate change adaptation
measures, including for maritime structures such as quay walls and buildings and other facilities near
the sea or waterways.

Annex 2C – Downscaling
The term downscaling describes the procedure of taking information known at large scales to make
more local scale information.

Two main approaches of downscaling climate information are available: dynamical and statistical
downscaling. Dynamical downscaling means to apply high-resolution climate models on a regional sub-
domain using observational or lower-resolution climate model data as boundary condition, which is
illustrated on the figure below.

Physical principles are used to reproduce local climates in a computationally intensive process.
Statistical downscaling is a two-step process. Firstly, statistical relationships between local climate
variables (e.g. local wind speed distribution) and large-scale predictors (e.g. large-scale wind) have to
be developed. Secondly, these relationships have to be applied to the output of large-scale climate
model experiments to simulate baseline or future local climate characteristics.

As noted in the table below, however, both downscaling methods have advantages and disadvantages,
and there has been a great deal of debate in the literature (e.g. Benestad (2016)) about the reliability of
these processes. If it is deemed necessary to undertake such an exercise, downscaling should therefore
only be undertaken by experts. Furthermore, any port or waterway organisation commissioning a
downscaling exercise should be aware of these issues in order to have confidence in the outcomes. In
many situations it will be more cost-effective to use sensitivity analysis to assess a range of scenarios
than to embark on a downscaling exercise.

Downscaling method Advantages Disadvantages

Statistical downscaling Computationally efficient Based on the essentially unverifiable

assumption that statistical
Requires only monthly or daily relationships between predictors
model output remains stationary under future
Can relate model output directly to
impact-relevant variables not Sensitive to the choice of predictors
simulated by climate models and model’s ability to simulate these
Can be applied to any consistently-
observed variable Tends to underestimate temporal
Can provide site-specific estimation
Requires long-term observed data
Can be used to generate a large
number of realisations in order to
quantify uncertainty

Dynamic downscaling Explicitly consists of both large- Assumes that sub-grid

scale and small-scale physical parametrisation schemes remain
processes, up to the resolution of stationary in the altered climate
the model
Sensitive to initial boundary
Regional climate response is conditions from larger model
consistent with global forcing
Difficulty to generate multiple
Provides data that is coherent both scenarios
spatially and temporally and across
multiple climate variables Computationally demanding

Can be used in regions where no

observations are available

Annex 3A – Levels of Risk Analysis

‘Initial’ Level Analysis of Climate Risks

The initial level of climate change risk analysis is typically qualitative and may be relatively basic. It uses
readily available historic or baseline information, for example in relation to the status and residual life of
the asset, or on the levels of damage or disruption sustained during previous events and the associated
financial losses. Such information may already have been collated (for example in Section 1.4.2) or it
may need to be collected (see Stage 5).

Records about past extreme events and their consequences can be especially useful in an initial risk
analysis because these events can be used as proxies, or windows into the future, enabling assumptions
to be made about what could happen if such an event is manifested more frequently or permanently
within the adaptation planning horizon.

Where possible, the data collated to inform the vulnerability assessment should be used to understand
and assess potential future impacts. In other instances, assumptions have to be made. For example, in
the absence of evidence proving the link between overtopping and climate change, an initial risk analysis
might need to work from an assumption that sea level rise or increased water levels will result in more
frequent overtopping of a breakwater.

Whilst some quantification or statistical evaluation might be involved, local information and expert
judgement will inform many of the outcomes of an initial level analysis.

If the objective of the adaptation strategy is to develop a high-level indication of possible future risks
associated with climate change, this initial risk analysis may be sufficient to provide owners, operators
and managers with the overview needed, for example to instigate targeted monitoring programmes or
to prepare contingency plans.

If the objective of the adaptation initiative is ambitious but the scale of assessment is constrained by a
lack of resources, an initial level of risk analysis will at least enable the owners, operators or managers
of ports and waterways to prepare a more informed ranking of risks, allowing the available resources to
be targeted towards addressing the most significant risks. However, as residual levels of uncertainty
may be high at this level of risk analysis, several climate change scenarios should always be considered.

‘Intermediate’ level analysis of climate risks

The next level of risk analysis increases in complexity, using relatively higher resolution, more granular
data and undertaking more rigorous consideration or observations of relevant climate parameters and
processes. It may still be qualitative in many respects, but it is characterised by greater depth of analysis.
For example, it may use evidence about exposure; measured information on the effects of past events;
and/or evaluation of regional impacts and potential existing and future trends. It may also be the case
that approaches are combined – for example, an intermediate risk analysis might use evidence of an
observed increase in overtopping of the breakwater structure but work with an assumption (rather than
evidence) that this will result in an increased rate of breakage of armour units.

An intermediate level risk analysis typically incorporates information about operational objectives,
performance metrics, physical assets, and capabilities that were developed during the initial risk
assessment. It generally also requires a greater level of resourcing in terms of both time and cost. This
may be considered to be justified by the reduction in residual uncertainty levels.

‘Advanced’ level analysis of climate risks

An advanced approach to analysing climate risks requires more detail but usually produces a less
uncertain outcome. This level of risk analysis is sophisticated and might rely on higher resolution data
with deeper granularity. Continuing with the example used above, in this case photographic surveys
may be used to prove that the observed increase in sea/water level and more regular overtopping has
increased the damage to the breakwater armour units.

Advanced risk analysis is likely to involve computer modelling of potential impacts or probabilistic
assessments covering a suite of return periods for example and may result in outcomes such as detailed
flood maps for each asset or operation and expected damage curves showing an evolution over time.

This level of risk analysis estimates combined potential losses over a defined planning horizon. It
therefore seeks to significantly reduce or even eliminate uncertainty (e.g. in rates of climate change over
longer planning horizons) and can use modelling to improve the assessment. Advanced risk analysis is
also appropriate to characterise uncertainty in the net present value of risks, which might be relevant for
making decisions about investments in adaptations to climate change.

It is especially important to carry out an advanced analysis of this nature if decisions need to be made
on large investments, facilities related to national security, or high cost infrastructure with a design life
of several decades.

Annex 4 – Portfolio of Measures

The measures in the following tables were identified through an extensive international engagement
exercise involving Working Group members and their colleagues from 14 countries; running workshops
in Europe (UK, Norway), Asia (The Philippines), Africa (South Africa) and America (USA); and input
from several international associations (International Maritime Pilots’ Association; International Harbour
Masters’ Association; European Sea Ports Organisation, UNCTAD and others).

Annex 4A – Rainfall-Related Flooding

Annex 4A highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with more frequent or extreme, rainfall-related flooding of operational areas, including surface
water flooding when heavy or prolonged rainfall overwhelms drainage systems (also known as pluvial flooding). Some of these measures might also be relevant
where issues are associated with increasingly frequent or extreme groundwater flooding. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored
simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Ensure effective maintenance of existing drainage system, storm Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Promote proactive collaboration with those responsible for critical
drains, culverts, interceptors, separators, and trash screens, etc. specific surface water-related metrics, including area affected infrastructure and utilities/services and other transport modes on
flood risk management planning to protect business continuity
Install and maintain sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), reed- Use topographic survey outcomes and ‘during event’ monitoring
beds, gullies, other flood run-off, conveyance or storage to understand flood risk area Mapping and zoning to help relocate sensitive activities out of flood
infrastructure; exploit nature-based solutions risk area or to identify flood storage areas; link to land-use policy
Prepare, review and regularly update flood risk maps and flood
Increase drainage capacity response plan; raise user awareness Encourage relocation out of flood-prone areas

Understand role of green infrastructure (green walls, roofs, Consider flood risk modelling exercise Provide, secure, and coordinate alternative transport routes and
streets) in local runoff attenuation logistics to access port or facilities
Provide or improve forecasting and flood warning systems
Investigate flood diversion or storage options beyond the port or Reduce insurance premiums if improved resilience is
waterway estate Prepare or enhance existing Flood Resilience Action Plan and demonstrated
consider need for adverse weather plan
Acquire and install, or hire (more powerful) pumps to drain surface Provide grants / financial incentives to encourage investment in
flooding or ground waters Develop and raise awareness of new operational protocols for resilient infrastructure, including for nature-based drainage,
flood response e.g. preparation, evacuation storage or other solutions
Install relief slots, drain holes, or valves in decks or other
infrastructure Review stacking procedures e.g. use empty container or install Build-back-better or ‘build out of harm’s way’ policies for flood-
permanent shelving at stack base damaged or damage-prone infrastructure
Invest in demountable flood defences, sandbags, pallets, bricks
or similar for temporary raising, etc. Flexibility in staffing rotas to respond to climate-related events Ensure investment policies take into account life-cycle resilience,
making provision for expected changes
Raise or construct embankments around critical assets and Provide accommodation and transport for personnel to use
equipment (e.g. back-up generators, pump-house); install water during an incident Review and revise relevant standards, specifications or
splash or scour protection guidelines
Provide training in use of demountable defences, placing
Install flood-proofing measures (e.g. barriers, gates, shutters, sandbags, raising assets, etc. Require the preparation of flood risk management plans; ensure
electricity supply modification) active participation of all stakeholders

Strengthen resilience of lighting masts, electrical systems and Review port traffic management plan if flooding affects access; Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards or
substations that lie at ground level to avoid critical failures identify and implement diversions/detours; prepare and use requirements
signage Improve legal protection for vulnerable habitats with buffering
Replacement or compaction of buried pipes/manholes to prevent function (e.g. absorbing wave energy, providing erosion protection)
uplift from increase in buoyancy caused by groundwater level rise Temporarily or permanently restrict sensitive activities in flood-
prone areas
Raise elevation of access roads, storage facilities, etc.
Research and development into novel flood-proofing methods
Relocate critical assets and plant equipment to elevated platforms;
upper floors/mezzanine or otherwise out of flood risk area

Revisit planning of temporary facilities such as location of

stockpiling of collected snow and ice, into drainage systems

Explore opportunities for alternative floating infrastructure

Annex 4B – Flooding Due to Overtopping

Annex 4B highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with more frequent flooding of operational areas due to overtopping (fluvial flooding). Most
measures are also relevant to more frequent or extreme coastal or estuarine flooding, for example associated with sea level rise or storm surge. Note that
these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Ensure timely maintenance dredging of ports and inland Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Mapping and zoning to identify water retention areas; link to land
waterways to maintain conveyance capacity specific overtopping-related metrics, including area affected use policy

Ensure effective maintenance of existing drainage system, storm Use monitoring outcomes, including topographic and pre- and Collaborate with stakeholders including utilities, services, other
drains, culverts, interceptors, separators, and trash screens, etc. post-flood hydrographic surveys to characterise flood risk transport modes on flood risk management planning to protect
business continuity
Temporarily or permanently raise, strengthen or retrofit existing Prepare, review and regularly update flood risk maps and flood
flood defences, quays, etc. response plan; raise user awareness Encourage relocation out of flood-prone areas

Reinforce structures such as revetments, wave dissipating block Provide or improve forecasting and flood warning systems Provide, secure, and coordinate alternative transport routes and
and parapets logistics to access port or facilities

Reinforce facilities, protection barriers, yard furniture, etc. near Develop and raise awareness of new operational protocols for Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
the base of key assets flood response e.g. preparation, evacuation, monitoring of resilient infrastructure including nature-based drainage, storage or
moorings resilience solutions
Raise aprons and breakwaters to protect against inundation and
wave overtopping Optimise locations used for operations such as cargo handling Build-back-better or ‘build out of harm’s way’ policies for flood-
to mitigate loss of materials and equipment damaged or damage-prone infrastructure
Steepen apron gradients to accelerate drainage
Flexibility in staffing rotas to respond to climate-related events Ensure investment policies take into account life-cycle resilience,
Raise bridges, decking, jetties, revetments, dams, spillways, making provision for expected changes
superstructure, etc. Provide accommodation and transport for personnel to use
during an incident Reduce insurance premiums if improved resilience is
Assess and if required increase number and strength of demonstrated
bollards/quays and mooring lines Provide training in use of demountable defences, placing
sandbags, raising assets, etc. Improve legal protection for vulnerable habitats with flood risk
Introduce new mooring technology e.g. vacuum mooring systems reduction role (e.g. absorbing wave energy, providing erosion
Review stacking procedures, e.g. use empty container or install protection)
Assess tug and tug towing strength so that it is sufficient for permanent shelving at stack base
increasing vessel size Review and revise relevant standards, specifications or
Review port traffic management plan if flooding affects access; guidelines
Deck design with relief slots; drain holes, valves; wave walls identify and implement diversions/detours; prepare and use
signage Require the preparation of flood risk management plans
Improve resilience and reduce flood risk by promoting nature-
based solutions (Working with Nature, beach nourishment, living Temporarily or permanently restrict sensitive activities in flood- Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards or
shorelines) prone areas requirements

Bund or raise critical assets (e.g. back-up generators, pump- Research and development into novel flood-proofing methods Be aware of and support initiatives to identify and track emergency
house); install water splash or scour protection towing vessels

Relocate, or raise elevation of, access roads, storage facilities

Relocate critical assets to elevated platforms; upper

floors/mezzanine; out of flood risk area

Co-locate critical systems; central system in addition to remote


Ensure effective maintenance of existing drainage system;

manage run-off rates

Ensure adequate supply of sandbags; bricks/pallets for temporary

raising, etc.

Acquire and install, or hire (more powerful) pumps; demountable

flood defences

Install and maintain sustainable drainage systems, gullies, flood
conveyance infrastructure; make space for (temporary) water
storage within port or waterway estate

Install flood-proofing measures (e.g. barriers, gates, shutters,

electricity supply modification)

Investigate upstream flood diversion or storage options

Explore opportunities for floating infrastructure

Annex 4C – High Flow or Extreme Sea State Conditions

Annex 4C highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with more prolonged or frequent high in-channel flow velocities or sea state changes (agitation,
extreme wave) conditions. Some of these measures might also be relevant where climate change is impacting on flows or currents in estuaries. Note that
these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Provide safe havens (sanctuaries) or additional moorings Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on relevant Relocate fairway to less exposed location
location-specific flow or wave-related metrics
Raise bridges, decking, jetties, revetments, dams, spillways, Limit new development in high risk areas
superstructure Invest in affordable, intelligent portable or wearable devices for
monitoring or data collection Reduce insurance premiums if improved resilience is
Strengthen decking, jetties, revetments, dams, spillways demonstrated
fendering, bridges, lower level of buildings, etc. Produce up to date electronic bathymetric charts; promote ECDIS
for inland waterways (Electronic Chart Display and Information Provide grants / financial incentives to encourage investment in
Provide surface protection to banks, etc. to resist internal and System) resilient infrastructure, including nature-based solutions
external erosion including under asymmetrical loading
Use adaptive management concept to improve flexibility in Review and revise relevant standards, specifications (including
Construct new or modify existing breakwaters (e.g. armour unit scheduling and working arrangements (e.g. berthing), working for vessel design and moorings)
selection, orientation, height) times and conditions (e.g. fishing fleet)
Review and revise speed limits, etc.
Exploit nature-based resilience e.g. create offshore berms or Provide or improve strong stream or high wave forecasting
barrier islands; supplement or enhance marsh, mangrove or other abilities Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards, speed
intertidal habitats limits, etc.

Dredge to improve conveyance in rivers Develop or improve strong stream warning systems (physical or Use byelaws, zoning or local regulation to reduce risks in multi-
electronic flags) use locations e.g. zoning for recreational use
Develop new responsive, flexible or demountable infrastructure
e.g. ramps, pontoons, fendering, berthing or pilotage facilities Increase pilotage provision Improve legal protection for vulnerable habitats with role in
reducing wave energy
Divert excess flows to flood storage areas Optimise daily operation time in transport vessels

Provide hydraulic structures of an adequate capacity to pass Develop and raise awareness of new operational protocols for
water under a canal operations in strong stream or high wave conditions

Modify vessel design to accommodate new conditions; strengthen Apply temporary restrictions on (non-essential; recreational) use
chains, anchors of water area

Assess and if required increase number and strength of Introduce diversions, one-way systems, or temporary closures of
bollards/quays and mooring lines port or waterway

Review, modify or introduce new mooring technologies, e.g. Allow increased wait times in anchorages; improve queuing
vacuum mooring systems procedures

Optimise use of River Information Systems (RIS) or vessel traffic Exploit interconnectivity, inter-modality: use other modes to retain
services (VTS) business continuity during high flow periods

Review and revise anchorage arrangements; consider re-siting

Upgrade manoeuvring aids, navigation aids (beacons, lights,

buoys, etc.)

Ensure provision of back-up when relying on automated or

remotely operated equipment (e.g. double up on AIS base stations,
transceivers, radar stations, etc.)

Co-locate critical systems; central system in addition to remote


Annex 4D – Low Flow or Drought

Annex 4D highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with more prolonged or frequent low flow or low water level conditions (i.e. in channel). Many
measures are also relevant in the context of drought or other changes causing a water supply deficit. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are
often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Provide safe havens (sanctuaries) or additional moorings Develop or improve electronic charts, forecasting systems Develop or coordinate water allocation programmes; ensure
navigation is included
Create water-saving basins/water reservoirs or leakage reduction Review or modify hydrographic survey frequency or post-event
measures for locks, canals, dams procedures; relocate channel; enhance marking regime Collaborative programmes to develop multi-user storage and
supply systems
Explore water diversion or flow supplementation options from Use real-time data (from vessels; hydrographic surveys) to select
other systems ‘best water’ (i.e. adequate depth) for navigation; develop and utilise Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
enhanced, sophisticated passage planning resilient infrastructure; for reducing water use
Water re-use, e.g. introduce backlift pumping
Increase pilotage provision; increase use of tugs Encourage relocation of susceptible facilities
Construct new water storage facilities, reservoirs
Use dynamic under keel clearance (DUKC) technologies Review and revise relevant standards, specifications, speed limits,
Develop/install responsive, flexible or demountable etc.
infrastructure, e.g. ramps, pontoons, fendering, berthing or Use adaptive management concept to improve flexibility in
pilotage facilities scheduling and working arrangements (e.g. dredging; berthing, Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards, speed
lock-use; loading to reduce draft; one-way traffic; water flow limits, etc.
Lengthen or otherwise retrofit existing gangways, walkways, management)
linkspans, etc. Use byelaws, zoning or local regulation to reduce risks in multi-
Modify lock-use logistics to reduce net water use use locations
Capital/maintenance dredging to provide or retain fairway depth;
to provide adequate depth at berth if quay walls allow Develop or improve low flow warning systems (physical or Limit new development in areas at high risk
electronic flags)
Modify vessel design to accommodate new conditions (e.g. install
sensors to detect shoaling; shallower draft; modify vessel weight or Develop new operational protocols or codes of practice for low
reduced weight; hull strengthening to allow drying out at berth) flow operations. Raise awareness or provide training

Increase storage capacity for use during low water events Research and development into novel water saving methods

Install multi-modal cranes and other equipment for use when low Apply temporary restrictions on (non-essential; recreational) use
flow precludes river use of water area

Review/upgrade manoeuvring aids, navigation aids, (beacons, Introduce diversions, one-way systems, or temporary closures of
lights, buoys, etc.) port or waterway

Ensure provision of back-up when relying on automated or Exploit interconnectivity and inter-modality options to maintain
remotely operated equipment business continuity during low flow events

Annex 4E – Changes in Sediment Regime

Annex 4E highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with observed changes in bathymetry or in sediment or debris transport, deposition and
accumulation. Such impacts may result from climate-related changes in precipitation, snowmelt, river flow, wave conditions or storminess. Note that these
measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Reduce sediment run-off into watercourse using sediment traps, Monitoring and record keeping on location-specific sediment or Incentives for nature-based sediment management solutions
buffer strips, etc. debris-related metrics
Review and revise relevant standards, specifications, speed limits,
Remove redundant structures that promote the deposition of Review or modify hydrographic survey frequency or post-event etc.
sediment or debris procedures
Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards, speed
Research into innovative prevention or removal methods Relocate channel; enhance marking regime limits, etc.

Install and maintain trash screens, booms, etc. Use real time data (from vessels; hydrographic surveys) to select Effective upstream land-use planning and management
‘best water’ (i.e. adequate depth) for navigation
Reduce deposition by realigning channel or structures; Encourage relocation out of areas susceptible to deposition or
constructing training walls, berms, groynes, current or flow Develop and utilise enhanced, sophisticated passage planning accumulation
deflectors, breakwaters, etc.
Increase pilotage provision; use dynamic under keel clearance Zoning based on compatible use of riparian areas
Ensure timely dredging to maintain conveyance capacity (DUKC) technologies
Introduce and enforce policies to discourage (informal) habitation
Beneficially re-use or relocate dredged sediment Use adaptive management to improve flexibility in scheduling and in high risk riparian areas
working arrangements (e.g. dredging; berthing, lock-use; loading
Review/upgrade manoeuvring aids, navigation aids, (beacons, to reduce draft; one-way traffic; water flow management)
lights, buoys, etc.)
Monitor and adaptively manage trash screens, booms, drainage
Accommodate sediment in managed realignment, set back or systems
ecological enhancement initiatives e.g. groyne bays
Enhance management or maintenance protocols for trash
Set back or relocate at-risk infrastructure or assets screens, booms, drainage

Install multi-modal cranes and other equipment for use when Educate local communities about consequences of trash disposal
sediment or debris accumulation precludes river use around watercourse

Modify vessel design to accommodate new conditions (e.g. install Develop new operational protocols or codes of practice for debris
sensors to detect shoaling; shallower draft) removal; raise awareness or provide training

Research into means of preventing debris washing into navigable
areas; or techniques for rapid removal of debris

Temporary restrictions on (non-essential; recreational) water use

Introduce diversions or temporary closures

Exploit interconnectivity and inter-modality options to maintain

business continuity

Annex 4F – Bank or Bed Erosion

Annex 4F highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with increases in bed or bank erosion. Such impacts may result from climate-related changes in
precipitation, snowmelt, river flow, wave conditions or storminess. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or
implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Install, maintain or enhance bank protection, water splash or Review or modify hydrographic survey frequency or post-event Improve legal protection for vulnerable habitats with erosion
scour protection procedures protection role

Construct breakwaters, berms, training walls, current or flow Prioritise inspection and monitoring of vulnerable infrastructure Introduce temporary or permanent zoning or restrictions on use
deflectors to reduce erosion risk
Review and modify management or maintenance protocols
Use nature-based solutions wherever practicable, e.g. beach Introduce or revise speed limits to reduce wash; enforce penalties
nourishment; restoration or planting of mangroves, saltmarshes, Review or modify maintenance dredging regime to respond to for non-compliance
riparian vegetation; restoration of reef ecosystems changing conditions; to avoid exacerbating erosion
Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
Reconsider/reduce dredging requirements Introduce and implement adaptive management procedures; plan resilient infrastructure, including nature-based solutions
operations or working arrangements based on monitoring outputs
Re-use dredged material as bund or breakwater (e.g. in geotubes, Accommodate risk by including set-back or buffer zones in land-
behind low-level retaining structure) Research into innovative erosion control measures use planning policy

Managed realignment, set back or relocate at-risk assets Raise awareness of links between vessel speed and design and Encourage relocation out of erosion-prone areas
consequences of wash for erosion; aim to modify behaviour
Optimise protection or burial of sub-sea cables

Build-back-better or ‘build out of harm’s way’ policies for damaged
or damage-prone infrastructure

Ensure investment policies take into account life-cycle resilience,

making provision for expected changes

Annex 4G – Reduced Visibility

Annex 4G highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with increases in frequency or severity of reduced visibility, for example due to the incidence of
fog or blizzard conditions, sandstorms, etc. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Install or improve warning equipment, fog horns, radar, high Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Use byelaws, zoning or local regulation to reduce risks in multi-
visibility lighting, etc. specific fog-related metrics use locations, e.g. permanent or weather-related zoning to
separate commercial from recreational navigation traffic or a ban
Review/upgrade manoeuvring aids, navigation aids, (beacons, Invest in affordable, intelligent portable or wearable devices for on recreational use if a pre-determined threshold is exceeded
lights, buoys, etc.) monitoring or data collection
Temporary speed limits with penalties for non-compliance
Install or improve instrument-only navigation equipment Develop or improve warning systems; review and refine response
Ensure provision of back-up when relying on automated or
remotely operated equipment; (e.g. double up on AIS base stations, Use adaptive management concept to improve flexibility in
transceivers, radar stations, etc.) scheduling and working arrangements (e.g. berthing, lock-use;
one-way traffic)
Co-locate critical systems; central system in addition to remote
stations Enhance pilotage provision e.g. for certain vessel classes;
increase pilot numbers, training
Install visibility measuring instrumentation
Flexibility in staffing rotas to respond to climate-related events
Review or upgrade River Information Systems (RIS) or vessel
traffic services (VTS) Revert to traditional means or methods of navigation

Use airtight equipment to reduce condensation issues Develop new protocols or codes of practice for operations in poor
visibility (recreational use, pilotage, etc.). Awareness raising or
Install multi-modal cranes and other equipment for use when provision of training
prolonged fog precludes river use

Temporary or permanent zoning or restrictions on (non-essential;
recreational) use

Introduce diversions, one-way systems, or temporary closures of

port or waterway

Exploit interconnectivity and inter-modality options to maintain

business continuity

Annex 4H – Changes in Wind Characteristics

Annex 4H highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with changes in wind speed/strength, direction, or duration affecting infrastructure or operations.
Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Strengthen, raise or otherwise retrofit existing protective Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Use byelaws, zoning or local regulation to reduce risks in multi-
infrastructure specific wind-related metrics use locations, e.g. permanent or weather-related zoning to
separate commercial from recreational navigation traffic or a ban
Install wind deflectors to reduce wind load Install anemometers; develop or improve warning systems on recreational use if a pre-determined threshold is exceeded

Construct new wind breaks or protective infrastructure using Invest in affordable, intelligent portable or wearable devices for Encourage relocation of wind-prone assets or activities out of high-
nature-based solutions where practicable wind monitoring or data collection risk areas

Reinforce protection for key assets potentially affected by wind Review susceptibility of existing infrastructure, assets and Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
pressure operations including the effects of windage on vessels, use of tugs resilient infrastructure

Install new or strengthen storm-pin or tie-down points, especially Relocate or modify vulnerable operations and activities Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational
for cranes; also braking systems parameters, including for vessel stability, windage
Develop new operational protocols or codes of practice e.g. use
Modify design of structures (e.g. cranes) to reduce vulnerability of tie-downs; stacking or lashing of containers; tug use; vessel Implement a build-back-better or ‘build out of harm’s way’ policies
movement; bunkering; recreational use; mooring monitoring during for wind-damaged or damage-prone infrastructure
Assess and if required increase number and strength of bollards, high winds; switch off radar if practicable when certain wind speed
quays and mooring lines. is exceeded Ensure investment policies take into account life-cycle resilience,
making provision for expected changes
Introduce new mooring technology, e.g. vacuum mooring Raise awareness or provide associated training
systems Implement temporary speed limits

Consider alternative pilot boarding locations, procedures; review
Assess tug and tug towing strength so that it is sufficient for mooring plans for high wind conditions; practice for high wind Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards, speed
increasing vessel size conditions in mooring simulators limits, etc.

Relocate vulnerable assets Use adaptive management concept to improve flexibility in

scheduling and working arrangements (staffing rotas, berthing,
Use demountable equipment that can be removed/stored when a boarding, bunkering)
warning is received
Provide accommodation and transport for personnel to use
Widen, dredge or enlarge waterway to facilitate continued use during an incident

Review or upgrade River Information Systems (RIS) or vessel Temporary or permanent zoning or restrictions on (non-essential;
traffic services (VTS) recreational) use

Review and revise anchorage arrangements; consider re-siting Introduce diversions, one-way systems, or temporary closures of
port or waterway
Ensure provision of back-up when relying on automated or
remotely operated equipment; (e.g. double up on AIS base stations, Exploit interconnectivity and inter-modality options to maintain
transceivers, radar stations, etc.) business continuity

Co-locate critical systems; central system in addition to remote


Install multi-modal cranes and other equipment for use when wind
conditions preclude river use

Annex 4I – Extreme Cold, Ice or Icing

Annex 4I highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with changes in the extent, duration or frequency of extreme cold, ice or icing. Note that these
measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Consider storage or diversion channels to accommodate Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Implement measures to ensure onward transport networks
additional snowmelt volume specific cold, frost, icing and snowmelt metrics remain functional

Prioritise maintenance of critical infrastructure Raise awareness amongst workforce and stakeholders of the
issues associated with prolonged cold or early melting issues

Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
Review placement methods and location of stockpiles of Develop or improve warning systems (for both frost/icing and ice resilient infrastructure
collected snow and ice, for release into drainage systems or snowmelt)
Prepare and raise awareness of extreme cold emergency Encourage relocation out of damage-prone areas
Adapt vessel design, e.g. ice strengthening, enclosed bridge response plans
Review health and safety legislation for cold weather operations
Maintain (unfrozen) water provision on berths, e.g. for fire-fighting Review susceptibility of existing infrastructure, assets and
operations, particularly to reduction in permafrost, early Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or cold
Review icebreaker provision, use of ice booms snowmelt, etc., as well as prolonged extreme cold events weather operational parameters

Improve resilience of fuel storage and distribution system including Develop new operational protocols or codes of practice; raise Introduce penalties for non-compliance with standards
for land transport awareness or provide associated training
Maintenance and appropriate treatment, e.g. of access and roads Relocate or modify vulnerable operations and activities
within port estate
Use adaptive management concept to improve flexibility in
Improve thermal efficiency of buildings with adaptive measures, scheduling and working arrangements according to temperature
e.g. insulation, ventilation and conditions (e.g. staffing rotas, berth-scheduling; ice-breaking;
port access)
Use SCADA to monitor temperature, humidity
Review pilotage procedures

Annex 4J – Extreme Heat

Annex 4J highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with changes in the extent, duration or frequency of extreme heat. Note that these measures are
not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Vegetation management: planting of heat or drought resistant Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Review health and safety legislation for hot weather operations
vegetation, e.g. where structural stability relies on root mat specific heat-related metrics
Provide grants/financial incentives to encourage investment in
Provision of shade, using nature-based solutions where practicable Prepare and regularly review extreme heat warning systems resilient infrastructure

Use heat-tolerant or resistant plant, equipment, infrastructure or Prepare and raise awareness of extreme heat response plans Insurance or contingency fund to assist in event of prolonged
materials heatwave
Introduce and implement adaptive management procedures; plan
operations or working arrangements based on monitoring outputs

Modify or replace heat-sensitive opening mechanisms and similar Improve legal protection for heat-vulnerable habitats and species
on bridges, locks, etc. Ensure flexibility in staffing rotas to optimise productivity whilst with a risk reduction role (e.g. absorbing wave energy, providing
providing adequate respite erosion protection)
Improve thermal efficiency; design for temperature regulation;
improve insulation or ventilation; install air-conditioning or cooling Raise awareness of heat-related issues; provide appropriate first-
systems on vessels; in offices, storage facilities, etc. aid training

Install climate-controlled cabins for critical equipment and Research into new heat-resistant or heat-tolerant plant,
systems including radar (e.g. bolted-down, insulated container) equipment, materials, etc.

Review vessel design including insulation or ventilation of cargo

space, accommodation, etc.

Use SCADA to monitor temperature, humidity

Annex 4K – Ocean Water Acidity

Annex 4K highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure of increases in ocean water acidity.
Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Social measures Institutional measures

Physical measures
People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy
Structures, systems, technologies, services

Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational

Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location-
Review and improve existing corrosion protection systems parameters in relation to acidity
specific water-related metrics (water pH, reef health)
Review and revise maintenance schedules for corrosion- Prepare and implement coral reef conservation plan
Prioritise inspection of critical infrastructure
vulnerable infrastructure and assets
Increase legal protection for reefs and other vulnerable habitats
Develop data-sharing procedures
Construction materials selection process, e.g. concrete to
account for acidity changes providing coast protection or other risk reduction functions

New infrastructure design to take into account potential loss of Technical awareness of implications of pH level changes for
wave attenuation effect of coral reef vessel coatings; corrosion protection, etc.

Review/revise anti-fouling measures to take account of ambient Develop and use new corrosion-resistant materials
Education on role of coral reefs in coastal protection and climate
related risks

Develop contingency plan covering future loss of protective role

of coral reef (wave attenuation); draft-critical under keel clearance
operations; and related issues

Use dynamic under keel clearance (DUKC) technologies

Annex 4L – Salinity or Saltwater Intrusion

Annex 4L highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure of changes in salinity or saltwater
intrusion, including changes in ground water salinity. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

New infrastructure design to take into account consequences of Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational
changes in salinity specific water-related metrics, e.g. location and behaviour of salt parameters in relation to salinity tolerances
water wedge
Select salinity-tolerant construction materials Improve legal protection for salinity-vulnerable habitats and
Prioritise inspection of critical infrastructure species with a risk reduction role (e.g. absorbing wave energy,
Review/revise and prioritise maintenance for assets that are providing erosion protection)
vulnerable to corrosion or to changes in salinity levels Research, develop and use salinity-resistant materials

Modify vegetation management regimes to accommodate Education about effects of salinity on characteristic plant and
changes in salinity animal species and implications of future change

Technical awareness of effect of increased salinity on electrolytic

Annex 4M – Vegetation Growth

Annex 4M highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure of changes in native vegetation growth
rates resulting from warmer water temperatures. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Create lagoons or plant buffer strips to reduce nutrient input to Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational
waterways specific vegetation-related metrics parameters in relation to native vegetation use and management

Install screens, booms, etc. to reduce risk of blockage of intakes, Prioritise inspection of critical infrastructure Develop and implement ecosystem level native vegetation
propeller fouling, etc. due to excessive growth conservation and management plans
Educate landowners about native species to foster understanding
Develop and apply innovative mechanical clearance methods and effective management

Prioritise maintenance of critical infrastructure to optimise adaptive Engage users and other stakeholders in monitoring to help inform
capacity vegetation management decision making

Develop data-sharing procedures

Develop and implement local vegetation management plans

including contingency measures

Reduce use of nutrients, fertilisers, etc. to reduce algal blooms and

excessive weed growth

Modify cutting or clearance frequency or methods

Research into novel vegetation management methods (e.g.

introduction of natural predators)

Annex 4N – Species Migration or Change in Range

Annex 4N highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure of changes in species migration or
range resulting from warmer water temperatures. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously or implemented in-

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Facilitate diversification or otherwise cater for the consequences Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Provide grants/financial incentives to enable relocation or support
of any significant shift in range of the target species currently relied specific target species-related metrics diversification amongst those that lose income due to species’
on by commercial or recreational fishing, or wildlife watching migration
Engage users and other stakeholders in monitoring to help
Modify existing or provide new harbour infrastructure to understanding of species’ migration or shifts in range National or regional adaptation strategies for affected sectors
accommodate water temperature-related changes in use
Share data on species abundance and health
Relocate activity (e.g. provide new infrastructure) to follow those
same target species Mapping of species migration over time; shifts in range of key
species; use to inform relocation vs. alternative use decisions

Research and develop new opportunities (i.e. different target

species or activities) at the existing location

Annex 4O – Native Species Survivability or Growth Rates

Annex 4O highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure (such as earth embankments) of changes
native species survivability or growth rates associated with air temperature changes. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored
simultaneously or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Focus on maintenance and management of existing species to Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Improve legal protection for drought-vulnerable habitats and
maximise short term resilience and improve adaptive capacity specific vegetation-related metrics (e.g. evapotranspiration rates) species with an ecosystem service function

Replant with alternative (e.g. heat or drought-tolerant) species Engage users and other stakeholders in monitoring to provide Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational
information on species’ health parameters in relation to native vegetation use and management
Adopt other nature-based solutions
Review and modify maintenance regimes where native species Provide grants/financial incentives for measures to improve
Install revetment, piling or other engineered solution as natural play a role in supporting critical infrastructure or operations resilience of vegetated infrastructure
vegetation degrades, i.e. replace functions such as wave
attenuation, soil binding, or provision of shade Modify vegetation management practices, or otherwise manage
ecological conditions to promote restoration and recovery

Develop and implement vegetation management plans including

contingency measures

Research into, develop and use native, drought-tolerant species

for bank protection, towpaths, etc.

Annex 4P – Invasive Non-Native Species

Annex 4P highlights measures that can be adopted to deal with the implications for waterborne transport infrastructure of invasive non-native species (INNS)
establishment or spread facilitated by changes in air or water temperature. Note that these measures are not discrete: they are often explored simultaneously
or implemented in-combination.

Physical measures Social measures Institutional measures

Structures, systems, technologies, services People, behaviour, operations, information Governance, economics, regulation, policy

Remove redundant structures that may provide ‘stepping stones’ Improve (or instigate) monitoring and record keeping on location- Prepare and implement marine biosecurity plans
for species’ spread specific INNS-related metrics
Review or revise relevant design codes, standards or operational
Install ballast water treatment systems, reception facilities, etc. Educate stakeholders about the threats posed by INNS and about parameters
avoidance and management options, e.g. inspections, check-
Ensure application of state-of-the-art antifoulants to potentially clean-dry Introduce or strengthen regulations to reduce risk of new
affected infrastructure introductions
Provide training on INNS identification and management methods
Introduce or strengthen penalties for non-compliance e.g. for
Prioritise inspection of critical infrastructure failing to prevent new introductions

Engage users and other stakeholders in monitoring to provide Engage with regulators and others in the preparation of national or
information on INNS distribution and abundance regional emergency response plans

Develop mapping and information-sharing tools, protocols, apps,
etc. to record presence or spread of INNS

Develop early warning systems and local contingency plans

Review and modify management or maintenance regimes for

vulnerable infrastructure (e.g. intakes, outfalls, earth

Develop new preventative methods e.g. anti-foulant products or


Research and develop eradication techniques, biological

controls, etc. for target species

Facilitate knowledge and technology transfer

Cover picture: Port Botany, NSW Ports, Australia.
See Case Study 10

© Photo Jan Brooke

PIANC Secrétariat Général

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 20, B 3
B-1000 Bruxelles

VAT BE 408-287-945

ISBN 978-2- 87223-001-3

EAN 9782872230013

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