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Mantras that have the word oṃ at the beginning and have svāhā added at the end are for use in
pacifying calamities; If a mantra begins with the word oṃ and has hūṃ phaṭ added at the end, it is
for use in summoning; Those with namaḥ at the beginning and end are for use in increasing
benefits, and those with hūṃ phaṭ at the beginning and end are for use in subjugating; The word
hūṃ and the word phaṭ are applicable to [all] three situations, and add the name [of the person
concerned] in between.

The mantra for perfumed water: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, apratisame gaganasame

samatā-nugate prakṛtiviśuddhe dharmadhātuviśodhani svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you
who are without equal! You who are equal to the sky! You who have attained equality! You who are
pure by nature! You who purify the dharma realm! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhite acale vimale smaraṇe prakṛti-

pariśuddhe svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have been empowered by the
empowerment of all the Tathāgatas! Unmoving one! Unsullied one! You who remember! You who
are completely pure by nature! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, agnaye svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! For Agni, svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ mahāśāntigata śāntikara praśama-dharmanirjāta

abhāvasvabhāvadharmasamatāprāpta svāhā. (Homage to all buddhas! Āḥ! O you who have
reached great tranquility! You who bring about tranquility! You who are born of the dharma of
calmness! You who have obtained sameness with dharmas that have non-being as their intrinsic
nature! Svāhā!)

Very Powerful Great Protection: Namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyaḥ sarvabhayavigatebhyo

viśvamukhebhyaḥ, sarvathā haṃ khaṃ rakṣa mahābale sarvatathāgata-puṇyanirjāte hūṃ
hūṃ trāṭ trāṭ apratihate svāhā. (Homage to all tathāgatas, who are free from all fear and are in all
directions! In every way, haṃ [khaṃ], protect! O you of great strength! You who are born of the
merit of all tathāgatas! Hūṃ hūṃ trāṭ trāṭ! You who are unimpeded! Svāhā!)

Birth in the Dharma realm: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharmadhātusvabhāvako ’ham.

(Homage to all Buddhas! I have the intrinsic nature of the Dharma realm.)

The mantra for empowerment by Vajrasattva: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vajrātmako ’ham.

(Homage to all Vajras! I am of the nature of a vajra.)

The mantra of adamantine armor: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vajrakavaca hūṃ. (Homage to all
Vajras! O adamantine armor! Hūṃ!)
The mantra of the Tathāgata’s eye or vision: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatacakṣu
vyavalokaya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O Tathāgata’s eye! Behold! Svāhā!)

The unguent mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, viśuddhagandhod-bhava svāhā. (Homage

to all Buddhas! O you who have risen from pure unguent! Svāhā!)

The flower mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahāmaitryabhyudgate svāhā. (Homage to

all Buddhas! O you who have arisen from great benev- olence! Svāhā!)

The incense mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharmadhātvanugate svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! O you who are coextensive with the Dharma realm! Svāhā!)

The food mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ararakalalabaliṃ dadāmi baliṃ dade

mahābali svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! I give a food offering of arara and kalala. I give a food
offering. Great food offering! svāhā!)

The lamp mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatārcispharaṇā-

vabhāsanagaganaudārya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O suffusion of the Tathāgata’s light,
with a brilliance as vast as the firmament! Svāhā!)

The argha mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaganasamāsama svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! O you who are equal to the sky and unequaled! Svāhā!)

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s crown: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaganānantaspharaṇa

viśuddhadharmanirjāta svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who infinitely pervade the sky!
You who are born of the pure Dharma! Svāhā!)

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s armor: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vajra- jvāla visphura hūṃ.
(Homage to all Buddhas! O adamantine flame! Flash! Hūṃ!)

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s halo: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jvālā- mālini tathāgatārci
svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have a wreath of flames! light of the Tathāgata!

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s tongue: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahāmaha tathāgatajihva

satyadharmapratiṣṭhita svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O great among the great! Tongue of the
Tathāgata! That which is established in the true Dharma! Svāhā!)

Samantabhadra dwelled in the samādhi “Adornment of the Buddha’s Sphere” and uttered the
mantra of unobstructed strength: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, samatānugata
virajadharmanirjāta mahāmaha svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have attained
equality! You who are born of the unsoiled Dharma! Great among the great! Svāhā!)
Maitreya dwelled in the samadhi “Generation of Universal Great Benevolence” and uttered the
heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ajitaṃjaya sarvasattvāśayānugata svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who vanquish the unvanquished! You who follow the inclinations
of all beings! Svāhā!)

Akasagarbha dwelled in the samadhi “Sphere of Purity” and uttered the heart-mantra: Namaḥ
samantabuddhānāṃ, ākāśasamatānugata vicitrāmbaradhara svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
O you who have attained equality with space! You who wear a many-colored raiment! Svāhā!)

Sarvanivaraṇaviskambhin dwelled in the samadhi “Power of Compassion” and uttered the

heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ sattvahitābhyudgata traṃ traṃ raṃ raṃ
svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Āḥ! O you who have arisen for the weal of beings! traṃ traṃ raṃ
raṃ! Svāhā!)

Avalokitesvara dwelled in the samadhi “Universal Gaze” and uttered the heart-mantra: Namaḥ
samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvatathāgatāvalokita karuṇāmaya ra ra ra hūṃ jaḥ svāhā. (Homage
to all Buddhas! O gaze of all Tathāgatas! that which is formed of compassion! ra ra ra hūṃ jaḥ!

Mahasthamaprapta uttered the heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jaṃ jaṃ saḥ svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! Jaṃ jaṃ saḥ! Svāhā!)

Tara uttered the heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, karuṇodbhave tāre tāriṇi svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have risen from compassion! Tārā! savioress! Svāhā!)

Great Bhṛkuṭī uttered the heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvabhaya-trāsani hūṃ

sphoṭaya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who frighten away all fears! Hūṃ! Rend! Svāhā!)

Pāṇḍaravāsinī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgataviṣayasaṃbhave padmamālini svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are born from the sphere of the Tathāgatas! You who have a
garland of lotuses! Svāhā!)

Hayagrīva: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hūṃ khāda bhañja sphoṭaya svāhā. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Hūṃ! Devour! Shatter! Rend! Svāhā!)

Kṣitigarbha dwelled in the samādhi “Sphere of Adamantine Indestructible Conduct” and uttered
this mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ha ha ha sutanu svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ha
ha ha! O you with a beautiful body! Svāhā!)

Mañjuśrī dwelled in the samādhi “Supernatural Power of the Buddha’s Empowerment” and
uttered his own heart-mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he he kumāraka
vimuktipathasthita smara smara pratijñāṃ svāhā. (Homage to all buddhas! Ho! Ho! Young
boy! You who abide on the path to liberation! Remember, remember your vow! Svāhā!)

Vajrapāṇi dwelled in the samādhi “Great Adamantine Invincibility” and uttered his own heart-
mantra and the mantras of his attendants: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa hūṃ.
(Homage to all Vajras! O you who are violent and very wrathful! Hūṃ!)

Māmakī: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, triṭ triṭ jayanti svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Triṭ triṭ! O
victress! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Vajraśṛṅkhalā: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, bandha ban-dhaya moṭa moṭaya

vajrodbhave sarvatrāpratihate svāhā. (Homage to all vajras! Bind, bind! Crush, crush! O you
who have risen from the vajra! You who are everywhere unimpeded! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Vajracandratilaka (Krodhacandratilaka): Namaḥ samanta-vajrāṇāṃ, hrīḥ hūṃ

phaṭ svāhā. (Homage to all vajras! Hrīḥ hūṃ phaṭ! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Vajrasūcī: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, sarvadharma- nirvedhani vajrasūci

varade svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! O you who pierce all dharmas! Adamantine Needle
[Vajrasūcī]! you who grant wishes! Svāhā!)

The mantra of all vajradharas: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ jaṃ
jaṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ jaṃ jaṃ! Svāhā!)

The mantra of all servants: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, he he kiṃ cirāyasi gṛhṇa gṛhṇa khāda
khāda paripūraya svapratijñāṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Ho! Ho! Why do you
procrastinate? Seize, seize! Devour, devour! Fulfill your vow! Svāhā!)

Śākyamuni entered the samādhi “Place of Jewels” and uttered his own heart[-mantra] and the
mantras of his attendants: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvakleśaniṣūdana sarvadharma-
vaśitāprāpta gaganasamāsama svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who destroy all
defilements! You who have won control over all dharmas! You who are equal to the sky and
unequaled! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Ūrṇā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, varade varaprāpte hūṃ. (Homage to all
Buddhas! O you who grant wishes! You who have won a boon! Hūṃ!)

The mantra of all Buddha-Crowns: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaṃ vaṃ vaṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ
svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Vaṃ vaṃ vaṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Aparājita: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dhriṃ dhriṃ riṃ riṃ jriṃ jriṃ svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! Dhriṃ dhriṃ riṃ riṃ jriṃ jriṃ! Svāhā!)
The mantra of Aparājitā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aparājite jayanti taḍite svāhā. (Homage
to all Buddhas! O invincible one [Aparājitā]! Victress! You who strike! Svāhā!)

The mantra of Pṛthivī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, pṛthivyai svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
For Earth [Pṛthivī], svāhā!)

The mantra of Viṣṇu: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, viṣṇave svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! For
Viṣṇu, svāhā!)

The mantra of Rudra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, rudrāya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
For Rudra, svāhā!)

The mantra of Vāyu: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vāyave svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! For
Vāyu, svāhā!)

The mantra of Sarasvatī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarasvatyai svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! For Sarasvatī, svāhā!)

The mantra of Nairṛti: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, rākṣasādhipataye svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! For the Lord of Goblins [= Nairṛti], svāhā!)

The mantra of Yama: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaivasvatāya svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! For Vaivasvata [“Son of Vivasvat” = Yama], svāhā!)

The mantra of Mṛtyu: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mṛtyave svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
For Death [Mṛtyu], svāhā!)

The mantra of Kālarātri: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, kālarātriye svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! For Dark Night [Kālarātri], svāhā!)

The mantra of the Seven Mothers: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mātṛbhyaḥ svāhā. (Homage to
all Buddhas! For the Mothers, svāhā!)

The mantra of Śakra Devendra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, śakrāya svāhā. (Homage to all
Buddhas! For Śakra, svāhā!)

The mantra of the nāga king Varuṇa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, apāṃpataye svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! For the Lord of Water [= Varuṇa], svāhā!)

The mantra of Brahmā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, prajāpataye svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! For the Lord of Creatures [= Brahmā], svāhā!)
The mantra of Āditya: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ādityāya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
For Sun [Āditya], svāhā!)

The mantra of Candra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, candrāya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
For Moon [Candra], svāhā!)

The mantra of the nāgas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, meghāśaniye svāhā. (Homage to all
Buddhas! For the Cloud-Eater, svāhā!)

The mantra of Nanda and Upananda: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, nan-dopanandayoḥ svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! For Nanda and Upananda, svāhā!)

Vairocana, wishing to explain that his teachings are of infallible siddhi, [uttered] the mantra of
the vidyārājñī Gaganalocanā, mother of all buddhas and bodhisattvas: Namaḥ samanta-
buddhānāṃ, gaganavaralakṣaṇe gaganasame sarvatodgatābhisārasaṃ-bhave jvala, namo
’moghānāṃ svāhā. (Homage to all buddhas! O you who have the excellent attributes of the sky!
You who are equal to the sky! You who are born from gifts arisen everywhere! Burn! Homage to the
infallible ones! Svāhā!)

In order to quell all obstacles, Vairocana, dwelled in the samādhi “Born of Fire” and uttered this
mantra of the great destroyer of obstacles, the holy one Acalanātha: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ,
caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa spho- ṭaya hūṃ trat hāṃ māṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! O you who are violent
and very wrathful! rend! hūṃ traka hāṃ māṃ!)

The mantra of Trailokyavijaya: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, ha ha ha vismaye

sarvatathāgataviṣayasaṃbhava trailokyavijaya hūṃ jaḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Ha ha
ha! O wondrous one! you who are born from the sphere of all Tathāgatas! Conqueror of the Three
Worlds [Trailokyavijaya]! hūṃ jaḥ! Svāhā!)

The mantra of śrāvakas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hetupratya[ya]-vigatakarmanirjāta

hūṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are born of action free from causes and conditions!

The mantra of pratyekabuddhas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The heart-mantra common to all buddhas and bodhisattvas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ,

sarvab sarvatathāgataviṣayasaṃbhava uddhabodhisattvahṛdayanyāveśani, namaḥ sar- vavide
svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who cause to enter into the heart of all buddhas and
bodhisattvas! homage to the omniscient one! svāhā!)

The heart-mantra common to mundane gods and so on: Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ,
lokālokakarāya sarvadevanāgayakṣagandharvāsuragaruḍa- kiṃnaramahoragādihṛdayāny
ākarṣaya vicitragati svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! For the sake of illuminating the world! draw
in the hearts of all gods, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahoragas, and so
on! O you who move in manifold ways! Svāhā!)

The mantra of all buddhas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvathā vimati-vikiraṇa

dharmadhātunirjāta saṃ saṃ ha svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who dispel doubt in
every way! you who are born of the Dharma realm! saṃ saṃ ha! Svāhā!)

The mantra of the gatekeeper Durdharṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, durdharṣa

mahāroṣaṇa khādaya sarvāṃ tathāgatājñāṃ kuru svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O Inviolable
One [Durdharṣa]! very wrathful one! devour! perform every command of the Tathāgata! Svāhā!)

The mantra of the gatekeeper Abhimukha: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he

mahāpracaṇḍābhimukha gṛhṇa khādaya kiṃ cirāyasi samayam anusmara svāhā. (Homage to
all Buddhas! Ho! O you who are very violent! you who face [Durdharṣa]! seize! devour! why do
you procrastinate? remember your pledge! Svāhā!)

The mantra for binding the greater boundary [of the maṇḍala]: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ,
sarvatrānugate bandhaya sīmāṃ mahāsamayanirjāte smaraṇe apratihate dhaka dhaka cara
cara bandha bandha daśadiśaṃ sarva-tathāgatānujñāte pravaradharmalabdhavijaye
bhagavati vikuri vikule le lu puri [vikuli] svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are all-
pervading! bind the boundary! you who are born of the great pledge! you who remember! you who
are unimpeded! burn, burn! move, move! bind, bind the ten directions! you who are authorized by
all Tathāgatas! victorious one who has obtained the most excellent Dharma! Blessed One! vikuri
vikule le lu puri [vikuli]! Svāhā!)

The mantra of bodhi: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, a. (Homage to all Buddhas! A!)

The mantra of practice: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ā!)

The mantra of the attainment of bodhi: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Aṃ!)

The mantra of nirvana: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Aḥ!)

The mantra of Trailokyavijaya: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hā. (Homage to all Vajras! Hā!)

The mantra of Acalanātha: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hāṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! Hāṃ!)

The mantra of [Sarva]nīvaraṇaviṣkambhin: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aḥ.

The mantra of Avalokiteśvara: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of Vajrapāṇi: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vaḥ. (Homage to all Vajras! Vaḥ!)

The mantra of Mañjuśrī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, maṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Maṃ!)

The mantra of Gaganalocanā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of the Dharma realm: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, raṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of Mahāvīra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, khaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Jalendra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Jaṃ!)

The mantra of the honored one Tārā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, taṃ. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Taṃ!)

The mantra of Bhṛkuṭī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, bhṛḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Bhṛḥ!)

The mantra of Mahāsthāmaprāpta: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Saṃ!)

The mantra of the honored one Pāṇḍaravāsinī: Namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ, paṃ. (Homage
to all Buddhas! Paṃ!)

The mantra of Hayagrīva: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, haṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Haṃ!)

The mantra of Yaśodharā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, yaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Yaṃ!)

The mantra of Ratnakara: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saṃ.

The mantra of Jālinīprabha: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jāṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Jāṃ!)

The mantra of Śākyamuni: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, bhaḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of the Three Buddha-Crowns: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hūṃ ṭruṃ. (Homage
to all Buddhas! Hūṃ ṭruṃ!)

The mantra of Sitātapatroṣṇīṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, laṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Jayoṣṇīṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, śaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Śaṃ!)

The mantra of Vijayoṣṇīṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, si. (Homage to all Buddhas! Si!)

The mantra of Tejorāśyuṣṇīṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, triṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Vikiraṇoṣṇīṣa: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hruṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Lokavidyārājñī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, taṃ haṃ paṃ haṃ yaṃ.
(Homage to all Buddhas! Taṃ haṃ paṃ haṃ yaṃ!)

The mantra of Aparājita: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hūṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Hūṃ!)

The mantra of Pṛthivī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, bi. (Homage to all Buddhas! Bi!)

The mantra of Keśinī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, kili. (Homage to all Buddhas! Kili!)

The mantra of Upakeśinī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dili. (Homage to all Buddhas! Dili!)

The mantra of the young Citrā: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mili. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of the young Vasumatī: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hili. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of Kautūhala: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hasanaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Sarvasattvābhayaṃdada: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ,rasanaṃ. (Homage to

all Buddhas! Tasting.) [110]
The mantra of Sarvāpāyaṃjaha: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dhvaṃsanaṃ. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Destruction.)

The mantra of Paritrāṇāśayamati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vihasanaṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Smiling.)

The mantra of Mahāmaitryabhyudgata: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ṭhaṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Haṃ!)

The mantra of Mahākaruṇāmṛḍita: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, yaṃ.

The mantra of Sarvadāhapraśāmin: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ī. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Acintyamati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, u. (Homage to all Buddhas! U!)

The mantra of Ratnākara: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, daṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Daṃ!)

The mantra of Ratnapāṇi: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ṣaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ṣaṃ!)

The mantra of Dharaṇiṃdhara: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ṅaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

Then there is the following mantra: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jaṃ.

The mantra of Ratnamudrāhasta: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, phaṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Phaṃ!)

The mantra of Dṛḍhādhyāśaya: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ṇaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of Gaganāmala: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, haṃ.

The mantra of Gaganamati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, riṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Riṃ!)

The mantra of Viśuddhamati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gataṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!


The mantra of Cāritramati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dhiraṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas!

The mantra of Sthiramati: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hūṃ.

The mantra of servants: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dhi śri haṃ braṃ. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Dhi śri haṃ braṃ!)

The mantra expounded by bodhisattvas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, kṣaḥ ḍa ra yaṃ kaṃ.

(Homage to all Buddhas! Kṣaḥ ḍa ra yaṃ kaṃ!)

The mantra of the gods of Pure Abode (Śuddhāvāsa): Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ,

manorama dharmasaṃbhava vibhavaka[tha]na saṃ saṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O
delightful one! you who are born from the Dharma! you who speak with dignity! saṃ saṃ! svāhā!)

The mantra of rākṣasas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, kraṃ keri. (Homage to all Buddhas!
Kraṃ keri!)

The mantra of ḍākinīs: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hrīḥ haḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Hrīḥ

The mantra of yakṣiṇīs: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, yakṣavidyādhari. (Homage to all

Buddhas! O you who hold the yakṣas’ spell!)

The mantra of piśācas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, pici pici. (Homage to all Buddhas! Pici

The mantra of bhūtas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, guṃ ī guṃ i maṃsane. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Guṃ ī guṃ i maṃsane!)

The mantra of asuras: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, raṭaṃ raṭaṃ dhvan- taṃ vra pra.
(Homage to all Buddhas! Howled, howled, roared, vra pra!)

The mantra of mahoragas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, garalaṃ gara-laṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Poison, poison.)

The mantra of kiṃnaras: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hasanaṃ vihasa-naṃ. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Laughter, smiling.)

The mantra of humans (manuṣya): Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, icchā-paraṃ manomaye me

svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! That which is intent upon desire, O you who consist of mind! for
me, svāhā!)

Namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyo viśvamukhe-bhyaḥ, sarvathā a ā aṃ aḥ. (Homage to all Tathāgatas

in all directions! In every way, a ā aṃ aḥ!)

Vidyārājñī “Equal to Empty Space in Power and Proceeding from the Treasury of Empty
Space (Gaganagañja)”: Namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyo viśvamukhebhyaḥ, sarvathā khamudgate
spharahīmaṃ gaganakaṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Tathāgatas in all directions! O you who have
come forth from space in every way! Spread through this sky! Svāhā!)

Vairocana dwelled in the samādhi “Adamantine Play Which Vanquishes the Four Demons”
and uttered words of adamantine syllables for vanquishing the four demons, liberating the six
destinies, and satisfying the knowledge of an omniscient one: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ
vi ra hūṃ khaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Āḥ vi ra hūṃ khaṃ!)

Vairocana dwelled in the samādhi “Born of Nectar and uttered the vidyārājñī “Power Unim-
peded throughout All Three Ages”: Tad yathā, gaganasame ’pratisame sar-
vatathāgatasamatānugate gaganasamavaralakṣaṇe svāhā. (That is to say: O you who are equal
to space! you who are without equal! you who have attained equality with all Tathāgatas! you who
have excellent attributes like the sky! Svāhā!)

Vairocana dwelled in the samādhi “Immeasurable Victory,” and revealed the vidyārājñī
“Universally Inviolable Strength,” born in the sphere of all Tathāgatas. The vidyā is: Namaḥ
sarvatathāgateb- hyaḥ sarvamukhebhyaḥ, asame parame acale gagane smaraṇe sarvatrānu-
gate svāhā. (Homage to all Tathāgatas in all directions! O you who are unequaled! you who are
supreme! you who are unmoving! sky! you who remember! you who are all-pervading! Svāhā!)

Vairocana promptly dwelled in the samādhi “Inviolable Strength of the Body,” and uttered
the vidyārājñī of universally unobstructable power, unequaled power, and the power of
samaya for entry into the samaya of all Tathāgatas: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, asame
trisame samaye svāhā.

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharma- dhātusvabhāvako ’haṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vajrātmako ’haṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahākhaḍga virajadharmasaṃ-darśaka

sahajasatkāyadṛṣṭicchedaka tathāgatādhimuktinirjāta virāgadharma-nirjāta hūṃ. (Homage
to all Buddhas! O great sword! that which manifests the unsoiled Dharma! that which severs the
innate view of the reality of the body! that which is born of the Tathāgata’s conviction! that which is
born of the Dharma free from passion! Hūṃ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharma- dhātusvabhāvako ’haṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vajrātmako ’haṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahākhaḍga virajadharmasaṃ-darśaka

sahajasatkāyadṛṣṭicchedaka tathāgatādhimuktinirjāta virāgadharma-nirjāta hūṃ. (Homage
to all Buddhas! O great sword! that which manifeststhe unsoiled Dharma! that which severs the
innate view of the reality of thebody! that which is born of the Tathāgata’s conviction! that which is
born ofthe Dharma free from passion! Hūṃ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hūṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! Hūṃ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, hūṃ hūṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Hūṃ hūṃ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ haṃ jaḥ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Āḥ haṃ jaḥ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvathā jina jina bhayanāśana svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
O you who are in every way victorious, victorious! you who destroy fear! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, varada vajrātmaka svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who
grant wishes! you who are of the nature of a vajra! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahābalavati daśabalodbhave mahāmaitryabhyudgate svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who possess great strength! you who have arisen from the ten
powers! you who have arisen from great benevolence! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaganavaralakṣaṇe karuṇā- mayatathāgatacakṣu svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have the excellent attributes of the sky! eye of the Tathāgata
formed of compassion! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he he mahāpāśa prasaraudārya sattvadhātuvimohaka

tathāgatādhimuktinirjāta svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! ho! great noose! you who extend
over a wide area! you who bewilder the realm of beings! you who are born of the Tathāgata’s
conviction! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ sarvatrāpratihate tathāgatāṅkuśa bodhicaryāparipūraka

svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Āḥ! O you who are unimpeded everywhere! hook of the
Tathāgata! that which brings to completion the practice for awakening! Svāhā!)
Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jñānodbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have
risen from knowledge! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, amṛtodbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have
risen from the nectar of immortality! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatasaṃbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who

are born from the Tathāgata! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyaḥ, raṃ raṃ raḥ raḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Tathāgatas! Raṃ raṃ raḥ
raḥ! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, le lu puri vikule svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Le lu puri vikule!

Namaḥ sarvatathāgatebhyaḥ sarvabhayav- igatebhyo viśvamukhebhyaḥ, sarvathā haṃ khaṃ

rakṣa mahābale sar- vatathāgatapuṇyanirjāte hūṃ hūṃ trāṭ trāṭ apratihate svāhā.

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jvālāmālini tathāgatārci svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatajihva satyadharmapratiṣṭhita svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! O tongue of the Tathāgata! that which is established in the true Dharma! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatamahāvaktra viśvajñānamahodaya svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! O great mouth of the Tathāgata! that which is preeminent in manifold knowledge! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatadaṃṣṭra rasarasā-grasaṃprāpaka

sarvatathāgataviṣayasaṃbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O tusk of the Tathāgata! that which
effects the attainment of the foremost flavor among [all] flavors! that which is born from the sphere
of all Tathāgatas! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, acintyādbhutarūpavācaṃ samatāprāpta viśuddhasvara svāhā. (Homage

to all Buddhas! O you who have gained equality with speech of inconceivable and marvelous form!
pure sound! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, daśabalāṅgadhara hūṃ saṃ jaṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you
who possess the mem- bers of the ten powers! hūṃ saṃ jaṃ! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatasmṛti sattvahitābhyudgata gaganasamāsama svāhā. (Homage

to all Buddhas! O mindfulness of the Tathāgata! that which has arisen for the weal of beings! that
which is equal to the sky and unequaled! Svāhā!)
Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarva-dharmasamatāprāpta tathāgatānugata, svāhā. (Homage to all
Buddhas! O you who have gained equality with all things! you who follow the Tathā-gata! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, samatānugata virajadharmanirjāta mahāmaha svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ajitaṃjaya sar- vasattvāśayānugata svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ākāśasamatānugata vicitrāmbaradhara svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ sattvahitābhyudgata traṃ traṃ raṃ raṃ svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvatathāgatāvalokita karuṇāmaya ra ra ra hūṃ jaḥ svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, jaṃ jaṃ saḥ svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tāre tāriṇi karuṇodbhave svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Tārā!
savioress! you who have risen from compassion! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvabhayatrāsani hūṃ sphoṭaya svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgataviṣayasaṃbhave padmamālini svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, khādaya bhañja sphoṭaya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Devour!
shatter! rend! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ha ha ha sutanu svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he he kumāra vimuktipathasthita smara smara pratijñāṃ svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! ho! youth! you who abide on the path to liberation! remember,
remember your vow! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabud- dhānāṃ, he he kumāra māyagata svabhāvasthita svāhā. (Homage to all

Buddhas! Ho! ho! youth! you who have understood illusion! you who abide in intrinsic nature!

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he kumāra vicitragatikumāra [pratijñā]m anusmara svāhā. (Homage to

all Buddhas! Ho! youth! O youth of varied movement! remember your vow! Svāhā!)
Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he he kumārike dayājñānaṃ smara pratijñāṃ svāhā. (Homage to all
Buddhas! Ho! ho! young maiden! remember compassion and knowledge! and your vow! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, bhindayājñānaṃ he kumārike svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Destroy

ignorance! ho! young maiden! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he smara jñānaketu svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! remember! O
knowledge-banner! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ākarṣaya sarvān kuru ājñāṃ kumārasya svāhā. (Homage

to all Buddhas! Draw in all [beings]! perform the command of the youth
[Mañjuśrī]! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ vismayanīye svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Āḥ! O amazing one!

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vimaticchedaka svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who sever
doubt! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, abhayaṃdada svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who
bestow fearlessness! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, abhyuddharaṇi sattvadhātuṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you

who deliver the realm
of beings! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he mahāmaha smara pratijñāṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! O
great among the great! remember your vow! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, svacittodgata svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who have risen
from your own mind! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, karuṇāmṛḍita svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are
delighted by compassion! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he varada varaprāpta svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! O you who
grant wishes! you who have won a boon! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, sarvāśāparipūra[ka] svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you

who fulfill all wishes! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ha ha ha vismaye svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ha

ha ha! O wondrous one! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he mahāmaha svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Ho! O

great among the great! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ratnodbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you have risen from a
jewel! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharaṇiṃdhara svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who support the
earth! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ratna- nirjāta svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are born of a
jewel! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaganānantagocara svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!

O you who have the sky as your infinite field of action! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, cakravarti svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who turn the wheel!

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharmasaṃbhava svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are born
from the Dharma! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, padmālaya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O lotus receptacle!


Namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ, jñānodbhava svāhā

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa hūṃ

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, triṭ triṭ jayanti svāhā

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hūṃ bandha bandha moṭaya moṭaya vajrodbhave

sarvatrāpratihate svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Hūṃ! bind, bind! crush,
crush! O you who have risen from the vajra! you who are everywhere unim-
peded! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hrīḥ hūṃ phaṭ svāhā

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, sarvadharmanirvedhani vajrasūci varade svāhā

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, sphoṭaya vajrasaṃbhave svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Rend! O you who
are born from the vajra! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, durdharṣa mahāroṣaṇa khādaya sarvāṃ tathā-

gatājñāṃ kuru svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! O Inviolable One [Durdharṣa]!
very wrathful one! devour! perform every command of the Tathāgata! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantava- jrāṇāṃ, he abhimukha mahāpracaṇḍa khādaya kiṃ cirāyasi samayam anus-
mara svāhā. (Homage to all Vajras! Ho! O you who face [Durdharṣa]! you
who are very violent! devour! why do you procrastinate? remember your
pledge! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarva- kleśaniṣūdana sarvadharmavaśitāprāpta gaganasame svāhā.

(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who destroy all defilements! you who have won control over all
dharmas! you who are equal to the sky! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaṃ vaṃ hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ svāhā. (Homage
to all Buddhas! Vaṃ vaṃ hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ phaṭ! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, garalayaṃ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!

Absorption of poison, svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, viśuddhasvaravāhini svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who

convey pure sounds! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, yakṣeśvara svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O lord of yakṣas! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, yakṣavidyādhari svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, piśācagati svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are in the state
of piśācas! Svāhā!)
Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, pici pici svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Pici pici! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, grahaiśvaryaprāpta jyoti[r]maya svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O

you who have won dominion over the planets! you who are formed of light! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, nakṣatranirnādaniye svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! For you
of the lunar mansions who shout out, svāhā!)

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, rākṣasādhipataye svāhā

Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, hrīḥ haḥ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, a

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sa. (Homage to all Buddhas! Sa!)

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, va. (Homage to all Vajras! Va!)

Ka kha ga gha, ca cha ja jha, ṭa ṭha ḍa ḍha, ta tha da dha, pa pha ba bha, ya ra la va, śa ṣa sa ha, kṣa.
<The above represent the first vowel (i.e., -a) and are all in the rising tone; pronounce them short.>

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ā.

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Sā!)

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vā. (Homage to all Vajras! Vā!)

Kā khā gā ghā, cā chā jā jhā, ṭā ṭhā ḍā ḍhā, tā thā dā dhā, pā phā bā

bhā, yā rā lā vā, śā ṣā sā hā, kṣā. <The above represent the first vowel
and are all in the departing tone; pronounce them long.>

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ.

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saṃ.

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vaṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! Vaṃ!)

Kaṃ khaṃ gaṃ ghaṃ, caṃ chaṃ jaṃ jhaṃ, ṭaṃ ṭhaṃ ḍaṃ ḍhaṃ, taṃ
thaṃ daṃ dhaṃ, paṃ phaṃ baṃ bhaṃ, yaṃ raṃ laṃ vaṃ, śaṃ ṣaṃ
saṃ haṃ, kṣaṃ. <These nasalized syllables all have the first vowel;
pronounce them with their proper sound.>

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aḥ.

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saḥ.

Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, vaḥ

Kaḥ khaḥ gaḥ ghaḥ, caḥ chaḥ jaḥ jhaḥ, ṭaḥ ṭhaḥ ḍaḥ ḍhaḥ, taḥ thaḥ
daḥ dhaḥ, paḥ phaḥ baḥ bhaḥ, yaḥ raḥ laḥ vaḥ, śaḥ ṣaḥ saḥ haḥ, kṣaḥ.
<These all have the first vowel; pronounce them with the entering

I ī u ū ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ e ai o au

Ṅa ña ṇa na ma, ṅā ñā ṇā nā mā, ṅaṃ ñaṃ ṇaṃ naṃ maṃ, ṅaḥ ñaḥ

ṇaḥ naḥ maḥ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ asamāptadharmadhātugatiṃ

gatānāṃ, sarvathā āṃ khāṃ aṃ aḥ saṃ saḥ haṃ haḥ raṃ raḥ vaṃ vaḥ svāhā,
hūṃ raṃ raḥ hra haḥ svāhā, raṃ raḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas who
have gone to the state of the unending Dharma realm! In every way āṃ khāṃ
aṃ aḥ saṃ saḥ haṃ haḥ raṃ raḥ vaṃ vaḥ svāhā! hūṃ raṃ raḥ hra haḥ
svāhā! raṃ raḥ svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, raṃ raḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Raṃ raḥ!

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaṃ vaḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Vaṃ

vaḥ! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, saṃ saḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Saṃ

saḥ! Svāhā!)
Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, haṃ haḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Haṃ haḥ! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ aḥ svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! Aṃ aḥ! svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, buddhadhāraṇi smṛti- baladhānakari dharaya sarvaṃ bhagavaty

ākāravati samaye svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas! O Buddha’s memory! you who act as the
receptacle of the power of remembrance! uphold everything! O Blessed Lady of [fine] form!
pledge! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ā vedavide svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas. Ā! O you who are
conversant with [sacred] knowl- edge! Svāhā!)

Vairocana dwelled in samādhi “Birth of Knowledge” and uttered a mantra which produces various
kinds of skillful knowledge and shines everywhere with one hundred light rays: Namaḥ
samantabuddhānāṃ, aṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvathā śiṃ śiṃ triṃ triṃ guṃ guṃ dhariṃ dhariṃ sthāpaya sthāpaya
buddhasatya vā dharmasatya vā saṅghasatya vā hūṃ hūṃ vedavide svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas!
In every way, śiṃ śiṃ triṃ triṃ guṃ guṃ dhariṃ dhariṃ! Cause to perdure, cause to perdure! either
the truth of the Buddha or the truth of the Dharma or the truth of the Sangha! hūṃ hūṃ! O you who
are conversant with [sacred] knowledge! Svāhā!)

The mantra of the expedient means for making obeisance is: Oṃ namaḥ
sarvatathāgatakāyavākcittapādavandanāṃ karomi. (Oṃ, homage! I make obeisance to the feet of
the body, speech, and mind of all Tathāgatas.)

The mantra of the expedient means for expiating sins is: Oṃ sarva-pāpasphoṭadahanavajrāya svāhā.
(Oṃ, for you who like a vajra burst asun-der and burn all sins, svāhā!)

The mantra of the expedient means for taking refuge is: Oṃ sarva- buddhabodhisattvān śaraṇaṃ
gacchāmi vajradharma hrīḥ. (Oṃ, I take refuge in all buddhas and bodhisattvas. Adamantine
Dharma, hrīḥ!)

The mantra of the expedient means for offering one’s body is: Oṃ sarva-
tathāgatapūjāpravartanāyātmānaṃ niryātayāmi sarvatathāgatāś cādhiti- ṣṭhantā[ṃ]
sarvatathāgatajñānaṃ me āviśatu. (Oṃ, I offer myself for the incitement of worship of all
Tathāgatas. May all Tathāgatas empower [me], and may the knowledge of all Tathāgatas enter upon

The mantra of the expedient means for generating the bodhi-mind is: Oṃ bodhicittam utpādayāmi.
(Oṃ, I generate the mind of awakening.)
The mantra of the expedient means of sympathetic joy is: Oṃ sarva-
tathāgatapuṇyajñānānumodanāpūjāmeghasamudraspharaṇasamaye hūṃ.
(Oṃ, O pledge of the diffusion of oceanlike clouds of worship consisting of
sympathetic joy in the merit and knowledge of all Tathāgatas, hūṃ!)

The mantra of the expedient means of solicitation is: Oṃ sarva-

tathāgatādhyeṣaṇapūjāmeghasamudraspharaṇasamaye hūṃ. (Oṃ, O pledge
of the diffusion of oceanlike clouds of worship consisting of requesting all
Tathāgatas [for instruction], hūṃ!)

The mantra of the expedient means for invoking the Dharma body is:
Oṃ sarvatathāgatā[n] adhyeṣayāmi sarvasattvahitārthāya dharmadhātusthitir
bhavatu. (Oṃ, I summon all Tathāgatas. For the sake of the weal of all beings,
may the Dharma realm perdure!)

The mantra of the expedient means for redirecting [merit] is: Oṃ sarva-
tathāgataniryātanapūjāmeghasamudraspharaṇasamaye hūṃ. (Oṃ, O pledge
of the diffusion of oceanlike clouds of worship consisting of offerings to all
Tathāgatas, hūṃ!)

The vidyā “Entry into the Buddhas’ Samaya” is: Namaḥ sarvatathā-
gatebhyo viśvamukhebhyaḥ, oṃ asame trisame samaye svāhā. (Homage to
all Tathāgatas in all directions! Oṃ, O pledge of three equals, without equal!

The mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, raṃ

The vidyā “Unendurable Great Protection” is: Namaḥ sarvatathā-

gatebhyaḥ sarvabhayavigatebhyo viśvamukhebhyaḥ, sarvathā haṃ khaṃ
rakṣa mahābale sarvatathāgatapuṇyanirjāte hūṃ hūṃ trāṭ trāṭ apratihate

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, haṃ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaṃ. (Homage to all Buddhas! Vaṃ!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, a
The vidyārājñī “Proceeding from the Treasury of Empty Space (Gagana- gañja)” is: Namaḥ
sarvatathāgatebhyo viśvamukhebhyaḥ, sarvathā khamud- gate spharahīmaṃ gaganakaṃ svāhā

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, bhaḥ

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, maṃ

The mantra of Acalanātha is: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa sphoṭaya hūṃ traṭ hāṃ
māṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! O you who are violent and very wrathful! rend! hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ!)

The mantra of the expedient means of invocation is: Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, āḥ
sarvatrāpratihate tathāgatāṅkuśa bodhicaryāparipūraka svāhā

The argha mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, gaganasamāsama svāhā

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s seat is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ

The seed heart of Vajrasattva is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, vaṃ

The mantra of Vajrasattva is: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, caṇḍa- mahāroṣaṇa hūṃ

The mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, khaṃ

The mantra for vanquishing demons is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahābalavati daśabalodbhave
mahāmaitryabhyudgate svāhā

The mantra of the Unendurable One is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, samantānugate bandhaya
sīmāṃ mahāsamayanirjāte smaraṇe apratihate dhaka dhaka dara dara bandha bandha daśadiśaṃ
sarvatathāgatānujñāte pravaradharmalabdhavijaye bhagavati vikuri vikule le lu puri vikule svāhā.
(Homage to all Buddhas! O you who are all-pervading! bind the boundary! you who are born of the
great pledge! you who remember! you who are unim- peded! burn, burn! rend, rend! bind, bind the
ten directions! you who are authorized by all Tathāgatas! victorious one who has obtained the most
excel- lent Dharma! Blessed One! vikuri vikule le lu puri vikule! Svāhā!)

Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, le lu puri vikule svāhā

The seed heart[-mantra] of Acalanātha is: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, hāṃ

The unguent mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, viśuddhagandhodbhava svāhā

The flower mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, mahāmaitrya- bhyudgate svāhā

The incense mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, dharma- dhātvanugate svāhā

The lamp mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, tathāgatā-rcispharaṇāvabhāsanagaganaudārya


The food mantra is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ararakararabaliṃ dade mahābali svāhā (Homage to
all Buddhas! I give a food offering of arara and karara. Great food offering! svāhā!)

The mantra of Mañjuśrī is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, he he kumāraka

vimuktipathasthita smara smara pratijñāṃ svāhā

The general seed heart[-mantra] is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, ka.

(Homage to all Buddhas! Ka.)

The mantra of all bodhisattvas is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvathā

vimativikiraṇa dharmadhātunirjāta saṃ saṃ ha svāhā

The seed heart[-mantra] of Vairocana is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, a

The mantra of the Tathāgata’s Ūrṇā is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, āḥ haṃ jaḥ

The mantra of the Buddha Śākyamuni is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarvakleśaniṣūdana

sarvadharmavaśitāprāpta gaganasamāsama svāhā

The seed heart[-mantra] of Avalokiteśvara is: Namaḥ samanta- buddhānāṃ, saḥ

The mantra of Avalokiteśvara is: Namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ, sarva- tathāgatāvalokita karuṇāmaya

ra ra ra hūṃ jaḥ svāhā

Then recite the vidyā for bestowing the ten powers eight times, and eat the food. This vidyā is:
Namaḥ sarvabuddhabodhisattvānāṃ, oṃ balaṃdade162 tejomālini svāhā. (Homage to all Buddhas
and bodhisattvas! Oṃ, O you who grant power! you who are wreathed in splendor! Svāhā!)

The mantra is: Namaḥ samanta- vajrāṇāṃ, traṭ amoghacaṇḍamahāroṣaṇa sphoṭaya hūṃ tramaya
tramaya hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ. (Homage to all Vajras! Traṭ, O infallible, violent, and most wrathful
one! rend asunder! hūṃ! confuse, confuse! hūṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ!)

The seed heart mantra of Trailokyavijaya is: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, haḥ. (Homage to
all Vajras! Haḥ!)

The mantra of Trailokyavijaya is: Namaḥ samantavajrāṇāṃ, ha ha ha vismaye

sarvatathāgataviṣayasaṃbhava trailokyavijaya hūṃ jaḥ svāhā

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