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The purpose of Humanities as a subject and course is to elevate the consciousness of the youth

to a higher plane of appreciating the finer things in life. This can be achieved by orienting young
people to the following: first, the natural beauty of the environment; second, the aesthetic value of
material things attendant to progress; and third, the meaning of life through self-fulfillment and
actualization. The humanities / art appreciation speak the universal language of beauty ad peace.
The humanities have given us models to emulate. Among them is our own national hero, Dr. Jose
Rizal, who as a writer, brought a new concept of humanity, the fruits of which we enjoy today.
The study of humanities is concerned with human experiences, values, sentiments, ideals, and
goals. It is ultimately centered on expressing human feelings and thoughts. It provides enjoyment
and stimulation, particularly when one tries to understand and appreciate the arts.
Lecture: The term " humanities " comes from the Latin word HUMANUS, meaning human, refined,
and cultured. The humanities deal with the study of ancient and modern languages, literature, law,
history, philosophy, religion, films, and visual and performing arts. Scholars working in the humanities
field are often described as " humanists. "

The humanities / art appreciation offer emphasis in the appreciation of the arts. Artists convey their
thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings through the various fields of arts which can be visual, popular,
literary, gustatory ( taste ), decorative, or performing as in music and dance.

Significance of Studying the Humanities / Art Appreciation

The study of the humanities is essential as the world becomes smaller, so to speak, with today's
modern information technology. The humanities bring us in contact with the best things life has to offer
-- history, music, dance, art, media, philosophy, and literature. Studying and gaining access to these
fields enrich the quality of life.

The 4 E'S of Learning Humanities:

1. Exploration - through exploration, a sense of discovery and unending search for something new is
developed. This process usually occurs during the first step in learning.

2. Exposure - after exploration, the student enters an environment where there is access to the
needed medium or media.
3. Experience - this stage entails the full use of all human senses. It is also the most personal and
intimate process. Experience is a test in skill and patience, and should not lessen and dull the senses
even after the task has been fulfilled.

4. Enjoyment - this is a kind of release and discovery. This final phase wraps up all previous stages,
with self-confidence attendant to gaining peace and happiness. Enjoyment is a state of mind after
attaining success especially if the learner has reached a higher level of understanding.

The Three Domains in Learning the Humanities:

1. Cognitive Learning - refers to the acquisition of knowledge, facts, and information, principles, and
ideas, and the ability to reason and think critically.

2. Psychomotor Learning - is the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement.
Psychomotor learning is shown through physical skills such as coordination, manipulation, grace,
strength, speed, and action. These physical skills demonstrate fine motor skills like using precision
instruments or tools, and motor skills as seen in the body's movements in dance or in a musical or
athletic performance.

3. Affective Learning - is known is attitudinal learning which refers to the information of good and
acceptable attitudes, judgments, appreciation, and values through the acquisition of knowledge. Real
learning is achieved because of the student's awareness through exploration and his / her exposure to
the field he / she experiences and enjoys life.

Lecture: Different Views in the Study of Science and the Humanities:


Objective Subjective

Theories / Hypotheses Experience

Experimental Exploratory

Analytical Understanding
Facts Interpretation

Definition Description

Empirical Explanatory

Judgment Opinion-based

Quantitative Qualitative

Some Famous Artists:

1. Plato - ( 428-348 ) - classical Greek philosopher and mathematician; a student of Socrates, writer
of philosophical dialogues; the founder of the Academy of Athens, the first institute of higher learning in
the western world.

2. William Shakespeare - ( 1564-1616 ) - regarded as the best playwright and poet of all time. His
plays were considered as literary genius. His sonnets written in an exquisite manner brought out
striking images conceived with man's personality and problems.

3. Vincent van Gogh - ( 1853- 1890) - a Dutch post- impressionist painter. His works has a far-
reaching influence on 20th century art for their vivid colors and emotional impact.

4. Pablo Picasso - ( 1881-1973 ) - a Spanish painter, draftsman, and sculptor known for cubist
paintings with hidden objects and messages.

5. Fernando Amorsolo - ( 1892- 1972 ) - a portraitist and painter of rural landscapes. He is best
known for his mastery in the use of light in his masterpieces. He is considered as the Father of Filipino

Group Assigned Task: Each group will present a brief Biography of any of the ff. Artists. Choose one
artist only:

1. Francesco Petrarch 2. Miguel de Cervantes 3. Guillermo Tolentino 4. Mauro " Malang "
Santos 5. Liza Macuja-Elizalde

NOTE: You may have your own Artist to report on besides the 5 artists above. No group will report
on the same artist.

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