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Featuring Explicit Teaching with
and Computer Aided Instructions (CAI)

Prepared by: Aldo P. Ramos

CES3, Student

Submitted to: Ralph Mariel R. Gavino

Associate Instructor 1
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers
up to 100, ordinal numbers up to 10th, money up to PhP100 and fractions ½ and 1/4.

B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to recognize, represent, and order

whole numbers up to 100 and money up to PhP100 in various forms and contexts.

C. Learning Competency: The learner reads and writes numbers up to 100 in

symbols and in words.

D. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. identify whole numbers in currency from Php1 to Php100;
2. give the importance of saving money; and
3. write whole numbers in words and vice versa.
II. Content
Numbers and Number sense
A. Topic: Reading and Writing Whole Numbers
III. Learning Resources
A. References: Math and ESP K-12 Curriculum Guide,
B. Other Learning Materials: CAI presentation, laptop, paper and pencil, money
C. Teaching Strategy: Explicit Teaching
D. Values Integration: Money management
IV. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
Good morning children! Good morning too, sir Aldo.

How are you? We are fine, thank you and how about you?

Very good! I’m fine too.

3. Drill
4. Review
Now, what was our lesson yesterday?
It is all about counting numbers by 2s, 5s,
10s through 100.
Very good!
Now, who will count numbers from 10 up to
100 by 10s?
Me, sir.
Okay, Rico
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Very good!
5. Motivation
It seems that you really have learned from our
previous lesson. Now, let us procced to our new
lesson for today. But before that, I have here a short
video that we will going to watch, and I want you to
pay attention and be attentive.
Is that clear?

Very good! Yes, sir.

Are you ready to ?

Nice to hear. Yes, we are!

This story is all about Tomiko and Eagle in:


6. Showing of Objectives

Today our goals are to;

1. identify whole numbers in currency from Php1 to

2. give the importance of saving money; and
3. write numbers in words and vice versa.


Very good!
Yes, sir.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Setting of standards
Before we proceed to our topic. I will introduce to
you my friends. Do you feel excited to meet them?

Very good!
Of course, sir.
So, these are my friends. Their names are
Ben and Gwen. Now, my friends have
messages for you, and I need you to choose Listen Carefully
whose message we will read first.

2. Discussion
Now, let us continue. Our topic for today is
all about reading and writing whole
a. Direct explanation Sit properly
I have here some real money and each
currency has its different value. The amount
of each currency is an example of a whole

b. Modeling

One peso

Five pesos

Ten pesos

Twenty pesos

Fifty Pesos

One hundred Pesos

Let us count 1-100
c. Guided Practice
Now, we will have an activity. I will give
you different tasks to do. For Renjie, he will
write the total amount in numbers of
pictures shown in the chart, Jhon Smith will
read the numbers in words written in the
2nd chart, and Rico for the third chart.

Am I clear?
Yes, sir.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Directions: Write the total Directions: Read the Directions: Find the sum of
amount of each of the following whole numbers each of the following. If is
following. in words. pizza is 10, ball is 20 and
apple is 50.
1. = 10 1. Ten

2. Five 1.
2. = 15
3. One hundred 2.
3. = 40


C. Concluding Activity
1. Application

At this moment, we will have another

activity. In a piece of paper, write numbers
into words and vice versa.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Very good!

Directions: Write the following into words

and/or into numbers.

1. 100 = ________
2. 50 = _________
3. Twenty = ___
4. Fifteen= ___
5. Four = ____
2. Generalization

Children, what was our lesson all about?

It is all about reading and writing whole
Very good!
3. Valuing
Why is it we need to save money?
We need to save money so that, in the future, we
can buy things we need, or we can use it when
emergency comes.
Very good!

At your age, is it necessary for you to have

It is not that necessary, but for us to learn how
to save money and to spent it properly is a good
Very good! asset for our future.

How you are going to convince other

children to save and not to waste their
We will tell them that they will save money to
money? buy things they want in the future. Like their
favorite toys, jeans or food.

4. Checking of Objectives

1. identify whole numbers in currency from

Php1 to Php100;
2. appreciate the importance of saving
money; and
3. write numbers in words and vice versa.

Can you now identify the whole numbers in

the money? Yes, sir.

Did you give the importance of saving

money? Of course, sir.

Did you write numbers in words and vice

We did, sir.
V. Evaluation
Directions: Match column A to column B. Choose only the letter of your answer.

Column A Column B

1. A. Twenty-Five pesos

B. 30
2. 50

3. One hundred pesos C.

4. D. 5

5. E. Fifty Pesos

VI. Agreement
Directions: In a whole sheet of paper, draw and color a Php100 bill and pass it

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